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>What is BDO
Black Desert Online is a Korean MMORPG developed by Pearl Abyss. It features non-tab targeted action combat, RNG, guaranteed upgrade mechanics after you spend 4 times the item's worth, more RNG, brand new fun pvp trust me, coomer outfits like slutkinis, shondoms, infinite grinding on a circle or a private circle, RNG and a pseudo sandbox experience that doesn't matter now that marni exists.

>Latest NA/EU Patch Notes

>Latest KR News


>NA/EU Coupon codes

>Interactive world map:

>General utility (Grind tracking, boss timers, imperials, calculators, pearl market info, node setup, etc.)

>Grindspots silver/hr

>/bdog/ Guilds
NA: Jealousy , Sardine

Previous dose of cum >>486178362
i like this one
thank you for choosing me!! >w<
Hey, other OP here. Just letting you know i don't mind which one people choose and that having my character's butt on the OP is embarassing... that said you just made an enemy for life. You have offended the third disciple of master Liu Bei of the mount Xianshua sect of the unorthodox faction, and i will hold this grudge for centuries. You are courting death!
>have castle buff
>no urge to grind
Same with 100% droprates
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Who won the butt battle?
>drop event ends
>suddenly feel like grinding again
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I did.
The ninja can vouch for it.
I'm overthinking my pride.
we did
cringing rn
soulless desu
i'm at 235 jewels right now, pretty nice injection of silver
stinky shai shex
nevermind. i hate it now
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0/2 tri debo and downgraded
kek fuck this already
>2 fails and calling it quits
ngmi. what did you pick up the game with the steam summer sale or something?
>%50 to downgrade/50% to not downgrade
sounds legit
60% to not downgrade 40% to downgrade.
i went 0/5 tri into 0/4 tet, it's so tiresome
>i eat shit and therefore i am tough
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we play bdo, the shit analogy doesnt work when everyone here is worse than a scat fetishist
>goes to a restaurant that serves shit
wait youre a ranger? ive always thought you were a dk
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I can class change. :^)
I've not played this for a long time, not since the Sage was added. What's this I hear about them redoing Serendia/Calpheon quests again? Isn't this like the fourth time they've revamped the first bit of story quests?
fuck off nigger
One sec cooking is super fun to look at lol, never done this before.
pleas post cute characters
gayboy say what?
don't have any, all my chars are uggos sorry....
Did they even change anything, from the looks of it they just added a more detailed backstory to try and make people care about Jordine. It's not like it's going to solve the later parts anyway, there's still a Jordine from a different universe standing around orc camp and the real one who turned himself into an edgelord and fucked off.
honestly after 1.5 afk horse training events I was sitting on like 5-7k Flowers
post uggos
Thread theme: https://soundcloud.com/tilatsoli/bimbo-doll-prod-by-bj-lips
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ferrid > puturum > mudster
blud really just posted soundcloud shovelware
I'm so sorry bludcuck, here's something more appropriate: https://youtu.be/ns-Zwh6L2IM
bimboblud really just posted pure kino
become shai
my doozer is still lvl 1
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anon delivers!
what the fuck
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I don’t remember asking you a goddamn thing.
any bimbo dolls in the chat?
>it didnt understand that krillion is a wordplay on krill
>it didnt understand that the joke references the 6 million jews died in holocaust figure
dumbass ai
bluds gots dem ztreet smartz dayum
hehe yeah it is.
830 pearls for these glasses seem like too much
toxic thread desu. for a general that constantly lingers on page 10 one would think you'd be more humble
Fuck you
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youre right, unfortunately this is an mmo general
90% of the people here are social outcasts / failures. leading to the abnormal amount of cliques and coomers
check any other mmo thread, be it popular or not, and you'll see the same thing
blud really just projected his whole life on the thread cuz he failed tri debo twice
wish we had a shemagh shai outfit desu
but that's 3 krillins and 3 piccolos
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it's out and it's true
it really doesn't work making a general grind tier list. as some classes do terrible at most spots but are top performers at some niche spots which makes up for it. this is just a mobility/dps chart.
Valksissies... It's over, we've been deemed redundant.
what part of it is inaccurate?
I'd say it over states the important of being good at all grind spots over being good at a few of them. I would say it is a good way to identify weaknesses in classes (fucking corsair needs so much helps). I'd say a lot of the few hours classes really belong in a much lower tier than they are in. Basically, all F tier because they are unbearable to grind with at most spots
Awakened Maehwa is S tier at Tungrad, but bad at other spots simply because she has a ton of good down smashes and cone AOEs. This is only good for Tungrad because it's the only relevant spot where you're 100% going to KD each pack.
church buff from tents Nicu!
>Garmoth Heart
Special attack evasion rate effect has been changed to maximum health +75 per 1%.

Example) fIERY secondary weapon improvement effect
Before change:
Max Vitality +150
Max Endurance +100
Special attack evasion rate 10%

After change:
Max Vitality +900
Max Endurance +100
The attack power of monsters appearing in hunting grounds with a recommended attack power of 300 or higher has been increased by 10%.
General Hunting Grounds: Tungrad Ruins, Followers of Darkness Hideout, Israhid Plateau, City of the Dead, Thoughtful Grave, Gyfin Rhasia Temple (Underground), Ashen Forest, Olun's Valley
Dehkia's Lantern: Thornwood Forest, Tunkuta, One-Eyed Land, Ashen Forest, Olun's Valley, Hystria Ruins, Aakman Temple, Roud Sulfur Mine, Pila Ku Jail
Elvia: Hexe Sanctuary, Quint Hill
※ This update cannot be checked in the Black Desert Lab and will be applied to the official servers.
Dosa getting rabam skills
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Custom Super-Elixirs?
Can't read the scribbles but
>make your own draught
Kinda awesome.
>this is just a mobility/dps chart.
that's basically what most spots need though
that's sick
nvm that's even better than consolidated elixirs
now if we had a slot on the tent to mount a furniture for that buff, we'd be fucking set
no more praying? the west has fallen
it's ok, the tent goblin is now an ordained priest
Praying is and always should've been a private & personal matter. The church's corruption is what cast us low. The Catholics pretending to be holy has always been a farce. Fuck the pope, fuck the king, down with the false divine, let a man roam free and pray where he pleases. damn gatekeepers to the kingdom of heaven aren't satisfied until someone is on their knees emptying their wallet for indulgences.
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this better not kneecap the traffic flow in town
now make the Heidel crit energy buff last 2h
>le data satan driven
garmoth is self reported..
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Me as massively underreporting my favorite zones so people don't compete with me for the grind spot.
I don't have the p2w tent...
Well, it's also anecdotal but I can confirm Succ Witch feels great to grind. Nice & tight, makes cute noises if you really pump the damage.
well how does she feel on one shot spots??
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>casually distorting the grind meta to the point thousands of players are blindly following misinformation, wasting time and experiencing misapplied opportunity cost calculations
*tips fedora*
Long neck and wrinkly arms, you look like a turtle.
The black spirit is always with you (possibly inside of you). Don't let the corrupt court at calpheon and its toy religion lead you astray.
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typical sexually charged witch player ready to be grabbed
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So close....
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does it make me turtley enough for the turtle club
the regular shop isn't tied to the p2w tent you can just buy 7 day shop contracts
cute, can you post with your slutty kuno friend?
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Any reproduction, accounts, or descriptions of this kuno without the expressed written consent of all parties involved is strictly prohibited.
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but sis im just repeating P’s description
ya and im saying id need her permission if i want to live
P… please…
you can't afford the kuno, trust me.
and if that's the case you def can't handle both ladies. know your limits my man.
im sad
sad nigga hours
convince me to spend my precious 1+1 pearls on the bikini outfit and sunglasses
Belt cup - AP or DR?
>suddenly all my elixirs sitting on the market got bought up
thanks for the money suckers
Sure. If post your character and they're hot enough I'll almost assuredly cum on her tummy.
DR for me. It's more stats overall, the 3 AP won't matter that much when you will reach AP caps while DR will always be welcome in endgame spots.
Is putting a cup on rings/earrings worthwhile before doing debo things?
blud cuppin deez nuts like a gay nigga
bluds about to go 2cups1blud on dis bitch
its ok just dont be sad forever :D
Rings especially so. AP is a threshold stat whereas special damage is additive bonus damage. The 3% crit damage on the rings does more heavy lifting at late game spots or more specifically in situations where you've met the AP cap and either don't benefit much from more of it or the monsters are vulnerable to a certain special damage type.

Either way, yes. As soon as you have a PEN Crescent it's worth throwing a cup on it. Extraction isn't too arduous aside from the forest furies.
In what order would you recommend adding the cups? Rings>Neck=Belt>Earrings?
Let's just say you cupped your jetina rings and black disto earrings, or even your PEN Capotia Belt. By the time you reached endgame and started replacing these either with TET Debos or PEN Tungrads, the 1 bil in item costs to safely extract will mean nothing to you, or even better, any leftover cup event item can be turned into the item to safely extract, and you will always have some leftovers anyways from that event.
So, do you prefer grinding suboptimally for 300+ hours to save a few billions in endgame? Or gonna use your cups and deal with the change way way later on?
Vahas and distos are identical stat-wise right?
The only debatable point is the belt, 3AP on a PEN Capotia belt isn't much of an increase, but even then I think I would still agree with you.
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do I get distos? ive been dabbling at giants and seem to be fine with my dp there, but if I go to rhutums I sometimes get spooked by the damage that shows up. not sure if should invest in distos because of the huge dp loss from capos (-16dp total) and not sure if the ap gained will get me somewhere more profitable without being way below the dp mark. most spots I go to im already ap capped, like 775ish
c10 your fucking gear you ape
rhutums fucking sucks, primal giants is way better in every way. Hell Rhutums is probably the worst of all those spots.
get yout slumbering origin armors and go straight to debos, distos are a waste of cash nowadays
nice gloves bruh
>The only debatable point is the belt, 3AP on a PEN Capotia belt
I'm a DR belt cup advocator. So even in the off chance anon wants to grind a TET Deboreka in Crypt, that defensive cup will be a good asset for his build, even if he slotted it on a PEN Capotia.
b-b-but I don't take damage outside of rhutums do i only need dp to make up for the loss from distos? why are we still here, just to suffer? where could i go with more dp?
rhutums is shit
you have way too much dp for primal giants to feel any loss in dp from distos
youre still a bit far from the next best spot
distos> c10 armor (while preordering embers)> sg armor to duo>change grinding spot > kill yourself
why does giants lie about requiring 380dp
severe gook skill issue on anything thats not starcraft
bosses that spawn 2-3 times per hour and hurt a little if youre below 80iq
shit classes
what is this attempting to convey
probably that you wasted your money on upgrading gloves first instead of the superior chest option
that your gear looks as retarded as you
why gloves before chest? why is it at base when you can one tap pri? have you never looked any gear guide in your life? why did you suddenly decide it was necessary now?
i like the gloves
that is all
more than one guide said to do gloves first, and it was 485m for the flame. chest is next, you grumpy gus you, and i havent tapped gloves because I was busy tapping your mom also you're gay
big if true
how do I find a hot guy to pose and take screenshots with me?
visit local gay bar
i wanna take you there
where do you think im posting from?
the end of my dick
me = based gigachad
you = cringe soiboy
me = enlightened centrist
me = fishin
you = catchin bugs
ngl famiglia kinda thinkin bout spongebobbing the whole operation underwater
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find hot guys and say 'dfs'?
getting tired of seeing this ugly whore bros
he tries too hard
at least he puts in some effort unlike the other attention whores desu
why do you think the others dont put in effort?
witches are NOT for grabbing
for a general that constantly lingers on page 10 one would think you'd be more humble
effort doesn't have any correlation to outcomes
>nigger ninja disappears
>dbz spic gone too
knew it was him
Get distos, get cups, get caphras for your armour in whatever order you prefer. And for the love of god, get at least the Ator's stone till Vell preorder comes through
wow gee, why do i think others dont put in effort? i wonder why
>whore 1
takes (bad) pictures of his ass in the worst angle possible after paypigging for the latest ugly slop
>whore 2
mods the game every week after patch, supposedly makes his own custom whore outfits, always a different pose or a gimmick, doesnt have a the fent stare™
I said it too, it was quite obvious
wheres whore 3?
that's why i simp fpr shiptamer
t. whore2
your ugly ass bitch looks like a 50 year old cougar tranny or something
need whore 1's input on this
>doesn't like 50 year old cougar trannies
Maybe the AI did but they tried to downplay it
so p was getting blacked this whole time...
and getting pooped
I actually liked getting (You)s from dbz poster
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i like the fent stare™
You have a female brain and like attention from dudes? why not hop on hrt already
>barely any whores in this thread
>just the same used up ones
just let it die already
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this brothel sucks
im going to /xivg
OKAY EVERYONE by popular demand I present to you... BUTT BATTLE ROUND 2!!!!!



wait don't leave
The whores are on the way.
They're logging in now. See >>487198778
butts again
What's a shondom?
oh nonononono
oh YES
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Is this still true?
The entirety of that tangent can be summed up as an incredibly critical take on when the game was in a far worse QoL state of being. Quite a lot has changed and whittled away at all the hysterics anon goes into. That was 2018. People blow through orders of magnitude more resources nowadays and have plenty of options to obtain them. If anon doesn't like RNG and wants little to no grind in his game there are other options out there. It's hardly uncommon or even rare to run into people at the hardcap tier nowadays. So, in summary, it's an old post that attacks design elements which are still there but heavily lessened in their severity after years of updates and a move to self-publishing. The game is still shit though if that's what you're asking. Always has been, always will be. Still here tho.
nope. that post is 6 years old, getting PEN is the norm now, cash is only required for coomer outfits if you don't want to wait in line for a whale to buy you one for silver
it's irrelelevant because uncapped pvp is dead and for pve who the fuck cares as long as you have fun grinding
bdo is the most friendly f2p mmo out there and i mean it
it's been 10 days and my premium box po is dodging every new supply
i got 3 characters to lvl 50 before DK came out and have never played node wars
bdo is comfy, like heroine
didn't read
You put it on zerktake
blud really just double cupped that lean lean lean
Corsair new Uncapped meta
aight if the game is so good now explain to me why its dying
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1. everything is always dying
2. its not really dying, random ass channel 4 has enough people in the same spot to crash my fps to single digits
3. who cares as long as you have fun
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no new sluts
daddies all left.
>posts pic of everyone afk
Afk is peak BDO
its a condom but made out of shai
>random ass channel 4 has enough people in the same spot to crash my fps to single digits
>posts event afk fishing spot
what did he mean by this?
lots of people still playing is what i mean by that
>lots of people playing
>not a single person playing in the picture
what did he mean by this?
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All that means is their hands might not be on the keyboard.
>bluds is playin
>but they ain't really playin
niggas be on first descendant on god that game sucks
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ya boy's just out there stackin bands from fishin event u feel me
flexin on dem bluds
thigh-high sock underwear when
nigga dripped out ong u gotta put all these other mfs on game
Zerker isn't even game braking you absolute wet wipe but I don't expect a pve player to know anything about class balance.
How about nerf lahns bs damage ?
So it's ok for lahn to have stamina on skills but zerk? Just stop talking
>warrior awake c tier

nigger I can outgrind a freaking woosaa with mine
Zerkers about to get even better when the next big patch gets here if they have a 2nd garmoth heart
+750 health is fucking insane for them since they regen % hp

I swear they just keep on changing the game to make him better without even realizing it because koreans refuse to play an ugly bastard(even though his costume armors are sick)
in 6 months zerker will easily get to 15k hp
mark my words
succession was a mistake because all it did was buff zerk and allow for him to become op in the class reboot
no they removed the % regen, it's now a flat amount and less than the original
Zerker was already OP, but awake took skill to move
>sov weps release
>post-debo AP & damage upgrades release
>we return to the one-shot state of affairs
and it's glorious
one-slop was shit
What a bunch of newfags, you think zerk's stamina and heal nerfs will prevent him from mouse move desyncing on your ass and grabbing you in V? massive cope from seething gearlets to be desu honest
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nope, zerkers still regen 2x the speed(or faster) of a Miraculous Cheer 5 Fairy feeding inf pot
If you main zerker, you genuinely don't need health pot for PVE at all
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retard newfag tranny
The nerfs only hurt shitters and the buffs make him stronger than ever on people who understand the class. Fotm rerollers will be in the dumps and mousemoving HIV positive bulls will be unstoppable. Welcome to the blacked desert.
post gear, now
nice squigle runes nigger
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You got me, I'm a gearlet.
now do Valk
No it didn't take any skill at all wow spam shakeoff cancel and lava pierce mouse move so skilled. Atleast now with global labs patch they gutted his stamina so he's gonna be slow as fuck. Most awk zerk players have already switched cores from titan blow to ground lift cause his stamina usage is shit and he doesn't have enough SAs to linger to justify being slow. Thank god I was getting tired of seeing them do dumb shit and get away with it
daaaaamn all this time and my big long rant is still being remembered. that hits me in the feels.

yeah i wrote that original response about why its pay to win

the good news is that the game of 2024 isnt the game of 2018 and a lot of the stuff in there has been eased or simplified or fixed. the bad news is that bdo is still pay 2 win in different ways, and enhancement is STILL cancer even with stuff like agris enhance making it easier. but its not quite as cancer as it once was
yeah but let's be real here, if you need an HP pot in pve, then you're not pveing in a spot appropriate for your gear level
meant for >>487233178
That's the goal. Do you have any idea how hard it is to find a valk gf (male) to spar with?
>Shai is the best grinder in the game at the most profitable spots
>D rank
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i maded this in 5 tries. what now?
>Shai is the best grinder in the game at the most profitable spots
lmao, you are a buff bot. you don't make shit at solo spots like tungrad, dehkia ash, cyclops, trolls, yzrahid, etc. your class is only good for buffs. you are a slave
the only things shai grind are my gears!!
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Shai ginding her butt on your crotch over your clothes giving you an embarassing boyner
Make it mythical
sell it or level it up to 30 for mythical tries
up to u
where do i grind at 700gs, ~950ap with full buffs
orcs, underrated spot
Dehkia Turos
pretty much anywhere aside from maybe Tungrad
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Damn, everything with Special Attack Evasion is either being changed to Max Health or deleted with compensation, and health pots will heal 2x more
looks good
perfume of charm is about to absolutely crash from people dumping it
wonder if they'll apply that 1% special evasion to 75HP rule there to it, and make it give +950 health
yzrahid is pretty chill if you've got agris and want the flame or artifact, PA were nice enough to add water drinking phases and leg stretching phases so you don't tire yourself out from grinding too much.
I goon during downtime, it's not quite edging but enough to maintain a half-chub
cage status?
>not reaching the edge
shameful display, you should work on being more of a quickshot.
certified witch player
post panties
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my mail order bride....
still no free weight swap coupon?
>whore 3 looks like shit
But its a witch!!!11
nothing's free in this world buddy
I can let you suck my zerksack for free, best I can do
>tfw I have use untouchable and have a special evasion crystal preset
Have they given any reason for the changes? It would be a fuckload of HP if they all go through, which I guess is the reason for the pot changes
It's a fundamental systems issue. The problem with evasion was continued via special evasion. The takeaway appears to be like other systems they're going the way of simplification and consolidation, which presents its own issues. Essentially now everyone is being pushed into DR or pseudo-DR (Evasion). It makes sense that they'd remove the stat.

What I can't figure out is how assassins are ever going to get back into the meta without being overtuned. Tanks are thriving and hybrids are somewhat varied. Armin straight up abandoned Ninja over the changes and that's just an example of how significant the impact is. Metaslaves cannot lean on evasion at all anymore.
They run into the same troubles as SW Galaxies back in the days. Their system is cool and everything but it doesn't accounts for the players will to go beyond limitations in min/maxing to a point where some combos are simply broken and go way beyond what they thought would be possible. They tried to cap it, didn't work so they cut it.
No free outfit? :(
>looks at your kutum heart earthshaker offhand making your hp bar bulge out of your UI
I do feel this is another step along the path of complete simplification. If evasion is just a poor version of DR, then there's no need for evasion gear. If there's no need for evasion gear, then there's no need for accuracy offhands/accessories, meaning that what little build variety there is will be disappearing completely.
In a way a solved gear situation means things become more skill reliant, which I do like, but that defeats a lot of the purpose of playing the game vs playing an actual fighting game. Customisation of my build, and being able to tweak it to counter someone else's build should be a more important part of the game. Admittedly that is very challenging to do when you might need to spend an extra 100 billion silver or more for the relevant gear to do so.
What's the absolute minimum GS would someone need to make ~1.8 to ~2 billion? I'm including agris, ~150% drop rate, BiS crystals and BiS Food/Elixir rotation (not including their price).
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idk but I'd rather know why the fuqq this is a thing
>muh heckin build vary-e-tea
that shit was a valid argument in liverto times, theres like only two viable alternative items now and they only begin to matter once youre literally hardcap, you missed the chance to cry over that shit a long time ago
clueless clown posting without ever doing uncapped pv
listen, no one cares about pve cuck opinions
Base is agris spot, Dehkia is not.
what thing?
>uncapped pvp
aka you getting railed by the same 10 hardcapped people who swiped more than you every week with no counterplay?
>gear variety
Class variety is vastly superior. You've got two specs so demand PA make them more interesting. Your stat minmaxing to find the anomalous winners and gimmicky cheese is not an interesting addition to the game. Oh wow, hehe evasion memes. We've done this before and we don't need to rehash the obvious. Outside the gear has active, on-use, game changing effects this is an asinine and especially tired point we keep hitting upon.
it doesn't carry over in dehkia?
also I have agris active in both settings
if agris is both off then its still pretty much the same numbers

dehkia oluns is not even worth doing over regular oluns
No, it doesn't. You can use the Monster Zone Info interface and search via the Agris Fever tag. Garmoth also has an icon next to the spots in the global grind list.
noooo i need to justify the trillions ive burned trying to copy a cheese build i found on reddit just to have pa destroy it in a month nooooo youre a pve cuck nigger tranny nooo
just makes it even more shit thats crazy how bad Doluns is
all party spots are shiiiiiiiit in endgame
Not sure what point you're trying to make. Yeah, build variety has been diminishing for a long time and I would like much more of it. Do you just not like people having opinions that differ from what PA is doing with the game?
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I need an expert!

What's the best bikini? Are there weird differences and dyeability concerns? Usually, with Pearl Abyss outfits it's best to choose the white option because the black ones dye horribly.
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shucked is the best bikini
bro those are hot pants
whore 2 my beloved
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Here, let me change real quick.
Scholar is a cutie.
keep mogging the other whores my queen
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zamn sisters i really be playn dat
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nice (nice)
The one with the most tasteful shirt because you certainly wouldn't whore around a grind spot in nothing but a bikini
>I don't need a shirt to kick your ass lol
They say huh in what?
Nice job bwo, I'm 9 embers away myself.
Don't forget to DUO it ASAP.
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>Don't forget to DUO it ASAP.
already on it bwo, don't worry
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got it done quicker than expected (second tap), back to debo grind i guess
what if he doesn't do it? what will happen?!
Nice job bwo, we win those.
It would be very painful.
Armin is a fucking piece of shit immoral motherfucker. Of course he's on zerk now, he has no shame whatsoever.
Just watch this 20 minute video!
its okay dude we get it, armin fucked your gf
dont you think its time to move on?
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Show me how stupid you are.
>Show me how stupid you are.
I go to the NPC farms and pick potatoes and corn and pumpkins
im afraid you might be black
>tells instead of showing
did you misread the instructions?
but potatoes and pumpkins are fine if you're doing Balenos meals
blud actually thinks ppl in this thread ain't gay lmao faggot vaginalover
no way a homochad would bitch about armin every day of the week
>lifeskilling in the year of 2024
lol, lmao even
lifecucks really cant catch a break amirite?
It's because every time I asked him to throw it back on a nigga he just looked confused... I hate straightfags, they have no right to be as thick as armin is.
are we really at like a whole year without weight + inventory exchange?
unnecessary outside of extremely niche things now that there's been so much consolidation
get more maids and every character you own effectively has more weight
the only good applications weight has right now over just more maids is high mastery cooking, afking longer on alchemy and processing, and less horse-stacking breaks while grinding
Whats a good witch costume to bait and punish zerker grabs?
badakka + bikini (palm tree)
Uncapped Shai, autism, or you already completed splendid destruction? After all the time and money I put in just to get the resplendent destruction I use I'm not looking forward to being stuck between splendid taps and pen debo ring taps.
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It's better to go full debo acc and just get DR from crystals and stones
Was the 1 day VP always 2800 loyalty?
>baiting anything
>succession Nova not at the bottom
I guess some things do change.
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Got her this years' swimsuit, so good.
brown nipples brown bikini
Good luck on your autism quest friend.
im sad
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don't be sad here have a gf
finally someone i can commit double suicide with...
Can I have one too? Preferably one that plays valk or that I can abuse until she plays valk.
Okay I think I need to sell my account and pay a hooker to blow my brains out now.
Can't grind whole day because my gf makes me play games with her :<
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gm friends
It's too god damn hot to play. China did this, yellow gook bastards made our planet too hot for video games
No one's participating in the butt battle.....
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I was looking for classes to tag to my main and grind at endgame spots with different playstyles, and Archer caught my attention because the longbow looks cool. Now, apart from the twink/femboy jokes, does he have any specific niche, any specific type of spots that he excels at? I don't mind trying different spots, but I'd really like them to be around 300-310 AP since I'm going for some expensive gear taps.
why hurt da crab?? :(
i heard he does well at dehkia ash
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Because I asked the crab first, and he didn't answer my question.

A glass cannon doing well in Dehkia Ash? Well... I still have 1 crystal restore left, time to break a girin...
please no hurt crab :(
ok pa, the fortnite dances were a good joke where are the lewd dances
I've never won an AOS match with an archer on my team. I just can't peel good enough
why r we so fucking DEAD
been playing other games lately and not posting much
waiting for 3 weeks on my forest fury preorder already
Forest fury is a pain to get.
most archer players are shit at their class and don't know how to kite
do you even need more than 1 set of kabua? i luckshitted 2 drops in 2 hours
bludposting killed the thread
dbzspic killed the thread by being mia
we need a cool event. BDOVision 2024 & Make Your Own Dosa Video are not cool events
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2 weeks of occasional grinding combined with the event that's ending right now
just gotta wait for the prices to recover
>Make Your Own Dosa Video are not cool events.

I thinking modding bdo, show us your creations, would be a cool event.
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>this monstrosity shows up on the events page
god no
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it's fishing time ingame and in the teibo
At least its a cool event..
maybe it's better that way
even a shooting star would lose its magic if it happened everyday, now wouldn't it?
tranny poster is gone
gone where?
gone to hell
never to return
Is she hot?
blud ackin like >>487484269 this nasty nigga aint kill the thread just like he did a year ago before bludposting was a thing
The game is stagnant. Hype from the gay ball already wore off and dosa was underwhelming as fuck. All the other shit that was announced at the ball is nowhere in sight. Literally what's taking them so long
can i have the sex please
I Don’t see xivg dying if that’s the case lol
they're way more autistic than us. they're running 2 generals on /v/ and 1 on /vg/
woman game with essentially no barrier to entry. what do you expect? the only content is a romp through hundreds of hours of half baked japanese fantasy storytelling & player modded smut.
but enough about bdo
So let me get this straight, they just buffed succ zerk to let him heal 600 to 900 hp every 5 seconds just by being in beast form, even though he's already basically unkillable now? Do they have brain damage?
it's about time zerk got another buff
the 600/900 every 5 seconds replaced the 2/2.5% max health he used to heal every second in Beast Form
You'd better be glad they did this with the incoming change to special attack evasion. All sources of special attack evasion are about to be converted to 1% to 75 HP
yea and now hell have 12k+ hp too
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busy fishing and killing.
gotta have good health for all them witches
I see, seems like a bunch of retarded changes and they don't really know what they're doing
chu gonna do about it timmy?
Oh no my heals and stamina are nerfed!!
*desync grabs you and hold you in V*
*rapes you*
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>mfw my horses breed but i don't
Depends on your playstyle. Do you grind a single spot with the occasional Oluns party with the friends? Then 2 set of Kabuas will be enough for you. You can do with 1, but you will have to deal with the extra chore of setting up your lightstones once in a while every time you wanna swap a spot.
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Shai bump
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no offense but you look like the angry basedjak with the mouth closed
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Yeah she kinda look like him when angry. It's been a while since I posted here anyway, I thought I was going to be called a tranny first.
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Americans are asleep now. Tranny poster is clearly a yank (or worse a Brazilian)
I'm the tranny poster, or at least one of many. I decided to call tranny just a few select recurring individuals while leaving the new posters alone. I believe this strategy will bring the maximum amount of butthurt and also increase our pph.
Sadly those i call tranny haven't posted their characters in a while so it might seem like i'm gone but don't you worry, i'm here ready to fiercly pounce like a rat out of a sewer grate.
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So is it true? Are you a yank? (Or Brazilian)
There really isn't a fucking game where I enjoy playing with a Latinx.
Last game of the night and some dude speaking Spanish didn't even break 5-digit damage
Based participation reward enjoyer.
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>I'm the tranny poster
LOL I just imagined this sole sentence without reading the rest
I'm also a tranny poster. I just think it's funny and I don't mean any harm. It is simply obligatory, I don't dig deep. It's like slapping your buddy on the ass.
also just saying but when I call someone a tranny, it probably means I wanna fuck their character. like that brown skinned ginger guardian? that was around a few threads ago
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When i call someone a tranny i want the tranny to kill himself.
>get less than 5 digit damage
please say they were a shai because in any other class this is truly horrific.
I want to have sex with trannies, but I also don't wait AIDS or any STD so I leave it to porn.
fucking b*tch
how are you still mad that your guardian got called a tranny. it's really easy to accidentally make a tranny guardian be happy you got called out on it and make the face more feminine.
nigga i'm the bludposter you are completely lost lmao
It's so over.
It's only the beginning.
Archer of course
blud omen: defiance
bludine vs bludousy
Shai extinction
They won't go extinct as long as i'm around (i creampie them)
with whomst's c*ck
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hurry the fuck up i want to play
>new events
>still no outfits or crons at sight
fuck this dog game
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here's a challenge for you: recreate the Monica Bellucci corridor anal rape scene
the dbz nigga needs to come back desu
Challenge accepted for artistic values. When I have some time this weekend.
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I call people I want to fuck trannies because I'm a faggot and I want to fuck trannies.
Not interested in 40 year old ogres sorry.
why does eu have so much stock of forest fury while its awful on na?
NA have lots of p2w whales that doesn't play the game.
EU has lots of people actually playing the game
Same reason their caphras are cheaper. They've got some crazy neets in them there gyfins slamming it day and night
>muh build variety
>in a game where a single upgrade can take months of grind
you all motherfuckers are delusional
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Kill yourself, freak. I barely interact with the other retards in this thread other than asking questions and posting shitty music.
That's my guardian btw, still not changing her. Keep posting your generic plastic gook shit though, nobody's going to call that a tranny for sure, barely even looks human after all.
based chaser
Good, evasion never made sense in the context of the action-combat
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post guardians they are great, just wish they'd make more outfits for her. Also don't forget to do your boss rushes.
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Guardians are the cutest!
>scholar can now Shift+W

thanks PA
I am also stoked at this change, can't wait to try it
>Also don't forget to do your boss rushes.
I always forget.
What do we think about the Harmony Draught?
*cums in your 30 mil 15 minutes sunny D*
*gulps it down even faster*
human damage one is kinda nice for pvp
about half of the stats on it are unnecessary for pve though, so it's kind of a waste in that regard.
Opportunity cost on human damage draught is basically mandatory for Dehkia Pila Ku. That's absurd.
does anyone even pay attention to this boring ass main story?
i'm so fucking tired of orcs but there are no better alternatives...
>t. anon stuck in 2021
they've done way too many reworks or revamps for me to give a shit.
wonder if you can still trigger the npc intro cutscenes in Olvia if you go there at a low lvl.
warrior fucking sucks on end game spots, i'm gonna make there the same amount of cash as on orcs
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Fucking 1000 hours of books of training, what a waste of space.
sir warrior is good please redeem
>no feet in the pic
Why are you replying to me? I literally complemented your character, you need to cease this meltdown.
i kinda care. When I did the everfrost story and LOML i still R spammed but the general gist of the story was cool. The main one I always just do the simplified and can't actually remember what it was about.
are you going to do some afk training?
No, I've never even afk trained before and don't plan to. Those were all given out for free.
I have like 200 530% exp scrolls and never use them
There is no reason to even care about exp in this game
Teremain is too far away
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actually it's pretty cool here.
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Oh man I should have come here earlier and to get the weekly draughts
damn I forgot I made that, I don't even have the file anymore kek thanks
Man why'd zerk have to be ugly
i hate events so fucking much
i hate rewards tied behind bullshit
im not going to do it regardless but still
You should go to the beach event and enjoy the dancing and music and visit the shops for your draughts.
Shop 'till you draught lol
nigga im only killing orcs some fancy drafts dont mean shit to me
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to make rape more satisfying?
blud fr be murkin' orcs with no peng purple drank
blud be missin sum lean fr tho dem hoes all runnin away from dat broke ass nigga lmfao drinkin str8 sprite
nah i got dat sizzurp wit da jolly rancher we good
nah fr blud rly god dem vodka gummies? ong? we bussin now
>Shop 'till you draught
I don't get it
ite bluds now we finna chop and screw dis shit all up in the function that sizzurp gon have all yall movin slow motion
he was mispronouncing draught as "drought" instead of "draft" creating a pun with the common phrase "shop till you drop"
>shop till you drop
I don't get it
Shai reproduction
I don't know anyone who pronounces drought the same as they would "ought" as in "ought to"
huh weird, that's why i said "drought" and not "ought" isn't it? fucking moron
Retarded ESL.
hey you're the one saying it wrong
There's no pun, dumbass. Shop and drought sound nothing alike. Dumb ESL monkey zerker.
>A Brazilian typed this
im just trying to figure out what that anon was going for i dont really give afuck
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Best Otter is back
Shawpin & Draughtin
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Finally, upgraded to my Sunset Sol
Way to go
gz baby daddy so proud of u *graps ur throught and pushs u aup against wall* u look so fricken sxc with that sol *kisses u pashionately on the lips (witch pair ;))* ur the best bb girl dont ever change u hear me
aliexpress dbzspic
*adds you to the rape list*
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say that to me and my crew
Thug Life
*adds them to the rape list*
squad squad squad
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So, what's the verdict on the harmony elixir? If I read this right, I will have to pay 3 times the usual of what my elixir rotation costed, to still use 15 slots in fairy's auto care, get almost the same stats, all that just to clear the buff clutter? I don't get it...
>15 slots
>13 effects
brazilians love trannies though
Shaibro your Fiery Sunset Artina Sol?
the special attack part is 3+ elixirs worth in one
it's still garbage value though
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i maked another one, 11 tries
great job anon, t10 when?
I have 2 males now, maybe one of them has a boywomb to get boypreg and give me a T10 boygasus
i take back my grats
A T10 trannygasus
I just noticed it's lacking back attack as well. What where they thinking? Paying triple the price for less stats? Fuck this shit.
it has back attack, crit, down, air, counter and so on through the Extra All Special Attack Damage 18%
Guess I'm retarded then, still too expensive tho.
Agreed. My PVE elixir set is costing about 6m/15mins, which is like 1/6th the cost of a harmony
We'll see how the prices stabilize later but right now it's just a fairy-let and/or retard tax.
Perhaps the human damage one is not so bad to hotbar it for one-click swapping from cheap pve consumables to instant full pvp consumable boosts when you get jumped in Arsha?
why do you equate your horse to a human male child
ALL tamers owe me sex
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>He thinks he can compete with the Big Heilang Dog Dick
>but right now it's just a fairy-let and/or retard tax
The only practical use to justify that pricetag, is if you are going to grind Dehkia Ash forest and that negated -DP the old elixir rota gave you is enough for you to safely grind the spot, without sacrificing perfumes for extra defensiveness.
shes got three holes now doesnt she motherfucker
She finds human dick disgusting and too small, she's totally loyal to Heilang
Tamer wont give you the time of the day
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27 year old Tamer who doesn't want to let go of her youth
I want to see her gaping holes after all these years with her giant dog
blud think he heuklong
i just use simple cron meals and beast draught.
I’m a 721 gs, perma red tamer. I feed my trusty heilang all my defeated adventurers and tuvala timmes. Heilang’s favorites are dks, sorcs, rangers, witches and kunos. They get tied to heilangs belly to be abused until they rage quit logout.
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cool Dosa armor
>perma red tamer
holy based. Are there any towns red's can go into?
lion dog is a BRO not a sex toy
dog bros get pent up too
its a spirit it cant get pent up you dumb
how tf do u know that
i just know
nah nigga you know i like my ramen noodles al dente
king shit fr
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Where do I go from here? I'm thinking first go to c14 kutum (i'm at 12 now), then replace Kutum's heart with Garmoth (is it even worth it it's just 375 HP more), then just grind for the tet debos?

I'm also missing one DP from Loml eyes of adventure, but screw that.
>perma red tamer
i actually believe you because tamer seems like just about the best class to go red on
who cares, you can grind anything in this game already so just do whatever
TET debo belt/earring for the 12 ap set bonus, PEN debo neck then either PEN the rest or get rings
Armors, Belt & might as well grind out some necklaces for future taps. Still plenty of ground to gain on the DP end of things. Also, didn't get the Dosa event book?
I have nearly identical gear, but my kutum is at c19. Went about 14-19 from sheer amount of self-farmed caphras. 2nd garmoth heart from the "guaranteed" quest one that's mostly just a bulk nouver-killing timegate + about 6b or so of items.
Currently working on outright buying a tet deboreka belt, then using a bunch of accumulated crons on my pile of farmed deb earrings from dehkia treasure piece grind zones to round out the 3-piece bonus.
Any alchemists here rate the BDfoundry guide to power levelling alchemy? I.e. get minimal alchemy time, pop buffs then make a load of bloods, and then elixirs? I want to get to Guru to make loads of lightstones, but also want to make my own elixirs for grinding along the way.
its pretty straightforward anon...
What should i buy with these 600/500 pearls discount coupons?
Yeah I know, I was just wondering if people had opinions on other options for leveling, not that I'm confused about how to make bloods and elixirs
P2W Tent, weight and maids if you got that covered outfits, can't never have enough outfits to dress your asian discounter whores in.
i bought the 2+1 maid
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Big mood today.
>no drop rate boost
>no exp event
>no life skill event
>no special loot drops
>no new content(useless combined elixirs aren't anything new)
>last two "events" are re-runs of old events
prob gonna set up to afk horses or fish until something interesting actually happens
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I failed 2 hammer taps today. 57b down the drain. I'm so broken that I'm not even mad desu. All I want is to get it on average taps, and won't end up filling the fucking agris anvil with 20 fucking hammer taps...
not bad
just go 1 bil/hr grind spots.
>60 hours down the drain in 10 seconds
>not bad
welcome to bdo
>down the drain
you didnt have fun grinding?
maybe dont play this game
>break a bone while skating
>talk about how breaking a bone sucks
>heh, maybe skating isnt for you *tips fedora*
worth it!
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I do better than that, I grind trolls and pull decent numbers, 1,2b on a dry hour without agris. I limit myself to 3 hours per day, or 2 hours of grind and 1 hour mercing, for now. That puts me close to 3,6b per day of active playstyle, plus passive/semi-afk lifeskills, that rounds up to 4b per day. That's 1 tap per week.

Pretty much what >>487767913 and >>487768027 said. I grind in this game because I enjoy the combat and the gameplay loop. I never chased gear, I just played the game casually, albeit for a long period of time, and gear just came as a side effect. I'm at a point in the game where there isn't anything much left to buy, it's either silver thrown on hammers for PEN Debo necklace, or silver on crons for TRI and TET SO taps. Either way, I don't see these hours as wasted. I don't grind to fund my gambling addiction, I grind because I like the game, and silver is just another meaningless resource with nothing to do with it.
You didn't break your bone, you just lost silver
Its more like
>get imaginary currency while skating
>talk about how losing imaginary currency sucks
>what do you mean didn't you have fun skating?
>heh, maybe skating isn't for you *tips fedora* also god is not real and we will all get swallowed by the eternal void
What stack on what item resulting in what % chance? Assuming it's a high stack debo that's just how the cookie crumbles my dude.
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Post fish
Is anyone fishing overnight? I've just been doing evenings, but might see how it goes tonight.
The timezone difference on the coupons is confusing my small brain, are they gonna last a bit after whenever the shop resets on Monday or will we lose them before then?
Mine expire 59 minutes into Tuesday the 30th
i don't really feel like playing desu
I don't remember asking you a goddamn thing.
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I did.
sir do not
Valkyrie players are something so sick and disgusting.
Tamers are into bestialitiy
Rangers are into infedility
Kunos are into brutal masochism
Zerkers are into Shai sadism
Dark Knights are into rape and anal vore
Ninjas are into abuse and gore
But Valks, Valks are into this sick shit:
aint clikin no virus blud make webm or sumtin
ip grabber
reported to the FBI for grabbing my witch's IP. that is NOT allowed
i beat a niggas ass over a dk just now.... ion kno how to feel....
value pack ran out. brb 30 days
hello bdog last time i played the game was around the time they added the tagging system. any decent resources to get caught back up?
just spend 2800 loyalties a day
>muh value pack
Oh no, my.... dyes? Literally unplayable.
I want to lay my ear on her chest and listen to her heartbeat.
Is that a sexual/fetish thing?
260 FS, TET Debo neck going for PEN, chance is around 13%.
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they're not asian
man they really need to come up with something soon. i haven't grinded in weeks
Oh well, I also accept cosmetic surgery disasters. Shouldn't have hired Dr. Med Ranjeed Gubda of the MID (Mumbai insdidude of Diplomamill)
aggressivly asian woosa bimbo

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