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Previous: >>486872873

>Version 2.4 "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC2F2dAXuus (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl3MagK3uyM (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>A Moment Among the Stars — "Bonajade Exchange"
>Myriad Celestia — "Stoneheart's Oath Ring"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
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Hertaschizo was right
Firefly love
Says the lazy ass nigger
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Sin límites
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Firefly is love
Firefly is my wife
What are some good hunt weapons? I literally only have the Herta one.
Firefly love!
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post faster instead of seething
No need to talk about yourself in 3rd person.
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Bronya (and Seele) RABU!
It is AI
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Oh to ride Aventurine and get pregnant with his child and sue him for child support and get all his money...
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I want to make her happy.
Reminder that the constant firefly ops come from the anti-firefly schizo trying to turn the general against her
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>panders to yumes
>panders to fujos
>panders to shipfags
>most popular hsr male internationally
Face it, omnipandering won
>twitter watermark
The MoC shop Raturine one is pretty good
Swordplay is pretty good for any fast attacking DPS, like Topaz
why is no one posting Jade? her banner is currently live right now.
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Kalpas has won. The Flamechasers have won.
I always thought cp was extremely hard to get and was happy in that knowledge until my cousin came and showed me that it's literally being fucking advertised on shit like instagram. It's fucking insane how easy it is to get and I can't believe that pedos around the world are just able to access this shit this easily. I was raped as a kid and had to go through years of therapy to get to where I am and I'm now feeling like absolute shit because of this. I don't have anyone to talk to about this so I'm just posting here to cope I guess. I know this isn't really the best place to post it but I don't really have any friends to talk to about stuff like this.

Honkai Star Rail
She got better with make up, i almost can't see Caelus' purple eyes
I can't wait for March's new outfit.
It’s probably Hertaschizo. The OP literally has fucking watermarks
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Good evening
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Firefly love indeed.
Does Yunli have a guide? I have not keep an eye on this thread this last week
Pure Fiction is easiest end game mode
>pag humor
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These rabis look authentic, its scary
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How many times are you going to post this?? Here's my reply!
Impossible. Fireflyposters admitting to being unironic redditors repeadetly already did all damage worth doing.
Good evening gro
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Good morning Fireflybros

Good evening
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This is the solution to all evils in the world
There are videos up already
I've been lurking in HSR threads for a while and I still don't get if you guys love or hate Firefly...
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Good morning bro
>Does Yunli have a guide? I have not keep an eye on this thread this last week
Yeah. Just search it up in the archives for good measure.

Gonna post it now, but it's over the character limit.
Very on topic reply
Honkai star rail
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uh oh hertaschizo melty
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Hoyoverse needs to change their EN voice actors!
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It's funny that omnipandering males are successful but the most popular female characters are usually 100% for (You)
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My love for her is more than my hate for china, do the math
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>tfw no Doctor
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I posted this last thread :)
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Ah good, I don't need to write a guide then, thanks.
We love Firefly, we hate her fans. Hope that clears that up.
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Yunli Guide

BA: not really needed
Skill: Max, used as much as possible
Ultimate: Max, main damage source
Talent: Max, the other main damage source

>Light Cone:
S1 > Clara S2+ > Aeon S5 > Clara C1 > Blue Sky S5
Sign's increased aggro is very useful and important since her taunt only lasts until the end of ally or enemy's turn
Under the Blue sky is a decent enough cope if Aeon is used on someone else like Firefly

4pc The Wind-Soaring Valorous; pretty much made for Yunli
Can cope with Champion of Streetwise Boxing if its substats is much better than Valor
The Ashblazing Grand Duke's 4pc eff can't be maximized by Yunli, skip
2pc ATK + 2pc ATK works too if you have nothing better and it has very good substats
Duran, Dynasty of Running Wolves; easy 25% FUA DMG and 25% CD, nothing else to be said
Inert Salsotto is better if you REALLY need the CR, otherwise it's an alright cope

>Main stats:
Body: CR / CD (only if you hit 70%-80% CR already)
Boots: ATK
Orb: Phys
Rope: ATK

>Target stats/sub stats:
70% CR minimum is mandatory, go for 80% if possible
Yunli get 100% CD from ult so it's less prioritized but her normal counter still need it.
More ATK is always better, HP and DEF are good too since Yunli will get hit a lot.

>Eidolon vs sign:
S1 > E1
E1 is a good power boost but S1's increased aggro is far more important

>Team composition
Yunli - Sparkle - Robin - Huohuo
Sparkle: Generates SP while giving Yunli ~100% CD and more action
Robin: Increases ATK and deals additional damage
Huohuo: Feeds everyone energy and increases ATK
Tingyun: 50-60 energy and more ATK & DMG, but can't help Robin's energy situation
Topaz: Sub-DPS that increases FUA DMG, she's ST though
Lynx: Should be run if you don't have both S1 and Robin. Not sure if she's still better if you have Robin
Aventurine and FX: One is SP positive, the other give 12% CR. Both divert some aggro
You lost Hertaschizo
I LOVE Firefly.
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Having a lewd trash slut for a daughter isnt something to be proud of
She's ok
Her fags need mental help thoughbeit
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Bwo just buy an account
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Very on topic now that fatepedos are swarming this general
Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Blade Works
The monkey paw curls once again...
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I have both already, I was just making a cute Aventio post.
nta but is there any of these for March?
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Firefly and Saber would get along.
The majority of the thread (heterosexual men) love Firefly
The loud minority (trannoids, homos, cucks) hate Firefly
>>486901342 (me)
Yeah I don't think I'm gonna be able to sleep tonight after seeing that. I wish I lived in a world where people who are unironic pedos and actually act on their desires didn't exist.

Honkai Star Rail
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Gaycio will never be a stoneheart. He will never be a genius. He will never pass and he will always flop. No amount of fanart will change this.
But true actually omnipandering males usually flop. In Aventurine's case he was lucky to be the second limited Preservation unit.
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O-Oh I see.
If you could only have one of Sparkle or Robin for her, which would be better?
are you guys extremely submissive and let guys toss you about in relationships because of this?
Honkai star rail

is picrel still correct?
There are some good planar sets for Blade like the ones based on having destruction or green element teammates that will boost all damage in lieu of just enhanced basics
They hate her cuz no one cares about the stoneflops
even ai knows it's cute and canon
Hunt March? She's pretty simple to build.
4pc Musketeer, Rutilant
Built like a Sub-DPS
Played like a Topaz-lite.
>Sales out of fucking NOWHERE
We're not talking profitability, we're talking popularity. He would be popular regardless because people like his character.
Him being a sustain is what made him perform poorly in the first place.
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or male potato
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Blade hasnt changed relic sets forever, Longevous Disciple was tailor made for him and Rutilant buffs his most constant form of damage.
There's not much to it.
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Hmm, in a dual DPS team, Robin, easily.
I'm not sure on the Hypercarry calcs, but Sparkle, with an easy 2nd place for Robin.
I'm a guy and I got raped by my aunt when i was 5 and it didn't stop till I was 12. I haven't been able to get into any type of relationship at all because of it and have almost zero social skills. Even after getting therapy I don't think I'll ever recover from what happened.

Honkai Star Rail
(You) vs (Me), understand?
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He's so silly.
>>Eidolon vs sign:
>S1 > E1
>E1 is a good power boost but S1's increased aggro is far more important
I think is worth adding in addendum to this that while character banner is a 50/50 and 75 soft pity,
the lightcone banner is:
75/25 in favor of the player AND sp starts at 65

Its a lot less stellar jade to get s1 than e1
(You) and (Me)
You said they were successful. Success implies that they made money. People spamming their first and fanart doesn't make a character success, afterall only a minority of people do that.
version 2.6 Stephen Lloyd
Newcutie here, I got Gepard's light cone as my first 5* how fucked am I?
Salsotto is better if you have E1+ or use him with Jade since ult and talent get a bigger chunk of his damage, the other planars are usable but nothing that performs better than these two
Duran may be an option with Jade on the team
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Lingsha is an HI3rd expy?!
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Yeah, the cone for her is way better. It's just that the post was reaching ~1930 characters.
Every character in the game makes enough money to get the marketing cost back.
I hope so. Cause I ain't gonna play that Dyke Turd 3 shite just for a handful of decent character designs.
How come people don't run Mono Quantum with Xueyi? is QQ that much better?
Who is the prettiest HSR character and why is it Ruan Mai?
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E3 topaz bwo here. I waifu topaz. She's still my hsr bloody regina. Saw last thread y'all said we stopped existing or something. I'm sure some of us are still floating around somewhere. I myself just stoped checking here so often since zoos moved in and started shitting up the threads.
I tried it, not like xueyi is bad, but QQ having innate aoe its already a plus
I'm so happy Tingyun is coming back bros.
yea. some spergs deny it really hard, but they have the same cn name or something
Right is a lot cuter than left.
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The only people who know and should care about how truly "successful" a character was are Hoyoverse. We are fans. The only thing that matters is popularity aka how much fancontent and discussion a character gets because it's what we have to sustain ourselves when the FoTM character becomes irrelevant.
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I get what you mean, yep, Hoyo can't top Ruan Mei Beauty.
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based, my Ojou-sama gf is the cutest!
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Grats getting your wish granted bwo
this is funny
I'm still using the same rutilant from a year ago and its not that great so I was gonna farm for blade
I have e0 Jade so I think Ill try building around the new off meta pick
Banjomori or kafka
do you have a good preservation char to equip it?
I don't see why not? She's a quantum character.
And I've seen people run SuperBreak Monoquantum as well.
>Rider is the prettiest and sexiest character in fate
>Fate collab announcement
>No on wants rider
Never thought hsrg is this gay.
So what type of dps is Feixiao supposed to be?
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>UBW collab
It's just alot more unlikely
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Is Jade worth it? I've been trying to pull her on F2P pulls but she isn't coming home bwos.
FUA break
Stop judging me
Some observations
>Traces section
You can cut down character count by doing:
Ultimate >= Talent > Skill / Ignore Basic Attack

Duran and Salsotto are basically 1~2% in difference, so maybe it should say
"Duran is slightly better than Salsotto at equal substat value, if you already have great Salsotto pieces you can skip farming Duran."

>Target Stats
CR: 70% (Min) / 80% (Recommended) / >85% (Optimal)
CDMG: 120% (Min) / 140% (Recommended)
Not really, I started literally few days ago, I'm really dedicated to my gacha games (All are 4 years + or day1-this day) so I'll prob. have some time to snipe some character that may use it.
Also is it viable to pick him on 300's standart pull or I'm gonna brick hard w/it?
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I keep my first impression of her imprinted in my mind, the blue planet on the back, her beautiful black hair, her serene blue eyes, her maiden'ish appearance.
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my wife
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Based Topiglover (Real) (Non-clickbait)
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If you like her, sure why not
>Worst route in fate
Dawei is a shitter.
No one here likes tsunderes like shit Rin
It's fucking great on March 7th. ESPECIALLY in a Freeze Cheese build, since the EHR helps out a lot.
She's basically like a 5* sustain now.

Same can be said with Preservation MC.
Then anon shouldn't be arguing about "success" if you don't want profit to be brought up.

That doesn't make them any less of a flop.
Stellesisters? Our response?
I think you need to get your eyes checked, anon...
I want to fuck Firefly.
I'm noooticing
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in the world of AI anything can be cute and canon
I actually like the alternate outfits the AI gave to everyone
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>Most women are capable of secreting considerably more milk than needed by a single infant. The regulation of milk synthesis is quite efficient (around 800 mL/day).
>The normal daily production of saliva varies between 0.5 and 1.5 liters. The whole unstimulated saliva flow rate is approximately 0.3-0.4 ml / min. This rate decreases to 0.1 ml / min during sleep and increases to about 4, 0-5, 0 ml / min during eating, chewing and other stimulating activities.
>Daily loss in sweat is about 400 ml for an adult. The heat loss can be quite significant because there is a loss of 0.58 kcal for every ml of water evaporated. The maximum rate of sweating is up to 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr in an acclimatized adult. On average however - only 1L per day, and, due to its fast evaporation and most of it disappearing - therefore:
>800ml of mammary milk + 1L average of saliva and + 50 ml/min or 2000 ml/hr during intense physical exercise = 2800mL average, assuming Acheron is sweating for 30 minutes for any reason...
>Water consumption minimum: About 15.5 cups (3.7 liters) of fluids a day for men
>3700mL - 2800mL = 900mL of unsatisfied thirst
>Acheron has 2 bodies >>> 2800mL * 2 = 5600mL (average)
>non-pregnant and 1 sex per day having Acheron is capable of satisfying daily thirst of 1.5 man!!
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This is not Honkai Star Rail
Me at the bottom
Uhhh bro? You forgot to add honkai star rail at the end
Honkai star rail
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I remember making out with my cousin when I was like 14, it was pretty hot
Gepard is useful, specifically to Acheron, using a different light cone, Trend of the universal market. So, no don't use your selector on him.
i think he'll be a 4*
I see I see, thankies (˵ •̀ ᴗ •́ ˵ )
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Isn't that what cousins are for?
>off topic
If the janny doesnt neck you i will
Honkai star rail
So... can i fuck Yunli?
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Save for the Snek.
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since you asked
Are you that guy?
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I love expired women so much bros
How mandatory is Musketeer? I do not want to farm that shitty domain.
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I wish I had JY even more now.
free jades then?
She's gonna bomb the Luofu divination towers!
Its whatever, its only a 10% dmg bonus to her EBA, you can use rainbow if you want, all she cares about is raw crit stats.
I hate collabs. They break suspension of disbelief
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Is this real
Why should she be the first banner? Lingsha was drip marketed earlier
Will they also block that one mission from ZZZ for 9/11?
>How mandatory is Musketeer?
You can use 4pc Imaginary instead
>I do not want to farm that shitty domain.
You get them passively from farming out the weekly bosses. You're bound to have some decent pieces.
Amerilards just ruined Honkai Star Rail
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I just want the other stonehearts NYAO!!!!!!
man what a downgrade
I stole a friend's card (game) and sold it.
We were in high school in that card was fairly expensive.
I wonder if he ever found out it was me.
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>1 less day of 2.flop, 1 day closer to snakewife
I won
>>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
She wasn't
No she wasn't, retardbro
>building hunt characters
LMAO, not even a endgame mode designed for them save them when destruction and erudition still does the job better.
I'll just rainbow instead.
>You get them passively from farming out the weekly bosses. You're bound to have some decent pieces.
I've been playing for 4 months now and have exactly one good piece from that set and it's a hat and that's with making sure to use my 3 attempts every week.
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The reason is unknown, people think is so they can avoid any September 11 controversy but they're Chinese, they don't care about that.
Feixiao was marketed first.
Feixiao was first, amnesiac anon.
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I don't know if I should go for her LC or try to get Fofo and Sparkle
2.4 getting shortened is a good thing
If I run both ruan mei and imaginary MC, should both have a 4 piece watchmaker set?
Between Arlan, Serval, and Jing Yuan, I have great doubts for male lightning types
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I am retarded, I was comparing Moze's drip marketing date instead of Feixiao's
Unforgettable memories

Feixiao's fast ass banner saved the game
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Fofo is probably the better option since she can give Yunli more energy and is more versatile
>got 240 rolls and a coin flip primed
>want Lingsha and Feixiao
>also plan on getting BS and Kafka when they rerun
Am I gonna make it?
>should both have a 4 piece watchmaker set?
No. The effects don't stack.
If you can manage it, run 4pc SPD on Ruan Mei. She'll need 160 BE minimum.
Cute and canon
4pc SPD? What set is that?
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I will build him as best as possible and use him wherever I can. I'm not worried about where he falls on some tier list.
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Then the question becomes whether I should go for LC or Sparkle
If you don't have 2 limited 5* sustains, then go for Houhou
If you do, then go for Sparkle, her buffs are easily bigger than a single cone. And you can slot her into other teams, while a cone for a single path.
>3 IPC members sold like shit
How can they turn this around for the next one?
make them not FUA and not really want their E1 to function at max capacity
Serious question, is there any gameplay reason to level and use Hunt characters over Destruction?
Like, there's a couple that's above the rest and still worth using like Boothill and maybe Feixiao.
Erudition is at least useful for PF, but Hunt seems to be overshadowed by Destruction most of the time.
how to get 2 golden Curios in a single DU run bros?
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They don't, they are the sovl check.
4pc Hackerspace. The one in the Luofu paired up with the HP% set -- Longivious set
So he is Guinafen but 5 stars and I will even roll Guinafen eidolons while losing my 50/50 for him?
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>invisibility technique
lightning seele incoming
likely better too
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Idk I want S1 Lingsha, grab Kafka's LC, E0S0 Aglaea, and E1S1 Sunday....Only with 40 rolls no guaranteed currently.
get lucky and get the node that allows you to craft one from the curios that you have.
Hm okay I guess I'll just go all out on units. REALLY was not planning on skipping her cone but that's what I get for getting greedy with eidolons.
Aven is the best selling male character though.
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Like the other anon said, go for Sparkle since a character is more versatile than a cone.
They literally set them all up to fail.
>I just want the other stonehearts NYAO!!!!!!
IPCbwo, we need time to save up
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Your mid juan???? Your blade????
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Basically just for AS.
They might make the mode annoying for non-Hunts in the future
>Boothill, as you mentioned
>Hunt March
>Probably Feixiao
>People still even use Seele and clear
I swear people got one really good Destruction unit with Firefly and suddenly Destruction units have just always been better
>building two more units I wasn't expecting to
haha...honkai star rail
Thanks, Tingyun is my favorite character! I hope they don't somehow ruin her.
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As it was foretold
put them in the first half for once
don't make another sustain or bricked dps
Now you jinxed it
They don't the stoneflops are the designated joke faction
But they are the strongest characters lorewise? They arent a joke.
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So who do you think is going to be our next free 5*? We're going to get one every year right?
oh so we're just pretending to be retarded then? should've expected as much
N-no, she'll be fine! I'm sure of it! I also want her to stay Harmony, but that's probably not happening.
I am out of credits and character EXP so my Jade is stuck at level 53
Ignore the "stoneflops" schizo, he has been malding for weeks
firefly banner killed this game.
Please tell me we are going back to Belobog after this chink filler arc
So were the Fatui at gensin and yet they are all fanfic-level cringe
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>StoneGODschizo is still at it
They broke you, just like Sigga broke his gem and he broke Topaz, Jade's and Pearl's hymens
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It's going to be HER. They are going to pay retributions for off-screening her entire faction like that.
Robots don't have hymen
They will get offscreened one by one
Those stoneflop posts? All me
>free waifu
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>How can they turn this around for the next one?
It's already turned around with Obsidian's release.
Obsidian will deliver
She will be a super niche hp drain fua support like Jade and on second half after a highly anticipated super broken DPS like the rest of them and she will flop anyway lmao
>silber wolf'd it
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this is just straight up porn
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>Different Japanese VA
even hi3keks don't understand how the "hi3 clone" gimmick works.
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Rider got shafted by the source material. If she got a separate route she would be way more popular, but unfortunately she's tied to anal wormslut.
Why CHADlus has his nails painted????
The real epilogue to Penacony.
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I'm tired of noooticing
I love how BIG she is, please keep making them
He is gay
I was thinking of posting her, but then I realized she's so irrelevant that not even mihoyo would add her.
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Then take your meds sister.
Its always at the IPC hours, i swear to god.
>kakaurine and xis kekold fantasies spam
fateGODS please come back.
Fuck that used goods whore Medusa, I NEED tsuki part 2 and my Sacchin route NOW
what did you nooootice?
Is she peeing or orgasming?
When is the next good limited banner?
Stop making them require E1 to work properly
you fags are such metaniggers
Aventurine is so lucky
At your service
Then stop and embrace retardation
Ok nooticer
Topaz doesn't require E1
Aventurine doesn't require E1
Jade doesn't require E1 for what she was designed to do (PF) either.
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She will save the flophearts
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>Wake up
>It's Firefly thread
They should make collab with Genshin, HI3 or even fgo with Firefly as character collab so we can spread this beautiful teaching.
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Ok grandpa.
they can have fofo
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notice this
I hope she get her own space, far from the previous flops, she and Sugilite might save their group
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Shat the fuck up nigger
inb4 first hunt character to scale off defense and lightning superbreak
>people having all these expectatives about the collab
Its obvious we are just getting Saber and Archer, the most iconic ones.
i love her so much bros
Fuck them, I'm not sharing. If Capitano turns out to be Firefly it will be hilarious though.
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Eye on the TV, 'cause tragedy thrills me
Whatever flavor it happens to be like:
"Killed by the husband"
"Drowned by the ocean"
"Shot by his own son"
"She used a poison in his tea
Then kissed him goodbye"
That's my kind of story
It's no fun 'til someone dies

Don't look at me like I am a monster
Frown out your one face, but with the other
Stare like a junkie into the TV
Stare like a zombie while the mother holds her child
Watches him die
Hands to the sky cryin', "Why, oh why?"

'Cause I need to watch things die
From a distance
Vicariously, I live while the whole world dies
You all need it too, don't lie
They're are only good together and in ST situations.

>>Hunt March
For a 4*, yes.

>I swear people got one really good Destruction unit with Firefly and suddenly Destruction units have just always been better
Blade, DHIL, JL.
Blade is powercreeped but the latter 2 are still strong.
Topaz wants E1 in the Ratio team which is the only place you'd really use her for now unless you're really determined to force something retarded
Aventurine fares the best of the bunch but still needs E1 to be on par with other sustains when used outside of FUA teams or against non AOE enemies
Jade works fine in PF without E1 but their question was about how you would make them more popular and the answer is not "design them to only work in 4 battles a month"
The defense scaling DPS meta is gonna be great whenever it arrives.
Stephen+Herta+Himeko will save FuA
Obsidian is the only Stoneheart woman that won't fuck Sigga
if we did did an elemental def scaling dps then Gepard cone would go on it
>4 battles a month
More like 2 battles per 6 weeks.
There's no way people aren't using fast clear for PF1 and 2.
The shiptroon is cuckposting wow what a surprise
how would you cheer up Hanya after her sister just died?
Everyday is a new meltdown
remember when we thought Topaz hated Aventurine? Good times.
>we will find who did this
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>got red dragon curio
>2 *3 equation activated
>2 *3 Hunt blessing get
Ugh, thread sucks, someone call the FateGODS back
Hugs and segs.
Going by anime-logic, melancholy girls are extremely horny.
Well the retards did.
Obsidian literally wanted him to DIE
rebuild her sister
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She won
>They're are only good together
they're not meant to be played alone, this is a comp game and a properly built comp will always be better on the long term than a hypercarry comp.
Become her sister.
what is this resolution?
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You called?
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Oh hi Elda
New Caefly novel just dropped
>Blade is powercreeped but the latter 2 are still strong.
Just put him on a team with Jade and then the last 2 slots as (Lynx/ Luocha/ HupHup) and then a SW or Bronya
build HP and speed to 131 then change his Planar set to Glamoth to let Jade's speed buff proc the effect.
No one said they have to be alone, but they have to be with each other to be good.
Other comps have more flexibility.
there is no cheering her up, she needs to be put under suicide watch because there's no way she isn't taking her own life within 24 hours of receiving the news
Probably won't be going back for a long time, I mean there are no characters to shill rn, there's no names characters we don't know yet
Last time we went to Belobog it was to shill Topaz (and Luca), so the next time will probably have to do with the giant engine of creation, aka, Mecha Kino
They will probably shill
>a) 5 star Sampo
>b) Some rando not related to Belobog that came to do something
>c) alts of a existing Belobog character
The old Bronya was always related to Mecha or Tech in some way, so I hope, nay, I PRAY we get a new alt for her
Why post this? 99% of this thread doesn't speak Japanese and you don't see anyone here share fanfic garbage.
and they say mihoyo doesn't care about the west
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mating press this anon
I'm replaying Dark Souls 2 instead of playing the new ER dlc
It's ok, just feed her more oblivion potion until she doesn't have any feelings left.
why can i hear her singing this in my head
Never again after Dan2 almost killed the game
Thanks, now I'm going to waste 3 hours on X (formerly known as Twitter) liking firefly arts
me on the left
No, I'm not optimizing my relics. Fuck you
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Sex fox alt is literally on the way bwo
Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaa i love this ship so much >w<
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giwtwm (firefly)
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predict the cornerstones of the upcoming stone hearts
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>Specific vibrator pattern just for Caelus
That's some psycho shit, i love it
zip code???
Not bad
You want to get aggressively fucked?
no one cares about the 10 stoneflops sis
Pearl of Human Resources
Sugilite of Long Term Deposit
I have no fucking idea about the rest
>their most popular character can't even beat Jade
At least it they're not Genkeks
At least I have def crit pieces saved
are we getting a 2.7 or 2.8?
I prefer the annihilation gang
Opal's lets him become a tall bishonen
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be honest anon, you guys are going to pull Yunli right?
me on the right
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Leakertrannies said that there's 2.7 with Punished Tingyun and Daweiday.
stop trying to brick people, Blade is bricked enough as is
dont wanna
i hope so
that means 2.6 can be free from space china shit
Obsidian of Semen Extraction
Opal of relations
Pearl of resolution
Sapphire of contracts
Sugilite of marketing
Amber of investments (?)
Obsidian of merges and acquisitions (?)
no idea about agate
Only if she is allowed to be her own character.
But knowing Hoyo's writers she is going to be just a Yanqing's accessory.
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Obsidian of War Planning.
I really like how they portray Wolfie
Bronya is 100% getting an emanator alt
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Will Moze be on Feixiao's banner?
Since 1.6? I think the new units were first, will they keep that trend up?
Yes I will be building two more hunt bricks.
Space China is just two patches, they said it in the stream.
Firefly is a child.
He has her in his splash art so it's pretty obvious he is.
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Why did she want him to die?
I prefer the history fictionologists
>Caelus bribed Bronya to write a pardon on Hotaru
i know, but sunday tingyun and that greek chick leaking before anything 2.6 related is just really weird
He broke her heart
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No hebes?
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genshin took them all
I'm guessing we'll go back to Penacony before space greece, Tingyun maybe will be leftover from space china or something.
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>Red hair
Oh no.... I'm nyoticing...
Nah, i prefer the geniuses
He cant keep getting away with it...
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think about it
Didn't they only say the tournament will be 2 patches? There's no way they let us out of space china that fast.
Is Firefly's pussy super genetically engineered?
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I won't I'm not a hagpedo
I'm thinking about it, now what
Who knows, we could be in space china up until the final 2.X update.
Yeah if she's not shipshit. Does that answer your question?
i have foreseen it, now what
>hey hotshot~ not very nice to sneak up on a lady like that, you know? listen~ why don't you put the gun down so we-
*shoots her leg*
*shoots her other leg*
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A "super" pussy?
>going back to luofu
>no luocha or that subplot being brought up
means we are going to back to it again after 3.0 eventually
I've forespoken, WITH MY FUCKING MIND, now what
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She would snap your cock off by accident.
Not even close, DanIL, Blade, and Jing Yuan sold more.
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Herta rabu
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Fofo the Rock!
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Only JingYuan did
>means we are going to back to it again after 3.0 eventually
We're going back EVERY year, bro... There's multiple ships...
Doll joints
Do we like March?
Dan and Blade sold more anon. Theirs was a single banner while Aventurine had a double banner.
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This is a March/Firefly general, so yes.
Sure why not
Fireflys sussy...
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Yes, we love March
she's normie-coded, so not particularly
Nta but by that logic they also didn't sell better because they have BP reset. Dumb reason
She called me incel the other day so no
but we're going back to same one, not even the other ships lmao.
I prefer October
Only way to tell is by ownership rate
I don't really give a shit about March
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Hello, hsrg. I'm going to super chicken!
have a good meal bro
I love March! There was not enough March in Penacony.
no faggot, you are on your way to pick up valtrex and prep because you are a worm ridden genshifagot
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Who doesn't love March?
HSR restaurant collab?
clean your nails
A some fruit instead fat fuck
You want blade moving as often as posible to charge fua for jade. by attacking more often, blade's fua and his ult proc more which procs Jade
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DoT is kino
>china again
>march 7th turns into chink
>fate collab

This is NOT looking good. This is not what I expected from a SPACE FANTASY GAME.
DoT is the most sovl team Tbh
i need to kill myself right this INSTANT
>RM (automatic no sovl)
>ugly ass fofo
Where's our DoT Harmony
Where's our DoT Sustain (Fuck Fofo)
I use Robin and Luochud.
not DoT
i need to live myself right this INSTANT
Livestream it
Thank god its a confirmed UBW collab
Imagine if we got fate chink servants instead of original cast
>no lore synergy
Calm down Blade
We know, firefly
We know, Aventurine
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>Firefly wants to LIVE
>Blade wants to DIE
>Kafka wants to FUCK
>Silver Wolf wants to GAME
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File deleted.
DoT is supreme. They hate us because they anus
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Stop bullying him...
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>Kafka wants to FUCK
>spooky fucker escapes from le inescapable prison
>le masters and a newbie(March) help fight back against the big spooky
Wasn't this the plot of Kung Fu Panda?
the real bully is dawei jabbing at him left and right
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HSR totally imploded.
Firefly killed the hype. Jade banner on track of becoming the worst selling banner of all time since launch

hoyoverse was so desperate to revive the game they had to make an announcement of an obscure collaboration with another dying game that nobody plays.

holy fishpaste, more
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Sorry Yunlibros, but the feiposting has gotten to me, breasts > feet
the most soulful teams
Blade mains
DoT mains
People who stuck with their brick yuans after they skipped seele
Clara+Svarog mains

Hook and Asta chads are up there. if you are using other teams you are a poser or mainstream
you forgot the hu tao sticker bro
what tits, she has no tits. she's a generic fox cuck
Don't let having sex with firefly distract you from the fact that TB dont have animation atm of changing path but March does.
Genshin isn't doing so hot either Genshinsis
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Trust the plan...
>becoming the worst selling banner of all time since launch
That's Argenti tho
Everyone was calling Jade a flop since before she released, she's a filler character like Boothill was.
guys something is horribly wrong....hsr does not seem to be as popular before?

what went wrong????
Not enough yuri
We lost (won)
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>cant even beat wuwa
I can never change my TB path ever again thanks to Firefly, so that is fine.
wth Black Swan mains
why are you not hyping this up and theory crafting how your e0 herta cone black swan are going to take advantage of this
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wuwa CEO looks like that? damn

how can our da wei ever compete?
We /oldgen/ now
Need more bronya expy’s
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Galgechad... I kneel
Wuwa happened
ZZZ happened
Penacony hype ended
Space China (region with mid reception) is about to happen
Passion project no longer
It's over......
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It's nothing you don't get from Little Gui
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>WuWa already dead
>ZZZ wasn't a hit at all
Da Wei will come back crawling to us
>fuck up penacony's story by forcing firefly way too much
>make us go back to space china for 2 months
>game ends up stagnating
WuWa just made people that dropped genshin years ago return to genshin after seeing how bad it was
I love my cyborg cowboy husband (and my favorite fate guy)!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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lose some wait fat fuck
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Lose some wait
I'm NEVER pulling for Robin even if she is BiS for my team. Why would I nerf myself by having her lame singing replace the battle OST?
The sandwich(?) looks fine the chicken pieces look awful
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>He typed this while being 300 pounds
But enough about yourself
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That looks like shit.
basically the same kit but on a male fox slut and instead of a firekiss he makes arbys roast beef sandwiches of waifus
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Anything for my wife, Firefly >>486919150
You look like shit
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Well /hsrg/, the time has come to leave Penacony behind and embark on a new adventure with our old Luofu friends, hope you're excited for it (I know I'm not). There have been some changes in EU, with one person being kicked out from the hall of fame and another promptly taking their place. For now the effects of the hype dying down haven't shown yet, with only three people having dropped the game since the start of the patch, though it's hard to say whether this will keep up with 2.4 or not. Keep up the good work!
Alot of people say she's not "wife" material, that she's a pump and dump because her body is so erotic, but I personally think she'd be a really good wife. She knows how to take care of animals so she'd be great with our children.
I just woke up. Are the tourists gone yet?
>ZZZ has the Japanese fan artist he always wanted
he will dump hsr just like how he murdered hi3 with his crocodile tears.
enjoy bro
I want to fuck Renata....
that shit looks like an entire day old lmao
Favourite bood fight in the game and why is it Cocolia?
i just woke up barely 3 hours ago and felt dead tired even after sleeping like 8 hours, jerking off and feeling sleepy all day is the best
only ten? Eula took thirteen
No one asked pedo
I thought that at one point, too...
Still debating if I should roll for huohuo when my only abundance character is natasha at E3
I am a new player yes
Also pls tell me I don't have much story to go through anymore after the NOTRussia planet
That shit was such a snoozefest that I unironically just auto'd and watched youtube in the background
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she definitely has huge foxian mammaries
based /alter/friend
>Phantylia appears out of nowhere a few mins before you fight her
>Sunday is a fag with a stupid mechanic
Yeah, I'm thinking Cocolia clears.
you're better off dropping the game now
You hated and skipped through the best story part of the game so no. Just drop the game now becuase it only gets worse writing and more and more obnoxiously drawn out. Not Russia is the quickest story part with the fastest pacing.
I've been conditioned to enjoy her song coming on because big numbers
Robin's song is good though?
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>heaven's feel has the prettiest and sexiest girls
>Dawei chooses unlimited blade works
What's the appeal of that route? Who are the target audience?
Rin is shit overall.
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Jesus christ it gets worse?
Okay well thanks for the warning...
Mihoyo really hasnt improved at all since genshin huh? Why torture us when other gachas add a skip button
mikafly my beloved
belebog was the actual best part of the story only behind aeth wars and ghost hunting squad bwo. also you should roll huo she is a fundamentally strong healer with a support ultimate.
The phantylia fight forcing you to bring that shitty jing yuan was the worst
please anon no more porn please......
Da Wei knows who the best girl is and it's not the cum rag infested with worms
>what a slut
>who do you think taught her to do that?
meant for
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The shit eaters (belobog faggots) unironically think the writing in belobog is good. Drop the game because although penacony is way better, it's not worth going through if you hate belobog that much. Just wait and see as you get the contrarian belobog cucks to reply to me responding with disingenous summaries of penacony which are still leagues above belbore's shit ass msq and yuri pandering.
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>Somehow Phantylia was in Hi3
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Star Rail has way better dialogue in general and doesn't have Paimon so it is a huge improvement over Genshin but that doesn't mean it's good
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Best girl and the face of the franchise will show up regardless of which route he picked though.
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Let's settle this.
>Skipped the best story
Bruh, it's over.
I think that was when the anime really took off. Zero is loved but most people know UBW and it was on toonami. Also there is overlap between fans of Jrpg and J animation duh
>Topaz is tasked with debt collection and turning the debtors into potential partners
>Sapphire is tasked with contracts and legal deals of the whole department
>Opal is tasked with workplace relations and keeping peace between employees
>Aventurine is tasked with planning his own suicide in increasingly elaborate ways
>Jade uuuuuuhhhhh she's a loan shark i guess
why are they so lazy
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Bro, human baby is different from cute animal. Yes, seriously.
Ive seen some animal lover but can't educate their children properly
Remove Acheron, Firefly and severly reduce Aventurine's on screen time, give more Ratio,Sparkle and Boothill and then we can entertain your shitty take.
You just made up shit about two of them
Elio's POV.....
The lacking general
>your shitty take
the majority outside of this shitty general massively prefer peakacony compared to shithole belobog, lmfao
>give more Ratio,Sparkle and Boothill
Why the FUCK would you do that
sapphire's cornerstone got leaked with his model bwo
i did make the opal shit up but you can easily assume he's the stone heart's tard wrangle from what we saw in the myriad celestia
>Pleases old men for gems
Yeah, Rin is a shit
>Argumentum ad Populum
You can go back anytime among your fellows
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Now that it's just us. Let's be real for a minute. Firefly E2s1 was the real /hsrg/ saveGOD play. Congrats to all of you anons btw. Now, for the future. We're all saving for Tingyun 5* now right?
>it was revealed to me in a dream
>give me more [male screentime]
nah, fuck off faggot
>enjoys eating shit
Who could have seen this coming?
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>Meh porn
>suddenly interlocking finger
I will report this
im pulling next whoever makes my dick the hardest
We love Aventurine and his screentime. If anything needs to be cut down it's the charmony dove yapping in 2.2
jerking off to what?
Pointing out a fallacy doesn't invalidate it. Go back to logic 101 class, tranny.
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>coomer opinion
>Remove Acheron, Firefly
>give more Ratio,Sparkle and Boothill
people meme about being bricked but this is what it actually means
>sapphire's cornerstone got leaked
No way, where
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Is she supporting my Firewife
roll her
>belobog apologist
>enjoys eating shit
name a more iconic duo(you can't)
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Two wrongs don't make a right
Yes, if it's the entire basis of your argument, it does, since your basis is flawed and fraudulent. Dialate.
>Ratio, Sparkle and Boothill
>Gonna add Sparkle there and hope no one noticing I'm a faggot
Erm.. nyo. I'm waiting for Sunday and stellaron hunter reruns
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Firefly is the Sakura version in HSR
manlet cope
Strawman, the basis of the argument is what planet is good. It is a well known fact that hipsters/contrarians have shit taste.
>Lotr is for fags because there are more males
>Fight club is for fags because there are more males
Barbie is your favourite recent movie release, yeah?
I got E1S1 Firefly and Jade instead because I'm a Bladefag.
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>One is actively killing bug
>One is passively aroused by bug
I see Rinfag has retard fanbase.
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You are 100% scientifically correct
We need a SECOND Firefly(Alter) like Dan Heng/IL.

Easy Money.
>best girl
you outed yourself as a Sparklefag, your opinions aren't even real
You did not make one (1) other point other than "most people outside of /hsrg/ like it. Now you are litearlly making shit up, lmao
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Psycho manlet
Firefly is the Saber of HSR. I will not explain.
what i like >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> what you like
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I thought tard rail has been making like 40mil a month since release thougheverlybeit?
Post your ID so I can contact you and Hire you
t. John mihoyo
no u
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>Both Firefly and Sakura gets fucked by bugs
>Both has waifu personalities trying to appeal loser weebs
They're the same
Surely they'll release Screwlum while his DU is the newest one right? There's no way they miss this timing.
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If they don't start second reruns soon I'm going to fly over to China and make the bunny girl incident look like a fucking joke
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>better because moar heckin updoots
why are you tards even responding to such a stupid argument
How is HSR Rin?
Wtf bros, I thought Blankfly would make selfinsert fags love our game?
Banner revenue always speaks for itself who the majority of the players, also you play HONKAI, not Genshin. go back to Genshin if you want more male screen time.
I love Sparkle too!
He's basically Sam's weakness implant
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>remove Aventurine and Ratio (they added nothing to the story)
>use 2.1 to give more screentime to Robin and Sunday and the watchmaker plot
>let Acheron and Firefly join the final fight
We are not talking about character popularity tho, retard. Fucking coomer brainrot.
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Doesn't Firefly kill bugs tho.
Since Collab banner most likely won't have rerun isn't it better to have all Collab characters be skin since at least you can actually E6S5 the characters across all rerun banner instead of having to whale during Collab banner?
>give more screentime to Robin and Sunday
This nigga wants to hear the bird story 10 more times
no chloe option?
No, the watchmaker plot had as much time as was needed, nobody cares about Robin, she was more of a mcguffin than a character.
well it was meant to be a FSN poll but I forgot to turn off user added responses...
Don't use my wife to shitpost my other wife
Yeah and notice how there's no super break support in sight. What if super break MC really is a one time thing. And the next path will be more OP and synergy with the next OP 4 (You) wife. It wouldn't surprise me
If I start playing now will I be able to be in a good place for the Fate collab? Or is this the type of game where if you weren't playing since day 1 you will never catch up?
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Sakura was the opposite of pandering to weebs, she was fucked by worms, her brother and was the villain of her own route. There's a reason no one gave a shit about her until Nasu turboshilled her with a million copies.
The fate collab is in ONE YEAR so you literally have plenty of time
And, no the meta changes all the time and lot of the early units are useless now.
There's no PvP so there's nothing to "catch up" to
This is what makes me wonder what they're doing to do with rerun banners in general. Like we get a new 5* every 3 weeks which also means there's way more characters who need to be rerun. Are we going to start getting 6 5*s per patch instead of the current 4 with triple banners? I really hope they don't use the shitty idea they had for Genshin cause that thing was a fucking travesty and they've very clearly never rerun it since for a reason.
Don't listen to this retard >>486923910
There are people still using Seele. You can play at your own pace and be ready for the collab considering it's a year away
doesn't matter when you start. what matters is what you get with your rolls. if you just roll for sustains your account is probably getting brickked for ex or if you roll dot dps and want to use with a crit dps.
Firefly's appeal comes from the gap of a retarded gorilla woman with murder tendencies trying to act like a boy crazy teenage girl
Yunli is in about 10 days, it's the perfect time to start
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Would it be better if Fate characters works like Firefly/Sam?
e.g. Rin in overworld and Redman in battle
no i don't want to look at that bitch tohsaka
Will Lingsha be better than Ruan Mei?
lingsha isn't a harmony you retard
the fact that auto mode uses fire tb's skill EVERY TURN instead of being a sp battery with basic attacks is enough of a reason to not turn back
Right now is a great time to start. Limited DPS, Harmony, and Sustain units in upcoming banners.
Would be based honestly
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The sparkles, sampo, brack swan quest was the best one in penacony it was all downhill from there
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Ofc it's back
You'll have more than enough time within a year. Even if you're going completely F2P. Roll for who you like.
Don't listen to meta-lards. Even 4 star characters in this game perform well enough with the right builds and team comps. Although harmonies are arguably must pulls.
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Imagine, wanting more male screentime and then suddenly cuckposting. please sis don't make it so obvious
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Newfriend, banjobug is the bugfucker. Tazzyronth owned btw
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what's going on?
country roads take me home
cute gro
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What is your opinion on HSR cosplay?
The game gives a pretty decent amount of rolls and the fate collab is a year off, you'd definitely be set to do anything by then. Not like you'd need to be endgame ready though, events and story content is easy and you could binge it all without any real roadblocks.
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>next (You) girl
Oh God please let the disgusting fotm pags move on and stop ruining my girl's reputation
It's the wuwapag/genshart cuck that was spamming yesterday
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I give it a pass if they are pretty
They are evading it might be sp***nigger
Very cute bro
If a biologist's experiments is the same as fucking bugs. Then someone that kills bugs also has an association to bugs so firefly also fucks them too small brain.
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Ruan mommy has literally birthed MILLIONS retardGOD
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>Can't transform at will
>Ask SW to create a device because she is a chuuni
Cute dork
firefly fucked millions of bugs.
Is IX the strongest Aeon?
BLANKfly, mayhaps the most forced character in the last half decade
Hah, you deserve it. You now just birthed a new schizo. Kill yourself.
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Let's talk about the upcoming re-run banner of the critically acclaimed flop Huohuo
Dam EU hours are always shit.
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>Blacked shit or NTR
Every single time
EUbros are sleeping, this is SEA hours
Ask again later
just shot a giant load to sparkle feet
>EU hours
Murrican education, time to go to sleep, fatso.
I don't know
Qlipoth no diff IX
>another Firefly melty
How does she do it?
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No upcoming banners make me feel like this. Saving sucks when u aren't even tempted to roll for months. Just the occasional rerun cone.
Based, I started the game because I saw Yunli dropfeed and Hoyo is giving me Sparkle right after? And I got Clara as my first 5*? Best game hands down.
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I love the Stonehearts
I support the Stonehearts
I fuck the Stonehearts
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imagine if huohuo's tail was racist
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Tail should've been a solo unit.
There are 199,333,00 players on the na server
and I'm not one of them
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That's not a real number or you're bad at commas dumbo
Cute snek
Why are SEAchuds alway been used as a scapegoat whenever someone bad happen to threads? There’s literally no evidence that ‘pagpag’ are the one shitting thing up.
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I don't give a fuck about 2.4 banners. Is 2.5 Feixiao, Lingsha, Black swan, Archeron?
Where do you see that
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who asked?
If we're talking real, unforced dick movement and the upcoming girls?
For me, Lingsha and it's not even close
RM rerun when
Yo, /hsrg/. Beans with tomato sauce or two double cheesburgers with fries and drink?
I don't remember, did Ratio ever get a rerun? He hasn't right, so maybe Ratio is in 2.5.
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Feixiao / Ratio + Lingsha / Black Swan
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Is Sam that bad? I recalled finishing V6 with Sam as the final boss with my Firefly team.
nice try paggie
>Beans with tomato sauce
Add salted pork with it and you're in heaven.
Hopefully not anytime soon. Give me enough time to get enough currency to get 4 more copies to e6.
>Fgo gods left us
>Thread instantly die without fgo/fate topic
GRIM. Where did all the OGs bwos went?
Because they can't blame africans and pajeets are too overused as boogeyman so they moved to the next best thing they could get
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We're all on the Minecraft server bwo
There is 0 chance this was posted by a straight male with healthy test levels.
Yeah, I forgot I had 3 pork chops thawing out from yesterday, it's time.
we just have to survive two patches of luofusloppa then we'll be back on track, don't falter just yet
>shows up and starts spamming during prime SEA hours twice
>leaves when SEA goes to sleep
theres a pretty good chance. anyone whos been on /vt/ knows how much they cuckpost
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Female Aventurine is so hot bros
i'm just waiting for a stephen lloyd leak
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5-6 hour threads are best. The shift to 3 hours threads was always temporary. You are part of the problem and should leave
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>dead on satnight-sunday
/hsrg/ unironically filled with normalfag
He would never look that ugly
Just Sparkle a feet load, shot to giant
Keep me posted
Eh? 800+ is high score already in Asia?
Too busy fucking my wife Topaz into the 7th child to care about this thread desu
How do you feel when you wake up all alone everyday?
I'm still here. Just finished all content gro. I do play other stuff too you know. I just mostly post here.
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Don't ever compare Aventurine with that thing again
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lol, maybe i should just switch over to zzz completely until the Fate collab...
Sorry bro i was too busy gooning to post
your fur babies don't count sis
the dialog of a lot of the herta space station has been changed since launch
Apparently so. I'm surprised too, but then again in my case I don't really care about doing SU several times just for some jade crumbs. If I could then I can easily break past 800.
Bro it only takes 5 minutes to do your dailies...
Can I change between activating Steel or Caeles?
asiabros are lagging behind...
those pink highlights though...
This is a Christian board please no en in dresses
Would you include me in your will, anon?
Dunno, what have you done for me?
I replied to you.
Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.
You make a compelling argument...
Aka she is prefect, best girl.
Any important lore bits during Aventurine's POV or can I just mash through and look at a summary later? Trying to catch up here.
I want to hug her and feel her heartbeat close to my own
Absolutely nothing and I am not kidding, he exists so that Tranneron can cut a billboard.
It's only about HIS lore, if you don't care then skip
>499 reserved,
bricked you wont be able to level a single character to 80 if you wasted this much energy
Is there any point to doing DU on harder protocols? Are the rewards any better?
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shes just like me frfr
nope, it's purely for that mission.
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I cried during Aventurine's backstory and I'm a straight male. It's literally the best writing in penacony. You would have to be a legit troon threatened by a straight white male who works in finance to skip his story
Anyone who has been playing since launch doesn't need xp or money now. Reserving energy lets you instant dump massive amounts of relic runs when new domains release.
Little teary here.
The music at the end, also used for Misha's death, is unfairly good at hitting my sad spots.
I'll just mash then. I only care about the AE's story.
I hope we have all figured out that Pom-Pom is Akivili, right?
I didn't cry but I did the HOLY FUCKING KINOOOO after the battle
I'm sure you have e4 or e6 Asta
what is your excuse to not use her?
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Serious question: why play a gacha if you don't care for the story?
I'm a newfag so I don't, but I still use her sometimes because her break, speed and attack buffs are nice.
I have Robin
Ask /gbfg/ that question
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I got to 810, but maybe I was just that desperate to get any jades for Firefly's cone.
Everyone knows this except the belobog contrarians in this general.
Better question: Why do you play a hoyoverse gacha for the story?
just mash everything till Sunday or Mikhail Queet, Aven story is just yapping about his backstory
playing a gacha for the story is like going to the cinema for the popcorn.
it was the part of the story where I stopped speed reading and let the cutscenes p[lay out
What did she mean by this?
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right or retarded?
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Then wtf am I supposed to play Blue Archive for...
Best parts of Penacony were the aventurine "death" scene (which unfortunately makes no sense in hindsight) and misha's death.
Don't understand how they managed to fuck up the rest of it so badly.
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Based and true
Why does this faggot keep parroting what CN says (they probably don't)
I really want to pull him for my E0 Acheron, but his design...
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The kino
>Anyone who has been playing since launch doesn't need xp or money now
broooo do you realize how stupid you sound?
If you roll for this NPC looking fag then you're a flaming homosexual, and that's the only thing that matters.
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I feel it's not THAT bad (obviously could had been better if they swapped Kits and rarity with Moze but alas)
It should be.
9/10 for archeron
6/10 for dot
1/10 else.

He doesn't really become a heavy dot dps upgrade until E2. And he is archeron bis at e0. There is no reason the values should be the same.
Bwos, is this true because I'm constantly running out of credits and EXP whenever I pull a new character? What am I doing wrong?
>20 million credits
>800 purple xp books
your next cope?
you are probably addressing a guy that buys bp and invests vertically instead of horizontally. I do that and also have no issues. If i got every new unit instead and no bp I'd obviously stuggle.
people haven't seem to caught on that the proper way to play this game is to inject your current stuff with steroids instead of trying to charge headfirst into the new shiny thing so they just end up with a bunch of mediocre stuff instead of a few solid picks
Why would anyone ever pull limited 5* guinaifen? The next female debuffer will be better for ack anyways.
He is a 5 star upgrade for Guin
>play gacha
>but don't pull for characters
What's the point
I do still pull but it's more subdued and actually targetted to those that support my current playstyle instead of rushing and fellating the new hot thing and not considering it doesn't actually improve my current situation

Still rocking seele and ratio and 0 cycling with them so i don't see the reason how the strategy is flawed

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