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Latest News:
>Patch notes 3.25
>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur (July 26th PDT)
>PoE2 close beta soon

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488
I remember I cleared halls of the grandmaster for the first time on RF (pre base dmg nerf).
It can do some minimum, shit tier damage and it's properly tanky. But you need a bit of an investment for it to be able to complete the atlas.
While the same invetment would take you into the 10s of million of damage , with rf it's: now I can finally DO this content
Gay as fuck
Buying carries is subhuman behavior
Reinstall warframe
>Diablo tier 4000% multipliers
Is this game dead?
sounds like a skill issue on your end
True, a wrong skill to do damage with.
Definitely a skill issue
But somehow I managed
Best skills for melee ignite?
>blizztranny still meltdown
enjoy your 40$ furry monk
enjoy your $40 of stash tabs
Reminder: Always do the opposite of what /poeg/ says
Diablo 3 is a good game
we will
unlike you
I do, thanks exile
There are some NUGGETS of wisdom, here and there
Thats like 2 stash tabs
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Melee? Righteous Fire?
For me Dual Wield Poet's Pen.
>some people were doing day 3 Flicker Strike on Trickster with Ephemeral Edge
I think I may have found my league start
Wow man just get a mageblood and you will be slower then anyone else who can wear mageblood insane..
What to do when /poeg/ doom/hopesissies tell me to both play and not play the game. What's opposite of that?
poch flopped btw
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>$30 please, plus tip
Take the skill with the biggest number and just convert it to fire.
post your POB then let's see what the great autismo has to show us :)
I literally have no idea what build to play
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You play a bit, but at the same time you don't "really" play the game.
Y'know what I'm saying
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>damage tripled
>phys weapons buffed
>impale buffed on tree
is this sleeper op?
>1.6m dps
what is this garbage? my jugg gets 5m in just rares
>hah you have to have a good build to mean my builds is a tanky map clearer who is slow
>/poeg/ doesn't know how chieftain explode works
yikes....... and these are the guys who say they are pros.........
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who set him off?
Is Intensify just some forgotten mechanic? Its only on one Spell and even its transfigured versions disregards it. Is there any way to make base crackling lance good? Why would I want to use it over any other channeling skill?
just get all the rage on the tree
if you can't make 90% ias/more damage (125% with berserk up) idk what to tell you
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Buy your armor mtx, its only $80
If you give absolutely no shit about clearing maps and only want to instaphase bosses maybe. Otherwise enjoy itemizing for +1 strike shit and swapping out melee splash gems.
>no pob link
yeah that's what i thought bitch
base game and over a decade's worth of expansions for $0
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So uh, where does zerk's survivability come from?
My only gripe is that the bosses they are adding look like just standard exile enemy fights. I hope the 3rd one that wasn't shown is a proper bossfight (the blue glowy guy)
asmongold thinks elden ring is too hard
cant wait for him to "play" poe 2
It's probably sleeper fine if you're not giving up damage to use it. You can press call of steel manually for a similar effect.
>Rage drops off almost immediately
That seems really annoying. Gone 2 seconds without hitting something? Fuck you, massive debuff.
armour+max res+endurance charges
Wa La
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POB why
'serker takes advantage of the death debuff which reduces a target's action speed to 0 like freeze and petrify, but this one doesn't have a duration. this makes his ehp against an enemy suffering from death infinite
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How does one make Gladiator Tanky I've never played them before. How do you get block cap above 75? Do you need to invest in spell block somehow as well or will End charges fix that now?
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If you are taking the lucky node there is no reason to get max block. Its actually better to take -10 block for block and spell block specifically because you only lose like 5% block (~86) and gain a bunch spell block.
From there you layer like anything, block doesnt impact dots at all so reducing dot damage is import. You are eventually going to get hit so armor is good.
endurance charges, all the max res on the tree, lightning coil. 70/65 block is trivial to get now.
tectonic slam of cataclysm or vaal flicker
But if I take the lucky I'd have to pass up on aggravated bleeding which will suck
Lightning Coil
6 end charges + ralakesh
From the QoL of auras persisting through death
Direct zerker buff btw
you can aggravate in other ways
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plz help. I never do delve.

Where is the fractured wall?
He doesn't think elden ring is too hard. He took a dump on everyone saying so because he found a double colossal weapon jumping attacks to abuse.
He got filtered in the DLC, so he thinks only DLC is too hard.
(I didn't play the expo yet, but it does look pretty unbalanced and gay (in the case of the last boss quite literally))
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>beaten by dead league
>5% of d4 players on steam
>60% of poe players on steam
What did you mean by this Chris?
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Think I managed to cook with this one sisters.

fml, why’d I have to get Covid now and not a week from now
Does nu Vaal Pact override the ES recharge -> health regen from Eternal Youth on mahu?
I'm gonna use it. I used it in Affliction and the damage was dogshit, but with the increased base damage and impale not getting raped by armor anymore it' should be fine. Hell if it sucks i'll just swap over to cyclone or some shit.
Doesn't matter, you all bought it, blizz got their money.
You not playing is just a win for them, lower server stress.
holy shit that's broken
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Check here. Been a while since I last delved though.
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So this plus the 50% ignore mastery gives you essentially nullifies enemy phys reduction always right?
Ay caramba
With overleech also ruined it looks like most things on it have negative synergy
nice config sissy
Is this what happens when Poch flopped, D4 is dead, D3 on life support, and Diablo Immortal is your next best option?
It's okay bro, we are all island boys in a couple days. Come join us.
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>you all bought it
What other anon said. Basically, every node must be linked to 1, 3 or 4 other nodes. If you see a node with only 2 links, that's the one.
That statement is true in aggregate, even though you and I and 3 other anons didn't buy it.
>After 3 years of not trying, surely this league will be good
>necropolis worst league of all time
Anon, do you even believe yourself?
At this point why not just go CF Champ brother. Bleed is notoriously low dps like RF low but the advantage is bleed explosion. The Glad rework gutted all its damage so your bleeds are even weaker now and aggravating a white mob is worthless when it A. was probably moving and B going to die instantly anyhow.
take the buttplug out yo bussy playa
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>That statement is true in aggregate, even though you and I and 3 other anons didn't buy it.
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Kill yourself ziz faggot
randomly found one unrelated.

quest complete.

never delving again.
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I need the block though and the Measured Retaliation, I want to see if I can make this work.
Its annoying PoB hardly works well with any of its stats yet, but having high chances of reuse or using another one + the every fourth always crits seems cool.
What were they thinking with the new fortify into aura node on champ? This is link skills on guardian all over again.
Even if I'm on a party why would I click that over having an AG with kingmaker?
you guys are doing blight this league right?
>new scarab guarantees a blight chest (possibly with only blight bosses if it forces 1 lane) (toxic sewer almost always gets 1 lane anyway)
>new node will shit out blighted maps
>league mechanic potentially allows all those blight maps to be autorun so you can idle game while you idle game
>big scarab turns ALL BLIGHTED MAPS FOUND INTO RAVAGED including whatever converts with the new notable

and thats not even counting what blightravaged now gives:
>double-anoint amulets can have insane outcomes
>easy access to the highest new base types (30% qual possible because of the mass amount of drops)
>(copium)new oil could be good for anointing blight maps themselves if nobody needs the anoints
>pack size chisel not sure if others would work well since they probably dont affect the chests
Its the best mechanic so I was going to do it anyway
how do you link an item you don't have for tradecore chat?

>wtb [thing i can't link because I don't have it]
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those dronie still in full cope mode
I actually do. If this is the last league, and they want PoE2 to succeed I absolutely believe this will be a banger of a league, just to build goodwill.
I like Blight and do it every time but i think i'll play melee so i'll probably change my opinion
I don't think bleeds are actually weaker since you didn't benefit from the totems before but you benefit from the new damage effectiveness now. You're up a bit on EQ and Split Arrow and up a lot on Lacerate.
Search for what you want, then hit activate live search.
Play game and hope it pings with someone selling it.
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Doomsissy and blizzardrones continue to suffer, thanks Mark
It'll be kino but everyone is going to whine nonstop about the real time stuff.
PoE 2 will likely destroy GGG
No one who likes poe 1 will enjoy poe 2
It was design and tested for streamers who have 0 valuable spare time
I've only ever played bow and minions. What melee build should I play next league?
uninstall wizard
okay THIS is epic.
can you generate an ingame link from live search?

Just want to spam tradechat for any sellers
install D4 wizard
idk bros, i suck at pob. https://pobb.in/Wumyk-nrko5j
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what went wrong?
right off the bat, sadism blows ass swap it out for deadly ailments
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It took me 7 hours to get through 10 acts with Boneshatter today and I even gave myself a couple unique weapons I had sitting around to "simulate" having better damage ratios on my skills. I might just not be smart enough to play melee.
>7 hours
better than avg poe players
So how expensive do you think well-rolled shield and block clusters will end up being? Should I even bother planning for them?
Bleeds on Glad are weaker is what I mean since we were talking glad build. Glad is not great option for slam builds at all due to needing to either duel wield or have a shield.
Glad lost 20% more phys multi and 20% action speed.
What do you mean?
damn cocksuckers uppity this thread kek
>post bait
>get (You)s
>complain about said (You)s
>So how expensive do you think well-rolled shield
Depends what you mean by that.

Rog gives good shields but you may well be being a faggot and only want 6x t1 rolls on a double influenced shield.
Chieftain, Gladiator, or Pathfinder
Which should I play for the most satisfying exploding/prolifs
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I don't know how rare these currencies are but imagine hitting 30%
If literally just for quality of explodes its got to be Glad. Your boss damage will be shit though.
No, I mean Attack damage while holding a Shield cluster jewels.
Zem Zammar!
whatever happened with guardian's blessing?
Sorry, my bad, I was talking about versatile while thinking of block cap without it.
Without versatile you need 125% block attack to get 75/50 which is 75/75 when lucky.
With versatile you just need 65/40 to get 65/64 when lucky which is 105% block attack.
i'm not making leaguestarter until they release skill gems detail
/ourguy/ spicysushi_poe is streaming!
Marionettes are coming back. It's the new Divine Blessing.
ball lightning warden shockmaxxer
ignite firestorm traps chieftain
eq of ampli, ib of immolation
both are clunky to play but I'm pretty sure those are your options for the highest single hit
cf champ got gutted with it's damage cut by like half and it already was struggling, it's a zdps fast mapper but even rue said it's over for it despite it being his fav build
meanwhile bleed got some gigantic buffs. aggravate mechanic is straight up x3 damage, most melee skills got x2-x3 buffs, unlike most hit melee though bleeds didn't care much for totems so you don't have to cut the resulting number in half to get your actual totemless DPS now... you're looking at like x5 bleed damage now at the low end if you're doing single hit and crimson dance sucks ass now anyway and isn't really worth it in most cases. it will be very easy to hit Uber dot cap.
Friend of mine is finally gonna try poe this league and i wanna help him best i can by playing a aurabot. Iv only played bow and minion builds though, can someone point me to a good build?
Are people mathing the block / versatile combatant math wrong? It's 2% spell block for each 1% overcapped. So it's 65+(65/2) to max block (98% chance to block attack damage). Lucky rolls twice but it implicitly exceeds the cap.

65% chance to block with lucky
(2*65%)-(65%^2)= effectively 87% block chance

Might be wrong the lucky math makes no sense to me but the wiki says thats the numbers
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why not get the -100% soul prev. duration implicit day 1 and go vaal LS

find a flaw
bs had the advantage of good clear and a chunk of flat phys on the gem. now with extra targets, free splash and gigantic buffs to EAD across the board except the boneshatter it's trash. need way too much trauma to get ahead of heavy strike. this is also one of the only melee skills which got nerfed since it's "buffs" don't compensate for totem removal.
Newbie question. Is it worth starting POE from scratch now or is it just better to wait for 2?
I mean 2 still isn't gonna be for awhile
and you don't know how it's gonna turn out
two separate games. do what you want. a lot of stuff you learn in PoE 1 will carry over but a bunch of other stuff is changed.
PoE2 will be a significantly different game, no harm done trying out 1 if you've got the time.
2 is another year or more away, join us in poe its great!
Why does no one use Pestilent Strike? It has an area of 27 (2.7m?) which seems decent. Collapsing a bunch of poisons onto a dude sounds strong.
yes, they are 2 different games
youre correct
yeah but then the hit becomes too shit for fortify.
This is such a weird way to state this but it gets the same answer.

The intuitive maths is 65% where you block first time + 65% of the remaining 35% where you didn't = 87.75%
It's a strike skill, poison has much more convenient ways to apply/proliferate
If its good then why It is dead?
That's a bummer since Boneshatter feels so nice. I guess it's been good for too long and Chris got mad.
>if Robin Williams was a good actor why did he pwn himself
besides Warden, are there any other classes that might make good with Lightning Strike this league?
I dont even understand on what grounds blizzard trannoids are seething
>needs pre-order to play on launch day and not be behind
>always online
>cost more than it worth
>in-game shop
>season pass
>in a single player game
>with an abyssal quality
give me a fucking break what kind of braindead blizzoid retard looks at this and then dares to compare it to anything in poe?
first char is going to be named NIGSTAIN_NATE watch me get perma'd
tbf S4 of D4 was fun compared to necrop league
>blizzard games
they are definition of un-fun overblalanced bullshit without mob density or powerful items
Anything was fun compared to necropolis
>they are definition of un-fun overblalanced bullshit without mob density or powerful items
still turned out better than necrop lol
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its more intuitive to just explain the probabilities
so, for lucky block (best of two rolls):
>block * block --> block
>block * not block --> block
>not block * block --> block
>not block * not block --> not block
so add all the successful scenarios together
or 100% - unsuccessful scenario
example, block chance of 65%
>.65*.65 = .4225 (success)
>.65*(1-.65) = .2275 (success)
>(1-.65)*.65 = .2275 (success)
>(1-.65)*(1-.65) = .1225 (no block)
so add all the successes and you get .8775 or 87.75%
ofc, intuitively, doing 100% - (chance of failing) would give the same answer
also still if anyone knows or has a good feeling about
i think there is some fun gameplay in d4, s4 just gave you a little bit of something to grind for. the game still lacks depth and everyone will get just as bored in s5
Deadeye. Jugg, Inquisitor, Slayer probably is fine. Champion too but that's nerfed.
Mine is going to be BEHEAD_KNEE_GROWS
Is Autoexert usable? I can't see myself juggling 5 warcries at a time, atleast 3 have to be automated.
If you have excess mana and you don't care about the buffs then sure.
I do not believe there are five different exert effects you want on the same skill.
i mean ill always check out new poe d4 le leagues/season
just funny when poefags gloat about it being the best but quickly tell GGG staff to kill themselves when leagues unfun
I could see intimidating/seismic/infernal with enduring for end charges, and then adding battlemage once you transition to crit.
Champ one hurts
well, ty anon
Is RF chieftain tanky enough for comfortable T16 ultimatum?
Autoexerted cries don't give you buffs and charges
With the helm you get 15% more damage per warcry, and then the gem fives an additional 10%.

From what I've seen the warcries tend to be:

Intimidating Cry
Seismic Cry
Enduring Cry
Battlemage's Cry
Infernal Cry(just for the damage)
kek this isn't a fucking gacha where you get fomo'd if you don't start and keep playing for the entirety of its life, play whenever you want but playing on leaguestart is much better mostly for old players because it's way more lively.
Yeh I know, but it is a situation where you could conceivably want 5 cries in the same build.
>big phys two hand axe, 100% ignore enemy phys reduction
>all the rage you can get on the tree for 47 max -- 70% more damage from max rage
>rage vortex at max rage is 90% more damage
>autoexert intimidating cry doubles your rage vortex damage

cyclone around and throw rage vortex at tanky rares and bosses. yay/nay?
Do we know what the retaliation gem qualities do?
can we stop this meme yet
Prices are so fucking insane with this game. Not even sure how people can open their wallets multiple times to buy clown suits. But them again, gamers have absolutely no impulse control and spread their legs like an American blonde teenage cheerleader does it to get laid by blacks.
>90% max res
>warcry buff seismic cry
>easy access to endurance charges
is this not tanky enough?
>charge removal rare spawns
grasping at straws
why are you asking if you dont care about dying every other map shitcrow
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Looking forward to the add-ons. Their new class seems to deliver fun gameplay for people who liked barbarians and want something similar, maybe with some damage over time elements that aren't bleed based. The game lacks options though to juggle your damage around. You can't turn a barbarian into a poison barb.
u forgot 40 goybux expac every year
I mean eating literal dog fecal matter would've been more enjoyable than necrop league lol

i don't know why you're that upset though. just try not to shoot up a school my guy
okay bros can i play charge stacker or will ralakesh be so unaffordable week 1 that i should look for something else?
Yeah man, you showed him ! You totally fit in here!!! Holy shit...
Am i crazy or do these sound good with rogue exiles? Slap it on glacier with the 7 extra unique goats at the end or tropical isalnd with the 5 apes.
CwS memes dead?
you mad tranny?
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someone pls make containment thread
You try to be a tough guy, but you're just a punk, goober.
nta but im still upset that this league was probably my best ever farming wise with t17 blasting and yet everyone quit day 3/4
>there's literally no diablo general on this board
What the fuck kek
damn blizztrannies uppity this thread kek
I always forget that diablo trannies flood poeg, no wonder post quality is so low
blizzard games are extremely astroturfed, blizzard has been lying about player numbers for decades
that would mean every other ascendancy depending on endurance charges for tankiness is shit as well and all the sweaty poe buildmakers that spend 16 hours daily on playing this game are wrong
are they all wrong or are you just wrong?
most don't even play new seasons past day 2-3, the game is that bad
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sheesh kek trannies sheesh
ain't never heard a toughness before.
is it just this shit and essences that have toughness?
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goratha won
retard, other ascendancies dont have a hard cooldown on how quickly they can gain charges
>buff slams and bleed
>yea steelmage invented starting with slams+bleed next league
I am so tired of people slapping their names all over basic ass builds
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I'm pretty sure that people who only play poe, and chant the same replies every thread are not fans of arpgs, but addicted to poe. There is no way that those freaks haven't fried their brains on constant coin flips. They can't come from any other srpg and they must have come here late to the game, but compensate by being overly zealous against games that rival the game they put all their time and money into. If this behaviour reflects how much money they put into it, it must be well in the thousands. Naturally they won't even be able to put that much money into other games. So if they ever play other games, it must be gacha games that dictate their day just as much as poe. So in total, it's faggots who are seething day in and out.
>captainlance doesn't make league starters, he makes like sanctum builds or something
lancetrannies... yet another streamer is shitting on us...
>builds to avoid at all costs
holy mother of bait
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yeah except you are in the poe thread and seething
btw I have played most of arpgs and they are shit becausre they lack any sort of mechanical depth, mob density, powerful items, building possibilities or anything really. you cannot even call them games really.
btw, ds2 is better than dilator 3/4
>endurance charge on melee stun
>25% chance to gain charge when hit
>enduring cry
>defiant stand
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>Frostblades of CATabasis
didn't hatred get nerfed? what did cold get exactly?
Where are the non-bleed slam starters?
>melee legaue
I am gonna play... uhhh... boneshatter maybe
Ralakesh will be one of the most used items in this league. It was already great before they buffed endurance charges.
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poenigs simp for this btw
you're right quin69 actually invented eq bleed nobody had even heard of bleed or eq before he did that
>I have played them all. You have to believe me!!
I'm not even that anon, you got exposed . You are retarded and a fraud.
2 good starters
2 good sanctum farmers
2 good second builds
6 baits
Gorathas build doesn't use Hatred AFAIK.
imagine breeding this chubby cutie
I did and you are a tranny
spicysushi needs to kill himself
i'll give a pass to people like phox, enke, ghazzy who have one thing and they shill the builds every league and have tutorials/sites.
and i accept people who make very specific builds that required a lot of theorycrafting.
ruepoo just takes basic builds and swaps around various spells and wah la
No one invented any builds. Dev put all the things in the game and combining them in fucking any way didn't make you invent it
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Is cat fb bait?
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blizznigs simp for this btw
okay lance
ghazzys a fag tho
no clue, nobody has used it before, but frost blade itself was pretty good last league and this is supposed to be buffed
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it's good
2 button build
sanctum farmer
have fun gearing
what gender is this?
>no lance builds
that's an archmage build. it's doing 90% lightning damage
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honestly both are pretty disgusting
California game dev
>no sunder league starters
Smh it’s over
Ty anons, hoping to not get hardstuck whitemaps like always
how to build defenses on a molten strike warden? spell supp cap and lightning coil is all you can go?
my goddess
Sunder would have been fun as hell.
doesn't he only play that deep delve mana stacking build?
either way reuto is a whiny faggot
you're clearly a giga faggot
>hoping to not get hardstuck whitemaps like always
no way this time, this build can reach t16s easily with 1c uniques and life res rares
>hear d4 got a new class
>its some devs shitty pet OC called fucking spiritborn
>5s into the trailer there are already weird audio cuts making the trailer narration sound like someone recorded it 1 word at a time
catFB bros tell me why he uses slayer instead of trickster
I realize that I've never made an Ascendant. What do you even do with them other than aurabot? I notice you can get 60% block really easily off of them now for whatever that's worth.
>you're clearly a giga faggot
no im not ziz/steelmage
smol indie studio pls understand
charge stacker
ruetoo's fb is supposedly to be a rmb only build so that's comfy
I don't understand the southbound gloves, does the skill's chilled ground omit its restriction?
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Am I missing some setting in my PoB or am I just a retard who can't make anything but zdps builds?

>t16s with 1c uniques
lol lmao
kinetic blast doesn't do single target dps
endurance charge = good
you're a retard
no, I didn't open your PoB
endurance charges stacking and nice damage
>does the skill's chilled ground omit its restriction?
nigga what are you doing in that pob
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Anyone league starting Ice Crash? Got any PoBs?
hey little buddy at least you have 40k eHP :)
>"you LOSE DAMAGE without TOTEMS
didnt use them anyway
>"Aggravate is SHIT because some BOW SKILL
didn't use it anyway
basically melee objectively got only buffs
dude posted an anime pic
obviously watchin cp while half-assing on the pob
beyond retarded
I only played LA deadeye a couple of leagues ago, it was fun
Should I try ele hit of the spectrum deadeye in 3.25 or did the deadeye changes kill the build?
oh yeah bro the legendary white wind/southbounds for 3 divs 3 days into the league
oh wait
lol lmao
Now post braphog bex
tl;dw terrain collision bugs out the skill and it doesn't create chilled ground in the right place
From what I understand the DoT is affected by all flat attack dmg increases because it's tagged as a melee skill and not spell
>got fired from riot games within a year
Lmao, lol even
ngl i need people doing cumtribs on bex pics
based retard
I've suggested it before but they should add a summon / aura that creates a targetable minion. Like skitterbots but you can attack it for prolif effects / shotgunning. You could call it summon martyr or something. Fuck hydrosphere or whatever btw
According to sushi you need to know what you're doing with ele hit because even people who practice runs with it still die occasionally
guys I finally got Nilou
should I play chieftain slams or berserker slams?
yeah idk anything about the build i just like spreading misinformation on the internet
Is splitting steel [x] playable? Or is it dead since champion is dead
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>lancetrannies seething ITT
>there are gogtrannies in this very thread
the frost unique prices will shoot through the roof won't they...
>streamer sisters are fighting again
they are not rare enough
>conveniently forgets to mention heatshiver and the taming
you play it on slayer now.
>he doesnt rmt for streamer builds
withering step totem
uses heatshiver no?
>people geting bait in to frost blades
0 single target dmg , once you dont evade you get one shot by phys
>a maximum of 38c in the first week of last league, where it was also meta
can't wait to sell heatshiver, corrupted southbounds and taming's for ez currency
>not jugg
are you a gamer dad?
since on topic of streamfags
thoughts on dslily
to much for me, i need 10B dps build on 3c or less
lancecells are pretty bad at this game, 38c is like a fortune for them
poison chance
chance to hit
toughts on forsen?
>one shot
boring faggot that only pedo-nazis care about/watch
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is rupture a multiplier to bleed rate or is it just additive with other sources of faster ailments? i'm sure the geniuses /poeg/ know the answer
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tried to fuck a tranny on grindr then dont exist i mean decent loking ones and if everyones wants them chad included so yeah a nigga like me cant even fuck a faggot in the closet hiding from his parents
wtf I'm a nazi now?
lancels... our response?
yes and you jerk to the vicky collection everynight
nigger miss me with your trans skills
Heatshiver is 20c, taming is not mandatory
>trans inclusive radical misogyny
i invented that
hate niggers, love trannies, simple as
it's not going to be 20c when 15% of the player base is running the same build and wants the same items
it's going to be 1d+
it was 40c when the thing was nerfed and usable for one or two popular builds
and whenever I follow a guide and don't take the 'non-mandatory' item, the build feels shit until I actually take the 'non-mandatory' item.
Peaked in 2014 and has stayed the same and has kept about 10k autistic swedes/finns as fans who just spam shit. I might even think that he has been able to viewbot himself or the last 5-6 years and have those bots spam emotes 24/7 and nobody cares because the chat has been like that for a decade
How does anyone take a person seriously who sells a fucking access to a discord server with a get rich powerpoint? Also his fighting career was shit and he fought 0 good opponents.
Everyone keeps talking about slayers and endurance charges but how the fuck do you even generate charges on day 1-3
Pls help I wanna play slayer or zerk but I'm ssf
what have you achieved and who takes you seriously?
just get ralakesh?
haven't you heard all the streamers are never wrong?
>sc trade stinkies in this very thread so fucking gross
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damn you just did this to them
enduring cry and disciple of the unyielding
I'm playing minions
masterful form from slayer ascendancy + frenzy charge on hit mark mastery + disciple of the slaughter + blood rage
I have a stable job, a house, huge amounts of land, one place that I rent and a kid soon. I don't have to pay 12 year old russian's to spam youtube shorts about me buying a bugatti to sell my powerpoints
disciple of the unyielding??
Is ssf enjoyable? I cant think hcssf is.
you forgot to mention your favorite poe content creator is CaptainLance9
hc trade is optimal poe
I know the name but I can't even picture how he looks like. Is he the guy who jerked on stream or is it somebody else?
Yep, I'm thinking RF Chieftain.
It's the guy who the other guy jerked off to.
it's enjoyable slowly improving your character with things you find yourself. and finding something rare and then trying to make a build with it.
you following a pohx guide or building yourself
>It's gay to bang Hulk Hogan with a pussy
I don't have any social media to know what this dude is about besides seeing posts about him on 4chan.
But that is a pretty reasonable statement.
I just know one of you fucks is only going to hire female workers
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Bros, the catpeople have some valid arguements...
I think I'm starting FB slaya
Idk I don't wanna fuck up once and lose a good character to some bs. Its not for me
could FB warden be better than FB slayer...?
Perma freeze, more dmg...
skill issue
nigga the only monsters you gonna perma freeze are those irelevant map yellows every boss wont get touched unless you hit him with a milion
well obviously, I don't want any manwhores in my brothel.
I hope he took it as a compliment
Any of you is going for a minion build?
I'm thinking holy relic but seems srs it's still the goat
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I think leap slam is a silly looking skill, and I'm tired of builds I like recommending it.
prolly goin zoo then pivot if needed
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for anything holy relic and srs watch /ourguy/
Relics / absolution is easy and the uniques are dirt cheap.
i don't watch gay streamers
Thingken 'bout exploding marionettes
Why is his nails painted?
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I think about going dominating blow every league since it's always getting buffed. This league it doesn't even lose anything to the melee changes and becomes strictly better. It never really works out though.
why do you think
>20 lance builds
fuckin nigger clique excluding lance but for some reason palesteron appeared
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ice nova of frostbolts it is
totem bros what the fuck are we doing this league?
Bit of both. I've followed his builds in prior leagues which left me with enough to finagle it together myself which will get me to a certain point and once I've reached the limit of what I think I've figured out, I'll check what he's doing.
its up
I've been told it's absolutely unfun to play though
>shartgun builds on list
it's cancer till you automate it with the helmet
i HATE perfect agony
i can't ever get enough crit chance
yes i tried ungil's
you have to play assassin.
So, were's the cool kids?
HCSSF or HC trade?
This is going to be my first hardcore league, I want to see if there's truly a difference on the gameplay by going slower and more careful, I just want to try the experience
But what do you recommend lads?
Also, I won't use a logout macro, I think that's gay as fuck and anti HC
no you don't
They don't know about my hidden kino build that will do moderate damage.
what if i want to play poison
what if i want prolifs
assassin is for poison, numnuts
kill yourself
pathfinder is for poison actually
>i don't want to get involved in the drama, the cats can battle themselves
>i will say though i never died with rue's build, it was probably the best voidfarmer i ever played
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>assassin in 2020+4
its up!
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Can someone tldr the drama. I dont care to watch fags slap fighting.
How does toxic delivery even interact with agony
two menchildren measuring their peepees ingame (one is bigger)
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wait a second how do all these autistic manchildren build creators have a wife and children something doesnt add up here
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It's up!
I've really done it this time. You should be kneeling to my buildmaking prowess. Nobody in this general could make a better league start PoB than this.

You can use Pestilent Strike for mapping and Viper Strike for pinnacles.
it's not dot multi specifically, so it should work fine. the dumber thing is all of the clusters around shadow that give dot multi on crit that are completely worthless now with perfect agony. kind of stupid.
>i can't ever get enough crit chance
Flask+flask suffix
Brittle on boots
Power charges
Masteries that give you crit on bleeding, blind or whatever enemies
Put crit affixes on weapon
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so is lacerate glad still relatively shit compared to other melee skills even though it has received some buff?
Outsider eceleb Captainlance says TS Lily's builds are shit and she sucks
PoE's XQC (asian form) rushes with Ralakesh boots to Lily's defense to honor the streamer clique defense pact
Calls Captainlance's builds shit and says he invented most builds
nice hope it goes well for you anon
Assassin used to feel good when it had 20% movement speed if you've killed recently and 10% ms on full power charges
That's 30% ms which was removed.
lacerate is fine but there's no reason to play glad
>spicyshushi has 4k viewers nowdays
member when he was shitposting here with us...
Cool ty anon
god i would love to league start kinetic blast but i can't imagine finishing the atlas with it.
Dual sword lacerate Slayer NOT BLEED
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Is this correct in the new patch?
Needing 100% crit with PA is just a meme just use Marylene's
pure phys or ele?
Gladiator looks kinda shit.
Lacerate of haemorrhage should be fine for bleed.
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>3,5k hp
>17k ehp
>4k phys ehp
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check again chud, gems and weapons got buffed
Is aggravated bleeding shit for bosses? I thought bosses rarely or never move so that would be triple damage buff for glad?
>lance shits on some dslily build calling her not a build maker
>ruetoo goes incel mode and and screeches at the top of his lungs (literally) about lance playing the same shit every league and not making any new builds
>lance makes an absolutely retarded 30 minutes video where he claims ruetoo isn't a build maker and that all his builds are shit when he's literally one of the most verifiably good build makers in the game, along with other pants-on-head retarded takes
>most streamers take rue's side because he's just objectively right and lance is a literalwho retard
Uhhh ehh idk I had thought about Warden elemental lacerate/reave but I thought it would be a meme or expensive.
Enligthten me on phys and ele lasserate
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What enemies are going to kill you? The ones that are dead????
they don't need to move to get 3x damaged by aggravated bleed
>no bleed
if you were bossing with bleed you were already doing the gay bow swap for ensaring arrow
Now you don't have to do the swap but you lost damage elsewhere
Isn't it weird how the "top starters" are all builds from the same clique of like 10 twitch streamers? Meanwhile some of the absolute strongest day 1 builds I've played are made by some dudes with like 800 subs on their youtube channel that you have to find on yt by filtering results.
And I don't buy for one second that palsteron is a top build maker when he's fucking trash.
pure phys with out bleed or impale is trash
go phys to elemental conversion
Build diversity in arpgs is a myth
Green up arrow in diablo game = pob dps numbers
Its a solved game with pob
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So true bestie I trust you'll league start my poison cremation build
Found anything for 3.25 yet?
anyone playing for build testing or whatever? I've been crashing a fuck ton, basically once every hour or so. Not sure if it's just me
Every time I look at Perforate, I wonder what is it even designed for.
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is barkskin worth it?
cope more
is your cpu an intel 13th/14th gen?
I saw a guy brainstorming perfect agony poison ice spear and I think it might be crazy enough to work.
Crashed once testing eq but fine otherwise.
Build test me lascerate gladiator chum
>people who play the game for a living make the best builds
How is this "weird" you stupid retard
And yes reputation of the creator is an important factor in build suggestions because unless you're smart enough to parse through a PoB and find EVERY bait, pitfall and flaw (in which case, why do you need build guides) you have no way of knowing whether a build is actually good or bait.

But yeah Palsteron isn't a top tier build maker the only reason he's in the list is because he's the first to shit out a LS warden build even though like 3 other streamers are also planning it
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we're all in here

Is it 7 buttons or whats the secret
unbelievable amount of bait builds
buy an ad
i think the phys mitigation portion is -flat dmg taken which isnt that good, the more evade chance is very strong however, but you need to get hit to scale it which is obvious anti-synergy
what the fuck is thit niche combination, why are there so many of them?
Haven't played for a while. Died to reassembled Brutus.
Maybe Last Epoch is more my speed these days.
Masterful Form is broken for charge stacking
Were you capped res and 6+ overleveled?
Can't help but wonder if ascendent is already taking all the good stuff from glad
My build for this league start came from a guy with 82 subs and I haven't seen any of the big shot youtubers talk about it yet. And fuck no I am not giving it up this early lmao
It's using the grasping vine tech with eater boots for poison, ice spear scales incredibly hard with +proj and has built in 600% crit chance on its second form so you just stack crit multi and use spellblade support to get your flat damage and do big dick damage.
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Have you stopeed to think that the secretive clique also applies to you, and that's why your ecelebs are sub 1k followers
No one gives a shit, neither of you will be top 50 on any ladder.
I want to go big speed with a lot of attacks
The reality is that the meta doesn't actually reflect what is strong, just what is popular. Jungroan made an entire build pop up in the top 20 most used builds on ninja mid-league overnight with one video. That's why people who bitch about the meta not changing or whatever are just retarded.
Ooh thats hot
Or people that upload once every 6 months with no thumbnails and just straight up talk about build for 8 minutes don't get a lot of traffic cause you either have to search the exact name or you have to go to page 30 of a search result to find it past all the zizaran videos and fucking random ass asmongold videos that somehow keep appearing despite blocking the channel
try reave
Conc Path Slayer, how should i build it, help me poetards
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Found mine
>top50 of any ladder
I have been in top 10s of other games ladders but now I am in my 30s and I just play PoE for fun and not for racing anymore. Last time I competed for HC lvl 100 was back in metamorph
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Im sorry but
Perforate would be an S tier melee skill if it wasn't so goddamn ugly.

But it's not complicated at all; sand stance it's a big circle aoe attack, blood stance it's a single target attack with extreme damage. It just looks so fugly that people dont play it.
>Boneshatter nerferd
How exactly? It seems like its damage was buffed.
good sunday saars
It got a pretty small buff compare to a lot of other skills, and it suffers more from the loss of attackspeed from totems/rage
what is he starting? his eb in affliction was great but haven't played much this league.
>Last time I competed for HC lvl 100 was back in metamorph
how far you got?
If I remember right I was at like 98,2 and got lazy with a meta and was sent back at the beach
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Don't delve, it's bad for your health.
will spectres be any good this leauge? Pure specters were always my favorite builds.
Tis up!
Dont call me "sister" you delduded ass-plagued homsexual niggerfaggot
So what's the deal with warcrys? I've played a few melee builds but I've never used them
press warcry near enemy---->get buff
No clue because GGG just mentions "affliction corpses return" but don't mention which ones return because there are some that are fucking good and some that are dogshit.
Lance is so fucking bad at the game on top of it all. He shouldn't say shit about any HC player when he dies to normal maven with a 14k ES trickster. He literally just stared at the screen while maven memory game killed him. Fucking Austin Powers steamroller meme shit.
Slam build possible without any warcries?
Im cooking, grab a shackles of the wretched, add in your temp chains, less duration and hextouch support. Bring out your chains of emancipation and wala max rage with no build up. Generous tip for the chef please. *max evasion required as enemies also inflict it*
I spent 12 hours yesterday decorating my $90 turtle hideout, I regret nothing bitch
I'm sure an impale/attack speed/rage focused slammer with default groundslam or alt sunder will be playable right through ubers. Slayer, Jugg, maybe zerker. Maybe can incorporate crit, but melee crit is ass with axes and maces, maybe with staves?
meal prep for league start?
buy 30 frozen pizzas the day before
Chicken and Broccoli.
>Shaving Sharp
>Sharpening a knife
Bait video. Fuck you. Piqued my interest on how to save $ by shaving with a stone but it just retarded sharpening a knife video. Fuck you
Beef and rice trust
>holla holla get dolla
homeless spic tr/a/nny, is that you?
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shut your bitch ass up serbian faggot
It's both increased armour and -flat damage taken.
>Reservation: 25% mana
>Adopt the power of the Viridian Wildwood, gradually covering your body in bark. Getting hit by enemy attacks causes bark to be removed. You have higher armour the more bark builds up, but higher chance to evade when less covered in bark.
Gain 1 Bark each second if you haven't been Hit by an Enemy Attack Recently
Lose 1 Bark when Hit by an Enemy Attack
Maximum 10 Bark
-15 Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits per Bark
15% increased Armour per Bark
2% more chance to Evade Attacks per Bark below maximum
>instant seething reply
thanks for proving me right
I'm in the EU you dumb fuck
If nobody's got anything better to do, I could use suggestions for my starter. Flicker Strike--, how original I know.

For bosses I'll probably switch to DS, but I'm also eyeballing retaliation skills. I tried swapping one of the daggers out for Advancing Fortress, but it made a mess of my calcs and fucked with the DPS.

I'd say I'm new at this and to be gentle, but I wanna have a good time punching into mapping and actually getting somewhere this league, so any fixes are good fixes. Obviously I'll be tweaking as I go depending on what I pick up.

chieftain with natural authority gets 4.375 base crit from the new battlemage's cry. herald autobomber enabled or maybe some nebulis caster?
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>So what's the deal with warcrys?
Are you going to war or are you crying
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Looks like wet paper, even for flicker. You probably want to use bloodrage at least, and maybe slot in enduring cry so you can generate endurance charges.
You'll also have trouble keeping unholy might up on longer boss fights. You can get it on a chaos cluster later, but just something to consider.
Yeah, sure, but they all seem like shit after reading the skills on the wiki. Why are people saying they're going to use a bunch of them at the same time?
I am a woman, browsing this general and playing Path of Exile.
Cute floral turtle
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Yep, Softcore time.
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I'm still working on it unironically
kek Argentina schizo btfo
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you posted the wrong picture, silly
what does /ourguy/ have to say about 3.25's meta?
Blight of Contagion is kind of fun too.
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A lot of them got changed in the patch notes, not on the wiki yet.
If you're a chieftain warcries are giving you double damage, 50% phys as extra fire, regen, armour, movespeed, and synergizing with this new gem and Echoes of Creation
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i find it funny you think i live in south america dumb faggot
Reminder that the person spamming nonsense in this thread is an unemployed loser from Argentina who can't play games anymore because he was forced to sell his gaymen rig for $500 to buy food. Unfortunately he can still post here via his phone.
we know, it's pezado
>reading comprehension
go back to your turtle
you've already been proven as a underage CoD general kid before
idk why are you still denying the truth
Oh, I see. Thanks for the info. Maybe I'll try it as a second character because it seems aids to play.
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Where exactly?

kek you are one of those faggots that check the post history of images, yes i play COD you mad bitch? i will smoke your ass in that game too any anime poster would, maybe if your dumb ass can read time you can see im in the EU dumb tranny from your tranny investigation skills
what is an elemancer totem
So I'm in yellow maps (SSF necro league lol) for the first time and am gearing up for red
How exactly am I supposed to get better gear? Every single item that drops is not better then my current stuff. Am I supposed to be blowing my entire stash to craft one better amulet or?
>smoke your ass in that game too any tranime poster would
sorry, I don't play games made for black people
you did too, that is not allie
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Creates permanent weather in your hideout, flame embers with dark night, cold weather with smog and lightning with raining

lmfao alright that was funny
> I don't play games
we all know schizo
>he was forced to sell his gaymen rig for $500 to buy food
Damn, that sucks. Not sure if posting in /poeg/ will help him, we're all pretty damn autistic here.
Does Argentina have resources for trade schools or shelters that offer protection at night while he works a day job to get back on his feet? I did a government sponsored trade program in my country when I was lost in life during my early 20s. It included room & board throughout the entire deal. Maybe there's something similar where he's at he could look into.

What skills are the most thematic for a city building, pirate fightan, merchant voyage'n league?
>How exactly am I supposed to get better gear?
do expedition. craft with rog. gamble with gwen. even if gwen gives you hot garbage, which she likely will, the ilvl of the item is the same level as you are, or the level you were when you refreshed her stock.
there's also essence crafting, obv. hopefully you dont need something profoundly specific for your build to come on line, like an incursion roll, or a specific mod.
Rogcrafting via expedition
Necropolis crafting (gone next league though)
Get fractures from allflame embers, ritual or random drops
Find and craft cluster jewels if your gear is good enough and you have levels.
Lucky essence/harvest bench reforges even if you don't have fractured bases

You should also be respeccing as you gear up, i.e. if you moved some mechanic or stat to a gearpiece, you take it off the tree (if it doesn't add up) and take something else.

Also reds are not that hard if the effects are not too bad.
>decided to play boneshitter next league
>give my future build a practice run in SSF
>abysmal item and socket luck
>no speed boots
>playing with 2-linked ground slam makes me puke

What is the least miserable way to get to the point where i'm actually playing boneshatter?
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>wondered why schizo is crying about poe earlier in the thread
>d4g is dead again
Probably like splitting steel > sunder >boneshatter
Sodapressed always in our hearts
I hate brown people
>ritual buffs
god i fucking love ritual
WEBM poe 2 or 1?
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Rate my atlas tree
dead game
wrong thread buddy
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have ggg said whether this works with warden shock stacking?
Music from previous leagues is automatically added to the hideout music player right? I don't have to buy the supporter pack or something
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im surprised there is no exalted, divine or vaal orb mtx helm like the chaos orb

poe 2 coming soon trademarked
Since warden gives 50 stacks of 2% shock I assume you'd only gain 1% of lightning damage.
yeah that's definitely how it's worded but maybe it'll be bugged or ggg will have done something to make it work with stacks
How does that even work
he is following ruetoo's build probably
in the most ideal scenario the helmet is 50% more dmg? that's basically what heatshiver gives but here it's warden only?
don't think it warrents a nerf like with taming
did it even get changed or is it still 20% of es? with the new bases that'll be huge
Ele spectral helix warden anyone?
i'm thinking of a slayer cleave of rage ssf build, not sure if pure phys yet, any ideas/tips? also why does it seem like cleave is unpopular? seems to me like it's comfier than something like lacerate
The strat for us fatties would be to try to fast as much as we can. Since poe it's very addictive I can skip some meals on league start.
If you plan to fast, remember: drink a lot of water. Coffee/thé it's also allowed.
On the specifics: a fast starts to have an effect after 16 hours, you break a fast when you have something above 50kcal(aka anything).
You can try to have one meal per day (omad), aka set a time of 1,5-2h where you can eat what you want, and that's it.
You can also try to go keto if when you eat you avoid any carbo (remember you get into keto after 3 days without carbos)
is this even good?
You should get yourself a decent GPU
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Tell me more about Hexblast Trickster
i will at some point just waiting for the 5000 series probably going to pick up a 4000 series gpu PC
>blast hexes
>do tricks
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I want to leaguestart on Scion but she is ass
just wait for 5000
zero reason to buy 4000 unless 50% off
glad scion is good.
>GGG still hasn't give anything special as a thanks for players that have played their game and supported it for over an decade
What gives? Like give me a player frame or something to show off to these poe 2 babs
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>Build: Picked
>MTX: Bought
>Gamer socks: Cleaned
>Monsters: Stacked
Are you ready for this friday sisters?
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So im gonna leaguestart as a SST bleed glad, would it be best to go for Jagged Technique and Perfect Agony, stacking crit instead of doing this Crimson Dance meme?
they are giving you a good game
>what are league rewards
not yet sis
and i think i'll take the week after off
You need to PoB that because either option sounds like ZDPS
any molten strike slayer or warden POBs?
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Best Witch melee build? big aoe for easy clear pls
>sabo > trickster
some elemenentalist ignite
Claw Ele coc conduit warden?
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Hope you have lotsa fun!
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Its gonna be sick m8
how does bladefall work with arcanist brand? is it the cast rate * 40 blades per second?
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This lol. Good content creators =/= good build crafters.
More interesting to scour the web for these fringe individuals.
shut the fuck up
Imexile is cooking up firestorm!
what? it's 6 lingering blades per cast (with 20% quality)
Yes, but it's not worth losing your Anoint because of how easy it is to spam corpses.
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bros what the fuck do i play im not gonna succumb to frost blades meme again
Lancels, how we holding up?
it does 6 volleys doesn't it make way more blades than that
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But you can use awakened spell cascade for 5x blades.
>"starters" that require end-game boss drops AND a fairly expensive Anoint (1 black, 1 silver, 1 prismatic)
At least the boots are a guaranteed drop, unlike some builds' plans.
What ascendancy should I play for melee ignite?
oh nevermind i'm retarded.. that's terrible then
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>fringe individuals
just say "retards"
Where are people getting all these new annoints
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shes cute, yeah im ready got my build picked, got my turtle pack, socks are ready, water bottles ready
With champ now dead for defenses, I'm guessing Heiro is the way to go for EA totems?
Or should I just go all gas no brakes and lock in an elementalist?
I mean... I think champ is still okay, your totems even get fort now but it sucks losing the defences, but yeah I'd rather play elementalist than hiero
The only thing that prevent me for going ranged is a gold. From what I saw you need to walk over it to suck it into your inventory. Like what's the point of killing things from the distance if you need to walk over mobs corpses anyway. (With an assumption that gold will be relevant and valuable)
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based fellow turtle sis
i'm still decorating it!
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Yep, we're back.
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check out hideoutshowcase.com to do the heavy lifting and then customise it further
>15% damage reduction from hits
>10% damage reduction period
Sorry what?

They're visible on the updated pob (opt into beta).
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they said theyre reworking the taming right? did they show anything about it
how big is your anime picture folder?
I've checked that but most of them use mtxs..
anime site GET USED TO IT
Then the answer is "no", retard.
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Numbers are better than majority of the builds posted here.
Just popping in to post: poch flopped.
One of those is my starter
Tested and verified 3.24
the clear though
what are you guys going for on the atlas tree first? I kinda want to fuck with ritual
>What the fuck is Puncture of Shanking?
>Check patch notes
>Puncture now requires a bow and there's a new transfigured version that uses daggers/claws/swords
>They did similar things to Ele Hit and Frenzy
...What the fuck.
you can still import them even if they use MTX it just gets rid of the mtx hideout decorations, i did that for the slow and steady hideout then you can customise it further >>486974271
I really fucking hope the retribution skills are good
have you seen the weapon?
and he just uses fucking ralakesh for everything, those boots are going to be over a hundred divines this league
why the fuck would someone make a video like this with a mirror levels of budget at league start?
its fucking crazy that they didnt do anything to ralakesh with the endurance charge changes, they're gonna be literally mageblood-tier in terms of cost
it gets an "explode" on kill at least. better than most strike skills.
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ok so its pretty easy to reach the dot cap now with perfect agony, ambush, and marylene's fallacy. but what do you do for mapping? since if you dont crit you dont inflict ailments, and ambush is a 5 second cooldown
You aren't supposed to point out that the build doesn't work. You're just supposed to bait people with 20m dps builds with four items on.
I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but each time I try to Import a hideout poe crashes, like auto-closes
Rage is way more available on the tree now, are the rage skills gonna be better now? or are they arse because you lost having crazy high rage / scaling
>half of replies defending their favorite sissystreamer
You're right anon, so called popular content creators are just clowns and hacks, nothing more.
I still remember when we found out Glacier to be the top map for farming legions during the league, and then someone told zizaran who made it look like it was his own idea.
some separate 4 link for clear. similar to a lot of bleed builds already.
Could you show us some these 800 sub innovators
Didn't say it was leaguestart / budget. Point is even reaching 40-60% of that potential is still good.
No comment on Ralakesh price though.
Double strike of impaling will be huge, same with frenzy of onslaught, stuck between those 2 for my second slayer after I farm gear
Ok. I'm disappointed in Frost Blades now
tl;dw no buffs, hatred nerf hits hard
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click reclaim all before you import, its a current bug i noticed a while back when importing hideouts

Better build here
They will be 10 div max which is like 30mins of farming with auction house.
Seems pretty bad I don't know
This dude's bleed glad is the most bait shit I have ever seen. It's Fyregrass levels of trash. Dude even has 100 seconds in Presence put in the configs what a fucking clown
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that guy is playing warden next league instead trickster too to compensate for the nerfs but i think i might actually bite the bullet and do the same shit the stacking shocks seem fun
Choosing a single target skill as a league starter. I don't know how much you should hate yourself for doing so.
just play raider for 200% more free damage
lucky block is insane
not really
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>I don't understand the southbound gloves, does the skill's chilled ground omit its restriction?
yes, it only applies to hits but every frostblade has a ground aoe so even if enemies are 1 hp they'll instantly die from the ground effects
*laughs in pinnacle bosses*
I've only played slayer for 6 years now. Starting glacial hammer, then making the 2nd slayer double strike, or if I'm rich ill go frenzy.
I think it's slept on for sure, tempted to start glad or whatever just for the node but i don't know what i'd do for damage
Big bait, but interesting to see puncture instead of lacerate.
Now I kinda want to see numbers for transfigured puncture.

Where is he anyway?
Everybody who wants to play a Frostblades of Katabasis should watch this video before:
This version of frostblades was my most hated build in this league, DoT is clunky, attacking is clunky, cannot even damage fast mobs, the most frustrating shit ever.
It's strong, but far from insane.
Even at 80/80 block, it's just 96%.
"just" 96% block
>Buck Angel vs Blaire White
I'm not fucking buck angel even if he's got a pussy, tate is right
>bleed dual strike
>100% more Critical Strike Chance against Enemies that are on Full Life
>60% more Damage with Hits and Ailments against Enemies that are on Full Life
>insane dmg not much crit needed
>hit anything once and they bleed to death
>explode from glad kills everything aoe
find a flaw
>It's another LA deadeye league
>find a flaw
dual strike
Do you retards understand what unique tiers are in this game?
Pair that with life gain on block and you're pretty much invulnerable to anything less than the largest hits.
Rue's build is entirely hit based so the chilled ground being buggy doesn't matter at all
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It works!
Viper strike of the mamba PF maps fantastically.
Speaking of Block, I just realized that the Dual Wield Mastery that replaces Block with Spell Block probably won't work with the Glad node that doubles inherent effects of Dual Wield.
good job, retard
Both games ran by tencent
Poe is bros with LE
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What the HECK is this allowed?
>hatred "nerf"
>converts more of your damage
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I'm not clicking that.
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Did his build survive?
Would need to see it, very weird build to make
Especially from Glad's start
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>LE run by Tencent
what? schizoposting in my /poeg/ thread?
uh, wait a second
so the lucky roll doesn't respect max block chance cap?
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poison power siphon locus mines
>ez dot cap w/ perfect agony
>10 billion ES and evasion from being Trickster
>screenwide clear
think about it, poebabs
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It works the exact same way lucky works in every other instance in PoE
0.2 chance to hit x 0.2 chance to hit = 0.04 chance to hit, or 96% chance to block
and bleed tincture to refresh the bleed? might be cool
>so the lucky roll doesn't respect max block chance cap?
Lucky rolls are made with Advantage. If you have an 80% chance to block, and it rolls twice and takes the better outcome, that's a 96% chance to block (because 20% of the time you'll fail the first roll, but you get a second chance which ALSO needs to fail at 20%, and .2 times .2 is only .04 unblocked)
Why would it?
It's rolling the dice twice and taking the better outcome.
You roll 2 D100s where the bottom 20 is a fail and the top 80 is a success.
If either one rolls above a 20, you Block.
So that means to calculate your real Block chance, it's 1- (.2*.2) or 1-0.04=.96 or 96%
steve just hit 64,500

np glad i could help enjoy the turtle
arent nightblade skills the only ones dot capping off perfect agony?
is that him?
I'm retarded
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I try my hardest to cook but I think I'm just really fucking retarded
Are all armours getting buffed or is it just the new ultra base types?
Bruh I need one fucking challenge zzzz
Both technically due to the Quality change.
But as far as raw flat on a base goes, it's just the new super high tier ones for helm, boot, gloves, and chest.
Cap hit chance before you do anything.
Perfect Agony is basically only for skills with innate crit scaling like Ice Spear
yeah, I can feel the effect on your brain
Oh right which reminds me - they said quality on weapons is multiplicative now. I always thought that was the case because it would apply the mod to the base value before anything else. How else was it calculated?
Also will quality on weapons apply to flat ele damage on them?
Manaforged arrows? No it's fucking dead.
Armourstacker as well. At least when it comes to deep delve.
>before anything else
Not quite. It took a % of your base weapon's stats.. and tacked it on after all other mods on the weapon.
All they did was move it to the start of the calculation like how you thought it worked.
Perfect Agony doesn't work yet in POB, put this:
+601% to Damage over Time Multiplier
in your custom mod box to emulate your DOT multi conversion

Also even with tincture, Story of the Vaal sword gives better ignite.
>low-equity investment
okay so it's nothing
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hear me out /pooegg/
>Warcries grant 1 rage per 5 power mastery (doesn't specify if needed to be manually cast)
>Veteran's Wrath increases rage downtime to 3 seconds
>Autoexert has 29% increased cdr at 20/20
>Taking relevant cdr nodes on the tree give 147% cdr, add 29% cdr from 20/20 Autoexert gem
>CD for autoexert will now be 8s / 2.76 = 2.9s, just enough to proc before rage downtime
>voila 100% rage up time, FREE damage for the cost of 9 passive points and 15% reservation
I think Intimidating Cry is the best for this tech since the buff doesn't give damage nor defense, you just want the exerted attacks
give me a good bleed glad build. lacerate seems like shit and spectral shield throw looks like a meme.
Do any of the warcries even buff bleed damage?
I feel like I'm not seeing something, maybe because of the disconnect between the gems and patch notes
If you think Lacerate looks like shit, then you're not going to like any Bleed build.
it's 50% schizo
That's not low
The threshold for "low" in equity is a specific range and much lower than 50%
sweep seems like a perfectly decent league starter
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I didn't mean to link your post
I'm not sure what you're trying to achieve with rage uptime
You can easily get full rage when you're fighting something

>>486949807 objectively cannot go to the armor node in question, Delve follows a grid system, hidden paths cannot pass existing nodes and can't make diagonal moves. it's blocked off to the bottom by the weapon node. It probably connects to something offscreen above
Has the honeymoon phase ended? Is it still over or are we back?
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whats the most fun and destructive slam attack for melee?
I'm just gonna play hierophant
fuck your "melee league"
volcanic fissure of snaking
Good info. Thanks.
It is very very clear that the diablo 4 release was a countermeasure of PoE's new league release, and not only that, it's a direct response to Poe2's druid
So it's literally impossible to feel hype for something that the competition game already shown
What kind of mogul sheep you gotta be to see the Diablo duid and go "wooo a duid on diablo?? so original so coool!" when you already seen it obviously on poe2 tests
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even more, medium cluster jewel for exerted attacks synergizes very well with autoexertion, you can LITERALLY get FREE 100% armour, perma Onslaught, charges (only applicable to chieftain)
Tectonic slam is the most aesthetically fun to play.
What exactly? Manaforged support is untouched in the patch notes
melee cucks are realizing that doubling their damage isn't enough
everyone else excited for t17 changes and quant removal

that's what i'm thinking, archmage will shart on the melee boomers
Does power apply to the 5% chance for charges?
Obsessed ruetranny
How do you even generate that may endurance charges regularly though? I'd love to use the Tec slam of cataclysm or whatever it is called.
it's 100% chance for a random charge whenever warcries are used, so it can be any charges
You'll need to kill with the dot because you are wearing southbound. Also you can't stun frozen enemies
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What's a good skill for bleed daggers?
I want to use the 20% more Crit Strike Chance while wielding a Dagger from Gladiator with the new Perfect Agony
puncture alt qual
I would test this on Standard. The gem explicitly says that the warcries cannot give you buffs or charges.
Slayer cull works regardless
>but wiki
Nope, go test it
How do I play ele hit of the spectrum before I get secrets of suffering? Do I just play LA till then?
>before rage downtime
Assuming you don't get hit or generate Rage yourself (which you can do for 1 singular passive point). Like using it for Rage uptime is a shitpost, although it would help a lot for Berserk (but Berserk is kind of bad now).
>100% Increased armour
Now you're just shitposting.
Also as for the Charges thing, Unique monsters count as 20 Power, which means you're guaranteed to gen a charge facing any Map/pinnacle boss. So you sure as fuck don't need Chief for that.
Did they post a teaser yesterday?
My most immediate thoughts are Infinite power ascendancy node on Chieftain -> Enduring Cry. I am just not sure if you can automate this war cry and still get the charges, I don't think you can.
Slayer can work with olesya and ralakesh meme, but thats kind of expensive next league

Use story of the vaal sword, go elementalist

No teasers after trailer reveal. Only big info dumps on news days (tonight) for a few days. Thursday, they say "see you tomorrow!" and Friday, it starts.
Dual Strike of Ambi
Also >>486992459 but we haven't seen the gem yet
Dagger has to be the only way you can do it on Glad, I just don't know if the base damage is there for it.
daddy ziz lookin good these days dayum
looks ok to me https://pobb.in/-wlJz9zsZjNx
Wheres the sst bleed bvild ziz you HACK
I'm going dual wield crit phys bladestorm impale glad. Has max lucky block, endurance charges, and bleed pops.
Wait thats level 1 stats
I just noticed

Whats the level 20 damage effectiveness
Compared to other melee skills, it has to be right
Is it gonna be 1000% +
the real tech is combining several cry's with the 15% life recovery mastery whenever you cry. you slightly delay each cry with different quality values.
I wonder how many people will get fucked by the warden LS builds
it has zero defenses and most will try and play LS immediately
Just to make sure, free auto war cries is gone right? You only get exert for your attacks right?
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Well shit how am i supposed to cope for 5 days
It's probably over 1500% if other skills are any indication (for example, lvl 20 Heavy Strike is almost 2.5x the lvl 1).
thats not what ashbark will say
>copies streamer builds
>calls others hacks
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Shitstain steve interview, said he will be streaming delve cap
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>open patch notes
>ctrl+f "golem"
>0 results
Great, so they ruined my stone golem build in Necro and didn't even bother to make any improvements in 3.25.0. Ehh, I can't take it anymore bros.
I am doing something similar, but instead I am using the dual strike of am. Bladestorm is a fun ability too.
Werent golems very buffed with the new gems?
Minions must suffer forever for their sins of abusing snapshotting a decade ago. The brief moments of hope they experience, such as with the introduction of the Necromancer and the occasional new specter bases, exist only to make their inevitable downfall all the more painful for them to experience.
This retard doesn't understand that more demand + easier access to chaos / divines from the league mechanic passively means the price goes even higher
What do you do for Ubers? You can't block their attacks.
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I genuinely cannot wait to onions face over quin getting critted on his glad because he missed a block
Might bleed glad on this if it bonks really hard

For now my plan is this, chieftoid blight farmer
Bros chris is invading my brain telling me to (((monetize)))
im so fucking hyped for this league
Lots of minion gear got nerfed. Including Anima stone, meaning you have fewer golems fighting for you now. My build was capable of hitting dotcap after very heavy investment. It was fun to put together as a goal during league.
Quin killed 7/7 ubers in ssfhc on his shitty jugg. Have you?
>if it bonks really hard
It will and you can always turn it on via worm flask if for some reason you can't get the boss to hit you to block.
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>mfw they killed mine zombies and literally nobody knows what im talking about
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Why do you think I want to see him die on stream?
I don't understand, I had spell block on a character that killed Ubers and that worked just fine. Why are you concerned about this? Spell block and attack block do not work against Ubers you are claiming? And to be clear, this is just a league starter for me, I am not concerned about Ubers.
his character right?
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How many endurance charges do you get from one enduring cry with infinite power?
It's weird how mine zombies left a permanent stain on minions, yet low life snapshotting righteous fire with redbeaks was entirely forgotten about no harm done just water under the bridge you want to be a viable starter forever well here you go.
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Just the character yes
>Lots of minion gear got nerfed
like what? yeah i forgot about the anima change. i never really liked golems except carrion golems but then every faggot started playing it so golems are forever dead to me. or so i thought because when they introduced tranny golems i thought you could have a super army of every golem which prob would have become my fav new minion build but nope.
Still no. I've spent $5 on this game in the past 4 years and that's not changing.
Do worms even attack you
I thought they just run away


Guys, dot cap ignite with giga spread if you optimize this a bit and fix gems
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i want to see him die so bad too
Also zombies are complete dogshit. Its not fair.
Golems are fucking gay anyways I long for the day they get removed
Some Uber abilities cannot be blocked.

Some of his abilities clearly state that they "cannot be blocked or dodged or suppressed", while others, like his regular attack, can be blocked.
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>5 days to go
>no teasers
MFA got a LOT of power out of the adorned and auras
You can definitely block some attacks. Eater autoattack tentacles can be blocked/dodged and it can be important for that fight because those deal a shitton of damage.
*Some Uber Exarchs
1 endurance per 5 power. But if the power is infinite it should give max endurance charges; I don't understand the use of describing the power as "infinite" if is not the case.
Yeah. Warcries triggered from items should still work normally though
Spend another $5 or else!
You can roll enchants with blesseds, since it's the same tier.
This nigga gam3r report plays golems every league afking in blight ravaged
did they say if certain enchants can be used on unique items?
I think I squashed all the recent patches into a single memory. Didn't play past leagues too much (Necro I played for 4h) because of GGG hatred towards my build.
>United in dream: 80% minion dmg and leech gone
>Anima Stone: -1 golem
>Primordial gems price inflation due to drop pool removal
>Gems being fucked - I know I could pick of Hordes variant to get more golems, but then my defensives are fucked, and Elementalist already has very few of them
There is probably more, but those were the most devastating.
Chieftain its no contest

The booms are huge
Add herald of ash despair if you want exploding screen
I think max block + flesh and stone + petrified blood + good source of recovery (for example that shield that gives 500life on block). And you are beyond chilling
Not really, not enough dps with dotcap I think as poison needs ramp up and stone golems are mostly single target outside of slams.
He doesnt play poison
Damn, I can only imagine how painful your existance must be sister. Personally I would love chaos golems to be viable so that I can cover whole screen in purple whirlpool miasma of death.
What does that mean to me?
new thread
new 95% block tech here
Is there any sources of "Maximum effect of shock" aside from Voltaxic Rift and lightning mastery?
I have never killed any of the ubers. Is ele hit of the spectrum deadeye an ok build to kill them with? Not asking whether it's optimal but rather whether it's possible at all. I believe I would need to change HH to something else for ubers.
Also battlemage'ss cry got deleted
They literally die to white mobs in act 1 now
The absolute state of what was once great
Steve already talked about quitting the league because his precious delve builds for autism have been stomped

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