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Escalation of Freedom Edition


HELLDIVERS 2 is a 2024 co-op, squad-based, PvE 3rd person shooter that sees players battling to win an interstellar struggle to rid the galaxy of the rising alien threats. You are a Helldiver, a member of Super Earth's most elite fighting force. You and your squad choose to wage war on a number of contested planets, completing various objective-based missions within a procedurally generated area of operations. Each successful mission contributes to the complete liberation of that world, and ultimately, total strategic victory in the game's ever-evolving galactic campaign that doesn't really work, much like defending against this thread's subject.

Released in 2015, the original HELLDIVERS is the origin of the setting and basic gameplay formula of HELLDIVERS 2. The most major difference being that HELLDIVERS is a top-down, twin-stick shooter, neither of which are two words. You can expect similar gameplay between it and its sequel here in /hg/.






July 10th patch https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/553850/view/4246413199456152345
Escalation of Freedom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQl2BmhSCsA

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bugs 9
Remember to drop your 380mms in the tryhards' faces
>Guy walks to the door to exit the lobby
I don't know why that was so funny
Had to remove the game purchase links so that the new update links could fit in the OP. Don't think those are necessary anyways since anyone who wants to buy those games can just search them in the storefronts.
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>arc thrower up front in that piece of artwork
>Update is called escalation of freedom
>all our enemies are escalating with more powerful units
>helldivers don't get shit
Maybe bots and bugs were the real freedom fighters all along?
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Sex with eagle 1
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>Warning, you are in range of enemy artillery!
>Warning, you are in range of enemy artillery!
>Warning, you are in range of enemy artillery!
>Warning, you are in range of enemy artillery!
>Warning, you are in range of enemy artillery!
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Really lame design, I'd have made it an offset AC turret with a box of mortars alongside it
d9 bots before AH ruins things again
tell that to russians
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turn on your radios
on board the keeper of the stars
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play some time flutediver
>doing well, in the zone, having fun
>dive on top of a pebble, ragdoll
>get torn apart while my diver is having a parkinsons fit on the ground
>pulled so hard out of the zone and the game that i start doing bad and no longer have any fun
>quit mission, just go on to solo speedrun PO and log off
Yeah, lame, and that doesn't need to deal with spaceship-backed suicide soldiers
Of course such a heavy machine will need a roaring engine and will not slide along the ground silently.
So how's the new content dropping?
>All at once in August 6
>Dripfed until August 6
>Dripfed after August 6
in medieval times one of the easiest ways to kill a knight despite the amount of armor was shove them over on the ground or off their horse so they couldn't stand up in time or at all. That's how I see helldivers. Strong but extremely weak to being killed on the ground
>dive on top of a pebble, ragdoll
there is nothing that viscerally triggers me more than this. one of the few ways i die that genuinely aggravates me as i take 50000x rockets to the fave because my guy OD’d on muscle relaxers from touching a rock
Will Emasculation of Freedom have cityscape biomes? Will it have vehicles? The long-requested jammer sentry? Augmented vision? New missions of a format never before experienced in the entire history of Hellcopers? A deeper and more longevity-focused reward system? Real customization? The answer to all of these is a very likely no, but new enemies are a start. I hope the bots get their attack dogs back. Same goes for those black ninja stalker captains on the bug side.
>Free Quasar cannon
Can't wait to carry quasarshitters
but she no longer has legs. she also needs to breathe oxygenated liquid. you can't have sex with genderbent darth vader. it's definitely a hazard.
>>helldivers don't get shit
is that so? I think they just want it to be a surprise
sorry that you're glued to your AC while i'm out having fun with 4 offensive strats
Not canon, you can look ingame at the model and see the 'less legroom' is just 2 tubes that the legs go into like sleeves. So she can't move her legs, but doesn't have to cut them off.
This was explicitly stated to not be true by the devs. You know this, and we all know you know this.
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>how about a new scout strider variant that has missiles so they're a bit more of a threat?
>yeah, nice, that'll wor-
>and also a fully enclosed pilot seat
>kind of feels like those should be two separate vari-
>and we'll just give it a shit load more health and make it have huge stagger resistance, and also just make it so explosives can't kill the pilot at all
>Can now grief on extraction and face no repercussions since I get rewards at the end anyway even if I get kicked.
They really didn't think this through, did they.
This thing look awful, like it shouldn't even be functional
>we want there to be more loadout variance by players
>make enemies that for the most part are only effectively and efficiently countered by a limited number of weapons
>Friends list still broken
Don't care about this game anymore :(
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>>and we'll just give it a shit load more health and make it have huge stagger resistance, and also just make it so explosives can't kill the pilot at all
calm down
Honestly, basic Scout Striders are such a joke that I welcome this. As it is right now, they're just inconveniences that you have to waste Plasma Punisher rounds to get rid of.
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>i welcome this because im a crutch using shitter
Search your feelings, you know it to be true.
The strat for killing these, assuming the pilot actually is still there and has a hitbox, will be placing one dominator round in the crotch just right so it passes through and hits him as it already does on regular striders. They will almost certainly not allow this to work once they learn everyone is doing it.
Basic striders are not a joke if you're using weapons that don't have aoe damage. They're at just the right height that if they do hit you it will most often be headshots, and without a plasma or explosive weapon you actually are giving them time to line up that one shot kill on you.
sir your grenade pistol?
sir, your plasma pummeler?
>every primary that isn't dogshit against bots is a crutch
And I'm sure you use Lib Concussive against bots, right?
Is the sickle a crutch gun too? Is the dominator a crutch gun too?
Enemy, mission, and planetary updates land on the 6th, along with new 10 page warbond. Premium warbond on the 8th.
Libconc stuns devastators and heavy devastators and makes them stop firing, it's kino. Just needs to get a recoil reduction and a scope, hard to hit heads with it
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>new 10 page warbond.
say what
i used to shoot their tentacles with trident in the first game
>Lib Concussive against bots
not him but this is actually decent because of the perma stunlock. of course it’s hard to land the headshot because of the aforementioned stunlock flinching the head constantly. overall outclassed by plas punisher doing the same thing (+AoE) but in theory you can kill faster with a headshot rather than dumping whole plas punisher mag. it’s a change of pace but often i’ll just run it for a meme round and switch back after being cucked endlessly
We'll see.
I wonder if it really is completely enclosed, there could still be a hole for enterance. They might've just made the angle to shoot the pilot tighter, it's a decently interesting gimmick and I think it'd be weird to completely remove it
literally which gun isnt a crutch? lib carbine?
I think Automatons need more rockets
hes coping
To the skies!
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leandiver status?
>Impalers become extremely excited/agitated when in the presence of leandivers
Uh oh......
oh :(

do you do bots? if so how does the eat/jetpack combo work for you?
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Back from work. Any lobbies going on?
>high dps spray n pray RNG that one will hit the dev head
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not 100% sure what you guys mean, but maybe defender
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Nobody would care about scout striders if impact grenades actually killed them in one hit consistently
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i try to go behind them, but how many EATs does it take to kill a hulk up front? i've just been shooting them
>bot molestor at it again
they should let jumpers control and drive that thing once we're up there
Bots: "He can't keep getting away with this.....!"
medical armor should make you not consume stims if you stim a teammate instead of extra stims which is just a selfish "I have extra health" passive
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>jump pack trivializes tanks by going to their weak spots
Tell me more about the jump pack.
You can 1 tap a hulk with an EAT if you hit it in the eye. I usually try for the 1tap, then if it survives I use the other rocket to finish it off because it dies to 2 shots either way
WELL SHIT! guess i know what i'm trying this afternoon
>a free 4 minute cooldown eat that needs to charge up before shooting
Atleast you can stick the ball to enemies.

Just using my head. Why would they prepare detailed key art for this update that is basically an expanded version or the one they used for the title screen and "Helldivers Mobilize", if it's just for the addition of a few new enemy variants and one whole new one?

They said they haven't shown anything, and the reason for that is because there will be another video feature next Tuesday showcasing the new warbond. I'll concede the possibility that it may not be as big a warbond as Helldivers Mobilize, but it will be free and it will have more content than premium warbonds (not going by the standard set by Viper Commandos, of course, but the older ones).
dont get me wrong i hope your cope is real id fucking love a new big warbond
back to 3/4
hop on
I hope so too. I'm happy we're getting good stuff but I want more equipment to use. A big warbond would be a A+ patch through.
>Why would they prepare detailed key art for this update that is basically an expanded version or the one they used for the title screen and "Helldivers Mobilize", if it's just for the addition of a few new enemy variants and one whole new one?
hm that's some solid reasoning
>gets on top and just starts jorking his peanits
democracy officer...he's fucking the bots...
>10 pages of Dagger pistol variants
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It's a cope..... but it's a cope I believe in....
>get sent back to own ship
>doesnt say host dc or i got kicked
if there's a new megawarbond it better have the Justice, and the Justice better be better than even the Tenderizer
it looked like you ended a sentence with the letter 'e', so you instantly left. someone else instantly joined. f.
you ended your message in E
which the game read as if you input E outside of the chatbox
which resulted in you just going back to your ship
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what in the fuck
But there’s already a warbond on the way. I really doubt they’ll throw 2 at us.
trolled svenske style
That's a premium warbond. We had two (a free one and a premium one) when the game launched.
full again
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you get one jump every twenty seconds. momentum plays a big part.
jumps take stamina. stop holding the forward button after you hit the peak of your jump because it'll restore some stamina as you touch back down. tanks still hit me, but i try to charge them when they're not rapid-firing.
there is jumping for saftey and also jumping for glory
This game is a circus and we're all just clowns performing.
Cope. I didn't deserve to be kicked, end of. It was a friendly jest and being kicked for it is why we're going to have a vote to kick option next update.
>reacting a day later

Based schizo.
>Lower turn speed
>Make the legs extra weak under the new weight so that explosive weapons consistently down them quickly with shots to the undercarriage, and even low pen weapons can take care of them with enough ammo
There, balanced and doesn't make the new unit strictly better than the old scouts
I've said that before, there's nothing medical about medic armor, it's more the meth soldier armor than anything
I'm not expecting a new big warbond until Liberty Day.
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>hmm you know how everbody hates bot rocket ragdoll hell, sven?
>of course ahmed
>you know what we need?
>a tank that spams rockets?
>and scout striders that spam rockets!
>damn that was hard, time for vacation!
if its anything like artillery stations they aint hitting shit and will be less of a threat than annihilator tanks.
you'll still play brownoid
Unfathomably based
Is it possible to host white leandiver only lobbies
I just got ragdolled for like 10 seconds straight by one bile explosion because of a freak combination of declines and drops. I have no idea how I survived cause it was in the middle of a breach as well.
>sweet bro and hella jeff
Yeah, on the bugfront
It's like the devs are conspiring to make sure we lose the botfront by making them as obnoxious as possible to fight. Can't wait for them to bring back the 3 stratagem slot modifier and the stratagem scrambler!
opinion discarded
>surely the vast majority of the playerbase must be wrong
most people are dogshit at the game they play yes
And still you complain when the big retard blob doesn't go where you want
that isnt me, i only shit on bugdivers who bitch about bots
>kuso cannon
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>"Trust them with my life"-tier
Dang, thanks anon. I'm just trying to not be a burden.
It's 'Divided,' not 'Divine.' I still need to clean shit out of the folds of my asshole, but thank you and thank you all other anon divers. Didn't get the to the last thread in time I was at work.
I suppose I could host a game
I wanna Carve some progress into Vandalon 4
How are bugdivers going to cope with impalerkino
enjoy it
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god, i wish i had my trident from the first game
I'd rather have an actual single EAT every 4 minutes than this shit
Seriously, it struggles with every armored unit, no one acknowledges it but it's currently even more useless than the Railgun
The thing I miss most from the first game is 12 spare magazines.
2/4 get in here divers
it was always pretty middling, the cooldown nerf just made it absolute trash. the theoretical rate of fire was pretty much impossible to take advantage of, either due to lack of targets or you needing to maneuver to avoid shit and actually get the shot off
They're not. Bugtards are EXTREME autists, so this rocking the boat will absolutely make them uninstall the game. Either that or they'll be crying to Arrowhead, begging them to revert the game back to its previous state before impalers were in the game. Kind of like what they've been doing with behemoth chargers.
The tentacles seem pretty cucked HP-wise
They'll cry for impaler nerfs.
Wait, we already have the enemy data on the Impaler?
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thank you sweden very cool
Could you fags just go to a discord or something?
This dicksucking makes a pride-parade blush.
>not using the eruptor
>t. mad he's unmemorable
Nobody is using that garbage meme weapon, I have seen it maybe twice since Alexus nerfed it to death
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What are they gonna do, stab me? quote from man stabbed
>if you're using weapons that don't have aoe damage
You ESLs aren't passing a basic English exam with that level of comprehension. I would recommend returning to the Philippines or Punjab India or whatever shithole you came from instead.
No, but they're using a Sickle to kill the tentacles in the trailer in a short amount of time
oh no, is it full? am i to late :(
I haven’t booted the game in a few weeks. how do the Commando/RR/EAT/Spear compare against bugs? I like having more options but it feels like the RR has been powercrept out of the game.
>free queso
It's not worth it is it?
Not like these trailers have ever been reliable
>purifier one shotting striders intensifies
>join lobby
>nigger pub tries to take the supply pack that i just called down
That's the first time that I've come this close to teamkilling someone
Drop, grab, point at BT forehead, magdump, S tier, nothing else really compares (especially the EATs with the shitty cap animation)
saar.. :(
it's alright as a free no backpack weapon, probably nicer against bugs than it is against bots
They won't make the same mistake. Maybe they're intentionally making them weaker first so no one complains then they'll buff them in a later patch
even the leaderboard bugged
thanks sweden
If you wanted a dogshit explosive weapon that's only barely useful for warriors/hive guards/brood commanders you'd pick the Eruptor and get an actual support weapon to deal with chargers and bile titans
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>tfw just you and random
No, not even for free.
thats kinda kino. shame it had to do you like that though
>tfw you will never ride a motorcycle across the outer ring
based connection lost
>now just getting infinite black screens on hellpod launch
for fuck's sake SWEDES
If you shoot the top with ap explosives will it explode like a hellbomb?
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Come on man I gotta shit hurry up!
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Same way they did in the last game, the second one shows up you wait for it to deploy its tentacles and then fire a single rocket at the now exposed fleshy bits where the tentacles extend from.
inb4 it's not a one hit kill with recoilless in the sequel for no fucking reason
OK that went horribly someone with a more stable connection make a lobby
>GABEN day of the week
>GABEN o'clock
That happened to me yesterday, i misread and thought it be the supply drop
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d9 bug
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>calling in MG sentry to deal with bug breach
>instant charger wanders out of the fog to kill it
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Predictions about upcoming Aug6 patch? Will this boost numbers again above the floaty 40k? I remember the June 13 patch had the game at almost 80k iirc.
It's 2/4.
open the lobby desu
Is your lobby not public?
Are you retards on playstation? The fuckin lobby is open.
Oh, I might be retarded.

Does anyone want to make a lobby that actually knows how?
>Orbital scatter modifier
Wow this much worse than I thought
OPS is basically useless
>Failed to join game
>Also graphics crash
Great job retard
orbital scatter should just give OPS a longer calldown time as they calibrate against it or whatever instead of making it completely useless
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tuesday steam maintenance
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>You are in range of enemy artillery!
>It's a fucking TOS-1
Goodness gracious.
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Ustotu Helldive.
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New biome with the big update. Some kind of dark haunted swamp. Thoughts?
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The front guns are bigger
The scout strider can already put you to 90% health in a single headshot with 100 armor
if this is even a tiny bit strong it will literally oneshot anyone not wearing heavy
Not my problem since I only use heavy armour anyway.
>"people don't like fog or getting juggled to death by explosions"
>"so lets add more explosive spamming enemies to the bot front and add even MORE fog to the bug front"
i genuinely hope everyone in sweden gets hit with acid
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>I asked for darker missions in an anon lobby
>Arrowhead provides
I am not ready, but it's what I asked for.
The rockets on the side better explode when we shoot them. I expect this to be a weak point but I have little faith in the devs at this point.
The LC already gets hard countered by scout striders because its crappy durable damage
the only way I can deal with them is headshotting the rider
this one has a head plate so I guess I have to retire LC sama...
Pretty sure this is just the new swamp biome with a continual weather modifier laid over it.

Would be cool if the lightning strikes were not just cosmetic and could hit things, including terrain, felling trees and lighting up a fire field.
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Feels good to be an enforcer appreciator. Quick enough to dodge rockets and tanky enough to survive them.
try now
Our boy ohdough made a reaction video the update teaser. You should watch it!

Helmet armor is the same for all helmets. Getting headshot wearing light armor is the same as heavy.
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Helmets do nothing yes
but armor rating does affect the head anon
wearing body armor with a rating over 100 reduces the damage you take from headshots
Not addicted to porn BTW.
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god, I wish I had my sickle from the first game

Neat thank you for the info. Also fuck you swiggers for not making that clear.
>can't tapfire the sickle in HD2 for increased accuracy because of the delay before firing
What were they thinking
it's in the patch notes for the .300 patch, but they have issues relaying information to players ingame in general
you can tap fire it to reduce the ROF once it's spooled up, at least.
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>The LC already gets hard countered by scout striders because its crappy durable damage
scout striders are 0% durable, stop shooting the shield with 4 armour that halves your damage and instead go for a leg
pointless because of the 1.5 second cooling delay. tap firing the sickle in HD1 was useful because it cooled immediately and with the correct rhythm you could have infinitely sustained fire without overheating
Is this gonna be the patch that finally introduces the choir version of the Automaton theme into the game?
fair, i just use it to stretch out a magazine when shooting a lot of chaff that only takes a couple 'bullets' per kill, mostly.
This is so hecking vile... you're the reason why dysphoria sisters are unable to transition into serf-class atomatons in peace.
When i show this to Baskinator your days will be numbered freedomchud.
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On the Bug front I just take the Machine Gun Sentry as it practically works as a 2 minute CD AoE damaging taunt
>Sentry on the other side and gas on it
>Bugs walk towards Sentry, break it and come back for me
>Doubling time in Gas

More Illuminate teasing, about as subtle as a grenade in an orphanage
oh, then its damage is just bad lol because I do shoot the leg and it takes like a solid 2.5 seconds compared to the AMRs single shot
Just started playing, how is the autocannon against the bugs? Can it take down chargers? I'm struggling against them and the stalkers.
i think we're too firmly into "a game for everyone is a game for no one" territory to reclaim many players
You see (heh) how the map is only lit up by the lightning? yeah we getting the Orbital Flare with this one
More of it's backend coding was added in the last patch as well
really dark maps would just make it more annoying that weapons aren't even the tiniest bit modular.
its only really good against spewers which you won't know will be spawning until you're already in the mission, it can delete chargers if someone strips one of the leg's armor and basically worthless otherwise
Thank you. What would you recommend against stalkers and chargers? I've been using the laser and orbital precision strike to deal with them.
AC will melt stalkers, but is largely ineffective against chargers.
AC is still worth taking, at least on orbital scatter planets where you can't just spam gas/gatling. Just pair it with EAT or a commando.
stalkers the AC does pretty well at, you can stagger two or three of them reliably and kill them rather fast, as long as you have decent enough aim. chargers are an exercise in CBT without an AT weapon unless you exploit (shoot the hind legs while the game considers them as having less armor than they should) or burn a stun grenade to freeze them so you can dump four shots in the ass to pop it.
>Faster, more gameplay involved ways of getting supercredits (clearing mega bases for example) that aren't just farming trivial missions.
>But premium warbonds now contain stratagems
Would you press the button?
Oh boy, i'm excited to try and get back to playing when that big update will drop!
You can explode their ass well enough with it and if it's not fixed three shot and kill them via their back legs as they recover from a charge (their armour become bugged during tat time.
I suggest though the EAT's for Chargers as they one bang them in the head, The Flamethrower can kill them in about a third of a tank if you focus a leg as well.

You snipe Salkers as they come for you effectively.
You can stun Stalkers with the pump action shotgun, instantly killing them in the head as well.

If you still struggle with them consider the Stun Grenades from cutting Edge
>its crappy durable damage
its durable damage ratio is actually pretty alright, it's just that the regular damage is dogshit from the start
the issue the LC has is that its DPS is just fucking low in general. it's 350 with 200 durable damage. shooting the face plate halves that DPS so it's only doing 175 on a scout strider
as long as the stratagems are replacing skins and not all the weapons/armors then I'm fine
Polar Patriots does not seem worth buying at all.
>(shoot the hind legs while the game considers them as having less armor than they should)
it happens to the front legs too but it's not the armour being lower than it should, it's the (invisible) inner leg clipping through the outer leg hitbox during certain animations
I would not
It would not effect me as I unlock everything within a week of it releasing but it would negatively effect people that do not mainline this game like I do.
Gameplaywise, it's not. It's shit. The only reason I grinded the SC for it was so I could have fitting armor for snow planets.
tenderizer is nice on bots
>has the tenderizer, the best light pen bot primary
>has the pummeller, the best SMG
>has the verdict a decent peacemaker sidegrade
only the purifier is trash
>trailer has over 1 million views in 10 hours
We are so fucking back.
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Bug 9
More like, "Escalation of Hotfixes" because this patch is going to introduce 500 more glitches and bugs.
I don't like it
It's not bad, it's just not good
turddivers to toilets
dun dun dun dun duuun duun
either way, unintended behavior but
>arrowhead patching exploits in an effective fashion
I would contend that the Verdict is better than the Senator since you have 10 rounds vs. 6, more total rounds in reserve, and don't have to deal with single round reloading bullshit if you aren't reloading all 6 bullets. AP3 on a secondary is nice, but if you're relying on putting your armor pen capability on your secondary weapon against bots then you've chosen terrible primary and support weapons.
Uh oh! Stinky!
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Bot 9, need one.
plapdivers to plappods
It's garbage both thematically and practically, yes
yeah lmao the armors make zero sense and the weapons dont follow "ice theme" and the purifier is dogshit
tenderizer is good thoughbeit
It would have been nice if the armors gave bonuses in snow environments, like an additional tier of "you can move in snow" that stacks with Muscle Enhancement, or an enemy detection radius reduction, or the ability to ignore the snow flower explosion slows.
>get it for the Pummeler because I think a 1-handed primary is interesting
>it gets nerfed exactly 8 hours after I unlocked it
>yeah lmao the armors make zero sense and the weapons dont follow "ice theme" and the purifier is dogshit
>tenderizer is good thoughbeit
Sure but it's not THE best or even that much of standout, one good fun for a whole warbond of crap doesn't really compensate
Yes, it would've been really nice if the snow and cold themed warbond actually did something for the cold/snow
Its also super lazy
Artic Ranger is just a recolor of the scout armor with a new nice helmet
Winter Warrior and Kodak are just recolors of each other
Also White Wolf isn't white and the helmet is too small to fit a human head
Does Experimental Infusion just not have a description or what
>They made it so the acid fuck you planet reduces your defenses when it rains.
The absolute state of players who don't wearing armour without extra padding on acid planets.
it kept healing the enemies when they try adding it and even the swedes aren't that sadistic
GG's. Going to watch baybaw.
GG anon. I hope its a good baseball game.
The pummeler is still great though, it’s my most used weapon for bugs. It makes hunters, scavengers and stalkers irrelevant and can hold other enemies in place. It even can stop chargers mid-charge if you sink enough bullets into their ass or chipped armor. You still have to use your support weapon for commanders and guardians though. The only thing it’s not good against is shriekers, but oh well.
You could make the legitimate argument that no bug primary comes anywhere close to the incendiary breaker, because they don’t. But I don’t use breaker because it’s boring and ugly. To each their own.
It presents some interesting opportunities, depending on what "reduced armor" actually means on enemies. Does it just increase damage taken by a flat percentage, meaning you need less firepower to kill something, or does it reduce the armor rating, meaning that stock MG can kill Hulks with eye shots?
>bot front
>sub 2k people on every planet but Aesir Pass
>Aesir has 2,400 people
>out of 600 games, the highest difficulty public mission is 5

I just want to Helldive bots again. It’s been a good couple weeks botbros ;_;
It should lower armor by a tier but decreases armor rating on helldivers. While they're at it, they should finally buff thermite nades to remove armor.
big challenges mentioned
the illuminates did this
bot lobby soon?
I just can't stand how chaotic and messy the bugfront feels.
>but muh ragdolls
Skill issue. If you decide to stand out in the open it's your own fucking fault.
gg boyz
The hell are you talking about Helldiver? That rocket barrage got you in the head real bad
>>it gets nerfed exactly 8 hours after I unlocked it
Chargers and chargers alone not being as susceptible to the 'SmallStun" effect of the pummeller is hardly a nerf. It's still just as effective against everything else. Stunlocking chargers was a meme, but even then you can still do it, it just takes more bullets.
>Skill issue
The irony
And here I was thinking that you could only fuck factory striders while underneath them.
Lick me sissy.
Say please
wrong thread sorry
Can't wait to wade through this shithole at 20fps while every single light blinds me with the shitty bloom
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>Would be cool if the lightning strikes were not just cosmetic and could hit things, including terrain, felling trees and lighting up a fire field.
>have to be wary of the ground and the heavens by being near a taller object so the lightning would strike the highest point instead
>changes the environment or smites you if you're in open field
Would be a really good idea. Definitely better than just meteor showers at least.
How many chapters since Miura died? 5?
>>it gets nerfed exactly 8 hours after I unlocked it
actually, let me ask you this: what do YOU think the nerf was? how did it impact its capabilities?
Are they good? Do they fit with the rest? Do you Berserkerfags believe it's actually Miura's secret notes?
post BOT lobbies
It's mediocre but you can clearly tell it's more of Mouri's version than Miura's because his Guts is the emo MC archetype Mouri likes to reuse. At least it follows the plot and doesn't stray too far off.
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Fine. I'll play one OPs with you.
My internet just went down, so it’ll be a bit, but I’ll probably post one when it comes back up. Usually takes around 30 mins. Just one operation though, I have to sleep in a couple hours.
>It's mediocre
Well, be glad then, cause that's the best of possible outcomes
actaully nevermind i dont want to play
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tha fuck did you just call me whytediver

We are playing bot now!
I’m surprised people whine about the bot front more. Bugs are easier, but at least on bots my deaths are mostly due to an actual mistake I made instead of the bile that I clearly and visibly dodged oneshotting me, or a hunter leaping straight through terrain and landing a headshot.
Get in here botdivers
give me your best new biome idea NOW
A mission set entirely in a Super Suburb Super Mall
Iowa. Literally just flat corn field as far as the eye can see. The only thing you can see are hulks, striders, titans, chargers, and tanks as they flatten the corn. Why? I just think it would be funny with every objective slightly above so you can see over the top but running between them you can't see shit.
that's especially weird because the turret explosion isn't the one with massive impulse
I don't have anything specific but it would be cool to see landscapes that are definitely not inspired directly by earth landscapes. I'm not saying to make something specifically like pic related, but I think it would serve as a biome equivalent to say, the Garcrux swamp biome where eagles are mitigated by the nature of the terrain. With the added benefit of said terrain still being destructible, of course. That's the biggest draw of the Florida everglades biome to me, not that there are direct biome modifiers to it, but the terrain geometry itself serves to alter the gameplay, not just by using a statistic chance of fire tornadoes or sandstorm (though those do serve a nice purpose on the biomes they can be encountered on).
Lightning strikes are not cosmetic. I was playing bugs and once saw lightning actually hit a creeper. It became supercharged and quite dangerous!
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VOLCANOE (Shriekers)
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Tank turret explosions are finicky like that. In my experience anyways.
that would actaully be cool. gentle rolling hills completely covered in destructible corn.
a few roads through the area connecting enemy outposts and side objectives.
the entire field would slowly be flattened by enemy patrols and stratagems.
massive towering sprinkler systems stretching across the map.
a few fuck huge harvesting machines sitting idle.
Junkyard planets
>Literal Field Battles in the far future of a space faring empire.
Yes please. I want to see what kind of meta develops when there is no cover whatsoever. Bubble shields on a cycling cooldown with HMG emplacements? Rank and file Emancipator mechs to recreate a literal firing line of guns? Who knows what kind of crazy bullshit people would come up with.
i hope to see a crossover of EDF, helldivers and DRG one day
>Who knows what kind of crazy bullshit people would come up with.
"No, no, no! That sounds like FUN!" - Alexsus
zoom zoom
I WILL get the jumper cables, Alexsus. You WILL let us have a two man team of our best machine gunners running the MMG and HMG while the other two are simply reloading to keep the guns purring.
Do we HAVE to be become every other shooter? Can we not do our own lil thing?
... except it's MGs and supply packs.
maybe if the 3 games didn't share the same premise of fighting GIANT SPACE BUGS, people would drop the idea, besides, helldivers could benefit from edf, they could get some ACTUAL mechs instead of the dinky box mech i saw
You can still stunlock chargers by shooting their exposed parts anyway, so not sure what the nerf did in regards to that.
Any bug lobbies? I had a shit pug earlier looking for non shitters
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How much ass hurt do you guys think the new automaton units are gonna cause?
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Starship Troopers crossover is now
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Take this image from pre-railgun nerf.
Super Earth will have fields of produce
3/4 bots
eradicate and outpost mission
botdivers, 9
I look forward to it in 2027.
>defend train
>Have to expect someone to not bring a backpack to be the bug carrier on bug babysitter missions.
It's already going to be a bad mission just for that.
bots are hungry today
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sorry autochuds, my hands are full handing out supplies like candy, and my back hurts just carrying this pack. someone's gotta take one for the team
Too bad they didn't give it the goo jetpack property. Then you'd have people fighting over it instead lol.
>Ideas for a fourth enemy faction
Post em
Just juggle your backpack you noob
Human rebels
They just spikes up on single planets every so often, higher chance on planets that change hands too often

Space Lizards
Taking Snakes, Crocodiles and Geekos as castes
They would have just agile looking units and vehciles, lots of tubing and water flow aethestics
There would be Balloons
>Shams couldn't make Muh super earth bad and sacrifice children satire last MO so he make us kidnap the enemy children instead.
>higher chance on planets that change hands too often
How would there be rebels then? They'd just be fucking dead or turned into bots.
Space skaven
>Welcome to your new home, Hellscape McTotalFucked
>"C-could we not?" - asks Mom
>Mom executed for being a dissident
>Fast Forward a few months survivors from attack #43532
>Rebel cause gets another soul

That is a one reasoning, but probably too niche
Maybe it could in Sectors instead then
>Human rebels
I thought about that too but cyborgs/automaton are the human rebel faction. Their aesthetics is just undead AI trying to make humanity extinct and replaced with robotics through unholy communism.
I like how you wanna implement Rebels, it makes sense that those constantly exposed to alien leadership would start to doubt SE's capabilities
The only way I can frankly see regular human rebels working is if they're literally mind-controlled by the Illuminates once they show up. Or at least enough mind control that any naturally occurring seditious thoughts are given priority, and then bam you have a rebellion on your hands.
>mission types that make you think about what stratagems to bring
I like this. I hope you can carry them while inside a mech.
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>uwahhh I need my backpack slot
Anon, we can't even call a stratagem in a mech. They're just gonna say "nope, it's too crowded in there :))))))))))" despite you being able to wear a backpack and still get in a mech.
>Have to expect someone to bring a smg to be the sssd carrier on transmit data missions.
This is how retarded you sound
It's fiiine, new missions are never a bad thing
You highly underestimate how painfully autistic bugtards are if you think having a mission that demands they not bring their bread and butter backpacks will be something they will play. It will simply be avoided because "WAAAH! I CAN'T PLAY MY AUTISTIC LOADOUT ANYMORE!"
>constantly vaulting over the resupply pod
>this time it is directly into a chainsaw
when will they fix this so you have to press space to vault onto this shit
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>both terminids and automatons see us as food
What would the squid people do to human captives?
It's been fixed for months idiot, check the settings
Go look up Illithid rule 34, anon.
They already did. It's in your options menu
You gotta remember that Managed Democracy has enemies and "enemies" within
>Loading Screen telling you to report Thought Crimes
>Ship's Engineer proud she reported someone from the cafeteria getting her and extra Doctor visit a year

Even in Lore you have Helldivers landing in places to remind the locals they belong to Super Earth by choice(tm) via the very direct method of just Killing you if you say no. This is/was reflected in the cyborg faction yes but you will have overlap when your three main enemy themes broadly cover
You kinda need that "wait are we the baddies" energy in Helldivers, it's what makes it great. And by stopping people, just good old normal folk, by force you get the feeling.
You can make it funnier by making them Space Americans or worse Australians

I based the idea off the Total War series' games.
In earlier titles like Medieval 2 sometimes armies would just kinda go 'lol bye' and sometimes even cities. Newer titles have Control nerfs that build up and Up and UP if shit has non-stop been hitting the fan.
Kek, this sissy complaining.
>Grenades can actually kill stuff now.
Is this what not playing the game for two months looks like?
I think a human faction should be a surprise mini boss where a group of 4 ex-helldivers drop in or ambush you and try to constantly kill you to deter you from finishing the mission. But that might be too much because they have to be strong to make up for their low numbers.
Extradimensional parasitic psychic monsters that puppet the corpses of the other factions, including SEAF. They don't hold planet sectors like other factions, but instead aggressively explode from random spots in each warfront and have to be put down in a short time. Basically Major Order faction, they only crop up as the target of a Major Order when they punch a 4-5 planet hole into a given area, with an origin point planet that needs to be taken to succeed in the order.

>rank and file grunts are exclusively zombified SEAF and Helldiver casualties, milling around and spraying automatic weapons haphazardly. Far worse accuracy than automatons, but suppression on them is literally non-existent (instead of accidentally), and they arrive in numbers more comparable to terminid chaff
>Mostly pull from Terminid and Illuminate for more elite units, could possibly even have throwbacks to Cyborg units from Helldivers 1 as they need an organic nervous system to manipulate
>top tier units are the actual parasite monsters, giant floating tentacle brains that are the focal point of massive patrol swarms, if they get taken out the immediately surrounding units pop like balloons
The people who use the same cookie cutter loadouts for bugs and bots deserved to have their toys taken away and forced to learn other strategies.
>multiple loading screens mention how we need to be careful around alien artifacts and to specifically not explore them
>zero alien artifacts to be had in the game beyond regular common samples from the bots and terminids
Wow, Arrowhead. Bravo. A masterclass in worldbuilding and story telling.
Human rebels. But only because I think it'd be cool if after the illuminates appear and fuck shit up, and rebels take advantage of this to get a foothold in the system, that super earth start spewing propaganda that this is all because of illuminate mind control and nobody has actually evered betrayed super earth.
It would be kinda fun for random weapons and stratagems to become unavailable in tandem with the occasional free stratagems we get.
Why, Chaos from 40k, of course!
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How would you feel if the 'rewards' are just trophies you hang on walls in your destroyer?
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We may very well be getting something like this soon
And then you can have these upgraded on higher difficulties to be repurposed Helldiver bodies, constantly pumped with captured stims
two extra super samples
This game is missing our characters spewing insults and racist remarks at the enemy factions. I wanna hear the hatred our characters have for the enemy factions after bring gassed up on SE propaganda.
That pic specifically keeps making me think of how they introduced the Parasite Unit, specifically at this mark: https://youtu.be/Ai1it5CitzY?t=31
>Ideas for a fourth enemy faction
Space jews
At least give me a resource sink merchant to constantly buy shit from. I want to spend shit to buy useful but not OP merchandise like experimental strats for one mission, a mini nuke strat for one use or intel on where sub objectives are or what enemy spawns.
ideally it's either:
>a new type of sample
>super credit reward for returning something
>something that gives another type of currency for something new (this could be ship customization.
you can turn the super samples into two rare samples
>resource sink merchant to constantly buy shit from
>an odd cloaked man with a cockney accent comes time to time to your super destroyer...
I had this idea a while back for what each resource could be used for as resource dumps:
Can be spent to unlock enemy codex's, which show enemy stats, lore, strengths and weaknesses, and then can be used to buy small buffs or debuffs vs enemy factions for either the length of the major order on the major order locations, or for the operation you're on.
>Req slips
convert into super credits. 10,000 req slips equals 10 super credits.
Can purchase free stratagems that can be used either for the duration of a major order on major order locations, or for the operation you're currently doing. Max of 2 free stratagem slots. Price varies depending on impact of stratagem. Mech more expensive than MMG for example.
>try to use a chicken egg or an herb during combat
>your diver just kind of awkwardly mashes it against his viewport
>somehow it works, don't question it
it needs to be manlier, the diver punches their fist through their own helmet

He has spoken.
I haven't watched any of this guy's vids before. Why do we apparently trust/like him? Give me the rundown.
go shill your channel somewhere else
Any lobbies?
automatic channel block from me famalam
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Those people will not adapt. They will simply call the game shit and leave. Same thing as in Helldivers 1 when bugtards austically knocked out bugs from the map and were forced to play other factions. They just all leave instead of adapting.
I don't bring a backpack to bugs, what is the meta? I used to bring laser rover but it sucks now.
>it sucks now
? It's good, does it job
Not him but I used to watch him too
He used to play mostly exclusively solo D9, tested weapons and enemies, didn't bitch too much, basically someone decent to learn from if you were new to the game
I wish beam weapons had an unsafe mode just so they could scream at me and explode
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Diff 9, democracy decides front.
>overcharge a battery
>it's explodes and breaks your arm
>what is the meta?
player skill
Not on D9. It used to be better, then it got nerfed, now it can't clear chaff fast enough and you get killed anyways, while still friendly firing yourself and your squad.
grenade launcher and supply pack
join the lobby
this is a threat
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Join now, you're gonna want to join. You want to join us. Join the lobby.
Hit them once with the IB and the rover will take care of them easy
If you're getting hit it's a skill issue
You anti meta faggots are contrarian just for the sake of it.
Buy an ad nigger.
Shitters will just quote "muh meta" loadouts and never adapt while insisting on set loadouts with little variation.

I've seen many competent randoms on 9 running a variety of loadouts and using off-meta picks like default liberators. Most D9 players have come to a point where they more or less know the stnadard bug flowchart and are just fucking around with diff weapons to stave off the boredom of using the same shit every mission.
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idgaf if you only bring blue, green, red or a mix. Just make that it work along with the rest of us and we good.
Failed to join
Is Muscle Enhancement booster any good?
So... Aesir Pass is the only link to Super Earth Supply Line wise.

I know everyone is off in bug town, but are we really that keen to let the bots cut us off like this?
The new bug mega outposts look cancerous as fuck, tiny corridors full of bile titans and behemoths with little room to manuever, bug holes fucking everywhere and since it's an outpost, it's going to start spewing out more bugs once you step foot inside it's area.
I only wish closing bug holes didn't feel like threading a needle at times, if there's even a slight incline before the hole, you have to line yourself up almost perfectly to put a nade in there and airstrikes can miss if the explosives don't land perfectly on the hole itself.
It'll just be four seasoned turbo autists throwing a variety of Eagles and orbitals and then just mopping up from there.
How do i use the supply pack i'm wearing on myself?
That's not how supply lines work. Let alone the fact that there actually is no actual supply line to super earth yet because the assets in-game don't exist. There is no fucking reason to worry about anything because that's what Major Orders exist for. You're not expected to liberate planets other than those they fully expect you to liberate, and so none of the bot planets with decay higher than 0% are planets Arrowhead wants you to play on. Too bad this info isn't displayed in game so retards get the memo.
press 5
Press 5. No clue for controller.
It's okay on maps with slow down environmental effects like blizzard and sand storm. Also helps on muddy planets but there are better boosters to take
I also got a failed to join error.
500,000 concurrent soon, fellow divers.
just hit it with the 380+120+walking+cluster rocket combo 5head
Godsend on sandy/snowy planets, ezpecually if a storm kicks in. Otherwise not really worth bothering about.
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None of it matters. If Joel wants super earth to be attacked, it will be attacked. If he wants it to remain untouched, nothing will touch it. Nothing the players do make a difference.
>b-but muh MO!
All of which can be rigged to Joels whims
is that not the farm POI's with corn-like plants?, or the ones around the flag raising objectives?
because it's full you dummies
I can't wait to boot you barrage-tards into your own little solo games. Let us all know how your burdensome meme loadout works when your 3 allies suddenly disappear and you're left with nothing but trash stratagems to finish the mission solo (with 4 players worth of enemies spawned already). Putting retards in their own hell is an even better grief than just taking away their sammies at the end.
Then let the thread know that it's full you faggot.
It don't mattah. None a dis' mattahs.
>spam begging for players
>act like an ass when they try to join
Brilliant show
Illumination flares should be limited but available to all helldivers on night maps, rather than taking a strat slot.
That's what they are currently mined to act like
A Mission Strat for the Eclipsed Modifier
"Of course. Here's your illuminate flares."
you think they pull aggro to your position and that's the trade off?
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sorry anon, I won't be playing on D4 with you, i've got D9 lobbies to barragemax in
go back and play some RE6 mercenaries and enjoy the similar control scheme. RE6 has more depth in mechanics and prompts
Blood Gulch.
I hope that the big august patch nerfs the fuck out of the incelbreaker.
2fort. The ultimate biome that all bug autists will play, and only that biome.
Maybe they do but at a 30 second cooldown and 25 second duration i think it be just for light
Is there a limit to the number of people that you can block? I've started just blocking every single person that runs the reddit barrages.
I think even arrow head aren't stupid enough to give a trinket as a reward for players to do something that will take at most 10 minutes for an uncoordinated team that doesn't completely wipeout.
Battle of Flanders except planetwide
>everything bombed out, vegetation has died off due to orbital bombardment and nuclear strikes
>new and old fortifications throughout the map
>mud and water everywhere, kind of like Merida biome which had knee high mud everywhere
>barbed wire everywhere
>genuinely painful experience to play in
>blow-out modifier: see STALKER
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Underground. Drop us into a hellbomb crater with impossibly deep sides and have us go into the bug lairs, or bot Saddam Hussein bunkers. Let me suck E-170 directly from the teat.
yes 6
you just kinda add 1 to the end and remove the first when you block the 7th
Please let the next weapon experiment be something actually useful
>Try to exit the game
>Literally disables my fucking GPU
I kneel
Hmm 380 barrage for everyone methinks
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With a brand new rocket tank added in the Escalation of Freedom, you'll need some new mines to deal with them specifically!
Please not this argument again
its a lot mor reliable to tab out and close the window than to use the quit game function
It'd be fun at least, even the orbital smoke would be better. Should be cycling all those lame stratagems
I already use walking on bots most of the time
The eruptor should inflict more durable damage and cycle its bolt faster.
He's not wrong about AC
stop calling them on me you DOUBLE NIGGER
Not my fault I trip on every single pebble
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Cheers for the games big dog, sorry about walking into your rifle at the end there
It should get the shrapnel back, no more cope tweaks
It should have Medium Pen II.
>but muh primary
It's a bolt action autocannon with literally 1/10th of the maximum RPM and a slow ass projectile.
I feel like one of the reasons why the damage models feel fucked is they way that they handle "explosion immune". A lot of weapons depend on their explosion damage as a sizable percentage of their damage output. Half the enemy's hitboxes being fucking immune makes things feel lackluster most of the time. Obviously one explosion shouldn't 8x multiply the damage just because the AOE hit every limb, but the actual hitbox that is at the projectile's point of impact should lose its immunity. That's part of the reason why eruptor headshots vs brood commanders and bile spewers are so anemic: The heads are fucking completely immune to explosions and the majority of the eruptor's damage is the fucking explosion. Remove that immunity on direct hits and suddenly the weapon will actually hurt.
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Thanks for joining up. Don't worry though, I'd only blame you if I was the one who walked into your rifle.
I wrote a "Full" reply and the captcha dropped it, my bad.
Why are brook commander/bile spewer heads durable in the first place? Isn't durability supposed to represent the inefficiency of magdumping non-vital body parts with a death by a thousand cuts?
>I wrote a "Full" reply and the captcha dropped it, my bad.
dont believe you
>Obviously one explosion shouldn't 8x multiply the damage just because the AOE hit every limb
It should
Maybe make it so the damage falls off a lot at the edge of the AoE but they went out of their way to make a complicated part damage system for le realism then went and botched it instead of tweaking the HP
>the only unit it truly struggles with is the factory strider
>it can't really damage it at all
what value is the opinion of some one who is just blatantly, factually, outright wrong?
Zero. I watched HD2 ""influencers"" for maybe the first week I played it, but after that I realized that they're all retarded casuals who can only make a living because their audience is even more retarded and even more casual.
>He endured 20 minutes of that shitty zoomer edition
How do I use that archive planqual website? I wanna find out what the threads were like before I got into the game
but anon, AMR is one of the weapons that can magdump into a strider's belly bay and down it in seconds
>high caliber sniper rifle
>only effective at 5m
it doesn't even stagger devastators
Because somewhere along the way they forgot their own design philosophy. Likely the system was designed by someone who left before the enemies were finished and the person finishing the enemy stats didn't understand what it was supposed to be.
yeah it does
bile spewers?
try bile titans, their heads are 95% durable for literally no reason
9/10 bug games quickplay I'm dropping in with 5 minutes left and they have literally no samples and we exit with 3 or 4 objectives not done wtf is bugdivers' problem
>refuse to bring napalm
>refuse to bring gas
>refuse to spam fire at bug breaches
>refuse to spam SPEAR at anything that makes it out of the DoT zone
>just run around pointlessly while ignoring critical objectives
>die a dozen times to stalkers
>spend an entire resupply drop and 10+ minutes on a heavy nest
bugdiver philosophy is powerful
>get 380mm typed up
>rocket ragdolls you through cover
>drop it on extract
>kill your teammates
>get snowballed into a meandering death spiral with bot call ins
>nearly throw the game
I dropped that 380mm

I hate the swamp trees that block eagle strats especially when you have the orbital scatter debuff that makes your orbitals shit and enourages taking eagle strats.

That is all.
primaries kill faster than the shit thrower
Nothing you can't replace with Commando and sentries
just take four supply strats 5head
>no Insult Players and Insult Enemy voice lines like killing floor 1
swedish cowards
The game is missing basic voice commands for enemies/types of structures. Not even a bunker callout
>Orbital Scatter.
>Not taking 380 just for that mission modifier.
Hah. Can't make my orbital bombardments a gamba if they're already gamba.
take the bushwhacker, it takes out any bugs that close the distance on you
>AMR consistently one-shots scout striders with a shot to the leg joint
>but the driver ALWAYS survives
I don't know why this bothers me so much, it's just an extremly fragile basic bot but I shouldn't have to waste time and effort to kill him too
It's just another argument for the AC, that thing always kills the driver dead
I want the RR to get a damage buff so bad. It kinda became irrelevant since the spear fix. It's my favorite support pls help Joel
Because the AMR isn't explosives which bypasses armor. Also the bot rider can call in flares as well. Just more bullshit that pushes you to use the AC.
The driver only survives if you're a client, the driver dies when the network host blasts off the leg
380 has a 50/50 chance at not killing what you need it to then has a gigantic cooldown. Be better if they further reduced the spread and sped up the duration of the barrage. But they won't
>edf6 is out in 24 hours
see you fags next month
Gay game
There should be lines for hot drops and stimming under heavy fire too
Leave the weak brainwashed personalities to the crew, Helldivers should be unhinged
unfortunately this is the part you were expected to fill in yourself
which is why voicechat was on open mic by default on release
I'm still shocked that factory striders don't have their own callout. It's the most dangerous unit on the battlefield and all the heckdivers have to say is "bot, 50 meters"
That'd be extremely cringe and impossible to pull off while you're actually focusing anyways, you'd just hear grunts and heavy breathing
>Tag invisible Stalker
>Come here, don't be so shy!
They were AFRAID of success
We shoud really get those ideas for insults and over the top lines up to Arrowhead somehow
Get into the discord, write "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER", preach them the idea while appealing your ban
The only good swede is a dead swede
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this girl has a pop-up for me to interact with, but i can't reach her, she is hinding under the cryopods platform, possibly plotting something, she may be the only white member of my crew
9 bots or bugs
Remember to verify files before you start playing every single time
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forgot pic but 4/4 now
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>Holding out while standing on a Hellbomb
I love this art man
It's a metaphor for how modern dating apps show you women you want, but never show your profile to them.
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>go into random helldive
>absolutely fucking no one takes AT support weapons and eagle strikes
Yeah ok yes this is fine guys. I'm sure those will come in real fucking handy when the 9 charger is gaping our collectives assholes and bile titans are spit roasting us. I like the flame thrower since it is one of the most consistent charger killers and does a bang up job on hive guards and tyrants but I can't kill the dozen of those big assholes AND the titans. You bastards need to pull your weight and realize diff 9 is going to piss out armored threats and we will drown if we don't got enough firepower specially for them.
it's just the lighting, it's literally a clone of the ship technician you can talk to and they for some reason don't know how to turn the interact prompt off

there's also several of the ship mistress after ship upgrades in both the command deck and next to the eagle after the most recent upgrade
Is there a bigger red flag that you're teammates will inevitably be shitters?
Tag voicelines whether you're in combat or not would save this game
>Don't worry I should be ready to contribute to one more AT kill in just 360 seconds!
>Oh whoops, it went for the Brood Commander again, guess I'm back on the bench!
>>absolutely fucking no one takes AT support weapons and eagle strikes
standard question here then
Why didn't you?
Mortar sentry by a mile
Flamethrower/Commando/Supply pack/Gas strike(or Napalm) basically lets you do everything while you use your dumbass ape friendlies as meat shields. Remember to reinforce them on top of chargers and bile titans
I did. Flame thrower eats chargers alive and I also had the missile pods. However it is worthless against titans and when we got 3 breathing down our neck I can't kill every damn elite enemy on the map.
Just run. Do a quick flyby on your teammates and let them take the aggro. Not your problem.
If you aren't bringing a blue AT you're trolling
blue AT > red AT, you don't need more than 1 red
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>crossover with a slop officially supporting vtumours
i bring mg sentry purely to instakill chargers with the hellpod on d9
looks like shit with enemies no one asked for
kill yourself
Look at the titan
Then at the factory strider
Doesn't it look goofy and out of place?
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d9, dont care wich faction.
not enough biomes

a bit of everything.

- other forests, temperate ones for example, more cold ones like in the alps/germany/russia, or mediterranean forests.
- some grasslands/steppes
- a savana/pampas biome
- sand dunes desert for the entire map with a few oasis left around (no rocks, just sand)
- full on magma lakes and lava rivers world
- actual tropical map (maps made up of many small pacific-like islands)
- farms biome
- half urban biome
- full urban biome
- industries biome (alternate version of full urban)
the cyborgs used to have attack dogs. factory strider is just a big dog
If we're doing islands, I want a strategem for calling in Zodiac boats.
This better explode into a massive fireball like a real TOS when killed or I will be deeply disappointed
urban area with buildings to clear, halo 2 aesthetic for example.
>bots are just T-800s
>bugs are not diverse enough
there are so many different variations of bots they could have came up with but they simply went with terminator bots they should have went with the borg
>Shooting the rockets instantly blows it up
Literally whats the issue?
And no, I dont have a source. I'm just making shit up like the "it'll be immune to explosions / fully enclosed (although backside wasnt shown)" habitually complaining shitters. Git. Fucking. Gud.
you are here 24/7 defending shit gamr design are you a tranny ??
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>there will be great rewards waiting for you
>cut to helldiver carrying a bot head
Speculations? Are we supposed to grab it, bring it to evac and get some new ressource out of it?
it's a bot head
a reward in itself
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>massive update news dropped yesterday
>barely filled 2 threads
I remember /mhg/ days when iceborne update news dropped and 10+ threads were filled in less than 24 hours.
Damn, this is actually grim. Not even doomposting at this point, just disapointed.
tier 6 ship upgrades: 400 commons, 250 rares, 20 super rares, 1 super-duper rare
new epic shit modules giving sentries a 2.5% cooldown reduction for only 500 commons, 300 rares 100 supers and 50k requisition!
For the small fee of 1000 herold heads you get another spare mag for your pistol
It's literally just a trailer, nigger
Jesus, can you faggots survive without your rush of megahype for a single day?
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They were also just trailers.
I'm simply making a comparison, rude-kun.
This was my first post in a week or so. Take your meds schizo.
DESTRUCTIBLE buildings to clear
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>be me
>pretty thirsty after a long day of Helldiving
>decide to go to walmart and get some soda
>after all, what's the use of all the corn we're growing if we can't drink it?
>walking around, looking for dr.pepper
>they don't have any 2 liters but they do have dr.pepper cream soda cans in a case
>slightly disappointed, but ok
>take soda, leave walmart
>walking through the parking lot, see bot towers at the outer edges
>not normal bot towers just the ones with the little guns that don't do anything
>well, normally don't do anything
>one of them in shooting at me
>think its ok, because for some reason I know these ones don't damage you as much
>the dr.pepper cream soda is not so lucky
>takes a hit, the case of soda's hp drops from 102 to 96
>also notice that I'm bleeding out, apparently these towers CAN damage you
>tower is still shooting at me
>I'm ragdolled by a titty plant that was planted on the embankments between parking zones
>it doesn't send me flying, but I fumble the red stratagem ball I had in hand, lands 2 meters away from me
>uh oh
>suddenly, spawning out of thing air on top of the solitary red beacon are dozens and dozens of other red beacons
>so many their beams coalesce into a pillar of shining white light with a red glow
>500kg, orbital airburst, OPS, all the barrages, I see all of the red stratagem prompts pop up before my eyes
>they all detonate at the same time
>I hear the slightest bit of crashing ringing in my ear as my eyes are filled with blinding white light and I finally startle awake
>it was a dream
I might be playing this game too much.
>throw eagle
>bounce off charger back to your position
Such is life.
the game has died in 6 months, the formula is more lazy than fort night's.
you have the reading comprehension of a dog
>the massively popular game with a billion mechanics and things to learn that actually make a massive difference
>basically infinite rewards
>plenty of game modes and maps
>actually fun crossovers
HD2 doesn't come even close to Fortnite.
They said new game mode will be coming in the next big update, but I don't know what that means for the game.
Call me when they add the fucking illuminates
I don't give a shit until then
he brought clusters again
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for liberty and for liber-tea
>illuminates drop
>plays for 1 week
>Call me when they add the fucking rebels
I don't give a shit until then.
*throws clusters at the factory strider*
But new update in 2 weeks looks fun tho
>new update
more like new shit-on-my-pla8
look ill be honest im good at this game but this recent MO really has shown me how fucking retarded bug divers can be even if theyre lvl 150 its not even fucking funny the amount of people ive matched with in only two operations who throw the 380 at active extract and then claim "but i called it out"

if youre going to join my lobby and act with such niggerish behavior that you kill me more than the enemies do while im also the only one doing objectives dont be mad when you or your faggot friend get kicked because the tolerance is running paper thin.
There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.

I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little shitty flute post and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" flute girl, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan flute posting. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic fluteposting fag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "MY LIFE FOR SUPER EARTH!!!" You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
Should I man up and graduate from a D7 diver to a D9 one?
Not really fond of this nigger, ngl.
I wish he could get the hint.
you insulting fluteanon just tells me you cant get past dif 7 while he shits on you casually clearing d9s get fucked and go back to whatever gay ass gacha general you belong in you paypig cuck
that's a copypasta you newfag retard
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>There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn't he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.
>I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little shitty flute post and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don't even fill in the captcha. Maybe you're such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a 4chan pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The "epic" flute girl, isn't it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it's ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that's right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she's probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on 4chan flute posting. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic fluteposting fag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can't even try to talk with you because all you say is "MY LIFE FOR SUPER EARTH!!!" You've become a parody of your own self. And that's all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he's done a million times now. And that's all you'll ever be.
lobby doko???
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Pfff lmao, develop some standards my dude
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>thinks someone is trying to be funny by posting classical music with a nice image
Very interesting
based music poster
man up? Dude I was on D9 when I still was in the levels 10s. What the fuck are you talking about. Are these the retards I am arguing with? Dipshits who do not even play D9 on every mission ??
>literally mad that his passive aggressive pasta didn't land
I don't argue here. I just complain about swedes and their vacation practice. Besides that, I just played up to 7 for samples and unlocking all enemy types.
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there you go, now join.
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Why does cluster even exist?
Why does strafing run and gatling barrage even exist?
>turd world troon too shit to play 9 while seething about the devs
bruh... just get good
>arrowhead kills hd1
>does the same shit which killed hd1 on 2
so they are going to kill this game too lmao
But anon, I am white (actually white) and male. Why are you upset?
its the gayest copypasta ive seen in years fuck you. suck me. ill fuck your father faggot
What armor to decent to bring to d9 bugs? I like enforcer but the explosive resist feels wasted, I guess I could do bonesnapper?
I also hate swedes and I am sorry for berating you anon.
suck more swede cock faggot
It's not pasta. He wrote that.
you're probably a subhuman slav (not white), and i'm not the one seething while being a shitter lol. why are YOU upset?
skill issue
seethe more turd world troon
explosive resistance is very usefull against the spit attacks, they are (almost?) 100% explosive damage.

Join up
I run extra padding, best of both worlds.
>moderate stamina regeneration
>highest armor rating
Sneed and feeds divers
D9 bugmen thinks hes hot shit lol
>t. chuck
We cool bro.
you are coping
coping & seething tranny
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Can't wait to run past all the new bullshit in diff10
How did you know?
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i know everything about everything
Makes sense.
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Odds I keep playing Baldur Gate 3 until the 6th of August
Evens I uninstall and reinstall Helldivers 2
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How will they fuck up the new big update?
In many ways we will not anticipate.
bugs up the ass, idiotic weapon changes, unfun missions and enemies
the usual
spore chargers replacing hive guards for some reason, so for the first day there will be like 30 per mission instead of 3
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I actually have good hopes for the future.
The update is looking fun.
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they build it on top of a completely outdated build (again)
D10 is literally just allowing the engine to run wild till an eventual crash (based though)
backend not being able to handle new shit, game literally unplayable
level cap remaining at 150, no new titles
super super sample upgrades are dogshit like +1% fire damage
I like these helldivers 2 threads its like im in the kengan threads but instead of manga, my expectations are being subverted in video games
The classic swede: They will try to ship the update but realize the last working build was 2 months ago before they went on holidays so more than 90% of it won't be shipped for another 2 months while they rebuild it
Fighting on Garcrux is fine until someone shoots their incel breaker or something explode then fps takes a helldive.
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I wish I was born chinese so I could eat rice every day, learn kung fu and not know what a PC or vidya are.
>I wish I was born chinese
No one has ever said this ever
here is the chinese cock sucker back yet again
>what's wrong with clusters?
im going to post a bug lobby on here either tomorrow or thursday and i swear to god if one of you fucks throws a 380 at an active extract and say "i called it out" im going to kms on live stream on this general with that persons social security number written on my forehead. there is no way the iq level in a general is THAT low. please dont disappoint me anons
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Still better than being a nigger like you.
i agree with this guy asian/euro alliance will bring down zog
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I just dropped my magnum 380MM on the ground.
The magnum 380MM I use to fuck over my teammates every single time then pretend it was an accident.
On extraction.
I dropped my magnum 380MM HE Barrage on the landing pad.
I'm such a clumsydiver!
Would be a shame if everyone died to it except me!
Are the orioles known for being a shit team? I don't watch baseball.
Yeah they suck ass.
I'm certain of one thing: crashing due to new content being needlessly CPU hungry because spaghetti code
>doing some t8 bots with pubbies
>there's a lvl 149 private and some lvl 80 space cadet
>they both use the basic Liberator
Is it... actually a good weapon? Have I been fooled by thinking that it's the starting weapon so it must be shit? Or are these dudes just playing with a handicap for fun?
>loadout optimization
Pretty sure he's trying to have fun instead of playing seriously.
the pitchers skin color should answer your question. baseball is also the most feminine sport
Eh, Lib is just a worse Tenderizer in role, RPM hose for Devastator skulls and random small bot clearing. Functions but its not shit nor incredible.
Optimize me a loadout capable of solo clearing d9 bugs
It's not the best gun but it's still a fine weapon. I imagine once you're at level 150~ you care less about optimal loadouts. Every now and then I put on the full default loadout to try and clear d9 bots and d9 bugs, just to see if I've improved since I've first started playing.
it's fine
it's not amazing, but it gets the job done against bots.
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Eagle Airstrike
Eagle Napalm
AC sentry
Incendiary impact/stun
Redeemer/Grenade Pistol

Most of you here like red stratagems or something you forget and throw anyways so it's not hard to use.
Egg hunt
Just don't expect to extract :))))))
>puts two eagles together in the first two lines
>no way to delete BTs fast
>forgot armor and booster
Genuinely low IQ
replace napalm with 500kg/ops against titans and that's what i could use on solo. mostly agree with this
were they ever good in hd1?
>>487406380How do I use ac sentry efficiently?
Mine is always killed in 10 seconds by a charger.
incel breaker
g pistol
gas strike
supply pack
light medic armor with enhanced stim
Actual good loadout and good post. 9.5/10
>throw it to africa
>give it support fire if you see a charger running at it via stun or heavy AT if you can
You aren't throwing them fast enough you double nig
Also default armor and endurance because someone is a shitposting fagit who nitpicks like a nagging old cunt.
Literally me. Flamer is my crutch while solo against behemoth spam.
And if you can't that's a wasted stratagem, got you.
You can only throw one eagle at the time, quadranigger.
And you have to manually reload them to not fuck up the uptime instead of simply using them and recalling when you are at 1 and out of combat.
You are DK subhuman that gets carried by anons like >>487406837
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>post lobby
>nobody joins
>tired of waiting
>quit game
>someone else made a lobby
>launch the game again to join
>lobby is full
>quit game
You throw napalms to clear out chaff and create a dead zone they walk into and burn. Air strike everything including titans. AC kills everything below titan and reloads are quick. Grenades gives you space to move away if you ever need to. AC sentry thrown at the start of a nest or when you need downtime to call supplies or need a hand in case something happens. kys

It's 4am here. I should probably go to bed.
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>the hellbomb exploded just as s4 left the hellpod a few seconds later
sure was a gameplay
>low IQ and spreading false informations
You aren't fooling everyone, you troglodyte.
Eurocucks getting dicked by muds need not apply. K Y S
chinese are the jews of the east brownos
There's 3 (three) behemoths charging you.
What do you do?
You are a frankenstein golem mulatto created by kikes, pipe it down already brownoid.
I could have told you that
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Grenade and napalm. AC to finish it off.
Was the railgun actually good?
Is it good now?
no, even if it were brought back to its original levels it would be useless in a D9. people thought it was good because it carried them in 6s and 7s when the occasional charger was completely solved by it. Modern D9 is constant chargers hulks and devestators, even if the railgun's damage was good, in the time it fired off its 21 charged shots a player with an AC or an AMR, or a HMG would have killed twice as much stuff and had ammo to spare.
it was a good solution to a shitty problem in its prime.

Today using it is basically asking your team to bring solutions to things you cant answer with it like Gunships on bots and Bile Titans on bugs. Its also pretty slow at working down Charger leg armor with 3 shots usually needed. So I wouldn't call it good but it can be used to alright effect if you have a team covering its weaknesses. Its still my favorite weapon to bring against bots if im able and its also fun against Bile Spewer seeds even if not the best answer to spewers.
It was only good due to a bug. It was always shit against 100% durable parts, which means it was always shit against bile titans and even if it never got nerfed it would still have been shit against gunships. It can still do what it did before to the lighter heavy units like chargers and hulks, and it's actually better now against bile titans than it was in its original un-nerfed state, not accounting for the bug.
You can bring the Railgun with EAT or Commando or Scorcher/Purifier or even Rocket Sentry and deal with Gunships yourself.
For BTs either OPS, ORCS, 500KG, Commando and EAT.
Also it oneshots Spewers, it's pretty fucking neat.
yeah but this doesnt make the railgun good which was the question. its just patching up its flaws, still my favorite support weapon but ill get some games where im sitting there missing a RR or a Autocannon.
i realy dont get people complaing about gunships.
either they are a modifier in wich case you know to bring stuff for them like sentries, eat/commando or hmg emplacement. or they are from a factory in wich case you might have to deal with maybe 6 of them before you blow it up.
the real problem with the railgun is that its shitty at, shitty chaff killer, and very meh medium killer. i think hulks might be the only enemie it isnt completely outclassed against by other weapon and even then its more a sidegrade then upgrade.
Did anyone of you fags test the precission strike gunship fab skill shot? like is it real and worth my time to verif?
what, like timing the OPS to hit the open top as a gunship is coming out?
Does smoke actually do anything?
>electric kettle
Is this some new meme?
gunships themselves aint that bad if you have even 1 person with an answer to them, but they can get pretty hectic if a patrol hits mid bot drop or you happen to roam into a double factory while fighting other bots. Having a railgun on you means you are not the answer unless you got great sentry positioning where it wont target ground shit. It can lead to a cascade of death and reinforces. Having an autocannon/hmg/commando or even lc can clear that shit asap to force attention back on the ground.
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>last night i electric kettled your aug
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My life for Super Earth
Gunships feel fucking awful when new players encounter them. They usually are still using the machine gun at that point which doesn't seem to do fuck all.
Yes that one. Is it real?
it lets you get close to a factory strider without it retaliating with it's miniguns so you can shoot at it's weakspot. dont know haven't checked
The trailer actually made me excited for the update
Not even Pilestedt's annoying fat faggot face could stop me from getting excited
nothing of any value
>brings 380mm barrage
>doesn't bring armor that increases throw range
That's a kickin'
unnecessary crutch
Everything else sucked against chargers and the rail gun would allow you to kill them by shooting the leg once and then giving the same leg a quick burst with your primary or secondary. Keep in mind that d7-9 at that time was basically a conga line of chargers that couldn't be killed with some AT to the skull, they were all essentially behemoths.
The problem was exacerbated by the playstation host bug which allowed it to one shot bile titans as well, but the weapon was overperforming a lot compared to the other weapons even when not factoring that bug in. I just hated it because everyone used it at all times. I don't think it would have been as bad if you had to use it on unsafe mode to get such good results but nope, all that with no risk. So now I hate railniggers and wish them the worst.
Yet 90% of players are too stupid to not throw it at our teams feet
I activate airstrikes and then run with them in my hand.
I can't fucking wait for the new bigger outposts inviting 380mm retards to throw their absolutely fucking useless stratagem that maybe kills a regular bot or two or maybe even one bot fabricator and then be forced to wait the entire barrage out as a detector tower in the outpost spams bot drops on us it's gonna be fucking great I LOVE 380MM AND EVERYONE WHO USES IT
>the rail gun would allow you to kill them by shooting the leg once
It was 2 safe mode shots. Was it 1 unsafe shot at high charge levels?
That's why you stack them. If all four people bring the 380 you might kill half the fabs for free!
Is there any reason to bring an RR to bugs anymore? You can't even strip mega charger leg armor in one hit. It's probably better to just roll with the commando now
No. It was always 2 regardless.
Wasn't it just 1 safe shot to strip the armor? The few times I actually used it was always on unsafe mode so I could be misremembering that. Either way it was a lot stronger than the other options since you had more than one shot and a much shorter, mobile reload time
>You can't even strip mega charger leg armor in one hit.
the front legs get stripped in one shot if you are moving forward while you fire, and the back legs get stripped in one shot regardless

but yes the commando is probably better than the recoiless
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380MM's saferange is 45m from the beacon if you have all upgrades and the terrain is plain.
Normal throw range at 45° is 45m
You can increase normal throw range to 52m on plain terrain by diving and throwing your stratagem at 45°
Salvo increases throwing range by 30%, so
>45m > 58,5m
>52m > 67,6m
Salvo is unnecessary for proper 380MM usage, especially consdering the fact that 380MM always takes more than 5 seconds before the barrage begins.

All you need to do is stay away from the beacon, which shows you the distance before the barrage begins until it ends.
>the front legs get stripped in one shot if you are moving forward while you fire
you're shitting me m8?
The Adjudicator seems pretty underwhelming
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Nope. I am not shitting you.
The front legs have 650 HP, EAT/RR/quasar does exactly 650 damage. Projectile damage is modified by projectile velocity, and as projectiles lose velocity the instant they leave the barrel the rocket loses just enough damage to miss the breakpoint. However, if you are moving forward while you shoot your forward momentum is added to the velocity of the round, making it do more than 650 damage and counteract the tiny amount of damage fall off allowing for the one-shot strip.

This also effects the verdict vs devastator heads as demonstrated by this webm
supply pack is overkill with that loadout, especially if you are playing solo and you don't have someone else taking all the supply drops.
Oinklexuses excel spreadsheet has different digit rounding than the game itself, its true and plagues half a dozen breakpoints
what the actual fuck
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Fucking spaghetti code
i turn off the computer.
>hyper-autism coding for primaries (they are tied to what kind of caliber the gun is using, no joke)
>spaghetti-code for heavy weapons, which are essential for 7 and up
why are swedes like this
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Oh, the second half of that webm is to demonstrate the increased momentum does not significantly effect projectiles that have high velocities. The verdict's projectile velocity is 285m/s while the diligence is 850m/s. The EAT is 200m/s and the RR is 250m/s. It must be stated that the damage increase is very, very negligible and it is only significant in these very niche cases because the damage and HP values are on paper identical, and the projectiles are so slow.

It does let you do one-shots against behemoths if you hit the top butt armour, though.

they were super shiny for a hotfix or two after the big patch that buffed behemoths
>they were super shiny for a hotfix or two after the big patch that buffed behemoths
Ah right.
I've only fought them on shit planets so they were black as fuck for me.
Damn, those silver chromed bots looked sick, I hope they come back.
Is that an acid piss biome planet in the background or something new?
probably shilling the new weather effect piss planets are about to receive (armor lowering golden shower)
Bug farts on the left, bot farts on the right.
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Kicker bros... we lost...
>projectiles lose velocity the instant they leave the barrel the rocket loses just enough damage to miss the breakpoint
This is intentional isn't it? fucking swedes
It's definitely intentional projectiles lose velocity and thus lose damage, but is it intentional that even point blank shots lose enough damage to no longer reach the breakpoint? Nobody can say but the devs. The cases where damage is equal to HP were very rare before behemoths took center stage and shed light on this particular mechanical interaction.
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they surely thought about this, right?
>guy gets kicked at sample cap
>new instance with sample cap
>kicked guy gets pissed and kicks all new joiners
>3 new instances with sample cap +1 previous
>exploit with friends to rack up 100s of samples through returning from, then re-joining maxed instances
Hell yeah. Its not my fault I joined someone's game last minute. These gatekeepers are ridiculous.
Great thinking.
I hope it works like that.
>Hits cap
>Nothing to spend them on
>getting upgrades faster and without grinding when they release is... le bad
Bravo retard
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>tier 6 ship unlocks
>increase turret damage by 3%
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>haven't beat 9 yet
*rotation speed +3%
Are they playing on PlayStation? That would explain it cause, controller players are garbage.
>the business side CEO who has nothing to do with development or balance brought in months after the games launch years after the bulk of development isn't good at video games
why is this some kind of damning evidence?
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Because he used to post about playing the game during Meridia's black hole operation at d6 and say the game was easy.
Now he says he hasn't cleared d9 yet.
I can't imagine playing bots with a controller
>mg bot kills me in 0.2 seconds with a perfectly aimed burst
I fucking kneel
Skill issue
They do that, same with scout striders
wow you saved 4 days of little effort
>minmaxing is le bad because... it just is, ok?!
Compelling arguments, midwit.
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>scout strider from 50 meters away turns around and headshots me
Your fault for wearing light armor
>using exploits is le good becouse... uhm... it just is
On topic of exploits/cheats. Always kick chinese players, I kicked 2 today :)
i've been double tapped by them from afar several times in heavier stuff. It's equal amounts impressive and infuriating
>rocket devvie shoots at the floor in front of you then hits in the air
>hunter somehow animation cancels and full combos you twice
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>kicking will soon make someone an entirely new session with all the same loot as the session they were kicked from
So, uh...what's to stop a premade group from finishing a mission and before calling extraction, kicking someone and then joining his session after they get back to the destroyer to extract again and double their rewards?
Every single image and clip I've seen of the developers playing the game has them using a controller on a PlayStation 5. For better or worse, this game is developed by consoletards.
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>mortar bilespewer launches me into the air and the 2nd shot slamdunks me back into the ground, killing me with impact.
I had the rocket barrage jugles, but never before has a bug mortar done me like that.
>heavy dev headshots me and leaves me with like a third of my health
>try to get to cover
>he hits me over and over again making it nearly impossible to move
>try to stim
>he keeps interupting me with hits until I'm dead
who the fuck designed these things
nothing, but who cares?
It's probably a random johnny bot programmed to fire when you press V
They also come in a flare when you run out of ammo variation
Sometimes when you call in a stratagem it just doesn't do anything. You'll toss the beacon out, the timer will tick down, and then the beacon will just vanish and nothing will happen.
Nice bug.
>flare when you run out of ammo variation
holy shit i thought i was the only one, shit drives me insane
And then it resets instantly. Because you threw it on a surface it could not land on you retard.
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This is the main reason I run the senator, it comes out really quickly and has a fast projectile, and almost always kills a trooper in one shot. Ain't no fucking bot popping off a flare on my watch.
Read my post again, Sven.
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>coop shooter with input reading
holy artificial difficulty
>all this complaining about cheating chinks and bad teammates in general
goddamn it feels good to be a solochad
Just play on d7 or d8, all the shitters are at d6 and all the cheaters, griefers and sweaty tryhards are at d9
>believing completely unsubstantiated and outright farcical bullshit because it fits a belief you want to be real
you are not capable of self-governance
Jokes on you I CHOSE to shit my pants while reeeeeeeee-ing.
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That's it. I will no longer tolerate being a coon. If I die, I'm killing myself until I respawn as white again. And if you so happen to TK me and I happen to spawn with anything other than the purest, and whitest possible skin color, you better be ready to TK me again, and again, and again until I spawn as white once more because I'm sure as hell going to be suicide bombing your bitch ass (as expected of my shit-brown skin color) until I'm white again.
Just use Jaguar armor, medium is usable on both factions and it has the least amount of skin showing thanks to the forearm plates and neck shawl. It looks the best anyways.
Only on bugs. For bots it's s-tier
Every time somebody brings it on bots, we get a berserker and jetpack seed for the mission and it ends up being just as detrimental as it is on bugs.
Get good motherfucker. Learn to skeet shoot. Quit letting berserkers get so close.
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>helldvers 2 comes out
>hear word that helldivers 1 had more difficultly levels
>look them up and see some cool name on a wiki
>fast forward to 30 minutes ago
>no wiki fucking anywhere has these names i want to read again

and all these wiki's look new too i fucking honestly think these fuckers repurposed the Helldiver 1 wikis and just scrubed info
i am livid
Won't I get banned for using this? It might make the LC actually useable
And you never give in when your back's to the wall
Gonna fight to the end and you're taking it all
>won't I get banned for modifying a game by wholesome chungus niceguy devs in a way that doesn't effect other players or their SC revenue in any way
I dunno anon better not!
Mods once again being shown to be cheats
>diff 7 starter pack
You're useless lol
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>mortar sentry
>quasar + shield
>more than 1 eagle
>eagle cluster bomb

But, most of all
>recon, either reinforcement, extraction timer, or motivational shocks booster
I will straight up just quit the mission if I see anybody picking these when we don't have stamina, vitality, or hellpod optimization.
>almost a cheat mod
>chinese in description
Like clockwork.
Skill issue
the original wiki was always a bit lackluster and it became even worse when the influx of larping retards that came with HD2 started filling the original wiki with fanfiction
then someone made HD2 it's own actually usable wiki that contains real information but HD1 wiki unfortunately just got fucked along the way
I'm using this and it's going to appear in my webms and you bitch niggas won't do shit about it
These mobs are faster than any bugs and you were just bitching about how annoying it is when somebody brings mortars on bugs. Do you even play the game?
What's wrong with cluster bomb? I'm thinking about bringing it today when I get off work.
man all I want to re-read the difficulty names too
I think one was called inner circle of hell
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Very nice, is the red dot actually aligned correctly?
Again just shoot the rocket dudes out of the air. For the berserkers, get stun grenades if you're really having trouble and mag dump them. If more than 3 berserkers, use a stratagem or support weapon. I have no issues with them.
People aren't careful enough with it and always throw it too close, ending up with teamkills. It's very good but you need to be very precise with when you use it.
Okay, then just shoot the bugs and the mortar should be just fine over there too, right?
nta but every eagle besides the OG airstrike is a slot waste unless there's an orbital modifier. use orbital precision strike, airburst strike, gatling barrage.
I don't play bugs cause they're boring. So I don't know about that.
haven't played this game since they added the shitty yellow submarine mech
is the arc thrower still fucking useless? dropping arc blasts constantly?
Nice save, but it's a shame you didn't learn how to be logically consistent today.
the classic cope
>i-i dont play bugs because theyre boring...
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I found it

fuck you where right anon i found this by brute force
I'd screenshot my 40k bot kills vs 10k bug kills, but I'm at work right now.
Yeah, they haven't changed it at all. It's still basically a dead pick.
Cool down for the Gatling barrage is a minute, but in that same minute I could throw like 4 eagle strafing runs or cluster bombs. I'm gonna test it later, see how I feel. I do like the stratagems you mentioned though.
and i'd laugh at you thinking your screenshot proves anything other than you being shit at bugs but i'm busy playing the videogame
Eagles are good if you only run one of them so it immediately goes on cooldown as soon as you use the last one. I'll definitely agree that orbitals are the stronger pick, though.
Bugs are boring as shit. There's no strategy. Just point and shoot out in the open like the retard you are.
The biggest skill issue I've seen is people saying the Sickle sucks against bots
>b-but the spread!
Its like a 2° cone at its worst, with how many bullets it shits out most are bound to hit at ranges where you can actually fucking see.
>b-but it doesn't have medium armour pen!
Almost every bot has at least 1 weakpoint that can take them down quickly with any weapon. Heads, devastator backpacks, hulk vents, and so on.
>but... but the delay!
Wow a eighth of a second delay, you miss out on two whole bullets big fucking woop. You shouldn't even let bots get in a range where that matters.
Airstrike + Strafing Run is kino with the 10% faster re-arm if not all charges are spent.
You just leave a strafe-run in the "chamber" and manually send it back.
The delay matters because you have to rely on hitting bots before they hit you, before you get staggered or flinched. The sickle doesn't have any stagger anyways so you're just relying on getting three headshots on a devastator before it starts fucking you, which is already difficult enough with weapons that don't have a delay.
Haha you know I'm right
Its actually awful in any biome with real trees. The bomb ends up clipping a tree most times, scattering its payload in a SIGNIFICANTLY wider radius.
If you're not using all the charges, then you might as well just run orbitals. I think you would have to hit a critical mass of three eagle stratagems to make the reduced rearm time worth it.
>If you're not using all the charges, then you might as well just run orbitals.
That's dumb. Stop being dumb.
What kind of contrarian ultraclown would state that Sickle is anything less than stellar on bots? It ranks in top tier alongside Scorcher and DCS
404 - Argument Not Found
I have never encountered anyone ever saying that sickle sucks on bots other than people trying to be intentional contrarian trolls.
He's right though
>everything's an argument
Okay attention-starved shitter. Stay retarded.
So why would I not pick a gun that doesn't have all these disadvantages instead? You're not running out of primary ammo on bots are you?
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>running the sickle on bots when the tenderizer exists
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Im realy liking strafing run.
It doesnt have the biggest impact, but its very spammable, easy to call in, versitile and most importantly, danger close call-ins feel realy cool.
Feel free to explain to the class why totally-not-you is right.
Infinite ammo bro
that sucks
pretty sure i saw it prominently featured in some of this new artwork or whatever in the trailer too
hack devs
well i was keeping the game installed but i guess i'll just go and uninstall it now
I don't like the ammo economy on the Tendie, much as I like the gun itself.
It's excellent. Especially now that it can take out shrieker nest and other shit.
Very good for taking the teeth out of a patrol or gank-squad.

Most importantly it's very precise and predictable.
That's fair but you really just got to learn to pace your shots, since the base damage is so high you don't need to be spamming it anyways. I do miss the 10 spare magazines it used to have though, I was one of those weirdos that actually liked the tenderizer from the beginning. At least it's better against devastators and berserkers now.
In gameplay, you're basically giving up the upgrade that gives you an extra charge on your eagle just so you can get a refill back 15 seconds faster.
Just give me like one more mag or something, Arrowhead.
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I recommend semi-auto
I am "sacrificing" a single strafe run for faster reload on both strafe and airstrike.
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>running AR on bots when DCS exists
Known issue (tm)
>in gameplay
Where the fuck else would it be??
Gods you retards are infuriatingly stupid.
Single fire is even better. You never need to spam against bots.
I'm not a fan of the high magnification on it, and I like using first person a lot. In addition, I like being able to tap fire or fire automatic depending on the situation. Lastly, it feels like the tenderizer staggers more than the DCS, at least it seems like I can stay on the offensive more with it.>>487429780
I'm sorry, should I have used the word "effectively"? Regardless, it just seems like you're trying to get out of the argument through some semantic bullshit rather than addressing my point, so I'll accept this as a concession on your part. I wasn't really looking for a nasty argument but whatever, you do you.
Why do I keep seeing Tendie users on bugs? Aren't there too many bugs given the ammo economy? Am I missing something here...?
It also it has a very small chance for friendly fire (looking at you cluster bomb).
>lemme just ignore what you're saying and insist I'm not retarded lol
>was totally not looking for an argument
>should I have used the word "effectively"?
How about not using any at all? You fucking pseud.
Didn't mean to quote at the end there.

Burst fire is fantastic on the tenderizer. Try it with any recoil reducing armor, it's probably the most accurate automatic in the game.

No idea, and it's light penetration so it's also not good for brood commanders, hive guards, or spewers, which is why I don't use it there.
95 dmg, virtually no recoil
Huff your own farts some more you pathetic cretin.
Hmm, still 404ing here, weird...
If the Railgun gets it's durability damage buffed from 10% to 22.5% it'll be in the perfect state of being a fantastic Anti-Armor weapon while also being a mediocre Anti-Tank weapon which is where it should be.
It's the best and most versatile AR right now. So if you absolutely have to run AR against bugs, tendie is the play. Also yes that means the new Liberator sucks.
>So if you absolutely have to run AR against bugs, tendie is the play
Not the sickle, given the (presumably) infinite ammo?
>actually I'm correct!
>nooo you can't just ask me to explain how
>i a-a-accept your c-c-concession
Sorry, weren't you going to make a post about eagle rearms or something?

I'd say the adjudicator is better against bugs just because you can shoot through medium armor better, and that's the biggest cock block for light penetrating autos on bugs, and you won't really benefit from the extra precision of the tenderizer since you have to chew through their HP pool anyways.
Sickle isn't an AR by classification and I'm too autistic to look past classifications.
Weren't you going to fucking kill yourself you disgusting tranny?
See >>487428678 and >>487429613

I fully expect you to run out the clock though, the thread is past bump limit and you're probably not going to actually respond to my points before the new thread is made. I don't think you have it in you.
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>d7 bug blitz
>host picks drop zone away from every single nest
>everyone follows me to artillery and does nothing
>cant find 5th shell, so start loading smoke
>host immediately domes me
>respawn and empty into gl into his head and quit
I thought I turned crossplay off what are these shitters doing in my game
As usual modders fixing the games themselves
>don't use all five (5) strafe runs
Nah you're a fucking retard with no argument.
kek I'm married with 4 kids bro, where is this coming from and why are you so tilted about eagles? Wild.
Adjudicator is a very strong choice too but doesn't it have tighter ammo constraints than Tenderizer?
anon, this is NOT wholesome conduct!
>calling anyone a shitter
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>1 tapping 4 devs back to back
There's no clock you dumbass.
This is /vg/. You can continue your retardation in the next thread.

>I'm like super successful pls habeeb
You've encountered the 500kgfag. For the good of the thread, just let him pretend eagles are meta.
>voices are back
Time for your meds.
It has the same amount of spare magazines and rounds per mag as the tenderizer as far as I know. I stopped using it as my medium penetration primary in most cases since the Eruptor buff, though. I still use it as a primary for supply pack builds, since it's like a little MMG in that case. Feels very good to spam that way because you don't have to pay attention to the ammo economy at all.

Seriously man, if you just personally disagree that's fine, but combing through the replies I don't see any argument from you after I brought up the fact that it's suboptimal to manually rearm eagles unless you have three of them.

>I brought up the fact that it's suboptimal to manually rearm eagles unless you have three of them.
Based entirely on nothing other than the shit in your ass.
Don't speak with authority when you have none.

But please, tell us more about how you stick your dick in women multiple times a day and make 100 gorillion a week.
And just because I know you're a sniveling little weasel faggot let me just highlight what you actually said.
>the fact
>eagles outside of the regular airstrike aren't shit compared to orbitals guys i'm totally doing my part!!!
fucking retard, not even the numbers you keep bringing up with the rearm buff support your shitty delusion
nobody wants you to bring non-airstrike eagles because it makes you fucking useless at real difficulties
Eagles are meta though...
500kg might be overhyped but its a decent sidegrade to ops (i prefer ops) but airstrike is like the #1 bot stratagem and napalm sticks to bugs.
Damn, you niggas are mad as hell about this. I'm not bored enough to sit here and do math but do you really think it's worth losing out on a charge on an eagle, if you're only running one or two, just to get 15 seconds off of a 2.5 minute rearm time? I mean, if you just cleared out a base and you have a good distance between you and the next one, you might as well rearm, but it doesn't feel optimal to give up stratagem charges for such a small bonus. I'd rather just completely use what I have and have it immediately start cooling down. It's become a lot harder to crutch on eagles since orbitals were so massively buffed, both in performance and in cooldown times.
500kgfag started the whole "AC on bugs" debate too btw
Good scope, high damage per bullet, and you don't need AP3 against bugs.

Brood Commanders only have 2 armor on their heads, so Tenderizer can still kill them.

Sickle has shit for DPS, about on par with stock Liberator. Without good DPS you're not going to be killing bugs fast enough to not die, so you're going to be spending plenty of time either relying on your Laser Cannon/Scythe, or reloading your Sickle and negating your "infinite ammo" perk.

Sickle and Scythe are only good if you're on an ice planet and have at least one additional infinite ammo energy weapon to swap to to keep the DPS up while it cools. Otherwise, you're going to be expending grenades and stims often enough that you'd need to call down a resupply to replenish those anyway.
>GameGuard initialize error
Let me PLAY ffs
>made up scenario
The benefits of the Eagle is that you can choose exactly when you want it to go on cooldown. Unless you find yourself in such massive amounts of shit that you actually have to empty the arsenal, at which point Eagle is still superior to orbitals because you can just keep calling it in delivering way more firepower than orbitals.
It's almost as if these are different things with different uses.

And giving up a single Strafe Run for faster re-arm times isn't a massive sacrifice.
You're just a hypocritical retard looking for an argument and then attempting the highroad when you didn't like le tone.
Fucking kys.
Eagles are good as a compliment to your existing loadout, which is why I would only recommend you bring one at most. They're really good at providing redundancy to an orbital, such as bringing both OPS and 500kg if your other two slots are dedicated to chaff clearing. For example, on bugs I bring two loadouts, generally.

>MMG or flamethrower, laser rover, OPS, 500kg
>commando, EAT, gas strike (or Gatling barrage), eagle cluster/napalm
Do you see what I'm doing here? I'm running things that have similar roles but staggered cooldowns so I can almost always have something ready when I need it, while my support weapons cover the other side of my kit, whether it's clearing chaff or taking down heavies. In almost every case it's better to just use up all your eagles and immediately start cool down while you have other things up in case you need them, then it is to juggle rearm times and potentially have all of your strategems on cooldown when you need them. I only play D9 and there's essentially no significant downtime between combat once the mission begins, so I need to make sure my cooldowns are short and covered by my other stratagems. Having all my offensive options tied up in a two and a half minute cooldown is pretty hard to justify.
Eagle airstrike is among the strongest red stratagems if it's not the strongest, but napalm is quite pointless when you got 3 or more people spamming a thousand breaker incendiary pellets at every enemy. As for the 500kg, like all primarily anti-titan strats it lost a great deal of relevance since the heavy spawn rates got nerfed. With the relatively small numbers of titans that we're dealing with now it's better to pack a more versatile titan remover like EAT, Spear, queso, precision and railcannon strike.
literally just grinding sc, d9 is not as hard as you think it is
>And giving up a single Strafe Run for faster re-arm times isn't a massive sacrifice.
That's true IF you're running enough eagles (usually 3) to justify that. Otherwise, you're just losing out on the ship module upgrade that gave you an extra charge on your eagles for 15s less rearm. I don't think I've insulted you this whole time, you need to calm down. It's a video game, man.
>grinding sc
>on anything above d3
bro, your efficiency?
May as well have some actual fun while doing it
I don't care what you think.
Why is it 3? Made up number. Don't parade it around like fucking facts.
You get 3 airstrikes and 5 strafe runs and you want to start arguing because you don't use all 5 strafe runs?
You're the stamping around. So shut the fuck up.
Figured it out
Niggerguard was running on the background and I had to kill the process
what kind of complete nigger player would pick 3 eagles anyways
I know giga suburban normies that actually don't go beyond d4 and even they know better
>Why is it 3?
It's pretty simple, you should be dedicating one slot to a support weapon so if you want to rely on eagles in the way you do, dedicating three slots gets the most out of the reduced rearm time. If you are running the 500, airstrike, and strafe, You are getting a lot more mileage over time if you're using everything but a single strafe and rearming in that case, since it's essentially three stratagems that are getting put on a 2.25 minute cooldown. Batching everything together on a single reduced rearm is very efficient and an argument can be made in that case.
4 is obviously the most optimal.
Dumb faggot.
That used to be the case but since there's now an incentive to rearm before you use them all, reducing the amount of charges you lose, comparative to the whole, while benefiting from that reduced rearm time is viable.

lmao if you can scrounge a support weapon or bum one off your allies, sure. I only play with pubs so I can't always expect that.
picking anything other than airstrike as your sole eagle and 1 or 2 orbitals as your other red stratagems is objectively fucking retarded
no amount of retarded coping over "rearm times" is going to change that, they just overtuned orbitals so hard that they're objectively a better pick than non-airstrike eagles
1 or 2 napalms can kill everything smaller then a charger that pops out a breach. It easily beats airstrike in usefullness on bugs and frankly its better then gatling barrage, gas and airburst aswell.
this, and I'd still rate gas strike above gatling too.
I'm almost certain I've played it more than you and at a higher level. I reiterate that it's your skill level that handicaps you, damaging your wittle feely feels to the point where you have to come here to whine about it. You, like many other sub-average mouthbreathers, haven't the situational awareness to realize that a mortar is down ( there are plenty of clues when it's deployed) and to maneuver accordingly, nor the skill to not let the slowest moving faction approach you to dangerous range. You're also implying that the reason there are berserker seeds is because someone brought a mortar, which is false. Please evaluate yourself before you screech at others. That is all. Good day, chud. Do not reply to me
Looks cool but is weak
>at anything above D1
no outposts, no secondaries, smallest maps, best POI layout with them all in a ring around the outer edge of the map or clustered on one half depending on main objective location

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