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Villainously white male edition.

This general is dedicated to the discussion of all past, current, and upcoming Role Playing Games that are played on the 'puter. Games such as:

Arcanum, Baldur's Gate, Darklands, Dark Sun, Deus Ex, Divinity, Dragon Age, Expeditions, Fallout, Gothic (Risen, ELEX), Icewind Dale, Knights of the Chalice, Might & Magic, Neverwinter Nights, Owlcat RPGs, Pillars of Eternity, Planescape: Torment, Shadowrun, Spiderweb Software RPGs, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, Temple of Elemental Evil, The Age of Decadence, The Elder Scrolls, Torment: Tides of Numenera, Tyranny, Ultima, UnderRail, Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines, Wasteland, Wizardry and many others.

Upcoming RPGs:




>Call of Saregnar:

>Dragon Age: Veilguard

>Flint: Treasure of Oblivion

>Greedfall 2

>New Arc Line

>Sector Unknown

>Swordhaven: Iron Conspiracy

>The Necromancer's Tale

>The Wayward Realms

>Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2

>Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader - Void Shadows

Previous: >>486766836
Some other previously released RPGs:

27.02.2009 - Drakensang
11.91.2011 - Drakensang: The River of Time
05.09.2012 - Inquisitor
22.01.2014 - Blackguards
20.01.2015 - Blackguards 2
28.05.2015 - Serpent in the Staglands
20.10.2015 - Sword Coast Legends
12.07.2017 - Brigand: Oaxaca
04.08.2017 - Grimoire : Heralds of the Winged Exemplar
19.12.2018 - ATOM RPG
23.10.2020 - The Outer Worlds
08.04.2021 - Siege of Avalon: Anthology
13.09.2021 - ATOM RPG Trudograd
07.09.2021 - Encased
17.03.2022 - Black Geyser
31.03.2022 - Weird West
10.10.2023 - Space Wreck
09.11.2023 - Colony Ship
15.02.2024 - Caribbean Legend
10.04.2024 - Broken Roads
14.05.2024 - Dread Delusion
30.05.2024 - Skald: Against the Black Priory
30.05.2024 - Vendir: Plague of Lies
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For dungeon crawler connoisseurs:

Tower of Mask

Mystic Land: The Search for Maphaldo
disco elysium is not a real CRPG.
post rogue trader builds
If a guide can be written for it, there is no skill involved. In particular, playing on Unfair takes the same type and level of skill as counting rocks.

It is simply not a game of skill or real strategy.
For hack&slash sloppers (wouldn't even call this action RPG):

RELEASED (and flopped) - Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn
Obsidian will save crpgs yet again when they release avowed
>it requires no skill!
>btw I can't beat it :(
The casul shitter self humiliation ritual continues.
you forgot to add "unlike bridge or go"
I haven't played bridge but go is very much a real strategy game
This, but unironically.
I don't have much hope for it, I wish we were getting a Pillars-like. Of course I'll be happy if it's a pleasant surprise.
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Obsidian GODS just can't stop winning.
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Composer Justin ell talks about Pillars and Avowed while playing Pillars:

They have produced so many good games and still they get screwed over. It shows how unfair life can be.
more like Black Gaysir lmao
make another Arch-Militant
No point in discussing any RT "builds" while they're gutting class features left and right. Wait for the DLC for any real discussion and probably void playing the game until then too since the DLC will be integrated into the game since the early stages.
Would Tristian fuck a female swarm that walks?
How long are Shadowrun games? Which is the best? Should I really begin the series with Returns? Pic unrelated

Besides, one of frog's boyfriends is a janny, I got my posts removed twice already when mentioning him but the schizo is allowed to shit up the thread perpetually.
60 hours for a 100% run for both DF and HK. Returns is shorter.

Boston Lockdown took me 100 hours to 100%.
nah its fine
Elf decker is the best shadowrun class btw.
I'm mostly afraid they're going to skimp out on the world building. The way Avowed has been presented reminds me of the shift made from ME1 to ME2.
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rancid whore
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Reminder Camellia has no good artwork and her fans don't even care enough about her to commission some. She is vastly inferior to Marazhai Aezyrraesh in every way
Why is mobility not a class skill for rangers?
you just know the poster above is craving for camGOD dick
60 hours is a pretty long game. Is it very branching so you need multiple runs to see all the content?
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this is cope
Which cleric domains are best for blasting
It has C&C and multiple endings.
>good artwork
>not mid-tier muddy shading uwu

Marzipan gets this every other day anon
That's nice. I have only played Shadowrun once and that was PnP. I found the game system pretty annoying, but it might work better in a CRPG.
Can the rt fujos please go back to their porn general?
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stop coping so hard and accept camgod
They can't leave the camGAWDS alone, their one-sided attraction has gone too far
no, we merged the threads, you have to look at beautiful paintings now and wish your waifu was worthy of them
Where's the general, I can't find it?
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Camellia is a masterpiece
Then dedicate something beautiful to her you lazy bum
I will bully fat people in her name
I have no problem with Marafags and Camfags posting their wiafus, but getting into doll wars about who's coom object is better is just shitting up the thread.
How to build ranged assassin Yrliet?
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>more sci-fi shit
Just please let me be done with this garbage already
How useful are the improved precise shot and improved blind fighting feats in the pathfinder games?
Enemies that abuse concealment/invisibility abilities were a real pain in the ass in the early to mid game. However I'm in the late game now (Level 17+) and once I learnt to stop being a dummy and just make my cleric memorize another set of buffs as part of their class tax things have been going smoothly ever since. The only case where I think it might still be useful is if late game enemies spam blindness spells/abilities but even then the other benefit of being in late game is you're so rich you can stock up on cure blindness potion/scrolls.
They're useful to counter late game enemies who have concealment on top of mind blank, making true sight useless. This means you have to go through the trouble of either bringing a brownfur transmuter to cast echolocation on your melees or scribe echolocation scrolls and have your melees read them which requires investment in UMD. That said, I never use blind fighting feats.
how would you build a bard in kotc2?
they have full BAB but the saves on my spells will be ass if I play them with combat feats over spell focus/pen
Is there anything lamer than an archer? Too pussy to get into melee with the other martials but also can‘t cast cool spells like the wizards or other spellslingers.
Bards are not offensive casters. Their most important role in the party is to deploy songs and especially the song that increases spell DC. Outside of that, you can do whatever the fuck you want with them, they're not going to excel at anything anyway.
Also it's not like RPG's take place on open battlefields, it takes a certain amount of balls and skill to go into a battlezone where you're bound to get constantly ambushed with a bow as the weapon of choice.
What a nasty combo, didn't even know about the spell mind blank. Sadly I don't really have much in the way of handing out echolocation buffs to the party outside of Jubilost so I think I'll pick up those blind fighting feats this playthrough.
Thanks anyways though, might put some thought into throwing skill points into UMD on my melee's in my WoTR playthrough once I'm done with KM.
swarmfag should branch his commissions out a bit, I think a female swarm would be a nice change of pace
hell if I know where the vagina goes though
Are there any even kinda decent greatswords in wrath
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This is my planned Fighter build for Kingmaker, is there anything I should change?

Str: 17 +5
Dex: 16
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 11
Cha: 10

Level 1: Weapon Focus: Falchion, Improved Unarmed Strike, Dodge
Level 2: Crane Style
Level 3: Power Attack
Level 4: Cleave
Level 5: Outflank, Weapon Training: Heavy Blades
Level 6: Cleaving Finish
Level 7: Intimidating Prowess
Level 8: Dazzling Display
Level 9: Shatter Defenses, Advanced Fighter Training: Trained Initiative
Level 10: Cornugon Smash
Level 11: Dreadful Carnage
Level 12: Blind Fight
Level 13: Crane Wing, Advanced Fighter Training: Armed Bravery
Level 14: Crane Riposte
Level 15: Combat Reflexes
Level 16: Seize the Moment
Level 17: Weapon Specialization: Falchion, Advanced Fighter Training: Fighter's Tactics
Level 18: Toughness
Level 19: Greater Weapon Focus: Falchion
Level 20: Back To Back, Weapon Mastery: Falchion
When are we getting a Dark Heresy/Inquisition focused 40k crpg?
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Start with 18 STR, you're not getting that last statpoint 5 minutes before the end, if at all.
>greatsword and quarterstaff
is this really a thing now? I thought only titan fighters would be getting that gimmick
Both increase spell DC so why not? You don't use the sword to actually hit things, though.
nevermind I'm just illiterate
still seems a silly dip choice over the classic mutt
Looks cool but it all being enhancement bonuses kinda sucks
Enhanced Neural System spell DC bonus stacks with all other spell DC increasing items.
What if I want to use it on a fighter though? Spell dc doesn‘t really matter then
He could make it romantic for another change of pace, Tristian redeeming the femswarm by fucking her getting her to use her bugs for good (like polinating flowers)
>What if I want to use it on a fighter though?
Natural AC bonus should stack with other Natural AC bonuses that are explicitly not Enhancement Natural AC bonus. Force shield is good, if you can't or don't want to cast shield from scrolls. Of course, both of these abilities can only be activated for up to level/2 rounds per rest so you won't get a lot of use from them unlike the spell DC boost which you just pop for one round to cast a spell that can end/disable encounters.
I would probably take Improved Crit over specialization, Falchions have 18-20 range
seems like corruptor doesn't work with blight druid's plaguebearer.
I suffered 12 mediocre levels for nothing
>have to
I don't have to do anything, because I've filtered all your trash :) cope and seethe
Which CRPG romance would want to have children quickly?
Morrigan, for certain reasons
Me :)
Just don't forget to take Killing Edge, talent that makes first Assassin Ability in turn free and ability that creates an Opening
Yrliwhore with Eldar hunks
Tristroon with Jaestacey(Pharasma-functional vagina edition)
Arue with everything, that's not (You)
Bro/sis, you an NPC???
Never played BG, was it ever implied whether it was an accident or on purpose? There's a difference between this and what I asked.
Jae, for obvious reasons
Aerie with Haer'Dalis*
>Bro/sis, you an NPC???
aren't we all? We're posting the same shit on this board over and over again for months and years. What is this if not npc behaviour?
Of all Owlkek companion Jae is most likely to pop holes in condoms
>Aerie cucks you with the Bard
>Khalid's corpse hasn't gone cold before Jaheira fucks you
>Viconia's romance is basically her telling you about all the men she fucked
and people say cuckshit romance is a modern thing
i'm tying both her and her spawn to a missile and launching it at cumrag. i hope they have fun in there. That is assuming i'm ever desperate enough to even recruit her
What is the name of the farmer that breeds Valerie and what does he look like?
Shaman is just flat out superior for going winter witch no? The winter patron for witch misses out on several nice cold spells for no reason
Shaman is not an offensive caster. WIS is not buffed by insightful contemplation.
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he looks like this.
then i give my blessing. Eder deserves the best
Not gonna play unfair so I doubt I‘ll take a court poet along just for higher dc
Ok /crpgg/ let's do a test, picture this:

So you have the designated good boy femcelbait husbando Tristian sitting shyly on a couch, legs crossed.

What's behind him?
What's the first Pathinder related thing that comes to your mind?
nothing. i dontthink about pozzfinder
Are there any good portrait packs which aren‘t just badly photoshopped figures with no background? The 2024 one for kingmaker is okay but still really lacking
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Kanerah, one sexy bare leg going around him and between his legs, she's leaning over his shoulder and grabbing him possessively but looking straight at the camera/viewer with a shit eating grin. Bare shoulders showing, she's definitely pressing her tits into his back. Tristian is hanging his head in shame, he can't make eye contact.
Fuck missed the start of my post.

Bora, still waiting for Queen Galfrey, ends up spending more time with his friends rather than in his role as Knight Commander. Which seems to be trouble, when it comes to Camellia.
Fuck off with your verbal diarrhea, shit eating cheatranny. Post your putridogshit shitbuilds getting gaped in blackwater.
where i live a "bora" is a trashy woman
What happens if Kalikke swaps in?
How do people even make unique playthroughs in these games? Every time I pick up an RPG for the first time like DAO, Kingmaker and now Rogue Trader I always play the same character, Intelligent Racist Male regardless of class or background.
>lists broad category
Intelligent human racist male, intelligent dwarf racist male, intelligent elf racist male...
Jaethal, arms crossed, grinning.
Linzi writting down everything.
>playing a nonhuman
ishiggy diggy
Yes you were exposed as a cheating subhuman shitter and got utterly mindbroken by the blackwater bridge lol.

>casul shitter cheatranny posts his putridogshit shitbuilds getting mangled by basic bitch blackwater infantry
>suddenly does a skip and then immediately posts the faceless fight which is a joke
>never posts his dogshit shitbuilds fighting cyberdemons
>never even dares to mention to bridge fight which he miraculously "beat" with a dogshit party that has zero tools to actually do anything to cyberdemons

Kek, this is such obvious cheatshittery it's not even funny. Go on, casul shit eater, tell everyone how you didn't use cuck box on the bridge AHAHAHA
Also, I forgot:
>admits that he uses cuck box for "other things"

Fucking lying cheatranny filth.
Is there some way I can go to kiava gamma first without having the trip be deadly?
Ah never mind I click two buttons. But now I'm at 0 navigator brain, is that going to fuck me?
or.... other things *wink wink*
farm insight then lower the route lvl making it safer
not really, but also yes. insight can be farmed by doing random events. There's a chance that you'll get insight from one of the random events
Depends on how efficiently you're using navigator points. If you're using them to make random trips to bumfuck nowhere safer, then don't do that. If you're using navpoints to establish safe routes between important locations that you're going to visit multiple times then you'll be fine.
Amiri's friend Nilak
Do you think she had some lesbiana things going with Amiri?
No, people of the same sex can be frens anon.
Amiri is too dumb.
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Ahead of the Queen's convoy arrived the 'esteemed' Prelate Hulrun. Despite quickly dismissing him from the war room, the Knight Commander found himself unable to fully dismiss the fool--likely because Galfrey just wanted him out of Kenabres.

I don't know honestly, I didn't play enough Kingmaker to get to know Kalikke. I just thought Kanerah being easy and evil fit with the cuck theme.

Good for you. I just picked two easy to pronounce syllables and put 'em together as a native English speaker.
not as dumb as Valerie tho
The birth of a CamGOD
Jaethal, Kanerah, Wendu, Camellia
Valerie is a... special case.
Camellia the camel
Cammers by Cammers
Sarenrae forgive them, for I will not.
>see crpg in the catalogue
>16y old myspace teens bickering over what fictional character is hotter

what a shithole, goodbye
female meatball, female swarm, female Wilcer, female gold dragon, female demon, female Nocticula
>female Nocticula
When does Kingmaker get good?
Blood kineticist is neat
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Bora held his tongue out of respect for the Queen and onlookers, but to say nobody could've expected it seems a stretch. At every turn, demons and cultists seem to be lurking beneath and within the ranks of the Crusades. To think that after owning the city for years there'd be no further bastion hiding? Unlikely, maybe. But the Sword of Valor is clearly neither infallible nor overwhelmingly powerful--for gods' sakes, the Knight Commander unwittingly altered the relic so much as to render it unrecognizable!
No, this kind of thing shouldn't have surprised anyone--of course, it's not as if the Crusades have a history of success and clever victories. More political to nod and agree--Queen Galfrey's chosen by Iomedae after all.
You have to design a character to role play before you start and then stick to that. If I don't do that, I end up playing my own self-insert and only make choices I personally would make.
The end draws near...
But I find designing characters cringe. It calls to mind people writing out 5 pages on their addons in WoW RP servers about the character's personality. I want to go by vague archetypes but I also want to beat the game and beating the game means making smart decisions, not stupid ones.
the opening cutscene
You shot the pirate scum in the face because she is a brown woman. I shot the pirate scum in the face because she didn't behave like a Dawn of War character and misnomered the God-Emperor. We are not the same.
>I find designing characters cringe
>on the role playing general games
My role is my class, that's the role I play in my party to beat the role playing game.
>But I find designing characters cringe.
Who cares about being cringe in a CRPG? Are you going to stream your run or something?
>I want to go by vague archetypes
Then go by the archetype "goody twoshoes hippy hero" instead of your racist default for a run.
>I also want to beat the game and beating the game means making smart decisions, not stupid ones.
Then lower the difficulty until your build works or design your RP character to make sense within the setting. Since it is your own character, you can headcanon it to be whatever you want.
I've been thinking about your court poet tank build (also running something similar) and I wonder why you go with 3 levels of loremaster to get shield and mage armor. If you're going to invest 4 levels outside of court poet, would it not make more sense to go:
1 level SF
1 level loremaster for shield
1 level stigmatized witch for mage armor, iceplant, familiar
1 level anything else (vivi/paladin/etc.)

Did you just not want to dip that many times or am I missing something?
>within the setting
meant for the game system, not setting.
so boring, holy shit
>Who cares about being cringe in a CRPG?
I care. I will have to think about it after I play it.
>Then go by the archetype "goody twoshoes hippy hero"
I try to make my second playthroughs a female liberal goodie good but then she always ends up evil, I don't know why. Last time I played a moralfag character female or otherwise was in 2012 Mass Effect.
>Then lower the difficulty until your build works or design your RP character to make sense within the setting.
This isn't about the gameplay difficulty or building the character, it's about decisions. You can end up completing the game with any decisions you made but you will not have beaten it if you made a bunch of decisions that you regret - those regrets will force me to make try a new playthrough.
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Crashing down into the Midnight Fane, the heroes of the Fifth Crusade seek to purify the nearby threat permanently. Leading the charge, the chosen and blessed of Iomedae cut down the first of many demons before the unholy altar to the demon lords. Ready to hold their position and blow a horn for help if needed, the angelic squad give the Knight Commander the order to proceed onwards, cleaving through any who stand in their way with their mythic powers.

Is this the climax of Act 2? Just trying to make sure I know when I get to Act 5 so I can swap to do Lord of Nothing.
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I wanna smooch her.
Well, in that case, maybe cognitive behavioural therapy would be something? Or you could content yourself with a single run or play another genre where this isn't a problem.
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Imagine making a 9 INT bimbo the regent of your kingdom, couldn't be me
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how can you truly call yourself a fan of racism if you haven't roleplayed the elgkul experience?
>refuses to have children with you
>has three kids with a random farmer
see you tomorrow
I'm gonna breed an elf and a dwarf to create an ultimate CEO of racism
When can I get my first bolt pistol?
How would you feel if Owlcat did Origin Caharacters in Kingmaker?
As in some of the companions at the Aldori mansion could be playable and become barron. The player would have hands on approach to their personal quest playing out differently than when they are NPCs since more control. For instance if you play as Harrim you could choose to return to Torag and avoid nihilistic seething or Jaethal could become good early and join Pharasma. Also other party members having different responses for you, like Jaethal being an undead baroness could cause her issues unless she takes the Pharasma pill early etc. And then maybe some have special projects for barony.
Imagine being king of some backwater shithole with this uptight histrionic cow as your wife instead of doing literally anything else with your mortal life, like killing demons.
I would only play "origins" if they were mandatory and if they weren't companions.
And I said early for changes, so they player has some more flexibility with the characters. So you're not locked into bring evil or undead up until the very end if playing Jeethal for example, so you could do different personal quests earlier in chapter 3ish to make a turnover.
Playable origin characters system is absolute cancer.
I don't give a shit about characters that aren't me
Fucking hated that shit in bg3
Am I getting paid for providing you with survey data, owlkek emploee?
Could you briefly elaborate why you dislike it?
No. Fuck you, go fix the games you already have
I want to play my characters.
Also fuck you.
I'm not an Owlkek employee lmao
I'm just curious why people dislike it, I also prefer making up my own character for first run, but origins add a different way to experience the story from an existing character's eyes so I find it ok for a 2nd playthrough, adds variety if it has good reactivity.
Is doing a cavalier with a longsword a bad idea? The capstone seems to strongly encourage using spears
Really want to use the same weapon as on the portrait I‘m going to use
I'll tell you, and I hope you take it to heart.
I don't give a shit about your ebin oc donut steel backstory. I want to play my character with the backstory I creted. It is for this reason that the baoit and switch characters like in wotr and durge in bg3 are trash. You create an illusion of me creating my own character only to pull le ebin switcheroo halfway through the game when it is revealed that all the memories were planted and he was actually a homunculus created in a cup. Don't fucking do that. it's not cool. wotr was especially bad because there was no reason why you couldn't be just some schmuck that got kidnapped and experimented on
No, it doesn't. You're delusional.
You've already played the quest of an origin character on your first run.
An origin character does not have any actually new content.
A good game has enough variety for choice and roleplay out of the box.
Fuck you, retard.
>but origins add a different way to experience the story from an existing character's eyes
nobody gives a shit about your oc donut steel. kill yourself, owlkekker
Go for it, by the time you get to your capstone you'll be one-shotting demons anyway.
>I'm not an Owlkek employee
I don't believe you. I know you people lurk these threads.
Holy schizo seethe
You suck cocks
I would like Owlkek adding that, since I could romance Tristian as Jaethal and shitpost about it.
who are you talking to?
stop being a pussy and directly reply to people like a man instead of this passive aggressive faggotry. are you a woman?
HOW are you supposed to fight space battles, WHAT THE FUCK!?
your ship is made of paper, so hit and run. the ability that allows you to damage already damaged ships through warp is a must have
Why are you faggots having a meltdown over someone liking origin characters? It's an optional feature kek
I'd rather Owlsloppers made that instead of the shitty kingdom management minigame
>I could romance Tristian as Jaethal
You can unironically do that right now
>ask a question
>people answer
definitely an owlkek emploee fishing for data
I can't RUN because the ship can't TURN and it cant shoot BACK
Companions also potentially being the protag leads to having a cast of special snowflakes
Also it takes up way too many resources for something a huge chunk of the playerbase will never experience
why does ineffect put vivi dips on everything?
Good to know thanks
Severe mental illness and an inability to enjoy playing the game like a normal person.
Also his builds aren‘t even strong, he completly ignores the early and midgame in order to craft theoretically good endgame builds which often straight up don‘t function for half the game.
With no toybox you have to circle around like an idiot.
Because he's ineffective ahahahaha.
Do you get it?
sounds like someone from this thread
he's obsessed with stacking AC and sneak attack, so he uses the vivi dip as a crutch for his munchkin builds
There is no reason to go weapon bond rather than horse as a paladin right
oh good the AI can just use rapid fire guns on all their ships to kill torpedoes too
fair and balanced
Just use Jaethal's portrait and re-create her, either delete the real Jaethal with toybox or banish her via dialogue at first opportunity.
Depending on what you wanna play: if you wanna play redeemed Jaethal just make her a Pharasma inquisitor and you're good to go. If you wanna be evil I think you can make yourself undead via toybox. And if you wanna follow her redemption arc you could switch the deity and turn off undeath near the end. But idk how romance points work so maybe it's a bad idea to romance Tristian as evil character he might get piss at your choices, so maybe the former is the better way to go.
+4 to physical attribute, +2 AC, 1d6 sneak attack, and access to the shield spell. It's strong early game, but it's fucking soulless as shit.
There is - you like an absolute retard riding a horse in a dungeon. Literally never have I taken a horse on a paladin
It did look kinda silly on seelah last run true
1d6 sneak attack and a shield spell that lasts for 60 seconds is nothing

the mutagen is a nice buff early game but not really worth delaying the tempo of your build
meant for >>487002121
and when I try to shoot the torpedoes with my rapid fire I just miss
just aim better
60s is plenty of time if you only use it for boss fights. Being able to cast the spell also removes the Use Magic Device check to cast it from a scroll. If you drink the DEX version of the mutagen, then you're getting +8 AC from that dip alone. As I said, it's good early game. Later on is not as good, you're only really getting the mutagen, unless you do some World 3 Trickster shenanigans a get the Grand Mutagen by burning a feat for the extra discovery.
He's bad.
You'll find most munchkin stuff in general hyper focuses on one specific thing. Not even touching the travesty that is the TTRPG version where GM interpretation and encounters matter MUCH more, this often means that a 'proper' build is going to require you to use specific companion setups, mythic paths, go to locations in a particular order (to get loot and avoid challenges until you have the specific counter to them) as well as likely buy consumables to deal with certain issues. At the end of the day you get big numbies on your dollies, but you lose out on a lot of the fun along the way. And for what? It's a single player game, with no leaderboards or anything. Why would you do that to yourself? Autism/other mental illnesses is really the only answer. Keep in mind many of the original munchkin forum posts weren't actually serious--even things like the peasant railgun don't actually work. By RAW executing the ridiculous setup results in the projectile going at the same speed as if only a single peasant had thrown it, meaning it undergoes massive acceleration and deceleration both in the round. The point was to show how ridiculous RAW can be and that it's a game, not a full-blown physics simulator. Goofy things can happen if you push it to its limits, which is entertaining but should not be taken seriously. Unfortunately, people like froggy take it as their life's work since they've nothing better to do and a lot of free time. The joke part gets lost along the way, same as with 40k which was originally a joke setting and is now serious.
the vivi dip on his Sword Saint builds makes chapter 1 Unfair in Kingmaker a lot more managable
>peasant railgun
Tell me more. What is that?
some stupid thing that /tg/ made up where if you line up 1000 peasants and each uses their action to toss an object to each other in 6 seconds you get an object flying 60 km/s
real people play with human DMs though
>I try to make my second playthroughs a female liberal goodie good but then she always ends up evil
Very realistic, that's what it is
You're approaching the climax of act 3
you're already in act 3, buddy
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Which class suits this best?
redied actions mechanically take no time since it's never specified
so you line up peasants and have them ready the action to pass a metal rod to the next peasant and the last one to throw it
you can make a line of 1.5km with 1000 peasants, which technically means that the rod will go through 1.5km instantly and be thrown at machfuck speed to completely annihilate anything it impacts

obviously stupid, but it's a funny running joke
I believe it originated in GitP for 3.5e D&D but has spread and works in a large number of systems. The idea is that you line up a bunch of peasants. Each one readies an action to pass an item (say a javelin) to the man in front of him. The front man readies an action to throw the javelin, and the rear man 'fires' by passing it to the one in front of him. Since the time of a round is 6 (or 10? maybe that was AD&D or even oD&D I don't remember) seconds, if you have a long enough chain of peasants the javelin reaches incredible speeds, as readied actions resolve instantly once their trigger is met. Like >>487004384 mentioned it's retarded since nobody would either allow that and even in the rules the end guy just makes a normal throw. But there are similar strange inconsistencies in all rulebooks that can be exploited; it's just nobody actually cares past 'fune'.
If you wanted to write a good guide you'd explain why a control mage should take grease over sleep and why a two-handed fighter should take power attack over vital strike. It's not that sleep or vital strike are unusable, but that they require much more planning and prep and for your average player that's not going to help them enjoy the game more, just make things tedious.
early game space battles are absolute cancer avoid them until you get a couple of upgrades and prioritize the imperial navy faction
flagbearer or whatever the name was
use abilities as often as possible and upgrade your weaponry
sell shit to the navy
I fucking can't do shit I need to go to the industry planet first because that's where the inquisitor sent me
I've been thinking, if Owlkek were to revisit Kangmaker (yes I know they lost the loicence from Pozzo, but this is a hypothetical) and add 2-3 more DLCs, what would (You) wanna see?

I'd personally like to see a Dance of Masks style DLC where the barony has a big festival where you can interact with companions and have a special date with romance. The other thing I'd like is adding more classes from WOTR plus some reactivity for them and existing races and classes. And another more narrative heavy DLC expanding companions doing shit with them, because I loved the gang from KM more than WOTR & RT.
>industry planet first because that's where the inquisitor sent me
kiava gamma you mean? it's way far. Go to Janus first it's right next to footfall. Besides
>doing what inquisition tells you
beta cuck behaviour
Oh right they get a banner
Yeah that`s definitely the best choice then
I see, thanks for the explanation. While it is amusing, I don't see that ever happening in a real game. It's fun seeing people exploit mechanics to do weird shit like that, it stops being fun when an autist throws a tantrum for not letting him do that in a game though.
nothing. i can't see myself going back to kingmaker after wotr. it's objectively an inferior game in all regards
Yeah don't let me play my character just railroad me into your obvious iconoclast "feed the shitters" option while the industry world is about to fall to chaos and repeat Rykad, I'm so glad you are here to give me shit advice.
Paladin and pretend cavalier doesn‘t exist caus it sucks
I miss the rogue trader general
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>obvious iconoclast "feed the shitters" option
anon... the shitter janus is feeding is you. Janus is your planet and is providing food not just for Footfall but for half (all) your planets as well. Besides you don't have to feed Footfall, you don't have to feed it for free, and there are plenty of ways to deal with the situation on janus none of which require you to be a brain dead iconotard. Like i said you're gonna be passing Janus on your way to Kiava Gamma anyway, so why not get it out of your way? You get to kill knife ears as a binus
Cavalier's are cute and soulful, you already have a Paladin companion anyway
Shaman only has one slot for his domain spells. Paizo screwed up and should have made domain spells spontaneous but they didn't, so you can barely use them, which sucks for a prestige class that wants to be casting primarily those spells.
>because that's where the inquisitor sent me
beta mindset
take the aett-vaterpill and tell the inquisition to eat shit
>just do this instead, because it's what I did in my playthrough, here are (((reasons)))
no, fuck off, I'm not here to debate with you about why it's more important to stop the chaos invasion IMMEDIATELY
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You did choose the only correct option here, right?
Speaking of cavaliers why do most of the orders suck so much?
well, enjoy the space battles then
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>Cavalier's are cute and soulful
Tell me more.
>The other thing I'd like is adding more classes from WOTR plus some reactivity for them and existing races and classes.
Pretty much this.
I haven't played masks so idk what to expect, but more existing companion conent sounds good.
Maybe another Wildcards style DLC that adds another companion, but with a longer associated questline, like they are doing with void shadows for RT.
same as hellknight orders
Best way to spend the first two mythic levels on a martial character meant to go legend?
I figure one of the new armor feats for either damage or ac and probably power attack mythic
>go beast rider
>can‘t ride my beast until basically drezen
Wait, why does he have 47's face? That's Plagiarism bro
thankfully these autists are rare
wait until you hear about the elan cancer mage
Not every bald guy is the same
not even close
he completely lacks the social anhedonia chad aura fortyseven has
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Magic Deveiver is stronk
Is the perfect cavalry mythic abilty worth it? No AoOs sounds nice but mounts get pretty high ac anyway
Was it really too much to ask for to make the ghost rider horse look genuinely cool
It‘s just fucking green
The rider is the one who eats the AoOs for some reason, so it's ok if you're moving around a lot or you play in RTwP
>shit ac and 10 con
Yeah I will definitely have to take it in that case
Is anything I learned from 100%-ing BG3 actually useful for WOTR?
No, the only thing you have to keep in mind when playing WOTR is "how many buffs can I throw up before this fight?"
What would be a beginner friendly crpg to start with?
Jae is bae
BG3 unironically
Is this excluding the most obvious answer?
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Dragon Age Origins.
always wotr
don't shereen me you heretic whore
This shit is not beginner friendly
t. BG3bab
Not having access to cammy‘s spells sucks
Maybe letting her kill some people once in a while would have been worth it
opinion status: used to wipe my butt
Copy RT's DLC formula 15ish hour story side content integrated into main campaign + a companion or at least flesh out existing ones.
No cheats, No hacks, No upgrades
PVRE imperium
Well done, anon. How did you do it? And which battle was it?
>he used posts
You didn't beat the game.
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extremely based and imperiumpilled
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Your thoughts and opinions on this image?
BG3 is like the World of Warcraft of "CRPGs"
It's dumbed down and easy so most can understand.
I think a side story that connects the events of kingmaker and wotr would be pretty cool. It would be kind of hard to pull off but you could have Arsinoe as one of your companions and it would show just how she got from the stolenlands to the worldwound.
Kaivis Gamma
Step 1: move 1 step forward, drop torpedo, spin around
Step 2: get lucky and dont lose my engines next turn
Step 3: blow up one of the destroyers with torpedo
Step 4: Run away
Step 5: Move an intermediate distance, drop torpedoes on exactly the right spot, run away to port
Step 6: Use torpedoes to blow up one of their torpedoes and run away
Step 7: drop torpedoes in the right spot, run away port
Step 8: barely make it away from torpedoes and blow up their other lancer
Step 9: run away a bit more port then do a double drive by their last lancer, get lucky and blow it up in one turn
Step 10: BARELY maneuver around their next set of torpedoes, drop torpedoes, blow up one of their raiders
Step 11: finish off the last raider
Took 2 hours
BG3 is genuinely a better game
meant for >>487017559
Is priceless woe as silly as it seems on a legend?
The dc being in the 50s is pretty insane for such a strong effect.
It's only for the standalone version of the Midnight Isles. I want to try a dual wielding legend that uses two copies of that sword, but eh, playing that DLC is cancer.
the way that the game changes entirely once you recruit Coran never gets old
the man's a MACHINEGUN
>It's only for the standalone version of the Midnight Isles
I hate owlcat so fucking much
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No one gives a shit about your weg.
Brutal mogging
I-I-It’s just that WOTR is harder tho…
Denounced as anathema to RPGs by every major roleplaying site including the 'dex and NMA. Casuls have already forgotten about this turd. 10 years from now connoisseurs of the genre will still be discussing the greatness of Pillars of Eternity and Shadowrun Hong Kong while no one will remember tranny's gape. Cope.
>the greatness of shadowrun hong kong
That I'm curious what Larian will do next. This pretty much gave them free reins to do whatever they want.
anon what the fuck are you talking about
Your dogshit weg being mogged by actual RPGs.
I think it was 2 new ips from what I’ve heard. I saw someone mention something about a space game but I am less sure of that.
If you didn’t spend all your time in camp trying to have gay sex with Gale maybe you would realise that there is an actual game. Picking romance options and going out of your way to engage with the hour total of OPTIONAL romance in this 60 hour rpg is your fault.
Interesting. Are they sticking with their TB CRPG formula or branching out into other genres?
Not the best source but here. They didn’t say. I assume that it will a unique system like the DOS2 system with a focus on environmental effects, comboing spells, and an open class system. But that is my guess. They only used 5E because it was BG3 iirc, they’ll probably return to unique systems.
there is an actual game, true. It's just that it's no particularly good. a 6/10 on a good day
>new in the sense that it is different from the things that we've done before. Still familiar enough, but different. I mean, like: tone, style, way of doing it, are for us certainly new. And I think very appealing.
This does sound very much like they'll stick with a DOS-like game system, but with an entirely new setting.
There seems to be very little information out. The only thing that seems for sure is that there are 2 different ips that they are either making their own or making up entirely. Neither will have the scope of BG3 it seems, they won’t be bigger in any case, whatever that means.
>less than an hour into WOTR
Good thing I started with Paladin because this would've been obnoxious otherwise.
Yeah. WotR goes from 0 to 60 so fast I found it extremely comical. I much preferred Kingmaker in that regard.
So when you guys say Rogue Trader is too easy, that's actually a shitpost.
Yeah, game's tailored for a paladin/cleric playthrough
No, it isn't actually a shitpost. the only hard part is your first visit to rykad minoris and the first two fights at the spaceport, that's it. I've never played any of the crpgs on the highest difficulty, but with rt I'm actually considering it. Maybe it will be less easy after nerfs to the arch-militant and especially the officer.
Is Uralon no longer a difficulty spike? I remember him being tough because he gets to abuse officer mechanics like we do.
is that some meme i've missed? he was piss easy. keeled in 1 or two rounds, and his officer shenanigans didn't do shit because an officer is only as good as his goons, and his couldn't hit shit
WOTR would've been better if the companions weren't shit
I think they're great
Post what do you think illustrates peak /crpgg/
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Almost all of them are reddit tier, the games fun but the companions really drag it down. Most of them come off as disney tier written weaklings hiding behind gay miniscule shit they have to overcome.
Nah, you're shitposting.
>hurr durr I can just climb mount everest, you're a pussy
>hurr durr I can have sex with a virgin, you're a cuck
>hurr durr I can go and facetank a million skitarri and hereteks while debuffed from the previous fight with 4 exploding servitors and two hereteks, you're just a noob
typical shitposts
when people here say a game is too easy here it's because they used a min-maxing guide they found on the internet and it broke the combat system.
maybe you should just git gud
ugh, maybe those dancing servitors can make me immune to motive force
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how did you survive the Aurora fight being such a shitter?
It's a very short game too
Abelard got stuck between Aurora and some cover so he couldn't get kicked prone, Cassia cursed him with armor reduction and Argenta used concentrated flamer blasts to bring him down.
What franchise do you wish had CRPG games ?
for me it's battlestar galactica and conan
>muh chaos space marine
>sniper in the back causes much more damage
that's actually true. I also had the misfortune of not having argenta with a las rifle with me for the fight, so i don't remember how I took care of that cunt
Deadlands, Cultist Simulator, Mutant City Blues
just dont get shot lol, easy game, I've taken shits harder than this
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So I just bought Pathfinder WOTR Mythic because it's 70% off.

There's so many fucking classes and every video is like 2 hours long explaining basic intricacies which I don't care for as most CRPGs I play, part of the fun is figuring shit out myself on first playthroughs.

What is a good starter class for someone who just wants to be like a Neutral Chaotic (or Lawful, i'm easy) mercenary? I wanna be primarily melee (picturing a 2 handed build).

I know Paladin (my usual go to class) is locked behind Lawful Good which I wanna switch up a little for this game. I heard Rogue (Demon Slayer specifically) is a good class?

Also, is Core or Normal better for a first run (first time Pathfinder, really first time RTWP since I last played Planescape 10+ years ago lmao)
i know kotor is already a thing, but i want a star wars CRPG with proper combat that isn't just "buff and then spam flurry/power attack until enemy dies"
just play the game and beat it, it's easy, you click the mouse and press the keyboard and the game wins itself, stop sucking dick
Please save our dying general
We need your help.
you don't want our help, I promise you that. We have the most obnoxious and annoying schizos and attention whores here
Pick a class you think looks fun. Start on normal difficulty. Adjust the difficulty up or down as you get a feel for the game.
Anyone would be better than having to come back to the thread every 3 days to bump it off the 10th page and talk to myself because im the only person left posting in it even if its schizos.
As long as theyre bumping it its good enought for me.
Just do Cleric Angel mythic class, it's probably the best starter for the game and OP as fuck.
Let it die?
I still haven't finished bg3 you aren't allowed to make fun builds in that game
>12 lvls

can we go back to 40 already
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Sunless Sea (+Zubmariner)/Sunless Skies
And I want a devil or snuffer companion for schizomaxxing please.
If AK is not working it, then what's the fucking point, game would be shite
>Rogue (Demon Slayer
It's under Ranger actually. You can be a 2handed ranger just fine, forget about the classic ranger cliche where they have to use a bow. Demon slayer is great pick for beginners because the class is pretty easy to build, you get a passive damage bonus vs demons, which is what you'll be fighting for 90% of the game anyway, you can get a pet at level 4 and you get some spell casting. Alternatively you can go to fighter and pick Two-handed archetype. You lose the pet and the spell casting, but focus solely on dealing damage with a fuck huge 2-hander. Max out STR, and put a few points into CON and DEX.
Conan would be real kino
also this
I can see conan working but idk about BSG
the entire game taking place within a ship will get boring very soon (colony ship for example)
I know they periodically go outside and do stuff but unless you play as another admiral similar to cain
I don't know how BSG would work
Is the call to violence cloak broken? Nobody is getting the bonus while enraged.
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I was unaware of the whole drama around him until now. Seems like he was only around for the initial development of Sunless Skies, and I loved that game so I'm not entirely convinced.

Have you tried Mask of the Rose? I haven't even tried it out. They might be sliding into woke with this one, plus apparently it's a VN with the hook of romance lmao
>loved sunless skies
yikes, oof, cringe
Is toybox for Rogue Trader updated yet?
Fuck my life I finally got past the skitarii and hereteks.
Now for the next of today's insurmountable obstacles.
The introductory ones? Should be easier from there on. Enjoy the traps :)
How can it possibly get easier? The Makkron guy is probably going to oneshot both Heinrix and Abelard then rape the rest of my retinue.
At least I have two heroics now.
I know the video you are talking about
It’s really easy, just watch the parts you are confused about and pick something
Or just watch it, it’s simple
Anon, you need to git gud. you're having trouble with encounters you shouldn't be having it with. Jimmy shouldn't be getting hit in the first place, he's a dodge tank/dd. Abelard should be able to ride it out. What difficulty are you playing on?
Radiance is seemingly the only decent longsword in the whole game
Why is that?
It's the MC of weapons
Heinrix has 80% dodge chance but if he gets crit even once he dies.
Abelard can tank as long as enemies don't outdamage his wounds and he has only 33% dodge plus a crippled leg, so a big melta or electric blast will still kill him.
Will bg3 general merge be the final nail in the coffin?
I assume just like with most generals when it's on it's last legs, it's mostly the coomers and schizos who remain while everyone else departs.
So that will make the general even more about waifufaggitry and cuckposting.
bgg will never die because it's permanently off-topic, nobody there discusses the game anymore
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Does it really take any kind of "skill" to play on Unfair, or is it just a matter of picking the right build, equipment, feats etc and basically playing paint-by-number?
Unfair is all about optimization autism due to what kind of game this is. There are still quite a few builds capable of clearing the difficulty though and it can be fun.
Play normal, pick a class that seems cool to you, move on with your life.
The build autism and higher difficulties are there for people (maybe yourself, in the future, maybe not) who want it.

Don't overthink it or try to be clever with your build, you'll waste tons of time unrelated to actually playing the game, and that kind of thinking also will have you restarting and playing the first couple acts over and over until you've ruined the actual game for yourself.
This is an interesting question for CRPG design in general. Should the character you're playing as have all the skill needed or do you want the player to also need skill? For combat encounters, we generally require some kind of player skill in positioning and selecting what abilities to use, but most CRPGs of the WotR kind don't require any player skill for lock picking or other non-combat skills.
Settled kn cavalier now but got one more extremely important question
Do I go base class with a horse or beast rider with a wolf or maybe bear?
Okay, but my question was about "skill". What you're describing doesn't sound like what I'd call strategic excellence or skill of any sort, really.
Perhaps not as bad as Legacy of Bhaal for instance, but in that same vein.
horses are boring.
Enemies in wrath aren‘t really coded in such a way that player skill matters much, combat is almost purely a glorified math equation. In rwtp mode you can kite enemies to a degree and some spells open up possibilities for setting up basically traps but eh.
Is there something offsetting the fact that you're getting one-shotted, that makes you feel that Daring is the appropriate difficulty level for you?
They have huge cocks though
Because I beat Kingmaker and WotR on Normal so I know it's the training wheels difficulty.
Instead of being patronizing you should simply acknowledge that the game is hard, not easy like you fuckshits are claiming.
It's way easier than KM/WotR. This is just objective fact. Aside from very early levels where randomness plays a bigger factor, I never felt at risk of a TPK on Daring.

You have two options, reconsider your builds and equipment, or lower the difficulty to match your play style.
What‘s a good second mystery for Daeran besides nature? Got enough animal companions as is.
KM and WotR didn't even have traumas, all ability debuffs could be prevented by just knowing which buffs to precast. Not to mention partywide damage reduction spells to prevent dying in combat.
Battle is alright for the proficiencies, there's a pretty good, evil only mithral tower shield in wintersun that i usually give him because he does fuckall in combat anyway, also war sight mystery lets you reroll initiative and his curse boosts his initiative.
Nature give him cha to ac instead of dex which is strong even if you don't want the pet.
When the hell are we going to hear anything about Outer Worlds 2? They should be able to put together a five to ten minute gameplay showcase by now.
On one hand I got into Dragon Age so late that I've missed all the discourse and daily updating fan content. On the other I won't have to wait 10 years for the next game. I feel like I have been waiting a lifetime for just fucking anything about TES 6 and I feel like it will disappoint me much much much more than Veilguard.

Also I want to fuck this stupid elf
Origins is the only good game in the series and the new one will be terrible
2 does feel like it pulls away from Origins a bit and Inquisition pulls away from it a lot to the point that it doesn't even really feel like the same world. Outside of the screen caps I've seen like OPs pic I've avoided all news about it.

I'm trying to delay disappointment
>I feel like I have been waiting a lifetime for just fucking anything about TES 6 and I feel like it will disappoint me much much much more than Veilguard.

Yeah that's a large part of why I don't bother to follow most game series these days. The companies really need to get their act together and figure out how to get games out quicker.
Is oblivion a crpg
I would literally kill a large number of people for a (good) Malazan CRPG. Including my own parents.
I would say it can be but it could also be a normal RPG depending on how you play it. Same with Morrowind and Skyrim, although I think Skyrim is much more towards normal RPG than CRPG. Arena and Daggerfall are more dungeon crawlers but I don't think those have their own general and are close enough to CRPGs they'd fit here. I think there's an Elder Scrolls general though where you'd see more discussion for all of those.
Sorry they are contracted by Xbox to make avowed dual platform for some reason they are too busy
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Greetings, fellows of the CRPG General!
Prithee tell, which roles are we playing on this fine morning, noon or night, whiche'er it may be?
Are you pairing your choices and consequences with food or beverage?
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Drunken Master dip on Camellia, new meta.
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The Bora continues fighting his way through the dark tunnels of Midnight Fane, jaunting through the Abyss via the Gates of Midnight before returning--just in time to hear the call for aid via a war horn, which he rushes to answer. So far, the demons have all faltered before him with little resistance, even the hastily made mythic ones. However, the accursed lilitu Minagho stalks these halls, and no doubt lays ambushes and other treacherous dangers before their path.
Did older D&D and Pathfinder on tabletop also force players to use weapons while being a spellcaster class? I kind find it so weird RPwise to be like "yeah my characters a mage and he carries this sling (BG1 and 2) or a crossbow (Pathfinder games) with him"
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I hope you're ready for things to get Playful.
Minagho did nothing wrong
In the sense that infinite cast cantrips is a relatively new thing, and there's often turns as a spellcaster where the enemy isn't worth a spell slot, yes. In terms of actually "forcing" you to use a weapon? No
>Drunken Master doesnt have to be lawful anymore
But Tortured Crusader is still forced to be Lawful Good despite flavor text sttaing otherwise?
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Having aided the Hand of the Inheritor and Queen of the Crusade, the Knight Commander resumes his pursuit of the demon Minagho. As she flees, he's hampered by the rescue of an important figure--Yaniel. To ensure she was real this time, her sword Radiance tested her, leaving no doubt that the true hero was being sent back to the safety of the angelic guardians.

MUs always had weapons because spells were very limited, especially at early levels. Weapons are also useful in general. But things like wands are highly valued of course, but have 1d10 charges so still very limited. If you're playing BX for example an MU has one spell at level one, so you're going to need to rely on other tools. These games are not really the same though; combat is often very dangerous and avoided and the game is more of a puzzle than power fantasy.
You know I do kinda feel retarded asking this after just rewatching LOTR in its entirety
>Gandalf spends a good majority of the movies using a sword alongside his cane
I wouldn't look too hard at LotR as the template for DnD shit. Gandalf isn't exactly the fireball throwing type
Hes not but I feel since DAO was like a first RPG for me I always expected Mages and the sort to shoot magic bolts or something more often than using any sort of physical weaponry
I think many have agreed with this, and that's why we've generally moved to infinite cantrips.
I wonder if PF2e has gone the way of 5e with scaling cantrips.

Personally, I'm fine with mage-types using weapons. I find the whole proficiency thing a little weak. Like, noodle-arm caster or not, you should be able to get the basic idea of how to slice someone a bit with a scimitar or whatever.
Yet another thing that I think Pillars did right. Anyone can use anything, but proficiency gives you the modals related to the type of weapon.
What’s the best crpg for class options?
owlcat's pathfinder games
I wish there was more kingmaker fan art.
Wotr has heaps
drunken cam 18 shaman 2
There is a lot of Kangmaker art, but it's on Tumblr. And a big chunk of it is femcels cooming to Tristian or just drawing their OC donutsteels, but you do have a fair amount of general stuff too.
The more important question is, is it possible to acquire the RT Toybox mod without a Nexus account?
wow what a fucking shit game, fuck whoever it was that recommended it
>Player Psyker only starts with one Psyker discipline
>Idira and Heinrix have two
Teammates felt useless in KM and WOTR compared to overpowered MC, so owls made them stronger.
Doesn't this just make the MC useless instead?
Pretty much. The mc in rogue trader is kind of a wimp anyway.
Do you know if >>487111898 is possible? I could always give my MC a second Psyker discipline that way.
Mhm. Don't know what they were thinking.
Now best build for yoour MC is buffslut officer / tactic.
>And a big chunk of it is femcels cooming to Tristian
How much of it is cuckshit?
Very little, though there are some humiliation rituals..in the text above the post, the femcel that ships her grug elf oc with Tristian shows that this one was requested by a tumblr Camfag...even there Camfags terrorize the land and sow discord.
You can get Toybox without a nexus account from github.

>Now best build for yoour MC is buffslut officer / tactic.
Not even that as Cassia and even Jae make for better officers than your rt.
Please don't give the Frog and his autistic minions ammo.
Uniform swap with gf isn't that humiliating, he's still getting elven poon access.
>You can get Toybox without a nexus account from github.
Found it, thank you.
>Throw 0ToyBox0 into the UnityModManager folder
>It doesn't show up in the Mod Manager window ingame
Odd, this worked back when the game was released.
My monitor just fucking died, what the fuck am I supposed to do until it gets fixed?
>without a Nexus account
What's the problem with creating it? It takes a few minutes or so.
They're fags is my guess.
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>Hacking Heinrix's cogitator and replacing all his documents with Marazhai's nudes
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will never not be funny watching Heinrix seethe like the sexually insecure fascist he is
like the sexually insecure incels that hate on Marzipan
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so many variants of that meme. and they're all awesome
Male Rogue Traders having sex with female Xenos is based and redpilled.

Female Rogue Traders having sex with male Xenos is heresy and requires inquisitorial intervention.
Don't know about that but Cam won, Camgods won
Tortured crusader is just a really depressed paladin
Why would that lead to being a different alignment?
>t. Xavier Calcazar
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I'm sorry you'll never be as tall or hung or skilled in bed or sexually liberated. But it's only natural for human women to risk their lives for drukhari dick
>CamCam as male a transexual gaylord who can't even cast a cantrip, is poor and has 0 interests


"Stick Insect" (c) Idira
so he looks even bigger than he is due to no fat in the crotch area, neat
Just remake /rtg/, it died only once and consistently hit bump limit before that
And consisted of endless fanart spam. Better discuss the actual game with the other retards ITT.
not my fault kitten keeps getting drawn by people
here's one from today
I tried to remake it (Cuckoldry edition) but it says "Field too long"
Yrlikek would never
>he's still getting elven poon access
Correct, he bred that elf.
I have apparently found a workaround just by using ModFinder instead.
Every masterpiece has its cheap copy
Reddit waifu/husbando fags should be euthanized. It's one thing to post art (which is fine), but posting shit-tier reddit memes and lingo should be awarded by a real torture session and dismemberment from Marz.
Cry more lmao
lose weight
This general and for the most part board sucks ass at gatekeeping, so don't bother.
the 40kids are so fat their bodies have closed the gates shut
Wilcer x Marazhai posting can save us
Wilcer would absolutely body that puny, worthless excrement
except she does in some canon endings
Btw, does anyone have a text of ending where Yrliet becomes Corsair?
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Letting the Priestess of Nocticula forfeit her key willingly, the Knight Commander briefly pondered why so many self-serving demons were willing to fight to the bitter end. Was their fear really so strong so as to accept death over the potential punishment for cowardice?
How did you post this then? Check mate atheist
Would submissive Marazhai mind being neutered?
No one gives a shit about your verbal diarrhea, subhuman shit eating casul cheatshitter. Snap your fucking neck.
But what if he 1-rounds Unfair Playful Darkness? Will he be redeemed in your eyes Mr. Frog?
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Great posts anon. Hope you'll enjoy what's about to come.
Good post frogbro!
You don't need to ask, he's your property
It _was_ too easy, I can't speak for post-patches. Extra turn / free action spam was absolutely insane. Once you come online after the first areas you could comfortably do things clearly above your level as you had so many sources of free movement / actions.
I just started another playthrough, trying to avoid officers entirely if I can help it this time.
Frosch being right for once
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It's very funny that this was made before RT and yet RT made it reality
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any interesting turn-based games coming out later this year?
Rogue Tranny is fanfiction tier copy pasted drivel so no surprise there
Froggy review Tristian's children!
How about you try reading the OP?
OP doesn't specify if they're turn-based or rtwpslop and I don't want to click through all of them
>I don't want to look at upcoming rpgs
OK now fuck off back to whatever shithole you crawled out of.
Not him, but if one's a cavalier is this WOTR context and not KM?
Since Alch and Sorc are stronger in KM
If KM, pretty good lineup, if WOTR they're ok
I don't understand why they feel the need to keep spamming their trash in these threads after killing their own general. Then again imagine how shit your life must be to become one of these "people".
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Except instead of a Wych they gave us a trueborn kabalite because Owcat are that awesome
No idea, it's not like they are posting shit that would get them banned on reddit/tumblr or whatever apart from the one cuckfag that was in the general. Usually people come here from reddit because they hate the hivemindism, cringy meme or politocal culture etc. But the sub and the 'cord I heard about are also majority waifu/husbando shit do fon't understand what attracts them here lol
Not even raging at them to leave or anything just can't wrap my head around it.
Unironically they're attracted by the camlords and want their attention
What is the ideal amount of party members?
They like Froggy insulting them and writing cuckfics
It's the main attraction of the general
1 tank
1 melee damage dealer
1 healer/buffer
1 ranged damage dealer
1 wizard/cc'er/debuffer
So 5.
What if there was a 6th slot available? What class would you use to fill it?
Swen told me so
>Terventias can do facors for us
>Asking to turn Yrliet into human as revenge (Haemonculi can do that)
should i get mythic beast for a wolf pet?
not sure if ignoring dr is that useful for a glorified trip bot
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Invigorated by the sight of the hidden altar, the Knight Commander continues his search for the third key.
Despite the large number of demons they've already killed, there are surely countless more given the strength of the connection to the Abyss. They can only hope Minagho has nowhere left to flee and is simply holed up like the coward she is.
The same reason Froggy schizoposts here, it's a form of a parasocial relationship, these autists want attention and to project their ideas and fetishes onto a space where they feel they can without consequences.
I doubt the femcels or froggy would dare spam about cuckfics or marazhai fantasies to random people irl (and most likely don't have much interaction irl), but they can do it here. Plus if people get annoyed by them on plebbit, they can always ban them, but here it's easy as fuck to evade as evidently seen by a lot of schizo posts getting jannied the last few threads, but the schizo keeps going.
Party cumdump stress relief. Also the ranged damage dealer could have more utility like a Rogue to handle traps and shit like that.
That's not what he's called around these parts :)
>Cumtown Doctor Mengele, can you turn Yrlikek into a mon-kek?
>Sure, just let me get my penis-scalpels
Invigorated by my shit sliding down your throat you should break your arms and spare people your verbal diarrhea.
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hotter than marazhai desu
I'm not squeamish usually, but flayings produce a special kind of revulsion in me.
he hosts orgies, he must be fun
Imagine the art Wilcer would sculpt from his flesh...VGH
What's the first thing that came to Jaethal's mind after she became alive again thanks to Pharasma?
Kingmaker has too many random enounters
I'm trying to build my barony and there's still bandits, random monster, fucking chimeraa, etc

It feels like the DM is on meth, opening the monster manual at random and throwing me random shit
>"My bodily fluids work again, time for some quality watersports with Tristian!
>"Deva boy, open wide!"
Why do you make them sound like third-worlders
Goblin cock
Believe it or not, I think this is one of the better generals on the board. People here complain about waifufags and cuckschizos, but there is way way way worse mental illness than what we have here. People need to be more grateful for what they have.
Yeah, when (You) raid /bgg/ it gets way worse
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Say for example:
how the FUCK am I supposed to know to use cantrips on wind-powered pillar things in the Lonely Barrow?
I just come here to post "I wanna smooch her." and save any Camellia pics I don't have, then leave.
ask Nok-Nok
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I actually enjoy old-school RPGs and I post about them but spending quality time with the Marasisters is always the best
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dangerously based
who? is that the goblin companion?
haven't found them yet, where is it
I think you meet him during main quest in chapter 3, go to goblin village before goblin fort
Riding into battle on a dinosaur is the coolest shit ever
that's why I had Regill go Beast Rider
absolutely fearsome atop his raptor
wheres my fucking spino
>doesn't have a mount
Literally unplayable.
Gnomes should be forced to ride pachys
Oh shit that‘s a great idea
Tempted to respec him now
Blind fight is mildly useful in kingmaker I think but yeah the cases where you don't need it are more than the cases where you could get some use from it
That's really late for Seize the moment it's the one thing you really want to have. If they're your only full bab most 2/3 bab characters should have it by 13 if you're doing a crit chain party
Unfair act 1 and 2 are pretty unforgiving but later acts I don't think so
I take Blind Fight because it's bad ass
Playing with mounts is so annoying, should have made a paladin or fighter instead of cavalier.
Is the dazzling display into shatter defense line worth it?
Game knowledge is a skill, leveraging it to make Unfair more manageable is absolutely skillful play. The execution might be simple in itself, but planning spells, buffs, consumables and party synergy to work around inflated numbers is a skill I think. Doing what froggy does where he plays the same characters, with the same builds, doing the same shit every time once you have already "solved" the game is not skillful, it's just autism.
>Owlcat Maraposting
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I'd write a lengthy post including gigachad pic and mocking you but
>not crpg
therefore I'm not gonna go so far offtopic
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>casulkiddies talking about "skill" again
Is iomedae basically the only paladin deity who isnt super cringe
Looks like a mission end screen for a gacha game. Damn, I want a gacha Pathfinder.
Unless you're a trickster, what else are you going to pick?
>froggnigger has now moved on to TBT games
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>moved on
Child, I was playing them before you were born.
Fair enough
Whats tbt?
If I have a prestige class I want to take that has multiple feats required can I take a lvl in said prestige class in the same lvl that I would get a feat to complete the series or do I need to have them beforehand?
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Previous and current thread summary
>nenio's funhouse
Ascension ending better be worth all this shit
I want to go home I want to go back to Koprulu I HATE the Koronus Expanse everyone is trying to kill me my ship sucks balls I want to be a bureaucrat in bumfuckistan I want to go to bed help me fish mommy send me hooooome
>wanting gacha
Why would you ever want that?
Been replaying Deadfire during the weekend and decided to play Turnbased and I'm disappointed with how undercooked it is. So they straight up changed recovery time to initiative but it seems all it really does is just decides how soon you attack (like in DOS2 which is also bad). There's no real reason to wear light and use slower gear since everyone does one attack per turn. Also encounter amounts in PotD is still cancer. There's always 8+ enemies with as much health as you do so every fight is just mindlessly whacking away by the end.
Conversely, I was pleasantly surprised by how much reactivity Death godlikes get. People WILL let you know what you are and that's nice. Also reminds me that Empower used to get +10 Power Level and I don't know how that got past Sawyer.
Couldn't you skip that one? At least in the ending where it's just the party?
Is that required? I know there's a crystal but can't you get enough without going through that shithole?
>I'm disappointed with how undercooked it is
That's because the game was never meant to be TB. They only patched it in as an afterthought because people were complaining.
I know but I expected a game that reached a 5.0.0 patch to at least improve upon it. It really is just like DOS2 and the two systems don't even remotely match. I guess they kept the cast times but good luck figuring out where in the ladder that pops up.
Incidentally, I'm also standing right before the entrance to Nenio's funhouse and I like doing it, but playing the role of Commander Mason is way too fun so it'll have to wait a couple of days.
It was really an afterthought there they randomly added in some patch. It's about as well thought out as a mod
Redesigning and rebalancing the entire game is extremely expensive and with it initially failing to meet sales expectations, I'm not really surprised.
They're fun, may contain nice exploration (fantasy setting near guarantees this), are basically singeplayer MMOs (not everyone likes that - the people who like to collect do) with more aggressive sales methods and gambling elements. I also want to see more of Pathfinder heroes and setting. A few new areas would be cool to explore from the 3rd person perspective as a fighting game, since I mostly have Genshin in mind as I'm typing. It's never gonna happen of course
but the pathfinder setting is boring and uninspired, it's fine as a blank slate for roleplaying but it doesn't have the strong designs a gacha needs to counterbalance the lack of gameplay
When it comes to ascension for everyone, there's some options for getting the last crystal between Nenio's puzzle hell, Nahyndri's island hell, or Sithhud. Is there a demon lord to kill in the dance of masks dlc? I don't actually know.
I kinda hate trying to replay wrath but still make another attempt at it every other week
300 fucking hours of playtime with one finished playthrough kill me
you're here forever
She pretended to have eyes. That's kind of disturbing. How does that even work, I wonder, I mean if you have eyes that are illusions what controls their behaviour so that they can mimic real eyes for a creature that has no eyes?
Couldn't you have what you describe without a predatory gacha system or do you like to piss away your money for PNGs?
>but the pathfinder setting is boring and uninspired
I think it could work if we were able to visit a few large kingdom-sized areas huddled next to each other, about the River Kingdoms-size according to lore. It'd give enough potential diversity to areas to make it interesting. I believe they could experiment with the difficulty, since nobody said all gachas have to be babby level. I dread to see the puzzles in that theoretical game howeverbeit.
Technically yes, but would such a game be able to gain enough traction and sustain itself? Besides, nobody said you have to play gachashit 24/7, that's just unhealthy.
>spare her
>just tell her to fuck off in the abyss immediately
>never ends up trying to kill me nor do I have to kill her dad
Pretty sure that was a bug but I liked being able to keep her around as a giga moralfag gold dragon
Also goddamn gold dragon was and probably still is shit
>would such a game be able to gain enough traction and sustain itself?
DA:I was basically a single-player MMO and it sold well. I don't see why a Pathfinder one couldn't without being a gacha.
Because this isn't 2014 anymore and nobody wants more ubisoft games.
Those are two completely different things anon. I'm a gachafag playing 4 gachas right now actually and I can't see a Pathfinder one being any fun. Considering it'd be a "western" gacha, it'd be trash. Then again, DnD has that idle game which PF can also copy if they're that shameless.
Their bloated marketing dept did the trick there. Correct me if I'm wrong but Owlkeks are much smaller company with limited resources. Also DA always baited with muh moral choices and romances. Pathfinder like any RPG does it too, but I don't think it's ever been advertized in such way.
>Pathfinder like any RPG does it too, but I don't think it's ever been advertized in such way.
Is there any RPG that's like post 2000 that doesn't have
plastered all over its marketing?
>Those are two completely different things anon.
He said he wanted a third-person single player MMO experience where he could run around and explore with heroes from the Pathfinder universe. If you don't have gacha elements, that sounds pretty much like DA:I. If you enjoy the gacha experience of gambling for your companions/units then you of course want a gacha.
I mean, there are people who bought Rogue Trader specifically because of Marazhai

How wide is femcel demographic?
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>playing 4 gachas right now actually
Whew. Which gacha are you playing bro? I tried Genshin and ZZZ, but now I only really play Wuwa. I do my daily in Nikke sometimes, but I don't feel dedicated to it in the same way.

>Is there any RPG that's like post 2000 that doesn't have
plastered all over its marketing?
It's about the degree, not the intent. Bioware games became famous for that due to the marketing department putting such stress on these features. You're forgetting that DAO/2/I are among the few CRPGs which made it deep to the normiesphere.
I like collecting the characters and upgrades, but I don't feel strongly about the gambling aspect.
>Supposedly a near godlike being
>Gets tapped by some random guy with a shitty crossbow
>"Huh that's weird, anyway I cast Fissure"
The story would've been much shorter if this retard realised that there was already something off about that.
Despite a fuckton of hours I've only done:
Finished game: Angel
Reached act V: Demon
Played act III but barely: Azata, Swarm, Trickster, Lich, Aeon
Never played as: Legend, Gold Dragon
Never unlocked: Devil
Trying to 100% this game with all paths is just not a thing
Star Rail, Limbus, Reverse1999 and Astra. It's usually daily shit and ever since getting back on playing RPGs they've been falling off admittedly.
Is Fear & Hunger a CRPG?
Ok I didn't play act III swarm obviously but same pt touched it never finished it
Understandable. Don't fall for the addictiveness, I've caught myself in its web too many times over the years. Enjoy your games responsibly.
No. It's a JRPG
I don't think pathfinder gacha where you play the story with different characters you roll for a run would be bad too bad it's never going to be made
Why would a giant demon locust need nipples?
It's fetish material for its designer.
to breastfeed his swarmlings DUH
>We've finally added a way for you to modify your beloved pets looks!
>We're also just gonna call it Critter Cleaver
Who's the psychopath that decided that this is a good idea?
She is a bit cringe, just not lesbian polyamory trio levels of cringe
No, Ragathiel is.
Arue, the Hand, S6 Reg, and S6 Tristian would be able to fly instead of gliding, pretty cool. Would actually be nice if some important side characters also were playable in that hypothetical game.
why are we entertaining the opinions of gachapiggies now?
No other discussion that's going on and the alternative is often mindbleedingly worse. You're free to bring up another subject to discuss.
how do you turn on simultaneous turns in rogue trader? keep reading that you can but can't find it
>S6 Reg, and S6 Tristian
What does S6 mean
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>Um, excuse me? This is a PRIVATE moment?
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Why not discuss the best crpg ever created?
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inheribro busting a nut to this
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Imagine talking to Kim like that, absolute disgrace
I got it while on sale, but haven't gotten around to playing it yet. I have high hopes after anons hyped it's skill/dialogue system as the best in the business.
She definitely fucked her father's clone didn't she?
I apologized afterwards, it was a pretty tender moment. Kim is a bro.
>Now have to deal with the rest of they day alone
I reloaded desu
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You honestly should have pirated it. All the commie bullshit aside, the MVP writer did get fucked and the devs don't deserve further support.
As you should. You are forgiven.
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>Why not disc-ACK!
>the MVP writer did get fucked and the devs don't deserve further support
What happened? I don't usually pay attention to developer drama.
The capital subsumes all.
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>What happened?
Pedophiles got what they deserved.
Yeah, me neither and I only remember the basics. The company got greedy and fired the writer, who now doesn't have any rights to the game and won't work on the next while the CEO's getting sweet eurodosh. That's the long story short. I'm sure we could find full story somewhere. Corruption was involved
Is DE actually well written, or is it the case that most videogames are so atrociously written that middling author can blow them all out of the water? Any /lit/ anons here to give some insights?
Sounds shitty. At least the Witcher writer, I won't try to spell his name, managed to renegotiate to get a nice check out of CDPR's success.
Define well written. It's a horribly subjective thing.
NTA but nonsense. You can objectively compare writing
I'm talking standalone here.
Owlkek writing? Creme de la creme, objectively.
>that middling author can blow them all out of the water?
Probably not since you have just as many shitty books being published. The best book might be better than the best game, but there is a lot of absolute trash books published as well now that the internet made it easy to self-publish. Kind of like how Steam opening up made it flood with shitty games.
unironically better than anything else right now except possibly obsidian

you can do that, yes
Alright, rate
>The Bible
>Hungry Hungry Caterpillar
>The Stranger
>Kama Sutra
obsidian released outer worlds
By definition all great since they are all pillars of the genres they are part of
You now remember Mass Effect Andromeda.
That was a thing, yes.
>it's good because it's popular
good goy
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why is he so beautiful bros
seen better turds in my toilet after breakfast
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Hey, rt-anon, are you still here? How's your playthrough going? I really enjoyed watching you struggle yesterday
Which CRPG characters like spicy food?
The pathfinder games have preferred food for the companions no? Forgot whichever one has spicy.
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She is quite persuasive too. I'm taking the Spidercat.
I love CamelliaxWendu banter. They cattiness levels are unreal.
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cam always owns her though
Party policeman is gay. That's why you get the Paladin killed off.
If I had money I'd commission this with Cam and Lann/Wendu
>making himbro upset
i shiggy diggy
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what would you like to discuss?
the bible is a collection, you can't use it in this context
no, good because influential. it's one thing to be popular but achieve fuck all to push writing forward, and another thing to redefine the art form
Thanks for heads up, there is actually a fair amount of cute stuff there and a surprising lack of alphabet spam for the most part.
On game journalist cattle who hate actual gameplay? Lol. Your shit visual novel is of no interest to veterans of the genre who know that RPGs emerged from wargaming.
how grequent are companion interactions in BG2 compared to BG1 NPC project?
i'm really liking the extra banter and conversations
They vary. You absolutely must take Korgan though. Jan has a lot to say about things but he's randummm *holds up spork* XD
Korgan with Mazzy in the party is funny because he's a cunt to everyone but is completely smitten with her.
I have only started BG1 with NPC project, so I can't comment on a comparison. There is a fair amount of companions chiming in or having conversations between each other as well as you, though.

For something of a perspective, when I was looking to see the conditions for Aerie and Haer'Dalis becoming a couple, I saw that she doesn't commit to romance until your 17th interaction with you.
BG3 zoomers don't even know what was taken from them.
well hopefully Korgan will want to be taken, considering that i'm lawful good
>veterans of the genre

Lmao you are literally playing with dolls though
Ahh, well, not so great a fit maybe...
His quest is pretty fun though, and there is some sense in why you might work with each other temporarily.
>le game journalist cattle
gamergate detected, opinion discarded
if my guy managed to tolerate viconia until she left i'm sure that he'll make an exception again
until he leaves too
if i was a bhaalspawn i'd somewhat understand other people's bloodthirst, so will my character once he finds out what he is
How long are BG1 and 2
>Pedophiles got what they deserved.
Getting rich and moving to London?
It's also ironic that corrupt-as-fuck Estonia managed to stop their commie insurgency in its tracks but capitalist Britain lets them live on as a permanent parasite.
It's a work day.
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Jesus fuck I hope fandom.wiki dies soon holy shit.
Can't you just select the next char in initiative if you have them consecutive? I don't really remember only played on release and I couldnt play past act III with all the bugs
How is this a crpg? It's a point and click story felt like
>Point and click
That's technically most rpgs aside from ARPGs.
Why, it's better than Fextralife. I wish there was a wiki for RT.
I think owlkeks have shown some degree of improvement in writing with every game? Give them time maybe
They're both ad infested messes. Jesus fuck other places don't have this issue.
Coherent plot, boring story, boring characters (Jubilost exception)
Convoluted plot, fun story, great characters (Seelah, Nenio, Camellia exception) but realistically only a third should be part of your team per playthrough
>Rogue Trader
Basic plot, practically no story, good characters and all will fit the party but you can also shoot the ones that don't.
>Coherent plot
Ehhhhh will you really say so? Like you don't even get to understand what actually is going on unless you do the secret ending. A good chunk of lore is relegated to the kingdom events which you'd likely just gloss over.
>Like you don't even get to understand what actually is going on unless you do the secret ending
I didn't do the secret ending and I understood what was happening. A woman decided to have a woman moment and make her magical kingdom (typical woman, amirite, it's called KINGdom not QUEENdom) and the big fireball cursed her and cursed the land to make a thousand kings make a thousand doomed kingdoms before she could get her clitoris back.
That's not even close to what happened.
NTA, but explain?
If he's going to explain, please explain on spoilers I haven't gone past lvl 13 in kingmaker despite playing it plenty game loses steam so fast with all the tedium
>brainlet didn't understand RT's story
>wants to be an authority on RPGs
It's what happened in my playthrough as per the way the game presented the plot, so it is the story.
>Level 13
Are you on Chapter 3 or early 4? Yeah, have fun with the world exploration and take a breather before you get to the house.
Level 13 is around coronation in fact never played after coronation. I'm getting a new handheld where I'll be playing it from lvl 1 on it since I have no saves as all my saves are modded and probably impossible to make compatible anymore anyways
>crippled leg also reduces action points by 1
Why don't you just permakill me instead.
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is that Arue? oh god.. oh god I'm gonna...


imagine not being a neet
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>not using adblock
that's exactly what happened tho
>kingmaker plot: woman has a woman moment
>wotr plot: woman has a woman moment
what did pozzo mean by this?
>rt plot: corrupt regime is corrupt
you can really feel the Russian pain
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Like many devs, they're secretly based.
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heh, he can't get out and he can't shoot. didn't bring his chainsword?
It gets better
>Heroes of Might and Magic 5: woman has a woman moment
and also
>Heroes of Might and Magic 5 Hammers of Fate: woman runs off with the man who killed her husband after giving birth to another man's rape child leaving her womandom to be turned into a shitshow by another woman pretending to be the previous woman, and nobody suspected it because the previous woman was such shit that her imposter's actions, such as making herself a saint and starting endless wars using demon-supported troops seemed plausible
Mishulin has a few things to say and he is not afraid to say it.
but why? I understand you might not want to bring your navigator to a simple sweep up (but you did bring your senechal), but why not your arch-militant and your pet psyker? Oh wait a second, I get it...You're not using women! Carry on then, fellow chud
How are you liking the game so far, anon?
They're meant to be these guys. Every command squad retinue needs to have sacrificable redshirts. Don't worry I'm pretty sure I'm making the game harder using them instead of more companions, even though they synergise well with my officer.
he has a lifelong experience dealing with russian women
Is rt still a faceroll on any diff? I ran a 3 officer party + dps on release and it was the most broken experience I've had in a while, but so many bugs, some softlock bugs on act 2, act 3 could barely keep it together, act 4 impossible to work around the bugs
>pet psyker
Don't like her.
Don't want her to be in danger (but for this mission more so because Heinrix is mandatory and Pasqual made sense for a mechanicus mission
Argenta is an MT.
It's addictive but I want people to acknowledge how hard it is.
See, this, this is a shitpost.
The game is not easy.
Stop shitposting.
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This seems like a downgrade right now, I can only do the one strategem.
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>It's addictive but I want people to acknowledge how hard it is.
You're playing on daring. game's not hard. It had a couple of hard early game encounters (mostly on rykad minoris, but the corrupted space hulk also comes to mind) but that's it.
>Don't want her to be in danger
based roleplayer. I also brought her to only a couple of missions (the ones that were supposed to be simple diplomatic shindigs, but went south, because of course they did) because putting your main navi in danger is factually retarded
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40k resonates with russians on a dna level
which is strange when it apes so many german themes
Shrug idr what cloak is bis
Combat Locus is the only stratagem you're gonna use especially after you get that one item in chapter 3. Grand Strategist and its many stratagems sound good on paper but you'll only get to use them to their full potential on unfair because on other difficulties everything dies in one or two rounds
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I can just tell this guy is gonna take at least 4 hours to kill. I'm turning around to deal with the other heretek Haneumann first.
russians have a lot of german blood in them. Germanics in general had a huge impact on russian culture and history
stop bullshitting I have to fight 5 rounds to kill "tough cultist", also I use Stronghold which is how I was able to negate the Chaos Space Marine's entire first turn (he tried to kick Abelard 3 times and failed) and half of his damage
Did you do the derelict space hulk encounter?
Wasn't it the other way around?
damn, I wish I was as bad as you are. You seem to be having more fun with the game than I did breathing through it
No, I didn't have time I had to go straight to Kiava Gamma because I was told there was a Chaos invasion and I have to kill Chaos.
Bro everything dies immediately unless it has cheats to autogain initiative after taking x amount of dmg and your officers autowin initiative otherwise. At least when I played
Actually no. You're thinking about ww2, but the german influence has nothing to do with that. It goes back centuries. It all started in 18th century. The first Emperor was a huge westaboo and imported countless dutch and germans in his bid to make russia more european
See, this is why I like you. You're actually roleplaying instead of doing mental gymnastics
>start fight
>go first
>officer RT goes first and gives out some turns and strategems, maybe fires a plasma shot and misses
>abelard maybe gets 2 hits in for 40 damage tops, maybe 60 if he opens with shotgun into charge and the enemy is packed
>pasqual does some debuffs or buffs then misses his lightning shot
>henrix self-buffs and maybe does 20 damage
>kasrkin guys shoot lasguns burst mode for 24 damage on average each
>all of this becomes exponentially less likely if my team are wounded because of some fucking exploding servitors at the start
How exactly does this kill everything when there's six or more 100+ wound enemies
are there any mods that make this game not suck?
Which part because the answer is almost assuredly no.
I've had this game for years and I've never played it for more than an hour after i started. every single character in it annoys the fuck out of me, and all the named characters use suboptimal trash builds. I hear the game punishes you for not taking them along, which just feels like hell, why in the fuck would I want a pathfinder halfling bard in my fucking party?
>>pasqual does some debuffs or buffs then misses his lightning shot
bro, your plasma rifle?
>>henrix self-buffs and maybe does 20 damage
been a while since i've played the game, but I distinctly remember him being utterly insane due to his sanctic school, but maybe he was a late bloomer, i dunno.
Anyway, Idira's peril-maxxing is where it's actually at, but you don't like her, so... your loss. Dunno how you're gonna deal with act 3's final boss without her
>why in the fuck would I want a pathfinder halfling bard in my fucking party?
>Easy unique buffs
>Also the dedicated skill monkey
Why are you trying to hyper optimise an easy on Core game?
>bro, your plasma rifle?
What plasma rifle, I have a plasma pistol.
i don't remember where you get it. either way plasma pistol also works. you're building pasqal to be a plasma turret, right?
Sanctic damage needs a unique stick that he might not have yet and on release it was bugged to always be maximized dmg while doing the overcast or whatever its called
ffs, i just realized i haven't enjoyed a single d&d game made since 93.. god thats depressing.
Are you actually 50 years old?
i need a fix for my pathfinder build autism.
not him, but i'm turning 41 in a couple of months. So I wouldn't be surprised if this geenral is filled with grannies and grandpas
I built him to throw grenades and use operator abilities because I don't have a plasmagun, only a plasma pistol for my RT.
I think you can buy a modified plasma rifle from the mechanicus faction merchant
baldurs gate was 98, planescape: torment was 99, never finished either one..

d&d games suck
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Any advice on how to kill the Ancient Sarkorian Ghost? Seems a bit over tuned for when you meet him.
Heal him. At least I think it works, I remember grinning like mad when I realised some enemies in KM were very weak to Tristan's Heal.
>he didn't pick up the anti-ghost bat at daeran's place
You're joking, right?
>death ward
>don't fall into the pit
>gangbang him to death
me on the right
The problem is that I don't last very long. His spells just wreck me.
The what now?
Yeah, death ward lets me ignore the little ghosts, but that fucker just one-shots me with Destruction.
death ward so his goons don't fuck you with lvl drain, fan out so he doesn't fuck you with the pit and braps, have lots of touch spells, that's it
use weapon enchants that allow you to fuck up incorporeals
>that fucker just one-shots me with Destruction.
doesn't deathward prevent this?
just fortitude save
I don't think Destruction is a death effect so Death Ward does nothing to it.
Ok, just came up with a strat. I noticed the ghost doesn't have true sight, so I made everybody invisible, summoned a bunch of skellies, triggered the fight and ran away, once I baited his blade barrier I had Seelah with last stand just stand in the barrier while the ghost killed itself with its own spell, Seelah died, but whatever it's 3k XP.
>Using Tack Ticks
>Used Seelah as bait
Holy based
I just found out the other day kamasutra is actually guide book on how to live your life and sex is just one of its chapters
imagine writing thousands of pages and the entire world knows only about the funny pictures in your book
Ok, I got a plasma rifle from the other heretek. Now he just needs to not die to skitarii snipers.
finally got around to beating dos2 final boss fight, i crafted 12 living on the edge scrolls for safety. accidental big brain moment when charming the kraken charmed all the undead too.

cool game but i don't really want to replay it, rather play bg3 another 3 times than do that
>3 officers go first
>You pass a gorillion turns to dps
>Dps gains so many dmg stacks they can oneshot anything
That's how it went when I played unless something had an immunity phase or an auto initiative there was no combat so to speak. Idk how many nerfs builds have gone through since
There aren't even 3 officers in the game.
>brown pirate woman
She swore by "the exalted one" which is not a canonical way of venerating the Emperor at best or more likely some kind of profane blasphemy.
Shrug I wasn't using Jae I was using a Merc. Jae selects a bunch of undesirable skills and you can't respec them out without an editor so you have to wait a while(in levels) before she can get the stuff that matters iirc
The game is hard. Admit it and move on.
>She swore by "the exalted one" which is not a canonical way of venerating the Emperor
It absolutely is, though, given the game is canon. There's millions of ways to venerate the Emperor canonically, with only a miniscule fraction ever described in any detail, retard.
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Oops wrong gen lol
Why no mount?
It's a mod that lets you plan out levels he doesn't have a mount yet chara is lvl 1
I've found two strategies to work on him consistently. If I don't have a strong martial party, I send a ton of summons to him so he uses all his big fuck you spells on them instead of my party and clean up his allies as they approach me, then eventually him. Tedious.
If I do have a strong martial party, I buff as much as humanly possible and alpha strike him. If it doesn't get him to at least 50% hp I reload. If he gets off rift of ruin it's basically over. One of the hardest fights in the game IMO.
thanking God every day that Baldur's Gate 3 has a predominantly white cast. Veilguard looks like it's gonna be a pro-minority propaganda bag of dicks.
Looks alright, might go for the hp skill over something else seeing as hp is going to be amplified by whatever resistances you have i think it's usually worth taking over other combat buffs.
I wonder what makes you say that...
Nice, Neve's voice actor is hot. I was already leaning towards her.
I guess it's just a coincidence, but I've noticed a few times that when a voice actor is hot, the character turns out better.
Man owlcat ruined this general, there's no reason to come here any more
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I think NPC Project overcompensates a bit. BG2 companions aren't THIS talkative, unless we are talking about love interests. Their interactions usually consists of bants and interjections, some of them have questlines. Some do have more content than others - Jaheira and Imoen won't shut the fuck up for instance and Cernd and Aerie (if not romanced) barely have any content whatseoever.
Trying to pick between romancing Nalia or Emily is going to be a pain.
Why did I install additional companions, if I notoriously have an issue with party composition?
Nalia is truly insufferable. Party of 3 is ideal gearwise for bg2 until dlc and of 6 after. Or as many paws of the cheetah as you have available at any particular time
all EA needs to do so the people keep sucking its dick as they put a 70$ price tag on their new games, and that's just the base game
there's probably going to be like three different starter editions
and of course it will be riddled with bugs, generally unfinished and after five months we'll get a 40$ DLC followed by more DLC's and cosmetics
faster than Chiktikka Fastpaws!
>Nalia is truly insufferable.
She's really fun (if autistic) with a romance mod. Also, I think I have less of an issue with BG2 party composition,and more with BG1. It's those fucking companion pairs that drive me up the wall. Yeah,I know NPCProject allows you to separate them, but that's not the "intended"way.
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>Nalia is truly insufferable. Party of 3 is ideal gearwise for bg2 until dlc and of 6 after. Or as many paws of the cheetah as you have available at any particular time
it doesn't, but he only has a cuple of casts of destruction, so just fort safe and face tank it
Its convenience dude your guys walk slow unless you have that item, you'll have 3 fast characters and 3 characters making the narrator go "you must gather your party before venturing forth" 100x on every map
>given the game is canon
it isn't
>he doesn't explore the wilderness as his adventurers
>Owlkek writing? Creme de la creme, objectively.
Yeah, sure. It's why their games always fall apart from a narrative perspective in their last 2 acts.
>>Owlcat Maraposting
My guy, they have been intentionally excluded him from any official marketing footage, lmao. Most don't even know he's a companion due to Owlkek not caring enough about him. Who cares about some twitter posts. It's not going to reach any wider audience.
he's just there for tech-use checks, everything else is secondary to that
Can you do a Skald Dragon Disciple dip? I dont care about minmaxing just wanted to see if I do 4 dips into DD for the +4 STR if I can come out with a more melee based Skald than the norm
He was the last companion to be added afaik but he's been present in all footage from then onwards
What other crpgs have Eldar bvlls
how can Aerie move faster than Chiktikka Fastpaws? That little bugger's speed is near a god's!
So is Ulfar and the on the official poster of the game. Is Marazhai featured in any offical promo art with the RT's retinue? No.
Even the unreleased dlc companion now has her own promo artwork plastered everything.
yeah no shit they need to sell the DLC
Ulfar was not the last companion to be added, he was mandated by GW from the start. "We need le space marine, they are the poster boys of 40k" etc
>literal gay twink is more popular than the spess muhreen

Manlybros, it's so over.
>yeah no shit they need to sell the DLC
and you waifufags keep insisting the dlc is not waifu centric, yet here we are knowing more shit about her and her kinks, than anything else.
>Ulfar was not the last companion to be added, he was mandated by GW from the start. "We need le space marine, they are the poster boys of 40k" etc
And? Answer my question. Where is Marazhai featured in the promo footage for Rogue Trader as being part of their retinue as a companion?
Why such a specific request? There's plenty of official art featuring him.
More people kill Marazhai than Ulfar. I don't get the point you're trying to make. Owlkek should release the statistics of how many people bothered recruiting the deldar. Not that that will shut your delusions up.
why is the RT subreddit still less than half the size of the PF one, lower than even the PoE sub and dead as fuck? What went wrong
Direct me to them then. Post them here. No artbook art since that's never been used as promo. You keep avoiding answering the question. I wonder why.
RT just falls apart. There's no cohesive story. No narrative branching. There's nothing to talk about except drool after the waifus.

I'm trying to but your abnormal mass is creating a spacetime anomaly that sucks in all files larger than 500kb
There's plenty of footage too, the clips that don't have him were made before he was added.

>Answer my question.
I thought your question was why isn't he featured in the promo materials made before he was added?

There's several gameplay footages where he's front and centre. Most recently, the Miracle of Sound video features him with the retinue, and also him getting a solo moment ~20sec into the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OFAmCF_PVD0 and a moment with the retinue at 2:40

The real question is, how many people who wouldn't have gotten into Warhammer got into it because of him? Tumblr went mad about him, and there's a pipeline of BG3 refugees that get into RT specifically to do some villainfucking
That's why he's valuable to GW, he fights the stagnation that has overcome their product and audience.
>That's why he's valuable to GW, he fights the stagnation that has overcome their product and audience.
You poor thing. You think GW actually cares about their elves. They don't give a shit whether Marazhai is popular or not.
they care about not being known as the nazi shithole fandom, they've made that clear
They really didn't. They are still known as the nazi shithole fandom. One deldar becoming popular on tumblr is not going to erase that.
They're making multi-sided efforts to fight that though, see the woke hammer controversy
I don't know what to tell you. GW is a greedy company that wants EVERYONE'S money by doing the minimal shallow effort of attracting new fans. They don't in fact go all woke with their lore, stories or sheets. They just added a woman into a faction made of men and dumbass fans lost their shit.
exactly, they want everyone's money, and a fandom made of almost exclusively of screeching far-right retards is toxic to profit. Expect more murdertwinks and strong women in the days to come
>Expect more murdertwinks and strong women in the days to come
I mean, I'm hoping you're right but being part of this fandom for so long I have no hope for it to change for the better. Keep on manifesting it, is my advice.

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