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Welcome to /vg/'s nexus for all Wizarding World and Harry Potter games, including Hogwarts Legacy, Hogwarts Mystery, Magic Awakened, and more!

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Previous Thread: >>486870246
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>zach is a c*lifornian
Man the school really lets in anything these days.
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youre a hairy lizard
Send him to roast in Castelobruxo.
Alanza never complained about the weather.
Alanza was a human shaped nothing burger
Why does no one care about Robyn
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She's taken and it seems they finally made it happen in Y4 behind the scenes.
I don't recognize Kevin's claim.
Unfortunately for you, she does.
You're alone in that
>bitch who can hardly dance much less duel is calling me average
That's it, I'm crucio-ing her before the year is done
before you do, ivy will do it.
Fantastic Beasts was supposed to be the adult continuation of Harry Potter. But you millennials failed to support it and now its deader than President Biden
>Year 4
>They still have their big bulging heads...
Anon they are a couple. Just NTR him. Robyn can easily be stolen by threatening to rat her out to her mom. Or you could rape her by inviting her to a flying session and screwing with her broom so she falls off and gets knocked unconcious while you play with her body. Whether you are male or female im sure you can teach her body the pleasures Kevin never could.

OR you could have Harry sign your broom and say youll let her ride it if she goes down on you

Shes a foolish slut that isnt wife material. Have your fun.
Peak couple strats
Even if they made Colby into a love interest, what does he bring to the table? We already have a grouchy, antisocial brooding faggot in Daniel. And at this point, its too late to introduce someone new
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I would prefer player dating.
That way I don't miss out on anything.
Lets get you to bed Auntie Xoomer, you're talking nonsense again.
Maybe the trilogy shouldn't have sucked, then. The first movie was fun, but no one wanted a sequel.
Ivy and Winnifred are giving me Osha and Mae vibes
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Don't forget to gather the daily Macroalgae in the Underpass, you can get seeds.
They're in the Chieftain room.
What if I want to NTR Robyn?
What a smelly virgin you are.
the power of one, the power of two, the power of many
Why would you want to break this up

Creatures nerd, less of a stick in the mud than Daniel. Cucking Cass of her posse.
>30 golden keys
>0 chess piece
Totally not rigged
Cassie ntr'd Winnie…
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SEETHING sith apprentice tier
If Germany was a consequential country, it would have received its own school like Hogwarts and Beauxbatons instead of the atrocity that is Durmstrang
>American wizard
>Ugly, fat, loud, obnoxious, no manners, has no respect for his hosts, tries to start shit
Why are Americans like this?
>Viggo Victors
He's obviously a slav who got sick of Durmstrang's shit and moved
Stress response from living in such a miserable blood soaked land
I want to bang the Ilvermorny professor with the valley girl accent
NOTME should bomb Cassandra's father's office
Huh hypogigis???!!
Just noticed that a witch keeps coming to my personal space when I'm offline showering me with likes and taking care of my flowers and it's been ongoing for days...
And we're not even friends...
Does it mean anything?!
Viggo is a scandinavian name.
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hello I miss Haitham, James and Artie
>daniel gets groomed part 2
Hahahaha YES! This will be a great season sisters.
>Mortimer Dreadnaught
>Mildred Banks
Oh hey, the wannabe evil wizard duo. Guess that confirms they're the most popular of the overworld student npcs
DJ Farts is in da house tonight
Everybody is gonna swallow'em big time
I got half a dozen pieces from a couple boxes
They don't know cursive...
Skill issue.
Cursive was a mistake
>Robyn is half chink
>Lottie's mom is south american
How long until they reveal Ivy is a slav, cassandra's secretly half gook, and daniel is a gypsy or something
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>warn Winnie to watch where she sits because some Slytherins can be giant bitches
>deliberately sits besides Cassandra
I am punting that midget into the lake
Who cares? The ethnic background of fictional characters is entirely uninteresting to anyone whose brain isn’t made of soup.
Can you really blame her? If I had to sit with a table of social rejects and manipulators I would want to sit next to the one girl who looks pretty and seems well mannered.
World's worst manipulator makes a post
I, on the other hand, can feel my brain turning into soup while testing these chess pieces. It's fucking insanely boring.
Shooting up the owlery
mf so edgy he named himself after the Naxrammas warrior set.
What does NOTME and the tournament have to do with each other though?
Are Daniel and Elliot unironically going to do a school shooting?
More importantly who is watching us?
Is chess piece really a must-have summon?
Suitcase lite
Snape rapes chess piece though
Suitcase meanwhile is a unstoppable menace
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I shred suitcases with Snape too.
I feel like chess pieces are especially weak to it though, but I can see the potential annoyance for anyone not using that echo.
New snowballs are cracked, that's for sure. With the dumbledore buff it not only has 2 snowballs but they run are like a fucking bugatti in terms of speed.
At least with that and the expelliarmus buff, Harrys aren't quite so fucked against summon niggers
Now we just need fanged frisbee, and it'll be the end of them
>need to attend history of magic to earn one of the cheevos this season
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Pretty much.
That being said Summon player deserve having their subhuman throats slit
>Y4 story is dripfeed bs
I need the fucking rewards NOW
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stupid hoes stealing my thunder
dripfeeding you deez nuts
𖢉𖥣ꛚꛚ 𖢧𖦙𖠢𖢑 𖧳𖥕𖢧𖦙
Ivy's grandma is Dutch
bing chilling dude
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I prefer suitcase fuckers over Harry shitters.
Everyone can run suitcase meanwhile Harry decks are paypigs tier. You need everything maxed out to make the most of Harry decks. When facing Harry pigs as f2p there's absolutely nothing you can do but watching them stunlocking you teleporting and healing on repeat.
I'd take any other deck abuse over the stale Harry meta dark age coming back again.
Being evanesco'd broke her mind, she's probably a masochist now
>Everyone can run suitcase
What kind of retarded ass whale summoner propaganda is this, running suitcase requires at least 2 high leveled Legendary summons outside newt who still need high leveled suitcase at least to function and rape.
Harry is the common man's deck whose whole deck is primarily made of commons and rares which anyone can get and trade for, and can even live without rares like expelliarmus to do their thing.
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I hate that animation style so much. always look cheesy.
NTRing robin is literally so easy, do you really think Kevin will put up that much of a fight? You just need to threaten him a little bit, make him cry, and his dick is yours. Now that I think about it, Kevin and Robin's relationship is typical NTR to NTS dynamic. First you steal Robin through blackmail whatever and as these things go, she becomes addicted to your wand. Then, she reveals to Kevin that she's been cheating on him the entire time, causing his mind to break, but because he still loves her, he is willing to become Robin's and yours pet and then it would become an actual cuck scenario where Kevin watches you guys have sex, probably with a Chasity cage on his wand.
>do you really think Kevin will put up that much of a fight?
>literally just charged into Magoo's office to call her a retarded old bint for trying to kick out his gf
You can't even tame Cassandra
Far too horny! You are self inserting as Kevin in this scenario don't pretend otherwise!
Can you don't?
I can never tell what this bitch wants
She wants to be a bitch. Everything she does is driven by trying to act like a bitch because she thinks that's cool or whatever.
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I rarely if ever self-insert into anything. But in this particular scenario, I want to be the one bullying Kevin. Short guys are so cute when they get flustered.
Her character development is in a holding pattern until the devs decide she can be our friend.
Club Events in 45 minutes.
She's quarter way cordial when alone with us, but is a giant bitch if we're anywhere near any of our friends vicinity
They gotta keep the tsundere bully trope going till y6 or y7 I guess.
Honestly, I have no clue what was the point of Winifred wether they want her to be sympathetic to her since she was close to sharing the same fate as her twin or her being a scheming little cunt and only bonded to her to further divide them.
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Year 4 is fun, not sure why Zach walked into the electrified blender but it was funny to watch.

It's him. John Nifflerman.

Player x Player dating should be how they do it with NPCs as a side option for people who don't want to date other players. Besides we all know that we're going to get a surprise love interest that's actually just been a background character this whole time and only becomes important later but suddenly we love them instead of whoever we were interested in before.

>Slightly increased movement speed
>make him cry
but i *don't* want to make him cry!
It's to show Cass is a dumb patsy who'll fall to anyone who flatters her, and acts as if her opinions are right's, wiles.
Even if just earlier she loudly proclaims they're definitely criminal scum she wants nothing to do with. I bet she'd have started sucking Daniel's cock immediately had he sided with her and called Ivy evil back in year 1.
>Besides we all know that we're going to get a surprise love interest that's actually just been a background character this whole time and only becomes important later but suddenly we love them instead of whoever we were interested in before.
Bwo, your Abigail?
Sounds like a bunch of lies whoever you are
Winifred (if its even her, I have my doubts) is manipulating Cass and will turn on her shortly. She is the real evil
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Why would I lie? I don't care if I am a cuck or not. It would make my life easier honestly, other people have to do the hard work and I just watch.
I doubt we're going to get a surprise love interest. I also doubt we're going to have player x player dating cuz pedos will def be grooming. Tho, right now theres a massive imbalance of guys to gals that are potential dating partners. We need more cute boys!!!
You think she isn't real? Why?
>Falls for anyone who flatters her
Literally me
You should! He deserves it for being extremely bullyable.
>You think she isn't real? Why?
Not that guy but she does seem a little bit off, pair that with the warning she gave us last chapter and not remembering what that was about make me a little suspicious.
She did almost evanesco her sister, was in a coma for 3 years and the "Twins are completely different" is well and good so i have no problem with her being a snake or a little odd but we will see if there is mind fuckery or someting else going on in time
>warns Ivy about an evil traitor in her weird dream sequence at the start of year 3
>warns MC someone is watching them at the end of year 3
Maybe Winnie is a seer who is deliberately staying the fuck away from her sister, the designated protagonist and the baby dark lord for her own safety?
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Not rare.
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Rare, Gabbey took them.
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Club Dance starting now.

Absolutely not.
I have almost 40 of the correct ones, it's the next colour(white), I dropped one talent to be able to gather them; thankfully I had already gathered enough of them a while back.
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I wish they parked this at a more cinematic spot like it really feels like they just parked randomly.
The Americans weren't willing to pay for Hogwarts Castle's parking fee, please understand
Why can't we farm seasonal tokens in the forest?
farm vv
Club Quiz starting now.
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I ended up with 35/40 white ones because I wanted some purples too, at least I'll get extra whites for myself with the next batch.
Thanks Mega
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>your Abigail?
She will forever exist in my main decks and as my NPC dance partner.

>I also doubt we're going to have player x player dating cuz pedos will def be grooming
What an odd thing to say.

Thank you for hosting.

>Parking on the grass, next to a random tree, with 0 regard for anyone or anything else
Based. Parking attendants and laws should be disrespected at any given opportunity. ESPECIALLY Br*tish ones.
>odd thing to say
Do you seriously think that pedo won't use ability to date players in game to groom children into real life relationships? It literally happens all the time in MMOs and stuff. It takes like 5 seconds to realize why it would be a bad idea for a company to enable that behavior.
>there might be actual children out there playing HPMA
the chink whales and dueling autism have somehow blinded me to this thought up until now
Don't say that, you will make ntr man sad
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>Pedophilia out of nowhere
Weird thing to point out but sure.
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Last season was breedy gud.
Now Gabbey will sell them to rich wizards 10 times the price. It warms Gabbey's heart to exploit student's labor.
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Thank you for the events!

Oh right, thanks for the reminder. Although, I believe it counts toward the same harvesting total as picking plants from friends' rooms, so make sure to harvest from friends first if they have anything you want specifically.

Also, I'm really glad we still have access to the lake after the season ended; it's such a pretty area...

Thank god. "Review Session Card" sounds... entirely different from anything we've seen so far from McGonagall's representations in game; hopefully it's fun.

Oh yeah I saw that; odd pick indeed but I'm interested to see how they implement it.

I always forget; sorry...

Yeah uh... the travel speed of Snowball is kind of insane now; I think they might've overdone it a bit. I quite like the "hits air units at long range" thing, but I feel the velocity buff should've been like half of what we got or less?

It's still got enough drawbacks that I don't think it will be oppressive, but I expect it'll be core in most spell decks now.

>someone screenshotted and saved this

Don't mind strange stalkerish witches appearing in your space. It's normal and expected.

Quite. Saved for future use; thank you...

Go back to bed Flitwick; you're about 650 posts too early.

It's really strong against other summons (Pawn has taunt, Queen has AoE), and very decent against casters. Since it goes from Pawn -> fragments -> Queen, it has a ton of total durability, and the Queen's ability to absorb more fragments means it quickly gets out of control if not dealt with.

Overall, I'd say it's very good but not as broken as Suitcase.

Ah, finally the requirement has been found. What colour tier is this?

Eh, it's a valid point. Always have to consider the presence of creeps when implementing any social features.
Why did you think they would remove it? We have Herbology tasks in it.
White, the one before last.
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The previous talent is called Artistic Florist 4 and doesn't sparkle like this one.
File deleted.
there is something really off about this girl.
She's just asian Lottie
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I will eat my computer.
that would be smart writing, unheard of in chinese gachas
don't your computer contains far too many calories and basically no protein
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"Trauma" from Genshin I suppose. The Golden Apple Archipelago, Simulanka, the Immernachtreich, Veluriyam, presumably any other event-specific regions in future...

Ahh, okay... thanks dork.
I still haven't even unlocked Daffodils yet.
There's one right now, about 40 days left. Origami themed.
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>The upcoming vanity box is going to be a gems drainer with shit tons of items...
Fuck me I just want the snake eyes pls...
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I wanted them too but that looks like a skip; I only have 34 clockturn keys left, I can't waste gems on such obvious bait.
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woah I want that moe blob face.
>all of the faces don't look as nice as my current generic blue rarity face
Thank god, the cat's eye is tempting, but I can ultimately live without it
>only one discounted red key bundle this banner
We're being scammed
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Soon you won't get any keys per banner.
I fucking hate Dumbledore echo so much.
But should we really summon for Zuwu tho
For me its Fire Crab.
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Unfortunately, Ilvermorny didn't land without incident.
She croaked...
she died doing what she loved.
Looking for bugs (snacks) on the ground?
I hate statues and suitcase
....yeeeees. Sure.
>decide to swap out young hermione from my Harry deck because it feels like I need more firepower that isn't completely randomized, even if the mp deduction is nice
>put in Abby even though she's only level 13
>still rips and tears peoples hps
goddamn, she's a born killer, even keeps people in place for my snowballs too
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I hope Daniel gets injured by "accident" and has to go to St Mungo's, so I can see his sister again...
That's a really nice shot.
have you considered just visiting his house?
>Mom is a criminal
>Dad is a criminal
>brother is a criminal
>is now a criminal himself
Now we just need to find out if Esme is a criminal too
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>willingly visit a place while he is there
>the faggot who keeps inviting you to study in bathroom stalls
>knows how to craft amortentia and was caught having one in his robes
>and is a spiteful edgelord
I'm not staying alone with that nigga. Esme is not worth it.
Don't be mean with your bf, Flav...
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Agreed until the last part, Esme is a 100% worth it
Hey Elliot
>game is pretending we're just an average duelist
i swear if they start pretending we're only an average dancer too, I'll riot
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>be me a few hours ago
>girlfriend wants to come over and hangout
>brings over some left over Chinese food
>ask what I'll be playing on my console
>load up Lego harry Potter
>she thinks it's a joke at first but realizes I was being dead serious because I start playing for 2 and a half hours
>ask if I'm on the spectrum
Women wouldn't get it
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I really do hate how people will just say anything is autism these days. Play a niche video game? Autism. Like a nerdy subject? Autism. Listen to weird music? Autism. Try feeling like an alien in every social interaction because there is a layer of human connection that you can imitate but literally do not have.
but anon, you are an average duelist.
>You're a weirdo? Autism.
People literally can't see the nuances of different flavours of weird and I'm tired
This fire in my skin
Piece of shit abominable series.
The discourse regarding autism has been coopted by a lot of different orgs, ranging the spectrum of trying to help but failing, to scammers that make pakis blush. It's hard for an average, mildly dumb, person to get an accurate understanding of what autism is and isn't.
Cassandra is of French descent, and Ivy's grandmother is dutch.
How awful!
Elliot is a 100% attracted to Daniel, not Esme
Ivy's grandmother was Dutch, born in the 1940s, but for some reason she's in the UK now, she could have been of Jewish descent or something.
Or she just married a british dude and moved in with him
Sweaty Slytherin girls who hardly change their underwear
I'll have you know that slytherin girls are exceptionally clean. It's the birds who are stinky.
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Ooh, I will have to check that out; thanks for letting me know.

Origami themed too... I used to do so much origami; I've been meaning to get back into it. I kinda want to fold stuff for /hpgg/ but I don't have any ideas. If anyone wants me to try making something I can give it a shot though?

They're still so oppressive even after the spell buffs... apparently Headless Hunt is a solid counter now, but you can only run that in a summon deck so it barely counts. I am interested in seeing whether Zouwu might be a decent counter as well, but I haven't managed to pull it yet.

From playing against it so far, it feels powerful but tricky to use. Kinda like an AoE version of Winged Catapult if I had to compare it to something.

Lies and slander! (okay technically libel, but it doesn't have the same ring to it)
Ravenclaws are CLEAN! It's the Hufflepuffs that are the stinky ones; Joutou even said during the dance today that he doesn't wash his hands...
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I don't like its eyes...uncanny valley dog
if you're not stinky then why is the tub exclusively chasing ravenclaws
Finally can relax and play the silly gacha game. What a day. How’s it going everyone?
i'm trying to draw but i keep getting distracted by red letter media and crisps
i'm also trying to draw but i keep getting distracted by my inability to focus on anything for more than 2 seconds
Nobody will know since they live in the sewer.
it's a dungeon!
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I'm also trying to draw but I keep getting aneurysms.
Bready good, hope you're feeling better.
A sex dungeon! Bow chicka bow wow.
You're not invited, though. Bow chicka no no.
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>reddit letter media
*sniff* I didn't want to be your slave anyway...
Now that most people have played the Year story, what are your predictions for it so far?
Who will win the tournament?
Will Winfred and Ivy solve their issues?
Will Daniel go to prison?
Will Cassandra finally become our friend?
What do you think about the other teams?
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What are you all trying to draw?

Oh I’m fine thank you for asking. Hope you’re doing alright too anony. Got a hot meal in me and am relaxing in a big comfy bed.
they're funny
Funny looking maybe. Fart sniffing fairies
i'm doodling an elf for d&d
did they make fun of a movie you like or are you just being contrarian or what's up my guy
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Glad you've got a chance to relax; I hope you're feeling well. And not bad; it's been a fairly peaceful day over here.

It does no such thing; pay no mind to such awful rumours.

Oh no, do we all have this problem...?

At least I don't have those.

The piercing is a lot stronger now, yeah. I think it's probably a good thing considering how strong summons are nowadays; previously it wasn't really a useful spell against tankier summons because the pierce-through damage barely scratched them.
Nah, I'm just being tactical bro... *dies*
God i wish my whizbangs hit that hard, but unfortunately Hermy is only a side deck, and I still need to grind out expelliarmus and abbys
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>What are you all trying to draw?
outfit for the contest
>Oh no, do we all have this problem...?
apparently yes kek
>Oh no, do we all have this problem...?
Yes. They're talking about clowns and david carridine, I can't stop.
>if this is merci
lol. lmao.
>if this is diana
Get your nose to that grindstone, Mommy needs a new pair of shoes.
ELF. Elf…elf.
I feel alright. Just things to keep me busy for another couple days and I enjoy a nice cooool weekend.
Godspeed drawnon
Elf! Shadar-kai. Goth elf.
How many drawfags are doing outfits?
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I already did mine. As much as I am ever going to, at least.
it's a niffleeeer
No plapping!
Get Niffla'd
Get Niffla'd
Get Niffla'd
Get Niffla'd
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Would roll for.
Too late, just relax and enjoy, pp
I only want to draw BIG tits.
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It does look comfy don't it. I don't think the chink overlords will allow it, they flee from the comfy.
just the tip?
How long has that been there?
It's been there awhile. It is probably a place holder for future updates and seasonal events.
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Yeah; they're not based and comfypilled. Shame...

All the way since the beginning, I'm pretty sure. Not sure what'll be there... maybe King's Cross Station, St. Mungo's, and the Ministry of Magic?
Only one you're going to be tipping is your uber driver!
I would never use an uber
uh. Lyft? That's a driver service right?
I drive myself because I hate the environment
I miss odette.
That's sad. Be nice to the environment.
Ok, it's really mostly just about the annoying hippies that think the little bit that my truck puts out has any measurable affect. I mean, I'm not like some chinese lithium processing plant for gods sake.
I mean ideally, people would drive eco-friendly cars but sure. I get you. It's industry that needs to do the heavy lifting, not regular people.
this is literal retard logic
no u
This last trial fucking sucks.
Posted in last thread but here, try this way if you’re having trouble. Broom should be aimed at the farthest Death Eater and cast when the circle is around 50% full.

Including the Pawn one just in case someone else needs it.


Zouwu 2:
4chan won’t let me delete for some reason but I meant to say in front of the farthest Death Eater; i.e. in the space between that one and the main group.
I was trying to come up with a complex tactics. After watching Eva's video, I made it first try. I thought the movement cards from zoUwU were temporary, as they were not added to the movement deck.
I forgot to thank you. It was quite simple indeed.
4chan has had enough of your post-deleting ways. Live with your mistakes like us other mortals.
I hate trucks, not because of the environment but because they look bad.
Well, it depends on the truck. But the gigantic ones look terrible.
No problem. And yeah, it’s confusing that the extra movement cards from Zouwu don’t show up… that tripped me up too at first. I think it’s probably just a bug.
I'm in a heated email exchange with the MA's customer support. Great mates called Ram and Galubark unfortunately couldn't help me, hopefully some other Raj will.
What are you hoping to get?
I have weird crashes when I open the ranking screen in duels. Whether it's solo or duo. Overall it's not critical, but I also can't change my region. This happens on different devices, so it's obviously an account issue.
Thank you God Eva. I was doing what you were doing for Zouwu 2, except I was aiming for the bottom so I could try to get the one death eater there.
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New Slytherin Queen
But she's a puff
>find Gossamer in my personal room after her was completely hidden away by the change of wallpaper, and press random buttons to try and get the upgrades done
>fucker just takes my planter box into storage without even bothering to ask if I'm sure about this decision, destroying my plant and forcing me to start over
I’m not fond of this.
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The snake eyes looks great, if I get enough gems by then I'll probably gamble for it. The lack of a black iris in my character weirds me out for some reason.
In awe at the size of this lad
>American = scared and fat
What did NetEase mean by this?
Giant squid is really strong now.
I can feel the evil
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It's not mine; I died to it. Way harder to kill than it was before though.
while i'm fairly happy with my current snape deck, it can feel really clunky at times, what changes would you suggest I make?
I'm planning to swap out the twins with draco for bomb blasts due to the recent buff, but would chess pieces work better than matagot for example?
oh, my condolences then
Why did her eye malfunction?
You don't know about The LAAAAaaaAAAaaazzzzzyyyy Eeeeye?
would smooch
Those of you who like Winnifred, are pedophiles
who can i like?
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Cass is a pedophile?
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Finally got Zouwu so I can comment on it more properly now; it's pretty good, particularly for Hermione.

The total damage at level 18 if all three attacks land is 1300 (and it gives you 2 movement cards and 1 MP). If you use 1 movement card per strike and Broomstick to land the final hit, the total combo deals 1426 damage for 0 movement and 8 MP, so the max theoretical efficiency with perfect use is better than a Whizzbang combo. Also, it's not mentioned anywhere but the third hit has a special effect where any enemy it hits within its circle is shifted across to the opposite side of the circle.

Do note though that the movement cards and MP are only granted if it hits a player or companion (not sure if TTs count, though they probably do?) which slightly nerfs its defensive anti-summon use although it is still pretty good at that.

I'd probably say Pawn is better than Matagot at equal level for a Snape deck, though after the initial level boost runs out it'll be way lower level. That said I'd kinda lean toward switching Matagot out entirely in favour of Accio, because you just don't have many reliable options against spellcaster decks at the moment and your willows are probably a sufficient frontline. Priori could also be a good option, for double time turner.

Unsurprisingly the whales are out in force at the moment; everyone is running full 18+ decks. I don't think Squid is OP or anything mind you; it's quite scary now but I mean it does cost 8 mana so that's fair enough.
Yes, of course
I'd smooch you, anon
Oh hey, you can buy dark and mythic marks now.
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>got 4 squids
>got this
>still no kelpie
Rosmerta only
>Start building Hagrid deck
>New meta kills it
>Start building a Snape deck
>New meta kills it
>Start building a Hermione deck
>New meta kills it
>Start building a Twins deck
>New meta kills it
I'm cursed. I will try Luna now.
>Imagine not being stubborn and not continuing to bang your head against the same few decks you endlessly use.
Damn it sis, grow a backbone.
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>Get to 14 lanterns like always
>Pay 30 gems so technically its 15
>Grind forest for echos
>Each and everyone is dogshit, not even rerolling makes any of them better or hits the cards I use

Echo revamp when
Post your decks, there are good deck options for all echoes currently
>I'm cursed.
No, you just didn't buy the new cards.
Goodnight hypogigis
Goodnight anon
Just pretend echos dont have stats. See if you notice the difference
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Girl faces have seen the horrors
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New goffic earrings hell yeah
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What about 'em?
forgot to attach the image
Raping her and demeaning her on a daily basis with beatings and a branding iron to her ass would be fun.
>thought winnie always goes to the same House as MC and friends
>she's actually always Slytherin
Huh, well makes sense I guess, I thought it'd be weird if different house Winnie went to sit with Cassandra right after the sorting
Flav linked up with the plapman, need it or keep it
Cocoa brown! Finally some sort of Hazel.
>can get rinnegan eyes now
devs, i just want some normal fucking eyes, why do you keep insisting on these crazy ass designs
Stop holding back your power
Where are the exchange students and big bird?!
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Daffodils are the last request, apparently.
What's the fastest way to farm season currency besides the weekends power-up?
You buying?
Verdant Victory
Just like the Legacy one. Wonder how it looks filled though
I've been waiting for it since the release of Herbology, it's finally out but the Herbology Research class doesn't appear to be available yet so I'm still waiting.
Verdant victories during the weekend and/or under a yellow potion that multiplies your points
What about it?
Harry fags are really eating good now, do you think they might go back and nerf the supersonic snowballs, or will that be here to stay?
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My neguss
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God damn it, this is going to steal all my gems because I want eye color options. It certainly won't be worth it. like 250 gems per draw is barely worth a mega gacha outfit, no fucking way are these accessories worth it.
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OMG Mercy, you can't just call yourself cute no matter how much you are.
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Zach I’ve moved on.
>looks down
look at you…you’re from California.
What did you two do to Mega?
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Even worse, he lets the fat rooster bully him.
He's just worried about being eaten by him.
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Time to tear down your space to make room for the new planters.
Do the new planters offer any perks? Why should I get them?
The fuck is going on with her, and Cassandra's faces for that matter?
My graphics are all set at the highest resolution so this is bizarre.
2d picture innit
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I won't be able to test them until tonight but an immediate advantage over the small ones is not having to back out, run to the next then wait for the thing to load, you just tap the one you want to interact with.
The big ones cost 300 gems, the medium ones cost 100.
>but an immediate advantage over the small ones is not having to back out, run to the next then wait for the thing to load, you just tap the one you want to interact with.
What's the difference between them and the regular ones? Do they have aoe spells in them? Oh >>487575980
The higher the resolution, the more smeared 2D images appear. It looks like the images in the game are composed of layers.
Goth makeover
>the higher the settings the more messed up the 2d images are
that's some fucked up shit right there
I don't have this issue on MuMu. Odd.
They didn't bring me along, that's not me.
Gems... Ugh...
300 gems for vastly more convenient gardening>one wheel pull
I said "Ugh...".
He’s not fat he’s henchmaxxing
>Imagine caring about gardening over fashion
couldn't be me.
It was real funny dueling this kid and unleashing death eaters casting crucio on his ass. Bet you wont be so american next time will you cuck? Ill breed his wife
>the higher the settings
No dude, I'm talking specifically about the screen/emulator resolution (or dpi). There are no such smudges on the phone screen.
What do your emojis look like? Niffler grabbing his head looks HD sharp, while Ivy blowing her whistle looks like a watercolour painting.
>Tonks and Lupin's kid is already attending Hogwarts and is just a year younger than the main cast
I'm surprised the devs have never bothered to turn him into an npc, it can't be a matter of not being allowed to use the canon cast what with Magoo and Neville occasionally having story roles.
Also Bill's part veela kid should now be attending too
I'm playing on a phone which makes that all the odder, oh well.
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Game settings themselves are on Power-Saving.
Too low tier memba berries to matter.
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As Kalama Harris once said, "When the devs making Harry Potter Magic Awakened saw that people really liked original characters, they saw the merchandizing opportunities and how much money they could make, unburdened by what has been."
I also don't have this problem and I run this game at full settings on blue stacks.
What is that guy's official height? He's not taller than Gerald I don't think.
Club Events in 53 minutes.
So it goes: 1 legendary card already released in China and 1 exclusive card for both global and China every season?
>As Kalama Harris once said, "When the devs making Harry Potter Magic Awakened saw that people really liked original characters, they saw the merchandizing opportunities and how much money they could make, unburdened by what has been."
>unburdened by what has been.
HOLY KEK hahahahhahaa
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>was caught having one in his robes
I like to believe he just wants to be able to smell (You) at any time
It's creepy and disgusting, but less rape-y
Really makes you consider the significance of the passage of time.
Look at the fucking size of that lad
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Honeslty, I would keep amormentia around as a permanent scented candle tailored to all my guests. That seems super useful.
Club Dance starting now.
>another update for Hogwarts Legacy
Uh oh, I wonder what that's about
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>Amortentia Scented candles
>Amortentia Scented Febreeze
Stealing your idea for (((hobbyist))) purposes.
Club Quiz starting now.
Nobody tell Alice about this exciting new business opportunity.
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I need the piercings and spiral eyes...
Why doesn't Ivy just amortentia her sister?
Incest is wrong
It's a lesser evil compared to letting her ruin her life with Cass
Looks like today's update was focused on fixes for PC players.
Good afternoon hpgg, how is everyone?
For my part, I find myself tired, with a cold, very depressed and with an uncomfortable and irritating feeling of being made a fool of. But the good thing is that it's almost Friday, lol.
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I hate HM.
Why? HM is better than MA
Hey Matt, what a coincidence, I got a cold too. I wish I had the energy to play games but I'm just watching youtube. Why do you think someone's fooling with you?
I hate when you post it too.
>That quiet individual in the club who never attends any event
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She died as she lived.
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Diana outed herself as a pajeet.
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I took pictures of stone frogs when I went on vacation a few weeks ago.
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Would you?
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Humans are so silly I don't know how we've survived this long as a species
what does it mean what does it all mean *starts shaking you violently*
Holy based...picrel I found some stone frogs too in my last vacation
Hanae? Yes, I would
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Those hips...
I'm tired of overdressing in this game
Release simple casual outfits
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Me too.
They won't stop...
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Is this why trains are the apex predators in India?
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The pajeet yearns to get crushed.
Bro, your monthly battlepass outfit?
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Alright, who wants to test it?
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Thank you Ms. Melons.

There are lots of viable decks which don't use any of the new cards; it's not like they're mandatory... a whole bunch of old cards also just got buffed significantly. There's plenty of things to legitimately criticize about MA, but powercreep isn't really one of them as far as I'm concerned.

I love the giant fluffy bird...

Mmmmno. Well, not right now anyway; probably later.

Alice! ALICEEEEE. You hear this? Personalized candle scents without the extra manufacturing cost of actually having to personalize them! We should stea– er, borrow this idea and starting making these immediately; I'm sure they'd be a great success.


Oh good; I know a lot of people were having issues with that. Glad they're actually making an effort to continue doing fixes; I was kinda worried they were just going to leave it after the summer update.

Hey Matt; I'm doing okay... just studying for an exam today. Not terribly interesting but oh well; it'll be done soon.
And sorry to hear that; I hope you get to relax over the weekend.

Oh that's real scummy. Eww.

Are you auditioning for the frog choir?

I do wish they'd put out more casual ones... the fancy outfits are nice and all but there are just so *many* of them and I don't wanna wear them all of the time...
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Thank you for hosting, Mega.

That seems to be the pattern. I wish they would just release Frisbee already. Or Azkaban. None of the cards released lately are useful for my decks, Abigail aside.

Honestly it's not that inconvenient. Now if I could mass apply all the talent effects to all 4 plants at the same time, that would have been something.

They overtuned Snowball. Out of all the cards that could have used a buff, Snowball was not high on my list. All this does is kill Harry even harder in globals.
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If any card that needed a buff it'd have been Whizbang
I don't even want something wild, I just want it to be 6 mana instead of seven. It's so easy to just bypass it that it only gives better tempo for the whizbang player.

Also I've played a with a guy in who used the new card and it might be a really REALLY great card for TS hermoine. While it'll never be that great for spell decks, it utterly SHITS on zoo decks
Hey! Ouch, sorry for hear that, are you in home at least?(Don't make like me, who continued working even with the cold, lol)It's just an unpleasant feeling, I don't know how to explain.


Hey Eva, good luck with your studies and the exam. Thanks, just one more day, and finally some rest, lol
*unzips candle (flame)*
Bros, I live expelliarmus
You are a wand?
Zouwu is not bad, at level 18. The problem with legendary cards is that they are essentially a long-term investment for most people. So you have to be very careful when picking and choosing which legendary card to focus on for your decks. Zouwu I feel requires more investment than your average 7 mana card in terms of getting the most of it. Comparatively cards like Thunderstorm and even Whizbang require less out of you and the later is much easier to level as a f2p/dolphin. From what I hear, it's not used all that much in CN now outside of duos.
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Teriyaki sauce
Fresh ginger
lemon scented ˡᵘᵇᵉʳᶦᶜᵃnᵗ
>Are you auditioning for the frog choir?
already in, babey
>Teriyaki sauce
for all the new year excitement, this current season is starting kinda boring with the lack of extra activities to do, last season with the underwater area had mire pizzazz
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I would smell... Probably burning candle, burning firewood, hardwood floors and lavender.
Margaret, due to her ailment smells a mix of pus, rot, sewage and overly strong "normal" perfume.
I wish I had frogs I could listen to in my swap, alas.
I guess having Year story plus Season story kind of counts, the lake while fun and gorgeous was 10 minutes of gameplay at best.
Plus there's that championship/contest coming soon. (I already hate it)
is it legal to fuck dragons?
Legal, but unwise.
John McAfee...
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I would smell frying meat, floral perfume, mossy forest & the ocean. I have a really muted sense of smell so I really only remember the most pungent of odors.
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Oh mossy forest and ocean are definitely on my list also; very fond memories.
Well, ocean, more like North Sea but you get it.
>Now if I could mass apply all the talent effects to all 4 plants at the same time, that would have been something.
It does though, the only exception is for light which you need to drag to each one manually so that you can control what color each one will be, instead of having to grow stuff on a separate planter if need it to be different
Also, same with the sense of smell, if I can smell it, chances are I dislike it.
technically, the ocean smell actually comes from drying seaweed. It's why lakes don't smell oceany.
i always thought it was from the salt?
Is it? I don't think the North Sea is that seaweed-y and the smell covers the entire port cities, also the lakes around here a very weedy and they indeed lack that salty smell.
Try smelling your cooking salt. Be careful you don't get it all up your nose.
The North sea is very seaweedy!
Itself I know, I meant the beaches, I don't remember seeing any seaweed on the beaches themselves.
I think some places have people to cart it off.
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hi excuse me hi are you american are you oh you are okay do you have chomping cabbages in america of course you do haha what do you think of them aren't they cute do you like them of course you do they're so sweet have you ever raised one you look like you've raised a lot of chomping cabbages that's nice it's good for your mental health isn't it I think it is wouldn't it be nice if everyone raised a sweet little chomping cabbage of their own and took care of it I think that would solve a lot of problems for everyone it's just what the wizarding world needs would you like some chomping cabbage seeds I carry them in my purse no please I insist take a handful no take two actually
Look at this dood.
>Try smelling your cooking salt
I don't get your point? That assumes that the smell of salt doesn't change as it's diluted
Vanilla is nice at low concentrations, but outright nauseous at high concentrations
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Did you try smelling your salt though?
"I made you smell salt"
Calling it.
Damn, you could cut steak with that jawline
that's a good dood
And did it smell like anything? The point is that salt doesn't smell.
I'd never abuse my power like that.
>The point is that salt doesn't smell.
It does though? Maybe it's because I store mine inside a pot, but it has a really strong smell, no clue on how to describe it
I think that's just your pot, actually. Salt really shouldn't have a smell. Is it just regular old salt?
Regular old table salt from your average grocery store
Either way, you can try mixing up some seawater to test how it smells isolated. It's about 35 g salt per liter of water. You can use tapwater, it's fine. It's almost a generous pinch to a glass of water. Mix it up and smell it!
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Egh, I hate how solos are so heavily a game of whether or not the opponent's deck completely hardcounters or gets completely hardcountered by yours... it's a bit better in globals with deck banning but so frustrating until then.

Dobby? Autolose because I can't hit him. Hermione? Autolose because TS. Dumbledore? Autolose because TS. Harry? Autolose because Oppugno Broom.
Snape? Autowin because he can't hit me. Neville? Autowin because immobile.

Bleh. I shouldn't be duelling anyway, but I'm so tired of looking at database terminology...

Thank you; hang in there...

I think I've answered for HL Eva before; for MA Eva it's a mix of paper, ink, firewood, fresh bread, and dorkiness.

Wait, it does let you mass apply abilities? Darn, I might have to get it after all then.


That's Alice, I think? Wait no... no hat, and too big. One of her kin, though.
petrichor, roasted pine nuts, blackpowder, and the air on a raw cold morning.
>Looking at replays
>That Thorgrim whore already has a level 18 Zaowu and it does like 660 damage a swipe

Pay your bills nigger holy shit
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Do you not know? Mine is 16.
Everyone has high level Zouwu currently; new cards get a 1 week long buff which raises their level to the average level of the other cards in your deck.
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Pet the niffla!
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Some of you are furries that want to fuck these things arent you
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I will skin you alive and wear you as clothes if you dare lay a finger on animals.
molesting animals to fuck wit mega
The little slut enjoyed it
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>yOu CaN't JuSt LiKe AnImAlS
Where have I heard this before...
I approve of turning such people into clothes.
that's a fetish
Nifflas are my homies, we're in a gang. You never fuck with your homies.
i'd be lying if i said that i'm not curious about how their pouches feel...
I am going to KILL you
Like death.
As a furry, I don't want to fuck nifflers or zaowu, I want to fuck centaurs and merfolk.
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Buttered toast, spearmint chocolate, maple syrup.
why can't you fuck veela like a normal person?
I wanna fuck Abigail in both forms so I am harmless
Typical day in Cassandra's life desu
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Slytherfrens, why does your prefect look so... zesty? The Gryffindor prefect isn't this flamboyant.
You'd know it's called class, if you had any.
He didn't used to have those snake eyes.
My boy Roderick values making himself look good, like any good student
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Correct, and his eye color changed too.
He got possessed. Don’t ask how or why.
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Gryffindor prefect doesn't really give me Gryffindor vibes desu. Needs more red or something I think
>All those gray eyebrows
The chinese are so lazy.
Rude, I do know what class is it's why we go to Hogwarts, after all
But you don't even attend class.
Fair hair with darker eyebrows just looks better than if they tried to make the colors match exactly
why do I feel like they all looked different the first time we saw them
Haha, what if you teased him all the time until one day he finally loses control while catching you alone on your way back from Madame Malkin's, taking you into an alley, deftly binding and muffling you with his wandwork before pushing you to your knees and bringing out his other wand for you to polish with your....*cough* ugh, sorry for rambling.
that'd be pretty gay
Nah, he looks very fruity and decent to do something like that. More likely he'll cry and start screaming that he will ak everyone.
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because they are a bit different. the Hufflepuff prefects are are also a different color.
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I meant eyes are different. Tho the ravenclaw prefect's looks the same.
will McG and the devs let us become actual prefects though, or will our friends cuck us out of the job?
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I was finally able to fix my resolution problems
My Smasnug comes with a piece of korean shitware called Game Optimizing Services™ that automatically changes the resolution of the app without the users consent
Had to install a program on my computer just to disable it, since giving consoomers the option to do whatever they want with their phone is sacrilegious or something
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I can finally take beautiful, full-res pictures of my wife
Life is good
Who would want to be a prefect anyway? All you do is tell on people for getting laid in broom closets while you remain a virgin loser.
>not forcing them to give you a quickie to avoid detention
You buffoon. You ignoramus.
Don't you know that the prefect's bathroom is where most of our poor innocent students have been taken advantage of by their prefects?! They even lend students from their house to the other ones.
It's a trafficking ring, I tell you.
Completely false, I did a Quidditch match just this morning to complete a magic pass task
If that isn't class, then I don't know what is
>have to wait until august for anything to happen this season
thanks, i hate it
also it's disappointing that they didn't go back to the first 3 years cinematic cutscenes, over the seasonal formats text boxes and generic emotes
I'd go with the biggie prefect willingly
Prefects are allowed to rape younger students and make them into servants. I assume it works similarly in Hogwarts.
I lose too many loads to Ivy and Hermione.
There's barely any material. Unless...
>going to have yet another 5 star dancing bullshit fest soon
Though I suppose we're all going to have to live with the 3/4/5 star grind come the dancing house cup
Uhh Freddy Fentanyl is pretty cool and a dragon guy which is very Gryffindor.
Takova jizn
Reveal your Ivy stash to me.
>Wasted 400 gems on medium planters
They should have stated medium planters count as two.
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Bigger planting stations do share spells, except for lumos which is applied individually so you can mix and match colours.
Also, did roses get updated with invasive growths or is this a big planter thing?
Huh, Headless Hunt is actually overpowered now.
This is so cool, finally some quality of life feature. As for roses, I don't think so. It's just that the box lists all the spells.
Mangamaster has made four pics of her
Shut the fuck up, Umgi.
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You get a cutscene when you finish researching a plant. It's short and low effort.
You're a pedophile
welcome to 4chan
Well that's good to know. Time to go buy a bunch of them. I hope they give us large aquatic stations too.
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Goodnight hypogigis
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Here's your teammate for today, bro.
>Name tags filth
Another ugly and zesty outfit for males YAY!
They got what they deserved in the end. Excruciatingly so.
Thats brutal, lmao. This is one of the reasons why I don't want to play duo, playing without premade seems like Russian roulette.
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They probably haven't updated the planters since release, back when irrelevant spells could be used.
Is that new? I have a few fully researched and I didn't get anything.
I hate Harry but I love spamming Accio on them, they always go back to their corner like bots and always get grabbed back to the middle.
Oh I like it, pretty.
Depends, the biggest problem is facing double whale coordinated teams, other than that the biggest issue is people not banning Harry.
Aside from that it's a lot more fun and light than solos.
The worst thing is getting paired with them during Asia hours against whales and since you can't get paired WITH people from other regions for some reasons, the algo doesn't give a shit and proceeds to put you in duels you are guaranteed to lose
None of the herbology cutscenes have triggered for me...I'm being bullied
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I found it, you have to click the plants you've already researched.
Every plant has had a unique cinematic so far.
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It's done...
You've just crossed a terrible threshold, anon.
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What did I do?
I just need 9 more. Good job.
I had to make a culling joke
14 wildcards did the trick.
Where is the black American girl
She only appears in cutscenes
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Oh ok good
Cute, though I'd prefer a darker shade of yellow
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God the lighting is just so fucking lazy.
Indian tier
are you from India:)
I'm going to strangle you.
Who is the yucky gore poster? Let's beat them up
it's hannah
Alright lets beat her up. Afterwards though I'd like to see some proof.
>h I'd like to see some proof.
it came to me in a dream
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bros...why is daniel in front? is he the real MC?
Could be, she's a little bit evil
I wonder if the chinks are also full of statue suitcase niggers
Flav dont be racist
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they are though the chinks have better answers to that crap and there's an even more cancerous deck there involving ron and from what I've heard he pretty much wins the game if you let him use +50 mana. Not sure what it is but it involves chess pieces from Ron's echo effect so it's yet another summon variation
While I have nothing against violence, I prefer it to be equally participatory. I mean, anyone can kill someone or rip off their ear. The trick is having the other person enjoy it. Tho, sometimes its fun to continue past that point, but that's not good and you shouldn't do that.
Yup evil but you're saying it's not you then? Come help us beat up Hannah again while we figure this out.
subhuman tier. Up there with futa and scatfags.
>want to duel
>its currently still subhuman whale climbing period
I hate this
I've gotten killed by the same Locomotor Suitcase whale 15 times today.
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I would never post such trash art unless it was funny to me. That art takes itself too seriously and doesn't earn that seriousness.
Mixing pleasure with pain is literally extremely base. Every woman I've slept with enjoyed being choked, hell one time a girl wanted to do anal simply because it hurt. Really, the only difference between that stuff and the fun I have is intensity. You can get a lot out of the look on someone's face when they think you are genuinely going to severely injure them. The fun is in that uncertainty, the power they let me wield over them, trusting I won't go over the line but powerless to prevent me if I do. It's just a good time.
>ron is a summon echo
Guess I need to start leveling up summons then. If he summons chess pieces that is so peak but also like makes it seem like he has only one thing going for him. Then again, you can't make being extremely lovable into an echo effect.
Flav be racist
His main shtick is having summons charge like his Companion card, it makes little Whizzbangs a menace.
Everyone should practice blood racism to take away the negativity associated with it.
What negativity?
Real blood eugenics when we forcibly breed weak purebloods with muggles so they can produce powerful wizards like Dumbledore and Voldemort instead of more Crabbes and Goyles.
>Weasleys are on a downward trend
>proceeds to bring in the hero of the wizarding world, and future prime minister into their family/orbit
are the weasleys the true political masters of wizarding britain?
lmfao Mercator was literally Flemish retard. As were other actual great scientists like Andreas Vesalius

Also all painters and artists were ALL Flemish - Van Eyck, Van Dyck, Jordaens, Rubens, Bruegel, Memling, Bosch etc etc All of the medieval Name even ONE Walloondog painter who is as good as any of the ones I mentioned.
>blind squirrel finds nut stash, film at 11
What did anon mean by this
Amelia really hates Mega
You're lying as usual. You were the one who started posting art like that earlier with Hermione, as well as creepy fanfics, along with fantasies of becoming a god of violence
I have never written a creepy fan fic, excuse you. Well not to me anyway, creepy would be like writing about someone's OC where they fall in love with me without that person's permission. If you mean creepy in that there is violence and what have you, then sure. Also, if it was me I would take ownership of it, why would I care?
I literally post shit like this for fun. Also god of violence thing, ngl, that one was pretty cringe, I like the future I wrote about having to take care of your loved one at the expense of your own dreams a lot better.
>forgot picture
Kms. Also, since it's been a while, post your divination homework.
I want to try Luna echo for a change, should I just be going for an all spells deck, or are there some summons she really wants outside the ones she can put out herself?
I'm tempted to put in snitch, but its level feels a bit too low. Also wish my protego was a higher level.
Also do companion levels affect the summon levels?
>Mixing pleasure with pain is literally extremely base
Degeneracy attracts degeneracy. I hate causing another person pain, even if it's consensually.

This is a stupid meme
Whatever, you're a freak, but in this case it wasn't you. It's some other equally weird creep. Those filenames were appearing back in 2022 when this was a HM thread.
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Club Events in 60 minutes.

You have way too many low cost cards, they'll only shuffle the current tier instead of promoting it.
Lv 14 Snitch is fine.
how do I find 'rose starters'? buying seeds doesn't count.
In Puddifoot's Teashop on weekends, and Bewildering Blooms.
ok, thanks
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I don't think we are equal at all. I, for one, am not a coward.
>I hate causing peeps pain
Thats entirely fair, I was pretty uncomfortable with it myself when women first started asking me choke them.
>back in 2022 when this was a HM thread.

This was the HM general long before your Legacy Avatartroons hijacked it with your clique faggotry
Disgusting Coomer. Repent and go to confession.
Lottie is Brazilian.
Club Dance starting now.
>Malfoy Gang coming out with like 3000 HP

Send help?
Club Quiz starting now.
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Thank you for the events, Mega.

Oh I completely forgot about them and their rebalance. How much of a menace were they?

>Also do companion levels affect the summon levels?

Luna benefits from a slower, high MP cost playstyle. You can add a summon or two if you want but generally speaking it's a spell centric echo. Suitcase and Locomotors work well though, particularly if you can sync them together with the special echo ones.

>Also, since it's been a while, post your divination homework.
Sure, here it is. Took me a bit to dig it up.
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I couldn't figure out what kind of hat I should have, also I really didn't want to draw one, so the hat is now a bird. This is obviously a reference to the whomping willow killing a bird scene and not me being lazy.
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Thank you for hosting.

Ok. Should probably redo mine at some point when I'm less busy.

I would probably throw my phone if this happened to me ngl.

They gave me the ability to be a Kiwi, now they have given me the ability to be a Lemon. I'm very excited.
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I did the Strawberry Marshmallow Milkshake.
Don't blend them raw, it ends up chunky, but it's good.

A standalone hat that's just a bird sells me the outfit alone.
After rewatching this, I realized that the Harry player threw the game by mistake by incarcerousing the ron since he would have focused him instead of the Bella player had he let him hit him.
Based Lottie
Stay mad, I'll be building a beautiful shrine for her and you can't stop me
I love you, my cute witch
>Headless hunt fireball dragon dobby
Oh that face got a chuckle out of me. I don't know if it's disappointment or contempt but it was funny.
Calm down, Flav...
I want this..
I love you, my himbo wizza
And I'd like a men's outfit that isn't fruity, but here we are.
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i based it off of this. But also it kinda looks like buzz lightyear
that bag seems fun, maybe.
>I couldn't figure out what kind of hat I should have
A cute leaf crown. Bitches love leaf crowns.
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Hello hypogigis, movie night for this week will be moved to *Sunday*, July 28th at 6:30pm EST as I'll be unavailable on the Saturday — apologies for the inconvenience.

Here is a poll upon which you can vote for what movies we'll be watching this week:

Thanks for hosting; sorry I couldn't join today.

Jeez, those are some close revives. Nice comeback, there.


Avoid using 2 MP spells in a Luna deck; her special summons only charge up from spells costing 3+ MP. I'd recommend using only spells for the deck, as if you need summons your echo will give them to you. The only exceptions I commonly see are Locomotors (summon along with Luna's Locomotors to put 4000 HP on the field at once) and Suitcase (generically OP, combos with all summons from echo).

Malfoy Gang is pretty decent now; like >>487733458 said they have literally like 3k HP, so they're effectively immune to single target damage and glancing AoEs. Still vulnerable to any AoE that hits all three of them though since it's effectively doing triple damage... Glacius in particular is good against them.

Cute! I hope this bird is safer...

Oh that looks delicious.
>A standalone hat that's just a bird sells me the outfit alone.

Actually yeah, I'd love a leaf crown as a headpiece.
eva who told you about susperia
Heather I thiiink? I think at least one other person has suggested it as well; it's been on the list for ages though.
What's on the next wheel?
1977 Susperia or 2018?
Yeah, I can blame heather for this.
We should watch the '77 version, it's italiaaaaan.
if eva doesn't let me watch vampire assassin i might actually die
If she let's you watch vampire assassin I might kill you.
If either of you two watches Eva I'll send a vampire assassin to kill you.
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i have all the best futures, imagine not having great things ahead of you
good luck i'm behind 6999 skeletons
actually the vampire assassin only kills vampires soooo
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Are you asking for a Blade watchalong? Underworld?
It was, I used Haribo marshmallows, garden strawberries, farm milk and vanilla ice cream.
No, I am asking for Ron Hall's 2005 hit supernatural thriller, Vampire Assassin. But like I'll take Blade, Blade is fun.
I got that, I was making a "joke" about the title.
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The '77 one; you can assume originals of everything if I don't specify (but do let me know if there's ever a time where a remake is better and we should watch it instead).

I remember someone saying that the new one is pretty good too and both are worth watching, but I'd generally rather not do two versions of the same film so maybe way later down the line or something?

We'll get to it soon, hopefully!
I looked it up and saw 1.5/10 on IMBD so that looks promising.

Are you gonna hire a vampire assassin for that?
... Also I realize I don't actually know whether the assassin is a vampire, assassinates vampires, or both.

Oi what, who's watching me now? Don't watch me; that's creeeeepy...

We did Blade already I think; Underworld I'll have to get to at some point.
And that sounds great...
If there's something you should prioritize it's the Cornetto Trilogy.
Alice might even reward you...
...i don't get it...
We better get to it! Or i'll draw you really really ugly. And crying.
Looks like I have 1,441,794 bones to pick with you.
ignore mega she's autistic
Actually it's only 1421022 bones, some of the skeletons are in rather poor shape. I think they had osteoporosis in life. I am accepting spare humerouses if you have any.
God I hate Dobbies
Would sooner ban a Dobby than literally anyone else in the game
Remember they can only teleport once every two moves, attack them after they teleport.
Well after I'm done turning your geriatric skeletons into decorative cat plates you won't have to worry about a lack of funny bones.
Does this mean she's gonna fill out like a pornstar when she hits puberty?
Whatta we got, an owl loose in here?
The funny bone isn't actually the humerus, it's the coccyx.
Also please don't destroy my skeletons they're rad as hell.
any cool pvp webms im trying to convince my friend to play
Flav probably has some good ones, or Eva
>9 mp spent
What the hell happened? Good job putting snekboy in his place either way.
Do they skateboard?
They move again immediately after teleporting ensuring they've can immediately teleport again right after
>Harry dolphins can now compete with whales
Keep them going and burn their cards, also it's not immediate, I have time to Accio them.
Every whale is running Hagrid/Luna/Harry.
Giant spoon.
Don't tell My.
here's a few.
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What the heck is this outfit?
I want it but bright yellow.
come on fellas vote for something other than the mummy, you've all seen it. Suspiria is different and cool.
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Oh yeah I have been meaning to do those too... so many movies, so few weeks! We'll get to them.

Do it, I dare you.

This is Hogwarts; that's normal.

I always forget to record stuff; sorry. I'll try to remember and post them if I get any good ones in the near future.

Here's an old-ish one though.

They are rather a pain; I ban them at high priority too.

I recommend not trying to do serious damage to them until they are out of movement. Every time they move and then stop (i.e. have a teleport prepared), toss your lowest cost damage or control spell at them. It'll force them to spend their teleport, and then burn another movement card to reset it... just keep doing that to drain their moves. Focus down Snitch as top priority (let it teleport once first) to keep them from regaining movement, and then nuke them once they're out.

He opened poorly. Summoned Locomotors and Abigail clumped tightly together... I dropped my own Abigail, she Incarcerous'd them -> Snowball -> Expelliarmus -> let the disarm time out -> Priori Expelliarmus -> Abigail Incarcerous again -> Aguamenti.

I have level 18 on every card in my deck (except Abigail at 17) and +2 on most offensive spells, so while I'm at an HP disadvantage against whales I can at least keep pace with them damage-wise because I focus-levelled a single deck really hard.

Not pictured: 20 loss streak earlier.

I'm assuming that's for duo... I do want to try my Harry deck in duos now; it was already drastically better there than in solo so I imagine it'll be fairly nuts now.

Solo meta currently seems to be Dobby/Twins/Luna/Hagrid... though I expect we'll see Newt coming into focus more too once people realize how insane Headless Hunt is now. It does Whizbang level damage for 5 mana, hits a third of the map area, and travels faster than new snowballs.

Conductor I think?
Also I forgot to mention but when you throw a control spell at them to bleed movement, wait until you've got a good damage spell ready too even though you don't intend to use it. That way, on the off chance that they fail their dodge and get hit by the control spell, you can use the stun/bind to land some free damage on them.
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You can preview the upcoming vanity box cosmetics already.
i saw that
kiwi eyes
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I can't believe they're releasing a better green after scamming me out of so many gems.
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>no black pupils
oh, bother...
atleast i'll be able to save up my gems
Stop using red eyes, you giant chuuni
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I like this
>e'll see Newt coming into focus more too once people realize how insane Headless Hunt is now. It does Whizbang level damage for 5 mana, hits a third of the map area, and travels faster than new snowballs.
>tfw when devs can't help but turbobuff summon niggers, even during the spell buff patch
But I love orange, it's such a nice and pleasant colour
Also it's the closest thing to yellow
Cute Creepykawa.

I don’t think they’re from the new set but I kind of like these crazed spiral ones...
I read that in the "creepy crawlers" commercial voice.
cat eyes are bugged on some eye colors, it's bullshit
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>Lose 16 matches this morning to the same max level Twins whale spamming Locomotor Suitcase with Headless Hunt
>Queue again 6 hours later
>Instantly get matched against her again
God fucking damn it.
>Headless Hunt stacks with Luna echo summons
I feel like you could build a broken deck with this, but I'm not smart enough for it
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>Two more against the same one
Okay yeah no I'm done for today. Here is the deck by the way if anyone wants to zero-skill autowin in solos. In 18 matches I haven't once managed to even get this down to half HP before dying.
>no oppugno
huh, spicy
>queen of spades
Yup, that's a tranny.
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Maybe something like this (picrel)? Take with a grain of salt of course... I've not tested this at all and I'm a pretty mediocre Luna player, but it might be a usable starting point.

It is a bit infuriating. HH is arguably the best spell in the game now, and only summoners can use it. I'm near the top of the NA rankings now so mostly just playing against the same pool of like 10-15 people, and almost all of them are running it. Lots of Dobby, lots of Twins, some Luna and Hagrid. Only faced one Newt so far but it was really strong.

I just don't like Oppugno; it goes in the dumb autohit pile along with TS.

Honestly for solos I'd say it's probably objectively correct to run Oppugno in every Harry deck (mine has some advantages but overall loses to more things than typical Oppugno Broom quick-cycle Harry); it just does so much damage for its cost that it's difficult to justify skipping.

I think there is probably a fair case to be made for going without Oppugno in a duo Harry deck though — there are more things on the map so it's less oppressive as a guaranteed single-target autohit, your ally can cover close-in defence along with your other spells, and it isn't effective at nuking the summon blobs often found in duos.
i'm trying out oppugnoless harry atm as a mostly solo dueling player after seeing that deck, and so far it actually feels better than with it, as most of the dudes I face have use at least some summons which steals most of the birds, and frees the broom stick to be used for dodging, clearing low hp mobs, or hitting a guy who's just about dead on clutch moment.

dobby players would probably destroy me though so there's that
Maybe? The Headless Hunt just feels a bit thrown in.
Now that I think about it, it's probably not a good enough of a damage dealer (13mp min cost for Luna) to build a deck around it. Only Newtfags are going to really take advantage of it, and maybe Dobby decks since they're constantly spamming Golden Snitch + Fireball Dragon.
imagine the buttfrustration

the HP is kind of just an illusion imo and goes away quick when someone throws a spell at them. i tried em out in my bella deck where they are level 13 with 2000ish hp and people wiped them out really quick despite that health. they are way too packed together so they eat pretty much triple or double damage of each spell plus their deployment range is p bad.
needs another buff

ah the bane of my existance. i am not a scalie... but
Kek, fucking deatheaters.
Thanks for the clips. He's been enticed
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I like Oppugno-less Harry way better in terms of feel too, and it's definitely some level of viable because I've been using it since season 1. It is a little better against summons I think, which means it's a little better against the majority of decks in the game, but the big downside is that it is *much* worse against certain things that are rather common.

Dobby mostly autowins against it. It used to be literal autowin but now that Snowball can be used against Snitch it's only "mostly", Oppugno Harry autowins against it, TS Hermione autowins against it, and anyone with Hagrid companion is absolutely infuriating to deal with. Oh and if a Twins echo RNGs into multiple Hagrids they autowin against it too.

>The Headless Hunt just feels a bit thrown in. Now that I think about it, it's probably not a good enough of a damage dealer (13mp min cost for Luna) to build a deck around it.
That's kind of the point; I think probably how you'd want to play it is not much different to a normal Luna deck, but use her summons a lot (along with ones from Standard Book of Spells) and focus your attacks entirely on the opponent instead of any of their summoned units. Then use HH to nuke any and all enemy summons and companions on the board all at once, which will also recharge your Luna counter.

Again though just theorycrafting here; it may or may not be good. I did fight one high ranked Luna with a good HH deck earlier but unfortunately I don't remember what they had.
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I can't believe you've done this.
So, is Winnie chill with us or does she hate us by proxy? So far she only seems to dislike Ivy, and wants to fuck Cass.
She seems to be avoiding everyone in Ivy's friend circle to me. Especially with how awkward she acts towards MC, versus being so chill with Cass.
>tfw face this one nip neville guy twice in a row
>just throws both times, not even bothering to attack
welp that just feels bad, I wonder if he's been traumatized by Harrys or something
surprised there isn't a rl harry potter card game (there probably is i'll go look it up after i post the question here)
It's kind of like mtg
Good night hypogigis.
Good night ugly anon
Smooching (You)
Understandable that you wouldn't know about it, since it came out 23 years ago and only lasted 2 years.
Whoa they're putting out another fanmade set in a few days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRBug2t9xS4
If we got a proper age up instead of a smaller head maybe year 4 could have saved us....
Why did you reply to me?
I was commenting on how we have become so smooth
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She will pay for her betrayal
>Ban bait
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My theory is she knows way more than she lets on, some guy theorized that she might be a legilimens which would explain about the warning she gave us in Y3. That would also make her aware of Daniel's school shooter arc and the MC being loyal to his friends so she'd rather just go to Cassandra than talking to a wall about the deep shit they're in.
A bet with the captain from Mahoutokoro. For every japs loss, she must give the Hogwarts team a session of sloppy makeouts.
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Will Cassandra give Winifred some fashion tips?
Oh boy.
My alt account's Malfoy gang is lvl 16 from all the Malfoys I dump for other legendaries
Oh, mate... No... I'd rather face whales than ruin their day.
How do I stop my character from doing that stupid smiling face on the victory screens?
>That expulso away from my abigail
Breh... W-Why...
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>damage taken 20000
b but theres no summon in this deck...? maybe i will spend my 200 saved red keys on zaowu its pretty good

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