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bros 4 life
prev. >>487026778

HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter that sees players battling to win an interstellar struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. You are a Helldiver, a member of Super Earth's most elite fighting force. You and your squad choose to wage war on a number of contested planets, completing various objective-based missions within a procedurally generated area of operations. Each successful mission contributes to the complete liberation of that world, and ultimately, total strategic victory in the game's ever-evolving galactic campaign that doesn't really work, much like defending against this thread's subject.

HELLDIVERS 2 is available on Steam and PS5:

Released in 2015, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The most major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down, twin-stick shooter, neither of which are two words. You can expect similar gameplay between it and its sequel here in /hdg/.

HELLDIVERS is available on Steam, PS3, PS4, PS5, and PS Vita:






July 10th patch

LOL, your lobby got KEKED!
>last-minute secret lobby
>posted on bump limit pg 10
damn i thought it was gonna be a hit. and hey thanks for SPOILING THE SECRET dropping in 3 min
Posting your join link on Faceberg, brb.
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haven't played this game in a month and a half. are there any cool looking things on the horizon
It's Swedish summer vacation, why are you playing videogames?
No, but actually no.
not on the horizon but the commando rocket laundher and tier 5 ship upgrades just got added two-ish weeks ago
nice cow
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Yes there is Gamer
You remember that shit hole called Meridia we pranked by filling it full of Illuminate Juice?
Remember how afterwards no supply lines where connected to it?
Well this has happened since then.
Curious... I wonder what it could mean?
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Remember to thank your Democracy Officer for keeping Thought Criminals in-line
>Remember how afterwards no supply lines where connected to it?
Supply lines weren't added to the game until after it got black holed, you fucking idiot.
>tier 5 ship upgrades just got added
Two of which are S-tier, one A-tier, and the other two are F-tier.
Well sunshine if you where a fucking meta nigger like myself you would have seen on the 3rd party sites they where removed you double nigger
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>piccolos for patriotic teens
I just saw a Factory Strider tank two Raillcannon strikes + an Airstrike, is the Raillcannon weak or is the Factory Strider strong?
The answer is always: Sweden.
All the armor on the Factory Strider is on its back, the ideal strike against it is a 500kg on the ground right under it's chin or right along side the belly.
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>my favorite red pokeball, the orbital PLAPcannon strike, is free for all helldudes
>I'm stuck waging
Railcannon strike sucks ass against factory striders is what. You can do far more damage with just eagle airstrikes. One lined up to hit all its bombs from its front to back can potentially oneshot it.
Freedom's Flame warbond with fire resistant gear but we have no idea when that shit arrives
I shall now cry about energy weapons not having unsafe modes despite the railgun having one
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Why are there still "divers" that refuse to hold high ground choke points on bots eradicate missions? It always devolves into chaos if there isn't at least one other competent player that doesn't just cower in the corner of the map
Factory Striders are very tough if all you do is blast it with explosions without trying to aim for weak points. It's a bot, not a bug, it has stupidly heavy armor and loads of HP.

If you go for the head or the belly weak points with precision fire, you can kill it in seconds with an AP4 weapon.
It makes no sense to me either. Even back in the old L4D2 days everyone knew the old camping spots you'd go to back in Swamp Fever's finale map, yet I've been playing D9 for ages now in HD2 and I still don't come across randoms that have figured out the best camping spots on the bot eradicate missions. Some know, but most don't. Especially with regards to the one map with the large pit off the side of the extract zone, since most people just hang around on the extract zone itself instead of that raised area near the radar dish prop with the chest high walls that gives you high ground + a hidey hole safe zone.
>He plays the "Reinforcement Deployer" role
Unsafe mode should increase DPS, increase cooldown, run the battery dry faster, and if you expend a battery it explodes dealing a quarter damage and breaking an arm
I'd rather cry about how the Railgun's Unsafe mode is worthless in 80% of all use cases. And how the Railgun itself is worthless in 80% of all use cases.

Thinking back, was it really so bad that it could be used as an anti-tank weapon? 20 rounds that you have to reload each time you fire, it has a significantly slower rate of fire than the Autocannon. Yet the targets that the Railgun is good at killing, are also the same ones that the Autocannon can dispatch with ease. Imagine if a max charge Unsafe shot gave it triple or quadruple the durability damage of a Safe shot, it would be a decently serviceable anti-tank weapon that still can't put out damage fast because charging a shot takes time and leaves you vulnerable while also increasing the odds of your shot missing.

Perhaps it's not just the Railgun itself that needs a rework, but durability on certain enemies in general. There's no reason why Gunships, with how fast and deadly they are, should have so much durability that you need anti-tank weapons to properly kill them. And tanks in general should get a rework, make it more possible to disable their treads and give the turret some more interesting weak points other than the heat sink on the back. And don't even get me started on Bile Spewers.
>Thinking back, was it really so bad that it could be used as an anti-tank weapon?
But it was never a good anti-tank weapon. It took 10+ shots to kill bile titans. It only felt good against bile titans because of the ps5 host bug which effected all support weapons, not just the railgun. It was always shit against 100% durable parts and was never good against tanks or cannon towers.

It's actually better now than it ever was at killing bile titans because bile titan head durability got reduced by just 5%. It still strips charger legs in 2 shots and it kills them in 3 shots now. Behemoths take a ton of headshots to kill but the front legs are only a 3 shot strip, and the back legs are stil la 2 shot strip.
>fast and deadly
this is what non-ACers actually believe
>Thinking back, was it really so bad that it could be used as an anti-tank weapon?
yes? it invalidated every other stratagem weapon by a landslide while having ammo (re)supply to be a medium killer
sure it was mostly carried by the PS5 bug but that's what people think back when they want it back to its former glory
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This guy died hard but died trying to turn on the SEAF AA Battery
It was only good because of the stagger. You could safe mode damage anything and each shot would stagger which would give you long enough to hit reload and almost enough time to fire again. It was always the shitter's weapon. The shield+railgun meta was boring and not even optimal. The nerf was not needed in a balance sense but definitely needed to kill the meta and bring out more diversity in loadouts.
what happened here? could we get some teddy bears and letter blocks for some real environmental storytelling

-t todd
Considering the MO tells us to use various means, does anyone here like to share their quirky set-up to kill bugs ?
The "various means" is just them giving us free stratagems each day for variety.
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>Distribution stats says 16k, even though the stats on the bottom don't add up to that amount and are closer to 14k~ players online.
That's odd. That said, Steamcharts saying that about 10k players are playing it on PC means if this was a PS5 only release then this game would be DEAD as shit.
Oh, I just didn't refresh the page. This is more accurate.
4 orbitals and a scavenged support weapon
it's a nice simple skill test
The AMR you find might be good for this charger seed but you can make it work
You might luck out with a grenade launcher on a spewer seed.
You land on a god's damaged flamethrower minute 1
If the rate of decay stays constant we are looking at sub 10k daily peak at the next major content patch in two months
It will be funny to read the absolute COPE coming from the most fanatic of Arrowhead glazers when that happens too.
If were a dev at ah i would be absolutely pissed. 8 years of work and the studios best ruined because discord mods gaslit the community, half the office slacks off or sabotages the live builds and the studio going collectively awol for 3 months instead of shifting vacation to a more quiet time period.
If the shitshow since this game's release hasn't convinced them to clean out their desks and go look for greener pastures they fully deserve to share in the misery.
cam you at leqst stay on /v/ when you're already spamming the catalog there? we know you haven't played since the rail gun was nerfed and refuse to stop seething about it
what's the tactical advantage of a bot made of styrofoam?
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Bug 9, bot later
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Can't wait
>full in seven minutes
you niggas quick
Elaborate on which is which
Uh, it's called X now, sweaty
I dont want to chat, I want them to fix their fucking game
Honestly, I'd rather have something like a weekly blog on state of development or on since single issue or feature they're working on.
Knowing what the fuck is up with bile titans sometimes just ignoring damage would be interesting.
what I want to know is what the fuck is up with chargers. their list of bugs is more than any other

the leg armour desync bug
the flamethrower/knife projectile bug (yes these are two separate bugs)
the spin-in-place-while-stunned bug
stun-grenades stun duration overrides the orbital EMS stun duration
thermites behaving extremely inconsistent against them
showing they are on fire despite not taking any DoT damage
the super-slide bug after coming out of stun
the inexplicably fast waddle
and for behemoths it would be very nice to know if it's intended that their front legs take 2 shots or 1 shot
Clowning on devs is the best content this game has to offer
>the leg armour desync bug
unreliable and lag based, even then only happens from strange angles, never gonna see a fix
>the flamethrower/knife projectile bug (yes these are two separate bugs)
they are both special weapons made to pierce armor in a special way
>the spin-in-place-while-stunned bug
desync with host
>stun-grenades stun duration overrides the orbital EMS stun duration
not important
>thermites behaving extremely inconsistent against them
issue with thermites, they suck
>showing they are on fire despite not taking any DoT damage
it would take so long to burn DoT one to death that this is a non-issue
>the super-slide bug after coming out of stun
desync with host
>the inexplicably fast waddle
desync with host
>and for behemoths it would be very nice to know if it's intended that their front legs take 2 shots or 1 shot
Behemoths have more hp on all their parts, you can still 1 shot-armor-break a leg by walking forward while shooting EAT, makes it do just slightly more damage and enough to break armor
i really like this thing, but where do i shoot bile spewers? it took way too many to the head
>bile spewers
you don't, its armored to the gills and the parts that you're capable of damage are either tiny or have damage reduction
you either take a med pen weapon or a explosive weapon to deal with them
thanks, i'll just throw grenades at them
>they are both special weapons made to pierce armor in a special way
absolutely not intended behaviour. they don't pierce any other armour, not even similar overlapping armour hitboxes like bile titan legs
>>the spin-in-place-while-stunned bug
>desync with host
happens when solo
>not important
still a bug, annoying when it happens, and something that dimishes the value of orbital EMS which is already quite dimished
>issue with thermites, they suck
do you eve know how thermites function? they are consistent in 99% of other cases where they kill in the expected number of applications EXCEPT chargers where it takes anywhere between 2 to 6 grenades. It's entirely besides the point how good or bad thermites are, it's buggy behaviour and should be fixed.
>it would take so long to burn DoT one to death that this is a non-issue
still a bug. their main armour is too thick for fire DoT to even apply so they shouldn't get the fire effect
>Behemoths have more hp on all their parts, you can still 1 shot-armor-break a leg by walking forward
that's not the point. I want to know if, when they were changing the values, they did so with the intent to make it a guarantee 2 shot or did they intend to make it a guarantee 1 shot.

why are you even defending or trying to counterpoint this? it's just a list of bugs that are present, not an opinion
because you are seeking answers only a dev could provide on an anonymous Mongolian horse husbandry forum about a video game made in Sweden. The devs themselves will never read your text, and being swedish they likely do not know the reasons or solutions to the problems you've questioned.
maybe you should follow the reply chain instead of injecting your retarded shit in the middle of a conversation you didn't bother to get any context for
Get back to work you lazy fucking swedes.
Anon, shitposting with randos on discord for Swedes IS work. Besides, they've typed in chat for about 30 minutes, time for a govt mandated 2 hour break!
>pick shield for Geon Scan mission since it worked well previously
>a swarm of gunships shows up
>some guy calls in an emplacement
>decide to throw a shield near him so he can shoot the gunships down without being harmed
>beacon lands too close to the turret
>he jumps out and the shield crushes the emplacent
>get kicked before I can apologize
I know it was one of you fags because no one is autistic enough to run HMG Emplacement, I'm so fucking sorry
only a fag would instantly kick over having their encampment busted once
>D7 bot
>Die once to dumb shit (heavy dev)
>Teamkilled once
>Teammates apparently eating away tickets but I'm doing side obj's
>Chokepoint map
>Having to fight the most bots I've ever had to face ever
>Harder than d9 what the fuck tier
>Non stop chainsaw and jump fuckers trying to set me on fire, flame hulks, tanks. No striders, thankfully.
>Barely a moment to do anything but kill bots efficiently for 15 minutes straight because the patrol spawns are fucked
>6 mins left
>0 tickets
>Finally get a mortar objectives dead after 5 mins of non stop killing enemy spawns to get it
>Run to next base since if I circle around the giant pillar I can get both bot bases and samples dropped
>Teammates slowly die one by one unable to cope
>Nonstop train of enemies behind me from where my teammates died
>They respawn in the area choke so even if I kill them they'll be back in 30 seconds
>Respawn a teammate ahead of me
>He runs past behind me towards extract into the train
>I get trapped from 180 degrees of enemy spawns and the tail
>Running across an open field spamming stims and dives so I can circle to the extract and kite a ton of enemies that had me trapped, glad I have medic armor and supply pack
>Funnel the enemy train of 40+ enemies into a side passage so I can stun and pick off two of the flame hulks getting too close and they will shoot each other
>Continue picking off larger threats from the train behind me as I continue to circle a giant pillar to get the two bot bases left
>Respawn teammate
>He dies
>Fight my way into the extract, enemies in front, behind, fucking every corner I'm basically surviving on stims
>Start kiting around the extract, luckily one with tons of walls
>Kill about 4 more flame hulks and a shit ton of jumpy fucks in the meantime
>Turn corner
>Facing me
>Oh fuck
>Dive past its guns and run around it
>Kite 50 bots for 40s till extract
>All samples secured
650 kills vs 150 from the next highest teammate.
No wonder it was so difficult. Fuck.
>>Barely a moment to do anything but kill bots efficiently for 15 minutes straight because the patrol spawns are fucked
>>Chokepoint map
>>because the patrol spawns are fucked
you had the real answer and you didn't even realize it. there aren't increased patrol spawn rates, you're just getting all the patrols that do spawn because they have no other way to go or other place to spawn
the lobby is open again

I am aware. I have enough hours in the game to know the games spawns are difficult on chokepoint maps because of the fact that they have nowhere else to go anon, but I reached the post character limit.
I can manage dealing with it I only drop from d9 to d7 to chill, but the main issue really were the teammates that didn't kill anything.
Third party sites are not affiliated.
join the lobby
this is a threat
Do eet.
sorry, I'm just tired of seeing posts missattributing problems to the wrong things. on a re-read I understand that statements meaning
Odds I make/join a lobby
Evens I uninstall and play something else
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Welp bros, see you again in september.
>join eradicate mission
>get torn to shreds
>while waiting for reinforcement see my three faggot teammates camping up in a tower
>land up there
>shove them off the tower
Back into the fight sissies
Uninstal and play Darktide
>noone is autistic enough to run HMG emplacement
Anon, they literally talk about it as well on r*ddit. The emplacement mows almost everything down.
Uninstall. Start up Doom for one minute. Begin reinstallation process for HD2. There, you have technically fulfilled all requirements.
I haven't played Baldur's Gate 3 yet.
It is time.
See ya later plebbit bros.
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Difficulty 10 just got announced, confirmed even.
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I wish there was something similar to HMG emplacement to mow down hordes of chargers and titans. Like an anti-tank cannon emplacement. Pen 6, low-ish fire rate, low AoE, damage per shot similar to RR and EAT.

...okay thanks captcha I knew the answer already.
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>Difficulty Level 10
>New mission objectives
>Bigger enemy outposts
>New Bugs and Bots
>New environmental hazards


>difficulty 10
we're so fucking back
>little more than 2 weeks to finish BG3
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>a fucking ninja charger
Was the impaler always this fucking huge? holy shit
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>Johan saves HD2 again
>doesn't matter because the hype all died already
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>So we heard you liked rocket devastors...
>You'll love this next part
what the fuck are we getting then?
>Not even a day apart
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Sex with eagle 1
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>impaler to stop you from running away
Finally, making the game harder with better design instead of pointless number tuning
See you again in August, lmao.
>So we heard you liked taking autocannon on every bot mission...
It's going to be even more mandatory since it staggers scout striders no matter where you hit. And no doubt kills the rocket artillery real easy, too.
unless we also see an escalation on our end
>add an escort mission with the VIP being in the backpack slot
wont vehicles trivialize this?
There's other weapons that can kill a strider quickly from the front if you don't want to walk a few feet or pop it's head peeking over the top
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>special rewards for clearing the new super heavy outposts
Don't care, already one shotting them with eruptor
>new mechanic with acid storms on planet piss reduce armor for enemies and helldivers
I like how this sucks
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>Spore Charger
Okay so this confirms Nursing Titans, Bile Behemoths , Spore Stalkers
>"I'm ready to dive"
>"I'm reddit to die"
What did Johan mean by that?
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Bros... are these Hunter Killing Sniper Teams?
Chainsaws maybe?
The planets will still be total ass to play in but, similar to fire tornadoes, at least it adds some unique gameplay elements. Like AC/HMG becoming the god of bugs during the rain since you can plap charger and titan heads.
And here I thought we'd be waiting for the illuminate to return to the good old days of
>headshot from across the map by a guy you can't even see
>Explosive Primary, for example Scorcher
>Supply Pack
That's the build
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>bot anti-air doesn't shoot down the pelican that brings in exosuits
bot AA is such a half-baked shit objective (then again, 80% of this game is half-baked shit)
it's just a trivial version of the stratagem jammer that only affects eagles which are largely outclassed by orbitals anyway since they gave up on the idea of making eagles the instant-but-limited alternative for the formerly slower orbitals instead of making orbitals more worth the call-in time
why does it even exist anymore
why do a lot of things in this game even exist anymore
Patch today?
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These look like rifles
Eagles are better than orbitals
Aug 6
looks kind of like an anti helldiver unit maybe made out of brains they pry from dead ones?:
holy kino
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you can see them at the end of the trailer
It's a backpack so ACsissies are gonna be out of luck while flamerchads win again
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Oh dude sweet it's literally Body Blenders as the Robot grind people down into blood
>I hate the machine
>I hate the machine
>I hate the machine
>I hate the machine
Alas I can't see shit
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>all this new difficult shit
My days as a solo diver may be coming to an end
Honestly, the outposts should've been big as fuck to begin with.
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>super sample reward for new megaoutposts
I sleep.
>desync with host
So change the client to host data, jeez. You make it sound unfixable.
They aren't all using a single type of gun imo
this >>487277997 is clearly a sniper, while this is some shotgun or handgun
>brand new way to reduce POI SC spawns
Part of their "unannounced surprises" is going to be that the Peak Physique armors will not protect you from acid storms and you lose health directly.
Autocuck is shit against bugs.
This fucks over:
>resupply bros
But personally I don't care, I just want to kill everything with eagles and orbitals.
They look more like chainsaws, but it doesn't make sense to give it to trooper bots when they already got those nifty blades.

Seeing as they come in squads they are probably some sort of quick-response patrol.
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>"we've heard you want more mission variety, so we're bringing you a SSD delivery reskin"
>proceeds to fire once every few seconds
Damn, was really hoping to see some rocket barrage style shit but this is still cool I guess
This better have two firing modes:
>spammy long-range barrages
>short-range shotgun-style burst
Or else it's shit.
nah it should be easy pickings once you get close
Rocket barrages with AOE damage would instantly kill any Diver unless they used floor boobs to launch themselves away. This is just more balanced.
You can't really survive as infantry against a concentrated artillery strike.
It seems tailor made to force players out of low cover and trenches or craters. The projectiles are very slow and probably quite unlikely to hit you as long as you move.
Damn Niklas Malmborg looking juicy.
Hump me daddy.
No, it should fucking turn you into fine dust if you approach it from the front.
Automatons are people!
Shredder Tanks are already a thing.
thats dumb
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The Bots are using blood for fuel
Those crates of corpses where not for just general cleaning up fucking processing
I want to see big boom and people cry about it.
>coordinate and strategize
haha 380mm goes boom.
And Doomposters were saying nothing was coming until September, HA!
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>this changes literally nothing, the game is already dead
>they won't balance the weapons
>they won't give us tools to deal with new enemies
>super samples as a reward for D10 is a meme, everyone is already capped on Super Samples
>new missions are just reskins of old ones
so how many bugger only players are we going to lose once impalers start fucking them at range
Shredder tanks should block eagles in their radius
luv' me bugs
botfags can't compete
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It's going to be bugged and unplayable and you know it
>New mission type
>For bugs
>even though they've had 10 new mission types
>Bots new obj is just... LE BLOW UP THING
Botniggers... did we lose again?
you won't even be able to select difficulty 10 for two months
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>is a 5 seconds frame for no reason
This alone tells me that nobody watched the trailer.
Yeah, I'm thinking we're back.
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As was said they did not reveal everything
There might be a Warbond, a longer one like the start, and as for missions there is the gustav gun which is tied to a Bot ships exploding in low orbit which will be a fun mission type.
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>bigger bot outposts
More of this
I love swamps, but what am I supposed to be seeing here?
>making the detector tower less effective by giving approaching helldivers more cover
oh no the bots are retarded
>yet ANOTHER 'blow up x with hellbomb' objective
wow so cool
bots truly are the most fun faction!
>this changes literally nothing, the game is already dead
It'll definitely bring a player boost, by how much remains to be seen
>they won't balance the weapons
That's a given
>they won't give us tools to deal with new enemies
Unless they require something specific, what we've got should work
>super samples as a reward for D10 is a meme, everyone is already capped on Super Samples
Unless D10 gives a shitload of super samples, people won't be using it to farm, just for fun or challenge
>new missions are just reskins of old ones
Unironically looks to be that way
Stupid bots forgot to put turrets on their super outpost towers
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Uhhh anon this is a Blue board, please don't share NSFW links
I dont think Ive seen anything thatd improve or change the core gameplay loop, which is exactly what 90% of the players grew tired of
Damn srtaight dude they fucking are
can't wait till the squids too
I will hellbomb them
I will hellbomb bugs
I will hellbomb your mother
There will be DOZENS of team kills from this
My dad works at Arrowhead and he said the APC and Hoverbike are coming in this update, trust. JUST TWO MORE WEEKS
what do you want to do in an action game about murdering and blowing up shit? tiresome nigger
>It'll definitely bring a player boost
The majority of content will be enjoyed only by people that want more challenge at D10.
Everyone else will have little to look forward to.
Devs don't even play d9, I can't wait to see what they think d10 will be.
fifty brood commanders per patrol
lmfao are those just half life tentacles
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if it's not bullshit or just uncapped to CTD, I wonder what they did to up the unit cap for 10
>bugs have an escort mission now that dynamically calls reinforcements, making the pressure an escape run to evac
>bots have uhhh.. le blow up thing
>bugs have void jetpacks with new gameplay that you have to deliver and protect
>bots have.. le blow up thing
If you don't see where I'm going with this you're just low IQ
Come on, you'd have to be a complete retard to lock all new content behind the highest diffi-
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Once the Cyborgs start leading the Bots again it's fucking over for Super Earth
Splendid, more fodder for my MMG
>just turn difficulty down bro
>*literally experiences less content*
to be fair if the helldivers are already in your fortress you have worse things to worry about
Supply pack stim & run spam, peak helldiver gameplay
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I'm sure there is a reference here I'm just not getting
do people actually play like this
I realize now that the "bots are human or formerly human" theory is bullshit as I suspected. Bots use blood as fuel which is why we see blood on our armor when we kill them.
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>still no Squids
this better be a photoshop
Hot take, but I hope that we never get transport vehichles. Im fine with a slow combat focused vehichle lika a tank. but the maps are to small for vehichles to be balanced, they either trivialize moving around or will be to slow to be worth taking.
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Watch /coopg/ lobbies in two weeks turn D10 into trivial 0 deaths full clear shit.
Watch single autistic anons do the same but solo.
>malyutka strider
i love it
i love it so god damn much lads
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what if they DON'T increase the level cap?
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>"Five hundred hunters."
I’m excited for the new update, but I can feel it in my bones that it’s going to be a broken jankfest that breaks unrelated mechanics and they’re going to have to issue several hot fixes again. I want to be wrong, but given the time honored swigger tradition of never ever playing their own game for any reason whatsoever, I don’t see how it won’t release in a mostly broken state
I want bigger maps for the sole purpose of giving APC a proper playground
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Oh no yuzuanon. You see, this is what Joel wants you to think. Once the Bot assault has been completed, the Illuminate will appear through the black hole where Meridia once was and spread to the south of the galaxy, driving away attention from the Terminids.
>reddit tourists and /v/ermins crying
And water is wet.
>new missions, enemies, biomes and all that jazz somehow appear only on D10
A complete retard lmao
>difficulty 10
how long before people bitch that it's too hard and too many X or Y spawns and please oh please oh please reduce the spawn rates my ego can't stand not playing on the hardest difficulty :((((((((((
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>Spore Stalkers
>Dispensed from Spore Spewers
>Spawns 3 per minute while you are in the fog
>Breaking the Mushroom from range spawn like 6 of the fuckers that rush your direction
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I'm from the future. Arc thrower is meta against bugs. Thank me later.
always ways, m8
always has been
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too bad it ain't multispectral, bug :^)
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>area around you gets shrouded in spores, can't see more than 5ft in front of you
>agonised screams from behind as you watch your teammate's namebadge get flung through the fog and crater into a wall
i'm not ready for this kino
This is going to change the meta significantly, you use to just be able to ignore tanks. One of these next to a jammer is going to require your team to take it out first, meaning people will have to start using weapons like the spear and RR more often.
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>made out of brains they pry from dead ones
That sounds like the sickest shit holy shit
This is gonna be cancer if it has a higher armor rating.
we can't all be unreasonably afraid of sex and nudity anon
it probably won't, but it also won't have the driver's head sticking out over the armor
>I don’t see how it won’t release in a mostly broken state
I'm betting Impalers are gonna be absolutely fucked on release.
>absurd spawnrates similar to v1.0 Chargers, at least six alive at any time
>tentacle attack has no range limit
>entire lobbies getting wiped by infinite range Impaler spam, return to stealth meta and "just turn down the difficulty bro" comments from D3 mains
>where's the content?
>no content lol
eat shit doomsayers
Or just split up and whoever gets a shot at its side blows it up with an AC.
I honestly don't think it's a good update? Like the only unique enemy is the impaler because you get to choose to disable them temporary without AT weapons or if you choose to shoot their tentacles (Though in HD1 you can kill them when they expose their tentacles without AP but took a shitload of ammo). The rocket tanks, the fog charger, and the elite brood is just heavier enemy that felt more like bullet sponges. I feel like the game is already frustrating with it's ragdoll and we all know they don't play Diff 10. I don't know why they think this is such a good update?
DoomCHADS will be proven right once again in two weeks
>omigod we're so good at le gaem
Could you at least close the door when fellating eachother?
I’m hoping D10 is actually difficult enough to require premade lobbies. That being said, they really need to fix social menus and SOS beacons before this update. I don’t want to be going into D10 with random level 30 retards.
Maybe when you'll stop shitting on the walls when something doesn't go your way.
>afraid of sex
Why don't you have the mod installed to turn gunships into low quality models of thomas the tank engine? You must be scared of him. It's not because it looks like shit
Yeah they really need to make impalers rare. I think they will be bile titan rarity initially, which will be a total bitch and a half. They look way bigger than chargers, as opposed to the first game where they were smaller and weaker, so I’m assuming they’ll take a lot of effort to kill.
>I honestly don't think it's a good update?
>"have we shown everything in the update? no"
>august 6th release
think about thing for once
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what made them this way
what is the attraction
Autocannon is indiaputabl S tier against bugs.
>far and away the most effective support weapon against medium sized bugs, particularly spewers and hive guards
>kills stalkers in two shots
>chargers in five
>destroys every bug structure, and faster than anything else can too
The central pillar of the meta in both factions is the Autocannon. If you've never used it, you sure as shit have been carried by it.
>b-but muh backpack
No backpack can redeem suboptimal support weapon choices.
Play the Autocannon. It's only gonna get more important as time goes by.
Bro get hyped just look at all the new enemies they put in instead of fixing all the bugs and technical issues!
Can't wait to play the larva mission on D10 only for the backpack to despawn 10m from extraction or some bullshit like that!!
>"have we shown everything in the update? no"
I've seen this enough from game devs to know what this means:
>"We've left out the boring stuff like bug and crash fixes that's not as noteworthy but would make up half the patchnotes."
Whatever they've shown is most likely all they're adding, expect maybe one other new thing.
You've never solo'd D9 bugs a single time in your life, please fuck off with your low IQ lecture.
Why should I be excited when performance of the game keep getting worse every update, BT corpse still fucks you, disconnects everywhere, and pilestead crying on twitter begging for public attention. How about the more velocity = more damage? How about their smug tendency to think that they know what's best for the playerbase when they can't event beat diff 6 lol
D10 sounds fun and bots are already the more fun faction and having super bases to siege sounds great
I have. There is no support weapon that's more effective than AC on the bug side. Goes for solo as well as squad play. Please stop. I'm starting to get 500kgfag vibes from you.
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What bots need is an agile canine-like robot thing
But will there be an LC buff in the big patch?
They had that in Helldivers 1. Robot pitbulls will return.
Chao Garden.
You do not want the dog bots from HD1 to come back in HD2. They literally could knock you down if you come in contact with them lol
>shoot rockets
>takes out the strider
>easier than reg scout strider
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>giant charger spawning giant tentacles
ok... how many EAT shots to it's head to kill it?
Actual disingenous cope and lie.
If you regularly solo'd D9 bugs you'd know why AC is slightly below mid-tier and not even close to S.
pissbeam weapons will always be weak
Reminder that if you
>use shield backpack (shitty positioning crutch)
>use heavy armor (too slow, dead weight)
>use turrets (they keep killing me)
>teamkill me in any way
>get mad when I teamkill you
>use orbitals
>use Rovers at all
>take more than 1 resupply pack
>use anything other than Auto cannon
That's a kick. You're not FUCKING my game when I'm trying to do a difficulty 10 dive.
So the mechanic with these enemies is that they are heavily armored while walking around, but when tentacles are up their face opens to reveal a giant fleshy weakpoint. I’m hoping one rocket can take it out when it’s in this state, otherwise you might just have to use airstrikes.
so true
One hit but only if you're moving forward while firing it
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What's everyone running for D10 Automatons? For me it's 380, HMG, Gatling Barrage and AMR.
>Only has four visible rockets mounted
>Will unleash a ceaseless barrage on you from 500 meters away like every other clanker asshole
I can't wait for this and the oops all rockets tank to make bot missions even more insufferable than they already are
you're coping
imagine insinuating that a very high dps, fast (for a stationary) reload, high fire rate, high ammo reserve support weapon is bad for solo play
Hmm, giant fleshy weakpoints. If I have learned from AH is to ignore the fleshy weakpoints and just aim at something completely armored. My guess is that they are going to fuck up the balancing and made it so that they take more AT rockets when they show their tentacles.
Scorcher, Senator, AC, stun grenades, three random stratagems
AC is great for botsD9 solo.
That doesn't translate in being great for bugs too.
You'd know this if you played solo.
You don't know this, so your opinion belongs in the trash and it's easy to tell you are being disingenous because now you are using the argument that "it's good on le paper".
Fuck off already, you unskilled troll copechud.
I tried it on bugs and it felt weird, feels like I took more bugs down with grenade launcher. Probably because bugs ask you to crowd control compared to bots which ask you for single target DPS
At 2:21 in the trailer you can see a Helldiver carrying an automaton head, might be the bot version of the larva carry mission for bugs
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>super outpost
>grenade pistol becomes mandatory
my loadout variety...
what do you bring on solo bugs?
Again, it's S tier against bugs as well. No bug save bile titans can survive it. No other support weapon is effective against such a broad selection of bugs. None. You're screeching your autism at a broad consensus.
Why not just run a regular airstrike that shit fucks bug bases up if clustered like that.
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I know this has been posted numerous times but what in the actual fuck is wrong with D5
It's somehow a diceroll between regular D5 and some kind of hellish D12
>devs cant be d6
>add d10 anyways
Eruptor, AC, GL, frag grenades
if it's like HD1 it's probably going to be armour 6 on the head/tentacle tips, with armour 3 or even 2 when the tentacles are deployed.
This Escalation of freedom shit looks desperate, boring, and probably will crash the game at every corner. Seriously, a spore charger ?that's what they come up with ?
I want to run AMR but I might just go spear to pick off tanks. I think the new rocket tanks are gonna be a huge problem.

Other than that, AC sentry, eagle airstrike, and OPS seems great.
Whats wrong with spore charger. It's like if the bots had a 'cloaking tank' that could make enemies around it 'invisible'
you will have to strip the armor on its pinky toe with three amr shots, then finish it off
that's it doomsissies, keep posting! They can NOT enjoy the game.
bro, your teams grenades?
Stop being a pussy. D5 is for redditors so until you can consistently survive max diff then don't post here
Oh shit good catch.
>Super bot outpost has a detector tower in the middle of it
>Super bug outpost gets an embedded stalker nest instead
Grenade pistol ain't getting you through that bullshit.
Commando launcher, shieldpack or ammopack, OPS, and EMS mortar
Yes, GL+Supply pack is unironically a tier above AC against bugs.
That anon is smoked out of his mind for spreading disinformation like that.
>it's only bad against the bugs that actually matter and can oneshot and are constantly chasing you
Again, you've never solo'd D9 bugs in a way that actually matters. Everyone can solo D9 bug with any loadout, that won't make AC S-tier against them, you are fucking retarded.
As a support weapon? Flamethrower to instantly delete all Chargers spam or Spear to delete BTs.
Everything else can be dealt with by either Inc Breaker/Blitzer, GP, sentries, AoE orbitals or eagles.
less heavy spawns means more room for light and medium spawns, which will fuck you up something fierce
that or you roll a heavy spawns mission and you're caught off guard and possibly unprepared
>Captcha: DJANG
funny, i was just watching that movie
They show it when talking about a reward for clearing the XL base, maybe instead of picking up samples you get ten supers for extracting with the head?
I thought it's the
for clearing the automaton stronghold?
probably just a thing you can extract with for bonus xp or whatever
>adding something else to fit nursing spewer missions
nothing wrong with that, especially since spawn list variations are going to become operational modifiers
Super Heavy Bases/Nests is just a way to push 380 barrages as meta in d10
It’s your teammates (and by extension, you) that make it hard if you’re playing D5 and it feels difficult. People at that level are so unfathomably retarded that they’ll alert everything and spawn in 20 bug breaches per minute, then friendly fire you while trying to deal with them.
We need an Eagle C-130 gunship

Swiggers finally remembered super samples exist. Maybe the next round of ship upgrades will be bottlenecked by purps this time.
>join game with friend
>we each gather 10 samples
>kick one
>kicked player gets booted to a lobby with duplicate loot
>kicker leaves to join friends new lobby
>repeat until duplicate as many samples as you want
Now the real question is are Super Credits going to be overlooked and be duplicated loot as well?
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So.... mechbros? We are back? Atleast we wont get kicked.
Super credits are accredited to people immediately upon picking them up
lmao are you implying bile titans, the slowest enemy in the game with a single range attack (which can be disabled with one AC shot) are a challenge? while claiming you're the d9 knower in chief? stop handing out bad and verifiably untested advice says I
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It's out of the oven and cooling down nicely on the windowsill for the next two weeks. Are you ready?
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ops, eas, free slot(usually clussies) and the ac
hope they reduce gunships thruster health so I can go back to the amr
Mech bros will get kicked after they have spent all their mech, so I guess it's a slight improvement
are we back now?
>bile titans
Bro what are you smoking? They're the 2nd fastest thing in the game and can keep up with medium armor in sprint.
>are you implying bile titans, the slowest enemy in the game
>bile titans
Pileofshit actually whipped his team into making real content and saved the game... I kneel. 500k plus soon.
BTs left alive on a terminal will make it impossible to clear it, LARPdiver.
>Mitigate grief kicking in Helldivers 2
>some players are using the team kicking to grief others
Now there are no consequences for being an asshole. Be a douche bag all you want and you'll just spawn into your own instance with the full loot you had after being kicked. Get ready for a new age of community toxicity. All because of *some* griefers
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I hope they make Team Weapons reloadable from the handlers' backpack (never gonna happen).
Try loading an autocannon round while a bile titan chasing you and see how slowed it is.
>bile titans, the slowest enemy
lmao even
at least try to play the game before trying to talk like you know what you're doing
holy retard
most of things shown were already datamined months ago
they're rationing that shit in a dripfeed
Baited too hard, now everyone knows you are a gigantic faggot retard...
>bile titans, the slowest enemy in the game

>How to tell someone has never played Bots in their life.
Exclusive bugdivers are real.
>new title card, basically an upgraded version of first warbond title card
>We haven't shown everything yet!

New 10 page warbond coming, then. They'll preview it next week, as a bigger warbond like that will have more stuff to show off than they could fit in this first video.
Dripfeed would be if they split this shit into like 8 updates over 8 weeks.
D10 looks tough lads. What boosters are we taking?
Personally I was thinking increased reinforcement budget, flexible reinforcement budget, expert pilot (to prevent getting overwhelmed at extract) and localization confusion.
bile titans simply are not hard to get rid of, not in squad play and not solo play either. Stratagems and AT weapons involve no skill by the way. Chalk it down to bad loadouts.
experimental infusion until it eventually gets nerfed / reworked to be worthless
nobody was talking about how easy they are to kill
Umm sweaty that's not an issue for any real helldiver (as in, not a redditor) as real helldivers can clear any d9/d10 bug mission without ever having to reload their autocannon :)
You're making some pretty big assumptions if you think they're not gonna change how Impalers work.
AP7 minimum, no exposed weakpoints or soft parts, doesn't weaken when using tentacles. Actual weakness on launch is their rear legs for some reason.
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This might be the retarded post of the day

We can tell you have never even set foot in d9, much less killed a BT. Don't post here anymore, chud
Anon... I was being hyperbolic. I saw the BT larvae leaks, the new tank, blender, but there's clearly a lot of new content not shown in leaks.
Bot hunter-killer squads, new super-heavy bases, the impaler's return, the rocket devastator walker.
I'm actually excited for some genuinely new gameplay opportunities.
There's no bait. BTs are not dangerous. You could have had an argument before their spawn rates practically got cut down to a third on d9. In the game's current state you absolutely DO NOT need to run AT against bugs, not ever. That shit's optional.

I'm hopping back into the game. So we still use Sickle and 500kg bombs in the game right?
Doomsissies lost
Anon is attempting to contrive an argument against AC being S tier against bugs and BTs are his only argument. 500kgfag comparisons are apt.
New gameplay opportunities now include: Getting one shotted by tentacles, getting one shotted by sniper bots, getting gibs through cover from rocket tanks, getting gibbed through fog from charger, crushed by tentacles ragdoll, and finally crashed at extraction.

Sure buddy
Sickle, sure, it's still just as good but there are are some better options now
OPS is just a better 500kg now
you can use the precision strike now, it's a sidegrade
even superior in some aspects
Sickle is still S tier but other options got buffed so there's more variety
500 kg is still the same shit that chooses to be effective or not as it pleases, the new hotness is the Orbital Precision Strike after they buffed its call down speed
500kg has been pretty pointless since precision strike got buffed.
Yes. I want it to suck more!
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>Back by popular demand: the Impaler! This big guy from the original Helldivers creates some new challenges. No longer can you run from the bugs when the Impaler is around–big, imposing, and destructive, it demands to be dealt with.
Running fags on suicide watch
OPS is better than 500kg, but 500kg doesn't care about orbital scatter so it has its place.
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>Warning, you are in range of enemy artillery tank
>Warning, you are in range of enemy artillery tank
>Warning, you are in range of enemy artillery tank
>Warning, you are in range of enemy artillery tank
>moves the goalpost
The argument was that AC is S-tier against bugs in D9
It's not. It's one of the worst weapons you can bring and actively makes dealing with Chargers and BTs a chore.
You have to stand still while reloading, making yourself vulnerable to hunters and stalkers and also bile spits and mortars.
It has aoe explosion range, which makes it not the best at dealing with hunters and stalkers.
It requires a backpack slot, which denies you better options.
The only thing it does "well" is killing spewers and brood commanders, which is a thing primaries, secondaries and other support weapons do better already.

>D9 is behemoths, chargers and BT spam
>"you don't need AT"
Again, you don't play D9 solo and full clear enogh to have an option that matters.
>retard devs using flame shotgun in every bot mission in the trailer
safe to say this piece of shit crutch won't be getting nerfed
orbital precision strike is superior to to 500kg in 98% of use cases
>b-but orbital modifier
alrighty, 97%
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Get ready for your new scout enemy, chuds
Except even doing that will be hard because they have no experience in a modern game engine. The only other company they could feasibly apply to is just as bad if not worse than arrowhead.
The main problem with biletitans is that they arent that big a theat. Their sluggish animations make them easy to dodge while locking them in place letting you just run away. They also dont have some charge or jump to close the gap. Its that their stomp can 1 hit you and their spit can sometimes do it. And the best part is they will often kill most other bugs around them. In threat they probably barely outclass a hive guard.
>rocket striders
>rocket tanks
They better make small rockets from striders, devastators and grunt rocket troops only ragdoll on direct hits keep knock on aoe to big rocket tank only
refer to >>487282879 >>487284561
Again, you're a lone voice opposing a gigantic consensus
The best anti-bug support weapon is AC, bar none
It's great against chargers and behemoths btw, if you can use it well that is, way to prove that you have no aim and should be (probably are) playing weenie hut jr difficulty exclusively
As long as it goes down in the same time as a regular strider, I'm ok with the upgrade. Two hits from the plasma punisher, scorcher, etc., and it's ded.
People like the core gameplay loop, it just needs more variety. That's what new enemies and objectives are for.
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Shut the fuck up and kill yourself samefagging retard plebbit nigger.
I don't use the orbital precision strike because I consider it a beginner strategem
>Two hits from the plasma punisher, scorcher, etc., and it's ded.
plasma weapons only kill regular scout striders as quickly as they do because the AoE is hitting the pilot, not destroying the scout strider itself. a fully enclosed armoured scout strider won't have that vulnerability
There are more times where I need two bombs quickly within 2 mins rather than 1 bomb within 1 minute
Bro can you at least make the samefagging believable. "Broad consensus" this and that. Nigga!!!!!
I don't use the OPS because bugs still have a modifier that has the singular purpose of making it worthless
>impaler preventing you from running away while 500 hunters are chasing you
Sounds like hell, this legit would make bug much much more harder than bot.
And there are far more times where that 1 bomb actually kills what you're throwing it at compared to the 2 bombs.
90% chance for a kill every minute is way better than two 10% chances to kill every 2 minutes.
380 time!
>aim at the joint between the rocket pod and base of the turret
>can no longer adjust for long-range barrage
Please, I just want more creative details to destroy vehicles.
>"prevents you to run away"
>actually just tries to stop you, but you can just juke the tentacles and keep running
Bugs are still braindead.
Don't worry, they'll only show up at d8 and up so your average d6 bugshitter will never even see them
>once again bugs get a unique mission and bots get shafted
you could always just kill the hunters instead of centering your strategy around the run like a bitch tactic
So they're nerfing bots then
I almost wish for an SEAF version of the gustav cannon that can have up to a whole squad manning the gun and using it to target distant factories. Maybe even a whole dedicated mission where you use it to take out a massive factory miles away.
every bot has a human brain and likely a cardiovascular system as well anon, they're cyborgs, the red stuff they cover you with when dying is human blood
Bring AC, EATs and a primary/secondary that kills small bugs well.
Wow, 2 stratagems and you can stomp every type of bug with ease and can even destroy all bug sideobjectives and hives quikly and easily. Aaaand you get 2 more stratagems that are complete free slots becouse you already have a well rounded loadout.
It would surely be tougher. Why would they make a fully-enclosed walking box and it still need a chaff operator? It would be an armored box surrounding circuitry and a CPU. Sticking a trooper inside this would truly retarded
bad for solo play though because... umm.. uhhhhhhh...... [posts random anime girl reaction image] back to plebbit with you!
Buggers really need to play bots to understand killing the enemies and covering your team from them is important, and running with no sense of direction just to escape means you’re just going to trigger multiple patrols. When I die I spectate players and I can tell the ones who spend 90% of their time on bugs, because they just panic run and dive constantly and never shoot back, and suddenly flares are going up everywhere.
>It would be an armored box surrounding circuitry and a CPU. Sticking a trooper inside this would truly retarded
And yet the Hulk is just a chaff unit in a big ol' walking box. Why does it need a conventional face?
>human brain
>they dont behave as if they have a human brain
>Impaler patrol moving directly towards your team
Fuck it, we're low on time, we gotta get past them and complete the obj
>New brood commander in patrol. Automatically calls breaches when its head explodes
Fuck! Now we gotta stay and fight
>BTs, Behemoth chargers, a 100 jumping niggers spawn in
Shit, low on ammo! And there's no downtime to call in a resupply.
>Screen goes foggy, can barely see 10 ft in front of your helldiver
What's goin-
>Spore charger ragdolls you instantly while 4 stalkers emerge from their cloaks to tongue your anus

Bugchasers will consider this easier than bots, btw.
>AC is S-tier, but I need an actual support weapon to deal with actual threats, let's not even account for the fact that EATs got nerfed and I didn't know it because I haven't played the game since the last patch
Moving the goalpost again, I see.
AC is C-tier against bugs.
I thought this for a long time too, but I'm the only person in pubs who can reliably deal with hulks, tanks, and walkers
Holy fuck I am sick of /coopg/ sweaties trying to 'meta' this game, fuck off you eternal losers
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I'm of the belief that enemy dogs in any game are usually the most annoying shit regardless. So no thanks, especially the ones from HD1.
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Same as always, enforcer armor, plasma punisher, senator, stun grenades, autocannon, orbital precision strike, orbital airburst, and eagle airstrike. I'll switch out OPS for the shield generator emplacement on geological survey missions, though.
It's probably the case. The difference is that instead of using the Backpack slot for the Larva, it uses the Primary weapon slot. Probably.
>AC against bugs
No sweaty, he's your troon companion.
Only if you're retarded
Bugs hit you close, the AC blows you up close
>new update
>shitty carrier missions
>shitty tentacle monster
Good way to fully kill a game, add enemies, mission types, planets no one asked for.
But the big question is: If the new mega brood commander calls in normal brood commanders, can these brood comanders call in warriors of their own?
I love sniping
>AC is C-tier against bugs
I see it's /hdg/ advice hour
now at ATs are basically irrelevant there's hardly a better pick than AC against bugs, only the flamer can compete, and only because it can pressure cook chargers
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>fully armored scout strider with rockets
what the fuck, the current ones is already pure cancer since the stagger buff
... what stagger buff
>titans simply are not hard to get rid of
That's not what you claimed
You claimed they were slow
striders' explosive resistance has been buffed like two months ago
they'll shrug off AC even on direct hit to the driver every now and then
>Bugs hit you close,
only if you lack spatial awareness and/or made bad primary weapon choices
protip: if it can't delete a whole pack of hunters in milliseconds it's a bad choice
I genuinely hate hearing swedes speak. They are the manifestation of undiagnosed down syndrome, but in a whole country. I don't think there is a worse version of dialect within the white community
The community was polled and wanted all those things lmao
Reminder that you can just shoot the joints of the strider legs to kill it too. You need a gun that can penetrate armor but you don't need a heavy armor penetration gun
BTs are slow though
surely you're not one of those retards that run medium or heavy armor against a bunch of mosquitoes
>shoot strider from behind with AC
>miss the driver, hit the back of front plate
>driver doesn't give a fuck about the explosion in its face
Did they make the bot immune to explosions?
>How dare they add content to a live-service game
>The game didn't need to secondary objectives, enemies or biomes
Okay what the fuck should they add then.
>big patch announcement
>literally amounts to a weekly patch or two added up
Almost everything in it feels like they should have been organic additions as the war went on (and probably were, given the data mining)
Slapping these together as the big game saving patch makes me really think hd2 is in maintenance mode
that's not a stagger buff, that's an explosive resistance buff

also I don't believe you that the pilot will tank an AC round that isn't an extreme glancing blow. show proof
>design director in the trailer can't stop looking at the script
Bro don't make it that obvious, come on
Proof? PROOF? The proof is that I said it to be so, anon. Boom, gott'em.
You make it sound like we've gotten nothing since launch.
They probably planned to have 'big patches' every 6 months, these 'named patches/updates' were a thing in helldivers 1 as well where they'd add new dlc, weapons, enemies
No offense but the weekly patches were mostly just bug fixes and number tweaks on guns.
If ac is c tier, then tell me wich support weapon is s tier.
>flamethrower cant kill titans so it c tier
>eat is apperantly nerfed even though 1 can strip a charger leg and 2 can still kill a titan
>mmg cant kill titans so its c tier
>spear/rr also need a backpack and static reload so they are c tier
>quasar. Lol, lmao even
flamethrower can kill titans (good luck though). EAT can still 1 tap a titan. Commander launcher can also 1 tap a titan
In Halo the way they created AI is using a donated brain then digitizing it and the brain gets destroyed. The Automaton probably created new bot by something similiar
I never saw the big deal with striders, not post buff either. So they survive more than 2 AC shots. Hardly matters with 50 rounds in reserve. As for rockets, they're not an issue if you have good instinct for cover.
Why does it matter wether he improvises or not?
>the community
I didn't see shit maybe twitter trannys where polled
Why shouldn't they? Everything else in this game is blatantly running off a script.
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It's too late gamer i am already here
I don’t see the point in running anything but light armor vs bugs, and honestly I much prefer light armor w/explosive resist on bots. I’ve been trying other armor types and the mobility is just too important, even on bots. I find I take less damage just because I can zig-zag rockets and bullets. Then there’s the one light armor with heavy padding that is also insanely good. When I use anything that isn’t light, I just use more stims and take longer to reach cover.
>throws/shoots grenade in between their legs
Your move, stridersissy
nigga believes that Spear is S tier, he revealed as much when he said something along the lines of "BTs are the only important bug enemy" laughing my keks off
how about they FIX THE FUCKING GAME FIRST dipshit lmao, you slop eaters need to gain respect for yourself
>bug fixes
what bug fixes lmfao
It just looks really shitty with his eyes constantly flicking back and forth, even just reading straight from the script would be better. It's the attempt to make it look natural that ends up making it look even worse.
Flamethrower is S- tier
Spear is A tier
EAT is A tier
Commando is A tier
Quasar is D tier
MMG is C+ tier
You'd know this if you played the game.
AC goes from C tier to A tier in Spewers seeds, and that's about it.
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>So they survive more than 2 AC shots.
only if you donk one into the gun barrels
Ironically light with explosive resist may be better against bugs because spit is almost all explosive damage in the game files.
I agree that light gunner is amazing for bots. Even the default padded medium is a great mix of health and mobility for bots, I find.
>Spewers seeds
they occasionally get lucky and three tap you, really annoying
If this ended with you getting melted by a Bile Spewer or stomped on by a Charger, kino
>4 new enemy types, maybe more
>new biome
>multiple new objectives
>new difficulty level
>some surprise content

I just don’t get what doomposters want at this point. I feel like they could release Illuminates with it and you all would still be saying “uhhh… still no content???”
refute all of these pls >>487282879
"Have we told you everything coming in the update? OF COURSE WE HAVEN'T!"

No matter how much you hate swiggers, it isn't enough.
Arrowhead doesn't want you to know this but Stalker Commanders are coming.
>muh thread sucks
a threads healthy discussion is distinctly related to a games health. This is what you get with a buggy mess of a game
Never leave home without it on bots.

I run medium on bugs so I don't get 1HKO'd by bug spew and friendly fire. I'm still fast enough to outpace everything so I don't feel like I need to run light. I usually run enforcer or extra padding medium on bots and peak physique medium or light gunner on bugs. I just can't justify dropping under 100 armor rating, my general performance becomes much worse without it.
Watse of a teammate. You do not help anyone and your gun sucks
>Stalker titan shitpost might become real.
>I just don’t get what doomposters want at this point.
/hdg/ to 404
us to come crawling back to /copeg/
and then play reddit diggy diggy dwarf game with them
Nothing will make you happy.
I can see armored stalkers or stalkers shooting webs to block your path being a travesty of the future.
I don't think I've ever failed a D9 with /hdg/ before but hopefully the rewards are good and the difficulty is hard enough that winning one would be a achievement.
Heavy armor is good on bugs for a couple reasons
>laser drone won't health tax you as much
>teammates less likely to kill you
>can shrug off hunter hits and bile

But you should NEVER EVER EVER take heavy armor on a snow or "hot" planet. Absolute misery. Vehicles can't come soon enough

That's why you use the scout armor for sniping, enemies can't flank you and you have a wider radar. Totally invalidated by the bullshit atmospheric spores modifier though

Oh hey it's the ESL retard who inhabits these threads and can't have fun, how's it going lil guy?
gain self dignity low test faggot
nta but a flamethrower can down a charger in seconds, it also mulches medium sized bugs and can fuck up stalkers. That leaves the 'clearing bug holes' thing but if you're bringing a support weapon JUST to clear bug holes from a distance then I don't know what to say
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Anybody else notice this support weapon during the piss planet section? What weapon is that?
>rent free
>a flamethrower can down a charger in seconds
so can an AC
>also mulches medium sized bugs and can fuck up stalkers.
see above
They clearly have a content pipeline with a bunch of stuff so I doubt not releasing the patch would make any meaningful impact in improving the game's QOL. I mean how many times did packing methodology get fucked in random patches fixing the game crashing whenever you changed capes after looking in a warbond or whatever it was. I doubt Arrowhead even knows how to fix all the spaghetti code in their dead game engine at this point.
I do, that's why I'm not blindly crying about a patch I haven't even seen yet. Reserve judgement until you can actually experience it or else you look like a moron.
Mmg might be high a and maybe even s tier though.
It shreds all small and medium bugs (even spewers) letting you take 3 stratagems slots just for at.
AC requires positioning and often a stun grenade to secure the charger kill, though. The flamethrower is just point and click. That being said, I'm a fan of using the AC on bugs but I'm not going to pretend it's the golden ticket that invalidates everything else.
I'm excited for this update, and I hope its the one where we finally see enemies we're fighting prior to starting an operation. I also hope AH knows that enemies with stronger abilities should also have more exploitable weaknesses.

Factory striders are the perfect example. They're big and imposing, but slow and an easy target for orbitals. Their laser canon has long range, high damage, and good armor, but is slow, and can't hit you at closer ranges. Its front miniguns are powerful but only work at close range, and have weak armor. And they can spawn devestators, but the belly is vulnerable to most medium armor.

Behemoth chargers are a bad example. They are just better chargers. In reality they should have better armor, but be rarer, and slower than a normal charger to compensate. Bile titans are a decent example when they actually take damage, because despite being massive, imposing, and high armor, they are slow and not a threat if you are far away.

I just hope the new enemies have weaknesses to compensate their advantages. Spore chargers should be more vulnerable to damage, Impalers should have weaker armor on their tentacles, or be exposed when using the tentacle attack, etc.
>I don’t see the point in running anything but light armor vs bugs
because there isn't
>and the mobility is just too important
because it is
>even on bots
disagree, the chip damage starts to pile up fast and having heavier armor helps out a ton, unless you're playing shithole maps like acid fog lands where sprinting nets you 2 whole meters
>far and away the most effective support weapon against medium sized bugs, particularly spewers and hive guards
GL is better for spewers. Flamethrower is better for hiveguards.
>kills stalkers in two shots
Stalkers get oneshot by fucking Blitzer and cooked instantly by Flamethrower.
>chargers in five
Chargers get cooked in a literal second by Flamethrower. AC has to do some cope ricochet from headon, or avoid and shoot the butt. Flamethrower can cook 3 chargers at once from the front in seconds.
>destroys every bug structure, and faster than anything else can too
Every AT option kills structures faster than the AC, with the Spear and having no fall off and aimbot on top and Commando also being an option.
AC can be better at clearing nests, but GL competes and has better AoE.
Did they steal a gun from the Grineer?
And it needs a backpack to do so. You're trading a backpack for 'a bit longer ranger' and nothing else. If this was a stat sheet you'd understand instantly. Why would you take a backpack that gives you range when you could take a backpack that saves you from 1 instant death attack, or a backpack that lets you have highground anytime you want it.
>even spewers
spewers are not hard to get rid of
if you make good support weapon choices (i.e. no MGs)
Really what armor to use seems like it actually comes down to preference, which is pretty cool. I play with a couple dudes who only use heavy armor every mission and they swear by it, but they have a radically different playstyle than me. It’s really cool how we coordinate because of this, with them charging headlong into the enemies while I pick off enemies from a flank.
>AC reduced during piss storms
So... are lightsissies going to finally kneel to heavychads? Is it our time?
Flamethrower also needs a backpack if you want to do a meaningful amount of work with it, and on top of that the backpack needs its own slot.
>personal shield
anon those are training wheel strats. Pointless
Wait actually wtf is this
Wouldn't be surprised if the alpha commander or whatever will summon any type of bug, including stalkers. Stalkers themselves don't need a commander. They are better fitted as just assassin bugs
No you are bitching about people pointing out that they have not fixed anything and are adding more shit to brick the game. You get served shit on a plate and you deny its shit.
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Reminds me of Xcom 2
>Ayys invade
>Ayys win
>Take the only Humans that slowed you down at all
>Plug him into and use him as a Battle Assistant
The impaler will probably be vulnerable when they whip out their tentacles because they use them to protect their face. Same way it worked in HD1 really.
>armor reduced for helldivers - 90%
>armor reduced for enemies - 1%
See? We reduced the armor for BOTH sides. Nobody can say we didn't balance the game :))))))))))))))))
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Anyways here's a shitty drawing of that trophy system I had in mind
That's an AMR
>they have not fixed anything
Here you go, anon, patch notes. Peruse at your leisure.

Ironically pajeets could program more efficiently than the swedes
Yeah have you played with the current player base? 90% of them are foaming-at-the-mouth retarded spergs and it certainly is reflected here too
I know I just wanted to start some drama to make the thread interesting
>Light users will experience a 5% increase in damage relative to what they were already getting
>Heavy armor users now take twice as much damage during acid rain

Anon, I'm sorry, but the Swigger coding is... terminal.
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>having to rely on projectiles to intercept projectiles would be retarded
But that's the arrowhead way.

Honestly, the idea of lasers destroying rockets mid-flight is a really good one regardless of this, I'd run the scythe
I seriously don't think you even know what ESL means.
Anon them dropping stealth dropping Striders and Shreikers was fucking great
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Let's not get carriers away, now.
I already don't play on piss planets but this would make me somehow play them a negative amount.
So this is the patch that
>buffs breaker
>buffs slugger
>buffs lib pen and conc
>buffs breaker snp
>buffs railgun
>buffs purifier
>buffs mines
>buffs arc thrower
>buffs thermites
>buffs scythe
>nerfs breaker incel
get your story straight tranny

Good morning, sirs.
>acid rain makes your super squishy diver even more squishy!
Wow, even less reason to play on the god awful piss planets
I'll stay on cold planets because that's the only modifier in the entire game that doesn't fuck over the players
>can no longer just hold W and run away
uh oh bugfags are gonna have a collective meltdown
>>having to rely on projectiles to intercept projectiles would be retarded
and you know that's how they would make it, how else would you get TKed by it
Flamethrower doesn't need a backpack to reload and it can kill multiple chargers in one tank, not to mention the chaff around it.
>personal shield and jetpack are pointless
So you're making the game harder on yourself for no reason? Or are you coping about having no backpack slot
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>constant typos
>same modus operandi of calling people out for having fun and using off-meta weapons
>same incoherent ranting about how your way of playing the game is best as if this game isn't easy as fuck
if you're not ESL or underaged I will be really surprised
Why can't we just OPS it exactly?
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How do I get a job like this
Munches them up 1 at a time . The small aoe isn't worth the limited ammo and constant reloads from the AC when there are too many swarms coming after you. Unless you play on heckdiver difficulty at like d6 and below
>GL is better for spewers. Flamethrower is better for hiveguards.
wrong on both accounts
>Stalkers get oneshot by fucking Blitzer and cooked instantly by Flamethrower.
goalpost moved
if you want to recommend a primary against stalkers, at least name something with decent stagger value
>avoid and shoot the butt.
very easy to do
>Every AT option kills structures faster than the AC,
wrong again, only the Spear does, all other ATs need more than one shot
>AC can be better at clearing nests,
nothing is anywhere near as good against nests
you cannot feasibly solo a heavy or shrieker nest in an ion storm if you do not run AC
They'll just demand that Impalers are only there for difficulties 7 and up, and AH will listen to them. Your average redditor can only play up to diff 5, going off of their comments, and your average normie player sticks to even lower difficulties.
I don't know, but I know I could do his job better. Which isn't saying much because he doesn't actually do any work other than "oops tee hee helldivers time to retake hellmire for the 15th time"
>be friend with the CEO or whoever owns the game
>be good at writing settings
one of these is harder than the other, which one will shock you
So with the addition of super helldive, we're getting the timers increased, right?
>okay but IN AN ION STORM you can't take down a shrieker nest!
Hey guys I'm trying out the new commando launcher, watch this!
>limited ammo and constant reloads
you absolutely do not play the autocannon and are in no place to give advice based on it, holy fuck, stop posting
it comes with 60 shots, stocks up from zero to full from one resupply box, and has the fastest reload out of any stationary, provided you don't empty it, which will practically never happen. flamethrower has the same flaw it always had. you'll run out of ammo in one breach unless you got a supply pack, and two slots for one weapon is very bad, especially in solo play.
>if you want to recommend a primary against stalkers, at least name something with decent stagger value
the blitzer?
this has to be bait at this point
Show me the typo. You're just a pretentious faggot trying to fit in by forcibly inserting the current trending lingo that you just learned into arguements so you can use it lol. Everyone knows you're a clown. Good day, Chudson.
I hate the dominator so much, I wish it was automatic and had a cooler sound profile. My pointer finger gets tired using it, even on burst fire, and it sounds like a limp balloon.
>only if you lack spatial awareness and/or made bad primary weapon choices
Pls post footage of your no hit run
saying "this has to be bait" over and over will not prevent you from getting your paper thin arguments BTFOd by explosive 20mm
AC is an utter godsend on bugs
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>Watse of a teammate
Log off bud
Gonna go solo 3 chargers in 5 seconds while you play ring around the rosey with a charger then squat down to reload for a bit. But hey, at least you can close bug holes! Nothing else can do that
>BTs are slow though
I'm curious have you not played this game or do you not know what speed is?
>wrong on both accounts
Go test it, clown.
>goalpost moved
>if you want to recommend a primary against stalkers, at least name something with decent stagger value
The flamethrower is a support weapon, the goalpost wasn't moved, pseudo.
>very easy to do
On paper. On actual missions you won't be allowed to do it all the time. Another pseudo take on your part.
>wrong again, only the Spear does, all other ATs need more than one shot
AC requires more than 5
>nothing is anywhere near as good against nests
>you cannot feasibly solo a heavy or shrieker nest in an ion storm if you do not run AC
Heavy nests can be solo'd with fucking GP and nade, GL, Crossbow, Eruptor, etc.
Shriekers nests can be solo'd with Spear, Commando, sometimes EATs, RR, AC Sentry and Rocket Sentry during ion storms, since you wanted to add a random modifier to make things "harder".

Now that all of your pseud points have been dismantled, I know you will keep being a dishonest disingenous retard, so let's see...
So from all that, probably just typos may elude to ESL. But everyone has typos here and there and who gives a shit anyway. This isn't an APA paper, anon, it's an internet post on a week virgin board for video games. Nothing else. Confirmed that you don't know what it means
Mmg is probably the best medium bug killer and a great small bug killer.
Only gl comes close but gl is just to ammo hungry, also gl feels awfull when enemies get close to you.
>muh flamer
Nice range/stagger, flamer is anti charger, and mid against every other bug compared to mmg.
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Anon, I...
I can understand that you don't really want to give S tier to AC on bugdives because it already is the obvious choice against bots but that's just what it came down to. It is among the most effective and versatile bug removers. Plaps them all at any range - except close quarters, but that's what you got your primary for. Also your secondary since AC users don't need the GP which is very nice for bugs in my opinion. Redeemer is love. AC's weakness against bile titans matters far less now that seeing more than two titans is a real rarity even on d9. Anyone that pretends you'll do less than well on bugdive d9s with AC in hand is wrong.
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the big dick bases should really have 2(-3) "cock-blocking" structures, otherwise they will still be delete-able with just a single Laser
like random combinations of Jam+Det, Gunships+Det, Jam-Mortar-AA, etc
You absolutely do not play diff 9. AC is mid at best. Deal with it and move on
you don't know what you are talking about
the bltizer has 30 knockback force and 25 stagger force
the dominator by comparison has 35 knockback and 15 stagger
>them all at any range - except close quarters
Man, almost like that and it's stationary reload would be a problem for a melee heavy faction
it's okay against bots, I like having a backpack slot more though. One guy with AC can handle the annoying stuff like gunships if someone didn't bring a LC
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>MFW they actually release a bugfree patch this time
The dominator is best against bugs. The blitzer will get the job done but is just too slow. Doesn't cut it when swarmed
true facts sar
I love the MMG so much since they added a 3rd spare magazine. It really validated my take that most subpar weapons just need more total ammunition to feel good to use. I would kill for the HMG and GL to get a 3rd spare mag too, and for assault rifles to get 2-3 more spare mags across the board.
It's astounding how fucking bad people are at this game. I see the /v/ doomschizo threads every now and then and they genuinely say and seem to believe that you need to metafag hard to be able to beat operations at diff 6 or above all the while they seethe over how every weapon and stratagem sucks.
It may be schizophrenic samefaggot spam day in and day out but I can no longer tell without the ip counter
It would be more likely we all won the lottery simultaneously, anon.
But they already said we are getting new bugs, niggerchama?
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>Spear detects a Helldiver in danger and helps him safely escape a Hulk's clutches
It really does it all.
AC reloads extremely fast
it solves every bot, it's hard to justify picking anything else
And the twice as long reload on the RR and Spear aren't?
AC shots make it annoying because they make the scout strider slide like a PowerPoint presentation and they headshot you
Meh who cares. Typos still don't mean ESL you fucking retard. This current gen of youtuber bathwater drinkers, I swear
Laser cannon and HMG can take down any bot too. I've seen people taking down walkers with an AMR. I don't know about time to kills though
>whines about typos
>can't use commas
Log off, bud.
Is there a reasonable explanation for why bug players just spam eradicate missions over and over? I seriously can’t find a single open mission on a planet with 12,000 people, or even a helldive for that matter.
I like rolling the spear and when I see a threat in the super far distance bullying someone in the squad I shoot a rocket and take it out when they weren't expecting anyone to save them. Them looking around confusedly and sending out a "Thank you!" emote never gets old.
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>heavy outpost
>new layout which is much larger than most outpost layouts
>factory positioning is much less ergonomic for helldivers to just snipe, at least without commando (which is getting nerfed)
>guaranteed at least 1-2 botdrops from detector tower before you can even get in, unless you throw a good 380/OPS/laser
>no factory positioning that allows for detector/strat jammer sniping with adjacent factory
It's gonna be rough, botbros.
The biggest advantage I see is that factory strider turrets instakill the optional side objectives, so a strider spawn could nullify anything except the outposts.
>Laser cannon
bad dps, sure you can take down gunships with LC but do you really want to? if they buff its damage I'm all game for that shit, right now it's a B tier, honestly looking a bit B-
I like it a lot and it's definitely a great choice but the ammo economy is still dogshit. Needs more mags.
Literally impossible. It's a question of HOW MANY bugs, not IF.
cool it cadet
>AC reloads extremely fast
You're still stationary
They have other advantages like killing chargers and BT, the Spear also has ludicrous range
I think backpack slots are some of the most fun/comfy stratagems to use. But against bots especialy their usefullness is often just overshadowed by an extra stratagem.
They only want that higher level number. It explains why on d9 I see so many divers with level numbers that SHOULD imply they're competent, yet they die the most out of anyone.
You, a sentient being, might do that. Your average bugfag is allergic to AT gear, with the exception of the rail gun which its gutting they will forever lament and seethe over.
The average bugfag will bring incendiary mines and the incendiary breaker to bot missions whenever they feel compelled or "forced" to play bots.
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>needs more mags
Please....... Please.. I'll never argue with AutoChads again if I just have one (1) belt feed backpack
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They probably think "eradication" is equivalent to "highest kill count given time invested" (untrue).
MOdivers are retarded, and they don't realize that just playing any bug mission without a localizer will net you 10x the total kill count.
>You're still stationary
for barely more than a second
you can start reloading while a hunter begins to pounce and still step out of its way
if we run your logic all stationary reload weapons are off the table for bot d9s
think, nigger
Probably still thinking it's the fastest way to level up your character, they are a bit slow in the head
also the new MO is to kill bugs, they probably think it's best to spam these missionsfor it when in reality they'd get twice or trice that playing any of the 40min missions
Isn't there currently an MO to kill 1 billion bugs? Think about it, dude.
>belt feed backpack
No way, they'd need to change the models for that
Just give us one (1) additional mag for the thing, slightly better recoil and I'm gold
I tried to make a d8 lobby and every single mission set had 2 eradication missions, it was absurd
Reminder helldivers are superheroes
>The more you survive, the more super earth sends video of your exploits to children back home
>You get more and more custom armor suited to the missions you undertake
>The megacorps produce action figures of your helldiver
>Kids argue which helldiver was more badass (because you all die eventually)
>Kids argue what type of helldiver they want to be when they grow up, argue which support weapons are better, which loadouts are most optimal
It's not a wonder that helldivers need less than 10 minutes of training. Kids are ready to be helldivers since they're born.
I am holding out for the same thing anon. Would make the HMG perfect. I'd even give it a barrel overheat mechanic for immersion reasons.
This whole thing looks so easy to 1man in less than 20 seconds.
Maybe I'm just built different.
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My immediate thought when I saw it was "it's the same size as a charger more or less" pic rel, followed by OPS.
>replace reload with overheat bar like laser weapons
>if it overheats you can't use your gun anymore because it's melted
It'd be cool if you could 'reload' to attach a new barrel with a long 'reload' animation, but that'd require new animations.
>for barely more than a second
1.7 actually, it's more than "barely"
>if we run your logic all stationary reload weapons are off
No, they really aren't. Read nigga
Not only would they have to change the models, you know that Pilestadt would have them model EVERY SINGLE BULLET in the backpack. They'll do it at their offices one time and then say something like "um, that many objects on the screen technically was slowing down the game, so we can't do it."
I maintain that you lack arguments
AC rips through bugs, anyone can try that for themselves
AC, Commando, Airstrike and 380 (with Peak Physique)
It's 1.43 with the upgrade.
But you should stop arguing with that midwit.
He's probably running some sort of psyop to get the AC nerfed or something.
It's literal dogshit vs bugs, but he insists it's great for solo D9, when it's midtier.
Super outposts will lower the effectiveness of grenade pistols because they have dogshit ammo efficiency. Go blow up 30 vents/holee with the piddling supply of grenade pistol rounds that you get from resuppply.
post a video of you handling 5 chargers or 3 BTs with AC
>tfw no panty bj while helldiving
>I maintain that you lack arguments
I maintain that you can't read. If you're the "BTs are slow" nigger, then I maintain you're too retarded to live
>AC rips through bugs
So do a lot of other strats, but with significantly higher advantages over it, which is why it's a consensus
Why are we back on AC vs Bugs argument again. We already had this five minutes ago
>incendiary breaker
The incel breaker is actually quite a solid pick against bots imo, I get you're saying it's a crutch but it's awesome at mopping up small units and striders that aren't looking at you. And the flame particles make enemies in thick fog easier to see and plap with the AC, I run it with the AC or HMG
Why would someone waste their time just to be a contrarian gay nigger retarded faggot?
Because it's the internet and he gets to be anonymous.
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>it's a consensus
lul no matter how hard you pretend you aren't alone, you always will be
>We already had this five minutes ago
This is 4chan, the closest thing to real life purgatory we have.
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this is going to break so much shit.
People are starved for content so they have to argue that their gigabrain knows how to play the game the best way even though this game is easy as fuck
The surprise will be that Cyborgs will reappear again but as Super Earth allies because they don't like being Automaton juice.
I hope it just crashes everyone like when they fucked up the block button.
So even if you kick a griefer if you're the host, he still gets to enjoy everyone's loot collecting efforts. Thanks, AH.
Stop arguing with a retarded zoomer parroting jewtubers, lmao.
Yes, why would someone waste hours of their day pretending that an excellent weapon against bugs is somehow bad while not providing the slightest argument beyond "I need my clutch backpack tho"?
Pride capes incoming
Unironically they will be. Nothing can stop that.
How long and how many shots does it take you to kill 1 charger
take AC off S and put it in B or C
grenade launcher is D tier, can't handle anything except things the AC could handle better
quasar is a meme weapon, better fit for B
switch HMG and MMG. MMG can shred chargers and all spewers, making it just a flamethrower side/downgrade
everything else is fine
AMR goes down to B, it's an LC sidegrade
grenade launcher to D again, it literally does nothing against any bot that matters

there, fixed
I can
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He's right. AC solves every non-chaff bug except bile titans in addition to fucking over their infrastructure and closing ten thousand holes. Just use your primary for the hunters in your face.

Myself however? I've graduated to Eruptor+EAT/Commando VS bugs.
>but the hunters
I shoot them at range with the eruptor or my bushwhacker. Sometimes I burn them with impact incendiaries. If they really get close then I kill them with my bare hands.
>fighting the opinion of a random jewtuber
Ohnonono, the zoomers wrath will be upon you now
it better be 50% slower and less agile to compensate, there's no fucking way those chicken legs would be able to do the retarded ninja maneuvers that the regular scout striders do with all that added weight
>you always will be
But in the very thread more people support my position.
Can't you count?
>not providing the slightest argument
Let's run back on your claim that the BT is slow
>He's right.
You can stop samefagging bro
Did they say if everything in the trailer will be available on August 6th, or are we getting drip fed the content?
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>Myself however? I've graduated to Eruptor+EAT/Commando VS bugs.
Same. Eruptor + laser rover allows you to hold your own against chaff and mediums, EAT + Commando means you always have AT ready to go even on D9, and then I run eagle cluster bomb for when chaff gets too hectic. Absolutely love this loadout since Peak Physique was fixed. The Bushwhacker is so perfect for this build since it trivializes stalkers and shriekers, 1-hits hunters and warriors, and knocks brood commanders back.
>he doesn't know
Silly anon, realism only affects the player
Enemy units can do whatever they want
>Quasar hitting anything above d tier
two seconds, just full auto to the butthole, you do not actually need to be behind it to hit the butt either.
you are easily the most wrong motherfucker in this thread and that's not exactly a low bar to climb.
I like people that can avoid getting eaten by hunters without spamming a breaker. bugdives are a precision kill venue too.
Reminder that this is HELLDIVERS 2. You are only allowed 1 stratagem, so make it count! This is why the Auto Cannon will always be the best weapon. You don't have to beg your teammates to deal with a charger, you don't have to get down on your knees and suck off the EAT user to destroy a shrieker nest, you can do it all with one gun (eventually) even in an ion storm!... There's no telling what would happen if we had things like Orbital Precision strikes that let us kill chargers and structures even if we had something like a stalwart. You guys are gonna be BEGGING for an Auto Cannon chad when you realize flamethrowers can't close bugholes
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Oh boy I can't wait to fight Impalers as early as October
>you don't have to get down on your knees and suck off the EAT user to destroy a shrieker nest
No you just have to do it for the titan instead
I'm not talking about that though...
>slowest enemy in the game
Way to out yourself as having never played D9 solo, much less played beyond D7 with a team.
>*watches heavy dev teleport on top of a mountain*
>*witness hulk devastator walk through a billion corpses like a ghost without making a single sound*
>*observes tank vertically climb a tree then launch itself into orbit and land on top of a helldiver*
>*take notes of rocket devastators forming a conga line then climbing on top of eachother and forming a totem of rocket devs*
Uhmm... realism you say...
I'm not even in this argument, I just like taking potshots from the sideline.
ACucks are so embarrassing, it's like they want the weapon to be nerfed so they can be victims like railgun users
what the fuck! You made me waste TWO perfectly good posts that could have been spent arguing
Reminds me of that time I've shot down a dropship carrying a tank, and it flew into another dropship, just for the tank to survive at full health and get launched on top of another helldiver, killing him instantly.
I'm not him. Your primary can deal with the hunters, and no support weapon facecucks brood commanders/bile speweers/chargers as well as the AC. The AT weapons are better VS chargers but lack ammo VS commanders and spewers.

I prefer Eruptor plus the disposable launchers because Eruptor deals with swarms, commanders, and spewers while the EAT/Commando handle the chargers and titans with ease. It's better VS the heavy targets and flows better than trying to use disposable launchers alongside the AC.
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>what bug fixes lmfao
the spear works now
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wageslave hours done. Now its freedom hours.
Speaking of which, shouldn't tanks be heavily damaged by the distance they're dropped? Like, you can handwave the bots and devs and striders as having servos or brakes on their legs to cushion impact, but the tank is just a tank, at least in functionality
I prefer supply pack and liberal usage of impact incendiaries. I'll also occasionally give teammates supplies if they prove themselves worthy.
I actually just want more people to use it so the headache factor in d9 can be contained map wide
there's nothing like running a package from a fuckton of spewers and watching them suddenly go pop from getting flanked by a single AC user on quick reload
multiple ACs, assist reloaded ACs can unfuck any enemy constellation in this game, even bile titans fold fast if their armor is sufficiently cooked
Realism for thee, but not for mee!
There should be an automatic block for the person who kicked and has been kicked.
>The AT weapons are better VS chargers but lack ammo VS commanders and spewers.
Get the flamethrower that's good on both
Or a GL with supply
I wanna use the grenade launcher more but struggle against chargers using it. I don't wanna constantly juggle OPS beacons, is there a way to kill chargers with the GL? Other than just shooting at them until I run out of ammo at least.
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These Hulk variant needs to be more common, I like the ones with skulls and barbed wire on top and the ones called Obliterator with a flag on it's back
I don't like running the supply pack if I'm not using a support weapon which can benefit from it, but I see where you're coming from. Nothing is funner on bugs to me than running supply pack with MMG.
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Bots should study how camo works. I'd love to see a hulk with vines strewn over it and mud smeared across it to try and blend in with the forest surroundings. Dazzle camo would also be good
Its a multiplayer game there is no swiss army knife weapons except the ever balanced ac vs bots
Bots are so kino, bugs are souless and boring
Next time post bugs or bots
not much you can do, GL is spectacularly bad against chargers for some reason
my best advice is to combine GL with EAT
drop EAT if chargers are on site
try to get two charger headshots for each of your EAT drops
pick GL back up once the charger slaying is done
you could also consider using the OG mech for charger disposal as the rockets are quite nice at stripping their legs and popping their buttts, but the cooldown makes it semi unfeasible
>big bit base rolls three mortar encampments
“You are in range of enemy artillery!”
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I'm never opening up a lobby to randoms ever again.
I'm never joining a randoms lobby ever again.
If I see new people joining in the threads lobbies, I will likely be skeptic and abandon the team the moment I get TK'd by them.
This game is already too frustrating due to game breaking bugs on its own to also add the shitty social layer on top.

The fact that griefers will now have a safety net is utterly insane.
I've never been griefed by people from hdg intentionally really
Everyone is spending so much time looking at the rocket launcher that they're not noticing that this guy has an enclosed cockpit. No more overpressure or flanking small arms kills for you.
>if I get TK'd I'll leave the game
Why? Are you scared you'll get kicked or do you think kicking won't change anything
You haven't played enough.
Sentryfags are the worst.
>getting killed by someone's turret is 'griefing' and not you having shit awareness
Do you guys think there will be a second free battle pass? There really ought to be one. I doubt there will
Sentries aren't going out of their way to shoot you, you can still kick them too. Are you just mad that you can't PUNISH someone because you walked into their line of fire?
What would you guys say are s tier support weapons based purely on how fun they are to use.
For me:
In that order.
>Laser cannon
nta but obviously kicks will be meaningless as unscrupulous faggots will be able to grief the shit out of their squads during extraction, get kicked, instanced, and with any luck extract earning full experience points plus samples. hell, if I'm reading this correctly they'll even get all of their victim's support weapons. an evil nigger's paradise. very swedish solution.
Think for a second about what loot in the game is.

>SC, Medals and Req Slips
Already immediately added to players' totals upon acquisition, no need to even finish the mission.
Literally already shared by everyone.

If someone has been griefing you all game already and your team already has so much loot before you kicked them, then why the fuck didn't you kick them earlier? If you do your job and kick someone immediately when they're a problem, then they'll see no reason to continue playing since there won't be a lot of loot amassed. If someone gets grief-kicked, then they get the chance to keep the samples collected so far and extract with them, only solo instead of in a group.

Nothing else really compares because it's either awkward or lacking "oomph".
I have intentionally teamkilled in anger 2 times, once baby raging the other to kinda ram home not to shoot the fucking nuke driller.
I have been griefed by randoms (friends don't count and neither do mortars/sentries in general/cluster munntions/arc wepaons) 3 times since launch and i have 400 hours.

This is a good change,
People that want to make room for a friend and they are at the end of the msision? You can kick them without feeling bad.
Your a fourth in a team of three and they want to make room for a friends? you can say bye and gg's, still get the pay out.
I honestly do see how this is a bad thing or a thing that will pop up more than once a month
t.man that quickplays in oce
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>ally is focused on defending a spot against a breach or bunch of patrols
>put sentry behind him at 50+ metres
>he dies killed by the sentry
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Queso (always paired with Rover, same place)
I enjoy the ol reliable hard hitters
not using any of the rest so not ranking
I noticed and i'm wondering at what level they should introduce this guy in
My Gut reaction is level 6 and 7 in bases, level 8+ world spawning
Actually kino and should be an actual mechanic for tanks.
Fun is subjective obviously, but I lean more on the side where I like my weapons to actually kill their targets. So for me it's

I want to put Arc Thrower and Railgun on that list, but the truth is that I've only used them a few times each and I don't find it fun to be ineffective against the important threats in a mission.
I don't see why they can't appear as low as 5 in small numbers.
>shooting at bugs
>keep shooting bugs
>suddenly a line of fire appears next to me
>uhm... lol
>just stay there defending a choke point with my primary (like a BOSS)
>it eventually shoots through me to kill a bug
HOW WAS I SUPPOSED TO FREAKING KNOW?!?!?? btw I play the game on mute and I refuse to check if anyones using a sentry
if I were a bot I'd sign up to be a slipstream tanker
If only it had better optics for long range it would be in my s tier aswell. Top of a for me atm.
Bots have FTL drives just like us.
>9 bugs
>Absolute clusterfuck
>Eventually fail mission
>Team talks for the first time
>They're huehues
I should have fucking known.
Fine, next time you die to an eagle or orbital it's not my problem.
Should have noticed the red laser and voice line.
I find myself disagreeing as even in level 5 bots i find lots of new players, I don't want these lads to get juggled even more from rocket spam than they already do. They can barely fight hulks and gunships anon.
I'm glad you clearly understand the difference between throwing a cluster strike at someone just to kill them and having someone walk in the way of your sentry
bringing mortar sentry on bugs makes it into d10
I'm throwing the cluster to kill enemies, if you are in the way, that's your problem for not accounting the fact that I'm an NPC bot that will throw stratagems without taking allies and their position in account.
Mortar sentries are like the pitbull of sentries. I'll defend gatling sentries all day but you couldn't pay me to vouch for a mortar
War is not for the lame and slow.
Also I don't begrudge normies for not being autists like us but the game has been out for half a year.
If they haven't mustered the courage to play a high difficulty on a video game or even figured out how to handle diff 5 relatively easily... like why do they even play this game?
Don't "destroy the factory Strider" missions show up as low as 5? The rocket Striders look easier than a hulk.
That system doesn't really help, the kicking would just occur at the lobby screen. If they are kicked often enough then its griefing at least to them, so if AH would want to "solve" that problem they would have to do something more drastic.
AC sentries will literally kill themselves, you'll never see a mortar do that.
They might be pitbulls, but at least they aren't brain damaged.
Guns being good is also part of the fun.
Stalwart max rpm is fun, but its lackluster ability to deal with medium armored enemies knocks it down a fair bit.
>Bots develop their own legally distinct "Destroyers"
>Chance to appear randomly on missions 7+
>"Helldivers be advised we are picking up FTL activity in the area"
>Giant Low Orbit super unit now a huge threat like the blimp in Battle Field 1

The Super Destroyer then authorized the use of Short Range Lazer Guided Nukes
Throwing a cluster bomb at someone 'to kill the enemies around them' is no way comparable to having a retard walk into your sentry. Sentries are obvious, they take time to show up, and you can clearly see when someone has one. You're just malding you can't punish someone because your dumbass died to a stationary, loud target that shoots in a straight line. I bet you die to tesla towers too
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I hope they murder incel breaker because it devalues my MMG
Am I the only one that would rather they fix the current difficulties before adding new ones?
Diff 9 can be an absolute breeze, or it can spawn 5 elites every 10 seconds for the entire mission. There's no fucking consistency.
He's probably the one that takes tesla towers to begin with
>like why do they even play this game?
Sadly for fun

Yeah they do and to do so they bring 3 spears, 3 lazers, and 3 rail cannons. Then the lose 13 lives getting to the first Strider. I've quickplayed into some FUBAR mission anon.
And yeah they will be much easier to fight than a Hulk but I'm considering them in a Full Fight situation where the Air 40% lazers and the only real difference these Rocket Walkers bring is More Rocket.
Had a guy like him who walked into a tesla tower
>run back to grab AC
>get zapped again
>land hellpod directly on his gear
>dies AGAIN because it zaps him when he comes up
>lands his next hellpod on the tesla tower this time
>grabs his gear and walks back
The factors I've noticed that seem to increase the chance of shit going sideways are:
highly mountainous maps (Patrols meant for 100% of the mission area are condensed into 60% of it)
Edge of the map stretches out into open land (Patrols can just spawn on the plain which is terrible if you're near the edge of the mission area)
If the moon is rising in virgo
If it's a geo survey mission
Devastator seed
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Patrols should only spawn from the edges of the map or from fabricators and bug holes. If you destroy the spawners, they can only spawn at the edge of the map. The loading screen says it works this way but it doesn't, I often see patrols spawn right behind me when I turn around quickly.
>mark a Detector Tower or Stratagem Jammer
>it's announced in the events log and appears on the map for everyone to see
>doesn't work for Shrieker Nest, Spore Spewer, Rogue Research Station, Gunship Facility, etc.

I wish this feature were consistent, and that it worked for Outposts and Nests as well.
/v/eddit tourist meltie
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new warbond when
Level 6 destroyer upgrades when
Illuminate when
I'm bored
Do OPS destroy Detectors? I remember reading once that they did but I'm not sure now
>all that new shit announced
>no interest in touching it because leg meta still exists
yes, 500kg's too
The eye of sauron towers? Yeah they do, it's pretty useful.
They do, but the base of the tower is made of beacon-b-gone so the strat ball may bounce away and end up too far.
>new warbond when
If we're lucky (highly unlikely) the Thursday after the patch, so the 8th. More likely it will be mid-late August.
>Sentries are obvious, they take time to show up
The time for a cluster bomb to show up and a sentry to deploy and start shooting is a difference of 2-3 seconds.
If you place one down 80+ metres away from someone and behind them, there's no way they can be aware of it, especially if there're fog or spores on the map and the fact that ALL voicelines in the game can be animation canceled and muted or have a chance to not appear.
Not even counting that AC sentries have basically instant damage and it's a oneshot with 0.1s to aim.
If a bug is stunned in front of someone and there's an AC sentry behind them at 70+ metres, they are dying.
You can reproduce it with high accuracy. The only way to not die to it is being paranoid of the fact that your teammate is a certified inbred retard that doesn't know how to position sentries.
And we aren't even taking into account mortars against bugs.
Rocket sentries? Those are slow, they can be reacted to.
Mortars you either know they are nearby or you are likely dying.
AC Sentry if you in front of them when they land and there's an enemy between you, you are dying when they spawn unless you dive out of the way.
Gatling and MG? Those can be stimmed or avoided easily.
Tesla? Short range and extremely visible.
The only two sentries that are actual TK machines are Mortar and AC.
>no interest in touching it because the game will be an unplayable broken mess
Fixed that for you. AH can't make simple additions like superior packing without irreversibly breaking shit (still not fixed btw) so who the fuck cares.
>super helldive
>featuring 2x more heavy and rocket devastators and only chargers and bile titans
>still going to be piss easy because engaging enemies is pointless
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After 400 hours nothing really gets me tilted in this game anymore aside from this. And boy does it get me tilted.
>Explore the swamps but not as you know them, with rolling fog and the untamed flora, the blackened trees obscure the light and the air itself feels haunted. Keep your flashlight handy, as visibility is limited and light is key
Oh boy, more fogshite how novel.
anyway what's the secret between beacon sticking and not sticking to enemies?
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There is none it's RNG.
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Now it's a dark souls swamp. Even worse honestly.
It sticks if the part of the enemy is horizontal enough. I dunno the exact angle. But, try tossing a beacon on top of a tank or a factory strider and it'll stick 100% of the time. Hit the side of a charger and it'll always bounce.
hit the top of the enemy
get upset when AH say they fixed red stratagem tracking and they didnt
wonder how it works for support weapons 100% of the time but for offensives 0% of the time
Nothing gets me more angry than bouncing a strategem. It's especially infuriating when I'm doing asset evacuation and the ball for my turret or placement bounces when I just threw it at the ground in front of me. It's to the point where I will walk over to the exact spot I want to deploy it and aim directly down at the ground before throwing it, because just trying to toss it at a 45° angle to a spot next to me bounces it 50% of the time. Wasting a two or three minute cooldown because my turret deploys out of line of sight from the enemy makes me want to quit the mission entirely.
If I had to guess it's because support weapons use hellpods but red strats don't
Every primary needs at least a +100 damage buff

Game fixed. Just in time for their super duper liberty content or whatever
I want to be excited for the new update but I just can't bring myself to care. Having seen how much of a shit show even simple content additions were, without even getting into the balance fiasco, I just know they're going to keep fucking it up.
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I don't play on swamp or jungle planets anyways, my performance dips to 30 FPS there. At least the rocky planets keep me around 50.
Nope. The one thing everyone at Arrowhead apparently agrees on is that primaries need to be complete and I mean COMPLETE shit.
>keep your flashlight handy
>meanwhile there's still no change to the obscene bloom effect from using a flashlight in fog
>Super Destroyers can't counter the Automaton Destroyer because they're on low-orbit.
>Have to rely on mininuke-wielding Helldivers to shoot it down.

Would be great. Put that "IN RANGE OF ENEMY ARTILLERY" warning to proper use.
So what are the best primaries for D9 Bugs?
Incel Breaker, Sickle?
dissident faction is such an easy win AHfags, you can asset flip shoestring this crap in a week and make it fun.
>light armored militia plebs with no support weapons for light units
>med armored personal/ballistic shield and jetpack grunts for mid heavies
>mechs, heavy armored snipers, and a chopper reskin of the bot gunship for heavy units
>pelican for a super heavy unit, basically an air mobile factory strider
>dissident voice lines denouncing and taunting the helldudes
just imagine your diver yelling freedom lines while actually mowing down hordes of rebels. we need this.
>aim directly down at the ground before throwing it
Even this doesn't give me reliable sticks.
Incendiary breaker > powergap > everything else
I was thinking about this while I was watching the trailer for the August update today. All these crazy new enemies, and primaries already feel barely capable of dealing with what we have now. It's just going to tilt the scales even further towards support weapons then it already is. If primaries just had more ammo all around, even if they didn't do more damage, it would be a lot better because you would at least have enough to deal with the mooks that are constantly swarming you.
Spray and Pray is pretty good for chaff no?
It's worse than the incendiary breaker in literally every use case
firebreaker >>>>>>> the unrestrained power of the sun >>>>>>>> scorcher, JAR, plaspun >>>>>>>>> whatever it is you're using
>new content exclusive to difficulty 10
It takes like 3-4 shots to kill a hunter or warrior since the damage and spread is so bad, and over 2/3rds of your magazine for a hive guard or brood commander. I want to like it but the incendiary breaker and even the regular breaker still moggs it. The S&P needs its old 32 round mag back.
>the game should be made easier than it already is
How on earth would they have the material necessary to be a serious threat? Dissidents are just humans, they're not mass produced like bugs or bots are.
Scorcher and the shotguns really.
most important thing is to kill fast and in bulk, so yeah, breaker incen is a very strong choice. The other breakers are as good though if you use them according to their attributes. I'd only take Sickle to bugs on frozen shitholes with energy weapon modifiers. The overheat mechanic can be a ball chafe when too many of the small shits are on your screen.
Incel breaker shits on most enemies except stalkers and hive guards, the latter being a severe roadblock for autistic metafags. I like using MMG with peak physique as a "primary", but my stratagem choices get railroaded to anti-heavy if I want to quickly deal with chooooorgers.
Gotta agree with Anon. Cyborgs (and now Automatons) were already intended to be the main 'Rebel' faction splinetered off Super Earth. They'd need to have some outstanding amount of funding or some exessively powerful tecvh to be able to be a threat to Super Earth's regular pacification forces, not to mention Helldivers.
Are Behemoth chargers still a thing?
>How on earth would they have the material necessary to be a serious threat?
corruption and a subsequent breakdown of galactic infrastructure, allowing dissidents to steal hardware and recruit thugs for front meat
they could be a harder-hitting faction that's more about taking on waves of elite units than overwhelming numbers, kinda like the Illuminate are intended to be
I just want more factions, one more won't cut it
ESL troon
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Despite everything, SE seems to have a tight, secure, and robust bureaucracy so a faction being able to get the resources necessary to openly stage war against us from within seems unlikely.
explain the rogue radar stations then
A single building in a region in the galactic backwater that gets immediately blown up by Helldivers?
fast(er) thread
New intel update about the super president having a stroke when?
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Here is how
>super president is assassinated
>super earth's continuity of operations plans are very poorly written and directly contradictory.
>super earth's forces are split in two. Both sides think they're the true super earth government and that the others are dissident traitors.
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Hopefully soon
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>bugfags already complaining about rocket striders and rocket tanks
sure we knock them out in a second, but they keep popping up in every corner of the galactic backwater, that means there is sustained latent dissent
and where latent dissent exists, armed dissent will emerge in the right climate
More like SE is cleaning up regular research stations so Intel doesn't leak.
Why would bugfags complain about a faction they don't even play?
If the President of Super Earth ever died (Liberty forbid) then our newly upgrades voting algorithms could easily select a new super president.
Thats the joke
No, it's not
You're the joke
Newly upgraded, or seditiously altered algorithms?
the new bug mission is just death stranding
Bugs are so fucking boring and you can’t even find a helldive on bots right now because of the MO. I hate this shit
Keep running cardiodiver
>armed dissent will emerge in the right climate
Yes, but how are they getting the material and logistics to be a serious threat? Even if they manage to steal a single Destroyer, how are they keeping it fueled and rearmed long enough to be a threat, but a PLANETARY threat, let alone multiple planets? Where are they getting all the food, shells, mechs, guns, bullets, Eagle-1 missiles, vast quantities of E-710, etc from?
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Light leandivers, this is our chance to just stim and carry the package across the map in 3 minutes while ignoring all the BTs behind us.
> "Just run awa- ACK!"
>*killed by impaler that counters kiting bugs*
They really are going out of their way to kill their playerbase, because this is gonna make a lot of bugtards uninstall from how much harder that will make bugs.
considering a sickle was able to make them "go away" it should be counterable even with something already viable like orbital gatling
What is your thoughts on the anons you have been playing with?
If they nerf the hunter combo and spam it won't be an issue
Of course, they won't, so it will
I'm pretty sure that was just another example of the devs not knowing how their own game works.
mostly competent
yeah true honestly
maybe it'll actually make the AC viable for bugs, then? can't wait for weapon variability to die again
I HATE the cluster bomb anon
>uh oh bugfags are gonna have a collective meltdown
>implying that running away isn't the botdivers' prime method of dealing with bot drops
Maybe, though I'm betting its gonna be another case of "anti-tank or bust"
And spammed to hell, of course
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The botdivers are sometimes better than me, which never happens when I play with randoms. I'm too stubborn to use AC every game, since it just makes me mad that it's so good.
The bugdivers are never better than me, which always happens when I play with randoms.

They're probably top 5 percentile when it comes to player ability. Makes sense since they're people who seek out forums for discussion and aren't just casuals who load up and hit random.
Some of you fell for the do your own thing meme and it's sad to see
I couldn't believe those faggots touted that environment. Fucking really? Absolutely no one likes how fucking dark or foggy shit can get.
Hard to do randoms anymore.
i get angry when they play better than me because i like carrying
i get happy when i'm playing with the bad ones (the guy who brings 380 to everything, the guy who brings clusters to bots, etc.)
The only two anons I dislike are the one that brings AC sentry and cluster and the one that brings 3 sentries and a shield.
Everyone else has been amazing to play with.
>impaler blocks the leandiver's path
>tentacles pop out of the ground
Uhhhhhoah..... just like my Super Earth animated shows........
Last time I played bugs I got carried. It'd been almost a month since the last time I played bugs.
Last time I played bots I was about equal with the others.

Both times were fun. Tho fuck Chang for leaving in the middle of the first mission. We finished it without you, and the rest of the OP too.
I hate bugdivers so much it's unreal. I don't mean anyone on this board because I consider you an autist before being a bugchaser but the average bugman is just the faggiest being imaginable.
I cannot tell you how many times I died to a fucking clusterbomb just because some retard saw some warriors and scavs near me.
Clusterbomb is their answer to everything. Bile titans, chargers, BOTS. Do these people just not fucking learn?
>the guy who brings 380 to everything
The anon that solos bug breaches and bot drops all the time and ends up with everyones else kills combined and some more every mission?
>the guy who brings 380 to everything
>Throws it
>Does nothing half of the time
>Occasionally some retard gets blown up by the very last shell
>Always slows down the team
He's based
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I will rank the anons I've met so far:

"Trust them with my life"-tier

Mostly competent-tier:
>UN Inspector

Absolutely Irredeemable shitters-tier:
I will start bringing 380 and Cluster every run now.
not sure who you're playing with but it definitely isn't that guy
he just throws 380s at bot drops and they do nothing, or he throws 380s at detector towers and they make it take 30 seconds longer than an OPS and on 4x the cooldown, or he throws them at bases and they do nothing
>lazy fucking Swedes! They leave for a 3 month vacaction and leave their game to rot with no content!
>turns out they were actually working
>uh, well...actually, it's shit because...THERE'S TOO MANY ROCKETS, OK?
Doomers running out of arguments.
I'm not one of the doomer anons, but I will say that there is no proof they didn't have a "future development/releases" team working simultaneously with everyone prior to the summer break and then they time it to release for now.
>New content/patch announced! It's great! Game is saved!
>New content/patch released! It's shit! Game is doomed!
let's see, uh...
>asset that's existed since game start.. but you run it to the other side of the map
>asset that's existed since game start, but it's foggy now
>asset that's existed since game start, but they put rockets on it
>...rocket tank?
Two new enemy times in exchange for months of dev time. Everything else is just stapled together or not produced recently.
Overall very fun to play with. I dont care what (you) bring to the mission as long as you try and have fun. I dont even want to play without anons i just sit and wait for a lobby
Tired of 380mm. I am no longer amused.
cityscape biome or emasculation of freedom will be a complete bust
I would also take an industrial megafactory biome
>Bro how would Horus have the material to be a threat?
Spleen is a worthless retard
Your ranking is shit
Hey A***E, I'm tired of picking up your rests from the ground, stop walking into them.
>Absolutely Irredeemable shitters-tier:
KEK, you mad nigga?
I see it being difficult to implement, but there are WAY too many ego tripping diva's playing host these days. There should be a race to the bottom seeding mechanic where all the ego divas match with each other, engineering in effect a dog breeding program whereby all the diva's play solo like they actually want to.

I've been kicked for dropping samples at the evac location because its along the way. Some nigger was just yelling at me "why you leave dem there? We will lose them?"

Fuck diva's. I like this change.
This entire game is death stranding coop edition
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>Horus heresy
>armies upon armies upon armies of trillions of people, if not a trillion trillion across all the planetary systems
>led by people who are demigods and the literal forces of chaos empowering them
>regular people
>all the planets out there are just random tiny ass little outposts, with the odd super small research lab or two, or a tower that blows up the second anybody looks at it wrong
Anon, please.
Stop bringing the airburst for bug eradication mission you absolute retard
This is the fate of every general desu
you have mental problems, but you knew that already
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why I'll never play with 4chan fags ever again
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Yep, it's lobby time.
Diff 9. Democracy decides where we go, but my vote's for bots.
I am glad that my name wasn't mentioned
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>copedivers don't know how to type my name so I'm safe from le drama
kek and underrated.
virgin helldivers fear the chad space-folding tank.
I'm an unrecognizable Anonymous so this only amuses me
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>tfw not namedropped
I guess having a job and not lobbying 12 hours a day helps with that
no thanks I don't want to be namedropped, told to kms, archive tracked, soft doxxed, and agitated to complete melties
>Humans are fuel for the automatons.
How dare they try to turn us into fuel like that! Anyways, I'm off to the bugfront to help turn more terminids into fuel for the war effort.
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>promising content drop
Yeah, starting to think it's not worth it if this is how other anons are going to be on a coop game of all things.
>one that brings 3 sentries and a shield
the one that cries on vc if you play the video game in a less than optimal manner?
>shooting dropships
Oh that's strange, it looks like the 3 other players all left the game at the same time, enjoy your solo helldive (with 4 players worth of bots already spawned)
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Literally nobody cares enough to archivesearch your name. Even if they did, they'd just see "this person played helldivers on 4chan," and that's if you don't just have a moonrune name that's impossible to post on 4chan (or an ultracommon name, "John" is never going to be softdoxxed).
Back to /mjg/ with you.
>bots use humans and bugs for fuel
>humans only use bugs for fuel
We need to start using bots (humans) for fuel if we want to stay ahead of the game
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2/4. Join FAST and for FUN. We don't have drama, only FUN.
Yes, the laziest nigger on this general and somehow always crying about how other anons play, even if it literally doesn't matter how they play because we'll always be clearing everything with ease without coordination or plans.
More like mostly incompetent tier.
Pretty sure we do use their parts
We kind of use the bots. We use them as material for mines, weapons, et al. That's "fuel" in a way.
Since theres a super destroyer screen on our ships that could imply different ship types eventually right
based retard
You cant do un like that, hes a magician with the spear.
Absolutely elated that I was mentioned in the top tier. I'm not gonna drop any names but if you played with me you probably heard my faggy voice once. Apologies, I can't help it, I'm Canadian!
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dude why....
>failed to join
You full or just blundered the lobby? If full why no full announcement?
>t. Divided "haha look i did an oopsie and got us all fucked AGAIN but its ok because i got to post a funny webm on the chins :))" Spleen
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Other player decided to call it after 10+ mins with no other joiners. Too much dwama made me, also assume that people are too flighty right now.
why not duo with randoms?
Time to change Steam names boys
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HDG lobbies are HDG lobbies, dummy. If I wanted to play with randoms, I'd just do [R]ussian Roulette.
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Next time i see him im shooting him again <3
I would have loved to join and solo duo, but I'm this anon >>487275258
See you in two weeks.
The worst HDG player is better than the best Random.
id rather run with one homie from hdg than none at all
I laughed hard at this.
he's one of the few likeable people here, you're just a seething nigger
i started dating someone i met here
hah, gay.
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new bread?
Certified leansissy post
You know you can shoot the legs on hulks to cripple them, right?
Actual sissy's in this thread.
>join late night NA lobby
>me and host are only anons that want to play
>bugs, fills with 2 randos
>they're alright, one sticks around for the full OP
>move to bots, the 2 randos we end with stick around
>things take a noticeable turn
>Hmm whats going wrong, these people were semi competent a second ago
>the randos are level 30 and 60
>Bot OP was a meme OP with two short-form missions, so its not so bad
>"Just one more mission"
>its an ore survey mission
I hate bugdivers almost as much as I hate sweden, you cant take these idiots anywhere without them ruining everything.
Online relationships don't count, nigga!!!!
>Genuine fag ITT
Yikes... I'm out
Any news or update today? I remember we had one early this month.
thats very cute anon and i am happy for you
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>Squids are still not in the game
dont forget our original pink got ptsd or something and teamkilled me twice for no discernible reason. noticed it was on purpose the 2nd time so killed him 2x and he ragequit
the last real gril we played with only died twice on the planes+ore though was also wearing stealth armor
dog bless green and his 10+ deaths and both of their bubble shields and quasars
and fucking MORTARS
why wouldn't they dispose of the corpses after transplanting the brains?
>We have arrived and it is now that we perform our charge

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