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Previous thread : >>487064513

Eliza Edition


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
ChatGPT, write an angry rant stating that Dragunov from Tekken is an inherently flawed champion design, liken him to a avalanche of plus frames that can engage from full screen, and force you to guess your way out of his pressure or die from his lockdown
>heihachi is dead according to harada
what a fucking hack. can't wait for his long ass twitter post explaining shit lamao
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Can anyone explain why Zafina SCR b1+2 is -17 on block?
I understand that it's a fast and evasive poke that can even avoid some mids, but going into a 50/50 where damage and frame reward is lower than hitting 1,2 jab string but the risk is losing 70% of your HP sounds like it beats the purpose of an evasive move.
It's not impossible for Marduk to be the last DLC, though Heihachi's reveal throws a wrench in this possibility.

>and you just know harada is going to whitewash him even more
In Tekken 8 we had Raven recommending Victor to bring Lars to their side because he's Heihachi's son... So yeah, whatever Harada will do, it'll be hilariously bad.

They lied about Tekken 7 when they said it was the end of the Mishima conflict, and the game ends with Jin and Kazuya still around to fight.

Tekken 7 and Tekken 8 were white-washing Heihachi as not that evil, so Heihachi hating the devil gene now seems to be legit, regardless of how little sense that makes.
Is this real? We're getting Eliza instead of Kunimitsu?
heihachi is going to FUCK AND SUCK Reina
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>tekken story? yeah im invested in it, how could you tell?
>eliza nigga looking frame by frame evidence of eliza at 5 am
hope you win bro, hope she got big boobas too
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d8 sure is fun
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I did it bros, finally got GoD
>the end of the Mishima conflict, and the game ends with Jin and Kazuya still around to fight.
Jin is a Kazama thoughbeit
good job shaheen player
fucking lacari got max rank its not hard to get
That's me when Eliza releases at December.
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How would you nerf Dragunov in Tekken 8 without nerfing him into irrelevancy and oblivion and uselessness?
im so bad at blocking lows omfg i cant react to them at all.
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is this the bitch that JeonDDing fuck at the first TwT? The Chloe.
why does NA succeed in sf6 but can't win shit in tekken?
It's a possibility, but it's not set in stone.
I would give everyone else better lows and more plus frames. No need to nerf dorag.
Oh shit bros were so back. Pakistani domination of Tekken is gonna end
what if eliza nigga is real and eliza is the final DLC
nigga figured it out in 5 hours
he's from the future
wait jeondding slays?
Why would I nerf him? Nina is the problem.
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>a tranny game gg was more hype that tekken
Hey, Hachi...
because it was originally a move she could do from neutral and they didn't bother to change the frame data properly when they moved it
why are you lying? it used to be -2 on hit
now bring back chloe and kazumi
Everytime i play the game i want to go on a mass shooting, so i gotta call it here.
uninstalled and hopefully i never come back, peace
>didn't bother to change the frame data properly
read well
making it -17 when its only from stance and competing with a slightly slower low that ch launches is retarded
Wait what. Is this real?
If fahk is revealed I'll have to recant all of my previous verbal transgressions against Gook and Faggot (including this one).
Fahk and the Iron grandpa.... fucking based.

Anyone else think his face looks kind of odd though?
Like it's too wide?
must be cool being a jun main. you don't even have to play tekken, the game just kind of plays itself for you.
but yes scr df4 is so much better, they really locked it behind stance as a "fuck you" more than anything
must be cool being a drag main. you don't even have to play tekken, the game just kind of plays itself for you.
>Whinging about Jun in current year
Chipotle ad is more hype than Tekken 8 top 6.
there's literally 0 reason to ever use scr b1+2 now, even the move paradox has more use at wall than that shit
same but with master duel
i don't care if she's good or not. she's completely brainless
Five fucking mishimas. Fuck this roster. Can't wait to see devil Reina become a dlc character.
unfortunately the mishima wank won't end until murray and harada retire
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Kazuya's gonna FREAK
So who are getting special intros with him?
Just wait until they bring Kazumi back.
Why even bother with a Tekken story if it has zero cause-and-effect?

Anyways pretty sure Heihachi is dead and this is either a ghost or a clone.
alright a nigga nose whens to bows out and these niggas really done sold heihachi and niggas cheered bruh
Bringing back hei this early seems like a waste. This season is going to be really lame if it's just t7 characters. The last dlc needs to be either someone completely new or somebody like ogre.
reina will have a "papa!" intro where she runs at him for a hug and he shoves her away and mentions her being a failed experiment
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>kazuya fucking dies
>gets revived through devil gene
>jin nearly fucking dies
>gets saved through devil gene
>just doesn't fucking die
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So I had a thought. I'm seeing a lot of assumptions that Heihachi is coming out of a volcano, but you can see a statue and tree branches around, so it looks like an explosion somewhere else. And that got me wondering if Namco is pulling a Kazumi with Heihachi, making him still be dead, but his playable appearance is a flashback. That'd be the biggest dick move they could pull with a DLC.
ogre/true ogre needs a huge reimaging if he returns, his moveset really isn't all that
So who will the brown/orange character be? Still Fahkumram or somebody else like Julia?
Street Fighter Won
did you just ignore the whole tekken monks thing
Heihachi (and all Mishimas) aren't fully human though. They are descendants of the thunder God Raijin
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what was the point of reina again
to receive my semen
Its mind boggling to me in a game as complex and random as Tekken 8 you can win in a pool with over 4000 people and not lose one set in a first to 2/3. Arslan is a monster.

Really goes to show this game is still skill
Mishima for faggots instead of edgelords.
The moment I saw that trailer I thought they were following Heihachi's will and not necessarily being ordered around by him desu
cope, junfag. your character is for retarded women
>Mashen 8

lmao even
Not an argument
a less flattering way would be to say it's bloated
It's gonna suck playing heihachi without the old voice actor
bloated seems more fitting.
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Speaking of the trailer. The text insulated from Lidia's laptop. Some of it it's cut off so make of it what you will
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Play AND LOVE,LOVE! Lammy!
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>doesn't even play optimally with nina
>wins anyway
>beats the washed allegations
The new one is better, honestly (assuming they're using the guy from Tekken Bloodline)

No disrespect to the Tag 2 to T7 VA but I feel like he didn't quite capture the gruffness and sinister quality of the original heihachi
He's the most consistent fighting game champion of all times.
ewc is the real evo
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How will they explain Hei being COMPRETRY ARIVE
this looks so much more fun than our kusoge...
>atif dragunov 9-0s nobi dragunov
that's honestly a scary skillgap and nobi was easily the second best drag in the tournament
Clone, ghost, figment of Reina's mind etc etc
No I think he actually was dead and Reina is somehow ressurecting him.

Although the way he says "I am... Mishima Heihachi!" doesn't seem like something he'd just say randomly. It's almost like Reina turned into him or something.
it was fake lava in the volcano
>Heihachi is just Reina being a schizo
Are the patch notes out already?
>raven is 0-2 vs heihachi
kamige 6 is GOATed dragunov mashen 8 is dogshit
Guys the SF finals are mogging ours.
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>Capslop RE Engine'd Terry
I'm unironically moving to SF6 once Terry is out if this game doesn't improve.
>Arslan wins
>Punk chokes
Why do I even bother with Evo they keep recycling the script
Tekken had the worst top 6 this evo and it's not even close
I hope we get Ogre as the last character or at least in the game. He was such a Chad.
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>cr mp into slime shit

And no Jap in sight what the fuck
>Although the way he says "I am... Mishima Heihachi!" doesn't seem like something he'd just say randomly
He did say something similar in Tekken 5's time attack, but that was a reference to Edajima Heihachi (Who were both voiced by the same guy).


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Better character variety and closer games, it's simply a better top 6 than Tekken is rather than watching Drags and 1 Nina 6-0 everyone else.
Kamige 6 is played all around the world unlike temu 8 which is only played in the 3rd world.
For me it's steve doing everything in his power to make the finals """hype"""
What stupid shit can Harada do to top Lucy and Ugly Terry?
The games are closer because it's a pachinko guessing game. Meanwhile T8 top 8 was consistent as fuck with known top players.
Slime troonies, why does Crapcom keep making everything ugly and shit?
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What if the masked monk dude isn't actually Heihachi, but just a monk prepared for a ritual Reina is working on? He has long white hair while Heihachi's is grey. Could be that the monks are all training mishima style to be as close to Heihachi as possible until a suitable vessel is found. Upon which time Reina does the red moon thing and like places his soul into the guy or something, there's a big explosion, and then we get the "I am Heihachi mishima" scene. That's why he looks younger, because it's not his body(also a way for japan to handwave the voice actor change).
Master Asia
Tekken lorefags deserve to suffer.
I'm glad he's back for that reason alone.
Eleven from Stranger Things
>pachinko guessing game
So is Tekken 8
>Meanwhile T8 top 8 was consistent as fuck with known top players.
So was SF6.
That reminds me of the theories that Reina is Heihachi taking over a teenager girl... Would be funny if the theory becomes semi-correct.
it's venom heihachi
I didn't say it was a better game but seeing Drag clean up everything in pools and then in most of the top 6 was lame as shit.
Where are the Japs? It was mostly just the Jive newcomers there. Slime Troonies is a zoomer bait guessing game ehy Japan can't keep up like they once fid.
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devil jin is completely dead
You guys are not ready for AngelxDemon Heihachi
t. M
Paks are also newcomers from Tekken 7.
There is no talent in korea anymore all the young bucks are playing league or valorant none of this gay fgc crap
lolno. They've played since forever.
Pakis were playing Tekken for a long ass time. It was only around 7 they finally had the money to travel abroad
>white woman wins gran blue
>white woman wins strive
>white woman wins tekken
>white woman wins street fighter
Damn...are are white girls so powerful

We're talking about the competitive scene, retards. Pakis were completely unknown prior to Tekken 7.
shoutouts to my ice queens
I love white women bros
i'm a little pissed we didn't at least get gameplay of heihaci
they'll port his moveset into devil Reina.
They just didn't travel. But Pakis have had strong local scene since atleast TTT1.
Lidia didn't have gameplay at her reveal nor did Eddy. We'll have to wait for a month or two
Which no one knew about. Stop moving the goal post.
I'm excited to hop on rank with lidia on my legal access of ridia
I am quite sure that the final dlc is kunimitsu now that we know for sure there's no craig. Yoshimitsu has a huge role in the story dlc, is handing out with lidia and eddy and is mentioned in both their bios? what would be the impetus for his newfound story relevance? finally paying off that shit in kuni's t7 bio about being undercover at mishima polytechnic that's what. all the characters in s1 will have very closely intertwined stories.
Because it's a poverty third world country. It's not comparable to these American slime spammer newcomers at all.
their tournament was so kino...

meanwhile we got dragunov paki pachinko mashing...
>Still trying to move the goal post
I accept your concession.
heihachi tekken talk and kunimitsu reveal at tokyo game show
Kuni doesn't match with the orange colour though
I'm not sure how much Reina has to do with Heihachi because she wanted the devil power to the point where she ran into a kazuya laser for death and Heihachi dedicated most of his life to snuffing that shit out.
heihachi isn't blue. in fact heihachi is usually one of the only characters to regualrly wear orange. he's overtly tiger-themed
cammy looks amazing in this style faggot
how long till the stage drops?
Her face is a little fucked.
he has fuzzy undies
She looks like a crack whore. People just ignored it because of ass jiggle physics.
It was just the same cr mp into slime rush as always.
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>sf3 and sf6 both had way better top 6
it's so over
Sonic Fox>>>Arslan ash>>>>>>>Punk
Eeeehhhh... I would definitely say she's the best looking female but RE engine is just a fucking wonky engine that makes her look fucked from csetain angles
>Capkucks coming in to gamewar like always
That's because Slime Troonies Dix wholly panders to face blind niggers. Its whole aesthetics is for low IQ ghetto niggers.

nah she looks great
Enough of complaining about SF6's success. How would YOU save Tekken 8?
Tekken lorefag here
I'm hyped
but enough about your mother
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It's already saved.

I just bought the deluxe edition upgrade as an apology for doubting Michael Murray.
You seen what they did to poor Terry? They really need a win and desperately too. Slime Troonies is ugly, boring and dumb.
Nerf Drag holy shit.
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Kazuya just can't get a break
Arslan GOAT really saved that top 8 Drag menace huh
only fedoras care about IQ
Why is RE Engine so soulless?
It's a horror engine meant for having rendering real people with face scans. Trying to make anime stylised characters with realistic graphics is just an exercise in futility with it
>heihachi RPing calling Jin senpai
MT Framework is still their best engine. They should just ditch RE Engine and upgrade MT
MT Framework era was truly peak Capcom. Not sure if mere coincidence.
MT Framework made RE6 btw shut the fuck up
You can't save 8. The system is just bad. They changed it like 5 times since the beta and people still complain about heat, on the daily basis.
How did hayhicha forget his name? Is he stupid?
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Well, I was gonna main Reina, but cmon it's Heihachi. I'll still have her as a secondary tho, father and daughter duo
remove heat
remove rage
remove chip
bring back movement
bring back high damge
bring back TEKKEN
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>woke up
>the new DLC is heihachi
I'm gonna strangle Harada, if I ever see this fuck
Drag? Didn't win an Evo yet.
Nerf Nina.
reina couldn't even get a year of pretend relevance. after not doing shit the whole story the very next story mode rids her of her whole reason for existing.
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>mfw bamco is about to premiere something
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Shh... Reina is sleeping
How would she react if I did that?
>Leroy has a unique heat smash voice line vs Kazuya
That's kinda cool
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*gently pats her without waking her*
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Why do people say eliza will be the next character? The next character will probably be bruce or marduk. The release schedule with the character has a color in the background which correlates to the characters dominant color in the characters hitspark effect.
Eddy has a greenish hitspark effect
Lidia has a red one
heihachi has a blue one
Both marduk and Bruce have fire/orangy hitspark effects
because it would be based and big vampire tits
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Devil jabroni is alive
most kino part about the heihachi trailer is the mfs crouch dashing through fire kek
If fucking eliza comes back, day one main.
Im not even that big of a tekkrn player but eliza is the one fictional character ive ever been so infatuated with
>Im not even that big of a tekkrn player
We know, degenerate tourist-san.
just download blender/daz and fuck around with her
I like fighting games, this game is just still a bit difficult to understand but im trying to learn. So far ive just been playing dragunov.
Eliza is just special though
EVO casualties
- 'Nov
- Nina
- Lili
- Knee
you sat on those chairs without looking first didn't you
him >>487101986
very high quality post, thanks anon
So uh, now that Lidia and Heihachi are coming back with DLC power, what about Reina?
heihachi's going to have yellow lightning again. they referenced it with reina's lightning being half yellow despite calling her purple lightning.
What about her?
It's not mere coincidence. It was wonderfully optimized and had great visual to boot. Everything in it looked and performed great.
You literally described RE Engine
I'll still play her since her outfit 3 is so fucking sick
>RE Engine
>Great visuals

>What is DD2
>What is RE2
>What is RE4
>What is MH Wilds
she needs buffs
I had sex with a man last night
its 2024 nobody gives a fuck
>Proceeds to list a bunch of mid looking games.
did you watch evo after?
RE is meant for photorealistic characters. Converting traditionally sprite art characters into 3D is not it
ok you're trolling have a nice day
notice how I didn't list SF6, retard was claming RE Engine doesn't have good visuals on the whole
>heihachi gets released
>he's still worse off than nina and 'nov
wouldn't that be hilarious
temu 8 so dead and trash people talking about Capcom's engines LMAO
>woke up
>Arslan Ash won
>Heihachi is announced
Hell yeah! But why does he look younger than in 7?
Who's getting nerfed after this Evo?
Jun and Leroy. Maybe Reina to make Lidai and Heihachi look even better
There's no nerfs or balance patches until 2025
Nina, lmao.
And then TMM will SEETHE that they won't nerf Alisa.
Arslan really is the goat
Oldfag bros, now when Heihachi is announced, which character should I pick to be prepared for his moveset more or less? Kaz or Reina?
Bro, they said that there is no more massive balance patches in Season 1. Some characters still might be nerfed.
>m-muh trolling
I accept your concession troonie.

Because it doesn't. It had no noticeable graphical evolution since it's debut and most on the models in it looks like shit.
I hate you and the way you talk. Please don't post here ever again. Thanks. You are annoying.
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why does tekken 8 feel so choppy to play but when i look at the replay i saved, it looks smooth?
What's your ping and rollback frames?
This is from my recording.
>which character should I pick to be prepared for his moveset more or less? Kaz or Reina?
Reina is much closer.
My theory. Big monk nigga isn't Heihachi. Heihachi did die. Reina is conspiring with some evil entity (Eliza) to resurrect Heihachi a la Jinpachi. The end of the story is Heihachi emerging from a volcanic crater having possessed big monk nigga. His resurrection causes a disturbance in the world, which causes Jun to reawaken and reintroduce her to the story.
replays are all local/offline playbacks of inputs saved, they don't account for the lag you feel during netplay
see >>487105579
I worded it wrong, I meant my recording through nvidia replay.
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Reina just wants her dad back, why is that so wrong
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i'm scared of the reina vs heihachi interactions bwos
Why is Arslan the only pro abusing Nina.
Bitch is never minus on anything and has great counterhits, combos and damage but everyone else just plays Dragunov or Feng or something like that.
Are the other pros seriously too stupid to realize how good Nina is and need Arslan to fuck them up with a character until they finally realize that character is actually really good?
It happened in T7 with Arslan's Kazumi and Kunimitsu.
kys faggot.
Kazuya just wanted his mom to live.
Lars just wanted world peace.
Lee just wanted some respect and a drink.
Jin just wanted to not have a bullet hole in his head.
[insert 20+ other bastard children that will all want something]
There's that EU Nina idk about anyone else
Nina is broken, but Drag is so braindead and so much easier to pilot that the pros probably don't think she's worth their time
And Arslan also happens to be the only homosexual pro who consistently who consistently only picks females.
To be fair Arslan used to be a Nina main
>Plays characters that are sexually attractive to men
jodd, victeemo. uuuuuh that's it
>Lee just wanted some respect and a drink.
But we all know that Lee really wants.
He has a kid and wife though.
>only picks females
Choose only one, bryantard
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>Heihachi comes back
>Reina turns out to have a gigantic Electra-complex
How would we feel about this?
Biggest cope to ever exist.

Not like he had a choice lol.
Jack 6
now THAT was SOVL
temu 8 really had the worst finals of the day, that's pretty sad.
No fucking way Heihachi is alive.
It must be some mimic or Mokujin!
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Yes, a drink and some relaxation.
I'm gonna masturbate to the porn >>487107359
we know Fergus
Fergus is the non closeted faggot from Tekken community
There's something hot about a woman in pain from a coochie shot.
The girl wants her own brothers and nephew in her harem, she has all sort of complexes.
Hey Murray, where is your cope about not knowing Japan?
fergus will literally suck dick on stream and you niggas will call him straight
Is this achievable natty?
what's up with faggots begging for ogre? he's not interesting
Kinda of
Ngl Heihachi looks kinda weird, bros. Something off about the model
>Heihachi is back
>Kazuya lost Devil
marduk and matumbaman sucks and i don't understand why it comperetery ded heihachi and i must pay for it what the fuck is going on
so who won?
the gook the poo or literally who?
he didn't even actually got to see him
just that cgi at the end which isn't in-game graphics
I was thinking the same, he looks a bit off.
I think it's his eyes, and mouth, he's got white people eyes instead of asian eyes
Because of lighting his hair looks black which makes him younger.
He looks better on the art >>487108101
Bros big nose is so happy...
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I'm not sure I like it.
>our game is doing poorly lately what should we do M?
>well everyone loved Heihachi so lets just bring him back
>Eddy wank
>Yoshimitsu wank
Damn at least we're getting Eliza and Heihachi back
>no Fahk
>no Marduk
I'm SO fucking mad now.
Fuck off Murray, Harada should've fired you for making Fahk
Both the trailer and Harada call it a resurrection and he genuinely looks younger than before, I'm sure he died for real and somewhow came back like his son, daughter and grandson
hehe nice joke
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Please don't tell me that pic is real. What the fuck is wrong with Capcom?
they should be more afraid of lars
he's literally young heihachi on roids
Lars is on Jin's side so he wouldn't touch Kazuya if he doesn't posses any threat (there is Jun is next to him in the end so he shouldn't do his evil deeds for a while)
heihachi coming back means reina has no purpose
as such we should all forget she exists
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Victor mains look like this??!!
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This is it. Look at >>487098115
His clothes are different, he's wearing the Tekken Monk attire, not the tiger dogi he wore when Kazuya killed him (plus it's broken in a completely different way), this is NOT the volcano where he died at all.

Harada didn't lie. Heihachi Mishima was 100% dead. He just resurrected.
It's kinda funny that people are surprised by this when Harada said she will have a big part to play in the tekken story going forward way back when she was first released
I mean they did say "King of Iron Fist Resurrection" in the trailer. So I'm assuming he died, for real, and got revived through some voodoo magic.
>he thinks lars gives a fuck about jin
jin has no more devil memes and no more use
I wouldn't be surprised if the first interaction of the updated story is lars and alisa beating the shit out of him in an alley
Jimbo doesn't need some devil gene to beat the shit out of them
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It's Heihachi with his hair down. Just look at Kaz
>heihachi coming back means reina has no purpose
What do you mean?
They have to nerf her and buff Dragunov and Nina.
Harada also said that Heihachi is dead Well maybe he really is and it's someone else
Harada really said "let's add a new Mishima in every game" and people just accept it
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He very clearly was dead, you can't be resurrected if you were alive
it's him though, you see the chest scars in the cutscene, same scars as heihachi
>now hei8
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i don't know why, but the heat system just makes this game incredibly boring to watch. like it feels 90% of rounds end up exactly the same.
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I dunno man he looks the same to me
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>Heihachi when supernatural stuff from his rebellious descendants
>Heihachi when supernatural stuff to bring him back from the depths of hell
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People are talking about the trailer
What am I supposed to see here? That his hair color looks darker because of the lighting?
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don't think any character reveal would be less hype for me than heihachi
not getting my boy craig also sucks ass
the matches sucked ass because a gorillion drags
the only thing that saved this evo was that nina actually won so I can talk more shit to my friend who is an unwavering nina downplayer
It's probably a literal resurrection, but it could be a metaphorical one. Maybe the masked monk learns Heihachi's style and brainwashes himself into thinking he's really Heihachi, effectively sacrificing himself to "resurrect" his idol. Outside of the story mode, classic Heihachi is the default look while the masked monk is one of his alts.
I want Eliza back as much as the next guy, but there's no chance of that ever happening, so why do people think it's a possibility?
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The clothes don't lie. The Heihachi who introduces himself in the trailer isn't the Heihachi who got beaten up by Kazuya.
blud is going the MGSV route
thats literally just an error on bamco because THEY DONT GIVE A FUCK
The story is going to end with Reina & Heihachi (two Mishimas that love each other) vs Jin and Kazuya (two Mishimas that hate each other). Soul.
Well yes. But because of that he looks younger and it confused a lot of people
But there are also some good points >>487110713
Why blue tho? Who associates Heihachi with blue?
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In light of recent events, it is with great honor that I announce
Details to come as soon as I reinstall the game and make a trailer.
Looks the same to me, except the shoulder that still has cloth on it is reversed
>grey-blue uniform
>blue electrics
>Jin moveset is mix of Jun and Mishima's moveset
Did Kazumi have any Kazuya's moves?
>has the new tekken monks logo on his clothes
>goes around shouting his own name
they fished his body out of the volcano with a gigantic dip net, then Reina somehow takes over his body.
Heihatchi will replace Reina on the roster, all patches to her were just a distraction to make make you not suspect a thing.
Starting to feel bad for Kaz
>Bullied so hard by his dad that he still has PTSD
>Gets depowered and beaten by his own son
>Finds out he has a sister out for his blood as well
>Now his dad is back to bully him again
which region is the tekgen tournament held in, I feel comfortable joining this time
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i'm happy we got heihachi, and it looks like most players are happy it wasn't marduk and fahkumram too. like a lot of people didn't want the leak to be true.
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You fucking retards, T8 Heihachi's clothes have the Tekken Monk symbol, which is literally the mark of Kazuya's fist in his chest. The monks are literally using as symbol the mark of Heihachi's death while working on his resurrection.
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>Heihatchi will replace Reina on the roster
Heihachi is such a slut
Kazuya forma devil barely won against Heihachi forma Human. Fuck is he gonna do against Heihachi now without the gene? Team up with Jin?
>like a lot of people didn't want the leak to be true.
yeah it was too on the nose two of the most broken characters as DLCs for the first season. heihachi shouldn't exist in 8 but i guess they wanna throw a curveball to generate the hype
that's not him in-game, the masked guy was in-game but we didn't get to see his face
is it just me or has reina got heis exact eyes
>like a lot of people didn't want the leak to be true.
Maybe leak really saved us.
Her fighting style is said to be mixture of Hachijo-style and Mishima-style, so she shares some moves with both Kazuya and Heihachi, like Demon Slayer, Flash Punch combo, and her own variant of Hell Axle.
There's no way Heihachi will keep his gains from the final battle, I bet his new body isn't as strong
>niggas are still coping they switched to Heihachi after the leak
Jin beat the shit out of KAz and Hei at the same time in 4 but now he's barely hanging vs Kaz
power levels don't mean shit
>Fuck is he gonna do against Heihachi now without the gene?
Jun will protect him.
feng's character model?
Keep seething Murray. You lost. Tekken is saved
That leak was an industry plants you retards, it was H&M's plan all along.
Kazuya teaming up with his brothers to really put the nightmare behind would have been a logical progression, but it would make people salty to suddenly see Kazuya all nice and no longer being the villain.
Heihachi vs Jin LEAKED
Jin: I'm sorry
Hei: So am I
>Kazuya is so tired of this shit he just wants Heihachi gone again and wants to team up
>the plot is Jin NOT wanting to work with him and being convinced by Lee and Lars
Can Dragunov fuck off now that EVO is done?
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You know that stuff tsundere or something
what was the point in making hei8 a sympathetic character in t7? is harada just making shit up as he goes along? no plot structure, no plan whatsoever?
I'm very sorry for being a genocidal bastard that caused WW3 and I swore to get better but now that my dad wants us to team up I might fall back into my old ways again teehee
anon finally understands how game writing works
what gimmick will they give Heihachi that justifies making him dlc
>sympathetic in t7
T7 literally opens with Heihachi abusing and trying to murder his 5yo son, before he has to suffer killing Kazumi.
Just because Heihachi isn't 100% heartless doesn't mean he's not a motherfucking monster
>ridia isn't even out yet
>already forgotten
dlc leak with Marduk and fakumura was fake?
fgc has become the capeshit of video games, we literally cannot let go of legacy characters. we're heading into stagnation. this is what happens when you keep reviving the "fan favorites" over and over again.
Lee's "hey Hachi" outro will be modified to replace the robot with Heihachi in his speedo
Give me a list of Heihachi mains so I can watch their reactions to his reveal
I got a big fat gut and a small white dick
I hope one single tekken e-celeb has the integrity to call out scamco for bringing heihachi back this early
Can JDCR still do it?
now that we've got Memevo and Hey, Hachi reveal out of the way

fix Azucena nigga
Fix devil jin
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I got faith in my boy
blud still thinks jdcr ain't a c tier player
fix steve
>before Heihachi release
It's over
Fix Jun snownall
1. How does Tekken 8 play on a GTX 1060 6GB 1080p?
2. What archetype of character was Lidia in Tekken 7? Never got her DLC but am interested in playing her in 8 as she is cute and the Polish prime minister which is wacky.
yeah, probably with tsr upscaling and medium/lowish setting
and lidia is a stance rushdown character
>GTX 1060 6GB 1080p?
Will probably struggle. Get the semi potato mod and set TSR to 70-80% and should run at 60 fps.

Lidia is stance centric character
If Heihachi can come back, can we get Final Jin outside the final segment of chapter 1?
Of course he won't have the auto parry
>How does Tekken 8 play on a GTX 1060 6GB 1080p?
tl;dr should be fine on medium settings
MY PEOPLE OF POLAND + loves food
I am playing 8 on a 1050Ti and getting 80+ fps if I set everything to the lowest setting
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there's a demo of tekken 8 you can play on steam to check
I hate that brown mishima players keep this franchise alive so it does the max to pander to them
I hate you guys. Saw a bunch of
posts and for the first time got hyped over Tekken 8, just to find out it's a schizo off meds
What time is Lidia releasing
After I give her the ol' natty lickaroo she'll be releasing all over my face.
I have had sex before but it was with a man masquerading as a woman
Most important reaction to the reveal of Heihachi
Why do you call him Craig he don't know you like that
i had sex with a pretty girl but this bitch basically flopped on the bed and made me do all the work
Who was that guy who made a bunch of videos on tekken plus other totally unrelated shit i forgot what it was. He was a white bald dude and I think he played jin.
6pm whatever USA time so next day for asia and euros
The summarize by me, how `Arslan Ash` win this EVO :
- Balance in between attack and defensive ability.
- Be able to escape from huge pressure, and reverse the situation.
- Unpredictable mix-up string and gameplay.
- Adapted so fast when facing with different characters.
- Optimized the ability of using the character, especially Nina.
- Strong reflexes against whiffs punish and lows attack.
- Master of mind-games.

(Thanks me later )
i love how low yoshimitsu is on all of these graphs, yet idiot mashers cry about him all the time because they got flash'd. same thing with xiaoyu
The summarize by me, how `Arslan Ash` win this EVO :
-play nina
Nina is honest high tier. You need a lot of skill to win with her.
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/ourguy/ is happy that his hard work is paying off.
the summary is that Nina has a more busted df1 than Kazumi or Kuni
He was only one of two Nina players in the top 32.
See >>487088504
If you actually want an easy time cruising to victory, pick Dragunov or Jack.
Arslan literally only used pokes with Nina.
He's not doing nothing crazy with her lmfao
of course it was filler, the "story" barely progressed. all it did was add a backstory to hei and kaz.
That's what happens when you get a cheap sex doll instead of a robot.
>downplaying nina
mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy
Arslan really is the GOAT. He adapted so quickly to mashen 8 it's ridiculous.
/ourguy/ is jdcr, not chokekicks
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>defeats Jin
>defeats drag
>defeats feng
Nina is tsuyoi!
Nina is mid tier. Nowhere as busted as Dragunov.
>hype rising again
arslan did it , he saved the game again
Delete all female characters
Bros...what happened to Nobi?
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God I hope this is gonna be Heihachi's default design from now on, not only looks way cooler than the tiger gi, the motherfucker had the same main look for 30 years with the only exception of Tekken 3, it's about time he gets a glow up
he got 3rd at the biggest tekken tournament ever
so if resurrection is now canonically possible in tekken what's stopping them from bringing back Kunimitsu and King uno.
What do the koreans think of pakis?
poke poke poke low poke poke poke
steal back turn with one same move if they were foolish enough not to launch
repeat every match
nerfing drag is actually pretty easy, whole reason he's broken is because there's no way to leave his pressure anymore. in t7 you could wait for d2 and then sort of reset to neutral. can't do it in t8 cause of db3+4 and fcdf14 and qcf4
solution? make fcdf14 +0 oh and qcf4 +2 ob
now you have frames to work with instead of dealing with fcdf14 and qcf4 all day
Kunimitsu never died, she was just ill and her daughter worked on making her happy so she would get better.
Because we never see the man underneath the mask, King uno is the same as his successor, that would be like selling people exact same character twice... so they might actually do it.
uhm.....but what happened to him
Here's a more important question:
What happened to Knee?
Why can't he even make top 8 anymore?
what happened to Tekken?
Kunimitsu I is sickly and old.
King I and AK I have accepted Jesus Christ as their lord and savoir and ascended to heaven.
>showing off his armpits
coombait character
Sounds like some Tekken 7 KINO
Why are we hating again
guys they're doing 4 EVO per year now, they even managed to break (buy) USA curse for SF, no way Speedkicks won't take at least one of these.....
speedkicks is retired thoughever so he won't travel outside USA
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poor steve he could be nutting inside her prime body rn
we're doing 2 in NA........
who is this speedkicks you guys keep simping over
70-80% Resolution
AA Low
Shadows Medium
Textures Medium
Effects Low
Post processing Low
Background Low (maybe Medium)

Also you must turn off Chromatic abberation through engine.ini file, turn on sharpen because this game looks like soap without it and turn on anisotropic filtering 16x.

Written by anon who's switched to RX 590 because it can run T8 on better settings with better performance for equal price
Resurrection is possible in a shitton of fictional universes, but that doesn't mean anyone has access to it (or wants it)
Hmmmm it's already July 22nd, where is it? Not hearing any fart sounds
after evo
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He's /ourguy/.
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should've been the default costume
because its boring and it was the entirety of mashhen 7, let mashhen 8 be free from it
Some mid Hwoarang player, Murray keeps mentioning him in here because he's obsessed with black people for some reason.
sounds like you just hate tekken
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Will he claim Reina too?
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Okubo only speaks with Nakatsu lmao
Heihachi is nice but it's not and hes also biggest evil nigger in tekken, jinpachi however..
>darkness, lightning
This may be Devil Reina
i honestly think knee is just along for the ride at this point
he's always going to be a top player, and he dominated for so long, but his era is over
pakistan really grinded and perfected tekken in a way the koreans weren't, and now even NA is placing and beating them
also knee has been pretty vocal about 8 being a mashfest, so I don't think he cares
what if arslan wins cotw next year
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>Winter = yellow/orange
I can't believe she's back on the menu
I was the world's best player by the end of Tekken 7, and my TWT victory put an end to all debates. However, Tekken 8 is a new game, and I need to start from scratch, winning numerous titles to reclaim my throne. I have faith that I'll become the best again, InshaAllah, soon.
he went viral for calling Murray a nigga and telling him to fix Kazuya
what if her costume 3 is just her topless
It's indeed very logical, it's implied Lidia is there to find her father's killer, so a daughter vs daughter fight. Heihachi's beef was always with his sons and grandson, so even Jun might be going for Devil Reina.
>even NA is placing
NA is free in tekken 8
Koreans need to get over their petty rivalries if they want to get back on top again.
The Pakistanis (and, to a lesser extent, the Japanese) work together, share tech and push each other to be better.
But with the Koreans it's all just rivalries.
If all the top Korean players actually practiced together the same way the Pakistani players did, they could easily match them.
NA just had 5 players in EVO top 16 while EU had 1 (who lost to speedkicks previously)
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their gonna give heihachi a new stance AND an install aren't they?
its alright man eu will place eventually don't worry
>harada says dlc 4 is not a guest
oh well, guess we are getting a guest as dlc 4
the schizo brazilian jin already exposed him
and new lows, and more range 3 plus on block mids, and keep his 10f wallsplat, also one button electrics
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NAbros... surely one of us will get in at the lcq...
>NA tournament had more NA players than EU
wow, that's crazy
let's see how many NA players place well in france evo next year
yeah that's part of it too but koreans also had/have weekly tournaments and they used to deathmatch a lot online
the pakistan grind is real, but it's not like the koreans don't play together
>Kazuya is jobber tier with devil
Who is going to deal with Heihachi then?
I hope jinpachi is on the table, he was so easy and effective, the first character I ever felt like I was good with in tekken (and yeah that's because he basically played himself but whatever)
Jin's work ended with Kazuya.
Lidia and Jun will go after Reina, or they would otherwise just job.
It's time for Lars to challenge Heihachi in a laughing contest, with Lee as the judge.
heihachi is the good guy, he's the one who deal with the bad guys now (he will wreck reina 1 on 1 in the beach stage)
jin has already beat heihachi without devil
as far as we see lars is just as strong or stronger
idk if her powers work on heihachi, but probably not

so basically lars and jin while kazuya stays at home and fucks jun
>Kazuya is jobber tier
Now i know why i play kazuya
kazuya is basically vegeta
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what rivalries? korean players are so polite and timid from what i've seen of them
>Reina and Heihachi fighting
won't happen, they're just going to hug
oh you sweet little 24er
it's a long story lil 24er
I hate heihachi coming back
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He even looks like him, down to the pointy hair and grumpy face
didn't they retconnect that hachi wants to eredicate the devil gene? if so, why would he hug reina now that she's confirmed to have it?
is that supposed to be an insult you boomers?
I'd link you all the juicy drama that western players compiled of 15 years worth of Korean rivalries over at TekkenZaibatsu.com, but the site is dead and now archived on fucking Discord of all things.
it's still partially up
autumn can't come soon enough
just for the record, i'm going to plug every heihachi player cause i can't lab the character
skill issue
just boot up t7 and practice the match up there
Reina is so cute when her face is being all innocent instead of looking like a arrogant cunt.
hachi in t8 will be inherently different from t7
It's tekken 5 jinpachi route
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Elizabros? Are we back or are we going back to sleep?
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December character is Armor King
december character is my COCK
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>Jinpachi was possessed by a demon
>Kasumi had the devil gene
>Kazuya had the devil gene
>Reina has the devil gene
>Jun is an exorcist
>Jin is an exorcist and had the devil gene
>Asuka is a lesbian
>Heihachi came back from Hell
Lars continues to be the only normal human being in this fucking family of monsters
Can't wait to see the new version of this ending.
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Come on now
You forgot Mr. Excellent.
And Lars got whatever gene Mishima inherit to make electricity, so he can power up his sexbot any time.
I wish he spoke swedish
I said normal human being, not "good" human being.
Adopted and ignored by Heihachi. Fucking Kuma is more part of the family than Lee
This is a normal human after 2 years of training
erase asuka she doesn't belong to main Kazama branch ahead form the irrelevant one
Armor king is lame asf and u know it
Armor Lidia unflushable poop
He need to happen so JCDR can regain his full power after Heihachi
the schizo theory will be in shambles when there's Eliza until season 3
Less ignored than Lars, he got education and even place in Mishima zaibatsu (supposedly led the whole american branch), and only got kicked out for siding with Kazuya and knowing about Kazuya's devil.
That's just the result of dicking your sexbot too much
Swedes are not normal human beings, they're all huge faggots
mutt hands typed this post
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Leave grandpa to me
shut up war criminal
Heihachi didn't knew Lars was his son and he still was an integral member of the Tekken Force, which was honestly more cherished by Heihachi than his children. Lee was ignored because he's Lee, adopted, chinese and fantasizes with oldmen serving him in skimpy clothing.
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KoF style game with this team please
He said sorry so it's okay.
finally mighty ruler as kazuya but I know it's not impressive :)
As if Heihachi and Kazuya aren't war criminals too
No. It will never be okay
Lars was Heihachi's proof that Mishima don't have the devil gene, so he knew he had a son, but left to get cigarettes when said son was a baby.
Tekken Force is just bunch of strong men that serve Heihachi, he didn't have any strong feelings for them, and Lars would just need to apply like any other.
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I wavedash like snail with aids, my electrics sucks,
i can't even play jin properly end me
But everyone dislikes them, Jin is now jinsus because everyone got dementia
Kazuya would've enslaved the world if it wasn't for our hero Jin
As a real Tekken fan I’m ready to apologize and say that Marduk or Fahkumram was better than Heihachi (not dead btw) DLC
Shut up Lars, go back to be a weeb
Same, anon. We were really robbed. I will never forgive Harada.
I actually thought I would never think this, but yes, way better than dropping these 2 turds later
You would be shitting the tree if they were announced instead shut up too
Devil jin dlc in tekken 9
>Akuma - DLC
>Heihachi - DLC
December is Kazumi
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>never died
Is that the true power of hack writting?
December is Julia
Remove Heat
true, it's Kazumi wearing a tiger (orange) bikini and he's now a MILF gyaru with blonde hair
I've never ragequit before but I've started just instantly alt f4ing anytime the game doesn't do what it's supposed to and it's working out pretty well at reducing frustration in this game
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reina is going to shit piss and cum when heihachi comes back
can we at least have happy ending or something with jin, tsundere kazuya and reformed gayhachi story doesn't matter anyway
that's some four dimensional tiered coping with skill issues
Lee will impregnate Reina
I can assure you that I have far more tournament winnings and rank points than you
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Kazuya after meeting Jun again a few seconds before finding out Heihachi is alive
More like Frauduya
And the baby's first word will be "excellent".
'novgods extracted an ocean of tears this weekend as expected
Heihachi looks younger, did the lava give him a facelift or something
literally me
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>Jun finding Kazuya unconscious
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Kazuya? More like kaJewya
Heihachi? More like Gayhachi
Reina? More like Gayna
Jin? More like Gayjin
Doesn't really work with Jin huh
people usually do mud baths to cleanse their skin, Heihachi is so hardcore nothing but molten lava will do
It works in him more than the others
Heihachi just got isekai'd to Soulcalibur 2 and finally came back through a portal.
VirJin was right there
Finna cum inside Reina and calm her genocidal urges
Erecjin disfuntion
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im so bored of ranked tekgen, recommend me a kiarostami movie
Mark Julio mafia 2024
Like someone in love
read a book nigga if you're bored
Book is fat I will never read a fat guy
>want to play ranked
>need to do 10 minutes of execution drills to warm up

life of a mishima main right here
Remember when we hated 7?
Still do
no one loves that shit just special needs snowflakes and reddit
Nothing changed
not watching evo again i sit in the office with one eye shut and feel like i worked in coal mines for a week fuck me
7 was great because it didn't have Heat shit
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Heihachi came back and restored out hopes and dreams.... fahk and marduk just a distant memory... we can look to a brighter future...
Kino, Thanks Harada.
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>been playing games from xbox game pass
>CPU temp goes up to 91C
>"wtf is my CPU fucked?"
>play some tekken from steam just to check
>temp stays at a cool 75-80C
What the fuck
>mashing df1
>his 16f df2 beats it and launches me
>mash out orbital because he always dickjabs
>his low floats me while airborne and launches me
alright im done with this game i pity anyone retarded enough to keep wasting their one precious life on this piece of shit
picking up jin to prepare for heihachi
what should i know bros?
If the lore is suddenly important again, can we talk about how everyone seems to forgive Jin after he started WW3? Can we talk about how he suddenly cares about everyone? Can we talk about how the series is pushing JinxXiaoyu and KazuyazJun hard despite the former having zero chemistry and Jin not caring about her at all before that point (and no, the email in the 4th game is not confirmed to have come from him) and the latter indirectly causing Kazuya's death after the 2nd game?
anyways only dumb low iq nigger gorillas play raven
imagine loosing evo title to poojack 5 times
Why are Jack throws so fucking hard to break? I feel like I HAVE to watch the first part of the break animations to guess the throw because his arms are so covered and/or ambiguous all the time
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Its okay bro, Jin said he was really sorry and he punched the big devil man and removed devil from himself and his dad, hes a good guy now!
11 into 2 confirm
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for jin's eyes only
t. devil jin player
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*gets flushed by 'nov*
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Jin saved the world using Angel powers so it's okay.

War is literally the point of our species so who cares.
How many EVOs does Arslan have to win before you give him his hard earned respect?
blah blah blah
one billion, or when he forfeits his paki citizenship
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5 starts right after 4 and as soon as Jin took over the zaibatsu he started WW3.
He never had time to train.

Meanwhile, Kazuya was getting better at using his devil powers
and Heihachi literally hid himself throughout 5 & 6 to continue his training.

Jin was asleep throughout 7 while Kazuya and Heihachi grew stronger.
Jin was so much weaker than Kazuya that he needed to use angel powers
to cancel out the devil gene Kazuya worked on mastering. Heihachi is now stronger than Jin and Kazuya because he put the work as a martial artist.

Power levels are consistent and Heihachi's the man we should all strive to be.
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The Angel Gene thing is just as retarded. It's like they ran out of ideas
The whole Devil gene is when it fell apart. It was better when it was literal satan that Kazuya sold his soul to when he was a kid.
>kazuya has no devil gene
goddamn, this nigga gonna be RUNNING from heihachi
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We love 7 here
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they'll put Kazuya in Violet suit, too
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>implying kazuya will give any fucks when he can eat this hairy pussy every day
>Kazuya embraces his true potential as a human and uses human power to finally kill his dad once and for all
Seeing how Heihachi is also a human
kazuya is into shoes not hoes
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>not only Lidia but Heihachi back to back
K W A B, just delete this turd here already ctrl+z
It's almost as if the main draw of fighting games is rosters and gameplay, and the story mode is just a cute little backdrop.

Retard. Read a novel if you're expecting Shakespeare storytelling.
If the pussy was truly fire he'd be looking for Jun as soon as he came back in 4. Heihachi could easily seduce her btw.

>"but ho-

He's HIM.
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tekken seriously needs an emergency balance patch.
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pussy was fire enough for him to wife her, nuff said
Wasn't Arslan supposed to be playing Yoshi at EVO?
So what's the point of Reina now if Heihachi ENTERS Tekken again?
She will join Asuka and Lili to create yuribait triangle
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A fighting game featuring most of Shakespeare's characters would be kino though. You got Macbeth, Macduff, etc.
the schizo pointed out the darkwaves in the trailer are eliza
Tag team against Jin and Kazuya
It's obviously devil Reina poor schizo
why did ulsan switch to reina anyway?
better die a hero than embarrass yourself as a villain
ulsan's dragunov cannot compete with nobi
and nobi's dragunov cannot compete with atif
Speedkicks is stronger than Knee.

I mean this without irony or any other qualifiers. Right now I'd bet money on Speedkicks winning a Ft10
he got tired of this bullshit
knee remains king of deathmatches.
there's 0 way he'd lose a ft10 to sneed, but there can be a slight chance that sneed could win a ft2 against knee
bro this is a different circumstance bro uts different this isn’t a retcon this isn’t shitting on tekken 7’s already bad story and definitive volcano death sequence this will not change anything just buy it I swear bro just pay for heihachi dlc please bro this is resurrection not a retconning this is murray’s cerebral writing bro this is going to be hype there are differences please
the Ft10 format is speedkicks worst enemy, it's too many sets for him to not sabotage himself
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Awwwww yeeeeaaaahhhh
It's not a 1:1 thing, Ulsan just cannot beat Nobi. He washed him in combo breaker and Dreamhack. It's like the CBM vs JDCR matchup. CBM basically always gets shiton by JDCR but gun to my head I had to pick one of them to beat Arslan I'd pick CBM every single time
unironic hopefuel
saving this for future
>Tekken 9
You're stuck in 8 for 5 more years at least
he wanted to go out a hero
we gonna go for tekken 8 for 10 years bros
hope you niggas get kids soon
6 months*
t8 will die the same day vf6 is announced
The secondary unit should be online WITHIN SIX MONTH
what happens when vf dies again
I will be the most corrupt lawyer by then nothing of kids
Markman played 100 versions of T8 and they still managed to release Dragunov as a boss character prenerf only to be SSS+ tier after nerfs.
Nice one bruv
tekken 9 will hopefully copy from vf remnants and we will have another tekken gold age
would have been hyped if speed made it but eh
>most corrupt lawyer
good luck with that, there are already lawyers leagues ahead of you lol
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>Tekken WEG
oh please god yes
This, Reina is only going to be played by character loyalists once Lidia and Heihachi are in the game and do what Reina does but infinitely better.
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>inb4 "I never left you"
Would you be fine with the calm personality though?
it's not going to be heihachi once jin defeats him his chest opens up and you find out it was a robot piloted by roger jr all along
where's the fucking PATCH?
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So what do we do about Lidia players playing like this once she's out?
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lili should rent Asuka to a jav studio for money
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Reinabros...it's over...
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I'm off to buy Hori OCTA Commander. Gonna main Heihachi!
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should've bought betop shadow thorn
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how's the game? heihachi trailer made me want to reinstall
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come back when Heihachi releases and we get story with Eliza
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what game?
It sucks because of Heat and tracking bullshit
Heihachi inherited Jinpachi's curse
guess I might as well wait a little bit more
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Finally a good plot in Tekken.
Is Lidia 12 or 24 hours?
Its fun, honestly just good fun.
after evo
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Lidia is more broken than Dragunov. If you play Lidia come back. If you don't stay away.
You mean the Devil Gene
Hori Octa is million times better for Fireballs and DPs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLX4ch8x-uA
>boot t8
>plug dragunov
my day just got better
Jin is so lucky bros...
I hate lars so fucking much it's unreal
>Fireballs and DPs
wrong gen buddy
The d-pad shits itself after a few months
When the fuck is Lidia out, we're the 22
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Don’t know if anyone is saying it here, but I’ve seen other places say that Heihachi was basically a “panic button” since the datamines of “leaked” Fahk and Marduk, just gonna say that shit is completely false. It was already stated we’d be getting free story DLC and it’s very Heihachi centric, something like that had to be planned way before. The datamines seem like they were trying to throw off leakers
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>"I got you, bro"
So, what, they were trying to play 4D chess with us?
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Bro it's pretty clear they Banco designed Heihachi since 2024. Don't try to go mental gym with ''Oh they rushed Heihachi in two months because of Marduk''
not really no
So does that mean the 4th dlc character won't be a part of the story dlc? Guest character?
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yeah, murray fake liked a Marduk tweet to fuck with people
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More like just regular 2D chess, it's not that complex of a situation
>mashing df1
>his 16f df2 beats it and launches me because I pressed too late because i have no clue how the input buffer works and thus got CH'd
>mash out orbital because he always dickjabs
>his high or mid floats me while airborne and he gets a deserved float combo for making a correct read
alright i gotta think more instead of mashing my flowcharts, im happy for anyone strong enough to get better at this game
i remember they said no guest characters in S1
haven'\t been rematched by a single person today
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I think it was said no guests for Season 1 due to everything being planned for it/assuming they didn’t reach out to anyone yet. But idk, they like to lie kek. If not season 1, season 2 for sure.
what an poor people argument
the dual shock broke even faster after EWGF grind
How does that even happen. What does it mean? What the actual fuck
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guis=e chec[k ou@t my ne!w wa÷y o)f typin&g, isn'#t i?t jus-t coo^l an%d quirk/y an<d elegan;t???
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urusai na omae wa
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>S1 New Story releases during Autumn and is set during The Dark Awakens story
>EVO already passed, and if they're gonna reveal guest characters it's probably there
>4th DLC character probably won't take a part of S1 New Story, but they probably will take part of S2 New Story that will most likely take place after The Dark Awakens
Am I looking too much into it?
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/vg/ told me Arslan was washed
what is knee thinking rn?
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>Eliza is 4th DLC
It begins. True Tekken is home.
>shit+s pant×s
>hold÷s u=p spor/k
durrrrr_r wha<t wa>s I abou[t t]o d!o agai@n????
knee is the one who's truly washed
bro is like a boxer who has punch drunk after going against too many pakis
shion's tits are hypnotizing
>Why is Arslan the only pro abusing Nina.
>Bitch is never minus on anything and has great counterhits, combos and damage but everyone else just plays Dragunov or Feng or something like that.
Because people who are good at the game know Nina isn't S tier
I can't even begin to imagine how much an original USM Haller of that size must cost in Japan
something kimchi
random waifu
>I could really go for a pound of kimchi and two entire packs of cigarettes right now
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who’s voicing him though? The Bloodlines guy?
I don't understand electrics on keyboard switches
there's a period where I go to Korean restaurants to mainly eat banchan and leave the main course to my gf
Based Arslan proved that you can win even with honest low tier like Nina.
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>Shion sucked Harada's so hard we will be getting Eliza
Say thank you to her.
>Because people who are good at the game know Nina isn't S tier
People who are pros at the game lie all the fucking time about character tier placements because they have a financial incentive to do so, they also play a different game.
Nina is easily S tier though, she's just harder to get results with at a pro level than for example Feng or Dragunov.
>I don't understand
play on something else then
sex plz
Nobody who isn't Arslan thinks she's below S tier. She is very obviously S tier to everybody except most Nina mains.
It's never over because of lewd mods
Still hoping for Fahk considering the reveal is happening at TGU buuut

>Hei in flashback gets added
I hope ogre follows suit

Also wasn't he trying to smoke the strongest fighter and absorb their powers or some shit?
If hei is back and stronger than ever I can see ogre resurrecting and gunning for him as part of the plot
yeah Arslan is doing all the complicated fun stuff with nina and totally not only doing jabs and powercrush heat dash.

He plays nina like he plays Kazumi. Good for him, but fuck it sucks to watch.
Absolutely, was just writing this and saw your post.
>t-they backpedaled t-to respond to criticism and match Horror Engine Fighter!
They did not. As you pointed out the Story Mode Expansion just happens to come out in Autumn (we've known this for months), along with Hei. Hei was always going to be the Autumn DLC.

After the whole base roster got leaked, they executed all the pajeet leakers and worked on placing the seeds of doubt. It's beautiful really
>Put 4 datamine characters in the files, two real ones and two fake (to be fair, "Vale Tudo" already was in one of the Beta Test versions, but I can't recall if this was before or after the great roster leak)
>"Heihachi Mishima izu compuretery dead"
(Post-game release)
>Story Mode and Character Episodes call attention to Heihachi's "disappearence"
>Give thanks to Capoeira and Muay Thai masters in the game's closing credits
>Remove the datamined characters from the game files to reinforce the idea they are indeed real
>Reveal Eddy: people believe the datamines more
>Reveal Lidia, associate DLC3-4 with blue and orange: people now fully believe the datamines and are convinced DLC3-4 must be Marduk and Fahk
>Harada calls DLC3 "Koala", which just so happens to both match Heihachi's looks and Marduk's country
(Right before the Heihachi reveal)
>People are sure DLC3 is Marduk, no one is even hyped for this anymore

They were trolling us the whole time. On one side, making sure we would fully expect Marduk, on the other thinking there would be no way Heihachi could ever be S1. Harada outright brags about this by showing the "Heihachi Mishima izu compuretery dead" skit at the end of the trailer.
Heck at this point I wonder if the Xiao Meng leak was circulated by them too.
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Heihachi was actually completely dead, this scene seems like him being resurrected and his body is forming back. He doesn’t even have his hair here, it’ll probably regenerate in this scene too
I want to drink asuka's mommy milk from the source
For someone to be S tier they have to be tier whore picked.
Until I see as many people pick up Nina like your drags and fengs I won't rank her the same as them. She's in the rank with King.
>She is very obviously S tier to everybody except most Nina mains.
Yet nobody picks her and just pocket drag/feng
or he has it down and he gets reawakening (symbolized by the static doing his stupid haircut) since monks botched the resurrection and he came without his memories, alternatively a magical amnesia till the temple is destroyed
>asuka's mommy milk
So Jun's booba milk? Based.
t. nina main
Feng and drag are also S tier but their gamplans are simpler
Nina mains really think that she's not S tier when she has:
>S tier combo damage
>S tier wall carry
>S tier poking
>S tier whiff punishment
>S tier block punishment (11i heat engager, reliable heat engager deathfist punishment)
>great CH game
>great anti movement buttons
>semi safe generic d4 in a game where everyone's d4 is -15
>second best throw game after King
>great approach tools
>great standing chunky 50/50s
>great FC 50/50s
>best mid PC in the game

She's worse than Feng and Jin by a mile
So he should play her like Jodd and lose?
Arslan is the only player who can make Nina look boring holy
That top 6 was shit lmao, the Kazuya and Reina blowup was the most entertaining matches
I said good for him. Hes winning.
Im saying it sucks to watch
But Arslan himself said that Nina was top 3~5 since day 1, lmao.
Arslan also told a lot of people that Katarina was really good long before using her in Twt finals, so you can sure as fuck trust his honest opinion on the matter.

>Yet nobody picks her and just pocket drag/feng
Just like how everybody played Akuma in T7, amirite? Like how every single Evo ince 2016 had 7 Akumas in the top 8, amirite?
>Feng and drag are also S tier but their gamplans are simpler
And please explain to me how elaborate Arslan played with Nina? You can't justify why nobody pockets Nina as much but will still insist she's in the same rank as them lmfao
they're really going to put ghetto ass foamposites in the game. probably like 10 tekken players can pull them off in a outfit
>Im saying it sucks to watch
I enjoy good fundies.
I enjoy floyds fights back in the day
>Atif on x : "I'm not too happy with my performance, but I will try my best to improve, Insha'allah. Also congrats to Arslan."
>Actual tournament : 9-0ed the OG Drag main in a Drag mirror match after previously defeating him in pools.
Nobibros... what has he done to warrant such humiliation?
Im sure
that's heihachi brother btw, it's not him.
If you're a tier whore you'd just pick Drag instead. Nina may be strong, but she's not as brute force mash monkey as Drag is. Same goes for Jin and Feng who are still mostly played by people who specialised into him in T7
it's his brother mantling him, by a matter of pure coincidence Lidia's father/grandfather was actually an offshot of mishima clan from the times of Ancient Lechite Empire
>every nigger is downplaying their character
When the fuck does lidia unlock.
>over 8k players in
Well I guess everything is forgiven for bamco?
Feels weird they'd put out this huge side story that links together 3 of the 4 DLCs and leave out the fourth one to do his/her own thing. But I think it's Josie
>Josie uses Muay Thai, wears yellow, and Kuma at the very least wanted her in TF
>A Muay Thai consultant was mentioned in the T8 credits
>DLC4 is yellow/orange
>Eddy is gathering reformed/good TF soldiers
Though, what is strange is that the Jun story expansion doesn't seem to be related to the Tekken Monks plot. Maybe that one is much shorter.
Reina will morph into Heihachi for the rest of the match after winning a round with a RA.
The final explosion looks like Heihachis head.
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Of all the e-celebs, I didn't expect Lily to be so engrossed into Tekken. I thought they'd be done with the game after their eceleb tourney.
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please good sir very much i ask
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I wish i was jobless american twitter-twitch attention star, i'm jealous
I already redeemed the creamapi
Guess Asuka vs Coo Coo wars is over and Asuka is win!
Coo Coo poster can't handle with boke power~
The compilation of ladyboys asses creampied
i will join a tekken tournament once they put Pinya as reward
yes they need to buff king
the world championship of our big fighting game franchise will be.....right next to our local of work

please understand
In Thailand they announced Fahk
In Poland they announced Lidia
In Japan they announce.....?? Kunimitsu?
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Virtua Fighter 6 and the revival of SEGA Arcade in Shibuya
Goh will be my main
waiting for frame kino
Tiger Mask guy is NOT Heihachi yet, but he becomes Heihachi later on by sacrificing himself. He's Heihachi in body, looks and power but they literally say his mind isn't quite there. The word they use is "kokoro" which means soul also.
He's wearing the tiger mask to highlight the fact he isn't really Heihachi, so he should hide his face.
This is why Tiger Mask is on the trailer thumbnail even though he's not technically Heihachi himself.

The Bird Mask monk is the one who turns the sky red, that's the ritual they use to place Hei's soul in Tiger Mask's body.
This is why the the one who calls himself Heihachi at the end is wearing the blackTekken Monk outfit, but it's all tattered. This is right after the soul transfer ritual is complete.

tl,dr: Heihachi does really resurrect, but in another body.
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i wish he already changed games for real
it's so clear that chipotle and nike money carried the story free-Mode anyway.
Nigga where do you Jin there?! She’s not even naked there
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Also, in CET time please.
Should I play kazuya or reina until heihachi drops
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Lili? Naked?
Eliza is man behind the mask. My dark deep waifu instinct tells me so.
and a coffee, with 2 tsp of sugar
Kek. No she’s not naked there, you are not needed
what is it like to touch a woman's hand?
Try raping one, you’ll see
Heihachi ia gonna be so broken in this game lmfao I'VE WAITED YEARS
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Nice big white cock
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Do you agree?
Boomers are so annoying
crowd puller huh

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