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Guess who's back edition

Previous >>476755697


>Character Planners






https://pastebin.com/tehcGm75 (embed)




https://pastebin.com/G8zw0sc3 (embed)
finally the jeenine thread
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two hours
try again at 11
false flag
not playing elden sloppa
ping me when its a 3club
blee is the new quality
does anyone have the low res screenshot of umarus inventory layout
it's in the 'chives
this is the thread
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try rope
you just made it worse
what the sigma
wait a second i just fucking rmemebered
where did the dogskin scythe go?? is it just another lost weapon that was never added?
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why would he post that
he was in a plane bog
blobfish looking ass nigga
^ just made me spit out my mike's hard lemonade
gr*** you need a hair cut
not right now gimme a bit
convince me not to replay ds1 after 12+ years...
is the multi alive?
the fc is in 1 hour retards, just wait
the grass shitposts always make me laugh even though they're not that funny
god damn the nigga is cooked
new 'ullie
zullie's not very good at making dlc content. absolutely mogged by bonfire vn
his videos are low effort unlike our queen zullie
xhe is not good at anything other than hanging from the ceiling
he puts 10x more effort into showing the models off. also none of zullie's statements are helpful.
bonfire+wall general
shitfirevn wishes his videos had even an ounce of sovl the average 'ullie vid has
>he puts 10x more effort into showing the models off
Showing off a model takes exactly 0 effort
and zullie still manages to half-ass it
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Why did they give blee/poison shit arc scaling
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ugh i forgot to finish my str build because i was eating cereal
im gonna check a vrchat instance im interested in and if no one on my rape list is there i'll join
not funny
didn't laugh
im literally still waiting for the 'maru vrchat model I mean seriously where is it
do you mean the one i posted before or like an export of the armor he used in dog 3
cuz if its the one i posted before i made it public under this link
i think i also still have the original fbx if you want that
eh i'll finish it later
no one is coming
/erg/ won it seems
no baby wait itll be 3/4 soon im switching accounts
just post it there too
be there in a sec
the pwntiff regulars are in the 'lub
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thank you sweetie she looks great!! >:3
no prob, i kinda fucked up with the hat but it should still be serviceable
fc status
i have to eat
do we got 5 dudes in the lub?
why does the fire knight daggie do that much damage
last one for me before i gotta go
Built, made, put together, prepared, invented, engineered, crafted, created, constructed, developed, concocted, arranged, molded, designed, refined, processed, formed, formulated, established, organized, grown, produced, framed, erected, forged, assembled, inaugurated, fabricated, confected, handcrafted, divinely sculpted, specifically commissioned, born and raised, geographically programmed, shaped, and organically manufactured for AFRICAN COCK
i stacked like 3 buffs and the epic crux grab still doesnt oneshot
fire infused and flame strike buffed
also the daggie guard counter is as slow as a ugs wtf
is it over...
fc status?
gonna finish my str build in the meantime
fc is over (it was epic)
Are any npc summons in ds3 mandatory if i want to progress their quests? i want to fight bosses alone since they are a joke with summons but don't want to miss npc quests and stuff
i wish i lookedl iek that
>missed the fc
>0 webms
there was no fc
you did a shit job with the midriff too
invading in ds3 is so much harder than elden ring
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was the fc good anyways and was it in ds3?
do another fc
this is simply not true
but I do so little damage to the host/phantoms and they get blues so fast and I have so little healing and their ss r1s hit me in the middle of the roll and their harmful names aren't censored
how is it not more difficult!?!?
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how am I suppose to focus when the host can have a name like this without it being censored
post polebud pwns
stop yawning drink a coffee
coffee is gross
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dumb bitch
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nyot true
and be nice
God I wish umaru looked like that
I have lost 10 invasion in a row now...
stop invading wex dust sultans at sl20+2
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When's the dlc part 2 im sorry edition
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I hate this stupid game
why is bro playing with gooner mods
there is nothing gooner about that mod
Why do you look like that ranny youtuber amir
is ds3 worth buying?
can i still get summons?
why are you obsessed with trans people
the absolute disgust I feel that you would include 2020 demon's souls in this. I hope you burn in fucking hell
hes a chaser playing hard to get i think
1. No
2. Yes
ds3 is really fun
is there a eldog fc?
not rn
start one
gon uhh in some 'ian 'ssy yuh
I think you might have made a typo there
ergie are you okay?
there are no ergies in dsfsgerogebbg doe
umm yeah... definitely no ergies here...
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are we effceeing soon?
SOMEONE has to start one
even though you dont come to fc, ergie
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it's taco tuesday so im gonna eat first
tomorrow in three dog
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lub now??
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ping me at 2-3/4
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its still 1/4 right meow
i shant be joining, too busy playing nothing and watching some tv shows
too many trannies
no thanks
I would join but I need to wake up early tomorrow
thats ok i stopped queuing, a bit too late i think
failed fc award
failed male award
grooms children in vrchat award
most retarded tranny award
ds2 net is good
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whens the next dlc
>xhe is proud of being a pedo gooner tranny
dont you have another 14 year old to groom into chopping off their penis in vrchat
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i used to groom horses
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Who invited the sharty fag
you know who it is
Why are there be three generals.
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what are the numbers
just first-tried darklurker on a dark build
even though this isnt the pve thread
3 'lub wehn
sooo proud of your win, xister!!! I hope your egg cracks soon if you haven't come out already :3
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Read nigga
sleepy general
what should the name for pinecone imp lion be
good night /dsg/ - Demon's/Dark Souls Gen
>raks boosts the epitaph buff
how do I bypass elden rings name filter
you don't
but ive seen people do it
you can replace a letter with a different character but that's it. I to |, for example
no they bypassed it completely I saw some dude named Nigger
cheat engine has gone too far...
Nigger isnt censored, only nigger is
>swift shard > piercer
>instead of slicer > piercer
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great sunlight spear is disgustingly strong
bxi vump
How do we fix the slurm lucerne
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it doesnt need fixing
>backstep r1 that every halberd has
put spin slash on it if you are a 3god
nyo l2 r1 combo thobiet
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didnt need it
slurm brainrot made you forget about it
would have hardswapped to 10 different talis like jeenine if necessary
elden slop is the most soulless video game in existence
sorry i meant to say ds3
shut up ergie
**nest K***ht
should i get this i thought it looks kinda cool
whats wrong with it
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I figured it out
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terrible ebm
im now buying this shirt
capital letters are censored now. ive tested it. ive heard that playing with a different language changes the filter for the guy naming his character and lets you bypass the filter. @grass could test this as he plays with weeb mode on
You don't remember the /bbg/ days do you? All zullie was used for there was as the threads personal cumslut almost everyone had her nudes and vids of her moaning their names. She only does vids for male attention
Is dark souls 2 pvp alive in 2024? What about dark souls 3's?
no ebm=didnt happen
type n1gger instead of nigger
I think racism is bad
>putrescent cleaver r2 isn't a boomerang throw
kill zaki
*spins on you*
whos that
does anyone have that image of the shit brick wall texture in ds3's farron keep right outside of the covenant wolf? it's really important
foie gras
the'fic doesn't exist
the'tage3 doesn't exist
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all the dogshit i uploaded on youtube in chunks is what remains of the the'tage3 after realizing I didn't wantt to put in effort for it and then i got busy with work and school
the'fic will be released to the one person I know on discord as a wall of text pdf with mspaint images in 7,000 years
>the'tage3 doesn't exist
yes it does
the 'tage 3 had a purpose...
It's up youtube.com/watch?v=BuCtmDic8Tg
cooking a disgusting bill rn
what stat line
i thought i was a bad cook with my 40/40 int/fth dude
I want to replay DS3. What are some fun mods without changing the game drastically?
its 43 fth 50 int staff of the great beyond caster
stop it... the breakpoint is 43/43 wtf do you need 50 int for
magic infused weapons scale till 50 int....................................
hey fire surge is kinda cool
i though it was shit at first
uhhhhhh i think 50 faith would be better then
there should be an option to dump spells if i only want to use pyro shit
i hate that clutter
uhmmmmmmmmm faith has no cool ashes of war also holy dmg is still bugged
you get to use all the fire ashes doe
flame skewer and flaming strike
black flame 'nado too
and flame spear for the fire knight daggie
not jee approved
'nado is jee-approved. he has a lance with it in his swappa inventory.
page 10 award
does piercing damage do the same as blunt against armored enemies?
which is better
the bill is done
fc today to test it out
i'll be there
another cookie cutter youtube "bill"... yeah no thanks
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say that to me in 3 and see what happens
btw only euros allowed
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elden slop brought to you by pajeets
slop webm
I hope you realize those are all actual kendo moves made in that order
I thought in kendo you only smack the sword up and down at people
blocking should be instant in slurm
cooking up an evil build rn
nyo screenie
you're not even in the kitchen
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peep the spread
I'm just gonna SoNaF your legs off
you're clearly not in the know
>he doesn't know
zaki is patching it
yeah and he'll patch chainsaw too
guys the /dsg/ oldfags are having a melty in /erg/ help me
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hey, that's my ultra hd version I lost when my hdd died
thanks for saving it pal, i'll retrieve it now
That's MY frog you fucking ape
but I made that, with paint.net
you stole it, it's just returning to its rightful owner now
I used MS Paint for that kino
hbsc what's your rvmina build
is this NFT for sale? i will buy it off you for 30 jeecoin
biscuit is locked to 50 arc
minimum 3.5 million Jeecoin
IF I see you with any poise using rominas dogberd you're fucking banned
finna use the ironjar 'fumes with the budberd
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what spells are you using king
You just ruined the buff
Fuck off to /erg/ if you want to talk about elden ring. This is the dark souls thread.
dragon spam
also remember that grafted gives you +5 mind
leda doesn't give stats so it's fine
dragon breath oneshot is fun for like 10 minutes then you will want to swap bills
been there
i can always just do standard fth/arc casting and roar people from knockdown or spam blood spells
there's been 0 int/fth bills
which dark souls 3 game is this
dark souls 3 II
theres an int/fth bill 6 posts above yours
That's int paying the fth tax
Wrong ass bitch
true int/fth using golden order seal is completely pointless with bugged holy dmg
whens the 3club
it gives you a stat change every tick (5% atk power on backsteps/running/rolling attacks)
same reason the glitch doesnt work with raks either
ask erg
who said anything about using the GO seal
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even doe im literally using it as we speak with leda's armor on
can we get snopes on this. i thought it only breaks with extra levels
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thanks for playtesting
I must've fucked up somehow when I was doing it with raks then
maybe I had a stat boosting tally on or something at the time
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yea it'll say in the menu when you put stuff on that your hp will decrease, but it won't actually until you get a level change
i should make a dragon cult build
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Why would you want to do a sl713 build
arc hammie
even doe the debuff on the l2 has nothing to do with arc
kill zaki
Which one will From fix fist, chainsaw or grafted (both here since release)
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what was 'zaki thinking
lol. lmao.
L2 to make your L2 hit harder
new 'aati
why do youtube niggas call long videos movies now
currently failing to make an optimal spread for this thing
>min dex
>pump arc
What's the problem
that's boring...
slop fc?
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not joining the ergy fc
not an ergie fc, its an irregular fc
3/4 in one sec
I'm from ERG and I just joined the Fightclub
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STILL 3/4 graaaaghhh
no theregs no join
'cakes is here albeithough.
join the club or I'm taking your theregs card and jee neck pillow
did I fuck up or did it start?
its still at 3/4
i forgot the slashes...
have a good club
switching chars
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>'cakes is here albeithough.
this is literally a bad thing, why would you advertise that?
'cakenet is comedic and i enjoy his presence in the 'lubs
we are at 5/4 btw, one more dude?
>5/4 we switched to 6s?
did the ER fight club stop?
damn i need bh step in these fcs now
>goldmask in pvp
>no epitaph or raks
shit bill
one time i had 70 ping with 'cakes for the entirety of an fc
he asked for a dude
bud supremacy
your bud sucks
Why don't you autistic fucks quote directly
Are you also unable to look at people directly in the eyes irl
I'm sorry you can't follow the thread without (You)s
the goldmask is for flavor and name fitting reasons
even though its obvious who replies to who
fcs are now just about who can spam the biggest nuke
quick swappa
why does my offhand dagger stagger people more then the milady r1 :(
bud is cool, when my fth build is done i'll have fun with it
bud isn't fth
lgs is just kinda dogged yeah. cool moveset though
lgs rapes poiselets
oh, malenia's spell only required fth so i just assumed that all rot stuff was pure faith
even doe other rot spells arent faith only....
zaki wants you to use one spell or be level 300
even though some spells dont scale
fighting while dodging holy nukes is kino
uh dont quit instantly ill be on in a minute
FC status?
my steam just disconnected
stop this nuke shit or ill chainsaw just like i did the hefty pot tard
the FCs are my last hope for pvp, if you baboons don't have the restraint to not use every instant ICBM and L2 that dropped it looks like I'm uninstalling
okay ill swap chars no more nukes
im joining on a str build dw
this nuke sucks
already blocked the spammer
4 or 6? also this better not suck
bro why did you block me lmao i just swapped chars
no fun allowed
its 4 but one person was blocked so now its a 3/4 and 1/4
even doe you ruined the fc you ask why you get blocked
british niggas truly do be insane, worst nationality by far
whatever, no more lub
who got blocked
this hammie fucks
the fth dude I think, he wasn't even that bad to play against if it was him
blocking niggas is what kills fcs, not nukes or pots
communicate you autistic niggers
also yeah no blocking allowed
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just drink ur juice
yummy 800 damage r2s
even though its our fc and we dont have to let a rando ruin it
well idk who it is
welcome back warpick
we may have six, go 6 after this
dont go 6 i dont like that guy
...uh 7/6?
which guy?
even though you know who i mean
anon quit being a bitch and tell us who you hate with some gusto, afraid he'll be mad or something?
go 6. also i'll probably go eat food in a bit
even tho ur an ergie
you don't know who i am... I could be anyone.. even.. (you)
What's the status
went from 4/6 to 2/6 where did everyone go?
go back to 4
do 6 we're coming
okay im going back to 6
kick a toothpick 26
>2 in 4s and 2 in 6s excluding me
kill the blockfag already
He has a name and it's pancakes
we got 3/4 in 4 right now just join us
I only block the chinese tho
longest 3/4 in the history of 3/4s
It hasn't been one hour yet
join the 5/6 instead
theres no one in the 6 queue you liar
so is the dude trying to get us into 6s just a shitposter? its been empty every time as opposed to the
even though you can literally see it
not leaving the 4 lobby
whos the blockfag?
refer to >>487203154
baited nobody award
even doe i already explained why i blocked him
I've been sitting in 5/6 queue for 15 minutes if we can't get one more because of the blockfag I'm just leaving
Not falling for it.
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post the 6 lobby
so who has me blocked
4/4 filled up
wrong thread but oh well
wrong thread, poopie
>the 5/6fag was a dirty liar
it was poopmask all along while he was afking his gregtroon new hormones assembly line
not exactly a secret but it's my fault for having multiple tabs open and not double checking each time
is there a 6 we're in a 4
I'll join in 5 mins
I'm coming too
what's the fc status
who's in the 4/4 tho
idk these guys...
i hate poise
what kind of bill is that greyoll roar one
it looks devious
I'm here now
are we doing 6 or what
i dont know, is there a match on going? cuz including me there were 2 in 4
arc/fth dishonest bill
yes there's a 4 man going
swap over to 6 then
switch to 6
taking a shit lads hopefully i'll be back soon
siiiiigh gotta relaunch the game
go back to 4
>inappropriate activity detected
One of you is a laggard
that's me
tornado is so ass
we got 5 now, allegedly
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are you guys in a 2/4
3/4 lobby
yes there's a 2/4
we're in a 3/4 right meow
well get out of it and get into this 3/4 lobby
ill be back in 15 mins if the fc is still alive by then
why the fuck do I need max poise to HA a fucking greatsworn
i, luminary loth, will depart from the lub
thank you for the fun fights!!!
welcome back to 3/4 hell
just got back joining again
erm 1/4?
no we're still 3/4
no we're 3/4
check your blocklist
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back :)
ugh you'd better not be blocking people
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ergie free club
how could you block my latinx friend zeno like that....
more like 3/4 club
fun clubba
more like dead club
so it's over?
i'm in a 2/4
awww i just came back. do you guys also do ds2/1 or is it just ds3 and elden ring
ds2 fcs are impossible to setup
just realised ds2 doesn't have a group fight arena woopsie, last time I played ds1 was on ps3 and I didn't really touch online
3/4 still
blame pancakes
i left to play ds2 sorry
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I don't feel so good fc bros...
yeah it's over
i'm out ggs
good fc?
it was good
I think its over... i'm gonna go shoot my shit in invasions. also fuck the blockfag
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Welp I tried ggs
I gotta ask, did anyone actually have fun while playing elden ring and its dlc? I finished the base game and almost done with the dlc and i can honestly say i do not like this game at all and have been only forcing myself to finish it completely because i was over hyped it before it came out. The spells, armor and weapons are all cool. The jumping/jumping attacks and guard counters are great QoL changes that i wish were in the older games but holy hell the bosses suck dick and the music is forgettable. I enjoy the slow paced bosses of older titles, i feel like that made them too fast. I do not have any hopes for a sequel as im sure its base game will be as stupid as the dlc.

>inb4 git gud
no elden ring sucks
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good fc
I had a lot of fun for the first two or three dozen hours of the base game and first 20 hours of the dlc
After you've experienced most of the novelty and the realizations of the game's flaws start kicking in then it's over
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i hated the open world so much and i only liked half the bosses. not replaying it for another year. thought the final boss lore was retarded.
man this thread seems more relaxed then erg, less schizos and people actually play the game
erg is infested with /v/tumors
try /fsg/ if the replyless trannyposting and namefagging bothers you, this thread is more of a containment zone for the ds3 clique
/fsg/ has been real slow lately
eh i've been meaning to get back into ds3 anyway, best fun i've had in the entire series was getting ganked in the area after pontiff
/fsg/ has the most banal loreposting ever
this retard thinkswe talk about pve lol
anon nobody is talking about pve
wheres umaru
why? care to elaborate? i haven't played it yet, surprisingly enough.
open world is way too large and doesn't have enough content. second half is underbaked. bosses are annoying and spastic. balance is awful. it's fine for like one playthrough and then playing it again is such a chore
he got knocked out of romina too many times
I compare elden ring to vanilla skyrim. We need mods to fix the game but seeing as they use easy cheat we can't use those fixes online.
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hate has no place in this home
if I was just a bit laggier I would've gotten the shield block off
Enjoyed the game but [DLC FINAL BOSS] felt like absolute shit, also multiplayer is at its worst in ER (no covenants, 4 players, l2 spam). and as the other anon said replaying the game is really tedious and boring.
There's too much fucking yellow in this game
They really want you to cheat in ER
go to erg to discuss pve shit

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