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He's a Big Guy!

>[Patch 3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[Patch 3.25] Major Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488

Bricked Map; >>486996889
rue make the flicker pob you autistic fuck
There are WAY too many racial slurs in these threads. You guys need to tone it the fuck down.
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Why yes I am, in fact, a slayer main, how could you tell?
Is is even possible to sustain your frenzy charges now that raider has been removed? I think your only choices are going Oro's or Terminus Est, and the trees for those are pretty standard.
alright i'm glad i tested out lacerate because this ability feels like complete dogshit to play
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are we hyped for settlers of kalguur?
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vaal ground slam
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what are some goblincore builds
yeah lacerate of hemo is super ass to play (I've tried it), people getting baited hard
my bleed build uses a different skill with more dps for a reason
yes, can't wait to work on leveling when I'm finished up with my shit today
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I know everyone's excited about melee but were there any changes that would affect dex-stacking siege ballista hiero? Smoothest start to any league I've ever had, very cheap, and anyone slightly less retarded than me could do hitless sanctum with it practically blindfolded.
lance on the left
rue on the right
reave for mapping
Yep, lacerate feels like ass. Even fully geared the attack speed never really feels like it should.
It's why I love bleed bows. Even if the damage is whatever, it just feels nice.
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me 3 days in when my duel wield glad is borked
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>been playing piano slams for the last 4 leagues
outta my way niggers, MY LEAGUE coming through, no autoexert needed
one of the most exciting leagues in years
.t when my wardloop afks a week later and bored
I think there were some changes to mana cost and some moving around of passives related to totems, copy paste your pob into the updated one and check it out for yourself
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>finally make a build with a good, solid 20mil DPS
>max phys hit: 7k
why are people suddenly hyping lightning strike? is it basically because of the melee buffs and it being the only "melee" skill that's actually a ranged projectile skill?
because return proj is back
>want to cook with pob
>too lazy to sift through the whole fucking tree
The meta shakeup is so drastic that, for the first time, I cannot copy a ninja build from last league and be done with it
>barely more damage than my earthshart in 3.19
>30% less EHP because berserk nerf
this game is still fucking gay
ironwood got killed but not a big deal imo. Get iron reflexes and a Rumi's instead of a jade and play less retarded. Also as that other anon said some passives moved but point cost is the same.
I'm also gonna start that build, and I'm gonna do blights. gonna be super relaxing.
>play a sunder leveling practice run
>skill makes me want to hurt myself and others
what are some marauder skills that don't hit this feel
You literally can
we've got schizos in here but nothing on the level of that one fire emblem /v/ schizo
slayer or jugg for dual strike of ambidexterity, assuming 1 build league and scaling up to mirror gear
It got buffed and does more damage
It was already doing more damage than most melee skills due to the double hit mechanics
It already had the best clear
Return proj now
Warden looks a little broken
Where are your power charges?
it's going to be much better after the patch
that being said, sunder is pretty good already for leveling so I think you may have fucked something up
shh you'll summon it...
I don't know what you mean because sunder feels great
Now that determination and phys to ele conversion are dumpstered, what defenses to run on witch now? I was thinking of maybe block, but can you even get enough block on the tree without Glancing Blows? Or do I just accept dying to every source of physical damage and go full 6 portal mapping?
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we'll see
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everyone has their snackies and femboy bf ready to go for the league start, right?
people will say return proj but there is zero proof it will work on claws
it might as well be two-handing only
it's still very strong tho
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Crazy that after all those years, you still can't simply pick a skill you like from the early acts and just roll with it. No, you gotta pick some gay-ass "starter" and grind non-stop for two weeks until you can afford a real build so you can MAYBE start having some fun. Dunno how you fags still endure that shit
doesn't that only apply to bows? and we have no idea how rare that rune is going to be. sounds like a lot of people are going to get baited.
>upset a cat so bad he ruins your career
not smart to turn every streamer's house kitty against you, desu
>a different skill with more dps
which one? lacerate seemed like the best since it was buffed so much.
>not smart to turn every streamer's house kitty against you, desu
I've reported Reu 4 times now on 4 separate accounts.
it's up
there's a new annoint that is basicalle vengeant cascade
>Ghazzy tricking retards into becoming blocktards
He's gonna get a fuckton of backlash when all the zdps people come whining that they're taking 20 minutes to run maps on their 90% block build.
ruetoo is brown so he automatically loses in my book
Just don't play witch anon
Usurper's Penis but stay the fuck away from my helm it's so niche that no one should be using it but me.
necro gets 50/50 on basically zero investment with bone offering. and it's very easy to get 75/75 now with the new tree.
speak for yourself faggot
im going flicker from the moment I get it, maybe double strike for bosses
>you still can't simply pick a skill you like from the early acts and just roll with it
Skill issue, that's what I do every league and I have fun
Captcha: 0W0STD
/deaths 559 by act 8
>be me
>Reave of Refraction enjoyer
>faggots are going to be competing for my gear now
Fuck off.
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Thanks, looks like it will be my first league starting the same build as the last. Easy game.
>he drank the kool aid
Just play the game, bruv. SSF is fun this time of year.
>competing for my gear
no idea what that means
ssf btw
Yeah but lance is fat and bald so they both should kill themselves
guess that means you should too then
lance is a father he's supposed to be fat and bald
you can go noncrit power flicker with romiras banquet for unlimited sustain thats less restrictive
>behaves like a child
many such cases
leap slam of groundbreaking, don't tell reddit
Lance has 7 jobs and 12 kids and still manages to make 100x the good builds of Inceltoo.
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>knees storytime cucked for ads
>Defenses nerfed for everyone but meleecucks
PathofMathh would never let this stand
You have to admit, since getting that desk treadmill Lance is looking much better and pretty fucking good for being 41 years old overall

Phys overwhelm is gone and you have better armour bases. It doesn't even matter if Determination is nerfed.
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How do I build this boy? (not RF or Fire Trap please)
isn't he 24?
volcanic fissure slams max power seismic cry
the uninstall wizard
take the bleedpill
No fucking way lmao
All the top flickers use replica farrul fur
Share your super secret tech.
I'm sorry for posting in the wrong thread.
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unironically how do i solve this issue in the campaign
jewelry and +30 nodes
that was the joke
turquoise ammy w/ crafted int roll, int roll on helm or on either ring.
man its so weird using Bleed with a Chieftain, like he should be a Melee Ignite guy
Turquoise amulet, bench craft +stat
Also spec into any of the +30 stat nodes and respec those once you fix your gear.

I you are going to play slams due to a streamer just log in right now to the game and pick any existing character that you have
On that character make sure that you have 5 non-instant skills on your bar (doesn't matter as long as they aren't instant)
Play 6 maps with whatever build you have there, even if it's way better than slams
Press those 5 skills from above every 15 seconds let's say for the duration of the maps

Report back here
let them cook
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Shh anon don't tell them
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>42% Eternal Damnation @84% chaos res
>48% 12 frenzy=endurance
>capped 90% ele damage reduction on fucking slayer (75% resist is equivalent to 97.5% resist)
Why is this allowed? Why didn't they change Eternal Damnation to be "less elemental damage taken" to avoid this? Every single build made by a non-retard is going to stack endurance charges, be Slayer, or steal Masterful Form with jewels.
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1. I'll be playing autoscreamer zerk
2. some of use played before 3.15 we know what earthsharter gameplay is like anyway
yeah, blame GGG for fucking up the Gladiator rework and giving him 0 damage
so now people have to resort to this
your eternal apple sis?
You can try autocry earthshatter build.
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delet this! Don't let them know!
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ok? what now?
But my General's Cry happens automatically, sir?
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im playing bleed scion for permaflasks and so i can path over to cap suppression and none of you can stop me
fuck badiator
you don't even need 12 frenzies, 10 with suppress is enough to facetank everything in the game
>your eternal apple sis?
My friend, look at the warcrys again. I am sorry to report, but there's a cast time.
Have you ever play a build that autocasts something that has a cast time?

>ok? what now?
You did 6 maps in 5 minutes? Well okay you just pressed 100 warcrys. Now imagine you are playing for 8 hours
I thought it wouldn't be additive because "less elemental damage taken" isn't additive but it's specifically "additional elemental damage reduction" which *is* additive. It's a difference of taking 3 fucking times more damage.
Bootlicker you gotta stop being so defensive over random stuff.
He said poe is the better game.
What more do you want?
One diablo immortal addict is generating more revenue than one hundred 480$ supporter packs.
Do you understand the basic math? Did you ever go to school (even burger one)?
Many such cases!
Will happen to me as well (slayer, not glad)
>Now imagine you are playing for 8 hours
I played ES of prom for way more than that, I think im fine. I am familiar with the playstyle.
why are you seething so hard over people having fun?
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this is the type of person trying to demoralize you. they don't even understand how basic triggers work. they probably don't even play the game.
one time I overestimated my dmg and did a quest eater carry for someone. it took me 20mins to kill it. i was so embarrassed the whole time. i logged off after the kill without payment and never logged back in the league

anyone else?
it's going to be synthesis 2.0
No fucking shit? Did RF really rot your brain that much?
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if we dont have totems anymore, what skill are we putting in the other 6-link if we are using a Two-Hander ?
Earthquake or Earthshatter of Prominence for glad big bleed build?
my brain is too smooth are the warcry changes good
>qol league
>makes it so there are now 2 (instead of 1) gg builds you have to run
>you need to press 5 keys every 10 seconds
lmao, this league is going to be dead since so many retards got baited by even bigger retard streamers
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I didn't play Archmage last league. Is it still good as a starter? I'd imagine it's more of a pain to craft good rares this league
None. I'm using Kaoms Heart.
>why are you seething so hard over people having fun?
I'm not at all I said " you are going to play slams due to a streamer"
Trying to help people that have never played that style before
And of course you have the try hard sweaty retards coming out of the woodword to defend their autism
The comment wasn't for you all, it was for people so they can get an idea of the gameplay in a best case scenario before they get baited

It's up.
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Four warcries, lifetap, and increased duration, at least on Chief. No, this is not a good thing.
Autowarcry with 4 warcrys and Overexertion.
The #1 most shilled starter atm is an archmage hiero so gear might be expensive but it's undeniably strong.
enlighten plus all your auras
retards going frost blades wont even be able to progress cus that shit cant even get voidstones, was watching a 100 div build guy from necropolis run a map and he was getting stuck in yellow mobs
>lmao, this league is going to be dead since so many retards got baited by even bigger retard streamers
This is why I posted what I did
So that real folks can try it out right now and find out it is pure cancer
I just want to say that's a sick ass cosmetic setup for a marauder and i'm glad to see someone using cosmetics that aren't glowing, genre-breaking shit with ugly wings.
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it's this, warcries are in my hat
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>oh no you gotta press duh BUDDONS
yeah whatever boomer, i play osu! all day long, i'll be able to press a few warcries now and then.
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Why does reddit treat this guy's word as gospel?
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>Did RF really rot your brain that much?
RF is just so comfy to play
I don't like playing builds with more than 1 key press every few minutes
once I saw the warcry changes I know people who never played piano warcry are gonna be pissed lmao
if you can league start from the campaign with energy blade why not go all the way with it as a int/mana stacker instead of switching to hex mines?
Bricking your league starter is the quickest way to ruin retention
I wonder how bad it will be
can i inflict bleed if my phys hit only deals 200 to 500 damage? its not like ele ailments where it has a threshold to apply, right?
it's just a maymay at this point. he does it every league
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For general mapping you need like, 3 or four. Seismic, Intimidating, and Enduring just for the buff. Rallying or Battlemage should only be getting pressed on a tanky rare.
>yeah whatever boomer, i play osu! all day long, i'll be able to press a few warcries now and then.
Okay, thanks Ruetoo fag
Wasn't talking to you, nobody talks to you actually, which you already know
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i still dont fucking know what to play
how fucked is TR without EB now
Damn. I'm kinda lazy and will probably stick to Hiero bc of minimum ECs
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>Okay, thanks Ruetoo fag
i literally just opened the thread retard. god damn boomers are retarded.
Lots of these builds just seem awful
Okay, 3 then
If anyone has never played this build style before
Log in now, and press 3 extra buttons (not your attack just random buttons)
Every 10 seconds
The entire map
And all maps after that
Why did they add awful gold to PoE 1?
Nobody wanted it in PoE 2.
>actually, its good when GGG add shit mechanics to this game now
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I want to use this fucking thing so badly but I can never get the strength to use it and i'm an SSFcuck.
You can always tell when someone is acting over text as they will do things like purposefully stop themselves from capitalizing letters, but they can't stop their fingers from using punctuation. It's an easy tell.
Explain why gold is bad.
They needed a way to stop people from multiboxing town loot for free, and limiting it by gold which only drops from playing the game is an easy solution.
prominence is more damage
there is an easy, obvious solution to your problem
>in the first league with currency exchange
it's literally just a league currency
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>muh warden
You realize that you need to hit a 50% shock 50x every 2 seconds, right? Or 25% shock to put you right back at 50%? Your ballista bolt is not going to do that.
>muh Painseeker meme
Ok now you need to hit like 75 times for a 17% shock every 2 seconds because even with elemental autism you're not at 100% chance to inflict elemental ailments. If you can do that the mob is fucking dead already.

Biggest fucking bait node in the entire game. If you pick that node you are literally fucking retarded. I can't believe people are falling for it.
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schizoGOD i kneel
as far as i understand it's not tradeable, so it's a currency to gate things behind you actually playing the game instead of being a hideout cuck.
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did pooeg figure out the meta yet
It's mana, mines, energy blade, and bows.
>cus that shit cant even get voidstones,
jokes on you. i've never got a voidstone anyway
This anime nigga paid for 4chan gold hilarious
Same as the last 2 years
the build is meant to blast maps, per the build creator. better to make shit tons of currency and just buy voidstone carries while still coming out on top
>4 days to go tomorrow
>no teasers
>no pob update
>no new anoints revealed
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blud wants to get spoonfed frfr ::skull emoji::
Yes you can, all you need is bleed chance obviously. What do you have in mind?
so they removed melee buff totems, but then made banners generic buff totems?

Am i missing something? I've never planted a totem in my entire poe playthrough.
You cant expect GGG to work on the weekend
And today they need to do all their pointless meetings.
Women dont like mondays so their marketing team has the day off
Why don't we? He used to be /ourguy/. Even posted in the thread during Exilecon spilling his spaghetti.
It wasn't until he was graduating from college and realizing he needed an actual source of income and career that he separated himself from 4chan on stream.
Where's the teaser chris?
shit up sissy
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i'm thinking of Tornado of Elemental Turbulence

which ascendancy would be best? anyone else play the skill before?
>no lifetap
only 500 mana a warcry POGGERS
warden or inquisitor?
You can get attribute reduction from gear & passives. You don't actually need all that strength.
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>pooegg 10 minutes before leaguestart seeing my fire af pob i cooked
its a gladiator
Member when he anime posted 50 times to keep the thread alive kek
It's like 30 mana, and if I can't handle it then I'll spec the warcry speed node and use lifetap instead.
Reminder that every build can now use Dancing Dervish for FREE Rampage at the start of every map and your bros will follow you around snapshotted after you weapon swap. That means you can attach Infernal Legion to burn enemies and Chance to Bleed on them for FREE bleed application for Bloodlust and FREE 39% damage support.
I played it on Chieftain this league. I wouldn't recommend playing it on Chieftain. Damage is fine, but you're just so fucking slow.
Can use the charge gen 2h until mid reds
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4 dervish
Reduced attribute requirements are local only, unless something has changed recently. Supreme Ostentation is the only way to cheat it, and then you fuck yourself out of god knows how much life and phys damage. Replica Atrizi's is probably the only solution.
>surely it can't be U- ACK
>summon dervish
>dervish not disabled on weapon swap
>summon more dervish
>dervish not disabled on weapon swap
>summon more dervish
>dervish not disabled on weapon swap
>summon more dervish
>dervish not disabled on weapon swap
>summon more dervish
As argemage wasn’t nerf easy
>no beast trading on the market
My last build used four buttons:
Exsanguinate for whites, vaal reap for rares, normal reap if the rare survived the vaal, and vaal molten shell every time it was ready, plus corrputing fever every once in a while if i did not manage to refresh it through the life cost on cast alone.
To oh will have easy scaling
Just have fun
>best ratio currently listed
This is extremely exploitable with bots.
>nominal cost
Kek yeah we're witnessing the death of PoE in real time. Everything is going to be path of stonks flipperbots.
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Energy Blade builds didnt use totems anyway didnt they? Isn't EB super strong with all these giga buffed melee skills?
>the game tells you the rate
How hard could it be for botters to corner the divine market
Can use an item that was t3
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How the fuck am I supposed to trade 5.45 items?
Gold makes it impossible to do that
>ctrl+right click to move bulk to stash
Sanctum better drop gold or my league is bricked
Given that every Joe Schmoe and his band of dumbfucks can use the market? Hard. There are going to be hundreds of thousands of divines available at any given moment.
And how do you propose these bots get their gold?
You all acting like they should help you rmt
Fuck you
new bleed wheel gives 140% crit if you have a bit of phys damage and hit fast
a botter just stole my lunch money
It's a nominal cost. Once you set them up by having them leech in a few juiced endgame maps they will be good to go afk.
No, no, that's different anon
Multiple options is different
What I am saying is imagine pressing AL of your buttons all of the time, every 10 seconds, no matter what.
>And how do you propose these bots get their gold?
you're welcome
this is true
I was the botter
Gold can't be traded and is per-character. Having to go leech for who knows how many bots put it way outside the realm of realism.
I honestly think they're either butthurt TFT price-riggers or they're D4 fans
Either way your assessment is 100% right
When did tft trick poeg
trade 20 at a time
>Pricefixing niggers finally get the rope
best time to be alive
Btw I’ll just enjoy the 5s matches in ow2 but tell me again how it isn’t popular
who asked
>uh we have all these stupid crafting currencies to FIGHT the bots fellow players
>uhhhhhhhh gold is uhhhhhhh anti uhhhhhhhhh bot?
>trade 20 at a time
You think I'm smart enough to figure that out on my own?
But yeah you're right, that's 109 to 20, so somebody put it up at that ratio so if I say I'd like to buy at something better than that, I get their trade items
That brings up something I hadn't thought of

Let's say I list 1 Div for 100 Chaos
Somebody else lists 110 Chaos for 1 Div
I assume I only get 100 and not 110
Does the other guy get to keep the 10 leftover?
Or does that extra currency poof?
>TFTniggers seething about getting owned every single new patch even more
LOVE to fucking see it
you can't trade for gold. botting a character that actually plays the game is a lot more detectable than a tradebot.
I mean this is cool and all but gold's pretty important for your city building.
I'm not sure I would place the mild inconvenience of using a portal to trade a currency I listed for another currency value above that of upgrading my city. At least not until I get to the point where gold's worthless, but by that point I'm sure I won't have any issues buying or selling in bulk anyway.
That said? If I were a player without premium stash tabs? This would be the greatest update I've seen in years.
who asked
>retards try to manipulate the price
>see them doing it and rob them blind by fulfilling their orders and then relisting it for more
there is literally no way to manipulate the markets in a way that actually benefits you unless you're the only person on the planet that knows a secret vendor recipe.
depending on the currency this might massively reduce bulk buying prices. atleast if it automatically pulls from multiple sellers if you buy large amounts.
TFTers crying LOL
>unless you're the only person on the planet that knows a secret vendor recipe.
Apparently this is actually a thing. Chris has said there are a handful of recipes ingame that aren't available online, and that a few of those are in use by like less than 3 players each league.
The gold is only a little irrelevant
The main thing is fake listings are now impossible
If someone tries to drive down the cost of something with fake listings you can not fulfill their listing and rip them off instead
So it removes all over that from being a thing at all
the retards get hundreds of divines worth of currency early while normal people get a handful in the whole league since the game tells you the exchange theres no way it wont get rigged
>this might massively reduce bulk buying prices
It's 100% going to reduce prices
I never sold my extra essences or div cards because I couldn't be arsed to deal with doing partial fills or interrupting my mapping for a small amount of chaos
And I definitely never sold Alts or Chromes

With the market I will, which means increased supply, so lower price
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First they came for the Perandus family
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Perandus
Then they came for the Harvest trannies
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Harvest tranny
Then they came for path of meth
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a meth tranny
Then they came for the TFTroons
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a TFTroon
Then they came for me
but i was playing Last Epoch
its funny. the "give us an ah" faggots will be the first ones to scream about inflation and the new stupid prices.
>Apparently this is actually a thing. Chris has said there are a handful of recipes ingame that aren't available online, and that a few of those are in use by like less than 3 players each league.
Full set of rare mirrored gear including (and this is the one people miss) 5 mirrored flasks
Thank me later
You just know everyone against this and trying to spin lies is either a TFT pricefixing nigger or a hideout warrior flipping shit all day long
Sorry you have to play the game now bucko, tough luck
Entering Endurance charge stacking melee era.
people demanding an auction house unironically think that they'd actually get that mageblood listed for one chaos
actual support tickets from the future: "um, i bought the chest for 10 divs less than it normally goes for and it's only five linked?! i was scammed?! ggg do something"
first league in a while that I will probably not spec into tujen just for the convenience of ez orbs that people never want to trade
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>Palsteron fooled by Warden shock node
>Snoobae fooled by Warden shock node
>Fubgun fooled by Warden shock node
>every LS and EHotS PoB has the node taken with under 20 million DPS
Holy fuck people are getting so baited. The node does literally nothing if you're not max shocking. The tree is correct. The teaser trailer was wrong. They're not giving an ascendancy node that gives 100% more damage just for vomiting garbage on the screen.
>five linked
Right, because items are available on the market
Oh wait it's just for currency

You TFT shills are pathetic
I want an ah so I don't have to whisper 50 people for catalysts or fossils. See no issues with the current plan of only trading currencies and stackable stuff like fragments, oils, catalysts etc.
Is frostbolt icenova archmage gonna be impacted bigly by inspiration nerf?
nope. I checked, the difference between less and reduced in a normal hiero setup is like 1%
>synthesis 2.0
Mechanic doesn't look like shit that only hipsters like tho.
warden is unironically second build material, if youre starting the league as warden youre fucking braindead unless youre a streamer getting handouts or something
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im using guns as the barefoot witch fuck it
I got bad news for you, buddy. Energy Blade is used to power up traps and mines.
It's over...
The players won.
HFG won.
BFR lost.
Varga lost.
3rd world scammers and pricefixers lost.
good. I loved synthesis league. to this day probably the best "flavor" league they ever released.
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>4 days tomorrow
because he's an extremely good campaign speed runner. "league start" builds are literally all he does.
because it hampers my trade bots
I'm gonna eb cyclone coc firestorm of poopan or smth
Ritual is going to be a huge payday, especially now that party play is almost entirely based on minions.
>enemies you freeze remain frozen for at least 2 seconds
Can someone explain the "you are you and your totems are you but things your totem do aren't you" shit? Even Palsteron doesn't know. Does that node work with ballista totems?
totems are entities that inherit your offensive stats, including stats that say "you [do something]" but that's it. Anything they do doesn't apply to your character.
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huge 100% uptime damage, tanky, very slow mobility/attack speed and little recovery
>melee trickster
fast, tanky, infinite recovery, but low-medium damage

which one do i play?
Played it this current league, maxxed out atlas for it (not counting the exiles shenanigans) and it was the worst strategy out of all that I tried.
2 D an hour
tornado shot deadeye
I kinda wanna start ritual first on the tree just for the laughs
>which one do i play?
2H axe wound aggravation
it's somewhat selective on how "you" mechanics interact with totems and mines.
this sounds like something that does work with totems and mines though, most of the time "you" works on them and the ones that don't work are random exceptions.
also palsteron is a dumbass, don't play his builds.
Ritual is the best league mechanic, because gambling will always be fun
5 days till league...
still can't decide between manastack and strstack...
Why does Ritual still exist? Is GGG afraid the 3.14 nostalgia spammers will finally leave for good if we take out their favorite outdated monsters in a circle league?
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gonna fish Magic Conch and we are ready to enter Hardmode boys
also I think I'll ignore Ice Nova this league and do some Lacerate dual wielding
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>base freeze duration is 0.06 seconds @ 1% ailment threshold
>2% ailment threshold = 0.12s
>Whorefrost triples freeze duration = 0.36s (above 0.3s minimum)
>0.36s immediately becomes 2s
If your build can do 2% of ailment threshold to a target it's permafrozen on Warden. Like you just win the game. It's literally that simple.
well yeah but 3.24 ritual is missing the biggest part of 3.25 ritual profit, corpses
Manastack Soulrend of Spiraling (cat skin) Herio with the upcoming Kirac's vault catgirl ears head piece.
i play ritual just because it's one click to get a shit load of monsters to kill without having to read anything.
If I put something up on the currency market with a very unusual ratio then does that take an offer that is that or better or does it just never trade it until someone matches that weird ratio?

And does it take empirical ratios or exact ratios? As in, can you sell exactly 7 sacred orbs at once for exactly 211 chaos orbs?

Like if I put up exactly 17 exalted orbs for 323 chaos orbs (19 each) and someone is buying exalted orbs for 20 chaos each and noone else is trading exalted and chaos right at that second then does it take that person's 20 chaos orbs and give me 19 each? Or does it take 340 of his chaos orbs and give me 323 for all of them at once? Or does it take 323 of his 340 chaos orbs and leave him with 17?
imma do ritual and blight like a real freakazoid, never really did either very much and oil selling is gonna be bussin with the trade house
>it just never trade it until someone matches that weird ratio?
This. It's asynchronous trade, it doesn't really "do" anything for you. You put up a buy/sell order and someone has to find it to sell/buy
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>Try to trade 20,000 Orbs of Regret on the Trade Market
>Exchange Cost: 2 million gold
>Player A: WTS 17 exalted for 19 chaos each
>Player B: WTB 1 exalted orb for 20 chaos each
>Player A loses 1 exalted/gets 19 chaos, Player B loses 19 chaos/gets1 exalted orb
>Player A: WTS 16 exalted for 19 chaos each
thats what would happen
I haven't seen a melee skill using eb yet. It's generally used as a source of flat for spells with spellblade. But yeah with increased %EAD gigaflat sources such as replica alberons, wand mods, etc are going to be very strong for attack skills. They seem to have only prenerfed one of those, trauma support. I guess if something is easily accessible it's not allowed to scale your gem, but uniques or well rolled rares are fair game.
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What's the best bonker base type now?
snoo won
i tried making an EB melee build and its bad. the damage isnt terrible but the ES cut just neuters your defensives too hard. its way better with the inquistor stat stacking spell bullshit.
It's pretty gay that EB is literally only useful as a stat stick for Spellblade
inquisitor then?
how do we feel, consecrated path bros?
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take the blight pill brother (no idea if that's dropping gold either)
>No more whispering 20 niggers on the trading site and none of them answering
Finally, some good fucking league
Also funny how this proves BFR is the one who prevented any QoL from being added to the game.
Hope his whole collection of black lotuses catches fire
marohi erqui with new qual changes.
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Will they close poe trade website?
What if I can't get enough gold for all my shit?
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when in doubt check poe.ninja
skill issue (you can still use the trade site)
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you still have to trade for items and also standard still has to use it for currency trade.
Chris won, you, poch and diablo lost bud.
the asynchronous trading is only for stackable currencies (not including incubators). not for normal items
So are oil extractors just removed from the game?
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Good meme from Reddit I assume?
Learn to read
Sad that you don't just learn it in the school in America
Eventuality Rod. 8.3% base crit and FREE +1 end charge.
That remains to be seen. I know for a fact there's people who have dozens of bots running that do everything from waking up on a beach to doing simple maps with near zero intervention. They'll have to write a bunch of extra scripts to trade them stuff and make them post it on the auction but it's doable, especially considering the whole shebang already requires decent technical knowledge. It's a question of how many of them there are exactly and whether that would be enough to put a dent in a market with a hundred thousands joes listing all their bubblegum currency for actual prices. I'd say no, but we'll see. There's a lot of rmt niggers.
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You DID beat a T17 map pre nerf right poeg?

It's up,
i love this nigga and his builds
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It's as shrimple as that.
>AI art
Jung is so fucking soulless lmao
he's asian...
nice reference dude
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Tell me poeg i have no fucking clue what to do, i thought i was going dual strike of ambidexterity jugg following alks build but then i see conflicting people saying it's bad its good its nerfed its buffed its bad for league starting this and that i need a recommendation

lightning spells with witch in Crucible (didnt know wtf i was doing)
RF Jugg in ToTa
kinetic bolt/blast with ranger second league in Affliction
LA Champion in Necropolis

want to play melee interested in inquisitor, i want a tanky dps monster that has great damage scaling maybe even infinite i like play 1 build per league
Did one in SSF with my certified ShitBuild. Never again.
You missed
No, you mean the shock node is second build material
Heatshiver still exists
alk's dual strike build is really good but it needs gear. he's probably going to be playing boneshatter to level 100 then making the swap.
I haven't play since Sentinel.
What did I miss?
Do I need to learn something or is de the fundamentally different?
funnily enough he did exactly that during necorpolis, i dont know if i can make good money play boneshitter during league start to get the gear needed for dual strike
>6700 mana for archmage
it's SSF
the main thing with dual strike is it needs clusters and they won't be cheap early league, each large cluster is like 60% more damage and extremely points efficient
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>with basic quality shenanigans (ashes dialla enhance) you can get 22 simultaneous firestorms of pelting
how can I use this information?
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meanwhile in my practice run...
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good job blowing your rng for the league baka
Has anyone been planning on Eye of Malice Warden to lean harder on the double Scorch thing? Seems like a decent path to take.
>1 million dps
Yeah it sounds great but then you're using a staff.
ive been crashing every hour or so...
could dual strike do the same damage as the league start boneshatter with shitty gear?
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They foookin did it lads.
chain dd hits 8 times with one cast, retardbro.
no but its not terrible, maybe 30% less damage
t. leaguestarted it in necropolis
Knowing GGG testing department, just imagine all the funny bugs with trade market in the first week:
>people lose all currency get nothing
>someone receives hundreds of divines
>DC on each trade
>your listing randomly disappearing
>incorrect ratios
Yeah. Anathema for elemental shred curses, double as-close-to-maxed-as-possible scorches and exposure from Eye of Malice is already pretty near the cap of minimum effective resistances if you have any penetration at all.
boneshatter lost a bit with totems and the rage changes. to be fair they're probably closer now than before, though boneshatter will probably feel better for mapping with the intrinsic aoe. the new qual scaling will help bridge the gap with dual strike provided you can get a 2.0+ speed offhand
Imagine the dupes from the server crashing
>his builds
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I can't fucking decide between Phys Slams or Tec Slam Chieftain. Both have their upsides and downsides.

Tec Slam:
>Stacks Endurance charges to be tankier
>But may not be able to utilize them for tankiness as you're spending them on Cataclysm
>Gets insane phys as fire from stacking warcry effect, makes your weapon scaling utterly bonkers
>May have trouble generating endurance charges (So far I have: Enduring Cry + Inexorable + Disciple of the Unyielding. Going to get a small cluster and add Enduring Composure)
>Massive fucking AoE, like insane ridiculous screenwide AoE with Seismic + Cataclysm
>Eventual crit version with a staff goes nuts

>Simpler to build/scale, but seems to have a lower ceiling
>Doesn't really stack endurance charges. Could pick up more, but points are already spread thin between warcries + rage + impale
>Have to figure out a good skill to use. Sunder for leveling, but perhaps ES of Prominence later on
>Worse clear because Tec Slam of Cataclysm is that insane AoE
>Doesn't rely on Endurance charges for all of its damage, meaning it actually should be able to have much higher damage uptime

Basically I think on the high end, if endurance charges can be sustained, Tec Slam is better. However, Phys seems much more consistent. Maybe I should just end up trying both if respeccing is easier/cheaper thanks to gold. We still get regrets, right? So you can use a mix of regrets + gold to redo a big chunk of your skill tree? I might level with Sunder, switch to Tec Slam, and if endurance charges can't be maintained go back to Phys until I get a cluster jewel.
did you just infringe on MY intellectual property by playing THIS skill on THIS ascendancy?
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>unironically pressing 5 slams off cooldown just to do less DPS than the Archmage player wearing rares he picked off the floor
Meleecucks are deranged.
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fucking game is crashing on random bosses through campaign.
This also reminds me how incredibly cheap Anathema always is. No matter what anyone says and yes I know ring slots are competitive but Anathema is fucking BUSTED. I always consider it in any build I play, if socket pressure is low enough for me to apply 3-4 curses.
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yeah im quite interested in what to do with the extra passive skill nodes now that melee doesnt use totems, do we go damage or defense or attack speed on the passive tree? the other anon or you said that damage really scales from gear and clusters with this build, i also just found out looking at the gem its 50% more damage main hand and all attack speed is from off hand

i love asian women

did you go all the way into endgame with the build? if so how much did you invest till it started feeling comfy?
Yes. I want to one shot stuff with a big ass slam.
>warcry andy
The power creep might be so high that GGG does a massive nerf next league. I can already imagine Chris waking up in the cold sweat over the power creep since expedition league.
switch to dx 12 maybe?
are there any retard-kino league starters yet?
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Do not fucking fall for this bait ass weapon. Yes, it does a lot of damage, but you'll attack less than once a second and you will feel like fucking shit. I guarantee you, you'll hate it. You'll cancel half your attacks by moving, possibly more. It is miserable. I tried to make use of it before and I hated myself and it.
Cleaning my /poeg/ thread one MD5 at the time.
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Double based have another
If is your time in the order queue, you should get the 110c, but is GGG so we don't know if ignorance or malice will make it different.
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>only 5 days to finish my entire backlog
trooning spree!
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You only need to attack twice per map. Once for first EQ and then once for your vaal EQ.
You mean, like they do it right now with bots that whisp, buy and sell automatically? You could say that at least forcing them to bot for the gold making the bots more noticeable is better than now.
I gave up after I saw the league trailer.
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>Cleaning my /poeg/ thread one MD5 at the time.
If you use Anathema in your build it's exactly the same thing as throwing Pyroclast Mines of Sabotage.
I know you're memeing, but the mace is literally
>Wind up attack
>Hope to not get stunned (or become immune to stun)
>Can't dodge out of the way of the 10,000 things going on because if you do you have to start up attacking again
>Kill nearly everything
>Stragglers are left
>Some monsters are shooting shit out of their corpses
>Have to take over a second again to wind up and swing
>Repeat this for every fucking pack
It honestly is not worth it.
I mean, it used to be a 4c ring before people started paying attention. Now it's only not used by everyone because it's hard to apply 7 curses at once. Ain't got no fucking gem slots.
i wanted to replay this game but i forgot how to spawn the NPCs and i didn't want to look it up. anyways, i stopped playing
All of Anime sissies here should bounce on my DICK.
>Warden is turning out to be dud League Starter

fuck this shit... I don't want to LS anything else bros...
where do the tinctures come from?
Tinctures are stored in the balls.
They made from seed oils?
That pob is using inspiration. Mana builds are fucked. They barely had enough regen before now its terrible. These devices just love fucking their shit game up
You probably wouldn't want to hook up with obese 30-year-old incels
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didn't people normaly just use it for cyclone+shockwave and frozen legion
they're part of the normal drop pool like flasks
People are now suggesting it for slams, and I cannot imagine wanting to have like 0.5-0.75 attack speed.
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This better work on controller
>Hi! I'm Frozen Legion from Grinding Gear Games.
Don't forget when you fight a monster and it randomly blocks, or has rotating resistance, or doesn't die in one hit and you have to try to hit it again.
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>anime princess
looks about right
reminder to everyone wanting to start melee to just use spectral throw until level 12
you dont know pain until you miss a slow ass slam in the first couple zones
my wife had balls surgically affixed to her chin so she could look like peter griffin
listening to that guy literally makes me sleep
That's a 10/10 compared with the "anime princess" here.
faggot spotted
You don't even get sunder until 12, and noone with a brain runs ground slam
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You gave up your balls?
hey Beter......
The do nothing "new" "fun" RF meta has arrived!

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I check the wiki every time I'm in doubt
i didn't have them in the first place
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how the FUCK do you make Warden or Assassin tanky? all my builds have 4k hp even if i click all the HP nodes, and zero ways to mitigate phys damage.
You put another mans balls on your wifes face?
ralakesh and replica badge of the brotherhood.
You do gorillions of damage to explode everything before they explode you and just don't get hit for those things that you can't explode.
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is frost blades good
>white map with 0 mods
cool story bro
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>Any build
>Look at boots slot
Are explosions really worth going gladiator on when scion can just steal most of the value on the ascendency otherwise before dipping into something else for damage and survivabiliyty?
and i thought pohx was retarded
I like downtime in dungeons because I play with my wife and our friends, and downtime gives us time to actually take a breath and chat with each other. Because we're friends, and we actually like to talk about things and catch up on our lives and this video game is primarily something fun for us to do while we're hanging out. This is not a competitive video game. We are not here to win, and the game does not have to demand total focus from all parties at all times.
freeze and hit them befofre they hit you
>is frost blades good
Go try it. Good luck killing any rares let alone bosses. It's a mapper. Not for league start, you actually need to kill bosses and rares during league start
Does the same thing it always does, good clear shit bossing.
>spanks this fox hard*
ed/c is back baby
I'm going to play slams ironically
the explosions got buffed, it does double the damage from before so should result in even better clear
Yeah but it was fucking AIDS and not fun
Not fun to roll and not fun to play
Honestly the freeze node + the 80% more burst node instantly makes the ascendancy good for any tri-ele build. The scorch and shock nodes are extreme bait at league start.
>bro just anoint Defiled Forces and get a prismatic oil and also anoint Rising Tempest before killing Kitava
Yeah ok.

Snoobae's league starter can't use the shock node at all. It will literally give him negative ~20% damage or so to take that node. He's going to have to change it to ranged tincture.
Glad suffers from nodamage and the defenses that it gives aren't actually insane. Block doesn't defend against dots so you still have to layer more defenses substantial other defenses.
Cast When Stunned + anything still works for AFKing Ultimatums. The only thing that's changed is that DD explosion does 1/10th the damage.
Every build I am seeing is bait
All of them
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the only actual nonbait builds are rf jugg and archmage hiero
although i hear the mana got rekt because of inspiration so its only rf jugg now
he has like 80 projectiles on screen per second are you sure?
Bodyswap and park him in sims
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>Every build I am seeing is bait
>All of them
RF is an absolutely shit build and has been for a long time. It is a slow tanky mapper. If you are playing SC there is no reason to play a mapper build that is slow.
so what are you playing?
>Suffix Modifiers on Shields that cause you to Gain Life when you Block can no longer roll. This does not apply to the Shaper version.
we are so back
I feel like there's a fundamental game play problem with a lot of melee skills in the form of how they engage with enemies and how gimped they are with clear speed in regards to just total amount of screen space for them to explode that's not actually fixed via a large damage buff for the primary skills themselves or even this defensive buff pass.
slayer is still ok but ffs i don't want to start slayer again
torchlight frontiers (renamed to torchlight 3 in a desparate bid to get people to buy it) lopped by the way
>people bullied him and he changed the order
reminder to all our newfriends that all of these are based on vibes
An invisible build. On that cannot be seen or described, only known and felt.
Oh, I forgot that softcore trade league divmaxxing still requires you to play a bow build. Thanks for the heads up.
That's true but basically unfixable, and using the inherent mechanical problems as an excuse to also leave them in a bad spot numerically is just a shitty copout that they coasted on for way too long.
Shockwave totem
>leaguestart spark
>800k is more than enough bro it's fine
>245 widowhails are really cheap week 1 trust me
>just buy your last 2 voidstones it's no big deal
Tested KB frag hits today for spring Wardens. Before wisps, you can get 3 hits per proj maximum, but that's if you're standing on top of the boss, which is stupid. So I tested what you get if you're standing at a "comfortable" distance. So here's my average hits per attack at a medium distance on Abberath, per projectile fired in the attack. (Measured using Golden Rule)

Wisps should increase this by at least 50%, but I couldn't include them since they don't trigger a golden rule poison. Assuming you're using them, though, you really shouldn't need any additional projectile investment to max out your shocks in situations where you're constantly attacking at 4+ APS.
congrats you havent seen rf since 2015
Oh no I agree with that I just think this melee league in terms of picking any of these builds is going to be a huge scam
There are no good starter builds anymore, simple as
It's solved by deleting softcore so you can't shitblast 4 screens at once on a 3k hp bow character without consequences
>Vaal skills don't go on soul prevention cooldown
What can you do with this? You used to do vaal spark, but spark kinda shitty these days.
vaal rf lol
ground sloom
Lightning strike, ground slam
Nobody on earth would play a hardcore only game
Not telling.
Chieftain Jugg is better at everything
>More damage with dot resist pen node
>Better clear with explosions
>Better regen with infinite power end cry
>Same tankiness now that armor stacking is deleted (can get forbidden jewels if you really need that +1% per charge)

Find. A. Flaw. outside of the defenses, im going to remove some damage for those.
Chieftain Jugg literally seems the safest bet. I was surprised with its resilience last league, i literally took my a few divs jugg to t17 and walked thru it.
If the problem's with the setup that was the best I found testing at 5 proj, if there's a breakpoint at other values where something else takes over I don't know about it
You're going to want to kill yourself leapslamming with marohi
Use frostblink, you can teleport while attacking and it will not cancel it.
lots of people do though
what this guy >>487074130 said
People play hardcore sub modes of games. There's no reality where path could sustain itself on a hardcore only existence.
>less damage than jugg because you have to overinvest into defense or die
>legacy of fury clears just as well as explode in practice
>worse regen because chief cant afford to scale it
>thinking a chieftain's tank can beat unbreakable + xibaqua even after the change
pob is already updated
and all the new anoints are already revealed
Go ahead link your Mageblood RF build again so you can pretend its not shit.
There is nothing really new or different aside the stuff we will get next league.
>Trade league
>But only using currency exchange
The comfiest way to play.
sorry i forgot mageblood is bad and nobody ever uses it endgame
when will xixixi do the needful and make ranger starting nodes good
there is no over-investing in defenses in 3.25, you slap on 6 charges, a coil/cloak and go
you don't have to spec into auraslop now either so it's simple to set aside a few points for a FREE 20%+ regen buff
>Suffix Modifiers on Shields that cause you to Gain Life when you Block can no longer roll. This does not apply to the Shaper version.

Taming was buffed for Wardens who went from 120% damage to 120-160% (freeze, chill, shock, and ignite or scorch.)

Shock node is bait unless you're cheesing with Painseeker memes because you will never hit a max shock. Snoobae has the right idea, but even his PoB just barely gets enough hits in to max because he runs a flask with chance to freeze/shock/ignite that will have 0% uptime.
Just link the youtube video again so I can post the POB again and we can all enjoy.
you really think ranger needs a buff?
The builds people actually want to play are all bait. The builds that are good are clunky shit or unfun shit and nobody wants to play them.
Anyone tried Locus Mine Power Siphon? I kinda want to avoid mines, but I don't see many other good options for Trickster
I think they should nerf the feelsbadman feeling of taking the dex nodes on every character
free *stops to warcry* 20% *stops again* regen *stops* buff
also have fun not only avoiding no regen but also less cooldown, buffs expire faster and steal charges on hit on your maps LMAO
I wish they didn't remove so many mods. I didn't see this one or the bleed damage suffix in the patch notes because why would I be looking for something like that.
Yup, Heavy Strike Jug login.
It's good but I fucking hate locus mines.
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>it's bait
>that's a bait
so what's not bait?
I feel like this leagues meta is gonna give them some real data on how shit they've made their game recently. There's no good starters left so now no one can cope with the shit gameplay and brute force their way to currency for a second build. I honestly don't think there's a single interesting build left in the fucking game at this point because all they do is nerf shit and make you rely on their chase items for power. Its literally fucking d3 now
bro just get a surrender it shits on all gain sneed when you block
bro this is a sc trade general
Almost every class takes the stat path lategame because starting nodes are intentionally low value and the stats have better pathing, this isn't a problem exclusive to ranger.
I guess if it's just too annoying to play I can swap to hexblast mines fairly easily
>Shock node is bait unless you're cheesing with Painseeker memes because you will never hit a max shock
If it works the way you're implying then yeah it's shit but I don't think it does
Steelmage's Bleed Chieftain looks pretty good, though I've only found a setup using a bunch of endgame shit. I took it all out and the damage and defenses were still fine.
>Anyone tried Locus Mine Power Siphon? I kinda want to avoid mines, but I don't see many other good options for Trickster
Total bait. It's the only skill in the game with a minimum and maximum range like that.

There's a donut ring that your skill will work in at all. Not too close, not too far, it's trash
hey its your 6 porals
Yup it feels awful to play. Powerful though.
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Are either of the Ritual keystones worth taking?
it's really good once you get charged mines. the autotargetting clear feels awesome once you get used to throwing your mines in the proper places.
Sounds like it would be decent at Ritual?
>Sounds like it would be decent at Ritual?
No, not good in any case where you are constrained as if you are too close to your mines let's say by moving to avoid something, they don't work at all and it's not like you can tell again of time it just won't work.
Literally anything if you can get your hands on Replica Badge of the Brotherhood.
Last league was the same shit, except from broken ass Detonate Dead. The only reason it was not more apparent was because the league was a bigger turd than the patch itself
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Heistchads feasting meanwhile us mapcucks are waiting for Tujen's timer to run out for 3c
How did we get here?
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Warden Explosive Arrow ignite
>100% more damage shocks
>-60% ele res scorches
>All damage can ignite tinctures

find a flaw
detect a defect
spot a stain
If I play a build with mroe than one button I just macro with ahk, simple as
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>not melee
Yea, good point, I might be underestimating how annoying the min distance would be and my idea was to just spam mines and run around
on poeninja day 1 only 5% of people played detonate dead. how can it get any more apparent when 95% of people didn't play the only build that was broken?
zattacks for zshock
placing a totem to shoot a arrow in a league designed to remove totems
Tinctures have been nerfed, the "all damage can ignite/shock/freeze" have been removed.
have we seen all tinctures yet? there are also apparently unique tinctures
>in a league designed to remove totems
How was the league designed to remove totems? Because they fucked with a single cluster?
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They died so boats could live
so why are so many streamers stacking mana? I thought it was melee league
name 5
because archmage is a stupid support
Not all, but we do see in the trailer that the all damage can poison tincture has been changed into a 30% poison chance with weapons, and that the all damage can shock one has been changed to 30% shock chance with weapons, so i think its safe to assume that the ignite one has been changed too.
because heirophant also gets endurance charges and archmage builds shit out damage
I going to stack mana in my melee build too.
Even if that tincture still exist, you won't have 100% uptime of it.
6 second downtime
6 second linger with wardens nodes
true I don't doubt at all the regular one is changed but I don't think it's out of the question there is some wacky unique ones
Two of the tinctures we know about have 8 second CDs.
captain lance lost
cats won
There are tincture cooldown passives in the tree now.
It actually turns off when you hit 0 mana and you will hit 0 mana after about 3 seconds with your class and build there
Extremely low quality post
Starting flame wars
LA or Ice Shot
Ice Shot is a meme
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A daring synthesis.
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>Saboteur's triggerbots and cooldown recovery nodes
>Doryani's Prototype and the -% Lightning Resistance rings from Kalandra
>Choir of the Storm
I mean, it could work. The main problem is that they made Breach items ultra-rare with the last rework
>build up tincture charges
>build up unbound charges
>build up banner charges
>press three buttons
>giga deeps
>stop doing damage after, probably
Watching more of Jung's power siphon locus miner makes it seem kinda miserable. I get that it's a low gear race environment, but this seems like it relies way more on novelty than being actually good.
There is no flaming or wars.
Autistic stuttering gook made some noise, reminiscent of the angry jewish dwarf hating the trumpeter.
The rest is just yapping
>hits that would ignite instead scorch
there are a lot of giga deeps league starters to choose from don't worry
they all use a maven belt and ralakesh but that's fine because ralakesh was only a few divines last league :^)
It's getting a pretty decent buff in the patch but that doesn't change the jank playstyle
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Any freezy fellas? Any glacial guys? Any chilly cunts?
the only funny part of the drama was lance making a 21 minute video detailing exactly how not mad he is
So everything is bait and the only real starter is KB of Frag Warden right?
das rite
And then rue has spent the last 3 days literally seething about it and combing through all of reddit and meta pobs from various people he had stashed in an effort to 'debunk' Lance. Literally hrs every fucking day for the past 2 days lmao. Rue is absolutely unhinged
power siphon miner is good if you can aim your cursor somewhere other than directly at your feet
Tinctures are melee only now
yeah but that part is cringe, I only care about drama if it's funny
I'm starting archmage
power siphon ballista warden and you can't stop me
not if you're playing warden
Fuck this shit I'm just gonna go archmage, I'm not risking my league start with some shitty melee build
>using an Ascendancy point

lmao. miss me with that shit
wow ur right i might even reach 40 apm this league
do boomers really worry about this shit i thought yall played starcraft in your heyday
what's a good archmage guide?
Wanna play a spell build ? Cool heres this zhp badge ralakesh and void battery setup?
Wanna play a minion build? Cool heres this zhp diallas setup
Wanna play a totem build? Cool heres this badge ralakesh and void battery setup
Wanna play a brand build? Cool heres this void battery badge and ralakesh setup. Or maybe this retard tree ivory tower stat stacking abimination
Wanna play a normal build that's well rounded and doesn't rely on zho items to do damage? Sorry that's for hardkeks they only have two builds
nigger i played the game when i had to press 5 flask buttons every 8 seconds
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Maybe I have a fetish for being baited with league starters, ever think of that mr smartie pants know it all.
There's literally only one archmage build. They fucked mana so bad and pigeon holed builds so bad there's literally only one way to build it
>press 5 flask buttons every 8 seconds*
*they were all macroed
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>You did 6 maps in 5 minutes? Well okay you just pressed 100 warcrys. Now imagine you are playing for 8 hours
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str stack wander is the going to be the meta high-end blaster btw take advantage of people thinking str stacking is dead fellow sc chuds
Imagine though. If there's a tincture that gives +2 projectiles like before. Imagine that shit.
>str stack wand
>without battlemage
lmao ok
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who the fuck thinks str stack is dead?
especially with the deep delvers talking about str stack all day
look up, people in here are really dumb anon. they think all totem builds are dead because they removed ancestral totems. they think triggered skills have cast time. take advantage!
retards think its dead with the bmc nerf
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For Tec Slam of Cataclysm do you just use two Kaom's Signs until you get synthesis endurance rings?
>do you just use two Kaom's Signs
yeah probably
>until you get synthesis endurance rings?
these are going to be a hundred divs so good luck
its not dead but defenses got worse.
you can yeah. you can get nice corrupted ones for really cheap (usually)
oh yeah I should pob min endurance charge fast tec slammer again and then not play it
i'm 2 weeks behind in uni work cause i've been playing so much modded minecraft so i'm probably gonna not be able to play much league launch cause i'll be doing school shit but that just means i can make use of whatever broken strategies people come up with
Bmc was like 60% of the damage lil bro. Did all skills get built in spell damage? I thought it was just kinetic bolt
Yeah, no chance I'd actually get them. Maybe some really well rolled Circles of Anguish with fire damage + buff effect would be more damage because of the increase to Herald of Ash.

I wonder what you'd get. There is Attack Speed, Global Phys, or maybe just Determination effect.
How do I get a T1/T2 suppress and life gain on block Shaper shield? Harvest spam it? Hope that recomb isn't expensive to do?
Probably recombinators. Or maybe they are shit now, we don't know.
think they said you cant recomb influence gear so good luck
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im gonna sloom and recoomb
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its up

fake news
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Why did they make the auction house listed as individual auctions instead of just buy/sell orders
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I played Sentinel league and I won't lie. I did not use a single recombinater past for the challenge, I think. What is the best way to use them? Just take two pieces of gear that combined have like 5 good mods and mash them together? Obviously looking for stuff that works, not combining 3 good prefixes with 3 good prefixes unless you need a specific combo.
Because it allows someone to set a somewhat high buy order and immediately buy out all the stock to price fix with
>What is the best way to use them?
Depends how rare they are and if they made the mods chosen weighted
have you heard of GOLD
they aren't an item you just need gold and dust from isla
Yeah and you "just" need mirror shards to make a mirror, it doesn't mean you're getting a lot of them
If it's rare it's rare
Play Warframe.
So how reliable is the new currency trading market going to be if it uses gold? Am I going to have to run 3 maps just so I can list some currency I want to sell right away?
If its gold per unit then we are all fucked compared to the bot farmers and group play boys. They will generate shit tons more gold since there is a barrier to entry to trade based on playtime and difficulty of content you can clear
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can gold be used for something else than trading currencies?
Total guess, but I just feel like they are gonna let people do a decent amount of recombing because they took away the special mods.
I'd sooner play the latest ubisoft slop
Dancing Dervish league
Why do people care about this unique so much. Its just worse animate weapon isnt it?
Respecing, gambling for items, and I think just general use in your settlement. They said the gamble items are gonna have better mods on average, so might be worth doing it in campaign or early maps.
everything you do with the league mechanic needs gold
they fuck hard and can't die, they're just annoying to play.
Then they can do a mass buyout whether or not it's a sell order or individual auctions.

There is no reason not to switch to orders.
PoE needs to add canon pregnancy and let us romance our hideout bitches like DE did. come on bald fucking retard, I know you sell waifu pets on the chinese server, give us a wedding ring mtx like fucking azur lane and let me breed zana
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so i'm wasting gold by trading currencies that i could be using for something else?
it's over...
They said it is a "trivial amount of gold" for trading, but we don't have any exact numbers. I suspect gold will not be an issue for the league mechanic or trading and will be more of a problem if you're just sitting there gambling 24/7 or doing nothing but recombing.

anon I have some bad news
>This value has been balanced around midgame campaign
>In early game it can be quite difficult, if not entirely unreasonable to use the system
>By endgame it should be relatively trivial and just serve as a nominal cost
warden is useless now
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ok I thought you were thinking you still drop them, rare is a strange word to use. it might be expensive yes. this is the cost shown in the video.
Literally everything they added in the new league requires gold
Is gold itself tradeable?
>so i'm wasting gold
Gold is basically an infinite resource if you're actually playing the game
You cannot waste something that is infinite
People don't know this, but new Kaom's has a hidden modifier that says "50% more effective leech"

Seems pretty good for slayer desu
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i have not slept for 35 hours we are getting into schizo theory crafting levels of fuckery in build creation

It's up.
give me your schizo builds, anon.
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which one are we playing?
>these are going to be a hundred divs so good luck
these have historically been cheaper than frenzy/power ones but with these upcoming changes... yeah, count yourself lucky if you find a nice unique circle ring with a relevant herald with implicit max charges.
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goddamit someone posted it >>487093943
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Here /poeg/, your league starter.
ok cool. it doesn't sound so bad then
They clearly overrated ED on this list.
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Thanks for giving me a list of builds not to play anon.
is there a way to fully gain rage like old warbringer?
>54m DPS
>No meme custom configs
Am I missing something or is Warden just genuinely that broken?
ty for league starter
Just tested crafting some Sadist garbs on Standards, shit is like 80 dense fossils 1800eva/400 es which isn't the worst but still a decent amount
taming has already been nerfed
Is there new tech to make it good or did they just have a biden moment?
All of them but the regen one are wrong
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Can you explain the 77 or is that a meme
What's a screen-wide, fuckoff huge bleed explosion build this league?
or even better
a 1 or 0 button bleed build. Auto-bomber bleed?
>doing a campaign run
>crashed 7 times by act 6
i've never crashed this much in poe ever
what did BFR do
might play this, but holy fuck is early molten strike gameplay cancer until you get a lot of +strikes
If you dont care about boss damage the nerfed CF Glad will blow up screens with ease but CF got fucked in like 20 different ways
archmage ball lightning
>STR Stacker
Bro you could do that with basically any skill.
returning proj
snipers mark
these are the same devs that said t17s were supposed to be the bridge from pinnacles to ubers
nah, i played CF before. Not really into it that much.
I was thinking more like whole screen exerted EQ or something. Bleed pops would be better though.
I was hoping retaliate might be a thing but on block as a trigger is shit
My slayer version of MS of the Zenith has like 11M DPS, but it is not a STR stacker.
You get max 16 hits average with that setup lol
BL or Bleed Bow shit
Anything on this list is a bait and smokescreen for the real builds
same thing happened to me wtf
It's one of the only spells that got buffed in the patch notes but it was so far out of date that it needed a much bigger buff. An ED build with league start gear will be fighting quest Exarch for 15 minutes.
vaal ground sloom glad
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>it was me the whole time
have you tried archmage ice nova
its slightly clunky but look at how many posters here are planning on casting warcries
literal ssf build
>multiple crashes with hardly anyone online
oh no no no no no
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He's one of the fastest racers and probably among the best players in general.
It also helps that he makes lists that you can just post as an image.
i gotta say, this ball lightning of orbiting hierophant looks sick
please post the tinctures now already thank you
they should do a straight up casino league. not an actual casino probably but something with poker, blackjack, roulette, craps etc
so tattoos ARE back after all
>no gold find item stat
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They're literally on the update announcement page
more dps = more gold
Ground Slam berzerker, got to try out the automated exerted warcry stuff.
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they just got rid of quant on gear
extremely boring balance changes, I'm skipping this one
see you in poe2 retardbros
Go take a shower, stinky boy
i'm just watching ben. it's the same shit poedan used in the voidstone race.
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>best in slot item for my build is ralakesh boots
its fucking over, isn't it?
if you want to win the lottery you have to make the money to buy a ticket
with the charge changes ralakesh is BIS for like half the builds in the game so that's not saying much
is there a way to trigger retaliations on bosses?
how are mines compared to traps? gameplay i mean. are they clunky or comfy?
Block them.
Hopefully you have enough skills equip and passives to chance to repeat/activate another that you only need one block.
charge generation is just such a pain for most builds
some builds like bow builds can get frenzies and power charges for free
but endurance charges is annoying for almost all builds. even for jugg it's kind of annoying to not have max charges.
if you're willing to dedicate two sockets to detonate mines and automation it's comfier, otherwise you have to press the detonate mines button each time you want set mines to go off or play with your finger always pressed down on that button.
penance mark :)
they removed the leftclick thing right? like we used to hold vortex down on cold dot builds with left click etc. is it like that for mines too? so you gotta hold like, E or R or something down to auto detonate?
You have new mastery to no button detonate
enduring cry is literally free on all builds
What are some other ways to Aggravate other then Gladiator's passive?
Very similar but also reserve all of your fucking mana to throw them.

Rate my League Starter (10c Budget btw)
just use AHK wtf
There are some % chance to aggravate on hit nodes on the tree. If you're not hitting fast then you're fucked.
>10% from any attack
>50% mastery from any stun
>50% when you crit, pretty far out from the starting node too
Seems pretty trash, I imagine I could pull it off if I socketed stun support in for the 50% but that's still a whole wasted gem slot.
Genuinely thinking of passing up the lucky block for the aggravate ascendancy.
What is it about league start and SSF that makes me want to play the dumbest shit possible?

I was actually thinking about doing Power Siphon Locus mines with abyss jewel stacking to abuse Lightpoacher
Is Connor Converse /ourguy/?
ye, my whiplash from necro league hasn't recovered
See you in poe2
I'm busy with my projects anyway, but I would've tried a melee this league for once just because overwhelm is out
he's a manatranny tho
>midwest guy who sells farm tractors and loves college sports
nah, he'd call us nerds and mock us while he fucks Stacy
>Posting a geriatric Scourge league dex stacking totem build
What did anon mean by this? Mental illness? Are they a bot?
>lab enchant
>double corrupted chest
>crucible tree
>923 dex
how viable is a pure relatiate build?
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>10c budget
>rain of splinters
>dying sun
ok bub
that's what quin's doin, he's saying 10 mil per hit in his pob idk
Probably decently strong, if you don't mind slowing down at times.
Hidden OP. Secret tech. Tell noone.
Glad is fucking dogshit, the best bleed build is a Slayer with the bleedsplosion gloves
so its trash, oh nyo...
yeah but what about atlas trees? also does the new league mechanic have atlas passives? i would go ballsdeep in that if so.

starting betrayal to unlock unveils and probably expedition with the big boom node
I think it'll start off pretty slow but once teched out and with enough slots you should be doing pretty insane damage. With 3 of them on your build you should have good chances of being able to cycle through them from one block, and with the every 4 is guaranteed crit node you should be doing huge damage.
>atlas tree
up on poeplanner
>new mechanic passives
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bleedbow glad/slayer ------> FB slayer when moneys start rolling in
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been away for a while, I heard recombinators are coming back is that true?
yeah, they're back
Sure buddy. 5% explosion vs 20% explosion, literally the same.
To be fair, Slayer is great, but what will decide which ascendancy to go for, is going to be the price of the ascendancy jewels.
vulnerability, tree nodes
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hell yeah motherfucker
It's up.
no mutated mods though, only honest crafting
They are dogshit now. Recomb with a price, but you can't get the recomb special mods anymore.
>Dancing Dervish feels like it will become mandatory on every build, can we prevent this please?
does it?
>We’re changing Eternal Damnation from “cannot gain endurance charges/cannot gain power charges” to “Maximum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges is 0

Oh no...
We’re changing Eternal Damnation from “cannot gain endurance charges/cannot gain power charges” to “Maximum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges is 0
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max block discharge glad....?
it was mandatory weapon swap for all builds
you niggers are not seriously considering playing melee just because that dogshit gameplay got slightly bigger damage? you could already get boneshatter and other garbage to do billions of dps and one tap everything, it's not about the damage, it's about melee being a shit class in every video game
When are they just gonna accept that the boots are busted and revert them?
This. I had a perfectly fine strike melee build this league. The overall buffs would only make it better next league. But that doesn't make up for the fact that its still a pain in the ass to hit shit compared to just clicking anywhere on the screen. Less melee range makes it worse now too.
Unless melee was buffed to insane amounts damage wise (which most are saying it wasn't), there's no benefit from losing the comfort and overall defensive ness of ranged attacks for more damage.
barkskin seems extremely OP
no the problem was always that everything other than boneshatter did shit damage on anything less than extreme rmt investment
it is miserable but its one of the only builds that has high damage+clear+tank at all stages of the game
its the price you pay for power
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what does this mean?
i didn't see anyone talking about it.
>Aggravating a bleed has no effect with Crimson Dance, as there is no extra damage to deal.
It’s amazing that enough people were dumb enough to think these two things would have any interaction that they had to include this note.
I watched manni try it yesterday, it seemed really smooth and strong with 0 gear
>The Gladiator's Jagged Technique passive is the only way to apply an aggravated bleed in a single hit.

>glad is for 1 hand weapons
>big slams are for 2 hand weapons
>bleed slams want glad node
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btw this finally works with spells now
it was free rampage for all builds with a simple weapon swap
>put on mageblood, original sin, and str stack
stupidest nigger in the poe community
Couldn't you already do that before 3.25?
>ascendency point and 10% reservation for 300 ward
It’s not miserable at all unless you only play righteous fire.
I liked playing piano slams when they had damage, if they now have a functional amount of damage again without having to be a cringe strstacker then I'm absolutely going to be playing it.
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is it good?
how can you miss the point that hard
if you take the second node you use bark on spell damage hits but they don't stop it regening
>no rune enchants on unique weapons
Marohi Erqi is fucking USELESS now.
that build is is still very good just not the weird bait that he posted. ea through campaign, swap at maps, fuckton of dps and braindead progression, just stack dex. can do pretty much any map mod and mechanic. I farmed t17s with ~2600 dex and didn't even have capped resists because everything just fell over, and I would have passed 3k if i finished crafting my heist ring and amulet but necropolis blew donkey dick and I quit.
I thought it was 25% reserve in affliction league? And the numbers seem higher too. Honestly it looks pretty decent.
For fucks sake, I just want the actual DD build to be viable for once, stop fucking this shit up for me.
wow that's shit
>It reserves less mana
You live under a rock then. Yea racers don't talk about it but for minion builds (not only but mainly) you had an aggressive, better-AI-than-SRS 7 link support minion that could be turned into utility to grant Blind/Cull/Feeding Frenzy/Elemental Army Debuff/More Wither stacks/Impale/Bleed for Bloodlust Support + of course Rampage. No need for 6-link, just 6 Socket.
Did he do it on Trickster as well?
Barkskin is 10% reservation now but also doesn't give armour.

>Reserves 10% of Mana
>Gain 1 Bark each second if you haven't been Hit by an Enemy Attack Recently
>Lose 1 Bark when Hit by an Enemy Attack
>Maximum 10 Bark
>-30 Physical Damage taken from Attack Hits per Bark
>2% more chance to Evade Attacks per Bark below maximum

Ehhhh. I dunno about all that.
>you could already get boneshatter and other garbage to do billions of dps and one tap everything
I played boneshatter, and until you had insane gear, your build was ZDPS. You had to play piano drop totems, pop buffs, and then you had passable DPS. Meanwhile any spell build I played would just delete bosses. Compared to exert slams before they got nerfed, boneshatter was shit. So yea, increasing the dps and reducing the need to press buttons is great for melee.
>they even shot the frenzy charges
Unfucking believable kek
When will niggers learn to not even open their mouths and react to the "patch notes" until day 1's real patch
that will never happen when upvotes, views, follows, subs, etc. are involved.
Is this AI generated? Why the fuck is there so much sexual tension?
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warden is busted
wtf man
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he shouldn't have posted on reddit
Still is the highest single hit weapon in the game. Doubt it will get dethroned unless someone pulls out some mirror tier craft and we get some stupid enchant that doubles phys damage or something like that. Even then, the heist enchants on it for more phys is stupid OP.
kek I was going to say that
I can't think of good skills to stack lightning all the way to 50 with.
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*gets hit by phys damage*
not so OP now, are you Wardenkek?
Well you are playing a ranger. Armor doesn’t really make sense when it isn’t usable on any class. More chance to evade is really strong. Combined with wind dancer you can hit evasion cap.
Can I really trust a guide from some faggot that calls himself "anime princess" and doesn't know how to use the shift button on his keyboard?
My bleed cleave of rage glad is going smoothly through the campaign apart from crashing like 10 times
though I doubt I'll get past white maps
>Do the maps your runners complete interact with your atlas tree at all?
so they won't get any atlas bonuses? no super loot? is this only to get rid of corrupted maps you can't run yourself?
/ourguy/ posted
>warden is busted
I can't wait till people see how shit the tinctures are because you have to keep your mana unreserved instead of having 1-2% of your mana open like everyone is used too on attack builds.
>have 3% mana open
>use tincture it drains 1%
>use attack it drains the other 1%
>tincture drains the last % and instantly goes on cooldown
Woooow, so good. 2 second buffs big. (3 seconds with the warden nodes that make it linger).
Its going to be insanely underwhelming for mapping and maybe bossers might use it, then again, why boss on warden if you could 1 tap ubers with other skills.
playing my second season. Last time I managed to do T17 using some portals and defeated one uber boss (Sirus). This league I want to go all in and have T17 on farm and do all the uber bosses.
What should I start with?
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I finished my decorating turtle hideout
skill issue
another quality rue melty incoming tomorrow
Its literally free passive currency. I can only run 20 maps an hour. Why not have some pleb npcs run another 20 for me while I run my own?
>playing the same build he played last league but nerfed
just why?
No one uses Marohi Erqi. It might technically be the highest dmg per hit but it doesn't matter when other weapons hits for slightly less but have 3x faster attack speed.
There's an enchant which gives +150% phys as ele. So yeah, marohi is definitely even more megadead.
gog kino
gog kino
not now, rue
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Uh storm burst is the easiest probably but getting damage for it from ranger start isn’t happening. Probably just have to meme it up with a lightning damage molten strike. Or meme it up with three dragons molten strike so you can also get the scorch.
Flasks can be normal or magic?
This sounds exactly like something chris would cook up in his bald head so i'm willing to try it.
redpill me on War of Attrition vs Weapon master for a cleave build
WoA sounds a bit unreliable with the whole
>in your presence (aka 8 meters)
thing. Plus 100 seconds is nearly a minute and a half
Meanwhile weapon master gives you a shitton of accuracy and 30% more dmg
he's the pohx of spark, but instead of tranny porn he likes anime. so yes
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your pixshitar memes suck faggot
Based baldo.
Well yea, marohi is not meant for swinging wildly. You use it to 1 shot ubers, or for perma vaal eartquake where aspd does not matter. You don't use marohi for builds like boneshatter obviously.
true that. i'm just wondering how good the rewards actually are.
who asked, spictranny?
>it is fine when Ziz does it with EA
>or anyone else with DD
Never not makes me wonder.
I have this annoying obsession with bladestorm which seems like a great candidate for it but I've got no hope for actually getting damage out of it.
>open their mouths
I do it to make /poe/ seethe

and I do it for free
>tinctures tinctures tinctures
Keep up the psyop I dont want people getting warden nerfed
if you want infinitely scaling melee build then str stacking is one of your only options yes. doesn't matter much if dsoa, reave, molten strike with acc stacking flavour, etc, it's all very similar builds, sometimes just a gem swap away.
it hasn't been nerfed much, I haven't run the exact numbers but removal of battlemage cry and having to go crown of eyes (thus losing helmet slot) is maybe like a 50% nerf at worst if you don't adapt your build at all, way less if you do build around those changes, and it's compensated by general melee gem buffs, rage rework etc, and str stacking already having retarded scaling anyway. when you're at the very top and have a lot of scaling angles receiving a less multiplier doesn't hurt that much.
now, you can play a normal melee build and swap into it later on once you farmed enough for replica alberons, all the other much cheaper uniques, maybe a decent paradoxica, and perhaps some basic str stacking rares and jewels, or you can start stacking asap through buying Brutus lead scepter when you drop your first chaos. first option is generally better simpler and more reliable, but if you aren't racing it's not like bls strstack is that horrible of a starter.
most mechanics now has mobs dropping maps they said, you'll probably be overflowing with them, and you want them to run simple ones since it looks like bad rolled high tier corrupted ones will have very high chance to kill your slaves.
I haven't played in a few leagues. Tattoos are evergreen now? How do you get them?
just get the forbidden jewels, are you poor?
jugg wins again chargeless nerds
>We identified the problem and we shot the victim
Unfortunately some of us were born with above average testosterone on our bloodstream which makes us unable to play with bows
Pretty thoroughly convinced but like he said, fuck two handers.

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