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>[Patch 3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[Patch 3.25] Major Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities

Prev: >>487108258

Bow builds will dominate edition.
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First for being pretty hecking hyped!
Please make me a PoB for a Burning Arrow League Starter
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Recommend me a good leaguestarter without warcries.
everyone arguing about slayer vs nu-raider for flickerstrike, meanwhile the OG flickerchad comes in with zerker
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is archmage ball lightning better than lightning arrow deadeye?
>Bow builds will dominate edition.
Where is this cope coming from? Melee will SHIT on bowtrannies. Also you lost your MF meme.
I'd argue for flicker strike to belong in a garbage bin
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Should I go solo ssf this time around?
I hate trading, I hate pre-made builds, I think this shit is ruining the game
So, is ssf even playable? Or is it le hardcore challenge bullshit that require specific builds?
Ventors is going to be the best ring in the game and /poeg/ has no idea
>doesn't know about the Iquis flicker tech
Let's compare PoBs 1 week from now.
For hitting level 100 and clearing ubers. For mapping it's deadeye.
Stay away. I want a comfy 40 cold res, 40 fire res, -20 lightning res, 10+ or higher mana res, good life Ventor's for cheap.

Tranny Taming is the best ring in the game now anyhow.
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even rf chief
odds SRS necro
I accept your concession
double retard
still a retard
No (You) for you retard
Totem heiro. You really can't go wrong with the skill, and the endurance charge changes will be max relax.
retard siblings
How the fuck do you faggots not get eye pain and brain cancer from playing flicker? It's just an eyesore with these twitchy attacks.
imagine having to look at the game while you play
Is there a reason to not play Molten Strike of Zenith?
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does sabo make hexblast worse than it actually is or is it usually ass to play
I hated everything about it damage, gameplay, mechanics, clunkiness
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>he follows guides
>connor build
have fun lol
it's bad until you put currency into it
if you want to play it as your league starter just start another skill and respec into it after, probably boneshatter
if you hit a maven laser that disables regen can you still get healed by health on hit effects?
I'm just built different
I will be a hexblast mine trickster
Flicker's honestly not bad compared to most skills these days. The screen flash from the jumps is barely even noticeable as being different from something with high mobility & high clear in the modern era of path of exile.
Well hello my fellow five monster dunking friend. Who the fuck has time to look at the screen or concentrate on it for a second when I edge my dick and eating gum drops.
Is cluster farming using endless deli and scarabs of mania killed now? Delirium difficulty increased 100% with 2 scarabs and doubled by distance from mirror by endless deli means you'll be hitting max delirium like 2 screens into the map and doing 0 damage unless you already have a god build
Sister, play however you want
Challenge rewards today
youll get the new town area as a hideout at 38
It's gonna be decent if you stack rage with berserk
I'm white and it's fun
Flicker is gonna be too expensive this league tho
>rage no longer gives aspd
>have to use 2hander
Movement and clear are going to be ass until you're fat as fuck (assuming it's the jugg str stacker version).
poe is and always will be a BOWCHAD game. seethe more meleesissies!
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Ough, barely ever see anyone using these hideouts, let alone anyone making it to the end. They are super bait, but I can picture it that they will do a port hideout, or small island like you already have with the costal hideout. Maybe one at night. People will get furious when they realise that they have no chance at getting one.
gaining life isn't regeneration.
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I just play Frostblades of Castration and will probably hate myself for it.
Has Slayer any builds to nope out if I really dislike it?
>they're still sleeping on the most OP assendingcy
If my slayer fails, I'll turn him into an archer. Not going to run through the campaign more than once, during any league.
till 3.25
Witch is dead bro
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Why isn't /poeg/ able to put out high quality memes like r/pathofexile?
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Dunno but they be killin' it lately.
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>They moved Hatchet Master on the tree
fucking WHY
this makes leveling so much more annoying
Slayer pconc and LS (into MS later) are going to be very strong starters.
I dont really want to play Ignite Elementalist againt but apparently ignite is good for Blightmaxxing and I assume Sanctum
Discord trannies attacked all OC and mass reported them to get the creators banned. Guess at some point people stopped giving a fuck.
There are no good ignite skills
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stolen meme
In theory it's good but you've run out of skills. DD ignite is dead, EA is nerfed, WoC damage is too low for either of those activities. You can do EK ignite in simuls but you need 100 div and a headhunter, whatever that costs this league.
quin is my best friend
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>looking to buy item on standard for 50 divines
>posted 4 hours ago
>ah...this person should be both online and willing to trade as they've posted their item recently but not too recently
>2 minutes later: "looks like the price went up since I posted"
>they repost it for 400 divines
>I buy the one that's available for 60 divines from a different seller
Why do people do this shit? Just take my fucking standard funny money.
magenta62 is my girlfriend
I played wave of conviction and flambelast.........
no good?
Standard players are mentally children. Incapable of ever letting go of even 1 of their imaginary friends, yelling at ggg when their storm burst guardian gets nerfed.
what is the best spark mtx?
why do people play frost blades trickster but not any other attack skill
>Has Slayer any builds to nope out if I really dislike it?
It's p much the best ascendancy this league, just pick anything.
If you're doing rue build you'll end up gearing for generic ele attack slayer so it should be an easy transition as long as you blow some regrets and get new weps.
ok frens
what if I just want a comfy bosser as a leaguestart.
just chill and kill
no I will not be baited by melee
I would take totems or minions but they are more dead than my hopes and dreams
h e x b l a s t
What levels of pathetic tryharding is doing a mini leveling practice run on Standard?
Bouncy pee cock
That's the fun thing about a free market. He's free to not trade with you.
Tbh splitting steel trickster was also big last league, also flicker people.
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it helps a lot
automation detonate made it bearable?
feels like thats gonna be expensive to scale into surviving t17 or something along those lines
(assuming t17 are somewhat normal now, not giga uber tier)
ip grabber
thanks for the warning
>Level 100 Crit Elemental Hit of the Spectrum Deadeye

Why is everyone walking back on melee?
Reminder that hidden in the Frequently Asked Questions was a line that confirmed that 3 rage on hit is a tincture mod. "Tincture effects apply to ranged weapons" on Warden means that every Warden gets 30% more damage + 110% ele damage from a 1-mod tincture.

For bow players it's worth pathing to "flasks adjacent to tinctures get 2 charges on hit" and Avatar of the Cunt wheel. Any excess points you have can be dumped into tincture points because the rest of them are on your path anyways.
Now how do I steal this and make it work as a wander instead
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>almost the same as 3.24
So much for the meta shake-up, huh?
Because poe is a transcore game and they love playing as ranger because xhe’s their transbian waifu.
as expected of softcore bowcucks
>tri res boots
Sorry sweaty this isn't Ritual league you can't make items like that anymore.
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meleebros its our time
mathil dresses like this
>10m dps

Because melee didn't really get buffed, just damage increases for removing attack speed buffs.
melee is trash
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so this shit is only for 2h mace... hopefully the tease some of the other ones that are weapon specific
aaaah, can't wait to start a new ssf ruthless melee char, league looks really interesting, can't wait to see what the rngods give me to work with this time
just a few more days to wait...
if you're mapping on a mid-tier budget bow comes out on top
average bowkek build
dead mode, tranny
so what is your excuse?
I just realized that hollow palm technique counts as dual wielding meaning you get the gladiator dual wield bonus to it now.
It's a bow build. I was farming b2b t17 in under 2 minutes per maps with like 15m dps.
>just chill and kill
>no I will not be baited by melee

I'm in the same boat, and I'm too noob to understand if a build it's a meme or something that can work. I got baited last league, so now it's all about prep work
I wish I had a Yuyuko gf
singleplayer game, meta-slave megafaggot
You can tell this was made by a woman because it doesn't have the ability to consciously distinguish between castes of men.
dead game
if you aren't making your own build, what are you even playing this game for?
Go for it. One with nothing is usually pretty affordable on launch. 20-60 chaos affordable.
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Who's the most attractive poe player?
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>no yoke while running secrets of suffering
>deathrush instead of buffed taming
>inspired learning instead of HH
Me :3
there are a lot of people who do this. it's some kind of low IQ third worlder philosophy where they never accept the first trade offer on an item and always increase the price if someone tries to buy it.
Zerker shoutfags should have a good time on league start, slayer melee will do ok because they get free 28% base damage reduction, everyone else is net nerfed from last league.

Shit like gladiator is just bait zdps. Gladiator should've had 10% more physical damage over time added to GV and Jagged Technique. It's fucking stupid that no bleed gladiator would ever consider taking Jagged Technique as it stands. Gladiator doesn't come online until it steals Masterful Form jewels (500 div each starting.)
post build
I have been thinking of using it with Scion since she gets the dual wield bonus from the glad node and with the juggernault node for endurance charges on hit. Also it will probably be even cheaper this league since we will get echantments on weapons and tinctures, which neither can be used with hollow palm.
I genuinely considered going ssf lootless as well, but I want to try the new currency exchange + I want to try some wack builds that I'll need to buy stuff for
Fire spell trigger was axes (lancing steel fake CoC DD.) We don't know what the other good ones are on.

"Projectiles return to you" is FREE 100% more damage on whatever weapon type it lands on. Molten Strike wins the meta if it's on melee weapons. KB or other wand skills wins the meta if it's on wands. Bownigger wins the meta if it's on bows.
I wonder if you'll be able to run most melee skills when leveling next patch
It sucks that shit skills like sunder and boneshatter are much better than the rest
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PoB didn't update here and I plan as I go, once I hit the wall at red maps I make changes with PoB help
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Retard here. Why is Fubguns 3.25 endgame PoB (https://pobb.in/k-zYfgkOKikF) on paper so much weaker than his 3.24 endgame PoB (https://pobb.in/ouuDbOZl1BkC)?

He goes from 18m to 10m dps and from 98k to 36k ehp. Why?
who's the cutest /poeg/ anon
3.25 release coincided with patch notes, you should read them
It’s up https://youtu.be/JlyrPqNIZh0
turn "Opt in to weekly beta test builds" on in options to get the 3.25 tree
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I'm goggin
Me ^_^
pobbin isn't up to date, so what you're seeing is a 3.25 build with 3.24 nodes
>league start practice
do y'all niggas really
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i think anime posters are usually more attractive than average
How would Cold BV Occultist work for blight (ravaged) maps? Or is that bad because melee range + Witch
I still have no fucking clue how I'm supposed to build with Timeless Jewels. I get that the number of sacrifices is a seed determing how passives get changed in the radius, but how the fuck am I supposed to plan around that? Am I just supposed to slam every jewel I find in trade into the Time Jewel Calculator until I find a good one and then fucking pray to Tukohama that the person actually responds? That sounds utterly miserable. Surely it doesn't work like that?
> fat, bald, retarded, alcoholic, has never been touched by a woman, knows next to nothing about the game and sucks GGG so hard you dont know where his mouth ends and Chris's cock begins
yeah no wonder you guys love this faggot, he's /poopg/ incarnate
You want to play something like Forbidden Rite and stack chaos damage for big pops if you want to do blight ravaged on occy.
POB has a pretty comprehensive search that lets you search only for ones that have specific nodes in specific positions, then it gives you links to trades for those seeds.
Play around with it, it's a bit janky but useful.
I would not plan around getting multiple specific big passives if you want a good time, plan for 1-2 tops. And it helps if you're flexible with which big passives you're willing to get, and in which positions.
You do it the other way around. You use PoB to find jewel numbers that give you the passives you want and then set a woop for all those jewel numbers.
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tranime incel hands typed that post
I usually do just like 5 or so runs in the week before season launch (mostly quit after kitava and skip 3rd lab). People who seriously practice are retarded autists.
Someone find build for t17 ?
I am going to do literally nothing but chain run Heart of Glory contract on league start and make a divine per run because nobody realizes where Fledgling comes from.
poison ts occ
sar i find build t17 small comision price for build MAX GG ROLL GUIDE fully explainated
absolutely not bad
you can just run normal molten strike because the damage has more than doubled
put on a two hander and take attack speed nodes and you're good to go
two handers will be cheap as shit because almost nobody will use them
What's the obsession with putting Dying Sun on builds that already have 3 arrows with pierce and returning projectiles on skills that have an AoE pop like Autism Hit? You get nothing out of it.

Every build can clear the map now. Just need enough deeps to trivialize the bosses.
I can never get below 9 hours so clearly I'm missing some learned skills
more arrow better
stop killing so many enemies
How you get to that conclusion ? T17 still fuck many builds
>What's the obsession with putting Dying Sun on builds
To multiply your damage.
Wouldn't any build work that can help a bit, since as I've been led to believe, you're to just sit there and let towers kill everything?
>one of those sekrit builds with no pob and no videos
bigger numbers in pob
You only need towers if your build is complete dogshit tier of trash
>stop killing so many enemies
I'm now too low level to gain proper XP
dslily is making our build right now u need to tune in!
I use towers so I can spend my energy jorkin my benus
I wonder how many people will run LS warden/deadeye builds along with Katabasis
So what's actually a good way to generate endurance charges for most builds now that enduring cry is le dead?
Enduring cry
ok now kill enemies where it's a good xp return for the time spent
Enduring cry
Volcanic Fissure Chieftain (but not lead sprinkler) or Ice Crash Slayer?
But it's le dead
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>blade trap trickster got gigabuffed
>it was already one of the strongest builds in the game for clearing T17s and ubers on a budget
>and its literally immortal with 5k es regen/second
how do i stop myself from playing it again?
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Enduring cry and enduring composure
>>blade trap trickster got gigabuffed
in what way?
We're all meleechads here, sorry chump
So anything specifically mentioning weapon attacks doesn't work with Shield Crush/SST, right?
do you really not understand why people use returning proj?
Is this a good starter?
Here: >>487149319

Why use your own brain when people far more knowledgeable than you are already solving the game?
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good morning sloomgods. *tips*
so uuhhhh
ignite perfect agony sunder slayer.
more of a day 2 build than a starter
uses unique weapon so u wont be able to use any of the kalguuran crafting...
ours would have a dick
Got a pob?
i want to nut on her eyeballs

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Does this retard just look at other peoples PoBs and then chooses something to make a video about saying he discovered a new """"tech""""
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what's a good build for melee ignite?
tell him what?
This general is run by melee players
rue invented this build
still not an original build
rue is gonna love this
Don’t you have tranny cock to worship in rue’s discord?
I don't watch annoying chinks, I just love shitting on homeless lancels
I don't mind Captain Lance, but his PoB for his berserker slam seems like omega bait. It has so little EHP. Maybe if you're doing sanctum and only care about one shotting enemies it is fine, but for actually playing the game it seems totally unusable. https://pobb.in/QEGmczNYPZIs
Everyone (me) will just use Ben's pob anyway
it's just some barebones meme, not sure why he bothered
made it a few minutes into the video until he said that he wanted to figure shit out as he goes then stopped
no clue how the video is 15 minutes long
How expensive do you think xoph's blood will be this league?
How expensive do you think Dyadian Dawn will be this league?
what's the build?
Can you post it so I can compare it to my own, home made tree? Or is it not out yet?
CoC DD once Rue figures it out
How expensinve do you think ralakesh's impatience will be this league?
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>2 non-automatic shouts
Dropped. Too many buttons. This is just totems with extra work.

He always does this lol. He makes it work because he knows what he's doing but anyone trying to take his shit and do something with it is gonna have a bad time. He'll play RF Necromancer and bait retards into playing it and he'll do just fine.

Poison firestorm for maximum fun.

20 div minimum day 1-3, possibly 50 div. If they moved it to T0 it will be 100-250 div.
how much pee pee do you think poo poo this league?
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Settler management will either print infinite currency for no work or be completely worthless to interact with outside of gambling bases with gold and recombinating items.

Non-valuable bubblegum will be WORTHLESS this league because the cost of trading is now 0.
why does this guy keep spamming his fursona
>>487141830 #
>>487140096 #
>>487140107 #
>>487140121 #
>>487140143 #
>>487140283 #
>>487141971 #
>>487144376 #

My bad, I never play bitchcore and to me dead is dead, so I didn’t know. Enjoy your W.
>what are the defenses for your build?
>Eternal Damnation and EC stacking
LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad they nuked this shit. EC giving FREE ele damage reduction was bad enough.
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frog website
no one button builds?
What went wrong? Why town builder?
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Frogs play melee
these are all his builds idk how updated
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Wait a second, this patch is all nerfs. No build was buffed, not even melee.
my build was
first league?
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>Leaving out minion masters
>Including wanders
Why so many frogniggers attached themselves to this game?
Why so many redemptions saar
you lost forever and this will always be brought up against you.
you died in HC sense
change your trip and your name retard
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You are either lying or too stupid to realize you were nerfed.
you should be worrying more about polaric devastation, which will be like 15divs
>7 replies

dead thread dead game
yeah slams are good, not sure how he could mess this up
>fast forward video
Why is this guy so fucking retarded?
i think it would be cool if you were transferred to SC temp league though
im too stupid to realize what was nerfed, can you explain please?
flicker was buffed... bigly!
Yeah, I think I account for roughly 25% of the posts ITT.
this patch is just overwhelming power creep and you are completely and totally retarded
this is even more power creep than affliction mini ascendancies
all me actually
>start new game
>play on the hardest mode
>get filtered instantly
>seethe about it for years
based retard
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As I'm continuing to brew Shield Crush of the Chieftain Jugg, I'm realizing it's basically just an armor stacker and as such absolutely useless as a league starter...
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based genius
would you rather play the new league or get 5 minutes of handholding with your favourite anime girl?
League, 5 minutes would just leave me wanting more
post build
The adorned nerf alone reduced overall power level by like 50%.
No? I just immediately roll a new character, again on the same hardest mode.

Ruthless HC actually voids the character on death instead of converting, so I didn’t know the conversion was stupid like that.
thread too fast for my taste
double wield two molten strikes, six link on chest:
is molten strike
you are really a fucking retard
maybe /d4g/ and /leg/ are more up your alley
lol you don’t play this game
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i had a trickster ephemeral edge flicker build last league
considering the new armor bases for more es and flicker does 2x damage, id say it got a buff
molten strike is not a spell unfortunately
for certain things? you sound like someone that has only ever played on the left side of the tree
the only thing that got overwhelming power creep this league is Hateforge
Sorry for assuming that a certain aspect of the game works the way anyone would expect it to.
that is not an excuse retard
ratcha clem
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whenever someone does this, i lock my search to show that guy's account only, and insta whisper the guy whenever he relists the item. The retard keeps on upping the price thinking they can keep asking for more, until eventually they decide it's enough and invite me to trade. When they do, i just don't accept :)
pic related is the coffee you asked for
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Is he based?
nice larp
it'd show the same guy whispering him each time
he's a retard and poe 2 will almost die before mark will take it over and save it
peak game dev
what is the point of hateforge when there is the soul gain prevention enchant, do you need both for some reason?
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i might do this
this guy is a retard
i'm not a baby
giga bait
l-lewd... well im not going to post but im short and slim, got thick legs though always did... thats my build
i honestly havent decided yet but im between discharge and coc triggerbots
>ruetoo and others having an absolute seethe because of other people posting his builds (that he didnt even invent)
Holy fuck what a lolcow
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>it'd show the same guy whispering him each time
That's the point. Make the guy think he has some insanely good item that I would pay any price for, try to whisper fast whenever the price changes to imply to him that I really need it and/or that the current price is a steal.
RF still exists
tell'em lancesista
the duality of men
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My Crystallised Omniscience Ele Hit Warden build is starting to come together. I'm hitting about 80m dps with gear that I assume to be able to farm in the first week.
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He's kinda hot ngl
He married a fucking hog
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let me guess, you play bow builds don't you little sissy
yeah but its zdps
i just want a comfy build to run t17s
He constantly looks like he's accelerating up at like 2-3 gs.
>He doesn't know that there's a schizo out there who's been replying himself for months
uh based?
really overvaluing defense here, 4 million dps with that much gear is total ass
I get more dps with much less on with my bleed setup
adorned has half the use-rate of mageblood, and mageblood is already a top 1% only item. yea it was powerful but nobody fucking uses it because it's annoying as shit and hyper-expensive to build around.
why ele hit and not helix or anything else?
>Crystallised Omniscience
How do you farm that in the frist week if it's 50+divs?
>later whisper him again, say ur kid had issue when you afked at him
>this time, pretend to disconnect a few times
Just play the game nigga, 50 divs ain't shit.
The same shit, again?!
Sign me up homie.
Will spectres other than marionette be too squishy on non-summoner builds without minion life/elemental army/meatshield links?
I'm running it as a bow build. Having "free" returning proj on bows is too good to pass up.
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I am positively fiending for all of the posts complaining about dying 100 times on berserker. People don't understand how shit that class is.
Ah shit, this >>487160554 was meant for you.
ok link?
>Return to the game after many years
>Check some builds to see what's popular
>"Awakened [Skill name] of XYZ"
Alright, someone please explain this one to me. How am I meant to know what I should build if even the skills have multiple different versions?

I've got so much catching up to do, do I even bother?
They "rebalanced" them and the auras/effects/stuff they give. Will be weak af unless big invested in
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I've already talked about some of my tech in older threads, I'm not going to give out the PoB though
deal with it
Can I still go ice bolt hiero?
There's nothing about berserker that makes it impossible to build defensive layers.
You don't have to take aspect of carnage either.
>damage uptime
cope alert
Awakened skills do not concern you, until you know what you're doing again. "of XYZ" skills are just variations that you can either make yourself in the lab or buy for 1div max.
Aight, I'll wait until I see numbers on them before I get too invested. I just needed to pull my damage aura for determination to not fucking explode and I was looking to see if I could get some of it back with debuff/aura spectres; that said, I'm pretty tight on links at this point.
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Totembros, is it over?
Archmage is untouched. Early leveling is gonna be a lot more painful though.
anon do you actually play the game? do you know how to sell items and currencies etc? literally choose ANY atlas strat and you'll make at least 2-3 div per hour if you actually PLAY the game instead of tabbing out and afking in your hideout for 95% of the time. 50 divs is like 3 hours of casual play per night. it's not even full on no-lifing.

i suppose if you're one of those people who takes 4 days to beat the campaign then only plays an hour a night after that, with half that time spent tabbed out, it might seem like a lot to you, but if that's the case you shouldn't be aspiring for an omni build either way because you'll literally never afford it.
>Crystallised Omniscience Ele Hit Warden
So you're scaling damage by forcing ele exposure on everything?
I’d like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love
Grow apple trees and honey bees and snow-white turtle doves
I’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony
I’d like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company
That’s the real thing!
Coke is what the world wants today
Coca-Cola is the real thing
Forbidden Rite totembros we're so back.
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only bow build I touch is BAMA, bows are too gay even for me... shadow is my waifu
why crystal omniscience with warden? are you not taking double scorch? tinctures?
>he does not know
Our guy shitstain steve is about to beat the game.
Not him but I think the idea is to stack double scorch with the effect of omni. I'm on my fagbook, so I can't access PoB to check how well it would work but 80m dps seems in line with regular omni builds, so I believe it.
And it's going to be easier than every this league. You can literally convert your entire stash into c/div in real time.
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let them be anon, it's sad enough to see so many people being baited into melee
it's a buff to casual retards (like me) that never used totems because they didn't want to press more buttons
>x% increased Defences from Equipped Shield
These tree passives don't increase the damage of SST, right?
do we know if war of attrition works on bosses in invulnerability phases? i’m going to assume not.
lily's big dick
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Are you ready for a 4 months league?
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official /poeg/ build tier list:

>S tier
autoexert slam zerker
ele hit of the spectrum warden/deadeye

>A tier
pconc of bouncing
power siphon mines
hexblast mines
melee slayer (any skill)

>B tier
Bleed Slam Chieftain
Shield Crush/Throw

>C tier
anything not mentioned

>F Tier
Bleed Glad

i think we can all agree on this
>lance dying to act one mobs
Now this is funny
but i want bleed pops…….
gladbros we will not stand with this
I'm ready to play for two weeks before getting bored then taking a 3.5 month break :^)
Seems about right.
Use heavy strike then
Are the buffs to melee something that is noticeable at the start of the game or just at the end? Melee leveling is pure suffering right now especially Marauder
by the time you get adorned the game is already over and everything falls over in 1 second and you are invincible
>It's a melee league
>a fucking bow in the OP
>mf never ran a t17 map
What do I not know?
Glad bleed should be straight-up comfy with free block and explosions. I want to play in bed on my steam deck.
>5.6 Mil bleed DPS on Ziz's Lacerate leaguestarter
WTF, when does the DoT cap kick in? /poeg/ said DoTs suck for bosses because they cap off thanks to some 2009 programming.
5.6M is uber killing DPS. What's the issue?
>meleesissy mad
sad! it will always be a bowchad game
I think its 36mil dps
>she was baited by melee "buffs"
don't care, I'm playing bleed glad
>5.6M is uber killing DPS

first of all you can divide that by 3 against ubers, they are more defense
imagine thinking it's a melee league in the same league where they re-added FREE double damage to bows.
I'm not sure I can go back to poe. I need my multiple inventory tabs, I need my fun classes and actual drops, I need my fun community with open chat.
>my build is S
correct list
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only 4 days until I play archmage ball lightning hierophant for the first time
alk's bloodthirst dual strike build looks kind of sick, bros
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>melee league
Why is quin drunk and hammered?
delet this NOW
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how awful is mapping with hexblast?
on one hand I want something that will let me lock myself up in sanctum for few days, on the other I want to be able to interact with the league mechanic if its good

poe2 bros just wait for wasd, we will strike again and won't have to play "melee"
nope, no Chris means you trannies are perma sidelined. hope you like taking melee dick
Its not bad if you go cold since it will prema freeze everything. Just invest a little in increased AOE.
>Can you apply the new Runesmithing enchantments to unique weapons?
>No. Methods of turning an item into a unique item also don't work on items with one of these enchantments
As always, no fun allowed.
Nice gigacropped video.
We all know this was taken in a logbook at the end of 30 tanky remnants
>everyone hyped for masterful form slayer
how are you guys even going to generate endurance charges? I played a masterful form build a few leagues ago and it was inconsistent as fuck, I basically had to rely on that warcry which will no longer be instant
>Melee leveling is pure suffering right now
No it isn't, you're just doing it wrong.
And while I'm looking at this Q&A, I told you fuckers the other day it wouldn't work.
>What happens if you allocate both Perfect Agony and Elemental Overload?
>Elemental Overload states that your ailments never count as being from critical strikes, and Perfect Agony states that your non-critical strikes cannot inflict ailments. So you cannot inflict ailments
then tell me how I can make it easier
none of what you just said exists.
take sunder from nessa?
Watch a good player do it and copy them.

Inexorable, various cluster passives, endurance charge on kill from some source, casting enduring cry (not that big of a deal) if you don't have other options, eventually ralakesh.
Yes not in PoE but other arpg.
I cant believe enough retards believed it would work enough to it appear at Q&A. Imagine the disaster it would be these retards trying to playing without following a guide letter by letter.
You can't, I lied. Melee is awful.
I've done that router and it's still mediocre as fuck compared to spell casting and bow/ranged
it's better if you put on iron rings while leveling
for marauder go ground slam->sunder
for duelist go spectral throw->sunder
no it isn't it's literally the fastest build to endgame
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>4 more sleeps
Not in poe and especially not in any other arpg.
>Imagine the disaster
They'd just quit at Maps because early mapping outside of super-optimized setups is misery. Cause they don't understand that levels make it better. The annoying grind from level 68-70 to 85 literally fixes builds because you get better general Rares and enough Skill Points to shore up certain gaps in your build.
>only 40 more shits
You can read.
Nah, totems are still fine. You can slot in the unique granite flask for the lost defenses and won't even notice your loss in defenses.
fuck you tranny spic
>They already nerfed Gladiator's 50% block passive
>the word "base" has been removed, so it sets the shield's block to 50%, so you can't sneak in any extra block chance on shield
Thanks for the reminder unironically.
Ice Crash bros, WW@? I'm not seeing anyone excited by the 50% MORE aoe on our warcries to go alongside our fuckhuge damage effectiveness increases.
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What's your atlas strategy?
>Alk shitting on bleed glad
Yeah its Frost Blades league
its lightning strike league
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Ritual. Its shit, its slow and there are better ways to make money but I like it.
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For me? It's Tectonic Slam of Cataclysm.
We don't talk about chaos res, I don't feel like putting it on my gear, I'll just get it to 0% and pretend it doesn't exist
r8 my sissy tree
>portal scrolls and wisdom scrolls still not removed
Nevermind. Not touching this pos again.
legion + shrines
Melee has fundamental playstyle problems that aren't solved by even a more than negligible damage increase or defensive gain. If you're doing a leaguestart mapper then bowniggery will get you 400% farther 200% faster on a small budget and part of that is, regardless of damage to mobs, the playstyle of bow shit is often a cascade of shit that launches 4000 arrows two screens wide and chain reacts every mob to death in one click. Slams getting a 200% damage increase does not suddenly make them do 5000% wider area of effect. Same thing with bossing. Buffs will allow melee builds to kill bosses faster and not get one shot but also you could be playing mines and instantly kill a boss. It's not even an issue of playing the literal strongest thing for a league start. These buffs have risen a playstyle that was leagues and leagues and leagues behind everything else to "still behind everything else but now how at least a sort of numerical parity".
Leap slam+endurance charge on stun. Leap slam always stun enemies on full life.
If you end up having fun you win sister
I don't trust the Kirak nodes...
bretty sure it was always like that on the tree they just worded it wrong in the notes
why did you take unwavering vision and not spend any of the points?
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Path of Pathing had the passive tree up within like an hour of the stream ending.
And it says base.
pob's tree never said base and they just use the json data
are we still getting 3 atlas trees?
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I want to do a practice leaguestart but 3.24 Glad fucking sucks.
I really am going to have to wing it on Friday.
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Am I getting it right
>jugg got even more braindead than before, less fat with pinnacle gear(that i could never get anyway) but a lot more powerful with a 10-20div setup
>every melee skill got massively buffed, Bone got less buffed than others because it was a huge outlier in the first place
Is playing the same build as everybody else going to be a problem? Like high demand for the gear or trans gems? What other Jugg builds are worth looking into?

I'm currently trying to play my first BS build in SSF and I'm dying in act 4 on Piety The Abomination.
Is Act 4 just too soon to switch from Sunder to BS? Or is it because I don't have attack speed on any of my gear, my attack rate is 0.7 seconds per attack and it doesn't seem to be stacking speed, at least not significantly?
Where should I look to get a guide as detailed and explanative as the PohxRF who makes sure to specify the exact order of getting the notable skills like
>You need the fire res = hp regen notable
>get two red rings
>add more fire res on all gear
>NOW the RF actually works
I really wish more guides explained things this well.
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Hmm lets look at league starters.
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You mean the one that is developed by a literal GGG employee?
Anon, Path of Pathing, Poeplanner, and Path of Building all use the released .json data.
The original release version said base block and they nerfed it pre-release.
>3.24 Glad fucking sucks.
You suck, arena challenger feels glorious, pops are good enough.
The only issue is that nodes are positioned awkwardly so you can't get everything you want. Lucky damage/ignoring phys reduction is fantastic as well if you put on ryslatha and volatility.
Play Earthquake and scale the AoE a little bit. Sit in the middle and kill everything in one hit when it spawns and you can one hand your leaguestart.
>>every melee skill got massively buffed
Any that had flat damage (the stat that early game wants) also had it removed except for Boneshatter. So Boneshatter is still the single best leaguestart Melee skill by a gigantic marging.
Bladestorm is a skill you can't use until maps.
You level with Sunder either way, it's really not that different. It'll just be easier on Friday than it is now.
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Rallying Cry is a little confusing to me now. I understand that the BUFF only effects allies, and not you. However, the exerted attacks deal extra damage based on the number of nearby allies. If you autoexert it, it does not provide buffs to you or allies, does that mean the exerts do nothing? Or does it still count as 'buffing' them and they simply gain no damage?
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>update pob
>dps doubles
those gem changes are no joke huh
Screw melee. Did anyone play Penance brand after the nerfs in Necropolis? I am thinking of running it for 40/40.
>load up old slayer sweep build, 66m deeps
>38m now
it's objectively worse for some melee builds
to the person who doubted me, you were wrong and retarded
post the pobs dude
Get more flat damage via Eye Jewels.
Trannie gems can get very expensive yes. You should not build around them unless the build can survive and farm maps with the normal version. Do not count on getting lucky with labs either it will be a massive waste of time and sanity.
I'm pretty sure PBoD is still the best DPS self-cast in the game if built right.
Can someone post the notes for the PoB update? i accidentally skipped past it.
start betrayal to get all the unveils then idk maybe i try abyss out for the xp
I automate everything with manaforged arrows so the only shit I have to press are place totems and flame dash (you lose lifetap but oh well). I drop the cod-portal and coc-ice golem memes, use the 2nd 6 link for manaforged frenzy coc double curse with culling strike, and that leaves me with an open 4 link to play around with depending on what I'm farming (I mostly used another manaforged setup with ensnaring arrow-coc-whatever spell). If you're not doing extremely hard content you can also drop a ton of defense in favor of more dex. He updated his guide, but I don't think much has changed other than the jewel setup.
I thought sunder was the best melee starter and it never had flat damage, how does that work?
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Do you think she smells? If so how bad? Do you think you could have sex with her?

Anon I meant BoneShatter, not bladestorm.
I'm in act 4 with boneshatter and so far i feel weaker than an RF player.
Yeah, you can't use Boneshatter until at least part 2, preferably later.
>I cant believe enough retards believed it would work
I thought it might work because the wording "never count as being from Critical Strikes" on ele overload is vague as shit. If they meant for it to mean "Your critical strikes cannot cause ailments" they should just word it that way to be clear, because the current wording makes it sound like if you can apply those ailments in another way, e.g. with a 100% chance to apply x from an elementalist ascendancy node, they'll still apply when you crit even though EO shuts off the crit-activation component; the ailment isn't from the critical strike it's from your base chance to cause the ailment.
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>Fist of War still not working properly
ES bases got buffed which are converted to damage with Eph Edge
my PoB is like 3 leagues outdated I just play it by ear, its not hard to build though you just click all the energy shield, crit, and trap nodes, dual wield eph edge, equip an auxium and highest ES possible in all gear slots with hybrid es/evasion chest. wicked ward and capped suppression for defense + end charge small cluster jewel. charged traps for free charges and gg ez.
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I don't understand how aggravated bleeds work after reading their FAQ
>The extra damage from aggravated bleeding is separate to bleeding's normal damage. This means that if you aggravate a 100 dps bleed on a target, that target is now taking 100 normal bleeding dps and 200 aggravated bleeding dps as long as it's stationary

So if I apply a 100 dps bleed with the Gladiator ascendancy node, I'll have 300 dps? 100 dps from the bleed and 200 dps from the aggravated bleed
I'm so confused.
>Trannie gems can get very expensive yes. You should not build around them unless the build can survive and farm maps with the normal version. Do not count on getting lucky with labs either it will be a massive waste of time and sanity.

Wait a moment, i just realized something.
>troon gems cost like 5-20 chaos
>i could easily earn some C in act 3 and go buy myself a 5-link
Is there a cooldown on running the labyrinth?
Am i missing anything, or does this mean i can farm 1div/hour by running the tier 1 labyrinth 3 hours into the league?
>Your critical strikes cannot cause ailments
But that would punish you for having an overly high Crit rate.
You mean "Your Critical Strikes do not inherently inflict Elemental Ailments" but they likely didn't want it to work with Perfect Agony, so.. yeah.
a lot of noobs are going to be really confused by melee leveling and have a bad time (this is a good thing btw)
You can't
I really wanna play the new Glad but unless its a retaliation build, I dont wanna play neither melee nor bow bleed
Thank you for the needful, sir
This guy is literally the quintesential racist eastern european friend accent
>But that would punish you for having an overly high Crit rate.
That's exactly how EO already works, though, as they've confirmed by saying it doesn't work with the new Perfect Agony, which is why they should change the wording to reflect that.
nice desk, cool that is has wheels so you can get really mobile with it
running labs in act 3 is less efficient than rushing the campaign and farming maps

>Wait... guys... can't I just farm wisdom scrolls off the beach in act 1 and sell them on the currency market?
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What's the point of all the planning when we don't know all the unique enchantments?
nooblets don't know you actually have to upgrade your weapon
for starters melee is heavily dependent on your weapon and people used to coasting through acts while just leveling their spell gems to keep up are gonna have a bad time.
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my stance? unwavering
my agony? perfect
my bleed? aggravated
my block? lucky
my slams? exerted
my sunder? of earthbreaking
A lot of them are going to struggle with accuracy and probably with mana management too.
>running labs in act 3 is less efficient than rushing the campaign and farming maps

But the chaos orbs dont even drop on the floor in act3 and having like 5 or 10 of them could buy me a 5 link chest
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>updated pob
>bleed eq gald went from 600k dps to 2.5 mil on 50c worth of gear
Cyclone is looking just ok. Might play it if I can figure out a build.
Dual wield these and put flame surge in them. Main skill is full fire conversion cyclone setup and aura is Anger.
you dont need a 5 link to get to maps
the reason its not a "secret currency hack" is that its simply more efficient to spend your time to get into maps and get more currency, than to stop and farm act 3

now, if you WANT a 5 link during the campaign then totally go for it. not everything has to be a rat race to the finish line
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describe your build with a picture of a car
>boneshatter slayer
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trvth fvcking nvke
If your build is shit that you cant rush through acts and do early mapping with 4 links then i do not think a 5 link is going to be of much help. Besides at act 3 even lab 1 takes a while, plus lab 1 has a single fountain use with the only tranny gem related one being changing into a random one of the same colour, it would take a lot of lucky to get the expensive ones.
I eat when I’m hungry. That’s usually two meals a day. Maybe I could stand to eat more, but nonetheless I’ve got a fast metabolism. Can’t help it.
maybe you just have aids like you know... from gay sex?
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thoughts on this atlas? would be my second or third one. my plan is to self farm a surrender since its bis for my build.
aggravate DEEZ
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>tfw my build is super secret and mentioned by literally nobody and blows the shit out the faggot S tier builds on less budget
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bros? keep it or sneed it?
this is just a bleedquake guide in disguise.
>blight and ritual
I'm good
I will be farming beasts because everyone else will be wanting to use the trade market
so basically every single build is weaker and more annoying to play unless you drop a ton of divines on it
why do they even call it balance when they mean nerf
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based breachCHAD
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Bleedbros I need help >>487168972
Surely aggravated bleeds doesn't mean triple dps, right? The way GGG words it in the FAQ it sounds like taking the Glad ascendancy node you straight up get 3 times as much damage

>Apply 100 dps bleed
>It gets aggravated as it hits
>Enemy now has a 100dps bleed, and a 200dps aggravated bleed
>Taking 300 dps

Surely it doesn't work like this?
I don’t, I get tested regularly. I mostly stick to oral which has negligible risk of that in particular.
>eat when I'm hungry
>fast metabolism
Not an excuse. I'm the same and I was a giga skelly while young.
Eat noodles, bread and anything else you can get your hands on for caloric surplus to bulk and just hit the gym.
With enough daily proteins (I suggest eggs, yoghurt/milk and tuna/meat) you'll stop being a skelly that looks like he is about to die.
If you were a single father of 4 with 3 jobs I could understand not having the time and energy. But as a HCSSFR streamer sissy, you have no excuse.
Cut PoE and increase gym
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Earthquake is slam build and slams use warcries
fuck warcries
>not shoving all warcries with autoexert
not gonna make it
bleedquake doesn't really. just seismic and you put it on urgent order anyway, it's not that bad. don't be a pussy
anyone remember the name of that cute blonde streamer who played poe?and also got BLACKED
From what I understood this is another issue with aggravated bleeds, if the target is moving it will take less damage, meaning it will only take "aggravated damage" (200) without bleed damage of the initial hit (100)
major CATW
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I already said I don't want to use warcries. I cant stand BUAAARGHH going off every 4 seconds and/or manually clicking it every 4 seconds.
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glad bros.. they're mocking us...
>if the target is moving it will take less damage
The extra damage from Aggravated bleeding is separate to bleeding's normal damage. For example, a 100 DPS bleed that becomes Aggravated would deal 100 DPS from the bleed effect, and 200 DPS from Aggravated bleeding. If you were to then apply a 200 DPS non-Aggravated bleed, bleed would deal 400 DPS while stationary (200 bleed + 200 Aggravated), and 600 DPS while moving
buy an ad, frogfag
Aggravated bleed just make the enemy take bleed damage as if they're moving. GGG just made the most roundabout post possible to confirm that Farrul's gloves Crimson Dance bleeds stack with one regular bleed. Have fun the one Crimson Dance player out there.
>as long as it's stationary
I'm talking about this. What will happen, if it's not stationary?
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let her cook
he's not
that's just him normal
he's just a generic retard
or there's a gas leak in his gaming cuckshed
Bleed is kind of weird in that it either does 70% or 200% of the base damage hit, which means aggravate (or a moving target) will be doing ~3x the damage of a stationary bleed yes.
legendary image
right up there with
"tie me to a rocket and fire and tel aviv"
"..first of all, the only thing canada deserves is a nuclear holocaust..."
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the image cracks me up so hard. look at the dude. he looks so serious while saying that.
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1-9: Archmage Ice Nova Heiro
shut the fuck up you piece of shit. you little insecure pathetic incel will never be a real man, go play with your toys you fucking loser.
>What will happen, if it's not stationary?
they'd take more damage from the regular bleed right, because the aggravated bleed is a separate thing and the regular bleed is still, like, bleed
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>shut the fuck up you piece of shit. you little insecure pathetic incel will never be a real man, go play with your toys you fucking loser.
>it was real in my mind!
tell me her name you bitch
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I mean.. he's not wrong
aggravate isn't a separate instance of additional damage. it just causes the target to take bleed damage as if it were moving at all times, that being 200% of the base hit.
this nigga boilin
she doesn't exist, you pathetic cuck.
okay, thank you, I get it now
rachel kay
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>xir is having an episode when
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holy shit, newbies are going to get massacred. hundreds of thousands of them baited by Ziz and others into playing bleed glad, an ascendancy with ZERO damage that tops out at 4m dps in endgame gear.
>The extra damage from aggravated bleeding is separate to bleeding's normal damage.
may we see the proof?
cringe and troonpilled
just did, she doesn't. shame.
ok now that melee babbies got their honey milk can we buff minions again to not make only 1-2 of them viable?
You got my hopes up : (
>afk builds
hopefully never
best archetype must be weak
fun should not exist in this game
so said BFR and Mark follows
>Hi, I'm Mark Roberts, and I'm here to announce Path of Exile's 3.26 update...Blight League: Season 2
>In this league, all minions have been massively buffed & reworked. You no longer need to desecrate Spectres, and all minions have been made immortal, but no longer take monster aggro.
imagine playing melee, not only is it still mechanically shit, youre also paying the premium on every item
how will I get 100 without the shrine scarab...
my build went from 4m dps to 8
ill be a TricksterGOD and pay 1 chaos orb for my best in slot weapon
>Rage vortex of berserking
>New Rage on zerker is like 50% MORE damage
Um... Should I play this?
I made the mistake of playing SRS for Necropolis and it was literally just scaling DoTs again except all the killing happens off-screen if you're playing it right because defense is literally just your max Life and nothing else.
I had a few BS deaths to those assholes that teleport you. Felt like getting Quake telefragged in reverse.
Minions fucking suck right now. All DPS, no FPS, and if you lag for a sec you just die.
Yes. I like summoning undead things and have them destroy the game while I pick up loot.
Other people enjoy pressing 4 keys to deal zdps like an mmo.
Choice is a good thing, unlike having your meta shoved down your throat.
that doesn't really have anything to do with minions or SRS, but to do with you not knowing how to build defenses.
its so over melebros...
yes if you're going LS or FB
>the appeal of playing minions is to feel like a god having an eye on the field of battle and let your minons do the dirty work for you
>d2 minions are absolutely search and destroy
>99% of poe minions will literally just look at you getting beat up by monsters if you dont specifically tell them to kill
>need to have an aggressive mod somewhere to maybe (in most cases not) attack shit
>all played minion builds have good AI
i feel like it shouldnt be this way
You sound sarcastic
>All DPS
except still less dps than spells, mines, traps and now melee
I'm not that's what I'm playing too
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yeah im thinking slayer pf or ls
>but no longer take monster aggro.
> frogtard then introduces a new -99999t unique that makes minions take aggro again because the rmt machine must keep going
monkey paw is the name of the game.
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>bowcucks 1 week from now
is there any way to gain rage now when not playing melee on hit?
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>Trickster PConc
>Don't even need a weapon
How consistent is Mahuxotl's Machination Everlasting Sacrifice against ubers? Do I need to overcap chaos res?
sloomgawd millionare
keep us posted man
>meleebitchsissy projecting already
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>a bow build is literally the strongest league starter
yea I dunno, their own info just says aggravate makes the bleed deal damage as if the target were moving, and they're kind of obfuscating the mechanics in their Q&A explanation. they say "a normal 100 dps bleed" for instance, but a target is always bleeding for either 70% (stationary) or 200% (moving) of the hit damage. then they throw out a bunch of numbers that literally don't follow their own bleed mechanics, and we have no idea what the actual math of aggravate is under the hood, but their numbers of "100 bleed dps becomes 300 with aggravate" still matches up roughly with the 70% stationary bleed becoming a 200% moving bleed, which is what they claim aggravate does. but THEN they throw another wrench into by saying an aggravated monster is now somehow taking 400dps stationary and 600dps while moving which makes no sense because aggravated bleeds are supposed to make the monster take damage as if he were moving regardless.

it would help if they just gave us the math of how aggravate actually works.
>their builds attack
I don't even know how mahuxotl's is supposed to function now that vaal pact stops you from recovering life
So to sum up what the build makers are saying:
Slayer is the best ascedency
Champ and zerker are dead and glad rework is probably ass
LS warden is pretty good
Endurance charges are busted
All witch ascedencies suck ass
Spells and bows are still fine but squishy
There are probably some crazy melee builds out there but we haven't found them yet
Neat, now I only need to figure out some defensives... and the entire tree
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TL;DR: tinctures are retarded strong

Why is /poeg/ always wrong about everything?
I would settle for animate guardian getting an inventory screen and no longer poofing your gear when it dies.
slayer got nerfed today cause they nerfed ED neck
it just means you have to use it on a leech build now. no more PF
>slayer got nerfed today cause they nerfed ED neck
in what way? Cant get charges if you wear it?
/poeg/ is the worst shithole on the internet
what the fuck is wrong with the chink poe streamers?
Slayer still has the frenzy charge conversion which is busted with the new endurance charges
eternal damnation now sets your max charges to zero
>I do believe tinctures WILL be extremely difficult to use outside warden
yeah wow great addition to the game
>guys, melee is getting buffed so you can play that now
>oh btw, we also nerfed bowskills, spells and necro for some dumb fucking reason
these hacks cant get people to play something unless they shit on the popular stuff, like a school shooter who kills people because he cant think of a way to make people like him
melee is more satisfying than ranged combat with its constant cycling around the enemy.
he's still giga strong, but i think warden is stronger for softcore now
name one, i dare you. you won't.
laugh at this retard for not knowing archmage spells are some of the strongest shit in the game
We have little to no info, everyone is saying the same shit, unless they are almost as strong as they used to be in affliction they are just not worth using with the mana burn mechanic
This reddit post is assuming a lot
And the biggest joke of it all is that bows will still dominate.
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Good shit, sister
For me, its Slayer Sweep Power Charge stacker
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Can I play ED as a league starter and reach red maps?
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siege ballista
just press enduring cry you fuckin retarded babies
so because one archetype is good, nerfing all spells is justified? how exactly does that help anyone not playing archmage?
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>she dare browse reddit.com
poeggers...? is that where melee dummies hail from?
Slayer is the best melee ascedency overall, it's not even close
If melee is as strong as we think slayer will be 30% of the poe ninja profiles
yeah but again their builds start at level 1-28 and not when you get a curse on hit ring
you can do anything you want, man
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Occultist or Trickster for chaos dot?
>We have little to no info
Yeah, as far I'm concerned it's completely up in the air. Might be dogshit, might be the strongest thing in the game. We literally don't know.
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Even dress as a girl and play poe?
sandstorm is gonna be T0 this league
Have fun not crit capping
or level 16 if you're not stupid :)
Thinking of starting this aswell, did it last league and it was great.
I dont know, can you?
here's the fun part
next league they will obliterate melee into the ground and all the other archetypes will stay nerfed too, except for the designated meta archetype that will be slightly buffed to still be way, way weaker than it was before 3.15
ggg is the dm trying to kill the munchkin player while making the game worse for the rest
if you switch from contagion to bane, sure. you still have to use ed for bosses while playing bane, and soulrend drops off around yellow (which then you bane) so i'd guess this'd all be the same. not the best builds in the world unfortunately.
I do want to fuck around with the new melee shit, but the worst part of melee is campaign and early maps. I'll let everyone else figure out what works while I blast sanctum and stack money so I can jump right into an endgame melee build.
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for you
stop posting ecelebs
So many people will go for crazy league starters only to reroll less than 24 hours into the league.
Next league? Next league is PoE2
the mana cost of my melee skill went from 20 something to 45
so as far as I understand when they talk about 400 they mean the following: you do a hit (+100 bleed dmg), aggravate applied (+200), they you hit again evet harder (200), BUT the aggravated bleed from the first hit remains until its designated timer expires. So it's the aggravate from the first hit (200) + the second more impactful hit (200) = 400
Did you know that this is a federal offense? If I forwarded your post to the FBI and you're an american, there's a realistic chance that you might be charged for it.
just use elevated warlord chest, wa la
do it nigger
>There's a trio of rogue exiles in act 2 you can pick up to gear up
Why didn't anyone tell me about this.
How i play a max attack speed R-Click lifestealer?
he meant to type 'kiss' because he wanted to kiss you baka
Ziz said blood magic is good.
Molten strike.... Assasin?
Some builds are using eternal blessing and blood magic
Might not be optimal but it will probably good for league start
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> he thinks PoE2 will release before late 2025
anon I...
Can't see shit. Good lord why is this piece of shit game so zoomed in?
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>federal offense
the state of that jewish 3rd world dystopia
I'd tell them to move literally anywhere else, but then again, you don't want Americans crawling all over the world
Their zogbot military is enough
Why arent they trying to kill you
is it just me, or are impales kinda shit if you don't invest 100% into them? impale used to just be something you put into every pure phys build because it was one skill gem and dread banner, but PoB keeps telling me it's only competitive with other options if I'm using watcher's eye and have at least two impale clusters on the tree
Ground slam... Elementalist?
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Post your leaguestart loot filters. I need a one for melee leveling
>brings back wildwood
>doesn't bring back wildwood ascendancies

turkish hands wrote this post
good luck feeding your roach family now that your rmt currency trading bots are dead lol
bro the warden bro
This is the one I use, enjoy!
That would suggest that aggravate stacks, which would be retarded OP. Actually now that I re-read it, the 200 "normal hit" having a 600dps aggravate still makes sense because that's again the roughly 3x damage increase between 70% stationary and 200% moving. Still not sure where they got the 400dps part from.
>import some goys melee league starter build
>Thew build looses 30% dps from last league
I thought they giga buffed melee???
Kinda surprised that FAQ doesn't address Oath of Spring, which currently does not work. Shocks under 5% are discarded so if you just change the maximum shock value to 2%, you just can't shock. Obviously this is stupid but it requires a change to how shock value is calculated to make this effect work.

Is the range between 0-2% now the same as 5-50%? Does it just convert all shocks that would register as 5-50% as 2%? There is an effect that is in the content reveal trailer that is much more sensical but it is a different effect, one where not only is the maximum shock 2% but the minimum shock is also 2% (it just says all shocks are 2%)
kidding me dude
how come chris has his hold on us like this, keeping us here like brainwashed cattle. how can he do this with clear consciousness?
Lootfilter meta will change completely because of the AH. You'll want to loot just about anything, because of how easy it is to sell stuff.
They were nerfed, severely
They are not bad but most people just go for the small 2h wheel on the left and put in impale support for 100 chance
That's the issue with something as generic as impale. It's either
>So good every melee build puts some points into it for damage
>So bad you have to invest everything into it for it to become good
Crit is just so much better in every way
only applies to currency
what does that mean?
no, actually, it's not illegal to tell someone to kill themselves in the USA. you might be mistaking the US for some other dystopian kike shit hole like the UK, which is an understandable mix up since they're very similar.
wtf i cant log in on this site

also i just got an email saying my password is being reset? what happening
Nobody with a brain loots gear in 2024.
You click the box to make them hostile. It's a designed encounter. It was added like the flask strongbox in the prison.
Do feds even play poe
why is this thread so full of them
ip grabber
stopped reading at ancestral protector
kys retard
everyone that plays in melee range is sleeping on new flesh and stone sand stance
it works on spells and dots now
Get in here and cheer on /ourguy/ as he beats delve
>those "dark as my soul" uniques
I can already hear linkin park playing in the background
its a Mathil build
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for the shart and fart!
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How many quad tabs are enough?
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it just werks
it's the official path of building shortlink export site you dumb queer.
cool that shitstainsteve is about to hit delve cap in a temp league but why are people acting like we don't know what happens when you hit cap? People have done it in standard
I have like 3 since 2018, never needed more, last league got a bit close but i managed

aka Chris Wilson
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I have ZERO quad tab
It's reddit, they huff dogshit for entertainment
Can some mathfag quickly explain to me how "gain phys as extra element damage" works? If I'm rocking a full physical damage build is a 50% phys as ele just a straight up 1.5x to my final damage or does it work differently?
rate my starter

thanks anon
had no clue about that
absolute garbage
never post here again
it just works but you have to believe in it
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Bleed is BACK!! - Lacerate Gladiator Leaguestarter [PoE 3.25]
>Bleed is BACK!! - Lacerate Gladiator Leaguestarter [PoE 3.25]
Bleed is BACK!! - Lacerate Gladiator Leaguestarter [PoE 3.25]
>Bleed is BACK!! - Lacerate Gladiator Leaguestarter [PoE 3.25]

Stolen from the chaddest league starter maker Ruetoo. Kys
this will be a big ducks bfbb inquisitor situation
You scale your physical damage, not the elemental damage
Besides, shouldn't you be using brutality support anyway which makes you unable to deal elemental damage?
>melee build
>12k ehp
>no endurance charges

this nigga got a theme song?
do we like him?
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Daily reminder ziz is married as has a child
Yeah but the new enchant that gives you 30-50 phys as elemental seems extremely broken if it's a 2.5x damage multiplier so you'd probably want to drop brutality for it no? That's what I was thinking of doing
nothing honest happens in Standard, doing it league is impressive.
>phys max hit: 4k
>range: melee
2 actually
I do have 5 endurances charges
we're in here

>40 mil DPS in absolutely best in slot min max gear
Glad and bleed is so shit its insane.
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I can't believe this nigger is so fucking retarded. He thinks that the first 6 mana burn doing nothing means that the 7th starts out at 1% mana burn per second. He wrote a 100,000 word essay from a completely incorrect premise.
how is he so successful?
And you think that is the best enchant?
Bows get literal nimis as an enchant, no way 50% as elemental is the best we can muster up.
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glad breaks the dot cap?
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>40 mil DPS
dots are capped 36m haha
q*in too
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What a top lad down in that hole
That is the whole 3.25 situation
Everybody making assumptions and hoping for the best, once the gems drop and we get more info, half of these builds are going to implode
Lance had to scrap a buildguide on yt already because the pulled the ED amulet from under his ass
just beeing himself
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this freakin manlet has kids too?
what the h*ck!
was one of the few who started streaming PoE after kripp
game was almost dead but he still did it for years and then he got popular
>40 mil in BIS
No its 12 million in BIS on Ubers and requires a warbanner to reach that number subtract 24% more damage without banner up.
based STEVE
i don't get it, he can't go lower?
I think he can but got his goal
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So.. this is it?
Kinda disappointing..
hes not your mom
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he dug
Nope, short int number limit, 2^16-1
think all the math starts fucking up, like in minecraft if you managed to get ridiculously far away from spawn
He literally cannot go lower, he hit the int cap and rolled back to depth 0
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sure, but it does show
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Nah man, shit flinging and memes aside...
I'm talking seriously, America will be in a really bad spot during the next few years.
Trump will win, which seems like a good start and a turn for the better.
But the events are already set in motion.
Not only will the economy collapse (probably in the early 2025), you'll also be the first to feel the impact of H5N1 epidemy.
Try looking for "avian flu" in the news.
People are oblivious, despite it being right in front of their noses.
Jew owned news are of course placating the whole situation, because things didn't escalate yet.
If this was happening in Chine, they'd (rightly) go around with flamethrowers torching everything in sight and keeping people in solitary confinement with total disregard of human rights.
American jew run government only acts with full force if it feels personally threatened or to enforce the latest jewish trick. They don't take this half seriously.
Might as well wipe you ass with corona for how unimpactful it was.
H5N1 has a mortality rate of 50% , like 10+ times that of corona.
Shit's brutal. Anyone white and non-muslim/jewish should jump the ship.
The whole world will suffer of course, but you don't want to be where the hammer strikes first.
>The warning has been given, their faith is now their own.
yea it just breaks at that point.
he should void himself on a baldo and go out in style
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Dude has spent more time in Delve than real miners
what a shitstain
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he has played a lot
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The only content that matters. If your build can't delve it's SHIIIIIIT
Quin has bred abby like 4-5 times already. He has way more than 2 kids
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Quin has 4 kids, Abby is a single mother of 5 kids
bleed hitting dot cap is unreal. it's traditionally like a 1m dps build that tops out at 6m dps with mirror gear.
raiz is a big guy for you
octavian is pretty tall too i think
not saying quin isnt a manlet but those other guys arent average/small either
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Holy shit, spotted Booger King in Steve's stream
Its not 40 mil that anon did not set up the POB correctly. Its better but 12 million of conditional dps on mirrors worth of div is not great.
he got unbanned a couple of months ago
he streams poe and d4 with like 100 viewers
no way he's back. I wonder how many boogers he's eaten since he's been gone
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Is there a cooler hideout?
go back to fucking /pol/, retard
the only shit we tolerate here is bfr ruining his game
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which one are we playing?
where do you see mirrors worth of gear
nope this will never be beaten
I'm actually considering archmage
frostbolt gud? I dont wanna rely on troon gems for a leaguestarter
raiz is like 6'2 I think, which would put quin at ~5'4 in that pic, if that.
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He died 12 000 times?!
Post has a bit of pol in it because I'm a pol dweller.
But it's of great importance to anyone in the world, and twice as much to anyone from America.
It was written in good faith, so fuck off
Newish player here. I recently found a video from Exile Mage saying most of the starter builds are bait bad builds. Is it true?
tyty is a stupid faggot literally wrong every single time
he's only good at speedrunning acts
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>pol dweller
>good faith
Actually kill yourself you fucking retard.
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is slayer's leech without vaal pact strong enough defensively to not need any other source of regen?
Shitstain Steve done it holy shit
you have to go back
have you seen the DOT damage at that depth? its tens of thousands per second even with absurd mitigation so you have a millisecond to move out
when has he been wrong
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was he wrong about 3.24? didn't play much
it's so small. every time I visit somebody with this hideout I'm like "damn this is a small hideout"
Yes, but it will let you down on bosses due to invulnerability phases (unless you use worm flask)

for softcore it's fine
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>Ritualist's Hideout was awarded to players who completed at least 36 challenges in standard or hardcore Ritual leagues.
I can't get it...
over 1500 hours played in a 2800 hour league. literally 12+ hours a day every single day
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>this league is gonna be like a brand new game!!!
>start game
>pick Ranger
>wake up at Twilight Strand
almost everything but nr 1 is wrong
literally kill yourself as of right now
nobody cares about your pretend apocalypse or your orange turd or your retarded country
this is /vg/. go the fuck back and may all the retarded gorilla niggers that pollute your hellhole bash your skull with baseball bats
pretty much right on. just missing archmage stuff?
Show me a big hideout then!
the way i assume it works
inflict enough damage to trigger at least a 5% shock
and you shock the enemy for 2%
i think shock effect takes effect before calculating whether or not you hit that 5% threshold initially
>raided lance
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Exactly what makes it a good hideout :^)
I think it sucks, I don't like it
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Okay, here's my reasoning why I think bow builds will reign supreme.

1) From what we've seen the league mechanic is highly rewarding (shipments, dudes running maps for you, runes).
2) These mechanics are all fueled by the league resources and gold.
3) To get many resources you need to run as many maps as possible, to get gold you need to kill shit quickly.
4) Despite all the nerfs/changes nothing will beat a DE with HH when it comes to blasting maps per hour.

So yeah, I don't care if your melee build does 100x more damage than my bowfaggatory, I will still outearn you by a huge margin and end up with the stronger character in the long run.

What do you guys think?
>average shitcrow player
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I think I might play what I enjoy and not try to compete with people in a single player game
>meleecucks already cutting their losses and admitting defeat

you love to see it
>he's only good at speedrunning acts
that's why he's always right about STARTER BUILDS retard lmao.
nope, he was pretty spot on. necro league start was all DD, LA, RF, and Hexblasters. only thing he didn't predict was exsang miners.
I thought gold was easy to get in end game? It sounds like welfare league. Bows will make 3x as much money as melee but then the league will give both players the same passive rewards.
Melee on Jugg/Chief/Slayer is arguably immortal and good damage, but your attack rates are hardstuck at 1s per attack and your playstyle is either hardlocked to having literally no auras or spamming warcries. Softcore tradeniggers are going to melt the fuck down when they play a build that requires more than two buttons.
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faster builds will have more excess maps to send their kingsmarch bots at. there won't be as much wealth disparity as in the past two money printing leagues, but it's still going to be there.
>I thought gold was easy to get in end game?
That's only for the gold cost for respeccing.
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Is this Endurance Charge change actually going to stick it sounds fucking crazy on paper. Power Charges are literally fucking nothing in comparison.
He also fundamentally misunderstands Impaler. It's this fucking bizarro node that wants you to hit really hard, yes, but you also need to hit often enough to consume literally every impale stack on the enemy before the timer is up or you lose out on the nodes that specifically boost impales on non-impaled enemies. I don't even think GS of Earthshaking qualifies. The only slam it will work with would be Sunder because if you hydrosphere-tech you just BARELY hit the enemy enough to get all the impales off them so you can impale again, or at the very least hit often enough to proc the 20% chance to rend node.
>60k ehp
Zerker autoslam has good damage but it's very zdef
Learning to live and ignore fomo is best way


it's actually 82k, I forgot to tick endurance charges
my slooms will protect me
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lel they both seem much taller than that
it kinda seems like they really wanted people to build defenses that are not just grace+determ+banner this league, there will probably be nerfs once that bandaid is ripped off

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