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>Giten Megami Tensei's partial translation patch for PC-98

>SMT VV Trophy List

>Vengeance OST scans

>SMT V & Vengeance sold over 1.6 million copies worldwide

>Patch 1.0.2 for Vengeance dropping soon according to SteamDB

>Megaten Fusion Tools [For real fusion autists!]

>Archive of 3DS Texture Packs

>Digital Devil Saga 1 & 2 soundtracks is now available for on digital streaming services

Previous thread: >>486829647
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royal cuckquean edition?
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>not alice
alice hater
Favorite Minotaur in the Tower of Daedalus?
annoying zoomer spammers
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He's a saper, we Alice bros are gooners
I am 30 years old and if you don't know why Titania is a cuckquean then you're the newfag
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>lived long enough to see /smtg/ become almost as bad as /feg/ and /feh/
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Manic pixie dream girl
fuck off falsefalgger
>I am
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Would take all of her fingers
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the light!
SMT V would have unironically been better if the protagonist was a anthro furry.
good YHVH what a babe...
anon /sthg/ is down the hall
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/smtg/ will never be awful like /feg/ since we're not dealing with a schizo faggot that's forcing a certain character as the OP for months on end and making sure nobody else can be the OP by repeatedly reporting other threads + samefagging

Same goes for /feh/, as that general suffers from schizos that spams vietnamese gore, scat edits, discord screenshots, and YouTube thumbnails to shit on Engage
That's because Engage is shit
Well I've officially peaked my curiosity for this franchise. What's a good first SMT game to check out?
I don't care if you think Engage is bad or not, it's just that there's a schizo in that general that has Engage live in his head rent free
/pg/ is worse
How do I get Paraselene Blur? Just found out about it and I'm a STR chad so I need it.
Alice's butthole
Devil Survivor 1 and 2
VV (the new one), but beware. Its the most begginer-friendly SMT with good QOL while being pretty pretty different from all the others. However i really like it because of those reasons
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Has anyone finished Godborne mode with some kind of self-imposed challenge? I really want to keep this run fresh. Any ideas?
/pg/ is not worse by means outside of Sumire spam
SMT V is such a beautiful game unlike P3R lol
that entirely depends on what you enjoy playing games but recommendations for beginners are mostly IV, nocturne and now VV. if you never played a persona game those can be good starters too.
chaostrannies… our rep just dropped out….
SMT V looks ugly most of the time though
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I like the pretty colours myself
Nocturne's been on my radar for a while actually. Might try that out then go for VV.
the issue with that is VV and nocturne are a bit too similar, but playing them next to each other will give you more context about V. however if you want to have a broader understanding of the series overall you might want to play something like SJ or SNES games after Nocturne.
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p-please answer me I'm trying to beat demi-fiend here...
Kys schizo
scientist lady in the diet building where you fought nuwa
yeah i did it without using essences, dampeners, or magatshithi skills because i’m not a fag.
Talk to the female scientist at the Diet building after you reach the Empyrean
>Does anyone have that pack/torrent of all the SMT games in one collection? I got a Steam Deck last week and I want to have all the games in one convenient place, rather than playing them across a 3DS, Switch and Vita.
When are they going to make "∀ Megaten"?
Nigga just use romsites like cdromance, this ain't the 2000s anymore
rom sites are done. nintendo nuked most of the them.
Bro what kinda schizoool are you??!?
Why spend ages getting them all manually when someone's already done the hard work for you?
kill yourself polzoomer
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Thank you anon.
So the schizophrenics make themselves known again. After all this time, shitposting and /smtg/ had remained separate until now. Perhaps the future is secured.
ayy lmao
What the hell are you even talking about?
They already missed the mark. IV had the basis but messed it up by having modern Tokyo living because the flow of time is convoluted. If IV actually mostly took place on the surface digging up old Tokyo remains and when you finally went into the underground city the people there were also 1000 years afterward just having grown up underground that would have been your turn A SMT
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brace yourself
shit opinions ahead
Do you want to go on?
Demons should cost macca to summon and to keep around since MAG is useless 3 hours in
Demon loyalty where certain types of demons that may be strong in battle are more likely to betray you especially if they are a higher level than you
To make the roster revolve a bit more, Demons should have BP which is how many battles they can fight before they need to rest
Demons have level caps, but weaker demons have more BP and cost less macca
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just destroyed trumpeter
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no more random encounters just walls, sonny
>Play any SNES game
>That's based
>Could be good
>I like it when they don't level up or change.
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I don't even remember if nay of the modern games had MAGNATITE
the last game to have that was soul hackers and it was largly useless as you would reeally only need demons for boss battles since the encounters could be taken out with nemmissa and SNEED.
What you suggest is neat but its too complicated with no actual reward. Maintence cost are not fun. If you made it so demon summoning ate your health or MP that would be more intereseting. MACCA AND MAG being useless for any actuall items would allow this mechanic to work.
He's quoting Lucifer in V
I think most of that would just create frustration. The games are heavily built around "optimizing" your party and battles. You know, you wanna bring specific demons to specific fights, you want to hit weaknesses or crits for extra turns, blah blah.
If the usage of certain demons is limited by your lack of a resource necessary for summoning them or because their loyalty state allows them to disregard your commands in battle, that's directly conflicting with the core design of the games and it's going to lead to you often feeling unable to progress. Rather than creating interesting design I think it would just result in you finding yourself grinding or running back to healing spots a lot just so you can continue.
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playing the game gothic style
Do you guys want to talk about nocturne?
It creates hyper specialized teams and given the fact the customizing requirements are limited to essences keeping rotating supply of demons.
It’s not a bad idea but it was removed for a reason
i did not care for anything in nocturne except dante
I want to remember Nocturne and I want to be reminded of Nocturne in future games.
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How was the base version anyway? Didn't it get re-released twice?
Yukari at home
Demifiend is cute
I finished it like a week ago or so. It was decent.
It's a very easy game, I really like the camera direction. Once you get speed buffs and game becomes very easy for most of it outside some of the fiends, even then drain skills are very strong. It's very much style and atmosphere first and the reasons are really great. A lot from it I really wished they had in V, but it's not my favorite SMT game but it's good.
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is Lamia dangerously scaly?
Has SMT ever explained how two contradictory mythologies can coexist in the same universe?
In a lot of religion and mythology, there is the idea of duality. One cannot live without the other. For there to be good, bad must exist to define it. There for every idea must have an opposite idea and every thing in the universe as an opposite. Embrace and rejection.
sure, what do you want to talk about anon
They manifest based on human beliefs, they're not the actual actual gods
I'm bot referring to morality. I mean, how do they explain having different gods of creation, or different sun gods?
Cognition gives form to ideas and gives power.
Based flat chad.
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Eh, anything goes, I've just been in a nocturne mood. I remember when we wanted to fuck the Manikins.
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i gotta go find mother harlot and trumpeter
shakan is just a slightly better demon castle, both are ass
shinjuku was the best part of vengeance but goddam these smt4 and 4a tier writers cant write a narrative cohesively for their lives
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>How was the base version anyway?
The Maniax additions have become so ingrained in nocturne's identty it feels weird to play without them, I can't really say if it's good or bad though.
>Didn't it get re-released twice?
The timeline goes Base>Maniax>Chronicle>HD remaster that contains all three. Until the remaster came along we never had access to the base version in english.
Yeah I'll check out the SNES games after Nocturne then.
bro don't fall for the snes smt meme. they are fucking awful. none of the good gameplay improvements made in the later entries and the story and characters are not there half of the time. not even like how the retards around here claim games like nocturne and vv do that, in the old smt games you really will walk around for 2 hours just to get 5 minutes of dialogue progressing the narrative.
they're completely dull dungeon crawlers.
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Why not just park a single one in the doorway then?
I want PM Koshimizu to fill my holes
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I'm not even sure they can fuck.
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>How does /smtg/ do it? Even with all its flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other generals.
>walk around for 2 hours just to get 5 minutes of dialogue progressing the narrative.
Let me guess, you need "more"?
I wish we had more shit like the optical illusions in the Nocturne Diet Building.
To continue onto CoV after finishing CoC or to start on SMT1 hmmm
>good game or bad game
tough decision
Sweaty stinky sticky Yuzu....
That was the only good part of Nocturne
Imagine having such a retarded hateboner for a general that you dig up old posts as some sort of gotcha despite being the one going out of their way to lower the quality of threads
I refuse to replay Nocturne because of the puzzle nigger.
You know that's optional right?
just follow a guide brainlet
You blow.
>pep talks abdiel and dazai to action even though they're championing the god he killed
Why did he do it?
he got buns
He loves freedom and potential and it made him sad to see how crippled by despair they were
he does a little trolling
He doesn't really have any of his old ambitions, all he cares about is destroying the mandala system, and he's figured out a way and it doesn't matter what kind of world is built.
My president... I'll vote for him.
holy fucking shit why is this fucking game so much more annoying than all the other ones? every fucking encounter starts on the enemy's turn, enemies crit seemingly every fucking hit without the stupid maga bar, and health pools feel so fucking bloated. smt 4 was also very annoying with only like five abilities to start with but i don't remember that being nearly as obnoxious as this game's starting amount.
Newborn or Godborn for a NG+ from CoC to CoV?
Agility is the only thing that matters for who goes first
>Lucifer: I'm dedicating my entire existence to destroying the mandala system
>Mastema: You've just destroyed the mandala system of one universe, but it still exists in infinite others, in the grand scheme of things you haven't accomplished anything. Now watch as I take Lucifers soul and transform into a way stronger Satan.
Lucifer isn't shit anymore now, and this is supposed to be the same one as nocturne, but he's just a stooge
you have to back attack field encounters. Otherwise they have a high chance to go first.
>oh this makes sense
>do a back attack
i want to blow my head off
Nocturne Lucifer was fully aware of the multiverse. V Lucifer isn't the same. He's ignorant like IV Lucifer was.
Nocturne Lucifer is V Lucifer
Rate all the Herald race demons in V/VV:
>Four Archangels
Has a okay unique skill but light spells fucking suck in V
Has a good unique skill but it's absolutely useless for superbosses like Satan
>Four Archangels
Okay unique skill but not worth using
I'm gonna try to see if anyone has played the base version. I wonder how empty it is without all that extra stuff
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If they can bleed, they can fuck. Jokes aside, how does their anatomy even work if they're made out of mud, yet still bleed? That would mean that they have a circulatory system in them
It's definitely fun to wonder how the perception of the series in the west would've been if we got the original game back in 2004, since nocturne was the biggest game here before P4. Even to this day when you mention nocturne to someone outside this general all they think is about is the maniax content. "Oh it's the game with Dante that lets you team up with Lucifer."
They bleed red clay?
It would be a little hard for clay to pass through a body, not to mention you can't exactly stitch clay together like Sakahagi did
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This fucking game, third time he's done this in a single cutscene alone
No he isn't. The fiends come from Nocturne Lucifer's world.
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Wherever I go, I must smirk.
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Nearing the end of the game, I've been using Sakanagi like usual. Can someone just spoonfeed me what BiS skills for STR Bean is? All 8 skills, whatever helps me kill Shiva, Satan and Masakado.

So far going with Sakanagi, Almighty Pleroma which I'll likely ditch, Bloody Glee, High Restore, Elusive Eclipse with a half-baked Pierce Armor.
underage seamonkey
How far along is the Giten patch? I'd like to play it but don't want to start if it's not that far along.

>Luminescent Mirage
>High Light Pleroma
>Light Pleroma
>Fierce Roar(?)
>Resistance skill

Checked archive, this seems to be it, aside from no Impaler's (use a Deity demon instead, what to replace it with then?)
It's pretty close to being done from what I understand
Imagine if Arahabaki was Vile race in VV.
>My favorites
>One's I like
>One's I'm ok with
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It’ll only last a few days. They’re just shitposters and not truly mindboggingly schizo as the nowi guy. Still annoying as hell though
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>It’ll only last a few days.
I been here for years though
>TTW fag is too retarded to realize that every new SMT game brings in schizos that will stay in /smtg/ forever
Not surprising since you wasted thousands of dollars on a shitty porn comic
He's based
Ok if not kinda plain
>Four Archangels
Good, they should give these guys story presence again
He's based
7+ hits lunar hurricane (not possible in proper playthrough)
Paraselene blur (impalers animus/glory if need to pierce, else succession)
Figment slash (impalers animus/glory if need to pierce, else succession)
Crit aura murakumo
>Good, they should give these guys story presence again
I don't want them to after how badly butchered they were in IV and V
Imagine if arahabakis unique actually followed description instead of newly summoned demons only, wouldn't need anyone else than beano
i still think it could be cool in a lovecraftian setting you fight their normal versiom then they transform into a complete mad alien-like form exposing how deep the outer gods madness have infected things
Well I'm open to other games to check out after Nocturne.
if ?
now it's the time to take that L
I wonder what Ringo smells like?
If you're open to spinoffs play devil survivor. Its not a dungeon crawler but more like an srpg but not fire emblem. If you're a fireemblem fag play majin tensei 2. If is infamously shit and considered the worst smt game that isn't ronde.
Yeah I'm fine with spinoffs. I've heard of Digital Devil Saga, is it any good?
/smtg/ hates desu survivor for some reason but it's a good and fun game, the strategy element made it feel fresh
Thank god this game is easy to mod. I love making my own unique skills.
I haven't played it yet mainly because you cant recruit demons but people seem to fucking love it for some reason...
you didn't beat the game
I like it a lot.
Made a new skill or edited it?
The only thing /smtg/ likes are spinoffs. They shit on mainline 24/7
Brand new. I ran out of active skill slots but there are a ton of empty passive skill slots.
I really wish every demon had their own passive. I'm not sure why they made what feels like half not unique and race unique instead.
devil survivor is one of my favorite games of all time
You used that SMT VV editor? I thought it couldnt make skills yet

>the strategy element made it feel fresh
lol no,i love the strategy element what i didn't like were the ones i had to protect people juts so the AI did some retarded shit
>just wanna play SMT games (not V)
>can't because the last 20 years of Atlus games are lost to dead platform 3ds
LOL, lmao. Atlus are fucking losers, shit decisions like this is why they're always broke. Meanwhile Epic are still turning sales on Ureal Tournament from way back in 1999
You could make skills but you would have to do a bunch of extra stuff outside the editor for them to work. The editor has been updated a lot since and the only thing you need to do outside the editor now is use UassetGUI to edit the skill name and descriptions of unused skills. I have made 15 active skills, and 19 passive skills so far.
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>hit enemy in overworld
>enemy turn
>Enemy is charging magatsuchi!
>burst one enemy down
>get wiped from full hp by the remainder
how do i make this bullshit end i'm tired of saving every ten feet
kill your enemies
>satan is unironically better off as a drain all taunt tank/support
The fuck are you talking about Devil Survivor 1 and the story is great unlike trash like V.
Devil Survivor 2 is absolute trash.
There are no good mainline games made after nocturne unfortunately. Spin offs are better than mainline but a few of them change up the gameplay significantly.
Strange Journey and Soul Hackers is about the closest to mainline gameplay. Digital Devil Saga is good but it lacks one of the most notable parts of the franchise (demon recruitment).
You should take a look at some gameplay footage from some of the different titles and see what looks appealing to you.
Hit weaknesses to print press turns or spam buffs/lustre candy
Use a smoke ball to escape
Is there already a mod where you can create a new fight against a demon you can't normally fight?
Just switch to safety difficulty. No shame in it bro.
You can't even do Godborn if you're on your first NG+ cycle coming from CoC, I did Newborn so I could steamroll the things I'd just done on my first playthrough with Masakado while doing all the new stuff normally
What's the best magic Beano and are there good Koshimizu skills for it
Heavenly ikuyumi is best magic and 2nd best damage
Moonlight frost is megidolaon but better
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We will never get another Apocalypse, easily the best SMT. Why the fuck is the music in it so comfy? It fits the aesthetic and vibe of all the og concept art so well too. I fucking love this game and I unironically want them to stop this open world shit and go back to making contained games with actual well controlled and designed worlds.

>the story is great unlike trash like V.
Not defending V but most of DeSu story is dealing with actual retarded people and questioning why the angels are too stupid to handle the demon outbreak properly
My demonica called me a tech support, what am I in for?
Its the best one since magic also lower magic damage
just be sure to equip a phs resist armor
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more like
Let me lock you with a bunch of lions that you can't tame unless you have a specific software to beat and tame said lions and tell me how you wouldn't act "retarded" in that situation.
First of all, I wouldn't spaz out because said software makes me powerful enough to combat said lions to tame them
But you damn know well I'm referring to characters like Keisuke, Midori, Yuzu whom you must babysit because they have low IQs
>It fits the aesthetic and vibe of all the og concept art so well
shame about the actual game pretty much in its entirety
>We don't live in the timeline where SMTIV got a bunch of spinoffs instead of Persona 4
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SMT set in space.
desu survivor has the best music of every smt https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=xqZ8r78VZTw
playing CoV and ended up Law, beat up belial and he ran away, is there any way for me to get him on this playthrough?
Belial/michael are route lock only
keisuke is literally the only character whose actions are 100% in the right though
that's a shame, so is the second quest for 600k macca just a BS internet rumour or CoC exclusive then? Sucks cause I really like Belial's design a lot more than Michael's
I have accepted my fate as a Supportslut.
600k macca is if your previous alignment choices don't align with the route lock, if in cov you are too neutral and choose law/chaos you pay up, if in coc all your choices are law/chaos but you chose opposite alignment you pay up
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Why is pic related so fucking strong
Gog smash
>Fuse him again godborn lvl 150
>Accidentally fuse his stats too str/vit bias
>Stuck with 150 agi
>Keeps missing figment slashes despite all buffs and debuffs and eyes
Imagine if he was any race but jirae, imagine vile/tyrant gogmagog
gotcha so it's not a "do both" thing. Thanks for the help
>do every chaos choice in first 2 areas
>pick a law choice in cutscene
>start spinning clockwise
Errr wtf
Genuinely insane demon, Can't he match arioch death buffs damage? Kind of sucks chi you isn;t weak to status so he can't reach that level of power
What did Dagda call Nanashi in Japanese? Not "shounen", right?
Both cap at 1.5x damage/bonus crit damage so yeah, gog is easier to reach as well thanks to arahabaki strat
>Gog itself is 5 weaknesses (25% bonus)
>Arahabaki is 4 weaknesses (20% bonus)
>1 more weakness on beano is super easy to reach
Why not both
>Gog and chi you as both damage dealers with support beano and filler slot (any demon with critical melody)
Gogmagog rampage
>decide to use satan against naamah
>adversary doesn't work
Fucking fatlus
sounds like a cool name for a thrash metal song
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Does Godborn normal, true form masakado require grinding? My demons are doing like, 15 damage despite hitting a weak, critical, and double pleroma move (Gea bolg) Only my MC deals any damage which is just 1300 or so. Shiva on Godborn normal was kinda easy, but I have the feeling the rest of the super bosses will MAKE me grind and that's no fun.
Str/magic actually matters now so yeah get grinding, if you think thats bad wait until you see satan with 850 vit, demi fiend is the most tame with 450
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>Ice Nemissa
Forgot that and dark skills were also a skill tree she could learn. Too bad basically almost every demon resists both
kissing iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Yea fuck that. Shame Masakado is in CoC becuase If I was ever to replay this game again it wont be CoC. Shame you cant fight superbosses in the virtual trainer
Are your demons lvl 150? I think levels still play a factor, because my lvl 99 demons were doing sub 100 damage to the first oyamatsumi you see and bringing them to lvl 150 they were doing normal 2k+ damage even though he has 500 vit
P3r is unironically persona without the soul. Holy shit was that game a waste of money. Even 1$ on gamepass was a waste. Uninspired gameplay, tartarus, so called qol just a bad game all round. P5R was atleast fun to play.
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Yup, this guy was doing legit 15 with gay bolg
Get like 550 ma/str on demons.
Also get Maria to be your taunt tank, otherwise magatsuhi pierce will be a pain
How do you like your multi-hits?
2-5 hits but there is a cap of 2 hits against a single target. Or 1-4 hits and all 4 have a chance to land on a single target. Basically consistency or high/low roll potential.
2-5 is best, really good for tehom and masakado. Bring vritra along for dancefeast
I think multi-hit moves are too consistent in VV. They simply become a no-brainer instead of what they should be which is a gamble.
NTA but is there any advantage running vitra over a higher level apndemonic feast demon like cherub
Vritra is a dragon which means Omagatoki Dance access.
Dance is shit, strategize + feast + arahabaki + damage dealer is the way
You hit like 7 times with dance feast. Pair that with thalassic calamity succession it's like 36 hits. Dance more than doubles your dps.
I dont know, Godborn doest sound fun at this point. Id rather just go reborn and stay at level 99 and not worry about over inflated states.
>2 bar for 36 hits
>Or 1 bar for 32 hits
It's not only MC, I got atleast 73 hits in the turn, 36+9 MC, 7+7 vritra, 7+7 healer.

It's the best way to burn masakados hp.
Can you refight DF for his essence again?
Will it piss off Satan or Masakado if I use it (for resistances.)

I am doing completionist run.
Has anyone played smt vx from I whay I've seen its an smt 1 remake and you can side with lilith so thats hot but I heard it's a shitton of grinding in it and the bosses are too bulky. Is it still worth playing and are there new demons in the game?
People here don't play fan games.
wait endure and enduring soul both work?
Yes. In V I had to stack them against Demi-fiend because Chaotic Will is a funny skill.
>Chaotic will is an ailment
>Chaotic will can also be used to cheese satan and not trigger adversary somehow
Kissing... Raidou? Don't mind if I do!
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very kissable lips
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Chaotic Will being a usable skill than enemy only is so retarded and proof how the EO team has bias towards ailments
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Imagine being unfaithful. Shaking my head, anonpai
there's no pictures of Yuzuru either, highest degree of unfaithfulness
SMT VVA - Punished Yuzuru
I'm gonna get CoC's chaos ending as an apology, sorry I fucked over your fun times with PM while I go through Demon king's castle by taking yoko's hand but shinjuku is just more fun
Welcome to the family, support slut.
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Honestly significantly easier than Agrat Solo was.
Agrat would just use Queen's Decree 5 times in a row if I didn't block every single turn "just to be safe".
While Lilith isn't even reviving after literally every single death like she did in the solo fight.
I didn't even realize her not insta reviving was a real thing.
>Healing skills shouldn't heal the user.
>Physical skill should be about doing the maximum damage, and thus crit shouldn't give extra turns.
>Physical should have armor, Magic should have resistance.
>There should be a lethal weakness that allow normal spells to one shot demon.
>Mudo and Hama should be alignements targetting.
>Alignements should play a role in who you can summon in battle.
>they should embrace open world even more and have demons being able to interact with it. (Bufu being able to freeze bodies of water)
Rate my shit opinions.
Some anon in the previous thread mentioned this video to show how everyone loves VV, which I decided to watch out of boredom. One of the biggest red flags that he's not being genuine at all with his praises for VV is that he got a free review copy from Atlus West, which means he'll be nice as possible so he can get more free games in the future. Secondly, is his thoughts on CoV story. Saying something like "Yuzuru got the biggest glow up in CoV" is a huge red alarm since he still doesn't do much and dies off early into the new route.
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1) MAG was annoying. But, I guess dependent on the economy, could be cool.
2) I'm all for RNG fuckups but this just screws you over with no counterplay.
3) The most fun you can have is with demons you like. Being forced to cycle with no reward for doing so other than being able to play the game sucks
4) Level caps won't save a shit demon in end (or given the attempts, even mid) game. You'd game around the system which happens in stamina(BP) based games.

>they should embrace open wor

Here's some more shit opinions
>Every single demon should have an attack or effect if you swap it in (customizable) and the type of attack/effect it is depends on if you use a full or half press turn on the swap.
>Make the aforementioned skills available are across the demons own skills and additional ones not normally available that are unlockable through key items.
>Bring back and add whacky shit; mid battle fusions, demons initiating conversations with you, more flavors of sacrifice skills
>Make moon phases matter; Half to full moon, perfect visibility, can't talk to demons for shit. Half to new moon, no demons on the map, random encounters.
>Instead of making the MC overpowered as shit, give him an improved COMP. Use a third more limited (but eventually more generous) resource that recovers every battle to summon demons for attacks. Use health for summons when out.
>Bring back ammo types.
>Mid battle sacrifices. Instead of using a Soma you devour a pixie.
And remove random stat allocation. Nobody likes that shit.
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yoohoo sweaty saggers
>Bring back and add whacky shit; mid battle fusions, demons initiating conversations with you, more flavors of sacrifice skills
pretty much the only opinion in all of these posts I wholeheartedly agree with, if the choice was mine I'd put the effort that goes into demon haunts into unique dialog under ailments and negotiation and more mid battle dialog cause it only happens end game in V and you don't have a choice when they happen

but mainline is a million seller series now there's no reason we can't have both and more, there's no reason why random planner Kun can't spend a day or two reading up on a demon to come up with unique dialogs for them.
>what they should be which is a gamble.
Reduce the mp cost, and okay. If I'm chunking my mp each time I use one, I want useful results each time.
Let me try to surpass you.
>Fusion have a random chance to fuse skills of the same type.
>There are 3 physical types: Slash, Impact and Penetration.
>There are 3 types of magic damage: Fire, Ice and Lightning.
>Force does physical damage, but target at random one the physical resistance mentionned above.
I hope these anons are girls otherwise /smtg/ has become very gay-adjacent
sticky sweaty stinky Yuzu....
>mid battle fusions
That one was so shit, no one seriously used it.
>And remove random stat allocation
This is technically whacky shit.
How do i desory demi fiend in both dds and smtv and vv
strategy guide will be published for VV, now we might get an artbook too. if Doi makes a tanbi fujo bait cover for it like for IV l would kneel
>How do i desory
idk don't know what he meant by this
Hit him until he dies
>strategy guide
>fuse demons
>hit enemy weaknesses
>protect your party's weaknesses
that's the game. isn't it?
Destroy you ..
And i thought eops were smart and gods as an eop myself i am ashamed
How do i destroy demi fiend
tickle his spike (ykwim)
strategy guide is more something documenting as much info as possible for a game, most megaten games have one. some are up on e hentai if you want to check their contents
Make sure all of your party members are weak to sleep, have enduring soul, and hope RNG doesn't fuck you over
Just switch to safety mode for the fight
>on e hentai
Not today, Belphegor
that site probably has the biggest collection of official megaten documents but if accidentally looking at porn makes you too horny some are up on archive too
Oh nice, I found it on panda
You should definitely make an account on sad panda even if you don't care about porn, there's just so many official artbooks and shit.
>if Doi makes a tanbi fujo bait cover for it like for IV l would kneel
I doubt a artbook is coming. Also Doi is too lazy to make new art for anything that's not celebrating sales or official concept art. That's why he didn't make new art for OG V strategy guides or VV soundtrack cover.
but aren't all the artbooks already on e hentai? isn't panda only for loli and shit?
Doi never made art for soundtracks (unless you count his participation in making irl samurai uniform which I'm not even sure is the same one they use for IV's soundtrack cover), he did however make art for famitsu covers and art and setting books.
I don't think he's lazy, he just does 100% of the work on art himself now that that takes time.
The tl;dr of it I believe is that panda gets anything copyright striked. And once you have an account it's both sites you get access to.

It's like zlib where the copyright striked stuff is only available via tor. Most other sites just resort to being invite only to prevent copyright strikes (eg the private trackers).
>Just switch to safety mode for the fight
Give me tips for hard difficulty mode
Please take it seriously, femalefujoshit
Doi isn't kaneko to mass use of digital art of course he won't just take more work
There is no limit on his buffs, you can unironically one shot everything in the game if you force the maximum amount of weaknesses
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Alright the meme Magatsuhi team works on DF as expected but also just gets absolutely shit on by Satan due to him having enough damage to randomly kill one of the members with a Trisagion Megidolaon dream combo. (and the level based damage being significantly less in comparison due to the differences in levels being less)
what made these threads fall off so much, did most of the posters return to /pol/?
Two things: VV is more than a month old and most people beat it and moved on, and the nonstop schizo spam over the weekend drove most people away.
schizos and VV doesn't have too much new overall to talk about.
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but I hate humanity
there will probably be a lot of gameplay mods for VV due to the skill editor, which should hopefully make everything more unique and maybe add more cool stuff.
We can discuss the regality of Agrat, the queen of /smtg/
I don't think anyone wants to discuss her after last weekend, understandably
Sap certified treewife
What a coincidence I love demons so much
Actual discussion, not slander
I mean you already attracted the schizo back by mentioning her...
Alice wife ToT
I'm 15 hours in CoV and I'm increasingly tempted to just ignore every main story cutscene. Will I actually miss anything if I do?
yes, but if you're gonna do it anyways just watch the ones in 3rd area.
You know the skill doping from IV/A
what of it was called Gooning instead
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How did you guys build your Satan? I'm thinking about dropping Megido ark entirely and making him a dedicated fire demon since as an almighty he is completely outclassed by Metatron and Masakados.

Also does Lucifer's pierce ability work on himself or only allies?
Why not just play CoC?
Third area is where it matters more. But yeah a lot is the same as CoC.
The story events are pretty different as soon as you come back from Minato, early Shinagawa is mostly just the same beats from the original but with Quaditsu instead of Lahmu but late is entirely different and then Shinjuku is entirely new
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The light change hee. Hee hold hee light to become Master Man.
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She's kind of cute
Playing COV law and noticed I haven't unlocked the miracle that lets you fuse whatever you want. Do you just get it later at the allignment lock?
I love dark skinned Lilim
Lucifer's pierce is only for regular attacks. It does fuck all for anything that's not that. And as far as I can tell, regular attacks are fucking worthless.
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where is the taohorifag now that the prophecy three years ago has come true?
It's much later yes. It'll be right before you fight the final 2 bosses.
together with aogami fags
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The game is a bit buggy around this point - I beaten Tiamat (both Law/Chaos) for the first time and I didn't get the miracle. When I go back to the alignment lock part suddenly now I'm able to acquire the alignment miracle. Shit's buggy.
So you have to fight tiamat before you get it? Wtf then its useless.
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never forget
I buffed Megido Ark and his unique passive because i'm not constrained by the shitty balance decisions of this game.
If I can add items I'll be right there with you. Because the absolute fucking first thing I'm adding in Chakra showers and the second thing I'm adding is the rest of Mastema's moves.
I still can't believe they didn't give Khonsu his unique skill in the original. What the fuck were they thinking?
Giving Mastema his unique moves is very easy. It's one of the first things I did. Adding new items wasn't possible until recently but that is now doable as well.
Neat. I'll look into that then. Great Chakra's just not existing really is the absolute worst.
List Tao's icks if you know them!
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Kill yourself
Most popular girl in school (Japanese)
I would do this with agrat but I gotta write Kogetsu
big ear (but cute so it's okay)
Don't blame me, blame agrat for being sappy
Strange Journey was pinnacle everything after it is mid

If you disagree you are going in my oven
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we need more tao x sahori arts
We need you to hang yourself, last post from me kill yourself
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hi sir namefag
Are we ever going to see Yakub in SMT?
I don't know if modern SMT is willing to touch him but he would've been a perfect fit for the series in the SNES and Devil Summoner/Soul Hackers eras.
What is the most modern demon we've ever had? The lovecraftian ones?
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Any alicegods?
In your head, see ya tomorrow later niggers
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cmon why the fuck is it taking so long. I want to see if they are adding anything
There a few outright mistranslations and a handful of bugs that probably get ironed out.
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kill yourself literal attentionwhore newnigger zoomer and don't you ever (you) me again
fucking zoomer nameniggers
Honestly most religions born in e modern age are UFO cults or have aliens in their mythology for some reason.
they added like 3 demons in a update for soul hackers 2
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Megido arks base damage should seriously match freikugel at least. More because it can't crit naturally.
Every religion is a reflection of the mentality of the times. Aliens have become pretty much a symbol of distrust towards the government.
Alice has to be one of the most deceptive demons I've ever seen. She could milk that "cute little girl" act for all it's worth before stabbing you in the back.
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Bethel Egypt is the only good branch
Cleo... (historically accurate) (she was a KANG)
She's not.
Feel free to explain why netflix is being sued by Egypt for 2 billions $ over their documentary otherwise.
They're racist or something.
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Sorry girl but Egyptians are white aryans
What was that smt2 spinoff black girl with white hair heroine again
Does anyone have that art
I wish the fucking booru still existed damn
i don't care what they tell you in school, lucifer was a blonde twink
Thanks anon, shes hot
Would travel through tokyo millenium with
the battle vr boss rush is super cool. But it feels like its trivalized with demifeinds essence nulling everything. Should I do this in Godborn mode so they can use Peirce through or just make reborn save, remake all my demons so there level 99 and don't have insane stats?
Well yeah if you want to fight stat checks
That's because SH2 isn't very jewish when compared to SMT VV. You and me know if they ever add new demons, they're going to make you pay for them.
kill yourself and delete this shit
anyway post hidden
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>act for all it's worth before stabbing you in the back
show me proof
is it something in sd?
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Noooo don't hide me
a 3dpdnigger like worth nothing
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well playing on hard and how do you survive this
Gee I don't know, it's not like she asks you to die for her.
Did you debuff him
You can also try the herald magatsuhi skill shield of god which decreases the damage you take by 80% for a turn
oh shit forgot about debuffing, since debuffing is so expensive it's hard to pull it off nowadays.
Debuffs are usually better than buffs since bosses have inflated numbers.
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Cursed SMT NINE 3D model of the SMT1 design of Preta
Remember what they took from us
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by pure focus on allice's dark attack
debilitate from moh
and kike's(agrat) almighty and attack ice weakness for massive damage
and then she died, whoopsy, summoned our chad siegheil! to to finish him off. kike to aryan

third try
also i understand his mechanic, you have to get hit by his unique counter skill so that heliopolis wont crisp you into oblivion
good job schizo-kun
by getting hit by his counter, you somehow survive his massive attack
getting affected by his unique ailment, you get hit only for 124 damage from heliopolis
raa is a very good boss
how the fuck is this blogposting when it's megaten related, actual sperg. kill yourself
It takes less than 10 seconds to look up information about a boss and how to counter them. Lazy ass.
i literally learned it by myself, which is way more fulfilling
Drain all taunt tank, probably won't work in godborn because lol magatsuhi pierce
Good job. Then don't brag about it since it's just a normal boss.
why you're getting competitive like a total manchild, kid? let people celebrate whatever shit they want.
learn to ignore
>used essences
You didn’t beat the game
>used any element related items
You didn’t beat the game
>used magutsuhi skills
You didn’t beat the game
>used any miracles other than the ones that increased skill slots
You didn’t beat the game
>saved anywhere other than at leylines
You didn’t beat the game

I don’t make the rules.
Your list sounds like a Nyarly challenge run list and by virtue of that I do not respect this or you.
I could take mastema
>I don’t make the rules.
But i do and i say those are all legit ways to beat the game
I think the Canon of Creation is misunderstood kino
Dazai is the only thing remotely kino about it
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Not even gonna (You) that filth
I know this is bait to piss people off but I would unironically prefer if Eisheth looked like that than the nigger face we got in the actual game
I don’t know who that is because I’m not an incel.
He's a famous trans megaten youtuber
This is a improvement over his Debisama design by showing more elements that the preta was once human(Which is a part of his mythology)
I prefer the tiny dick and balls. That's more human to me.
Yoko raped me.
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Unironically getting bored with the SMT series. Not sure if it's due to V/VV but every day I'm slowly losing interest in the franchise
so play something else
Play the older games.
i was getting bored of old reliable SMT IV so i went into SMT I completelly blind
Suficed to say i was suffering playing that game, but it was fun and a new experience
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I've just accepted the series as I knew it is over, that whole identity is gone but that's not really something "bad", it's just how things go. Also, even if the new games don't interest me, the old ones still exist, and there's what, two decades worth of them?
SMT has fallen
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Same, I've been adding some of the old stuff into my backlog. Gonna take my time with them and not rush.
Reddit bird
I'm still enjoying VV. Helps that i'm modding it for the sake of shaking up strategies and builds.
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There were really three main things I liked about CoC's story
>Koshimizu (especially the hidden shit with him trying to politic the other Bethel factions like when Idun gets kidnapped because Loki is being funded to buff humanity)
>Lucifer's suicide
Sahori's subplot is still one of the worst things they've ever put in a game and even in CoV Ride or Die Tao carries it on her back. I would be way more interested in V as a whole if it was so focused on demon politicking to where it almost becomes a parody of real life which I think is way more suited to the idea they had of dumping you into the aftermath of a massive conflict where both sides are heavily fractured and leaderless. While still being much better than that absolutely embarassing showing in IVF, Bethel is a really cool idea that they never did close to enough with and it seems like with CoV they were less focused on bringing out the best parts of what they had and more with patching up things that a lot of people viewed as the worst.
There's only one guy at Atlus that gets to make the kind of game I'm looking for anymore
You're not really enjoying VV if you're actually messing with the code
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Baffling how Fatlus was too lazy to include a single crossover character despite dicksucking Maniax so much
I want to give her my bone
>VV if it wasn't dogshit
Game would've sold way more if they put Vergil in
I want that one anon that drew her to draw in asahi's outfit
*draw her
You're right pokemon rom hackers don't enjoy pokemon either. We mod out of hate and spite.
She looks like she fucks human men
only wh*te men
>got switch version on sale because I had to have matching steelbooks with the original SMTV
Based or cringe?
Neither because while you got the game for cheap, you still bought a shitty product that will guarantee SMT VI will be awful
as if it matters. there hasn't been a good smt game in 20 years
Green apple martini
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Dagdabros, do we no longer want to be ourselves, but different people entirely?
ok zoomer.
wanna taste
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I got the ps5 version for the matching steelbook. So, you're not only cringe but poor too.
i'm tired of pretending IV and IVA were bad
This Dagda still has the same ideals as in IVA. He wants to carve his own path and not be shackled by what humans perceive Dagda to be. Honestly one of the best demon characters in the whole series. Even Lucifer rarely acknowledges that his destiny was written for him.
Good. The sooner you leave my hobby, the better.
They were pretty great and better than V/VV, no need to pretend.
It doesn’t match in dimensions at all
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Who, me? I don't have the time right now, can you wait until tomorrow?
Is the persona trash finally moving on? Are we healing?
It's pretty hard to maintain interest when Atlus can only put out one game every decade
>Even Lucifer rarely acknowledges that his destiny was written for him.
or that humans are what enslaves him.
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Should I beat my old V save first or just get VV and start over?
You will beat your old save first.
You will get VV and start over.
Can I get an order of Keneko lips with a side of Soejima neck?
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Yeah you could say I'm a bufuer
Bring back Demon Auctions.
I'm not sure if her neck is massive or if her head is small on the right.
Soejima neck.
it really should be a thing in all the games. i hate going back to old areas to hunt down some demons i need for fusion material. would much rather just spend some macca and get the process over with quickly.
bro? your compendium, bro???
The compendium does exactly that though?
Agreed, it was also very sovlful seeing who else who trying to buy the demons
the compendium doesn't register demons you haven't recruited or made through fusion already.
i don't recruit every single demon i come across so i often end up needing some random dickhead i passed hours ago for a fusion. and no i am not going to start recruiting every single demon. just give me the fucking auctions.
>just make demon negotiation obsolete and create an auction that clashes with the tone of mainline
I share this general with the dumbest motherfuckers.
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>i don't recruit every single demon i come across
Trifling ass nigga
Oh God what the fuck
Auctions had a random component and they weren't guaranteed at all to have the demons you needed, especially if you take into account special fusions.
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god i fucking love black girls bros
how do i meet one that'll listen to me ramble about smt strats
I like auctions since it was random with the stats and skills. So betting on something better is based or getting a worse version of a demon for a quick fusion
Shut up race mixer, kill yourself
SMT was good until SMT IV. That game success made Atlus bring all of it's flaws into IVA. Which that game flaws was brought into V. Then the same happened for VV.
It's a never ending of fucking shit because the franchise will never improve itself until a mainline entry flops.
Strange Journey was the end and devil survivor the last gem
>posting 3D
rope now
simmer down virgin go shitpost on another thread if you hate everything past devil survivor you mouthbreather
Wear a sucker hat.
Tf, when tf did I say I didn't like anything past that, I like SMT IV, apocalypse, devil survivor 2 and that's it
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i accept your concession.
Jarinjove vs Bunker_Man in a wall of text-off.
Strange Journey unironically began the downfall since many elements of it was brought in IV
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Still doesn't make it any less peak

Also Indonesian guy kamo pasta made this peak
What are these so called "negative" traits present in the current games that weren't in the Ps2 era?
Some reasons why strange Journey is peak

> Great demon designs

> Peak dungeons

> Peak music

> Peak characters

> Great alignments

> Fire story

> Insane bosses

> The battle system is so peak it's like your demons are clobbering the boss

> Side quests that are peak and Inspired SMT 4

And finally

> Gemerald lore
alex made strange journey less retarded by the end
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what da heck is this real
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Take your time drawanon friend
>kaneko lips
>soejima neck
There she is, the megami tensei
None of this is true and only westerns like SJ btw
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Look like this
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The fuck are you on, Japanese fans love demonica cosplay and play strange Journey almost everyday

Also Zelenin only orthodox waifu in Megaten
I found two videos on bilibili the other day that were praising SMT SJ
>The fuck are you on, Japanese fans love demonica cosplay and play strange Journey almost everyday
If that was true then why does it have the nickname "Gaijin Journey" in Japan and sold poorly over there
get dat white boy salary
>reddit spacing
you need to go back
Terminally online nigga
>No comeback
So you admit defeat, huh
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Please don't engage with the ESL, 19 year old, namefag.
Tf does esl mean???
english second language
Oh yeah right

I speak
>Hákarl tungumál
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>WHAAAAAAAAAAT???!!!! Sahori-chan, you can't! You can't be serious when you say you're going to SWALLOW ME ALIVE IN A SINGLE GULP!!!! Y-you're really going to STUFF ME down your throat and I'll be WHOLE AND ALIVE, TRAPPED in the SWELTERING PIT of your STOMACH ACIDS as I'm DIGESTED ALIVE???? Well, that's not very exciting, I'm into vore- HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHHHH??!?!?!?! D-d-d-did I just *ulp* hear that right?!?!?! While I'm being MELTED ALIVE INTO A NUTRITIOUS SLURRY, you're going to go SLAM YOUR EVIL PUSSY against TAO?! Y-you mean to say that while you're showing my friend, Tao, what REAL sex is like, your stuffed gut containing the SOUPY MESS that used to be her friend is going to be pressing down on her back?!?!?! A-a-a-and only after my remains are finished PUMPING THROUGH YOUR INTESTINES and your body has COMPLETELY CLAIMED MINE as nothing more than SUSTENANCE FOR THE SUPERIOR GIRL BODY, you'll CUM SO HARD she becomes PREGNANT with a whole litter of your RED-HAIRED CHILDREN?!?!?!!?!?! W-w-w-what can I say to all of that except OPEN WIDE, SAHORI! I can't WAIT to be FULLY DIGESTED!!!!
I'm gonna fucking stick my hand down your throat and cause your heart to stop beating
>This Dagda still has the same ideals as in IVA. He wants to carve his own path and not be shackled by what humans perceive Dagda to be
That literally doesn't make sense in IV:A context
Am i the only one that really liked his character? like, she has a cute design, and his arc could've been way better but i enjoyed her
desu i wanted to save her, mainly cuz other SMT characters have done way worse shit and gotten away with it
I wish she died more violently.
Why not? In IVA he wants to create a world where humans don't create gods. As a demon Dagda's life is dictated for him so he wants to be free.
I mean I would write a fanfic about fucking her but I'm busy
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mmmmmm Tao so tasty
Who makes these????
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so yummy
Honestly based Ringoschizo. Fuck this kid.
You are disgusting wtf is this foreskin shit
Because observation is given by the Great will and it doesn't matter that Nanashi makes a new world where he is "back at nature" at the very core he is still a human creation and will still be messed up because the one giving human the ability is still there. Hell even the form he wanted to go back to is just another form made up by humans at one point
The point is when humans aren't dependent on others they won't manifest gods and instead do things themselves. Dagda gets to return to being the energy of the universe and Nanashi defends his world of individual freedom with his godslayer.
>Nanashi defends his world of individual freedom with his godslayer.
More like enslaving it to cater for his own desires, ultimately creating a world that will end up being in ruin because he's no different from YHVH
Thus a new a messiah will eventually be born
Burroughs is the best navigator in the series.
I miss her sexy voice.
SMT can never do jesus or the trinity theologically correct, istg this gnostic shit is tiring and the Jewish glazing too

Kinda just sounds like he wants to be anything he wants to be now..now that I think about it.. How would he react if he saw Gensokyo from Touhou Project, a setting where myths aren't completely bound by their folklore portrayals?
Probrably fell better since humans aren't the biggest fish there
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Why tf are you raiding every thread with "UUHHHH?? NTR???" bs?
Then there's the fact that Gods and Youkai need faith to even exist.. How would Dagda even feel about otherworldly things being debunked by science?
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SMT x Lord of the Mysteries
Reddit award cringe atheist get your fedora
Not every God need faith to exist only the shinto ones, and youkai faith is also capable of sustaining gods im pretty sure
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Strange Journey 2 featuring SMT x Dungeon Meshi where Laois tries to eat his way through the dungeon after trusting an extremely trustworthy angel
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I wish I could do this Agrat because she's a good sap
>not the one with Rayquaza
lame ass bitch
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Wtf do you think you are doing

Helvítis fokkings viðbjóð
What's so arousing about being inside someone's organs?
guys help how do I change Strange Journey out of jappish
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> Soul Hackers 2 1999
You sure Dagda wouldn't try to turn Japanese Narnia inside out or something?
Is there a dump of the SMTVV models/animations online somewhere
In the past 2 days, the demon markets have collapsed fully
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The tension between Jimenez and Zelenin could have been solved if they were locked in a room together for about an hour so they could fuck and get it out of their systems
Orthodox and Argentinian sex goes hard, and yes she would probably marry him first and then do it
What's this headcanon of Zelenin being Orthodox?
She's Russian, a scientist and she trusts the angels the fuck do you not understand

Perfect law rep
Zelenin does not give a single hint that she's religious before meeting Mastema. You're reaching.
Umm her introduction says otherwise
No it doesn't. Post screencap of her saying she's religious. If anything she's atheistic before meeting Mastema since she's a scientist. Jimenez has a better chance of being religious considering he's Latino.
>Just switch to safety mode for the fight
I recommend this.
Cope she's baptized
Nope you're projecting your stinky religion onto a fictional character. Cope and seethe Orthodog.
Most Russians are baptized by birth retard since infant baptism is a thing
You are once again assuming something that isn't confirmed in game. You might as well write a fanfiction.
actually given zelenin's hesitation towards the angels and the fact she's on the science team i think it's a pretty safe bet she's not religious. she warms up to the angels because they don't look as horrifying as the other demons in the schwarzwelt but before then she basically treats it all as a weird impossible dream.
I don't understand why spergs get filtered by a scientist being law.
This Is real life nigga
Zelenin being non-religious and Jiminez likely growing up Catholic would actually be a pretty neat parallel..
Many scientists were orthodox
it's pretty pathetic that now that everyone agrees that VV at least tried its best to fix many of the issues people have had with the series for ages and it's an overall a fun and interesting game you come to this general to throw a tantrum daily about your lack of interest in the series because there's nothing you could latch onto now and shit up the general like a manchild
I want nothing more than for you to lose interest faster and leave this place
>Ah yes, this character is [MY EXPECTATIONS] because [STEREOTYPE].
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This is the work of satan, pro Rome propaganda


First off she was probably born near Sarov or Moscow, western Russia, looking at her skin she's Aryan and not Siberian.

Secondly I'm her introduction she hints at a higher power.

Thirdly Kaneko made up a name for her that's male.

Fourthly kaneko doesn't understand Russia.
You are legitimately retarded and if you have ever talked to a scientist you will know that basically 99% are atheists who do not believe in the supernatural or weird mumbo jumbo shit.
i think that's genuinely part of the point desu
idk who this retard is but he sounds like an esl who spends too much time on /pol/. just filter him, he's got a gay little name.
>many of the issues people have had with the series for ages
It fixed issues with V and it did that well
It introduced multiple flavors of it's own issues due to the games structure.
Bro I was a kid and wanted to be a scientist as a kid, I was Christian, stfu scientists aren't atheist Scientism is
Totally religious guys.
I never said That, they are baptized by birth but can choose not to believe idiot

She's ex orthodox
>moving the goalposts
how desperate to win an argument can one filipino be
what do you mean specifically
Under the assumption that she is Russian therefore she was baptized? Wow brilliant logic. I guess every American is circumcised too.
Not how that works, ad hominem
Then spell it out for me Orthodog. What is your proof that Zelenin was baptized?
yeah def icelandic that's why you talk like you live in a mud shack eating bugs and dirt all day
Silly 4channer kaneko doesn't understand the orthodox church so he didn't bother adding context because in his universe things are just accidental or something


It is really a Headcannon
>that now that everyone agrees that VV at least tried its best to fix many of the issues
The only thing VV fixed was removing level scaling and making sure the story important demons don't have a awful voice filter. The story is still written badly, the characters outside of Tao and PM are laughable in terms of character development, ailments received more buffs while actual buffs like Luster Candy/Debiliate are trash unless it's attached to a different skill like Golden Apple/Sakuya Sakura/Light of Order, Shakan is just Demon Castle but with a different gimmick + gold instead of red, one route is given more bias while the other barely gets anything worthwhile, the villains are just the Divine Powers again but overall worse, and Yoko is the worst rerelease girl so far because she acts like a retarded contrarian because either the devs don't know how to write a chaos rep anymore or wanting to nudge the player to the intended path(Siding with Tao).
yeah stick to Fanfiction bud.
Pepsi it you are here respond, you blocked me and all my friends, what kinda schizo meltdown did you have?
Alright will do
objectively not true
>The only thing VV fixed was removing level scaling
>the other barely gets anything worthwhile
>the villains are just the Divine Powers again

nothing wrong with
>ailments received more buffs
> Luster Candy/Debiliate are trash

if you type alot doesn't mean you're right dipshit, there's obviously issues with it and you are going somewhere with some of the them but you're too retarded to develop a proper point
You guys treat the Chaos ending of VV like it's Crimson Flower levels of unfinished. Like it's missing several boss fights instead of having the same exact amount.
Jimenez has a v poor attitude, I refuse to shake his hand. I can already tell he's trouble
>You guys treat the Chaos ending of VV like it's Crimson Flower levels of unfinished.
Nobody said it was unfinished. It's very clear which route has more budget put into it since it's the intended path.
lack of random encounters leads to absolutely no attrition and even if they existed the ability to teleport for free buries it for good
The enemy distribution in the open world is near completely inconsequential to maneuvering
Collecting Miman sucks and is a boring unfun chore on any replay of the game.
Vending machines for money sucks due to the dramatically neutering of battle macca, sell macca, and the fights necessary to grind macca requiring you to beat the challenge modes.
Mitama DLC in general.

I actually like VV unlike V due to expanded team building options and a substantially less retarded level diff formula.
The various compendium fusions and skill selection are great. Even if, due to how stat growths work, you're almost always better fusion a demon than you ever will be recruiting through conversation.
I agree with everything but
>Vending machines for money
omagatoki luck is a better method
Kill yourself cancerous newniggers shit
>reddit spacing
>defending the writing
opinion dropped
That's not me retard

I'm the one speaking Icelandic not sending fetish porn
What budget? Them re-using Tao during the 4th area? Looks like not spending any extra money to me.
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Kill yourself you imbecilic newcancer. Lolis rule this website, newnigger gen alpha shit
It's 50% or at least it was when I was still in college two decades ago when that survey happened
Anyways Zelenin going law always made more since not because of any religious leaning but because her entire belief structure was upended and she received a very cruel lesson that demons, miracles, and magic were all real.

Is it? I don't think I could luck harder then I did given that I lugged Erthys ass around for a quarter of the game and still had to go grab vending machines just to refuse my pixie at the end of the second act.
It's terrific in challenge battles because of their "comparatively" inflated rewards.
I wanna fuck the female miman
Wtf are you talking about I jerk my shit to loli often

Now where's pepsi
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Zoomer attention whore
Fuck off and die go back to xitter you autistic samefagging bitch
This Is just bullying

I'm your ally nigger
Get his ass Ringoschizo
Help me Pepsi, I'm sorry for whatever I did please save me from Ringoschizo
Please Scottish femboy please
> Anyways Zelenin going law always made more since not because of any religious leaning but because her entire belief structure was upended and she received a very cruel lesson that demons, miracles, and magic were all real.
Plus the country she is from, Russia has a strong orthodox religion and was once communist too, and Russia is basically in a state of chaos since the USSR collapsed, and Russia is a collectivist society too.
Jimenez is from the US with value freedom, but is a Mexican so team God (the GOP) would of been trying to get him to fuck off to the other side of the border and I think he fought in the Middle East so he saw what the other team God (Muslims) where doing there as well.
You can put your name back on, you schizo namefag
I'm right here nigga that's not me
Reddit bird
Pepsi if you are here reply with sap
I am wouldn’t be surprised if he turns into a girl the second he sets into Gensokyo.
This is what growing up on Discord looks like.
The future is grim.
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Im like 3 times older than you and you act like a total newnigger attention whore who seeking attention. Kill yourself namefag. Filtered and hidden
Bro shut up
>otherworldly things being debunked by science
Everytime the concept of mythological, magical and fantastical things being sustained and by and needed faith to exist, I always am reminded of the mage the ascension game line where science and technology is als needs belief and faith to work and is only accepted because an Illuminati of techno-wizards got everyone to accept it.
You get off to children. Disgusting freak.
I'm working on stopping that and healing

These people treat it like a pride flah
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And youre a zoomer and muricans are fucked up. Education system and its society is fucked up. Fish is petite and kill yourself and its legal where i am
Kill yourself
Reddit Bird
Kill yourself
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Literal newnigger redditors and ameritrans post in here
Zoomers don't use Reddit. They are from Discord.
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So kaneko only partially understood orthodoxy
Why is she ten levels higher than her husband?
The question is, would be want to or not? Why a little girl when there's mature women like Yurari, Kanako, Byakuren, Keiki, Okina, Kasen, ect?
Pretty much. Kaneko was always a weirdo in a way.
Cute Mermaid!
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Btw here's my fanfic background fory focus writer program
You need to learn better prose man…
Get someone to beta read your stuff or read more literature that isn’t fanfic based
Can you explain this further in detail
There is a saying in the writing space

"Good prose is good, but it doesn't make a story great."

Show don't tell also

Also this is just the first draft of a completed proto draft of many other proto drafts, I wanna add upon this one, it's gonna have the law path, the saucy stuff idk like Kuzunoha lore and stuff
>>Patch 1.0.2 for Vengeance dropping soon according to SteamDB
Does this mean they are going to patch out the bug that allows for you to fight Satan without NG+?
I mean it has to be a bug. A trigger which is separate from the game save has to have been unintentional.

And hopes for anything aside from bug fixes?
Idk much about Japanese mythology but from what I know I plan to make an arc where amaterasu mourns and remembers her lover from long ago, I appreciate the feedback but I gotta get my ideas out first.
It's "Zelenina" you imbeciles. Zelenin is male surname.
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Kogetsu has a car He's got this Yatagarasu certificate given to the government that allows him, a 15 year old to drive the car. Because of the role of being the sidekick to the protector of the capital.
thought I opened /egg/ for some seconds
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I look just like this
We can always hope for the next game.
Honestly it might be an idea for if they ever decide to go down the child appeal route again.
>newnigger zoomers give attention to newnigger namefag zoomer
To be expected
SMTVV but every single character is gender swapped
Are milf aogami and koshimizu hot?
>Booru will keep running as usual
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I hope you guys may be interested in what I'm cooking
How big Kogetsu's dick is?
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this model is too detailed for Dx2. this must have been a model they made for VV but never used for some reason.
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You do know that Dx2 models are made by Sega themselves and not Atlus, right? You can't be this fucking stupid.
some of them are obviously taken from atlus models and even share the same animations. Adramelech is an example.
It looks like every other Dx2 model bro
So, this is the state of SMT fan games...
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>that guy who just made a shitty krishna model for the DX2 VV demon mod right now
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Something wrong?

If you wanna help I'd greatly appreciate it, but for now this is my vision, it's the final proto draft until I can make the other final drafts.
>some of them are obviously taken from atlus models and even share the same animations.
That's incorrect. Dx2 team aren't allowed to use models from Atlus and vice-versa.
this is just speculation from fans. you can clearly see that idun and Adramelech are both taken from V models.
Combat Tara bros we're so back
>Dx2 got a Krishna model before mainline SMT
Maybe if Komori and the EO team didn't waste budget on making african demons that nobody asked for, we would have gotten Krishna in VV
don't shit talk Onyankopon and Nyami Nyami they're my niggas
Reported you for being a newnigger cancer shit
You are possessed by Satan
>this is just speculation from fans.
If that was the case then we would have seen all the Dx2 models used in V/VV since those games loves taking assets from other Atlus products.
[Name filtered]
we've just never seen atlus use models from Dx2, but the reverse doesn't seem to be true.
>Announcing your report
Look at this retard.
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Alright last one for now this is just a sneak peek..
>he thinks i have time to report newniggers
Its tiresome i just spook them
You know I just remembered that kek
Does that mean that he will give his Krishna his IV:A moveset or the Dx2 one he already had?
Bring on the conception already. I don't want to live on the same planet as these people anymore.
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Why is Dagda always so pissy? Does he need to get laid or something?
Why does this Remind me off Ginkomi and Kogetsu's dynamic
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I fixed Dazai
>That juicy bulge
From what we've seen, Sega is allowed to take Atlus stuff but not the opposite.
Idun and Cleo in Dx2 are obviously their V models but with low quality textures while Camael looks way better in Dx2 than in V.
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I love him!!
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He can summon a persona and command demons, pleases both
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She definitely would, would she?
Gonna take a break now.
Hello my fellow egger
I kinda want to play this gacha, but I am already playing Arknights and FGO.
I'm currently fighting the urge to play it cause I hate gachas and every game design principal they brought into the game industry
BUT Krishna is getting a model...
Alright time to back to writing.
Cut to her shitting in the summoners hand
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It's also got a reputation for being like the least F2P gacha ever. It's FGO tier spark earning rates, super low pull rates and rewards gated behind PVP on top of that. There's no cheap starter accounts loaded with your favourite units or a shitton of currency unless you play CN/JP. Finally, I can't find a macro for that game so if I start playing I have to grind everything manually and gacha grinds are not normal like normal vidya, because the whole point is to get you coming back over and over again.
Don't, it's a waste of time.
If you still really want to play it, you can ask for advice in the thread on /vmg/, just remember to not take everything at face value because there's a schizo there giving bad advices to new players on purpose to make sure they're not a threat for him in PvP.
the business model is cancerous to the core
They didn't really cut Krishna from VV to put him in the gacha instead, r-right?
>Finally, I can't find a macro for that game so if I start playing I have to grind everything manually
That's because it's one of the rare gacha that banned the use of emulator and macro.
Using one of those can and will get your account banned.
There's modified APK that allow you to cheat but those also get banned very fast.
I find it funny that a very niche gacha like Dx2 is better at making sure there's no cheaters than most big players out there.
Atlus needs to be Kyoani'd if that's true
Do fucking not.
If you can give gaycha one thing that it was consistently good at then it's models. Game looks pretty nice at high quality (optimization gets ever worse tho with each update)
So this is what smtg was up to in my absence
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Better luck next time, fuckboy!
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I had a wheeze from this
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I like where I'm going with this
it's just that I don't remember them making stuff like the clothing this detailed. it's a very specific characteristic of the models in V. look at his little french cuffs and neck scarf, this really looks like a model made inside atlus with Doi's supervision, and Krishna was supposed to be a DLC demon even in base V.
>I find it funny that a very niche gacha like Dx2 is better at making sure there's no cheaters than most big players out there.
The big players allow it because they have a lot of whales and dolphins that also use them. Whales can max out their stamina by using their credit card and spend impossible amounts of it immediately with the bots.
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Isn't this exciting?
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>All the luck I need, Eggman!
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First flashback
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It's time for the show to start
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Now I will leave and focus on my story, good sirs look forward to the finished draft salute to you all.
>milf aogami with huge tits
It’s not even a question
How do I fuse Seth? Can I not in CoV?
Beat the dlc guy, aquire the dlc guy and then you can
I did all the DLC, which one?

Mephisto? Dagda?
You can. He's on the bridge in minato next to Bethel egypt. You can get to it once you unlock taito
I did all that, I still can't seem to fuse him.

I assume I have to do more MSQ for whatever reason until Khonsu reappears?
Shouldn't have to. I was able to fuse him. You might just not have ingredien~
Oh wait Set's not a special fusion.
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Realized I can't write sex scenes

So I just cut it out
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Kogetsu is the very first persona user
Fuck off and die
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>It's been discovered that SMT V and it's rerelease uses Poly Haven
>It's also being discovered that nearly every asset from textures to models like the ruined buildings are taken from this site
>Even the kagutsuchi moons in the sky are just disco ball assets
>Meaning the entire game is just "stolen" assets outside of the small amount of unique models
Holy shit, this might actually be the most soulless Atlus product to ever exist.
It literally doesn't matter, most modern games use public PBR libraries for textures, and ruined buildings, cars and general prefab/public asset junk is really no big deal and saves on major dev time, I guarantee you there's many many other instances of public PBRs/asset use in other games.
Why is V so trash?
I cannot believe that Nintendo would use Texture CD's, all those genre defining games were sovless all along...
Want another game with the DDS atma avatar aesthetic bros...
I was about to mention SM64 and OOT, every game dev has been doing this shit for years, it's nothing special.
3D is popular specifically because you can kitbash it and there are tools that can do procedural generation.
>It literally doesn't matter
But it does matter. Titles like Persona 5, Persona 3 Reload, and Soul Hackers are mostly filled with original assets because the development teams put more effort into the product. Meanwhile V/VV has more borrowed assets than original assets, which shows that the development team didn't want to put much effort into the game.
Or it means they have more budget because they were actually able to buy those assets instead of needing to make them
>But it does matter.
It doesn't, and I am someone who does 3D work, assets are assets. It's retarded to remake building models (or any other general prefab/asset) from scratch for each and every game, it wastes time, especially when you're under a deadline, and not to mention saving time when human life is so short and few people will notice, if at all. If you can cut corners and get away with it, you should.

The most I'd give you is Atlus could maybe spruce them up a bit more so they're less bland, but that's it. Honestly, I didn't even notice nor care.
Those 3D programs, renderers and substance and shit usually have texture libraries just directly built in
and they all look like shit
when it matters and budget allows the model uses hand drawn textures, that's why the demon and character models look so good.
>and they all look like shit

They look fine if a little bland, you have no clue what you're talking about.
I have eyes and can see the models and environments, neither of those games have good looking models or environments or even affects for that matter. SH2's city looks like utter shit and every effect is grating to look at
Literally no one but you care.
All this is adding is bloat that eat into budget and time that could be used for things that really matter.
>B-but Persona
Persona is de facto their main money earner.
Assuming you're talking about SH2, that game is filled with reused assets.
>that game is filled with reused assets.
NTA but such as....?
I don't like Persona's UI
I don't think P3R looks that bad, I will give you that SH2 looks very very bland, but SH2's presentation is extremely weak all around.

Either way, prefab and public library use doesn't matter, and devs have done it for years, literally who gives a shit about some UE destroyed car models.
The most blatant one that they didn't even tried to hide: Figue is literally a recolor of Ringo.
That was certainly a clever attempt to shit on SMT VV(and maybe praise SH2?).
SH2 was a very fucking obvious low-budget game. And for the record so was VV.
I wouldn't really call it clever.

Even ER, or Dark Souls likely used many prefabs and texture libraries. It's a very common pipeline for development, it's a strange thing to hone into it and really displays a general retardation about game dev.
everyone was complaining about the indoor shading in P3R when it was coming out. I haven't played it but for me it was always obvious that V was made by a smaller yet better experienced team and had less budget. I would love it if they could make a game with hand drawn environments like they initially wanted for Nocturne but budget and workforce is limited, maybe they can do that with VI and put the same amount of work into environments as they did with character and demon models.
V is shit despite of using PS2 assets.
Most devs understand that presentation matter more than shiny brand assets that will quickly be forgotten by the public.
For someone to focus on that specific point is indeed weird.
He sounds like a schizo, probably is.
You're talking about Atlus, a company that reused the same assets for over 25 years.
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Presentation doesn't really save a game
It does, and it can.
his insistence on praising SH2 which is pure visual cancer and probably the most aesthetically uninspired game atlus has ever made prevents him from making an actual point, which mind you everyone and their mom already did.
like when the whole Tokyo is an illusion why not put something conceptually similar to diet building in nocturne as a dungeon in game? it's not like you can't find faults in the visual presentation of V.
>maybe they can do that with VI
don't hurt yourself with all that hopium
VI when it comes out is going to be a budget title too.
Anything that's not Persona is going to be.
Kogetsu draft is finished
Are Magatsuhi and magnetite the same thing?
>is pure visual cancer and probably the most aesthetically uninspired game atlus has ever made
....but enough about Persona 4 and Apocalypse
they never said P3R sold more than a million copies. VV also had a better critical reception. even SH2 sold and did better than P5T
certainly not as much as a new mainline persona but at least as much funding and work force as those two projects should be given to magaten and spingoffs.
Magatsuhi is basically soul energy and magnetite is a demonic mineral, not really the same
It definitely can make a game fail.
For all the hate it get, SH2 is actually a decent JRPG, it just had the misfortune of having terrible presentation with demons being shoehorned there.
If they actually bothered to make it NOT related to SH/megaten as a whole, it would probably have sold more, because a lot of people got their expectations shattered instead.
Ignore the namefag, but they're very likely the same core material, just in different forms.

Concentrated energy versus crystallized or materialized (energy form, solid form.)
In nocturne magatsuhi is found in humans, it's a spiritual energy not a mineral
You know I'm right bro
That ships sailed, anon.
Maybe if V/VV, SJR, Nocturne HD sold Persona numbers
But they didn't.
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Does every demon want to eat me? Even the angels?
You're not and I've played 12+ games in the series.

There's (fairly) consistent underlying concepts and themes. Both are derived from human beings, their spiritual and or emotional energy, demons feed of it, or it's required for their existence and power. The distinction is what form they take (energy for Magutsuhi, more solid and tangible forms for Magnetite.) It's ultimately 'headcanon' but one that is likely probable, that being it's the same substance, just in different forms.
Yes every demons wants to you because human meat tastes like pork
If the demons all need to feed on magatsushi or magnetite, then how does a summoner sustain all the summons? Get them to eat random humans?
Digital Devil Saga pretty much confirms that
whatever narrative you want to fabricate is pointless until sega and studio executives talk about future plans and put out financial reports, because unlike you I base my assumptions about the future of the series on what people inside sega officially say about it.
Kill other demons for it, feed off humans, trade for it like in DebiSama.
Damn, there's no such thing as free lunch, huh
>narrative you want to fabricate
I'm being a realist.
Honestly if this topic flusters you so much I'll drop it.
Simply put

Magatsuhi - red

Magnetite - green
Magnetite is a real thing.
Nah that's magnesium...oh wait

nothing flusters me, mainline has never performed better sales and reception wise. you can and should have issues about things they can't do as well as series historically has done before but pretending like the non persona megaten is in some sort of deadlock in terms of future prospects is plain stupid.
>being a realist.
You're essentially saying that every game they make need to sell at least Persona numbers.
The companies that are following this mindset are currently failing/stagnating while the one company that openly went against it is more successful than ever.
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You're probably talking to the SH2 schizo.
Mainline is reaching Dark Souls-level sales with V and VV, so it's retarded to call it a failure by any means.
I'm saying that if you want to see anywhere adjacent then they at least have to mention SMT as literally anything
The 10th is readable online; care to consider games listed as a focus?
13 Sentinels
SH2 (lmao)
Absent as a keen eye could see was SMTV.
Did VV really do much better than V? I would hope so given that it's multiplat.
But I'm not about to pretend that the future is suddenly bright.
And in either case I don't care to speculate anymore. If you realistically believe that SMT is going to suddenly see a resurgence and it one day will get a game with actual time and money?
Honestly I fucking hope you're right.
But I doubt it.
Why are you guys pretending the problem with the games are budget?
>The 10th is readable online
The 10th what?
It's literally one dude.
VV is the fastest mainline game ever to reach the number of sales they announced for it, 500K in 3 days, which means base V didn't sell that amount in that short amount of time.
and I also just said that even SH2 did better than P5T. Sega's investment in megaten as an IP must be as high as most of their other active IP.
because asset reuse has everything to do with budget. sure you can have many more issues with them but this specific one is a result of not having enough time and money to spend on a project.
FY10's IR
I am exhausted, kinda ran out of ideas at the end but I finally wrote a Kogetsu story I'm actually kinda satisfied with, even if it isn't perfect

Some things are missing but this isn't a last draft just the first final draft
But again, no more of this. Here's hoping your dreams of a shining future come true.
Btw if you wanna read

Go here


Just reposting since nobody cares
this is a financial report focusing on the games that game on the same year you drooling retard,
this is the one that has V and Nocturne on it
>VV is the fastest mainline game ever to reach the number of sales they announced for it, 500K in 3 days, which means base V didn't sell that amount in that short amount of time.

Sounds like a success to me, Anon, especially given base V sold 1.1 million according to VG Chartz. It's not unlikely for V/VV to reach Dragon's Dogma 2 numbers, and that game in spite of its 'low sales' was still considered a moderate success by Capcom.
Because the franchise got admittedly worse once it doing nothing but low budgets due to NINE and Nocturne flopping + Persona 4 major success.
VV was still in development at the time, of course it's not going to be listed there.
I honestly don't know if it can or should do better numbers than this like xenoblade. however you put it the games are full of risque religious imagery and sega already can't sell in in mainland china (I'm pretty sure they didn't sell V there.)
It got worse in which way? Why is the problem budget and not the people making it ?

>because asset reuse has everything to do with budget. sure you can have many more issues with them but this specific one is a result of not having enough time and money to spend on a project.
They could have 1 billion budget and they would still reuse several assets, don't be delusional to think money is saving it
you don't reinvent the wheel when you're making cost heavy software anywhere. the issue isn't the fact that somewhere in the game some assets are resued, the problem is how heavily it relies on a few assets and the damage it does to the overall aesthetics of the game.
They are going to reuse majority of assets regardless of budget,this is not a passion project
>because asset reuse has everything to do with budget
Nope, it could be an issue with time or simply because they don't have enough people.
And no, you can't always solve the latter by hiring more people, Ubisoft is a textbook example of why you don't do that.
of course it's not a "passion project" by the definition of the word. that doesn't mean the people who work on it doesn't have ambitions about the series as you can easily find interviews with them talking about it. at the end of the day this isn't something I can prove to you if it doesn't come off playing the game or reading interviews, it's your subjective opinion about the game.

resources is a better word for it but regardless I really think they actually can benefit from more people. see how Doi currently doesn't have any assistants and does 100% of every artwork and design himself. they're actually kinda doing that already, some of the new people working on VV were first working on SH2.

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