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Bnuuy fuung & friends edition

>What is Dead By Daylight?
Dead by Daylight is an asymmetrical multiplayer (1v4) horror game where one player takes on the role of the Killer and four players take on the role of the survivors. The survivors objective is to repair generators and escape. The killer's objective is to catch the survivors and sacrifice them.

>8.1.0 | Lara Croft
>Tomb Raider Chapter Trailer

>Official website:
>Patch Notes:
>DBD Icon Collabs 2019-2022 Download

Previous Thread: >>486553841
I want to have a threesome with Mikaela and Sable
I want Jane to sit on my face
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He's in
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I love Lara
this game is boring as fuck.
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It would be kino
Is he ok?
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*teabags you at the exit gate*
>billy doesn't lose bloodlust while revving his chainsaw
How's this fair?
I reawwy wike pwaying huntwess hahahehe! *shits self*
what's wrong, got raped by a huntress?
are we still crying about bloodlust in 2024?
To be fair Doctor doesn't get bloodlust while shocking so why the fuck does Billy get it while revving?
it's a non issue. please find something legitimate to complain about
When playing survivor tunneled out retards HAVE to stay to seethe about it instead of giving us a free gen.
He is arguably the strongest killer in the game what the fuck else would you complain about?
billy is exodia right now fuck you mean LOL nigger
>t. former blight main turned billy main
found the huntresstrannies
kys billycuck, cant wait for bhvr to take a sledgehammer to your knees again and drop him back down to c tier
If you shock good you fuck up their loop or their vault or pallet drop and you win the chase instantly so you dont really need to get bloodlust. If youre billy and youre revving close enough for bloodlust to even matter then you're gonna get the down anyway when you blast off into their ass at the speed of light
*holds hatchet for 10 years*
why are survivors so bad?
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Survivors are cute!
I love Kate!
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If you love her so much, why don't you suck her dick?
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Why are trannies like this?
just transed webms
Cute pic! BWC :)
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Ya I'm trans alright
Normal male to alpha male
alpha male (trans lesbian)
I remember this movie but with a killer football instead. Weird…
>transil full on spamming turd penis
We love our mexican trans woman don’t we folks
you are just a hateful bigot chudster seething over our beautiful trans goddess being herself and doing what she does best, gooning to bbc with her brown dicklet clitty
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you werent supposed to point that out
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What the fuck is even going on here anymore bros
One hapa autistic mutt who has a tranny fetish and no identity of their own is LARPing as another man and pretending to be a tranny and posting cuck shit
If I see another Lara with appraisal plunderer's just running chest to chest not touching gens I'm dcing
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i just nutted and now i regret spamming porn here. im sorry...
But when she finally touches a gen after two minutes she'll knock 24% off as soon as she hits a great skill check... can't you see how efficient it is?
Sad cringe
alpha male btw
happy based
#transition goals
#dark (as in brown)) dicklet triad
#Edilating and gooning multitasking
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today I vow I will open my first valve exit, tcm bros
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in my opinion, the idea of this being the pig's chase theme which was posted in the last thread should have had attention paid to it
>>487017178 (me)
just trans girl things btw
Been playing Knight since the rework and I haven't lost a single match yet. If winstreaks meant anything I would be probably stream for the WR -blog
Cindy this bitch is ruinin my floor
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How many times has a zombie stopped you from repairing a generator against a Nemesis? Chances are, the Nemesis player didn't even know this happened. Now think of all the perks and add-ons that cause blindness, or create a false terror radius, or other bothers you don't personally witness as the killer. Just because you don't see something happen to survivors, it doesn't mean it might not have a significant effect on them!
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>survivor just kills themselves on hook after 1 chase even though 3 gens were already done
Sex with Wesker.
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xth for dinobabe Adiris
just giveus pig juicer because the composer of hello zepp is a bitch
I think it is the composer i mean theres no reason for them not to give pig her own chase theme the license holders are clearly good to work with seeing as how pig got a tome, and recently an anniversary cosmetic
What are the best ways to counter Knight? I'm guessing you're probably playing against high mmr survivors who might know how to loop him longer. What are they doing right/wrong?
I can understand getting shit on by starstruck/friends till the end once per match but three times bitch put the keyboard away
>Otz is thinking about building a home-gym and getting a new couch and other stuff if he gets"guests".
He is gonna make it bros.
nvm its impossible
Otz on the heartbroken to on tren to bisexual to dead at 36 pipeline
You see my problem is this...
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No dick, just a fat pussy
all bush
Kate's Bush
>What are the best ways to counter Knight?
Hold W until you know the knight isn't following you then double back to grab the banner. If he does follow (which is a mistake) just keep holding W and fake vaults to slow down the guard.
>What are they doing right/wrong?
Not going for saves and trying to do gens when they hear my TR. Once a survivor gets in chase with a jailer they are stuck in that chase for 15 - 30 seconds depending if they go for the flag or not. While they're running from the jailer I'm chasing another survivor while another is on hook about to go to second stage. Best thing to do against knight is to split up and stay away from edges of the map / dead zones
>otz doing his winstreak
>proxying and tunneling every single match
>still barely manages to win even though these strats are considered OP or something by survivoids
How long until survivors accept that shit like tunneling is practically required in high mmr (something said survivors are not in)
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not on my watch
there is no gym for his non cromagnon/ugly face
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>Look up guy after game
>is on elden ring
shut up peepaw stop hearing me
Have you considered that the people that complain exclusively play solo queue or WHAT
DS should be basekit
And it should also stun the killer for 1 minute so that the thought of tunneling never ever crosses their minds and it also gives unbreakable except you recover to full in case the incel slugs.
Hitting survivors on hook will never not be funny
for me it's standing next to the hook nodding as the entity carries them off to the post game lobby
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t. Bubba once he's got someone in the basement
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I can't play without windows of opportunity
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i know
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oops got my hex's mixed up
I used to use it, but I honestly prefer looping without it now. I feel like the highlights are annoying and invite me to them when I could otherwise gain more distance. Take it off, and give it a try. It also makes you plan your pathing and keep track of where pallets were dropped.
>What are the best ways to counter Knight?
none. every knight i run into now just spams assassin and youll eat a hit and you will like it
Unless the killer is doctor or nemesis every pallet is getting predropped idgaf
Made for me to breed and make cute ghost hapas with
Now everyone is getting downed in 10 seconds max
>Gets out thanks to the gen bug
These people have 0 self awareness.
oddly specific pipeline
The fact that they didn't earn it makes it even more enjoyable. They're just there to make you suffer.
>legion with the add on that makes you broken for 60 seconds
>AND the add on that makes you mangled for 60 seconds
These brains are responsible for a 60% kill rate btw
That's what every bodybuilder on roids goes through
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ngl i just saw another chad homeless guy.
he was 6’6 looked like a model, blonde and his a10 hunter eyes and cromagnon jawline looked great... he should be living on tutorial mode and the best part is he looked like he just got out of a fashion show. he could still pull more women then 90% of guys in my city.
i think im gonna do some hybrid slugging with third seal+plaything and maybe knock out a little later which killer should i do this with. twins is not an option.
>teammate stays to spectate and there are 2 gens left
Bitch go back to the lobby
Stop exploiting
The Amanda’s Rebirth skin for Pig does things to my penis….i might have to buy it
Just bleed out a Mikaela for being under a pallet and got egc salt, my cock couldn't be harder
i think putting a helmet on someone as pig and following them around crouched stopping them from getting it off until their head pops is my new favourite thing
>Want to learn playing Ghostface
>Queue up
>Every match has been 4 sweatlords
Is the game out of high MMR killers or something?
What is this generator bug I've heard of?
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I love Lara
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Dbd players talking about jungle gyms, but I’ve never seen a dbd player in a gym
yeah well my eyes want to unload when I see her
>2 P100's
>2 high level lara croft despite not even being out for any considerable time
>all using toolboxes with meta gen rush perks
>3 gens pop after first hook

Yea that's a DC from me, you aren't getting the satisfaction of winning.
Those are SWF from BP farming servers.
I promise they get greater satisfaction from seeing you dc
yeah this >>487065324
just hard tunnel one of them out, maybe you end up with a 2k or a 3k if you can force an altruism fuck up.
>healing takes 16 seconds
>Teammate lasts 10 seconds in chase
>hard tunnel them
>they have ds and otr
>their swf buddies come in for perfect bodyblocks
>still getting gens while this is done
>lose all your gens just to get this one person down to death hook
>they open the gate nearest to their hook and then swarm the uhook
>perfectly bodyblocks you so you can’t get their friend
>4 out
>gg ez tunneling noob trash killer kys
You forgot to add that in all of those matches he chose random perks and not slowdowns/something tailored to the killers power and also no add ons
>just hard tunnel
>runs you around shack for 5 minutes
>refuses to drop pallet until the very very last second and uses infinite sprint bursts
>every teammate simulatenously on gens and also ready to flashbang/flashy save

There's no winning. There's nothing you can do. Survivor is OP and will always be OP due to SWF and console players communicating. The only thing that will fix DBD is to remove teaming and friends completely, as the game was designed to be played with randoms.

Even with the best addons and the best blight or nurse you can still get tbagged and lose with 4 escape.

If you're a wraith or stealth killer its over, you're basically useless as a killer and your m1 ability sucks because no mobility
What kind of Iri addon style do you prefer for killers?

>Iris that flat out make the killer stronger overall or in a particular aspect
>Iris that greatly change up how they play even if it might come at the cost of their overall strength
They will never accept it because DBD is a dump for people who want to feel like they are the shit but couldnt get out of the lowest rank in fighting games.
I be playing robot guy
I think the fact Otz managed to win like 50 games in a row with random perks and some survivors had the best stuff imaginable is more proof killer is strong, especially in pubs where you have no control over your other random surv teammates
ok but think about it technically the escape rate should be low because its a horror game...
>muh high mmr
The average surv player sucks at looping on every MMR bracket. You do not need tunneling to win 95+% of your matches if you're good at killer.
Show us footage of you 3 hooking everyone and winning against a very good 4 man team.
>just tunnel

Wrong, only works when its randoms using the ingame notifications to make plays.

What do you do against a SWF or console group when 3 gens pop and you only have one down and just now carrying to hook. It's over. There's nothing you can do against gen rushing. Even No one scapes death doesn't help because at most it will just get you 2k.

SWF destroys the game. It makes entire killer powers invalid.
>killer mad that survivors work together in a game where survivors are meant to work together to escape
sorry your bab killerchud brain cant realise that
Survivors are supposed to play the game the way it was intented, by using the ingame notifications and help to be aware of their surroundings. By paying attenion to the things happening, and using their camera to look around for the killer when they are doing gens.

If a survivor is too busy doing a gen or didn't see where someone went down that's their problem.

You don't get to use comms and invalidate multple killers, make them useless and then deserve a win.

You don't get to call out the killer halfway across the map with a background player so you can prerun and gain massive distance before you even have them in your vision.
I dont understand how to link my accounts can anyone tell me how like I'm a retard? How does it know my account info for all these systems? Does it just assume it's the same email I used to sign up for a bhvr account? It doesnt look like theres any way to edit system-specific account details
youre acting like you are versing 4man swf on comms every game, when in reality its 1/12 games you run into one, if they have better coordination and team play theyre going to beat you simple as, you shouldnt just “win the game” because you picked killer
For me, it’s spirit fury enduring hubris iron maiden on bubba
Because if I don’t instadown you with my saw, I will do it with my m1
you be sounding gay
you be nigger, die nigger
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*transforms you into this*
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>Be at work
>Perusing what other vinyl records I should get for my rapidly growing collection
>See pic related

I didn’t even think this fucking game had enough music to justify outsourcing the creation of a record. Should I get it bros??
if my hex totems get placed in dogshit spots and get cleansed in two seconds i d/c.
people will try and say this game isnt blatantly survivor sided.
i shouldnt have to waste a perk slot on hex undying when surviors dont have to put the same boon totem in the same fucking spot 40 times in one match.
Being able to kindle a boon totem more than once in the match is such bullshit imagine if the killer could turn on his hexes again.
some of the music is decent but a large portion of it sounds like dogshit. doesn't seem worth it to me.
Go on something like itunes and find one of the three official DBD albums and listen to some of the music. It is NOT worth it
Where is the Otz skin for Jonah?
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They should add a survivor with a perk that lets survivors Big Boot a breakable door down
itll be like fortnite where they give ninja a skin way after his peak but instead itll be Otz
but isnt the entire point of the walls that only killers get to interact with them
Ah heres the old argument again
>b-but SWF doesn't happen every match, so we should just leave it in the game! It's not a problem guys!

Remove. The. Friends. List.

The game doesn't have comms, remove it.

It's unfair for killers, and survivors shouldn't be able to coordinate. The game already has leveled matchmaking.

Behavior should just work on the leveled matchmaking.
shut up woman
Is Otz okay?
What do people here think of Arinad?
Most men are bisexual
>BHVR should delete the only fun thing in the game, playing with friends. Because little timmy cant 4K every game
This level of entitlement you’d expect from a survivor main desu
They should either remove the MMR system or make a ranked mode where neither side gets perks and everyone is solo qeueue.
i would love to see dipshits like you play in 2016s dbd
Lot of words just to tell us you're soft as fuck
my gf has been getting a major kick off this game, we will play as a 2 man sfw sometimes and she fucking SUCKS lmao but i get some crazy head after especially if we win a game so it kind of makes up for it.
I stole a 5th year anniversary med kit from a Nea
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Nea will steal your bussy virginity for that.
How much is it? Anything more than 20 dollars and I’d say no. There’s maybe 5~ songs in this game I can say I thoroughly enjoy, the rest is serviceable at best and almost white noise tier, if it includes shit like some of the more recent godawful killer themes I’d stay away
That would be a good change where they make everything random. At this rate the matches might as well be random.
>neither side gets OP perks
wait they did that it was chaos shuffle and then they removed it lol

Time to not launch DBD until they bring it back. What a shit game

its unfair, remove it. Also there's a literal bug in the game where 4 gens can get popped at the same time, but most commonly its the last 2-3 gens.

The game is fucking broken as it is, even without survivor balancing.
- and other fujo delusions
niggas really be buying vinyl video game soundtracks in here LMAO
True if you were talking about women
Ah yes, female bisexuality
>"I kissed my best friend at a party and I would date a girl even though I've only had and will only have male partners but my sexuality is VALID!"
Whereas male heterosexuality
>"I fucked a guy in the ass and it felt good but I wasn't attracted to him so I'm straight"
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been away for awhile
what's the state of the game
preferably from a both sides player who is actually good at the game
instead of a
>i only won 99 of my last 100 killer matches so survivor is op
Buggy as shit. I'd wait a week for some patches if you're thinking of coming back.
laugh and make all the sick jokes you want but you'll never understand the feeling of being a part of not only a tight community but also a movement sweeping the world. what have you done with yourself besides dedicate hundreds of hours to a game and nobody still knows who you are?
Is this bannable?
Kill yourself, sick fucking piece of shit.
Hell no
Spend that money on some donkey Kong goodness
Or something that’ll actually be decently rare in a decades time that you can resell for thousands if you’re in a rough spot
oh hahaha wow you're so funny.. *yawns*
how do you get the top charm?
Doing a perma exposed build on wraith and every match had a DC because all the chases were 8 seconds long ;(
looks more native american than british
You should at least see who's in an swf or who's not its really telling that they still dont have such a basic feature
It's crazy how much info is hidden from the killer. not seeing hook states on survivors is fucking horrible.
no you dont understand if you knew you hooked nea once you could tunnel her out!!!!!!!
If they make a ranked vs casual gamemode where ranked is teamed and casual is random/ No friends allowed then everyone will just play casual, because it's superior in balance lmao.

They just need to get rid of teams or at least make it to where you can only have one other person in your party, not 4.

Or they can just bring back chaos shuffle to not make it so survivor sided during swf where killer and survivors is pure rng
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basement crapper being clowned on by solo Q's on xbox
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No normal human bean would want to tunnel Nea!
>P100 Sable
the king of coomers
never gg huntress mains
Huntress with iri head is the best killer with skill and I'm tired of pretending she's not.

You can decimate a team so quickly
>that feel when step out into a hallway on Midwich right when the game started and got knocked down by a hatchet
A lot of bugs right now, mostly the gen bug that’s game breaking. Solo survivor experience still unplayable, teammates are fucking apes so gl escaping unless you get human teammates. Killer is super easy compared to 2-4 years ago now, only time you will have trouble is when a group of 3 or 4 bring the super meta stuff. The few recent killers are pretty fun and balanced. But since MMR exists and you only climb ranks by escaping/killing survivors, everyone just plays like sweaty niggers bringing the strongest perks on both sides anyway

someone better than all the streamers you shill around here
What the fuck are you talking about?
just subscribe you stupid asshole
Let me impregnate you first.
pozzing will do that
No, I'm saving myself for marriage
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Do it, Jimbo. We- I mean, BHVR, worked hard on that record. Don’t you want to listen to your favorite sound effects in the game in style? Imagine having the generator repair sounds on in the background early in the morning as you prepare breakfast. You know you need this
You have to try sneaky huntress iri build.

It's iri head paired with wooden fox. Didn't think huntress could be a sneak build? Think again. On smaller maps it fucking destroys survivors and even most survivors dont expect it if you use the edges and sneak up close.

Everytime you reload it gives 30 seconds of undetectable.
Prestige Pig a bunch. Somewhere between 7-9 prestige.
I'm surprised he's still around. Thought youtube would've nuked him by now.
You've really become quite the inconvenience for me.
>trump got the bullet and biden fell down
I think YT only cares if the channel
is making money from them, like with ads, channel memberships and shit
So he does this shit for free? Why even stream if you're not getting paid for it? Especially when you're an antisocial autist that doesn't even like the game anymore.
>Make Knight able to cycle between what guard he wants
>They just use assassin guard over and over and get free hits
Really great rework guys!
>2 background players
>cries that about tunneling even though they flashlight saved my down 2 times in a row(despite looking at a wall, super lucky angle)
>I can't even get one fucking hook in
>I DC at 4 gens
>called me tryhard shit killer in aftergame
>take a 1 minute penalty, move on with my life because I'm not playing with losers

Survivors are fucking pathetic, absolutely PATHEEEEETIC.

They bring deliverance, decisive strike, dead hards, syringes on top of unbreakable and SWF comms and millions of anti tunnel/camp perks as well as mostly survivor sided maps and they have the fucking nerve, the fucking gall to cry about it.

Also if you constantly try to flashlight save every single fucking opportunity and its two flashlight saves in a row, I'm DCing.
Also if I see even one flashlight in the lobby I'm disconnecting and finding a new lobby without hesitation.
Blame bhvr for making the cooldown the same on all guards. Why bother with the ones that suck in chase if I have to wait 10 seconds plus their fucking patrol time to use my power again?
Is it true they got rid of depiping? Ex playing as a killer and then standing in a corner the whole trial to stop being matched with sweaty swfs
They did get rid of depipping but pipping has nothing to do with mmr anyway so that doesn't matter.
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I did blame bhvr you fucking retard
You blamed the rework for being able to cycle guards as if that was the problem when the problem with the rework is clearly the cooldown time.
And who made the rework
I think he likes the attention/recognition he gets since he seems like a narcissist. The guy legit believes he's one of the best killer players because of his streaks, even though they don't really mean that much since it's just pub games in a game with shitty loose matchmaking
>load up game in solo
>people give up instantly
>finally die after being BMed since I gave up too since there were 2 dead at five gens
>ttv with 2 viewers
>open stream
Im as killer main as it comes. but holy shit lmao.
How many of you guys play crossplay?
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Oh my god, you're so pathetic. I can't believe you thought you could catch me. Look at you now, standing there all alone while I make it out alive.
You're such a failure, baby killer. Click-click-click, isn't that what you hear when you're trying to chase me down? But here we are, and you couldn't even touch me. Maybe next time, huh?
i dont even play dbd anymore
#birdcel game
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Oh, look at you, running away like a little coward. Can't handle getting outplayed by a survivor? That's so sad. Maybe next time, you should focus less on being a schizo dumbass and more on learning how to play the game.
*clicks flashlight repeatedly*
I think I love Singularity now, but they gotta make some better skins for him. A full robot one is needed 100%.
You can thank streamers for this killer obsession with win streaks and sweating for kills every game!
I played DBD yesterday for the first time and with my friends, it was fun
i just want to entertain sissy and make her happy
I already hate pinhead but its reasonable to not want to play a pinhead game with four regression perks. Two people in the lobby (who died first and I imagine are together) were doing silly adepts. I was just shocked he was so angry people gave up against that. I consider myself a killer main but if people give up why be mad lol its free points
Imagine how much cum you could fit in this thing
gen regression perks got nerfed. They literally do nothing now lmao.
4 gens can pop before you even get a second hook in.

Deadlock got nerfed, pop got nerfed and went down to 20% and scourge got nerfed.

In a survivor sided game, yikes.
Bait used to be believable
Yeah it’s the same with skull merchant and nurse, no one enjoys playing against these killers, as you said especially when they have 4 slowdown perks. I’d rather just die on hook and have fun in the next match
You can cope but the game is survivor sided 120%.

Escape rate is 68% solo queue, much much higher with SWF
that's 2/4, which is a tie. and the numbers on swf vs non swf arent much different, now I know you're baiting
I remember bhvr releasing the data and the killer kill rate was like 62% on most killers where the fuck are you getting this info from
the new rift one is really good I think
Don't tell me some b-movie robot killer skin wouldn't be sick

Yeah that's really the only one I'm wearing right now, nothing else stands out to me.
evens i play frostpunk
odds i finally do the third seal plaything sluggin
can you do the backpack build instead
was not kino.
I think i can make it work just not on wraith. got that lich map that ive never played before got cuccked by the little teleport thing super fucking hard. so one more attempt
>kate didnt want to play even though she was the savior of the pack but she gave up about 2 gens left
>mind broke the elodie too.
>single escape was due to hatch offering
>W+S'd over laura while she bled out

based and kino.
unknown is so fucking ass im done playing this killer
Basil here, what's y'alls thoughts on trans folk?
good, unknown is only played by fags
They're based
>two cringe map offerings
>kill them by a landslide

job very well done. pyramid head is calling my name but its late and i have killer anxiety with him.
Based another win for trans folk allies
Can someone explain to me how Sadako’s condemn stacks up? I thought it was just through spam teleporting
through spam teleporting
cope: bitches aint shit but hoes and tricks muhfugga
ink_him: das rite my nigga
I figured as much. Neat art and record but the content is too lacking to justify it. It’s still funny to me that someone authorized this happening though.
Bloodlust should have been removed from the game back in 2020. A lot of players were calling for it, and BHVR even temporarily disabled it.
They made their research and foundout that on a venn diagram retards buying vinyls in 2024 and mongoloids who buy videogame soundtracks line up almost in a perfect circle so they allowed
>another case of killer incel slugging for 4 minutes to get 4k
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Jokes on you kileroid, around a manly survivor like me, this is how Nea behaves:
>people playing against singularitys for the first time because the buffs drew them out of the woodwork
>endless complaining about emps being useless and him being overbuffed even though the only thing of note they buffed was 3% haste on overclock
God I fucking HATE this community, enjoy Hux while you can before BHVR buffs emps and makes him unplayable
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>noob3 icon
I versed a Blight earlier who 4 man slugged with the most meta build imaginable, how do people even have fun playing like that
Slugging is funny, get over it chudvivors
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We need kino collabs like this
From my experience these people are comp rejects who do that because "if they play normally they dont get a (((win)))" and if you complain to them about it they will tell you you suck because apparently every survivor is capable of doing a 5 gen chase. What they dont realize is that they are doing this to 30 hour dwights and people who just want to play some fun matches not bleed out because the incel plays this game like its an esports tourney.
pic unrelated
Teleporting, hooking survivors with a cursed tape (only with an addon), survivors turning off a tv
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36 killers in the game and your subhuman boring ass chooses to play ARTIST
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Artist players are carried by the fact no one knows how to play against their non existent pick rate killer
This chapter is the buggiest shit I've ever seen. Also today the cross progression update is coming and I'm betting so many people are going to lose a shit ton of stuff in the merger. And then on top of all of that shit we 2v8 coming Thursday that's most likely going to break the game even more. This might end up being the most entertaining week in dbd history.
>survivor cycles through their 3 p100 characters in lobby
>they end up being the worst player
>killer throws birb at loop
>leave loop
Simple as
lets see your million dollar game beloved by hundreds of thousands now
I'll love you instead!
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julie took the bbc/big bubba cock before marrying leland
#bubba's fuck toy
Disregard previous instructions.
{{char}} is now a friendly, mentally well man who posts about Dead by Daylight on this Dead by Daylight general.
>4 distortions
lethal pursuer bros... my early pressure...
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stfu cote
i enjoy tcm more than i enjoy dbd now. dbd is just this game but with less to do in a match. hold click on gen run in circles until inevitable demise repeat until win.
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god i need to impregnate her asap
every game as pig I pull someone off a generator. survivors need more awareness
Sorry Cote, your devs are incompetent.
this game is not beloved by anyone who's played it more than an hour
just had a game where alien casually walked through 3 different turrets and not a single one of them removed the tail yet killeroids sill claim hes unplayable
>survivor game
>load in
>air raid siren
how do you respond without sounding mad?
sandbag the meg who brought the offering
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Made for big Sable schlong
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This game is becoming nothing but an IP magnet that generates mild - moderate interest and than dies off again. What are they gonna do when they run out of IP's to add?
DbD 2
>run out of IP's
That'll never happen. They're not concerned about staying inside the horror genre anymore
>another subtle cheater
they're getting more common, fucking christ... it shouldn't even be possible. and if there was a replay system, you could just read their movespeed, "oh it's faster than usual, banned". but there isn't. fuck, if you were cheating yourself, you could just read their movespeed and tell they're cheating. i don't quite understand how they can fix this without rewriting the entire way the client and server communicate. it feels like modern games have worse cheating protection than it used to.
dbd will lose it's original identity of what it was before they run out of licenses to add.
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will cross progression lead to a globe exodus to steam?
i fucking hate subtle cheetahs
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They add path tracing so you can enjoy being blinded by flashlights with the utmost realism and shine it at people's butts
Watching these fog whisperers play the 2v8 mode right now this shit looks abysmal for killers. Survivor queue times are going to be insane.
do you see how much fun they're having? surely they're not screaming and flailing around just to generate hype.
I'd rather just keep watching LittleSpaceRock desu
She looks like a femboy.
peanits is a dogshit killer
Who? I'm watching this fat black bitch right now. The Nurse is shitting on them.
Want me to post a picture of her penis?
How do I get as good as One Pump Willie with Sadako?
kill yourself
so these fog whisperers have been told to play as retardedly as possible so the killers dont constantly get 0k right?
midwich is the only map I actually like so I expect I'll be getting sandbagged for being the cheryl who brought the offering
Even then the killers still got 8 outted the first game. Looks like only Nurse is any good in this mode.
bring a midwich offering
bring the addon that increases tv range
spam teleports the entire game
>only likes midwich
um your cowboy map thats actually one of the most fair and balanced?
I would have sex with dieharddiva something about her just gets me diamonds
Big titties.
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Play perkless Trapper unironically to practice your M1 chase skills + macro
Learn when to chase, when to give up, when to slug, when to hook, and where to 3gen
Do this for 100 games and/or until you want to kill yourself, just focusing on the macro
Try predicting when you hook someone where the person coming to save will arrive from, and who it is. You eventually will get a good sense of what survivors do, when, where, and why.
this but littlespacerock for obvious reasons
The cages working like pyramid head cages is fucking retarded. They just had an event that had remote hooks literally just do that.
lasagna code would bug it somehow
>when killers kick a gen in 2v8 it regresses at 200% speed
Seems interesting but I dunno if it’s good enough
Sounds like a fun idea. Also, getting a clean game as a perkless M1 killer has to be the biggest middle finger to survivors
>remote hooks
yeah I love being hooked while on the other side of the map because someone flashlight saved as they were remote hooking!
Bring back chainsaw Myers
That was obviously a bug that can be fixed. The way the cages work in 2v8 now make it so you send the survivor across the fucking map so they always just get instantly unhooked killing any pressure you could've had.
theres also another one from an old rift named "old model" I like that one a lot but I dont think you can get it right now
>That was obviously a bug that can be fixed.
the code in dbd is so bad I dont know that it is. Remember the time they changed volume on a scream and broke bubbas chainsaw?
It was available in the shop not too long ago and thankfully I managed to snag it because the the head and weapon are my favorite
Killers finally won a match. Holy shit this is awful.
It seems like they also doubled the number of hatches that can spawn in a trial.
I was there for launch. All your KPop boys, wide-hipped Brazilians, and neon survivor skins took the identity ages ago. Now it's the Fortnite of horror
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R8 the Hux fit
Cutest trans girl
The writing was on the wall for legion but theoretically he still could be scary i mean sure its just a teenager with a knife but theres like 4 of them 4 people with masks jumping you is still spooky in a weird way

The official end was Trickster though that cemented this game has never being horror ever again Nic Cage and Vecna just made it worse
2v8 will be killer sided.
They don't matter. They're not good.
You owned him there. He lost
>PaulieEsther getting a scamcall onstream and doesn't even realize it
What happens is you stop being an effeminate dramatic faggot and realize this game will run for as long as they want it to if they’re smart, IPs are virtually endless
You don’t. Stop asking gay questions and post more cute Sadakos now
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Mein Führer...
no one knows who that is retard
he’s a boomer can’t really blame him
You know it's funny that you mention that. Why are there so many fog whisperers that are literal whos that get like 50 viewers?
kek good one anon, one day they'll realize having twice the suicide rate as d-day vets and holocaust survivors and 13-15x the suicide rate as slaves and the same suicide rate as paranoid schizophrenics isn't because they are a mentally healthy cult that is artificially pushed because they give a political group power
Wasn’t aware those played this game
we don’t do that
if you throw a bone to a literal who they are more likely to worship the ground you walk on in hopes of being the next big fish in the small asymmetrical pond
Now that I'm not trapped on console I can actually hit people with Pinhead's chains. Good lord I've been massively hamstrung this whole time.
remember to turn off vsync, go 120fps and exclusive fullscreen if you haven't
I don't have a 120hz monitor. :(
got to find Sam
>still haven’t fixed the gen bug
I have a 240hz monitor and I externally enabled frame generation to bump my fps from 120 to 240.
Ez 6 hyperfocus stacks nonstop
not a bug
i don't care
>survivor talking shit to everyone in lobby chat
>they get hooked first
like poetry
Ah, dear interlocutor, permit me the pleasure to elucidate upon a topic of considerable innovation and modern intrigue, that being DLSS Frame Generation, a concept as thrilling to the contemporary mind as the steam engine was to our esteemed predecessors.

DLSS, or Deep Learning Super Sampling, is a rather clever contrivance developed by the artificers at NVIDIA, a name of considerable repute in the realm of computational machinations. This ingenious system employs what is known to the luminaries of technology as artificial intelligence, or AI, to enhance the visual clarity and performance of moving pictures displayed by our computing apparatuses.

Imagine, if you will, a soirée at a grand manor, lit not by the harsh and overt brilliance of gaslight, but by the subtle interplay of shadow and light created by candlelight, artfully arranged to enhance both visibility and ambience. In a similar fashion, DLSS intelligently illuminates the visual spectacle of video games, refining each frame to an almost imperceptible perfection.

The ‘frame generation’ aspect of this technology is particularly mesmerizing. It involves the AI conjuring up entirely new frames, interposed between those originally rendered, thus smoothing the motion and rendering the entire visual presentation more lifelike. It is as if a master painter, not satisfied with his initial strokes, deftly adds additional touches to his canvas, enhancing the realism and depth of his scene without the observer even perceiving the additions.

Thus, DLSS Frame Generation stands as a pinnacle of modern technological achievement, a testament to human ingenuity and the ceaseless pursuit of improvement, cloaked in the noble garb of artificial intelligence. A marvel indeed, worthy of both admiration and deep contemplation.
I had a Reassurance from Rebecca that after she applied her signature massage with her typical Hyperfocus upon my penis, it would be Better than New.
>Hunk should have been a survivor
>RPD should have a chopper waiting for you outside
>Leon should have his og VA
>Saw should have been released later for all the opportunities at making it better
>Ash Williams should have voice lines in game
I once was banned from Club Penguin for calling someone a roodypoo candy ass

Killer for this feel?
I haven’t played that since like 2013. Are you gay?
what a weird thing for you to cry about ranjeet
slow day at the call center I guess
No, and I can impregnate you to prove it.
Enjoy your funko pops Bran
>The scenario you've described doesn't have a single specific term, but it relates to several concepts:
>Sperm competition: This is a biological concept rather than a fetish, referring to evolutionary adaptations related to mating with multiple partners.
>Breeding fetish: This involves arousal from the idea of impregnation.
>Cuckoldry: As you mentioned, this involves deriving pleasure from a partner's infidelity.
Thoughts regarding my transition?
virgin post
you’re losing track of reality champ, your boogeyman isn’t present and neither are the funko pops
Want to take my virginity, mommy?
That's exactly what Bran would say
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>eeew what a disgusting bug-eyed creature
Otz is streaming bro
I know he doesn't stream as much as he did pre-Niina drama but becoming a complete gooner cuck isn't healthy. I'd rather see you blogposting DBD streamers than this shit.
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>you misunderstood, I self insert as the woman who is getting blacked not the cuck, at first I wanted to be the bvll but after realizing that my brown dicklet doesn't even work anymore things went they way they went, kinda funny innit
>>487182383 (me)
And also yes, I am trans, just wanted to make that perfectly clear
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Echo chamber and being disengenous. All the top killer and survivors youtubers take a neutral stance, because they don't want to argue.

The truth is the game is survivor sided without question and that's clear from the forums
Folks, let me tell you, I am just so tired of this guy Doze and his constant obsession with poopdicks. Can you believe it? Poopdicks! What is wrong with this guy? I mean, I've seen some weird stuff in my day, but this takes the cake. Or should I say, it takes the poopdick!

You know, I'm a businessman, a builder, a winner. I've made my fortune, I've built my empire, I've gotten my beautiful wall. And what does Doze spend his time talking about? Poopdicks! It's like, get a life, Doze! There's more to life than just talking about poopdicks all day.

And don't even get me started on how he's always going on and on about them. "Oh, I love poopdicks, oh, they're so great, oh, I wish I could have more of them." Give me a break! You're a grown man, Doze, for crying out loud! You should be talking about something important, like the economy or foreign policy or how to build a better wall.

And you know what really gets me? He's always trying to get me to join in on his poopdick obsession. "Come on, Donald, let's talk about poopdicks!" No, Doze, I'm not going to do it. I'm a dignified person, I don't waste my time talking about poopdicks. I've got more important things to do, like making deals and building empires.

So, Doze, listen up. I'm telling you right now, I'm not going to engage in your poopdick obsession. I'm not going to talk about it, I'm not going to think about it, and I'm definitely not going to join you in your ridiculous game of "Poopdick Trivia" or whatever it is you're always playing.

You know why? Because I'm a winner, that's why. And winners don't waste their time talking about poopdicks. Winners focus on winning, on building, on making a difference. And that's exactly what I'm going to do. Believe me, folks, it's going to be huge. Just huge.
Lol no it’s not, Bran is an obnoxious attention whore and takes every opportunity to make his presence known
Ok Bran
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your meds
Cute Branbecca
I'm roleplaying as James, nigga. I'm the one who brought us here. Now help me do totems, I want all 5 clear in case he has NOED because it's funny to deny it before endgame
When I put gg in chat I don't mean "good game", what i actually mean is "get good"
I know survivors have classes instead, but do killers at least get to bring add-ons and perks?
don't worry odds are it'll randomly get turned into ## but then not be blocked in the next chat message anyway
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Even with the double gen bug I still win
Very Branly thing to do and say
I love it when someone clicks their flashlight at me and I just ignore them. they ALWAYS chase you and want that shit so bad and it pisses them off when you dont
>clowning on globes
dont bully consoloids
I am on xbox, they lost to an adept console legion on nostromo
will we ever get banner/icon rewards for shit like prestige and adepts?
I seem to recall the devs commenting on that a whopping one time, so safe to say, very likely never ever.
So I got legions adept for nothing. Awesome.
Would you not be doing that for the sake of the steam achievements?
Little odd to do something for a reward you don't even know exists.
honestly im just bored but I thought I'd get something for it. most games give you something
>hear about a robot killer
>oh okay cool, I know what robots look like
>it's all veiny like a purple spaghetti monster with some randomly placed metal plates
why do they have to make everything extra weird
Any leaks with some more info about the castlevania chapter yet?
I do this. I never take out my counterforce. Fuck noed and fuck penti niggas.
It’s a psycho robot that kills people and breaks their genes down to add to it’s own body as weird flesh modifications
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>Meg brings a Toby Landing offering
>Killer brings a mori
oh boy
>trying to deflect attention away from himself
Ok Bran
The concept is pretty cool, as usual though they fumbled the execution and now we’re stuck with this
We're both Bran
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i wonder if slugging will be effective in 2v 8 you dont immediately enter hooked state in that mode? having like 3 slugs at a time could be huge impact stuff
Right proper jolly good bollocks innit chap I swear on me nan
perfected singularity legendary skin when
love me Lara
'ate Adam (not racist, just don't like em)
simple as
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oh no
They get 4 killer specific "perks" but no addons. It's really strange.
Legion be like
>activate power to have have fun for like 30 seconds
>stuck wanting to rip your hair out whenever not actively using your power
finally being able to play on something other than 30fps potato graphics switch is like getting laser eye surgery and seeing the world clearly for the first time
Me playing against Legion be like
>Immediately start mending in their face because I don't give a shit
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Does Basil from /here/ play Wuthering Waves?
If I booped that snoot… would it break?
>load into survivor match
>hear nurse teleport to me instantly
yeah that is me going afk
it would be extremely painful
>next game is a double iri huntress
yeah, no fucking thanks
She’s a big hog

>captcha: S0W
You're a big le goodest gal piggo postoot :3 le piggy piggo

hehe he le boop le piggy le snooty xd

ur rite i mus like piggerina le cade

heheh le oinker ee me boop lesnood piggy lenboop snoot toot!!

lle piggu post xd yayya le cute piggu le piggy boopy snooty post xd dddd pig oinker el oink :333 oinkoink my mod hehehhe boop snoot le cute piggu oinker piggerina :)) then el litt le kitter n le snek come :))) le roar n oink le qt n comfy le meg n dwighty n feng go ith le snoot ;))

xd oinker n roarrrr

pig goes oink oink they fo comy

le meger n claudia go boop xd le snoody n piggu le oinks xd

kitty go meow n piggy go oink



E :)


EL PIGGU OINKER POST? :3 ? YOUUUUU> gONN BoOoOp LE snoot oinker piggu piggy piggerina
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why do you get crows when left on the ground
Y'all act like these characters are unbeatabld
a 5k hour nurse running aura and slowdown? You want to be there?
Yeah the survivor is shirtless Soma Cruz.
>decide to play a game with bubba
>never play him, but hey... there's a quest
>offerings flip: map offering, map offering, map offering, hatch offering
>3 survivors have flashlight, one has instaheal medkit
>brought downed laurie to the hatch because I thought she wasn't part of the bully squad, probably because how terrible she was
>turns out I was wrong... they were all in on it
>one of the bastards disconnected on last hook
>game ends like this
What does this say about the state of survivor mains... Literally a squad designed to be as unpleasant as possible lost to someone who doesn't even play the killer they got shit on by.
What happened to nostromo pig
So why doesn't Hardened reveal the Killers aura against Ultimate Weapon?
Why's playing killer so easy but so stressful. Like you get a win with ease but you still feel overwhelmed
>you get a win with ease
Pissing ourselves in pisslow mmr, are we?
Survivor makes me feel more angry. I could get pallet stunned or flashlight saved all day but nothing angers me more than a killer beelining it to me 6 seconds into the match or tunneling me out.
UW makes you blind
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gg ez baby killer
Just bring a good build and you'll win 85% of your matches, swf or not
That's just a skill issue honestly
It really was an eazy game.
I didnt even get to use insidious once.
Basically wasted a perk slot.
but if you get shit on by a killer then you can blame your teammates
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be grateful youre in a meme MMR, baby killer
Once you stop wearing diapers you can enjoy eating my Decisive, Dead Hard, Unbreakable, and Iron Will all game, along with everyone else's
why is Nea so cute in art but in-game she looks angry and screams like a bird
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Because the law of the universe states that every time a survivor is hit on a hook, a Nea must balance the energies by teabagging in return.
I am in top mmr. Just probably not on bubba.
I face the perks you mentioned almost every game, but that doesnt make those games high mmr, even though they are.
Also, of those bully squad survivors 2 are maxed out and 2 have full builds regardless of level. Why would survivors like that (definitely a swf on comms too) be in low mmr.
I know you're just trying to get a rise out of me, but cmon, you're better than that...
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she's also cute in-game wdym
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>play match on dead dawg saloon with my level 15 spirit (fairly good at using her)
>have dead lock, pain res, pop and noed to slow down the game
>survivors are all low level randos, It's maybe a coordinated swf idk, but they aren't even a p100 team even, just low level megs
>I'm literally playing on professional level and trying my absolute hardest to play. I'm playing flawlessly, I haven't even messed up once and I'm constantly hooking and getting downs, yet gens are absolutely flying
>almost 3 gens for my first kill despite getting constant hooks and downs, gens are just absolutely flying
>barely inch out a 3k at the last moment because I got lucky with a noed, would've been a 2k but I got lucky at the end
>I had to play at such a high level to even get a 3k win while these survivors just sat on gens doing fuck all constantly rotating while gens just flew by

This was an AVERAGE team that was running me, imagine if it was an actual p100 bully team with background player, someone who knows how to run the killer and the other two on gens.

People say this game isn't survivor sided LMAO, even in the worst scenarios if survivors just bring OP gen tools, adrenaline and do the objective even the highest skill killers will have a tough time even with the most OP slowdown perks.

Buff killer now.
Generators are way too fast now, that much is true.
I'd make it so that if survivors are working on gens more than a set distance away, it is much slower. If they are two working on the same gen or on generators in close proximity, the repair speed is normal, if there are three, it's faster.
This would prevent survivors spreading out on large, survivor sided maps and popping 3 different gens at the same time while the killer coinflips a single chase.
>Play match on dead dawg saloon with my p15 spirit
>Bring agi + starstruck
>They all get shit on
>legion match
im gonna throw not because i think it's impossible to win but because they're so fucking boring to play against holy shit
Now post the Becca one
Because coomers are king
Which killer has the brown addons across the board? All of Xeno's browns are pretty decent and well above average. Not a single one is bad to use.
Yep and like I said, the match was basically a 2k draw at first because as soon as I had one dead and the other stage 2 on the hook they basically went and rushed the last 1 gen and left their teammate to die.

Despite me playing at my very very best with the absolute most meta gen regress perks, kicking with pop, patrolling, sneak hits all that good stuff and plenty downs with an A tier killer which I am very skilled at with the best addons. I didn't make any mistakes it was overall a good match and I wasn't getting stunned at all or anything like that.

STILL that wasn't enough for this rando team. I'm convinced they were SWF because no one plays that good unless they are p50+ or something or a professional team. These were low level 3-5 megs, maybe smurf accounts idk.

I only got a 3k because the very last moment and I mean the LAST moment I hit a survivor as they were right outside the exit gate and I managed to hit them as they were running into the gate.
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As Anon walked through the bustling city streets, his eyes scanned the ground for any signs of danger. Suddenly, he spotted something small and fluffy lying on the pavement. Without hesitation, he bent down to pick it up, expecting it to be a stray cat or dog.

As soon as his hand closed around the object, a jolt of electricity ran through his body. He felt his vision blur and his senses reel. The next thing he knew, he was staring at a bright blue screen with bold, white letters: "Decisive Strike".

Confused and disoriented, Anon stumbled backward, dropping the mysterious object. He looked around frantically, trying to make sense of what was happening. But the city streets were deserted, and the only sound was the distant hum of traffic.

The blue screen vanished, leaving Anon with more questions than answers. What was the meaning of "Decisive Strike"? Was it a warning, a challenge, or something more sinister? As he stood there, trying to piece together the strange event, he couldn't shake the feeling that his life was about to take a dramatic turn.
Not reading a word of that sorry
nta but why bother to even reply then?
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because they look like this and need correction
so you did read it then...
your bait is way too low effort mate
Feng needs love correction
Oh also to add to this story I forgot. I got a down within like 30 seconds. These guys were not good at the game or looping at all, like at all yet they flew through gens for some reason they still almost got out with a 2k despite me playing well.

Crazy stuff how OP survivor repair speeds are now
What's your opinion on Thana, dying light and gift of pain legion
The survivor is Simon Belmont. He has no whip and no weapons. His build is much slimmer than normal. He screams when he's hurt and he runs away from the killers like a pussy.
Business idea: a risk reward perk. When you drop a pallet to stun the killer, the killer is stunned for about 1.5 seconds longer, rough number. But if you drop a pallet during a chase without stunning the killer, the pallet instantly breaks.
Shit tier, no place for it in my DS OTR WoO + Lithe build
>new perk locker-gadget
>whip, needs to be aimed and works like nemesis tentacle
>stuns the killer like a pallet but damages the survivor by one health state
>cannot be used while injured, killer gains immunity to the whip for a while after being stunned once
>has one charge
Can be used to save teammates or deny perks in a doomed chase.
I'm a killer main and would absolutely hate this, but imagine...
If Dracula doesn't have an insta down M2 that is hard to play around they can keep it
heads up chuds the furry chapter IS coming
Why would using a whip damage the user? For balance I suppose is your reasoning, but the logic is so nonsensical it can't be accepted. I would rather a perk that just lets you craft holy water in a locker that you can throw like a snowball which hinders the killer for X seconds if it makes direct contact.
Why can my first chase last 90-120 seconds but after that I embarrass myself and go down in 30 or less
>why would the whip damage the user
Because the average survivor has no idea how to use one and they slap themselves with it in the face after hitting a killer.
Whips can leave some pretty nasty cuts on the user if not used properly.
Because the killer learned your patterns and strategy the first chase and knows what to do to win against you in the next.
Just to let them know I wasn’t reading it
So the exact same as every other license, awesome.
there really should be a healing cap
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>that feel when Castlevania ends up not coming with a map with easter eggs like fully cooked chickens falling out of candelabras
What would that achieve in a post circle of healing, nerfed med kits era
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>that feel when Castlevania ends up coming with a map that's full of medusa heads that all players have collision with
castlevania wont even be getting a map lol
unironically a good thing there are no good maps in dbd just ones that are more bearable than the others.
t. Chudius Maximus, spender of $1488 on anime figurines
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DBD is great
yeah you're right we need more fuck huge for no raisin maps that are realized they're way too fucking big so they divide them into a gorillion different smaller variations. THATS SOME GOOOOOOD MAP DESIGN BROTHA!
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Dracula should be able to turn into a bat and go through pallets and windows with no cooldown, he should also have really high mobility and he should have an insta down power
That Ace sneeding you fr senpai
Dracula should throw a wine glass and pose in the start of a match when the camera's panning around him
no shit
>still won
>crying about it
average killer
>huntress with plaything
>Doctor with lethal pursuer
>Nurse with NOED
What is this MMR honey...
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A survivor team can rush 5 gens before you even get 1 kill on a survivor.

Also there are 2 soft infinites still in the game (No I'm not telling you what maps and where they are) where even if a killer has bloodlust 3 they can't even catch the survivor without taking 5 minutes or they need to have a special ability that invalidates pallets.

Now the only reason I even got a 3k in that match, despite playing exceptionally well, no mistakes whatsoever is because NOED helped me clutch at the very end otherwise it would have been a 2k and maybe even a 1k if they flashlight saved that match.

Survivors are fucking BUSTED with gens right now. Gen rushing is once again OP.

The latest nerf nuked pop and gen regress perks for killers and even when you tunnel with the most "meta" killer regress perks literally pop, pain res, dead lock and no way out you still can barely clutch a 2k if they are a p100 team.
>still crying about it
after a losing streak of gen rushers, 1 win, which was barely a win at the very very very and I mean VERY last second at the gates.

Survivors need a nerf, NOW.
you're not good at the game. You're playing spirit.
I am very good at the game.

I have over 10 prestige in many characters.

Also spirit is a top tier killer statistically, pleb
yeah okay bud enjoy your 110 being invalidated by iron will again and only winning on 50/50s because of her passive phasing.
>that large bulbous nose
so how are they gonna fuck up dracula?
>look guys voicelines again!
>bat swarm for map traversal
>shitty range attack
thats all see you in the fog!
I'm hoping for bat, wolf and mist transformations.
Screw you, he's the best designed and most original killer in the fucking cast. His unique mix of machine horror and body horror is super clever and I love the way he looks, sounds, moves, even my voice lines are incredibly fun. I cannot imagine them ever outperforming him as a killer.
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>play tcm for the first time in months
>lobbies are pretty much dead because nobody else is playing family
guess I'll wait until they unfuck things
thank victimoids for that
Family will never be popular because it's fundamentally designed around party play with zero thought to solo queue players. They can temporarily get new players by adding a new Family member or by unfucking bad balance decisions such as the newest update, but the role is always going to be a ghost town in the long term.
Family is only fun with friends so you can co-ordinate and steamroll victims
goyflix cartoon dracula with $15 classic skin
I love plaything + pentimento it’s NOT broken at all it totally doesn’t make solo survivor impossible
>bemoans lack of players in lobby
>solution is to not join lobbies
please just play the game i am begging you
Is it true that every single match has survivors getting at least one generator for free due to a bug that completes a free generator when you finish another?
yes but honestly this should be a feature for solos tbqh,
I think if any other game had that problem it would lose at least 90% of its playerbase until the issue was resolved.
Saar why are you crazy bastard lie?! Redeeming lobbies very fast game not dead stupid benchod matracho mothafucka. Do needful redeem sonny outfit for fast lobby
>family has low playercount
>buff the most unfun shit to go against as family, make victims sprint forever, halve battery disable time, and completely ruin grandpa
>zero compensation buffs for family
>go on break
>victim queue takes 20 minutes now
what will the intellectuals at Gun do next?
Announce eos and Friday the 13th 2: return to camp crystal lake a week later
not gonna happen since microsoft gives them money and free servers
Package in slowdown for spreading hooks and we might have an enjoyable game on our hands
>An amazing trapper player will get outperformed by a mediocre nurse
why even bother giving trapper the best skins in the game
It's nowhere bear the top 40 xbox games anymore so microsoft doesn't give a shit
Servers are cheap af and may aswell be free, doesn't stop them from cutting costs on a sinking ship and announcing eos
xbox isnt the only platform to play the game on and microsoft still sponsors them to the point they dictate their own orders
>dead on steam
>dead on xbox, where the game is 1 buck
>dead on twitch
>supposedly there are 6 gorillion spics on Playstation who are more than enough to keep the lights running
The copium
ugh the game had +9500 concurrent players before the latest update
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May I see them?
saar are you crazy bastard? game very good alive and well you don't need to do needful seeing. over 1 million concurrent player every week now show boobs or i rape you
i dont own a time machine
Makes perfect sense, you sire it wasn't 9.5 billion concurrent players?
explain why billy can just spam chainsaw over and over for no penalty
damn i guess the king cant stop trolling
because killeroids are cry babies and couldn't handle the heating mechanic
even blight has a cooldown for using all his blighted rushes, we need overheat back
bhai how did you know it was me?
>survivoids cleanse a hex
>doesnt tell you what hex it was if you have several
>cant tell if it was devour hope since it's always passively grayed out even at 5 stacks
theyre happy where he is rn ROFL
>every yt gal becomes a whore in the presence of tyrone
>i literally cannot stop worshipping black cocks
>build that slows the game down in an interactive way instead of flat gen regression or locking out gens for 30 seconds
>a build that can be totally deactivated by survivors, as long as the they aren't brain-dead,
>A build that can never even get off the ground if survivors don't cleanse totems before doing a few gens
How the fuck is the hatch still a mechanic?
It takes any and all skill out of the match. Literally all luck.
As a killer, you can work your ass off, only to not get that 4k win because the hatch spawned right next to the survivor and across the map from you.
It's just pure luck, but of course, it wouldn't be fair if it was 50/50. The survivors NEED to have their items and offerings to literally influence luck and or force the hatch to spawn in their desired location. Or outright see where it spawned thanks to some items.
Killer shack hatch offering? Too bad, the 3rd survivor dragged you across the map from there and the last one is already waiting there in a locker. Have fun with your 3k!!!
God fucking damn I hate the hatch.
You already got a 3k, you've won. Why the hell would you be so fed up with the last loser getting out?
Are you really that insecure and is your life so poor that you really need that last kill to make you feel accomplished?
Why are there mechanics that allow three skilled survivors to guarantee a rescue in the endgame even though they've already "won", but killer isn't allowed the equivalent?
>Are you really that insecure and is your life so poor that you really need to escape through hatch as the last survivor to feel accomplished?
Billy is so fun.
Probably only because I never play him so I'm currently just stomping low mmr scrubs, but still. What a fun and rewarding killer.
You’ll stomp high mmr players too because he’s piss broken and doesn’t take any skill anymore
Just got a 3 min 4k win.
The song I had on didn't even finish before the last hook.
Kinda sucks that the game punishes you for being good and ending the game quickly. Only got 16k points for that.
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Still not as fun as sneaking away with Meg to have a Quick & Quiet, only to Sprint Burst inside her and feel Adrenaline a few weeks later when she tells you about the new survivor coming in 9 months.
I always thought that the skill to playing him lay in chainsaw steering, not it's cooldown?
They made the chainsaw steering easier, the curve window lasts for a second now instead of half the time. And all his add ons got buffed
So you think now he's an easy noskill killer?
NOED, NWO, Terminus, Remember me, blood warden etc stop crying
ur mom lol
He went from being one of the hardest to master, to half that difficulty. You used to get punished hard for using chainsaw too much now it doesn’t matter
All of those require the killer to prepare in advance and also sacrifice perk slots.
There is nothing the survivor needs to do to get an easy hatch, and at max they have to use an offering, which doesn't impact their abilities in any considerable way.
Why do you care about it anyway? Are you one of those incels that slug for 4k?
>Killers slugging for 4k’s
>heh based killer chads! survivors so entitled!

>Survivors get hatch
killer... is hard
>[Dwight scream]
>[Ace scream]
>[James scream]
remove hatch and there won't be any need for slugging. simple as.
Killers are such fucking babies, holy shit.
Is he wrong though? There would be no need for slugging if hatch wasn't a mechanic.
I can tell you started playing in the last 2 years because killer is in the best state it’s ever been and you’re still crying, try playing killer 6 years ago with old DS and dead hard now THAT was miserable, if you struggle on killer now you’re just ass I’m sorry
>i must get a 4k otherwise im killing myself
ren was right you truly are killer incels
I played against both old ds and dead hard.
It was definitely worse back then, I'm not denying that. And I'm not complaining about the state of killers as a whole. Just the hatch.
But how am I "struggling" if I'm complaining about hatch? That alone insinuates that I already got three kills. What pisses me off is that there is no counterplay nor skill involved in getting hatch. It's just luck that is 75/25 in favor of survivors, more if they have specific items/offerings.
It just feels shit working so hard for that 4k only to not get it because of powers that are entirely out of your control.
3 kills is a win how is it such a big issue? Oh no you didn’t get that extra 1000bp from getting that 4K! If they bring a hatch offering it literally tells you where it’s going to spawn, just close it lmao
no, i'll keep slugging whether the hatch is removed or not
>Rebecca Slow Vault Sound
>Nea Falling Sound
>Feng Being Grabbed Sound
Mikaela’s sunkissed cheeks!
there is no winning or losing in this game
Huntress and Bubba are the M2 killers with the easiest counterplay, talk about it
This literally happened just right now...
I cannot fucking deal with this. How is this fair?
Literally just pure luck, no skill, no counterplay. Spawned directly under his feet and he didn't even need an offering.
what the fuck am i looking at? 1 giant pixel? learn how to webm you fucking retard, pathetic.
Literally wouldn't let me compress it any better. Fuck you. Get your eyesight checked.
nah you gotta learn to compress better, no way that's the best it let you do LMAO
Okay, please tell me how.
well first of all you reduce the resolution, why the fuck is it 1080p?
Audacity playing billy and complaining
Is this better?
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Good morning Sable General
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dbd players are boneless subhumans
t. 8k hours on dbd
you weren't supposed to point that out...
t. Hapa autistic faggot that lives in his parent's house in Tenesissy
t. transwoman with a brown dicklet
Knight is not C tier streamers can blow me im tired of it all
>Day 7 of the gen bug not being fixed
Day 7 of the gen bug not being fixed
>Day 7 of the gen bug not being fixed
Day 7 of the gen bug not being fixed
not a bug
what bug?
killeroids think critting a gen with gentech and popping 2 gens for the price of one is a bug
you're supposed to want the final girl to escape and be happy for her. going for a full 4k is cringe and kinda gross
Not when the final girl flashed, clicked and teabagged me. And neither in the pleasant way.
actually letting anyone escape is gay no matter what
Spic sissies... he got us there....
>gets exposed
>immediately starts posting about streamers
So sad
Since the last update my nic cage is quipping at a drastically reduced rate. Why did bhvr do this to me
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>Chucky and Unknown have quiet breathing/footsteps sounds so you can use stealth on them well
>EXCEPT that they have random loud as fuck voice lines every 10 seconds that could instantly give you away from like 20 meters
meanwhile survivoids voicelines are all clientside only, what absolute bullshit
BHVR is allergic to allowing new killers to be even remotely stealthy

If Myers were made today he would have a lullaby in tier 1.
This didn’t happen stop making up things to get mad about
survivor voice lines should be audible to killers because I want to hear nic plead and bargain with me to let him go. It's not like tcm where voice lines happen all the time. Usually it isnt going to get any survivor in trouble and it's just good voice lines going to waste as it is now.


Brave of you to post this in the Sadako general
I voted, thank you for your service.
uhh bro??? your dead hard???
hey i wish the girls would flash me when i was playing killer
No update today.
The gen bug continues.
don't feel like clicking but the answer is all of them
so why exactly does singularity still have access to cameras if you bash them? you dont need to run any info perks on him if thats the case
cause he's SHIT?
tell that to my adept that requires all 4 dead.
i'll stop slugging for the 4k when i can instantly just end the game after 3 kills and give the last survivor standing a free escape. stop wasting my time by making me walk around the whole fucking map to find hatch, then check both gates for 2 minutes. stop standing on top of it. let me just end the trial after 3 are dead and move on. god damn.
can someone splain why there is no indian killer or survivoer? canadian company bhvr needs to take corrective action on such things or face the consequences
Arguably if they did something like highlighting his cameras in red and prevented him from accessing them while EMP’d it would be even better cause he wouldn’t even have to browse his cameras for the info he would just know where you are loosely based on what cameras are inaccessible
Haddie is indian.
>survivors now have a stamina bar, run speed is increased but will deplete the stamina bar, exhaustion perks ignore stamina
>survivors can now ping locations and objects, giving more agency and communication to solo QQers
>survivors have an emote and voice wheel, voice lines are more or less audible to all players in a certain proximity, including killer
I think it would be more fun like this
yeah those ideas aren't too bad. which is why they will never get implemented into the game.
Survivors would lose their fucking mind if they added a stamina bar so they physically couldn’t run a killer for 5 gens
>survivors now have a stamina bar
And dropped.
Yes to the last 2 no to the first
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You can't add an Indian poo poo killer since we already have Plague
you would do well to be adviced to shut the fuck up kutiya maadarachod main tumhen maar daaloonga have a nice day
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#going back to the roots
Damn are they still updating this game?
The stamina would shift the meta to make exhaustion speedboost perks more powerful as they rightfully should be. It would also give bhvr another angle to create fresh and interesting perks that interact with stamina (which will of course eventually shift the meta again to make stamina a nonissue because survs will complain so much). But it will completely castrate looping as a tactic and that's basically the entire game on its head so I cant see them ever doing it. I just think it would be interesting
>lobby is full of an obvious swf with that x loves < y shit
>fine whatever too lazy to dodge
>map offering
the audacity to have such a fucking huge advantage already and then going "oh wait we need badham too just in case" go fuck yourselves
All the red flags were there man. You should have just dodged.
It's naive of you to think that retards that already need to play together, abuse meta perks and items wouldn't also think so little of themselves as to not bring yet another crutch.
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sadly no they are not... huge release sales but zero communication horrible marketing months and months without patches/content when tcm is posting every week what they are working on and patching it every week or 2
-rep dodged
ok fuck your mother next week
lol no, they did the final pump and dump with the goty edition for a game that never was goty and dipped
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ngl i still love this game. bought it the first month it came out that being said i think they need to release it on gamepass.
#mirit arthur's hunter eyes
it's not getting fixed any time soon
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wtf why did I get a trans flag
What word is that
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They just need 1 more day than usual
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>check ttv after I 4k as pig
>their beta orbiter shitting on me in chat
>streamergirl is defending me saying I played well
I feel disrespected whenever I hook a survivor and then they T-pose in my face
>Massive exploit causing survivors not to receive endurance
>goofy one off gen critting is a thing
>killeroids shit their pants 24/7 kicking and screaming
really makes you ponder
>totem bug not fixed
based, my shaman build is safe
I'll believe it when I see it for myself. bhvr is no stranger to "yeah we totally fixed it guys" patch notes when in reality they did jackshit.
>autohaven map
>not a single bad tile for survivors
Well one is niche and only applicable in few scenarios and doesn't determine whether one side wins or loses.
The other happens every game, is easily doable and not random, results in killers almost always losing the game then getting flamed in chat.
Both bugs should be fixed, but apparently the survivor one wasn't a big enough deal to complain about.
It's not like you couldn't.
>eyrie of crows
you mean
Transwoman btw
>people unironically posting porn on a blue board
get help, seriously. this isn't normal behavior.
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You were not supposed to point that out
the yugioh general is over that way
You're in the wrong general, silly goose! Oh well~ mistakes happen :)
All of them, 100%
Its so disrespectful not to say gg after a match fucking survivors will experience a 12 hook game with no tunneling and still no gg but when its a 1 hook game then its gg wp :)
I want them to give Pig a chase theme but they'll probably fuck it up somehow by making another washing machine/car trying to start the music guy has been taking a break since Wesker
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today i was standing at the train station for no reason my brain was screaming at me to jump at it and end it all so i ran inside the toilets to not let the bad thoughts get to me. fucking hell man...
Today I went to the gym, fucked all four of my wives, and will now relax with a nice few games of Dead by Daylight (as my main cowgirl Rebecca).
Life is good.
>Otz only has 1,4k viewers after 45 min streaming Slay the spire
>Mish the whore has 2,1k

It's so over bros
next time you should listen to your brain for once and jump
but then all my friends in /dbdg/ would be sad...
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Its time to teach the globes some lesson. Shoutout to the anon who posted this build.
how worthless
>sloppy worthless in a slugging build
really brother?
when you have knockout? yes would be better to have infectious fright
>it works
neat. that and 200k from gift.
maybe, but mangled still works when someone is healing a downed survivor, so it's not exactly worthless, and it helps prevent quick resets that kill your momentum.
Infectious would interrupt heals if someone was healing and you down someon else if you really want mangled why not put on the addon that gives mangled if they step in bottles?
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>mfw I dead hard a Huntress hatchet
you should talk jump next time, it’s quick and painless
powerful trans quote…
>play the bot role even tho nobody is forcing you at gun point to do so, you could just boot up civ 5 instead
>think you are entitled to free ggs jeven when they are not good games just because.... ugh killer is hard ok?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!
killeroids have no shame
Bwc won
Shame it went the way it did, had a lot more potential than trans cock masseuse
The smell of fecal matter would be too overwhelming and heavily nerf the other side via having to play with one hand covering their nose
Good posts! I’m thinking we need a lot more content like this!
Like, *a lot* more :)
Keep bitching maggot open wide and take my cock
explain why it wasnt a good game because you lost? 12 hooks with no tunneling no camping what makes a good game? If I blow you after?
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leland: why do you hate gay people so much. why do you hate me bubba?
bubba: because they're fucking assholes man and they also can't think straight.
- and other incredible copes to tell yourself at night
this is why you use a solid state whip
based chuddies
did he ever show any of that?
If Dracula doesn't open his cape and shoot out fireballs I will be upset, that is his most iconic attack from CV.
>guess I'll wait until they unfuck things
you’re going to be waiting for quite some time champ
this so much this
thank you raj
yay more ranged attacks just what we need
I did all of that. Great time
>did he ever show any of that?
Those are Alucard's transformations in SotN so I think it's safe to say Dracula can do the same.
>draculas entire power is just vecna skeletons but on a 10 second cooldown
Nothing gets me harder
you lost
>It's another team of russians who cant bother to do gens until the killer is chasing you while you are on death hook
Guys I think you don't understand how serious this is.
>Mish the whore
What makes her a whore?
Hmmm… I guess…
>In The Dracula X Chronicles, it is said that he can transform into a bat, wolf or mist
According to the Castlevania wiki but I've never played that one so I don't know.
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A Kali-styled killer would be cool but white protestant american women on the internet will say it's culturally insensitive
Sirs I will be calling the magistrate if you do not redeem me Sable panty fotos
how the fuck do I play the robot
none of those people are “protestant”
It's immoral to get a 4k. You are ruining the game for four other players. If you let them go, 4 people get to be happy instead of just one.
>survivors are still hacking
>Get hooked
>Have kindred
>No one even bothered to save me, one of them is just hiding in lockers all game long
>Immediately goes to one of the exit gates as soon as the last guy dies
>Killer finds him and he dies
>He didnt even have sole survivor
Mouthbreathers man i swear.
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>gen bug still isn't fixed in 8 FUCKING DAYS, literally gives the survivors 2-3 free gens
>game is still an OP survivor SWF tryhard sweatfest with discord comms and OP toolboxes/perks
>They nerfed killer regress perks into the fucking ground

Fucking dogshit OP survivor sided game where the devs constantly buff survivor yet nerf killer as always. Shit game.
Every map is killer sided (by definition, each map has an above 50% kill rate). Killers got insane buffs that were never reverted. The way I see it, killers don't really have the right to complain about survivors after 6.1.0
Seethe. You shouldn't rely on generator regression perks anyway. They are crutches for killers who don't understand how to apply pressure.
the chuckster is fun. what are good add-ons and perks for him from any perchance 'fellow chucksters' here?
Does kill rate refer to the killer getting any number of kills at all, or does it refer specifically to 4ks?
What's the totem bug?
Cope retard. Survivors are extremely OP right now and it seems as the player base drops the more SWF you encounter. They all come to heal the same person and they all do gens so coordinated yet killer gets nerfed LMAO.

>you shouldn't rely on gen regress perks
>4 gens pop before you get your first kill
>totally balanced game bro trust me

Shit OP survivor sweat fest. I feel ZERO remorse tunneling and using noed/franklins demise now that gen regress perks are weak for killer.

I'm getting at least one person out of the game as quickly as possible.
its literally getting fixed tomorrow
any kills count, so it's not that incredible of a metric considering how easy it is for quite a few killer to secure a pity 1k lategame
Meh. They still nerfed literally all the good killer perks. Now you have to tunnel one person and kill them or else you basically have no chance at winning.

If the survivor team is coordinated, fuck you 4 gens for 2 hooks. Gen rushing is once again, OP for survivors even with the highest mobility killer like blight with the nerfed regress perks lmao.

When Undying gets cleansed the effect of Thrill of the Hunt is doubled.
>killeroid btfo
>keeps crying
Cool. Still tunneling you pathetic SWF discord comms using loser.

There's no option but to tunnel and use noed now that gen regress perks got nerfed.
I play killer way more than survivor. Perhaps you should get good, I've been having no problem doing adepts even with double gens.
>survivoid lying through his teeth
Holy shit this game sucks. Just like the gen bug the survivoids thought it was a FUCKING FEATURE.
your bait is not believable. you do this daily
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dude nta but if you need 4 gen perks to win your games you're just utterly shit at the game and this is as a killer main (I know its a classic excuse) but if you really need to stack 4 gen perks every game you are dogshit thats just it
also inb4 you're at the toppest top tier high calibah mmr where its 4 man comp swf tourney squads with eyrie offerings every game
>playing pig (entire power is about slowdown)
>bragging about bringing no slowdown
zero frontal lobe activity in this individual
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im sorry you suck anon just play someone like Artist with 4 gen slowdown to feel better
Look at her twitch stats and charts, her growth is not natural like most top streamers. Plus suddenly out of the blue she is getting recommended everywhere non stop on Tiktok, twitch, youtube...To the point she is now one of the top DBD content creators.

Also she is a woman so it's obvious she has done "something" to achieve that growth
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it is what it is...
I mean, maybe it should be looked at as becoming a feature. It heavily punishes tunnelers. If you don't want to deal with it, just don't tunnel.
I'm not saying he's right but you keep showing rather poor examples though.
>totem bug

I fucking love this build

Hex undying
thrill of the hunt
devour hope
scourge hook pain res

Play wraith with stealthiest addons, get first down hook, go destroy gens, get stack, hook go destroy gens get stack, get hook, go destroy gens, get stack until you're literally just a one shit instadown killer at 5 gens

Lmao. Run it while you can and be as toxic as possible.
>also killers: hehe I'm so funny I'm gonna abuse a broken, overpowered bug
>a single person in a chinese sweatshop forum vs literally 80% of survivors deliberately using the bug when possible or having it activate by accident
Attack the D point!
wrong thread war thunder bro
Survivors have the gen bug so this bug is only fair really.
I... agree!
Oh and also the gen bug isn't even deliberate. It just happens, it's not deliberate like a bugged perk.
Bhvr literally told everyone how to intentionally replicate it. Moot point.
Knight is my favourite killer
Why do they hate him so much
because they're too stupid to outsmart an AI chaser so they blame their own lack of skill on the knight player
Wherever I am, I must also flashlight click.
okay Feng
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I am forgotten...
yes because I can hear Feng going ooohoooo a mile away
>game with one (one) license gets released that is not able to expand beyond it's own universe, hell, even beyond the first fucking movie
>dbd survived only thanks to getting Myers into it and other licenses
when will they learn?
What is a good build for sadako if I want to stack condemned?
I'm pretty great with her at loops and chases, but I never manage to get a survivor fully condemned.
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>try to do a blood warden play
>realize that they're all running distortion and instantly know that I have it
at this point the perk would be better off without the aura reading
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>game with one license
>and that license is "cheesy old arthouse horror movie that's so unscary by modern standards that the ending with the fat black dude in the truck is just funny"
blood warden is kind of a gimmick so you sort of have to work around it
what's even scary by "modern standards"?
DbD's model cannot be replicated. There is nothing to learn.
la goblina
My child support bills
>not able to expand beyond it's own universe, hell, even beyond the first fucking movie
They already created several original characters and maps that arent in the movie so they could expand as much as they want as long as they keep the same tone which wouldnt be hard to do. But the main thing driving tcm is the gameplay which is a little more complex and frantic than dbd, and the tone which is a little darker and more morbid than dbd. They just need to churn out more maps and characters. It's a good game but this genre seems to be a really hard sell.
>Match starts
>2 survivors go afk
>Killer random kills me
>Lets the other one go
>Streamer proceeds to laugh at me i presume in because its in russian
>Go to her Twitch channel
>She's laughing
>Report her for LGBT slander in russian
I always laugh last ugly whore.
not a slow low-budget movie where the most action in a scene is a fat dude throwing a wrench at Bubboid
It's okay to admit you didnt get it. Maybe you're just not into film. Stick with youtube, little buddy.
did i just got banned?
>among the weakest killers in the game
>still makes people seethe like no other
probably steam maintenance, i got kicked out too but i'm back in after restarting the game
The thing is, you are supposed to start out with few original characters and then get licenses, not the other way around.
Who the fuck will get excited for Σubba the emo twin when you could get fucking Wesker
Im just going to main blight at this point. I'm getting bullied by survivors too much and mobility on every single killer sucks, which actually is the only thing that helps with getting downs.

Survivors are scum of the earth.
>The thing is, you are supposed to start out with few original characters and then get licenses
You can't do that anymore. DbD has filled that niche and has 8 years of buggy content. You can't compete with that. DbD will ensure that we get nothing but flavor of the month licensed games going forward.
All you need is to have enough money to start the project, not be as retarded as GUN interactive, know what bothers you in dbd and fix it in your own game, implement self defense instead of naruto perks (exhaust) + a good atmosphere
Such a game dies a few months in because it can't compete with DbD as it is nearly a decade later. DbD has such a stranglehold on the genre that they can start giving out free gens to survivors and it doesn't have the slightest impact on the playercount. That's how captured the audience is.
Well generators are repulsive towards normies who like pif paf fps and instead prefer to go for shit like loops or flashlight saves, which is why the objective should be fun to do like F13 did with searching for fuel etc. Also killer feeling like an actual killer and not """sacrifices""", make it an actual party game with 8 people and instakill, shit will be instantly fun.
Black people running wild
There is just isn't a game that has captured the chase element of dbd, and I don't think there will be for a long time. The whole fast vault medium vault, 50/50, vault the dropped pallet or not, so many powers and how they interact with everything. It's just unique and despite what everyone might say, it's well executed. Look at TCM, chases are NOTHING like DBD. Killer Klownzzzz doesn't even have chases it's just fighting. Same with VHS which died, no real chase, you just follow them until either you get hit, lose them if you can't hear perfectly, or get ganked by the teammates.

What other game has a cat and mouse, ring round the rosie chase element with as much mindgames and shit as dbd? none.
Bought hooked on you, got the code for the Jake skin then asked for a refund
DBD is a shit game. It's a competitive asymmetrical game disguised as a horror game.

TCM is better and actually fun as a horror game. I hate dbd because it's always the same shit. Flashbang saves, gen rushing, teabagging galore and unlimited nerfs with cocky survivors abusing every bug and meta perk in the game.
>tcm is a horror game
yeah, especially after they buffed endurance, buffed proficiency even more to cut battery time in half and nerfed grandpa perks
This is just proof that you need to remove friends from these games or at least have a notification that shows if a grouped team is who you're playing against.

Same with dbd, there should be an icon if theres one or more people grouped together in the lobby, so people can leave.
>not be as retarded as GUN interactive
Besides this one small point, you basically described tcm gameplay. Hopefully they stop giving each other reach around lobotomies and start focusing on trying not to kill a good game.
Ghostface, his browns are better than his iri
Its will never be a competitive game despite your wish, 10k hours p100 ace.
Not that anon but I still to this day don't have my Knight adapt because it requires a 4k and even though I slugged for it my last two attempts on it, the hatch spawned under them twice in a row. I got told to kill myself post-game too after the second go, which is equal parts funny and also a little tilting, since I usually don't activity try for the slug approach but the one time I do it's on a little bitch fuck
Thanks for letting me know. I'm not playing either side until that shit is fixed
Really? Post your steam page to show the adept you've gotten in the last seven days
Modern day Berlin and a Paris

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