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Previous: >>486900649

>Version 2.4 "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue" Special Program
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mC2F2dAXuus (EN)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zl3MagK3uyM (JP)

>Download - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/en-us/home

>2.4 Preview Page - https://act.hoyoverse.com/sr/event/e20240719version-37c63r/index.html

>Version 2.4 Trailer — "Finest Duel Under the Pristine Blue"
>Jade Trailer — "A Collection of Desires"
>A Moment Among the Stars — "Bonajade Exchange"
>Myriad Celestia — "Stoneheart's Oath Ring"

>Current Character Banners: (Jade, Argenti + Serval, Natasha, Asta) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816396
>Current Light Cone Banners: Yet Hope Is Priceless (Erudition), An Instant Before A Gaze (Erudition) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/30816536

>New Drip Marketing:
>Feixiao (5* Wind Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31107128
>Lingsha (5* Fire Abundance) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31144488
>Moze (4* Lightning Hunt) - https://www.hoyolab.com/article/31185401

>Redeemable Codes - https://hsr.hoyoverse.com/gift

>/hsrg/ Tools & Resources

>/hsrg/ Thread Template
Lingsha sex
Firefly love!
please bro she's only 16
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I keep hearing that gay fox debuff has a limit in stacking Acheron's ult but I don't see anything of sort in his kit. Was that just doomposting?
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Face it, he won
Penacony was a top tier planet design wasted on a bloated cast (half of them contirbuted next to nothing to the main plot) and below average story.
It was the most recent nerf. Capped it at 6 per turn.
hidden kit, go check on homdgcat
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ARLAN DEDICATED SUPPORT, WHEN? And by that, I mean a dedicated support for Blade, because anything that benefits him would also help Arlan.
He has a limit of 6. It seems like a non issue for fast jingqou though. It just makes slow jinqou shit.
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erm what the sigma?
Never, he is for Asta and Asta only
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jades slow ass banner is killing the game
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Bronya rabu!
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Objectively true
Obsidian when?
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Is Moze a cockslut?
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>stole a whole patch for himself
>completely disappear afterwards
wtf did they mean by this
Would it be a good idea to dump all my jades (to e6) into a harmony goddess like rm or robin? They can make any character strong.
>Stole two patches for herself.
>Disappear after the next arc
What did Firefly mean by this?
>stay and listen to Sunday's schizophrenic bird story for 30 times
I get him
Gay thread 0/10
So is sparkle mostly used for hyper carry?
kazuha of hsr is still broken at c0 in genshin to this day. e6 would trivialize content till eos.
He will be for Stephen Lloyd in 2.6 (they'll have zero interactions in-game, but I'll still ship them).
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>It's real
Holy fuck I thought honkai devs fucking love their Mei. So how much speed does he need now?
161 is enough gro
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>got to avoid the dove story altogether
>talked about by atleast 4 people in 2.3 despite being offscreen
Yeah I think he won
A-Are you still pulling for me, /hsrg/? ><
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wait for stephen lloyd sis
how often do you see a character keep appearing after the story's already finished?
Yes and your LC as well.
No. I've already got Clara and I have 4 characters to roll for in like the next 2 patches with only 250 rolls to spare.
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Yes, but unless a miracle happens I think I'm stopping at E0S1.
I have Firefly fatigue.
KING Juan does (they needed to have some collective fever dream in order for him to cameo)
heck no
snek pussy for me
Protect rare item rights!
Save non-human life!
the only cute firefly image in existence
I was never rolling bitch
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Obsidianbros... be cautious
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>no leaks
>no content
>no preload
i hate this
I kneel my sigga
thats not cope, im right and you are wrong.
lady bailu protect me for this guy
It's ok, Aventurine is literally me.
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How do we revive the game and undo the damage Firefly has done?
>Thinking he's not going to be everywhere in 2.4
Why is Bailu's big fucking head so funny?
Why do you keep blaming Firefly when is Jade no one gives a shit about
Make a new character for (You)
Like Lingsha
It's over. She burned HSR down to flames
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I need her bros..
We need a yume character to match her sheer for (You) strength.
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will the fate collab be a free unit like in gensin or will we have to save up?
No, I'm sure he will.
I was talking about his obligatory Penacony presence
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we lost, we hecking lost.....
>he thinks it's reversable
That's what happens when you force blank panlks.
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skip space china
go to herta space station quest
reveal stephen lloyd
go straight to IPC glowie kino
All the seapags got their pagfly and left. Its now comfy til eos life support like hi3.
Make a male “For (You)” character who gets as much screen time as Firefly did. And make him a short male femboy too. You know what? Just import Lyney from Genshin into Star Rail.
Ask Elio
Why th would i know whats happening in a year
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come home white man
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>reignites Galaxy Rangers relevancy
>Mentioned in IPC broadcast and data bank, foreshadowing more Galaxy Ranger plot with Boothill likely spearheading it
I don't even care if he was mostly filled in Penacony, I just wanna see this cool space cowboy do more cool space cowboy shit with some other Galaxy Rangers
he also owes me sex so he needs to come back
Quick activate the Firefly rerun!
i already have clara
Introducing him so he can point his gun 3 times without firing it and not diving deeper into kino Galaxy Rangers lore was a mistake.
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opal KING
i almost didnt remember what he did if it not were for your yumesis, honestly, yeah, hope he gets some more screen time since he's neutral anyway
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Sparkle warned that he wasn't loyal Topazsister... I mean look at him
I agree with this post and support it. Make more male characters for (you) and don’t release any new female limited 5 stars. We need Sumeru HSR version in this game
Pay your debts, poorfag
>Best og notChina design
>waste it
She is coming back as a 5*. R-right bwos?
unironically, and I mean this...yes
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How many characters do I need to beat this new event boss?
buddy her 5star model has been leaked already
We dont actually beat it.
Lloyd better be a potatoe shota in the arms of his big boobies Dragonian Nanny.
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He's so cute.
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another Kinobog main
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Imagine having your E6 Acheron DATA LOST'd
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i want a new event...... im going to cryyy
>no M7
Did he leave the ship because M7 got kidnapped?
>homotrannies STILL seething about Firewife
She won bigly
all of /hsrg/ is filtered by this boss
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Is the next notchina area going to kill hsr again?
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Yunli is just a side bitch. the KING's ASS already has a LORD.
Unironically, yes the next patch is the biggest skip patch we have EVER had. Also Jadebrick dropped hard and Divergent Universe didn't last at all unlike previous SU expansions
She's going to be apart of the Yanqing shit but since we're getting a new Viddayadara he's likely got to leave the ship.
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>mfw Danmei fujoshits were shocked when they found out that Jing Yuan is Yanqing's actual father.
What if the Stellaron Hunters are looking for the One Piece?
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i hoping so
all his interactions scream that he's super young
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Did they stutter?
>they made Yunli to spite these type of fujos
Unbelievably based devs
Real question, why do most "female oriented" male characters are absolutely unlikable in the eyes of men?
they are always fucking assholes or have a holier than tho attitude
I literally look like Arlan irl
More like those fujos were just even more delusional than the RenHeng fujos. It's outright stated in game that Jing Yuan is Yanqing's father and it's all throughout his character design too.
no shonen kino and manly struggles
it's either pity bait or arrogance with none of the above when it's aimed at females.
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Comfy thread speed. It's actually nice. No content to discuss but at least ritualposters remain.
Do we have any idea on the release order of the rest of the IPC stonehearts?
I literally look like Asta irl
more like stoneflops lol
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are we back to 8h threads? it is really comfty again?
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Yumes won
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Hi /hsrg/!
welcome back autism mei
Hey Reddit Mei
Watch out for that pathetic friendless loser Sparkle trying to trick you into believing she's your favourite trashcan.
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Nyes. Fofo rerun will make us the fastest /vg/ thread again so enjoy this downtime now that you can.
None, but my guess is that we'll get Opal/Obsidian next
Wait what, Jing yuan had sex!?
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Yea, trailblazer's favorite trashcan is obviously firefly
Depends on the character really, for instance Percival from gbf is liked by both male and female players, ditto for Gilgamesh and Redman, and Argenti is pretty much liked by everyone, Ratio I think was liked before Penacony.
With me, yes. But no, he just raised the KING since birth
i hope so
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>Jade banner is killing the game
>next patch is Chingchongslop
Getting cuck is a win for women now?
>Argenti is pretty much liked by everyone
No one cares about this character
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lil nigga only wants to leave the train if it's at the Luopoo
Redman in 2025 trust the plan
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<3 <3
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Where’s the yanderes in this game?
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>BS rerun is on Lingsha Patch
My plan is ruined. I hope she doesn't have good eidolon
Yanqing was supposedly adopted from the moment he was a baby. I say supposedly because we don't know if he truly adopted or if he's Jing Yuan's actual son. But Yanqing is Jing Yuan's son.
Have you ever heard anyone claim to actively dislike him?
No one cares about crackships
They will self insert as Feixiao, obviously
>rolling dotbricks in 2025
Yes, everyone else is raiding wuwa, zzz or gig so the threads stay comfy.
Can a relic set be pre-farmed for Yunli or are we getting a new one this upcoming patch?
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So I have a S0 Firefly (Clara LC) without RM and she's hitting up to 400k. What's her damage with RM? I'm using S0 Robin instead.
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Fireflylet detected
The sad thing is Luofu is so boring that it acutely his doesn't do his do his character any favors to limit him to the Luofu.
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Yunli's BiS is the new FuA set, the one in the same cavern as the Firefly set
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Factually incorrect.
the new superbreak domain has her bis bro
No but utterly indifference is worse.
Shart Heng should permanently stay in space china
I bet Yunli will end up being for (You) for a double spite. Hoyo seems to be into cucking the twitter fan base recently.
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How did FIrefly ruin HSR exactly? She's cute!
dont want her
she's an expy of yanqing's wife
let me skip this whole patch in peace please
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oh shit I've been discarding them for relic XP while farming for relic pieces for FF, goddamn I'm an idiot
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I mean she has a companion quest where she invites (you) to a sword gifting ceremony
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I can count on one hand how many times I've seen Yanqing x Jing Yuan art, and each of those times has been because (You) guys post them. I'm starting to think you're all exaggerating the presence of these "fujos."

If I had to guess, it'll be Opal.
>Hinted at since 1.1 (via Silver Wolf's mail).
>Was the original IPC Ambassador to Penacony before Aventurine replaced him out of concerns Opal would cause a war (narrative hyping him up to be dangerous).
>Was center stage in Jade's Stoneheart CG, being shown alongside Topaz and Aventurine.
>Hinted at again in Jade's promotional material.
>Had the most screentime in the Myriad Celestia.
Also, Opal's EN VA tweeted out "can't wait to show you what's in store for the Stonehearts." To me, that reads like he's already knows Opal's role in the plot... and if he knows that, that probably also means he's already recorded Opal's voicelines.
idk i never got her
nta but nah i do actually like his autistic knight aesthetics, i liked his companion quest unironically, i even tried to roll for him but lost the 50 50 so fuck me
>I bet Yunli will end up being for (You)
lol, let's not get carried away
She'll be nonpandering garbage like 99% of the cast
speak american chinawoman
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Hilariously enough if they do that then we won't have any reason to visit Space China anymore (which no one would argue against). And that's what they want to avoid. But Dan Heng being pigeonholed to only being active for Luofu chapters makes him feel like he isn't a part of the Nameless faction.
Wait so the fate people left already? HOW ARE YOU NIGGAS THIS BORING
My E2S1 Firefly with E1 RM hits for millions constantly it's actually ridiculous and I don't see any reason to play or roll anything else
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I can't believe Banjo Mei is getting powercrept by a free 4*.
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Really? Can you post it? Do we know about her element/path?
Twitter fanbase doesn't like anything straight so Yanqing/Yunli is already bad for them.
Dunno bro, he seemed like the top dog there, would be weird if he was released so soon.
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I just woke up it's 6 In the morning
It's not Tingyun, it's Phantylia becoming a playable unit.
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They made every short girl for you and they've been into player pandering for a while. Even when they put out shit like Acheswan they still pander (You) in game with both characters. Not to mention that even Genshit started pandering to (you) again. Revenue must be down.
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True. I also thought the same thing while writing the post, but keep in mind that Jade is also a top dog (same rank as Opal even).
for once i was grateful it was actually her.... im utterly broken....
>They made every short girl for you
Oh, didn't know that, it's quite possible then.
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Revenue is down for Genshin.
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He's right
>Does literally nothing
>Has a mental breakdown
>All according to keikaku.... (would have played out exactly the same if he wasn't there)
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Please don't make us Fireflybro look like retard
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I really need more honkai's in weeding dresses, it does things to the pp in my heart
>I'm starting to think you're all exaggerating the presence of these "fujos."
Fujos used to be more prevalent in these threads up until they got BTFO by Baiheng.
He is just like me
Lynx is one conversation short of proposing to you, already promised to pack up and travel with you. Herta is an autist so skip but she has affection for TB, Clara is for you since you're her onii-chan. Huohuo is very clearly for (You) both in event and on the train. Was there anyone else? It's typical Hoyo light pandering of course but that's how it goes.
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I guess the retards who thought the Scaramouche ship was a good idea were fired.
>Genshit started pandering to (you) again
I can’t believe this shit at all. there’s no way genshin would do that. genshin is known for male chars for (you) and ship every female with a male instead.
>Nilou pandering
It was literally nothing and no one cares about that slut when she's like that with everyone
Remove them and I agree with you
She is just friendless so she will approach everyone like Sampo, black swan or Kakaurine
huh, there's a lot more od those than I thought
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>Not to mention that even Genshit started pandering to (you) again
this sort of pandering can also be interpreted the other way around lmao
uhh im unsure bro, GI doing (you) pandering sounds crazy as fuck, even the (((nilou))) hug got watered down by giving pussy text choices
>he doesn’t know
Oh no no no.
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Sadly bunny girls are more popular.
Cunny game, I missed Lynx and Pela too
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You get a hug and a blush from Nilou and then you get a lap pillow and a nervous blush from her. Scara also calls you adorable so that kinda cancels everything out... Also all Natlan females have cleavage like Raiden Shogun again. Seems like femcels were fired.
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Is that Rita or Bianka wedding outfit?
Not that anon but they did indeed start (you) pandering again. Though Tall males are still in a tossup to be shipbait, but I wonder how much longer that will last.
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yeah bro, wish it was more popular
>never acted like this with the MC
>suddenly goes for a hug
Doesnt feel genuine
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>When she take off SAM armor after 19 hour mission
Face it, GODther is knee deep in gash while sissylus is FF's gay best friend
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I think that it's Rita.
Nilou is retard, she act like this to everyone.
This game would be so much better if they didn't cling to their honkek shit designs.
Sparkle is still a friendless pathetic clingy loser.
Why does this remind me of Dokibird?
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Bro firefly's release literally had us as the fastest general. It's been Jade's patch for like 2 weeks why do you keep blaming hotaru lol
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Are trannys still pissed about Firefly? I thought they would have fucked off to wuwa at this point
>also inb4 pag
Originality was never the strong suit of females and fags
Apparently you’re even more friendless than her considering you have nothing better to do then spam the same image every thread
When the fuck does Jade go away, I just want the 2.5 beta animations
Cringe lyrics but it's Hotaru so it's cute.
Do you think devs misread how unpopular Jade's banner will be?
The did say some characters are designed to sell while others aren't.
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Just pointing this out but that's actually Stelle.
>Also all Natlan females have cleavage like Raiden Shogun again.

Proof? I haven't seen any yet.
It also made us more brown than brown dust 2.
>firefly's release literally had us as the fastest general
Sorry but zzz release literally has the thread the deader it has ever been
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I think I'm very unique, thank you.
Wuwa has no shipshit
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Stranger danger
This. I'm posting in zzzg instead and the 4chins cooldown is too long
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Yeah and which banner is up right now bwo.
Post an in game picture or story where she hugs someone else. It's pretty clear what Hoyo was doing. In HSR we for Firefly, Acheron and BS after TB, ZZZ has straight up dates and now even Genshin is taking this route. It's tame but the intention is clear.
IPC debuff. They gotta figure out how to make the majority of players like them instead of just a dedicated few.
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me after E2S1
It literally does.
I think that they misread everything regarding the IPC.
We are not dead right now though?
Only for like a day or two after patch dropped. Then it died pretty quick because of SMT Vengeance & Elden Ring DLC
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>IPCrager still at it
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WuWa is purely for Yumejos and Yumedanshis.
Jade was very clearly sent to die, there is no way they din't know what they were doing
>inmediately IPC seething replies
How did office workers mindbroke this general that much
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Here's the Archon, the cat hag and hat hag also have cleavage. The surfer girl is in a bikini like clothing.
They can start by actually giving players a reason to like the characters as individuals. Sometimes it feels like whomever writes the IPC forgets that they aren't main characters and so just assumes that everyone will care about them.
Space wagies are boring
It's sunk cost fallacy at its greatest.
they'll just think her design was a flop and not any underlying issues like the game doesn't give enough currency for 2 new banner characters every patch. this is ignoring the fact that she's only usable for PF and had shitty 4 stars too.
Hmm, nyo.
*uses your Acheron/FF/RM*
Thanks. :)
Stellatroon hunters aren't much better so I wonder what's your idea of "good"
I hope you're not doing anything weird to my wife Acheron, anon
Who the fuck wants to roll for self congratulatory space Jews? At least make them tongue in cheek and funny
Stellaron Hunter's by and large are usable at E0. They don't even really need their sig lightcones.
i was kind of interested on her, but not enough, she barely had any screen time like 70% of the pennacony cast, even worse, just at the end of it
Sorry but IPC just have the best men
>Aventurine, Sugilite, and Sapphire
IPC forever!! Long live the Amber Lord
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>They don't even really need their sig lightcones.
I'm talking about their writing
>some characters are designed to sell while others aren't
>All the IPC characters bombed
the irony is, they hyped those flops as the next antagonists.
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... and then there's Blade
Is this ingame? I still can’t believe this is actually true
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SH are all cool people with their own goals and motivations, with an edgelord/classic noir aesthetic twist, Who all happen to be for (you) and guide your journey in the shadows. They're the definition of cool
Can we add IPC to the list of daily melties next to Firefly and Aventurine?
Aven did decently because he's meta for Acheron and SU.
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>46 pity with a guarantee
I just need to wait...they will be mine
Yes, GI got waifupandering. It's kinda ruined because Aether is a fag and doesn't like it but yeah
is this the new indian scam?
I'm gone going to say something that will get people on my case but honestly they shouldn't have used Topaz for Penacony they should have just used Jade and Aventurine.
Please stop hating the IPC ;_;
They did?? Topaz was basically there as moral support.
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I love the IPC!
aether only wants that loom pussy
>probably THE most niche limited to date (Argenti and Juan's bounce attacks at least allow them to hypercarry single target)
>smelly old 1.0 brick 4*s
>minimal story interactions
>one-note characterization
Even disregarding her usefulness in combat she came out half-baked and should've been reserved for later. I mean she's Topaz and Aven's boss and was given a lot of gravitas in Aventurine' s flashback, only for her to release a couple patches later and come and go like a wet fart. Star Rail needs to stop with the 2 new 5*s every patch.
Yeah this is a cutscene, though Traveller reacts like a faggot or Ayaka is behind him and he's scared.
They're literally made to be hated except for like 2 of them
she was a good addition during the side story segments, but for the main story yea, i can agree on this, she only was there to be a yes man while providing nothing
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I feel like Aventurine and Ratio should've been used for Space greece and they should've focused more on Firefly and Robin in Penacony
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Might as well, Stoneheartrager has moved from Siggaraging to the full crew.

Topaz barely did anything, it's not like she took up screentime, she got like 5 minutes of screentime made to usher Jade into the story and talk about Aventurine who is offscreen.
I'll stop after we get that vampire cutie
Questions for hetero males, aka normal human beings. What would compel you to roll for a male character instead of waifu cashgrabs? Have you rolled for one in HSR?
Even for their writing SH just have more going on and they give you a direct reason to give a shit about them. That's not the case with the IPC characters.

They also let you use him in story so you got to theorycraft team with him.
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No one cares about Robin
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wa te sigma?
This, I really don't care for any other IPC unit they have shown up to now.
has to be literally me(picrel), or kino turbo autism, only reason i almost pulled argenti on his first run
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>What would compel you to roll for a male character
make someone like Gilgamesh
Let's be honest I don't think that Ratio should have been used either. The whole thing was too consulted and needed way less characters that were actually used.
Was about to agree until
>they should've focused more on Firefly
Kys lmao
I rolled for Blade and Aventurine.
I just liked them. Funny, they are both suicidal maybe that's the appeal.
>inb4 someone says that was Aventurine
Gilgamesh doesnt need pity
I need a unit that can help me clear PF better. Jade or gay fox? I have Acheron but I don't have any of her DoT sluts. As for Jade, I have Blade and don't have Topaz.
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Yeah because she didn't have time to make (you) care, shouldn't there have been a live performance FMV or something? Why do we never hear her sing in the actual story except for the final battle? Sounds like a massive missed opportunity to establish it and then reuse it for the climax.
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I pulled for Aventurine since he is a QoL unit for SU and an auto win and also meta for Acheron. I also pulled for Luocha early on but every single anon here pulled for Luocha as we found out during the anniversary.
Straight male girlfriend haver here, if the character is cool and strong I'd roll. I have E2 Dan Hung and play him often still
Yeah that's the point she was pointless.
I have Luocha but it's impossible to roll for males with these meager roll handouts per patches when we constantly get bombarded with hot 5* females
Gligamesh would kill Aventurine without a second thought.
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fucking chinks got companion quests but my penakino wont....
bitch, im adorable
I was really close to rolling for Argenti, but the lack of jades prevented me, waifu cashgrabs won again.
I rolled Ratiocone and Aventurine because they're literally me. Would've tried for Blade but he's too big of a brick
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Your Herta? Your Himeko? Anyway, pull for Jade.
Firefly isn't actually all that relevant to the story or has all that much screentime despite what you might be conditioned to believe by her trailers and popularity.
>Finally get a villain group that’s actually evil (not “misunderstood” like the Stellaron Hunters).
>They don’t treat (You) like your Aeon’s gift to the universe and in fact some of them don’t even acknowledge your existence.
>Even when they become playable, they don’t admit fault and are still pro-IPC.
>But their banners sell poorly and the majority of players hate them.
It’s not fair, IPChads. I’ve always been fan of villain groups i.e. Phantom Troupe. But I feel like in gachas, whenever there’s a villain group, it always turns out they’re “misunderstood” and “secretly working for the good of the world.” Or they redeem themselves in someway. And whenever said villains become playable, their personalities always do a 180 and they suddenly become nice and start worshiping (You). For me, the Stonehearts are what I’ve always wanted in a gacha… but alas, I now see why villain groups like them aren’t commonplace.
Jade it is then. Herta/Himeko/RM/Aventurine is my solid team for PF. I just lack a 2nd decent team.
Who cares what other fags like bwo, as long as you like it
Good taste
he is alright
Anon this is a gacha game, the shit you are describing only works for anime not gacha games. Characters that are truly despicable aren't playable.
>Needed more screentime


>Needed less screentime

Black Swan and Sparkle had adequate screentime
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>Genshit started pandering to (you)
LOL. If they keep including male into all girls event like lord kzh muh sad family, I'm not coming back to that worm shithole.
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>would compel you to roll for a male character
something like this guy (personality)
You can't compare the Phantom Troupe to the IPC, brother. A PT type of evil group would mog the main cast you find in these gacha games.
Sugilite and Obsidian will both probably sell a lot anyway
Doesn't matter when you literally cannot discuss anything about them without some mentally ill fag sperging out here.
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I genuinely don't understand the Argenti meme.
He is boring, irrelevant and even the devs forgot to voice him.
A gacha male with zero female pandering.
they are still releasing gro, even if they aren't that popular or sell that well you can still enjoy them
Nothing. I would never roll for a male character in a fucking gacha game.
Consider: the only reason to play these games in the first place is because they're the last bastion of attractive female characters. The moment I roll for a male that goes out the window, and thus the entire reason for playing the game in the first place is defeated.
I never rolled for Merlin or Waver or Orion in FGO.
I never rolled for John Lee or Kazuha or Neuv or any other OP male in Genshin.

And I will never roll for any male here.
Oh, I agree. I’m going to pull all of them regardless. It’s just I’m worried Hoyoverse will see how much the Stoneheart banners have flopped and do a 180 on their characterization to rectify it.
Funny thing is Firefly actually doesn't have a lot of screentime. It's just that you tend to remember her when she shows up more. Ditto for Acheron.
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They're good, but it makes sense that babies who need the game to revolve around TB piss their pants over them because they don't really give a fuck about (You). Sigga kinda does, but it's not remotely earned.
if that's your definition of a good villain group then you just have shit taste
you can't take a villain group seriously when they have a fucking toddler sucking on a fucking pacifier as their "leader"
We get plenty of good IPC discussion though, hell is probably the only faction that gets actual discussion, we just gained a new schizo lately because of the pv.
normal men can also enjoy males, we are by nature group hunters, having "bro" characters fufills certain brain needs too
only women despise other women inherently, despising your own gender is an inherently female trait
Posted character with for (you) pandering. Anon your Pic related just disproves characters that are evil only work in gacha games when they are for (you).
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>everyone combined is struggling to beat the Borisin boss
>she ENTERS and one shots it
you already know it's going to happen
>kinda autistic
>implied to be strong as fuck when shit hits the fan
>dedicated to his godess
What's not to like?
He does literally nothing and has 3 minutes of total screentime
What you're posting is just cope and shipper/schizo headcanon. We shitposted and laughed at this buy everyone knew it was just a shitpost. Kazoo was wanked but he has non actual in game ships like Alhaitham and Kaveh, Beidou and Nigga, Tighnari and Cyno or Raiden and Yae. Those are actual ships.
gilgamesh would break out a bottle of wine and enjoy the show of a mantrying its best to kill himself and failing
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My girlfriend is so cute
But enough about the IPC, I hope they'll use one of those jobbers from the Ever-Flame Mansion in the new planet
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Now that the patch trailer is out
Who won?
Who lost?
I mean that's basically what Shirou does throughout all of F/SN and Gilgamesh hates it. He only likes people who struggle against their fate, not those who larp with suicide.
Dawei did it again!
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Please let be her, and a dot hag...
One of them will die off-screen whenever we reach a new planet by a new character they need to shill
Well they had plenty of screentime compared to everyone else, it's just that even the amount they had was too constricted and didn't allow for truly great moments and character building. I would've liked if the 2.0 date had much more going and Penacony was a much wilder amusement park than it actually is for example, or that we had gone to a concert at all. Really the Firefly pandering specifically backfired a bit because they didn't commit to it hard enough, it might've worked better and had been less of a clusterfuck if the plot focused more on her, instead of doing this weird artificial shilling for a character that isn't all that important.
Don't test the monkey's paw or they might make DanIL do it again while Feixiao almost jobs like Jing Yuan did to Phanty
There's this yumeschizo who will never forget Sigga for not being for (You) and I think it's so fucking funny.
still not rolling
>Tighnari and Cyno
They literally refer to the other as their sibling.
Only kino thing that they can do with those shitters desu
Make it a running joke
And he still left an impression to many, Aventurine hogged a third of Penacony and it didn't do him any good, unless you are a carebear who cried to his backstory.
Good, all gacha characters should be for (you), not specifically romantically, they're just written better that way because it fits their own structure, why get invested otherwise?
yes, no one cares with male banners except woman
At least Sigga likes you more than Topaz does. (Proof: he offered a higher IPC position than her)
>Well they had plenty of screentime compared to everyone else
Did they? I think Aventurine has the same amount of screentime simply because he gets an entire patch to himself whereas the others only gets bits and pieces.

>weird artificial shilling for a character that isn't all that important.
She was the one who saved you against Sunday though.
>impression to many
To who?? He is probably the least popular limited in the game
I find it hard to care about any characters in this game since they just get immediately forgotten about or never scene again after their shilling banner is over. Gacha with many characters is such a fucking mistake.
Early one the were always next to each other. No idea how that turned out as I quit but it felt shippy early on at least.
shes dead bro
thats the funniest thing
shirou is the exact type of person gilgamesh likes the most, he only hates him cause he also happens to be a faker, somethinghe takes as a personal slight agaist himself, if he wasnt one gilgamsh would 100% back him, hes what gilgamesh wants humans to be, driven beyond common sense
its why any version of gilgamesh that isnt absorbed by ego, like his kid version in HA, go out of their way to be friendly with him
yeah honestly argenti companion quest felt out of nowhere but i still liked the guy, im a fag for knights and even more for kino autism
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All genshin need to do is remove Paimon.
Pandering is needed because focusing on one gender would collapse their revenue.
The perspective bs screwed over Acheron as it made it so that she couldn't be allowed to do anything important.
Nope. HSR is the one filled to the brim with shipshit.
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>was almost gonna take it back because you took too long servicing him
A lot of people talk about him still, he especially had a lot of discussion about him with the last FF trailer.
it's too late for that, anon
Proof? Fact check? Your 400 page thesis?
>hes what gilgamesh wants humans to be, driven beyond common sense
No, Gilgamesh wants humans to struggle and exceed their limits. Shirou is living on a borrowed and quite frankly, stupid, ideal so Gilgamesh hates him. The Faker thing is just the icing on top. Going by your logic he would've loved Kiritsugu too, but he doesn't really give a damn.

>like his kid version in HA, go out of their way to be friendly with him
Shota Gilgamesh is friendly with everyone. That's the entire point.
Only Duke Inferno was killed bro
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This is a comfy thread. I hate Wuthering Waves.
Yeah, the fact it can't be removed mean I will never ever touch that game again.
Glad Pompom and Bangboos are cool
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You have shippers or just idiots >>486944581 who don't understand the medium.
Wait, is Herta truly an emanator?
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Right? I mean I love him as much as I expected to but I especially loved that he's a galaxy ranger and I find their lore interesting. I'm just hoping hoyo doesn't forget they exist as a faction and will get brought up either in bits with space china II since they're both Hunt pathstriders, or maybe there's a shift into more info about them with a new Galaxy Ranger character as well
I like looking for info and thought the update was a nice touch but yeah....
Him having such a kino character story but no myriad celestia feels so criminal but I'm gonna be patient that he'll get something relevant randomly
Yumetranny is still seething
Yeah, the real one though not the stupid doll
I will roll for a character if I like them and they are strong, regardless of gender, but I will only start playing gachas for waifus like Ganyu and Firefly.
I never have and highly doubt I ever will. The only way is if it's a perfect self-insert, chuuni tensai edgelord.
>Its been over 2-3 days and I still can’t find any Moze hentai
Yumefujo need to work harder
Use normal words dumbass weeb
Argenti, Jade, and Boothill are victims of the 2 characters per patch model
its basically what i said anon, shirou is the type of person he endorses but he does it in a way he hates, its why his hate for him is so fulminating
he likes people like that, shirou is just an exception cause of his nature of borrowing ideals (and weapons)
someone like aventurine is definitly someone gil would love to watch
Why did they make a character that looks like Caelus, but he actually looks like he can kick peoples ass? It makes me look bad.
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>no fofo
>Right? I mean I love him as much as I expected to but I especially loved that he's a galaxy ranger and I find their lore interesting.
They have a chance of being relevant because they are already fighting Nanook.
Feels a bit off, she is such a hotshot but does barely anything and just has her puppets roam around.
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What you said was wrong. Gil doesn't care about Kiritsugu and seethes about Shirou. Trying to tie them to Aventurine is hilarious.
That ugly trash got an event for herself (that I skipped most of) and is still an unlikeable little shit
I don't think so
players know beforehand they're coming. It's not like we get surprise 2nd banners (like in FGO)
if the character is good, then whales are going to whale for them. If the character is good, then regular players will save or skip other characters for them
i fucking despite that flying rat, i tried GI a week after playing HSR on launch day, and holy shit, one of the few things i still remember it's her yapping
Nah Jade and Boothill are victims of incompetent writing. Penacony has too much meandering.
This, but with Opal. Unironically.
but i never talked abou kiritsugu tho?
did you even follow the convo?
She's super autistic about doing her research and doesn't really care about anything else
looks cute but glasses are ugly and a sign of inferior genes
I would roll for Gilgamesh in the fate collab or a Gilgamesh esque character and rolled for him in FGO, not that I ever got him because I played before that game had pity. No, I have not rolled for any, but I just started, so the only things I have rolled for are Firefly and Ruan Mei. I would probably have rolled for Blade if I played during that time though (and were he less shit). Maybe Argenti too, skipping his rerun because I have no rolls though.
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You're the one who brought up Shirou's ideals, which I pointed out Kiritsugu shares the same thing yet Gil doesn't give a shit. I find it silly how you're trying so hard to ignore this because it btfos your entire argument.
But Aventurine is one who doesn't fight against his death, he's one who welcomes it. I think that he'd like AE crew and especially the MC.
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i LOVE fofo
i actually didnt tho
Jade feels story relevant at least despite her showing up for such a short period, but I don't know what would have changed if Boothill just didn't exist. Jade's problem is that she's ugly.
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they're so cute.
gil is not a nice person anon
he's enjoy eventurine the same way you'd enjoy a car crash
That negotiation scene with Jade, Topaz and the midget Penacony leader was cringe desu.
I get that they're trying to sell Jade as an expert negotiator who get what she wants. But it's like written by someone who's never been in a business meeting

>*exchanges pleasantries*
>Oh wow, Madam Jade. You truly are talented in the art of conversation.
>*threaten to out muscle Penacony with IPC resources*
>Good heavens, you're so smart and really good at negotiation. All right, you convinced me!

Feels like there's such a huge gap between lore writing and voiced cut scenes writing.
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Miss Pearl! I do not have a piss fetish but I would drink her piss!!!!
Yeah, the most important stuff Boothill brought to the table was the Oswaldo thing and that was already an ongoing plot anyway
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I'm just hoping it's not all we get for Boothill, I'm a bit biased towards him. But I think seeing some Galaxy Rangers interact together despite being a bunch of weirdo loners would be neat. Boothill, whoever leaks said we might get next, it'd probably be fun.
I'm kinda happy for the young KING. He has only gotten hate since the game launched, he deserves a qt3.14
Pearlschizo trying to make others hate her already.
robots dont pee
If the writer's could they would make every scene a black screen white text one
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More would give the best blowjob canonically
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Kafka no diff
How will you react when Changli destroys you at revenue?
I'd sell my soul for Kafka's bj
by recognizing that I'm having a schizophrenic delusion and to take my pills so that I can join reality
You said the same about the other white haired slut and even Jade mogged her
Why did she bomb?

Real Herta probably knows every single blowjob technique in existence and all of the penis' weak points
Boothill's issue comes from Acheron being rewritten to be a self-annhilator, otherwise they'd be introducing the idea of them going after Nanook.
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I accept your concession then. Gil would rape the Sigga.
You fool, you fucking idiot, you clown, you activated my trap card that I specifically set for you. Pearl had the capability to produce piss installed in her girlhole specifically so I could drink it!!!
We are for eachother exclusively!!!!!!! I am her personal whore!!!
thats not really fair
hil would rape anyone (excpet fakers)
Yeah but Herta would realistically just let her you use her pussy because doing a BJ would be too tiresome and distracting from her studies
Kafka isn’t good at blowjob since she focused all her energies on boobjob instead
HSR is a case study of
>Smart characters
>Dumb writers

At least Shaoji is good at writing setpieces though.
>Kafka give you head
>say "boom" when you cum
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Ching Chang wuwa wawa
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Best ENG VA perfomances. Rate them.
then its not really piss
its just funny water
you are a shame for piss drinkers
oh right I forgot about HSR's retarded marketing during the first few months
fuck you, I'm hard now...
Why did you drop Wuwa and zzz? Do you feel shameful downloading those trash?
You just have to convince her that she can't really say to know everything about sucking dicks if she has never personally tried it.

She would probably do it once and then never again, but it would be the best experience of your whole life.
>focusing on one gender would collapse their revenue
>Sumeru with no limited female
>Only Furina make it
they should keep releasing more males, even in Natlan, so genshin team gets a reality check.
For Idrila
but I haven't?
I will not drop wuwa until I get Camellya and I'm enjoying my shark wife in zzz for now
>Best ENG VA
Literally doesn't exist
Moze is fucking THIS?
I was having fun but got spooked by the lion dude
I still have WuWa on my pc, will not touch the game until Camellya comes out.
To be fair it's because the IPC didn't have any real dirt on Penacony.
Cute mom and dad
>mfw you're forever broken not being able to cope with no having another BJ that good in your life
why even live
Too much effort

Still playing it for now
To be specific the Sumeru males did sell well up until they fucked over Dehaya and introduced Kaveh.
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Unironically EN Acheron
Wuwa was good for two weeks but now there's nothing, but zzz is literal trash that I wasted my time on
I'll never play your dollar store genshin copy no matter how much you cry, shill
i still play both wuwa and zzz thoughveit, im not planning on dropping either for now, i choose to post in the comftiest thread
You mean she exerted her power and leverage over the old guy? Even threatening to impose heavy cost on otti if they refuse? Like how a negotiation should happen?
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>but got spooked by the lion dude
kek same
I was gonna drop it but I got my jinshi in the next 10 pull so my anger went away
That's what her puppets are for
Same reason as genshin
Didn't like the TV part of the map, battle mechanics are pretty boring.
I enjoy the game for first week, uninstall becasue I'm tired of openworldslop
hoyo retarded "inter knot" level prevent you from progress faster. Also TV minigame is shit
He doesn't deserve shit and I hate fighting his stupid swords
>her real mouth
>silicon onahole but emotionless sex
mmmm choices choices
I pick the puppet INSTA
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We all love Miss Sparkle here
Wuwa is too much word for echos. ZZZ still currently playing for now. The su of that is kind of time consuming at my current power level. But we'll see.
>silicon onahole but emotionless sex
Why is this even a question?
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Can't sleep because i have the flu and as a result i've coughing non-stop
This sucks
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um explain this sparkle sisters...
take a pill
drink hot milk with honey
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take meds and drink some warm water fofobro
What is the issue per se?
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drink tea
I placebo myself with honey lemon ginger tea
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Nothing wrong there. She's speaking facts
Do you think she has ever made some black kid cry in CoD lobbies?
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fuofuo get better and stay comfy
i see no issues thoughveit
Of course, she is the kind of gal who would transform into March 7th and start screaming "Nigger" to a 10k+ stream
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A real business meeting would be just as dull desu
i would pay for that
imagine if sparkle was real, she'd transform on TV into all kinds of politicians or celebrities and say all the shit you can think of. life would be chaos but fun
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Sigga should've raped her after that desu
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Seething genshitpag
Don't worry, AI does that as well.
I mean, everyone knows IPC has deep pocket. It's not some secret trump card.
And the midget is supposed to be legendary merchant yet he didn't anticipate that. Jade threaten him a bit and he folds.
Bros I love her so much... Glad she is getting a rerun so soon.
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If a robot girl's piss is the exact chemical composition of piss, I DARESAY, it's still piss.
Whole interaction was just

>I will never give Penacony to the IPC
>What if I punch you in the face?
>Ok sorry :(((
>Masterful gambit Mrs. Bonajade
Guys... youtube recommended me this
Is this nutty?
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You'll never stop making my Nike shoes no matter how much you cry, seamonkey bitch.
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Good morning bros I... Xueyi... I miss her so much...
Just release the phoenix mommy and I'll play your game
she is soooo bad but i like her design
shes out in like 2 days.
Good challenge, the kind that makes metafags seethe.
Okay, downloading
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wa te sigma
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So thats what happened to that missing stonehearth member
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Fucking genshit seamonkey cunts
I'm glad I live in a first world country and these useless rats have to make my Nike shoes.
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good morning bwo, still hoping for the best for xueyi
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uh oh melty
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We've lost her...
I'm not playing discount Wormshin ;)
stay mad deadgame shills
Stay mad poor seamonkey bitch
Don't you have some more money to spend on chinese gachaslop
How is Indonesia related to the inferior quality of WuWa compared to Genshin? They're also both made by China.
so cute...
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Oh to ride Aventurine and get pregnant with his child and sue him for child support and get all his money...
Nope. Still not playing wuwa btw
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What do you call this mental illness?
I'd report it but jannies probably think it's ritual post.
how come nobody has drawn yaoshi in a schoolgirl outfit yet?
>What do you call this mental illness?
Spitting facts
How does he have Hanya and Gui if he never pulled on a banner?
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He Wuwakek is the most pathetic subhuman on this site.
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HSR for this feel?
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He's this shit even for Acheron? I didn't keep up with the changes, did they nerf him so much because I remember him being pretty strong in early kit iterations?
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Bwo event 4* selector.
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just ignore it. he deleted his own post one time because some guy pointed out the filename timestamp (same time as Indonesia)
What's with indonesians and self-hate on this site?
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>second patch in a row with a character that gets released already inside his own coffin

What is their plan?
What's wrong March?
Bronya rabu!
He's 6/10 for dot. But he's completely wrong on Archeron. He's at least a 9/10 for Archeron since as of right now there is no better nihility than him for Archeron.
I'm dumb and new. Is this something you have to unlock? Been playing about a month and never heard of it.
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Still a better post than what the WuWashill posts
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It's just one schizo spamming the same image and replies
>What's with indonesians and self-hate on this site?
1000 different little islands with their own cultures means its easy for someone to not feel any kinship with their own countrymen
This is also why many Indonesians worship the Japanese so much, they wish the Japanese would colonize them again and build railroads and schools and change their shitty muslim culture to a better Japanese one.
What do Wuwashills post?
When you're all caught up on the story you can do events which are different every patch. Every other patch the event gives a free character, usually a selector of a few 4* options. The next patch after a 4* selector will instead give a predetermined event 4* Light Cone, usually meant as a F2P option for a new limited 5* like the Silver Wolf cone in 1.1 and the Robin cone last patch or so.
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this is dumb
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Gore See >>486949240
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I see some of your posts marked as deleted in archive.
Are you ban evading or something?
Would Phantylia like a beach sex in Ting's body?
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Damn. Guess I need to rush the story.
Eww, WTF?
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Reminded: zzz, Genshin, Star Rail, and Wuwa combined lost to fucking Roblox. You’re basically just comparing midget gacha numbers around like it’s the craziest thing in the world but you’re just a big fish in a small pond
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imagine the emotionless blowjobs
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I'm still mad that Sparkle is rerunning so early. I really wanted to grab an Eidolon or two but Yunli and Feixiao are MUST ROLLS (for me).
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>only 100 tags on danbooru
Everyone knows booru tag is the only valid metric. And roblox lost bigly
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>Reminder: zzz, Genshin, Star Rail, and Wuwa combined lost to fucking Roblox. You’re basically just comparing midget gacha numbers around like it’s the craziest thing in the world but you’re just a big fish in a small pond
You weren't supposed to point that out
piss is a ORGANIC byproduct
if its not something made by a living organism, it is not pee
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>Blessed early 5*
>Get spooked by the furry every time
I'm not sure this monkey's paw is worth it, every time I get the furry I'm starting to dread that my luck has run out
I've accidentally discovered a fox nest in the past and it fucking stinks.
I will never forget about that smell.The kind of smell that you wish you've never known
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No clue what it smells like but I hope this helps
Can you elaborate further?
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So... is Jade's real name actually Eve Bonajade?
You could be me. Mad that RM was at the same time as firefly when I wanted to e6 ruan Mei but I had to e2s1 firefly first.
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Left some feedback. Remember to do your part!
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>new MoC tomorrow
Finally... content
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so is brick effect just entirely useless without ruan mei?
Don't forget to include the skin color issue sis
Star Rail already has Arlan for POC representation though?
he thinks he's in /gig/
Nah but it is entirely useless without the HAT, and that's gonna bite you back if they make ice TB good
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sister general btw
You mean I have to spend 20 minutes watching my teams autoclear stages 8-12?
I never touched moc so this means nothing to me
MoC doesn't stand a fucking chance this time around I have become SO POWERFUL
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>mfw i got too strong it's no longer an issue anymore
[spoilers They aren't wrong but it's ironic because they get filtered by WuWa which has 100x more gameplay than Genshit) /endspoilers]
>20 minutes
You can speed up the animation, you know

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