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Brutal Mogging edition

>Latest patch

>Main information document

>Character planners

>Interactive map

>Group password

Does arrows reach talisman really make all projectiles go further?
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>What if we added a bunch of spells that don't work properly and have 100 mile wide aoes and completely desync in pvp haha wouldn't that be fun?
I finally got the dung eater puppet and finally invested some glovewarts into a summon and holy moly it makes boss fights so much easier it's ridiculous. I feel like I'm cheating.

Is there a way to test out weapons and see how it compares to your current one without having to spend all your smithing stones on them?
Whats the current pve bleed meta? Is it sword lance/colossal spinning gravity thrust?
Shart souls poop players are mentally fucking ill. Yeah, Elden Ring has quality control problems. Yeah, Elden Ring is showing the age of Soulsslop as a general concept and how From just loves going with very low effort in some areas of gamedev.

But out of soulsslop games [i.e not BB / AC6 / Sekiro] Elden Ring is the undisputed best and every single way it falls short, dark souls 2 does way worse. Dark Shit 2 has ugly mismatching sloppily constructed world but it's not even got size as an excuse and nowhere does it offer cool vistas and areas that impress you unlike Elden Ring. The only things ds2 got going for it are down Chloanne The Orestone Trader's dress. t:gallowsfag.
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umm someone please invade me here and use the elevator pwease
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>Around 500 dollars
>Only 10
It looks nice
That shit went on pve too. Some of the casting bastards were casting shit around not one but two corners sometimes.
>I work with autistic kids for a job
reading self help books doesn't count as a job
or just consume the charge automatically
Anon Kun let me spam running attacks with my spear in this narrow hallway!
>Naw cunt eat lasers.
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which build should i make next?
I work as an assistant teacher in special needs classes. I have a lot of minecraft and sonic art the kids drew for me I really don't know why they all like sonic i thought it was an internet meme but no
tbf i have only seen one artist draw cuntboy Radahn.
As for why Miquella is being drawn as the top, its both hotter than the usual Muscle guy tops the femboy AND its more lore friendly
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>Radahn's post-combo shockwave reaches a bit behind him, making it difficult to get a hit in if you get behind him
This shit is worse than Malenia. At least she had only one bullshit attack.
Dark Souls 2 has better fashion and if Elden Ring had Dark Souls 2-type covenants it'd improve the game to an insane degree.
Elden Ring is the better game to a ridiculous degree though, every time I've tried to replay Dark Souls 2 in the last few years I have hated it.
The weak should fear the strong
Also the only way fujos like muscular guys in their yaoi is when the femboy is topping them because it's a "cute" inverse of what usually happens. And when it's a dark skinned and light skinned character they prefer the light character topping for the same reason. The few fujos who are okay with this ship make art like that even the cuntboy radahn one is a chinese fujoid
I think unfortunately the only way to test weapons is to use them.
The Dung Eater puppet is ridiculous. I don't like summoning in this game usually, but I have no qualms with doing it when there's a shitty reused field boss I don't want to fight, so when I see an ulcerated tree spirit or another generic dragon I just send the Shitting Man to crap all over them.
just do the exploding physick glitch: at some point of that you get iframes, at that point you should recoil towards the wall and hit one of those small outcroppings, then you will fall safely
So radahn was doomed from the start to be a bottom? At least we still have boggart
STR/INT can be a lot of fun in PvE because you get all the advantages of a STR build (extra physical defense, easy access to weapons with insane stagger) while also having access to cheap and fast projectiles. Obviously it'll take until a relatively high level to excel at either of these, but the combo of a colossal weapon with glintstone projectiles feels very flexible and powerful.
>femboy this, femboy that
>bp, fujo, miquella, bla bla bla
I'm fucking done with this general, jesus fucking christ
Idk why but i feel like elden ring is like the result of a one night stand between ds2 and ds3 who grew up idolizing legend of zelda
The pve is shut
The pvp is amongst the worst in the series
The lore for the dlc is so bad that even many loretubers haven't done anything beyond surface level or have outright given up
The only thing left is horny posting that's literally it. The dlc killed any and all eldenbring discussion besides "lovesick carian woman amrite?, radahn didn't consent noo he's not gay, miquella is a rapist, mohg is a woman, malenia is a fujo, messmer is my husband and I self insert as rellana, ymir is a tranny lmaoooo"

That's it. It's not just here, its on YouTube and Twitter as well. Elden ring was killed by this dlc.
>DS2 has better fashion
I can only think of Royal Swordsman armor and Faraam Set but it was held back by the shit graphics in it's own game. And Elden Ring has a ton of insanely good sets that you can also mix and match for top tier fashion. AND also capeless alterations which is ultra cool.

Like the uhh.. dueler covenant was bad and okay, the ratbros were a neat concept but the way it actually worked was underwhelming. I don't play ER pvp so maybe the online pvp in ds2 is better.
If that's the case it's absolutely retarded because the reason Radahn was such a memorable and good fight was the entire context surrounding him. Bringing him back as "prime" Radahn stinks of fanfic tier story telling. In the sense that it's pure audience wish fulfillment and that's not always a good thing.
The story as it was told for Radahn was probably the best Shardbearer boss in the game. Heck you can go back and replay it now. Do the Ranni quest beforehand even. The set up and execution for Starscourge Radahn is amazing.
>DLC finally adds an armor that partially captures the vibe of the Drakeblood Knight set.
>Have to kill Leda at the end of the DLC to get the chestpiece with a cape.
can someone tell me what went wrong with the dlc? why is it the lowest rating fromsoft game while elden ring was game of the year?
the only pvp that is worse is unrestricted bloodborne, because that's just a weapon's race of who can have the most autistically disgusting blood gems
>PVE is shut
You mean shit?
Because honestly overall I still have a lot of fun with the PVE
I really just wish they'd add a boss refight mechanic instead of making me redo the NG cycle every time. Finishing off Maliketh every time I wanna reset the cycle is a pain.
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>you can also mix
This is just untrue, most instances on mixed sets heavily relies on lighting to hide that none of it matches, it's more lighting heavy than the average Instagram thots pics.
Besides Aldrich ds3 covenants were so soulless people made up their own. Ds1 and ds2 had the best covenants but they still weren't as good as they could've been. Covenants added replayability and fun to the game that elden ring just doesn't have. I still enjoy it but elden ring stepped down in many ways from its predecessors. Every souls game has I'd argue.
People getting tired of Elden Ring's boss design philosophy, DLC open world still having too much empty space, Scadutree Fragment hunt being not-so-well designed (there's no excess of fragments and they're poorly signposted despite being extremely important) AND the dlc has serious performance issues on PC.
>has serious performance issues on PC
This is a really big problem if true, I'm thinking of buying the dlc but if it doesn't work on my machine I don't think I'll bother. Thank you for answering anon
This DLC just doesn't feel like it's enough for it to be the one and only DLC the game will get. Radahn doesn't feel like a proper way to close off this saga, too many cool aspects of the lore were left totally unaddressed, and we probably will never get an Elden Ring 2 since From Software only makes sequels when under contractual obligation.
The boss design philosophy would be okay if the gameplay for players was just ds3 with jumps and better magic
My friend with a 4090 had fps dips into the mid-20s during a particular boss attack.
While the areas were rather large, I found the various 10,000 different elevations more annoying than the emptiness.
Anon go look at steam reviews. It's at 70% because there's thousands upon thousands of people mostly in China but also in western countries with issues related to performance. We also know WHATS causing it. It's partly the fucking anticheat
Jesus, and I only have a damn 3070TI.......

It's been a long time since I opened up Steam but yea you're right, I should had done previous research but figured asking here I would get more sincere answers.
They'd actually fixed some of the performance issues a while ago but they didn't implement those fixes into the dlc because???????
I hate how bad the lighting is in the character creator, it looks completely different in game
>Jesus, and I only have a damn 3070TI.......
I managed to beat it and I've got a 14 year old CPU and a beat up 1080Ti. You'll be fine.
why didnt rykard just throw the serpent hunter spear thing in the bottom of the lava pit so, you know, no one can kill him with it?
I just don't fucking know anymore, man. I'm starting to think that From Soft should have done a better job at filtering out the shitters early in the game so that people like me would just refund the game instead of having to suffer through fights like these due to sunken cost fallacy.
He's literally too insane to even accept what's happening when you kill him.
for that particular attack, just jog to the right and dodge the fifth attack
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Did you know?
there is a talisman that reduces certain damage by 30%
but increases all damage taken by 45%

can you guess which it is?
I have a lore theory, this is partly based on a loretuber and grrm's own comments. In an interview he's said he wrote the backstory for elden ring covering 5 thousand years. He never actually mentions the shattering itself mind you, yet people somehow take this as the shattering happened 5k years ago. Probably the least bad but still awful loretuber, quelaag roughly was able to place the ancient history pre marika we know to the shattering as roughly 5k years of human history. But I also don't believe the shattering was just a decade ago or so, that seems to recent and how it's talked about and how many things are in ruin it seems like things are much older than a decade. I propose before the events of the main game the shattering had happened around a century or two ago.
The trick is to roll toward him once the afterimages stop. Continue to learn, continue to improve. You're only as shit as you let yourself be.
>fith attack
Thats not a 5 or even 7 hit combo, its 12 and the hitbox is most of the screen
i mean the afterimages attack in particular, since that's the one who gets you caught into the stunlock but it can be just walked to the right and dodged on the fifth attack. now you know how to deal with that one and you can learn to dodge the rest of the attacks.
So feet wise how cute was ranni pre doll? Do we know?
>JPN only

Sigh... Well, at least it's a character I don't care that much about. These whores ganked Godwyn.
the Coomer should fear the NoFap Bloomer
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>most instances on mixed sets heavily relies on lighting to hide that none of it matches
I'm killing erg because you made fun of my lore theories
Anyone else find it infuriating that the big DLC bosses attack you as soon as you enter the fog door?
Like, it's clearly a way to hit players who immediately summon a spirit at the start of the fight.
If you're so mad that your players summon spirits at the start of fights, why even allow spirits to be summoned in the first place?
Why be mad that players are doing exactly what the game you've programmed allows them to do?
just block it with a shield, dingus
It's strange how incredibly easy radahn feels now.
Wild to think that he was giving me a major asswhooping on my first run against him.
Agreed. Doesn't even feel like two years of content. The only part of the DLC that gave me that feeling of discovering the chain of Open field>Leyndell>Omen Sewers>three fingers area>deeproot depths was fully discovering all of Shadow Keep and all its secrets.
>it's all black
how creative
None of this matches
Pretty much this no idea why the movement is a slowed and sluggish version of DS3 when all it had to be was DS3 with jumps and ERs current meatier combat.
check your eyes
He never was hard for me since I actually have the logical sense to approach bosses on a blind playthrough using a heavy shield instead of trying to be a wannabe badass rolling everything without any armor and without getting hit.
I didn't even know people were extremely butthurt about his double slash until I went on forums after beating the DLC. It was never an issue for me when I was playing because I used a shield.
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>only helm that implies Finger hunting looks the best with the chest that implies servitude to Fingers
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>Brutally mogs DS2troons once again
because descriptions that barely have a cohesive story behind them matters more than looks
the fact that you can't tell for certain if it's like that or not speaks volumes about how little it matters
Dsg is back
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this is the future that heathens want
this is what happens if you allow any tarnished to summon help on their path to becoming elden lord
join the Miquellan knights today and prevent them from seizing the throne
The balance is ridiculously lopsided, the chest is lean and elegant while the radahn pieces are bulky and rugged, the engravings are of different color, size and style, the random ninja mask does not match any of the ensemble

Sorry but no, that is a bad fit
you ever gonna level up higher?
Not always true
For example, the Carian knight and Rellana's set match.
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ok here you go
>Elden Ring has a ton of insanely good sets that you can also mix
You really can't considering how almost every piece of armor uses a unique shade of metal. Only a few things mix. The easiest mixed sets are black ninja costumes or hobomaxx goblins where every piece looks like trash individually but together they look good because it's meant(tm) to look like shit.
kek the 3 samurai clones

Ideally, you want 4v2 and PvE. How many players does seamless invasions support on each side?
>There isn't a single instance of the word "Scadutree" being used in spoken dialogue.
>The tree barely actually matters to the DLC story despite being the most visible thing in the Land of Shadow.
>Basically no lore to it besides an item description or two just saying "uhhh it's the Shadow of the Erdtree™"
How hastily did they rewrite this shit
Even looks like tangled umbilical cords
>the attack patterns in question:
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need I keep going?
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Would it be Rellana tiers of DONNUTSTEEL if I used this setup on a frenzied character who seeks to blindly kill all the Fingers and resists the Frenzy influence out of sheer hate that he was betrayed?
maybe, but I kinda like cooking base starting-class tarnished and their buttbuddies at level 30
level 40 would give me some more vigor but it feels impossible to get any good damage out of leda's sword/needle piercer, so I might not bother with more dex or faith

i rarely get a second invader to help, 1v2 and 1v3 is the most common
It used to be that enemy attacks in From Software games immediately communicated to players how to dodge/avoid them properly. Get hit once, and now you know how to dodge it. Shit was intuitive. But now these games deliberately design attacks to just be exercises in pure trial and error to figure out how to deal with.
why not go level 80 or even 120+?
How do I fight the fucking dagger wielding fire knights in Shadow Keep, with a weapon that can't stagger them for shit? No move in my moveset staggers them and they utterly mog me every time. They do so much damage, their attack combos are like 12 hits long, there's no downtime at all, at best I can get a poke in every 10 seconds. Go back a few steps to recover, they hurl a billion fireballs at you without a moment's rest. Get close, the 12 hit combos. Fighting these is painful. Help.
The tree lore in general is pretty weak.
Man, it's so easy to farm the new magic grease.
I can't even imagine how strong a Carian Shield buffed with it must be at low levels.
I can see how do dodge his attacks, but what I can't usually see is what attack he is trying to do because of the light beams. This is the main problem for me.
where do you farm it?
again a bad fit
no, you do not
Those hands don't really match colour wise
And I'd argue the legs don't either, too shiny compared to the plate
Then again it's close enough. I've had to make due with worse.
I beat this with two great knives at soul level 150, regular step skill, absolutely nothing else. Admittedly it was a bullshit fight, but git gud.
post your fits then

>Those hands don't really match colour wise
those are the fire knight gauntlets, same set as the chestpiece
take it up with tanimura
It's pretty stupid that pretty much all the grey metal armor in Elden Ring has very subtly different shades of grey just to ensure that mixing and matching is a pain in the ass.
>I rarely get a second invader to help
Damn maybe I should get it set up then. Although groups of newbies won't be that hard to spank at low levels

Does the mod separate your save from the base game or do you have to do that yourself manually? Last time I checked Seamless gve you illegal items that can get you banned.
It's probably the easiest material to farm in the entire dlc.
Near the Cathedral there's a tower with a grace close to it.
In the first room there's 4, and circling outside of it there's another 6.
nice drip, gyatt rizzler
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>keep making outfits
>ZAMOR MASK and GUARDIAN MASK keep popping up
>sad I can't use them due to how fucked they look when in use
>the actual masks make it rather hard to focus
>the actual masks are oddly attractive
>the actual masks look kissable and erotic
>same applies to the Consort Mask
DS2 was literally ideas guy: the game
It had a ton of great ideas and none of them were well-implemented, but that doesn't mean the ideas themselves need to be canned
DS2's camera makes DS3/ER's look like a joke
Would impregnate
I was over 200 and had so 20 scadu and still had problems. Then I figured out that its way worse if summon help, since it massive ups Rahdans health. Once I went in by myself, it was still bullshit but I got it done.
>that retard fucking around on his horse while his buddy gets murdered
>And Elden Ring has a ton of insanely good sets that you can also mix and match
>that you can mix and match
ER's armor is fucking infamous for every metal piece being a slightly different tint from all the others
Fucking cool. Shame it have 5% dmg negation and 11 poise.
die, gooner
This is how hell looks.
They don't match at all though. You can see it.
>sneak around a limgrave fag session
>wait for a chance to insta kill the host
>insta kill the host
>his buddy comes over and points down on me for some reason
>check recently played
Why is Liurnia and Limgrave just filled with Chinese players? It's 99% Chinese and 1% Brazillian.
Is there some cultural norm where they have to be annoying?
i don't really know how the level/weapon bracket stuff works, should I go like, level 80 and weapon +8?

it's auto-separate, you can use a save tool to copy your save over

horse pvp is an absolute shitfest, if you get 2 mages on their horses in an open field get ready to cope hard
this invasion was 15 minutes long
Oh my GOD light rollers are annoying
you tried seamless invasions yet?
What made people think we are getting a patch this thursday, when the most realistic time would be early next year?
Anyone ever notice how retarded type b players are and shitty their opinions are? Seriously when they speak it sounds like a soulless ethot is talking. Why is that? Do they only exist for rape?
Not yet. I do want to try but I don't really want to make another character.
>copy character over
I'd feel compelled to actually make a character from the start. It's a habit of mine.
Only physical ones.
You're a PVPtard
These Type Bs are getting out of hand, wtf where they wearing?
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>Frenzied Flame and Fell God flame
>Both are eyeball
>Both flame
>Swirly bit can be intercepted as flame movement

You can probably cut the Frenzied Flame out of the game, recolor it to red / recolor giant flame to yellow, and call it Lord of the Fell or something and everything would probably still be the same

In fact, it would probably make the narrative smoother
I wish I had St.Trina help me go sleepy IRL
looks like he has some outfit mods installed
No just look at >>487124029 this isn't pvp related. Just an anon being fucking retarded and asking for rape
Yes, otherwise they wouldn't be playing as women. They want to be women and are built for ryonarape
That's not "an anon" that's poopa
Nta but who's poopa? Qrd?
kys gooners
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Ended up getting material for this instead of the Sacred Relic Sword + Great Beyond staff I'm mad
last I checked his name says "Anonymous"

ignore him he's trying to make an eceleb out of another poster
/dsg/troon who's a faggot in FCs and has regular meltdowns over gankers or w/e
Poopa has been in a fixture of these threads since the early days THOUGH
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AHHH I CANT ESCAPE THE "DUELISTS" (gankers who pretend to duel then 2v1 the red, i saw it happen as I came to help)
This fucking area is the exact same as Liurnia and Limgrave.
That faggot yellow behind me spamming sleep arrows with the bone bow.
I just want regular invasions.
Poopa is rapebait
What level?
>trying to make an eceleb out of another poster
Easily the worst part of any 4chan general. Attention whores are so boring.
Every day I wake up hoping to see a new patch released, and every day I am disappointed.
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>The joke is sex
>The joke is homosexual
>The joke is some random 20+years old faggot want me to read his poorly written porn fantasy

I wonder who taught you fags this kind of "humour". It is not funny, it is not kinky, it is not even interesting or edgy.
>pure INT vs STR/INT
So long as passwords remain in the game, regular invasions will never be a thing again. They should at least let invaders opt-out of invading hosts with password phantoms.
More like
>dogshit DS1 moveset vs naruto
I think /xivg/ is the worst for this. It had an entire booru with hundreds of avatarfags. It only went away because the head is lazy and accidentally didn't pay for the domain again and a brown egirl who was being cyber and irl stalked's alt characters were found out thanks to that person having a discord who feeds him info of who's who so he can catalog it
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whens the fucking patch
>So long as passwords remain in the game, regular invasions will never be a thing again
And that's a good thing, invasions suck cock and the PvP is dogshit
t. secondary shitter
I had to seriously boil down my build because I can't mentally juggle all those variables at once. It's not like attacks that take a second or more to perform are viable for this fight anyway.
nigga is it your first day on 4chan
you make a persistent community and avatarfags and attentionwhores are going to pop up, it's what you signed up for when you're on /vg/
It's better than the actual fag here who keeps trying to get men to have sex with him and send him nudes or the fags and fujos who won't shut up about miquella being a rapist
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>the actual fag here who keeps trying to get men to have sex with him
>faghand blades
Maybe you wouldn't suffer so much if you had a Carian Thrusting Shield that actually fits your character instead.
the ganksquad was much more fun than Radahn
Why are you so mad? Stop crying
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Passwords are not an issue
TAUNTER'S TONGUE is the issue
Remove the ability to clog the spotlight, ganks will be gone before you can say "invasion".
Steelovsky made a video about it two years ago. Taunter's tongue clogs the priority to a ridiculous extent. You will NOT invade the 10 coop sessions going in the same place if there's a single taunters tongue user, you're going to invade him repeatedly until you block him.
Which is why blocking and editing invasion regions with CE is the best thing you can do on vanilla ER if you want to invade. There's a fuckload of hosts not being invaded whatsoever because some other cunts clog the spotlight, and they are almost always duelniggers/gankers, nobody else uses that item.
>There's other xivg anons here
Eb status?
>walk into a pawn shop
>man look at all this random shit
>yeah it's pawn shop bro, random shit is what it is
>wtf why are you so mad??
>Type B troon is so not upset, let me lecture you about how not upset I am!
Single and insecure, you?
>claws of night
So fvcking kino lads...
I would use Taunters but there's NO cooldown for it whatsoever, so if you have Taunters on while progressing the game normally you will literally be invaded nonstop, seconds after the first one falls a new red will appear
>and they are almost always duelniggers/gankers, nobody else uses that item.
I use that item when I need a reddy to open up that one lift in Leydell for me so I can get to Morgott early.
Only use I've ever found in reddies existing.
Trying to use an entirely new kind of weapon sounds like a bad idea since at this point I'm way too tuned to dodging instead of blocking. I'll have decision paralysis every time he attacks.

212, 18 scadu.
I thought death blight was unique to things related to godwyn, why does a random divine beast dancing lion possess death blight breath
Sounds like another imaginary scenario you created in your retarded head. We already know you don't even play with online mechanics enabled.
>The stench of /xivg/ rats suddenly fills the thread.
I think he's talking about me
Yes anon I'm aware you don't actually play the game and aren't aware of interesting shortcuts and such.
All you do is mash invasions every day and get ganked.
Just summon a single phantom and go through the location organically, you will be invaded a few times, hopefully by someone who can give a good fight so it doesn't end immediately.
What this guy said but also no auto-summon hotspot and no 6-player max are also problems if you want the experience to be like the previous games with multiplayer longevity. I'd argue that solo hosts should be invadable in non-torrent areas as well, regardless of opt-in or not. If they have a problem they should play offline. Simple as.
>212, 18 scadu.
Just once I want a bosses theme to be some really out of place rock music.
I like to do TT playthroughs, it makes creating new characters an actually fun experience.
It's sad that this system would be so easy to fix, just make it so that the people who just invaded you will first try to match up with LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE before invading your world again.
So even if you invaded 10 TT users in a row it would be 10 different people rather than the same dude.
I used to be a katanafag and had a tough time with them. Swapped to moghs curseblade, a curved greatsword, and now I rock them easily. Maybe get a backup weapon. Otherwise just run past like a bitch.
>you will be invaded a few times, hopefully by someone who can give a good fight so it doesn't end immediately
It's usually the invader with the advantage in my HONEST experience (no ganking or idling)
when they don't just chainsaw anyway
I actually invade leyndell a fuck ton, you will not invade the lower levels if the host is at the high wall, and the invader cannot open the door leading to the elevator shortcut
So yeah, this is something you created in your autistic head
Okay let's eb
Shit is shit, i don't fucking give a shit that some are actual diarrhea and some are fiber sufficient protein rich and neatly arranged in a pile shit. They are all shit

As far as i am concerned, you are the same type of tranny as the guys who play as women
I've been replaying DS3 and I can't believe how much worse the armor design got in ER.
I’ve been listening to that god damn Taylor Swift song since somebody posted that goddammit Miquella Taylor Swift animation video. This alone makes me gayer than any of the Miquella rape pedo tranny fag posters of this retarded poopshitting general. I dishonour my family and my father’s name. I long only to commit seppuku atop Mt. Fuji and be decaptitated by Hayao Miyazaki himself, the creator of The Elden Scrolls.
Knight's Lightning does INSANE poise damage if you have access to it
Password summons didn't affect Bloodborne's or DS3s longevity so I think you are wrong. Having to do some jerry-rig shit to play with your friends is retarded. If anything easier access playing with friends just crates more activity for pvp'ers which feeds into the game's longevity.
I literally did it this weekend. It works. Sorry if you don't play the game enough.
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Did I fuck up by killing the huge cannon thing before lowering the platform in Darklight Catacombs? Can anyone tell me what item I'm missing here? If it's another glovewort I don't give a fuck but if it's a dragon smithing stone or something I'll be pissed.
I bet they're behind the horny posting
the moment i saw those basilisks i unzipped my mimic tear for the next round
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No, it doesn't. The spawn spots for the beginning of Leyndell are all near the beginning of high wall. You don't even play the game, trannoid, you just whine about the invasions here. Non stop. For months.
Dark Souls but it's cowboys and indians and bowie knives and wendigo and warclubs and nagalooshi and lassos
>It's sad that this system would be so easy to fix
ER is on many levels a display of incompentence by FROM, especially with its online components.
>The invader spawning system not accounting for the Z axis.
>Phantom Fingers introduced to remedy this, but they don't account for your previous spawn point and are likely to spawn you in the same spot again.
>Abhorrent lag and desync across the board.
>TT having no cooldown and always being prioritized.
Etc. Sheer ineptitude and indifference.
>it's another glovewort
You're factually wrong. Give me 2 hours and I'll prove it.
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why is Malenia tired
Ds3 armor design was a step down too from bloodborne and ds2. It's going to be worse in the next game. The next game will have the worst pvp and armor in any of the souls games.
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You and me, we are not so different
As an American Patriot, I endorse Cowboy Souls
I don't think you'd want that if you knew who I was.
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>seamless author somehow fixes all of it a week after DLC release
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Because of me.
Tell me
Nobody noticed that this staff is the same than the elder wand in harry potter?
I staunchly believe fromsoft just doesn't like pvp especially miyazaki but keeps adding it in because it's just expected and his autism doesn't allow him to seperate coop from pvp so he ties them in more and more
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What about this one for this >>487124086
I'm running out of ideas
If I invade another gankersquad 3 man group. I will jump on the grenade for all other invaders. I will go afk I need to go do a poo and save you all from invading them since they will be locked with a full world unable to do anything.
Dark Souls 2 fans aren't trannies
Because not even trannies are as mentally ill as DS2fans
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It respawns if you reset the area but yeah it's just another glovewort so w/e
only possible if open world, or with an elevator that goes up (they can hit you if you use an elevator that goes down)
Seamless author isn't busy cutting content and rewriting item descriptions 24/7.
I'm a tranny and a ds3 fan. What does that make me
You first
This sort of fixes literally requires only a small and dedicated team which Fromsoft can easily afford at this point.
Indeed. I don't know who they fired or hired but they need to figure this shit out. I'd even take Bloodborne's various assortment of coats over 90% of the sets in ER
A femra
A middie
We know ER was going to have Covenants at one point, but that got scrapped. It feels like PvP in general was definitively relegated to a third plane along with that decision and now they just view it as baggage.
Great Ghost Glovevort.
>oathseeker armor
>cant change the leda tunic to your gods colors
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less mentally ill than a Dark Souls 2 fan
Sounds good! Server?
I doubt that's the case.
Coop also gets fucked in the ass due to QoL issues.

I think that due to the scope of the game and From being relatively smaller than the average AAA studio they just choose to focus on other things.
I snipped this nigga from the nearby ledge with a repeating crossbow and poison/rot and bleed. Easy profit.
Imagine caring about shit like that
a dsgtroon

>From being relatively smaller than the average AAA studio
Not the case anymore. FROM is 400+ people nowadays.
Zalera, catbox your femra though
So Bloodborne but in wild west US instead of UK
Am I bad if I never coop and just put taunters tongue on while I'm doing dungeons because I miss solo invasions dearly? I don't set up traps I just miss being invaded while progressing alone
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>2 samurai armors
>they both look like shit
>1 ronin set
>nothing even remotely Japanese about it
>worst of all, boring colors
Who approved this?
Best greatsword in any souls game
t. Ds2 hater that things ds3 is their best game but modded this into ds3 movement and stance and all
Honestly not too far off, enemies are getting fancier and fancier movesets and our protagonists are still swinging their weapons around like they're toddlers in fucking kindergarten playing knights.
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DS2, such a good game.
Also, while you wait
Posts as recent as 17 days ago confirming the same.
It's still there. Though, I'll give you the benefit that it seems From DID try to patch it and either failed or somehow accidentally reverted it. So maybe at one point you were right
Regardless, are not at present, right.
Me too, it was kino in the witcher
Are tree sentinels albinaurics? Every other mounted enemy you can knock off their horse and fight them on foot (Kaiden, NightRider), but tree sentinels like Gaius share the healthbar with the mount.
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>Imagine caring about shit
that's what I think when I see legit DS2 apologists.
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Covenants were shit that held their rewards behind membership to a gay mickey mouse club that was not substantial in any way. I found the ER questlines like the Volcano Manor stuff way more interesting and substantially incorporated into the setting.

Yeah DS2 had a bunch of good ideas that were better incorporated by the later games. Obviously none were totally new inventions in gaming but within the souls franchise yea. Like oil urns, torch, liquids etc.
for the same reason rellana, sister of rennala exists
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I'm going fucking insane trying to make these two weapons work with some fashion
Even for 10 years ago the animations in DS2 were atrociously bad. I remember being completely put off by it.
isn't it kinda cheating posting a modded webm
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For me it was the rulers greatsword because that and spells like resonant soul and weapon made having a bunch of souls once you've decided not to level your character be useful for something besides buying items. My ideal fromsoft game would be ds3's gameplay, pvp system and boss design, elden rings magic, flashyness, and rya, ds1's janky depth and mid rolls, some of bloodbornes trick weapons, and ds2's ideas and fashion.
The only sequel for elden ring I'd accept is if it had all of this, a reduced open world if one at all, and it's set in whatever land rya fucked off to and you marry her in the end.
>DLC enemy does telegraphed attack
>Roll behind him and hit him while he stands there for 10 hours
Great game
I’m a lot like Miquella in that I’m a retarded gayboy with long hair. But I’m also a lot like Messmer in that I love my Mommy more than anything and I have a snake coming out of my body.
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>mods so it looks less like dogshit

Why do you guys like rya so much? What's the appeal I don't get it
Looks like shit
What this has to do with invaders, retarded mongoloid? You said you used invaders to pull that lift.
You just described the entire dark souls and demons souls gameplay experience
Boss killing proceeds well. Soon no more bosses before capital.
I'm like miquella in that I'm a mentally ill zoomer faggot with long blonde hair and have fantasies about raping/being raped by taller older men
I did not read the thread because it's reddit. I assumed it was the invader explot
Then again, if I post a screenshot of Leydell with only the specific bits unlocked, you're just going to dismiss it anyway at this point. And I'm not making a webm
I guess believe what you will. Test it yourself if you don't believe me.
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>it's just attack on titan
What did Miyahacki mean by this?
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>enter taunter faggot world
>smack the host a bit
>red decides to join host for some reason
>red cuck with bleed backhand blades spamming blindside
>smack him a few times with gravity bombs
>run away a little
>host and blue immediately die to a SINGLE big cat
150+ rune arc'd can't kill a fucking cat... These hosts are fucking bad man.
No meme mod can save DS2's ultra janky animations and movement.

Just play DS3 and Sekiro when you're bored of ER.

DS1 is also shit, too old and slow.
>prompt is hovering over "no" by default
>could have changed this in a patch by now but haven't
They do it on purpose.
Post your webms, frens.
PVP PVE no matter, lay out your wenbs.
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>I did not read the thread because it's reddit. I assumed it was the invader explot
God you're fucking embarrassing. Talking with you is like that one scene from Billy Madison, you make everyone around you dumber by association.
Just the type to complain about invaders in ER.
Not everything needs a phase 2, but im afraid nu-From will continue catering to bossrush zoomers
I wish you all the best in your quest. I wish you be happyy
Are you a retard? Mimic dies instantly to death blight.

Just get on the horse and boop the basilisks, then proceed as normal.

You can also just cheese the lion from the cliff with a bow, if you're a faggot.
I don't like ds3 it's as bad as elden ring. Sekiro is fun though.
idk man, thing survived the whole way through.
Have another one. Though this one appears to have older comments, 5 months.
Again, you will have to wait for a screenshot of my game, but I doubt you will care about it regardless. The only thing that you'll believe is if you do it yourself, which you won't.
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>DS2 newfaggot never played Demon's Souls
but yeah, I agree that both Dark Souls 2 and 1 are absymal games and going down the slow combat path almost ruined the series u til Demon's Souls 2 (Dark Souls 3) came in in clutch and saved it
>Miquella EMBARRASSED because you can see his sexpenis bulging in his silk nightgown
Why did fucking Miyamoto cut this scene?
mirror helm
are you retarded? backstabbing enemies is easy as piss in demon souls. The red eyed boletarian knight dudes in the first level melt as soon as you backstab them
Ds3 is a shit game and doesn't deserve to be compared to demon's souls.
What makes you think visual clarity wasn't also part of the equation of what used to make attacks readable? In Dark Souls 1, the worst attacks ever got in terms of visual clarity was some of Manus' and Ceaseless Discharge's attacks. Otherwise, you could see what was happening on screen. But with ER's DLC, it's particle effects overload contributing to the problem of attacks deliberately designed with animations and timings meant to confuse and mislead players.
It's not easy for sure. I think ER fashion has more possibilities for unique looks, but combining generic armor pieces is nearly impossible.
A polished turd will forever remain a turd
I have played Demons Souls unlike you and what I said is the reality.
You just outed yourself as a newfag.
You're just bad. All of these games are piss easy. I wish they had something to mislead us. All of these games are boring trash. Only demon's souls was interesting because it was the first I played
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Hello my brothers
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Top left needs a grass mod like the kind they make for Morrowind.
>are you retarded? backstabbing enemies is easy as piss in demon souls.
No it isn't
>The red eyed boletarian knight dudes in the first level melt as soon as you backstab them
Sure, care to show it?
you lost
Been using shields since I started the series with Dark Souls 1.
In fact, I didn't even know that the game and the series in general earned a reputation for being rollspamfests until I began actually participating in forums, because I would always focus on blocking attacks instead of dodge rolling them.
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>you lost
Only ones who post are ds3 and elden ring cucks. Demon's souls remains their only good game. Ds2 is barely worth mentioning and ds1 was a downgrade
>I have played Demons Souls unlike you and what I said is the reality.
If you did play it, you played in on emulator like all ds2 newniggers.
The fact that ypu claim backstab chaining is possible when Demon's souls had enemies turn instantly on the player after they got up, making it not possible shows hpw you are a liar
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>we are now reaching levels of historical revisionism that we are pretending that Demons Souls didn't reward constantly backstab fishing enemies
I don't even know what the conversation was about before, but you are exceptionally suffering from nostalgia goggles.
Anon. Don't take most people who've claimed to play demons souls seriously. They come in 5 camps
1. Actual people who played on ps3 the minority
2. Mentally ill dark souls 2 cucks
3. Mentally ill dark souls 3 cucks
4. Mentally ill elden cucks
5. Mentally ill demake cucks
It's less revisionism and more zoomers (aka ER newfags) just trying too hard to fit in and appear like jaded, grizzled, hardcore veterans.
Try again newfag.
I've played every souls game on their original consoles.
But do continue showing how much of a newfag you are.
It got review bombed pretty heavily at first, largely because of casuals complaining about the difficulty. The performance on PC is probably really bad for people trying to run the game on toasters because it even stutters and lags on high end machines.

The DLC itself is great, it just filtered shitters and poors more than the base game did.
If you told me this was some crappy indie souls-like like Mortal Shell etc I would 100% believe you.
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Doesn't work. Had several lone hosts there at lower levels, always spawned above.
Here's you gargling on a bad red man's cock and doing the elevator jump the proper way.
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>gets guard broken and even hit, has to dodge multiple times, has to block and bait attacks
You are a fucking retard dude. Baiting attacks to move to the flanks has been one intended strategy of the series. The issue with backstabs didn't come until Dark Souls 1 and 2 which half assed its solution with the ugly back punch thing.
Backsteb abuse wasn't an issue in Demon's Souls, and you just proved it
I'm the only one here who's actually played the original Demon's Souls. Anyone else who claims otherwise is lying or me shitposting
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>I'm a 35 year old man still playing video games but let me tell you fricking ZOOMERS how stupid you all are back in my days we used to dagger backstab spam and push lock enemies off cliffs in demon souls none of this jump attack bleed nonsensermajabber whatchucallit

He just fucking killed the hardest enemy in the entire level by holding a shield and backstab spamming, you fucking retard
I have never played Demon’s Souls. It’s looks too anime too chinese
Why don't you wait until you have a safe window to summon, just like you would do with attacking or healing? Are you retarded?
>backstab abuse wasn't a thing
>video clearly showing shield turtle circle strafing backstabs being incredibly easy and effective
This is peak delusion
The ds3 newfags do it too. I want them both executed. All gassed to death.
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how much does rl150 matter if im gonna solo mostly and perhaps leave summon sign for mogh once i get rellanas swords?
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worked on the'fic today
I get 1 stutter after first launch then locked 60. 5800X3D+1660Ti, 1440p, and med-high settings. It's weird because you see people with i9s and 4090s getting constant stutters. Maybe there's one or two settings that cause it when maxed out.
Anon, what is there point in arguing.
I've shown you a thead about people doing it that's 5 months old. I'm not going to slum through reddit to find more. I've not seen anyone in these threads besides myself a few days back talking about it.
I've already told you I did it. You got so fucking upset at someone insulting reds you've gone full autismo. Does apologizing make you stop or are you going to keep being a faggot.
Again try it yourself. And no, not invading. Go into an NG cycle and go try it. Remedy then taunters.
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who the hell built the divine towers?
they seem to be made for creatures bigger than even the demigods
they seem to be placed the same way the US midwest borders were placed: straight geometrical shapes with no regard for natural geography
I know it's supposed to hold the veil of the shadow realm but their placement and architecture is very unsettling

I bet in the sci-fi sequel of elden ring we will suddenly enter a divine tower and it will look exactly the same as the ones in elden ring.
For some reason, that boss gave me more trouble than most of the others.
I just finished the DLC (literally today) at RL200 and there was a HUGE pile of summon signs at the final boss lmao.

But sure, stay at 150 if you're a faggot.
by that logic there is no reason not to be lv713, you get access to all weapons and all magic at maximum possible damage stats
so why are you lv200 and not 713?
Funniest invasion yet
If you did not beat Elden Ring on RL1 without any gear, you did not beat the game
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I'm the only person to have played demons souls here.
I on this character I shield backstabbed everyone to death.
>host gets invaded by "FASHION POLICE"
>naked dude with an aristocrat's hat
>runs up to us and takes out a spyglass
>inspects me, nods in approval, claps
>inspects other phantom, nods in approval claps
>inspects the Kevin host, does the Stop! emote, and proceeds to pull out the chainsaw and murder him
I honestly don't even blame him. The host was wearing mismatched everything, fatrolling with a glintstone crown and swinging a bloodhound's fang badly.
Thats because summons scales his health and damage up quite a bit. The game literally trolls you by making it double ultra hard if you summon others, as opposed to ultra hard if you are by yourself.
This is what I'm talking about. If you know you are going to get squashed against the wall if you summon right awat, why not just get out of the fucking way of the boss and then summon your shitty pokemon afterwards?
200 is about right for base game + DLC while doing most of the content.

150 means you'll be throwing away like 30 mln runes, which feels bad man.
You make Mimic-chan sad.
First recorded successful use of tibia summons. Amazing.

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I like all of the souls games the same and regularly replay them all. What does that make me?
I need a webm of this
nobody plays that much, regular players don't stop leveling until they beat the game, around ~150 is when you beat the base game, ~200 when you beat the DLC
>200 is about right because I said so
and I say 700 is about right
We are supposed to keep leveling up after 150? I thought 150 is good enough for the dlc?
That isn't anywhere near pixelated enough.
That's not on a PS3.
Newfag spotted.
>Demons Souls didn't reward constantly backstab fishing enemies
It didn't. I played Demon's Souls before most here, I was among the furst to discuss and make threads here and giving players tip or trying to be summoned before password summoning was even a thing.
it was a problem in Dark Souls 1 and 2, a noticeable downgrade in enemy behaviour.
No you lying fuck. Baiting attacks with a shield to reposition behind (which is not easy and can get you guard broken and killed with the red knight) and having to dodge multiple times and risk getting hit is not backstab abuse.
Circling around Havel and spinning around The Old Dragonslayer or Pursuer is abuse.
Comparing the Red Eyed Knight with Havel is day and night. You can backstab enemies in Demon's Souls, but you have to know how to do it
We were once invaded by a guy with the same name just before Godfrey but the host and other phantom immediately attacked him so I severe'd out of there
>First recorded successful use of tibia summons
This is Call of Tibia from DLC. They are amazing.
>using heavy armor in Demon's Souls
But why though, all metal armor in DeS has pretty big stamina regen penalties, and stamina regen is already trash without any armor

Ancient King and Binded Cross sets are the most optimal
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Tibia Summons wishes it was as good as Mr Spinny Funny.
150 is and always has been exclusively for duels only, PvE has no level limits, why would it?
Why would I want to play demons souls in 2024 on a ps3 when emulation lets you have crisp and clear image, 60 fps, and picture mode
I really want to sex Marika
>only two pieces of armor that give taunt in the game
>both make you look like an astronaut with dicks on his mind
Cool story.
This is me, my first character the first time I ever played demons souls back in the day on my PS3.
I shield turtle circle backstabbed my way through the game.
Because it was my first time ever playing any souls game and didnt really have internet access then so as someone totally new why wouldnt you just slap on the heaviest "best" armor?
you may be a super cringe millennial but these webms are gold
yea u know taunters love that cock
pro tip you can only have one cloud active at a time
Why would that be bad? That's exactly what I use the invade effigy for. I get people who are looking for a type, typically fun duels.
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>le epic reaction image
>self-reply about le zoomers
It wasn't, stop lying you retarded fuck. How about you show me backstab chaining Boletarian Knights like you can do with Black Knight? You waste of oxygen
>he never played it on PS3
Imagine having your ego built around that
>he didn't take notes and test the actual damage received with different armor sets, note the stamina regen, and make his own determination through testing
are you just lazy or a fake boomer?
What's the earliest heavy armor set I can get?
source: my ass
I didn't say anything about zoomers. You're being told you're retarded by more than one person because you never played demons souls.
As I said, >>487131436
Is me with my original first ever character where I shield turtle circle backstab fished enemies to death to finish the game.
Your concession was locked in from the start.
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>mod lighting

At least you concede that base DS2 looks like dogshit
fat fuck eat a salad
>DS2 newfaggot
DS2 is 10 years old
In Elden Ring? Banished Knight set at Stormveil, I guess. But it's not worth farming it, just buy the regular Knight set at round table, it gives exactly 51 poise which is precisely how much you need for PvE.
Nobody here is over the age of 24.
I got a PS3 specifically for Demon's Souls back in the day. I still remember running around completely confused and loving every moment of it.
Nobody does that the first time they ever play one of these games, stop larping.
Also didn't really matter since I backstab fished my way through the game.
your life ends at 18 when you can no longer bait people into being accused of being pedophiles
No you didn't. Demon's Souls was a niche game and was never rated that highly or very popular.
So true.
Agreed until you shat on DS1. Yes it's slow but so are the enemies and the inter-connected world design makes sense unlike Trans souls 2.
I'm 37 but I got into Souls only in 2018 with the release of the DS1 remaster, then played the rest in order.
>he didn't keep his alleged PS3
Call of Tibia is so good that it even quells Grass' hate for my character.
It doesn't matter. Serpents never die.
I still have it in a cupboard, haven't fired it up in years.
Dude, the last time I played DS1 I 4 shot Gwyn (rapier + hornet ring + power within), it was so anticlimactic, the game is just too easy and basic now, I can run around naked and never miss a parry or dodge because all the enemies move in slow motion.
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>they cut a make-your-own-bonfire mechanic for this
Ds1 is a step down from demons souls
Ds3 is just bad
Elden ring is worse
Ds2 isn't a game just cringe
>Ds1 is a step down from demons souls
We're in contrarian hours now.
This is 4chan. If you aren't a contrarian you don't belong here.
I'm such a contrarian I wrapped all the way around back to genuine.
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>most optimal
Not everyone is a pvp / streamtroon that jerks off on being ''optimal''. Looking and feeling cool is what matters the most tbqh.

I fucking love DeS and I should get to playing it.
Guys i cant hide it any longer, i like ALL dark souls games.
i love Demon souls
i love Dark souls 1
i love Dark souls 2
i love Dark souls 3
i love all the other modern Fromsoft games like bloodborne, sekiro and Elden ring.
i like all the dlc produced for them.
i simply love these games.
Well, you could've at least said that TOTK mogs them all, which is at least a believable opinion.
this desu
in a land of contrarians, the genuine man is king
I can break ER too? Moronic irrelevant point. The first time I played DS1 I never ran into "oh this is too easy" problem experienced players when you stack power within with + hornet ring and Gwyns kryptonite.
DS1 is superior to DeS as far as the level design and interconnectivity is concerned.
BB's actually my favorite one but it's ruined by having to return to the Hunter's Dream anyway and the loading time.
ER has the best damn map design. The issue is that From never made games that were purely about aesthetics and ambience and the gameplay was too important to sacrifice the smaller but denser design of previous games.
Ds3 is boring shit
Elden ring is just as bad
Ds2 is a meme
Ds1 is clunky
Sekiro is delfect slop
Demons souls is Chinese
Bloodborne is too limited
Armor core 6 is a downgrade in every way

Pre miyazaki head of fromsoft armored core>>>>>slop souls
Everything is a step down from kings field
You're all newfags to me
this anon is happier than a pig in a trough
@everyone JeeNiNe Media just uploaded Somehow haven't died invading for 2h using only perfume and throwing pots at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g883SqaP_gE !
Demons souls copied the lock on system from ocarina of time
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I think armored core 4 is the best souls game
Yeah, I did just that. It's my first playthrough and I'm trying to go full armor + heavy weapon. It's fun.
The only way you can actually abuse backstab is by using a shield to block the damage that you would otherwise get, and even there a lot of enemies can be dangerous (like the Red Eyed Knight).
A lot of enemies in Demon's Souls instantly turn on the player, and the angle to get backstabs isn't as wife and reliably as Darl Souls.
Just say that you lied.
This is what newfags actually believe
If everyone is a contrarian, isn't being non-contrarian the real contrarian opinion?
Go on a wiki and compare how many more weapons, armor sets and spells DS1 has compared to DeS.

Simply unbelievable that they made all of that in only 2 years. It was such a huge jump in quality and production.
jeenines game will save us
Wrong, I played it in 2017 and again with a few times online between 2018-2019 with other spergs who think it's the best one just in time before the official servers got deleted.
I have never played any of the fromsoftware games until Elden Ring.
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>demon souls had a stamina regen penalty for wearing heavy armor
>this was before passive poise too
why the FUCK have they not implemented something like this in any of the newer games??? It's stupid how every build becomes 10x better by slapping on 20 endurance and full havels
I am being genuine. Demon's souls was the only one I liked.
>The only way you can actually abuse backstab is by using a shield to block the damage that you would otherwise get
I see you're shifting the goalposts now.
I accept your concession that backstab fishing in demons souls was easy an effective.
Which I know it is because it is literally how I played through it the first time.
I wash my hands of you.
That eceleb confirmed to me the truth that all MP players are subhumans, lesser forms of life.
hello newfriend! do you like elden ring?
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wow, these lightning pots really fucking hurt
>played it that late
You're as bad as the elden ring newfags who went back to play the other games or the ds3 newfags who went back to play the others. If you haven't played it at the peak of its online activity you haven't actually played the game

t. Ds3 lover who started with demon's souls
I remember when some Lords of the Fallen shills tried shilling on /v/ claiming Jenny "saved it's PVP" Meanwhile nothing changed and it pvp and game was DoA dogshit that had no staying power or good netcode for that matter.
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drawings that aged poorly

(radahn should be on his soft pussyboy knees kissing miquella's feet)
How come JeeNine often dies in his videos, while ChaseTheBro always wins?
>poop-jogs toward u
>does a completely misleading sword swing animation
>backstabs u from the front
Fromsoft's most sovlful enemy
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What happened?
The map is good, and the landscapes in the distance are excellent. My only issue is the confusing elevation changes in DLC. It was so damn hard to figure out where and how to get somewhere.
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this what every Loretroon type B theory sounds like.
>Be miquella
>Caelid is now a radiative wasteland and radahn has lost his mind
>Caria royal collapsed and renalla has lost her mind
>Gmir is a literal hell on earth and rykard has lost his mind
>Ranni is a loser that can’t do shit
>Messmer has austism and won’t do shit
>Godwyn is dead
>Malenia will do whatever shit you tell her to do
>Mogh is mind controlled by you
>You have the only army that uninvolved in shattering war
Why couldn’t he just kill everyone and take leyndell first before doing that gay consort thing?
Armor Impact on Stamina Regeneration
All armor that reduces stamina regeneration will reduce it by 1 Stamina per second, with the exception of a few heavier chest pieces that reduce by 2 Stamina per second.
Armor upgrade level has no impact on stamina hindrance.

Stamina Regeneration Rate
The rate of stamina regeneration can be improved by the use of relevant consumables or certain equipment.

Stamina regeneration rate is dependant on equip burden. Lowering equip burden by using lighter gear or increasing vitality will increase the natural rate of stamina regeneration. Gains are quite good from 70% to 30% equip burden. Regeneration rate with no equipment (baseline) appears to be 44-45 stamina/sec.
Newfags who started with ds3 or elden ring thinking they're elite gamers taking the "git gud" joke seriously and people who started with ds2 desperately trying to make their game relevant
I emulated AC3 on PCSX2 immediately after getting all endings on AC6, and it fixed like most of the issues I had with AC6.
>no retarded posture/stagger system
>no retarded cooldowns for melee weapons
>no retarded reloading for guns
>because you don't get these guaranteed free reload/healing stations before boss fights or hard gauntlets, you really have to be tactical and prudent in your ammo usage and not get hit
>because of this, smaller enemies were also threatening, since getting hit by them is far more dangerous to your success in a mission than getting hit by them in AC6
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>I see you're shifting the goalposts now.
No you retarded fuck, the goalpost was >>487131712
>Baiting attacks with a shield to reposition behind (which is not easy and can get you guard broken and killed with the red knight) and having to dodge multiple times and risk getting hit is not backstab abuse.
>Circling around Havel and spinning around The Old Dragonslayer or Pursuer is abuse.
>Comparing the Red Eyed Knight with Havel is day and night. You can backstab enemies in Demon's Souls, but you have to know how to do it
And that's the simple truth. Demon's Souls enemy AI wasn't as easy to circle and clown on by circlestrafing and backstabbing as in 1 and 2
Am I incorrect in thinking PvE enemies are utterly useless in invasions? It seems like even the strongest mobs die in <15 seconds to the host and his phantoms. I don't remember this being the case in earlier games.
>jak image from ifunny
>troons living in his head
every time
Hey can you guys stop making fun of ds3 and elden ring fans? I like both of those games.
when i see a white mask bullgoat invader i start immediately ovulating

I started with DS1 in 2012 and the PS3 was my brother's console so that's why I never got into it until late. I wish I could experience DeS in it's heyday but the X360 was just a better console for online and mp/co-op games at the time. I needed a new Souls fix post DS3 Ringed City and I got it with PS3 DeS and it hit the spot just right. That game's atmosphere is up there with DS1/BB as the best in the series.
You can use Uplifting Aromatic on enemy groups.
stop playing at level 300
I didn't read, you already conceded by shifting the goalposts.
Maybe try gaslighting the other anons that were calling you stupid, might have more success.
Stop wasting my time further.
social media happened (4chan is social media too)
That's what makes it excellent for me.
what a legend
/erg/ - Bitching about older souls games also I'm 80 years old General
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>I won the argument because I'm not reading it
lol based
I'm at 170 and even the big storm niggas at Enir-Ilim die in seconds.
They aren't useless if you have a setup that can instakill people the moment they look away from you.
In previous games you couldn't wipe whatever was standing in front of you out of existence by pressing L2 a couple of times while ignoring whatever the enemy is actually doing.
maybe try backing them up instead of waiting for the pve to do all the work for u lole
That’s not what anon is after.

Knights Lightning Spear does ~27 pve poise damage (maybe slightly higher). But it’ll still take 3 fully charged casts to break a Fire Knight, and you will never have time for that.

What anon needs is hitstun, Hitstun Tier 2 to be exact, which is Greatswords, Halbards or equivalent (and “great” weapon, as well as R2 attacks from smaller weapon types like straight swords). They are functionally identical to Banished Knights or Omen that way.
I appreciate you acknowledging my superiority over you.
But no, I didn't read it because you already shifted the goalposts and now you're going into full denial/cope mode.
You already ruined your own line of argumentation and now you will proceed to only become increasingly more disingenuous and try to gaslight.
But like I said, maybe try it with the other anons that were calling you stupid. Might have some luck there.
4chan is not social media it's an image board and forum fuck right the fuck off you newfag it's also anonymous which SOCIAL media by definition isn't, it's also significantly less popular and impactful to be social media
Sure, I wasnt suggesting it be super easy. I just thought the DLC was especially confusing with elevation on the map vs what you see in the game. I dont mind needing to figure it out, or try my luck jumping to places etc. But the DLC it was really easy to completely miss a path or area because the elevation representation was nonexistant
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At least this can be salvaged.
They die before I can reach them because the spawn system is dogshit too lol.
>Prove you are playing the game
>Still can't record yourself backstab chaining an enemy to give a proper counterargument
It's doing the opposite. It's a dark souls2 fag arguing about demons souls and dark souls 3 fag arguing about dark souls 2. No one here is talking abouy elden ring because new fromsoft games are all shit
what's more fun.
fresh playthorugh or NG+2
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>image board

it's social media.
I'd suck his penis so hard.
>record yourself
>on PS3
I have a question, why are you in the Elden Ring thread arguing about which Souls games are good? Just go to /v/
Cope miquellafag go talk more about him impregnating radahn or some shit real men are talking here not you faggy failed male/disgusting fujoid pedo subhumans
i'd caress his womb pouch
there is nothing social about this place, it could be described as hostile or masochistic. 4chan is hostile media...that has a nice ring to it.
it used to be that places like /v/ welcomed players of all types, casuals, hardcores, of any genre of games
nowadays it's all about shitting on casuals and people of lower skill
The difference is that on the left you had you and your m8s on the schoolyard exchanging info and one fucker had the special cheat sheet booklet or whatever.
On the right, you got people just looking up gay ass youtube guides.
Because we're battered housewives with no other game to turn to.
third world syndrome
Whats weird is /dsg/ is back finally it escaped the grasp of /fsg/ they could easily go there or go to fsg. They're not even comparing them to elden ring they're just arguing which older game is better its borderline offtopic
you have a phone don't you? stupid retard
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There's three souls games generals now but two of them are dead and for /dsg/ troons.
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ok fox news, but 4chan is social media
Just when we were about to understand the lore behind deathblight, what a shame
Dark souls 3 is the worst souls game because they took out my player choice. I killed gwydolin in ds1 but they made it so I didn't and aldrich ate him.
I think the worst bit was finding the way to the Rauh basin.
>yeah man just waste even more of your time recording on your phone, uploading it to a pc and then making a webm to show me how wrong I am, which I am and already started shifting goalposts because I know I am
How about you just kill yourself instead?
Depends what you find fun
Lower score means it's better because of shitters malding over the difficulty.
>kill messmer
now what?
You killed mommy's best boy delete the game
seek bussy
therefore praise the message
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That womb pouch is completely 100% canon btw. Whyd he give himself one?
its funny because nobody got filtered, they all beat radahn with great shield/poke anyway and complain that the fight was trash
That's not why 4chan is a social media website, but also, the laymen definition of social media requires accounts and identities, usually real identities, tied to said accounts.
4chan aggressively rejects identity tied to posts. In that sense it opposes social media.
Take his bottled fart and burn the tree that is preventing you from fighting the final boss.
A make-your-own-bonfire mechanic would have been amazing. It would be like custom checkpoints. Personally, assuming we get limited bonfires per playthrough, I'd only put bonfires right before boss fights so that I wouldn't ever have to deal with retardedly long runbacks like Twin Princes or Oceiros.
And yet a massive downgrade in quality of weapon movesets for some reason
Seriously, compare clunky ass DS1 ultras with dragon bone smasher
i find fun things fun
All the armors in this game look like shit
That's not a real thing.
Are /dsg/ troons really so bad that people go to other generals and look for any way to discuss dark souls without them being involved?
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He's not dead, right? Otherwise I would've gotten the hat and gloves on kill. Right??
I'm so annoyed we don't have proper sex armor with boobie windows and hip lines
>You can backstab fish so easuly in Demon's Souks
>Trust me bro I don't have time to show that
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what's not real? womb pouches? they're real.
No, they're not. That's just some zoomer meme they're parroting.
I am a woman and I have one
They're not called womb pounches but
You've never even played the game.
Also even the nostalgia goggles faggot conceded that backstab fishing was easy with shield strafing.
Which is exactly what I said I had done.
But then again, you never played the game and have no proof.
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How is it that this still happens years after release?
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How do I complete my “Animal Man” build

> Lizard Greatsword
> Ant Sheild
> Bear hat
> Bear incant
> butterfly incant

Is there anything I’m missing? No dragon stuff or fantasy animals, regular real life animals only. It’s ok, but ‘Plant Man’ is superior.

> Guardian Garb (full bloom)
> Varre’s Bouquette
> Scarlet Aeonia
> Thorn sorceries
> mushroom armour (yes I know they arnt technically “plants”, shut up).
Yes it's that bad.
How the fuck do people like jeenine when he's constantly complaining while also sounding fucking nasally as fuck.
Rate build.
How can I squeeze more AR form twinblades?
Also 73% Physical negation holy shit. I will be fucking invincible.
Also2 there is 4% negation difference between skibidi lvl 12 and lvl 20. The drop-off is huge.
That's literally his model. It's a womb pouch
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Why does everyone focus on the twink and not the plant?
That's not a real thing.
why is rolling on release instead of on press.
Is there any 100 phys medium shield that goes well with the iron set?
third worlders
Why not
Because the same button is used for sprinting and backstepping.
Are you doing a bit where you're trans and offended rectouterine pouches exist?
There's a snake shield that poisons stuff almost instantly, it goes really well with the mushroom crown
also the bear claws
maybe the tooth whip also counts?
>beat him up then make him watch as I drink St Trina's nectar directly from the tits
Not gonna lie, it was a bit awkward. I don't like NTR regardless of its form.
No, I'm simply informing the zoomers that the part of the body they're referring to, is not a "womb pouch", nor exclusive to women.
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Okay I'll welcome you refugees as long as you love kindly miquella. You will find joy in the age of compassion
The potential pool of antagonists in Elden Ring is dwindling. Canonically the majority of demi gods are dead and all the major Tarnished are dead. The only entities that could pose a danger now if the Greater Will came back, the GEQ, and the Duskborn.
>nor exclusive to women
Yes it is. It literally is.
Because fromsoft control scheme is retarded and is in a dire need of modernization. Sprint should be on L3, away from dodge.
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I think you're very confused here. We're not talking about the rectourine pouch, just because it has the word pouch in it.
Also all the retcons about Gwyn's family having 2 extra daughters.
Oh snake sheild is good I forgot about that. Definitely more useful than Ant Sheild. Tooth whip is human teeth I’m pretty sure.

There’s a few hats to choose from, Blaidd’s mask and Octopus Head. But I need more stuff I can use at same time. I was really hoping Messmers rememberance would give a Snake summoning spell like that Bloodborne hunter-tool.
>there's cut dialog for miquella where you side with him
>miquella has cut dialog asking you to be his sisters consort
>he has cut dialog where he attacks you if you don't agree to marry his sister
>this would've been the perfect mirroring of malenia attacking radahn for rejecting miquella
>would've shown the twins truly did love eachother and wanted eachother to find their ideal spouses
>miyazaki cut this
What problems did this create huh? Whyd they cut it?
>Gravitational Missile goes through fog walls
lmao, even
Wait he has a finger pendant?
He isn't, he even left you a message
>finally find the object of your obsession after years of searching
>attempt to communicate with her
>she ignores you
>some random Tarnished comes along and imbibes her nectar multiple times
>she's still ignoring you
>she eventually opens up to the Tarnished and asks him to fulfill her wish
>she's still ignoring you
>the Tarnished keeps acting smug around you
>attack him out of annoying
>he beats the crap out of you
>she's still ignoring you
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>enjoying the game
>get to altus
>levels suddenly require 20k runes or more
>can't handle running around with more than 10k runes at any time
>20k runes? i need to kill a goddamn boss for that kind of money
>normally i could level up from just killing enemies
>nah fuck this
>quit and make a new character
i will never be able to beat this game
Because Malenia is dead.
womb pouches (belly fat distribution) only happens for women. fat men do not develop that.
lmao his voice reminds me of the Jewish caricature voice and he complains just as much. I can already hear it.
>oy vey chat that shouldn't of hit me
there's no cut content like this
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purple kanna
Miyazaki hates the idea of the tarnished NOT marrying marika or ranni. The only ending where you don't you kill everything. The guy probably proposed it and made some stuff for it and Miyazaki sperged out about it. He's a fucking massive carian simp and I hope he never heads anything ever again
what's a fun challenge run.
something challenging but not so challenging that it becomes unfun naked man with club
He's a chinese french canadian
My condolences.
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naked man fist only
They gave miquella a womb pouch to represent how transphobic miquella is, he discarded trina because he hated the idea of having a "female self", he made radahn his consort because he learned(possibly from ranni since they did talk at some point) that radahn was actually born a woman but was ugly and brutish so wanted to larp as a man, specifically godfrey, and miquella couldn't stand a relative of his trooning out even if it was to be a ftm, so he planned to make radahn his wife and impregnate her to remind her she'll always be a woman, and HIS woman at that. Miquella is just a massive transphobe.
You do know you can still pick up the runes you lost, right?
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Being a Carian simp is just being normal
Even your trap hero Miquella is a Carian simp
No one actually does
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Those big pots are just silly at lower levels.
No you may all ask
>how does a womb pouch represent transphobia
The meme started after people mentioned biological women often have that fat storage and transwomen don't, which upset a lot of trannies, so transphobic zoomers made the womb pouch a meme. And miquella being eternally youthful IS in fact a zoomer.
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>say 'womb pouch'
>retards who think i'm talking about a literal kangaroo pouch or a part of the body that holds the womb crawl out of the woodwork to tell me its not real

trannies are profoundly retarded
Yes we are. That's what a "womb pouch" refers to because it's due to its presence that fat distribution happens that way.
But marrying the blue magic loli is the only based ending.
The one exemption from the grimderp gay nihilism his games are otherwise.
Kill yourselves. Rannisimps and marika simps ruined this fucking thread.
Miquella is actually a boomer in spirit, if you think about it logically.
No I will not expand on this. Just think about it. Logically. You'll reach this conclusion I promise you, and a world of great lore will open up to you.
i'm trans but i know what a womb pouch is
*joey crawls out of my pouch*
The club is really good though.
He's not a boomer, he acts like a stereotypical mentally ill zoomer femboy
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Thou seemest upset...bitch
100% everything possible before reaching Altus Plateau. Yes, this includes the DLC through Varre.
>marrying marika
Why would you marry a corpse?
Rannisimps sure. There's no such thing as Marika simps though, that's just people discussing the lore.
Crepius Vial to sneak up to them, back stab, then wail away.
great shield block dude lmoa
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Thanks to the anon that told me gravity missiles go through fog walls.
I just want to be a pretty flat chested tomboy with girlish features and short hair. Why must I be cursed with this 6'1'' body that can bench press 430 pounds?
Shut the fuck up you worthless subhuman you ruined any discussion of elden ring you just obsess over some shitty doll because you're a lonely faggot irl and would be okay if every character had their arc ruined just to hype up mooncoon carianiggers like radahn. They had cut content to use for miquella and malenia and entire quest and they cut it and replaced it with the worst final boss in fromsoft history just because miyazki said himself radahn was one of his favorite bosses.
The niggersposting constant goonerporn of marika and going "gooning for mommy marika" open your eyes or you're one too and deserve death
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Best talismans for meteoric greatsword? Shard of alexander + 2handed talsiman, what else?
stop pretending you don't see it
>blue magic loli
Wasn't she actually a giant redhead and she just likes to inhabit dolls due to her mental issues?
today i will make a perfume character that uses the backstep talisman with the r2 feint attacks if that works
Spear Talisman, the R2, Crouch attack and first part of the L2 counts as a thrust.
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Doth are truly upset...bitch.
>can replay base game like 8 times and not get bored of it
>groan at the idea of replaying the DLC even once
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>DS3 out of nowhere

DS2troons are truly mentally ill and DS3 lives I their heads rent-free. Here's another pic for your trouble.
Dude fuck off seriously
>biggest struggle fighting PCR is the purple meteors attack
>playing a lower level character that is getting summoned to Starscourge Radahn
>P2 meteors keep killing me because they last so long I forget about them
I can't get escape
why can't we all JUST GET ALONG
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Yes she in life was an 8-9ft tall magical redhead and judging by her corpse has a massive ass. And yes they all had fat asses or wide hips. It's a genetic trait.
Run to the side and jump
>Miyazaki hates the idea of the tarnished NOT marrying marika
Yes, that's why right at the end, you fucking murder her.
The idea you take Marika as a consort was only around until she thornblocked you. After that, it's murder plan Marika/Radagon.
So now that the honeymoon phase for the basegame is finally over, how are you feeling?
>mike has a thing for giant women, shotas, wide hips and big asses
how can one man be so based?
Judging by the gwynevere thing where miyazaki says it was a member on staff that did that and he reluctantly added it in but has a clear foot fetish and is likely an ass man as shown >>487138391 i proposed miyazaki has a nigger brain
The DLC is designed in a pretty interesting way.
You can get a ton of stuff without fighting a single boss.
Even getting the new pots is much faster and easier than the regular ones.
Enjoyed it all except for Radahn. I just didn't like the idea of him being the last boss.
Also don't like scooby treats since on replay it fucking sucks running around collecting them all.
It's tied with ds3 as my favorite and least favorite fromsoft game both have so many great and terrible things about them. They're the only ones I feel this strongly about yet the only ones I constantly replay. I can't just go "yeah that games great" like with bloodborne or "good ideas bad execution" like dark souls 2. Instead I fucking despise these two games and regularly shitpost ds3 and elden ring alongside their fans but I can't stop playing them years later. They're like that shitty ex you have, she's terrible to be around, but the sex is great and she's the only person that you actually gel with on a spiritual level these two games have a toxic relationship with me and I hate them so much. They're my favorite games of all time.
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Her fake body also isn't a loli. She's as tall as any normal woman would be. I guess because she sits on top of books, so people assume she's short, but she's just not used to not being a giant, so she tries to get extra height.
>feeling sounds and stuff, not moving an inch
So fingers are trees?
Is there a mod that makes it so that the consumable items you use during a boss fight are returned to you if you die?
That's actually a loli by demigod standards considering miquella is the exact same height as a shota.
Oh I'm retarded. I didn't even read your entire post.
I enjoyed most of it. Map is occasionally too big. Lot of good fights though. Co-op in the open world massively sucks which means you can't play with a friend for the majority of the game.
There's a fair few smaller dungeons that should have had more work put into them.
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Most of the Elden lord color swaps involved marriage with Marika and fixing her and the Elden ring/golden order. The only grimdark endings are Frenzy flame, poop eater ending, and maybe duskborn if you think making death a part of the natural order again to be grimdark.
That's radahn and miquella. Miquella is locked eyes with malenia while she's violently masturbating.
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rent fucking free
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What is this trash game?
I should get my money back.
Why do you guys have to make radahn gay? There's no actual proof he consented, yes miquella goes "our vow" but he could easily be misinterpreting something radahn said or did. Also that ring isn't a marriage ring many people wear rings and aren't married.

Just go 150 or 166 at that point. 166 invades down to 150 for the record.
>rent free
>saved a screenshot from a previous thread on another board arguing with the same person about the same thing
just kiss already
>was super religious when he was younger out of idolization of his dad
>grew to resent both
>a few years later dedicate life to seducing men stronger than him
What do you call this?
none that i know of... could just back up your save i guess
>Invade Nearby Only outside of Radahn's gate
>Instant, nonstop invasions
>Invade Near/Far anywhere else
>Takes more than a minute

Is two-thirds of the playerbase hardstuck at Radahn or something?
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We see in elden ring the wedding ring is put on the right ring finger as seen with ranni. During his cutscene when miquella is praying he's holding this ring up, so it's clearly important and related to the vow made with radahn, that ring also is important enough to open up the land of shadows when you put it on his egg corpse. Therefore that ring has something to do with their vow, the only reason he doesn't have it on as a god is because it's on his other body.
>invade afk farmer
>he's not afk and constantly emoting in his safespace
>he's also not doing it right and only has me in the world
Now since no one is here but me and him. How long will he last before he gives up and alt-f4's, even now I can still hear him moving around and emoting as I'm hidden.
>inb4 just block and move on
Never. I will save other reds from this misfortune. also it gives me time to play with my puppy
I see. How complicated is Elden Ring modding. I saw a mod yesterday that adds a gravity martial arts weapon based on Bone Fist from DS2, so it's not impossible.
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I love Elden Ring on a deep level but I hate the way the bosses have super delayed attacks and can move much faster than the player model. Also I wish the armor sets were better, oh and several of the questlines are really bad.

So overall, I'd give it like an 8
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Malenia's too busy with her knight/Tarnished (pic one)
Please stop propagating NTR degeneracy involving Malenia, you filthy faggot. Thanks.
Note that radahn
>idolized his dad and named his men after him
>at some point things went ary
>found another father figure in worshiping godfrey essentially larping as him
>a lot of men are turned gay through either molestation, hormone imbalance in the womb, or severe daddy issues
>both miquella and radahn are gay
>rykard is also insane
>ranni literally killed herself
>malenia wholly dedicated herself to the closest male relative miquella
>all also behavior of people with daddy issues
Radagon was a shit father and all of his cuts are mentally ill because of him.
>locked eyes with malenia
But Malenia doesn't have eyes.
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7/10 game at best, same for the DLC. Level design is generally lackluster, there's hardly any challenge outside of bosses, writing is trite, and everything related to online play is absolute dogshit. Especially invasions. FROM needs to do some serious soulsearching for the next game.
This but I'd give it a 10/10. It's flawless in how flawed it is and how much it angers me as it could've been actually perfect. Same with ds3. It's why they're tied as my favorite games
Base game is great. Has its issues but is overall great. SOTE is a disappointment.
DLC has fundamental design flaws at several levels, some born out of untested jank like placements of the furnace golems or grace distributios or bad hitboxes, others born out of attempting to make the game harder without accounting for player input, and finally just poor decisions like the scadu blessing progression.
On top of all that there's the absolute fucking disregard and rape of existing lore. While this does upset me, I honestly wouldn't objectively put it as the biggest issue or even a major issue. Ultimately lore and narrative in Souls games has always been secondary to gameplay. They put Radahn in because Miyazaki thought it would be cool. There really is no deeper reason than that.
Gaius is hyper aggressive, you're actually dealing with two hit boxes, his spear and the boar itself, and he input reads Tears sips.
you don't need to break them, just stop them from attacking (which it will unless they're mid-combo)
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meanwhile, your average tarnished ass
Why not play a different game and leave? That's what I'm doing now that /dsg/ is back. Wanna come with me?
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Eh out of 10.
I've played it, experienced it, all 12 or so playthroughs only had fun with Godfrey and Malenia, that's it.
It feels like a stretched out level where every "legacy dungeon" is just a side quest, like going to talk to Siegward before Yhorm in that one place in 3 instead of just gunning it straight to Yhorm.
At least it's easier to get the shit you need for your build now.
I still can't get over the fact that they scrapped an entire Malenia questline where she's friendly with the Tarnished at the last minute. What a genuinely hateful act.
bros, help out a retard, im trying to mod the game, i think(?) i already did the mod part, but fucking game doesnt register my fucking ps pad so i can't play, anyone knows a way?
this is a silly question but are there any chickens anwhere in elden ring?
I'd like to add too, for twins, usually, if one of them is gay the other is too even for one's of the opposite sex. If a male twin is gay or bi the female one would be too, it's very likely malenia was indeed a lesbian and was just really supportive of her gay little brother. It's also possible miquella at some unknown point tried wingmaning for malenia like malenia did for him
yes but they are skeletal
nah but we got owls
I'm burning myself out on invasions, then moving on to Kunitsu-Gami and other games. Next Soulslike I'll touch will be Lies of P's DLC. Or maybe the crab game. Coming back to ER just reminded me of why I dropped it before 1.05.
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>watch peeve/saynryan/etc
>they get bodied in invasions at least half of the time by pro gank squads, or at least to beat them it's a long arduous process
>hell even jeenine, as tryhard as he is, gets rekt by pro gank squads on the regular, and he's genuinely good at the game (as tryhards typically are)
>hear about chasethebro from here, decide to check him out
>literally just posts compilations of his wins against noobs while using limited use items that he has an unlimited amount of. hosts and phantoms seemingly can almost never hit him, while they will walk into the most obvious stuff he does like zamor ice storm and just start swinging while in the middle of it and die

his builds are good but goddamn i just want to watch him fight a pro gank squad for a change. watch him lose. his videos make it seem like he just wins every invasion he ever does, like that's the typical experience, which i feel is very misleading to his viewers. doesn't seem like he streams either, just yt vids. i need unedited footage.
It's cut in the dlc too, you could've married malenia then too and they cut it again. Miyazaki is spiteful
So, which no-hit fag discovered the close range waterfowl dodge tech?
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I would like a Miquella version of this pic plz
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Miquella is just a worthless degerate faggot who never cared or loved his sister
Malenia was likely mind controlled and the entire thing is a tragedy really.
nice pits
yeah clearly he hated her its not like his entire narrative is kickstarted by a desire to save his sister
My int/fai review no one asked for [wanted a death sorceries focus]:
I imagine using both fth and int spells/item at high rl or the PoD staff is strong, but the build is completely pointless from a pve progression point of view. Buffs and heals do barely anything, you are constantly underpowered compared to simpler builds, the early game death sorcery is dogshit, Tibia's summons are fun, but incredibly inconsistent, and you need to wait a long time for actually good stuff for this build if you want to focus on death sorceries. I'm over rl60 and ancient death rancor still requires me to use physik, and it doesn't even deal good damage.
I would fix this build by making the magma staff a mid game fixed loot and by changing damage calculation for rancor / ancient rancor, so they are viable in early/mid game, but not overpowered late game.
He did make an effort to cure her from her rot problem. Even if we were to assume the worst of him, he at least deserves credit for having tried to help her.
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how would you feel if miquella brought you back from your glorious hard earned warrior's death only so he can ride on your shoulders (his ass is fat
They cut the dlc ending where you sided with miquella and married malneia because there'd be no reason to do any other ending, his age is the least bad for the lands between, malenia is objectively the best female character and strongest demigod, and if given the option no one would choose the mentally unstable blown put pussy cheating statue that may or may not be able to regenerate or the mentally ill, selfish, murder doll who caused most of the worlds problems because she's a spoiled child told to do something threw a hissyfit then did it anyway or the cringy reddit nihilist ending where you're being groomed by a literal jew demon into ending the world.
His entire reason raison d'etre is Radahn dick.
This is the canon now anon. You can not escape it.
Miquella's entire character is now "Radahn dick uwu"
He needed a good and healthy killing machine, that's all.
How does the howl of shabriri works? I have to cast it till I get madness to get the buff or do I just cast it once?
>Miquella's entire character is now "Radahn dick uwu"
its really not but knock yourself out i guess
I have a high tolerance for weird art but that's just ew
does a sombre stone equal 2-3 normal shard levels for weapons?
Actually he's more than likely the top considering the boss name is "mikerad" and in Japanese ships the top comes first. Meaning he did everything to impregnate radahn.
Look at this very thread. Look at all the fanart. This is your character now.
Radahn dick. Radahn ass. Does it matter?
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>12 or so playthroughs
>only had fun with Godfrey and Malenia
>he doesnt enjoy thickthighfatassshortstackplapbait
I like the dlc lore for miquella. He's still a cute loving brother and overall good guy, he just destroyed himself in his deluded attempts to save everyone, and i think his psycho obsession with radahn adds to his character, every demigod has some flaw to them, I think his for radahn is kinda cute and yandere shotas/femboys are cute too.
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>get put just outside gaius' boss door
>as soon as im loading in hear the sound of a taunter being turned off
>there's 2 guys waiting for me in this small as fuck room
>immediately run to elevator and spam gravity missiles to cover me
>hop on elevator and sit on button
All they need to do is enter the boss door.
It has been 5 minutes and they're still down there waiting for me. Now there's blues getting summoned down there and one fell down the elevator hole...
These faggots actually tried to gank in that tiny room and are now stuck until they decide to enter the boss fight
He very clearly has a savior complex. What's funny about people with that kind of complex is, when they want something and don't get it they'll quickly show their darker side and become bitter and resentful. It's why women don't like outwardly kind helpful guys, they know if they deny them something they'd miquella out.
The howl gives you a damage buff and defense debuff
You can also use it to easily trigger self-madness as it's the highest self-buildup of any spell. Self-madness has no inherent benefit but you can use equipment that gives you an additional damage buff on madness for synergy
>every demigod has some flaw to them
ranni is perfect
Yeah. Every playthrough after the first was to get to them again, primarily Godfrey.
I think it's much easier to do a build like that if you start as pure INT + minimum FTH reqs, and rely a bit more on death weapons like the Poker and Ritual Spear.
I'd also consider the Staff of the Great Beyond with the Death Staff in the other hand for the passive buff.
The SGB softcaps much earlier than the death one(43/43 instead of 80/80), and it can also use incantations so you can have the ghostflame dragon breath alongside the sorceries.
I see. How do I trigger the self madness?
Miyazaki said in an interview that marika rapes you in her endings and in the age of stars ranni rapes you. Tell me, how can a rapist be perfect?
That uh...that wasn't very funny. Kinda feels like fetish material
Besides the bewitching branch, were there any other base game items that pointed to Miquella's mind control?
the invader is at a severe advantage because the invader usually has hacked items and pots
Makes no sense. Rape would imply that any anon who simps over Ranni or Marika would ever say no.
Yeah I know how you feel. This is how I felt with dark souls 3. Absolutely dreaded going through most of the game because of how bland it all felt to me. Only the ringed city and nameless king I liked. I just learned to park myself infront of them and reload my save whenever I cleared them whenever I want to play ds3 again.
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please stop trying to make them even more perfect
Elden Ring's multiplayer was tailor-made to enable the most nigger-faggot behaviour possible, on both sides.
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they say that ranni's body didn't cease burning for over a hundred years

her fat ass provided that much fuel
I found the bewitching branch and immediately had resignations against the guy.
Then you reach the Haligtree and his guys are blowing themselves up like a bunch of lunatics.
That's when I realized this guy is not what /erg/ thinks he is.
I ran into a couple faggots ganking in Patches' cave last night. Bullgoats and bleed, of course.
The spell builds up a big chunk of it with each cast, so you just cast it repeatedly until it triggers. Typically it only takes 2-3 uses. Obviously do this before entering combat, because it's a long animation.
>invading the beginning of shadow keep because it's a nice legacy dungeon
>2 tryhard metaslaves
>they play very passively, won't engage with the mobs
>have a staring contest that goes on for minutes as i throw shit at them trying to at least get them to engage with the single fire knight
>they start doing gestures and tbagging
>wave to them and get on the elevator and sit on the button

You want to be rude and not actually play the game? You get what you fucking deserve. God I love elevators!
>every demigod has some flaw to them
Rykard had none so he yoked himself with the big snake's instead. It wouldn't have been fair otherwise.
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Most invaders are clueless babies going on a varre's quest, you can count true sweatlords by fingers of one hand
Fat burns in the heat, it's likely her ass was fatter than we could've imagined. Also notice the damage on marikas body, it mimics the Japanese trope of a fist colliding with something, the cracks begin to show in the wrist upwards then the characters fucking dies or explodes or whatever but fist stays, bit with marika, her only UNDAMAGED part is her ass and that's seemingly where the cracks started , ass untouched but side and lower party breaking away. With this logic marika likely did the erdtree avatar butt slam on the elden ring to break it, much like her son, godwyn's entire character in relation to miquella, the hammer she has is a red herring. Marika shattered the elden ring with her dumptruck ass
You can yeet people off that elevator with starscourge GS, no reason to waste your own time
>Then you reach the Haligtree and his guys are blowing themselves up like a bunch of lunatics.
Okay but, nothing indicates he was compelling them to suicide bomb right
It's hard to find a definite result since after the DLC the mind control is confirmed.
>it's the same anon again

you gonna post a source on that ever or just keep lying about that shit?
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What is the purpose of this?
Just DC and block, why would you waste your time on these piss stains
Or better yet edit your invasion regions if you're on PC so you don't invade this area
He went insane at some point, but miquella and radagon were close even after making the haligtree, so it's very possible rykard was driven mad knowing his dad supported miquella raping radahn and to save his family from literal erdtree faggotry he fused himself with the god devouring serpent. That's why he won't shut up about family, he was trying to save them, namely radahn, who he has a portrait of, from miquella's shotacock
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>edit your invasion regions
How? I would love to remove Limgrave and Liurnia
Ok thanks. I’ll give this a try.
increases the reach of your rain of arrows
Low level arcane builds to scare newbies with. I do hope they will buff the head because apparently in pre release version it knocked EVERYTHING back and had unbreakable hyperarmor, which actually sounds neat for a low level invader.
It's mostly a joke item but also serves as the Omen transformation people were asking for.
that's not guaranteed. if an invader takes the elevator and sits on the button and you need to use that elevator to finish the level, the invasion is effectively over and the invader won. and the only time being wasted is that of the gank, because i'm in my 2nd monitor doing other things like jerking off or shitposting or just catching up on financial news and the election, or playing my guitar. lots of things to do while they wait.
It's so funny to me that one-way elevator switches remains an oversight all these years later.
>miquella's lily
>A flower signifying faith in the Haligtree. Thought to be beloved by the Empyrean Miquella in his youth.
>bewitching branch
>The Empyrean Miquella is loved by many people. Indeed, he has learned very well how to compel such affection.
To be fair it's a pretty strong pointer. Maybe we just didn't want to see.
I figured out why I could not speak to ranni, I had to defeat radann first. Which was easy, the dungeon near him was easy, the twin gargoyles were easy. In the past three bosses I died 4 times. 3 to radann and 1 to the gargoyles. When does this game get hard?
Grand Archives CE table, Event Flags > invasion regions
It sticks to your save and anticheat doesn't give a shit
This is also why ranni killed herself, if the fingers can make radagon agree with turning her mighty brother into a cumdump she would've been in for a worse fate. This is also why metyr stopped receiving word from the greater will, she learned of its incest shota fantasies and went "fuck this gay earth and left" leaving metyr to enact her plan slowly by manipulating things behind the scenes from marikas ascension to the carian war using the help of her son/brother those blue fingers ranni killed, this is also why ranni killed those fingers.
I wouldn't take the Lilly as indication
So it really was just the branch.
Anyway, I always figured he'd have some kind of weird mind control fuckery. That much I figured would happen.
lots of things remain "oversights". we still have overleveled phantoms that don't properly get downscaled, for example. it's only fair that at least in some areas the invader has the ability to brick the host's level whenever they choose. the thing i don't get is why ganks, especially those who use metaslave shit and clearly know how to play the game well, STILL won't take any sort of risk with engaging the single invader. it's embarrassing. i guess gankers simply have no shame, i could never do that and live with myself personally.
Anon your timeline is a bit jumbled there.
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New AT (anti-Torrent) tech in Seamless.
someone from /erg/ died to this revenant
No. Metyr wanted gay shota incest for ages, she saw that marika was the ideal way to achieve is, so she helped her ascend and gradually manipulated things over centuries to lead to miquella's birth, mimicking how, in berserk's cut chapter, the idea of evil manipulating things to lead to griffith's birth.
Ranni should have killed Miquella instead of Godwyn
Sure Chuck
You need anything else today?
what's the difference between messmer fire and regular fire?
wish a biological female futa did that to me
messmer fire has aimbot
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how can blaidd even compete?
>stance break big enemy
>they fall so their only crit point is inaccesible
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you
She couldn't have, malenia was always at his side and way too powerful. But ranni knew that godwyn was the closest to miquella alongside her brother radahn, and knew that miquella had horrible rapey plans, so to protect godwyn from being raped by miquella she had him killed. What she failed to know is, miquella had a countermeasure, just as his mother marika had as a backup for godfrey, and that was radahn. By this point ranni was already a doll and the black knives were doing whatever so she couldn't do much. She told the tarnished to kill radahn as much like jerren, she thought she'd give her brother a rest and allow her own plans to continue, not realizing the 10000iq rapist miquella wanted this, outsmarted her, and radahn was delivered to him on a silver platter
Messmer fire has a life of its own that allows it to adjust trajectory mid-air and chase targets.
Ranni had Godwyn killed because he was likely her assigned consort.
visions of golem...
Thanks anon. I'll give it a shot.
I like this headcanon
Unlikely with the dlc hinted that godwyn was married to a dragon. Pre dlc theories no longer matter.
Dangerously based post, but pretty sure mommy Marika would be ok with our marriage with Malenia at long as we freed her from Radagoon/Elden Beast and fixed the GO because she extends grace to the Tarnished after all.
>vagabond is the best starting class yet again even for my int/fth build
this has to end
>run a str build with a single longsword and no shield
>Steamroll everything up to radahn with righteous square off
>Reach the dual gargoyle fight
>get absolutely clapped

Is it over? Do i need to switch to kat*nas? Last time i played meteoric ore blade carried me up to the mountaintops
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you need to use spirit ash or summon, like a normal person
dual gargoyle fight is the worst
Just use a Strike weapon.
I hought hero was better due to lower starting level
Easy incorporation, godwyn broke his engagement with ranni to go fuck dragons and being cucked like her mother she chimped out and killed him. She later falls for the tarnished and if the tarnished attacks her she sounds insanely bitter because she's once again, been rejected by the man she loved.
>dlc hinted that godwyn was married to a dragon
What hints at that?
I mean the only other reason for it happening to Godwyn specifically is either
>Ranni's petty enough to kill the favorite to spite Marika
>it was actually Marika's 4D chess move
The first, I don't think that necessarily fits Ranni's character though that's up to debate. The second is 100% doesn't fit Marika's especially with what we now know from the DLC.
Those stripped of the Grace of Gold shall all meet death in the embrace of it.
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wait why does starting class matter I thought everyone just went to lv300+ and got all the stats they needed anyways?
I don't have any besides mace/morning star and I can't reach them with those. I will not use collosal hammers because they look retarded as 90% of the weapons in the game do.
This DLC unironically saved Bandit.
>the first doesn't fit rannis character
It does actually, she kills the fingers who have no power over her as her empyrean body is fucked and she's planning to leave the world and it's assassins anyway purely out of spite and pettiness.
redditors do that yeah not people who care about the multiplayer longevity
>against wax figures
bash their skulls in with a hammer or something
guts sword
She kills the Fingers because the Fingers are still a faction capable of fielding forces against her, and she has no forces left herself beyond Blaidd (who can be turned), Iji, Seluvis and you.
Reminder we now know 100% that the finger creepers are basically Finger foot soldiers.
broadsword :(
longsword :D
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Yes mother!
but what is the benefit of restricting your level? isn't leveling to 300/400 part of the game just like using mimic and summons?
why intentionally gimp yourself?
Get the large club in limgrave.
The dlc implies godwyn had a similar spell the priestess gives you, dragons give these kinds of spells to one's they love as also seen with vyke, we see in elden ring intense wars are ended with marriage pacts or genocide, and the ancient dragons weren't genocided and a cult was made around them that wasn't completely wiped out despite marika showing she wipes out religions that aren't hers. The kanji used when godrick calls the drake kindred, means someone who shares a common ancestor to you, meaning godrick has dragonsblood, and he's likely a descendant of godwyn.
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fuck off
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if scadu is supposed to be shadow then is shadow supposed to be scadoo?
Messmer was her #1 mommy's boy and even he had a lot of pent-up resentment towards her. She was a bitch.
Worst boss of the base game?
Twin gargoyle fight.
The gargoyles are already dogshit enemies because their hitboxes and collision models are jank as fuck so fighting them with weapons with short reach fucking sucks and then you get two of the assholes.
>The dlc implies godwyn had a similar spell the priestess gives you
What item gives that implication?
I don’t care about the general power level just aesthetic and usefulness and I’m really bummed blink bolt doesn’t have a follow up. At the very least the rolling R1 of whatever weapon but would of it killed then to give it a lightning slash like input after the blink. Meanwhile fire has 3 ash of wars that will infuse/buff the weapon. Lighting got shafted.
ÆSL moment
godefroy the graftred
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Yea you're right. This boss is a piece of shit. He sat up there for ages and refused to come down.
I will never use colossals. They look retarded. Greatswords look good but you swing them like a gorilla. And i need to get to the fucking dlc to get a greatsword that doesn't swing like gorilla so im stuck with the longsword i had since the start. This is my second playthrough and this is the only souls game i have played besides sekiro. I dislike rolling too so i use a mod to replace the animation (same iframes) with quickstep. I never understood why the souls community likes having your character roll like a bug with full plate to avoid a dog biting him and swinging weapons like they weigh 50kg. Sekiro was the best game from ever made.
Max level invasions in seamless are actually kinda cute
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First time I've tried invading someone, who are the other dudes supposed to be? Other players?
spam jump attack then
Wait godwyn really did fuck dragons? I thought you guys were joking. Why don't any of marika's kids have normal relationships?
>mohg fucks shotas
>miquella fucks omen and buff guys
>godwyn fucked dragons
Why can't they just find someone their own size?
Blink is pretty good.
Put it on something like dual SS so you can teleport to someone's face and start mashing L1.
Wait wouldn't that be kinda racist? Like wouldn't that raise some massive redflags if they made the mixed race demigod godrick the weakest and the one everyone made fun of and no one accepted?
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They also bugged out when I did it after this as a phantom.
Buggy piece of shit. Little shit was stuck up there bouncing for a while as well.
At least godefroy is fun to fight because he's still godrick.
The twin gargoyles are both lazy copy and pastes and also not fun to fight (especially for small weapons).
idk man i think his butt's just itchy
Bro how does this surprise you? He literally released the dlc where you kill two gay men, one of which is a controlling piece of shit and the other is implied not to have wanted to be wed to him, and aims to make an age of forced compassion and acceptance on pride month. Miyazaki is a chud
this is literally the most antisemetic game ever made
Video talking about the philosophy of Elden Ring and Shadow of the Erdtree and what it all means. https://youtu.be/zd0TtCgpHfA
AND I’d kill for an arc+faith weapon.
With the dual casting and faith innate weapons I can get int+faith to work quite well but can’t figure out a decent enough weapon for a dragon communion play through.
It was a glitch back on release too
Jesus fuck From
There's still the chainsaw in the game which has existed since the beginning.
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He's a big boy now
>attack that looks jumpable
>it isn't
And then you have attacks with particle effects that clearly collide with the player model but nonetheless can be jumped over. How hard is it to make this shit more intuitive?
The Bloodfiend Fork, and also the Arm, have ARC/FTH scaling when infused with sacred or flame.
The Fork specially has innate bleed and very low reqs so you can just focus on FTH and ARC.
>thinking the DLC hitboxes are good
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Meanwhile in Nioh 2 you can duck under ALL sweep attacks with the drunken fist mode of the fists or jump over them with flying monkey styled spear and staff attacks
>cold selfish bitch
>every man leaves her
checks out
She is a Tsundere that thought turning herself into an anime figure and flushing herself down the toilet was a good idea.
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>Why couldn’t he just kill everyone and take leyndell first before doing that gay consort thing?
maybe he was worried that certain someone will put his foolish ambitions to rest

somehow I don't see our friendly neighborhood omen particularly impressed by miquella's bussy magic

his incel wizard powers probably sacred off a whore like miquella
What the hell are you going to do with 3+ million runes?
>jewny installed the last version automatically without letting me know
I fucking hate modern gayming so much
that's what I did except I tried to only cast. It's still painfully underpowered and requires waiting til mid/end-game. What's the point of putting rancor early in Stormveil if it's useless?
No, the 1st and 2nd chainsaws got fixed. The 3rd method is still at large.

What’s funny is that permenantly fixing it would be easy, although it may break other things.

Chainsaw only works because of 2 reasons

1) Ghiza’s Wheel’s unique skill is the No.1 entry in internal list of skills, so when game gets confused and forgets what it’s supposed to do it defaults to that.

2) Serpent Hunters wind beams are its default state, every area except Rykard fight has a flag that says “disable wind beams”, by confusing game the glitch bypasses this flag. Turning on the extra long range hitboxes.

Fixing chainsaw would be as easy as re-ordering internal list so something useless is no.1 that can’t be abused. This may fuck up other stuff though.

Or simply reversing Serpent Hunter so it’s default is without wind and flag in Rykard fight turns them on, this is honestly baffling why they didn’t do this from start. This would be such an easy fix.
beat my high score of 4+ million runes
>Completely normal asses
Do gooners really?
that unironically makes it better, they are pretty, they are not massive or disproportionate, just a fine piece of ass
keyword: was

No. 1 mommies boy is the player Tarnished (me) and her Elden Lord consort (canon)
Maybe don't be a cursed snake weirdo next time?
the best starting class is wretch because its the best with stat boosting talismans and equipment.
This game is built for stat boosting
The Two Fingers, or their followers. There's one on each except Ranni's.
Likely built to provide a better chance of connecting the Fingers with the GW.

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