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>Build Challenge
Build something out of this book https://archive.org/details/SBReedModernhomesforeverybody0001/page/n11/mode/2up
Build something from a shell https://www.sims-shellcaster.com/

>Current TS4 Update and Version Number

>The Repository (/tsg/-made Sims, Lots, and Custom Content)
>TS4DB (An anon curated alternative to The Gallery)

>Guides, FAQs and Game Downloads
https://rentry.org/tsg - [FAQ and Game Downloads]
https://sims.tarac.nl/the-sims-4/the-sims-4-all-in-one/ - [TS4 Download]
https://www.carls-sims-4-guide.com/ - [Gameplay Guides]

>Mods and Custom Content
https://f95zone.to/threads/the-sims-4-tutorial-optimizing-your-mods-and-finding-cc.56569/ - [Guide to finding CC]
https://rentry.org/tsg-guideforsimscc - [CC Essentials/Guide for Sims 3 and 4]
https://rentry.org/ts2cc - [CC Guide for The Sims 2]
https://rentry.org/ts4cc - [Sims 4 CC Creators]
>Patreon and Paid CC Downloads

>Previous Thread
>Lewd Thread
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Alternate challenge for non-builders, create something from: https://www.character-generator.org.uk/quick/
ngl im just gonna refresh until i get something i like
Where is Jenny?
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In the /aco/ thread
trays when
I hope your weekend is good, sisters
thanks you too sis
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Reposting because my embarassment over putting too much effort into a sim comic doesn't match my all-consuming need for (you)s
Where is the clone? How do we get in contact with the cloning agency to get our own copies?
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ok thats it, please proceed with the usual shitposting
Composition is good but needed more build up instead of the 3 image montage to make me feel invested. I understand that's a lot of work though. Thank you for reading my blog.
No no, I completely get that, but most of the 'early' screenshots are her being a derp, her parents fucking, or Wolfgang before I changed his face. maybe I should make a tanya0 page...
What happens when kids don't get enough sugar?
I'll tell you what I honestly think. Your composition, that is the way you put the images and text boxes, is pretty cool but the content isn't interesting enough. Like what we get before they get together is basically nothing. Where is the banter? Where is the drama. Why should we care.
That said, I know editing takes time and its obvious you put some effort in this so here's my you.
>Ts4 decor has been baffling before, but this is the chairy on top

>He seems to be drumming up some potential gigs
>Hope he's not met with a chilly reception

Hilarious quips mimi thank you
i agree with this anon but also acknowledge that you need time to set up characters before moving to drama. would like to see more of your stuff but without the timecut jumps and more of the characters and what bad or interesting stuff happens to them
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made my veronaville mobster and he is already harrassing his wife
Does anyone share kits as cc?
I could work on updating my game with anadius but I don't want to for a while now. I'm glad I don't have the shopping bag in my UI yet.
I'm interested in the newer kits tho.
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Great book!
rather spent on Victorians atm, but may try it out later

Same to you anon

Use the anadius sims 4 updater, nobody is making ccs with all the kits
Dag dag
>page 10
Sad to see..
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Wonderchild household is expecting a spare soon.

The micromanagement of an infant is annoying, and somehow I think the toddler stage will be worse. It'll be worth it for my eugenics project though.
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post lewds of human versions
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I just realized I sent these assholes to spend Christmas over the beach to make it more appropriate for summertime, but then basically didn't have them do any beach or ocean related activities at all. Therefore here's Hannah pouring sand out of a bucket onto some more sand
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>those kill animations
I forgot how janky sims 3 was when it came to animation modding
Why would you assume it's a technical limitation and not a lack of talent?
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Impossible... she has discovered some sort of gravitation-defeating device.
I already forgot about the state of affairs back in Brindleton Bay. Christ this just looks so miserable.
i can no longer open the game because the origin app keeps uninstalling itself on my new computer, but i randomly felt like dropping by and saying that i hope you all are well. i've been kind of feeling like playing ts2 some more
cute swimsuit, where is the tail?
how come shes the only one whos a vampire in her family?

anon its time to just pirate the game
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We all know what you're looking at, anon
I wasn't assuming anything, It's just we've come a long way from this to what we see now in Extreme Violence on TS4
it's just interesting
>anon its time to just pirate the game
yeah probably. but i'm not really motivated to do so at this point
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I just realized the noticeble gap in qualty between the older and newer maps. like most of the bottom two rows are absolute garbage and offer nothing gameplay wise beyond one or two community lots, compare that to the original base game worlds which were basically smaller Open-worldless sims 3 neighborhoods
>cute swimsuit, where is the tail?
Thanks, it's my favorite one actually. I never gave Hannah the tail, just temporarily had it on for the CAS screenshot. Jury's still out on that. I kinda don't see the point since I'd only use it for select outfits anyway. It looks strange when it clips through her skirt in normal clothes.

>how come shes the only one whos a vampire in her family?
She's a vampire because idk, came out wrong at birth or something. At one point I wanted her to be like some sort of terrible secret shame of the Drake family who lives in some shack in the backyard and is barely ever seen, but I got lazy and never went through with it.
She was a normal sim for a while after that but earlier this year I decided I like the vampire version better, even if it doesn't make much sense in this save.
I spy a hairy pitty
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what the shit? when did jenny get cute?
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unfortunately the demon eyes, and a terrible sense of fashion, accompanied the wunderkind into toddlerhood.
I'm quite happy with the fake band basement.

>It looks strange when it clips through her skirt in normal clothes.
Tail looks kinda strange for a modern vampire anyway.

>At one point I wanted her to be like some sort of terrible secret shame of the Drake family who lives in some shack in the backyard and is barely ever seen, but I got lazy and never went through with it.
Poor Hannah would've been so lonely. I'm glad you changed the canon.
I wish ceilings were a thing from the start. I keep forgetting to paint ceilings for every room I edit or build I make.
an attempt was made
Any men here?
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They come from the moon

Come to 2! We have penguins
Are you actually a man? Like penis and everything?
ur mum lol
wanna test it in your ass and find out?
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Too bad anon.
Uck. Yeah, you're a man.
heh gottem
What happened to her
Jenny after she gets made-over by an irl female
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That doesn't even make sense.
She's paler than normal here.
It looks like Jenny's tray was downloaded by a player who is genetically female and that player gave her a make-over
Which is a compliment
What's a sim made by a genetically male player then?
everything in these threads excluding >>487066436's sims obviously
most ceilings irl look just as basic as the default ones though
Are you sure about that?
That nigga has a penis, bro
they're talking about the players not the sims
This is porcelain doll Jenny.
So, men make fuck dolls, while women make porcelain dolls, got it.
Give trays, please.
It's 2024. Is TS4 worth playing now?
Hell no
true that, it's mostly in stone builds that it looks off that's all, or in a fancy mansion
do you play the game while staring at the ceiling?
i even stopped putting wall decor on internal walls lately because i realized in gameplay no one gonna see those anyway, only external walls. that was game changing to me as a builder
Photo challenge, take an old time portrait of your sim
sometimes when i enter tab mode the ceiling ends up in the background of some photos. in the sims 3, if there’s no ceiling/floor tiles placed on the roof level, entering tab mode shows the whole ass sky. your house just has a gaping ceiling/roof. but, yeah, i don’t bother actually “painting” it. as it long as it’s neutral and not showing off the sky it’s good enough for screenshots.
>shows the whole ass sky
same in sims 2, but it's not ceiling paint related. it's just that you floor tiles, which is easily fixed by... putting floor tiles on places where real rooms are
i could go even further and say that if you dont have internal gable roof walls (those that created automatically without your control, you can potentially see through those as well if not careful. but that's also of benefit too, allows you to extend roof over porch without walls so it looks more natural as roof
>do you play the game while staring at the ceiling?
no anon but sometimes they ruin some screenshots for me

>no one gonna see those anyway,
I usually build for my own gameplay so I care, cuz I do see those wall decors
which time period mimi?
Is this really Jenny? The room seems too tidy to be hers.
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Porcelain Jenny is cleaner. When cleaning the room there was whatever this is.
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Your choice!

Great job and track :)
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finally figured out how to get reshade working in sims 2
yet for some reason it overheats gpu a lot more than in sims 3 using same effects. must be that xenos injection doing extra nonsense that sims 3 does not need
the next pack is possibly about elder sims
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Have a great evening
Get Old
should be interesting
can’t wait for it to be converted into mods for the games before it!
>Tail looks kinda strange for a modern vampire anyway
Yeah but I kinda wanted her to be a hybrid demon-vampire in the first place, like I mentioned in the last thread. It's why I made her into a witch-vampire, it was a quick and easy way to give her extra strange (demonic?) powers that would tie in with the story I had in mind overall. But at the time I didn't really feel like putting up with tails or horns and now it's been done better, so eh.
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>I usually build for my own gameplay
in sims 2 if you have sim with fortune aspiration you REALLY don't want to have prefurnished house with bunch of paintings or sculptures, because those occasionally roll as wants, and you wanna fullfill those yourself.
im actually debating just giving "ea treatment" to my sims 2 builds and leave them unfurnished, but i might include 2 versions...
not putting decor on internal walls actually makes furnishing easier for me (i hate that part the most personally). this is real view you'd have in actual gameplay so that's how im want to decorate now. i also realized that this santa barbara looking build makes it so everything is "internal" wall anyway. got inspired from ea's own builds in veronaville. not sure what this style even called where you have open arches to outside. i know it's southern; santa barbara esque. i maybe even recall that style in sims 4 desert world now that i think about it...
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outside pretty much done, just need to fill designated spots with flower bushes and not spam them since in sims 2 bushes need real care to upkeep or they die, i love that aspect because it makes you feel rich when playing rich mansions with own gardens
i still not sure if i should add pool or not, when i did it was too expesnive even for mansion, like 20k extra
>CC household in library doesn't have the CC required mentioned anywhere
What's the fucking point of uploading this shit to the library then? Why do these retards "share" these households?
this is why im vanilla purist and only build base game if i plan on sharing builds. at least in sims 3
in sims 2 running just base game is impossible these days, most fixes to run the game need ultimate collection
Many of them might simply be idiots who don't know the difference between uploading and just saving locally.
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there was anon couple threads back who said that even sims 2 had terrain tool in the map so builds made more sense when on a slope
i just checked and it's actually true, i had no idea sims 2 lets you edit slopes. there is cheat added with free time expansion modifyNeighborhoodTerrain [on/off] you can use and then place lot on a slope. which leads to more interesting build designs with foundation tool (and cfe) later
so until sims 4 has something like that, it's in no way ready to compete with neither sims 3 or sims 2 when it comes to terrain tool. what's the point of terrain tool in sims 4 when all your builds will feel out of place in the world itself
>try family fortune scenario
>remove negative sentiments requirement is bugged and won't complete
i hate sims 4 so much it's unreal
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As if militaries needed to be any gayer.
bro those are handcrafted by a yumejo to get her own pussy wet
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didn't like the roof so it's now tudor like all the other houses in the background over there
Do you have any books on tudor style houses?
nah i just look at the houses ea builds and take note from those. sims logic is not really fit for real builds. i recommend pleasant family house as main inspiration. it's the masterpiece of gable roofing created in 2004 when 3D building was new and unexplored technology so it deserves more credits than people realize
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Mornin' :)

Hi, nta but you may enjoy these
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Demon-eyes wonder child John Kirkland has been corrected and contained...
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...for now.
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Luckily he's very cute.
desu aura still mogs her daughter ya'll are crazy for thinking otherwise.
I don't think anyone has actually claimed otherwise though. still want to fuck both
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like mother, like son
Once the daughter aged up yes that became true.
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page ten
give him upsies
Preparing to share the little farmhouse from last thread; most cc will be included, the rest linked to in a text file which will also have recommendations for further downloads, and a complete list of what cc the build contains in case something is deleted accidentally.
To keep things under 20k, and thus affordable to sims who are single or players without Apartment Life, the shower has been omitted (though the tile for it is still there) as well as the floor in one of the bedrooms. These can be easily reinstated once your sim has enough money, though initially they will have only §23 to their name.

>what do I do for hygiene?
Community lots are your friend, or just wash your hands a ton
Besides the half bath, current amenities include a phone, a fireplace and an antique oven with a rather unsightly gap in the stovepipe :,) may learn mesh editing to fix this later, will update the download if so
And finally, one of many ways that players could finish the kitchen
That's all for now :)
you could open a can of tuna with a chin like that
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Cute mutant baby
It's up! Some things have been changed since the posts above, learn more in the doc.

If you do download, feel free to share what your sims are up to with it!
>getting mad about a toddler
your brain damage is terminal
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>my shot got into the collage
doo doo
Dag dag
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This professor is about to have a hot load of trouble on her hands (and ass, and tits, and womb) when she reveals her whole class failed the final exam! Will the repeated pounding (of their fists on her office door) force her to give out extra credit, or will she get forced to do a whole lot more?..
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tread carefully.
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Is there any way to make sure a set of sliders override all others? Sims doesn't have a fucking load order for mods like I'm used to with other games.
is this a university class mod? or did you just make them sit like that for the picture
There's a mod by ColonelNutty that lets you set sliders to specific numbers outside of CAS. Maybe that will help.
Appreciate it, I will look into it.
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G'night Mime anon
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making chukie's apartment from rugrats. wanted to do it in sims 3 at first, but since i got into sims 2 all of a sudden, might as well continue pimping out veronaville. this looks like one of those southern style buildings so it would fit into veronaville nicely
the back of it will have to be improvised since i cant remember if show ever showed the back of chukie's yard
which begs the question, does anyone remember how chuckie's apartment looks like on the inside? the layout at all?
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Are there any CC creators out there with a focus on futuristic and sci-fi build/buy items?
Update my game now before the new EP fucks up all the cc or wait after the EP storm and update then?
After, to see if the EP is even worth the hassle.
true, EP might be ass
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so nice that older sims games players dont have to worry about this updating nonsense anymore
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>Rosalina made it in again.
She just can't stop winning.
I plan on updating in August at the earliest. Because one, I haven't updated my game since March; and two, that way there will be enough time given for at least some if not all of the mods I use on the regular to get updates.
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I just got introduced to hamsterbellbelle the other day while trying to resolve an issue regarding situational outfits being infinitely cursed. Some of their stuff is cyberpunk and some of it is sci-fi or futuristic. All of it involves a sim in a hamster suit.
What happens when kids don't get enough sugar?
sims 4 shouldn't either but they want to keep milking the cow that's been dead for 5 years
Hello Jenny loli
Hopefully Steam won't auto-update me again
How come you ask that so often?
very neat, thank you
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outside is done
obviously chuckie's apartment never was this damn fancy and looked like resort, but hey it's The Sims...
i painted first floor different color to break up that barbie pink madness that was driving me crazy. i also had to do last minute adjustment after i remembered that in sims 2 apartment doors cannot lead into communal area TWICE, so those porches actual dwellings for apartment units now
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and front
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>new 3D eyelash makeup doesn't remove the old default one when applied, it just sits under it
Looks like we're still going to need the eyelash remover skin detail.
its been an entire year since i last played Sims 4
Is it worth to come back? Have mods upgraded or changed any? should i just suck it up and play sims 3 instead?
play sims 2 instead. there is one thing sims 2 has that even sims 3 with its create-a-style doesn't have, and that's setHighestAllowedLevel 15 cheat which unlocks true potential for constrainFloorElevation
more dresses
same shit
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Seconding 2, it's great fun :)
Lucky you, having the choice. I'm gonna have to move computers real soon back to my home PC, which wasn't even updated to the May patch so I'm forced into it. Hopefully lazy ass Turbodriver gets off his vacation before next week.

I figured this would be the case since the shitty fake eyelashes are built into the eyeshape, but it's still a pretty good showing of classic EA incompetence. No wonder they looked so ugly and chunky, they have to be big enough to cover up the default blocky lashes.
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>Jenny loli
Not to be confused with loli Jenny.
that's where sims 2 composers stole theme from
>skin detail
You use an entire skin detail slot for that to remove that? Get one of the mods that remove them without that. Cien has some that remove them for child sims and Kijiko has for adult for example. Granted they might need updating for that patch, who knows really.
She looks like she smells like really spicy noseburning cinnamon.
I don't like to because I like background sims I don't edit having some sort of eyelashes, even default ones, and ones I edit more closely I use the skin detail and custom lashes.
>Lucky you, having the choice.
I chose to go offline over a year ago. I have not updated since GT.
>I'm gonna have to move computers real soon back to my home PC, which wasn't even updated to the May patch so I'm forced into it.
Why not backup your current sims files and just move them to the new pc.
I'm actually contemplating doing this, backing up my current version of the game on external.
Update game, and see if the new pck is too shitty and just revert back to an older version.

Can always get yourself a fitgirl repack and just keep it on external as well.
Haven't even thought of what she'd smell like. Does spicy cinnamon smell differently from regular cinnamon?
Should have written Jennyverse loli
gonna have to keep from updating for awhile since turbo is once again taking a vacation during another massive update
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ah fuck it's time
Evelyn is so hot fr
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they're not specifically focused on sci-fi, but surely-sims has a few pre-war fallout build sets if you like retro-futurism
uh oh is she stinky? better go take a bath
don't do it breh
That's why I'm not updating myself, I can work without MCCC but ww is too engrained
worst sims 4 youtuber?
>ehrg mah gerd i love ecelebs!
Literally every simtuber except for CMK and LGR, those are tolerable because last I checked LGR at least has integrity and is always disappointed by the sims 4 as one should be, and CMK at least tries to be funny
Who's cmk?
call me kevin
>giving EA money
Everything here except
is good advice. Then again I'm biased - the Anadius Updater on my machine and with my connection runs better.
I would add Vargskelethor and Wilburgr to that list, personally. Otherwise, spot on.
CallMeKevin, the guy responsible for Jim Pickens. Has played most every The Sims game and also plays other games on top of that. Has a Fandom wiki dedicated to his content, including articles for each of his sims.
>giving EA money
bro it's free to play now I gotta wait for anadius to update the DLC updater
we need to talk about how sims 2 bitches are insane. have you seen how some of these women make extensive, detailed excel sheets for their ubermenschhoods? what is their problem
Who in their right mind installs Origin though? Don't even make an account, get the base game through Anadius as well.
How come they make the game "more inclusive" instead of actually fixing it and and making it better?
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new update new sim, her name is Maya
They use identity politics to hide the fact their game is shit.
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they're the only game in town. there's no need to get better when the players have no other choice
Nta but been feeling so annoyed by this fact I might just make my own Sims game with blackjack and hookers
I was planning to make a Simslike with a fantasy or "castaway" twist, but maybe I'll just make a straightforward one but with features sims 4 lacks
Because that is their agenda. Plus Blackrock and Vanguard hold a considerable amount of EA stock.
I've been wanting to make a game, but knowing me it's probably going to be niche, text-based and NSFL.
Is the sims 4's college expansion any good? TS2's is too short and TS3 is uglier than 2.
you could probably mod ts2’s to be longer
The closest we can get is probably twistedmexi's Create-A-World mod. That one seems promising, but idk if it's out for public release yet. Still no open-world despite how old this game is.
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Bro wants to flirt with his sister
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Well now SHE wants to fuck HIM
aand now they're having sex
post it on /aco/
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Huh, so it turns out The Sims 2 supports Lua scripting
It's kind of alright, but you don't need to send your sims to college unless you want a jumpstart to their careers or have become a Freemason. Robotics is a nice skill even if it's only good for making Servos and toys to give children and Childish sims. I personally like the Engineer career and some of the rewards that both it and the Law career provide. And there's some good WW animations which involve ping pong tables.
That explains a lot. I can kind of get Python and XML, but Lua mostly eludes me to this day. Also probably explains why in my day there weren't as many out there and ridiculous mods for The Sims 2 as there are for, say, The Sims 3 or 4.
they're tiny hat people it's what they do
I would like to motorboat both of them
only because he's technically not a simstuber
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>Going through CC in Sims Studio
> Most of it isn't properly tagged
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I know what you meant. I'm just joking.
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she hasn't aged a year since then
It's hilarious to watch his old Sims 3 videos where he sounded a lot more happier and even praised the game. Sometimes he even omitted some blatant issues the game would have, and pretend it was perfect just to be happier in his reviews.
Fast forward to now, not only he shits all over the games, he tears them apart by not just bringing up issues, but by nitpicking at this point.
Ryanplayssims seems to be lesser evil and probably most sane of all simtubers. He implied numerous times that you should pirate sims and not support EA. One day he also turns up to stream with game full of sims store items as .package files. So he clearly pirated those like a chad.
if it requires online connection and drm client it's not free to play
i wish food wasn’t such a retarded thing to mod. a severely untapped reservoir for mods (for the sims 3 at least).
I'm afraid I have seen that, yeah... some even straight up go into literal eugenics rants.
That's why if you see female simmer you can safely assume they all insane. Most male simmers are insane too, but there are exceptions and you would have to look amongst the men to find them. Men often the ones who build in the Sims games as well, so that's automatic sanity.
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mod this
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Taco Tuesday!
>Is the sims 4's college expansion any good?
No, because the actual college experience is shit. Did you know that graduation is a rabbit hole?
Also when you sign up a sim for uni, you gotta play them now. They don't just study autonomously if you leave them, and if you dare change the household (if you do rotational gameplay) then it's sure that the sim you left in uni, without your autistic supervision is not gonna pass and might go on probation.
It's very limited in terms of options, like for example, I have a story where I want to send two friends to the two different colleges, and see how they would keep their friendship or drift apart.
And I wanted them to stay in the dorms.
That's not possible because I can't keep switching back and forth everyday to make sure they're studying.
The half assed way I can achieve this is f I'm gonna do that and try to make both pass, it'd have to make them move in together and make them study from home, and then pretend they're not in the same house and going to different uni, which won't be satisfying .
Also you don't see the campus if you study from home, your sim just disappears when it's class time and comes back when it's over.

The pack does has good items, and I do like the world it shipped with. And that it has a professor career option.
I want to add something about the dorm experience, since you can't have cookers in the dorms, if your sim wants to eat they have to go the cafeteria. That's fine in practice right? but the stupid sims team made the cafeteria a different lot so you gotta 'load screen' into it cuz fuck loading two lots at the same time in this shit ass game.
They let you have food stalls tho so your sim won't starve between classes, and your dorm-mates will often leave food on the floor and you can eat that. Honestly it could sound pretty accurate uni life, but you know that's not why did it that way.
small indie company please understand
The forbidden taco grip technique!
Cute! What's her name?
It just seemed like the go to work expansion with extra busy work that takes hours ingame time for what should be 20 minutes.
>It just seemed like the go to work expansion with extra busy work that takes hours ingame time for what should be 20 minutes.
Go To Work is still one of my favorite EPs the game released. I love having the option to see the actual science lab and be an mad scientist. I know the detective career is nuts tho, there ARE criminals in TS4 apparently but you will never, ever, encounter them. I had hoped it would cross-interact witht the villain career but no. Still tho GTW is miles better than University because it's actually fun.
I only ever tried the scientist and doctor career sites. The tasks to do sadly didn't change much as they ranked up in careers. The detective one I have no idea, might be worth a try if the investigations aren't all the same every time. Maybe the basemental mod adds criminals? Or you need to make sims with the crime careers for them to appear.
>”apply” to join a server just to get access to the creators cc downloads
>don’t get approved after a few days
>meh, whatever
>don’t bother leaving the discord, just wait for them to kick me out
>get approved a month later
Was the mod worth it in the end?
well… i guess so
i figured i won't get the mod at all if it requires discord (since that requires phone number). apparently story progression for sims 2 download link in discord, so fuck it i guess
>since that requires phone number
does it now? i think my discord was registered with just the email. funny enough i am in that server (though it wasn’t the one giving me problems), but there’s also a link provided on tumblr https://www.tumblr.com/lazyduchess/648045143418650624/i-am-beyond-excited-to-try-out-your-story
though the discord has further information on mod conflicts and bugs
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Guess I'll just wait until Thursday when I pirate lovestruck to update, seems like turbo driver is the only one who hasn't updated yet.
someone should tell sims 4 devs that time of ripping of the 1980s is over
then again, sims 4 devs known for using 5 years old memes. like they used FOREVER ALONE meme in 2014 trailer
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They're not really covering the base eyelashes up. But given the distance and angles in most parts, I reckon most will argue not being able to tell the difference anyways.
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Why is the forehead hairy like this? It's reminiscent of alpha cc and I hate it
Vellus hair (aka baby hair). Your hair just doesn't cleanly stop at your face
nogs like greasing down their forehead hairs even though it looks like shit and the sims 4 is all about diversity
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The non conflicting lash dream is dead lol, your average modded isn't going to be individually meshing the lash
It's like that because the ea ones are an actual 3d mesh, the cc ones aren't.
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Christ, this is the fucking medical wearables thing again. Finally, EA added a new mesh slot and texture space that can be used for eyelashes- no wait, no it can't. I figure it could work for some blocky MM style lashes at the least, but that's about it with how tiny the space allotment is.

The CC ones are meshes anon. I don't know where you got the idea they aren't, but that's specifically why texture space is an issue since they have to use space intended for something else, like rings or glasses to make it work. Simple texture overlay lashes could just be slapped on top without any conflicts, I know because I have those.
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Great job!

Welcome back :)
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i just realized there is an oversight in how i laid out floor plan for these apartments is that none of them have "shared walls", which okay, for fancier apartment maybe it's more realistic, but since it's sims 2 you'll miss out on one of the cooler features it has, neighbor noise.
i might include 2 versions, one where i have to completely redesign floor plan and make all apartments multi storey so that there will be shared walls
issue with that though, the back of the building will clearly be better as single apartment will have TWO BALCONIES now, kinda ridiculous, so i'm not sure...
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floor plan.
in sims 2 all furniture you do is used by townie npcs, so it's quite literally irrelevant to gameplay, unless you visiting them. when you buy one of the apartments, it always comes empty, but that's why i like to give some personality to apartments since i assume some npc gonna be living there
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>bad news - eyelashes from the most recent sims 4 update are visible in 1st person camera mode
>It's like that because the ea ones are an actual 3d mesh, the cc ones aren't.
Oh wait fuck you're right anon, I'm a retard. Been a long day I guess, my mind somehow jumped from meshes straight into "but it's not just a texture overlay around the eye." CC lashes will simply overlay with the eyeshape's fake lashes because of how they're made.
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the game and the player base is so shit they applaud this
I applaud it, because it only took them two and a half fucking years to deliver a feature that should've been there from the start, which is a lot better than the nearly ten years it took to get the dropdown selection for which outfit slots to copy CAS items to.
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i wonder why
next three packs are about funerals, fairies, and bands
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Don't get my hopes up
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what a shock

Folk Death Metal
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Thanks Mimefren!
That’s fantastic, all that’s left now is genies
You're welcome

Tbf where exactly are you going to shove it? When they first made the uv map they didn't account for the game 1. Being around 10 years later and 2. Deciding to put in all these extra things. If I have to choose between hair and eyelashes then I'm going to choose hair every time because I'm not up in my sim's face anyway
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cfe walls
>back when they sold a product and not diversity in food commercials
why did they get rid of the building shape, anyway? i thought that was pizza hut's entire trademarking and logo.
>why did they get rid of the building shape, anyway?
easier to move into more modern locations. if there's an opening at a prime location in a strip mall setting for example.

building a new structure from the ground up these days isn't worth it
oh yeah that seems obvious now that you mention it.
>why did they get rid of the building shape, anyway
I live in a midwest suburb town and there's still a pizza hut with that shape
It's just not dine-in anymore I think
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okay im done with the apartment build. time to play test it
here is pro tip if you play testing something in sims 2. PACKAGE YOUR LOT and back it up! when you move test sim in and then out, you will lose all your furniture in the process, so keep that in mind
I miss the old shapes. Square buildings make everything feel even more dystopian.

Captcha: G0YTV
>Captcha: G0YTV
that's what it's called when the FBI looks at you through your webcam
She is so me coded fr
Companies feel the need to "reinvent" themselves every now and again because they think it draws more customers, though more often than not, it results in a significant downgrade. Pizza Hut at least brought back their previous logo and is preserving their older locations, unlike some (looking at you, McDonald's).

Further reading:
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why is she so tired
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Wishing (you) a great Christmas in July
there's so much soul here
Hoping for a into the future dlc for the sims 4.
What about Jenny?

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I never realised how comfy playing with everything in Home Chef Hustle could be. Making batches of related foods to sell for the neighbourhood, especially on holidays where I can actually use the 12 serving grand meals. It doesn't make very much money and Sims usually just put their plate on the floor as soon as they buy, but it still feels nice.
into the past so you can become your own ancestor
uh oh
take that back chud
she uh, really liked the horse ranch expansion....
I thought people were joking when they said she was a default sim.. is she ..
did some update since the last time i played the game fuck up the ability to use custom traits? if i have any of my trait mods in the folder then i get infinite loading screens
anon there was a massive patch yesterday. yes, custom traits were broken
oh sorry lol i haven't been paying attention
i just opened up the game and this was my entire screen. PLEASE BUY IT
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>remove WW because patch and turbo is on another vacation
>actually start playing the game without lewd shit behind every corner
>enjoy the game for the first time in years
maybe the coom was too much to handle
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Doesn’t even look anything like Jenny.
The face structure is almost identical, even the colors are the same
Why is this deleted
be careful
Well, did you buy it?
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cutie teenager
this is the trad family gameplay where all sims eating at one table that ea desperately tried to remove in later games all in the name of bug eating and pod living single people glorification. lovestruck is further proof of that. sims lost its family roots, because family is seen as problematic
she finds kinship with horses
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Sims has gotten so shitty because they have no competition in the life sim genre. I was sad to hear that Life by You was canceled. Honestly kind of surprised that Paradox just chocked the whole thing up to a loss. They have released some mediocre games in the past so the game they made just not living up to the vision they had doesn't alone explain why it got canceled. Just making a Sims clone that the lead dev says is made to be easy to add a sex mod to should have been enough to justify releasing it.

Still holding out hope for Paralives. Sims 4 is a decade old now and the character models have looked dated for a long time. It takes a witches brew of mods from 5 different sites to try to make characters that look like they came from a modern game. Sims has been riding a decade old game by just releasing new DLC so hard that they put Paradox to shame. Paralives will debut with a big advantage just having contemporary character models featuring innovations like a height slider. Sims has gotten so lazy I'm surprised nobody tried to break into their market years ago.

Kind of funny that Stardew Valley ended up becoming the life sim game that spawned a bunch of imitators. The autism grind in Stardew gives you something more to do than the Sims does though. Sims at it's core is a needs based game. That's why picking level up traits that make it so the hygiene or fun needs don't decay just make the game boring. With everyone speaking a nonsense language the story telling social sim aspect is never going to be as strong as something like the Persona series. A game with so many options for the kind of social interactions you have makes it hard to make those interactions super deep and interesting. Without some sort of autistic resource grind that goes beyond just press X to paint to make money, it can be easy to get bored.
>Still holding out hope for Paralives
you shouldn't. it looks extremely agendafied already. bottom line with all these life sims is that none of the new games will have the soul that The Sims™ had. modern times and life sims are not compatible. even original sims had to do 1950s american dream setting in order to parody itself as making life sim in current times would just look silly
>still holding out hopes for paralives
>it looks extremely agendafied already.
True, thought Sims 4 has leaned heavily into this the past few years too. Player demand is a large part of it. People want a lot of this shit. I just want a decent life sim sandbox where I can make the game anything I want. i don't particularly care if certain current times things are in the game if I can just cut them out on my own and do what I want.
People that care about shit like this actually play these games so I'm not surprised they are being catered to. Sims lets you replace any household you want in the world with a custom one. I can go to the custom characters in the gallery and see that all the popular ones that people actually enjoy don't tick any of the Blackrock ESG boxes. I can just make a world with them and enjoy myself.
>4 years old thread
yep, paralives is vaporware 100%
dev just makes infinite money from patreon, why would he ever finish the game now
she just like me
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this techno song from sims 2 radio called New Phase 1 sounds amazing slowed down. i recommend extracting game's ost using simpe and installing playback rate shift plugin on foobar
if you use mpv as music player, then it's already native setting by using --audio-pitch-correction=no flag
if sims 1 had soul. sims 2 has a e s t h e s t i c
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Just browsing around on YouTube for upcoming Sims competitors, a couple results stand out. InZOI has the most recent updates and the most complete looking game of any of the upcoming Sims challengers. A few big YouTube channels focused on the Sims have done videos on this game. It look pretty good. Super realistic characters and really good graphics. You can directly control your character and run around like you're in a GTA game. Korean games always feature beautiful characters. Game looks to be in an alpha build around the end of last year, but it looks promising.

>specifically make the joker in the character creation mode
>Super realistic characters and really good graphics. You can directly control your character and run around like you're in a GTA game.
but i don’t want that
>It look pretty good. Super realistic characters and really good graphics. You can directly control your character and run around like you're in a GTA game
so not a life sim. next
when will people learn that graphics is not the point. the sims was isometric for crying out loud. stardew valley has snes graphics. jesus christ man, how hard is it to understand
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mimi will playtest the apartment build for me. there is cheat you can do to buy apartments prefurnished so that's nice
InZOI is the millennial / gen z simulator we accuse TS4 is, but on steroids
if there ever was soulless definitions, this video clip should be included in dictionary definition of that word. like holy fuck dare i say sims 4 looks more soulful than this. this looks like uncanny ai generated shit
>even the trailer has severe frame drops
this is why realistic graphics is not the way
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that's just how korean games are
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bullshit, i played this korean game it looked nothing like it
paralives will save us...
what's going on with the text in that banner
why do the gameplay screenshots look like they've been through an AI filter
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apartment build in on google doc now if anyone wants to try it. i called it vaporwave apartments
it's more or less functioning as intended. you may want to changeLotClassification to high so that low tier townies dont spawn before moving in
Not even cheese pizza can save this general..
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this is not how real bedroom looks like
Yea, there's no chair for all the laundry that never reaches the wardrobe, and the bed is made, and the the curtains aren't permanently shut. There're also plants I guess.
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>and the the curtains aren't permanently shut
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before i dive any further. are there any sims 2 experts here who ever used lot adjuster program? https://modthesims.info/d/384656
i managed to get lot to work on uneven road with it, and i'm aware of the portal placement mod, let's say i do all that... will THIS actually work??? will this be functional on a road like that?
Feeling called out?
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that's just how korean people are
It's been a hot minute since i've played. i've gotten everything reinstalled, but should i give it a few days for CC until people iron out lovestruck breaking things? or do you think i'll be safe
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When in doubt, don't just wait. Keep tabs on the mods you use regularly so you know when to update.
Why did the fish always carry a map? It didn’t want to get lost at sea!
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is it possible to create a weekly event? I'd like to make wednesday bowling tournament night, but the game is refusing to let me schedule ahead.
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I'm not entirely sure. At least some form of periodic event is possible though, since you can create new holidays.
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this might be my most ambitious build ever if this really works. this is game engine breaking that requires mod
is there really no one here who's done it to tell me if this will work or not?
TIL when listening to an old dev talk that the sims 2's lead art director worked on the original Toy Story movie and had told the dev who did the talk that The Sims 2 had more animators than Toy Story
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according to internet, the portal thing at least confirmed working, even without mod after you done. so that's really promising
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Initial thoughts on this Expack?
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just installed the new ep
here's sidney's mom in an eggplant outfit
>New Sims 4 Bugs bring back incest. Again.
this is all that matters
Tera, mabinogi, bns, maplestory, df.. nah can’t remember a korean game that looks like AI realism slop.
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it works if you count exactly 6 squares to be flat for carpools to arrive, but... only for normal cars, big ones like buses or fire tracks need more squares
so that begs that question, is there mod that forces carpools to ignore slopes? it seems like idea is a dud
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Professor Khan isn't pleased with the test results from her class, and isn't afraid to make it known
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Maybe she doesn't realize what a distraction she is... a temptation.
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Maybe if she wasn't such a tease, her class wouldn't have turned on her so violently.
oh no
Very bothered that I'm not seeing the option that lets change the mood of a photo when you're taking one for the dating app. You can only choose a random pose/mood.
do you expect them to properly implement the few good ideas they have? half of the budget went to the brainstorming session
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looks like they broke some glasses with the latest patch. basegame and cc, they get weirdly deformed
I like where this is going
>make new poses for the dating app to use as profile pictures by default
>they look better than selfie poses
>you can't use them in your own photos
>it keeps changing every time you change an outfit
>can't select one manually
Thankfully I get bored long before I decide on a sim to get with for an actual relationship.
As someone who never planned on playing the game right after a big update, how long am I supposed to wait until every big mod is updated?
What's the stupid reason behind the mentor/parent needing to be standing up to help with homework? She was sitting right next to him when I clicked on 'ask for help with homework' and she got up and starting giving out lessons without even seeing the book.

I know the beat she's playing is definitely 'ba dump tss'
He woke up and turned on the news TV literally like a dad behavior, kinda funny.
Wonder what TS4 sims feel like when they watch the news people who look like TS3 sims.
Just a silly thought.

right...its my fault when I expect things from this game

you're so daring for updating your game on the same day as the update, I always wait at least a month just to be safe
i forgot my image, now who's silly
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>Deleted custom traits
>Updated all mods besides WW
>Can't open CAS, infinite loading screen
>The game actually managed to crash my laptop
Mistakes were made.
making a character who has kind of a tacky/outdated sense of fashion and the EA clothing items are finally seeing some use!
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>Updating 24 hours after a brand new pack
>Being surprised it nukes your game
Is it bad that the first thought I had when you said that was 9/11
My personal tier list:

Willow Creek
San Myshuno

Oasis Springs

Del Sol Valley
Forgotten Hollow
Mt Komorebi

all else
wicked whims update when
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Changed CC lashes to the new category. Time to update every single sim again
it's a bit odd, is the relation just news TV?
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what the fuck
It only kinda makes sense if you consider that a huge portion of the playerbase only buy sims games and basically nothing else
10 years of dlc. always cost prohibited to those who get in late
One, a reason to not give EA any money. Two, if you think that's bad there's some games with ~$5,000 worth of DLC. There shouldn't be any acceptable amount that isn't below ~$100 but then again games shouldn't be more than $20.
The total of Sims 3 content is something like $75,000
Any amount above $100 is unacceptable while any amount beyond $200 is inexcusable.
Fun ts2 fact, when sims drive a car off the lot, it disappears from neighborhood view...
But when they return...
...it does too :)
so i installed TS4 from steam and now EA wants me to make an account. nah..
should i just pirate this or is there a version/guide somewhere that gets rid of that shit?
>Cupid's Corner can pull Sims from the online gallery for your matches
I shall now proceed to report each and every one that it gives me
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Anyone know where i can find a good Korra sim?
No Shrek yet though I did roll the Buddha.
Would it harm your core Sims experience if you used a joystick to move rather than spamming mouse clicks? It's a change, but not one I see as a negative.
I like AI generated shit, and not just because it makes obnoxious artfags and VAs seethe. A lot of AI stuff looks pretty high quality.
>rather than spamming mouse clicks
? i mean that’s not my experience playing the game. i click the fridge or the toilet or the computer or whatever i need to do and they navigate themselves there. i like autonomy. i don’t even direct their social interactions most of the time, i have a socialization macro.
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Opposite side.
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another bug found
sims younger than YA sometimes have fucked up simology panels, which can completely break every other menu in the game

>you're so daring for updating your game on the same day as the update, I always wait at least a month just to be safe
i should've done this
the pajeet qa testing team with another job well done
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ope nevermind they've already fixed this, i'm a patch behind
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it's more useful in sims 3 so you can stalk neighbors in and out times
that just proves that jenny was just default preset head or something
she doesn't have the same retarded proportions that jenny has
watch it
is it as bad as train simulator now?
this is exactly the reason i say game is not "free to play"
if it requires online account, it's not free, period. because you're signing tos like it's a product and service
old dvds and fbi warnings didn't have any of that, you didnt sign shit, you just had DO NO DISTRIBUTE warning, so you owned the damn content
Check the gallery
how the fuck..?
unsealed copies of katty parry disk is not real content
i mean sealed. they were expensive in 2013, must cost a fortune now, which is where the price is inflated from
They’re talking about all the sims store items. You had to use points to buy them so they’re probably estimating the total value of points needed to buy the whole store
no way store alone costs this much
sims 3 sisters we can’t let the sims 4 embarrass us like this…
sims 4 players do a good enough job of embarrassing themselves by playing a buggy lgblm doll dressup
What top is that on the right?
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Coomputer, enhance.
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I'ts very in character for Rbbin to intrude on his son's date. So awkward, I can't wait to be able to update in a month to finally make sims stop being such nosy busybodies on dates.

that hair looks really cute on her
here ya go, it's extremely jank
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fountain's got a few unique npcs tied to it
Perhaps the bear is sad because the minor they catfished wasn't young enough
holy shit they added andrew dobson
he's crying because that woman stole his fedora
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Thanks anon. Ironically Isa has no hair for some reason.
if she was like pitch black, she'd look kinda hot like that
i love candy so fucking much
is there any sims 4 download that is not a repack?
the installers are shady and i dont trust them
plumbella talked about his story in her review
it's kinda sad
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Added some locker rooms to copperdale
Normal pirates just use anadius

You need a mod from zerbu to use custom traits, they changed the code around it. Also if you have the simply anjuta mod that disables makeup for randoms in cas you have to update that too
she is very sexy
>You need a mod from zerbu to use custom traits
No you don't. You need one for preferences, not traits.
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so an update on my weird idea for a build
it's functional and cars will work if you have at least 11 squares of flat surface, even 10 works, but pizza guy unable to get pizza out the back without extra 1 square. road is strange looking like that and there is no way around it. if i had bigger lot, perhaps you could blend in terrain a lot better
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but in this neighborhood, unfortunately there was no better lot candidate for this build except this tiny space here, maybe if i bulldozed some houses to the side...
and you know what yeah
this is sims 2 afterall. in case you didnt know, sims 2 has literal no limit on how many apartments you can have, so in theory i could make A WHOLE STREET to be continuous row of townhouses on single lot gradually going down the road san francisco style
so yeah, i consider this a successful experiment
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Mime girl sitting in Shaggy's lap? Jinkies!
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i like the back of this place though
but perhaps it's because after sims 4 i been so strarved for terrain tools that anything with terrain feels good now
Are there any lists of like definitive must have sliders that dont conflict with each other?
marital woohoo with sole purpose of procreation
Do you have anything in the basement? It seems like a good opportunity for another apartment.
i thought about it. it's more than possible, problem is, i'd have to rebuild the whole thing if i wanted to add extra level into there. i cannot do it easily because there is no "sandwitching" in cfe. if i do it then floor above has to sink first
very nice
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yeah this what i mean. whole build has to go down if i wanted floor there, which includes terrain around it, and i spent too much "evening out" ground to go through it again.
and even if i wanted to use ground floor itself as basement, then windows wouldnt work anyway, because that requires flat surface, which means awkward ground rising in middle of all that softness i carefully crafted... unless basement literally at the lowest point of the map where that birch tree is, which wouldnt look cool imho
If you can't build anything there, I'd hide it with more foliage. Maybe you could build a staircase that goes down to that area?

Personally for all I bitch about building in ts4, it's the only good advancement made in the game series.
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sims 2 foilage is actually real, so that means it overgrows and needs watering and trimming, which means it needs flat surface access to take care of it. you can't just spam it (you can actually, but plants will die and lower room mood)
here is an example of what i mean with these hedges. i left exactly one flat square as access to them
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About two or three sims have had their whole body shape turned fridge-like from the update. I'm surprised it wasn't more.
She's well off financially, so marriage would be advantageous.
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somewhat of a cope. you can use these wall items as a fake foilage sometimes. wall items can still go up and down a wall with a key, but not higher than 16 steps walls, which that cfe wall clearly higher than that, so it's not ideal
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like there. this is your typical sims 4 foilage, but guess what, it's not functional
it's clusterfuck of objects clipping through with no access to them. if you aren't willing to accept it then sims 2 building is not for you, it's more realistic than flower spam
Oh, maybe a wall fountain then? Would look nice on the brick with the ivy surrounding it.
Are the new eyelashes equippable on children?
What all did the new update break, just scripts? Are my skin tones/eye defaults/extra sliders fine?
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Does Dokie really post here?

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let's play chess, /tsg/
not anymore
In addition to the answer being no, there's a pretty good chance you won't ever get even CC lashes in the appropriate slot because of the way they work and how little texture space is allotted to them. These lashes for example would be right out, there's no way you could make them work the EA way.

What seems to be the problem, anon?
>there's a pretty good chance you won't ever get even CC lashes in the appropriate slot because of the way they work and how little texture space is allotted to them
all the CC lashes can still be moved to the eyelash makeup category at least, freeing up glasses and skin detail slots
But what's that gonna do when you still have texture conflicts? You can move eyelashes to scars or a similar category right now, it's not like we're running low on slots, but we're desperately out of texture space on sims.
teach me and i will
What are the stakes?
>But what's that gonna do when you still have texture conflicts?
nothing. I understand it's still fucked when it comes to texture space but I still like the fact there's at least an exclusive spot to put eyelashes in makeup now, which means we can have different eyelash styles per outfit without needing to use up the glasses spot

it's not great, but it's not terrible
>there's at least an exclusive spot to put eyelashes in makeup now, which means we can have different eyelash styles per outfit
Eh, I guess that's a benefit. I have a few sims I think who alternate between glasses and lashes in a few outfits, but mostly I prefer to set the lashes as a skin detail that uses whatever set of textures (earrings in my primary use case since longer hair hides them anyway, I don't need that slot free) since it requires less thinking.
What eyelash CC uses the earrings as a texture space?
Post porn meme lots
admittedly if it's community lot like a park, you can spam plants as much as you want, since nothing goes bad there
but community lots are... well... niche.
Apparently some variety of Miiko eyelashes, for kids at least. Apparently adult versions also exist from a cursory Google search.
Do you want an actual stable The Sims game?
If so, yes.
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Which kits are good?
so nipples are allowed in this general
Teen nipples no less.
Advertiser-sama, please avert your eyes..
Are you going to do something about it?
yea, you must've missed where people posted full nudes in the past and never got jannied
>Every sim is naked under their clothes
That’s a man, the only girl is Ellis and her nipples are always promptly actioned.
oh yea true, my bad homie
does ellis anon still come here?
First time on /vg/?
nta but none of those show nipples
The middle one does and the other 2 show vag
Holy hell the megaman general is down bad lmao
because 2D>3D
it's cropped off and just areolae never gets deleted
vag through panties never gets deleted anywhere
i'm not supporting it but this website operates on a weird definition of nsfw that equates to showing two fully visible nipples, neither obscured by clothes or color, or pubic hair = over the line, but short of that you're fine
>just areolae never gets deleted
>obscured by clothes
Both apply to the jenny picture.
What's worse, pudding face S3 or duck face S4?
buttocks face of S2
yes that's what i said
I hate S4 as much as the next guy, but pudding face hands down is the worst.
You take that back. S2 faces are PEAK
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true dat. i very much enjoyed making this good fella looking motherfucker with long nose
here is pro tip
dont attempt making diagonal houses in sims 2. items dont work in diagonal, omitting the fact that you even need 2 cheat codes to get diagonal placements
why is the sims 2 music so shite? especially compared to 1
basically all the melodies sound like theyve just randomly placed notes on the scale
Fuck you
listen to this and tell me it isnt just tools > randomize
Finally someone who agrees. I have no idea, but I somehow get the feeling they got Mark Mothersbaugh on name value alone and didn't give him enough time to compose something actually good. It's not like Jerry Martin and co. were unavailable, they did the music for SC4 after all and there was no reason to go to an external composer other than name recognition.
Before anyone gets uppity about it though, a reminder that the first two expansion packs for Sims 2 had a bunch of remixes of the soundtrack that actually straight-up replaced the original music once you had them installed. Maxis knew the tunes that shipped with the game weren't up to par, unlike with Sims 1 where the tracks were more situational and EP specific.
ERROR: [youtube] BsOSj-dFc-U: Video unavailable. This video is not available
sucks to live in a non-free country :(
nvm, it was just yt-dlp being weird. yt going after 3rd party downloaders
It's SOUL. You wouldn't understand it.
Next you'll say Sims 4 has the best OST, if so then you have no taste.
I'm not that anon, but Hot Date is completely unbeatable and if you disagree, you're a motherfucker.
Sims 1 in general is pretty blatantly the best one, since it's actual music composed by people who know what they're doing that just happens to serve as the OST of a game. Not to say there aren't individual good tracks in 2 and maybe even 4, but 3 in particular is fucking awful with how much of it is just generic inoffensive background music. Worst Sims OST by far.
Ok fair. As long as you don't like 4 you're fine. I like Jerry Martin and Marc Russo's songs as well, and probably more than Mothersbaugh's, but I have a lot of dumb nostalgia for S2's OST regardless. Simsation for example is probably one of the best songs in the game.
>tools > randomize
i don't know, sounds like very defined major scale. B flat major specifically
maybe too major sounding actually, which is what throwing you off most likely, there are no extensions on chords
>muh tools > randomize!
First, anon, this game was made before FL studio. Second, it's not random, you just have no taste.
Cope, 2 > 4.
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listen to this and tell me it isn't just tools > randomize
thats a joke and it went over your head but any daw has randomisation anon
you can also just, you know, manually place notes on the score at (semi-)random
as long as its going a bit up and going a bit down you will have a "melody"
2 > 1 > Castaway > Medieval > 3 >>> garbage > 4
>it was a joke!
Wrong, it was an actual criticism you had that was proven to be absolute bullshit. Cope!
>as long as its going a bit up and going a bit down you will have a "melody"
So you agree it's an actual melody (and a good one) and therefore not random? I accept your concession.
this sounds exactly like what it is and what its supposed to be (corporate music)
mark, my criticism is that the melodies are crudely constructed akin to randomly placing notes on a scale
the way how you did it is completely irrelevant, for all i care you spunked on your lappy and it made a short circuit
Fuck mainline games post your favorite spinoff game
Seasons + Vampires + Paranormal Stuff = best bundle
SC3k's soundtrack is one of my favorites so I'm admittedly a little biased, but I still think things went oh so wrong when EA decided The Sims should move away from the original Maxis music team and its collaborators, Jerry Martin, Marc Russo, Kirk Casey, the lot of 'em.
At least mods exist to bring in the old music to 4, but obviously it's not the same. Don't think I could tolerate the game otherwise though. Sulani's fucking great with the hilarious Vacation soundtrack but it does have the sad side effect of highlighting how terribly lame the actual music for that expansion is.
>you like what I hate? Impossible, you must secretly be the guy who made it trying to troll me
The devoman lives in your head rent free.
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>The demoman lives in your head rent free.
Why was Cinderella bad at soccer?
She ran away from the ball!

They're both slim enough that they are in fact merely sitting next to each other

Note to self. when havin pust nut guilty do not delete non-coom mods
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You wanna know an even better bundle? It's called not giving EA any of your money
any mods that remove the fag shit in sims 4?
delete the game
>simple yet memorable design
>cute and sexy but not sexualized
Mime girl is simple peak Sims design
i don't care about your opinion, tell me if there is a mod or fuck off.
DEI remover
delete the game
kill yourself faggot.
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>dei remover
>race swaps EVERY brown person
Idk man seems to be an overreaction
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nta but uh
really? dang
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I hate the soccer ball. It spreads like a virus. Have one on the lot? Soon it'll be five, one for each sim. It literally duplicates itself to avoid having sims steal the original like some sort of malignant disease.

Mimeanon also has by far the best taste in music of the entire general. What more could you ask for?
try based mods
Yeah just looked, seems the mod does indeed go too far.
Again, I'm NTA, but only issue I have "DEI"-wise with the game is the pronoun shit and some troons, I'd be fine with gays and black people
DD and MCCC workaround state?
>What more could you ask for?
for her to be real
Huh? I see her in the corner of my eye all the time. There she goes, miming away in the next room over.
I hate that cunt Turbodriver so God damn much.
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>New world
>is genuinely one of the worst
>barely any lots for the Neighborhoods' sizes
>only one affordable starter home, not counting the two empty lots
>Only THREE community lots (four if you count the park), none are unique in any way
>it's only thing going for it is the Mexico City Aesthetic is utilized slightly better than Tomerang's Thai (seriously why would you make the Neighborhood maps so huge if you're not going to fully utilize them.)
>this is supposed to be an expansion pack (aka 40 dollars.)
We dont know about game corruption and thats I why keep playing
ACKshually around $78500
SimPoints store
They do but the wrost part is booting the game with all DLC + whole SimsStore items. It literally half an hour and may randomly crash due low ram (dont forget this shit is 32bits only)
What do I wanna build tonight
loli dungeon
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What the fuck is this faggot shit now
Will this make my game spawn anything other than indian townies? I'm sick of having to edit them.
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While I'm still mad about retarded-ass Turbo, how about this cool moodlet description which I think used to have entirely gender-neutral language until that moron in his infinite wisdom I presume tried to make it pronouns compatible, but did it about as well as EA and left it a confusing mess of mixed-up pronouns.
Maybe its my esl talking but i dont get whats wrong with it?
Is it the "their conception" part? Cuz i assume its referring to Hannah.
It's ultimately inconsequential, but the sex of the subject is established through the use of words like daughter and crucially she, but for whatever reason some of the text is written to use neutral language instead which grinds my gearset.
Stick with one, either it's "no child" and "they did not enjoy" like it used to be or fully gender specific. Currently it's half column A, half column B and the inconsistency bugs me about as much as the rotten autonomy that causes this situation to happen in the first place.
>makes a sim look female
>puts him in girl clothes
>cries when topless pics get removed
I don’t miss him
What is the deal with eastern european girls and the sims 2?
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played the fuck out of this back in the day
If you think he looked female you have brain damage.
Non-troll answer? Presumably the same reason why eastern European boys love HOMM3
>heavily pirated
>can run on a toaster
>Autism-core (tons of mechanics/dynamics, High replayability, etc.)
>highly moddable
Same can be applied to most Sandbox-y games of the 90s to early-mid 20s
truly the one ethnic group that can save EVROPA
Ahh I see. Thank you for explaining.
As for the autonomy part, I hate it as well. I can count the amount of times the child sim walks in on her brother in the bathroom getting freaky. It's awkward for everyone involved even the player.
Thing is I think the room IS flagged for like, sex activity, so why not make sims avoid it altogether. No one wants to have awkward encounters with their families or strangers.
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>No one wants to have awkward encounters with their families or strangers.
Yes, you are.

Many thanks, friends

How about something from the build challenge? >>486996751
I like incest but I feel nothing but disgust towards my irl sister and mother to some extent, "damn bitch you live like this" is not a meme at all
ugly family issue
Spoken like a true single child
Anyone playing sims 4 had their game crash attempting to go into ThrifTea since the new content update?
its not just me right??
>I feel nothing but disgust towards my irl sister
when I was a kid I absolutely spied on my older sister. I outgrew it though
siblings? fuck no.
most siblings feud, you're lucky if yours didn't.
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so many cuties, so little time
Are they massive or is that fountain tiny?
They really put out a new expansion pack for slightly better romantic interactions, huh?
time for what?
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Ha it's all cheeks and cameltoes .
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>romantic interactions
>they're all sex
i hate this timeline
will i get removed from yt if i try sims challenge like: "i created ranch baron, but only hired black men to work on the farm"
>pronoun shit
typical anglos. if you played the game in literally any other language that is not from simple germanic tree, you'd know that pronoun shit finally fixes grammar errors related to declensions
sweet, sweet lovemaking
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just came across twittertards seething about this on twitter, just for you anon
zero is a detransitioned, former troon
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sanctions don't allow them to buy newer games, so they end up playing retro ones
holy based
i need to be able to call my cunny wife a wife
the fiance change makes no fucking sense
Why yes, this is my Engaged.
Tray and/or outfit CC?
xD i haven't seen this copypasta a million times very funny lmao
listen to this
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and here is some aesthetic pictures to go along with that sims 2 song
>zero is a detransitioned, former troon
Wonder what woke them up
EA’s phony woke capitalism
EA made the troon detroonsition?
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Partner is not as cute as bf/gf
whadda mean, pardner? havent ya seen real youngin meat round these parts?
Nice pearl necklace on that hotspouse. Bet she has a lot of side partners.
is entire dlc basically based around cuckoldry and game's native implementation and rework of jealousy system?
Good. I hope they seethe more and die from fucking aneurysms. This shit really didn't need to be changed.
Dunno anon, I was just shitposting about the wife/husband etc changes
How it started...
...how it's going

No interior yet, but expect to see it if completed!
The other pearl necklace sadly clips too obviously on this top, but this one is actually nice, yes.
Cute hairstyle
What should the next dlc be?
should be innocuous but its actually a dlc full of screamers and jump scares
It's so strange because as far as I understand, WickedWhims should account for sims already being in the room and score it lower for autonomy, but in this case the girls were obviously in the room and yet it didn't matter at all.
I guess it's better than the behavior I saw at Sulani where I had more than a few sims bone outside on the little deck thing or upstairs in the main room. The deck technically would be fine from a sims running into it perspective, but it just breaks my immersion since it's outdoors with no cover facing the ocean.
the sims...
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I like that the elderly couple I've made is still up and about, living life in the background here.
probably something licensed IP
It's kind of funny how they were showing off their cool gender-neutral terminology in the stream while at the same time that same dropdown list still had sister and other obviously gendered terms. Why not fix those too? This is my sibling Jane, and that's my parent Donovan, and Jim Bob over there is my parent's sibling and Billy here is my parent's sibling's offspring. Sounds about right, ship it.
please understand, maxis is a small indie dev team, in ther terms of small indie dev they only lose to Gamefreak
All they had to do was the ability to choose between gendered and non-gendered terms and nobody would've complained, but that would've been more work than a simple text string replacement so now we have this idiocy where girlfriend is a no-no word but sister is fine. It's fascinating, really.
Only played Sims 1 like 30 years ago
Where can I find the fun mods for Sims 4? There's definitely a makin magic mod for Sims 4, right?
Would you be willing to share it? I find it surprising that no creators have made the effort to change the existing cc eyelashes in their own category. It would be great to finally have the option to use them with glasses.
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finally found use for ceiling paint. much like someone before has mentioned, they only really work in mansions with intricate pattern designs. putting plain wood makes it look like inside a ship, and in most other places it's always just white ceiling
Some minor adjustments and now a bit closer to the drawing :)


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