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Latest News:
>Patch notes 3.25
>[3.25] Settlers of Kalguur (July 26th PDT)
>PoE2 close beta soon

>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488
so has /poeg/ figured out the meta yet?
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... they got me
Is there any sources of "Maximum effect of shock" aside from Voltaxic Rift and lightning mastery??
Three more gym days until new league
I have never killed any of the ubers. Is ele hit of the spectrum deadeye an ok build to kill them with? Not asking whether it's optimal but rather whether it's possible at all. I believe I would need to change HH to something else for ubers. Maybe mageblood for perma flasks?
I was promised 95% block tech.
slayer or jugg dual strike of ambidexterity
sent ;)
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Thinken bout slooming..
If you're looking for reasons related to Oath of Spring, it's pointless, as the wording is "is 2%".
That means those 2% can't be changed.
Not sure how this interacts with increased effect of non-damaging ailments though.
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Is my atlas tree good for farming essences and harbs?
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>All league supporter packs look like balls. Here's your alteration orb rainbow fart effect
>Yearly packs are the only ones somewhat cool (except the last 2)
What did they mean by this
Also regret not buying the Veritania pack years ago...
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uhoh stinky!!
How do I into Ice Crash league start?
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Can I get some honest criticism of my chieftain slam build?


The conc effect is just subbing for the new exert support gem which is what I'll be using. Mana cost is solved initially by taking a few mana nodes, but dropping them later with -mana cost rings. Big upgrades are Ashes of the Stars, Lightning Coil, and Echoes of Creation. I plan to anoint charisma later and with a level 3 or 4 enlighten fit in flesh and stone.
Not included in these numbers are things like berserk, new war banner, weapon enchantments, higher armor bases, higher life bases, and also I didn't really both with chaos resist which is why my EHP is so low.
Late, late game the goal is to use a warstaff and go for crit, but that takes a lot of investment. With crit the DPS more than doubles, but I think resolute techniques is the right play at the start.

Main issue with the build, aside from it probably being crap, is the warcry pianoing. Right now it is 4 warcries, with the possibility of a 5th. I have gone out of my way to spec into duration and buff effect on the tree to double their buff effect and get a ton of duration, which also includes using the new more duration support.
This is my first time trying to make my own build from scratch and would love some help because my pathing and choices are probably stupid, but it has been fun theory crafting.
rallying cry doesn't buff yourself
What's the best way to defend/mitigate against one big hit? Thinking of going petrified blood.
get 80% block
get Lucky blocks
now you have 96% block chance
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TFW when I know I'm just going to end up league starting RF again
>click click video bait
>it's actually 65% block
pob warrior a 95% block by taking the most random shit and even saying don't do this pathing
I took one for the team and watched it
dont believe the lies
Why do you guys pretend you know anything about the game
Just copy a build from a build creator and be done with
>no investment
>paths from New Zealand to Finland on passive skill tree
>Just copy a build from a build creator and be done with
no thanks. I copy from actual players like uberdan, ben, alkaizerx.
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Their high-tier packs are usually shit.
what are you transitioning to once it plateaus?
>it's actually 65% block
skipper anon
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I'll probably play the same as last time too, but trade market, ship routes, npc map runners and the other stuff looks ok or good enough
>what are you transitioning to once it plateaus
If history is any indication, Factorio or some other game
My plan for CI Splitting Steel Trickster. Thoughts?
The only expensive item is Voice of the Storm, the rest is easily spammed with dense fossils. Trickster will benefit from item quality changes. Level with frost blades.
Guard skill, petrified blood/progenesis, layering defenses (armour applies to chaos and divine flesh for example), tons of endurance charges, having big buffer (usually ES).
In previous league it was mostly transcendence setups that could tank huge hits. Not sure how they look now with a lot of phys to ele gone.
Lancexisters... I thought ruetoo doesn't make builds... Why is tyty playing it...
Oh, huh. Yeah, I guess I misunderstood. You still do get damage based on the number of allies (herald of purity) but I guess that part is wrong.
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>pob a dozen melee builds
>they all suck cock even with 100% More damage put in the config
If you're running a small guild, what would be the content that most helps the overall health of your team?

I was thinking betrayal and harvest, but breach items are looking good for this season
get this. bleed + poison build. go perfect agony for generic dot multi. both scale with phys damage. think about it
Do all that and get 500k dps
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Why yes I am infact a slayer main, how could you tell?
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double dipping is dead for over a decade already bwo
That's the secret
Melee sucks
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Yeah, the only good high tier ones in my opinion were the Forsaken Masters packs back in 2015.
Melee got more of a defensive buff than damage buff.
it's bleed build
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I spent all day PoBing and this was the only thing I got that wasn't complete dogshit and it's less than 50k ehp so basically zhp

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so will you be able to buy out the entire market of some currency in a few clicks now?
Holy fuck

Lycosidae + eviscerate, and you oneshot everything in campaign im pretty sure
95% block chance is still 50% effective block chance
If you have billions of gold to pay the tax for using the item trade services go for it.
But you're not going to. So no.
It wasn't funny in the other thread either.
Yeah probably the best leveling build at least for Glad
Needing to block is annoying and the Keystone that changes that is tucked all the way in the bottom left
>plugged in old slayer sweep in pob, 66m deeps
>now it's about 23m

you get so much pdr from that and endurance charges that i think you can just skip armor
Endurance charges, max ele on tree, easier to cap block.
>uber boss does some sort of splash damage or a shaper ball or whatever
>block and spell block doesnt work against that
you die.
you die.
you die.
>any form of degen
you die.

The true meta is STILL bownigger for speedfarming, archmage hiero or void batterynigger for hard content. The meta past day 3 of the league doesn't matter because Varga and Belton will have all rare currencies on the trade site pricefixed and you will no longer be able to play the game.
Bro stop telling people about my max block crit retaliation gladiator with 4 billion dps
Ough, why the new ones? They look like ass.
I will later in the week. I have my league start ready to go after a couple days of tinkering with it and it looks good going up into Pinnacles
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before this I only bought stash tabs
i just feel this league is gonna be awesome
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tyty's league starter list from best to worst
what do >we think
>Endurance charges
in fact a nerf for juggernaut builds which were the majority because of bs jugg. unbreakable nerf hit them HARD.
>max ele on tree
its out of your way. no one paths that way. its at least 4 points for most builds, thats not worth it.
>easier to cap block
no one played block before and this wont change in 3.25 especially since they got rid of life% recovery on block as a mod.
>plug in with the old dmg %s
You're an actual retard lol
How much will the crab armor set be listed for when they're ported into the shops?
I was given a pair of crab claws from the weta box and I kind of want to go full crab mode. I can only pick up 10 boxes though and I know that's just not happening. I'd rather just wait a while and pick it up in one go.
this is bait
kono baito desu
Looks solid.
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broskies... locus PS mines look incredible...
it's bait
KB frag is maybe better than ele hit on league start for warden but I think you transition to spectrum later
hexblast is cheese
archmage should be higher
lightning strike LOL
slams should be lower
pconc is appropriately placed
ignite LOL
ps mines are gay

the next line is rf so i assume everything under it must be total dogshit
"melee" without a build in corpse explosion is unplayable. its either glad or something boneshatter related. change my mind.
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Clowns will never come back... Hope they add a new batch with PoE 2.
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Bleedchads rise up
Now is our time, we will not be the meme ailment anymore
What is the amount lost in ele damage reduction for jugg? I can't do math or know how much chaos res is possible now
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was it really justified?
They're a shop item, just buy 'em.
All Poo1 mtx is available in 2 so you can literally just use your current clown kit
it was a godmode cheat item
the nerf is deserved
>whats a good starter build that can do all content
>katabasis? No I'd go hexblast Mines
Straight from tytys mouth in that video. Ahahahahah ruecels coping every thread
Clowns never left us
Looking through youtube it seems that there is a unfilled gap for PoE reaction videos. Even now there's no "streamer POGS out on PAHT OF EXILE 2 GAMEPLAY TEASER" its all lost into 12 hour vods that don't exist anymore
Get on it anons this is your big chance
KB of Fragmentation Bleed 95% Block Gladiator
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was it really justified??
There is no carry over of mtx or stash tabs purchased between PoE 1 and PoE 2. Two Games, One Campaign, Two Separate Purchases for One Item, Two Games, One Group of Investors to Appease
>league starter
>not for poor people
is this guy retarded?
>frostlades is 15 on the list
Is Spectral Throw playable in the Year of our Lord 2024
skill issue
yes, it was the endgame for 99% of builds
Lancels... how will we build our chars now?
against most low-mid range hits we went from like 90%+ elemental mitigation to basically 0%. good luck getting back up to that number with the new endurance charges. thats 22% or so endurance charges.
ggg said otherwise, retard
if you are genuinely asking:
>spec into warcry speed cluster or you will want to blow your brain out
>tree going too far right, if you need leech, get it on cluster jewels
there's a couple of channels that make clip montage videos.. typically it's hc deaths, big drops, gambling shit, etc. but if you check it now the clips are probably about patch notes info.
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>he fell for the Rue Frostblades meme
enjoy your build that requires shock and flasks ticked to break 10m shitty uptime dps
No, but anyone league starting any build that's being hyped by the most viewed league start videos on youtube are.
Gear gets priced out quickly so they're stuck in yellow maps unable to progress. These aren't people who can think. These are people who have to follow a guide line by line. And if they can't progress to the next line without farming a few days for the gear then there goes their league start.
no, some people actually try to make money as soon as they get to endgame instead of just dicking around running maps
obviously yes
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Time for some clowning!
24% is the same as 42% for all intents and purposes. Meaningless change. Eternal Damnation being changed to ruin 2 niche builds is the real crime.
100% deserved, shit was stupidly broken that every endgame build had adorned + dozens of blue corrupted jewels as bis
When did they say that? When they first came out and said path of exile 2 was going to be a separate game instead of a large expansion, they said we would have to re-purchase any MTX.
I might be retarded though and just misremembering.
you run xibaqua obviously though
Depends what you want to do. If you want to get your first 2 stones and buy the last 2 from trannies and just map in T16s there's nothing wrong with Frost Blades. If you want to actually make currency by farming Shitcum or bosses you need to play a real skill.
>cucked by rocks
At least its got good qol, lmao
It's a mapping build (there's multihit against multiple targets). Those 10m will feel like more in a map.

>enjoy your build that requires shock
What's the issue? You shock all the time. It has literal inspiration socketed.
sandbagging to stop all the zoomies jacking up the price of heatshiver
I mean frostblades SUCKS omg DONT play it on warden
Adorned trannies are in for a rude awakening when they realize that even with their 100% Adorned they won't have any Morrigans since it'll be a 1/10,000 beast chance now that they've removed the scarab.
League is going to be very fun
what is morrigans
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If there are any newfags still on the fence of what build to play archmage ice nova was easily the most comfy build to play and gear last league (pre-necro craft buff so it became easier)
The only issue is it's a 2 button build until you get kitava helm
Tyty doesn't need a heatshiver, he just posted a sub-4 hour campaign clear, all passives and labs, with frostblades on a slayer.
Dude will be in the top ranks of the announcements like always. At least until it comes to later atlas progression, there are other players who are better at atlas rushing than he is on league start.
ummm.... frostblade bros?????
Mapping builds are dogshit especially now that t17s are a thing. If you aren't leveraging a specific mechanism for early currency and then building a better build before fomo gets out you're playing like a retard. That's why all these starters are fucking bait. You'll be spinning your wheels for the taming after I've already banked 200div from sanctum
2023 exilecon but maybe they will jew out
They also said mtx will carry over if it exists in PoE 2 :)))))))))
>t. hexcuck miner
who are these monkeys interviewing jonathan?
want me to list price of those ''1c uniques'' during first 3 day?
He's already said he's starting ele hit of autism
Oh, shit. That's pretty rad.
The build will need a heatshiver. Not on rushing atlas stones but literally who gives a fuck about that. Campaign takes 4hrs on literally any build
i love this shit
I will be having fun and you will not, thoughever.
>they said we would have to re-purchase any MTX.
they have never said that, at any point
>I might be retarded though and just misremembering.
maybe yeah
don't forget white wind having huge roll variability but him using the average (shit rolls) price as the price for a perfect one
>t. paying me 2d for your 3rd and 4th atlas stones like a cuck
The rue special.
>clueless nigger
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wands looking kinda good?
>about +1.5% base crit
>about 10% faster attacks speed
>power siphon and kinetic blast got built in 15% more attack speed
in total this is like 40% more dmg
>Quality bonuses on Armour, Weapons, and Flasks are now multiplicative
wanders look pretty good
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How does elementarist build defenses now?
Det got nerfed, convert to got removed from the game, have to use hybrid bases for spell suppression so armour will be low.
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>seriously discussing how good your favourite e-celebs are at fucking PATH OF EXILE
It's pretty cool, yeah. Only downside is everyone and their mother is shilling EA of the 'tism, so you'll be stuck in lab for a while.
Dont know or care.
Apparently a german youtuber and a wowhead writer.
They said it before so i did a quick search and found this most recently
get like 5 endurance charges
Weren't they always, though?
you use cloak of flame and get a phys as implicit on your helm
>The Suffix modifiers on Weapons that provided increased Burning Damage, increased Damage with Bleeding and Attack chance to cause Bleeding, or increased Damage with Poison and chance to Poison on Hit can no longer roll.

does that mean its easier to roll weapons now?
>jonathan aiming for the blizzard audience
they are too culty to try poe tbqh
>EA of the 'tism
I didn't catch that
Not sure why they would get rid of those suffixes, that's annoying
many actually play multiple arpgs, like blue-hood-streamer and woody and so on. poe also is at maxroll.
No, they were additive with local % increases
>The Rare Monster modifier that previously caused the Monster to Overwhelm 30% Physical Damage Reduction now causes the Monster to apply the Crushed debuff on hit.
I really need the reservation, but perhaps it is better to go north to get that. I'll mess around with it. I don't wanna count on having cluster jewels at the start, but there are multiple mana leech nodes thanks to the new attack nodes and life can probably just be solved with a 12 second enduring cry + life flask.

As for warcry speed, I am using Urgent Orders, maybe I could use both the speed wheel and urgent orders but that seems kinda inefficient. However, I'll check it out and appreciate your help.
some tidbits in the patch notes that may greatly impact your plan next patch:
>chaos affix recipe to remove fractured mod has been removed, so good luck crafting helical ring
>inspiration gem is now less mana cost instead of reduced
>urgent orders' 2s additional cd is removed, really good for piano
>can't roll suffix +% chance to block anymore, it is now %increased block chance in prefix, rip shield crush
>fixed (buffed) eyes of greatwolf stats when enhanced by catalyst, i'm guessing it will be correctly multiplied now
a bit
those mods kind of sucked because they simply had very low numerical values. but at the same time fire dot builds can't really get much else from the suffixes.
fb is finished
im going tranny ele hit
Ben and Ziz say you can skip Determination at endgame now because nothing overwhelms you.
Expedition still has the 100% shit though right
it's bait to start tranny ele hit
so its coil + a few endu charges and a little bit of armor now or how is the optimal phy mitigation layer supposed to look like?
It's both a plus and a minus. Obviously it makes rares with that mod themselves deal less damage. But on the other hand it's a debuff. It means that you'll take more damage from hits from other mobs. Also if you play boneshatter you get cucked and start killing yourself.
Of course. Good thing you have to make the conscious decision to blow up that specific Remnant.
that would be great, overwhelm is such shit mod that fucks with armour characters for no reason
>tyty says the meta is to level up 20 different accounts on league start and start cooldowns running on every account
Cool Lost Ark gameplay.
instead of dropping some totems for bossing dps
now melee needs to spend passives on rage maintenance and has inflated mana costs to deal with
there is also no flat phys so one handed melee weapons suuuuc
this was not a buff to melee, you will miss the totems
you will also miss the divine blessing support on all builds
the extra max res on jews offset by phys to nerfs
this was well executed smoke and mirrors nerf league
Why nobody talks about summon holy relic of conviction?
Sorry. Meant EH of the 'tism. Elemental Hit of the Spectrum. It was pretty great with a pisc on league start last time around.
But yeah, with the changes to KB and Power Siphon you probably won't even need it. Just play the game and have fun.
>now that the monsters don't ignore armor anymore, we don't need the armor aura anymore
I know you can get big armor from a chest piece but I still feel like that change makes me want to run determination MORE, not less.
I pob’d the inspiration change on an archmage hiero build from 3.24 and the mana cost went from 228 to 226. Basically bothing.
I was thinking of going Shield Crush Jugg as a starter, but POE God Ziz says Jugg got nerfed and Shield Crush is aids to play. Should I switch to Shield Throw Glad?
i can make money without being a nigger
Bro I told you yesterday, melee builds didn't use divine blessing stop saying that it makes you look stupid
Chieftan Slammer should be good for league start
What a retard. You still need gold, which you can’t buy
I think people just don't care to look at minion builds or how they work
I might start it, I haven't decided yet
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Is Enduring Cry + Endurance Charge of Melee Stun enough to maintain enduring cries for Tectonic Slam of Cataclysm on Chieftain? Do I need to get the 8% on kill + 25% chance to gain on getting hit too? Trying to sustain endurance charges is pretty tough, it seems. It is easier on Jugg, but I want to use the massive buffs from warcries which seems to work really well with Tectonic Slam.
SST or lacerate glad. Endgame jugg builds are probably going to build around eternal damnation, ralakesh and the maven belt. Jugg doesn't look like a good league starter now imho.
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notable builds
Yes. It's a shame you have to jump through so many hoops just to get the damage buff you used to get from Seismic Cry, but it's good enough given the current state of the game.
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3 days into league and people will realize they got baited into slams
Cleaning my threads, one MD5 at the time.
Okay, now remove all the e-celebs, format it nicely, and put it on a crisp piece of paper.
I WILL start EQ bleed gladiator. But they question is after I found out it sucks what should I play then?
Yeah playstyle is super shit
>"he masturbated on stream. his opinion is worthless"
lily is ruthless
EQ is literally the worst slam skill.
Weird my wardloop characters usually have a 5k max hit yet can afk walk ubers
That new belt will give another 1-2k ward so afk t17 even easier but simu better skipping first 15 now
Reroll to lightning strike slayer. Its going to be poggers
You want as many sources as possible. You can also hit yourself with Ben's warcry helm to proc on hit or enduring composure. Later you can steal the jugg endurance charge node.
Alternatively, play generals cry and don't worry about spending them
Where were you when captainlance9 invented RF builds?
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i would face fuck this alien
Yeah, it's not like people aren't constantly farming new currency and it's not like people who didn't participate in currency trading aren't going to participate now which liberates a whole sector of currency that just sits in the stash. Stop trying to be a faggot, this is the best QoL update PoE ever had.
This but berserker autoscreamer
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falling for any rue build is retardation
could work too, i am debating rn
>even the blue hoodie d4 guy jumped on the poe train now
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Want to play Blight of Contagion but I don't know how to make it do damage.
None of the cool new overpowered interactions like melee buffs and PA+marylene work on chaos dot.
>slams are bad
>showcases EQ
You are ground slam or earthshatter retard and you aren't putting a totem down winding up a 2s long attack and then waiting .5 for the actual damage to pop up
spoken like a true poorfag
What is going to be the least played ascedency so i can play it this league?
I bet that node is gonna be crazy expensive, but it is totally an option. Ben's helm is something I was gonna use late game, so that helps.
General's cry is an interesting idea, but will the mirage warriors use endurance charges? And how do you get the corpses to use the skill? Am I just manually casting desecrate?
I'm a little worried rarer currency like eldritch or tainted stuff is going to be super expensive since it'll be so convenient to buy a lot now
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autoexertion + corrupting cry
the new walking sim
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why does china have way better PoE events?
lost ark has good combat
please don't compare poo of excrement to LA
Why does he talk like he’s permastuck in 2012?
>rue splitting steel champ
>so good it got nerfed the next league
>rue CoC dd
>so good it got nerfed the next league
What do you think will happen to katabasis slayer?
>going to be busy and away from my computer for two weeks starting monday
>missing out on the early ramp of real time city building.
im fucked
>Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 1000%
So instead of base 15%, a single Warcry reserves base 150%.
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your uber clears? ruetranny cocksuckers do not apply
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>hardcore players
>he can't kill ubers with 30+ mil damage
Yeah generals cry snapshots your endurance charges for them so you never lose them. You CWC+desecrate cyclone and just spin around while your dudes completely cover 2 screens
>1000% cost aand reservation multiplier
>15% reservation cost for autoexert
Good job anon
Do you think defensively optimized 70-120m dps builds struggle with ubers?
Do you play the game nibba?
will we ever see a funnier RIP
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did pooeg figure out the meta yet
I might do that then, it sounds like it could be interesting. I wonder if it is more damage than just manually doing it. Is the PoB damage just 1 mirage warrior or all 6?
perforate of bloodshed glad
is splitting still goated if u can enchant whatever weapon it uses? why doesnt anyone mention it
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what is even happening in this? He desynced while spamming a logout macro and died on the server without seeing it?
>the new walking sim
You can do the same thing without equipping any gems. The DPS is about the same.
dont care still playing Jugg
>macro still running until the end
lmao noob
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Yeah, the new meta is having fun playing whatever build you want!
frostblades/double strike warden with the 3% chance of 300% added as random element mastery
coffee enema
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Fuck it. Cobra Lash Deadeye.
Love that skill. Maybe now it's finally playable again.
I have no clue how to set it up in pob, it is definitely more of a mapping build though you'd switch to something less goofy for serious bossing probably
>Jewbae stole my Halcyon tech for free Warden infinifreeze so it will no longer be a 1c item at league start
do people actually watch that guy? even he just watches lance
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is that a fucking gundam beam saber?
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I think incorporating the trade system into the game will just create more problems than it's worth
like what?
I think you're a faggot
They had to expirement with it at some point to shut the retardos up
poeg stands with snoobae
the tft cartel is in shambles
ok but what build is Tarke playing
is that retard still alive?
Commerce is about people fucking other people over. This league didn’t invent that
Be the problem if you hate it so much.
giga inflation. something like 500c per 1div kind of inflation
cast on fart: poo
It'll shift the usual value of some things around for sure.
state of occultist?
Cast on Betrayal : Rope
How did he get any sort of following at all
He barely plays the game and his builds suck
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>look for armour mtx for my witch
>it's all fullbody plate armour
Hello? Where's the sex?
who names their son lily?
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>1.2mil max hit on FB slayer
I don't watch chinlets
UE needs like 1m, if you can't do it with 11 that might be a skill issue
Also please do a /deaths on your miner on day 2-3
bros... I thought you said it was bait...
not watch, stand at his side
Bros, I'm a complete smoothbrain who can't into my own builds
Please tell me what build will at least get me to t16 maps without too much frustration
I don't see any downside
hexblast mines
eq sucks but it’s also pretty cool
@everyone Ruetoo is live over at https://www.twitch.tv/ruetoo !
Wild Armour pack.
>sushi confirmed he died 3 times with lance's build and then ruetoo remade it for him and he never died again
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toxic rain pathfinder
It was a trade macro preventing him from logging out
OUR RESPONSE?!?!??!?!?
Copy any of their builds, you will do all content
Sorry anon its too occult to tell you.
yes, just play it tri-elemental as Warden for free 200% More damage
>no captainlance
scion has the best scaling before mirror tier even then can now automate a new extra loop so losing 15% on resolve flask isn’t bad when quality is more kek
>T5 uniques get priced out
They dumpstered Elemental Hit of the Spectrum on Raidarden yet?

>10% more Damage per Elemental Ailment on the Enemy
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dude masturbated on stream. why isnt anyone talking about that?
lancebros we can't let him get away with this
Who cares about snoo?
wtf when?
vtubers do it all the time
zerker will be OP actually I've got the secret build that will break the meta cooking...
bro why is ruetoo testing stuff with uberdan i thought he's not a build maker, why isn't uberdan testing things with captainlance9
The opposite will happen and you're a retard
That's ok, makes divines more worthwhile when you find them.
I would take 1000c divines over having to whisper people to trade currency.
hol up. I thought that was lance. they both have the same manchild look.
Name 5
Captainlance is a WAY better build maker than Rudetoo.
snoobaebros... when are poeple gonna forget about this mishap?
i seriously hope none of u can name 5 vtubers
who the fuck even watches cucks like lance when Gog exists
how tf can anyone watch rue or jung
Project Melody
Gawr Gura
Pippa Pipkin
I’m just watching gog’s 7 hour patch note stream on repeat until leaguestart
No, congrats on finding out what will be the most broken build of the League with 0 gear.
Abuse it.
Now spoonfeed me links with timestamps of each one of them doing it
>muh ecelebs
Thanks Joe Biden...
Why is no one respecting CaptainLance9 in this community, he literally invented RF...
fucking based
It's so crazy that Pohx just copies Lance's RF build every league and nobody brings it up
the fucking streamer clique is colluding against him to keep THE MAN down.
I usually don't watch poe streamers because the sounds from their games sound like they're coming from my game and it's annoying. That said, I watch lance sometimes because he's the only one without an annoying fag voice. Why are all the poe streamers so fucking effeminate? Definitely more on average than most other games.
league starting hexblast miner assassin to live in Sanctum
This is a wyrmsign league
Too much chaos sinking in easier T17 maps for that to happen.
>THE rf streamer who has only plays RF doesent even make his own builds
Lance never said he invented rf. He said he played a small part in reviving interest in the skill when it was at its worst point, but gave the credit mostly to pohx.
No, you baited yourself pre-emptively.
How the hell are you sustaining 50 Shocks per 2 seconds on an enemy? They don't refresh when you apply another.
It's a game that rewards you for being good at math. So those types of people are great at it.
Lance told you to shut up
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no she didn't
>They don't refresh when you apply another.
Says you.
Are there any PoE content creators worth watching?
I sometimes watch a few videos of the guy trying to fill out the unique stash tab in SSF, just out of curiosity. The drop rates in PoE compared to D2 for completing a Grail are pretty fucking insane.
Anyone I should be watching to pass my time?
I wanna believe bros, I wanna SLOOOOOM
Ruetoo, Jungroan, Ben
no. maybe cutedog or quin just for entertainment
Emberwake already proves they work this way.
If you Ignite an enemy, wait a bit, then Ignite them again, after half the duration of the 2nd burn, the first one ends, as denoted by them taking less damage.
You listed 3 names but one was 0.001% and the others 5% in terms of skill
I’ll leave you to guess
Pretty sure it was the batshit insane chinese and korean players running 20 million dps 15k es righteous fire trickster builds with 200% movement speed that brought focus back to the skill.
Cutedog's youtube videos are pretty funny if you want some entertainment. His affliction videos are great.
I like having manni2's stream on the side while i'm playing the game because he's pretty reserved and is good at the game
jungs yt videos are good

Goratha archmage build
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>Pippa Pipkin
fucking what?
Any content creator mentioned here is automatically invalidated from being worth watching because its attendees are retarded enough to mention them on a spatial decompression board.
I don't think the shock stacks even work with that part of elemental hit of the spectrum. The wiki says they don't, anyway.

25 shocks/sec is probably only feasible for totem builds, but that doesn't make a returning projectile build any less strong.
this. manni's stream is best. it's easy to watch and very chill. and like the other guy said he's really good at the game
>This modifier only applies once per each unique ailment
Considering Yoke of Suffering explicitly says "unique ailment" that feels like an oversight.
how do you make money off sanctum? I always felt it takes too long and doesn't print enough raw div but maybe i'm just bad and they can be done faster than i think
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ds_lily is pretty good
Ward loop can do it but you’d never bother with the lower dps
It's not the same buff, the game calculates multiple ignites at all times and makes the strongest one apply (so that you can't refresh a strong ignite with weak ignites).
Maybe this is the case with shock too, I just can't trust your word for it.
It makes more sense to me that GGG designed it to allow you to ramp shocks, rather than expecting you to hit a target 50 times in 2 seconds (which is possible too but it seems fishy).
pretty cute
Remember Sandstorm is T0 next league, so Hexblast is exclusively for rich people
can't understand anything he says because he tries so hard to sound female
There's a fair chance that they'll change it and Taming prior to launch anyway. And the new annointable considering that thing would otherwise give hundreds of increased ailment effect.
You gotta go fast and do lowest div level possible shitcums so you don't have to worry about damage
you just have raw currency and then you farm boss drops like Sandstorm Visage
don't you mean senzawa?
she was molested by her boyfriend on stream, that's another thing
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cutest poe streamer yea
pretty fly for a white guy
Know the mechanic - the room types, general layouts, boons, afflictions, bosses, rewards, etc. Know what will brick your run for your build and avoid it at all costs or just give up and restart. Use the right relics. Go fast. Don't kill shit unless you need to (ex. you don't have to kill anything in a 'find the exit' room, just check the corners and leave when you find it).
is there a hexblast miner guide out there somewhere? I know the build requires a few items to function
League started hexblast mines in necropolis
Worst experience of my fucking life, awful and clunky
Google does'nt show anything
The only good answer is Mathil because he is not gay and plays music all the time. You dont spend your time listening to what complete strangers have to say right? You are a human and not a soulless drone right?
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what's the best bow build now?
No one knows anything about chinks that play this game unless they are also a chink. this is a western game for western based white men. Bugs can get out
>The only good answer is Mathil because he is not gay
Mathil is completely dead inside
ollie got fingerfucked by her bf, not masturbation, try again
How do I abuse melee changes as a minion cuck?
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>The only good answer is Mathil because he is not gay
I'm a white guy, anon. I just remember people talking about their builds even on poeg. RF was gaining attention because of it because nobody here could get anything over a couple of million dps, then here comes a few standout korean and chinese players on poe.ninja and on youtube videos blowing shit up.
ziz confirmed he is not gay at exilecon. which means everything because ziz is the gayest man on earth.
rue is having a tism melty again
buy an ad
>fellow fag lies
>looking through the cash shop for an armor set
>most of their showcase videos only show the set on the marauder
Why? Why would you do this, GGG? There's like nothing on youtube or anywhere else for most of these weird obscure armor sets. I'm relying on your showcase videos to see how it looks on classes I play.
chinks are brainless drones, they buy pets that pickup loot and buy levels, the game is a literal gacha like hsr or genshin in china, their builds and how they play is irrelevant
retaliate skills should be mana reserved and trigger automatically
yeah i'm thinking it's an rf league
>king fag prevents other fag from coming out in 2024
people playing rf are going to get annoyed having to run their slow asses around the big town to talk to everyone
this is a movespeed chad league
you vill equip ze stampede
buy it and see for yourself :>)
>"okay ziz, i let you stick it in, if you tell ppl im not a fag"
Ben of course
Is it actually like a town? Skills and stuff are disabled?
I have been here and do not remember anything about a chink rf meta. I remember rf explode being shilled when bv got shitcanned
this whale used to make showcases of all classes with mtx, but not in some months anymore
dont know about any other ppl showing em
alk, nugi and manni sometimes mathil whenever he isn't on his meds.
well ..
you cant extort the gayest man on earth
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Just because he's /fit/ as heck, handsome and a great poe player, it doesn't mean he's gay
Im not gay, but
>he doesnt know jugg has the highest base movement speed on an ascendancy
>rf is in the best position to drop a small life node for the 8% move speed bandit
my nans got more chest hair than this fag
can you believe this dude is single?
>open POB for new build idea
>300 skill points
did they update the new damage values for melee gems yet.
height matters
i think thats deadeye
women are ruthless
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he's... gay
being 4ft11 is rough.
He's gone on record as saying he's crippling depression and has fuckhuge social anxiety.
When you're mentally ill and recognize it, you don't usually go looking for relationships.
As far as I'm aware the only think keeping him from roping himself is rock climbing.
>in town
uh retard-kun?
He's a turbo-manlet
If he was even 5'6 or something close to that he would be swimming in pussy, but he's tiny even by manlet standards
Also I think he's probably a closeted homo
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too cultivated for an aussie. if you dont Crikey! every second sentence you get no pussy.
literally me but replace rock climbing with weightlifting
assisted masturbation is still masturbation
right hes an aussie, country where there are young capable men just walking the streets working all the manual labor jobs.
here in the states its all men in their late 40's walking around while the young men are at home cooming and gooning
i should not just have read your reply and grasp the chance of showing of my insane useless knowledge
small oof
At least he’s not cucked enough to have a !gay command in chat to let people know he isn’t gay
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he's not that short
anon those men are 5'6
why are all his pictures of him in dresses or shirtless

like just fucking say you're gay already
why do you think i know
the dude in the dress and the dude going as little red riding hood (?) are 3m tall btw
Wearing dresses does NOT male you gay and does NOT make you trans!
>Pandemonium Armour Pack
>The only armor to have full underboob
Damn. Curse me and my shit tier tastes.
At least Water Elemental has some great midriff.
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Is betrayal still worth running? I was planning on doing maps for bestiary and betrayal crafting with some friends but idk now
Nope. Everyone is just fudging numbers with custom configs right now. PoB is extremely unsatisfying at the moment with:
>can't use ancestor totems or old rage
>new rage doesn't calculate properly
>new quality doesn't calculate properly
>new damage ratios not in
>new endurance charges not in
>new bases not in
>new anoints not in
etc. so shit is basically useless except for gawking at the new tree.
streamer Chad here. My bank account is ready for new league. Get fucking hype lads!
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can I get a refund on all the 4x tabs I bought for coffins ?
sent :^)
My tier list drops soon, tune in or be a D4 andy lol
is there any point in running a bunch of endurance charges if you have 100% suppression.
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stop making fun of short people
it's very easy to use the config to simulate what the changes will be
new bases aren't in but everything else is fine
true, midget rights are human rights
>4 trash cans in 5 names
Ziz is a moron. Captain Lance is better.
endurance charges help with physical attacks and elemental attacks instead of just spells so yeah they're very good
better than that they work on ele dots now along with phys dots
My LA champion would smoke these fools
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stupid anime poster
only thing you're smoking is someone's pole
I've read up the old thread and some anon was talking about the new perfect agony.
What is the new perfect agony?
ctrl f perfect agony on the patch notes maybe
Login to Ultimatum poh egg
Hateforge = the new OS
You have been warned
Anyone tried inquisitor with hexblast of contradiction?
fucking retard lol
Lol he can't help himself. His entire identity is wrapped up in being some autistic elitist pobwarrior
People make bullshit PoBs with unfounded assumptions even without writing custom configs that triple their damage. I can write 53% more damage into a custom config to account for rage, and then it doesn't update if I make small changes to my tree that end up only giving me 40 rage, and that's not even getting into the part where we don't know how reliable rage uptime is going to be when it starts falling off every time the boss teleports away. Sure you CAN account for the changes if you hold all that information in your head at once and update your custom config every time you make a change to your build, but the point of the software is that it does that work for you. It doesn't serve that function if half the shit is missing and half the shit that IS in there is out of date.
They also added in inherent spell damage scaling higher than normal
based rue workin the poe marks
this isn't new, obviously Hateforge is broken with the rage changes
it's incredibly rare though so it's going to be mageblood tier pricing
rue worked himself into a shoot brother (again)
does arrogance on a mine make it reserve life
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is RF meta again?
Give me the qrd on Ruetoo is he pro proletariat build maker aka under 1 div budget or do I put him into the perma shitlist
>PoB works as long as you aren't an idiot about it
okay same as normal then
>rage example
not substantially different from someone fucking up their shock effect or any other buff/debuff/ailment
sure there is more stuff to keep track of now and I go through builds to correct errors for comparisons sake whenever I look at them, but for making builds in 3.25 everything works more or less
sissy clitty
I can't im driving
>Call to Arms: Has been renamed to Autoexertion
redpill me
always has been
yeah, mine
>is he pro proletariat build maker aka under 1 div budget

no, he's a fucking tard
his league starters are budget yeah, he usually makes multiple PoBs for his builds at different levels of investment
Its shit and the person who made it reserve 15% of mana PER warcry should be beheaded
He's probably the build maker who takes the most amount of care to retard-proof and budget-proof his builds with detailed leveling steps. Besides maybe Ziz, but Ziz builds are shit in the endgame.
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uhhhmmm.... poopietards??
elehit of spectrum is broken and stronger than all of melee??? I thought this was the melee league??? care to explain???????
Sucks that it has a reservation now but you'll use it anyway if you jump on the melee bandwagon.
and you don't get the buffs for using them
and CTA on the tree is even worse
maybe I am missign something here but cant I go full retard on warcry buffs and whatnot and just put them in instead of auras. is autoexertion instant?
Slam test
>verification not required
I mean you can. You can also kill Uber Maven with default auto-attack.
Bow league was melee league, so it's only fitting for melee league to be bow league
i will never fucking understand how people are ok with playing HC in this game with how shitty the balance can be and how unstable the game/servers are
https://youtu.be/QFVLcNTXtxM?t=887 I wonder if the item level is gonna cap at some point? I don't get how is this shit not gonna be broken if you can get ilvl 84 items from this with better rolls
I want to do more than clear maps
t17s fucking suck on bow until you have 50d+ gear
If a warcry has 8s cooldown can I bypass the cooldown by having it trigger out of a wand or something
>quality adds 20% more damage to weapons
Idiot here. Would this increase the added damage per character level applied from an oni-goroshi, or is there actually just zero reason to waste fifteen hours of my life this league? A rare with that 20% multiplier could pretty easily out perform it if quality doesn't have an impact on its damage.
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Reddit won
this only creates problems for tft cartel or faggots who are pricefixing shit
making currency instant but making it only available for people who play the game (so no hideout warriors and bots) was a great idea
How does this look for a bestiary/betrayal atlas? I've never planned one before so I've probably made some retarded decisions

No, warcry cooldown still applies.
Shit I had memes brewing
goofy ah nigga
Thank god they finally banned Chris to his cuck shed. Imagine this bald retard fucking up yet another league.
how do I make glad bleed lacerate good for single target and tankiness?
It's UP! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOEsAoHKbr4
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>that name
not a fucking chance
You only get exerts, not buffs. It might be worth using a couple autoexerts but you still need auras.
How do I make lightning damage Ignite easily? I want to make an INT stack HoWa warden
>no endurance charges
into the trash it goes
How to I build venom gyre these days? The guy I used to follow for it stopped doing it. Is warden VG worth it? Also shield or double claws?
Go block and endurance charges. Spell supression even. It's not hard become tanky on Glad. Damage is more of the concern.
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You DO have a build picked right anon?
biden dropped out so he can 24 hour the league start with us bros
Yes and I am afraid someone else will find it before friday. Its currently posted by a guy with less than 100 subs on youtube

its joever. sc trannies lost
You go deadeye with a shield and a tri-ele claw. Warden is probably usable, but deadeye is just everything you want. Obviously the weapon enchants we know nothing about can change this.
Yep, my one hand bleed Glad is ready to go. I'll have over 3 million bleed DPS day two without taking into account any time in War of Attrition along with 6 endurance charges, fortify, flesh and stone on sand, 75/40 (or 65/65 haven't fully decided) lucky block, and armor with no determ
Donors told him no. America is an oligarchy.
be elementalist

>3:40 act 6
sounds about right for a bait build
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>flesh and stone
Pill me on exsanguinate mines. Is it good starter/can it map till t17?
anything warden is mega bait
anything slayer is good
I hit things and they take physical damage over time
>flesh and stone
I take 19% less damage from nearby enemies
all of my builds so far have been failures...maybe i should just follow a build guide.
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I kinda wanna do Tectonic Slam of Cataclysm Chieftain, because the new buffs to warcries synergize really well with it. While you lose covered in Ash, you're getting 50% of phys as fire, which is pretty huge. Combine that with massive seismic AoE on a skill that has big AoE for screen clears, Intimidating for double damage, and Enduring for endurance generation + massive regen and it seems strong.
However, Enduring Cry alone is definitely not enough, and I see two solutions.
Early game you'll have Enduring Cry + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun + Inexorable (25% when hit) + Disciple of the Unyielding (8% on kill) which should be enough for mapping, I think.
Later on you can get a small armor cluster with the notable that generates you an Endurance charge each second after being hit, and if you need to be hit you'll probably use Echoes of Creation anyways, which counts as being hit. You can also throw in the Eldritch armor implicit, but that doesn't seem that great it is only 1 ever 15-10 seconds, so that is just meh.
Late, late game you can always steal Jugg's Unyielding but lmao good luck with that.

Do you all think this is enough endurance charge generation? The alternative is just to go Jugg, but the damage is so much lower and you're honestly not that much tankier. Chieftain is pretty damn tanky with its easy max elemental res and you can't really use warcries the same way at all.
what skill do you plan on using?
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holy shit every build maker is just pulling names out of their fucking asses and putting it in a list, no one knows a god damn thing, this league is fucking great, its russian roulette you are either fucked or not on your build
its really good, insane map clear and lategame you swap to crit cold convert or some shit
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I will be playing crushing fist (ascendancy of choice). And i will be crushing nigger drox skull with it
i want to be a trickster irl
I always wanted to be a necromancer.
Leap Slam of Groundbreaking
Don't tell Reddit
Its good map clear until you run into a rare and you arent freezing it

Enjoy farming in t1 maps until you get gear
I never heard of a simillar build before, if it works its going to be groundbreaking!
yeah that's what I'm thinking but I can't figure out how to scale the damage because it looks shit
I wonder if new perfect agony works with melee crit multiplier, that would be big, maybe stack it with poison as well?
I'm a bit of a slayer and a champ irl
I will impregnate ranger irl until her belly is so swollen she cant walk like a queen ant
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>tfw your build is so unpopular all your uniques are gonna be dirt cheap
feels good to be a build hipster
molten strike jugg, slayer or warden?
Me too but the witch instead.
what else do you want to do with the build?

Warden is good for trinity builds
i hope so, sister
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what the fuck
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did LA deadeye get more or less squishy?
so wait is there a league mechanic other than the city building shit? like do i need a strong singletarget build for new bosses or something like that? or can i play whatever the fuck based on what was in the game before?
list your upcoming best recombinator uses
>easy 150% res rings
>actual sceptre crafting
>smashing merciless + flaring weapons together randomly
Mine will be relatively cheap I think, we'll see how many people jump on the bleed train
Much more squishy
I'm going jugg because I'm going to str/acc stack eventually so might as well plus marauder is my fav class, otherwise I think slayer is going to be much better to just chargestack and be closer to the projectile side of the tree and have damage much earlier. warden seems like a bait.
not sure if elemental or perfect agony with ungils+ pneumatic dagger would be better for molten strike
other than that obviously decent elemental and phys defenses
negative lightning res for Doryani prototype
negative proj speed Spectral Helix
fuck you ggg where is assassin rework
there are bosses, but league mechanic bosses are normally pretty easy...
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Play whatever you want sister, don't let streamers dictate what you can and can't play!
doubt you can put in mirrored items
How do I generate all these charges as a Necro? I literally cannot figure out how to get them when my minions kill everything. I need endurance/frenzy charges
there's much fewer sources of phys taken as elem in the game now, if you want defenses go armour and stack endus.
i did doryanis prototype build back in kalandra using those rings, insane dmg and super tanky
problem is that they get DELETED by any kind of lightning degen, like instantly from full hp to 0
use your specters sister
Yes. You have your city, and you use it to trad with other cities.
While they're out for trade they can be attacked by pirates.
To rescue your crew and claim your loot, you'll have to kill the pirate captain.
You'll need single target damage. There is a new unique ring that grants a mark that marks enemies and spawns 3 enemies every second around that marked enemy, which will help cut down on the requirement. But I don't expect that to be affordable.
You will need single target dps. League mechanic bosses are ALWAYS overtuned out the ass because GGG has the perspective that only the best players should be able to take advantage of new mechanics to profit off of.
They WILL eventually be nerfed, but in the process the loot rewards will ALSO be gutted.
So abuse early and abuse often. Spec towards something that can kill bosses easily. You'll need some form of clear, too, however, since you'll need to map for city building resources for this to matter in the first place.
But spectres are my damage, I can't sac some for monkeys
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let her cook
let him cock
yes, she is bad at her job
I'm surprised no streamerfag is going for molten strike
I realize molten strike lacks clear but the single target is going to be disgusting
Minion god here. You are retarded for playing spectres. Minion god out.
I've only seen strength stack versions
i think most are going for lightning strike instead. it depends on how rare/expensive the return proj enchant is going to be and what weapon you can put it on.
are minions melee?
Im also playing BV
Conner is probably going ms strstack and he said he'll post a pob/guide soon. Maybe someone will also go for poison, I think it was popular a few leagues back.
dominating blow says yes
Meltie strike kind of requires investment.
Shitstain steve will allegedly go Zenith now that manaforged is cucked.
yes and no
explain to me how Dancing Dervish isnt op now
Connor (the shitstain steve at home) guy is going for it and he said its one of the best builds next league
he most definitely will, and onemanaleft, who is the author of mfa build, said that zenith is the next best thing to scale to ridiculous numbers necessary for deep delve
Kingsmarch cooldowns are 100% going to be account-wide to prevent his.
>projectiles return
>instant leech
>lightning strike
>endu+frenzy charge stacking
thank me later
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i don't know how to get bleed above ~5 million dps without doing two-handed cringe.
50d item this league
have fun
city is obviously going to be account wide like c'mon lol.
>you can't compare a turd to another turd
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>he doesn't know
SEA slaves are going to have 500 accounts each that farm gold and spam everything on cooldown for max gainz. Chris will probably tell the slave mills that they won't get banned for RMT as long as they run their bots on Steam to pump the numbers.
hows the league looking
Cleave vs Reave?
Also any Slayer build using any of those? I want to do a quick practice run to get used to it
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Well, these is the streamers reaction to the reveal
So take a guess..
that was the reaction to asynchronous currency trading specifically.
Why does the guy in middle of second row look like he wants to murder someone?
reckon thats their reaction to every league
is there any good text guide on sunder leveling a marauder
palsteron is based as hell he doesn't get excited about anything until he tests it himself
>ruin the market with auction house
Previous melee enjoyers might be surprised to discover how much damage their shitty totems were doing lol, even AFTER the huge buffs.
Campaign bosses with low melee damage uptime are taking me for fucking ever even with a decent weapon (fuck you Avarius).
>watch rax d4 vesell of hatred stream
>its one new class on a new map for $40
>watch poe 3.25 update a fucking update
>has more content in this one update than the entire D4 and its $40 update
how did GGG do it? seriously
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>TFT goons when they can't price fix currency anymore
Oh no no no no no
>you can get +1 max resist on a jewel now
I hate all PoE league reactions. Chris could take a shit on stream and people would onions face it
I hate streamers reactions in general. Actually i just hate streamers.
click damage nodes. path from butchery to barbarism into resolute technique. from there you can click the axe nodes, but you'll be one shotting pretty much every pack. use the rare rustic sash recipe to get a new weapon every couple acts. it's pretty fucking simple honestly
makes more sense to ask why Blizzard aren't even capable of doing it. it definitely isn't pure cost-saving.
They are earning bajillions from the mobile game.
what do i get for gem links
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Jung and Rue speak chinese. That's why they're so brilliant, they have an extra source for builds.
Jung is notorious for stealing Korean build tech. things like brand traps
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does the new endurance charge negate RF's damage
it sure does.
>they've just been stealing chinese builds and claiming they invented them in english this whole time
What did ourguy mean by this?
Diversity hiring equals terrible results instead of hiring the best people for the job
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the first mention of purposeful harbinger on poeg was Wed 11 Mar 2020 00:03:26 >>283768879
lance's video was uploaded apr 4, almost a month later
anyone attempting to take credit for purposeful harbinger is so fucking retarded. it was SO obvious to anyone who looked at the cluster notables
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I am going to use Doryianis touch
Dunno but Fyregrass was based as fuck.
everything endu charge related is going to be really expensive.
He was going to drop his new tier 0 poison build but he decided not to release it after all because we're getting what we deserve if we really league start melee.
and perfect agony memes, but i don't know how rupture will work on a 4 linked skill and how annoying that will be.
Nobody asked.
here's a receipt
that's not how this works
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w-what is he doing?
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Decompile yourself, bot.
blasting the act 7 boss ofc
>still no details on Retaliation skills
How am I supposed to make a build like this, Mark?
Just go ask Quin, he's the Retaliation build god
imagine all the endu charge implicit rings and all the corrupted ralakesh boots with +1 max endu charge.
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you are the bot.
Should be out tomorrow.

Frenzy rings are going to be insane as well because of slayer and all the people using replica badge.
Eldritch Implicits
Frenzy Charges
Gem levels and Awakened gems
Skill gem choice
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Do i need to get ignite chance somewhere to lightning damage ignite with stormfire??
I pob'd me some glad with 5,5k life, 30k armor, 6 endu charges and 50% phy taken as lightning from coil and it still ended up with 1/5 of my regular phy max hit that I have on juggs. sad
Crits ignite (unless you turned it off with the mastery).
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Do you still have to aim Lightning Strike away from the target to actually deal damage or did they fix that?
Pick Elementalist instead.
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how do you build defense with warden? should I take barkskin?
>I am making lots of money with X
>therefore I will not bother to make even more money via a related avenue
not how corporations think
Please save our dying general
We need your help.
But Gooktoo SWORE frostblades was BASED???????
By traveling down and then left on the tree
I swear to god stay the fuck away from my Covenant. Don't you DARE put it in your streamernigger builds.

/ourguy/ giving away all his secrets for free
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>Blight Towers in your Maps can be Salvaged after the Blight Encounter", "Higher Tier Towers grant better Salvaged Rewards" and "Salvaged Rewards are improved for each different Tower Type built during Encounter"
So nu-blight in maps is basically try and build every tower?
>"1 Lane of Blight Encounters in your Maps is guarded only by Blight Bosses".
what happens in maps like Toxic Sewers where you sometimes only get one lane? Dozens of bosses? What if you stack this with new Titanic scarabs?
Sometimes it's better to let things die
Any clue if you actually need to hit with enough lightning damage to hit 2% shock, or is Oath of Spring going to treat any valid shocking hit as 2%?
determ+grace+barkskin+wind dancer. maybe mistwall too.
sunder w/hydrosphere is 100000% weapon damage starting
do not believe groundslammer jews selling their tranny (transfigured gem) LIES
Grace AND Determination AND Arctic Armour AND Endurance Charges AND Fortify AND Barkskin AND high life, evasion, ss from gear & the tree. should actually be really good.
you're literally posting nonsensical gibberish about nothing. kill yourself retard.
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Sorry, bros. Alk said you don't need more than 20k armor. Get Determ out of your builds right now or you will have a ShitBuild.
pretty curious what salvaging blight towers actually looks like, I really hope the optimal strategy isn't to just spam as many random towers as possible once you have your meteor and freeze towers set up
minimum shock is already 5%.
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>still not a single build posted with at least 10m dps, 100k ehp and either 200%+ movespeed or very fast aspd
its poever
ruetoo is in voice chat with carn and quantik discussing melee
meleebros get in
0-5: Buy the $90 supporter pack
6-9: Buy all the ZZZ packs
kill yourself
>rite of ruin
>go from 40% more damage to 60% when at maximum rage
>also lose 4% hp/sec
>don't really need the attack speed from previous notable
goddamn berserker fucking sucks now
freezing everything for 2 seconds repeatedly so it can't attack is a defensive layer.
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"Higher Tier Towers grant better Salvaged Rewards" sounds like t1s will give next to nothing but "Salvaged Rewards are improved for each different Tower Type built during Encounter" encourages building at least one of each. I imagine you'd want to go freeze/stun T3, empowering T3, fire T4, all the remaining ones you haven't built t1, then max them out one by one
salvage node is crap, the meta is toxic sewer to try to force 1 lane which is only 2 towers
blight boss lane is unironically going to break the game and the rewards are going to be absurd
and yes unique enemy scarabs work
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fitting acyronym for the game at least
>I haven't ever done it but I'm confident in stating my opinion on it
Why are you guys so retarded sometimes?
i read it like "any shock automatically becomes 2%"
it's retarded streamerfag drama, but the idea that one of them believes they thought of abusing purposeful harbinger before anyone else is hilariously stupid. it was so fucking obvious, UNLIKE oath of spring which has a lot of unclear shit about it
>10% increased Effect of Aura Buffs on You for each Herald affecting you
anyone could have seen that this was going to be broken, we just had no idea of how broken it actually was
Terrible metric
60k max hit is much better to look for
Tornado Shot status?
...ground slam? really?
Realistically, only Ben. The rest are man-babies, trannies and copycats from better build creators
>not a manbaby and trannyfucker
int stack for es pool + wandsharting
ralakesh for endurance charges
lightning coil
strength of blood + petrified blood
steal pathfinder flame/flesh
If Warcries are good then Vaal Ground Slam could be pretty sick. I kind of hate the base gem though.
new prices:
>eternal damnation
>replica badge

who is ready?
That's the fun part. You don't. Barkskin sucks unless it's been changed. It exists for those 10 seconds of giga damage. If you're not going to be making the best out of that, don't play a warden.
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I'm lady because I won't be playing a meta build!
t17s got nerfed
>Streamer is some form of subhuman Asian bugman subhuman
Not watching
>Streamer is a manlet
Not watching
>Streamer is a bald (or balding) fucking retard
Not watching
>Streamer cried on stage on Exilecon
Not watching
Simple as that.
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>Streamer is a tranny
Simple as that.
>streamer never shows their face
i am watching
>Streamer gets beachlinked
I am watching
ralakesh will be 50 div this league
id probably set up a whole separate atlas and scarab setup for the blooming scarab just to maximize getting blight-ravaged without having to do normal blighted maps
>Streamer is an attractive Russian former-prostitute
You better believe I'm watching
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>streamer is a cat
Nothing changed about coil. You can farm it yourself even if everyone is using it.
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let him cook
wtf is this real?
It's T0 now.
Blade Vortex Occultist?
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>Streamer is a trans woman of color
is that real?
They don't tend to report rarity tier changes in the patch notes of hyped items prior to launch. It wouldn't surprise me if they bumped the rarity to a t0 on all remaining forms of damage mitigation
have you read the patch notes?
pohx's brain working overtime trying to figure out what this implies for rf
I count 8 faggots.
>Dual Strike of Ambidexterity
>Quick and Deadly
>best cluster notable in the entire game
>As The Mountain + mastery
>+5% max block + 20% block
>Ambidexterity wheel
>damage and + 18% block
>+14% block and +2% max spell block from mastery
>+46% block and 20% more attack speed
70% block (91% block) + 56% spell block (80.6% spell block) with very little investment. Only need 6% extra block chance from anywhere to hit spell block cap (89% effective spell block.)
yeah. no more than 5 milly
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How do you know this?
Some of us have alpha realm access you faggot.
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I played during previous leagues where lower rarity items were easily farmable and hyped, only to find them stealth nerfed on launch day.
The one that still stands out for me the most was due to sheer pettiness was The Lion div card during Bow League.
mapmaxxing seems pretty good
now i need to decide whether i'm going rf or frost blades of cat

It's up.
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K W A N T R I K ?
i mean this kinda has the added benifit of doubling as a T17 map farm tree/strat. Probably gonna run this.
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What's going on here?
>12% per exert you have + 10% baseline for simply having any exert
>at level 1

overexertion seems pretty nutty, no?
im thinking adding strongboxes because the buff says 'found maps' not 'dropped maps' and cartos drop ALOT
Someone bought 1 out of 3 copies on the market and the other 2 people don't respond to trades.
That ass is upside-down
adequate reward for hitting 5 keys every 10 seconds and stopping to yell that shit for 2 of those seconds
unless you're an apple chad
she does the shin-chan dance I believe
Thinking to start scion as ward loop should go online in white maps now, but tr pathfinder is annoying though normal lab I’ll always go pf
Wonder what other builds scion bros plan to run day 0
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can probably mix and match blight and anything with this change now
yeah it's in the bottom of the pic.
Ofc the best place to do this is in T17s with %more maps. This is gonna be interesting.
I see now
whoops im blind.
Any SRS players here? Are the 100% crit fuckers meta or is it the ordinary ones?
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Did they just stealth nerf blade flurry by removing the physical tag?
>take build
>remove 10 damage nodes and put them into a bit of mana
>add Pyroclast Mine of Sabotage
>2 throws of mines
>100% more boss damage
Nice balance.
How is the game in QoL terms? I heard that they're finally introducing AH to this game. Did they ever get around to removing Portal gem and giving you that ability for free?

I haven't played in a long while. Why is ED/Contagion and TR so low? Did they nuke Chaos DOT builds?
Seconded, I'm still searching for a minion build
Shouldn’t you just mana stack hiro at that point and use a trinket
Hit of miss. If it's your first time back in forever you could have fun. Kinda. The AH will be for currency only. No. They finally nuked chaos DOT builds.
Portal and cod is usually 20-35% less damage so most don’t do it
Wel it’s auc house for that league we don’t know what happened in 3.26 because it’s part of new content. For portal you still need scroll. Yes chaos dot gutted hard
Selfcast exsanguinate. I will miss the increased phyisical damage from the gladiator node but now she gets the 50% block and double dual wielding bonuses which is useful when i swap to 2 cold iron points.
IIRC since levels matter on melee gems now, they removed the tag so you can't scale +1 skill gem affixes probably.
Poeninja has 0.9% ordinary and 0.1% of crit fuckers.
If you need a minion build just play SRS. Even non minion streamers recommend them. I was just asking for personal info.
Isn’t chaos expected to hit dot cap on a low investment. Not that I’d play it
No, but
chaos dot is pretty bad, except for TR. it's perfectly fine especially as a league starter.
The anon was asking in reference to when ED/Con was like THE premier league starter for multiple years. It's been gutted since.
It's expected to be good again because of the upcoming changes, but well that's untested so far. I kind of miss the skill though, it's been ages since it's last been playable.
>Why is ED/Contagion and TR so low? Did they nuke Chaos DOT builds?
Both of those skills got buffed
But if it's not a melee skill = BAD
are we getting a teaser today since it's monday in nz...
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>chaos dot gutted hard
shadowheart sexo
Huh. Okay, so, >>487042768 maybe not.
Yeah but it should scale to cap even cheaper but I swap to ward as it is 1000% better
It didn't it's just been left behind
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>low life Daresso's Courage with Tempest Shield
>71% spell block (91%), 80% block (96% block)
Why not?
give me a reason NOT to make a trickster?
No reason scales well still just slower
You're a dumb fucking nigger. Autoexert reserves now, at 15% per warcry. You're reserving 60% of your mana to enable one shitty gem and 2 warcries which now such utter donkey dick (rallying and battlemage)
it's a high investment ascendancy and might feel shit to start.
Over 2 patches slams were nerfed to do 5x LESS DAMAGE and have been dead ever since. Let them have their day to shine again.

None. Trickster is by far the most comfy ascendancy.
Satanya bolognese
This is a 6 link setup that reserves 60% of mana, its not from "one gem".
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>2x Bino's Kitchen Knife: Equipped
>Viper Strike of the Mamba: Ready
>DoT cap: achieved
It's gaming time.
0.8 cast time these dumbasses act like they’re instant kek
>ambush perfect agony viper strike of the mamba
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Kinda amusing to me to see how the game is already in 3.25 and still no 4.0 or PoE 2 launched.

RIP to chaos dot. That shit was the bomb for an eternity, it deserves to rest

>not an April 1st video
Seriously? What a mockery. I wasn't really expecting them to finally change portal, but this video has reminded me of why I stopped playing this game.

good luck on your league starts
There is more 75 updates to go until we get 4.0
Didn't read still going to sloom
guardian srs is basically a zoo build with normal srs, and necro srs is a poison build. the crit version is niche.
>d4 announces spiritborn instead paladin
>poe releases paladin set right after
Its the small things
>Did they ever get around to removing Portal gem and giving you that ability for free?
no, but they did add the ability to hotkey the scrolls which is functionally the same (but you still need to have them in your inventory)
Triple charge slayer back on the menu? >Willclash+Badge+VB+Loop+PC rings
>48% phys damage reduction
>48% ele damage reduction
>free crit cap
>free 2000% spell damage
>free 48% more damage
>steal glad node for 94% block and spell block
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there are litcherully too many builds I want to try
with autoexert, they are. they trigger instead of casting. however, no buffs, no charges, and it has a constant reservation, meaning no blood magic or far less auras. its good for like, slayer. and only slayer.
No taste of hate means my max hit went from 7k to 5k and now one less slot that is filled by a mana burn item.
Wardloop eating good
its so pathetic how D4 tries to stay relevant by releasing more mtx whenever poe has another content patch
If a fraction of a fraction of the people that played D4 played PoE, PoE would have its highest concurrent playercount ever by a wide margin.
I did some research and the crit thingies seem to be made and used for explosion.
>ben says autocry slam zerker will be insane
>sc trade retards in the thread says it's shit
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Poe isn’t competitive to d4 when they have more level 100 characters than all concurrent Poe players
Doesn’t make the game bad just different markets
What I said is still true even if PoE has far more twitch viewers.
Yet msft isn’t axed them like most of their unprofitable subsidiaries weird huh
Yeah you're right, I'm sorry for being rude
It's Ziz not Darkie
and yet they try and pry away at the poe playerbase by timing updates to it
meanwhile, everyone already knows poe is the thinking mans game, while D4 is McDonalds
Sorry, Alk (The better player) said it was a shitbuild. Niggee will have to cope.
I trust the retards who argue for the love of the game then the ones who have to bait people into watching their videos for money.
Weird I’m done in poe by a week, same with d4
D4 doesn't have to give a single fuck about PoE. In terms of overall players they aren't even on the same level. You're delusional if you think otherwise.
>watch Ruetoo highlight video
>he's completely fucking wrong about how elemental damage reduction works with Eternal Damnation (it's not additive it's multiplicative)
Lance was right. This dude is completely fucking retarded.
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>retards who argue for the love of the game
There is not a single person in this general who loves the game. Everyone who still plays does so due to sunk cost.
but he yells into his mic and bangs trannies so he's based
stop talking about bino NOW
it's not a joke when people say don't take advice in poeg. just steal pobs and goofy sounding things posted by frogs
> no new endgame in over two years
> no new bosses
I wish it wasn’t the case
>You're delusional if you think otherwise.
I never said I disagree
Its McDonalds after all
And yet they time their livestreams to poes livestreams
because they know poe is the better game
ggg reading reddit and prenerfing
>prenerfing a 300 dps weapon in a weapon class no has ever used
nobody cares how insane something is if you have to press 6 extra buttons every 10 seconds for 2 months
>yells into his mic and bangs trannies
sounds like the average /poeg/ poster
anon you cant afford ralakesh this league
because its on nobodys mind
Honestly if the d4 team timed based on poe it was more a pr team. I mean d4 makes more day one of a pack than poe in a year. Both their financials show it kek
>PC rings
if you're an RMTer sure, go for it.
Ben always promotes some other build then pivots at the last second because he's a filthy kike. Chances are he steals from Jungook and plays archmage DD.
You don't, it's autocry
Any solution that isn't removing all the portal stuff is a mockery of a solution. It's the devs telling you that they know about the problem yet refuse to actually fix it because reasons.
Hiro has lower cast speed so it’d be weird for Ben go that route
>Are there any PoE content creators worth watching?
I only play during league starts and don't follow much PoE stuff but I like watching Ben kill ubers and then juxtapose it with Quin being a shitter
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>Everyone who still plays does so due to sunk cost.
sunk cost? sunk cost is only a issue with gacha games not poe, all your shit is carrying over, in fact im upset i didnt play the game earlier and got more supporter packs i honest to god mean that
Archmage DD is played as Necro.
I still like PoE, but that's probably because I don't play trade league and copy streamer farming strategies with meta builds until the entire experience turns into brown paste. No I don't need a "league starter" build to get me a headstart in the economy so that I can have fun in three weeks after I farmed my Mageblood and mirror bow.
Games are games. People (most) play for fun
I played a gacha because it had 2010 level unfiltered voice chat. Reminded me of my old 120 tick metamod server I fucked with
captainlance invented that build
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Path of Exile is my favourite game, no joke
>Honestly if the d4 team timed based on poe it was more a pr team
pretty much
I always laugh when I see them start a stream one day before/after some big PoE news
Its like they're saying
>hey, don't forget us, we too are working hard on new content (lie)
Ben going melee again might just break quin
Someone will definitely make a build around it
They advertise that shit in their bnet app with an insane MAU
printing the money tencent wish they could
And yet blizzard continuously tries and fails to compete with poe in relevancy. Curious.
why are you so positive
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how do you get to the recipe in the secret room in act2 caverns?
most people never viewed it as a problem to begin with. if you really hate portal scrolls that much just use a 20% qual portal gem with faster casting. meanwhile the rest of us already set our portal scrolls to a hotkey and cast them instantly and don't even think about it anymore.
Weird their players buy mtx and come back and you think they failed?
What im saying is Diablo 4 only exists as a cross promotion to the real money maker.
I just love playin videogames *dabs*
she looks like an oven dodger
Someone post the d2jsp pic kek
I'm not the guy you're arguing with. Blizzard doesn't care about path of exile. Path of exile is chasing a game they've already created 25 years ago.
Blizzard is more concerned about keeping their shareholders happy. And they did they. D4 generated 5 years of Path of Exile's total revenue is its first 5 days on the market. They genuinely don't care.
Path of Exile is the better game. Better games don't generate better revenue.
Do you understand what a profit margin is, kiddo? Blizzard's got over 13,000 paychecks to dole out and a $400 million CEO golden parachute to fund.
D4 is bad
Poch flopped
'nuff said!
Yes cod is based on the court papers over 1b a year. But yes a 90m company with 80m expenses is a worry
the levels of cope and seethe you blizzard shills resort to when you're on 4chan duty is amazing. if you don't care, why the fuck is your faggot ass even here in the first place?
call of duty isn't diablo 4. it isn't even blizzard you goalpost moving retard. and you're hilariously off the mark in terms of what ggg makes as well.
Because I enjoy this game? I don't like diablo 4 dumbass. I said Path of Exile's the better game in my post. It's just an objective fact that they don't give two shits about Grinding Gear Games. They're too busy sexually harassing their employees and snoring cocaine in the break rooms.
The guy said 13000 so just wanted to bring him back to reality
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I'm gonna guess ele hit of the spectrum clears fast as fuck but can't kill a map boss and dies to nothing, is it correct?
>the levels of cope and seethe you blizzard shills resort to
He isn't coping when he's stating facts. He never said D4 was better, only that D4 is making a shitload of money compared to PoE, and that's a fact. The financials are public. This isn't a matter of opinion.
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the poe community right now...
>The financials are public.
and yet they never get posted. very strange.
Is it still making a lot of money? How much has it made post release?
Both were public weird
>You don't, it's autocry
That's not how that works, only the exert is auto, you don't get the buff
i quit necropolis after three days because it was a turd. i had a great 4 month vacation and I'm ready for some fresh league.
Just because you're too retarded to google publicly available information doesn't mean he's wrong.
A week ago people were posting GGG's profit over the last 3 years nonstop.
>Still don't know what to play for a leaguestarter
why don't you just fuck off to the D4 general if your game is so popular and profitable? oh that's right, the game is fucking irrelevant and doesn't even have one.
Yes, Bens autocry berserker only self casts I think one warcry every 10+ attacks. You don't care about the buffs for seismic and intimidating (and rallying? I forget)
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Autoexert retards getting baited by pasty faggot Ben are in for a rude awakening when literally everyone just ends up going Lightning Strike
>Belt that gives 50% of chest armour/evasion as ward
That's thousands of ward. That's a lot of ward.
just play RF chiefy like a good boy
He can’t google basic information kek
I’m just winging a scion will be shit but fun at least
Blizzard is a publicly traded company so there are legal requirements they have to follow. Part of those are making their shareholder documents available to the public. They've been posted in the thread a while back, so you can scour the archives or just fucking google them.
For GGG's they have to post their tax records on the New Zealand corporate site. It's all available there, or also all on the archives because some other anons pulled them and posted pretty recently.
>no wardloop flask
yikes nigger
what does other people playing a different build have to do with anyone playing autoexert?
>she's still repeating the claim with no proof, demanding that other people prove her claim for her
nah, fuck off back to your D4 general you dumb queer.
No one will be playing Autoexert because its a shit fucking build
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They're in for a rude awakening when they play the build and it feels like shit
deletes everything including bosses and has 85% chance to evade but yeah once it gets hit it most likely will die
some "people" are really terrified of not playing the most popular build
>touristslop talking

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