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Eagle 1's feet edition

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter that sees players battling to win an interstellar struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. You are a Helldiver, a member of Super Earth's most elite fighting force. You and your squad choose to wage war on a number of contested planets, completing various objective-based missions within a procedurally generated area of operations. Each successful mission contributes to the complete liberation of that world, and ultimately, total strategic victory in the game's ever-evolving galactic campaign that doesn't really work, much like defending against this thread's subject.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Released in 2015, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The most major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down, twin-stick shooter, neither of which are two words. You can expect similar gameplay between it and its sequel here in /hdg/.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






July 10th patch

[YouTube] Helldivers 2 - Viper Commandos Warbond Trailer | PS5 & PC Games (embed)
They're literal trooncord furry jannies, you shouldn't expect anything else desu
>Emancipator mech for free
does this mean you can take the other? or is that now just blocked for this event?
Leave it to some virgin footfag wierdo to make the bread
Hey SE, here's an idea
Instead of using an entire fucking Pelican to bring me a useless mech on demand, just have it drop four Commandos and some supply boxes
Do you think Pelican-2 seethes if you have the mech stratagem ready but then never use it on a mission?
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>Emancipator mech for free
mech bros, we are so back.
Why couldn't they just bring me two mechs?
>touring under attack, acamar nearly liberated
>meanwhile wasat is getting attacked, while vega bay still has a 0% decay rate
I genuinely don't know what to do or what the general community will do either
So far it's being retarded and splitting between acamar and turing
Lobby soon brotha? I swear if I crash again then I'll stop playing for the whole day.
>Gets instakilled by tower/tank before it can even be of any use
Whats a good support load-out when you know the 3 other divers are instantly pulling the mechs out? Shield generator seems crucial against bots. Maybe something to thin out the chaff so they don't get shredded
Shield relay and EMS mortar.
pls yes
>>touring under attack, acamar nearly liberated
>>meanwhile wasat is getting attacked, while vega bay still has a 0% decay rate
>I genuinely don't know what to do or what the general community will do either
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>pls yes
Plz make lobby then
>acamar nearly liberated
Not even remotely nearly liberated. It's half of a fucking million HP with -1.5%/hr decay. Defending Turing would be easier.
i dont think it matters cuz every time i play i just do whatever and everything still gets completed lol
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mechs, assamble.
I meant to say half, but if everything on Turing moves to Acamar it can be taken under the time
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3/4 come thru
>free mech
>swedes lied again
Many such cases! Sad!
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>that turing/allahackbar split
>perfectly balanced so both are losing
I'm done for today.
Hey now, the bugs have to take some planets so we can then take them back in the next MO.
Precisely like the last... everything after Meridia got black hole'd. I have zero doubt that the bots will take back everything we managed to take in the past few weeks, too.
idk why anyone would believe them when weve seen the game functioning with like 50+ mortars out already
how about dropping the mech in separate pieces that you have to assemble on the field
Who wants to bet that the reason we're taking and retaking the exact same planets ad infinitum is because AH wants to have different biomes for the other planets but doesn't have them ready yet so they don't want us to see that all the planets are the exact same? God forbid we march all the fucking way to Cyberstan and it's yet another desolate field with brand new SEAF buildings with freshly killed SEAF corpses, kek. Actually, you know what? Let's do that, Arrowhead. I need a chuckle.
probably just make stock skyscrapers or automationlike towers like the one eradicate mission has sometimes. except really big and all over spread out like the super colony just had terminid spires everywhere.
I expect us to be stuck on the same planets for at least another three weeks, until mid-August.
Then we'll start getting some MO's that lead to the front moving back and forth a little more, like the stuff leading to Meridia, until it actually moves when the next patch drops in September.
At this point I'd prefer that. The game is a mess anyways, no one would care if they said they're not done yet but you're free to take them now
How about a Trophy system?
>shield generator but it's a small babby turret instead
>automatically targets and shoots down rockets and bile spew
So it's like a babby Iron Dome?
I left. One spot open.
3/4 rn
Great idea
For balance reasons it only works for a single barrage/spew. One use for the entire match. Also sometimes it misses but gets consumed anyways (known bug, won't fix)
Failed to join
I assume full
Indeed. Maybe in a few hours another 1 will pop up.
4/4 rn
Don't whine to me. I have to cook.
Don't laugh at me but how do I join with a link?
Where was the whining?
Same as you'd past a URL in your browser.

Just havin' a giggle m8.
Next genny if I make it, I'll link how to create a link and how to join. It's not entirely obvious.
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Thanks, saved.
no prob!
The more lobbies, the better.
dead shit game with retarded devs
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should've kept naming it /hg/
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no thank you!
Assuming some planets are changing, what planets do you think will be changed?
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>Next update is projected to be september
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my life for super earth
Whats going on in that video
man overestimates his anti-sting suit, is stung to death, visible rigor mortis as he is hauled away
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bots d9 2/4
Not sure to laugh or pity him. Sometimes technology fails us or we are too stupid too be reliant on it in the first place.
When will we get tanks? Mechs are kinda gay
looks like he made it himself, and the nest is in the middle of nowhere in the woods, so he's clearing it for a video

so no, no pity
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Since no one is starting us I'll start
I think that the Forest biome that's like the Malevelon Creek biome in day will be swapped. We only have one biome like that and it's Turing, maybe that's why they're trying to take it now
3/4 bots
Recruiting fine young lads ready to die for liberty
3/4, join now! thats a threat.
>looks like he made it himself
clearing asian giant hornets (aka Murder Hornets) so it could be cheap chinese non-safety compliant bullshit, kinda like what super earth hands out.
Starting soon, 3/4 bot9
But I don't want to fight bots in the same biomes we've had for weeks. I wanna fight bugs in the purple jungle.
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Then make a lobby buddy and drop the fuggen link cause I wanna kill some bugs too.
The stalwart calls for bug blood
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Make the lobby and I will join, I want to go full flame stratagems
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why did he do it
There's that one biome that's mostly barren with purple flowers. Does shooting those have any effect like with other plants? Likewise, the shrubbery with glowing yellow flowers - do those yellow flowers have any effect?
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Come on and SLAM. W-welcome to the JAM.
arrrrhhhhgg my eyes. I'm blinded by all this detail, where is my fog? HELP ME SWEDEN MAN. I need something to block all this disgusting visibility. If I can see anything more than feint red dots in the dense fog I get a massive migraine, PLEASE fix this.
It's my first time in the purple jungle, it's pretty cool but I there's no armor with camouflage for it
we did it before this. getting 4 mechs each trivializes bugs :)
How do you think they collect Eagle Sweat?
>What they want you to think (perverted): Sexual torture, squirt
>What they want you to think (most plausible): They twist the flight outfit and wring it dry
>What it actually is: Soulless sterile chemical goop thought up by Super Earth scientists in a lab contracted out by Permacura.
You don't think they wring out Eagle-1's socks after an ICBM mission?
>Has to resorts to effortless meme posts to keep the thread alive because there is literally nothing new to talk about in-game.
Just let this thread die already.
outfits are made to collect it
also that one eagle upgrade removes the AC
I wouldn't mind us migrating back to /coopg/
That was an inevitability as soon as we got word that we won't see shit until Sept (at the very earliest)
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>September is the next update
Didn't ask nigger.
>could fight bugs in the purple jungle
>but it's late
>and the defense will be won by the time I get home tomorrow
o fug I joined the bot lobby anyways, give me a bit
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bot lobby, bug lobby.
right now every lobby is a mech lobby.
>driving away any sort of newcomer games with their constant bitching and whining about dorkshite
>doom posting about every other game to rile shit up
>fuck with lobbies of other games spamming "4/4"
>screeching about their retarded achievements that encourage randos to grief one another
>are all mind broken quickplayers who have no community because they only play with randos from reddit and the 3rd world
>crying about ratclickers for getting more content than them
>have god awful WEBMS that are unfunny and incomprehensible even to other Darksissies
>post spreadsheet style scoreboards full of meaningless numbers thinking they accomplished anything
>posting their silly dress up dolls that they've paypiggied hundreds of dollars into and still look like homeless drifters

Never has a group of people deserved a swedish developer more.
Sex with eagle 1
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probably the purple jungle then maybe bots
Bro was cool as ice to not just fall off that tree.
Drinking eagle-1's sweat.
full in record time
alive game, alive general
I like copeg, but darksissies realy are a plague. They have been completely mindbroken by their swedish overlords.
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OH LOOK!!!! another lobby!!! D9
>Next update is september
Surely they'll be bugfixing in the meanwhile, right???
September came from this , people talking about the misaligned weapons sights
and but this i meant this https://x.com/oKrDwbjS1m43EnW/status/1813491917143020003
some chink leveled me to 150 after 1 game

Just ask the support team to reset your account :^)
Why is it that there is never anyone to post a lobby but when one is posted it fills up in under 10 mins?
everyone is a pussy scared to host
Just caught a game ban for griefing. Do they actually police this game or did I just happen to join with a fucking discord mod?

14 days btw
Well they should stop that
post the popup or I don't believe you

also what did you do
>he linked his PSN
What did you do
Fake and gay
i said "fucking sweden nigger devs" in text
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Yeah, sounds like a real mystery why you got banned there, retardanon.
still not seeing a screenshot of a UI element in game proving the ban

also you said you got banned for griefing, not saying the nigger-word

illusory and homosexual
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hahahaha stay mad retard
Well its either fall and break your legs as you die in agony or possibly escape the bees
Anon did you kill everyone again?
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loser literally got banned by a discord tranny LMFAO
I play less and have never had more SC than I do now. Because the rate of content release is so fucking low. Idiot god damn swedes
I'm not anxious. I just don't want to post my steam info. I would prefer (and tried) to use the ingame friend feature but you faggots had a hissy over that.
you don't have to post your info

see >>487036705
Your ignorance is not my responsibility.
i wouldn't want to play with you anyway because you're an obtuse freak.
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Less sissy bitching, more alien purging
bugs 9 since the free mechs really do make things kinda easy, might do bots later
I don't see what the problem is.
Is the free mech thing across all bug planets? And which mech is it? Sorry out of the loop.
>Session full
It's actually a mech on credit, with interest. You WILL have to pay it later.
I fucking can't, I've had enough of acid peepee shithole planet #5
>You WILL have to pay it later.
Lol what is this, the end of Subnautica 1?
>We'll lose Wasat
So much for cut supply lines Joel
>acid peepee shithole planet #5
Yeah? Which planet wasat?
>Muscle enhancement on exterminate mission
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>Difficulty request input. Connecting you to.... the Weenie Hut Jr. Experience.
So is this person in the next hellpod a clone or a different person?
>Muscle enhancement ever
I'm lovin this free mech shit
Super Earth should do this every week, then I can stop calling them niggers
I hate it
A different person
But I like to imagine it's a clone because it's cooler and fits in more with the setting
Confirmed idiot. Let me guess, you need hellpod optimization?
They're clones without personality and you're uploaded to one every time you die
>he doesn't play on blizzard planets or sandstorm planets
Can you give me yours?
>Join lobby
>Streamer nigger babbling and not shutting the fuck up
If I'm a clone then how come I'm a nigger? What did super earth mean by this?
Whoops. Meant for >>487069662
>he doesn't like moving significantly faster on snow, sand, hilly or dense vegetation terrains
>What did super earth mean by this?
Anon, I....
>Have a thesis I have to write for the stupid company group give me to waste my time
>Promise myseft I will not play helldiver for a week to finish it
>Free mech and two different type of defense mission open up
Well fuck you too swedes.
What's the rush, not like the objective is going anywhere
t.lard ass slowdiver in permanent heavy fat suit armor
>quick match on diff4 when I was a newer player
>it dumped me into diff9
They carried me through one mission then I left before we started the second
personally, i like getting my missions done with full clears and all the samples in 20 minutes, instead of leaving with six samples total at 42 minutes
RIP corporate anon. Sorry to hear that.
It's canon that you aren't the same helldiver, thats why your not allowed to change skins

~Ding dong bannu~
There's just so much wrong with the weapon that it would almost need a HMG tier all-round buff.

1. Low durability damage (which honestly is the main thing that keeps it from becoming an anti-tank weapon that beats out dedicated anti-tank weapons)
2. Shit for ammo
3. Almost no reason to switch to Unsafe Mode

I feel that keeping the ammo count where it is would be an interesting weapon quirk, but a lot of the rest could use some real love. For instance, for charged shots above a certain percentage inflict a stagger shockwave on all enemies that are near-missed, so that even if they aren't damaged they're still crowd-controlled to some degree.
any lobbies?

>charged shots above a certain percentage inflict a stagger shockwave on all enemies that are near-missed
You're out of your mind if you think those swedish niggers could get that working right
>Almost no reason to switch to Unsafe Mode
There is for bugs. 85%ish unsafe charge let's you do the classic 2-shot-strip on charger legs, or 3 shots to the head to kill, and lets you set up or finish off bile titans that have taken a head hit from heavy AT.
All you need to do to fix the railgun is lower the durability of certain enemy parts, which would have the knock-on effect of helping other weapons.
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>extraction time
>go last since I don't trust randos anymore
>turn around just in time to see one faggot shooting at the other two inside the pelican
>blow his brains out before he can kill both
>You have been kicked
>For instance, for charged shots above a certain percentage inflict a stagger shockwave on all enemies that are near-missed, so that even if they aren't damaged they're still crowd-controlled to some degree.
ok, this is in but they also added a bug so that every time you get it above that percentage, it staggers every player regardless of location.
Sorry time for our quarterly vacation, we will fix this bug in a few weeks :)
That was you? I didn't kill them both. I just shot the 1 guy who kept shooting/killing me. I yelled at the host for kicking the wrong guy (you). That happened like an hour ago, why are you just posting this now?

This goes to show how small the player pool is becoming.
I went to take a shit. Were you shooting them with a regular primary?
Goodnight Helldivers, let us hope for a new MO tomorrow since that's all we got until August at the earliest
Dominator, two shots into the fucker and then I bored. You shot me as I passed the door frame zone.
Huh. Maybe it was you then. My bad, force of habit
All good, sorry you got kicked bro. You did nothing wrong except killing me because I am right in all of my ingame actions and how dare you confront me
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was awesome :D
Holy shit, diff 9 on bugs already wasn't a big deal, but now with four divers running around in mechs? Might as well call it a diff 3 at that point. Jesus what a slaughter of bugs.
if you were in the last lobby, we mostly didn't use them until the extermination one. and who really cares about those. in a real match they wouldn't do nearly as much workx
Haven't cared about this game since they announced they were taking more time to release less content. Is there seriously no update planned until September?
>fun is allowed
Lazy swedes strike again
No, I was just in a full operation with non-/hdg/ divers. Everyone was just calling in mechs and one of us would pop out once in a while to call a stratagem or do a quick objective. But goddamn does everything go down fast when all those autocannons whip out.
>no update planned until September
at the earliest*
'enry's come ta see us
[incoherent screeching]
I thought you were dead, stanrey roo
dear Lord i want to play the next game nao...
Stanrey Roo rives on.
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i had that happen to me the other day, though i was moving sideways at the time so i didn't go as high
if only u had a jetpack for an effective super jump
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you got the floppy titan kill perchance?
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It's on the way. I do them in order and it's the second to last clip I have.
if you aint spinnin you aint winnin
sweet, thanks chronicler-dono
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Mine dancing bug didn't go as crazy as that.
>that brood commander dancing, completely styling on all of you
You divers don't know it, but you lost that day.
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This makes the spear user seethe
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His soul is still dancing
great post
Liek if u crie errytim
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You call that air?
>get sent into low orbit
>tfw you can't wingdive back into the action like something out of Just Cause
Some say he's still falling to this day.
>got launched so far away he joined another campaign
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And the sequel where I numb the pain.
yeah rewatching this I still thing it's funny how I went out of bounds vertically as opposed to horizontally.
>damn i threw
>just gonna leave
>i hope no one saw that
>Excuse me sir, you're not allowed to stand up on those rocks sir..please get down immediat-ACK
>bugs are so easy you can go AFK and they won't kill you
You just have to aura check them. Bot too but that's way more difficult.
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I have everything else in all the other warbonds.
Polar or Viper?
polar has alright guns, viper has one and a half of a gun and a goated booster and a pocket impact napalm
I'd get the vc
Left is polar for tier list
Right is viper for fun opportunity
Polar has actual guns and fire impacts
viper has an INCREDIBLE booster at the end of it
wait fuck I'm retarded I confused polar and cutting edge. Do what that other guy said and get viper.
VC's booster is actually good and capable of competing with the "must have" ones. PP has the tendie and pummeler, both of which have had plenty of good things said about them. i'd lean VC first myself
>pocket impact napalm
wait nvm that was polar, vc has knives
disregard this post i suck cocks
I'd still get vc because the booster is really funny
I dunno what the context was but you sound funni in the moment.
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You know I remember from leaks that the Illuminate showed up with a theme of "we where almost at cyberstan! :(" and we are ONLY 2 planets away.
Plus we now have this.
i think the context was that titan getting two orbitals, a spear and then the EAT at once
+an eagle right after
we were meant to be boots on the ground in cyberstan right as something happened, but it's been so long and I don't think the story material for that ever amounted to more than a few voicelines for ship crew, whereas other events that occurred got entire news broadcast segments datamined
>changes trajectory completely to splat the diver
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I love ARs but there isn't a single one that I can bring on D9 bugs that feels like it has enough ammunition for the sheer volume of stuff coming our way. Even if you fired it continuously from beginning to end and used all the heat sinks, the Sickle still has 300 rounds compared to the 330-360 average the ARs have, and you essentially regenerate ammo back with it so it's the only viable AR for that difficulty. Shit sucks, I miss having 12 spare mags.
i really wish i could feel ok using anything that isn't the sickle, it deals with trash well, can take out devs and berserkers via headshots or gut shots pretty reliably, can chew through a couple hive commanders ok, and i can still waste half a mag just wiping out bot mines because FUCK bot mines. i love the punisher but it just feels too slow most of the time for bugs and is too inaccurate for bots, pretty much every other AR has issues one way or another, and i'm just not a fan of the plasma weapons.

i can't even consider the scythe with it having half the DPS of the sickle, and i refuse to use the incendiary breaker mostly because it's too easy to accidentally set friendlies on fire and i shoot close to people pretty frequently to help peel
So long, gay bowser.
>tfw my pelican is manufactured in super china
I don't know how people consider the incendiary breaker ""OP"" It does its niche of destroying light armor bugs and struggling hard with anything higher than that. Brood Commanders/Hive Guards/Bile Spewers all spawn very often and shut down the breaker incendiary unless you want to waste an entire mag for 1 kill. Even shooting the weak spots take a lot of ammo. Anyway fuck brood commanders. Why the fuck do they get a tracking speed boost if you destroy their legs or head
>It does its niche of destroying light armor bugs and struggling hard with anything higher than that
It has the fastest TTK on charger butts out of all the primaries in the game.
So still shit? That's not a good way to rate primaries.
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>Brood Commanders/Hive Guards/Bile Spewers all spawn very often and shut down the breaker incendiary
It's the annoying thing where a weapon is clearly both effective and fun to use > many people take it for this reason > people see them everywhere so think that means 'OP'

I vary up my stuff because just running the most effective thing 100% of the time gets dull but people who think good things should be punished to make people use shittier things more suck ass
my dive button is on my mouse
you should dive
we all should dive
Surprised those bootlickers are here considering this site prides itself on being contrarian and hates normalfags brown nosing shit that sucks.
>only have about 15 minutes to play
>see game of 3 level 24s on d7 with 26m elapsed
>oh yea that's fine, even if it runs to the time limit it's ok
>land, see they're already at extract
>take one step
lmao I guess
idk man, it's faster than the machine gun too. Definitely viable as your charger solution if you run stuns, which means you can run the MG or some other chaff clearing support weapon (which you won't need because the incendiary breaker does that better too).

I often run the fire breaker and supply pack on bugs, you can basically just hold down LMB and go wild without worrying about anything besides titans,which you can just chuck a OPS or 500 at. Bring a MMG or HMG if you want to counter bile spewers faster, but you can get by with just saturating them (and everything around them) with the fire breaker anyways. It counters almost everything and cleans up literally all the chaff while doing it.
it can kill a charger in one mag to the ass. It has, for no reason at all, an absurd durable damage bonus that is higher than every other shotgun primary.
NTA but I don't use the incel cuckbreaker because it just makes the game boring to me.
It only takes about 40% of the mag lmao, but yeah

Eruptor, slugger, and breaker died so the incel breaker could live
Same, I bring the breaker S&P on my supply pack meme build now. Feels nicer because it has 7 more shots per mag and 2 more spare mags, despite the shittier damage and being even worse off against brood commanders and spewers. Very therapeutic to just hold down LMB too, without having to use the fire breaker's forced burst fire.
Give me the incel punisher and the fire grenade launcher.
I don't really get it either
Like, it's the best primary for bugs, but it's not that stupendously better than the regular breaker and it has clear choke points, the Plasma or the Eruptor have a higher and wider ranger of units covered in the bot front, and no one says they're op
>less than half the mag too
most times when i turn a gorner there are a small host of bugs and it take the entire mag of my aR to wipe them, if I spray i need to use some of the second mag
why is some incel breaker user coping their gun isnt actually the best gun in the game vs. bugs
I swear to fuck these swiggers better have some content lined up for release when they eventually leave their government mandated cuck shed/immigrant shared housing and come back to work...
It being the best gun doesn't warrant a nerd if it's the best due to overall use in general situatios, not perfect use for everything
The AC is the best support for bots, but nobody wants it nerfed
The AC compared to other options on bots is a lot narrower of a comparison vs the fire breaker compared to other primaries on bugs lol
You can get away with using the AC on bugs for bile spewers. Good luck using the breaker on bots.
rent free btw
>The AC compared to other options on bots is a lot narrower of a comparison vs the fire breaker compared to other primaries on bugs lol
What? Lol no isn't
The AC is literally for all bot units, literally all of them. No other strat even compares. Closest one is the HMG.
By comparison, the incen breaker can't deal effectively with hive guards, commanders, chargers and does shit to BT. And if you get a bile spewer seed, you're pretty fucked
the AC works great on everything smaller than a charger, on chargers it's iffy and on BTs you're better off killing yourself first
Chargers/BTs are just a AT rocket check so you want to bring something for them anyway.
what is objectively the best solo build for dealing with elites as a single person? pls
Bots or bugs
Thanks I'm glad someone enjoyed my drunken callouts.
sir we are talking about primarys here not support weapons. the incel breaker makes one of the two bug strengths moot which is swarms are fucking devastated, heavy units are now left without support, hiveguards are fucking pathetic and slow, brood commanders still go down in reasonable time and almost every primary hates Bile spewers, the primarys that are good at dealing with bile spewers struggle hard against huge swarms incel breaker deletes.
both please, and i dont mean solo play i mean any game
It really do be like that on this Bitch of a Super Earth
Exo suits should always be free stratagems on defend missions, they're so much more fun when the whole team can call them and bunker down
For bugs it's probably Commando + Flamethrower or Spear
For bots I guess just change the Flamethrower with Autocannon
ok the commando or auto cannon but what bout from the sky? i think thats infinitely more important in the end
>sir we are talking about primarys here not support weapons
No I was talking about both.
]the primarys that are good at dealing with bile spewers struggle hard against huge swarms incel breaker deletes.
Yeah so you have a choice of a primary that deals with the quick horde like the fire breaker or one that deals well with the stronger units like eruptor, how's that not balanced?
Again, for comparison, the AC deals well and it's often the best option against every unit in the bot front barring the berserkers
Assuming you mean TOTAL HEAVY DEATH
>Auto cannon
>air strike (works on groups and tanks/striders) 500kg if you really want big baddaboom
Your preferred primary.

Basically requires incel cuckbreaker to manage hordes since you have no spare strats. Also lmao if you get orbital scatter for either.
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thank you for the suggestions, i don't even have enough credits for the incendiary lol.
>Primary has options, Plas Punisher for maximum glue eating effectiveness. Scorcher, DCS, Tenderizer, Dominator all solid options for marksman/headshot fishing.
>stun grenades, and whatever secondary you want
>Autocannon solves almost anything
>Orbital Precision strike low cd kills patrols with a single stun or even hard objectives like Detector Towers
>Eagle Airstrike is just the best eagle against bots no contest with OPS existing
>4th is whatever the fuck you want
Orbital Precision Strike or Rocket Sentry
thank you guys for your input
I'd use either the DCS or the Breaker, way easier to deal with chaff than the others
incendiary breaker is neat because at least five times per match I get to hear a teammate screaming because I accidentally tagged them with a round lol
Plas Punisher is my honest go to since it kills multiple bots usually and stuns them out of flare animations, and stuns all types of devastators if the shot detonates anywhere in their local postal code
Just tried using the ballistic shield; jesus christ, the weight alone is enough to make the idea DoA. Nevermind the poor aim down sight and "oh fuck is that a rocket dev" dance.
they fucked it when they reworked it for a second time to give it collision so that it would be "more realistic". They sure love to absolutely kneecap shit for the stupidest fucking reasons.
MG is great because I get to hear "FREEDOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooOooooOoOOOOOOOOOM" / "FOR SUPAH EAAAAAAAAAARTH" at least five times per match
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>used to be a SPEAR 1trick when it was "broken"
>they fixed the SPEAR
>lost the will to play it because it became braindead easy
>picked up Airburst
>1tricking it now
>feels like home
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Mom, I'm famous.
I still have nightmares about that thing
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>>used to be a SPEAR 1trick when it was "broken"
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If the weapon you are using doesn't have a cope bingo, you aren't playing the game right.
They still haven't fixed it
They can't even be bothered to just add a fuse or make it only explode for tagged enemies, it's insane
>try to post the airburst cope
>my dumbass forgot it's the fucking op
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In practice it's 10 shots but that's still better than almost every non-explosive primary, and faster and easier to do. The punisher and dominator can't deliver their required number of shots as quickly

>but the ammo count says 14 out of 25
the 11th shot was fired after the butt broke
Do chargers/behemoths have the same butt hp?
>AH releases claymore
>Place it
>Last thing you see is "front towards enemy"
>took damage from diving nearby the charger
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No. Behemoths have 1200 HP at 100% durable while regular chargers have 1100 at 85% durable. Behemoths also only transfers 50% to main instead of 60%.

It doesn't make much of a difference to the incendiary breaker.
The treads of destroyed tanks will kill you in like one second because the damage zone stays active for some reason
Muh realism and all, treads that don't move are extremly lethal in real life too
can you post the doc link?
>get ragdolled and land on 1hp
>stand up but km on top of barbed wire so I die
>respawn in and I'm permanently slowed to a crawl despite full stamina
>treads that don't move are extremly lethal in real life too
I once saw a man get devoured whole in the motor pool. The government doesn't want you to know this but our tanks are hungry. We invaded Iraq both times to feed them.
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Another odd and pointless difference between regular chargers and behemoths is that the behemoth's belly armour is upgraded to be 5 armour instead of 4. No idea why.
You think you hate swiggers enough, but you don't.
>almost remaxed commons after my samples got raped by the sw*de again
>rares still 80 short
I've been back to the cap for a week now, after upgrading everything.
yeah i wasn't rushing them or grinding the game hard. the rare disparity is fuckin' real
Why can't the LC just... Melt and cook enemies... Like it should be able to do...
How many people even know the regular chargers belly is a separate hit zone with its own lower armour rating? Even the helldivers.gg wiki thinks the 4 armour hitzone is the broken butt, not the belly.

It's my own custom sheet and I don't know how I'd make one that is shareable and editable, but also proof against vandalism
Because then you'd have no reason to use other weapons.
because the Ministry of Science (read: the Developers) are too fucking retarded to make lasers function like lasers despite burn damage being a part of their code
couldn't even add unsafe modes as a standard part of all energy weapons either for some reason despite it being both setting-friendly and realistic
arc bingo when?
so far I've got particle effects and "just aim up" but that's about it
I just started this game and I want to be helpful to people. Is the ammo backpack good?
And how useful is the anti material rifle? The enemies come in swarm so how can I use it without getting ganged to death?
Ammo pack is useful both for others and yourself - it's a force modifier if you use lower capacity weapons for example

AMR is a solid medium tier enemy slayer. A thing if that you don't really have to be in the middle of clusterfucks all the time, it's often possible to maintain distance
Assuming you're fighting bugs, Anti Materiel Rifle isn't super great since it requires distance and small amounts of enemies to function, neither of which you'll often find. It's great against bots though.
it's super easy to hipfire against bugs and will remove anything smaller than a charger in a single headshot. I usually take it and a resupply backpack if I see someone bringing a spear.
If you are just starting out, you might get more use out of the Shield Generator backpack or the Laser Rover backpack. As for the support weapons, that is a super deep game of specialization and overlaps, just try them out and see how they feel to you, although the flamethrower is OP against bugs and the Autocannon is OP against bots, so you may want to go for those ones as soon as you can.
Adding to this, the Incendiary Breaker is the primary weapon that turns bugs into easy mode, and the Plasma Punisher is the same for bots. You'll want to branch out to other primary weapons to keep the game fresh, but those two are my two workhorses.
the AMR is fantastic at picking off tougher medium targets with a well aimed shot, it takes off brood commander heads in one shot and they bleed out pretty fast afterwards, it kills spewers of both types in one headshot too. against bots it can take down most threats with good aim, though it can take a lot of ammo due to durable ratios

practice hipfiring, or quickswap from your primary so you can aim with the crosshair and snap off a fast shot. or 'cheat' and get an application that gives you a crosshair in any game
I know the orbital laser sets the ground on fire, but does it set enemies on fire? I'm looking at the laser cannon and the scythe and they are supposed to have a fire DPS effect like the incendiary breaker but it never applies. Looking at the stats the "status strength" tied to the fire special effect on the scythe, laser cannon, and dagger are all set at 0.25, compared to the incendiary breaker, incendiary grenade, and eagle napalm strike status strength of 100, and against the flaemthrwoer with a status strength effect of 10. The orbital laser has a status strength of only 1. Does status strength influence how long enemy is set one fire for? If it does perhaps the reason why the beam weapons don't set anything on fire is because the strength is so low it extinguishes (near) instantly?
>I just started this game and I want to be helpful to people. Is the ammo backpack good?
The supply pack is great, but you mostly want to run it for self sustain. You can give supplies to teammates but most of them aren't worth it. There's also a UI oversight for people using backpack fed weapons like the AC or the rocket launchers. It will flash red like they're out of ammo if their internal mag is empty despite the fact that the ammo reserves in their backpack are fine.

>And how useful is the anti material rifle? The enemies come in swarm so how can I use it without getting ganged to death?
The AMR is low S/high A tier for fighting robots. High difficulty robots spams medium units at you. Devastators for days. AMR isn't a particularly great choice vs bugs.
Main thing to know in advance is the anti material rifle is for *medium* enemies, it's not for shooting heavy class enemies like Chragers, Hulks, Gunships/Dropships, Titans or Factory Striders
If you run it you'll need Strategems to deal with those, or leave them to team mates.
it sets helldivers on fire so it probably sets other entities on fire as well
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>The AMR is not for shooting Factory Striders
This man is a liar. Don't believe his lies. AMR is great for killing factory striders.
Also wait I just noticed that you put Hulks/Gunships in there too. LMAO it's better than even the AC at dumpstering hulks.
>that time left
>that sample count
>those reinforces
what even happened there
Retard with eagle cluster strike made what should have been a fucking cakewalk D7 mission WAY harder than it should have been.
oh. yes. one of THOSE. i'm so tired of them throwing clusters at tanks like it regularly does anything.
>Doing comfy level 5 quickplay
>Host Kidnaps us into a Level 8

I mean I found and got the Supers Samples out as the Shuttle was inbound and we won with like 11 Divers + 9 mnutes left.
But how dare they?

I didn't realize it was Level 8 until the Titan's started crashing around.
IIRC he was pulling aggro on EVERY PATROL. It's like he heard on youtube that eagle cluster is good at killing patrols, would whiff every throw, *BOT DROP DETECTED*. Lots of friendly fire from scuffed throws. Lots of team wipes to him getting ragdolled and dropping the damn beacon. Fuck eagle cluster strike.

At some point he killed me with a strike and took all my samples. Then when I had to break off and get the shuttle called, the faggot died and lost the samples in the middle of bumfuck nowwhere and I didn't have time to backtrack and fetch them anymore.

Fucker nearly splattered me with a regular airstrike at the end of that clip.

But back to AMR, it deals with every single enemy in the bot arsenal except tanks/laser turrets from the front. You just need to be aware of the weak spots on the hulks and factory striders. It also annoyingly takes 4 hits to kill a gunship engine, which is more aggravating since if my napkin math is correct it misses the breakpoint for a 3 hit kill by ONE POINT OF DAMAGE.

it does 135 durable and the gunship engines have 400 hp, so it actually does only two more damage than the HP of the engine, once you account for the entire point of damage each shot loses for your bullet exiting the gun
or, rather, i should say the damage lost to range is what makes it a four shot kill, since without falloff it'd be 405 damage.
I got pulled from a diff 5 into a diff 7, then it made me host and everyone agreed to play one more so I put us on 8. It was a good time when we all took both barrages and hurled them at bases
>if my napkin math is correct it misses the breakpoint for a 3 hit kill by ONE POINT OF DAMAGE.
Just walk towards them :^)
That's what I mean. Without falloff it would be 405. With falloff, we know that everything loses at least one point of damage thanks to the knowledge gained from the behemoth debacle. So assuming 1 damage lost, 3 bullets is 402 damage. That should be lethal. But it takes 4 bullets to kill a gunship engine. So we know some extra damage is being lost too.

If gunships loiter far enough away for the AMR to lose an extra point of damage, for a total of two damage lost per shot, then three AMR shots inflict 399 damage. OFF BY ONE.

They wibble wobble around way more than chargers. Way more than shriekers.
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>I just started this game and I want to be helpful to people. Is the ammo backpack good?
Yes the Supply Pack is good. Don't be afraid to just call in a fresh one for allies or your self on cooldown, they refill from the normal Supply Drop 1 for 1.
You start the Game with one of the best Orbitals and Support Weapons in the game. The OPS and Machine gun will be more than enough for the Bug and Bot Front until level 4 then things get a little harder requiring Rockets/Strats for Chargers/Hulks

I suggest turning on the Crosshair to permanent, this is a personal choice
Your Starting Amour has the Mobility of Medium Amour and the Defense of Heavy, don't feel pressured to ditch it.
For unlocking I suggest focusing on getting the Auto Cannon, the Expendable Rocket Launchers (EATs), the Machine Gun Sentry, and Eagle Air Strike. These are solid catch all strats that work from level 1 to level 9
Eagle Stratagems can be Rearmed mid Mission to get their charges back, the Orbital Lazer cannot be Rearmed
Boosters are not single use but a selectable teamwide buff, if nothing else take the Ammo/Meds/Stims one.
Warbonds don't expire, meta faggotry includes the Stun Grenades from Cutting Edge and the Grenade Pistol from Democratic Demolition.

I hope you have enjoyed this brick of information, now go protect our way of life, for Super Earth.
honestly it's probably more falloff than that, but still annoyingly close.
Durability was a mistake. Why the fuck are gunship engines durable? Also, I'm fucking infuriated that the Eruptor (barely) fails to decapitate brood commanders purely because their heads are so fucking durable and are "immune to explosions." Most of the eruptor's post-nerf damage is the explosion. IMO at the very least 'explosion immune' things should take damage from explosions if the source projectile is a direct hit.
i dunno that it was a mistake overall, but it's definitely been misused by the sw*des.
Retard here, wtf is durability? AP seems pretty clear - you do literally no damage unless your AP is greater than or equal to the target. Durability is some kind of further damage penalty?
Each weapon has two damage values. The basic damage and durability damage. The durability percentage dictates what ratio that the damage is applied.

Something that is 0% durable takes full basic damage and zero durability damage. Something 100% takes zero basic damage and full durability damage. Something 50% durable takes the sum of 50% of the your basic damage value and 50% of your durability damage value.

The swedes have mostly used durability as a way to discriminate against primary and secondary weapons as a means to mostly force you to use support weapons to kill important things in a reasonable time frame. Why do most primary guns do jack shit to the charger's butt? Because most primary guns have fuckall durability damage and the "weakpoint" is very durable.
durable damage is a separate damage value on all weapons that is usually less than the base damage but is the same on explosives (most automatic weapons and the railgun have a 1/10 durable damage ratio)
durability is a percentage on certain enemies that makes that percentage of damage against it be replaced with durable damage and gunships (and their engines) are 100% durable which means railguns can't do dick to them

durability is also known as "vs massive" which conflicts with things like Bile Titan heads being more durable than Charger heads
Durability is a way to pad the HP of certain parts/enemies as a balance point. It's SUPPOSED to represent how large volume or non-vital parts are not particularly vulnerable to small caliber or inert rounds that wouldn't do a lot of critical damage. Charger butts have very high durability because they are both large and don't have immediately vital organs in there that would quickly kill the charger if hit, so hitting it with assault rifle rounds doesn't do much to them. Unfortunately they forgot their intention and gave small, vital parts high durability to make it so you have to use high damage or explosive weapons. Because reasons.
>Durability is some kind of further damage penalty?
Yep, durable tagged body parts is like conventional % damage reduction. Some weapons deal more of their base damage to durable targets because it has a high durable damage amount, some deal less. An easy example here is the scorcher which is half impact half explosive splash damage. The impact is heavily afflicted by durability but the explosive splash completely ignores it which is why it goes through things like charger asses and Tank heatsinks so quickly whereas other weapons can take several magazines.

Another easy example of disparity is the Autocannon exosuit which deals the regular damage of the autocannon but only has 50 durable damage whereas all the others have 200 or 250 IIRC which is why it takes forever to kill an armored charger or bile titan compared to the standard AC sentry.
Based retard educators, thanks.
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the amr is effective if you can hit you shots its as equal as the AC without the backpack and splash damage. if the sights were aligned more would take it same as CS for primary

gunships patrols are OP
>Durability is some kind of further damage penalty?
yes, you may meet the AP needed to pen armor but that doesn't mean you're doing full damage, durability is that damage reduction
Take a HMG vs Scout striders face shield, normally the HMG would one shot a bot but the damage reduction of the face shield makes it need 5 or 6 shots to kill the pilot
this anon is wrong
armour penetration exists in 3 states: you either fully penetrate and do 100% of the damage you are supposed to do based on part durability, you meet the armour and do 50% of the damage, or you don't meet the armour and do 0 damage.
part durability is a sliding scale based on both the parts durability and the durability ratio of the weapon you are using. Damage is calculated as following:
>(normal damage * (1- part durability expressed as a decimal)) + (durable damage * part durability expressed as a decimal) * armour penetration modifier
So for a liberator with 60 normal damage and 14 durable damage and 2 armour penetration shooting at a 60% durable brood commander head with 2 armour would calculate the damage like so
which comes out to 16 damage once you round down.

>Take a HMG vs Scout striders face shield, normally the HMG would one shot a bot but the damage reduction of the face shield makes it need 5 or 6 shots to kill the pilot
You are not hitting the pilot or penetrating the armour (as in passing completely through it, bullet intact), you are depleting the main HP of the scout strider chassis itself, which is 0% durable. The entirety of the scout strider is 0% durable, in fact. Explosive weapons kill the pilot by nature of the explosive AoE hitting the pilot, not by penetrating the armour.
After Turing, the blob should go back to Wasat to dab on botkeks again
To add: Explosive AoE's have a 100% durable damage ratio, aka they effectively do their full damage no matter the part durability. Projectiles that are deemed to be explosive like the autocannon, EAT/RR/quasar, and SPEAR also have a 100% durable damage ratio despite being a projectile and not an explosion. Generally speaking the more 'explosive' or the larger a projectile is the better the durable damage ratio it will have. In this way durability is not necessarily strictly just a "damage reduction" value.
>Projectiles that are deemed to be explosive like the autocannon
except for the exosuit autocannon because FUCK YOU PLAYERS.
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What are good passives to run with light armour
Currently I have the 100 arm one and fortified
Anything else that might be useful? Peak physique maybe?
We've passed the halfway point, right now even if every single helldiver played on that planet it wouldn't be enough to stop it from falling
only useful ones are peak physique, engineering kit, or medic
stim armor is going to be a lot better next patch when they let you stim while at full health, especially the light armor since you can then stim with experimental infusion to leave any engagement before you actually take damage.
>going to the piss planet
MO wagies are sick in their heads
Is it viable to shoot charger's butts with scorcher?
How many shots to kill? Anyone has a table or webm, anything?
9 shots for behemoth, 8 shots for regular

1200 HP, 150 damage a shot for behemoths
1100 HP, 157 damage a shot for regular ones
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>shareable and editable, but also proof against vandalism
Make a copy of that file, share to pic related and that's it
You can only view, nothing else
>You can only view, nothing else
but wouldn't it be pointless if you can't change the HP, durability, and armour that all the calculations are referenced against?
if only recommendation mode wasn't tied to editing access
I don't know, I have no idea how your table looks like
If there's some specific space where you enter the HP, you can make a drop-down list with names+values and it will work just fine
Unless the durable component is also "explosive immune" then it's just a big FUCK YOU. I'm still mad about those brood commander heads and eruptor headshots.
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There are durable parts that are explosive immune? How does that work?
Here. Thanks everyone for the information, good to know that that there are variations between the two types of enemies.
My grenade launcher keep bouncing off them, I hate it.
run the meth stim, medic light armor, hmg and supply pack and just go fucking wild. for bugs swap to flamer and stuns and go bananas
>Is the ammo backpack good?
yes, it removes ammo issues from stratagem (and some primary) weapons and lets you spam grenades/stims if shit hits the fan and lets you help out your teammates
>And how useful is the anti material rifle?
its more useful on bots than bugs since they have weakpoints you can exploit while bugs don't
>There are durable parts that are explosive immune? How does that work?
They just laugh and take zero damage from explosions. In my case I'm pissed off that brood commander heads.

>face : 200 Health (Fatal) (ExplosionImmunity), BleedsOut 300, 2 Armor, 50% to main, 60% durable
That explosions immunity combined with that majority durability is the reason why they survive eruptor headshots.
Not advisable to face them with the nade launcher, but you can matador them into a wall and shoot a couple grenades in their butt. Usually takes 4-5 direct hits on the orange fleshy bit.
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> It's SUPPOSED to represent how large volume or non-vital parts are not particularly vulnerable to small caliber or inert rounds that wouldn't do a lot of critical damage.

So, pic related. The eruptor inflicts 230 damage, 115 vs durable, and the overwhelming majority of its damage is the 340 damage explosion.

The brood commander's whopping 60% durability on its "non-vital braincase" means that it takes a 40:60 split between its baseline damage and its durable damage. That totals to 184 damage. Just shy of the brood commander's 200 HP. But wait, explosions inflict 100% damage against vital targets and its 340 damage explosion should definitely push it over the finish line. EXCEPT IT IS IMMUNE TO EXPLOSIONS.

Fuck Alexus. Fuck Sweden.
wow, arrowhead added a countach but not the apc?
what a bunch of fags
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>soloing a d9 nuke nursery mission
>all side objectives clear, only 2 deaths, one more drill to go
>it bugs out and can't be activated.
Fucking hell man. What are these devs doing?
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>getting mad at a videogame
Anon who cares? It was just a random mission.
It happens all the time if you solo, it will happen again in a different setting and you will have to leave the mission again.
They'll fix it when they feel like it or figure out the issue, which might mean: never.
You getting emotional will only hurt you and do nothing else.
Here's How Wasat Can Still Be Defended
The concept that any single enemy is "explosion immune" is ridiculous. Might as well have dragons and Goku appear while we're at it.
It's to stop explosive weapons from being absurdly superior to non-explosive options. If it didn't exist explosive weapons would be dealing their damage half a dozen to a dozen times over compared to non-explosive weapons
>enter mission
>quit game, even if im almost at the extract
my motivation to play this game is at an all time low
>Quickplay bots
>Honest to god drooling sheep for teammates
>Unable to kite my team mates are ground into paste under berserkers and gunships
>The deaths I have are from my un-wrangled tard's nuking me with strats
>Quickplay bugs
>Missions (without bile spewers) are completed at lightning pace
>Titans dying left and right
>Stalker's not even a threat
>More often than not deaths are from falling off cliffs while looking at the map

Bot Divers, you people are terrible at videogames
game so dead we don't even have a dedicated chartposter to tell us the game went sub 10k today
quit being autistic, retard
Swedes managed to ruin it. Its only going to get worse. Id quit right now if I were you and forget about this game getting back to where it was at release.
Bug front is so braindead even a monkey can perform properly, that's nothing new.

bot 9
Bug front is so easy, even the happy clappy mental retards can beat it at lightning pace.
>MO tells us that we've cleaved automaton forces in two and the isolated front are cut off from supplies and easy pickings
>They then start taking planets from us
I think this exemplifies the issue with the way the "story" is being told. Arrowhead establishes a setting and forces us to go along with it while completely ignoring their own rules to their own benefit.
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>Don't play for a month
>Decide to hop in
>Shoot a bug

Fine I didn't want to play anyway.
Left side of the bot front is cut of from the main right side. Leaving the left side without suply lines, making them easy picking.
So the right side tries to push through and reesteblish suply lines.
That all seems pretty in line, we effectifly set up a blockade. Now we need to actualy defend/enforce the blockade.
This shouldn't be news to you, how many times have we cut off planets from enemy lines and they kept their enemy regen intact? But now suddenly, after they take 10 planets, is that cuting them off from Cyberstan that causes them problems? Joel is a shit tier DM that railroads the story to suit his needs, player interaction amounts to dogpiling what planet they want us to take and god forbid you if you try to deviate from the script
We're going to get a bug MO next and the bots will take Matar Bay and Meissa during it. And X-45, too.
one of the most boring and dull feeling weapons in the game
Explains why the Pilestadt likes it so much. It's a reflection.
>It's to stop explosive weapons from being absurdly superior to non-explosive options.
Gee, almost like it's that way in real life for a reason.
lmfao cope
the fuck is there to cope about, nigger?
it feels like a fucking nerf gun with a speaker in it
it's halfway there with how good the sound of the weapon is but the other half (the impact) is objectively nonexistent
It's efficient, and efficiency equals fun.
wtf how did we complete that bot MO?
>carrying a 20mm rapid fire cannon on your shoulders is 'dull'
What a tranny you are
I, personally, am very good at this game
"Somehow, the bots lost."
It's the strongest support weapon bar none, the consensus is overwhelming
Your skill issues are what's to cope about
You're too inept to utilize the toppest of top tier weapons so you pretend it's by choice
Once we finished one planet the forces merged and sped through the remaining one, even then it was a close call
not having to fight against the enemy regen helped massively
did I say it's bad? no I didn't you illiterate niggermonkey, I said it doesn't *feel* good to use
I think a reason Malevelon Creek was so popular, outside of the honey moon phase + it being the player usual first automaton encounter, was that it was a consistent front.
It had time to cement itself into the player basis mind and was not traded hands all the time.
I think it only fell twice? once randomly and the other time during a story point.

The Bots front also suffers from a lack of mission types, there needs to be a more unique thing to do:
>Roving mega base/anti destroyer gunnery platform
>World War 1 Trench Clearing
>Random chance to Nuke the Extract pad requiring you to follow Pelican one to a second exit
>A Mission type where we have to land and secure/destroy a crashed Super Destroyer
>Civilian saving mission from an Abattoir
>Baiting mission where you trick as many robot onto a very defensible hill that totally is not 500tonnes of Hellbombs
that's what I'd say if I were too stupid to use an autocannon
Anon, if you think the bot front is repetitive, the bug front is even worse in terms of things to do. I would argue that the bugs desperately need more things to do on a mission-by-mission basis, and I'm primarily a botdiver.
>no jammer
>no mortar camp
>no eye of sauron fortress
>no giant command fortress
>no threatening air units
Instead, bugs give you such exciting things such as:
>a hole in the ground
>a hole in the ground that makes only a certain kind of bug
>a giant shroom
>a giant shroom that farts
>blow up the eggs on the surface
>blow up the eggs deep in the dirt (then why are there also eggs on the surface?!)
Wowee Arrowhead. I can tell you really, uh, thought about this. The bugs were supposed to at one point be a somewhat intelligent space race and this is all you can come up with for things to do?
I personally hate the slow reload gimmick once you empty it.
It's cool that it exists, but it makes the weapon feel like shit to me, because you are forced to only use the quick reload and it can be awkward at times.
Where is the stupid MO Swedes?
They can have the Ymir Sector, but they're not getting Matar Bay until we've taken the Trigon sector back
Don't forget Flying bugs that die to one bullet
imagine how much salt buggers would pour if they got equivalents to factory striders and gunships
>The bugs were supposed to at one point be a somewhat intelligent space race
To be fair we probably eradicated the smart ones and kept the dumb ones, like taking wolves and killing the rebellious ones to get the dogs we have today
>Don't forget Flying bugs that die to one bullet
Flying bugs that kamikaze dive a mech walking at a brisk pace and die (it is kind of funny).
My headcanon is that the queens are supposed to have all the brains but got lobotomized before being abducted from their homeworld and transplanted onto E710 farms
still going?
Did the bugs ever had something like a queen? As far as leadership goes I thought all they had was a Hive Lord - those giant wormy guys that totally aren't a reference to Dune, and instead they just pop out from spores kind of like 40k Orks.
no its dead
I find stalkers to be the coolest/most interesting/ most fun thing on the bug front.
They are somewhat threatening and very unique with their invisibility.
i like that they dont behave like normal bugs and will back off and relocate only to pop back up again somewhere else
>still no new MO
Stalkers are the closest thing that bugs have to a gunship fab or an eye of sauron in terms of being an immediate threat that needs to be taken out ASAP. Love me some stalker bois.
On one hand, bots are just bullet sponges that slowly walk towards you and shoot while bugs actually have units that try to flank you or ambush you.
On the other, almost all the bugs do just the same but don't shoot at you.
Bots arent that tanky if you hit their weakspots. They have very good weakpoints except for maybe gunships.
Hulks can be destroyed through the eye or the vent if you can get behind them, same for tanks.
Striders got their belly or eye.
Devs and zerkers are realy weak if you can hit their face.
Meanwhile bugs just feel like the only stratagy is to magdump them. Also fuck spewer seeds.
>sweden summer
>how dare you want content?
>chud bigot
I'm thinking Super Earth is going to send us to Cyberstan, we take the one world in front of it, and BOOM Squids

I think Bug suffer a lot harder than i realize from the RNG seeds
>These Hunter Swarms would be doing nubers if they had a Charger or two here
>This Spewer Seed is making us was a lot of explosions on them but they have no commanders to push/summon
>whoops all chargers... and nothing else, this RR and Quaser will make this easy.

They could do with more danger for sure i think in the form of telegraphed/annouced threat
>Shreiker nest up?
>"Warning you are in range of enemy shreikers" a larger swarm pops out,going toward the current objective and despawns if not aggro'd
>Stalker nest up?
>"Warning you are in range of enemy stalkers" three stalkers beeline it for the host/highest level player
>Spore Spewer?
>Warnign yoou arr in range of enemy spores" and you get a short duration map block and spore fog on you.

I'm only mildly taking the piss with these but i hope i'm getting the idea across, their diversity lwould lead to a greater danger but they are often just too limited by seed and objectives
Stalkers are great, now that they fixed their invisibility making them more visible than if they left it off they're a genuine threat, especially on foggy worlds
Why is it a roll of the dice whether the game starts at 130 fps or 50
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bugs force you to play a certain way which is kind of annoying. you have to bring at least one good anti-armour stratagem in case a bile titan / behemoth spawns 50m behind you because you're literally not going to be able to kill them. you can get away with only running medium pen on bots which allows for much more build diversity.
>automationlike towers like the one eradicate mission
it's a destroyed air tower
>New MO
Did you fix that x4 kill counter multiplier yet swedes ?
Eradicate missions are the worst missions we have in the game right now
Here's the bug MO to ensure the bots can undo all progress made during the last three weeks.
God, the whole "kill X gajillion [faction]" MOs are so fucking lazy. Just straight up write in the MO box you don't give a shit already, it'd be more honest.
masterful gambit, Joel sama
You will fight over the same planets in an eternal stalemate and you will be happy
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I am way too busy this week for to participate .
>Don't forget Flying bugs that die to one bullet
>Rover, Z key
henlo helldudes
which is the least pissfog-drenched superAIDS planet to dive on right now?
>1 billion bug deaths
>at 20000 players everyone needs to kill 50k bugs
>That's around 10-12 missions
>You have 4 days, so 3 mission (an op) a day
It's doable. If the multiplier bug persists considerably more
Probably Estanu and Crimsica are the least foggy I think, if that's all we're going by.
good job divers
There's a Joeltiplier in place so don't sweat it.
We don't know that, anon. It's very possible that the Swedes have broken their government mandated vacation and are diligently working on fixing all the bugs and stability issues that plague the game at this very moment
Fucking kek. Very good, anon. Very very good.
>just got 'doing your part trophy'
>"complete 100 missions"
>only 27% of all players have this
I have a steam friend who barely got to getting a trophy for simply doing a night mission and for fully customizing the helldiver, and then he's never played since.
>you can get away with only running medium pen on bots which allows for much more build diversity.
not true at all, medium pen may hurt gunships but their engines are 100% durable so you have to bring either an explosive or an HMG to deal enough damage to kill them reliably. so the same stratagems that are not viable against bugs are also not viable against bots, except with bugs you can bring stuff like the railcannon, OPS and eagle 500kg to deal with bile titans and chargers, but there is no stratagem to deal with gunships.

I have no clue where this perception that there's greater build diversity of viable builds against bots come from but it's the biggest bullshit ever, I would rather be stuck having to shoot a charger in the ass than having to try to shoot 4 gunships in their engines with something like the MMG or scorcher because I didn't bring one of the weapons capable of reliably killing them (the hmg AC or LC, AMR kinda sucks at it)
>"joel what's the playerbase going to do for the next week"
>"joel come on we need a new major order, this is a live service game"
>"joel? anything?"
>"th-they have to...k-kill a lot of terminids..."
>"goddamn it joel. fine."
>I personally hate the slow reload gimmick once you empty it.
you are using it wrong
tranny game
Steam trophy statistics are all grim
Even in super popular single players game it's stuff like
>85% players got the "Finish Chapter 1" Trophy
>60% got the "Indicative of the game's midpoint" triphy
>30% reached the final chapter
It just means you have to manage your ammo a bit and get rewarded with a super fast reload. It's actually one of the things I like about the AC, it rewards your for not just mindlessly emptying it.
Trophy hunting aside (since they truly do not matter), it just shows you how much your average person just does not give a shit about doing much of anything, honestly. Spend your money, play something, never finish it, just meander over to the next product to sort of halfway consume and repeat. Assuming you don't outright hate the game, god forbid you fucking finish something.
do people just buy the games an then never play them? Shameful display
>bug MO
>every single squad I join out of over 20 squads is just spamming eradicate missions for some reason
>get friendly fired at least 3 times each mission

I seriously hate playing with bugger retards holy shit. It’s like a completely different game.
I really don't understand it. Unless the game is active garbage I will finish it once since I paid for the thing
I have a lot of games on Steam that I have never played, but they're either games that were temporarily free and I grabbed them or games in very cheap bundles that I played one or two games from in other plataforms so I bought them on Steam
They usually don't have trophies though
>kill 1 billion bugs
this is such a gay MO
It could be a great MO if they added a new mission with 4 squads of hell divers. Imagine 16 divers dedicated to holding a fort or fighting wave after wave of bugs or bots. Swedes just hate fun.
I feel a lot of people either 1) are allegedly a "gamer" and only buy the game because they're "supposed" to get it due to its popularity, or 2) they have nothing else to spend money on (god forbid you look inside yourself and decide what your ACTUAL interests are) and decide they might as well get the game
>bug missions
>all the fags who normally run shields are running rovers
>beams constantly hitting people from behind
I know people hate shields but at least shields don't teamkill
the game would probably crash and delete itself with five helldivers, nevermind 16
No, I'm using it right.
I'm just saying that getting punished for magdumping is stupid.
Firing 5 shots and reloading is stupid.
Firing 9 shots and reloading then 1 shot and reloading back to 10 is silly.
Firing any sequence of shots that always keeps you at more than 1 shot before reloading is boring.
Shooting at nothing just so you can reload an acceptable number of shots when not in combat for optimal ammo management is stupid.
It's not a reward, it's just an extremely minor inconvenience that makes the gun feel bad because you are constantly reloading it to not get punished by the slow reload.
If the slow reload was in by default and you could do some animation cancels like for RR and Spear to speed the reloads up then it would feel fun.
The way it is now it just makes the gun feel bad.
You aren't the one dictating the rhythm of the weapon, it's the autocannon dictating what you have to do at all times.
And let's not pretend that ammo management is an issue when you can just fill it back up to full with random ammo packs or a single resupply pod.
Also the fast reload isn't even super fast, it's slow. You have to stand still for a second and a half instead of 5 seconds or whatever the long reload time is. Both reloads are slow, so reloading feels like ass no matter what.
you HAVE to play your back catalog anon
One of those games might inspire you
People buy games like how they used to buy comics, books or magazines. The only difference is people back then had the attention spans to actually sit down and read those.
Regarding reloads, how about this. If you completely empty the magazine of your gun and you reload, you get the Gears of War style minigame where if you press the button at the right time you get a faster reload, otherwise it's the default slow reload from mag dumping? That way you're TECHNICALLY not punished.
I feel like one might liken it to those people collecting hordes and hordes of soulless funkopops. They sit in their boxes and line an entire wall, just there. Never used. Why do they get more? Simply because.
I was thinking more of the lines of
>10 secs of hp and stamina regen
>be reckless and go into advantageous positions under fire, lightning fast and shoot
While it can get you out of a bad situation, it'll be flexible enough to use to go offensive and attack without worrying about the costs.
>you get the Gears of War style minigame where if you press the button at the right time you get a faster reload, otherwise it's the default slow reload from mag dumping? That way you're TECHNICALLY not punished.
Just let me reload the damn thing while moving and blow up the gun and kill me if I magdump and reload.
Best way to kill AT-ATs with the LC? Do I just snipe down the eye? Knowing the LC going for the belly probably takes way too long to survive.
Yes, I bring a laser rover to deal with the chaff you can't be bothered to kill
Yes, it'll hit you because you're letting hunters and scavs jump you
Yes, it's your fault for getting close to me
Depends on the situation.
Sometimes you want to remove the chinguns.
Sometimes you can just go for the eye, sometimes you can go for the belly.
The only two weakspots that matter are eye and belly anyway.
Belly is faster, eye is safer.
>there is no stratagem to deal with gunships
>rocket sentry, ac sentry, hmg emplacement
I guess you meant no red stratagem, wich is fair.
But gunships are a modifier, so you know to expect them. unlike say, bilespewer seeds.
Or they are spawned from a factory wich has you fight maybe 6 gunships on avarage before its dealt with, in wich case a single teammate with an ac or even a hmg emplacement can deal with it.
I genuinely don't understand the hatred the shield has over here
I dunno if it's universal or not cause I don't really visit any other gaming related sites, but it smacks of contrarianism to me, it's a very solid choice of strat, it protects you from a good amount of hits, regenerates by itself, has unlimited call ins
It's literally a lifesaver in most cases
If I cannot kill every single enemy in a mission with my dagger laser pistol with ease, then the enemies are too hard. No, I will not explain myself. *sniffs Alexsus-y*
Why does no one tag actually important enemies that can be hard to see like devastators and chargers? I know there's a fucking BT over there already
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I haven't played for 3 days and I don't think I'm coming back. Bye guys, see you on the other side when Space Marine 2 comes out.
The real question is how the fuck are chargers silent? I got stealth killed by once once, pissed me off to no end
>how the fuck are chargers silent
"Somehow, the armored hulking behemoths evolved to be silent. But that's a story for another time."
Shield is very mid and more importantly, not that fun.
Jumpack lets you zoom around doing cool moves.
Suply pack lets you be very liberal with resources. Magdumping guns, tossing nades like a loose cannon and ODing on stims.and using it on teammates makes them say thank you :)
Ballistic shield makes you feel like a juggernaught (if only its collision wasnt bugged)
Rovers kill shit wich is just effective, if not always as fun.
Shields main use is its no knockdown/slow, but it only works while its active so...
Personally I think I'm just gonna go back to my Touhou deckbuilder game on Steam for now until something new happens. I've put in several hundred hours in the game, but I think I'm a bit burnt out, brothers. The endgame bosses in my deckbuilder game are cheap, but at least you know what to expect ahead of time.
everyone go to choohe plz
>Touhou deckbuilder game on Steam
gib name pls
I personally thought the same when Erdtree came out, then I fell right back into the trap of playing this kusoge.
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Bugs 9, Acamar IV

We'll do one OP and then I'll hand it over to someone else so I can go prepare to be a good wagie tomorrow. So join fast!
Touhou Lost Branch of Legend. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1140150/Touhou_Lost_Branch_of_Legend/

Although it's in early access, I will say that the game is genuinely about 85-90% done (it's just missing a few pieces of replacement dialogue for a placeholder here or there, and a single playable character). But everything else is there, you can play with four characters in full already, each with at least two different playstyles in terms of how you want to build your deck. Music as always is good. Devs are steadfast in trying to patch the game in the meantime if anything is wrong, and their balance decisions are actually fair (unlike a certain Swedish game company we all know).
Shield it's fantastic, it may be bo fun by itself but it's fun factor is the highest because it often stops you from being ragdolled, slowed or hit by something that doesn't match it's model, which is the most anti-fun thing in the game
Its better on bugs, on bots its not that good becouse it sucks up stray fire that would have missed you, leaving you open to knockdowns.
And on bugs its biggest use is stopping slow/chip damage from litle jumpy boys.
I personally rather take another stratagem over the shield. But i skip backpack/support stratagems alot and just ask a teammate for one later.
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Thanks, I'll check it out
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I keep imagining the orbital laser is just eggmans super laser piss
imagining not running a build that can deal with every threat because randoms are useless
but sometimes I just wanna have fun with my spear
>Its better on bugs, on bots its not that good becouse it sucks up stray fire that would have missed you, leaving you open to knockdowns.
That's true, the AC being the best support also means you won't be taking it often
>But i skip backpack/support stratagems alot and just ask a teammate for one later.
Friendship is truly humanity's greatest strength
adjudicator spear for bugs
DCS and LC or AC for bots is what I've been locked in to lately both of these builds can deal with every enemy of their assigned faction.
I just feel like its kind of irrelevant
on bugs just wear medium armor, or better yet the light armor with 100 rating and literally nothing can catch you
On bots too many rockets whizz by you it ends up depleted in just two that would have missed you anyway.
Feeling you, the game is fun but it can run stale quickly.
I'm meant to play Genshin and continue the story but then I feel the need to numb my thoughts by shooting stuff on Helldivers, which isn't always rewarding as I hope it to be.
Heckguys 2 is very fun when it works, but between the constant connection issues, performance problems, terminals breaking sometimes and random crashes I just can't really enjoy it right now.
Which is extra weird because it ran very well after the big cooking patch and then got worse and more unstable with every new patch.
..... is a shamelessly bad rip off of this game and the art assets genuinely look sad.
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>I'm meant to play Genshin
wtf I started playing zzz after burning out on helldivers
its honestly fucking grim when chinese gacha slop is perfectly polished with almost no bugs and not an actual game
Your gay meeting is in 1 hour.
>chinese gacha slop is perfectly polished with almost no bugs
something something the joke writes itself
>Friendship is truly humanity's greatest strength
This is why shield relay is good vs bots while shieldpack will always be mid.
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lmfao, nice one anon
will probably come back to hd2 when I hit a paywall, whinny the poo is getting nothing from me
Did they increase the bug spawns for the MO? I just ran a solo 6 for a 'warmup' and came out with 800 fucking kills.
Those devs really missed the boat huh.
Yeah it's a game that works and is fun but sometimes it feels the complete opposite, for example the samples grind doesn't feel justified with the small bonuses (and the grind isn't justified anyway), while there is still so much work to do with balancing the game especially on the enemy units side.
It's ironic how people laugh at gachaslop but gachas are being surprisingly better than AAA produced games the latest years.
Personal note: I didn't like the gameplay from ZZZ just by looking at it, something about it doesn't amuse me. Meanwhile I'm liking the story from Genshin and my wives are there so I have reasons to play it.
I agree. I'll come back to HD2 after a while, but for now I'm just going to go back to drawing. At least there I can choose what I draw.
It wasn't always the smoothest, but it was fun.
Maybe we'll match up again tomorrow or some other day.
haven't played for a bit, how are the swedes holding up?
Still on vacation for anothe 3 weeks
>Wasat has the standard 1% decay rate
Joel's cooking is getting stale.
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Reminder to validate your files before you play.
inb4 we lose all progress on bot front.
Why? I don't do this and don't have performance or crashing problems. Maybe you're blaming validation on the fact you have a shit PC
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>tfw when going to be selling my soul to the chinese soon
how did it get like this
>Infinite hellpod loop
I should have listened senpai
I AM the guy dealing with them, but how can I help others if they don't tag what are they even fighting or what needs to be killed?
A good example is Stalkers, everyone tags them so everyone knows what to expect, why don't they bother with Chargers and Devastators?
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>chill out on a d7 before bed last night
>pic rel
Man that would have really sucked without the free mech, considering nobody else made any effort to find the nests.
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>great mines have been stripped bare of valuable ore, that could have become home for colonists or piccolos for patriotic teens
they mentioned you, flutey. they heard you throughout the galaxy
Any sissies want me to start a lobby?
Progress doesn't ever stay for longer than a month. Joel is a retarded DM and he changed the mechanics to fuck over botside to the point that 0 liberations or defenses succeed without MOdiver support.
i dont mark devastators unless they are on the flank/have not been noticed by teammates yet but ill mark everything else unless they are painfully obvious or im killing them before it matters.
i think a lot of players are just thoughtless and they are used to playing with thoughtless people so why bother when nobody is going to help you anyway?.
0 (zero) unique events on the bot front
Accept it botfags, bugdivers are the protagonists of the game
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piccolos for patriotic teens
botsissy here, yes
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D9 bot
D9 bugs
What's your problem?
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>autocannon PO
>sucks absolute chode at killing things
>can't pen chargers
>can't pen BT's
>constant reload required
Sadness. Misery, if you will.
If you're gone use on bugs you need stuns
holy shit we ded
>samples get dropped anywhere between 5 to 25 feet in an unreachable place
It's one of the most infuriating bullshits I've ever seen in a game, it's almost as if it's deliberately designed to piss you off
viper just for the experimental booster alone
This game isn't inclusive enough. Why aren't there manlet and lanklet divers?
>Triangle Strategy
>Resident 2 and 4 remakes
>Death Stranding
Yeah, i think i can survive the summer break.
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Bugs 9. No orbital scatter, only shriekers/fluctuation.
Devastators are common chaff enemies. Pinging them is a waste of time.
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>yOuR pC iS sHiT
>Steam direct download
Simmer down, Idiot-kun
I honestly never play bugs, feels like there's way more bullshit on the bugs' side than on bots
>BT vomit hits you from another zip code
>Stalker lairs seem to be more numerous than regular bugholes
>chargers defy all physics and make sentries a risky choice
>teammates IQ is equivalent to the bugs
Fixing and manning your Super Destroyer
Guarding important people
All of us are purpose-built, we aren't that different from the bugs and the bots on that regard
>Sentrytard talking about someone else's IQ
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3/4, d9 bugdive
If you think a litle about placement (throw it ahead and to the side most the time) sentries become realy good.
There's bullshit on both fronts, it's just that playing one faction means you get used to one
The egregious shit isn't really factions specific as muchas it's the way the shitty code worsens the situation
The problem is that it feels like chargers will spawn and make a beeline for your sentries (ignoring EVERY SINGLE OTHER THREAT from Super Earth forces on the way) just as a special "fuck you" from the game. The only thing that comes close on the bot side is gunships targeting hellbombs.
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Another victory for the right side of history.
You're placing sentries while chargers and hunters exists bro
Still free? Don't make me boot up the game only to read session full
Biggest difference between bots and bugs for me is their range. Bugs is easier simply because you can kite them but its the opposite for bots since they can damage you from afar so it becomes a game of who can shoot the other first. You get some breathing room if you can run from bugs and confront them when you are safe to. Against bots, you better hope you have enough cover or else if you get flanked out in the open from two sides, you're screwed. Sometimes you can clear them out with eagles or sentries but the moment you get juggled in the air you're exposed to bot bs.
I feel like bots are dealt with primary and support weapon fire where as for bugs you need some kind of red stratagem to help you out
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leandivers want to be close
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this thing killed me three times, but it's my fault for walking into it again and again
Super Earth is a paradise and only gays disagree.
>le take cover faction
>literally no shooting from cover mechanics
thanks for the games, bugs suck dick though.
>he doesnt play as a bulky dude for all armors unless his viper commando armor is some sort of brown so he switches the diver to a lean female diver for military chocowaifu until enough deaths happen that he gets the white skin color spawn again and then setting things back to bulky male diver
Tsk tsk tsk.
don't listen to this guy >>487104787
shield and rover are noob shit, you're going to carry a supply pack and like it
Any sissies for a lobby?
the ministry of melanin has decided your fate anon, do not question it.
Imagine whining about video game skin color on an expendable character
That pic makes me really mad that the Stalwart is the only MG to really let you life the MGfantasy with its bottomless magazine and low recoil
The normal MG has such a small mag and heavy recoil that you need to fire in short bursts and the HMG is even worse
I hope when the bugs "get more aggressive" that they just start steamrolling until they reach the Orion Sector, maybe we can play on some fresher planets
>negro worship
Fucking lmao
>there are some anons who whine about skin color, meanwhile when the dice roll gives me a black skin I wish I could make my black dude look gigaswole like >>487197451
Life is so unfair.
>able to pick a specific voice
>able to pick body type
why should skin color be any different
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we need Super-Brawny asap
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>more brown
Lmao bro what does that even mean? Come on, now.
My Helldivers are all clones of the same guy, who, like all war heroes, is white
I just wish to be grossly swole, while holding the big guns and mowing shit down while yelling. Minigun with backpack attachment WHEN.
i can do a few missions but only if we hug first :)
Any bug lobbies?

D9 bugs i guess
I didn't vote for this Ministry
Of course you did. Your vote was managed democratically.
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3/4, join, thats a threat >:(
>more negro worship
Expected from someone like you.
>my cuck vote is the same as yours
Citizen to be executed for weakness.
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Finally, a good post.
terrible post, kys
built for oviposition
>being this womanly
Why do you feel called out? You do this to yourself.
>trolls try to troll
>gets trolled instead
It's just what you get for pretending you're high test
A medium post. Lukewarm.
All (You), btw
>after bombing all of africa, the middle east, and south east asia
have sex, incel
Just don't feel called out when the words "you're not high test" amd "womanly" are mentioned. I don't think they were even directed at you, but you made it so now lmao.
Okay, but that won't help you in any way. Stop being a woman about things and think for once.
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>think back to my old posts about wanting the Anti-Tank Mines if they would be good at killing Devastators and bigger
>realize now that they would be shit because Devastator spam is so pervasive at D9 that you could never get enough kills on a mine drop to make it worth carrying
KEK low IQ trolls
It's not a feels like, I've seen on multiple occasions a charger run past a player to go slap it's fat ass on a sentry, it's got to be a hard coded behavior.
And here we see the average botdiver, whining about bugs
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gamer mines in general do not fit the pace of this game
you could argue fire mines at low bugs at best
you move from place to place at a wicked pace and should ideally never need to retrace your steps.

On defence missions sure (you would just take an eagle strat instead) but the cooldown is simply too restrictive
They need a short cooldown or a charge system that builds up to three or so
I love this game and wish it was doing better :(

my wife
E1 E1 E1

they had 400,000 players that one time...
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there we go, fixed her for you, now she fits in with the rest of the ship crew
She cute
Can I get her feet pictures?
Orange cream ice cream
Delicious orange-chocolate cookie
Disgusting dog rat. Kys.
I fucking LOVE her
Now shave her head to complete the baboonery.
Whole milk or choccy idc
>this many people hating military choco tomboy
I bet you people hated Casca too. If it's that much of an issue just photoshop her hair brown.
All they have to do is make it an Eagle strat
I'm pretty sure I saw a white guy down at the deck once
thank you for reporting this bug, we'll prioritize it over the september content drop, this may delay it slightly
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Any lobbies?
Goddamn, I love Hitomi so much it's unreal
The traitor mechanic doesn't really make sense
The Super Destroyers ARE ours, we can choose where we go and we're paying for all of it, we can even train OUR crew
So why the hell the idiot on board snitches on us after only TEN seconds? The most he should be able to do is demand the crew stop assisting us
>The most he should be able to do is demand the crew stop assisting us
It's not our crew, it's his. The democracy officer just lets us think we're in charge.
The Democracy Officer is not part of the Ministry of Defense but the Ministry of Truth.
Not every Helldiver is as based as our player controlled mooks and i bet THOUSANDS run
But Helldivers don't run, Helldivers stand and fight for Freedom, that Narrative cannot change because it's the Truth.
By leaving the area you are Challenging Truth which might have roll on effects, so you are Branded a Traitor so there can no "I was a Helldiver but I ran" stories.
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The crew in HD2 are way more brainwashed than the ones in HD1. Everyone crew member has the military buzzcut and never has any doubts. In HD1, our scientist has long hair and all the NPCs have lines that express doubts or question SE like cynical veterans. Even our Helldiver voices are young kids that drank the kool aid instead of the grizzled veterans you hear in HD1.
Is there a mod yet to replace the voices with the HD1 voices? I want to sound like a clone trooper.
>The Super Destroyers ARE ours
>He didn't read the fine print on the plaque when you picked up his cape.
The Super Destroyer is only yours until you die or betray Super Earth's cause.
>>He didn't read the fine print on the plaque when you picked up his cape.
Bro... reading the fine print is clause for immediate execution
Democracy Officer? Yes this man right here.
>The Super Destroyers ARE ours
the first crewman you talk to is literally called the ship master
>The Super Destroyers ARE ours
>he doesn't know
I thought so too at first but he's not actual military, not even the SS could order a Wehrmacht soldier around. Hell, he even complains if we aren't doing the MO, meaning he has no real power while we're on board

But she's part of our crew, it's the DO that brands us as a traitor
Anon, she even congratulates you on completing your training like you're a lvl 1 cadet even if your particular helldiver has survived several diff 9 campaigns in a row. You go through so many helldivers that you all blend together into a blur that walks past her down the corridor. Not to mention you don't get to override a reinforcement budget. Once you're out, you have to wait for them to approve of a new helldiver. And you still think you're in command?
>Reinforcement budget
It makes perfect sense, same with the stratagem limits
>No Super Destroyer should be able to empty its reserves of Helldivers on a single mission, for security reasons
>No Helldiver should be allotted the entirety of the Super Destroyer arsenal at once, every stratagem should be approved for use (cooldowns), for security reasons
Same way a real life military isn't allowed to use nukes
>meaning he has no real power while we're on board
He's a commissar from 40k. They aren't Imperial Guard, technically Officio Prefectus, but they'll still shoot you or take command if the person in charge is compromised. The democracy officer works for the Ministry of Truth. They are the supreme authority on the ship whether they're "technically" in the chain of command or not.
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>1.3 The Services shall be performed by the Enlisted at locations identified by (i) The Enlister (ii) The Authorized Command Structure. In order to enable the completion of the Services in an efficient and timely manner, the Enlisted will be entrusted with the command of a Class 6 "Super Destroyer" Series Crewed Interplanetary Combat Vessel (hereby referred to as "The Super Destroyer") Upon the Termination of the Contract of the Enlisted (refer to Section 5, TERMINATION), command of this Super Destroyer will be transferred to the next eligible Enlisted in the order designated by (i) the serving Ship Master, (ii) The Enlister, (iii) the Authorized Command Structure, (iv) Accredited representatives of the parties listed in clauses 1.3.i - 1.3.iii.
>(ii) The Enlisted expresses seditious, dangerous, or Traitorous thoughts, opinions, actions or sentiments.
Seems like the Democracy Officer terminates our contract and makes the Ship Master/next Helldiver in line open fire on us
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>another bug filler MO
Oh look a lobby. 9 bugz. Join and be doxed.

Just reply to me next time. I love both images. Just stop being so womanly and fragile about things. Did I offend you by not being womanly or something? Fucking lmao, girl.
>kill 1 billion bugs for le science
we've already killed tens of billions of bugs already, what could they possibly glean from 1 billion more? Its definitely not going to be new content. I'd rather we have bot MOs or no MOs at all if they're going to do this low effort shit
>troll gets actuallly angry
>tries to troll
>gets trolled instead
/hdg/ is the only place where I see this happening
Back to scouting for Stalkers schizodiver
trying to discover if bugs can supply the necessary volatile chemicals required to produce anti-tank mines
>oh, now I must be on topic!
Fucking lmao. Did that hurt your pride? What pride, though? Think about that, girl, as you get some vagisil.
>nerd troll bullying time
I'm in.

Faggot nerd. Bots and bugs are both good. Stop trying to fit in for oncr and br your own person. OH WAIT YOU CAN'T BECAUSE YOU'RE WOMANLY LMAO
They're literal fuel anon, we'll keep killing billions more
Nice. I like it.
Hello vagisildiver.
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>Not knowing what a Master Sergeant is

I am in command. I decide where the ship goes, what missions I do, whether to do the MO or not, what upgrades it gets, where it fires orbitals, which hole I use on Eagle 1's body. I rank up through officer ranks, "cheif, commander, admiral, etc..."

The "ship master" is an NCO. He is in charge of the crew, maintenance, and other lame enlisted peasant shit
Niggerdivers to hellpods, repeat, niggerdivers to hellpods.
It's different in the navy. The ship master is the person who owns, or represents the owner, of the ship
Don't forget your vagisil, girl. You'll need it.
The navy is for faggots. And the swedes wouldn't get it right anyway.
>represents the owner
Like a senior NCO or executive officer (not in charge) ... got it
Why are there 2000 dumbfuckers on Aeesir pass when it has a non-zero regen?
No man tells other man to take meds. Unless you're actually vagisildiver!
2.5k, even
I don't get it either Wasat is at 0%, so are Vega Bay and Vandalon
Let them keep the Pass for now
Very excited to see /hdg/ finally earn its first schizophrenic poster. It can now finally be called a real general.
Pretty sure ritual posters count as schizos
>free mech yesterday
>free rail cannon today
I enjoy these free strats which allows us to experiment with new elements and also make a more enjoyable experience i matches
Thank, Arrowhead that's very nice and competent of you, something I thought I'd never write
We've had some schizos come and go. I do miss the player count schizo though.
The game feels like its dead. Where did the warbonds and regular updates go?
Sweden went on their 3rd vacation period for the day
Who, vagisildiver? He's no schizo. He's just a pussy.
(You) asked for them to be less frequent! You voted and we listened! This cannot be undone!

(You) the warbonds were shit and wanted them to cook more!
>Trooncord poll asking whether you prefer Eagle or Orbital stratagems
>Eagle is winning by a landslide
>mfw they'll nerf Eagle stratagems
Womanly bad thoughts.
think it's more likely piledriver puts in some more orbital buffs
Anon... He's on vacations
>on trooncord


D9 maybe bot, maybe bugs, im gonna settle it with rock paper scissors
>not playing the superior charger, berserker, helldiver with only an AT weapon
>How dare you check the official communication channel
M200 would NEVER say that
I don't care about it making the game easier it feels so much more FUN with an extra stratagem.
Probably just a bone they throw out to make you think they're doing something.
So I got 22 of ship's modules and I wanted to know if the level 4 ones on the last two threes are worth it, "additional enemy" for arc weapons seems mega useless and 50% less damage for sentries just okay. They don't really improve on the ship's look either
Should I get them anyway of already go for the level 5s? And if so which?
Because decay rates are not visible in-game. Also, there are lore-players who want to retake it because it used to be one of the SEAF training facilities and because it's directly on the path towards Super Earth.
>"additional enemy" for arc weapons seems mega useless
as an arc enjoyer it helps mitigate the rate of fire nerf the arc thrower got and you do notice its effects.
Still, it's a lot of samples for two weapons
And personally I only used the arc once
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When I got into the game, it was during the time the robots were wiped off the map. So for a long time, I was just a bugdiver. So I'm trying to even the score. I'm trying to do my part, guys.
the reduced damage taken by sentries makes them a lot more durable in general, and the extra arc target is pretty alright. though thinking about it, i probably don't benefit from it because when i'm using arc throwers, i typically find them in the field, instead of bringing them as a strat.

pretty sure you're gonna need it anyways for the next tier of upgrades, and streamlined launch process is very good, especially if you like using EATs or commandos.
Well, the turret upgrades are definitely skip-worthy, but the upgrade after the Electric upgrade is a reduction in call down time for support weapons, all of them, and you definitely want that one
The sentry upgrades aren't all that useful, 90% of the time they either run out of ammo before they die, or they instantly die because a Charger or Bile Titan touches it or a Rocket Devastator looks at it funny. Resistance to explosive damage doesn't help a lot when it takes two instead of one salvo to kill it. The level 5 upgrade is currently bugged and isn't guaranteed to work (or in some cases even causes the mortar to stop firing at all).

The Arc Thrower upgrade is on the path to the support weapon deployment upgrade. That one can shave between two to four seconds off of support weapon drops, which makes a huge difference for EAT.
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Saars, pls do the needful and join the lobby, saar
I get there being no planets without an atmosphere on the map because any planet of worthy would be terraformed already but there really should be gas giant atmospheric refinement facilities
when are the devs off vacation?
I really hope they at least open a couple new sectors so we can fight more, have the Bots attack the Gellert Sector starting with the moon planet everyone loves and make the Bugs go to the Arturion or Borgus Sector
I bet there won't be any big content release until Liberty Day
September but they said they are taking longer for patches/Warbonds so expect new content by mid October. Near the end of October is when the Snowniggers go on their "winter vacation" so they will have to rush to push out new content by then or they don't do anything and we actually have to wait until next year for something. Reminder they already said "fuck you we're on vacation for the entire fucking summer" Arrowhead skipping out on everything until winter vacation is over by next year is a very real possibility
>have to rush
lmao, swiggers wouldn't understand the meaning of haste if you tattooed it to the inside of their eyelids
>asked how there's 0 reinforcements

the entire company isn't going on vacation all at the same time you know
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>Think there is a hacker in my game, since I see a guy fly across the map
>He dies from falling

Checks out. Just Arrowhead things.
Could have fooled me
>Probably frustrating mission
>Lost all your reinforcements for whatever reason be it being unlucky or just retarded
>Someone that just connected about to start whining
Yeah... I would have also kicked you, no offense
>lost 20 reinforcements to a bot extermination mission
>ask how

lmao, hope they failed it
>that means there are still people in the office and yet nothing is being done
That isn't the defense you think it is.
if it was bots, most likely that he was on top of a tank when it blew up, since the explosion force from that is absolutely hilarious (and does next to no damage). if it was bugs, might have been a glitchy BT corpse. physics bugs seem to have been getting more wild recently though.
Will they get rid of fucking fog already. This shit is so gay
>might have been a glitchy BT corpse
Usually those just turn me into chunky salsa rather than launch me.
Brap modifier, just for you, smelldiver
i'll be honest, typically BTs corpses are so stable on my end that i just climb over them when they're in the way, but i'm pretty sure i've seen a weebum of a guy getting yote by being near one. i also had a dev corpse pirouette under my feet and send me about fifteen feet in the air though.
workso n my machine too. I've had ghost htiboxes but never been flung or killed by them.
This, glitched BT corpses are fixed for me. Now we have charger movement glitches instead
I still step on devastor parts and get flung across the map
It was bots, so it could be possible. The only thing was we weren't engaged in fighting at the time, so I have no idea what it could have been.
Devastator corpse or dropship part
The science boys are trying to develop Termicide 2.0 and this probably helps with that.
rrright on target
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Don't ask questions, just do the generic filler MO.
Womanly, nagging men get kicked. Yes. And you got kicked.
Jesus Christ I hate hive guards so goddamn much in 250h of game I've beem killed by basically every single enemy unit except these stupid niggers they do nothing but waste my time and slow me down in doing objectives
I fucking loathe enemy units that do nothing but frustrate the players, I hope swedish faggot that put them in the game is stabbed and raped by a pack of muslims
t. incel breaker user
Um sir, your Adjudicator, your Slugger, your Scorcher, your Senator?
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The only time I ever have problem with these fuckers is when their heads are destroyed. No idea how destroying the fucking brain turns these assholes into necromorphs that attack faster and move faster.
skill issue
I always carry a grenade launcher. Great for both robots and bugs.
thats brood commanders im pretty sure, i feel like anytime i take a hiveguards head out they die
I think you meant brood commanders, and yes, they're lazily programmed to auto-track you at light speed when their head gets blown off.
Yes, it's still the best primary for bugs
All worse than the breaker for most things on the bug front
>never got killed
>skill issue
Then chargers become a problem
Run around them my low IQ brother in hell
>Run around them
Are you fighting on d4, it's more than 2
Anon... Kill the chaff and THEN run around them... They literally just bunker down and do nothing, they're even more useless than the scavs
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protip if you have the luxury to shoot three of their legs off brood commanders die instantly, satisfying to do with the punisher
I like the autocannon, but I like the jump pack even more.
i just run back where there aren't any enemies
Can't you just pop their heads? I do that
if you're going to stubbornly cling to your precious meta gun then you'll just have to learn to deal with it
dude just wear light armor and press w key for the entire match. bugs cant touch you, use the incel shitter and throw down the occasional strateshit for the armored units. simple
genuinely confused by the people who mainline increased reinforcements, especially after the team had less than five deaths
I don't know maybe they suck shit and need the extra 5 lives
>Shit, they already picked HSO, Vitality and Stamina
>Muscle to make being slowed less of a pain?
>Infusion to make the stims even better?
>UAV for more radar range?
>Fuck it, 4 more reinforcements
UAV is underrated imo, especially in all these piss fog and snowstorm planets.
wtf just pick the crack stims
pick localization confusion, nothing will go wrong
its so ambiguous as to what effect it even has on the mission
It's supposed to raise the minimum 'patrol spawn time' by like 20 or so seconds, but for the longest time it actually decreased it so patrols spawned faster than they should. Unsure if it's fixed yet
>X does thing
>>actually guys we messed up the code somehow so X is actually doing the opposite of thing
How is Sweden a real place?
Forgot about that one
Actually picked it on a bug exterminate mission and the game got pretty boring and didn't even spawn BTs
bug exterminations and bricks have been gutted pretty hard
they barely spawn any opponents, booster or not
I love fucking my team
How can you not understand that killing them isn't the problem, it's the fact that they spawn from holes I'm trying to blow up, that they hunker down while one of them summons more bugs, that they stand in front of terminals, all of that wastes my time
Incen avoids other annoyances
Nah, they didn't get gutted, our sentries and AT weapons got buffed enough and we learned to deal with extreme quantities of patrol bullshit
this is something i have felt lately too
you get your waves of breaches space so far apart and spawning so little you can just nuke eveything down in peace
meanwhile bot missions are unbroken waves of zerkes and hulks
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>brought it when it was 100% bugged
>d9 bots
>patrol spots me
>patrol calls a bot drop
>summons 3 dropships
>third dropship bot fires off a flare
>bot drop
It was hilariously fucked sometimes
there is no quicker way to dispose of hive guards, don't ask for solutions if you don't actually want em
>die one time in the previous run
>there's one other guy that died once
>"hm, yes, i need twelve times that many reinforcements instead of ten times."
just shoot them, the incel shots set them on fire through thier armor
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Taking off the two front claws is enough to kill hive guard.
And the durable damage to the face shreds them, he's 100% not getting close and not shooting fast enough
>ask for solutions
I wasn't
>Spaghetti code makes it so something that should help the team actively hurts it
Arrowhead, never change.
this guy is wrong, it doesn't and never did anything to patrol spawn times, it increases the minimum time between reinforcement calls by like 30%.
I'm pretty sure reinforcement calls use the same timer as patrol spawns, but maybe I'm wrong
they are two completely different systems
Enjoy taking 12 minutes to get through three hive guards then. Hope you'll encounter shitloads of spewers too.
aforementioned issue where the brood commander becomes insanely schizio-aggressive with a huge tracking and speed boost, usually mauling you at least once if you don't have a bunch of distance or something to shove it back, or if you can spare another 30 bullets on its thorax
do regular rovers still chew through ammo? Last time I used them they spent the majority of the time firing at shielded bodyparts, then ran out of ammo until I called a resupply pod
or just clock them in the head with a melee attack to stagger them out of their suicide run
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>swedecode decided you got mauled instead
maybe if its already on top of me but I find just backing off and shooting the legs with the punisher is easier and more satisfying
So... are throwing knives meant to be some kind of joke weapon? Because I ain't laughing.
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they are a meme, yes
I'd unironically use them if they had insane armor penetration, or applied a status affect to enemies it hit. Right now they're just 'silent weapon' meme
the best thing that they offer is being able to "penetrate" charger leg armor and damage the fleshy inner core, but it still takes like three knives to kill one
>We lose planets as we do mos, making the war endless
Truly we live in a society.
They can bounce and kill you, that's pretty funny
>MOniggers will still cope about how it matters
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>Joel how do we stop the bots front from collapsing before summer vacation is over?
>Are you sure that is enough?
>Give them the Rail Cannon for FREE
My favorite still has to be giving everyone flamethrowers on a firenado planet.
if you pick it as a stratagem, do you get two separate cooldowns?
I'm apparently too stupid to type out the code so out of the 5 missions I've played I haven't used it once
its kinda fun
>I came here to be a whiny little beta faggot
Go to reddit then. You belong there, femboy
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hellsisters... were eating good.
>teammates IQ is equivalent to the bugs
just went over to bugs after spending my first 50 hours with bots only and this is the only point I can agree with. had 2 teammates spend like 5 minutes and at least 2 reinforcements trying to suicide and throw reinforce over a wall when there was a path through less than 50 meters away
Yeah, that's their entire purpose in the game, to piss you off and force you to play around them. If you have to expend effort dealing with them, then it opens up opportunities for the other bug types to get the drop on you.

I used to run it regularly when I first got the booster and was still new-ish to D9, because I thought later-unlocked equipment = better, and I've had a few times where we only managed to successfully extract because of the extra reinforcements.
>500kg bomb lands directly on bile titans head
>decapitates it and kills it before the bomb explodes
>another bomb lands on another bile titans face
>shrugs it off
Good morning I hate sweden
known bug
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last-minute secret lobby 9 bots dropping in 15 min
Not really a problem as long as the MOs in particular are constantly focused around one MO instead of a back and forth process. When we had 3 or 4 MOs in a row against Bots to wipe them off the map it was done simply enough, outside of the retards that focused Creek because of tiktok memes.
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Why do the cool free strats always happen while I'm waging? This shit better still be going roughly 6 hours from now.

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