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Miquella Hornyposting edition

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First for the best canon couple
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>duel with Leda
>put her to sleep with pots and spells
>tie her up
What's the next step of your master plan?
Rennala being sad that Radagon left her for Marika wouldn't make sense if like she was in love with Marika instead
Nta but my brother used to get nosebleeds all the time
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No wonder Messmer rejected Rellana's ancient ass
crystal cafe secondaries that dont even play the game and talk about male vaginas
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where are my STRENGTH GODS? do NOT reply to this post unless you have atleast 54 strength
Were you palm striking his pig nose every day to cause this, as a good brother should?
There's nothing in the game to suggest that Messmer and Melina were born of Radagon and Marika, the father is unknown.
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i would summon my bro miquella and do things
i don't think they are twins
Miquella is my friend and is not for lewd. We get high smoking St. Trina Dreamblunts™ on weekends.
They have red hair
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Is this a nigger porn thread now? Somebody salvage what is left of this general's honor and make a new one.
Melina's hair is pink.
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Reposting from last thread
So I reached the forge and about to say good bye to Melina. Should I finish Farum Azula then go to the dlc or finish the game then NG+ the dlc?
Why would Miquella want to look like a woman?

Doesn't he know that being a woman makes him a useless onahole fucktoy only good for being passed around by random men?

Women are useless
nevermind im so fucking stupid i read twins as if they were implying she and rennala were twins and not twin moon knight
Pink is related to red
She dyed it to impress you.
No, I didn't really like him plus Im his sister not his brother so he was stronger and definitely couldve killed me if I did, but like I did try and murder my sister when we were little by smashing her head in with a princess castle set but she lived
Idk why his nose did that
it doesn't matter, but maybe you should atleast get the bell bearing from the godskin duo
>St. Trina Dreamblunts™
I would try that. Maybe once I finally kick my Skooma addiction.
Do the dlc before ng+
As a man, I do occasionally wonder what it feels like to have a dick poking around inside you, or what it feels like to have it shoot goo in you.
that's just his curse, nothing he can do
Ok thanks
>single anchor without any kind of jump attack one shot cheese build
holy based
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>the invasion experience
>one shot cheese build
war cry
roar talisman
spear talisman
high land axe
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So is poisoned hand useless as a weapon/poison setter and only useful as a damage buff?
>At 60 ARC, the occult Venomous fangs have higher poison and higher AR
your reward for following the questlines and being able to summon them in the end fight is....giving radahn 150k hp and them dying early
its a funny offhand at best
One of my highest rated signs is like in front of Dane's corpse doing his gesture saying like "good luck,
my highest rated sign was a horny message in front of blaidd
And if you don't summon them they die anyway
You rike?
The health buff should like disappear like after the summons die imo
Kill self.
ok but its not RKR power stance anchors youtube build so its based in my books
why are you looking at his ass
How do you make a horny message?
It's Miyazaki's fetish, he put it in the game
I would be more impressed if she was blonde and a boy.
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miyazaki did it again...
I hate how insidious those fucking faggots are. They get off on hiding them like that and I hope they get aids and die.
>using Savage Lion's Claw
>wtf everyone say this was good this sucks ass
>find out it's bugged SPECIFICALLY on my weaponfu


What a fucking meme
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Reporting for duty, to tap that boo-tay!
add the 2H talisman to that.
Called in sick for work. My head feels like it’s going to explode.

What should my next playstyle be? I’m thinking of going pure caster. How viable is a faith leaning sorcerer build? Fire and blood and thorns?
fuck you in particular
The new thorn spell in the DLC is beyond broken and one of the easiest ways to trivialize the game, so... very viable.
Faith + Intel builds are for losers who invest too much. Pure Intel casters who dump into Mind and Vigor are the best.
who are you quoting
Ok, but why do you hate Rya?
Pure AMD > pure Intel
I'm going to start doing this since I also grabbed the meme katana over the ashes. What does the AoW scale off? Pure dex-sissy?
Anyone else worried about Nox bro?
yes its a dex weapon
I think it would be funny if Malenia was in a random swamp in the DLC.

>Queen of Spades tattoo
Yeah, put another one of her in an evergaol too and called her Melania
kys ranjeet
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>bl*cked fags literally act like soijaks
Mohg is a victim
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I fixed it.
is it possible to drop talismans for other players? I need a couple for my build but I've locked myself out of some quests so I can't get em.
I summon and talk exactly like this
Nigger dick obsessed coomer libtards are insufferable
add a bulge now
it is
Get the fuck out of my /politically incorrect/

country flags should be present in the whole website so I can see all the scholomos and SEAs posting spades
tiny boy butt...
I would prefer for there to not be country shitposting in my videogame threads.
But Miyazaki included his blacked fetish in the game to begin with, with Mohg and Radahn
/pol/ go away
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Should the enemy soldiers have had convos like the ones in Sekiro?
They should since they aren't hollows but Miyazaki is a hack.
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Would anybody be able to drop me Millicent's prosthesis?
Mohg is the hideous deviant into scat and bdsm, but is an innocent victim of the rapist Miquella, who actually goes around stabbing needles and branches into people, and appears as an innocent and pure hearted golden child

Mohg embraces his people out of his own sincerity while Miquella embraces his out of a divine agenda. One casts his own to the side, the other does not. One actually preaches or true love, the other a false love.

This level of irony is good writing.
>could filter out a large portion of browns just by using a country filter
would be amazing tbqh
>Behold, a twice-cursed creature, an omen and a woman!
>Aye, you can't spell women without omen.
Where was Rya mentioned anywhere in that post?
Mohg took in the Albinaurics when the “kindly” Miquella would not…
My wives Miquella and Ranni
>2nd phase starts
why are all the dlc bosses like this

theres archer albinaurics and frog albinaurics in ordina
Rya should go become a sorceress at Raya Lucaria and become known as Rya of Lucaria
Answer the question, mermaidtard
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>he doesn't have a message with over 500 uptokes
I only play offline
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Nothing would make me happier than filtering every american poster
When we're mermaids mentioned wither, retard
She's just gross and naive, I dont know whatbtoy want me to say that I haven't before. I think that people are only counted as people if they cam get the right to exist, and I think her being stupid and unaware and pathetic k3ans that I hate her
I like how the scarlet rot apparently took hold over “even the gods”, and yet it isn’t all that hard to rid yourself of it. Just burn it off, with fire or that one incantation. Or just wait to be brought back by grace.

Clearly they were referring to Malenia, a demigod actually born with the rot as an aspect of her very being, not the demigod race as a whole. Or is the rot even more deadly to the gods/demigods? Hmm.
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It could be more deadly, or it could be that like that the Tarnished is basically a resurrected corpse that like your current body is disposable
They weren’t allowed into the Haligtree.

They were treated even worse than the Misbegotten citizens. Relegated to be its expendable defense.
>the vague dung eater shadow
my fucking sides
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The rest of my messages are pure dung.

I changed my day 1 build into an RL 285 Dung Eater cosplay.
The people under Marika’s reign could be brought back the same way the Tarnished is. Tarnished are ‘Tarnished’ because they were once abandoned of Grace. This implies you just had to die to be brought back to full health. Malenia, however, likely always had the rot as a part of her essence, so to speak.
>I think that people are only counted as people if they cam get the right to exist
You manage to sound more and more despicable with every post. People like you make Rya look good
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Wow, Radahn fucking sucks.
I love Ranni.
>lightning is by far the most consistently strong element in the game
>lightning pot materials are piss easy to farm, always found in gardens with like 10+ materials clumped together, and with the sound and visuals of thunder and lightning indicating where they are

>check the DLC pots
>all the other pots require the player to run around a lot or farm enemies with meme droprates
>giga lightning pots just require new yellow plants from a copypasted garden with no aggressive enemies around
>even the lightning perfume is right there for grab
>don't even need to farm mushrooms due to the new bell bearings
I took the Bloodfiend Arm pill and just jewed him to death.
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I have one that indicates how to break the marika statue in stormhill
So far this really is "when the fuck is it my turn" the boss.
lightning is definitely from's favorite element, its not even funny how much better it is than every other elemental damage in this game
why the fuck is being wet extra lightning damage
EVERYTHING in this fucking game is wet
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That's headcanon.
Both the Village of Albinaurics and Temple Quarter were under the Haligtree protection. Then, the 2nd gen albinaurics who reached Ordina were taught Discus of Light. Albinauric Arches all have armor that protects them from the frost and are also fond of wolves, so having them on the cold part makes more sense.
There's also albinaurics in cocoons on the Haligtree, for some reason.
>try to fight Blackgaol faggot "fairly", get killed in one or two swipes, he poises through all of my attacks, is overall a gigantic fucking nigger
>put Giant Hunt on a Zwei and just watch him get launched into the air stunlocked forever until he dies

I don't even feel bad. I am so fucking tired of enemies having one grabillion super poise and chunking me at 60 vig for more than half of my health for a single little faggot swipe.
There's short term rot (acute) and long term rot (chronic). Chronic infections take a long time to manifest, longer than your Tarnish's journeys across the Lands Between.
based dung eater autismo
I put PICKLE O PICKLE in front of something in Stormveil, I don't even remember where and it got 999 reddit upvotes
But like lots of people have the grace of gold but still die forever though, reight?
How? How is that weord? Like I don't like her because she gets to be prissy and annoying and whiny and never ever know anything wrong which would get most people killed but she doesn't. Do you like defenseless people? Because that doesn't mean she's kind, it means she's just too pathetic to know better
There's like that old quote of "if you aren't capable of violence, you're not peaceful, you're harmless" it's like that, shes almost pitiable if she was so disgusting because she doesn't even have any qualities besides her hair
I wonder if the Magic pot is any good, I couldn't find any videos of people using it.
>gigantic fucking snake that could easily rip a man in half with a single bite if she wanted

Just because she's not fighting demigods does not make her harmless.
Nope. Fourth class citizens.
That was an anaoligy I was using to explain hat I mean not like about her physical strength, and either way like even if I was capacity can also mean like mental capacity, which she doesn't have both because she's not mentally prepared for it and also like because her way she thinks is underdeveloped and malformed
horned bairn orbs would look cool paired with black flame.
Would you like to be able to do all the highly mobile anime moves like this?
Is 40 str acceptable for a level 80 str build?
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please respond bros... I need your aide this one time.
Nope. I hate those faggy moves. Even the dragon's dogma moves are too faggy for my taste
>solo host at high RL sitting around first steps
>concealing veil
>hide on a cliffside miles away
I guess it's time to smoke a bowl lmao.
post build
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Not that much. Sekiro and BB are the sweet spot. ER and DaS3 aren't anime enough on the layer end.
Sure, where at?
It's cooming. Gooning is a dumb word.
are you on pc
the problem is that if they implemented these moves it would be done by pressing L2 a bunch of times
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>deflect tear
>antspur fingerprint poking
>bloodfiend's arm (kind of)
any other "easy" ways to fight radahn?
Ughhh, why is the academy glinstone staff 0.0001% better than regal carian scepter?

I do 2614 damage using Comet with Carian regal
I do 2615 damage using Comet with the academy staff
Both are upgraded at their second-highest ranks
**forgot about parrying oops
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it is nowhere near perfect. but I'm going for RP over meta.
giant crusher lion's claw
Has anyone tried endure cheese yet?
wild strikes + ironjar aromatic
>over meta
125 isn't meta if nobody plays at it
You could implement special moves within a combo chain, kind of like a fighting game. Certain mods will have special moves for R1+R1+R2 or R2+R1+R2 for example

You need more INT.
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It's actually super fucking gay that FromSoft made it so these skeleton soldiers won't drop their fucking swords god damn it.

I love how the Sun Realm Shield looks but I hate how there's no rusted battered sword that I can use it with. The Grossmesser looks good too but using it's just not the same.
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yes anon.
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gooning and cooming are two different things
if you do anything other than tank every hit without dodging but also not hitting the boss, you didnt beat radahn and you didnt beat the game
>you need more int
I’m at 72…
what's the difference?
I have noticed that all gooner retards like bimbos. It's the mindless animal's fetish
Coomer is a porn addict
A Gooner has gone beyond, and fetishizes their own addiction
UHHHH how about the boilprawn shack, PW is erg.

what are people playing at? I also meant meta as in like, optimized build/armor/etc
He posted a Reddit screenshot, that should tell you enough.
the scaling probably changes at +10. carian should have higher scaling at 69+ int
What’s the easiest way to farm runes other than bullying shitheads in PvP
>Coomer is a porn addict
>A Gooner has gone beyond, and fetishizes their own addiction

Ahhhh. This means Gooner is also a play on words with goner as well.
coomers/gooners whatever are tasteless, more news at 9
I wish all women were interned into breeding camps, whores started thinking theyre people.
Reminder miquella is straight in canon and st trina is his lover/offspring.
Summon Thiollier and Ansbach , put prayerful strike on a great hammer or colossal, heavy armor, great shield. great shield talisman, pearl shield talisman, golden braid talisman, summon mimic tear. Verdigris discus talisman optional if at heavy load, not going to be rolling often but for some reason I found fat rolling to be more consistent at dodging his combos.

Block everything, whenever Radahn is targeting someone else, hit him with prayerful strike and some normal attacks until he turns to face you, make sure you save some stamina to block. This will keep all the summons alive between you and your mimic tear spamming this.
albenauric genocide or shooting the bird if you haven't beaten elden beast
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Okay retard just INGORE ME nevermind you dont get any eve>>487082743
Oke give me a bit
I look like this
Why are the moon spells so crap? I do a ton more damage spamming Comet, and a lot faster in succession.

Twin Moons is ass. Too slow.
another anon gave me the prosthesis - but if you have the winged sword insignia.... :smirking emoji:
from's balancing is shit and they think making boss spells good would break the game
what exactly did he do wrong?
I hate your corpse and that anon
went against miyazaki's favorite character
babe please. c'mon lighten up.
>no bro STR is the real easy mode they get lion's claw all INT gets is an accurate, undodgable projectile that converts your FP into -bossHP every cast
raping is wrong anon
I asked YOU where you were atand like someone else went there and did it instead of me, why would they do that? I was the one whoa sked, why wouldn't they let me do it?
Whom did he rape?
I didn't read any of the dialogue
Comet is SUPPOSED to be the melter spell. It descends from Comet Azur, which is possibly the foundation for all glintstone sorceries. The moon spells are just super speshul lore wise and gameplay wise. They’re not supposed to be efficient. Arguably only Ranni’s is the efficient one—and only if you’re built for dealing cold damage.
He didn't invite the tarnished to his goon cave.
Cuz i'll rape you if you don't
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Melina's so cute but has virtually no presence. Why?
how am I supposed to know who's who?
>5 minutes of spamming night comet and rolling around a retard vs sippy flask smash hammer = dead whore

STR is the actual easy mode still.
I'm mad at you
because the game is unfinished
It is really rape when he's having sex with soulless puppets?
Originally the game intended for you to choose your own finger maiden out of many female npcs. Melina was a last minute addition.
Full moon has higher intelligence it should be more powerful than comet
His potion is just a super date rape drug he uses to rape the bodies of women before turning them into puppets.

If you try to give it to Ranni she actually kills you and says she misjudged you and didn't think you were that kind of freak. She KNOWS what Seluvis is doing though and tolerates it because he's a skilled mage and serving her goals in the meantime.
It's poopin' time.
the fuck is that naked mage doing there
>5 minutes of spamming night comet
it took 2 minutes which is comparable. carian sovereignty being a guaranteed stance break at about half health after night comet pelting helps
she's what happens when gwyn's firstborn (ds1 form) and velka have a baby
Stat requirements don’t mean shit the way you think they do. Astel’s Meteorite can destroy cities and is 20 int less.
Malenia kicked his ass and he knelt to her. He's also got an army guarding his castle, along with trolls and Margit. Plus, since he knelt to Malenia there's a possibility she could come to his aid if someone fucks with him.
it's even sadder that when you give her the potion she is already falling for you, only for you to try to let seluvis rape her.
>The dead-eyed doll lets down her guard in your presence, rather remarkably.
>Though she might dip her hands in the dirt, and feign that icy persona...she's a frail, gentle girl at heart.
This looks like it could be porn.
>have to summon npcs for boss fights to progress their questlines
who thought this was a good idea?
Become a Seamless BVLL and avoid the panhead's phoned-in multiplayer experience altogether.
What character npcs could beat Godrick and take his great rune, lore wise?
Including other demigods or just other tarnished? Vyke most likely could.
Out of the tarnished
Dung Eater
Gideon if he wasn't a pussy
Godfrey obviously
Did anyone else notice that if you hit the Godwyn faces in the dlc, there's blood spatter?
Founding Rain of Stars is the foundation for all glintstone sorceries. Comet Azur is the culmination of the Karolos Conspectus's study of comets.
A not depressed Rennala
Ranni(she bested Adula)
Blaidd maybe
Bernahl probably
Alexander probably
A runebear probably could
I literally had Nepheli solo him for me before, so her, Bernahl easily, Tragoth, probably Okina, Varre... Most of them really.
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How can a core feature behave this badly
a noble living a peaceful life in leyndell could be racist towards

>Vulgar militia
>Rot kindred
>Magma Wyrms?
>TLDR anything without grace of gold

There's probably more I missed but damn the GO didnt care about anyone that wasn't "human"
idgi but im guessing its got something to do with niggers
why would it
humans are the superior species
Could be.
>GO was super racist
>Marika essentially gave up godhood to try to go against the GO
maybe the blackedposters had a point...
Elden Ring is yet another Miyazaki vame about fighting against fundamentalist religious conservatives. Morgott was a good antagonist as an uncle tom.
Reminder that Mohg just wanted to be loved and the demon Miquella took advantage of that.
I remember one webm of Melina being shared here with here saying "Oh Torrent, I have missed thee" while taking his cock up her ass.
catbox pls
This looks so funny.
pouty meli-meli a cute
>out of new character slots
Its over...
You'd love the manga then.
The golden order doesnt have autonomy and "it" cannot be racist or prejudice, the individuals who organized the elden ring into the golden order are the one who are racist
My friend won't let me buy them elden ring until it's on sale...
Libtertarian ass post
Just buy it anyway. Buy the deluxe edition or something to flex even more.
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Soon, tarnished...
Wilt thou be hugged in the arms...
of the CUTE serpent, shorn of impurity.
ugly creature
I tried, they rejected it
I just don't know why they made all the enemies hollows again when they had the opportunity to make them behave like actual people.
She's so gross
How the fuck do I build death’s poker and ritual spear
>great runes are physical manifestations of literal concepts of the world
>all members of the round table supposedly have at least 1 great rune to be considered full members
>you can never get any of their pilfered runes and its never brought up
Tell him it's extremely rude to refuse gifts
Well, yes, I really should have specified basic single projectile glintstone sorceries, since all the single projectile sorceries are essentially smaller and smaller variants of Comet Azur, just as the multi projectile sorceries of superior tracking power are essentially smaller and smaller variants of Stars of Ruin.

Comet Azur -> Comet -> Glintstone Cometshard -> Great Glintstone Shard -> Glintstone Pebble -> Swift Glintstone Shard

Stars of Ruin -> Star Shower -> Glintstone Stars

As Karalos is the oldest, and the most venerated of the conspectuses, it would appear that Azur is the founding sorcerer of all of these single projectile spells.

Founding Rain of Stars was named Goliath’s Rain of Stars in the 1.0, which implies, to me anyway, that the original astrologer was a giant of some kind, most Likely of the culture responsible for all those magic casting golems lying around, which are also fueled by fire I might add. We know the fire giants were neighbours to the ancient astrologers, as well.

Primeval spells in general seem to be the basis for new schools or spells, while the moons are something else. They’re not really foundational—but I do like to think Carian sorceries orbit the caster the way a moon orbits the earth.

Granted, this isn’t the only way to start a new conspectus, and this is clear in the game too.
min str/dex
pump int
I threatened him and also said I'd cry of he rejected it the third time I bought it for him and he still did it for a fourth time, I dont think that he cares
Does the game ever really go on sale?
I'm not sure they need 1 great rune to be considered full members. Your tarnished didn't have an invitation because he had no renown.
>the damage of the hefty lightning pots
I'm totally going to end up oneshotting people with this
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they're just L2 sticks
you only level int and then only use them for the still, because the skill only scales with int
I bought it on sale last week I think? It was steam summer sale, so a bit special. FromSoftware REALLY don't like doing sales.
>Watch Convergence mod gameplay
>Disappointed to see some cringetastic faggot OC kill Gideon
Why are these mod makers so stupid and arrogant? I feel like the Gideon fight is an important part of the game, and it doesn't feel right to take away the satisfaction of killing Gideon from the player.
Fuck I didn't even notice thank you for pointing it out
Kill those jews who worship niggers
Shut the fuck up, mermaid bitch
When were mermaids mentioned?
Gideon says you need 1 to prove yourself like the others as soon as you enter
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Literally not humans
Jews actively trying to subvert the world to the Frenzied Flame
Based schizos directly attempting to undermine and destroy the Greater Will, so this one is not really racism so much as ideologically opposed to one another
Giants literally some of the only creatures in the setting capable of burning down the Erdtree so they had to go
>Vulgar militia
Literally angry midgets with knives. Fuck 'em
Horniggers; I still don't know if these are literally just Hornsent or people that got "cursed" by bad hornsent cummies stuck in the tree. Don't know, don't care, kill 'em.
BEHEAD HORNSENT, ROUNDHOUSE KICK HORNSENT, THROW HORNSENT BABIES INTO A WOODCHIPPER. Literally every single one of these deserves to be wiped out for inventing the shaman jar ritual.
I mean they used to NOT be tarnished and lost the grace of gold and got kicked out. Kind of like shitting your pants at the country club and crashing the golf cart - they kicked you out for a reason.
Do I really need to explain why regular humans don't want to be around literal sub-humans?
I am like 99% sure these are what rape women to give us demi-humans in the first place.
I don't think most people even know Man-Serpents exist. A gigantic god snake ate a demigod and started pooping out snakemen. They don't exactly have a rich culture or history of trade. Other than the ability to use tools they're kind of just unreasonable monsters.
>Rot kindred
I don't know enough about these honestly. From base game I thought they were just all insane rot worshippers attempting to terraform the earth into a gigantic rot puddle since it doesn't bother them. But the DLC ones were chill and just wanted to collect materials. Maybe they were mindbroken by Miquellestor. Squish them just to be safe - rot is bad.
>Magma Wyrms?
I don't think you can be racist against a magma wyrm. It's not even a humanoid.
You literally always mention how something wasn't mentioned, even when it makes no sense to do so
Wdym by kill Gideon? Like he dies offscreen to a new character?
Show me where mermaids wete mentioned in >>487086550
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Guess which dungeon this is outside of.
Schizo hours
are great hammers bad? i feel like every time i see a busted strength build its always power stanced colossals and great hammers are just a suboptimal inbetween.
>tfw level 80, +15/+6
>actually getting some co-op summons in the DLC
It's surprisingly comfy, I have to say. Everything can kill us easily so we really have to stay on our toes.
I never said they were mentioned, you dumb, clueless bitch. God, you are such an obtuse retard
They kill Gideon in front of you and you fight another reskinned Crucible Knight. It comes off as very arrogant from the mod author

It's weird to think that everyone there got 1 rune but only you and Gideon managed to get a 2nd one. And Gideon got his second one when he was young so decades have passed without someone getting 2 runes.
wild strikes, regen on hit, iron perfume
I posted here yesterday about how I nodamaged Gaius with dual blood greathammers in like my 4th try.
I'm not even good at the game so I think they're pretty strong.
>Maybe they were mindbroken by Miquellestor
Aren’t they impossible to communicate with according to the lore? Miquella may have found a way to communicate with his sheer charm.
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>Mohg is the hideous deviant
some of us think he's one hot devil daddy
10/10, would drink blood
Why did the Tarnished even lost the grace? What even give them the grace in the first place, Marika or the Greater Will?
Then why did you say "mermaidtard"? That implies mermaids were mentioned
Thats so dumbbbb oh my god, Gideons speech is like central and really important for learning about Marika's motivation and that like she never wanted anyone to win
Take a look at reforged if you want an Overhaul mod, it's really fun and has newsystems (that like the dlc might have ripped off? Probably not since like modding isn't big in Japan so it was probably more like parallel thinking but like it's weird that scadutree fragments and sealed spirit springs are basically 1:1 mechanics from reforged from almost 2 years earleir)
Great Stars is one of the best weapons in the game (for PvE). Innate bleed, innate life leech, good range, GH poise damage, infuseable, takes many ashes of war. Envoy's Long Horn is also a boss melting build if you design it with the bubble spam in mind. Outside of that, Black Steel GH has a decent guard counter build and the Smithscript Hammer is okay-ish.

The best colossal is literally just an even bigger Great Hammer (Giant Crusher, or Inferno Crozier), so who knows what Mike Zacki was smoking.
Marika did it all. She gave the grace, and she removes it.
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>It quicksteps
>A bunch of unnecessary light effects and reused spells
>Janky awkward animations where his non sword arm doesn't even move
Modsloppers were ahead of the curve
>That implies mermaids were mentioned
Only if you are a retard. I don't know what south american shithole you are from, but english doesn't work like that
Why are the sizes all fucked up in this world? The heads on the graven masses are all too big. How the hell did Sellen’s crown get so big? Why is the queen’s sceptre on display in that one room much bigger than her model should be able to hold? And THEN you acquire a miniature graven mass talisman, and THEN you find a finger weapon that can shrink and grow bigger. And THEN you find a smol Ranni. What the bell.
You said mermaidtard, does that not mean that like you're saying like that I'm associated with mermaids? But I didn't have anyhring I said about them so that'd nonr3sson to think that, so when were mermaids mentioned? Oh, they weren't? Wow eho would've guessdd
I mean we literally talk to to Gowry and Moore who are both kindred bugmen in human disguises.
A lot of the furniture is obviously too big. Miyahacki doesn't pay attention to detail.
>only good if it has built in bleed
i mean you can beat anything or no damage anything with any weapon
It's not only good if it has that but it sure as hell is a bonus.
Jesus christ I cringed so hard I made an indentation in my chair
they've very good. some of the highest poise damage in the game and good damage in general. people just don't like how stubby some are compared to colossal.
You are associated with mermaids whether the word "mermaid" is contained in every single one of your posts. You ARE mermaidtard
Give it to me straight and in the ass fellas, would it be cheesing if I rush get the Moonveil Katana at level 35? I have 18 dex and 23 int, with a magic rapier +2. So far I think I can handle anything the game throws at me but a magic katana with laser beams sounds too attractive. I can't even get a better rapier until AFTER I beat Godrick, but that's the boss I want to be prepared for.
Gowry talks shit of them though. He uses them as puppets. You actually CAN kill Gowry when he’s weeping to Millicent’s fate. He drops that incantation boosting talisman.
Yeah, but what I said is that I did it effortlessly despite not being that great of a player so I think it's a pretty strong setup.
moonveil is mid
Is the Golden Hippo in the Shadow Keep bugged or something? I stumbled across it with no flasks left and died, but now I can't pass through the fog wall once I went back. It won't let me fight it again.
>Thats so dumbbbb oh my god, Gideons speech is like central and really important for learning about Marika's motivation and that like she never wanted anyone to win
Why dis you mention mermaids? You're the one who said it first
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>le meta game face
I honestly think the idea is kinda funny but it sucks that they don't just overhaul gideon. He has some great runes, why doesn't he just crack them open and grow demigod sized?
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So it was really all part of her grand plan?
>become goddess
>realize that you are still under the influence of the two fingers
>send your best warriors away so they can come back when it's most useful to you
>literally fuck yourself
>realize that all of your children are inbred weirdos
>fuck it i'll call my normal daughter
>have ranni free herself from the two fingers
>destroy the elden ring and order her other children to kill each other to keep the GO busy while ranni finds a way to destroy them
>calls the tarnished back when she realizes everyone in the lands between is an incompetent cunt
You only get one chance. Sorry, buddy
No. Moonveil was nerfed pretty hard and isn't that great anymore imo. I have a Moonveil on my level 25 character that I got by spamming the gravity spell with the meteor staff on the boss. I use it to help people coop Margit for fun. Honestly I think an unsheathe Uchi or Nagakiba are better.
still better love story than miquella/radahn
I heard moonveil is super nerfed nowadays
what you REALLY should do is go the chad route and go for the meteorice ore blade instead if you want an int katana
That's what I'm saying
I know who you are
what about the weathered straight sword? It's pretty fucking garbage but it might at least fit the aesthetic.
did you enter through the front or the back? try the front door if you didn't use that
Anyone else happen to notice that the finger sorcerers in the crypts use the death sorcery sigil instead of Ymir’s? Notice how they’re all withered and cradling the dried corpse of a dead baby the same way Ymir is carrying the baby fingercreeper?
Most of the bosses are more fun with strength and it makes annoying regular enemies much more bearable but katanas for Malenia are obligatory to preserve the aesthetic of the fight. I wish there were more elegant fights like hers instead of huge monsters.
>Queen Marika has high hopes for us.
>That we continue to struggle.
>Unto eternity.
Like we learn from the Church grace with Melina that like Marika was okay with her followers and children fighting and competing to do whatever. But then like we get locked out with the thorns when trying to actually take place as Elden Lord, but we don't know why
Gideon saying that like after learning some hidden knowledge is the first glimpse into her motivations about like the fact rhat like it's set up its the thorns and all that specifically because she doesn't want anyone to win, she wants it to go on forever and ever and ever
That makes no sense
the plot is garbage and makes no sense but you have somehow managed to completely miss all the tiny bits that DO make sense. unbelievable
>but katanas for Malenia are obligatory to preserve the aesthetic of the fight
>walk towards her
>enter overhead stance and we walk towards each other slowly
its kino
Those are not finger sorcerers anon, those are necromancer firing cut content (for you) at you.
You also know who i am. We met on /twg/
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Having finally fought Mesmer, he's horseshit. I died about two dozen times, finally noticed there was an NPC summon sign and killed him that very attempt once I did it, but his kajillion hit 100% delayed combos are just bull. I do not know how you're meant to dodge them because I couldn't, I had to use a shield, and doing that basically puts you on a timer since you'll still take damage if you do that. It seems like there's frame or near-frame perfect timings for every single one of his attacks and if you don't memorize it somehow you get 60% of your health chunked off.
>Gideons speech is like central and really important for learning about Marika's motivation and that like she never wanted anyone to win
Anon just because a character says something it doesn't mean it's true
Again, when were mwrmaids mentioned for you to say that?
Who is best boy and why is it Moore
Katana Unsheathe is basically a colossal charge attack but twice as fast and with more range if the weapon is the Nagakiba.
Rya hater = mermaidtard
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What about me, do you know who I am?
Number big, big is good. Though to be fair this guy must have been using a soreseal or something
I hate horniggers so much. Seeing that poor tortoise with horn disease makes me sad. How do we glass this sickness out of existence?
Actual skill issue. You can parry a bunch, you can use the Sekiro tear and block-counter him, you can literally jumping R2 him into stance break, use dual curve sword cheese on him, etc

His moves are very telegraphed and easy to learn after like 10 minutes of practice. Honestly one of the only NON bullshit bosses in the DLC for me.
git gud
Okay? It's one of the better things we find though
Like by that logic you can't trust like literally anyrhing because anyrhing could just be any characters theory on it
Everything is headcanon anyway but like it's one of the more interesting hints or like things to pull from, I think losing his speech loses like a lot of interesting things about Marika and like the whole thing, atleast for me
What does that have to do with mermaids?
You can just infuse a large club or zwei for the str experience on any other build.
Why would Marika want any of that? She wants the strongest to be Elden Lord, that's about it. Gideon's weird headcanon that
>A tarnished cannot become a Lord. Not even you.
Also not to mentione that Rya wasn't mentioned in the post either
>"hmm i wonder what this ancient warrior likely warped by the crucible looks like under the armor"
>generic human with onions beard
the self insert is painfully obvious
I absolutely refuse. I've brute forced the rest of the game and I'm not stopping now.
After using Giant Hunt Zwei to delete uppity humanoid bosses and NPCs I can't go through a playthrough without it anymore. I always keep a pocket Giant Hunt Zwei spec'd to whatever stat I'm soft-capping.
is wrong, because you clearly do become elden lord. As Marika willed
Idk it works with my headcanon but my headcanon requires a lot of not specifically said things to be true so I'm probably whiny
Either way though, I like the peech
I see it more as Gideon losing his mind because he dedicated his entire life to becoming elden lord just for some no name to appear and take that from him. If Marika really wanted things to stat how they were forever she would have taken the grace from us after we get the second rune.
Man I don't feel bad for pirating this game at all, everything I read and hear sounds like I'll drop it once I reach the endgame bosses.
I couldn't even reach any boss in the Dark Souls 3 dlc, the normal mobs were too much for my full build character with 60 faith and all the best equipment / miracles.

And ER seems harder. Margit alone could have been one of the later DS3 bosses.
That mod adds in loads of new spells l, Gideon would be great using them instead of another Crucible Knight
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FFS I'm gonna have to completely re-explore the Shadow Keep. I can see that there's two other areas that branch off from it, but the storeroom is such a fucking rat's nest I cannot for the life of me remember where I've been and where I've checked so I have no fucking clue how to get there. Rauh here I happened to stumble into. I guess I'll do it, and then I'll have to re-run the Shadow Keep. I can't keep that place fucking straight, it's is the first place in this entire game I'm actually lost.
OOPS!!!! >>487086339 >>487086550

It's insane how retarded you are. You must be high on prescription meds 24/7 or something. Neglecting your kid and being retarded on the internet
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I genuinely think phase 2 Radahn is complete dogshit. It's unending AoE spam and half the time you're getting hit by swings you literally cannot fucking see. Phase 1 actually feels pretty good since there's a rhythm to it and the swings are at least telegraphed, fair, and parryable. Phase 2 is just fucking absurd. Every attack has AoE follow ups after AoE follow ups. I've gotten him down to 1/4/-1/3 HP multiple times but at that point I end up getting combo'd down because healing requires you to eat a hit 9 out of 10 times.
consider acquiring proficiency
Apparently that old man statue in the Uld and Uhl ruins and the Grand Cloister is the one responsible for making all the imps and Crystallians and the portal stones, and his likeness can even be seen in the four belfries. It is clearly the same bearded person. There are also roots on both statue and stone mural, which confuses me. Why would a sorcerer of construction be associated with roots?
To be fair Margit could have been put as a boss in the end game and it wouldn't feel so out of place. His fight is harder than everything you face until Dragonbarrow/altus plateau
she's just having a regular woman moment
>And ER seems harder
Does it need to be posted again?
? >>487075249
I only take caffeine pills muscle relaxants, and you're a retard
What are you even talking about? You're the one talking about mermaids for no reason or making weird asusmptions
Wtf. Actually cuck shit.
If you're talking about some gigantic spell cheese, we can do those in ds3 as well, that's how I beat the Lord of Cinders I just ran naked away from him while shooting miracles for 10 minutes.
But fighting the bosses fair and square it has too much bullshit to make people drop the game.
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Someone has to teach Tarnished how to git gud.
Elden Ring should’ve had an ending song for the credit, sung by a baritone Japanese man.
“Sankyu, misuta Tarunishido ai rabu yuuu, eberi taimu yu meiku mi happi ando gibu mi pisu…”
Does anyone else think the architecture and overall ambiance for Nokstella and related regions are repurposed Londor assets developed during DS3?
The mummified, hollow-looking humanoids in the building roofs and the giant thrones seem a bit out of place.

FromSoftware has a history of cutting fairly developed bosses and areas to meet deadlines.
Bloodborne's development file has a mounted boss fight that most likely matured into some of the mounted enemies in Elden Ring.
The Rennala boss fight is also rumored to be repurposed from DS3's Rosaria as well.

I revisited Nokstella because I'm trying to find the missing larva (17/18 collected in base game).
does this word even means anything nowadays
wtf lol
>muscle relaxants
Is that what you call your xanax?
>You're the one talking about mermaids for no reason or making weird asusmptions
Did you seriously think he was me replying to myself?
What? What? What? Shut the fuck up whore.
i dont think its clear that everyone in the roundtable hold has a great rune, or even anyone but us. its not even clear that gideon has any, as far as im aware the only other person with two confirmed great rune was vyke. even then, when we kill vyke in the gaol he doesnt drop any so who knows. i dont really see diallos or fia claiming their own rune so many the rules are different for everyone.
>that fucking fire knight camping near hilde summon that use long range push the moment he goes aggro
>his fucking fire snake is long ass too
>fucking keep dying because of that fucking long range push killing zone
>your fire snake has shit for distance
Fucking fire snake sucks for mid to long range
are you guys ok
I dont even know what you're talking about eight now, I'm just asking why you mentioned mermaids
Kill yourself, I'm not a whore, you're a shitcunt pig
No, I'm lonely and sexually frustrated.
People still don't understand that Margit is slightly overtuned to be the "Welcome to not-Dark Souls" boss. The next overwhelming boss you're likely to encounter in Radahn; everything in Limgrave, Liurnia, and even Altus pales in comparison to Margit, with the exception of Elemer who can be tricky for people. You're supposed to go directly to Margit like Varre tells you to, get your ass kicked, and realize you're supposed to explore because this is Elden Ring, not Dark Souls. On another level, you're also supposed to unlearn Dark Souls combat and learn how Elden Ring works. And when all is said and done, you can easily beat him at base level with a +0 weapon once you learn those lessons.

It's crazy how long the seethe about Margit has persisted.
Anon, are you okay?
Are you okay?
Are you okay, anon?
>I couldn't even reach any boss in the Dark Souls 3 dlc, the normal mobs were too much for my full build character with 60 faith and all the best equipment / miracles
I try to be kind and not resort to 'git gud' garbage comments but either you're playing the game totally wrong or this kind of game isn't for you. I don't even know how you'd find it enjoyable if you're so bad you can't even reach any DLC bosses in DS3, but it is what it is. Instead of spending all that effort pirating and struggling through it, maybe just pirate a game you would enjoy playing
retarded bitch
the gloam eyed queen was a hornsent
I doubt everyone has runes. Corhyn doesn't even want to become elden lord. They are either still considered guests too or did something else to earn their place there like Roderika becoming a spirit tuner or Fia being the local whore.
There are two points of entry into the Storeroom segment.
I think one entryway is supposed to lead to a dead-end but I survived a jump to be able to fully explore the area (backwards).
Prepare plenty of regen, including the FP regen talisman, if you want to thoroughly explore the area (as well as arrows).
The knights in the area don't fuck around.
Maybe, but it still works phenomenally well, to the point where it is one of the game’s most standout areas.
I'm talking about the data-based analysis someone did of boss APM and openings per minute comparing DS3 and Elden Ring, which suggests that Elden Ring and DS3 bosses are equally active but you have more openings to play the game in ER.
You get high on xanax and alcohol and browse mermaid pics on pinterest every day
No, I'm playing this because I don't know what mods are screwing up my Resident Evil 4 Remake playthrough. I manage to play a chapter fine but it gets stuck on loading the next chapter as if something was wrong, but I like all the mods I don't wanna drop any
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Both the game and its community are mixed bags. The game itself is mostly good, however, while the community is mostly ass. Still, I can't help myself and keep coming back here. And I'm not better, I'm only ever here to bitch.
Its a typo, you know what it meant
When were mermaids mentioned?
>The knights in the area don't fuck around.
NTA, but the knights are what I'm least looking forward to as a level 80, +15/+6 character. I've got a big 2h weapon, but it takes more than a charged R2 to stagger them at my level.
Licking golden sap off Radagon’s abs
>Does anyone else think the architecture and overall ambiance for Nokstella and related regions are repurposed Londor assets developed during DS3?

I think the underground night city ambiance is new and purposeful. But the architecture I think was repurposed. In addition to the skeletons on the roofs, there's the giant skeleton on the chair ,etc
stop making typos dumb bitch
PvPscholars do I switch to a clawgrip so I can move the camera while sprinting? Or is there an alternate button layout?
You'll read it anyway
Hold circle with your thumb like normal and just pull down your index over your thumbnail and move the camera with like the side of your index like where the cuticle is about
>Margit is slightly overtuned
He's only introducing the fact that bosses now roll-catch in the game. That's literally it. Outside of that he's easy. I sort of agree with you that if you get totally shredded, its the game's way of telling you to explore. But honestly I thought the way the game was telling you that was by having you run into Tree Sentinel right outside of the starting Limgrave area. He even has a one shot (shield slam) that is way more frustrating for new players than anything Margin does.
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its basic edgy, but I still like it
DS3 was just particularly hard to me, I loved DS1 and 2.
DS2 in particular is like top 5 favorite games for me.

Elden Ring feels like a next gen remake of 2 in some ways, I just dreading the moment it gets HARD with fast bosses that shoot a million fireworks and swing a sword with the strength of a planet.
I enjoy the adventure and roleplaying more so than the bosses I guess

Now that you mention it, yeah. Every other boss I'm fighting is way more manageable and "actual tutorial boss in Dark Souls" level, like the Pumpkin head or Leonine Misbegotten, the latter I killed at my first try.
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>Abyssal Woods
man what a fucking empty shit zone
still better than the whole cerulean coast lmao

fuck """"""""open world""""""""""" fucking meme
>Hold circle with your thumb like normal and just pull down your index over your thumbnail and move the camera with like the side of your index like where the cuticle is about
That is fucking awkward and retarded. What kind of disgusting alien fingers do you have that they're long enough for that to be more comfortable than the normal claw
kek only a femoid could get this emotionally touched
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Giant's hunt zweihander since I got them
They arent, I just feel uncomfortable using my middle or ring finger to press the triggers so I do it, yoy don't need long fingers at all to do it
It hurts kind of after awhile, rhw side of your finger starts hurting but it's fine, the game is fun enough to cancel it out
It's not "emotionally touched" to call you stupid, you're the one getting mad about being called dumb because you are
>When were mermaids mentioned?
Still pretending like you aren't mermaidtard?
The real smoke weed everyday 420 holla holla get dollar MLG pro gamer answer is to get a controller with paddles and bind sprint/dodge to one of them. I also like to bind Y+RB and Y+LB so I can two-hand either my main hand or off-hand weapon in an instant.
There’re lot of big and ancient trees there.
I dunno if that’s on purpose but they modify the Scadutree light and wandering there seems very eerie when shadows move as if there were coming from moving trees
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That outfit?
One word "yikes"
I'm trying claw and my thumb already fucking hurts.
Oh wow look, the first time mermaids were mentioned was here
If the first and only time they were mentioned was you, wouldn't that mean that you were the one associated with mermaids instead? And you're retarded, so
Does black dumpling activate from madness triggering or any buildup?
Maybe it's more accurate to say that he's designed to exploit bad habits with less leniency. He's really not that threatening UNLESS you don't know how to play the game and panic roll everything like it's DS3, in which case you'll eat a lot of full 2- or 3-hit strings. His dagger follow-ups are also a very obvious attempt to get the player to stop attacking boss when they think
>Oh, the boss isn't doing an animation
>That must mean it's my turn!
They're extremely weak, but if you can't stop yourself from touching the hot stove you'll end up melting your HP for nothing.

I think they really triple dipped with the tutorial boss in Elden Ring. Grafted Scion might be the hardest tutorial boss in the series, bizarrely. You have nothing when you fight him. Then there's Tree Sentinel, and then there's Margit, who both encourage you to do the same thing, but in different contexts.
YAWN. Drop the act, sweety. You ain't fooling anyone
yo mohg would lowkey be kinda sexy as a female ngl
My point is there's no act needed, ther wasn't anyhring about mermaids said, there's nothing to or to not act on or like anyrhing
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anyone else enjoying seamless coop invasions? You can invade with modded fashion
Your brain is so insanely illogical and not in a cute girl way, just in a crazy retard bitch way
>tranny horns
So imagining patterns and inventing imaginary mermaids that were never talked about is a normal brain?
That's called schizophrenia
I thought using mods locked you to only play with people with the same mod?
>imaginary mermaids that were never talked about is a normal brain?
That's from your /twg/ posts that you are pretending don't exist. I know exactly who you are and you know who i am
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Again, when were mermaids mentioned?
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>reinstall elding after 2-3 months
>make a new wretch character
>spend an hour running around gathering materials
>kill the big dragon for 90k runes
>level up vigor to 30, now i'm ready to play
>enjoy the game for 10-20 hours until i reach the grand lift
>game says congratulations on beating the tutorial
>enemies will now do 2x damage and only take half damage
>quit and uninstall
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>this thread
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>Be me
>Be Elden Ringing
>Be about to touch the DLC
>"Boy oh boy i bet the DLC is gonna take place in that Radahn festival land, there is no way From is gonna leave that place as such an empty fucken asshole"
>Mfw the DLC takes place in an entire new land
>Mfw they made not one, not two, but three more empty fucken assholes
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>max casting speed with radagon icon
>adjusted spell scaling with carian glintstone using sword sorceries is 334, 39 below regal at 80 int
>makes better use of cold weapons
>already at the soft cap for magic infusion, gain less than 30 AR if i try to shoot for 80 int
>scholar's armament on keen weapons outdamages magic infusion(but not by much to be honest)
seems good to me.
So they weren't? If you don't say when they were mentioned before the first time they were mentioned (which yes I know is a retarded phrase, that'd the point) then I'm just going to assume you know that they weren't
Cosmetic mods that include "parts" that replace armor is completely client sided. You can still play with anyone even if they don't have it. As long as you aren't using mods that modify the regulation.bin file.
So did you keep leveling your VIG

I wish buffs were just a little bit more efficient
pls respond
I'm thinking
>vagabond start
>50 vig
>10 mind
>19 end
>40 str
>15 dex
>9 int
>9 faith
>7 arcane
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Yea fuck this fight. Maybe I'll come to like it more as I do it more but phase 2 feels like pure shit.
what's the most Melina thing to do?
The legacy dungeons didn't blow me away, Belurat has too many weak filler enemies.
The other districts of the Shadow Keep were too short & mostly uneventful.
I also think the state of the unveiled Enir-Ilim we encounter is inconsistent with the story behind it.
It's objectively better than vanilla in every way.
That's who you are
>hey, steve

Btw you posted in this exact same way on /twg/. There is no one in the world who's obtuse and retarded in the same way as you
>these are your MILFs for the night
So you admit that I'm right since like I literally just said >>487094361, thank you
elden ring warned us about the women
Read you bible bedtime stories
>make up illogical and unrelated victory conditions
>claim victory when i don't engage with your retardation
No wonder your baby daddy left you. Who would wanna be with such a crazy bitch? It's also best that your kid gets raised by your grandparents so it doesn't turn out like you
Please. Ebrietas is a dainty young lady, she's not a MILF
Is there no big cutscene at the end of the dlc? Just the memory?
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>finally beat consort Radahn
>feel no satisfaction
It was like a mid ending to a good DLC. Great sound track though, I could listen to that all day.
It was a really simple task, youre the one who chose not to do it
And he died you retard
>It was a really simple task, youre the one who chose not to do it
Post your tits
If you don't do it then i win the argument
It's a simple task
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He was always meant to be.
Messmer and Melina were born from asexual reproduction
Messmer has red hair because the fell god cursed him upon his birth, the side affect being imbued with the giant's flame.
Melina's pinkish hair is also proof Radagon isn't their father while still harboring the trait of being able to control the giant's flame.
free will is like, the worst thing thats ever happened to me
>What could you possibly get out of it?
I get to double team him with Radahn for the next 1000 years.
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I still don't know how I feel about the dlc. I really liked the lore regarding marika, messmer, the hornsent, shamans, etc. And I liked the friendly npcs we met along the way, but I just didn't care about everything related to miquella and trina, and I didn't enjoy phase 2 of the final boss. I just feel kinda underwhelmed by it. The lion dancer will probably be my favorite elden ring boss of all time aside from Godrick maybe. I really like the ambient tracks once again, and I thought lion dancer, rellana, and miquella/radahn had really fun soundtracks as well.
Feels weird for elden ring to end this way ig.
Except that's different because it's not relevant to the conversation, retard
If you're claiming there's mermaids, then point them out
They clearly ran out of time and had Tanimura try stitching something together again to less than pleasant results
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are there any ways or webms to show ways to beat gank squads? shits impossible
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yeah for sure man here you go
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in today's episode of elden ring soap opera...!
new shocking revelations...!
is the rot hound the only spirit that can do scarlet rot, besides mimic tear?
thinking of changing to the hound or stick with the jelly and the normal poison
Nokron was a underground city full of shamans and albinaurics (silver/ayy blood).
This city was holding the fingerslayer blade, able to strike gods and the great will itself.
Next to it was Nokstella, an even deeper city, connected to the lake of rot, land of the scorpio deity, astel.

Manus Metyr over Metyr, the finger shadow bound deity.
Manus Celes over Astel, the scorpio poison deity.

As if fingers entities were god creators, and scorpio entities were god killers.
tits or gtfo whore, let's bring 2007 back
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>The lion dancer will probably be my favorite elden ring boss of all time
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Why is Trump monitoring this thread?
I haven't said anything about my sex either also too, retard
Literally all I've said or asked is why we're mermaids mentioned?
If you don't understand it by now then you never will. You are obtuse beyond all belief

You are obsessed with mermaids because of a dream you had as a child
You are retarded
That's why you are called mermaidtard
did i fucking stutter, tits or gtfo
i'm lost why are we talking about mermaids in an elden ring thread
I still give the DLC like a solid 8/10. It was still a fun experience but the final fight was an underwhelming finale. As for the world stuff, I also liked exploring these new lands like the cerulean coast or village of the shamans and simply making my own thoughts on the lore from it. Boss soundtracks, including the last one, all felt good to great for me.
Nice. Is there any mod that cleans the cloth armors in this game? Almost every cloth option is full of shit mud and blood
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Mostly from a visual design and soundtrack standpoint, but I also thought it was a fun boss to fight idk. I just wish the lion hat was a weapon instead.
>Like the worst boss in the DLC

It looks cool but it feels like fucken ass playing against.
I dont know
Nothing that was said implied about any od that, all I said was that I said was that I put a sign in front of Dane
Kill yourself
the dlc is a 5/10. visually interesting but somewhat tedious areas (and the fact that 60% of them stem from one hidden spot in shadow keep), only like 3 memorable bosses (many without cutscenes), absolute butchering of lore, what the fuck man
>I haven't said anything about my sex either
Why are you like this? You don't need to tell anyone, it's easy to see that you are a foid from reading your posts

It's honestly baffling how often you post
>i never said
>i never mentioned
And it's always completely irrelevant every single time
if we are talking about mermaids...
how do you fuck a mermaid?
can mermaids be fucked?
can you convince a mermaid to be fucked in a French maid outfit?
can you fuck a merman?
how do you fuck a merman?

so many questions, so few answers

DLC could have been about mermaids and mermen, but NOOOO, miyazaki had to spoil the fun with his bullshit kinks
Marika is so lucky
Oh right rellana and putrid knight didn't get cutscenes.
why does the lion dancer have two sets of teeth? it's not even the person underneath's teeth because they control the first set of jaws
Like what? And no it isnt, retard I just post how I post everyone posts different there's not sexed posting types
And what? Your second apt makes no sense
If they can graft people into jars they can probably graft a fish and man just saying
You don't
You don't

Mermaids are all aesexual, not like from a sex standpoint but like preferences
I wish classes had more impact. I know Mike wazowski wanted people to be able use everything single thing but it allows people to be fast light rolling bhs poise-blobs with hyper armor when getting invaded or when invading.
rellana, gaius, putrescence, avatar, bayle, romina, metyr
you can argue that something like bayle flying in is a "replacement" but in comparison to placidusax's cutscene + intro it was very lacking
Mermaids can have penises?
A mentally ill chick who's obsessed with mermaids earned the nickname "mermaidtard" because she used to post off-topic mermaid pics on /twg/ and she talked about how she hoped for a mermaid faction even though it made no sense

She now posts here and i recognized her when she started hating on Rya
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what annoying weapons / ashes of wars should From nerf?
for me its still RoB
Male mermaids, yes
hes fair and has only one pair of moves that are hard to distinguish in time. there are a few bosses that are way worse.
Warhammer has mermaids in it
Ymir and his associated boss offered the most interesting perspective in this DLC.
Scary thought what if you're a male mermaid swimmingg around and your pebis gets caught in some seaweed b ro
shield throw one
i assume its the skull of a giant hornsent that's within the lion skull/costume. might be a bizarre way to revere warriors or something
Not how it works
Why is Godwyn half naked like Radagon?
What is the link between mermaids and Ryahate?
Oh it retracts?
Shut up, you dumb bitch


Here, i found the post that finally resulted in you getting your nickname
probably meant to mirror marika, who is a topless whore
you're a fucking schizo
>Teleport 2 u
>Spazz around so it fug wit ur camera
> Shit out a fucka ton of AOE up close

I would rather fight ten more Commander Gay than one fucking Dancing Lion.
this the mermaid general?
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I'm going to go to bed holding my bodypillow and pretending it's Miquella. I'll give him lots of kisses and tell him how much I love him. I am not alone anymore.
yeah thats cancer as fuck too
Some dumb foid loves mermaids and hates Rya. That's it
I'm 100% correct, though
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You farm runes by shooting the bird

I farm runes by launching the game without EAC and reviving all remembrance bosses

We are not the same
Again, when was that ever mentioned in this thread? How is that relevant or at all like whT you're or I or anyone is talking about?
420 mohg it brother
I thought Radagon was a better fight than consort Radahn
He's one of t he best fights in the whole series imo
What's the story of this game anyway it angers me how I'm just mindlessly going through the motions
>It's probably another Souls game about linking the ring to destroy or save the world, or keep the power and rule them all
And I'm probably fucking right but it feels like a waste having all these massive landscapes, kingdoms with factions, gods, etc.. And it amounts to that again
>when was that ever mentioned in this thread
Never said it was, you dumb skank. It's you who decided to make a big deal out of it
>wtf how is my nickname relevant to me?
>I thought the piss easy pushover was a better boss than the actually difficult one
woman moment
i wear this
What link isbthere for yoy to draw a random line to mermaids about Dane? he has two legs
He osnt a mermaid
the fact that you like wqnt him ti b3 one like means more that youre mermaidtarded, not me
Just fought the Ancestor Spirit on a new playthrough and it made me kind of sad to realize the only boss they decided to give a somewhat unique atmosphere to was this literally who moose. Everything else is just whooah so epic fantasy battle.
The soundtrack and atmosphere was better
capra's optional, just give up
I literally never mentioned dane in any way. How insanely fucking stupid are you? I never claimed that dane and mermaids were related, you drooling mongoloid cunt


Here are 16 pages of you being referred to as "mermaidtard" that's who you are
Throw dung. Alternatively, seduce.
rya is mid af bruh doe ong
You said that mermaids were related to anti-rya stuff ehich was relates to Dane, you're the one who said it
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Okay nah claw grip is cursed. I'm rebinding B to a shoulder button. Gonna have to replay the whole fucking game to rewire my brain.
I only poop every 3-4 days and it’s been this way since I was young. Apparently I have a superior enlarged colon.

My best friend has to shit 1-2 times a day and he resents me for it since this takes up his gaming time.
You don't really like have to use the camera that much, that's why I like the idnex thing I said, it's good for quick adjustments, but I use the lock on camera too much
Even after it's nerfs Moonveil is still fucking annoying to fight. The hitstun is way too severe for how fast it's AoW comes out.
>precum came out thinking about discus hurl nerf
it cannot cum a day too soon!...
Did u draw that
>You said that mermaids were related to anti-rya stuff
How do you function being this retarded? You don't have a job, do you? You just play videogames and let your parents pay for everything and raise your kid
First was a crucible, source of life and chaos.
From it, some stabilized lifeforms emerged.
Cosmic ones are Astels and fingers.

Then dragons, giants, insects, albinaurics, shamans. Humans are probably a derivative of shamans or albinaurics.

Before the erdtree era, dragons reigned like masters. Their divine city is still hidden in the sky, crumbling from long ago times.
The erdtree generated a shadow, and an alternate land, where spirits will come after death.

But the initial erdtree was destroyed by something, giants, and then the Queen Marika used her healing light magic to cast another one, after most giant were deathblighted.

From this time, Marika generated many offsprings, having each a purpose, and some ended up rejecting their divine condition (fingers/grace guided) to find new ways of reaching power. Some even wanted to destroy the erdtree generated by Marika, some wanting to recreate the initial light/tree.
Okay but why would you tell us this. Do you brag about your colon IRL you fat fuck?
I'm correct
And no? I post on 4chan mostly while at work on my phone, and like both my parents are dead, how would they pay for me? That doesn't even make any sense
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Why don't people like Rings of Light?
i dont think there is even any ash of war in the DLC as annoying and cheap as the RoB and moonveil
well except maybe backhand blade
>I'm correct
Nope. I never said dane or rya were connected to mermaids

You are mermaidtard and you hate rya. That's the only way rya and mermaids might be connected. I said so many times but you are too braindead to follow
Holy damage. Saying that, for shit that's not +80% resistant to holy, the thing hits like a truck. Like it was doing so much damage that it outdamaged Giantsflame on scarlet enemies for me, despite those enemies being weak to fire.
You did, you said that the reply about rya thing to the Dane thing and the mermaid thing to the rya thing were connected
You sont knownany of that, you have schizophrenia
most enemies/bosses have holy resistance
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Camera is killing me online.

>You did, you said that the reply about rya thing to the Dane thing and the mermaid thing to the rya thing were connected
Nope. You are literally mentally ill and retarded and you conjured up this nonsense out of thin air
Okay so you admit that replying the "So why do yoy hate Rya?" made no sense and was a nonsequitor and that like the the mermaidtard thing was a nonsequitor and makde no sense to that?
Hold your shield up, let the first dog hit you, immediately roll past the demon's first swing. Run toward the staircase, dodge the second dog. Wait for the dogs to chase you, you should get 1 before the demon catches up to you. Drop down from the top of the stairs, kill the dog when it follows you, the demon should take long enough to drop and recover to kill the dog. After that just learn the demon fight.
Why is the camera so fucked up? even on max sensitivity it's slow as shit in pvp. I can't tell you how many times I have to fight the camera while getting chased down by 3 niggers in an invasion.
Nope. This is just so you making shit up again because you are crazy and on your period or something
So you so or don't think that those are connected? It's a yes or no question, also kill yourself
No. I constantly feel like I’m being watched, by aliens of all things.

But for some reason I am not schizophrenic? I don’t understand.
>So you so or don't think that those are connected
Those are not connected. I saw your post and i knew it was our resident rya hating retard who's obsessed with mermaids
>wtf why is he asking me -a vocal rya hater- why i hate rya?
Get a clue, you dumb sow
it's going to be oky
I went alway to watch evo finale and you schizos are still arguing about mermaids
I run a str/faith build but use katanas since they are the best str weapon.
Why are horniggers so evil
Explain the connection or you have schizophrenia and are seeing nothing
Nothing about the dane thing said anyrhing about hating rua and nothing about mermaids
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I might adjust my camera sensitivity too (if I can? didn't check). Just sucks that I was just getting into pvp and now I have to relearn the game or keep playing like a cripple.
They're inherently cursed beings. Both hornsent and omens are haunted by fell spirits or malevolent gods, like the fell god of flame. This twisted nature of being a horned nigger manifests into cruelty and depravement like the jars.
I never claimed there was a connection. You are honestly the single most obtuse person i have ever talked to. Your skull must be miles thick
So why did you say that there is one if you disnt say there's one?
>So why did you say that there is one if you disnt say there's one?
I'll let you figure this one out yourself lmao
Why is magic so evil in this world? Even the minor erdtree guardians are growing trees out of their backs and they aren’t given any spells or anything. Giants had to rip the eye/mouth out of their chests to betray the fire giants, which de-evolved them into trolls or something. Don’t even get me started on Frenzied shit.
what determines the damage on this thang?
upgrade level only
So you don't have an answer and you admit you have schizophrnia
I've come to realize that I absolutely fucking hate a LOT of elden ring bosses...
I should have figured you'd arrive at the most retarded conclusion imaginable
Magic in George’s books is evil as well. It works in games such as this. Power has a price, or risk. Even glintstone sorcerers are poking at what essentially amounts to consciousness killing star cancer.
You're the one who chose that though? I literally told you like that you had to explain the link you made or that you're schizophrenic, you didnt prove it, so
oh fusion doesn't matter? sounds good thanks
the fire monks are literally the red priests from game of thrones lmao
It really is Dark Souls 2 2
>I literally told you like that you had to explain the link
I don't take orders from you and there was no rational reason to ask for a link. It's just you being a mongoloid
t. Schizo
why is it that my poison i put on relanna gets fuckin erased randomly when cooping? no ones using anything to set it away like poison bloom twice
Imagine if astel were cat sized
what are some actually useful int spells for pvp? seems like everyone can dodge them easily
*pisses in your mouth*
Shudda kept it shut, bitch
miriam's into gavel
Honestly, night maidens mist is incredibly useful in narrow tight tunnels and stuff
What was Marika's seduction and betrayal?
Did she seduce a Hornsent or Shadowlands native to become her lord to usher herself in as a new god?
Was Marika pulling out golden strands from the lord she betrayed?
I thought Radahn was a based tradbro, but it turns out he's a California homosexual.
So is it possible to actually criticize boss designers here or is this general infested with git gud niggers who pretend the game is perfect and no expectation of the player is ever too high?
That's Miquellester ripping out tranny parts of himself at the Cross sites.
they can't dodge gravitational missile for shit in my experience. free aim at surfaces to explode instantly.
carian slicer to combo with melee, chase and beat shields. carian piercer to roll catch. gavel of haima to get niggers off you. star shower or shard spiral to pressure. collapsing stars to pull people off ledges. swift shard while jumping to chase.
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I took the 'seduction' as Marika being seduced by the promise of divine power, while the betrayal was her betraying the Hornsent as she lived quietly in the system letting them build the Divine Gate until she stole it from them at the last minute.

Depends on which boss but given that you're pre-empitevly whining somebody's gonna argue with you just to fuck with you
Kill yourself
>a b*y
>practically has his own DLC

>St Trina
>a qt 3.14 girl
>barely gets any attention
>half of her body isn't even made out of girl

>criticize a boss I don't like, based
>criticize a boss I do like, get good fucking nigger
*pisses in your mouth again*
I'm starting to think you like this
amazing how you managed to be wrong in every sentence
Are Numen just humans born with high rune concentration? Why do the jar innards have the same mark as Marika’s Rune?
FromSoftware painted themselves into a corner by making rolling as good and as easily spammable as it is, it's also one of the reasons why PvP devolves into predictable degeneracy.
Sprinkling in delayed swings between longer combos with more aggressive enemy routines is the logical way to make bosses and enemies harder (plus higher stagger/stance-break thresholds).
They should've added diminishing returns to the iframes and increased the stamina requirement on consecutive rolls.
>comboing off of your own consumables into the tree sentinel shield is still a thing
I could have sworn this was patched but maybe I'm just thinking of carian retaliation
I used to think Marika was some ‘golden tear’ who betrayed her creators, the Nox, and that was the explanation for the Mimic Veil, but it seems it was an entirely different culture altogether. The shaman are also a bit ‘gooey’. I still wonder how they connect to the Eternal Cities and the Black Knives, going by Rogier’s words.
It wasn't a dream, it was real
>makes evasive AoWs on daggers to softswap onto mandatory
Heh nothing personnel
thanks bros I will not give up my mage pvp journey
Anyone else getting a lot more connection errors after doing loads of invasions in Seamless?
Shut it, nutjob
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This seems interesting/funny, though google translate is a bit wonky.
From what I understand, the SotE interview about your past and got mad (especially Leda) you were fucking Ranni and not loyal to Miquella or something.
>cool maybe I will try a new playthrough since I'm done with the DLC and play around with weapons I haven't really used
>daggers, terrible on horseback, terrible against flying enemies, enemies with good ranged attack, enemies made out of stone
>but they have a crit modifier right?
>still less damage than Colossals/Great weapons just by virtue of the AR alone
>more than 75% of all the weapon categories in the game are complete ass
This actually feels terrible. If the weapon isn't big enough to do huge stance damage/stunlock enemies or fast enough to rapidly proc bleed, it's garbage.
>I took the 'seduction' as Marika being seduced by the promise of divine power, while the betrayal was her betraying the Hornsent as she lived quietly in the system letting them build the Divine Gate until she stole it from them at the last minute.
This is probably the accurate take, what's the bloodied thing Marika's interacting with? Is that the early form of the Elden Beast?
these fucking NIGGERS need to stop summoning leda
numens rune is a thing and is worth a lot of runes so maybe yes. marika's rune in the jar probably isn't related tho since numens rune is a separate thing.
I hate your corpse
>try to help literally anyone in PVE
>level 6 skibidi, whacky fashion armor that offers virtually no absorption
>they've summoned a friendly NPC and are summoning *another* co-operator
>the boss now has one gorillion HP and resistances
>30 seconds of eating consumables, casting buffs, using infusions
>walk through the fog gate
>host immediately gets cherry tapped by the boss and explodes into a pile of spaghetti confetti


But you love the taste of my piss
WTF I had NO IDEA you could execute enemies on the ground like this. I have 500 hours in this fucking game, how have I NEVER seen this before?
Some people are just dumber than most
specially for messmer and relanna
boy these bosses convert their combos so flawlessly on a dime to anyone
But dark souls 2 bosses were good and impossible to hate. They're either well designed and fun, or simple & easy and so you wouldn't hate them.

Except Sihn the poison dragon maybe, he's kinda bullshit
The spot you have to stand in for it to trigger is very finnicky.
I hate that fucking DLC whore with the RNG bell that might summon little faggots or it might summon the giga nigga to fuck you. The only way I beat her was by going naked and greasing up my rapier with the crit gaunlets + Leo ring and thrustraping her to death before she could get off the second ringaling. She definitely killed me like 50 times though.
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My pure speculation is that their originally just strands of hair from the last sacrifice to build the divine gate, cause it kinda looks like a skull in there. Going off the jars the Shaman all kinda look the same so they'd likely be blonde and maybe also why Marika leaves her own braid in the Village when she goes back. When she's in the gate though the strands of hair start to form her part of the Elden Ring when she communes with the Elden Beast(the wind rushing through sounds a lot like it) and the GW by extension
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i feel like applyin scarlet rot is a waste of time
Is that image cropped? If so, can you upload it to catbox because 18+ pixiv content requires an account.

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Wait I forgot why Ranni sent us down here
What am I looking for again?
why not an occult great kat?
im swappin out a lot so im not really using it more than like a few swings at a time or raptor of the mists jump attacks

i might drop the knife though. shit takes like 9-12 swings to get it to proc because i think even poisoning raises the bosses immunity

need to grab the tooth whip but i dunno if that will fuck up the dragon lady quest or not since i sitll need to go that direction
Fingerslayer Blade.
the knife thing in the chest
reality she wants you to get mimic tear to help beat the game
pretty sure crossing the bridge AFTER the tooth whil breaks the stuff, but i could be wrong. also the dragon quest is hard to fuck up
You do it for the small dwarf guys I think, you can stab them into the ground like a shishkebab.
nice ill go and do that then
Silver tears might be an attempt to create an artificial shaman?
it surprised me when i went through the fog gate and saw the famous mimic tear
it was funny to see him trying to use a small parry shield to block my charged R2s
Vulgar militia
Marika, you sly bitch.
No pussy untapped, eh?
Miquella really takes after mommy.
>Playing a Parry-Riposte dex focused char
>Can't deal with the light pillars in state two of lord and femboy god.
>Fall to darkness, summon mimic tear.
>Forget I never leveled it on this character, lvl 0.
>Dies instantly.
>Defeat the boss anyway.
I did it for us both little guy. I did it for us both.
Do you guys think this is FromSoftware’s last PS4 compatible title?
Even if it is, I believe FromSoftware’s next minimum hardware target will include the next-gen Switch.
They are leaving some money on the table by not capturing dedicated Nintendo hardware gamers.
I know a lot of Switch users also own a PlayStation or an Xbox to a lesser extent.

It’s almost impossible to replicate Elden Ring’s commercial success unless FromSoftware has access to more gamers.
>impossible to replicate it without more gamers

PS5/PC is all the japs need.
Isn't the giant rotting corpse at the bottom of the Darkroot Basin just Godwyn's rotting body? The one Fia's whore ass sits on?
I didn't even know it was on PS4
>They are leaving some money on the table by not capturing dedicated Nintendo hardware gamers.

Elden Ring has sold over 25 million copies. I don't think Fromsoft or even Bandai Namco even care at this point.
>It’s almost impossible to replicate Elden Ring’s commercial success
They easily could. It would only take a sequel, just because of how the consumer mind works. You can guarantee pretty much the entire population of this game will return and then an entirely new population of people will appear, who are playing it because they didn't buy the hype of the first one. It's how every massively successful sequel has worked.

Personally I don't trust that Fromsoft has the passion to make another Elden Ring and it actually be an improvement, but it depends on how much they like money.
Maybe obvious but like I just realized like that some of the roots growing through the walls in catacombs, in specifically the undead ones, have Godwyn's eyes growing out of them instead of just running through like normal
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I forgot the image
why does the dlc feel unfinished?
Should I do ruins of rauh after shadow keep or leave it till near the end? It seems to be a high level area, but I really want those hefty rot pots
Empty as fuck areas
The open world was also emptier than the base game.
No desire to explore it beyond point A-B.
I say do it after, I did it before because like I wanted to maximize the amount of stuff I did before shadow keep but like without spoilers, you have to do something in Ruah after shadow keep and like doing Ruah first made it really underwhelming since I just like skipped like directly to where ei had to go and then left it immediately after doing it
You know why
Gaius' item description saying Messmer is the older brother of Radahn is explicit confirmation they share the same father, given we know they have different mothers. Muddles the timeline a bit, might mean Messmer was born out of wedlock.
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>eat shit half a dozen times until remembering dragons offer nothing of interest
How do you know there's hefty rot pots there?
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I looked them up and found out that's where the recipe is
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The cross up on that cliff is not this one marked on the map. Wonder if this is of interest to Ansbach (crazy that I remember his name). I don't think I was ever told the hornsent's name?
The hornsent is just called rhe hornsent
Bad direction obviously. They fell into the Toddslop mentality of the world having to be big no matter what must be sacrificed to achieve that. I have no idea why they thought two years would be enough but even a completed product still would have disappointment, I think. I'm not overly fond of the map itself and I don't think the entirety of it even has as much potential as Liurnia alone.
Stone pussy.
>became god
>became god
so its not the ring, or horns, or jar people... its absorbing semen that makes you divine?
>No friends to gank with so xhey used Freyja

A husband leads, a wife commands
I think that's one of the one's he's interested in.
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Hmm i think I will relax a bit by doing some invasions before going to bed
As much as the emptiness sucks, I think the crazy amount of elevation differences made it a lot worse. It was really easy to miss a path and be completely bamboozled on how to get certain places.
>Tranny and t.ranni

wtf Melina doesn't come back after you quiet the frenzy flame with the needle? what exactly was the point of letting us save her then? I would have preferred a boss battle at the bottom of the shunning grounds with her at least.
bullshit platforming was boss battle enough for that part
The absolute state. Pretty funny that amerimutts need lube because they mutilate their dicks.
They prefer the world to be as empty as possible when you finish the game. Hence why most questlines result in an npc dying.
Radahn was numbsucking my asshole
what is numbsucking?
Looks good, I use radagons soreseal on sub 100 builds. I just use crabs, ritual shield talisman and opaline hardtear to offset the absorption penalty
Oof. I dunno, I'm already pretty squishy what with the limited weight I can have on.
>Sucking on someone so hard, usually their asshole, to the point where it goes numb.
>”Bro, she numb sucked my asshole.”
Via Urban Dictionary
Depends on what the criticism is, and how far you move the goal posts when presented with information that contradicts it, which seems to be the national past time of people who have "legitimate criticisms" of the game.
>Waterfowl dance is too difficult to dodge for being a move that's behind a 50-60% HP threshold, Malenia's boss fight devolves into dealing with waterfowl dance depending on how often she uses it, and the proposed solutions for dealing with it (frost pots, status effect stagger) aren't so much fundamental mechanics that can be used consistent across all bosses as they are hyper-specific cheese
Legitimate criticism
>Some bosses have attacks that have too much tracking, or are dodged in unintuitive ways (like Messmer's spear thrust where he grinds it against the ground first being dodged by jumping, rather than strafing, or having to roll the first two attacks of Radahn's cross slash to your left)
Legitimate criticism, but can also be easily adapted to. It's an issue with different methods of dodging being unintuitive to learn and apply in real time.
>delayed attacks
We're getting into retard territory here, because this just evinces either an inability to understand the concept that almost all enemies and bosses are designed with punish opportunities baked into their attack strings, or the repeated misconception that bosses can delay most of their attacks with variable timings. Variable attack timings are actually quite rare, and rarely baked into attack strings.
>every boss has 360 degree tracking
Easily proved false, and has been proved false so many times that it isn't worth replying to at this point.
>enemies do too much damage
Translation: endgame enemies and bosses deal more damage to me when I am using none of the defensive options either universally available or available to my build.

The tl;dr is that any universal pronouncement that the game is shit usually just ends up being butt hurt by people who never learned how to play.
>debate doing a basic bitch roll+melee char, probably with a halberd and a battle axe, deliberately avoiding bad status vs a meme throwing items only char
>Decide on throwing item char
>have a great time til I get finished with altus and move on to mountaintops, start getting cabin fever for the other idea again

every fucking time you could set a clock by me getting unsettled, whats awful is I know if I'd done the opposite and played the other character I'd be feeling same way for the throwing thing now

on the upshot the DLC promises to be pretty interesting cause from lost their mind and added like 40 new consumable weapons but even still

also i wanna play arcane now kinda too
how do I load my current file in seamless?
Ranni was numbsucking my soreseal and now she has aids.
>decide to do one cheeky invasion
>it's always some Chinese motherfucker with taunter's tongue on ganking in frozen lake or snowfield
You know, I have to commend FromSoft for making killing Radahn a requirement for the DLC, because it means I don't get Radahn beach ganks anymore.
bro, that's just Saber from Fate
Why are you running light armor as a str build? You could run Jarsenal for medium/heavy armor as well. Been awhile since I messed around at lower levels but I usually only have 1 or 2 free talisman slots to swap because 2 are on lockdown from Soreseal/Jarsenal and or EF+2
what does he mean by "not quite >////<"
what happens in the next panel
A Crucible Knight appears
is Arcane overpowered?
>fighting for my fuckin life with relanna
>host is literally on the other end of the fuckin football size arena chuckin shitty spells the whole time
>comet azures for 1 second
>she rushes across and bullies him to death in 2 seconds
lol im gettin sick of these niggers
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anyone mind helping me check if my name is censored? my sign is down right outside rellanna password erg
Ok guys I'm starting to feel that "Miyazaki's difficulty spike (tm)". I deal no damage and die in one hit. I know how to fix HP problems but I need some help with damage.
How the fuck should I build for twinblades?
I have Godskin Peeler and Eleonora's Poleblade. What stats do I need for them?
I thinking Blood Peeler and Poleblade in powerstance it the target can bleed and lighting Peeler if not.

Gonna post new webms now
They really need to change the boss agro, its nonsense as it is.
i love str.
Leda makes more sense when viewed as an underfucked woman in urgent need of correction. After one session of forced consent she'll be much calmer.
kys gooners
what's your weapon of choice?
Chinks are physically unable to feel happiness unless cheating/ganking/using an unfair advantage. It's an illness. Pity them.

I just tried great hammers and found 2handed moveset surprisingly fast and comfortable. Can't wait for my STR run.
have fun.
We need another Dark Souls II to filter all the retarded tourists.
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I'm not even horny but all good female characters are and that's fine.
ok nvm I got confirmation that it isn't
>Your speed: Turtle
>Boss speed: Fighter Jet
Idk why the vocals are so weak in this OST. The chanting in Romina's theme is barely even there and Messmer's theme could have been the best ever if they were a bit more prominent.
Do you not feel constipated and bloated on day 3/4?
The average player in this game is a button-mashing retard, what do you expect?
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I am using the arsenal talisman, it's just still limited how much heavy stuff I can lug around.
>bow in the right hand
Pooping only every 3 or more days linked with cognitive decline, research finds
man, i thought i'd have an easy time getting past mohg on my low level invader if i just went with square off + cold infusion and repeatedly poise break him
turns out you need to deal damage to poise break for the most part and a +5 lordsword sword ain't doing it
"Superior" doesn't mean what you think it means in this instance, anon
when does it start being jolly coop and not "babysit and beat the game for your little brother"?
>Draws her like a man

Every weapon does the same poise damage regardless of upgrade level. Anyways, just dupe or CE the items in, everybody will assume you did that even if you did it legit.
She doesn't look like a man
Stance damage is only affected by game cycle and sometimes on the part that you hit the enemy (such as the head taking more stance damage on dragons. Also I beat him at level 11 with at Weapon Level 0 with a bleed dagger for the 2nd phase, and cold longsword + poison rapier for the 1st phase.
When the host isn't getting hard-carried by his summons which is unironically a very rare occurence.
When I co-op I can't even get hit because that you require me being out of the fight for 3 seconds and that's usually enough for the host to get shredded by the boss and get sent back to the grace.
>When the host isn't getting hard-carried by his summons which is unironically a very rare occurence.
yeah kinda sucks in elden ring
not a lot of fun helping for levels either with the way they are all designed. only the catacombs capture the old feeling.
that would require*
That's a man. But if the height difference on their models is actually that big that's cute.
>just dupe or CE the items in
i've never managed to get CE to work with ER for some reason, and it's not like i've got anything better to do after i got laid off
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My Body Is a Machine That Turns button mashing Into shity webms.
Hope you enjoy.
>niggas still riposting the bosses with 2 others or 1 and npc
literally better off just everyone mashing r1 on the nigger or building status up during the animation
man even with the talisman and misc dagger its pitiful damage
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>Lightly armored katanafag, taking 1 minute doing his damage buffing ritual
>Dies on the first 20 seconds of the fight
Why shieldlets are like this?
Why almost nobody has actual self preservation tactics and gear?
Get his ass, Godwyn.
tryin to help peeps with that fight seems insane to me
i make all my characters with a concept, deviating from the concept feels bad

you killed one of the nicer NPCs and are wearing his clothes like a ghoul
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Thinking about it now, why isn't Melina all gangly and tall like all the other demi gods? She's supposedly Messmer's sister right? I thought it might've been something to do with the greater runes since Radagon/Marika seemed to have normal proportions aside from their height, but Messmer doesn't have one if he was sent there the land of shadow before the shattering happened. Even Ranni's original body was like 9 feet tall.
I tell Moore to off himself every time because of his rot pot spam in the gankfight.
No shr isn't
I think like it's a sign of like falling apart and degradation, Melina stayed mostly like all true to herself so she isn't.
Or it could be like that just because her body is burned and she's just a spirit
Is that the duelist helm to draw in more aggro?
How does aggro increasing gear work in this game?
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I've been having fun with the DLC
>you killed one of the nicer NPCs and are wearing his clothes like a ghoul
I was nice to him and I didnt told him to kill himself
Then later in the game he starts throwing rot pots at me, I'm not the victim maker here
>i make all my characters with a concept, deviating from the concept feels bad
While I respect that, Radahn does not care for the roleplay you're doing
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it's been like a month and the pvp is already dead
>you killed one of the nicer NPCs and are wearing his clothes like a ghoul
He decided to fight you. Either that or he died by himself.
Iirc aggro items are constantly doing invisible damage ticks (that do 0 damage) in order to maintain aggro
stop it
proud of u cutie
I love that axe
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pov: you're speaking to me
I'd point out that unless Radagon fucked Marika before marrying Rennala, Messmer (and likely Melina though this is not confirmable) can't be his son
Simply because Messmer is older than Radahn, and we know that from Gaius set describing both him and Messmer as like older brothers to Radahn.
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>Is that the duelist helm to draw in more aggro?
>How does aggro increasing gear work in this game?
First, the only items to increase aggro on you, are the duelist helmet and shabriri's woe. I believe they work the same, and I'm not sure if they stack or not, nowhere on the internet says that. Still, it's better to use the helm instead of shabriri's, one talisman wasted on aggro is a bigger hinderance than a semi wasted helm slot.

I dont know how to aggro specifically works, I didn't read the wiki nor any video about it, I'm just posting this out of experiencie:
A boss will aggro depending on different factors, following this pattern:
>Who's doing the most damage
>Who was the most recent attacker
>Who's closest
The helm will naturally drag aggro of the boss on you if nobody is attacking it instead of following someone who's not attacking, so you dont need to do damage to the boss if nobody else is attacking it
If you and other player is attacking the same boss, more often than not the boss will aggro on you, but if your teammate is a DPS glass cannonfag that is dealing gorillon damage in melee, you wont be able to get the boss attention until you match his damage output, or your teammate stops. Or dies. The latter happens more often than the former.
In order to main aggro on the boss, you need to constantly be near it and attack it often to main the aggro if your teammates are also damaging it, while not neglecting your defense and not taking damage.
That's why, if you got a dedicated tank in your team, it's better for you to be a ranged support spamming Heal from Afar, or be a wizard spamming laser beams from kilometers away.
If you're a melee glass cannon you doing nothing but making your shieldfag life harder, because he has to compensate for your damage output to keep up with the aggro, and having to risk his neck to save yours.
What did he do and why bros?
He pissed on Blaid's favorite tree
He didn't beat the game properly
Licked Ranni's feet
Why did they do it? Why ruin rafahn
Right I forgot the dlc deletes his old boss fight
what starting class for dex faith?
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Tummy check?
She isn't as tall because she was cursed with stunted growth like miquella was cursed with childhood. She's a loli with the face of a hag.
where's the spade
I like the new Radahn fight and I think it only adds to his legend. I know most people here hate it though, so whatevs.
There's no spade. Miquella tops radahn. Radahn got bleached. He topped mohg too. Godfrey bleaches brown woman as shown with nephelis ancestor. Miquella buckbreaks brown men.
It would be cool if the damage was scaled better and the hitbox wastn so extreme. Radagon and Elden Beast both hit like trucks too, but you actually had a chance to participate. New Radahn fight is Tarnished torture porn
Why is Freya talking about eternal war suiting Radahn better than honourable death, Miquella's main goal is a polar opposite of that, an age of forced compassion and love completely devoid of conflict, is Freya fucking stupid?
it obviously doesn't, but it shits on the impact of his death and the entire lore behind radahn
>is Freya fucking stupid?
have you seen her under the helmet? shes a fucking sperg
>completely devoid of conflict
It's gonna take some work to get to that point and as shown by Ansbach, Thiollier and the Tarnished people aren't going to just lie down for it.
>Reduced arena size and festival buddies
>Has phases where he uses bows and his swords instead of just swords
>Replaced cool gravity magic with gay lighshows
>Gets topped by a homotwink instead of riding his beloved loyal steed
>Erases his honorable death from the festival with dying as a failed consort to a failed god.
At least not a lot would know how dishonored radahn was cause everybody's fucking dead in the DlC
What >>487116965 said. Also it's very possible godwyn ended the dragonwar by fucking one. One of the messages of elden ring is that "bwc is powerful" and "racemixing is only okay when white men do it"
We know for a fact miyazaki reads and watches lore shit online sometimes for these games, for the longest while redditors and twitterfags wouldn't shut the fuck up about unrotted radahn and wanting to fight him. The nips like him as their favorite boss too and if you look at old posts they were just annoying, miyazaki himself said that rykard and radahn were his favorite bosses. I think he saw all of the people whining about the "radahn hit box nerf" from the base game and "prime" radahn so this is what we got. Just like how they cave to loud whiny pvp fags he did what loud whiny radahn simps wanted, being a bit of a radahn simp himself by his own admission.
isn't that the entire point of miquella becoming a god, so that he can just snap his fingers and it happens
the war is between his cock and miquella's gaped nikocado avocado looking asshole
Yeah it’s really hard
I’ve read this opinion tons of times. I still like it though. Both Radahn fights are cool.
I genuinely believe all of rennalas children have autism and people associated with the carians all do too. I work with autistic kids for a job and they all seem like they're on the spectrum but radagon.
Doesn't seem to be that easy, considering he has to directly mark you twice to convert you in the fight
I have a question for /erg/, if radahn wasn't asking for it why did he dress like such a slut? Have you seen how he just left his big, juicy, veiny biceps open like that? He clearly wanted it there's no way he wasn't asking for it
I don't understand how the Blind Spot ash of war works. Sometimes when I use it, it goes in the opposite direction of the one I'm trying to go in.
kys retard
Bit early
How do radahnbros feel about all of the art of radahn is now just radahn being miquella's onahole and that malneia art now is her being a tragic victim or loving sister who still has slice of life cuteness with her brother except now she's just a simple fujoshi
Can I get this post in english and not twittertranny speak?
dsgtroons are pathetic
because he hasn't become a god yet
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Yes he has, he comes out of the divine gate and the remembrance from that fight is the Remembrance of a GOD and a Lord
If that's the case it's absolutely retarded because the reason Radahn was such a memorable and good fight was the entire context surrounding him. Bringing him back as "prime" Radahn stinks of fanfic tier story telling. In the sense that it's pure audience wish fulfillment and that's not always a good thing.
The story as it was told for Radahn was probably the best Shardbearer boss in the game. Heck you can go back and replay it now. Do the Ranni quest beforehand even. The set up and execution for Starscourge Radahn is amazing.
Melina doesn't have a Great Rune so I guess that makes her really small
>We need another shit game that was specifically trying to pander to Skyrim normies

kys DS2troon
>shit game that was specifically trying to pander to Skyrim normies
>she says this in the Elden Ring general
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>DS2troonie lingering around the better games in general because xher game sucks

lmao at your life
>DS2 bad because of the tranny coffin but Elden Ring good because of the tranny mirror
rent free
Gideon deserved to be a better fight honestly, overhauling him would have been neat. Maybe give him a randomized moveset every fight from most of the non-dungeon bosses. And have him pick like 5-6 moves out of a pool of 12-20 every time you start the fight. Make you actually remember everything you learning playing the game.

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