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>[Patch 3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[Patch 3.25] Major Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities

Prev: >>487145128

Bait build edition.
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poe is built on fomo though
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actual god
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best diapers for leaguestart?
Everyone who isn't me is retarded.
I am you.
Ruetoo is live with guests CrouchingTuna and Fubgun
Poor you.
FUCKING 12k deaths
average shitcrow player
I prefer fugtrup
What skill are my trickster bros starting?
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Is dual wield real now? New glad block node with VC makes block cap pretty easy and you can have two enchants
feel free to delve to 65,000+ in hardcuck to show us how it's done.
Explain this ruecels
>twohand slamsissies seething at dualwield chads because we get double the broken runeword enchants
Erectile Dysfunction + Contagion.
that makes him extremely based
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o7 gg legend
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based /ourguys/
Have we seen the new ES/Evasion armours yet?
>inviting POOhx now
I might fall for Jung's tricks and do Power Siphon mines
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that's not fyregrass and path of metth
he's describing jungroan
but you knew that
>+48% PoB DPS from a flask slot

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Dual Strike of Ambidexterity or Molten Strike of the Zenith is the 2 builds I'm looking at right now for the league
>4 points for 190% crit chance + 30% multi as a tip
damn how'd I miss that.
guy sounds like a chain smoking fag
you watch this trash?
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what do you fags use DX11, DX12 or Vulkan for Nvidia Gpu's? seems Vulkan works best for me for some reason
>ziz lacerate bleed glad
>will be a big ducks bfbb inquisitor situation
Please tell me you're joking
I got baited by big cucks and was considering lacerate bleed glad this league
He would need to get to the part in acts where you unlock Niko first to be able to do that. He's close. Maybe this league...maybe...
most recent patch made me constantly crash until I switched to dx12
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>mfw my build is so unpopular all my uniques will be figuratively FREE
vulkan works best for me aswell. made my game crash every time I encountered black morrigan though so I hope they fixed that

How do I make this good? I really, really want to play Tornado but it seems mid.
With a huge mana drain and a cooldown.
he played more this league than I have in 10 years.
dx12 by a mile, on a 4080 super
on dx11 I get stutter for some reason
add gloves for more ES
>no ralakesh
>no badge
Your free build sounds like SHIT.
DX12 works best for me on a 1080
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I made a lot of money with flipping in OSRS, and now I wanna get into currency flipping in PoE now that weve basically got the Grand Exchange

Any tips on how to get started when the league starts?
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might be true brother
Cleaning my dear /poeg/ one MD5 and tripcode at a time.
>sandstorm visage
oh no no no no no anon
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Finished decorating my turtle hideout, im so fucking ready for 3.25 no idea where to put alva and the currency market dude from the league mechanic though
Yeah I'm doing this. Trickster good
Just copy Mathil's build and pretend like you didn't.
it's not really a trick
locus ps mines is insane for acts and all the way until red maps
that's current patch
it's going to be retarded next league
>a naked meme skill tree with dogshit meme wheels like impaler + the impale nodes slotted, a dogshit skill like sunder and a literal unmodded, 20% quality (can go to 30) white 2h weapon deals like 300k dps if you just check off rage and banner
this league is so fucked lmao
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should I clean my mouse before league start?
Its 12.3 mil Uber DPS in his min max gear (one of which is kalandra ring and +1 endurance charge synth ring) and requires a full power banner drop which provides 24% more damage. So when your banner is down 9 million dps on Ubers.
Bleed pops are nice but this build gets 3 attacks per second so you are not zooming and lacerates range is small.
no, that crust has history
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>Melee for one patch does what DD has been doing without hindrance for the last 2 years
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If you know you know.
Trusting Jung is like like trusting the scorpion
>strength stacking
>connor build
>2H with new attack speed nerfs
ahaha have fun
>80% attack speed
>deals damage every fifth attack
>worst ascendancy in the game
you're getting baited
My only issue with PS Mines is that you don't really get a good 4th ascendency node since you aren't able to use ES leech

frenzy charge and shitty jugg are such weak bullshit for an ascendency
nigga jung wasn't the first guy who played and created that build
it's been around for months in necropolis
it's tested thoroughly the only issue is it can be clunky to use because of the 3 meters
>it's been around for months in necropolis
The fact that it's barely played kinda makes me worried. Like what does it offer over Hexblast mines besides the novelty
>/ourguy/ is playing earthshatter
you act like we wont eventually have god tier attack speed by the time we get the build up and running
I got warned because of a post i didnt make
why does this happen
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My mausoleum is ready to be sent to Standard

>AFK chain DD
>Str Stacker
Settlers of kalguur theme

After 2595 deaths in t10s, and after buying your gear from players with real builds, absolutely.
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>bleed cleave of rage glad
>bleed lacerate of haemorrhage glad
cleave seems more fun but with the max rage nerfs it's uncharted territory
lacerate will probably scale better in terms of damage with the new glad but I don't know how to feel about not being able to explode packs with a single cleave
also lacerate got shilled to hell and back by zizafag so now I'll look like a retard that watches him
Help me decide bros
she cute!
>I'll look like a retard that watches him
You're already a retard for caring about how "you look" so do whatever, child.
>frenzy stacking raider is dead and will never come back

I don't even want to play anymore...
why are like half of the perfect agony pobs I'm seeing taking dot multi on the tree. you niggas are retarded
I made that build for him
shhhh let them bitch about their failed league starters
Onions retards will think I'm a prophet when the epidemy hits Meanwhile I just didn't have my head stuck in the sand like you retards
Try selling your alt orbs and wisdom scrolls for food
I guess the stupid have to be culled.
Not on me, I tried to warn you
we have the technology
all the streamers making builds had effectively dismissed them in favour of stacking Unbound Fury. 2x tinctures seems like a viable alternative, as that "only" gives you 90% more damage and lasts slightly less time.
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four flasks away from having a complete uniques build
screenwide clear
>reflect totems
i sleep
+2 tinctures is also -2 flasks.
>you gain valor from melee combat
What does this mean, does hitting and doing no damage count?
Kills and hits on rares/uniques. Like flasks.
>you need 1.9M damage in one hit to scorch Sirus to -30% resist
tell me I'm wrong please

you get valor on kill and 1 valor on hitting a rare/unique with a half second cooldown
it's funny how everyone thinks this is a new mechanic and not just how banners have always worked.
What's the best build for HC boss carry services? Mainly concerned with dots and shaper balls from uber elder.
each banner used to have it's own mechanic tho. That isn't how they always worked.
I fucked up, seem like its 700 dmg only
Just spent like 300d on Shako rolling and only saw Icebite once and it was lvl 25

holy fuck
Well, if society collapses I'm sure everyone will think about what a prophet you are. I'm sure that's gonna be nice for you.
Why would it be better next patch?
They didnt buff wand attacks did they?
Or only attackspeed
>tfw really want to make Blade Flurry work
>patch has zero changes to channeling skills(some minor mana nodes are nice I guess)
Bleed Glad Blade DW Blade Flurry seems funky but might be nice with all the new crit bleed tech.

Also tempted to give Shock Nova Archmage another go since Hiero got gigabuffed by the endurance charge changes.
>think the buff to crit multi per charge on power siphon added to the built in crown of eyes make it interesting to build poison around new perfect agony
>nobody talks about power siphon oustide of mine shit

Seems like a fairly typical result. How many support gems do you think there are.
more like 6m hit (have fun on uber)
>Increases and Reductions to Spell Damage now also apply to Attack Damage from this Skill at 150% of their value.
that's like double damage
the build is cheap as fuck and you are doing 6 million dps by the time you are in white maps
Rage doesn't scale bleed damage so probably not Cleave of Rage. It's an awful decision, but bleed in general got super fucked over this league.
You could play bleed glad that is using a different skill than Lacerate, but none of them feel even close to as good. I've gone through a bunch of different skills to use on my bleed character for clear and none of them feel decent. Probably going to shelve it at this point, it's not like it could get scaled to above 10m without Presence damage.
stop deadnaming, chud. xer name is frenzy stacking slayer now and xe is big and beautiful!
just use pob calcs section, it has thresholds for all ailments
I did get a lvl 35 Prismatic Burst which has insane level scaling. Might put together some memes on Standard
>slow as fuck
it's just not the same...
What was it before?
>nobody talks about power siphon oustide of mine shit
Because it fucking sucks, retard. Locus Mine triples its damage for no cost and you're retarded for not using it.
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>Turtle Hideout
Zenith or Dual Strike
>Comfy Status
Beyond Dot Cap
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>3 days for new league
im so hyped rn desu
you can equip a shitty unique like doedre gloves for insane damage
Wand skills are in such a fucking terrible spot that wand bases are getting all these insane buffs and it STILL won't be enough to make them playable even for campaign levelling
>Wand Mastery
>Increases and reductions to spell damage also apply to attacks while wielding a wand
3 days but 4 sleeps. what kind of god would allow that to happen?
they don't stack, retard
being able to do shit like sims, bossing, and other mechanics that require buying fragments or some shit without having to interact with trade is so nice
with a point yes
it's free on the skill with 150% now
add the attack speed and mana reduction
it's sick and easy as fuck to reach 5-10m dps
>3 days 22 hours 45 minutes
That's 4 days anon.
the gems have been updated in pob pooptards
that's not what I was implying at all, retard
It's not about society collapsing. This is not some societal decay or a political conspiracy.
I'm talking about epidemy that's already in the news, retard.
Epidemy of a virus with 50% mortality that will hit people who work with meat right at the start.
Virus killing off people who produce food, I'm sure even you can put 2 and 2 together to understand the implications.
let's kiss, retard
why is neversinknigger always late updating the filter
i hate that nigger with intensity
poeg thursdays thread theme
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when does neversink update their loot filter for the new league? i need to make my new maven orgasm loot filter, its funny desu i was just about to ask about this and instead gave you a (You)
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>3 days
>That's 4 days anon.
i mean you could update your own filter, the filter info isnt even out yet you dont need that right?
Can't figure out what to play. Everything is either bait, clunky, or weak.
It's 3 days when it's 3 days and 0 hours.
Take the glasscanon pill
probably because there's still a few days left in necropolis
just make your own filter instead of bitching about a free service
busy hiding some good items again
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has anyone figured out a good slam jugg? I've been trying to make a cons path but it looks just ok even with kinda endgame gear.

Your problem is that you're playing a sissy, nerfed, useless class. Here's what a REAL man's slam build looks like:
>info not even out
>free service
neversinknigger is on ggg's payroll and gets early access to league data
he's just a lazy nigger and actually incompetent as >>487193708 pointed out
bit worried about how there's not really any new gameplay in this league desu. there's a couple of map encounters that are just generic kill some guys and then the rest of the league is non-combat stuff
new bosses is all I really care about. Sanctum was basically the only change in "ways to fight monsters" that was ever successful. Most people just want breach again.
Nice 10 mirror build anon
>he still has his custom modifiers in
oh nonono
Usually it's good to go the day before the league launches
Occasionally it's just a couple hours ahead of time, but usually it's early
that build was made by /our guy/ Ben_ for use in races, if you can't farm that gear within the first 3-4 days then I'm afraid you are a filthy casual and should go back to R*ddit.
I just had to run through the belly of the beast 6 times in a row because the game crashes when i kill Piety and approach the door.
That resets the boss fight btw and i have to do it again.

What the fuck is wrong with the game? How the fuck am I supposed to play this shit when the league begins? I had a bunch of crashes so far, now fucking sick of it, don't know if it's gonna crash after my 7th belly run but at this point i don't even want to try it.
Tried changing your renderer?


could also be a power setting thing. so hard to say with pcs
>map encounters that are just generic kill some guys
ummm..... le arpg genre
same thing happened with me last week. switching from dx11 to dx12 fixed it.

Would this work?
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How can anyone look at this and say 'hey that's a fun build to play'
Holy heck how is everyone getting baited into playing melee what's wrong with everyone
>phys max hit 9422
how over is it?
it's something to do with the last patch, lance just said a few min ago that he crashed at that same spot with piety
>16% increased maximum life
>4hits to kill trash mobs
how can anybody stand to listen to this mushmouth esl shit?
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>remember my old build idea
>turns out it was buffed due to changes and has probably biggest QoL change since skill was added
>It can be easily be respec'ed from my planned starter
Anybody else with this abstract feel
Just one poop until league start
Molten strike assasin... with poison?
everyone's looking at the HUGE NUMBERS but its been 10 years since they touched melee and forgot the actual gameplay hasnt changed a single bit
melee endgame might be fine but anyone who is starting melee deserves every ounce of pain they feel in the early game
I crashed on Piety too but the fight was still completed. At least this shit is happening before league start so they HAVE to get it fixed by then, right? Right?
I have a notepad of just a bunch of weird niche builds that basically never ever get nerfed and sometimes gets buffed because of random changes. It feels great every time.

Storm Burst Decay just randomly got like 30% more damage this patch
they haven't tried practice runs and discovered how annoying it is to kill bosses that kite around.
>member my apple slammer from ultimatum
>import character, make lots of edits for it to be 3.25 compatible
>still 1/3rd the dps, 3/4's EHP
opposite feel
I don't get why all the redditors are shitting on new barkskin, it seems like a stronger wind dancer with the downside being a small mana reservation instead of occasionally taking more damage. I'm guessing it's the same group of people that were shitting on chieftain explode before release
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that feel is known too
>Whole Reaper concept
I always randomly try to snipe a Decay shako for that build
Bizzarely it didn't work. i was playing on Vulkan before, switched to dx12 and it didn't help.

The game crashes EXACTLY when i'm trying to open the door after Piety, maybe almost as if the asset for the door is corrupted or something.
at most it takes an extra 30-50 minutes across the whole campaign
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What build is he playing?
with the ranger reservation node its basically nothing
they just dont like it reserving mana at all because every other ascendancy gets their shit 100% free
i think its worth it regardless especially for the followup node
rmting a mageblood day 2 build
redditors thought ghost dance and divine shield were shit when they were first revealed, they legit are just retarded
Huh that's weird, hopefully >>487195426 is right
because you have to spend Ascendency points on it?? it's not free
>why are softcore players mocking a defensive ascendency skill
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don't even bother trying to stop me
i havent played in like 3 leagues but saw archmage got buffed
is it decent now or still gutted compared to prenerf?
ummm only -300 damage? that's just 10% of my max life. I can't rely on this to be my sole source of phys mitigation.
They don't understand how desperate rangers are about to be for physical damage reduction. They will all be praising Barkskin once the streamers tell them how to build.
if you hate the campaign as much as I do then it's a huge difference. but it's more just how fucking shitty the skills feel to use without attack speed and better scaling.
>Bleed gets reworked to be more clunky
>Damage doesn't get increased
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It's as shrimple as that. On very achievable gear. Not even the crit version.
it's a top league starter
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That was really good during Vengeant Cascade meta. Scaling not as good as the other variants but it turned on really quickly under the assassin shell.
It was more clunky to weapon swap to a bow and use ensnaring arrow.
its 300 hp that regens slowly and cant be leeched back. it does little to protect against oneshots or degens getting through evasion/block which are how rangers usually die. its going to be very strong early but much weaker against the content you want your ascendency to give durability against. i think i would have preferred the old barkskin, 150% armor would be really nice to have on a ranger.
How is it now?
With the buff to molten strike it should be good right?
I never played melee before yesterday and had fun leapslamming to act 5 with blood rage and frost blades. it wasn't frictionless but I like that.
Flat damage reduction is way stronger than people think because it's after percent damage reduction. Flat damage reduction can functionally be like 30 to 70% extra damage reduction on medium to small hits.

If you're playing on the bottom right tree, you've basically just accepted that you're going to randomly die to big hits.
nice ill give it a look then
>Storm Burst Decay
...Does the Storm Burst detonation actually boost the effect of Decay?
I think the whole point is to despec out of it once you have phys dr from another source.
my main question is how I'm going to know when I'm low on bark.
>On very achievable gear
Post it, coward.
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I couldn't tell you confidently. Molten Strike is assured to be good, and Assassin will certainly go online and get a lot of damage out of it quickly thanks to Perfect Agony, but you're really comparing it against other similar options that're much better developed. Assassin could end up being too fragile with a two-hander to make Molten Strike of the Zenith viable compared to Slayer or Juggernaut or there might be better poison shells that function similarly if you want to go assassin. It's just not very well developed because people don't play Assassin regularly.
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I didn't think Jungroan was the sort to actually jump in the middle of drama like this.
even a man so schizophrenic that he thinks he's a woman can tell it's shit
there's drama?
I'm not planning on playing a warden this league but I think the node would go well with 5-20k armour. 10k armor for example reduces a 2k phys hit to 1k which would mean a 30% reduction from 10 bark unless I'm missing something
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Goblin here. What build should I play?
Yes, scaling duration with Storm Burst will make the 75% damage per 0.4s scale Decay damage because it affects overall "skill" damage (so a 4s Storm Burst will have a 750% damage Decay) and not damage with hits and ailments. Decay becomes part of the skill itself.
ds_lily is a girl
TL;DR: A handful of e-celebs are "attacking" ones who make builds for making "bait" builds.
*impersonator, and a low quality one at that
quin is a god gamer
this drama is getting pretty kino
Show me the list
>I crashed on Piety too but the fight was still completed. At least this shit is happening before league start so they HAVE to get it fixed by then, right? Right?


Oh wow, it seems like the game crashes literally every time for every player on any setting and the solution is to portal out of piety room, portal back in and then proceed.

Also some players say the same thing happens with act 6 brutus.
i just do whatever mathil does and it works out for me tee bee haych
We're gonna need God King Zizaran to come lay down the law on all of the lesser celebrities pretty soon.
Wow, I wonder how I can play Explosive Arrow Ballista Champ
4070 Super. dx12 is buttery smooth 144fps until i start juicing too much, vulkan randomly crashes and dx11 stutters sometimes
1. ziz
2. mathil
3. palsteron
4. dan
5. ben
6. alk
7. kripp
8. tuna
9. fubgun
10. carn

very sad that I can't follow them anymore as they're blacklisted and cannot be trusted under and circumstance
quin won
>pohx not there after swapping to chieftain
he's making it live right now
currently emailing chris to make sure doing this won't get him banned
why can't asians be normal.
>no totems at all
uhmmmm cutie dog?
gutter oil induced brainrot
This jungroan guy is really not doing his reputation any favors with his terrible ideas, and this guy wonders why he doesn't get invited to exilecon
western asians are really sus ngl
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Someone a few days ago referred to them as the "Slanteye Squad" and its been living in my head rent free ever since.

ITS UP!!!!
If he's that scared of offending people he could just not make a public hit list rofl.
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Why is she saying chaos dot is bad?
There weren't any nerfs for chaos builds right?
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Does Perfect Crime triggerbots work with Choir of the Storm Lightning Bolt?
Correcting myself: I don't think it was exilecon, some other event he was salty about where he didn't get to play POE2 with other streamers
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i still cant decide between molten zenith or dual strike ambi jugg
That's rich coming from him
How is Carn making bait builds? He just plays Boneshatter, lol. I guess now he’s switching, since it got nerfed.
yeah he didn't get invited to the LA games con that had POE2 showcase, but he went anyway and went in with the streamer crew (ziz, mathal, quin, etc) so security was blinded lol
it's not the real list, he's still making it on stream
Would it make you happier if it would
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i tried zenith early last league and was #2 on poeninja for dps and it felt like shit. i know poeninja isnt accurate but just be aware. youll need a shit ton of currency in the build before those first 4 hits do any damage.
guys im making my atlas, abyss or breach?
>Twice the trigger-rate
>Cooldown Reduction
>Kalandra rings back to combo with Doryani's Prototype
Hell yeah it would
There are viable builds that nobody currently knows. All you have to do is find them.
I will soon be the only asian poe streamer to not be mentally ill
>not mentally ill
Quick, give me the BEST league starter for 3.25
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>murican time
>average iq of the thread drops by 30
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i found all the shitty builds
what now?
what connor was saying is to make the build comfy is attack speed to make that 5 hit happen as quick as possible, did you have a quick attack speed?
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This is your LAST CHANCE to play old school melee with totem buddies. Go, before it's too late!
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relax man, dont shoot
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only the 3.25 launch can stop me
man flesh and stone seems like an insane buff now
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That means if your hit reaches a 5% shock threshold you get the stack. How much do you need to get a 5% shock on pineapples? ONLY 80 FUCKING K.

This node is unironically FREE 80-90% more damage on every build. Confirmed by GGG.
It doesn't do shit unless you're right next to the enemy.
dont post pics of me
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Try and stop me.
How do you configure pob so that it shows physical damage reduction while using sand stance?
it seems like /ourfelon/ is doing better. he was dropping some pretty based takes on US politics today. I was surprised he even follows it
>just attack 50 times per second bro!!
biggest bait node in the game
>just play warden
>just hit 50 times to max stacks
being away for a while and I wanna play CI. any suggestions bros?
feel like going for ultimatum and delirium/simulacrums
you can easily do it with LS/MS
trickster ephemeral edge. any attack skill you want
Molten zenith is assured to be competitive if you can cough up the cash for it. Dual Strike still very much might end up being a trap.
>on every build
I mean if you get crit capped or 100% shock chance and are hitting 25 times a second or have massive investment into shock duration, so not actually free ditsy, 12 year old anime girl
GGG already confirmed fart ballistas count + you have manaforged. Fart ballistas hit 20x, you hit ~8-10x, manaforged will hit a couple of times at least. You don't even need any ailment duration to max in 2s.
will look into it, ty
they both require currency
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>tranny makes a warden guide
>picks oath of summer + inverted ele mastery
fuck 20% qual vaal LS are going to be expensive as shit
this lisping faggot should've gotten raped harder
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>shock node is free 80% more damage
>freeze node is free permafreeze to all monsters
>unbound node is free 80% damage buff with 50-65% uptime
>scorch node is free 60% more damage
Bros I need 6 points for these + ranged tincture + tinctures linger....
>base duration of shock is 2 seconds
>it doesn't say anywhere it refreshes duration of shocks
>to maintain 50 stacks you need to attack 25 times per second
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>>picks oath of summer + inverted ele mastery
FREE 80-90% more damage on every build*
(*some restrictions may apply)
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people are getting baited hard by connor again
I league started necropolis with his mjolnir build last league (to later transition into manaforged just like him)
end of first week i had invested 50 divs to basically get everything needed for the mjolnir build (basically i was almost at the same pace as him, even faster cuz i got some lucky drops) and couldnt run most red t16s, had to make them blue to speed up, to go from mjolnir to manaforged I needed like 100 divs minimum
connor only runs delve so you cant really tell his build is mediocre at mapping juiced shit, so unless you love delve I hope you guys are good at farming
imagine having an ego as a fucking video game streamer though like jesus, get real fuckin job lil dude
is there a story there?
who the fuck is half this list?

ziz makes fine builds for normies
mathil is a meme
he makes builds? i thought alk just played the same shit and bitched all league long
kripp plays normal path? i thought he was still trying to make ruthless a thing
havoc hasn't posted his leveling pob yet
In his video he uses a t17 b2b as a flex. That should tell you everything about the build.
It's molten strike/lightning strike/frost blades. Even if his build ends up wrong you'll just be able to pivot over to poisons or something and have a build that maps fine.
this>>487204004 plus isnt delve harder than mapping? if his build works in delve it will easily work in mapping
There are a LOT of minor PoE celebrities who post videos on Youtube and/or stream on Twitch full time in order to make a couple thousand dollars per year in ad revenue.
Is there a clip channel for the Jung/Rue/Lance/Allen drama? Not searching through hundreds of hours of streams.

I see Eternal Apple, I upboat.
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I need a fucking slam jugg pob
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do we know if this mastery scales with valour? pob seems to think it does. seems too good to be true, but it would make warbanners actually worse using.
who the FUCK is Allen?
I mean yeah ive seen it, its a different build so it might be better than mjolnir, but just warning you, bro likes EXPENSIVE shit and downplays it hard
worst case scenario for his jugg molten strike is diverting to dual strike which is also str stack and is 100% proven to work with basically just paradoxica and two large clusters
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trying to understand projectile mechanics, does this work? I have heard that a split projectile can't chain back to the original target but can it hit a different target that it didn't split from?
>this>>487204004(You) plus isnt delve harder than mapping?
You're missing the point of my post. If you're not a shitter t17 b2b without scrabs and corpses is joke content.
I tried DSoA this league and really enjoyed it, levelling was even nice. Now I wanna slap a dancing dervish into my weapon swap and go to goddamn town with frostbreath/a fast axe
it works. same concept as the armor from rage node scaling with rage effect
>Now I wanna slap a dancing dervish into my weapon swap
Yeah in this instance I would have both split and chain through Sniper's Mark and Deadeye ascendancy
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>If you're not a shitter t17 b2b without scrabs and corpses is joke content.
not completing t17s was not about being a shitter it was about making a immortal build because the mods were build breaking he could run any fucking mod and still survive it will the boss plus the build will do 2.5x more damage as well this league incoming, the fact that his 6-20 divine build(depends on the person and market crafting etc) trivialised that map shows its a good build

yeah im still considering it bro im in a internal debate and debate with anons about molten zenith and dual strike lmfao
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anyone managed to get perfect agony to work with bleed? I'm running the numbers and the return is pretty fucking weak
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Chat is this real?
Is Cleave of Rage glad for the max block bait or what?
having an existential crisis right now
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meh decent builds for shitters and noobs

quantity over quality

no idea

good albeit boring builds

he doesnt really do build guides


sometimes good, sometimes require LOTS of fixing: don't be a noob

i hate mf niggers :D

good melee

wanna know real shit build baiters? shakcentral with cold dot ages ago (community fixed his build), some asmodeus nigger on yt, captain lance (got baited twice by that nigger, my fault)
just look at what alkaizer is doing
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>because the mods were build breaking he could run any fucking mod and still survive it
Anon, I don't mean this in a mean way but from the way you're writing I can tell you lack experience, just trust me when I tell you that he didn't have a breaking combination of mods.

Connor is a very smart guy, and I don't want to discredit him but you're falling for bait and you WILL have a bad time if you run this.
>see response
>ctrl-f the patch notes
Oh, they fuckin' took it back. Whatever. Figured. No Fun Allowed.
Using a "build guide" is pathetic unless you're actually a new player with no experience in end game. You can literally look at thousands of builds on poe.ninja, and it's not hard to figure out which ones have good offense/defense if you know how the game mechanics work.
>builds on poe ninja
for all intents and purposes, we consider those build guides too
It is true that all the asian PoE streamers are mentally ill.

The same is actually true of all the white streamers too, it's just easier to overlook when they resemble you.

If black people were allowed to play PoE, I'd bet the same would be true about them.

The requirement to be decent at PoE is that you have the level of autism necessary to put up with campaign clearing every season into map grinding and optimization, as well as the level of small dick energy necessary to choose to get good at a competitive PvE game.
This is not true. Asian poe streamers are mentally ill. White poe streamers are gay.
Why the fuck does the AFTERSHOCK on EQ do less damage then a single ground slam of earthshaking
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Diablo 4 is already a successful game, why would they care what poe does?
>If black people were allowed to play PoE
fuck now that i think about it i haven't seen a black streamer yet playing poe
are niggers really banned from poe?
99$ of the players don't have the experience with the end game.
I played for 600 hours, still understand fuckall, don't know what impale even is and never seen an uber or held a mageblood, my highest ever savings was 60 divine
What builds did lance bait you? I remember being baited by his pyroclast mine build. It was shit and when I looked at his stream he had switched to hexblast, not even he played it
Minimum endurance charge Grand Spectrums are going to be like 60 divines at least lmao
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So what happens to the Arena Challenger ascendency jewels? Any guesses what they change into?
what about https://pobb.in/lqPBrwiAb0Yn from subtra?
i'm a noob, and overall holy relic of conviction is something i can even run? fro what i understand the only "problem" should be to find/buy the gems
that's pretty sweet then.
because it hits the entire screen and you dont have to aim it or be close range for bonus damage
Learn to structure your thoughts better. Every time you use a line-break like this it feels like an "uuhhhhh...".
jungroan the kind of retard to make a leaguestart build and sneak in a fucking ancestral vision on a supposed day 2 character
fuck this dumb ass baiting fag and anyone who supports him
They'll just change to whatever was in that spot. I had some forbiddens for charges on guardian that got changed to bond shit when they updated the nodes
Every internet personality is a mentally ill social reject. If they were normal the would be doctors and engineers, making fat stacks having respectable careers.

Every e-celeb you know is a king of losers, one of us who got a lucky and managed to find a way to make money sitting alone in a dark room and playing a videogame for a living trying to stave away the thought that they are turning 35.
>What builds did lance bait you?
Some holy relic summoner cos he was saying it'd be a great league starter, and blazing salvo (salvaged it easily at least)
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holy relic of conviction is probably a fine league starter but you kind of need to know what you're doing
also, I hope that isn't his league start PoB holy shit
if that is what is baiting you into league starting the build do NOT do it
Basically, if you're a functional normal human being you have a tiny chance of succeeding as a streamer. People go to the circus to see the clowns, not the accountants.
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People used to make guides because they were passionate about the game.

Now they make guides for content, and it shows.
At this point Ziz has to be leaning into the meme and not actually wanting to play this AGAIN
I played his energy blade build last league, he says best skills will be to use both void sphere and tornado, it was pretty meh. He himself used Penance brand when the build made no mention of it. So I guess he has a thing with baiting viewers using bad skills and then using meta skills himself
>i'm a noob
Don't go for that build, it's rather complicated and requires lots of "fixing": you'll have to problem solve a lot of the issues, because it's a build with too many complicated bullshits. Rule of thumb, minions builds play easy but are hard to theorycraft, and when their damage isn't direct but comes from DoT (minions DoT), it gets even more fucked up. If you really dig that build then go for it but try to understand how it truly works beforehand.
Flesh & Stone is pretty much mandatory for most builds now, right?
>still not ONE (1) good build
how much bleed chance does a bleed slam build typically want? is 20% enough
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Do you guys have a Plan B build in case your home-made ones don't work out?
There used to be an anon here who made a very good explosive trap inquisitor build
Havent seen him in 7 leagues
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what exactly about the build is bait exactly if he ran t17s with a 10 div build with nothing killing him with the souls abound or whatever the fuck the mod is called that makes all enemies health rise the more you kill and he went through it in very comfy fashion? in comparison to the dual strike ambi jugg i like how this build has infinite scale yes i know it costs money but i run 1 build per league anyway so i dont see the bad or bait to it, yeah im kinda noob
>no ele hit warden
>Basically, if you're a functional normal human being
You'd never even consider a career of playing one videogame for 15 years straight every fucking day as a desirable thing to do.
yeah it took me a long time for me to find a build too, I think I'm just going to live with the clunkiness of power siphon locus mine
it's provably strong and is getting buffed, will farm with that and move onto whatever
Ty both, I was pretty suspicious because this build (or a mod of it) was dubbed by tuber asmodeus as a great build to do pretty much everything contentwise.
I wanna avoid melee and bow+ranger, so any tip is welcome
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does anyone know if tinctures work with gems that use your weapons, like blade trap or animate weapon of self reflection?
Plan B is just go RF instead of melee, duh.
I start the same build every league since it's always good enough to clear maps and just jump on whatever concepts prove themselves a week or two in. Might not straight up steal the meta build but if I see shit like returning projectiles or whatever popping off I'll just steal the best parts of it for whatever weaker thing I prefer the playstyle on.
Had the time to briefly check the pob: it's 100% a bait build. I've played SRS poison to the very endgame a couple of leagues ago, it shares the abyss jewels: 8 (EIGHT) 30 life + 13% chance poison + 20-26 chaos dmg jewels is beyond madness, it's going to take a while to get those, and they stronger for the build than you might believe.

Avoid the dude like the plague

If you really wanna go for summoner builds, ghazzy is decent, maybe a bit too glasscannon but the builds work fine. Ruetoo's builds are always good, there should be his google docs link in his chat pretty often
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>Plan B is just go RF instead of melee, duh.

This but unironically.
Right now i'm in campaign playing Boneshitter and it's just slower and harder than it would be if i was dashing through the entire thing with RF.

Even tho i am oneshotting every mob i have to stop for that and RF doesn't.

I'm seriously considering starting with RF and then respecking the entire tree into bone zone later. I'm only not sure because i'm sick of playing RF already.
>perma 20% life regen/50% More armor/40% movespeed from warcries
>80k armor
>90 all res
>capped suppression
>65/65 block
Find. A. Flaw.
my plan B is to quit the league and doompost on poeg
>>perma 20% life regen/50% More armor/40% movespeed from warcries
>spend half your playtime pianoing warcries
>die as soon as you drop any
that build seems to be taken by ghazzy himself, from this build https://www.poe-vault.com/guides/holy-relic-guardian-build-guide and reworked as a league starter.
At this point i'll wait what builds will be posted by poevault and ask for feedback here
What happens when you need to kill a monster
Traps, totems, mines, yes. Minions, no.
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never played berserker before and im gonna league start it, someone tell me exactly what im in for. is this shit a 6 portal bait or is the ascendancy fine?
>have to reroll every -max/less recovery/noregen/buff duration/less cooldown/steal charges on hit map
>warcry piano every 8 seconds for 2 months
>no damage
is consecrated path totems still a viable build?
has Chris teased us today
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after hearing pohx chat with ruetoo RF sounds like its in a rough spot right now n
I did dex stacking ballista last league.
I wonder of str stacking ballista is any good aswell?
Anyone that have tried it?
>0 gear
>not wearing anything but a 2h weapon
>10m dps minimum
The new rage nodes are retarded, why are people even looking at slayer? just go zerk and have infinite damage
Show me a pob for 5m dps naked with 1 weapon, that isnt 300 passive points or some other shit. please im begging you
>after hearing pohx chat with ruetoo RF sounds like its in a rough spot right now n
>more health on everything
>RF scales with your max health

RF should be stronger than before at least until the yellow maps.
And when you are in the yellow maps you probably have 50 regrets and 1 or 2 divines in your stash.
your defense, sir?
I wanna do volcanic fissure of snaking for my starter
jugg or slayer? leaning slayer because overleech is comfy and its damage scales better in the endgame
jugg is more defense, slayer is more damage and recovery
>what exactly about the build is bait
Okay, you actually made me go back to the fucking video, because I only skimmed through it a bit. Let me break it down.

1) The budget is *highly* optimistic.
2) The 2nd t17 he is running is not even b2b and it takes him 5 minutes to clear it. (that's bad)
3) Even with better gear you won't really improve your clearspeed.
4) It has swapping, which is pure cancer.
5) If you're inexperienced it will take forever to come online and will be even harder to scale.

10 div doesn't sound like a lot, but if you lack experience and run an unfinished clunky build that dies in yellow it will feel insurmountable. If you leaguestart this I'd be comfortable taking a $1000 bet that I'll have farmed my HH before you clear your first t17.
try out power siphon locus mines and if you don't mind the playstyle league start jungroan's version of it
it's the best league start with a guide I know of, apparently uberdan is making a build guide video for his archmage build that is absolutely crazy, but we'll see
uh yeah he plays chieftain of course its in a shit spot. he had to rely on adorned and phys conversion to have a passable character
unlike jugg
It's fine for softcore and probably the best option for melee with crappy gear because it fixes your attack speed. Slayer should be better after you have money to spend, though.
>1) The budget is *highly* optimistic.
i just checked the prices on these items here very cheap: https://pobb.in/MLMnlXiTGJXg

>t17 mods
didnt it have the souls abound thing? and it was the build above he was using

>better gear wont improve clear speed
doesnt it? it adds damage and attack speed the better gear thus meaning clear speed will be quicker?

>it has swapping
it did last league because of enduring cry that has been removed and now it does not use weapon swap (actually why i never used it before)

>you will have farmed a headhunter before i finish t17s
i bought a turtle hideout a few days ago, i like slow and comfy and i win the race completing my challenges its not about rushing to the finish anon its about the kino along the way
Endurance charges: you take +3 from the tree, and you gain them with the warcry. Some armor, some max res, lots of movement speed, strong health pool (with rares)

I'm looking at ben's "zerker slam autocry" pob, which is a work in progress pobb.in/Nc7do2udmZgO , if you remove ALL THE GEAR and leave only the 2h weapon, you still have 10m average damage, and a combined total damage of 19m, it's pretty crazy honestly
his 2h wep is like 10 divines on day 1-2 lol
normal players dont get a 1k pdps axe that early especially with veiled orbs being a bitch to farm now
havent been here since I quit necropolis about 1 month in
you can call me a noob but I actually liked the necro crafting and wished it was kept in the game, it made getting weapons with triple ele finally easy so I could play ele hit again
I saw that build after ziz interviewed jungroan for tips. Thanks anon, I'll probably follow your advice
I'm going to play Hierophant and wear two +1 min Endurance charges on rings. That's 6 for free!!! I'm too smart for this game
>his 2h wep is like 10 divines on day 1-2 lol
Don't buy rare weapons on day1-2 what the fuck, that's something only RMTers would do. Craft your own, crafting something like that is possible, mods were buffed in 3.25
Yeh it was fucking broken, I don't think anyone would dispute that.
Unfortunately it was also incredibly boring and tedious despite being the centerpiece of the league
in case you aren't baiting you still need the maximum to also be 6
It does feel like hierophant doesn't get nearly enough attention despite consistently being a top tier ascendency that's only getting better.
So challenge rewards today
Gems tomorrow
Any extra shit Wednesday
"See you tomorrow" Thursday
League Friday?
Whole lotta newfags choosing to SLOOOOM gonna learn the joys of crafting phys weapons
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>learn the joys of crafting
learn either fossil of harvest crafting, don't bother with metacrafting and other MLM crafting scams @noobs
We just had mana league. Do you need a streamer to make the pog face and put it in his thumbnail next to a Hierophant picture in order to get your attention?
>crafting phys weapons without easy t4 aisling
actually going to be a fucking nightmare
what time is the challenge rewards being shown today? i hope they are good, thursday is probably kirac vault pass
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>spam essence of contempt
Vwa La
slams are fine for new players. If they go chieftain they can go take it slow and learn at their own pace with an extra link.
I'm surprised nobody's bringing back the oldschool non crit RT groundslam build for new players that was like THE premier forum build during beta.
Whats the current best Witch leaguestarter?
>lock phys
>block elem
>get good slam weapon
so hard i know hehe
starting to feel something like a sloom god, sloom god
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>i just checked the prices on these items here very cheap: https://pobb.in/MLMnlXiTGJXg

The market is dead right now, but a single one of those jewels will cost about 1 div alone.


>didnt it have the souls abound thing? and it was the build above he was using
Again, t17 by itself is not impressive even with souleater. A DE on a similar budget will crush that shit in like 90 seconds tops.

>doesnt it? it adds damage and attack speed the better gear thus meaning clear speed will be quicker?
No, because you're confinded to the pisspoor range of the skill.

>now it does not use weapon swap
Okay, that's cool.

>i like slow and comfy
I respect that, but be prepared to suffer greatly along the way. You're basically picking the red line. But I guess it's a mistake everyone has to make.
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I already know I'm going to pull an insane phys axe out of the new gambling thing, don't worry about me guys.
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what if he removed the currency exchange market once the league adds and never adds it again?
Give me a Starter builds. No bait please. I only ever play trap and mine
It's hexblast mines again
Dual Strike is the only way to make it work for clearing with its innate 100% More crit, otherwise 5s CD on ambush limits it too much. ambush and marylenes by themselves are 380% dot multi, or 63 passive points worth of multi for FREE. it should do about 2-3x the dps of a normal Glad bleed build.
Varga is going to mail him a Black Lotus to look the other way and let his bot army (with gold exemption) continue to control the exchange
What do you mean "what if"? It's already confirmed to be a 1 time thing only.
What if he adds an auction house to console, forgets, and hypes up a shittier version of it as a central focus to an entire league
We don't know, probably 2-4 more hours depending on how hard they fucked up. 2 Leagues back they rushed it out the door super late.
explosive traps are still fine. Stick with what you're comfortable playing.
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>The market is dead right now, but a single one of those jewels will cost about 1 div alone.
im not too worried about making money this incoming league i got my ways after playing a few leagues, plus the league mechanic seems to be helping noobs with making money with the ship trading

>not impressive t17
fair enough, only reason i think its good is i done the LA champ during necro i struggled with these mods on my build, i just like a build that can cruise any mod

>bad range
doesnt all melee have bad range? like in comparison to dual strike ambi that range is not so good either right?

>no weapon swap
yeah i never liked the weapon swap in poe 1 hopefully they make it comfy in poe2

i kinda like it, i chose a convert all damage to chaos without using forth vow on my RF jugg a while back and finished mapping during tota lol
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do i shave it like chris or get a hair transplant
>The rework to Vaal Pact significantly changes Mahuxotl's Machination. Was this a targeted nerf or oversight?
>Neither. The shield is designed to be a collection of all the Vaal-themed keystone passives on one item. If one of the keystones changes then the shield's function will naturally change in turn, and we don't have any concerns with that as long as the item can still function.
uhhh bros?
shave and do weight lifting to get the anger out
Is there some breakpoint for the new Perfect Agony that I'm not understanding? After building fully around the damn thing I get like 2 million more DPS turning it off.
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does anyone have any experience with accuracy stacking? ive only ever played with attribute stacking. would going jugg and lightning strike be the play?
By the time my starter fails it will be figured out what's the best build.
You wanna be a BFR or a Preach

I chose shave, fuck all that noise for trying to cling and ressurect what is over
That or molten strike.
molten strike zenith jugg if that flops dual strike ambi jugg
Yea, Mahu is fucking dead. New Vaal Pact is total build destruction. I wouldn't even take that shit on Slayer
Is Lacerate Gladiator metacuck shit this league?
Honestly just shave. Transplants can leave pretty vicious scars all across your scalp.
how do you craft a physical axe on leaguestart on ssf????????????????????
any idea what the bare minimum to get it off the ground would be?
I guess I'm stupid, why does instant leech break the Vaal shield?
I'm saying the downside of disabling all non-leech life gain is too much
I am Harkonnenpilled (it's a medical condition) and I really enjoy it.
>hot outside
>just wipe your head with an alcohol tissue, feels great
>no body odor because no hair on the body
>a shower only takes 5 minutes, no shampoo no shaving no nothing
get some axes, slap essences, reroll phys harvest, use rog, gamble with gold, just pick one up off the ground. it's not hard to get an okay axe.
It doesn't. He's over reacting. Instant leech is still amazing even in 2024. It was just gated behind the shittiest pair of claws in the game. Now you can use anything. That opens up so many avenues.
one big downside for us baldfags is head protection from the sun. Getting a sunbrun where your hair would normally be is fucking agonizing. For how minor a sunburn is, it was the worst pain proportionally. I had to wear a hoodie in the summer and maximum tightness to prevent any air from touching my scalp while it healed.

wear a god damn hat or ask some homies where you can buy a durag
Isn't it funny that myself and all the other "veteran players" are going to play molten strike of the zenith simply because Conner said to? If he didn't make the build, nobody would be playing it.
>or ask some homies where you can buy a durag
Your barber doesn't sell durags?
just get capped suppression, armor/ev gear with iron reflexes, 6k hp, at least 80 all res and you'll be fine
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show us all the runes Mark
go buy power siphon and locus mine and try it out first or you might end up hating yourself
archmage didn't get nerfed and endurance charges got buffed so it's still #1 or #2 league starter
I haven't been to a barber ever since I shaved my head. I bought some trimmers.
Rog is fucking terrible for physical weapons.

Legitimate question? Farm up fracturing orbs over and over and over again for, like, a week. Then get lucky enough to fracture a % prefix. Then essence it.

Although, the new black market might also work.
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>Ziz made a Lacerate Glad guide
yeah I'm not playing some metacuck shit give me a melee Gladiator build that's not meta
Like 1-2d for the bare minimum, can clear t16 but its verry squishy
speaking of runes why the fuck is no one theoy crafting the *unique* enchants from unique items we can put on our weapons, what if we can put this on our armour and rings too? isnt this shit more broken than crucible?
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I think you've made up your mind, go knock yourself out. It's just a game after all and since your ambitions seem very low anyways you can always re-roll if it goes too badly.

I'm interested in your progress, it would be cool if you could post an update like a week or so into the league. Use the image I drew in the prior post, that way I'll instantly recognize it or be able to find it in the archive.
its shit
Getting an "ok" phys axe is simple
Making an actually good one is agony. Crafting phys weapons SUUUUUUUCKS

- fractured hybrid ALWAYS
- if you really wanna go all in on SLOOOOMs, save your money up and just mirror whatever comes out. the sanity loss on making synth phys weapons is not worth it
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Alright ill post my progress, see you later desu
I'll miss easy free god tier phys weapons from Necropolis
why is Alkaizer playing earthshitter?
Because when the meta was slams that was the good one. Probably just enjoys it. Plus it has some good shotgunning potential and scaling from multi-hit
it does the most damage of any slam still
Hopefully the whole culling of low-level affixes works out nicely and we get a Well Rolled talisman situation on boat loot.

They weren't amazing, but they were damn usable
skill issue
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Oh god I'm getting flashbacks to crafting a slam warstaff
I'm dreading crafting a wand for this power siphon mines thing. having phys and caster affix pool is so bad
it replaces dot multi with your crit multi, so you just need your crit multi to be higher
also need 100% crit chance
Shameless samefag who can't even pay attention for 5 seconds.
Runecraft enchants are weapon-only (and also base-locked, so you can't put every enchant on every type of weapon) AND can't be put on Unique items.
What's with the scarabs and atlas this league?
last league shit was fucked and insane, I tried to combine beast and essence farming early on only to realize the good essences only ever spawn in yellow maps and never corrupt into anything good anyway, and the beast drops were shit too.

Going full harvest worked tho, but the league sucked so i quit.

How should I progress my atlas this time around? In Necropolis i only had any success with harvest and before that i was going full retard with the blighed maps.

What should I do day one to progress into going ham on harvest and delve?
I haven't played an assassin in forever.
How is assassin poison cast on crit soulrend?
I wish I was like that desu. autoimmune issues with my own hair oil both on scalp and face and keeping it clean shaven is very painful
it will be popular but bad, like Righteous Fire
>I'm dreading crafting a wand for this power siphon mines thing.
T1 spell damage T1 lightning damage
2 mod wand, craft crit chance
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holy moly is that a RUNECRAFTâ„¢ weapon!?
these gloves are going to be so expensive
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d4 expansion looking kinda juicy... we have to admit that.
>Runecraft enchants are weapon-only (and also base-locked, so you can't put every enchant on every type of weapon) AND can't be put on Unique items.
the mods themselves are from unique items right?

are we not all the samefag of ourselves?
laughed out loud unironically
Same, but at least essences will be cheap and readily available. What exactly do we aim for, anyway? Triple flat ele prefixes?
Does anyone else think Mathil is hot?
they aren't, no streamer is shilling Perfect Agony, they shill dogshit like Lacerate noncrit Gladiator instead
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Believe me, it's not that I don't know that.
they're already spiking in standard and necropolis
most people think that
but he's really short
>never corrupt into anything good anyway
This shit was so annoying. For a while I thought the mechanic was literally bugged or something. I don't think I found a hysteria essence the entire league
ur resolute technique thoeverbeit?
>use a keystone that negates crit hit damage on your build that is mostly hit damage
>surprised when the damage goes to shit
RF bros WE ARE SO BACK!!!1
how do you even go crit based on the left side of the tree? theres like no crit nodes at all compared to playing a ranger
New Item Names
Play inquis or zerker, use staves
one sec bro I'm just finishing up my 300m average hit crit staff berserker
see >>487214440
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Damn they really did just nuke extractors
That's gonna be rough unless the blight tree changes come out very profitable
poeg only plays hc
>to 40 entire chaos orbs
poorfags are so funny
I played ssf last league and mocked everyone who played trade, but I'm never playing it again, I'll be a tradecuck this time and forever after and beat the game in 5 days
I figured it out, it was from having unholy might out of my flask. If that had 100% uptime it might be something, but without it the damage makes sense.
dreamcore is great. highly recommend his videos if you want to better understand defences, and some other stuff
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can you use Eternal Blessing+Pride and Autoexertion warcries in the same build? Because I've seen some builds do that but wouldn't eternal blessing cancel out the autoexert?
But you can trade in SSF now. Trading is a core mechanic of the expansion. You can literally trade mercantile goods from your city to others.
>That's gonna be rough unless the blight tree changes come out very profitable

All the real blight is being blighted in the blight maps and blight ravaged maps.

The normies find those maps and sell then, and the true blight enhusiasts buy them.
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Can someone take a look at my General's Cry Tec Slam build and tell me if I am doing this right? I went to PoE Ninja, looked at some builds there, and put this together using starter/cheap gear. They are all using multiple clusters so I had to improvise a bit. Obviously the chaos resistance is terrible, need to fit some of that in to get to 0% but that is something to actually solve once I am putting on gear.

I am simulating the Overexert gem in the config using 6 warcries, 5 of which are auto exerted and one of which I'll press manually because the buff is really strong, however if it turns out that it is not really feasible (because I need to spin 24/7 to generate corpses) I can drop Herald of Ash (a lot of damage, desu) and put it in. Not a huge fan of the traveling, but I need all this reservation due to how much it costs to actually reserve these fucking warcries. They really should have made it like fucking 10% or something, 15% is just unreasonable.
Only thing that I think is pretty sketch is the rage. I don't generate a lot of it, or very quickly. Only 2 per hit, so 4 a second. That honestly is probably just being a PoB warrior and should be dropped.
they probably got baited by the fact that everything on the gem only applies to auras except the one line about reserving mana
>Nameless Ring
well that absolutely defeats the purpose of SSF, I was disliked that you couldn't play with friends in ssf and wished they would change it, but no trade should be mandatory
So, it's essence alche & go a bait that crafters feeds to newbies?
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damn it feels good to be GLAD
I used to get more gold/silver oils from extracting rings than running oiled up ravaged.
>But you can trade in SSF now. Trading is a core mechanic of the expansion. You can literally trade mercantile goods from your city to others.

You can't trade the currencies in SSF.
you can play the ship minigame which probably isn't even player driven, but the commodity exchange is going to be empty.
it's probably going to be a lot worse this league when everyone can just shit their essences into the market
yea, it's why they removed them. people started finding out
eternal blessing only stops you from reserving other auras with mana. anything that reserves life is fine
is anypony else league starting tornado like my favorite streamer mathil?
It's a standard upgrade procedure.
If your build is super reliant on something like say +2 Bow Gems, you just throw a Shrieking Dread at it and use that until you get another and can roll for something better.
You just keep doing that until it upgrades. What they don't tell you is when to stop doing that and start looking into more serious crafts.
heresy. repent immediately, sinner.
give me a league starter that can beat the game in a week and then play my favorite mode and only mode worth playing late game: blight
Despite ease of being able to post there's still going to be a bare minimum amount for things like essences. I don't see things that were reasonable 1c+ dipping into alch range just because of increased supply.
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>Item Class: Gold
wtf is "beating the game"
I am so fucking retarded https://pobb.in/D_MilSHVOOuQ
You trade (your city's goods) for (the goods) of (other cities) through your trade ships.
It's not vanilla trading, but it's thematic in-universe trading.
Also pirates who try to steal your traded goods.
I like it. Fun concept for an SSF playstyle.
blighted maps are still going to be very low profit to run. drop rates of anything of value are low and your atlas tree does nothing.
But there's only 5% on tree and (almost) no max block on gear.
Where's the other 11% coming from?
(like the diaper brand, ha ha ha ha ha)
defeating kitava (act 5)
feel the vision
calm down, pohx
bro your imposible excape?
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What the fuck?
Glacial Shield Swipe?
but isnt reserving 90% of your life bad?
for me it's gonna be crushing fist
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Im going accuracy stacking with my molten strike of the zenith juggernaut
They’re just a chill little thing to do mid goon sesh
>blighted maps are still going to be very low profit to run. drop rates of anything of value are low and your atlas tree does nothing.

When I was blighting for a living the main income source was selling stacked decks by the hundreds.

You get like 20 per map.
That's a lot better than running blight for weeks and just never finding any bosses.

Blight ravaged is a different thing entirely, there you go balls out with more chests, more loot, and sell the sporeguards and stranglegasps,
have you ever played general's cry before? i'd advise you to test it in standard. its clunky and extremely squishy since you cant leech or get fortify at all. it also got nerfed this patch. but yes you do need to spin 24/7 until you get the corpsewalker boots.
>>unbound node is free 80% damage buff with 50-65% uptime
It's 33% uptime in absolute best circumstances you foolish fucking animeposter
the move is just to reserve 1 or 2 with petrified blood and then manually cast the rest.
>You get like 20 per map.
Didn't they completely dumpster stacked deck droprates in necropolis
>That's a lot better than running blight for weeks and just never finding any bosses.

I meant delve, i only had the worst luck with it. Spend weeks down there and only ever got one shitty Aul's and like 3 Doryanni's
Your gonna have a bad time without the 2 claws
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>oil extractor
did they mention this before?
Have they confirmed that farmville mechanic is accountbound?
They said the oil extractor node had been removed from the atlas tree
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>ITS UP!!!
>ITS UP!!!
>ITS UP!!!


>Shield Crush Bleed Glad
It's time to bring ol' reliable back into the fray. I hope to god the new retaliation skills are strong.
Well there goes my blight starter strat... rip
RetardFaggotbros... we're back
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So, what's the SSF league starter meta? spill the beans
why not just play sst?
You get 20 per second. Freeze, chill, shock, scorch/ignite.
blorbit hierophant
doesnt use weapon swap now
So why does Elementalist exist now when Warden is just goodElementalist?
>doesnt use weapon swap now
what? Zenith is 2h only isnt it?
boneshitter, archmage boy love, pooper shitton mines, ignite whatever
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I played a bladeflurry version a while back, but it was berserker. I remember the damage being insane but yeah, it was kinda clunky.
The other tree I came up with is a chieftain that is manually using Tectonic Slam, I think that I probably need to drop Herald of Purity and move Seismic over to autoexertion too, until I can annoint charisma then I can do both.


I still definitely need to manually use Enduring + Infernal, because I need the endurance charges and Infernal is ridiculous when buffed by Chieftain, 50% phys as fire.

Ultimately the reason I was looking at Jugg General's Cry is because I am a bit worried about the Endurance charge generation on Chieftain. I've gotten as much as I can on the passive tree. I have Enduring Cry + Endurance Charge on Melee Stun + Inexorable + Disciple of the Unyielding, with plans to get a small armor cluster for endurance charge every second after getting hit.
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Oh, you're right, I see now. Carry on
I fear it's as good as bricked at this point. Well, for my Slayer builds that is.
I really hate proj builds. I played it back when it was peak and had fun, but it's not for me anymore. Might do a warden SST down the line when someone else figures it out.
how the fuck do you get defenses on a berserker
kill things before they kill you
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dont die
the same way you do on everything? fortify, endurance charges/enduring cry, suppression, max res, 7K+ life.
flesh and stone
endurance charges
+max res
reduced damage taken from crits
reduced curse effect
and spell suppression, of course
>Melee now has to devote like 3-5 points on the tree just to reduce mana costs + get mana leech
Why did they have to just randomly increase mana costs? That is cringe as fuck.
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jung's new div card gives a random unique relic
>when zerks use 2h weapons
bro your sneed the fury?
If you are spending up to 3 points just use lifetap instead. Same thing
just use lifetap lol
you take the suppression wheel on the right side of duelist and then get t1 supp rolls on every piece of gear
yes it sucks but its mandatory
>using 2 handers means you can't get suppression
come on, man
suppression is completely unnecessary for marauder unless you are the hardest of hardcucks dont listen to him
You don't really need suppression if you have high max all res + endurance charges. Obviously, getting both together makes you unkillable but don't let some Warden pretend like they're tankier because of spell suppress when you have 85%+ Max all res and some endurance charges.
Kinda useless, you already had guaranteed relic from beating sanctum and can only use 1 relic per run. This will overflow the relic economy :(
i'm not saying you NEED suppression, especially after the endurance charges buffs. but it's an option like everything else that will make you tankier. these fucking stupid questions are pissing me off
entrench cluster, magebane, evasion mastery, and anoint inveterate. gets you most of the way there before supp affixes.
>Kinda useless, you already had guaranteed relic from beating sanctum and can only use 1 relic per run. This will overflow the relic economy :(
good, fuck you, original sin shouldn't be >1 mir
I decided my class: gladiator, now to the skill
You pick Jugg instead after first lab like a real chad
fuck sanctum desu
bleed sunder
Hell yes, this is just the bait I was looking for. Thanks, brethren.
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welcome to pre-league poeg where every question is retarded
what is the best league starting mapper I could make with passable bossing, and buying carries when needed? Last league I played CF and it was awesome
does this mastery mean monsters cant steal your charges
I want screen wide, fuck-you bleed. Is bleed EQ going to benefit much from the changes?
Lacerate is dogshit, fuck Ziz and his shitty bait builds.
I want to press 1, maybe 2 buttons and watched the entire screen pop.
some bow shit
juggernaut heavy strike warcries
power siphon locus mines trickster
ele hit of the spectrum warden
Yeah, pretty fucking gay. I'll personally just be using blood magic + eternal blessing + petrified blood on all my melee builds now. The nice part about that setup is that you can use skyforth + bloodnotch cheese.
>Groundslam of Earthshaking
Nigger shit played by Niggee (formerly Ben), GookaizerX and Barn (The scent of his repulsive 'country')
Nigger shit played by Niggee (formerly Ben), GookaizerX and Barn (The scent of his repulsive 'country')
>Sunder w/Hydrosphere tech
Based, redpilled. Supremely classy and tasteful.
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I put a hole in a nigga for fuckin’ with me
My back on the wall, now you gon’ see
Better watch how you talk when you talk about me
’Cause I’ll come and take your life away
So archmage Ball Lightning of Orbiting is a better league starter on SSF simply because you don't have to farm trans Ice nova? I did it last league and it wasn't too bad, I knew what I was getting into. Didn't get far enough to worry about farming a Kitava's Thirst.
Seige ballista heiro
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120k dps cyclone
6k life
defences: 75% dodge, aegis aurora

is this enough for alched t16s
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forgot pic am drunk atm plz forgiv
I'm 99 runecraft, you craft runes not weapons.
still doing some soul searching for a glad build. anyone got anything? Is it even possible to make retaliation skills a main skill?
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cool it with the racism, chuds
power siphon locus mines
>power siphon locus mines trickster
I was thinking this originally
>ele hit of the spectrum warden
I've never really likes bow builds and their pieces always seem overly expensive because everyone else loves bows
how do i learn to craft
i have 4 days left
Too bad that doesn't work for Slam builds, because you need auto exert to actually make use of the busted new support gem. They found a way to cuck slams somehow, lmao. But I agree, any strike skill you wanna go with blood magic + eternal blessing and petrified blood.
>120k dps
no thats going to feel fucking terrible, 10 minutes to kill a rare
>120k dps cyclone
you'll want to blow your brains out after 2 maps
Man, whatthe fuck.
They need to make a mastery
>Nearby enemies can't eat souls.

because even after the nerfs getting soul eater on a harvest boss or a rare mob in delve is so fucking incredibly dumb, it's still horrendous.
>Start a practice run on Marauder
>realize that ancestral totems are gone
Totems actually do good damage early on this is going to suck
120k dps is laughably bad
>Love staff shockwave builds
>HATE Cyclone

Suffering, in its purest form.
Whats some good builds to go into simulacrums asap?
tranny ball lightning requires exactly as much lab running as tranny frost nova
why not go sweep with hegemony?
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>52% less elemental damage compared to 75% res
what the fuck?
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>Practice run
you went from taking 25% of ele damage to taking 12%
I haven't leveled Marauder at league start in a long time
Holy fuck War Banner passive is gone too just end me
yes, I mean, I did the % calc myself.
its meant to highlight how now being able to get +6% max res on tree is pretty crazy
precision + hard target the acc node + bumrush RT after that.
I have to work on friday boys. And then I only have saturday off and I gotta go back to work
static strike perhaps?
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Find a flaw. Go on, I dare you. Tricksterchads rule this patch.
are they really removing the horrible delayed melee animations in this patch?
Yes, though I rarely thought they were an issue.
Never tried this before, might give it a whirl with Slayer
Played SS Holy Relic to death for 4 leagues now. Easily one of my favorite skills, but I'd haven't the slightest idea how to use it as a main skill. Crit? Slayer/Inq?
>1 life
nigga you're gonna die you need at least like 10
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>get 9 endurance charges on my jugg
>45% PDR and EDR
TL;DR: It stops them from gaining charges stolen, but you still lose them.
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where are the endurance charges?
most common build is a strength stacking slayer
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I have spent over 500 alteration orbs trying to get a "+1 level to all fire gems" on a mid-game shield
It's good but it's going to cost a lot for those jewels
some bullshit man. not even worth taking
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>Ground Slam twice and wake up the entire Legion
Anyone else?
So? It's a low weighting mod. 500 isn't that unlikely. Also since you're a frogposter there's an even higher likelihood that you're trying to roll it on a shield that isn't pure ES.
didn't they remove phys taken as chaos on the helm implicit
relying on flasks for res is overly optimistic even with that belt, but aside from unmaxed res it looks pretty good even with the clusters removed and flasks off. good job
Can some kind anon give me a quick rundown on
ele hit of the spectrum deadeye
ice of nova of frostbolts hiero
I just want to farm simulacrums and kill ubers at some point, which should I go with
did they post the kirac mods yet?
look at the res flasks, they have 100% uptime
>-60 chaos res
BAHAHAHAHA enjoy getting one tapped in yellow t16s
>The light of meaning
not the bow build that is for sure
100% res means you can take infinite damage
75% is you can take 4x damage.
effectifeness of each percent increases exponentially as you approach 100, hence why it's capped at 90
>Totems actually do good damage early on
Don't worry, spells were raped in early game too.
Endgame gear with 8m dps? Nah senpai
>day 1 starter pob
>Stormshroud jewel
rue, tear Jung a new asshole, right now
1000 years from now humans are going to find these memes and think we are some gigachad galactic war lords and think we left for the stars
>I just want to farm simulacrums
With a squishy as fuck glass cannon that won't have enough damage to one-shot waved before you are fully built and without Headhunter?

Good luck.
hiero archmage is good. ele hit anything is bait.
Yes. Some nodes have literally been shit since they released.
Thanks anons that answers my question
it's more like 14 million because he's double hitting with LS. and 14 million DPS on a super tanky CI trickster with overleech will feel better than 50 million dps on some glass cannon.
Hey remember when they lowered life across the tree and buffed auras under the auspices that they wanted to invest in damage reduction? And now they removed all the ways to get damage reduction unless you are one of two ascendancies? Pretty cool eh?
Kay, I think I have full proof of concept on this retard thing. Some of the shit is just fucking around like the jewels and a few of the uniques, I'm more likely to have and slot in more protective rares. Does anyone have suggestions for Tree or Skills? The EHP is much better than before but it's still pretty soft.

They buffed gear and gave us better bases.
Huh forgot about that.
How much would that build realistically cost? 200d?
I don't care enough to play LS again. I played it when it was at it's best the first time. No need to play it again
post pictures of the mtx reward for this season
eph edge trickster is one of the cheapest builds in the game, 1c weapon and you can buy a bunch of cheap high ES uniques like auxium and sin trek and shit for 1 alch each. the only expensive part of that build is the jewels.
>tfw I need to delete characters each league to create a new one
anyone else know this feel?
You don't. Tornado isn't good and cannot be good
how expensive are resolute technique corrupted ephemeral edges?
i think like a div or two, nothing bad
why is ggg hiding the tinctures
I delete all my characters at the end of the league just because I know for a fact I'm never going to play them in standard.
need a carrot on the stick before people realise the league mechanic will be unfun
they were a lot more than that last league
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>div or 2
>nothing bad
it seems i have been power creped by the community
>open ziz glad pob
>change ascendancy to glad
>take aggravate on tree
>it's better
what the heck...
i meant jug... im stupid too...
You used a ziz pob so we already knew
>precise technique
>can't use trick fate
>can't take the crit feats
it's shit
only because i tried to make it myself first and it looked bad
i figured if he made a video maybe he'd found something good
he hadnt...
Post it
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so if i block the hit will i still get flask charges?

stole this from somewhere dont remember where, looked cool and i've never played rage vortex before. 14 rage/second on tree, 60 max rage without bears girdle.
I wish I would've learned more about the Necropolis crafting earlier in the patch. Since I've learned about it I've enjoyed it.
Granted with more storage space, and maybe something in game that helps with target crafting rather then using 3rd party would help make it a lot better. But I've grown to not hate it.
my brother wants to leaguestart flicker strike
Good or bad idea?
>if you like your brother
>if you wish only the worst for him
find a noob friendly build guide
It's strong for crafting, but I still hate it. I hate the UI in the graveyard, and I hate the chore of picking up and storing the corpses. Even worse if you try to trade for the shitters. God damn Necropolis league sucked.
Just spent an hour putting together a pretty basic Locus Mine Power Siphon setup (basically Jung's lvl 96 in the pob) to test playing it out.

Pretty nice, there's a little clunk but not too bad. The chestpiece is a little un-ethical for day2/3 for prefixes, but I balanced it out with shit suffixes.

Anything look too unethical that I should replace to test better with?

what makes the build clunky?
I was hoping it would be comfy to play
the min distance thing can be a bit annoying when enemies swarm you, but if you just get used to throw mines far away from you it's ok. it just happens sometimes where you will walk into your own mines as enemies approach
You gotta be far enough away, but not too far.
Did they remove all totems like spell totems or just melee totems?
What's the funnest archmage skill?
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crown of the inward eye is such a cool named and looking helm
Those are going to be very expensive this league. I'd stay away.
what's better the ball lightning orbiter or ice nova archmage? any tips for it for ssf?
Just melee
There is a sizable minimum distance to your character where the mines won't detonate
The mine also have a pretty small radius in which they'll attack. Leads to mines just not doing anything sometimes. Especially shit when considering how wide the mine arc is when you throw further away.
I found it too annoying to play and kind of PoB padded
>900k dps
What am I missing
how annoying is it? The most annoying build I ever played was a miner with tremor rod before
It's hard to explain until you try it yourself. Just get any wand and link power siphon with locus mines and run around in leveling areas
Put Dusk Blade visible on your loot filter, vaal them all until you get Resolute Technique ones and use Tainted Mythic Orbs to make them unique. Epehemreal Edge is a low tier unique, it should be easy enough to hit.
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Path of Exile 3.25 - Righteous Fire Chieftain League Starter.
>Path of Exile 3.25 - Righteous Fire Chieftain League Starter.
Path of Exile 3.25 - Righteous Fire Chieftain League Starter.
>Path of Exile 3.25 - Righteous Fire Chieftain League Starter.

So does Determined Survivor cancel out -block chance per fire hit on Fawnbreaker? I assume no, but there is always a glimmer of hope in me.
Life doesn't matter when auras were changed to grant better mitigation because they buffed monster damage to outpace life pools
Crackling Lance of Disintegration
>pohx (pronounced pox)
what a fucking retard
What was the point of nerfing all these campaign spells anyways
in mean, voice of the storm is probably going to be way more expensive anyway.
that's per projectile and you're shooting out shitloads of them. also this is in intentionally trash gear to simulate day 1/2 trade league

it melts maps like crazy, bossing is pretty meh
>It overrides your shield's block chance to 50%, no matter what. Nothing on the shield can affect or modify this.
seems like no
For Bleed EQ on Glad, do we still run a 2h axe? Glad seems really focused around either DW or 1h+shield, making a 2h build really weak on the defensive side.
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>copying Ziz builds
>copying Jungroan builds
>copying ConnerConverse builds
bricked leaguestart
>copying Ben_ builds
blessed leaguestart
>endurance charges checked
>has to enduring cry and hit an enemy with it every 5 seconds
>perfect double dorrupt chest
>+1 endurance corrupt uber boss drop
>phys max hit
>-60% damage if you are moving or not next to the enemy
>1000 net recovery WITH ENDURING CRY UP
holy fucking bait
If you're going to play 2H bleed there isn't much reason to go Glad. Bleed pops are nice but not when they're the entire ascendency.
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it's over
you run slayer and Flesh & Flame the aggravate node
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there is something soothing about hearing a galactic turtle moaning through space and time
always makes me feel good seeing bowfags get fucked over
It entirely depends on if the -% Block is considered local to the shield or not.
If it is local, then yes.
If it is global, then no.
You can test it as soon as servers open up and you get in on Standard with a Glad + the shield and then go into an Exarch map. Just run around with the character sheet page open and watch your Block chance. If it drops at all, the mod is global.
this is the video you need to watch

I can't come up with a starter
Everything I make is dogshit either zDPS or zEHP
I was kinda impressed with Ben's Ball Lightning build but his overall comment to it made me laugh

>eh, its just okay

some more testing with the Locus Mines Power Siphon miner complaints
- you lose so much from the ascendency
>no regen from Polymath since mine kills aren't your kills
>+2 frenzies and charge duration isn't really impactful
- because of no Polymath you have to solve incidental hp and mana costs from Lifetap and mines doing full reservation
- chaos damage forcing you get a shitload of chaos res until you can go CI which is a huge build transition and gearing challenge on its own
- map bosses are way too tanky currently (3.24) on testing, but this should get a big ass boost once 3.25 is live so I'm not gonna really hold this against the build

I am kinda curious on how to scale the build from where I am at. Maybe abyss charge stacking so I can do phys as extra+pen/inversion. Pretty sure full conversion is dead since Hatred got gutted.

Probably gonna roll the build, if anything I can get my watchstones on the build and then respec to another Trickster.
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>11 more shits until league start
+2 frenzies and charge duration are there for endurance charges from chest implicit
>oil extractors gone
thank fuck
no more having to pick up jewelry and they were annoying to use from stash.
oil prices will go up if they're rarer so its just a big win for blight enjoyers (blighted maps could be worth running now)
So he says that jagged technique is bad for high attack speed builds because you just need 1 proc for all bleeds to be aggravated. But what about a low attack speed build?
>assassination attempt on Trump
>crowdstrike software shits the bed and destroys a bunch of corporate office computers
>GGG servers start shitting the bed
How're the kiwis involved in this? It's a bit suss. You think Chris is after Trumps magic card collection?
>gladiator sucks for bleed

Is he trolling? Gladiator was designed around bleed.
To me it's a feels bad use of ascendency points. It's like Ruthless levels of utilizing a whole ascendency.

Full value from Escape Artist and Spellbreaker
like 1/2 use from Polymath
and you get full value from Swift Killer, but it's just super generic damage since you are leveraging the frenzies in any way.
>>GGG servers start shitting the bed
Work for me.
Spent some time decorating part of my hideout.
Following Ben's pobs is stupid as fuck because he always magically gets insane gear on day 1 that is unattainable for 99.8% of players who follow builds. I swear to fuck this dude gets a 6 link in ssf within day 1 every league.
>double anointed paua
>tainted mythic into foible or defiance of destiny
thoughts? pretend sidhebreath doesnt exist
if you're gonna pretend to win the lottery, why not aim higher than a kinda expensive amulet?
convince me to play earthshatter
have you considered gralliboar get on the floor sdklfjslkdfjskljdfkjsdflkjsfklj poopshit
I despise Archmage builds after playing them because of degens, maybe he's talking about shit like that
Glad has zero increased damage for bleed unless you're afking for Presence stacks
after 2 leagues we finally have one where uniques arent gonna be dropping like candy, prices arent gonna fall off a cliff for rare/meta uniques this time.
archmage uses foible and is a top tier build
everyone uses dod
shits gonna be expensive
Just play Ground Slam of Earthbreaking like everyone else
Lacerate dual wielding here we go
glad lacerate looks so fucking janky holy shit
is glad cleave of rage bait too?
>511 effectiveness
>Rage doesn't scale bleed damage
Figure it out
And yeah Lacerate is shit. All of the skills for one hand bleed are shit.
They have a node that makes bleed deal triple damage.

>b-b-but you can just get aggravate on the tree!
No you can't. You can hit with a follow up hit for a chance to get aggravate on bleeds applied earlier. That is strictly worse for any bleed build, and it is a particularly bad way of applying aggravate if you have slow attack speed.
On a fundamental level most racers/content creators (excluding Mathil and Quin)4 play a completely different game. The real league for them is diving into patch notes and build crafting in preparation for their HCSSF/ladder competitions. Having solid defenses in tandem with completely borked skill synergies is all that they care about. This is why everyone (left-side builds) will be trying to cram as many endurances charges into their builds from now on - yet top tier racers are still buckbroken by spell suppression and will also try to cram that into their builds because their DPS already trivializes most things in the game.

Glad is the defacto bleed pop ascendancy but is completely overtaken by others at the uber late game when Forbidder Flesh/Flame can give you bleed pops or lucky block for 2 jewel slots. If you're just looking to do non-ubers Glad Bleed will be fine and much easier to build around. It will also be the only class for bleed slams because aggravates are effectively a must for non-Crimson Dance builds.
Is there any actual viable glad skill that isn't janky as hell?
>Get the 10% Agg node everyone gets below Duelist
>Quality on Vulnerability
>Cast Bladestorm once under the boss
Very hard to get I agree
That node is complete ass. Bleed in general is still awful. The only decent bleed build got fucked over hard in this league because Glad doesn't have an uber lab ascendency for bow characters.
eviscerate + crushing fist
I'm sure there is some build/budget where Dual Strike becomes very strong using Farrul's Pounce, Perfect Agony, and Rupture. I just can't be assed to work on that build.
>Going from the worst league ever to the best league ever
What did Mark mean by this?
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All I want is a viable rolling magma mine build... Tried to make one with nimis a few leagues ago but i suck at making builds
Having to wait to block to use them is shit. If Crushing Fist has huge effectiveness like people are expecting it'll probably be the play but holy clunk
Nothing janky about Bladestorm Eviscerate.

You spin and the storms fast hits apply aggravate chance from passive tree, no need for aggravate node. Bleedsplosions. You get Eviscerate with retaliate mastery for 80% bleed duration, no need for glad retal node just a large aoe bleed nuke on block. You get attrition for no more boss problems. Both block nodes to be tanky.

all of them suck
Yeah, the world where retaliate moves is good is definitely feasible but having to manually activate and potentially cycle between multiple retaliate when they're online is awful.
Shield Skills + Retaliation skills will be huge. Dunno if bleed will be the optimal way to build them though.
Necropolis was great, only Reddit hated it.
>Necropolis was great, only Reddit hated it.
Richest I have ever been in POE including broken ass affliction league
Lmao no
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You could also equip this with skitterbots for chill and shock, or you equip venopucture which chills bleeding enemies and has some good increased bleed damage.
>they're changing banners to not scale with the mastery
RIP banners.
You still carry around War Banner it's whatever
Oh yeah, forgot about those. So zero reason to ever take that dogshit Glad node
What other ascendancy could even go ps mines though
Why not play sabo then and steal a good node from trickster?
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honestly the actual koreans are far more chill
and japs
they have their spastic moments when they die in HC but its whatever
I keep telling myself to stop going juggernaut but man, free endurance...
Play scion, she also gets free endurance charges.
ben implied that ziz has a massive penis for some reason
Didn't they unlock all Kirac mods during Necropolis from jail and will simply keep them all in the pool?
new thread
new tech
>uniques arent gonna be dropping like candy
Yeah instead you'll get them pouring out of portals you have running automatically lmao.
any pob for an old man. i dont want to do lacerate
glad she's back on twitch
still mad she isn't back on twitch
I was watching his energy blade video and about 20 minutes in he says it ONLY to run Sanctum and not maps. He didn't even kill kitava until level 90. Motherfucker is a masterbaiter.
Where is the google doc?
How do u scale phys to chaos convert? I'd really like to make use of the new unholy might through with wands with the explode cluster notable, staff block node,broken faith/armour stack/claw?? Was looking at cobra lash pathfinder would that work?
then the ascendancy does nothing else for you

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