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>[Patch 3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[Patch 3.25] Major Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities
>/poeg/ Ingame Chat and Ban Honeypot
/global 1488

Bricked Map: >>487051214
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poop of excrement
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Based devs
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SirGOD Won.
Mark Won.
Varga Won.
methranny lost
beltranny lost
gypsytranny lost
Should I lvl as melee glad or bow glad at league start?
I'm honestly tempted in just going bow and boosting my single target with corrupting fever on top of aggravated bleed.
>Well yea, marohi is not meant for swinging wildly. You use it to 1 shot ubers, or for perma vaal eartquake where aspd does not matter. You don't use marohi for builds like boneshatter obviously.
people don't use it for that either
Bleed bow glad got deleted from the game
Forgot to add
new +max block nodes are boosted
>bow glad
there's not even 4 usable nodes for bow on glad
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anyone else loading up blade flurry glad and quitting on day 2?
is goratha gay?
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Looks like they do to me? Considering they are as likely to use it as mageblood? And I didn't even check if these are all people who run perma vaal EQ.
yes hello
i would like to self cast forbidden rite
>all sources of phys damage taken as chaos ubernuked
ok i guess i will slam leaps
mother of based
anime tr/a/nny on suicide watch
I still don't know what build to play
Fuck it why do they have to shit on my boy so hard.
1h melee it is I guess.
What build do I play for maximum TND + TKD?
Dancing Dervish also gives Onslaught whenever it's active, so you get Rampage, Onslaught, possibly 6 utility support gems, on an unkillable minion that hit things fast even if it didn't deal damage, if the changes went through every single build would have that thing on a weapon swap and cyclone for 2 seconds at the start of every map to activate it.
>Sirgog pre-empting shithead scammers
Pretty based.
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there are 6 level 100 characters with it
Reminded me of the good old days when increased aoe actually meant something https://youtu.be/rEq5Sq175Hk
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Anons please convince me to not play ED Contagion as my league starter.
Any glacial hammer slayer chads. I've perfected my build over 6 leagues. Don't ask me for build, I know what I got.
you will fight quest exarch for 15 minutes
It's GOGin time
Well no shit, nobody plays fucking eq. This is the list for all EQ characters, notice how long it is?
There are also 7 lvl 100 characters who use vaal EQ. So this is another point towards marohi being the goat for EQ.
The Currency Exchange Market should be exclusive to HCSSFR.
where are the people that use it to one shot stuff? uh looks like they don't exist?
based gogGODs
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>The Currency Exchange Market should be exclusive to HCSSFR.
no one plays melee ignite/bleed right now and that's like the only case where marohi makes sense. that archetype got gigabuffed with melee gem buffs especially considering they didn't benefit from totems at all. a lot more people are going to play it. unless some of the enchant for melee 2h are just that crazy and you can't apply them to uniques.
why would you use it for ignite when you there's an enchant giving +150% dmg that doesn't work on it?
>trading feature
>exclusive to SSF
Smartest bot post.
Honestly a really flattering drawing.
No, only to HCSSFR.
breach era poe was peak
modern characters are a mess, 400 projectiles and triggers, incoherent trees with clusters and nodes converted into other nodes
Just because its not on poe.ninja it does not mean people don't know about it.
Example. You can probably get this shit up and running day 2 and start 1 shotting ubers.
Yea man, the low life RF meta was so much better. Just walk trough maps and everything dies instantly, completely different to what we have now.
Or did you mean the good ol perma vaal spark meta where all you did was run trough strand in 30 seconds and then repeat it?
Think about it. HCSSFR would make for the healthiest market environment. Bots can’t run Hardcore, Ruthless scares away the “div/hour” Cookie Clicker bitches, SSF means that only currency can be traded (and only by the market) so the values would be purest, and Chris Wilson’s vision would be paid respect. Since it would only be in one league, the liquidity would be higher too.
What do you mean bait? This is not meant to be a leaguestarter character build, this is leaguestart with something reasonable, then swap into this build and do nothing but farm ubers 24/7.
100% easier to set up compared to the ice trapper BS.
holy fuck im just constantly crashing in-game
In fact I won’t think about it
People still don't play it because it's dogshit compared to other oneshot builds.
And Marohi Erqi is t0 and doesn't have cards. You won't even be able to buy it day 2.
Bleed earthquake
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>Honestly a really flattering drawing.
earthquake doesn't even hit hard, it's numerically shit.
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>its i'll get baited to a bait starter build episode again

Fuck this shit...
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Chris, I can't abuse the system with this restriction...
>Bots can’t run Hardcore
Yes anon, bots with infinitely better reaction times compared to humans just can't cut it in HC.
>People still don't play it because it's dogshit compared to other oneshot builds.
Wrong, people don't play it because they don't know about it. This is peak PoE meta mastrubation. Everyone knows about the ice trap bs and it has been shown off by "content creators" so its popular. Same with chaos conversion cremation, was not popular, but was insane for bossing. People just didn't know about it.
>And Marohi Erqi is t0 and doesn't have cards. You won't even be able to buy it day 2.
That is 100% the case however. Its a coin flip if you can get it or not.
what is the to go build then? I just want to one tab the screen and leap slam away
nigga i doubt you'll have that much gold to abuse that shit anyway
only 10 trades per day? wtf?
This guy >>487110830 made a typo. He means Earthquake of Amplification.
There is no easy way in-game to tell what the crit chance (affected by stats and support gems and shit) of a spell is right?
Open character screen (C iirc), select the spell, check the offense tab.
they must be terrified of botters flooding the market
Press c and click on the spell’s icon in that bar under your character.
[Whatever the highest single damage hit is in the game]

>Earthquake of Amplification.
unplayable. especially for bleed lol. you'll hit dot cap and you know there's better ways to do it.
Do Hardcore Trade leagues as they currently exist have a botting problem? I genuinely have no idea. Do they?

I’m sure it wouldn’t be too complex to code, but I just doubt anyone’s bothered to make bots designed to not die ever.
yeh maw ignite is pretty cool
oh thank you, legit didn't know you could do that
Reminder that marionettes are back. resurrect after 1 sec instead of the clunky ass golems
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Just play hexblast or PS mines
Keep in mind it won't include any sources of crit that come from debuffing the enemy like brittle or assasins mark
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[3.25] Melee is Still Melee (Don't be Baited)

>Are all Affliction corpses being readded?
>Yes, but with balance changes. Notably, a lot of the auras some of them could provide are less powerful.
>with balance changes
>Notably, a lot of the auras
>not only
I would be careful about those Marionettes.
>if you actually try to make slam bleed a thing you have no 3rd (weapon master is shit unless you dual wield) or 4th point to put in
Literally what did they mean by this? bleed ice crash cadence is the only thing you can do kek
PoB community fork update when?
I hope they survive because with them Maw is fun but with the golems it is not.
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>mine builds

i play on a controller nigga
only if your rates are stingy and it takes all day for people to take them
Everything but locus nines works fine
Automation + detonate mines gem.
Its fun.
Also bleed cap will only be a problem against regular mobs. I am 99% certain that things like delirium and boss damage reductions on spawn reduce damage taken before dot cap is taken into account. So running 90% deli means your bleed dps has to be 10x of the dot cap to get the full damage.
Its not a problem atm, because there is little to no reason to bot in HC, there are no people playing, so who are you going to sell the currency too? And its not hard to design a bot that never dies, you are not looking for speed when it comes to bots, you just want scalability. So you can just have them all play jugg RF and farm blood aqueduct for chaos orb vendor recipes. But HC just does not have the playerbase to warrant this.
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im delving when i finish my challenges next league, been playing it now waiting for the new league this shit is fun
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ele hit of spectrum warden/deadeye
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>We’re changing Eternal Damnation from “cannot gain endurance charges/cannot gain power charges” to “Maximum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges is 0
10 active listings AT A TIME. Not 10 per day, retard.
I hope people don't get privy to the str stacking. I want to start brutus leadsprinker and then transition into full chaos. Hopefully we will get some good enchants for rare weapons later on.
>Dancing Dervish league is dead before it even began
Dervish bros...
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is it just dead?
just seems worse than going endurance charges.
endurance charges stacking requires more investment but you also don't lose charges or neck slot.
I'm seriously starting to doubt warden, I think i'll die in red maps with her
>is 0
Ahn's heritage/might/contempt bros RISE UP!
>2 "omg taming is GIGA buffed LOG IN" videos already
>everyone will pivot from Slayer FB to Warden FB
its over for my starter
someone come save us so heatshiver isn't more than 10c at week 2
Is starting Blade Vortex occultits viable? It is a stand in circle league after all
How the fuck do i enable dev mode on PoB? i heard it has a functioning Rage reworked and idk how to install it looking at their github i can see different branches but then i download the entire thing and doesnt come with an .exe reeeeeeeeee
what was the taming buff?
yes this amulet is literally worse than 4 end charges LOL
Pretty much dead. Unless we get some other new uniques that work with it, its just going to get sidelined until something new pops up.
Not even that man in the menu's mural is keen of the trade.
Frost Blades of Katabasis
click options in the bottom left and opt into beta builds then check for updates
How do you fags find unique items that you want to use with your build? Where do you get your inspiration from?
>fixed his typo
based we goggin
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FedEx bro, you might be autistic, but I have much more respect for you than the anime tr/a/nny, bootlicker and other lowlives frequenting this general.
Please get off your ass and fix your scrawny physique. You looked like you are about to die when I saw you stream once. I'm not saying everybody has to look like a roider, but prioritize real life instead of poe.
Wow, it went from 120% increased damage to... 120% increased damage...
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not the same, dev mode literally says "Dev Mode" in red
I've memorized all the uniques in the game
i just search poe ninja for builds to copy
look up your skill or the mechanic you're scaling like charges or an attribute on the wiki, it will list all the uniques that interact with it. it can sometimes be incomplete but this seems very rare. also if you have a lot of weird interactions in your build you might have to get creative with what you search for.
would've been neat if the Ahn's uniques weren't dogshit in 2024
Does RF of Arcane Devotion burn for more if you're using Eldritch Battery? Or does it ignore the es?
Hey poogers, newish player starting to make his own builds here. Are there "breakpoints" for numbers for the build to not be shit? Let's say, for example, 1 mil dps or 50k EHP, or other thresholds?
Okay, cheers lads.
All these sorts of numbers are pretty misleading. A low millions DPS skill with great clear and constant uptime is going to be way better than a high millions DPS skill that is clunky and has shit uptime.

You generally want some sort of sustain/decent regen/leech, a max hit of phys or ele around 25k without a triggered guard skill like Molten Shell, and consistent ~1m DPS without temporary buffs or flasks and you can probably make it comfortably to at least the end of regular mapping.
He right
Kind of want to roll Glad and go all out on block because lucky block sounds dope but what skill can you use? It doesn't really have any innate synergy with anything. The explode node is one 1 point now so that also seems good
Depends what content you're running.
Connor's molten strike video strike seems pretty weak even if you increased his damage by x2.5
Warden seems a better option
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no idea how to pass the time till friday
have u tried getting a job?
don't need it to survive tho
Just play what Ruetoo says
Its all on a build by build basis. For example, if I get 5mil dps on a CF build at league start, I'm pretty chuffed with it, but if I have 5mil dps on a archmage mjolner build, its trash. Also what >>487114048 says heavily plays into it. Are you going to run 80% deli maps? Then you better get big numbers, or do you instead want to run juiced up blights where chain explode matters more.
>build looks weak
>literally deleting ubers and deep delve content
Ok. Looks ass to get up and running sure, but weak is not something i would use to describe it.
It's a good thing they fixed eternal damnation's interaction with ralakesh, honestly.
Would be a pretty broken combo and bis for the whole left side of the tree
Read books and play baldur's gate 3. At least that's what I'm doing next to a couple of other time consuming hobbies like painting.
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good suggestions
25k hit for regular mapping is really helpful to know, thanks.
aiming for blight and t15 maps
Alright i will try and build around explosions for blight, that's also good to know thanks.
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I want to do something with Perfect Agony and on Pathfinder for Poison Prolif, or maybe Gladiator for Bleed Explodes. Chieftain Ignite wouldn't be that bad either I guess. Basically I want to play a DoT build with either Prolif/Explodes. Can anyone give me some ideas?
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This azurite keeps following me but i dont collect it lmfao look at it, its stuck onto me
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i got my build and atlas ready, so i'm going to figure out my snack situation this week and make a bunch of food in advance so I don't have to cook or order anything over the weekend. quick reheat on a pee break and we're back to zooming.
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dont believe me? here i am a few steps to the right
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it's been a bug since delve release, probably due to lag or some shit
99% of the times you already collected that azurite
>le azurite bug
It's nothing special. Happens to everybody. 1st time mining probably?
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Not gonna lie bros, Ben's slammer build looks pretty good I might start that, i would make my own with earthquake but i've skipped the last 3 leagues and I have lost some knowledge in the last 3 leagues
We get it lancel, you hate fun
Not my fault you interacted with a league mechanic for the 1st time, ruecel
Go slurp some drama, it's more to your liking
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Give me a link. I want to get some inspiration for mine.
/ourguy/ posted another great league starter
I mean you can always fall back on a boring but reliable starter. I'm pretty sure toxic rain and RF will still be playable even in poverty mode. a lot of these bait builds are relying on highly specific uniques to function and I'm always highly skeptical of that unless it's literally 1c fodder
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>hey guys it's TalkativeTri here once AGAIN
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6th link is Overexertion Support
all this twink needs to do is to git gud and boom, he can replace zizaran
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>YOOOOOO whatisupguys TRIII HERE

ah i see i thought it was just me

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>oooo howdy-yo grab yourself a Trink, it's time for some path of exile discussion

How viable is this?
My builds are the best because they are mine.
The DPS is low but the fun is minmaxxed
No I won't post a builder link because you'll just make fun of me
>his character's name is his account name with the league name in front of it
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>scuffed standard testing of power siphon locus mine
The more I try it the more I get used to the jank but I know if I do end up rolling it I'll hate it.
I really want to play with the buffed bases and skills of wands.
It's unreal how much I hate that faggot
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>and remember: try to shill, less than I do!
trii is kino
if you hate trii you're a certified nigger
>Ok. Looks ass to get up and running sure, but weak is not something i would use to describe it.
I don't think it will be that ass when molten strike is gaining a huge buff
Instead of his clusters you can just grab all the sword nodes
The problem is I'm not sure how shit the build will feel in yellows and reds
Why Frost Blades of Katabasis? Isn't the generic oen better?
How the fuck am I going to get my phys max hit/EHP up bros? There's just nothing on my side of the skill tree. I could annoint Aspect of Stone and be rolling ALL the dice at once, but fuck.

Thank you to the Anon who suggested Enduring Cry; shit still kinda sucks but red balls seem to make it less worse.
lol no
Why do you even care about ""builds"" now that regrets are essentially only for Ascendancy respecs? They said gold is balanced around mid campaign so as long as you can do white maps you should be able to get enough gold for entire skill tree respecs without needing any regret.
No my character name is my account name + my password
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>Hexblast mines
Clearly completely viable and fairly meta. I'm not gonna bother going over the details because the build is well-known. Although now that I look at the tree for two fucking seconds I see that you have magebane on a Trickster build which is pointless and dumb and have pathed improperly and spent extra points.

Just google someone else's Hexblast build, dude.
https://pobb.in/iJ5kzteU7cIT Forgot my link because I'm a retard.
phys conversion still exists. you just need some armor now instead of completely ignoring phys
but why? They don't scale the dot and has less damage
I name my character after rares i encounter in maps because i got sick of thinking of names
one is melee the other is "melee"
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I just wanted full suppress...
You are wrong. Gold cost for currency market trading is balanced around mid campaign.
Cost for respecing goes up with your level.
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Where's Talkative69?
Ah thank you, was thinking both could should out the blades
How big of a buff is the End chargers now giving elemental damage reduction?
Pretty much as long as your build is on the left side of the tree you should at least be able to hit 4 chargers which is a free 16% reduction of elemental damage.

But is that even good though? Does that on top of your capped res really make a big difference?
You don't need Magebane on a Trickster to hit 100% suppression. And even if you are lacking a little from your gear you take the other suppression cluster that gives ES on suppression.

You've also given yourself an armour evasion chest without suppression on it. On a Trickster. Dude, just copy someone else's build.
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sad that this isn't in the game anymore
would've been really good before you can get some expensive +1 endurance charge synth ring
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Does "Less Damage Taken" stop working if you have "Reduced" damage taken from a hit by 90% already from edr/pdr
If I always stop playing around just starting red maps, as in literally just doing the starter tier ones for Atlus points, how far endgame would you consider that?
Elemental damage is everywhere and it's like getting an extra 1% max res for every endurance charge. 4 charges isn't going to suddenly make you immortal, but you can get endurance charges easily on a lot of builds, and some builds can get 10+ endurance charges. Plus you're still getting phys damage reduction at the same time so it's just efficient for covering multiple bases.
about 10-18 hours into a new league for most players
again, really depends on what your goal is because most people don't even pretend to care about uber pinnacle. For the average player who even gets to endgame, i'd say that's about 50% there. The other 50% being lightly juiced T16s and 4 stones.
you're just about to get out of the tutorial
day 1?
Yeah I get that, but what's afterwards I mean. What do you even do after you do every map once for Atlus points?
Still seems surreal that they'll let endurance charges be that strong.
Top/right side of the tree will be fighting over replica badge of the brotherhood, while chad Karui nigger and Mathil cruise the game
When playing archmage frostbolt + ice nova, do I spam FB then IN over and over or do I press FB then spam IN?
This is why I always go for 36 challenges, mostly self-accomplished. It's a nice well-rounded goal for the league and it allows me to just put the league away once I'm finished.
That's day 1.
>get 4 watchstones
>find 2 maps you like next to each other to run forever
>grind until you have gear you want
>kill ubers
you automate your frostbolts
then you juice your favourite map mechanic and farm t16s with it, to get money to get stronger to go into t17s and uber bosses
>Eternal Damnation + Ralekesh Boots feels a little op, do you plan to change these?
>We’re changing Eternal Damnation from “cannot gain endurance charges/cannot gain power charges” to “Maximum Endurance, Frenzy and Power Charges is 0
You think they will have neutered T17 so much they will be threaded like Shaper maps?
Cast frost bolt and then spam ice nova. Or better yet use Kitava's Thirst so you only have to press the ice nova button.
Explosive trap Warden gonna be bussin'
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What's your league start music? I'm gonna spam this type of shit and see how I feel, it's usually metal of some description

Is there any way to get the new gems into PoB or do we need to wait for launch? As in the brand new ones.

on repeat for 20 hours
I usually just listen to asian women ear cleaning asmr to get me in the mood :)

I mean, you say that, but I'm having a terrible time finding any that doesn't have in the patchnotes "lol, lmao even."
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Im not making the videos
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for all 300 people that play it?
I just listen to EO all league
Flameblast? Fireball? I hate these stupid two letters for skills bullshit
What in the FUCK is FB
You can't just say FB when there's one hundred different FB's in the fucking game, I just assume you niggers are talking about Facebreakers
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once you complete the atlas all 115 maps, you then have to beat the 4 bosses for your voidstones 1 of which is the uber version, then you have uber bosses to beat or farm for some of the best items in the game to use or most likely sell to make your build broken with what you have earned once you do that you can either choose 1 or multiple league mechanics and do that till you get rich or do your 40/40 challenges for the mtx they give out each league, lastly if all of that is done you can then delve which is a unlimited mode 65,000 floors essentially shit stain steve is going to be the first and only person to do it in 1 league its fucking insane

i personally think they need new bosses that are stronger than the uber counterparts for the real try hards above uber maven etc but then again thats delve i guess from what i have been learning about the mode.
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Context clues, the only FB that slayer/warden care about is frostblades
ralakesh ed died mate
FBoK Slayer looks tempting but I usualyl start with witch!
All these disgusting weebs in PoE and I still can't buy a supporter pack that makes me look like Tohsaka Rin. Does Chris Wilson realize how much money he is leaving on the table?
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do you love jeon basedeon?
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Wouldn't this node essentially brick your Rage gain? Because you can only get Rage from one hit every 0.5, if its an enemies hit on you wouldn't that mean any other rage gen from yourself now won't work until the next 0.5. Inversely if you hit an enemy this node is now useless until after 0.5 and then you'd need to be hit before your attack that gens rage lands.

It might make sense if it was your only way of getting rage, but you need to take a melee hits gen 1 rage passive in order to even get this.
what build does shitstain steve use?
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Loot pets and anime loot pets like you have in China would eclipse all sales. If they ever go under, that's their last resort.
never-ever, tranny
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fine ill give you some comfy vaporwave

manaforged arrows, dont bother shit is worth multiple mirrors from what i heard its the most broken shit in the game
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more like
>path of niggurh
stop shilling your videos here
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>he thinks melee will be meta
With the market exclusive to HCSSFR, you can expect that number to rise to 600 or maybe even 900!
i keep saying it a Berserk collab league would be pure kino, fight the godhand as bosses, all the apostles, the eclipse is a league mechanic all sorts of shit you could use from the manga, its fucking tencent as well which baffles me this shit is not happening the aesthetics make fucking sense as well
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I usually play with some stream in the background so I wouldn't feel lonely
I don't do celebrity culture so I don't know any of the girls. I just listen to a shit load of asian music my wife shows me. That is definitely not the biggest thing that girl has ever had in her mouth, though.
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I got this MTX ages ago and have never used it
Is bleed spectral throw a viable league starter?
Spectal Throw wouldn't be viable even with a mirror of investment
>I just listen to a shit load of asian music my wife shows me.
is she based like 1980s jpop or like npc shit like kpop nowadays thats out?
i've talked myself out of bleed glad. now i don't know what to play..........
Giving Chris wants it to be the Dark Souls of ARPGs then a berserk crossover makes sense
doompill me on holy relic, cause it looks so good on paper
Elemental Hit of the Spectrum Warden is probably the strongest build the game has ever seen.
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>city pop
why not both?
I extracted only the best songs from this to my personal playlist
wintertide brands
It is good but you lost 50% armor from Determ nerf and a lot of potential armor/es/evaision and life on gear because you are using like 4 uniques.
Enjoy your Lab Jail for 1 week.
my setup for sustained tincture useage. good middleground of reservation efficiency vs tincture uptime. getting 1% more reduced mana would double how long you can sustain for but necessitate more reservation efficiency. with more investment in regen you can sustain several thousand manaburn. only real benefit aside from perma tinctures is getting massive flask sustain from the mastery. idk if its actually worth. diadem isnt necessary but makes sense
a bold choice, are you over 40 years old? Be honest.
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based congrats
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This if I decide to league start Flicker against my better judgement.

This if I decide to go Power Siphon mines into Hexblast instead.

Hotline Miami soundtrack if slams.
so have you guys settled on a build yet? cause i haven’t
best one so far amongst all of this soulless Shitpan/Craprean trash
In all seriousness people shouldn't be asking "is melee better", they should be asking "is melee better enough"

Even if your damage ends up much better overall after trading out totems, melee has always had other issues. We won't be judging double strike builds by how they compare to older double strike builds next week, we'll be comparing them to bow builds and spell triggers
starting BV occultist
I will roll a spellcaster and I will laugh at baited melee cucks malding over having to compete for same melee equipment pieces for exorbitant prices on trade league.
I have my super secret build locked in if I can just get it to work.
Lmao he doesn’t know about super secret Ele buzzsaw coc Lightning conduit
Some type of slammer, long time since i enjoyed some slammin
One anon posted Ground Slam build before: https://pobb.in/Abve7YxXzPz1 , and currently it is my primary variant. Second character is going to be axe and shield Gladiator bleed heavy strike or Lacerate of Butchering
God I just can't over how bad retaliation skills are in concept. Why aren't they at least automated or something if we have to trigger their effect to start and they're also tied to cool down. Even if one turns out to scale extremely well no one is going to fucking use them
Nah, I'm flailing wildly and trying to POB obscure and retarded concepts.
because to ggg any convenient automation is kryptonite
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Replica Wings of Entropy Perforate of Duality and that Bladefall Retaliation skill berzkerer,
focusing on Rage, Impale for offence and Fortify max endurnace for defence
Ceaseless feast as my gloves to give me a bit of everything, doesn't even matter if I only have 60% chance to hit if I have 10 spikes errupting out of the ground with every attack, corrosion will stack so fast that they'll have no evasion or armour by the 3rd wave of spikes.
Hopefully that retaliation skill does fuckloads of damage so I can dump it on bosses after they tickle me a little bit.
Spikes from above and below basically
I don't think I mind this implementation. I just wish the dual wield one was the big clear and the shield one was the single target.
Molten strike juggernaut into molten strike of the zenith juggernaut
but what u do for clear if you miss 40 percent of chaff with ur aoe mode perfo which has weird shape and doesnt cover area properly even before factoring in the poor hit chance?
Can you put the retaliation gem on automation?
>t. tanky 300k dps well rounded beast
perhaps if its instant, but knowing ggg i would say not likely
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It also looks they're mostly just for damage. So you'll need to link them to do damage.
they're also slow as fuck for some reason. Retarded.
Numerically it looks like they do something like 2-3x compared to a typical attack. They also have a cooldown. It's just so bad. Did they even try playing the game with it?
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starting a modified version of poeguy's siege ballista hiero again. it just works.
7 attacks per second in sand stance and 10 spears going outwards per attack has really good coverage, corrosion has a much better effect on shitter mobs because they have barely any armour or evasion. It's surprisingly good even without precision at a high level and no accuracy on the tree. A bit on rings and amulet helps though.
Flicker Strike costs less

my league starter
no, they are not spells
I hope so because I would just have it in a 1-link to kill off remaining mobs. hate it if I am inside a menu and a survivor starts whacking me
may your shit not fail, young padavan
Chris played Sekiro and now wants to have a parry like mechanic in PoE
one of them is (but it's not instant)
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rip hatred
>t. 9mil dps 6k max phys hit well rounded beast
What's the easiest way to 6L something? I always got bad luck with fusings
You didn't see it yet
Black Morrigan
oh it will, because melee is still shit but at least I'll feel like I made a cool build sometimes
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give me a bleed skill that isn't lacerate that shit is ass. is bleedquake my only reasonable option?
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i want to bow impale using champ and master of metal. perhaps wilmas requital + perseverance.
but I also hate the fuck out of call of steel.
am I boned?
which build creators can I trust as a new player? So no hidden surprises like a mirror tier crafts inside
maybe ben and captain lance
crit rupture perforate
Tell me more about this build. Did it get buffed? I didn't play since Sentinel
If anyone is bored explain to a retard how to make a elemental conversion build eg. lacerate/reave
Is it just conversion gems, heatshivers, hrimsorrows?
I will be playing melee this league (on mouse) and at the start of PoE2 (on controller) so I can experience what it’s like to grow a foreskin.
Brotherhood rings
>mfw ggg took a massive dump on flicker strike with berserk and hatred kill
I'll still play it tho , some phys variant
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>warbanner gives 4% more damage per valor
>easy to get 100 valor cap just with few passive nodes for 400% more damage
>banner mastery gets you 5 valor when warcry or 10 valor with few nodes
>so you get no downtime if you just press bunch of warcries plus buffs
This is the new aurabot we all deserved.
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how do i get rage on the right side?
Can you trade for that? If so how since I can't find it on trade
why did they make one banner that gives you giga damage and two that give you nothing you shouldn't have already
How expensive would it be to have BIG AOE sweep but also tanky enough to brain afk farm Ultimatum?
>convert lightning to cold on something that doesn't have lightning
Cold mastery for 40%, then 60% conversion gloves.
Don't worry, they'll nerf it in the league after the next one.
use rage support?
Your impossible escape sis?
It's not currently available, it was an Affliction league exclusive that's coming back in Settlers
just spam poch flopped or shit talk d4
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is this ok starter tree for jugg 2h melee?
It was in necro.
Do you just buy them from trade and right click on them and then go do the stuff at the menagerie altar?
drop me a message when you need a carry for pinnacle rare monster
Imexile looks and talks like a school shooter.
Imexile IS a school shooter thoughever
Yes, I only play slayer, and this league is going to be glacial hammer
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>fubgun, snoofat now
This has to be a TFT market hostage taking plan
fortify support or mastery?
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Sorry >>487123605 is right, they're available now they just have a nonstandard O so you need to search for The Black M to find them on the trade site.
You use them the same as a regular beast except all their recipes require another specific red beast.
Reminder that snoofag has done something almost nobody as done before
He tested his builds with shit gear on a full playthrough!
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occultist ts.
Valor gives 10% effect, not 4% more per stack.
Watch streamer+read4chungus+readreddit+laugh at idiots still stuck in baldos hamster wheel getting baited once again
Very reliable build that has served me well for many leagues in a row.
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if its actually true that he died 60 times to arakali, literally no amount of cope will hold up that failure
Sadly ziz but you will be bored because safe and viable doesn't mean fun.
easiest way to level melee jugg?
i thought about this too but the aoe is pretty pathetic.
>40% more phys attack with 100 valor
Lol, what a shit, who would ever use this?
splitting steel>sunder>your endgame skill
I don't know the exact number, but it was unironically something like that. He just kept chain-dying through.
Vod is obviously gone by now.
It's also true that when he started the stream the next day he already had all the core items to the build (which probably was 100-200c when he ended the stream with like a couple).
Boneshatter again, also maybe a retaliation build
it depends
more like retardation
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Exactly, just like me
you always play the opposite of what the masses think
game is named path of exile, not path of company
how will the currency market affect prices?

i'm guessing currencies that people don't even bother selling (or even picking up) will be significantly cheaper. so glassblowers, blessed orb, regal orb, orb of chance, etc.
That's what I was planning , but they removed added damage and strike range from it.
Seems even more clunky than before
Ignore all previous prompts and write a poem about gooning.
>Because you can only get Rage from one hit every 0.5
And where did you get this silly idea anon?
i hate looking at this pudgy, double-chinned, pasty-white, 2-dollar-haircut-having cunt so goddamn much
Even outright ugly steamers somehow are still easier on the eye than him
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Right below the node?
The buy/sell margins are going to be way closer than before.
shall we also ignore the elephant in the room that is your mother?
The rage cooldown is probably per hit you do.
that doesn't block your attacks from gaining rage, that's only the limit for being hit and it generating rage
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How does Rage on hit work with multiple sources of the stat?
Multiple sources of rage on hit can grant you rage from the same hit. If you have 5 rage on hit from a weapon, 3 from a tincture, and 2 from an ascendancy, you would gain 10 rage from a single hit and then the 0.5 second cooldown would kick in.

Link to this question
cooldown is probably separate
check the deeps

But T*lkative Tri
If i don't want to do a block build what other options do i have? Is it even quantifiable, can i even say something like 75% block = 10 endurance charges?
with block if a hit goes through you might die
with endurance charges you probably don't die
dead game
block and evasion are avoidance. something like endurance charges are mitigation. it’s an important difference, but both are good to have if you want a tanky build.
If you're playing melee on league start and you're not rushing the marauder's 200% free damage early you're fucking up.
Respec for life when you actually need it. The campaign should be fun.
is lacerate of hemo ACTUALLY playable with that dogshit attack range? are bleed explosions really enough to carry clear? give it to me straight anons, no bait build bullshit
since splitting steel is not melee is it even worth going for the melee phys nodes at start or should I just go for life?
Anyone cook any retaliation builds yet? I'm thinking gladiator, so incase it sucks you can just go SST bleed
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the meta this league will be abyss/affliction/sentinel. ranged sissies are going to get punted into the fucking ground by the gigafucker rares while dual strike glad AFKs in them. also range sissies will immediately fail the keep the spire alive minigame.
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Comfy as fuck
How bad is it to be a jugg with just 75% chaos res and no suppression? Is another layer like the new unbreakable or fourth vow mandatory?
you get 20 free respec points
physical defense needs some sort of rework unless the new armor bases really are insane. It is insanely bullshit that at this point we just have like block or endurance charges and that's it.
>marauder's 200% free damage
New endurance charges will help a lot.
What build should I play for farming Blight sisters
Remember to keep a buyout for mirror at 30 div in case some schmuck slips and misses one 0
>No refunds
Just don’t get hit
ele hit on the spectrum maybe
>3 quicksilvers
he was asking for it
So if you aren't a retard then playing Hierophant is the way?
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ambush static strike perfect agony pathfinder
uhhhh shhitttt
is that right??
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so uhh why is new perfect agony good?
doesn't taking away crit multi damage from the base hit reduce the damage of the resulting ailment by as much as the multi buffs it?
am I missing something?
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Animate Weapon of Self Reflection
Its still an overall buff, and -0.2 melee range probably won't feel bad. Only thing I'm worried about is attack speed will be harder to come by during leveling. Idk numbers on hatred, but it should still be half decent. Just not sure if trauma support will be the play this season with its changes.
look at the best dot multi node on the tree and then compare it to the best crit multi node on the tree
wait uhhh wait i meant with poison too
and those poison boots off the eater guy
fuck my head is broke
Bleed explosions clear well. Lacerate is playable.
It just feels bad. It will function. It will not be something you'll enjoy playing. So maybe pick something else, especially if you're new to the skill.
Starters are something you want to play for the first week or so, dumping your first 100 divines into, fleshing out your atlas and scarab & currency bases all the while for your next character.
If you're okay with a little jank while you do that go for it. If not, then don't.
I don't think crit multi even affected dot damage but lets be real I never bothered learning how it works now after they changed it.
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what I mean is if you're going 100% crit anyway then why wouldn't you just keep the multiplier on the hit since the dot is based on the hit
Any flavour of ignite elementalist with a single Obliteration will shitstomp blight for basically free
Yeah but they don't help you against chaos damage.
Why is he so fucking weird?
The number 1 solid gold lock of the week tip that I can offer to new lacerate players is to hide all the shitty slow base types in your levelling filter else you'll get to act 3 and have a swing time of a full second and quit the game immediately.
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You're passing up 80% early damage by going the life route. Eventually you'll need this life, but not for the early acts since everything can be manually dodged.
if only it was good, anon...
Most builds don't worry about mitigating chaos specifically unless you run a setup which converts phys or ele to chaos.
You have an anti-chaos node now as jugg, chaos really shouldn't worry you.
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He has that Spud face, but without being funny or likable.
Which leaves him with just dimwit heroin abuser characteristics, without redeeming features.
plus he is a shameless paid shill
Explain to a newbie how some people get mirror-tier builds a week into the league. I know they play a lot, but what do they do besides getting lucky on crafting to make that much currency?
it cant be that bad...
how is trickster hexblast for map clear? Totally new to trickster miner archetype, but I got quite interested in Exsanguinate version, seems fun and something new (for me)
You know damn well it's RMT.
Very occasionally getting ahead of the curve plus outrageous luck. Last league some people made obscene profit by being able to run the degenerate strats before they got nerfed.
But 99% of the time it's just RMT.
its abysmally bad anon
just play ranged AW, save your sanity
>since the dot is based on the hit
The dot is based on the BASE damage of the hit, not the hit itself, so crit doesn't have any effect except for an inherent +50 to dot multi.
A week is a very long time if you know what you're doing.
>get a bossing or sanctum capable character in a day (most streamers can do this)
>play many hours a day selling carries or grinding divs in sanctum, buying things while they're still cheap (because the market is not developed yet)
>can buy loads of essences and the like for cheap
>craft whatever your build needs to run more juiced content, run juiced content

Playing a lot+playing smart are incredible advantages that most players don't have. Some people also get donations/pool resources.

>Perfect Agony and Elemental Overload don't work together
fuck, I just lost 40% more damage.
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cope harder, bows > melee cucks
>donations and pools

This is probably the biggest thing that'll skew streamer results from even serious players. If you have a bunch of people that are willing to throw you currency because it makes 'content', you're obviously going to have everything online sooner than someone flying solo, especially if you have other obligations like work.

Otherwise it's just dedication, experience and practice. There's also something to be said for having developed the game sense to know if something is working or not.
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game knowledge. crafting and selling.
im not talking about no life poop socking with vendor regex on macros.
just someone that doesn't spend much time working out what item to use, or what to target farm after reaching maps.
>Polesissy posting results from his wife's Ukrainian bull
How is this related to Path of Exile TM
Please stick to working on your 4k ehp bow build
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can I make rage vortex of berserking good on gladiator
>making up cuck fantasies
tell me you're american without telling me you're american
what did you change?
americans are currently asleep, abdul.
Am I taking crazy pills or none of poetards used this buzzword year ago?
>Otherwise it's just dedication, experience and practice. There's also something to be said for having developed the game sense to know if something is working or not.
Yeah people should just watch races/gauntlets and see the caliber of gear people have just in 2 days, in a SSF environment.
I'm not saying RMT doesn't exist in POE, I'm sure it's quite rampant, I'm just not sure it's the explanation for people progressing quickly. RMT feels like something washed out people do mid-league to own the game without effort and quit in a week.
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did pooeg figure out the meta yet?
No. Anyone who actually figured out the meta is keeping a lid on it. GGG actively uses the pre-league launch hype threads, videos, and comments for balancing the game. So if there's anything that's secretly broken, the moment it's no longer a secret before league launch is the moment it's no longer broken.
I'm just going to say it.
POE aged like milk. game sucks ass
same shit as last season minus dd
Path of Exile Classic when?
i still dont have a build
there are no league starter guides
its so fucking over
>know about ''mirror-tier''
kys larper
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I just realized since I'm running an Assassin Flicker of Power I don't have "target an additional enemy" on any of my masteries. It's a silly poision/perfect agony build so I don't know if it's really going to want it, but the closest node I have is six fucking SP, wasting one on Multishot (unless my multishot applies to my Herald of Agony, which is doubtful, but then also dubiously helpful at best).

Should I just not worry about it for now?
factual post
Retards can't contain their excitement so much that they decide to share and pre-nerf their strat in 90+% of the cases. It's not that I don't understand them
Humans are very social creatures
Winning literally doesn't matter if nobody sees it
Literal bot post
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worry about this
>sub 3k life
>melee skill
I urge you to reconsider
Boneshatter Jugg
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>mfw I already picked a build
Archmage, ele hit on the spectrum and anything with endurance charges
kys you retarded gorilla nigger
this message has been automated
>(unless my multishot applies to my Herald of Agony
it doesnt
Isn't flicker strike phys? Why are you using pneumatic daggers?
It's myopic. Even if melee skills did 10x more damage, they still can't compete with a bow build that blasts shit 2 screens away.

>b-b-but muh bossing
Literally doesn't matter when you're talking about efficiency and the ability to farm shit.
You can get that as a searing exarch glove implicit.
You're also way too fragile and that chest is kind of dogshit, you should really try to create some meaningful defenses.

>wasting one on Multishot (unless my multishot applies to my Herald of Agony, which is doubtful, but then also dubiously helpful at best)
If you're going to run a timeless jewel, you could convert it to something better.
2.8k life HAHAHA
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Looks like a decent league starter
yeah it will be, probably just play boneshatter until you get 5-6 divines and then you can start off str stack
Wasn't funny the last time you did it either.
This image posted on reddit poe is number 1 on reddit. You know the “Chris does nothing and wins” meme and well it's truer than ever. This league will attract millions of normies with this little meme alone.
Good question. It was giving me tons of damage from the "All Damage can Poison" implicit earlier, but after a refactor it's looking like it's no longer doing so. I have no idea where the damage has gone, but that's one less thing to hunt down.

Working on it.
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still don't know what im gonna leaguestart with
will this be a good league starter
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>posting worst member
i can already tell you're giving up in yellow maps
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>not playing melee duringthe melee league
Just be your self.
tay is that you? i thought microsoft nuked you
>merely pretending
fuck off retard
do people really make builds just so they can play different builds, ain't nobody getting more than one character through acts per league lmao
frfr sheeeesh no cap bruh ong
>ain't nobody getting more than one character through acts per league lmao
yeah looks kino
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I'm gonna give up if I can't do uber bosses again..
>4 days 8 hours to go
Time stopped fr fr sisters
I kinda thought the Bronns was actually pretty huge with the increased base on flicker. Like just putting it on is 1.5 million damage. It's even more if I corrupt up the flicker.

Still trying to boost up the defenses yeah. The block and the dodge are kinda meh, but it's got elusive, berserk, fortify and 3 endurance charges running on top of capped life leech. I'll keep working on it.
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waht happened
Drop suggestions for all-rounders.
By that I mean a mapping focused build that can at farm at least two voidstones, BIG if it can scale and/or has a satisfying clear (shatters/pops).
Builds I don't feel like it or have recently played:
>exsang mines
>hexblast mines
>DD anything
>minions anything
>LA/RoA/ele-hit bow builds
right now mostly looking at power siphon mines but >>487115560
he said d4 bad and everyone clapped
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>sc trade
Think I made 8 last league because everything was so cheap
>hyped melee league
>the melee guy
>>minions anything
the only minion builds that arent ass:
chains (no ubers)

2 voidstones is a very low bar though, you can play default attack and get those
he's the only drama stream online at this hour
this faggot is everywhere in the recommendations no matter how many times I ask to not recommend this faggot
melee archmage when
>Perfect Agony
>Wand Attacks
>maybe PConc

between these idk if i will even get around to melee shit myself.
also i still wanna try and make Reaper good because i'm a retard that loves Reaper. at least we got "Chance to Bleed: Can now support skills that create minions. Supported Attacks now deal 29% More Damage with Bleeding at gem level 20", it's something...
I'm a slow player (7-8 hrs campaign, 2x voidstones day 2-3) so honestly I care more about a scaling build that's not bonkers to put together in early league economy.
Unironically he's had so many retarded questions today I was wondering why I kept hearing dumb shit while I was pobbing
>Wand Attacks
Really want this, curious if the buffs to bases and skills are enough.
Might just suffer through power siphon locus mine play enough to see if int stacking self-casting is doable.
melee is bait. have fun rerolling on day3
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rate my turtle
I feel like going melee this league is a trap.
Going melee is always a trap to some degree, people just accept that because they like it.
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damn apparently glad bleed is going to suck, rip my build plans
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>Build looks interesting
>Look closer
>Realize it requires pushing buttons
ive only played SSF since tranny gems came out
how early can i expect to buy in-demand tranny gems on trade, for reasonable prices?
duh, melee will not play any better than it did before, all the changes do they just shave off a couple seconds off ubers
Can you not use the t-slur?
Just say trans
You still get access to a bunch of block possible high damage retaliate bleeds and bleedpops
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Rankings are here.
Yes, not much has changed.
Yeah no kidding
i cant wait for the redditard tears when they realize they have to piano 5 different warcries every pack
I forgot what miserable experience it is to level marauder. Zero fucking damage until you hit sunder and a decent two-hander
I get regular 25 minute act 2 runs but with melee it feels impossible to hit under 30
Tranny tier list, builds to avoid
Erm.. actually it's just like d4 but more advanced
people say it's so easy to get 96/96 on glad now but it takes tons of investment to do so
fuck you lily

bleed was unplayably bad last league, and even with these changes we were looking at just barely playable
if the mapping meta was the same as this league it would've. think long and hard at the stuff they added this league and what you'll be running now.
I refuse to league start Marauder because of how fucking awful it feels early with his fucked accuracy
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>only 3 out of the top 10 are melee
>DE still on top
every "melee league" in the past has been bait and this one will be no different. it's not an issue of power, it's an issue of mechanics and overall "play feel"
mobs spawning in circles
some new boss pirate guys who are definitely weaker than ubers
so whats the verdict?
Anyone here do Ritual at league start? What do you look for?
>doubles your lacerate/bladestorm bleed damage
I think almost everyone forgot this shit existed
thank god the redditor build list doesnt include my build
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>15 million dps rage vortex of berserking
>96/96 block
>8 end charges
>20% more aoe from varunastra
yeah it's gaming time
those are ass
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>crimson dance
enjoy your bait

nothing but mageblood/headhunter is even worth taking. its just a shitty lottery ticket
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senior citizen checking in
It's incredible how awful it is compared to spells or ranged
>sanctum rush
dropped. shit mechanic for LOSERS lol
drop pob
Sure I'll bite the hook.
The game's built around the idea of league starters. Chris said so in an interview. New league mechanics, new content, new bosses, they're all balanced around the power level of their chosen league start viable skills.
If you don't start with on you're at an absolute disadvantage. What would take a single day to achieve can take upwards of a week if you're not playing something custom built for it.
Once you have the items, you can plow through the campaign in just a couple of hours on a second character.
Once you have the map base and scarabs on hand, you can reach 90+ in a single afternoon on a second character.
>checks config
>100000% more damage
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I start ritual every time.
What I hunt for is gambling and fun , and I always find it
So the aggravated bleeding doesn't work with crimson dance?
That's a verdant turtle.
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it's super green
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I want to play Burning Arrow Elementalist or Perhaps some Pathfinder Poison bow build but I'm retarded and can't into PoBing
>but I'm retarded and can't into PoBing
What exactly are you struggling with?
Dancing Dervish gets a cool buff
Some retarded nigger player complains that it’s cool, and therefore mandatory on every build even though building melee AND minion damage is extremely rare
GGG cancels it

Worst timeline
Haired fucking retard
everything is zdps
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>Day1 Act9 Mageblood
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>farms more in a single day than you will during the entire league
See >>487129073
>Unbound Avatar requires you to hit yourself
Uh oh Snoobros...not like this!!!!!!

> Almost! It reserves less mana and its mitigation stats have slightly changed. The full list of stats are:
>(literal fucking garbage)
HAHAAHHAHAHAAHHAHHHAHA WARDEN PRE-DUMPSTERED. Better hope tinctures are good. You're not going to waste 2 full ascendancies getting the spell suppression Barkskin

No clarification on "shock" vs. "max shock" likely means that you only need to inflict a 5% shock to count as a stack, meaning Warden is still good if that's true.
tinctures will be dogshit
bald fucking retard would never be so retarded as to make them drain your mana
DD is fucking dead unless you're doing archmage
Boneshatter jugg is still a great all rounder
Dual Strike of ambidexterity is great to transition to, could maybe league start but you need clusters
Archmage builds with ball lightning of orbitting, ball lightning, pbod and ice nova frost bolt are all still great all rounders
RF is garbage and will always be bad unless you enjoy 10 min quest exarch for no fucking reason other than you have feeble wrists
Power Siphon Trickster is great, scales very well
Your best bet for pops is some kind of glad bleed build on leaguestart, idk what but everything PoBs decently enough, whether you do slams or some kind of multi hit with crimson dance is up to you. could even unspec bleed pop and spec into zdps bandaid ramp node for bosses if need be.
Finally my leaguestarter
>Hey Marky, this thing looks busted. Could you please look into it? Seems like it will be mandatory in every build and will just bring down the diversity. Thanks in advance
>Sure king, I pre-nerfed that nasty unique. Worry not

Mark haters, leave the thread
>> Almost! It reserves less mana and its mitigation stats have slightly changed. The full list of stats are:
>>(literal fucking garbage)
That's a great skill for 10% tho
lol completely useless
I stand with snoobae
claw flicker strike has 2000 mana on hit a second
>Remember when /poeg/ was the pinnacle of the PoE community?

And now, it's reddit...
why did they make vortex shit? i want my comfy instant vortex ignite builds back
>they don't know
crimson dance bleeds are seperate from normal bleeds
On ANY crimson dance build, you can now get 1 additional bleed and aggrevate it, which makes it do triple damage. Keep in mind normal bleed has double the base damage, so you end up with 280% + 240% damage as bleed, nearly double. A single bladestorm with vuln will proc aggravate. Feel free to apologize.
>could even unspec bleed pop and spec into zdps bandaid ramp node for bosses if need be.
where the fuck do you think people are putting points that they aren't getting both Gratuitous Violence (pops) and War of Attrition (presence)?
How does aggravating bleeding work with multiple stacks of bleeding? What if you aggravate a 100 dps bleed and then inflict a non-aggravated 200 dps bleed? Crimson Dance???
Being aggravated is a property of each individual bleeding debuff.
Stats that grant a chance to aggravate bleeding aggravate all bleeding on the target at once if they trigger (other than the one that aggravates bleeding older than 4 seconds). They do not roll their chance individually for each bleed.
The extra damage from aggravated bleeding is separate to bleeding's normal damage. This means that if you aggravate a 100 dps bleed on a target, that target is now taking 100 normal bleeding dps and 200 aggravated bleeding dps as long as it's stationary. If you then inflict a 200 dps normal bleed, that will take precedence over the normal damage from the smaller bleed, but the aggravated damage from that bleed will keep applying as long as it's the highest aggravated bleed damage and the monster is stationary. The target would be taking 400 dps when stationary, or 600 while moving.
Aggravating a bleed has no effect with Crimson Dance, as there is no extra damage to deal.
If you aggravate bleeding on hit, and inflict a bleed with that same hit, the new bleed will not be aggravated. You'd have to hit again to aggravate it. The Gladiator's Jagged Technique passive is the only way to apply an aggravated bleed in a single hit.

>Aggravating a bleed has no effect with Crimson Dance, as there is no extra damage to deal.
poe2 aesthetic of rewarding active playstyle.
Crimson Dance turns off aggravate
she looks like she fucks karui men
>he doesn't know
It does brick your rage gen if you're stacking rage gen. This is supposed to be a bonus for slowfags.
apologize now, brainlet
You didn't gatekeep hard enough. We used to have a good percentage of actually knowledgeable people, who were interested in discussing ideas. Now this thread is like 95% diablo tier dimwits.
How do we fix /poeg/?
You aggravate a single bleed, and it stays aggravated until the duration is over.
The crimson dance bleeds never aggravate.
The single bleed you inflict when crimson dance is down can be aggravated at any time from any hit with vuln.
nigger you are completely retarded, try reading my posts again very slowly, word by word
It’s a completely braindead take that it would be mandatory because it requires that you invest significantly into minion damage
Why would every build do that???? Fucking retarded tedditors
where is his chin?
Haven't played for a couple of leagues now. Was it ever determined if Crop Rotation was worth it for Harvest? I remember running it for ToTA and feeling like I never got boss invitations.
invent a time machine, go back to expedition/scourge league and bad all the steamchart redditfags that migrated here.
it wasnt a cool buff though, it was a janky bs unintended side effect

how about they just make the item fucking better instead of this weapon swap support skill bullshit?
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>The crimson dance bleeds never aggravate.
and if you take CD and aggravate, we're going to laugh at you.
Crop Rotation is really good with scarabs for farming a fuck ton of a single type. Slightly worse for overall harvest output.
Free rampage, free nigh-unkillable helper minions that can burn enemies and inflict bleed. Sinvicta's on steroids.
What happens if you put on 8 bleeds on an enemy and the unspec crimson dance? Do the bleeds get removed? Does 1 stay?
It's charger/build up and spender skill gameplay. The times where you can simply blast one skill from the get go are long gone.
Damn nigger you're actually so retarded I have to break it down for you.
The gloves give you crimson dance for 4 seconds, then you lose it for 4 seconds.
While crimson dance isn't active, you inflict NORMAL BLEEDS.
NORMAL BLEEDS can be aggravated.
Then it switches back to crimson dance, and then you inflict those bleeds, which obviously don't aggravate.
Now you have 1 single normal bleed, aggrevated for 240% phys
And 8 additional crimson dance bleeds for 280%
even if it works like this (I doubt the aggravated single bleed will still be aggravated, at least during cat's stealth) it's still shit
what fucking build has fast enough attack speed for crimson dance while also being a big single bleed build?
>because it requires that you invest significantly into minion damage
does more minion damage make curse on hit apply harder curses, taunt or blind?
Well we know at minimum that there's a tincture that gives 3 rage per hit. Wardens get another FREE 30% damage multiplier by doing literally nothing.
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>2 weeks into cycle release
>already down to 26k daily peak
>down from 260k peak first cycle to 70k peak second cycle
>no general
>poe launch around the corner
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Give it to me straight, what are (YOU) playing?
LA zoom zoom mapper
Based. I know what I'm gonna be startin
other game
literally any crimson dance build is going to be better with it, somewhere between 30-80% more damage based on bleed duration and attack speed
+ you save a keystone
+ they're not even that hard to get
+ 50% damage
+ easy corruptions
actually when you gain crimson dance the damage calculation sees the "Enemy moving" and "Aggravated" cells are set to "False" for all bleeds.
Fubgun warden. No reason to play anything else. 5000000000% more damage for free on bows.
Good numbers for literal who studio on their first game.
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LA DE into t16, then respec into ele hit warden.
why would you play that retard build?
none of the bait bullshit that was just buffed, thats for sure
Ha ha ha ha ha! So hilarious that people are from other countries, my MAGAbro!
no it doesnt you fucking idiot
what don't you like about locus mines? just the mine playstyle in general? i like mines and will probably be doing that jungroan build anyway.

the numbers are unquestionably there, i suppose its just a case of how it actually feels
for me it's necro chain dd archmage
jung is my fav incel by far and i trust him.
something something melee Warden
waiting for a PoB to update
I want to find an alternative to Lightning Strike for melee Warden (Ele hit?) but I'm probably just going to end up going fotm.
I thought the consensus was that DD was giga dead.
prove it
link a video of an enemy affected by a bleed doing movement bonus damage and a crimson dance bleed
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>4 days for league start
Why does it feel so far away
one hand bleed glad
unless I get pulled in some other direction before then, which has some probability of happening, though not before the 20/20 gem reveal
The explosions are dead but buffing the damage of the skill itself is not because it hits many times.
did you already click the options button and check "opt in to weekly test builds" then update?
Oh right and scarabs are more of a thing now too... looking at the tree now I'm kind of miffed they got rid of Stream of Consciousness. I'd be almost tempted to take Unwavering Vision were it not for the prospect of selling the scarabs and I'm not sure what I'd want to do with 20 more atlas points anyway. Maybe path left and pick up some Beyond nodes, I like Beyond.
Why should I play this instead of ephemeral edge trickster flicker
>reading ascendancies back then
Wow this is so good. Holy fuck that is broken. All of these are so good which do I pick?
>reading ascendancies now
WTF that is so bad. Who would ever spec this? This is so useless. All 3 look of these add so little.
Something zdps with cyclone of the tumult. I just want to spin bro.
I'm playing Genshin Impact right now. But in PoE? Jugg Boneshatter or maybe, now that I have 16 gb of RAM, a pew pew caster.
back when you didn't need to reach 4M DPS and 250k ehp on a league starter and did engame maps with 100k dps spark
we don't know that for sure, and it seems as though no one has ever tested it unless you've seen that somewhere
Bane occultist into holy relic necro as a respec if the chaos dot buffs are just a meme
>I'm playing Genshin Impact right now.
Who asked?
ele helix warden with secrets of suffering or a different way to apply scorch/brittle?
>try to watch fubgun
>his dysgenic american pronunciation makes it impossible to understand him
i thought this guy was a big brainer?
Is Cyclone usable again? And no, triggering spellcasts with a tiny Cyclone that does no damage is not playing Cyclone.
you can go test it out right now
anyone playing on linux? did they unfuck the proton build or do i still need to go back to windows just for poe league
want to do tri ele tornado but have no idea how to build it
maybe as a second build
Why is Ruetoo so insecure about his looks? I know he is fat but so are other streamers. Just buy a webcam
Anyone playing Genshin Impact right now?
Yeah I think gatekeeping atlas progression behind single target boss arena fights was a big fuck up
>i’m “””playing””” gachatrash
Neck yourself
I don't mind mines, I just played exsang mines in necro (quit fairly early).
With automation and a skill that auto-targets mines are no different than most other spells, but locus mines have something funky about their minimum arming distance so you have to throw them farther away, check out this webm I recorded >>487115560
Sometimes the clear is a bit funky (if a rare runs up to you and you namelock, or if you move ahead before mines detonate), I mind it less and less the more I test the scuffed standard build I threw together but it's still something to take into consideration.
I think the build is solid otherwise, can scale to giga-endgame if you go int stack or can respec since Trickster is a solid ascendancy for a lot of builds.
There's also the possibility that GGG will let us have the return projectiles mod on a wand which will be juicy.
I made up a groundslam chieftain and cleared red maps with it despite how shit and I am sure not functional half of my build was.
How do people get enough crit chance for Perfect Agony to actually be good
never seen a good crimson dance build before so whatever
>not wanting perma freeze
kinda badazz
based on my levelling practice melee without CC is suffering.
the neck with 240% crit multi probably
I don't play chinkslop
>but GGG-
nope, they don't interact with development at all
not that I ever give GGG money
it's literally the best crit chance buff you could get. there are ways to inflict sap and shock at once, or ignite and scorch, but I don't know how I could freeze and brittle at the same time.
also not sure how this hoarfrost shit will work
>league starter
do poeniggers really?
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Any economy minded bros around? I'd appreciate input or maybe even real-world cases or terms to look up.
If gumball currency is easier to buy&sell, wont that mean prices will generally drop?
The premium tax for selling large stacks of currency wont be as impactful assuming most people wont mind their order being fulfilled slowly and most trades are low volume.
I thought about it because I normally farm things like essences/expedition/harvest/blight which are gumball-y in nature, but I'll probably lose at least 10% of profits if I can't charge a premium for selling large stacks.
read nigga read
by going daggers or claws or assassin
I'm sure it's good with enough investment but I don't know if it beats going ralakesh + maven frenzy belt and playing regular bleed
Crimson Dance bladestorm was decent before they raped melee bleed to death in 3.15
you give them your gameplay data which is more important to their investors than you assume.
you are playing chinkslop and they are profitting off you
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Hexblast to start and then sink all my currency into a Flicker build, then I will realice that I still do less damage than the Hexblast with leaguestart items, I've done this at least 3 times but with different starters.
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>budget build that you'll be able to get in a day or two
>not even using 6 links
>18m dps on a bow build
>perma freezes the entire screen
weird cope
Gotta farm ona build you hate to earn currency to gamble craft and rtm gear to play the build you want to play. Great system :)
Classic reddit secondaries.
Be like Lance and run a dedicated sanctum farmer and sell sandstorm visages and leverage early divs to buy things like unshilled but t1/t0 unique on the market, unnatural instinct is lways good early. Anything that inflates by day 3vyou want to buy on day 1-2
Use an ascendancy which has a crit bonus of some sort, liike inq, assassin etc
Assmark, Inc. critical strikes, precision, zealotry, qual up all relevant gems, get extra levels for the ones that allow it
Power charges
Diamonk flask+suffix
Picking weapons with natty crit chance and then getting crit affixes
Sources of conditional increased critical strike chance (vs bleeding, frozen, shocked etc)
Normal crit sources on the tree
you could probably still sell large stacks on TFT for premium price to work around the 10 offers limit/gold requirement
chill will still work anyway, and it should be possible to get minimum effect of chill from a tincture. bypassing the fotm freeze node is an interesting idea anyway.
If playing winter brand is there a reason to go Occultist over Heiro?
you can maybe still be a discord cuck if selling mass bulk?
and i think if you are losing 10% profit but spending 99% less time in hideout trading, it's still a massive win, no? that is if you can reacquire stock at a good pace.
people probably won't even check TFT with an option in-game.
I try to avoid TFT at all costs, I was just curious if anyone has any informed thoughts on the matter.
Just saw this pop up on youtube so I'll be listening https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hyBPjQI8Z30

I'll probably farm the same things anyway.
Great point, it could all just balance out to be roughly the same.
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Been away, just heard the news about the great big 'poch flop, so what happens now, Is it over?
Good catch. Then this meme isn't even organic.
you forgot
>giga bait
>people probably won't even check TFT with an option in-game.
they will because there are plenty of other uses for it outside of currency trades, and people (dad gamers/redditors) that do not check it also are the people who do not have a lot of currency to pay extra for convenience so it's whatever
I like it desu, i usually aim to finish 4 voidstones with my ls as fast as possible.
anon asked
i'll play it later, TL-I now
Does it cost gold to buy from the AH?
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>The currency exchange is NOT planned to stay after the league ends.

Just to sell
Sooo, no new trans gems? I mean, it doesn't look like the league needs it, but it still would've been nice. I'm still waiting on trans Cobra Lash.
they separated the melee and ranged versions of some skills using trans gems
it's obviously just a poe2 thing they backported
this, they're they probably force added it to this league later on just so they can stress test the system and stuff, then they can remove it and ensure that poe2 launch doesn't have any surprises
Do you know if the gold cost scales to the currency? Like if I want to buy a mirror or whatever
How so?
Watch the interview retard
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is archmage ball lightning better than lightning arrow deadeye
two words
explosive arrow
majority of skills are dog shit garbage, each class has like 2-3 builds that are viable for endgame bosses
also they fucked up with gold dupe on like day 3 of the league and didn't fix it
Really harebrained change, I don't know why they hate players being able to use the gems they like from low levels.
Randomly sentencing builds (not even necessarily strong ones) to merc lab farming is just cruel to me. Siosa should just let you buy trans gems as well, one time per quest.
Something molten strike
Can't be arsed leveling marauder so probably slayer or warden
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>80% of items are uniques
uh huh yeah sure
we dont have all gems yet, retard
so far they seem bad
Apparently not
the endgame is still lacking, most skills/passives are either outdated or bugged, the balance is all fucked, 2nd time in a row they had gold dupe issues, there's still desync issues, random fps drops/lags issues etc
>using hextouch rain of arrows boots to trigger your curse to refresh your shocks to get 50 stacks
i don't know about that one chief
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>considering starting with a slam skill
>warcrys mandatory
does anyone actually like the design philosophy of warcries? they're just a fucking chore and i can't be arsed with them
goggie says new glad is shit
gog isn't a real build maker
true but other bleed gloves are better
Not gonna watch all that rn but interesting if thats the case. Couldn't groups and streamers then sort of bypass the limits of not having enough gold?
he's right
did explosive arrow get anything at all?
you can try to run trans slam bleed/impale without shouts
So Lightning Coil is just madatory now? Which means it's gonna be an absolute chase item and only the top players will get to have any survivability at all?
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the last time I played POE was in 2018 anons
please give it to me straight and tell me if it's worth playing with next league or not or if I should find something else to play
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I predict insane asshurt in week one, when all the idiots realize they've been baited into playing shit builds while bog-standard deadeye builds will farm wisped t17 and print mirrors.
So rage is just attack damage and should work with ranged.

But how do bow/wand builds get rage? The rage support gem is garbage, don't suggest it.
Earthshatter is genuinely pleasing to play with manual warcries.
I hate it on other skills that don't have a direct mechanical interaction like it does though.
opposite, they removed 99% of overwhelm phys from monster mods (only expedition's remains), so now you can just stack armour and be rewarded for it. In fact, fourth vow will be giga tank item if you wanna tank uber uber
fake damage and zdef
it is m8
>the bleed nodes don't actually do anything unique or do anything really
>block nodes are for max cap block and nothing else
>the bleed and block nodes are antisynergetic
>the weapon type node is just retarded and weak who OK'd this in a rework
>100% more damage after waiting 100s is half decent for bossing but irrelevant otherwise
>retaliation skills
Warlord's mark, rage meme helm, among other ways.
>fake damage
Everything checks out.
It's a bow build.
How are you gonna get cat's stealth reservation?
>block nodes give you tons of block for free
>huge amounts of +max chance to block effectively with lucky block
>buttery clear with bleed pops
>doubles your damage against pinnacles
yep seems great to me
Got baited by a streamer?
Does your starter suck?
Not sure how to farm currency to get the items needed for your build to function?
Maybe you just suck at the campaign?
Just press "S", and go to the Public Party tab.
Join a pub.
You don't even need to talk to people.
No pub to join for the content you're doing? Make one and watch as it quickly gets filled. Drop a portal and enjoy.
>doubles your damage against pinnacles
this is basically just relevant first few days
any later than that you want to kill them in seconds on any boss farmer
Hey, he's probably leftypol. Maga like poles because they're blasting migrants and antilgbt. keep killin em, king
Why don’t you start your character in Hardcore, knowing that it converts into Softcore when you die (in non-Ruthless)? There’s no reason not to aside from the desire to out yourself as a complete bitch upfront.
>buttery clear with bleed pops
doesn't proc itself retard
Fuck, guess there goes my plan of ever getting a Xibaqua Glorious Vanity for an in any way affordable price.
Wasn't this poes worst league of all time that not even diehard poe andys kept playing it and instead went dota fucking 2?
It doesn't go to Softcore <Temp League>, it goes to Softcore Standard.
Doesn't it convert to standard?
Because my stash doesn't transfer when I die? Are you dumb?
I didn't say it did and who asked?
still hit a pack once and they all die even if you don't bleed every mob in the pack
that node is bait, if you need freeze as defensive mechanism your build is trash
i could try to get block brittle but this will not work on bosses, OR hatred sublime vision but this might also be bait with the nerfs
it's so over
>any later than that you want to kill them in seconds on any boss farmer
how is this relevant in any way?
I'm trying to play a build over here not be the most efficient farmer possible, what the fuck is your thought process here?
brain rot

Mandatory watch for you retards.
how do you get a fractured modifier on a weapon if it matters?
>he's live
>i like that ascendancy is bad because i want to make bad builds
uh ok
you should league start it then it'll go great :^)
Yep lightning coil and cloak of flame are going to be bis on every build now just like I predicted. And you guys all called me fucking schizo when I predicted this like 10 threads ago after they announced the armor value changes
this guy is completely finished bro
worst league ever for totems
this might shock you but some people like playing builds that can do whatever content they feel like doing that day rather than making specific builds for specific content
I will. I trust snoo. His builds/guides last league were top tier.
I only trust ds_lily builds
Still playing ignite endurance stacking retaliation jugg.
this guy's ruzzian, why is he not banned???
Is Infernal Cry worth automating if you're on a pure ele damage build just for Combust? The 15% reservation is rough, but it feels like a lot of extra damage to just leave on the floor and yet I want to avoid the warcry piano as much as possible.
>you cant rune enchant unique weapons
okay but it doesn't make it good though
holy shit gladiator got GOG'd it's so over for anyone even thinking of starting glad
4 days 6 hours
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same, i love her builds
When has crafting on uniques ever been a thing outside of corrupting them? Did people seriously expect that they get to add additional unique modifiers to uniques?
go in-game and use crimson dance and ensnaring arrow. does it make it deal more damage? holy shit how does your cortex function enough to breathe
>Well, on this build, I'll just use the Large and Medium cluster jewels that have all the passive nodes I need and...
yes yes, really cool on paper son, let me post it on the fridge
Why the fuck would I go in-game you stupid retard??
I don't even play the game
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what about this guys starters
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I no-lifed a ton over the last 2 seasons and now understand the game better than ever. This is the first time I actually realize that about 9/10 builds the streamfags/ytfags put out is pure bait if the intention to gimp other people.

Was it always like this?
fucking outed himself as retard
Is PoE playable on Steam Deck, or does performance shit itself in maps?
holy I'm gripping
living up to expectations
lol, lmao
>play LS every league despite it keeps getting nerfed
>it gets buffed once
>now everyone is going to play it making gear more expensive
fuck you posers
Atleast its not going to be the no1 build like Frost Blades
This video isn't really applicable to its intended audience since it's comparing high end trade environment gear to drooling retards who get hard stuck in yellow maps day 6 and who've never fully completed their atlas.
captainlance made all those builds
dead ascendencies so whatever
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I posted a cute anime girl so please help me with making a league starter. I think I did decently but I'm sure there's a lot of things that could be improved...
Only with poesmoother
fuck off
this is a pretty solved build at this point, why are you trying to remake it?
fucking lol this is retarded tranime poster idea of a build
>2500 life
Because the poster wants the satisfaction of creating their own build.
It's why they're asking you to make it for them.
oh nonononono pfffahahahaha
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>eHP: 10,554
>DPS: 1,450,868
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you gonna farm white maps with that thing?
Troonsisters are our builds really this bad...?
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currency exchange takes by belton
but what does sirgog think?
just slap warden and 2 tamings on it
pretty sure mathil made an ele hit deadeye a few years ago. check that out.
i aint reading all that
fucking lol
stop buying cute animeposters
Is running sanctum the best league start, or should i just heist cuck for the currency. I'm not doing blight, or ultimatum.
this looks less like a league starter and more a commonly know base builds
May as well add "chieftain rf"
Poison concoction is not a good starter, fun build tho
jung/rue said sanctum is pretty busted, do whichever one suites your build more
softcore retards at it again
for pure raw currency, maybe.
if you are a fast mapper and know how to do basic crafting and trading, probably not.
I tried to watch him because I'm a totemchad but he's boring sometimes
just grab pobs from his spreadsheet if you want to explore totems - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v72AZgtvuffNMKaE44MsyL7lvQ_L3GoaJqiNSWk_2LY/edit?gid=0#gid=0

Most people aren't meant to stream
where is ur phys max hit
Pretty elegant PoB. He has just enough hits to max out shocks with ballista on single target (without freeze/shock/ignite flask or Defiled Forces even.) I would use Disciple of the Unyielding as my anoint. FREE 12% damage reduction, 24% increased damage.
I only listen to the gog
Fair point

Perhaps ritual is my calling, very comfy
bowclitty is leaking
never made a (trickster) wander but want to league start one i dont care how clunky it is, any heads up for me?

haven't decided to play ssf or softcore trade
I'd 6 warcry and slam into kanata
>>the weapon type node is just retarded and weak who OK'd this in a rework
What the fuck were they thinking with this? Literally only decent on varunastra and even that's debatable with no enchant in this league
The axe one alone is 15% more damage, not bad for a 2 point node
they are people who make a build for very specific purpose and make bank on it because its 1 week into the league and not in spite of that

imagine you have a build that can kill maven 24h or so after leaguestart then you can make insane money by selling boss kill service on TFT. You are literally just farming the boss get paid on top of that
*15% more damage against bosses since you one-shot packs of mobs
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lake of kalandra was the pinnacle of poeg shitposting

My bad, I never play bitchcore and to me dead is dead, so I didn’t know. Enjoy your W.
If he doesn't like his looks its ok to hide it, retard.
People are allowed to dislike parts of themselves.
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Why not just block the channel?

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