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Happy Livestock Edition

>Patch notes

>Steam page

>Pawn/character creator archive

>Old Pawn sheet

>Updated Pawn sheet

>Skills, core skills, augments, and more

>Do you want your pawn hired?
Ask in the thread, and check the following for up-to-date pawns: https://www.pawnguild.xyz/


>Dragon's Dogma 1 OP

Last Cycle: >>486587274
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
All that silly talk about archer sucking cock but we forget that goblins actually kill everything but keep women alive to rape them and use them to breed more goblins.
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not canon
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posting fuckboi grum before i post my own pawn
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>LVL 100
>Sorcerer/Calm/Woodland Wordsmith
>Receive Pointed Fang 1x for Ring of Predominance Ring
>High Seism, High Levin, High Hagol, Maelstrom

This is only temporary. I'll make her into an Archer next time.
post the .webm
>Making her an archer out pure spite.
Damn anon.
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>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info
Simple / Forager
Implicate / Plunder / Formless Feint
>Pawn Quest
Camping for 5 Allheals
Kinda wanna put my face in there...
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Spell effects have some cool interactions with high/low brightness
DD2 Archer has it worse than DD1 Warrior. At least DD1 Warrior was very fun and has that niche of putting enemies into a stagger-knockdown loop. Archer has uhhhh...
>greenskin niggas be like
Me when my pawn is barefoot
Archer is fun in a variety of ways sounds like a skill issue on your part.
I like the new autoaim, it makes for a more snappy and faster gameplay, I do miss the AoE skills though.
Wait give me a few more hours, I'll be able to think of something good to say about Archer.
We already know that you're retarded anon, but sure go ahead
>Why am I so bald
Scratch that, I may need a couple of days.
Ok, extra retarded we get it
I don't understand the Archer shitposting, I can have fun with that vocation, but then again, I enjoy all the vocations.
Thank you for indulging me.
There's not much left to do for me on PS5 except hunt down the last 8 Seeker Tokens, but we'll scour the volcanic island
I'll schedule the "good" archer post next month.
Because archer are quite literally the most useless vocation in the game and it's funny watching the only archer in the general have a metldown every time someone says something negative.
Playing it you get the enjoyment of noscoping, curbstomping, tactical explosives, etc
It's the pawns everyone mocks
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The anti archer shitter doesn't understand the vocation and therefore thinks it's bad. That's all.
When it comes to vocations, I only make fun of people who only play a single vocation, or worse... The people who min-maxed vocation level ups for optimized stats.
Uh oh the shitter is having another meltdown!
Only pawns were needed to be min-maxed
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID

Quest: kill a goreminotaur for 5 allheals
Why was it needed?
Mindbroken shitter. A sad sight to see.
They need all the help they can get
>Flop shaved it's head
>Rejecting femininity
>and wearing to take revenge on the one who raped her.
/ddg/ thief backstories are nuts.
>I only make fun of people who play the game
Way to go anon.
I don't necessarily agree that pawns need to be meticulously minmaxed as a fashion's dogma fag but considering that you can't control what your pawns are doing you'll need to give them an ideal loadout to be as efficient in battle as possible
>mad arch*r noises
Big brained flop
Hopefully she'll perform well as a sorcerer.
In my experience, Haliya was able to delete a Griffin's 5 HP bars with 2 explosive arrows to the head. She's decent enough for an Archer but I do wish the vocation should have more options in terms of mobility and versatility.
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Lv 80
still busy
Strange, the greentext in your post doesn't match what I actually typed.
Maxing vocations for the ideal augments is fine, and it's something that's naturally encouraged by the game too, but being careful of every level-up for the stats is gay, mad gay imo.
>Right in the babymaker
More like your schizo headcanon
Yeah it's really odd because that's exactly what you said.
Still mindbroken
Do you really only play a single vocation? All the time? You don't get bored of it? Or was the bit about min-maxing level ups that caught your attention?
Who raped her then?
>but being careful of every level-up for the stats is gay
ah yeah that much I agree with. wasn't really necessary considering that periapts were a thing
The min-maxing bit, who the fuck plays a single vocation?
You may need meds, schizoanon.
Answer the question.
Good question, also, who the fuck min-maxes in such an easy game!?
But seriously, why do you do it? Is it just for the satisfaction of having "perfect" stats?
orange loli beastren archer pawn
>But seriously, why do you do it? Is it just for the satisfaction of having "perfect" stats?
Yes, but more like the optimal setup for x vocation and x combination.
Oh no, schizo boy is off his meds again.
It was you wasn't it?
Schizo furry, my fetish is human milfs. You know, the ara ara types.
So is that a yes, did you force her breastfeed you as well?
There can't be such a pawn in this game...
Can Dragon's Dogma be real if Itsuno isn't real?
No, the alphabet starts with "A"
Oh so you want to move to learning about stop lights now. Red is for stop, yellow is for caution and green is for go.
True insanity.
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Huh. Didn't think enemies could spawn this far into Bakbattahl.
>Repent the folly of ascribing meaning to the void
They do in that particular place sometimes, for whatever reason. It's like the oxcart section in vernworth.
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Why are they so goofy looking?
Yeah it's like some schizo having an episode about "pawn rape" and wildly suspecting everyone of doing it, wonder who could that be.
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I'm not making her bald, I'm not changing her to an archer
Leave this thread, you have spent more time here than you did playing the game.
Intern-san, I kneel.
You'll develop hernia if you keep being angry about everything all the time
He's right though and you can't prove him wrong.
Everyone here has spent more time here than in game
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This anon is correct
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They are zakus
Not me, I'm always in-game.
Truly? I'm not so certain.
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Leave this place? At once?
When I'm playing, I'm usually alt tabbed out watching /tv/ shows or jerking off, I play about 10 minutes per hour only.
This cycle is getting weird...
You saying they killed and cooked an intern?
Sounds like capcom.
Imagine roasting fish
Imagine stewing potatoes
Imagine feminine hands kneading dough
why don't you go fuck a wheat field already
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Imagine fucking your pawn in a wheat field and then cooking them dinner...
What a cunt
guys....monday cyclops hasn't posted yet.... is he safe? is he alright????
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It might have been too much for him this time...
Little flop needs a bonus to height or Mana Reserves to remind bitchass NPCs of their station
He's just sleeping in...haha...
Mondays aren't so bad after all
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He's just sleeping
So what's the deal with the flop seether?
he probably needs some rift crystals.
sometimes pawns backpedal off of cliffs, or use fancy arrows on trash mobs. that's it really. Mobs for whatever reason hyper-aggro archers so they're nice to recruit.
Stay mad king furry
Terminal "did I catch you having fun"
What a sad fellow
Imagine fucking your dinner then cooking your pawn
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Being cyclopes is suffering.
It's like a zoo in this pic
Flop sucks t b h
My dick.
>LVL 122
>Receive Granite Medusa Bone 1x for All-Heal 5x
>Augural Flare, High Levin, High Hagol, Maelstrom
>Fast casting due to rings (40%)
I'm going to do a solo archer playthrough in the next cycle
gigigi! pls be a female hooman
>not doing a solo trickster playthrough
All weekdays lead to Monday!
The duke could stand to commission some new weekends.....
Blessed relief, this weekend will mend our wounds.
Should I buy DD2
i don't know if i'd buy it again if i could go back in time with knowledge of the game
would recommend waiting for a sale unless if you really want to play DD2
Hmph. Well now the contrarian in me wants to tell you "Yes."
Depends on your specs
Monday again...
console or PC? make sure your rig can run DD2 if you're planning to play on the latter
howdy im the newbro who is enjoying dd2

so i had a major issue with the game i got to bahhtalandia.
my fps in city suddenly plummeted from 40~ to 10
spent all day trying to fix it and found out the sick ass cpu I spent a whole paycheck on was running in like eco/efficiency power mode

ive been playing on stupid low settings and struggling with the options to maintain 30dps....

turned on auto overclock and now i get 60+++++ fps everywhere and my cpu temps dont even move i didnt realize this game was so cursed on cpu settings i guess

now i can enjoy maximum settings and adventure in peace

ty for listening to my blogpost.

also holy shit i thought traveling at night was easy but im being bullied out here compared to first zone is fighter or warrior pawns better tanks or does it matter.
Post your pawn so we can walk them and take pics
So I genuinely have to ask this, and be honest because you guys seem like fruitcakes.

At any point have you jacked off to this pawn?
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Working on a quest of my own with Yelena and Etukina.
when in doubt try to reset your shader cache (shader.cache2 in the game's directory) from time to time. not sure if it'll help in your particular issue but it sometimes helps especially if you get severe fps drops after an update.
I've never jacked to a pawn, simply stared appreciatively
not that pawn specifically
And thanks to you as well

Mage, Level 20
Levin / Frigor / H. Halidom / H. Palladium
I'm getting to the Talos/Dragon part of the game soon, so updated her quest to 1 Tarring Arrow for 99 big ripe blueberries
If I ever start jacking off to somebody elses pawn, it'll be at least a human.
Post ur pawn
What about the bald?
To add to this. Reply with Pippi's code if gay
You shouldn't fap to pawns, it's wrong.
Please state your question in an actual sentence, retard.
Pawns are a combination of loyal dog, child, and idealized partner, so you're probably right
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majetano a cute
Fsssh! Thank you so much, you're going to break her permanent :c at this rate.
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I had no idea you could just directly ask knowledgeable pawns to guide you to points of interest of your choosing. Maybe the devs shouldn't have made the pawn badge requirements so high.
I kind of wish there were stages to the pawn badges (much like the bestiary), would make the requirements a lot less painful to grind for.
Complete, total Maketano love.
to be fair she has a very adorable smug smile
Great shots, I love how you frame them.
DLC will save it. Trust the plan. Wait for a sale.
You'd think they'd have retained the 3 point scale from DD1. Bronze badge to show the pawn has beaten a given enemy or visited West Vermund/Battahl at least once, Silver for a few kills/camps, then Gold for a tryhard amount of kills and camps for perfect knowledge. Maybe break up Vermund and Battahl into more regions and lower the requirements further.
I'm in the upper 60s and seen pretty much the entire world pre-Unmoored and very few pawns in the rift have any badges besides the ones for Cyclopes and Griffins. I'm not even halfway there to getting any of the camp badges, either, despite having 180 badges and almost every Golden Beetle. It's silly.
how did you do this?
>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
thief but will probably change to sorcerer soon
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
objective kill chimera
rewards 10k gold since I'm poor
NTA but hire a pawn with a camping badge for a specific location
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Thank you, managed to take a fair few that I like.
NTA but this looks like promo material, really nice
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn Level
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc.)
Old PS3 pawn recreated to support you on your adventures
Complete badges
5x Allheals for a bunch of flowers
Send a friend request if she's too high level
I learned about that when the pictured pawn offered to guide me to various POIs but wouldn't react to a Go! command, so I just talked to him and saw a new "I have a need of a guide" option.
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>Lvl. 84
Inspirit, Razing Sweep, Heavenward Sunder and Indomitable Lash.
Straightforward inclination with Forager.
Give 1 Monster Fang, Receive 5 Allheals

Will be going to Unmoored soon to put this playthrough to rest.
Amazing stuff.
As long as the area badges don't have goofy stuff like the Dripstone Cave 3 star requirement from the first game.
I snuck into the woman's side of the hot springs and got attacked and chased out. It was just like my Japanese animes
did you pay before sneaking in? I think they won't give a shit if you paid then hopped over the wall to the other side
If you pay it gives you the "leave the hot springs?" Yes or no option when you try to move around. At least it did to me, so yeah I snuck in without paying
did you try to enter the other side by circling around the partition? you'll get the option to leave the hot springs if you exit the edge of the hot springs area, but if you jump over the middle partition directly it shouldn't prompt you to leave. or at least it works that way the other way around (coming in from the female side to the male side)
I'll have to try that next time so I can peek on my pawn. It's not fair we have to do separate baths
there should be rocks near the middle wall that will let you scale it. always done it that way to take screenshots with my pawn on the other side
The worst one was Griffin's 15 kill requirement since they're extremely rare and you have to wait 7 days for it to respawn then get lucky that it actually goes down to fight. I got Gransys' 3 star way before the third star for Griffin.
I made the mistake of leaving the notice board mission to kill a griffin until the Postgame. There's just the one spawn left at that point around the Dragonforged's home, and it's shared between 2 or 3 other monsters. And because griffins are griffins, sometimes they just decide to ignore you and despawn.
Or having to throw an explosive barrel into the hydra's mouth at the encampment. Pretty sure you can't do that to any other hydras in the game either
So uh... I talked to the girl I like and now she's following me around town. Should I be worried?
>Pretty sure you can't do that to any other hydras in the game either
You can, I got that knowledge in BBI.
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>Lowest settings known to man
>Ass = still immaculate
can any 3dmodellingfags tell me why the texture for the pants is low-res but the leather wrinkling is still quite visible/not low res? is it part of the mdoel itself or could it be a wrinkling texture layered on top of the pants' texture?
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Quest: 1 Tarring arrow for 5x Allheal

Badgemaxxed plunderer with aggro rings/augment and formless feint.

Wanted to post him since it's been a while and everyone could use some gatorade now and then. Haven't played much but I still lurk more often than I'd like to admit.
Thanks to whoever gifted Vic the Filcher kerchief, meant to go for it myself but life's busy.
Stay sane and see you around xoxo
>wake up
>it's Monday

'tis over
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Forgot the image
It'll be Tuesday in a 4 hours bro.
spoken like a true fag
You seem like the kind of guy that thinks people like Yotsuba& because "they jerk off to lolis"
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>furfag necros hour long post
>because he feel personally attacked
>dick sucking homo still hasn't gone back to /lgbt/ yet
>furfag starts projecting
like clockwork
>n-no u
>no comeback
back to seething again, furfag
>he's still gay
concession accepted
>if you're not sexually attracted to animals then youre gay
>im totally not mentally ill
>im also not projecting hard
lol lmao even
>homo fag is still rambling
Gay incest samefag is back again
>homosexual furry is still projecting
how do i make a good nose on face 17. it's like my kryptonite.
what kind of nose are you trying to go for? also, female or male base 17?
>no u yet again
the homo literally cannot stop seething
I was sleeping 7 hours ago, and browsed all the messages after that.
I just don't know how many times and different ways "the cats are just cute and silly" can be said.
>im sexually attracted to animals therefore im not gay
>i dont have a mental illness
>still no comeback
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wanted to doodle mogrum, hope I did your boy justice anon
I got emotionally attached to a handful of pawns i've made throughout my runs of dd1 and dd2. i never fapped but if they did something sweet my peepee twitched
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slightly less fucked up mug version
Don't you have to go to work, anon?
dance homo monkey dance
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>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
I wish I was a NEET but money is pretty good too.
>no argument
keep dancing homo it amuses us
>still dancing
>he continues to dance
>he continues to be a seething projecting mentally ill furry homosexual
>he just cant stop thinking about animals
>still believes he's not a mentally ill furry
dance dance dance
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>he's mindbroken
It's what happens when homo tourists from /v/ come and shit up the thread. Very unfortunate.
>mindbroken furry faggot is crying now
Nicely done
just a regular nose.. female 17
Need Sulfuras modded to that armor
Sorry, morning brain
Just draw your weapon in front of her a few times to fix it, this also works in DD2 by the way
Why did they even do this? Such a bizarre thing to put in the game.
They probably wanted Monster Hunter cooking cutscenes but ran out of budget and time.
Cozy. Cooking and campfire scenes are always peak soul in games, it's just that like a lot else it seems unfinished.
They wanted to eat the finest most expensive steak so they used Capcom money and used the cutscene as an excuse to cover up
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Etukina is now a fighter till max vocation!

ty for anyone who rented her and showed her the ropes! She is almost max vocation fighter and is a good little tankerina. bought her best set i could afford from bahhtahl. Sold alot of items to afford it so she can properly meatshield for you guys and me!

What is best fighter pawn setup im not sure of which skills to slap on her?

also murdered my first griffon and chimera finally while questing around. Felt supah powerful
>janny save me
lol lmao
Can't go wrong with Burst/Blitz Strike, Shield Pummel, Cloudward Slash and the fourth could be anything, maybe launchboard for utility, I would avoid the Maister skill because it requires a bit more precision and it's stamina costly, so it's not the best idea for pawns.
capcom... a crumb of new content...
*gives miscellaneous bug fixes
Hindsight Slash is pretty much a must for Fighter pawns

VGH, the wheat fields call.
Jew tits bros...
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Too bad Capcom removed the push-up bra effect.
>Design idea 2
>To right corner
That's so incredibly cute..
It took 11 months for Dark Arisen to release after the original game was released, so I say, let them cook.
Latest dev branch update was 4 days ago, it included some seemingly new DLC paks. I wouldn't get my hopes up tho.
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Don't do that to yourself.
Too late, just the word DLC gave me max hope
God dammit anon.
Mmm 3500 RC and a 5x wakestone bundle...
$5 what a steal.
I'm betting all my RC this is the kind of DLC they'll add.
You think they'll be stupid enough to add something so disgusting giving the current state of affairs?
I usually never dream, but last night a dreamt about a stunning catgirl taking a bath, she had tanned skin and very long flowing white hair, WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DO TO ME /DDG/!
You just have to look at MH World and Rise's Steam page to see what kind of kikery and retardation Capcom is capable of.
Yeh, however, does games had the luxury of not having a botched launch.
Capcom doesn't care. All they see is "3 million sold, nickel and dime them"
Peak kikery.
They even went hard making sure the DLCs in MH had very good protection, to the point that several patches were added to block the known ways to pirate dlcs.
t. pirated the dlcs until I gave up after several patches since the game will crash or won't read your save file
I still pirated the fuck out of world's DLC's, fuckers paywalled the lewdest poses.
This was before they removed denuvo and all the protections for the dlcs and by the time they've removed it, I've already had 1k hours on World and don't want to touch it anymore.
Yeh, installed a bunch of cute slut mods, soloed fatalis with my hammerfu, hunted the fuck out of safi using the mhg mod with mhg folk and called it quits.
>it included some seemingly new DLC paks
Is it time for the engoodening? Or rather, the enbetterment?
I love this game and the ddg community, but if we get no news during TGS I wouldn't mind ddg dying out desu.. Until the next big news of course
It's an eternal cycle, and were stuck in it. This general died twice already, so it wouldn't be the first time. And if this general dies, there will be another cycle when new content is announced.
I knew you loved this thread too much to leave it behind.
Beautiful bastard.
This thread won't die as long as there are cute cat pawns
I don't think we'll die anytime soon, pawn adventures and sharing will keep us going.
Yeah I struggled a bit contouring a nice nose for a Face 17 but it's doable.
I'm not used to the rift crystal gains being so low in this. I remember in Dark Arisen sometimes my pawn would get rented and come back with like a million RC
Seemingly low RC gains in 2 + BBI having a good path for farming RC helped. In DD2 you really have to go out of your way to fight a consistent horde of monsters outside of Battahl.
Yeah, DD2 is so stingy with RC for little use except for high level rentals and miniscule choices for RC items to buy.
And they didn't adjust the scaling for rents to compensate it feels like
Yeah that's what bothers me. Cause there's almost nothing to use RC on but when my pawn comes back with just 180 I feel insulted.
Get Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen instead, it seems to be only 5 bucks again right now. If you already have it then you need to accept that at some point in playing DD2 you're going to be let down but if you're okay with that then play it. You really should have tried it when it was free to play for the past few weeks.
I wonder what's DD2's formula for RC gain.
>at some point in playing DD2 you're going to be let down
Why haven't you doomposters fucked off back to /v/ yet?
>Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen instead, it seems to be only 5 bucks again right now.
Yo let's GOOOOO
I'll be optimistic about the other anon not being a doomposter but DD2 does kind of hit a wall at least when it comes to the story and NPCs. I've gotten some of my most memorable vidya experiences from it despite having clear grieviances over what could have been done better.
Plus DDDA is a better starting point for a far lower price tag, might as well check if anon will enjoy the gameplay first before diving into the sequel.
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Level 97
Kill a warg for 5 allheals.
Woodland wordsmith. Kindhearted. 100% resistance to silence. High hagol, levin, augural flare, and meteoron equipped.
Ignoring criticism of the game is just going to make it fail again if they get a DLC out for it. The things that would have kept DD2 relevant endgame wise (BBI, Everfall loot, Ur-Dragon raid boss) were already established in DD1/DA so there's no excuse for not knowing what the players want.
Man how are you guys this horny about video games. Like goddamn dudes.

I have never once jerked it to a videogame character or sought out the “lewdest” anything. Especially when it comes to humanoid cats like a lot of the dudes here.
Well it all started with fapping to my brother's copy of SC2...
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Why did they become monks? Are they in pursuit of spiritual salvation and enlightenment?
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Thank you so much for these, I absolutely love it! It wouldn't be fair of me to not take Viktor out for a round of drinks as well.
Excuse me anon, but do you have a gallery of your DD sketches anywhere? Or a general artblog?
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>actually daydreaming about my pawn at work
A wageclops dreams of being Arisen
That's cute.
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I don't know what to tell ya anon, have you seen those poses..?
>I have never once jerked it to a videogame character
Don't bullshit me anon, plus who you were the one who brought that up.
>I hurt myself today
>To see if I still feel
We'll see, I wouldn't get my hopes up tho.
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It's what makes them endearing
>Rook appears from a portal in the sky, not a riftstone
I've always wondered what the significance of that was. Makes you wonder if Rook is part of the cycle or something.
>Such tough hide
>No armor made out of it
Why tho?
Did past arisen also know him? Think Duke Edmund or even the past Arisen in Vermund & Battahl?
Isn't that the case for all main pawn / plot pawn appearances in DD1. They just sort of drop from the sky near a riftstone.
But the portal comes from the riftstone, right? 2 just has the portal in front of it, rather than above it.
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I like how small this community is that you can identify people based on art styles. But it's consistent enough so that you don't wait 10 days before bump limit. Good balance bros.
Meta wise, he is so it fits.

Does Cassardis have a riftstone? I'll check
The Cassardis riftstone is next to the stables at the front gate, right where Rook appears.
>Does Cassardis have a riftstone?
Right by the well, how can you forget?
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best inkeeper
I'd not recommend camping
Ah, sou. The cutscene must've panned up too fast so I missed it
Will I awake 'neath a blanket of ash?
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It's over, our queen, Empress, does not plan to crack Dragon's Dogma 2.
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back for round 2
made it to the camp across the bridge to the west of harve village, from here i go through guerco cave, past the dragonforged, and into bakbattahl the illegal way.
wild they even mentioned this game specifically, but dropping denuvo sounds more promising now
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pretty uneventful, just mashing up monsters in the dark
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backroads to bakbattahl
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made it to bakbattahl so its time to let viktor and morgrum go
Nice screenshot.
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extra stuff gorechimera for viktor
Dude I bring that up because I see how you all talk about the underage looking cat people. There’s no way you fuckers aren’t jerking off. At least own your perversions.
I don't know what you are talking about anon, show me an example because I can assure you I don't jerk off to those little fuckers.
If only there was a way to skip the Brant sections of the game, starting a new cycle wouldn't be so fucking painful.
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Thank you for taking him on a trip
There are only a few furries in this general but they're very hostile and noisy and they like to samefag.
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I just think they're cute
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>yelena "lee"
>straightfoward sorceror
add me if you can't hire
cheers anon
I can't believe there isn't an actual thong in DD2... I want the Silk Lingerie in DD2.
ive contemplated making my pawn a mage just for the jeweled sandals.

seriously fuck nu capcom and their prude shit.
I don't, we already have enough basic bitches just shamelessly wearing the corset.
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I'll be buying a new PC and getting DD2 soon, and I hear all about how the 7800X3D kicks practically all of Intel's 14th gen CPUs, and then I saw this video, of a guy with an i5 14600KF getting an average of 85~ FPS, and that seems pretty good for an a current gen i5, I can't find a good benchmark using Ryzen 7000s, and since I know DD2 can really benefit from fast CPUs, I want to inform myself as much as I can.
What CPUs do you guys have, and what FPS do you get in Vernworth?
My wife... Those cute manga drawings... They should've kept the old design.
I have a 7800x3d and a 7900xtx
I get 50+fps on 2k resolution lol. all settings at max
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That one anon was true. Sorcerers are good at making cool backgrounds for photos
Wait, only 50+ FPS? Why don't you use FSR?
They also obliterate most enemies with exception of lesser dragons.
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I am aware they destroy nearly everything, I just neglected their ability to add nice effects to photos.
Heavily CPU bound game, graphics settings hardly do anything.
That fucking sucks man, it seems like this game heavily favors Intel's CPUs, I wonder if it's due to the estrogen cores...
Don't get a 13th or 14th gen Intel, they have some major manufacturing defect with probably a lawsuit on the way. Not some minor shit, but the entire product stack. I can't even recall a problem of this magnitude.
AMD CPUs are the only CPUs at the moment. And there's new ones coming out in a couple of weeks.
From the current ones a Ryzen 7600 is already good and equaling that 14600, but again the next gen is releasing soon. A 7800X3D isn't getting a replacement until sometime next year and yes it's a beast.
You gotta wait for the next gen AMD cpu's bud.
I have a 13700F and 4090. With DLSS Quality, I can constantly get above 150+ FPS at 1440p Max settings while in the wilderness, but this will drop to 55-70+ FPS while in Vernworth.
>it seems like this game heavily favors Intel's CPUs
Doesn't, the game favors nothing and runs worse than it should on anything. And anon is messing something up big time with his setup if his 7800X3D runs worse than my 5800X3D.
I take a lot of pictures lol but FSR does increase my FPS by quite a lot
Yeah, I had been reading about those CPUs having many issues, but supposedly Intel has a fix for it... And if those CPUs will perform the best in DD2, that's why I was considering them again, specially after seeing that guy's video.
You think Zen 5 will make a big enough difference? I hope so.
I am aware of the game's performance issues, but I still can't help but notice Intel CPUs somehow performing better in this game, and I just can't find an up-to-date benchmark of someone using a 7800X3D, which is why I am a bit conflicted at the moment.
>You think Zen 5 will make a big enough difference? I hope so
If anything it'll be better and cheaper than anything intel has released in the last 2 gens, if they all share the same socket then that would make for an easy upgrade path.
The fix is lowering wattage, which lowers performance and... doesn't fix the issue. In fact Intel has even admitted as much.
I would steer clear until they actually sort the problem. Which is not this gen.
Here's hoping the 9600/X or the 9700/X can run DD2 really well, if so I'll get one of those, or maybe wait until a 9800X3D.
You might be right, better safe than sorry.
>What CPUs do you guys have
Ryzen 7 5700X
>and what FPS do you get in Vernworth?
Usually 60 unless its raining or when there's a monster raid happening, then it drops to around 50
>Ryzen 7 5700X
>50 to 60
That's not bad... Maybe I'm worrying to much about this shit and AMD CPUs are fine for this game.
Even the 5600x can run the game just fine, fps will still drop inside cities regardless, everything else should be fine.
I feel like it's always worth it to wait for the n800X3D version rather than taking the plunge with the normal n600 or n700, unless you're really strapped for cash.
>That's not bad
It's been running better since a couple updates ago. Before Capcom started releasing patches, it used to be 45fps. Those were rough days.
Yeah but I want muh high refresh rate (100+) everywhere, at the moment that seems impossible in Vernworth/Battahl without framegen, but I'm sure it'll become possible even with $250-300 CPUs as they further optimize the game.
True, that 3D cache is sure nice, specially for dealing with 1% and 0.1% lows, that seems to be also a problem not just overall frame rates in the busiest areas of the game.
I can imagine, I'm just glad that they didn't complete abandon the idea of optimizing it.
>with exception of lesser dragons.
beautiful shot, anon!
thank you; haven't been fucking around in vermund for a while post-coronation so farming gorechimeras has been a bit of a pain.
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For the Owen Wilson anon. You may not have been around lately, but your pawn likes to wander into fights now and them to help out in my current playthrough.
bowin' wilson...
They're tough af
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>etukina and me leveling up like a solid power couple
>I redoubt bolto chimera
>she up slashes his freaking tail off
>chimera looking at me angrily
god i love this game so much
Maelstrom tears up the pimples
sorry wrong quote hehe
oh also this is 5600x cpu and intel arc a770 with dynamic resolution i get stuck with like 50-60 fps
That sounds reasonable for that CPU+GPU combo, I'm assuming you're playing at 1440p?
Is archer bad on pawns? i wish i could make my pawn a magic archer but no fun allowed capcom
The thing about Archer pawns is that their best skills use up special arrows, and players who hire them must supply them with said arrows if you want them to use such skills, so that sucks, Archer is considered to be rather weak for pawns, but that shouldn't matter too much anyway since the game will get rather easy eventually, I suppose if you're bothered by not playing "optimally" you should avoid Archer pawns.
Archer is good for as long as one of the skills is the explosive arrow, or water arrow, which synergizes with hagol.
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Why are all the cats bald? Did I miss something? Anyhow, this is pretty cool and it reminds me of "random enemy ninja" that gets killed by the protag in ninja/samurai animes.
I was wondering the same, maybe it's some cancer awareness thing or maybe they just think it looks cool.
How about some breast cancer awareness with the booba pawns instead
1440p I get stable 30 fps if i lock it if not 60~ no combat and like 50ish in combat 40ish in towns
So all the female pawns will be flat? No thanks.
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>System (PC, Console etc.)
>Pawn Name
>Pawn LeveI
>Pawn Vocation
>Pawn ID
>Optional Info (Boons, Inclinations, etc)
Thanks everyone for taking felix on pleasant jaunts the last two weeks.
pawn quest: camp 3x in western vermund
send friend request if too high level
not this month
Why use meme GPU like Intel though? I also don't see Battlemage to change the status quo this fall.
I do alot of video editing and ai generative stuff, intel is inarguably the best bang for your buck card in the price range for those things, I can scale out an entire office in mid range budget gpu card with less power draw than I could for an equivalent amd or nvidia shipset. Using it for gaming is just cuz im a cheap bastard who doesn't wanna spend alot on gpu.

TL:DR spending 380 for same nvidia chipset with equivalent vram or 260 for 16gb im taking the 16gb

(but yeah first adopter was kind of ass for a few months with horrible drivers now its pretty non noticeable)

(I only game at 1440p and this thing does well there)
Thanks for asking anon, I'm not sure what's going on but I can't link my catbox folder no matter how I split it up. I'll figure out some other way.
They flail around, can only be truly damaged by popping their pimples are have no elemental weakness, plus sorcerers have to stand still to cast which leaves them vulnerable, fighting the one in the tower is miserable because it can fling pawns to the void.
I had to play the game at 900p, windowed mode, mix of high and low setting because my poor 4core CPU couldn't keep up, as a result I played through the game at true potato quality 30fps, hardly optimal but the game was good enough to keep me going.
Try using a paperbin link or the usual spoiler and replacing .com with dot com and slash
i can only play dd2 for like 20 minutes because it makes my room so fucking hot
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Can relate, I had to stick a tube on the exhaust and a small fan in front to make the air circulate faster, why even pay for heat when you can just aim the hot computer exhaust at your feet to keep you want during the winter
Based Itsuno giving us a free block heater for when winter comes around
Weird release date tho
Take her home so no one takes advantage of her drunk ass.
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>stop playing for months
>load game up to see myself swimming in RC
>pawn doesn't return with anything because this game is dogshit and can't handle saving your hire rewards over the course of a long time like dd1 did

yeah i'm not touching this crap ever again unless there's a dlc.
So that's what happened to Goose
Skill issue
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PC. Don't remember their inclinations or boons. Have had the game uninstalled since I 100% in April. He was my playable character for my first playthrough, but I tend to cycle my Arisen and pawns this way for all my runs.
I reinstalled on the fourth to see how many summons he'd had in the two-three months I'd been away. Zero.
Nice pawn
I quite agree.
Which ddg pawn has the biggest COCK
Man, the one of Blanche going completely feral on some boxes is by far my favorite, ~~chu
I still can't get over how happy you made Incarnadine look in that one drawing, truly amazing
I was expecting some cat smut desu.
I think I wrote the game off too early and got swayed by bad-faith posters. After taking a little break and coming back after resetting expectations, I'm becoming addicted. The amount of little details and things to find that aren't explicitly told to you is incredible. I even went back to DD1 to play a bit and didn't realize how much better the character creator is in 2. DD2 is easily my GOTY and it isn't even close.
Another thing that I felt was greatly improved in DD2 is the enemy AI, specially that of basic enemies, they react a lot more to your position and aren't as suicidal, Saurians will slither out of your reach very often when you approach their tails for example.
Yeah I picked DDDA from the sale and Saurians are so dim witted
A spear poke still one shots me on hard mode, sure, but they mostly stand around gettng wailed on
Now imagine if the game was actually finished, now imagine the DLC and get hard af.
Very true for smaller enemies, but the big ones are more passive or at least less satisfying to fight generally.
A chimera or a drake will focus on their magics and fire breath instead of really pouncing and clawing at you. Kind of just standing there or hovering, not using their mass.
To add onto this, I've been mainly playing as thief and dabbled a bit in archer and spearhand. I just unlocked Trickster and magic archer, which I forgot even existed, and I'm really excited to try them out.
It also struck me after fighting the saurian variant on the Volcanic Island that the enemy variation isn't as bad as it was made out to be. You have goblins, wolves, saurians, harpies, bandits, skeletons and phantoms at night, all with a couple variants.

Like I said in my other post, bad-faith posters almost ruined this experience for me, but I'm glad I gave this game a chance. I'm having a lot of fun.
>on my last hp bar
>cast meteoron as a last resort
>their mage silences me
>i fucking cast it again after it wears off
>silenced again
>keep doing it until I die
Bros Arisen are so fucking OP
I threw Trysha's grandma off a cliff. Did I fuck up anything important?
Mage maister skill if you don't already have it, tho I can't remember if it was the geezer or the hag
True, overall they are slower and when they are enraged I can't really tell the difference, I remember in DDDA that Ogres would be so fast when enraged, it was kind of tricky avoiding their running lunges and flying kicks.
It's the grandma
Whatever. Mage/Sorcerer is a pawn class exclusively. You have to be a genuine cuck to play as that shit.
Ogre dropkicks were fucking scary in DDDA
Thanks anons, I hope Viktorisen and MS Paint anon will share their collections as well at some point. Personally I'd also love to see collections of screenshots/webms from Mogrumrisen and Floprisen, or anyone willing to share really.
Sorry to disappoint.
>MS Paint anon
There's a couple at least
Best away for a while, did they fixed monster badges being completely useless and making pawns retarded?
Yes they didn't
No they did
Truly? All of them should post their blog then. If they're comfortable with it.
I want a snow biome so badly
Did they fix the shitty performance yet?
It's been improved, though I wouldn't say it's completely fixed.
The patch before last massively improved it, then the latest nothing patch has made my game a 30 fps stutterfest
>simple: throws snowballs
>straightforward: whines about the cold
>calm: whines about the two above
>kindhearted: is cute
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Something is going on with the official Dragon's Dogma youtube channel, they seem to have re-uploaded all the vocation spotlight videos...?
>There's a couple at least
I am one of them. I noticed all 4 of my drawings have been of male pawns. I should start working on some of the ladies.
Desperate attempt to farm engagement I suppose, but they are doing it wrong because once you delete a video all the previous engagement gets lost, if they want the spotlight they need to make it in a capcom highlights or something, announce DLC's even they are something small like hairs, it's all about getting people talking.
>only the first word has the first letter capitalized in the title, the rest are all lower case

did they outsource the YouTube channel to pajeets or something
This does seem like a bizarre move, they just reset/re-uploaded the vids and called it a day, they're not even posting them again on twitter or something.
>if they want the spotlight they need to make it in a capcom highlights or something, announce DLC's even they are something small like hairs
They could just release some shitty recolored armor pack, some extra CC options, anything, and they would be on their way to improving their image, but they seem to have this game on life support, which is strange considering they claimed the game did pretty well.
I don't know if it's just me, but videos' titles look like that for me until I actually click on them, it looks like ass.
Once more!
Yeah well, apparently we make for a better PR team that whoever is currently in charge.
capcom and incompetence go hand in hand
All their eggs are in the MH:wilds basket.
CHU (to both)
Why are kindhearteds like that
They are aughtistic (in a good way)
Bros... Why didn't you tell me there was a video of a DD prototype?
vgh....so much SOVL
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very cool
>temporary model stamp on the cyclops ass
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fuck, this is making me want to boot up DD1. would you anons mind if people posted dd1 pawns into the anchor in the future? just in case if others want to play as well.
I don't see why not. This is the Dragon's Dogma general after all, it's not exclusive to 2.
its an anchor for pawns aint it
But there are no pawn codes
Powerful stuff anon.
I love blur
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bye bye baldie
Any chance that we will ever get an actual endgame like BBI? I hate the Unmoored world and I think it's such a disappointment
Yes. ( I hope so)
Is her hair back yet
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I don't know I didn't check but rift cancer can take a while to treat so don't get your hopes up
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nosewon would destroy baldwon in a fight
Not sure if it was you or the other rando but one of you sent her back with a hijab
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but many thanks for finishing her camping quest!
Been still drawing using your sketches as inspiration. I forgot to bookmark the advice you lended me towards resources and concepts you were taught.
Many thanks for these arts.
forgot about that
I just checked again, now they've completely deleted the DD2 vocation spotlight videos, WTF.
i miss feeling excited about the game and counting down the days
We're counting days until an announcement of an announcement
tbqh I beat the dragon and instead of NG+ and exploring everything I missed imma wait for the expansion
Quick, douse the flames!

This really makes me think DD2 was meant as a 2022 or 2023 title before COVID fucked up development, the old Nvidia leak did mention 22 after all.

Now Capcom wouldn't try at all to advertise DD2 since MHWilds is right around the corner, I don't even know how they'd go announcing DLC or an expansion when it would be in direct financial competition with MH, they fucked up so hard.
What's worst, we got caught in the crossfire.
When is Wilds supposed to release? Early 2025? Steam page only shows "2025", if it is early 2025, it doesn't look great for DD2, if we don't get something before the end of the year...
Passed over an illicit hobgoblin fighting pit on the lift
March 21, 2025
That's a guess, but probably a good one, Capcom loves to release games on that date or close to it.
It's the official release date from the trailer
Every Wilds trailer so far only mentions "2025", unless I missed a trailer with the release date?
Putting that aside...
Ours is a party of women, by and large.
And? I've no objections
Didn't stop people from finding pawns in the past, just takes a little more time to search or just send a friend request
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I made a cyclops shed a tear, I can't do this anymore...
If I may be so bold as to speak my mind...
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She looked thuggish, quite like a skinhead
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I'm happy and humbled to hear that, chances are you're Akarisen if I remember correctly. I'm not sure I had anything useful to say other than agreeing with another anon who recommended studying art fundamentals and checking Uldis Zarins' books. I think Andrew Loomis might have formalized Da Vinci's head proportions so you might want to grab his books too, they're available online for free on the Internet Archive and he goes over the fundamentals in his book "Figure Drawing for All It's Worth", that could be a good starting point. Good luck, I'm looking forward to seeing your art!
I'm pretty sure I missed one of these, I would love to see your collection if you feel like sharing.
They kinda look like realistic Yoshis...
post the rare baby mario pawn.
Explosions and gallant knights, kino.
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>Kinhearted Chirurgeon Elven Cutie

Would be lovely and incentivize people playing both.
Methinks it would take more than heat to cause the towers to collapse into their own footprint.
Why would you ever play anything besides thief?
>Can steal
>Can dodge step
>Can double jump
Everything else just feels do lacking afterwards
I'm too forgetful, so better to have a pawn botting the steals for me
I like mystic spearhand's fucking fly through the air move and the aoe shield is very op (surprised it didn't get nerfed)

Also this
We cannot expect gleaming passports under every pile of rubble
Pray, slow your plane! You fly too fast for the likes of me
-the second plane
Not as satisfying as fighter.
I picked this up myself, I thought you might like it.
-simple pawn mistaking IED for shorefish
Ive heard it said that twerent as simple a thing as a monster attack
Come to think of it… explosive barrels can't melt steel beams...
I quite agree, I really enjoy ragdoll-ing enemies with Shield Pummel
>tfw no spiked shield that does extra damage when using shield pummel

I hope they add equipment that modifies certain ablities in the DLC. That would be cool
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Is DD1 still worth playing or should I jump right to 2?

I want to play 2 but i assume it still runs terribly on a Steam Deck and I don't think my old 1070 will run it any better.
DDDA is still a great game, so maybe you can play that and then later upgrade your PC and play DD2.
DD1 will always be worth and for now, it's better than 2.
>Is the greatest action RPG all of time worth playing
I don't know anon, maybe?
Absolutely. Unfortunately I doubt your specs will even properly run the sequel unless you like playing at like 900p or something
>easy mode after level 20 with barely any content is better than 1
Okay retard
>Barely any content
So you're confirming you didn't play 2. Thanks for letting everyone know.
>>easy mode after level 20
That describes both games... At least you can fix it with mods in DD2, that being said, both games are still "worth" playing.
>DD1 will always be worth and for now, it's better than 2.
>better than 2

NTA but are you sure they're the retard?
Retards, the 10 day limit in UW is nothing compared to post-game world with new monsters then you have the Everfall. I haven't even mentioned BBI since that's the expansion and it would not be a fair comparison.
I will reverse my judgement of which game is better since DD2 is clearly unfinished, like it's actually kinda disgusting how unfinished it is, plus no DLC.
there are pawn missions that you complete for rewards but I give my own pawn secret missions to steal your pawns foreskin you won't even know this it's like the dragonplauge pawns don't know when it has happened
UW is still a post-game with new monsters, even if there aren't that many new monsters in it, you're making it sound like UW doesn't have any new monsters compared to DD1's post-game, the lack of an Everfall equivalent is definitely disappointing though, I agree.
He literally said 1 is better than 2, then called him a retard because you thought he said 2 is better than 1.
Each to their own...
I can't believe people are actually citing the Everfall in defense of DD1. Everfall fucking sucked.
Gotcha, I just didn't know with all the new fantasy adventure games and improvements on said games if DD1 still held up, but a game with good bones never really loses the fun factor. It's on sale for 5 bucks so I'll grab it now and anxiously await either DD2 getting some performance updates, or a better graphics card. The wild thing it It's already almost at a stable 30fps on the deck, but I dunno if playing it on a handheld will end up being a pipe dream.
Professor cat typed this.
Why did it supposedly suck? It was challenging (at first) and had non-stop combat, I think it was a nice change of pace from the rest of the game where often the combat was a bit more spaced out.
What? Read the replies again.
Besides the one interesting Eye boss everything else was just copy pasted large corridors, nothing interesting to explore.
the wolf room in the everfall pissed me off immensely
The one with hellhounds and succubus?
Sure, the exploration was practically non existent in there but I think it was great still because it focused on arguably the best part of the game, which is combat, those multi-boss fights were really nice.
i call them wolves it is the wolf room
>annoying time/save limit

There are 2 new monsters in UW, the purgeners, the snake and the unicorn. Both are considered the same monster according to the glossary. Both you fight only once or fight the snake twice if you knew the two ways to cheese Talos. Which if it's your first playthrough, high chance that you wouldn't.
What about the lightning Saurians? I only saw one of those in the UW.
They are probably some of the most fun fights in the game, I'm still kinda annoyed we don't get to fight he gigantic brine dragon or and even bigger purgerer in a multi stage fight to protect the sea shrine(which is probably what was going to happen but then again rushed development).
It takes like 2 days to fight the bosses and evac cities the time limit is a non issue
Oh! Before I jump in to DD1, are there any starter/general tips I should know?
Wolves hunt in packs and are weak to fire, you can manually save your progress since the auto save is kinda janky.
The godsway gates were supposed to be the everfall equivalent in DD2, that's why the godsbane is needed to open it.
Capcom wont give us a Dark Arisen-like expansion, they'll just repackage the everfall godsway gates and sell it to us, and that will be all the post-launch content this game will ever have
They're in the normal world, I forgot the name of the cave, it's near the Sacred Arbor. They're plentiful in UW, yeah.
You can kick the cow for it go faster, don't worry it doesn't die.
If you find a side quest (excluding quests from notice boards) you should do them sooner than later as progressing in the main quest will eventually lock out certain side quests.
The biggest filter in gaming history, it takes literally 30 minutes if you don't kick it.
You can and should regularly change your vocation, mixing and matching augments (passives) is encouraged, don't think you're forced to play using a single playstyle.
What's worse is that the supposed final fight is a glorified cutscene. Should have just made The Dragon round 2, at least it would've been an actual fight.
>get sniped and dragged across the room by hellhounds while succs debuffs your attack to be practically non-existant
It's both fun and enraging at the same time.
I wish those lead to challenge rooms... VGH what could've been
Gotcha, and I assume that's this games version of a "horse"?
Old JRPG rules then. Good to know. I used to beat main stories before doing the side content, but have recently come to find that old jrpgs lock some of the best items behind the side content and are all too eager to lock you out of them.
(Good ol' Phantasy Star)
Any rhyme or reason/generally good practice as to when I should change them, or just do it from time to time?
No you walk.
For fast travel you will have a eternal ferrystone in your storage.
This guy's reading comprehension is nigger tier.
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Dude, I erased that post for a reason, though I'm not sure why you quoted those two posts
Honestly, just change them whenever you feel like it, maybe you've played your current vocation for too long and want to try something new.
If you enter the sea beds where the rivers used to be you should fight more of those than you know what to do with.
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This is how the game runs on my Steam Deck, anything higher than this and it becomes way too stuttery to be playbale. I have almost 300 hours on it and I played 90% of the time on a Steam Deck, but my tolerance for low framerates and bad image quality is very high so I would not recommend it for now. Feel free to share your DD1 pawn if you decide to buy the game, I'm looking for excuses to go through the main story again and unlock some of the achievements that I missed.
Potato quality.
Wow, that looks awful!
I remember that pic, wasn't it the first one you posted? Classic.
It looks like a PS1 game, in a good way I mean.
Are there any wargs pre-unmoored? Where can I find them?
yes, the steam deck is not a powerful machine and DD2 is optimized like absolute shit

>Volcanic Beach where the drake spawns - 3 Wargs
the drake might have killed these before you get to them and they don't respawn

>Path from Volcanic Island Camp to Excavation site (the cyclops is fighting them) - 2 Wargs
On the bright side, you hands will never be cold in the winter.
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It's a lot more tolerable on a small screen but sometimes I wonder if I'm the only r̶e̶ person who managed to put this amount of hours into the game on this machine.
I think it was my first post in this general, yes.
'Tis true that Deck is not powerful enough, but to be fair to the game there is still a lot of work to be done on AMD and Valve's side with the compatibility layer, if you go to Proton's github you will see that the official issue thread for DD2 is still open and the issues with the Mesa drivers haven't been addressed at all.
Thanks bud. Hired a pawn but forgot to look at the pawn quest. I am not unmoored yet.
i'm sure there can be more done on valve and AMD's side, but that doesn't change the fact that DD2 performs way worse on good machines than it should. something of its visual quality should be getting 120 FPS minimum on modern machinery, there's just way too fucking many NPC calculations going on constantly
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I was surprised to see that NPCs have the same pop-in issues on machines that are much more powerful.
At this point the pop-in seems to be a feature of the Dragon's Dogma franchise, even DDDA has it, and I also noticed something weird, DDDA not only has pop-in, but pop-out(?), I've seen enemies in front of me or near me simply vanishing.
I completed the oxcart quest ages ago but still have that blue flicker or glow pop up every now and then. I still believe the pathjanny is stalking me.
considering how little the overwhelming majority of NPCs matter or even do, i do not understand why they put so much processing power into them, to the point that culling a bunch of them actually fixes the frame rate
Lamond shares in big eye hate
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Started the game last night, I think my pawn looks like Let It Be Paul Mccartney.
And apparently rotting cyclopes cause wandering pawns to stand and gawk
I would stare too, those guys are huge
That pawn is tiny. Like really fucking tiny.
same hair and beard lol
Yeah I didn’t get too creative with it, saw one of the presets looked like him and rolled with it
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Has anyone seen a pawn catch another pawn like this?
Just curious.
Sadly not.
I have seen Simples do the "I found this for you" to other pawns, though, they switch to that when the Arisen is carrying too much already
I like that animation too
Weird androgynous black cat.
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Beautiful, he looks like an angel.
I have only had a pawn catch me, not other pawns.
'Tis Wife Wednesday. Post your (pawn) wife.
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I love seeing him in full HD, thanks for these.
I kneel
>cast Prescient Flare on big monster
>sticks to a random foot or tail instead of an actual weakpoint because autoaim
>try to hit orb with normal shots or spells
>game locks onto completely a different part of the body and tilting the camera doesn't change which part is locked on
>orb goes unhit
Really missing DD1's lockon (which itself was ass) and manual spell targeting.
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What Frame Rate are you looking at and does it still crash every change of vocation?
t-thanks flop
I still don't understand why it just disappears sometimes too? It feels like before you even get the levin out.
My DD1 fighter specializes in saving mages after harpies drop them. He did it once for me and I unironically blushed.
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20 to 30 but there will be dips below that in Vermund so anyone who's on the fence should wait until the known issues with Proton and Mesa drivers are addressed at the very least. Battahl and Agamen Island run much better for whatever reason, and the game never crashed while changing vocations for me but I always make sure shaders are compiled correctly by deleting my cache after every update.
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I miss the blue sky
Air feels great
How do I play Dragon's Dogma 2 (1999)?
I really want to hug Menella
>Resolution: 1280x720
>Image Quality slider: all the way to the left
>Rendering mode: interlaced
Hell yeah, it's game time.
Sounds like it's slowly getting there. It was only 10fps and crashed every vocation change a couple months back. I'm like you and don't mind a lot of the issues you mentioned. What kills it for me is when the game can't run at all and its running consistently in slow motion.
Rotten foods can be made fresh by storing them in an airtight flask, and then being combined with spring water.
Kindling can be held up to a fire source to create a torch, either for light or for setting enemies on fire.
>Anon now realizes his pawn is fucking hot.
>starts dressing her with skimpy armor
Anon, you rascal.
I'll try that tonight, see if it quiets down the engine my PC sounds like running DD2
It's gonna look like butt, anon... Don't do it!
I sent her back still wearing this
We'll say it was after some jail time (a career as a thief has a way of catching up with you)
Are pawns built for the BAC (Big Arisen Cock)?
Indeed, you are correct.

But finally
>Go to bed (my pawn) to dismiss rents
>These two guards are inside the 300k Batthal house whining about dinner
Huh? Arisen, don't play like that!
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double air heavy knockdown is satisfying as fuck
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It feels kind of like playing Dragon's Dogma through a spoof security guard camera
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Get ready for pixels, I also disable AA in addition to what the other anon said since TAA has a small performance cost.
I remember the days of 8 fps in Vernworth. It doesn't slow down anymore but it's still kind of a sin when the game looks so good >>487496116
What mod let's you adjust it?
Oh no, she first wore Ranger Tights when she first started as a Thief. It was after I got to Battahl where I bought her signature Thief look
Thanks for letting her in adventures. Gaol time would do her good.
idk what youre talking about m9
The fact that pawn is stuck in the PS5 jail is a fucking crime.
kek flop looks like a creature from old deep sea footage or from a shitty south american nightvision cryptid clip
Big Flop...
Alternate universe where we got DD on psp instead of MH
it's too damn HOT to play DD2
Do you not have central cooling?
Just play naked, bro.
Wolves didn't die fast enough.
>didn't open the game all day today
its slowly happening bros.... soon I'll move on from this game, the general, and my pawn :(
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In DDDA, even the objects can pop-in in front of you!
How about /ddg/ monthly themed screenshot contests, that's a good reason to check in on things and your pawn as we wait for DLC
You know, pawn-related contests seem like something Capcom themselves should be doing.
Kek, how did I miss this
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Not my waifu, but my loyal attack dog.
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It's finally out, go play it, /ddg/ bros!
Reminds me of Square Enix CG cutscenes. would look godly on a CRT.
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Turns out that this jackass being dead can prevent A Noble Exchange from happening despite him just being an incidental guard at the masquerade, not even the main guard looking for the Paragon Staff.
>EGS account required
Fuck. Off.
it's kinda funny how much the game wants to pretend it has immersive sim elements when there's stuff like this in it
I don't remember this general being the shilling ground for a game of a totally diff genre. Please fuck off, EDFtrannies.
>very negative
Lol lmao
I never played these games, I'd love to play coop but I'm way too busy with real life right now. Thanks for the reminder though.
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>$60 rehash
>$30 DLCs
>Le EDF le EDF le EDF XD buy our Nip Nong Overlord's slop you dumb gaijin!
I seriously have no respect for EDFags, and sadly I notice there are several posters here who have this game in their Steam wishlist. They're awfully quiet now though.
>awfully quiet
nigga the thread is slow. and no one even talked about it in the first place until shit flinging nigger showed up but I guess his provocation worked because retards like you are happily eating up his bait. now i have to watch this thread go to shit again
I always grab any opportunity to shit on EDF.
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Welp, twas a long and slow journey, but I'm finally on NG+, just in time for the game to break overnight.
Will have to do a clean reinstall then slowly work my modlist down to how it was once I stop waging.
Thanks for reminding me. I pirated it
imagine the smell
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Superhero landing.
Post pics of her bullying enemies.
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Awesome, you can really feel the movement.
I should really be taking more pics and taking pawns out on shenanigans.
You guys have put me in a very difficult position, as it stands I have 2 options:
Small cute cat, always falling behind, easy target for harpies, cute. Good as a mage, sorcerer and thief.
Big tall muscle mommy, always beside you, ready to bully enemies for you and cuddle. Good as any class but thief due to big size and heavy milkers.
we need moar humens
Honestly, me too. I haven't booted the game in a while and I'm still stuck in the current cycle, but I've ran out of enemies to murder.
I'm knocked out after coming home from work so I just read mangos/manwhas.
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choose wisely
I try to boot up and play especially after finishing unicorn overlord and rebirth, but just end up walking in circles and putting it back down. I hope for dlc
I tried getting into elden ring but the last from game I really enjoyed was bloodborne and I have around 640 hours in it. Nothing helps
I get erect just thinking about DD2 DLC, it's such a weird feeling too, like there's some hope left in me >.>
I beat the ER DLC but the combat is so boring and caveman tier and the world is so not engaging that I feel no desire to touch it ever again, I will if they decide to release another DLC tho, just to see things through even it's a flashy snooze fest
Small cute cat
Decisions, decisions..
What about a busty tall cat, best of both worlds? I think that's what I'm going to do anyways.
We already have those, this board needs more minimum height human representation
(Male), yes
>We already have those,
Like who? we have but a handful of big snu snu pawns but no attractive big busty cat ladies.
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A bit of warg and gorechimera hunting with >>487291989 and Aka
Does he sound like a txt to speech bot like duke?
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I suppose it never really came across like that to me, but I get what you mean. I think the contrast of having a pawn who's fairly monotone can be nice since straightforward is so boisterous.
Not to say that kindhearted pawns can't be more varied, notably when calling out goblins.
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I drew my arisen
Very nice!
Good stuff anon
Small cute cat (male)
this is a really cool shot anon, if we were doing that screenshot competition like that one anon suggested youd have my vote for sure
We have to many flops already.
Maybe it was the CBD gummy I ate, but setting all the graphical effects to lowest/off was pretty fun for a night.

Commemorative Moonglint tower photo
>Sofia, Empyrean providing ddg mage
>Shrimp, twinked out Warrior from the rift
Tried to keep things to level 20 in the spirit of the run, but Augural Flare is pretty OP against the Dragon anyways
Lovely drawing anon, have you been active in these threads for long? Also, are you interested in DD themed art trades?
Why are there vertical black bars?
Resolution thing.
No it really doesn't
That's the 4x3 frame in photo mode, nothing from the graphic settings
Those are some chunky pixels!
I don't think I'm doing this right, what webm converters are you using?
Remind me of the PSP era, good times.
For me? It's Webm for Lazys, it just works, drop your recording onto it, set a 3.99mb file size limit, and that's it.
I can't believe I let you losers lead me to believe Archer wasn't fun
it's just one dedicated hate-autist for fuck's sake
It's too hot to post on /ddg/

Go fight knackers
Archers kill harpies so they're good in my book.
>See abnormally tall patch of grass in an area or uniform grass
>Shoot arrow into tall grass
>Kill knacker before he even knows what hit him
Easy peasy
That's not a knacker
They're all knackers to me
I warned you about shitposts bro, I TOLD YOU DOG
I love that helmet.
Thanks, I tried this one too but I think my input resolution is just too low.
I do everything manually with VirtualDub2.
The quality is often not great because when I finally get it right, I don't remember what options I used.
Thanks, I'll bookmark that one as well.
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For you, and MS paint doodle. Your cat being so dark scared me many a times in the dark.
'Tis beautiful.
We need some 140ers
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I use Boram
just google "boram releases" , can be hard to find otherwise as it appears to be some korean
celebrity's name

thanks anon, I love it :D
I will NOT be baking the next thread (irl stuff sorry)
Use protection anon.
Hoping for an advanced archer vocation in the DLC that leans wayyyy into the acrobatic stuff
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>monday in 4 days
I wish they had more human like features, Nadinia would have been a beautiful albino beast
That outfit of hers makes me want to find a wheat field and start producing VGH TRAD motherland propaganda
That's what I have too, which video codec settings are you using if you don't mind sharing? Also great shot, flop has such a distinct silhouette.
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here's my codec tab
Thanks, I appreciate it
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and here's the webm

I record with radeon relive at 45 mbs
video encoding type is set to AVC (I think that's the default setting)
Thank you, even though you're using a lower quality limit than my settings I'm sure you're downsampling from a higher resolution so the video looks great
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Would you hire her?
El snowy diablo....
Already have, sent back with shorefish.
The CC is limiting my potential, not enough hairstyles
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She's going to turn soon...
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I lul every time
Will go full feral.
Who's going to make the big booba beastren thread?
Is this the day?
do you ever actually get the chance to open the door that hugo closes in this scene
Based general savior.
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