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Do It For Her Edition

>Patch Notes

>Resources, Free Companies, & Linkshells

>In-game Events
>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 21, 9:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Uqopacha, Wachunpelo Instance 1 | Dawntrail Sightseeing Log Meetup >>486916153
• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• Aug 3rd, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Last Time on /xivg/: >>487009782
thinking about weak femra womb
thinking about hair brushes
If you would lust after my Queen, you have to get through me
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Kate is getting ideas.
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Why the fuck does the 96 armor make me look like Im from Mad Max? Not that Im complaining...
Did they name this guy after Otis Jenkins?
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Sex with Kemakka.
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It's not weak.
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Good day sars, how goes the struggle?
God I wish I had a hrothwife
people can make hot hrothgals but many simply choose not to
I like this one quite a bit
I am a miera that wants
a committed relationship
Can't wait for Kate to get shitcanned after this game keeps crashing and burning and Squenix starts laying off
They're unionizing because you'd have to be a retard to work under microsoft and not do that.
You got your beach glams ready for summer?
Will this make games more expensive
Do it for bee
Sex with redra
Miera dick could tame it easily.
catboy supremacy
what does it mean to have a weak womb
friend wants to know
thinking about miera
my male middie otr
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why is my face glowing
easy to knock up
Irl business been kind of a bitch lately
In game business would eb me taking 45 minutes to craft shit and spiritbond and try to recoup melding costs... I don wanner...
Miera and Catboys vie for supremacy. But Malera already know they have it.
im gonna cum on ur tits after i rape u
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woah cool glam
Water reflection.
It means children will die in the womb or in child birth
highest playercount ever btw
youre the warrior of light
Nnnngh! Stinky moonie sex!
reflections from the water
>he thinks Kate is a SE employee
One set of lips wrapped around my fulala's +, please?
tle reflections from the water shows you're pregnant
it's a boy
What an epic meme. We'll see what the real truth is at the next earning report.
No but games will be more expensive anyways. Gotta make back all the billions that microsoft is literally burning into AI for a non functional product.
topping kemakka
penetrating kemakka
entering kemakka anally
taking kemakka in the french fashion
inserting your penis into kemakka's munt
damn bitch you got fat off tacos
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me at the bottom
Kemakka is made for femra btw
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When everyone is mining for gold, sell shovels.
When everyone is leveling crafters to undercut each other nonstop on savage release, mine taco ingredients.
You called?
>IRL business
You mean job or like just IRL overall, well regardless that sounds shitty.
Idk how can people spend hours crafting, I legit get bored crafting the very first second I start...
Thank you ma'am
but I'm sitting in the shadows
17 more ex2 and then I'm free. not having the cool wings until months later sucks.
Thanks, i named it the Kinky Scorpion
How do you use strats from a video if you are blind?
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Tank role quests were pretty fun. Physical DPS still wins because of the cute fiera
The effect doesn't look perfect, but surely you know water can do that with light
14 more ex2 and then I'm free. not having the cool wings until months later sucks.

as well...
oh, it's actually easier to just win it instead
>One set of lips wrapped
Go on...
>around my fu
Holy shit yes! Yes! Yes!
Oh, nevermind I'll keep crafting.
Not terribly.
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do i fanta to a different lalaboy look
I kept dying in the goddamn Copied Factory as a dragoon, I'm throwing away this job stone. I was never meant to play this job
people still think blind and fresh are synonyms
Do we know what the crafted gear looks like yet?
why do pedophiles love armpits
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So true... what they don't tell you is every face 2 catman is builded for that, it's their whole purpose in life.

Do you like other fulalas?
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Only after kemakka's legacy is secured (in 9 months)
Nice projection footfag.
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i need her femra to choke me
I got a few in mind! That one looks a little small on you though... Have you gained weight?!
I thought you really hated Jews, why would you vote for their greatest ally?
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Was someone memeing me when they told me Yak'tel is the best place to farm bicolor gems? Cause this map is fucking a nightmare to traverse and the fates are super far from one another.
IRL busines as in, the business I own that pays for itself and, at this moment, little else in my life
Living on mommy's charity right now - it's young but I'm losing patience a bit, though I was warned the first couple of years there's very little profit
We'll see!
As for crafting, it's yeah... Pretty shit, I just chat in the CWLS or dick on my phone while running macros, or people that are not me would use Artisan and go do literally anything else in their life
take your top off
Don't know what this general is about but whoever made that pit compilation is a man of culture. Post more pits.
Hey... I'll suck yours if you suck mine...
the water is pregnant
She didn't gain weight. The swimsuit just shrank in the wash.
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The animations in these cutscenes were great
It's rare this place posts something this based, don't expect it to be the norm here sadly.
All the cool kids go to Shaaloani
this but high-rank pvp on Chaos against the same lobby of ccrc champs and final conflict holders
>Cause this map is fucking a nightmare to traverse
You just jump up and crow's fly to wherever though, same as any other map
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my haglala is like this
Okay, that sounds fair..
We can do it right here, in front of everyone.. aahn~
you need to die
I already posted that last night
Don't worry I'm from the cringiest general on this board, I'm used to unbased.
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Sis... I'm at 42 totems... and I lost 6 mounts...
Sucks about the business man, big money usually lies with the biggest risks, I hope it starts generating some proper profit soon.
VL what the fuck
what happened to milkers okada my favorite femra
pearl lane is scary.. i just want to walk to the goldsmith's guild..
i feel like i die more often on melee than ranged jobs like its easier for me to tunnel vision and miss mechanics
Let's farm together sis
Remus stop namedropping random lalas in your discord
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She's finally free of this place
i remember and i'm asking again
You should fanta into a noose, pedo.
I'd love to...
But I'm banished to Zodiark, Light
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I expected him to be old, not crippled.
he's a bit too pajeetcoded
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My old reliable.
I have an idea for a different DNC beach glam but it might be too lewd... Hint: I'm considering to use the idealized dancer bottoms.
You are a DRK
The healer told you to please slow down
It's the Skydeep Cenote
What do you do...
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thanks for the mod link yesterday bro
my willy is suffering
"git gud"
SR post
why does everything have to be about sex with you guys
>pose god
>also can draw
why did i get the actual autism (useless loser) while everyone else gets the good autism (STEM/Artfag/etc)
In Shaaloani MSQ, been stalling for days leveling jobs, which should I just focus down and finish MSQ on?
96: Monk, Reaper, Viper, Pictomancer
95: Astrologian, Red Mage, Black Mage
93-91: Gunbreaker, Paladin, Dark Knight, Sage, Scholar, Samurai, Ninja, Bard
are those glasses modded or in game
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Turn on sprint and abuse the gap closer
so is this just the character you use to shitpost in the thread with, haven't seen your bun here in a while
Because I come to this thread when I'm horny, otherwise I'm playing the game. Don't tell me you come to the thread when you should be playing the game, right?
Varsity Cap
The glasses comes with the hat.
I do, but everyone always makes fun of the capris I use for it so I stopped using it :(
kill yourself nazi futranny
Offering myself as a ghoul to this fiddie
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Yes. I might get some more suit-adjacent glams and a few black dyes.
>the altschizo is still here
You haven't apologized for accusing me too btw
>Play WAR
>HP bar barely moves
>Healer is panic spamming cure II during Bloodwhetting when im at like 95% health
i already confirmed it with the new blacklist
Reshade is pretty sharp sis
Yup, BIS glasses but ugly ass hat.
Your best bet is to grab an accessory mod version of the glasses.
>too lewd
No such thing.
its in game
trump is a zionist thoughbeit
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>lalaboy /playdead
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finna act up...
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honey bee lovely?!?!? more like honey beeeatch LMAO!!!
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fine then here it is again
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why no varsity facewear
>minheight veena miera that mains dancer and enjoys playing healer
im gay in denial arent i
i'm a femra on dynamis who worships femlala feet and soles
>opens MSpaint
>changes one pixel
How's that filter looking now, retard.
my fulala would plap the nine tails chakra reserves out of shota naruto
What's the difference
I switch to bard and place my bongos on them when they do this
Yes now please contact one of these people for your initiation
>having to announce a filter
This shit should be just as reportable as announcing a report.
I don't want to read the political opinions of chronic masturbators
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>Athenatranny seethe
>Mad his wife's son is canonically a black guy
I want to suck your gock, scarmiddie
short tia shadow government
I'm not a chronic masturbator or an American, but I support Trump
I'm sorry. You are Thunderbolt Fantasy elezen from now on. That one anon's comment from a thread or two back has implanted that in my mind forever.
When you guys make posts like these do you ever worry that you'll completely miss your mark or do you not care?
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are these reportable or nah
lmao this zesty ass nigga cosplaying saber
It's such a shitty jap trend for the villain to transform before a fight.
zionists actually committed genocides in ww2
by you? yeah
by me? no I don't give a shit
with the craziest black exotic swimsuit underneath for my male midlander's eyes only
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I'm sorry to disappoint, but she is gockless
based best girl
>ooooo i'm telliiiing
nobody cares.
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why would anyone simp a stretched out whore qos over a hot virgin brown girl
So none, got it
that's basically why the ranged tax exists, it's genuinely so much easier to play ranged than melee
which is why i still don't understand why they insist on mch being a selfish dps, it's so counterintuitive
No, it's not.
you're glams is shit
moonie with a moonie
you're glams is lovely
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>be warrior
>hear cure 1 sound effect
keep on living nazi fuwife
dawntrail broke my colormod of this one so ill probably have to find a new one
melee is 10x easier than caster
you have glams?
>Gil costs have gone 5 times higher since december
>buying gil is a loss now

Is this .. the power of SE?
its funny how most of the vrchatfags merged over to xiv once mods took off
really gets u thinking
I read that the amount of hard content that has the boss hitbox taking up everywhere for maximum uptime was making the distinction worse and people were complaining about that, is that not a thing?
I;m racist
It is because its directly acknowledging parsing and damage numbers.
MCH isn't a selfish DPS
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about what
I want to do lewd pics with your cat
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Same one I had last summer, yep!
Adorable picture.
Abhorrent catbox.

put you're clothes back on
about how other people enjoying the game in their way makes me really upset even though it doesn't affect me at all...
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too bad ivcs is borked
*licks the tip*
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when my eb gets back from playing on their alt
sis where are your clothes....
its the unglammed lvl 100 artifact gear so its nbd
i just steal them from eorzea collection usually
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Why is my wife Woke LeMutt so cute bros?
You can report it, but all Squenix is going to do is laugh at you and close your ticket.
Fucking with a rig on sucks I don't blame em
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Hypercharge got removed ages ago lad. Role mitigations don't count either.
what? it doesn't have any party damage buffs, hence it's a selfish dps

they seem to be reversing course on that endwalker design philosophy judging by the raids and the fact mch is in the dumpster dps-wise
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i'm going to stop crafting and selling things on the marketboard because throwing FL matches must be extremely lucrative as a business.
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Does anyone want this stylish moderncore table for 3 million gil..
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Ma'am? This is a no-carry zone. You're going to have to put that away.
could a racist malezen and a blacked catgirl really ever be truly in love
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>new graphical update comes out
>changes hair style
>femras keep telling me
Why the sudden interest in middies now?
Do you like femhroth
>its the unglammed lvl 100 artifact gear so its nbd
i said your glams(plural), i see you around limsa.
and you'll still accept him like the lonely loser that you are lol
Only the expression mod is, guy is taking his sweet loving time.
sounds like the perfect gf for a "racist" malezen
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>find a fiddie in her underwear next to her chocobo with the gpose icon on
When ivcs is up for sure
says the thinskin faggot melting over being rejected multiple times
2k A POP
do you have a list or easy way to find rue mods?
i need to find more , the little chub got me acting unwise
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Uklamato my beloved
Male middies got the HUGE glow up
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he should be alone
>*licks my hand and slicks my hair back*
do you like male middies from the maliddie council (every maliddie is a part of it)
Is there a V under the balls?
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Are you having another bipolar low point and completely non-lewd again/leading people on for attention and validation or are you actually bummed about IVCS being borked?
can i get some uhhhhhh sneed instead
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wow so original
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Lamaty'i (ENG) my beloved
I honestly hope they change wuk lamat's english voice actor in 7.1
getting better day after day
>i just steal them from eorzea collection usually
still nbd
take me back to Ishgard PLEASE
I'm a black miera so everybody hates me easier
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meow surely I’ll get a wife in dawntrail!!
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Time to fight robots
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because the maliddie council made it happen
whats in it for me?
I don´t hate you.
Legally they can't. It would be construed as transphobic and Square Enix would get cancelled.
>maliddie astroturfing continues
i already am
so thats why they are shit, you are an unoriginal bitch
Probably. Maybe.
they should be fired for doing a bad job at what they were paid to do
you're a turkiah male man though
maybe don't post irl pics to s4s with the same name idiot
but she sounds like shit
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I'm going to Gong Cha. You want anything?
Casting sleep on this moonie and tucking her into bed
do you think a femlala i just met might get mad if she sat on my lap and i got hard
she looks like she gets owned by wormhole chakrams
you do know they'll have recorded lines for future patches ages in advance, right?
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fuck you mean irl pics i dont remember them send it
ill take you back as my malezen's wife
>min boobs
extremely based
Which should I level, GNB or DRK? Which do you guys think is more fun out of the two?
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do nyot tuck moonies
I wanna... But I'm too vanilla and you'd get bored quickly.
it is what it is
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Go Get 'Em, Grug!
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Check under your bed
Schrodinger's pussy.
To find out you'll have to go through my BALLS!! AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA!!!!
I just got laughed at when I assigned myself as D4 in my recent clear of Vali EX. What did I do wrong?
I was doing just fine as D4 in my last 6 runs..
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Is grand company daily turn-in exp determined by the level you are when you hand it in, or the level you are when the daily reset snapshots you?
put a shirt on nigga
when the fuck will penumbra get updated
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d4 isnt a role
uhh sometimes getting hard isnt easily controllable so just explain the misunderstanding like adults
*gives you a double titty twister*
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>Wuk Evu
it's determined by the item and that item itself is determined by the level you are with that job during that reset snapshot
this aint jp retard, get on the marker like the rest of us
also put some clothes on faggot jesus christ
who says d4 and not mx or rx
may i plap your miera? maybe just grope him a little?
>People will do anything to try and make Miera look good even if it looks nothing like the race anymore
damnit my jobs are going to get leveled unevenly then. that bothers me. oh well thanks!
i did this for shits and giggles my last 20 runs bro, nobody said shit
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This reads like a DPS, why is it a Tank
i see the same shit on aether lately
people would really rather just 'suffer' through fifteen minutes of bullshit to get their roulette xp instead of actually trying to compete, huh
kys pedo
>which is why i still don't understand why they insist on mch being a selfish dps
This is why MCH was given dismantle so that they could say its not exactly selfish dps tier
D4 is typically reserved for the caster.
I see a sword in your picture so if you were playing melee, you should be calling D1 or D2.
requesting a full body pic of this elezen, summer sunset sandals included
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Whats that shitty vocal music that plays during the train building montage? God it doesnt fit at all I cant explain why. It's cringeworthy
You will get your JRPG with niggas fighting voidsent while rocking Versace shirts and the vintage Forces. You will watch me while I putt-putt around in the Garlond Works motorbike and slap on some garish Ray Bans. Modern Fantasy - the BEST type of fantasy - is here to stay.
im on my way to bring them back
>this aint jp retard
>thinking eu do marker cringe too
you don't rike?
trannies ruin everything
i like gnb's aesthetic more and pushing buttons is fun
but i'm biased as an ffviii fan
i don't find drk very enjoyable to play but i haven't touched it in 7.0 yet, so maybe it's different now
vanguards are considered tanks in ff
>we love you wuk lamat!

God it's so forced
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Look son, it's a poorly written cat.
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they're her biggest (small) asset
give me 5 minutes
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She's got the thousand cock stare already, bro.
>raid on EU
>just type in "m1" and its all cool
>raid on NA
>have to do this whole song and dance and move my character around on markers and all kinds of shit
just fucking pull holy shit
hell no
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Is my catgirl cute, anon?
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>no wife to keep me company while I farm scrips
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yeah but who cares about that
it's the tanks and healers' fault if you don't have enough mitigation to survive without dismantle
>take this cute femmyzen back to place
>throw her on the bed
>slide her panties off so I can munch that carpet
>cock and balls
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I'm already feeling violently ill from farming 50,000 gems in order to be able to get the shared fate mount.
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na does do this in tea for some reason but that's it
Couldn't be me, I'm fishing next to them right now
I'd gripe about it, but I'd play it. That sounds like it'd be the kind of shitty that's fun.
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>fiera post
>disregard text
>focus on assets
Why do MNK, RPR, VPR, MCH, BLM, RDM, and PCT have to all be so fucking fun, I need to do MSQ fuck
uhh, hrorthsisters??

you WILL accept NA's retardation
i am no longer an animal ears femlala
the ears dont work anymore...
it's tacover
Too late. They're getting tucked in. I'll even wish them good dreams and maybe even a little smooch on the forehead!
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>yeah but who cares about that
I just told you dummy, the devs that are keeping mch in the dumpster
Reminder: Femlalas fetishize being lonely.

If given the choice between being lonely and having an EB, femlalas will choose being lonely 100% of the time.
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why do I have to enable this ability only during spearfishing when the other gatherers have maps drop themselves?
gooning to futa has rotted away your critical thinking skills
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pic related
claiming all these middies as my wives (i am a femlala)
miera already look fine so I dont get the point of modbeasting them
>do partners in ex1
>the retards also have to light parties for some reason
i wish europeans weren't european so i could play on my server
>mounts pre-DT
>Let us go forth, good steed. Tis a long journey to be had and yet it shall be a peaceful one.
>mounts post-DT
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i use scombo to bind all my combo into one button and use a macro to auto press q every 0.5 sec in raids and watch scott the woz on second monitor
I think she looks pretty nice, sure
alright fair
maybe i should toss a wrench at yoship's head so he might start thinking straight
I will cover her assets in MODERN SLOP until you acknowledge the superiority of Modern Fantasy.
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This is why I commit violence
nice fulala, would you like to touch tips with my fulala
no one likes europeans so whats ur point
Fuck off false flaggot
Any samsonian locks cat is cute to me
What job can I pick to make DRK lives miserable in Frontlines?
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it really wasn't. also why did he look directly at the camera and say that?
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My femlala is like this
>have to do this whole song and dance and move my character around on markers and all kinds of shit
one good thing unironically about this is it filters out prog liars from time to time if they're unfamiliar with the "song and dance"
Do you like sunnies
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Undecided but I think 1 with different colors would be nice. Didn't check if the coat had a different dye channel.
i love him
>join an ex2 parse group for shits and giggles
>4/7 are bunboys
>hey get on vc so we can call out
>all of the bunboys with m+m are females
It’s kinda weird for people to play the gender opposite of their own.
She's cute! I'm very biased though and really love miqo'te. Would smooch and cuddle
Whatever you say /pol/shit
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It was good
Now what
>PLD and WAR get to burst every trash pull
>GNB and DRK have to sit there doing nothing every other pull
tanks should all have 1 minute bursts
I recognize this femezen!
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musky froths.. {I have plans} {See you again!}
>6 minutes later
>God it doesnt fit at all I cant explain why.
It's an extremely jubilant and joy filled song but everyone on screen is an annoying dickhead who you don't enjoy being around.
monk but the caveat is that if they have a pld with a brain they can cover the meteo if they are supremely cracked, and premades are likelier to do this if they notice you are good enough to consistently meteo the drk, and they are the actual drks you need to worry about anyway not the bad ones
Kill pedophiles
DRK sucks bros....
don't click this is pedo honeypot
DRK can burst every pull. It's just GNB that gets cucked in dungeons.
>wuk lamat
Excuse me sir, don't you meant Lamaty'i?
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do you think it would be a good idea to try and do the extreme fight as blm?
because i kind of want to
in a fucked up morbidly curious way
Despite what people say otherwise, it's pretty normal to play characters they're attracted to; most don't really self-insert in a very 'real' capacity and just want something pretty/handsome to look at as they do other things.
DRK sucks but GNB swallows
gnb has a 1 minute burst you fucking duty finder doing shitter
uh… you do realize 97% of female characters are men right?
>try and chat up this faggot for some cock
>its a biofujo irl
its all so tiresome
I love Sharlayan and Labyrinthos
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musky frot h gal sister
because miners and botanists may choose to gather or not gather the map
as a fisher you just catch it and it's in your inventory, you can't discard it if you meant to fish a different map or in a different area
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chat what happened to this man in the span of a week
>double down 59.40s cd
>no mercy and bow shock 60s
What did she mean by this
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>superiority of Modern Fantasy.
You what?
Regardless of how The Interphos ended, this shit goes HARD!

they're going to change bloodfest to 60sec at some point this expansion, guaranteed.
I'm about to commit heavy violence on that body.
of course
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>my eb could actually be a stinky fujo biofem irl instead a manly male himcess irl
tacowari da...
gnb literally does the most dmg out of all the tanks
nigga u is retarded
>3 vs 21
This is bullshit because all of the dox chart images were found on social media.
Which helps more, Direct Hit or Crit Rate?
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keep your shirt off, your bunboy is perfect like that.
love that lil nigga
Then go and do it you lazy shit, put your words into practice, otherwise sit there and cry about it. Cry about how fiction = reality and that hurts your feelings.
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I wonder sometimes what Matoya looked like when she was younger
>still not junction
Sometimes I forget how inept the devs can really be when it comes to this game
is there an action for catching maps while regular fishing?
They literally have wuk deflecting bullets by swinging her axe. fucking how
stop saying that femlalas choose to be lonely... you are just mad because a femlala rejected you... probably for being a creep or not giving her any attention...
>autist can't even meme over his own lisp and stuttering
Thinking about it, it's possible to do this with every single Scion but Thancred.
grey moonies
>not batting bullets away with the flat side of the axe
I hate Wuk Lamat
gay moonies
I'm starting to just not care about my EB anymore. She is so basic. Do I call it quits now or just ride it out and suffer?
It's complete head-canon, but I love the idea she was indeed a Y'shtola level knock out, and we're essentially just seeing the continuation in a line of 'crazy attractive mages.'
That does have some worrying implications for y'shtola tho...
Urianger found some interesting tomes on different sexual positions while they were in Sharlayan and made Thancred recreate all of them with him the entire time they were at sea, which was quite a while. Man's tired.
Are yellow eyes overused for the whole hunter aesthetics?
do you even use rue body?
>balck cat
>blm first time + blind
>drop af 3 times because watching mechanics
>die at the end and lie on the floor for 20s
blm bros????
it's time to die, boss
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fuck thank you
>muh no mercy
another casual retard who doesn't know how his job works.
Is there anything she CANT do?
It's only 2 mods.
me? i rape afk femlalas
She can't make her own tacos for one.
Why the fuck is Wuk doing everything that WoL is suppose to be doing? Arent I the hero?
you can touch his curtains haircut
abyss drain and carve and split shouldnt share a CD
They're pretty well used, but it's for a reason; I'd just use it and not worry about how much others do. It'd be like worrying about white hair, it looks good so whatever if other use it too
Wuk Lamat cured my cancer and ended world hunger
I do.
Not my fault they're tasty..
keep posting like that, and you'll fucking get one in you
Did you just call me a fox...
>if Koana had approached the WoL first, he would have won
what the fuck are you talking about you mong
I'm scared of being this to someone... can you explain what being "basic" means to you and why it's a problem
I like black women.

I don't like black women behavior/personality.

Life is suffering.
nvm the hotdog, but bare back has a shorts version?
where can i get that, without hotdog?
bro what are these looney tunes ass proportions
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Anybody want to farm fates on dynamis
Please, PLEASE take more pictures with 2.
I would connect the dots of your freckles with white paint and try to make out constellations.
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make abyssal drain part of the aoe combo
can't say i know
i've always just used miner/botanist to gather maps because it's the easiest
it takes 10 seconds to get to the nearest map node, open it, hit luck of the mountaineer, and 50/50 it will be the map you want
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read your tooltips. or go back to idling, since dungeons appear to be too hard for you.
My reaction to that information
my femezen can't stop smoking
>thighs wider than the waist
stop this shit
You undress the clueless afk femlala and discover she has a fat and throbbing hard leaking cock!
What's your next move?
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Rape Sphene's face until it short circuits.
If she dropped the stripe I'd put some light-skinned babies in her
>we missed out on the siscon ending

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Unironically liking the beast tribe side-quests more than the MSQ ARR. The honorable Brotherhood of Ash, the survivalist and pragmatic fishfolk, and the 789th Order Dig Kobolds.

Are there any fan favorite Allied Society factions to look out for in future expacs?
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Whats wrong with my y'sthola..?
because armor is for PUSSIES
punching dudes while wearing a wifebeater is SICK AS FUCK
and there's way more fashion in the modern day than there is back then

You can go classy with a two-piece suit! You can do gag outfits! You can do so much with Modern Fantasy!
absolutely BVILDED for mandragora men
miera pheromones
it's sparkling shorts by tsar

Dungeons ARE too hard. You shouldn't have to be a fucking turbo autist just to clear a story dungeon. Everything should be clearable without callouts or savage rotations or whatever the fuck.
>game crashed while moving NPCs in brio again
S i g h . . .
got a bit distracted!
iv expressions is poorly installed
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she’s been using too much aether lately

her prevalence form is leaking
They're a mixed bag if you ask me, the crafting and gathering one especially often rely on comedy, but I like one in every expansion at least.
Original anon, nta, thank you cutezen
My femra is in denial over her newly-discovered fetish.
just bee yourself [:
fuck no
Which fetish is it? Maybe we can help you overcome that denial mindset.
Yes, you get it. No way Matoya was just some plain looking sorcerer back in her day, with that kind of 'tude. She probably was SUPER HOT.
custom-built for abusive lalaboys
is it her love for big bunboy cock
It's like they only focus on small talk conversations, we'll be playing the game and she will ask a question, I will answer it and then she will ask another question like, "So it isn't like XX?" and it's starting to drive me away.
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>Requiescat 60 seconds
>Inner Release 60 seconds
>Delirium 60 seconds
>Bloodfest 120 seconds
I believe in you, anon. I know you can figure this out on your own.
respond to my damn posts...
She had to spend the entire expansion being nice and quiet to not steal Wuk Lamat's thunder and now her urge to sass is literally struggling to push through her face.
dream nigger
why do people like 2.46 gcd for smn? im stuck with it since neo kingdom body gives so much sps and the noticeable drift between summon baha and searing light as the fight progresses drives me insane.
Hmm nyo
Perfect, I hope you don't mind me using this
The Beast Tribe is genuinely some of my favorite pieces of writing, mostly because they feel 'personal' despite often talking about the Beast Tribes as a whole, + it feels like the writers are allowed to stretch their muscles a bit more compared to how careful they have to be in the MSQ.
In terms of later ones, the Namazu are bit like Marmite: some people hate the goofy tone, some people love the more light-hearted and comedic aspects. I love the little idiots myself
holy mother of racism.
How is it racist?
you a bit of spell speed so you can hit one extra gcd under demis
The drift is annoying but getting an extra big summon gcd is worth more damage
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Literally the only pic I have of a younger Matoya.
Y'shtola and even other npcs do remark pretty often how she's literally turning into Matoya.
It's racist to have a race preference, chud.
She has to sneeze
How is having an attraction to a certain race racist? That's like saying I'm homophobic for not being attracted to men
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This wench is brainrotten to love modernslop instead of the perfect balance of artistic perfection and personal protection.
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You can do that right now
It's the idea of joining a trap CC ranked match in which the members of her team abandon her on the field and watch as the enemy team uses and abuses her. Then they take their turns with her after.
It's a constantly "fear" with every match she joins, followed by the definitely-not-disappointed relief when it does not happen.
i'm guessing the mod is https://www.xivmodarchive.com/modid/102811 but for some reason the download link sends me over to tsar's archive instead of the actual bulge mod...
do you have the ttmp?
messing with the waist size makes her look so fucking uncanny. people need to recognize when they aren't artists.
I need to say hi to this bun in game..
>>Delirium 60 seconds
so you admit the initial post was wrong?
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>tfw playing DT
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How easy is it to use textools to fix an old mod?
Rava > Raen > Suncat > Middies > Femroes with max bust slider > All the rest
>526 posts
>132 IPs
whole lot of samefagging going on in this thread
>Watched somebody drop their vote for moonie and switch it to sunnie in real time
Poor goonies...
me as her teammate getting brutally killed and then bleeding out as they start in on her
Depends on the mod, some cases its as easy as pressing a button, but for stuff like animations that's a no go
We live in a world of magic! The perfect balance of artistic perfection and personal protection is literally slapping some cool-ass henshin belt to your waist, jamming a crystal in it, and then pumping it with aether to activate a personal magick barrier belt! Armor doesn't matter! Lalafell tanks could wear bikinis as thin as a single fiber thread and they could take cannon hits like they're wearing full plate! We don't have to live in darkness anymore!

We can have perfection!
This is why I target you femra whenever I play CC. Just know whenever you get unreasonably tunneled by a melee, you're a target for instant defeat.
bait used to be funny
>I would connect the dots of your freckles with white paint and try to make out constellations

Same but with my cum
>mihoyo shitter has trash opinions
2.48 can achieve the same thing. For some reason 2.46 has been advertised as the "more comfy" option but the experience has been quite the opposite for me in longer fights. i can't wait for 7.05 because light heavy casting body also gives sps...
>au ra
really.....? I always thought they looked weird with their freaky lizard skin and out of place looking horns. I do not know why they are popular
WHAT did they mean by this
It’s an old hairstyle
my miera just got done cockslapping a femra into submission
Did you not enjoy Ixali? That was my favorite ARR one, but the best story is usually the culmination Intersocietal quest when you max rank all of the Allied Society's of an expansion.
I only voted for cat's because I would be curious which race they'd use to replace the 'standard attractive npc' in all the side content
Ehhh, so far I've only had luck with a couple of hairs. Try running it through the DT mod upgrade on texttools and cross your fingers
>assmongoloid from wish.com
come on, lalafell is the obvious option. they're objectively a net detriment to the game because of their retarded shortness.
You're so cute, L.F.
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Thinking about brushing hair, gently getting out the knots and tangles, braiding it, adding bows and ribbons...
Your question was answered stop being annoying because you don't like the answer.
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>We live in a world of magic!
Brb gonna go buy a TOYOTA HONDA with a Garlean mark and licence plate with the wife and have an Eurobeat drift race in Ishgard's mountains with Zenos and Shinryu.
my femra is waiting for her miera friend to propose…
we fight at the wolves den every night until one of us submits, but I keep losing
so what expansion will they stop putting SkS and SpS on gear like they stopped putting DH on tank gear?
thats the goal, i want to have thick legs
Watch your game's popularity slowly drop down chuddie
woah, yeah me too... how did you know......
my fiera is black-coded
>best story is usually the culmination Intersocietal quest when you max rank all of the Allied Society's of an expansi
I won't say much to avoid spoilers, but ARR's final quest is peak 'soul' and I still wish we had the ShB's joint one to see what they would have done
I lost the timestamp but on Episode 12 of Preach's Dawntrail stream people in his chat started spamming Woke Lamat and he had a little pissy fit about it basically saying:

>We won't tolerate this stuff, how dare you criticise the voice actors genitals, if you keep this up you'll be banned
all fiera are black coded dipshit it came free with your fantasia
that is a sacrifice i'm willing to make.


>Elin literally saved Tera
>they stopped catering to Elin
>Tera died
Makes me wonder, what do people see literal black Viera as?
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Where can I find this fiera for lewd pics?
My miera is the villain you've all been waiting for
I'm here to embrace your hate
To add to this, I'm going to wrap your confused and frightened femra with my blota chains while my team laughs and starts tearing and cutting off your clothes, kicking you carelessly in the process. We laugh at your 0 bust and our Roe NIN to lick your horns, he just drank a ton of alcohol before this.

Goodluck recuperating.
It's cute and sweet...
Tera mentioned. I am contractually obligated to post this
they should have never invented veena
My Malezen just ate a whole quiche from Morrisons.

It cost £2.50 and it was delicious.
brote amp ill
My femezen just ate this entire malezen.

It cost nothing and it was delicious.
my femlala does this
did they try making a good game?
>Highest concurrent online players
>After adding a dozen servers and fiunally fixing login queue
I bet you also fall for blizzard's monthly active users numbers
eb like this for my malezen
Mine didn’t come with it.
Maybe it’s the oldest fantasia knooown to man
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>this nigga never went outside
so true...........
enjoy your diarrhoea i guess, no way something that cheap is coming out the other end just fine
>all servers now congested once again even after adding new servers
not everyone is a transphobic chud, normal people loved this expansion.
I need to lock the fuck in and finish this gpose man
is artisan just bugging out constantly and being useless for everyone else? I will fill out every ingredient that it lists and then somehow mysteriously halfway through the craft there isn't enough to finish everything. It's never been like this before
Is he type of villain we have a sick team up with later one against an even bigger foe in order to get all that sweet, sweet fujo money?
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I could have sworn I heard we were getting a free Fantasia with Dawntrail to adjust our appearances after they revamped the textures. Am I wrong? Pic unrelated.
What is it with trannies and freckles?
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>entire questline about making delicious all-time new world bestseller drinks for a juice stand
>zero (0) drinking animations
What are these devs doing
Why even have the cutscenes
its from a blue quest in uldah
I can't BEAR this pain that you're giving me. I'm BEAR-ly hanging on, here...

god what happened to me where did the time go
Yeah you're wrong
Got to speak to an NPC to get it
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i actually like cute and soft-looking lalaboys...
here's the cock and balls pics with my former modbeast self (i might keep the vanilla look with minor mods):
Thank you!
Femra look like this?
You look like a female laz
Time to become my hagwife Ndja
sorry i leveled up scholar...i'm putting on the dress...
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I washed it down with a can of Monster. I will be shooting liquid shit into the toilet tonight.
Is there a way to speed up the reputation gain or is rep only gained behind dailies? It's a shame because I kind of wanted to do all their story content in a day so I wouldn't forget plotbeats or characters. Loonh Gah (Brotherhood of Ash) in a dress is cute and Casca-core but it took forever to get to Trusted.
haven't gotten to them yet, will definitely check'em out.
You finally finished your orthodontics treatment?
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Okay. Thank you again.
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>i actually like cute and soft-looking lalaboys...
what about cute and soft-looking lalaboys that are abusive...
These new face bones are a godsend, wish I could get some time to gpose to wrap my head around them
she took her gloves off one too many times
It's the femlala WHM's job to make sure everyone survives or else she is kicked from the static
NTA, but the HELL is everything always in Ul'dah for these things? In Ul'dah / the regions around it there is
>Gold Saucer
>New Game+
>Start of the comestic/glam system
>Free fanta
>Most/a good number of the crossover events
This is nuts, Limsa at least has the hair stylist and Gridania has mounts but it feels crazy imbalanced
I totally second that, I miss the sort of writing we had pre-ShB; which definitely makes me think it wouldn't have been done really proper justice if they did continue it.

At least the ShB role quests were splendid, and most of the final job quests; DRK in particular stayed spectacular to the end.
how come animations arent back yet, whats the hold up
>vapid boring stupid character
>shows her armpits
>immediate fan favorite
I'll put a shittier glam on immediately.

you wont because they never do........
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tranny va hands typed this post
Fantasy bunny europeans
Post Donovan
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Thanks it worked
t. wuk lame furfaggot
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Niggas call my maliddie the Single Mother Slayer
... yeah that's kind of just how it works
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you are not allowed to be cute and then play hard to get
my heart cant take it
Is Universalis back online?
almost every pct ive played with never pressed addle
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Yeah np, have a good day my guy
Do i level DNC or GNB next. Just looking to get the role quests done.
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my veena's codes are encrypted
Anyone know when xivcombo is gonna be updated?

I offered to tank for a friend leveling but literally had been using XIVCombo for all my tanks and I don't really have the muscle memory to do the combo while focusing on tanking (tanking is not my main role) so it's been a lot of stalling.
You didn't answer my question.
It's simple and vanilla but it works
it's hard watching other people together in-game, or even in this thread

I don't know how to be a cute sugary catgirl anymore, like I used to be, I'm too tired and downbeat, so it feels there's a great barrier between me and most ffxiv people. it's hard to relate to them. and, I don't want to cause anyone any trouble... so it's best I leave them alone, no one needs or wants my kind of negativity

i have a quiet but potent envy of other people's happiness... it feels like I'm a ghost
What part of that was cute? I was just referencing the other Brote vid that has to do with TERA.

good luck soldier
>way to speed up the reputation gain or is rep only gained behind dailies?
I could be wrong, but I think it's just dallies. For what it's worth, with the expection of the Ixal (who are slightly different), you can keep them up at roughly the same pace as each to have nice 'bursts' of story and progress them roughly at the same time
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Trve Yakubian inheritors of this star
>here's the cock and balls pics with my former modbeast self (i might keep the vanilla look with minor mods):
Still not convinced. Is there perhaps an album of proof?
what is the 'i have no life' mount
>Can't handle pressing 1 then 2 then 3
I feel like my Feint/Addle has no effect. I never seen anyone else do it...
flip a coin but take your clothes off with both results
>We laugh at your 0 bust
How did you know...
is xivcombo as much of a godsend as it sounds?
what about splatoon?
>get nidhogg mount drop in one kill
>only limitless blue left
this is going to be the one that takes 20 runs
those toes will be mine
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Any of the deep dungeon or pvp mounts
The crafting dinosaur gets a pass because it can in theory be done afk
The Pterodactyl thing.
My male middie is the Alan Wake of /xivg/
my moonie is free use for white catboys
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How do raiders mentally rationalise using illegal 3rd party addons to make the hard content less hard?

I seriously wonder.
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Crystal! Queue Casual CC @ 11:30!
Splatoon is a cheating addon bro. Xivcombo is more nuanced. If you want the cheat option you go for slothcombo. There's also cacbot and trignonometry.
hunt kill# mounts and the pteranodon
Dancer but leveling exclusively in the back-alley of Uldah.
>you don't like my shitty DT waifu? you must like the OTHER shitty DT waifu!!!
Alright, I guess I'll keep a notebook to pen down interesting bits. Don't want to ruin the experience by speeding through with wiki entries like I did for certain quests (don't kill me). I'm surprised I liked the worldbuilding for the minor side-quests seeing as how the game was advertised to me as the MSQ > all else. So I went in with that mindset.
they have an addon to do that for them
You're just burnt out, it happens with any game, and by extension every hobby. If taking a break from the game (or gaming in general) isn't an option you want to pursue.

The best advice I can really give is to just open your mind and put yourself out there a little more than you ordinarily would.

The game is filled with all manner of people, and how you feel is shockingly common; so at least take comfort in the fact that you're not alone in how you feel.
Recently got around to unlocking hunts and saw that.. Yea fuck that.
Limitless blue took me 40 runs.
Ba dum tsssshh...
The darkest skinned Fiera...
the angle they usually go for is they make up a shortcoming of the game or a particular mechanic that the plugin is fixing
>bro i only have to use xivcombo because they put in too many buttons!
>I only had to automarker that mechanic because it's cheap and too hard to see!
>I only need a voice trigger for nael quotes because reading a speech bubble to do a mechanic is lame and clunky!
Colonizing this tribal cat.
>Any of the deep dungeon
half of the deep dungeon mounts are marketable
the head resonator takes barely any runs at all, even if you're just doing it for exp
I mean are you looking for a eb or just good friends?
All known ebins (A.K.A. bad players) who have received an Ooki ultimate carry:

Kongnamul Gukbap
Elsee Kaleidos
Jazz Venuz
Aurelia Claude
Zhokko Kruzer
Draper II
Zir Waddington
Xissi Angel
Sherrie Williams
Lemure Shroud
Megarian Id
Ophan Lemuria
Zoe Loona
Sheena Malphur

Do not interact with these players.
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black cat more like kitten lmao
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I'm still shaken to the core after that announcement, we put so much effort into making Appal the thread queen boosting her threadcred campaign and she just drops out of the thread. And now she endorses Effy to replace her, but I don't think Effy will be able to beat Yukimi that's her name now don't dead name her nigger in the race for thread queen. I wish queen Kong was still around to make this thread great again.
I give black mages a pass theyre already suicidal enough
Former Square Enix CEO: "Square Enix should have made a game like Genshin Impact first."
My stuff doesn't go that far..
The lap kimono one I've posted twice already
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My wife Krile is so incredibly pretty and kind and brave and caring...
the alpaca mount because it requires you to stay awake for dawntrail
>go gnb in fl
>make team lose
You're welcome! gg!
my moonie is dying to be bred by a sunnie+
niggas call my maliddie remus
Why are femraen like this
*kneecaps you for making stupid posts*
my moonie likes teasing catboys nonstop
My moonie is free use for sunnie+
>go as any job in fl
>this happens to me
every match
I would really interested to do lewd pics one day with your fiera
>Don't want to ruin the experience by speeding through with wiki entries like I did for certain quests (don't kill me).
The game has a codex for that now. And its better than the wiki for story stuff.
He does content he doesn't care about for rewards he will never use!

Ahhhhhhhhhh look! There he is! He's a victim of FOMO! He can't resist at all, he has no self restraint! Hahaha, look at him, he has to do the shitty little nothing event quest for the fuck ugly minion! He has to do it, he can't stop himself! Ahhhhhhhhh he's so pathetic! He grinded all the Yo-Kai Watch rewards even though he prefers Pokemon! Ahhhhh what a loser! He speedruns ever crumb of content then complains he has nothing to do all day! He's addicted! He's an addict! What a dipshit!
What happens??
it makes a difference in savage week 1, literally the difference between 2000 hp after a fat raidwide, and a wipe
My moonie is heat and is rubbing her tail on innocent catboys
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You can clearly see I'm down and what do you do? You fucking kneecapped me, this is why I hate the malera race.
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Biscuit maker is a very good tb name
All these famous political thread bins mentioned it’s like I’m at the White House
need... ilberd husband.... or i die.....
Tranny glasses
i need to grind events so i have an edge the next time xivg argues over who plays the game more
Post fulalas please
Hot take, they should just implement a system that prevents player Reprisal/Feint/Addle refreshing another. The three should still stack together.
Hilda, your wife is a lame footnote and unironically should've stayed as a side character.
no, it doesn't.
Yeah! i'm embracing the "just a nerd" look instead of unwashed stinker
Oh i had closed that thread, and nope we haven't met in case you're that curious. My play times are too hectic and I've been playing other games with a dear friend of mine...
That's all i have anon... when i said it was a one-time-thing, it wasn't a joke...
may I see the +
You could just do what everyone else does:

Lie and pretend.
How do I know which ebins are worth my time
Why do I only ever get Miera and Malera after me as a Femezen?
This moonie is free use for all catboys
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(you) are hereby cordially invited to THE bake sale hosted by the maliddie council. twinkies, brownies, krispy kreme donuts, pizza, etc. come one come all.
None of them are.
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I actually fuck with that
I am the weaver
Personally I keep getting femra after mine, I guess they like climbing trees
I'm the only ebin worth your time
Very kind of you lads, where do we go?
There's a catgirl on my server who keeps handing out Tesco Meal Deals™ to people.
Okay. Where?

None of us are.
Find the ones that are crazy about your race/gender combo, ignore the rest
I am once again asking for all of TB's cake to be delivered directly to my face.
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Crystal! Queue Casual CC @ 3:30
I need a Otis husband....
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I'm not Hilda and it's not Krile's fault the writers mistreat her.
Which mount is the best and why is it the carriage with the hippo pulling you?
Why are these bakers holding weapons.
What server?
this is my femroe in frontlines... she can't stop losing and getting bullied after...
do people actually look at flists
so what you're saying is i can show up and take a maliddie twink home?
Please save our dying general
We need your help.
They're making mochi too
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phew.. dodged a bullet
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Cool looking dungeon
I liked the last boss calling down other robots
Appreciate the gesture but I don't think I want to make lewds with other people..
i dont like that one because it sounds like a roulette table
I cant even know what the general's about because the OP is all fucked. No wonder the thread is dying.
oh my femlala
Is there a better pair of sandals than Moonfire Caligae for a fella who hangs out on boats and beaches
do you like malera
I do, even if they don't have /c/ in their info I look it up anyway.
Maliddies are not twinks, they are studs!
What about her, sis?
Where is the idle spot? I just want to sit next to people in-game...
im too dogshit to play weaver
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>codex for that now
I haven't even unlocked guildhests yet. I am very slow.
if you don't want to suffer islandslop, the summer sandals are alright but they're not dyeable
your reflection is pregnant
mommy fiera for my shota fulala...
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I had a different glam but after seeing Yshtola's trust glam... I'm probably gonna steal it.
Aw hell, that means people probably already looked up mine and found there wasn't one yet. GUESS I'd better work on it then....
holy moly
I only get Femhroth and Maliddies after mine.
>nope we haven't met
This. While I like 'em, every single time I've tried to contact 'em they're logged out. So I just just stopped. It be like that sometimes.
what top
My HoH and pvp wife
>shota fulala
Isn't that basically a futa loli?
the fact that you're rank 1 further proves my point that barely any pct presses their damn mits
who keeps posting this i got pinged in the remuscord because of it
Ok but can I just take one of them for myself instead or do I HAVE to order a pastry?
This but my femra.
Ex2 was made to shit on BLM. Everyone at SE probably forgot that theres a class that relies hardcasting most skills.
Assassin's (RPR 100)
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If pit fetishists aren't pedophiles, then how come they never lewdpost about the true pitslut?
More like
Nigger Cat
hate how everyone pretends their eyes go straight to the pits and feet instead of this bosses pretty decent rack, even normalfags who arent really into those things. whatever happened to the honesty in the world
Ah about that~ feel free to add me on twitter @Dumb_Ishgardian and we can take it to discord if you'd like to..

Degenerates used to have class. Snrk.

But yeah idk what's up with the sudden feet interest nowadays.
Where is Maidy in Solution 9?
Will i be fine if i PF as MCH for this tier? Im worried i'll get locked out

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