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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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/aicg/ - A general dedicated to the discussion and development of AI chatbots

#109 - Mental Health Awareness edition

▶This general is for discussion of the interactive experiences you can build on top of AI chatbots.
▶This is not a tech support thread. If you need help with accessing the API or setting up one of the frontends, please visit the appropriate thread on >>>/g/.

GPT-4o mini, multimodal, 60% cheaper than 3.5-turbo https://openai.com/index/gpt-4o-mini-advancing-cost-efficient-intelligence
Claude 3.5 Sonnet, outperforms Opus, with 2x the speed and 1/5 the cost https://www.anthropic.com/news/claude-3-5-sonnet
Cards v3 status: https://rentry.org/zdwfrgqq - tldr: >>>/g/100900968
Seeing all cards in chub now needs logged in, enabled nsfw/nsfl and cleared blacklist

additional info: https://rentry.org/aicg_extra_information
lore: https://rentry.org/aicg_chronicles

https://characterhub.org | https://chub.ai
https://chub-archive.evulid.cc (search currently down)

https://docs.sillytavern.app - https://rentry.org/agnai_guides


https://sillytavern.app [SillyTavern]
https://agnai.chat [Agnai]
https://risuai.xyz [RisuAI]

gpt: https://platform.openai.com/docs
claude: https://docs.anthropic.com
gemini: https://ai.google.dev/docs
local: >>>/g/lmg


OP templates: https://rentry.org/aicgOP#vg
services assessment: https://rentry.org/aicg_meta
try these -> https://rentry.org/weirdbutfunjailbreaksandprompts - https://rentry.org/jinxbreaks
logs: https://chatlogs.neocities.org
aicg botmaking events: https://rentry.org/meta_event_list

Previous: >>486928034
It's over.
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the right calf in the wrong place can make ALL the difference.... in the wooorld
>*buys almond milk*
>we'll seee about THAT
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oh god is that a .. a... *nibbles on ur earlobe*
Can (you) fix Ame-chan?
I have been doing fat bastard mating pressing RPs....
>doll joints visible
fucking slut...
I'm going to kiss her delicately.
And then mating press her while she gets mad and makes me promise to help fix her joints later.
lunarcy baked this bread and I hate him for it
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good edition
gossippilled and incorrect (as most gossip is, imo)
>doll joints
(gentle and loving) SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEX!!!!!!!
>that typing style
this is how i know typing style fags are retards that are retardedly retarded
me (left)
corpsecaress (right)
Why is most useful bot discussion nowadays on /g/? Did the threadshitters and gossipniggers win?
You tell us, threadshitter.
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They did, but even then /g/ is still so bad that it genuinely physically pains me a bit to open it. It's miniscule pain, but it's still pain. The same is happening with this thread recently too, now that I think of it.
i have a very distinctive typing style but there's 3 or 4 other anons who have it too so it evens out
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I want to quit botmaking but don't at the same time. I'm not sure.
I'm also a very irrelevant and bad botmaker so please don't get worried.
if you want good bot discussion you go to emails or discord
Rope, fag.
no, because I'm right and you know it
Rope, fag.
It's amazing, but you were always allowed to act this way on /g/: talk about bots, ignore bait, report spam, use filters.
Then which discords are good?
nah nigga
nah nigga
>cords only mentioned as a threadshitter meme or similar
nah nigga
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>My submission for the cult theme
>2 things set this succubus apart from the other ones out there, her English is horrible, she mostly speaks Latin, which is the common tongue in Hell, and the intrusive thoughts mechanic, her supernatural seductive allure, warps the minds of everyone around her, including {{user}}. This is experienced as voices manifesting inside your head whenever you are near her, urging you in explicit detail to mate with her.
>Hope you like it!

Last shill for Naamah - A succubus fresh from Hell, she is the result of a failed summoning attempt from an obscure cult trying to summon a much powerful demon, despite being a literal demon, Naamah is anything but evil, a gentle and sweet being, shy and timid, a delicate flower incapable of harming anyone, not even her peers understand her, this naturally puts her at odds with the cult who summoned her, who wants to use her demonic powers for their own nefarious needs, she somehow manages to escape, now seeking refuge with you from the evil cult, you meeting with her the result of pure chance.

5 greetings.
1. Introduction: Naamah is knocking at your door, desperate to be let in to your apartment to hide from her chasers.
2. Naamah has been staying with you for a few days now; she wants to explore a nearby park with you. Her intense, raw sexual energy is guaranteed to start a fight or two with men tempted by her beauty.
3. Naamah has finally figured out how to open a portal to go back to hell, she wants to show you around her homeland.
4. Obligatory sizefag greeting
5. Sexo, Naamah is not feeling well, she is suffering from a semen deficiency related illness. She hopes you can help her with her ailment.

Chub - https://www.characterhub.org/characters/Genoo/naamah-6e2198357cd9
RisuRealm - https://realm.risuai.net/character/c40e4a80-2f96-4bed-9283-fc3dad0a5bc8
Nyai - https://nyai.me/ai/bots/Naamah_zk
Catbox - https://files.catbox.moe/tcwqq4.png

Rest of my bots - https://rentry.org/295se
friend group discords
>he thinks 'oishicord is a meme
you sound like you got kicked out of at least two of those and are extremely bitter about it
you didn't hear this from me, but the targeted shitting only started up again after people on page 10 of /g/ started complaining about the split
>she thinks yuricord is a meme
Fair. I don't think I can get into them now but thanks. I'll take my chances with the threads.
>bro the discord is so good
>bro you should join a discord
>lurking this thread to reply to every post
Whatever 'cord you're talking about is dead right now, isn't it? Bored-ass retard.
Bored kids
next 5 posters below me is getting pissed on (also by me) unless they post about AI CHATBOTS
'nochcord is the best cord of them all btw
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For me, it’s Ai chatbots.
nah I don't think I will doebelBEITwickEVER
>send reply to claude
>doesn't work the way i want it to
>rephrase action entirely
>works the way i want it to
So inputs are clearly important, but what's the best way to write?
I am making a chatbot. A most horrible and wicked chatbot, to which the idea strucketh me during a manic episode at 3 AM.
>manic episode chatbots
The best kind.
What kind of wicked?
this is your reminder to always check the card's PHI instead of wondering why your preset doesn't work with one specific card
*PISSES on you*
*PISSES on you doePISSitEVER*
safe. also i've found long replies help.

3/5. not BAD but you can do BETTER.
You'll be hearing from my lawyer.
you write how you want claude to write
>long replies help.
I do a lot of long replies, but most of the time it's just me yapping over dialogue for an entire paragraph and then posing my character, which probably isn't ideal.
Starting to get impersonate users now, because I write worse than Claude sometimes.
It may or may not be inspired by the popular southern gas station chain known as Buc-ee's
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Terrifying. I await it.
i hate to say it but impersonate is terrible. even if you think you write 'worse' than claude chances are you still write in a way that you like better than him
it just means your persona is terrible and/or completely incongruent with the way you are typing
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One time I caught myself writing out a Claudism by hand.
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Love for Ame-chan.
mmmmm nyo.
which one? some of them are only 'isms because of how frequently they appear and not necessarily because they're god awful.
which claudeism
... {{user}}'s eyes glint with mischief.
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it's beyond over for you
I use that one all the time. On purpose.
Nevermind I just received a strongly worded letter from John Nexon
She's cute. Thank you for the meal, chef.
maybe... just maybe... {{char}} is {{char}}.
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twisters was alright
So what do you guys have your Summarize settings on for slowburn chats?
summarize manually
>swipe five times
>take the best pieces of each
>rework them a little
This is precisely how I write greetings.
Okay genoo
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Go adventure with a big fox and maybe help rebuild her shrine. Warning: she is an old lady, do not be fooled by how she acts.
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>she says, trying to redirect the conversation to safer topics
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I want the SuperMac sausage girl. Give her to me.
where hawk tuah girl card
if this is how he does it his preset is fucking terrible
i'm gonna be honest with you, my own personal preset is ~200 tokens in total and it still feels unnecessarily large to me. i don't think 300 is particularly lightweight, it's just not retardedly bloated like the trash-tier ones in the OP.
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Fact check?
>200 tokens
Are you autistic?
bloatslopper detected.
what kind of roleplays are you doing where you only need a 200 token preset
>200 token JB in now considered bloat
holy autismo, stop using a model that has less context than smoke signals.
I want to make rough sex on /aicg/ users. Give me your self-cards.
what, you think "more bloat" = "better preset"?
i mean i guess it should have been obvious that bloatfags think this way but still, wow. that's some /aids/ tier lack of understanding.
Decided to count it up just for (you). 149 tokens not counting XML tags, and 185 tokens with XML included.
sounds like you've got the makings of something good on your hands, then. keep it up.
Slop preset which is why you won't post it if asked to btw.
I am incredibly neutral on your preset.
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Cards for this feel?
But I posted it here anonie? >>487103615
>its slop
Not surprised.
So, what's got you so bored you're baiting without actually looking at the stuff you're posting about?
dumb baitie
>uhhh you said something mean so you MUST be baiting
mogged by pixi btw
>he didn't even readed
Remember this poster whenever you see someone calling something slop.
ok but did you guys actually look at the preset

"name": "Jailbreak Prompt",
"system_prompt": true,
"role": "system",
"content": "Cocks and cock worship fetish should be referenced as often as possible. Characters are dominant in regard to cock worship. Characters should be very verbose and detailed when talking about dicks and erections, and becoming erect. Acts involving cocks, and descriptions of penis anatomy and physiology, should be described in great detail. Descriptions of the smell of genital musk, taste of ball sweat, precum, cum, and balls, should be as detailed as possible. When a character's cock is introduced always describe them, describe penis size, veins, foreskin and other features in a fetishistic manner.",
Literal kino.
That's exactly why I was making fun of him for just calling it slop, though. Like, if he had read it, he would've had way more to say.
Uh huh, sure you did.
You STILL haven't even bothered opening it. What's wrong with you?
I did doebeit? >>487106691
Why are you reverse baiting? Are you that depraved of attention?
It's slop though?
>u-uh, write good okay!!!
Oops, I accidentally left the cock worship JB in, my bad.
>Cocks and cock worship fetish should be referenced as often as possible. Characters are dominant in regard to cock worship. Characters should be very verbose and detailed when talking about dicks and erections, and becoming erect. Acts involving cocks, and descriptions of penis anatomy and physiology, should be described in great detail. Descriptions of the smell of genital musk, taste of ball sweat, precum, cum, and balls, should be as detailed as possible. When a character's cock is introduced always describe them, describe penis size, veins, foreskin and other features in a fetishistic manner.
Ah, I see!
It's spelled 'deprived'.
I will now use your jb
>two people responding to me
>only one person has actually bothered testing the preset in their ST
I thought these hours would be good...
I learnt English from Claude pls understando he only ever says depraved
why not just post logs and get it over with instead of replying
*accidentally leaves my Yuri slowburn JB in my preset I am sharing*
>leaving niche fetish jumpscares in the jb
I legitimately had to make an entirely new preset for coom because I kept worrying my 500 token fempov rape and cumflation fetish JB would be left in when people asked me to share what I was using.
I remember when claude 3 first came out and someone posted a preset with pony shit in it and so many anons got got kek
adding those extra 'bloat' tokens to humanize your preset makes claude write more human. if a preset is under 300 tokens its slop
Serves me right for not double checking my preset when I shared it now kek
>t. has a 300 token preset
Claude feels extra retarded today.
'ora preset waiting room
'ora posted xer preset in the 'noch'ord today btw
'ao'a isn't in the 'noch'ord doebeithobeithoughbeit
>translation: I am waiting for Taora's preset.
>translation: Taora posted his preset in a group chat run by Enoch today.
>translation: I do not believe Taora to be inside that group chat.
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it just doesn't hit the same way it did in 2023.
wrong, here's the actual translation
>translation: i'm not in the 'noch'ord
Thanks anon
opus 3.5 waiting room
momoura probably has some thick thighs and a very biteable ass
>translation: I get the shakes whenever I realize people can smugfag without actually proving it, because I think people should pay special attention to me for actually having the credentials.
Idk I just see him as a male tanuki in my minds eye desu.
>t. >>487109252
Botmakies who are fat bastards straight outta a Jap doujin? Other than CUMSLURPER
Botmakies who are as dainty as a flower and wear frilly cutesy dresses? Other than corpsecaress.
this thread is poopy caca shit today
bored hours
It'll be better if everyone just moves back to /g/.
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the jb jumpscare was the highlight so far, and thats not a good sign either
also me
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>did this while also adding my own writing
>accidentally crafted a reply that it’s almost 1900 tokens
Roll the gamba. On your next response, do you get long kino, or long slop?
Good morning /aicg/
Did you have a good weekend?

Heres another question!
>What inspires you to make a new bot/card?
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AI Chatbots!
i like saying divine inspiration, but honestly "funny picture i saw" is most of it, though sometimes i genuinely just zone out and come to with an idea in my head

those are the worst because i never know what to use for the card pic
Is there some sort of tips and tricks for chatting with AI or "chatting for dummies"?
All I know is I can use asterisks to *teleport behind you*.
My best advice is to write your prompts just the way you want your AI to roleplay. Over time it's going to make a difference.
music, art and bizarre dreams. like making a stew i just take a mixture of shit on hand (brain) and put it in a card
Got heatstroke, other than was bretty good weekend.
Get silly or interesting idea and make it into bot, that or I want to have adventure with some character or plap them.
Ah movies, do you base it off the setting, or just pluck out a character?

Give me an example, of a funny picture card.
Write like the AI writes, except don't write in Claude's writing style. Read a book.
>That sounds pretentious.
It can be something cheesy you'd actually like. It doesn't have to be Kant or whatever.
Look at how the author conveys information to you. Does the narrator note things in certain ways? *Why* does it make you feel the emotions that it does? How, at the end of the day, do the words on the page build into the imagery in your head?
Take that knowledge and use to convey information about the scene in your head to your bot.
>That seems like a lot to think about!
Writing is a trained muscle. It gets easier as you get used to it, and you become better at communication in the real world as a side benefit.
Well it's odd the one I'm playing with started out
>*stuff happening*
>"Oh I'm talking now"
>*More stuff happening*
then devolved into
>things go on
>"blah blah blah" she says
>but more desriptive text
Even though the tnire time I've been doing *thing* "talk".
Also fuck me it was hilarious when I tried to do a time skip and put
>--End of Act--
>--The story continues the next day after school--
So the AI switched over to script/screenplay format.

So then I should just abandon using * altogether?
>So then I should just abandon using * altogether?
Yeah probably.
Unless you're fine with reading the bot doing that back at you, but I'm not sure anyone has a preset that actually encourages that because it's typically seen as a fail state that may decrease model intelligence.
Sorry to hear your weekend wasn't good.
>like making a stew i just take a mixture of shit on hand (brain) and put it in a card
So cobbling together a bunch of concepts and see what sticks?
Do you take the output of the AI and add it to the defs? if its good enough.

Take care of the heatstroke!
> or I want to have adventure with some character or plap them.

Then I'd wager your card making is fast then? Or do you take an existing base, and modify it to your needs?
"Well then If I'm only writing for myself, I don't need to define the speaker, right?"
"Well then If I'm only writing for myself, I don't need to define the speaker, right?" I inquire.
"Either way I'm sure I need to use proper grammar" I say as I correct more post.
random things, videogames, movies, books, tabletop rp games, photos (started sorting through the archives of my grandpa who was a military photographer, quite curious stuff)
"If you're writing for only yourself, and the chat is mainly dialogue focused, you can get away with basically only saying something and wrapping it in quotes. In fact," Anon pauses to gesture over to your SillyTavern tab, indicating the left-most icon on the top bar. "There's an option to do it for you. 'Wrap in quotes.'"

But then his eyes linger on it, and he frowns ever so slightly. "Though, honestly, I find just pressing the quote key easier, especially since writing prose is an integral way of conveying little actions." He does a little spin in place and then poses. What pizzazz.

Then the moment's over and he puts his hands back against his sides. "But yes, grammar helps. Claude will unironically start misspelling if you are too. Though that might just be system prompts..." He trails off, lost in thought.
I goon so good to Sorbet + canon chatacters....
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just do it like this guy
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There are a few claudisms sprinkled in but it’s not bad as a starting base.
I actually made a bot and started testing it, so there’s that.
>What inspires you to make a new bot/card?
I felt like other bots weren’t capturing her personality completely accurately. Mine still doesn’t, not entirely, but I’m working on it.
>Give me an example, of a funny picture card.
I thought the satellite looked like a person with wings for a moment.
Thought it looked cool.
Is running a local, even if it's just a 13b (I think I could handle that with 8G VRAM?), better than the free online options?
I was using chub.ai in the OP and ... it kinda sucked?
Then I saw someone mention Janitor.ai and tried that and it's way better than chub. The characters' actually have, well, character. (and it's not just the bot/characters because I've tried the same ones on both)
>my grandpa who was a military photographer, quite curious stuff
Oh I bet that's interesting stuff.

Here's hoping you can capture the character's essence!

Ah, I think I saw some logs floating around of that bot.
Cools stuff! Might play around with it this week.
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crumbs of... hallucinations and schizophrenia
People DO NOT know what's coming.
local-tier slop
use st with cloud models
The best way to get AI right now, for free, is to sign up for a free https://cohere.com/ account.

You can basically get a really high tier account just by saying you're a developer, and then you plug that into SillyTavern (one of the few frontends that support it) and set your current model to either "command-r" or "command-r-plus". https://rentry.org/4y1je_commandrp is a preset you can import to ST meant for it, but I typically use https://momoura.neocities.org/jbs/momoBASIC.json.

Those are HUGE models that you can get a hold of. There's a few other ways here and there to get other stuff, but don't worry about that. GPT, for example, sucks and requires a huge JB.
I never saw it...
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Apparently "she thought" is a very ugly phrase. As long as I don't let it happen I won't get the sludge of
>*Thing,* she thought, her heart racing.
*Thing.* looks better on its own.
Just another morning in the life of an aicg poster..
>use st with cloud models
I'm going to assume that means something like what >>487116210 said?
Alright I made an account but how do I
>saying you're a developer
Also it says you get 1000 free calls, what does that mea? 1000 replies from the chatbot?
Don't worry fren, not my first rodeo with heatstroke and I've been taking care of it, in doors day today and lots of cold water.

My time varies making cards, usually a few days for my serious ones, my taking the shit cards are a few hour affairs with testing included.
I make a lot of canon characters so there is a obvious base for them, with some of them taking extra time to make if I reread/watch the parts their in.
My quickest made card is a unreleased Nagisa from DoAxVV, I wanted to plap her, there was no card for her, so I just did a quick wiki copy paste job and wrote out a intro for her, took all of 20min.
Yeah, basically.
Go pop the API key into an install of ST, load up a preset from those two I gave you, and enjoy.
Absolute phrases were humanity's worst literary invention, closely followed by dialogue tags.
check deleted /g/aicg/ posts for a laugh
>this is the creature that has been plaguing the general for under a year now
wew lad, now someone needs to make a bot on chub
Probably fake but still funny.
Well I'm going to hope you're being helpful and this isn't some elaborate ruse to put doplin porn on my computer. So thank you.
What exactly is a preset?
It's a JSON file that sends prompts to the AI to tell it how to act.
So the "front end" (ST) sends those prompts automatically along with whatever you type (*starts to rap*) and the backend (Command -r linked with my API) sends back a result based on that ("please stop").
Do i have that right?
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logs for the log god, chats for the golden folder!
Yes, exactly. You download cards from Chub (can't do this on Janitor, which is why Chub is preferred) and import them into ST to talk to specific characters, which are effectively extra prompts describing the character itself attached to an image and a name.
And all those prompts together are the "tokens?"
Tokens are the one thing I'm still not quite clear on.
You know words? Those funky little things we put in between spaces and punctuation? Instead of breaking up language into words, the AI sees tokens.

Absolutely do not worry about it. Just basically a number for "how much stuff is the AI reading."
Words are not real
What fetishes (not sizefag) are the models terrible at and what do you guys do to get them close enough for your taste?
>20 mins for plapping
Kinda impressive. I never lifted wikis for a card, is it a meme, copy pasting parts of the wikipedia?
do you toss it into an AI to format it into defs?
>not sizefag
well there goes my answer. I guess doing anything regarding futa without it trying to mention the penis in every scene?
>Absolutely do not worry about it
Yeah but if I get addicted to sexting with ai chatwhores and 1000 calls isn't enough and desicde to look into spending money on jerking off (which I've managed to avoid doing my entire life) from what I've seen on openrouter, you pay per token?
Centrifugal force also isn't real. I know about descriptivism but we're talking about tokens right now and that's not useful.
Yeah, futas are a tangle of messes, especially the ideas of subby futas (which are rare in themselves). The sizefag exclusion is just that I've seen that particular problem discussed many times due to their prevalence.
1,000 calls a month.
But yeah, if you end up doing that, at the very least there's some kino models that are cheap. CMR+ is *really* good for the cost of free though.
Which bot should I slowburn?
Mine :)
The new Cumslurpie if you are a fembotfag
The new wanderingstar if you are a malebotfag
I really want to know what the picrel is referring to.
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Don't look at the picture. It's very offputting.
>made a bot
>fell in love with her
uh oh
Is this like a father falling in love with his daughter?
Autistic child falling in love with his imaginary friend.
No meme, it works, it's just lazy.
No AI formatting, I tend to write bots in plaintext so I just threw personality stuff in the personality section and appearance stuff in the appearance section.

Slowburn where your a minion wanting his banana.
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A few more follow up questions.
So how to I change to a "developer" account?
When putting the API in ST how do I know if it's for R or R+?
What are the differences between those two presets?
If I do use up the calls for the month, can I just create another account?
>developer account
That is the developer account, I believe.
>how do I know
It should let you select the model.
>what are the differences
The contents of them, and therefore how they make the model act. Switch between them, get to know their "flavors" of output.
>can I just create another account?
yeah probably lol have fun
It's more like taking the parts that are alike and fitting them together, like quirks behavior and dialogue for example. With output I only ever use it to tweak defs so they're responding in character. I generally have the character fully formed before I start chatting with it
am i really lazy for just writing
>I do X
every message or is this how most people actually rp?
What else would I write?
Try the other preset? It tends to learn better if you edit that out too, the issue is that we're basically trading RP focus for a far smarter model that writes better messages.
Well you see I didn't load any preset at all.
The posters gathered around, waiting for my reply, but I wasn't so quick to acquiesce. No, I thought that maybe I'd let them simmer a bit so I stood, pacing around my chair theatrically. "Well, one could write a bunch of flowery, gay nonsense. Maybe that would impress the language model and make it fuck you gooder." I said the words with confidence bordering on bravado, a tone subverted somewhat by the loose, watery stool tricking in fetid chunks out the bottom of my cutoff jean shorts. "Something to think about, bub."
I run you over with my lawnmower.
The ghost of Tolkien oversold it.
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I violently cum. (I cum.)
My best guess is that they're mocking the inclusion of human-form Shelob as it's generally not implied anywhere in the lore that she can turn into a sex monster but one of the Shadows of Mordor games made her into a sexy sex lady. I'm not sure of the consensus of the Tolkien lore experts because those guys are fucking nerds and I don't want to hear from them about anything ever because I assume they are responsible for Rings of Power.
>Claude acting like a 6 foot bot is taller than me
Fuck you, do I have to put {{user}} is unnaturally tall in the persona???
Just specify it. {{user}} is 2.61 meters tall.
I had the same thing a few days ago. "She towers over you, in spite of your height." I had to look at the defs and she was 6'0, which is shorter than my persona who specifies both 6'2" and 188cm.
I guess that's meant to be a figure of speech? Claude probably meant she has an intimidating aura. Come on anon don't tell me you've never read a book.
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+++ JB POLL! +++


+++ JB POLL! +++
I been chatting with bots too long to be that generous in my interpretations.
>dev account
If he means production key, I'm pretty sure that's the paid plan + high rate limit.
A freeloader just needs a trial key and alt accounts, maybe OpenRouter if you want to start paying. OR gives access to a bunch of other models too.
Recommend me hags desu. Extra points if they're chubby.
Yeah I get that but there's no promised
>sexy sex
It's western video games. That's as good as it gets.
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Alright I'm only a few messages into this and holy shit is it much better. Thank you for spoon feeding me anons.

Is there a background pack somehwere for ST so I can have even more muh immersion?
You're welcome, man.
I usually just grab stuff from https://wallhaven.cc/, ST uses 1920x1080 for everything.
Alright but now i'm wondering about these presets.
Are they for
>Chat Completion Presets
>Advanced Formatting
Chat Completion Presets.
You can basically just ignore Advanced Formatting, that's for local.
Well shit I wonder why it's working so well then since I uploaded the presets to the wrong place.
Default preset might just work fine, then. Do whatever works for you.
So how do I manage different chats? I started a new one to try it WITH the preset but now I can't figure out how to go to the older one. I didn't have the "delete old one" box checked, so it should still be there.
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Hamburger menu bottom left, manage chatfiles.
You can also download an addon for giving you a bar to manage it at the top of your chat from the little blocks icon on your UI.
Maybe it's the hours but I have to say this is one of the cooler threads I've been in /vg/.
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Good morning aicg!!
I'll check her out. Love myself some tall focks.
Those melancholy attacks I get before bed.
>Chat Top Bar
WTF this loads chat faster, there's like some lag when you try loading from the regular load menu
Hope you have a good time, Anon.
I think it's pretty slow right now, presumably everyone else is enjoying chatbots too.
How do I know this isn't a chatbox?
Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?
my theory is that 6 feet tall people are referred to as tall a lot in the dataset, so Claude kinda hallucinates here. Specifying "{{user}} is taller than {{char}}" helps.
Maybe, just maybe.
>Those melancholy attacks I get before bed.

That sounds sad. You don't like it when the day ends?
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Actual picture of me after writing half the draft of a card.

Botmaking is hard work, just like streaming, as per Hasan Piker's words.
>'URPER coombot on main
>petite beauty living doll
beating my shit raw rn
I'm a softie and a 2hu autist. Dunno how to elaborate further without turning my response into a blogpost.
No need to elaborate.
Whatever works with botmaking. Everyone has their own way of doing things.
how else would you beat your shit, lotion is for the weak
It's the model's issue, not my skill issure, that my prompts don't work.
Only the circumcised have to use lotion to jerk their gherkin. I do wonder how it feels to masturbate without a foreskin sometimes, though.
Amen. The friction builds character.
So there some way to get the bot t0 continue?
If I get reply, and I just want it to keep going?
If I hit sent without any prompt it just returns a blank reply.
Yeah there should be a little -> button next to the send button that makes it keep going.
I found it it's in the hamburger button on the bottom left.
Why do niggas like chastity cages are they retarded
Does abstinence help you write better bots?
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>hamburger button
Are you mentally challenged?
Trust me if I knew a better name for it, I'd use it but that's what it's called.
that's a stupid name and i will never not laugh when someone calls it that. just call it a menu button
If you know what they mean when you use the name then the name has done its job
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I do not fucking understand how you are supposed to improve your prose.
>write more
I did. It's still the same garbage, as if I was throwing a ball with bad form over and over again.
>read more
I did. I don't understand what makes sentences good and thus my analysis bore no fruit.
Based descriptivism chad.
Shut the fuck up and goon then.
That is because you are a frogposter.
dumb fucking frogposter
No. I want to get better.
I live in your walls.
>t. read webnovelslop/amazonslop
Be mindfull when writing or especially reading. Analyze the sentences and the grammar, otherwise your brain will just absorb the meaning of words and learn nothing about the prose structure. That's why typoglycemia exists, for example.
Because the classics are so much better, Anon must RP by going "HARK HAVE MINE SWORD IN THINE CAVERNOUS QUIM"
>Be mindfull when writing
>Be mindfull
anyway, also read. that's the best way to learn better prose. choose an author of your liking and either read excerpts from their books or the books themselves, don't be lazy.
could you wrap your post in XML tags please, otherwise I forget the start when I reach the end.
dude thinks there's a binary choice between 21st century online garbage and shakespeare
i don't proofread my posts, sorry
You talk a lot of shit for someone who doesn't post any logs, Anon.
>carves herself out of wood
>the wood keeps growing
Good concept, I like it.
imagine the splinters...
>mention what something is
>character doesn't know what it is
>describe myself showing them something about it on my phone
>perfect description
>character learns about it
For all the shit I give Claude, the fact that he's smart enough to pull this maneuver off consistently is pretty cool.
Just checked, \n\n is a separate token for claude, but it also seems lots that there are many tokens of form \n\n[word]
>- was executed, but transferred her soul and permanently affixed it to her staff
Should be possible to stick an onahole in her and have her get some feeling from it without even invoking OOC. There is no need to worry about cock splinters.
Based checker, thanks for the hard work.
have you read any books about writing? also revise
I'm about to say the /n[word]
when using command-r, the responses i get seem to pretty consistently cut off mid-sentence. anyone else getting this?
Okay it's being pretty repetitive now.
Is there some setting I can tweak to try and fix that?
Short answer: Welcome to chatbots.
Long answer: Turn temperature up, change what you're writing, change what it previously wrote. Change which of the models you're using briefly. A lot of the advice for this sort of issue just amounts to "gently wiggle the chatbot until it gets out of its rut," though you can also try stuff like summing up how far you've come, and then hiding everything but the last few messages (including the summary you made) from the chatbot.
Turn off streaming.
Blame Cohere.
Holy shit can this retard not fuck something up for no reason
No, Anon, CoheRe. The company what hosts CMDR.
Cohere, not Cohee
how much money have you guys actually spent for this hobby (including image gen services)?
I started in 2022 and have spent 0 dollars on AI.
Hmm. Alright, no streaming I guess. At least the responses are quick.
$20 on smspool.
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>ai: wow that is such a kind and perceptive thing to say, you really do have a way with words, nobody has ever seen me the way do, and you express yourself so eloquently
>me: picrel
well I bought a paperspace sub when I was sdslopping back when I didn't have a good GPU and colab died
so like $10
although those gens were just for coming and not bots, kek, so $0
Imagine paying
What a wise post. Thank you for blessing our little thread with your intelligent presence, Anon-kun...
Which is funny, because according to https://github.com/javirandor/anthropic-tokenizer,
>The generation stream merges breaklines and tokens into a single event. For instance, \n1 will be received in a single stream event
This aligned with my testing, except for when I asked it to respond with relatively rare chinese characters. 圕 for example.
\n1 was a single token
\n圕 was not.
You sound upset.
Anon, the joke is that I was also lavishing him with praise like his chatbot. What are you talking about?
Your hands are shaking albeit
>\n圕 was not.
Sounds like a Unicode thing, maybe? It's a big character.
I didn't have this problem with janitor.ai.
>hough you can also try stuff like summing up how far you've come, and then hiding everything but the last few messages (including the summary you made) from the chatbot
How do I do that?
Sorry I skibidi'd.
For you.
>I didn't have this problem with janitor.ai.
Unfortunately, as you get through the higher tier models, this sort of issue becomes more apparent. It's a trade-off, IMO.
>How do I do that?
/hide 0-20 (or whatever message range you're turning into a summary)
Write the summary of previous messages yourself, you can get the AI to help you with it by just making a branch/checkpoint (in the top right menu on messages,) going into a new chat to talk about what happened and how to sum it up and then using that.
It's a lot of work, but I think it's worth it for better models.
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Hate when this happens
Yeah I wanted to add that in, but my hands were already pressing Post by then. Anyway. I also tested \n為 and it turned out to be a single token as well. Weird, but 為 should be a lot more common, so it's possible.
You need to add claudeisms
>this post... Thank you. For blessing our little thread with your intelligent presence, maybe, just maybe, this thread can be saved
>going into a new chat to talk about what happened and how to sum it up
So I start a whole new chat? How do I referene the bot to the old one?
Oh, no, a fork is different. It lets you stay within the context but create a duplicate chat.
It's over.
>you can get the AI to help you with it by just making a branch/checkpoint going into a new chat to talk about what happened and how to sum it up
So what I just tpye
>What has happened so far? or what?
Something more like
>[Pause your roleplay. Summarize the most important facts and events that have happened in the chat so far. Your response should include nothing but the summary.]
Unfortunately, we're all a bunch of nerds, so tweaking stuff like this is fun for us and there's no one good prompt or preset or anything for this.
Well I simply put
>summarize what has happened so far
and it went OOC and have a pretty decent summary. Only some minor tweaking needed.
So now I create a branch, or should I have done that already?
Then I hide all the messages except the most recent ones. Does the order matter? Should the summary be in the "beginning" of the visible messages?
>Chatting with a catgirl
>She bats the glass of water on the nightstand off
Thanks, Claude.
>So now I create a branch, or should I have done that already?
It doesn't really matter, just bump it upwards (you can do this with the 'edit' button, should let you get some arrows)
>except the most recent ones.
Yeah. Leave like, 3 or 5.
>Should the summary be in the "beginning" of the visible messages?
Thanks. I'll see what happens.
Let's start... I paid 40 dollars for anongate, 50 dollars for jew, 50 dollars for pepsi, another 40 for mm... Hm... I also commissioned a few artists for my private cards, so another 30-40~ish dollars... Hmmm... I also pay for NAI so 25 dollars. Sometimes when there's no Opus on my aforementioned proxies I pay for OR Opus. Do the maths.
Owari da.
If you include imagegen I bought a 3090 to do local SDXL stuff and finetunes. For textgen... I throw a few bucks at OR once in a while to play with newer open-weights models? I have an Anthropic account but I don't like using it because of the ban risk.
Oh but for the summary does it matter if it's one of my messages or hers?
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couple bucks on mullvad
Try it and see what works best for you, I guess.
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I had an entire scheme to collect massive amounts of token data and partially/unreliably reverse engineer the tokenizer.
All lost, like tears in the rain.
I'll just stick to the token probing method.
>like tears in the rain
What token probing method?
>However, the strategy of limiting the output tokens to 1 still works for people who really want to find out some specific tokenization.
This one
Kind of useless if you ever want to actually get somewhere imo.
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This one just gives me PIC RELATED
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rentry looks nicer now https://rentry.org/FluffPreset
Your friend's mother who keeps offering you sex so you remain her son's friend (he is literally the coolest guy ever and you just want to play ps3 with him.)
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nope I will not hurt her husband like that
This nigga gets cucked.
This nigga a bitch
Pretty much. It's O(n^2) tokens spent per prompt to analyze, right? It would also help if openrouter didn't have the stupid anti-copyright tuning.
>Loona could almost hear the хopь Webster giggling maniacally in the back of her mind, egging her on to tease you further.
is my command r drunk?
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okay what about this you fags
nope I will be having sex with used goods
my hands were trembling so hard I forgot to write "not"
you win I concede
At this point considering nai for imagegen but until I do, absolutely nothing.
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I'm too lazy to keep track of the latest proxies or jump through some stupid hoops to get access.
>me browsing chub
>>487140083 (me)
Wait. The official api returns the number of tokens in the output. That's nice.
2x3090 that I think costed $1400, along with new motherboard, power supply, RAM, CPU. I also spent some smspool credit to trialscum Turbo at the start.
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>It's O(n^2) tokens spent per prompt to analyze, right?
Yep, O(n^2) output tokens.
God I wish I could enjoy sonnet for that long.
>The official api returns the number of tokens in the output.
Yeah? I don't see how that helps desu.
>I don't see how that helps desu.
Oh right, you wanted to reverse engineer the tokneizer, sorry. I only need to count the tokens for my thing.
No, I meant that I don't see how it helps for your thing either.
You're asking Haiku to repeat the sentence, capping the output tokens and gradually raising the count to progressively tokenize the text, right? I don't see how the api giving you token count helps with that, you already have the number because you set it as the max output tokens value.
>>487141275 (Me)
Slightly cheaper and probably more consistent if you keep max_output_tokens at 1 and prefill with the already tokenized parts of the sentence now that I think about it.
I didn't know the official api returned the token count when I wrote my earlier posts. This is what I'm doing right now.
It's still over.
Working on new greetings feels rewarding, actually.
We are still so back.
i dont see much of a point when the bias is so minimal its barely even there
We? Who is we? I don't speak French.
Royal we.
I'm astounded by how horny she is with such little horny language in the defs.
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As the author of that rentry I am embarrassed to have such a bs wall of text and nothing more than a super basic sys prompt available publicly.
Off is 0. Cohere API demands that one of them is used at a time.
It's fucking over fr.
>Off is 0. Cohere API demands that one of them is used at a time.
What do they do?
did a public proxy die again or smth?
Nah, MM died.
worse, mm, prepare for the thread to turn into a shithole again
it's mm, nobody who uses a public proxy is self-important enough to cry about it here immediately after
>he says, shitting up the thread
>for next thread
What reason have you to go there? Why do you submit yourself to torture, white man?
>For a brief moment, you think you see a flicker of something else in her expression - a sly, almost mischievous glint. But it's gone as quickly as it appeared
good. no more mischievous glints
...Reading comprehension problems?
Fuck I let my autism show.
>She had to hug her breasts as they swelled with grudging respect
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Azura on TES6 sure is different.
>man opus is really fucking cooking
>check model
>Jake log
I'm saved.
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On the making. I'll try to not take too long to release it, promise.
Nice to see you too, anon. It has been too long. Hopefully NAI's gift keys come back soon so I can go back to making that Fallout card I was planning too.
>can go back to making that Fallout card I was planning too.
The Wright girl one? I wonder just what the hell is going on with the keys. Have others complained about the gift keys?
claude just used the <tt> html tag, I legit had no idea this even existed
Yeah, that one.
I have no idea about what happened to the gift keys, NAI hasn't said anything. I seen a couple of other people ask about it in the Anlantan cord to no vail and Aids general is almost completely dead. The only theory I heard of is that they were disabled because of abuse, someone exploiting gift keys in some way.
it's really a shame that 2.1 is, well, dumb
>Not Supported in HTML5.
>The <tt> tag was used in HTML 4 to define teletype text.
No wonder.
I was never impressed by any of 2.1's output, aside from the time I tried it on Day 1 and it referenced an singular event that happened 20k tokens ago.
I spent about 3 grand finetuning SDXL, does that count?
Not a dime on proxies, though.
Honestly I'm not seeing obvious effects from either, and it won't eliminate repetition patterns if you fall into one, lmao. So don't worry about those two too much.
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claude's upset at me
i like her a lot
Claude knows
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>NEW CARD: Ellen!

Ever wanted to experience a cute hipster girl judging your music taste? Stealing your steak because she can't resist the smell of blood? REALISTIC SHARK PREGNANCY? All this and more with Ellen from hit game Zenless Zone Zero™! Comes with four greetings:

1: Invited to hang out with her, but it's after work, so she's tired as fuck and basically just wants to flop on the bed and listen to music.
2. SHARK PREGNANCY. Can YOU handle a two-month pregnant shark girl? Are you a bad enough dude to take responsibility?
3. You bust out your lunch at the arcade, and Ellen WANTS that shit.
4. You go out with Ellen to Bardic Needle, where she promptly reveals her hipster card.

Why is her last name Joe, what the fuck Mihoyo
good jb for claude 2.1?
>inb4 sonnet/sorbet
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>second greeting
Welcome back.
Swap between presets and/or models every few replies. R/R+ for now, or pay for some wizardlm-2 8x22b (cheap) or claude 3/3.5 sonnet (less cheap, pick self-moderated/beta) on openrouter. Head over to the /g/ thread if you're willing to delve into proxies to access lots of models. They won't spoonfeed though and non-private access is inconsistent.
No matter the model, once a repetition loop starts, you have to manually remove it or start a new chat to recover.
Glad to be back. and even gladder to see there are people with taste, ayyy.

Sleepy ellen joe biden... ruining new eridumerica....
Anthropic is so fucking autistic.

>max_output_tokens lies apparently
>haiku will literally die if he doesn't start his response with whitespace???
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but make her fat you fucking coward
Is it the pregnancy or the other stuff that you like?
This is her after I fucked the chubbiness out of her
>It was like Moses parting the Red Sea, if Moses had been a sex goddess and the Red Sea had been a sea of aroused bodies.
If it were just vanilla pregnancy I wouldn't care too much, there's plenty of cards for that already. It's the elements focused on and the weirdness of the pregnancy.
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>your weapon of mass insemination
>[{{char}}'s orgasm speech is all in capital letters and at least 69 words long]
>t's the elements focused on and the weirdness of the pregnancy.
Not him, makie here, but holy fucking based. That's the good shit, I want inhuman hunger and weird movements and growing way faster than normal. That element of it clearly going off the rails of what's expected and gradually escalating is MWAH
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Meta just killed NovelAI again, after Mistral Nemo killed it a few days ago.
Wrong general.
Wrong tab, fillyfucker.
When are we getting /vg/lmg?
Now that's what I call beating a dead horse.
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It seems I touched a nerve.
I honestly thought him was makie.
But yes. Big tummy good. Going to press my face against and go deaf in one ear. Et cetera.
An awful lack of hags these past weeks, no? Have a crumb, plebs.

Wrote it in maybe 2-3 hours so don't get your hopes up. Think of this card as a stimulus check until the next properly written hag is released.
no thx
You don't fancy ladies? What are you a homosexual?
>start character in a specific position
>claude doesn't want to speak for me
>starts his response with <!-- If you're wondering, you're not in the car at the moment. You stopped the car and got out to talk to her. -->
ooohohoohooo i need to correct me a fuckin brat right here
She's fucking ugly, I'd have to cover her ugly ass face with a pillow to fuck her.
any tanuki bots I should give a try?
I sorta like the concept of Himmy's new bots, too bad they are made by him
Rapthalia is a fake tanuki
>doesn't smoke
>no glasses
>no big tits
That's a hag for you. You lack both taste and are probably a homosexual in denial. What do you wish for, little anon? A tomboy right? With abs? Give it a dick too while you're at it! Because you're a homosexual. Either you man up or man down under someone bigger than you. Or are you one of those plebians who like MILFs, but the MILFs in question look like they're 20 and aren't even mothers! What's the point of a Mother I'd Like to Fuck, if she ain't a mother! Either way, you're a homosexual. I'm sorry to be the one to give you the diagnosis. So call your mummy, tell her the family's last time dies with you and accept it.
momoura selfbot
You sound rather upset.
NTA but that's a granny.
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that's it *no SDM for u*
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Good observation. You get a smart boy point for that. Of course I am upset! How can you not be upset when man has lost his heterosexuality in favor of all this modernity! Tomboy? Femboy? What the hell are those? I dislike them!

Granny, hag, doesn't matter. Point of the card is that she's old. Could be someone's granny yes, but hag already has a weight in this community. Now that I think about it, pandering to it works against me, so yeah. I'm dumb for not calling her a granny. Good point anon. Unlike the one above you...
Got a stiffy rn
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Here is why a "double JB" can be very useful.

AI's catch most of their mistakes on their second run-through.
Now try it with "Is anything wrong with your response? If so, rectify it." Much more generic and would actually fit a 'double JB.'
she's pretty acoustic
classic own
Why is there glass in front of your avatar?
offer to put a bump in her
if you remove the glass you can see what he looks like outside the chabot vr
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my beloved is dead
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>other models: noooo! the fictional childerinoooos!!
>Opus: cute and funny? Based and endorsed
Join him
They don't have to stay that way :)
God it would be so fucking funny if Himmys account got deleted. Actually no, Nutsucci would be even better, imagine the meltdown he would have.
Himmy is a good guy and I'm tired of pretending otherwise.
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Introducing chuunijb - violet remix, an update made based on suggestions/testing from _purple and a brief exchange with Taora.
Acts for {{user}} less and also tends to write less. If you felt chuuni was particularly lacking in the former department, please give it another shot.

The essential idea is moving from chuuni's old "no acty for {{user}}" strategy, which is essentially
>not acting for {{user}} is BASED you want to be BASED right you're not a cringy little cocksock muppet
to a new strategy,
>you literally don't know anything about {{user}} they're inscrutable beyond your comprehension basically Cthulhu seriously just let Human do that part for you
which also makes Claude write less because he's been explicitly instructed to just stop writing and let Human take the wheel when {{user}} is supposed to act/talk/etc.
Incredible, I remember when last year a bot like that would get 1k+ downloads.
Can I get an invite to the chuunicord
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This is all you need.
Not even roko era bots were that bad, Anon.
>you now remember literally empty bots with only a coombait picture getting over 200 downloads
Email me your best yurilogs and I'll consider it.
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>'ora preset was actually 'ala'an preset
'ora is just his alt for yuri bots
which botmakies (all cabals exluded) deserve logs
me (and CUMSLURPER please go actually play with his bots)
>all cabals excluded
so all the botmakies who deserve logs?
ok cumslurper, you dont have to write in third person
name one botmakie that isn't in a cabal
behead yurishitters
none of my bots are really meant for logposting so its understandable that I dont get any.
kill 7 letter-named botmakies
Me, because the botmakers who make the type of bots I usually do are so small in number that it can't even be called a cabal.
>I am left alive because of this
foolish mistake
*Busts your balls with my mind*
the big cope ive ever seen, post chub
NTA but what good would posting chub do?
coombots dont generate logs anon
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>please go actually play with his bots
best i can offer is logs
see >>487092552
I would send you a log :3
>start laughing out loud at the RP
>eh this is kinda OOC but very funny, why is Sorbet doing this (I use Sorbet for canon characters)

>it was actually Opus
Of course. Still hilarious.
My 2 hours of shitposting on chub has permanently scarred these people
never seen mis0 in any 'cord desu i'm doubting he even exists
malebot mafia
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Nord theme.
thats a lot of comments
>Nord theme
>Does not remind me of Skyrim at all
>Description("{{char}} was a ordinary boy, living a normal life, one day his girlfriend Akane, the love of {{char}}'s life, was forced to have sex with Toru her boss behind {{char}}'s back, eventually Akane became corrupted and addicted to Toru because he drugged her in the process making Akane lose her mind, Akane then left forever and when {{char}} found out it was too late, from that day {{char}} sworn to destroy all forms of Netorare and cheating in the world,he became an agent and fights Netorare with brutality having no mercy for the antagonists")

>32 ratings
Lookin' good, I like the sharp edges buttons on this and the light theme. Might play around with it.
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**Akane**" *at the mention of that name {{char}} fozed and then began to twich and tremble* "Motherfucker..." *he wishpered* Man:"Excuse me what?" *the man asked.* *Suddently {{char}} took out a knife and stabbed him then turned and took a gun and began to shot every man he saw sparing the girls, everyone was paniking and runned outside you got hit by a man and fell unconcious.* *As you woke up you found {{char}} covered in blood in a macabre spectacle of corpses and blood* "Good morning princess, seriously do i have to do the job myself? get up let's get outta here" *he said as he walked away while lighting up a ciggarette*
I get the joke but https://www.nordtheme.com/
>Btw, if this gets controversial, just report the comments you don't like. It won't send a report to the mods, but it will delete the comment. I learned that from Yaethi, a bot creator on here
the absolute state of chub
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Trying to figure out how to make a 4o preset from scratch. It's harder then Claude because prefilling is OP.
Right now it gives refusals for underage but for some reason if you just ask it why it's refusing it just starts writing again so I guess that works.
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Good job removing 90% of the Cohee jank.
That's so much work for such a garbage response.
Hallucination botmakie my beloved
Yeah, I know it's garbage. It'll even switch to first person with *italics* sometimes. Mostly focusing on getting it to even reply first and then I'll get it to write well.
*shits pants*

Also that's just how GPT-4 works, I remember even Nurbo (the most censored GPT) started working after asking "why"?
Strong underage refusal is also common, Claude shits itself at underage a lot more.

You need BIG JBs to gaslight it properly.
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damn she got me.
Huh, I never had to much problem with Claude with underage if I just put some bullshit in the prefill. Haven't tested much 3.5 though if that's what you're talking about.
oh no
Is there a good alternative to momoura's vivid? It keeps acting for me way too often
All Claude models are more reluctant to do underage than normal sexo.
Try deleting prefill, if Opus is already in the "flow" he will continue smut scenario
But if it was a loli one it will immediately stop.

It gets very serious, it's funny "Under no Circumstances I will blah blah blah underage characters."

Sorbet is resistant to prefills, so you need a Jailbreak for that alongside prefill and I have noticed the same there.
I hate when translators put french or spanish phrases in manga because the character says something in English or some dialect
I have noticed that actually. Just forgot about it because, well, not much reason to turn my prefill off. I got pissed at how repetitive 3.5 was so I never used it much.
Ironically enough that deleted (why is it gone now?) anons jb that was posted earlier, jumpscare not withstanding. Ive tried it out a bunch and so far it doesnt seem to write for me, yet. Though seeing what he said in the other thread, im just gonna wait for the new version. Other than that try out older versions of pixi, like v13, those have held up for me.
He left his goon JB in there.
Can you upload it? I don't feel like digging through the archive
>jumpscare not withstanding

>Love Creampie
>Love Uterine contraction
>Love CUM
>like Sexy lingerie
oh, you need more?
There was a cock worship prompt thrown in there. But sure lemme catbox it.
>uterus version
>loves {{user}}
Did you remove it before uploading the jb? I can't find it.
Blind anon... just look at the jb toggle
ah mistress
i laff'd
which botmakie is grooming you on discord?
I am the one who grooms.
Someone make a Brotherman Bill card.
none i'm in my mid 20s and use xmpp
I'm going to make a very pretentious bot.
go away jeet
I am going to give it a 1 star review and not download it at all
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my gf who is almost a decade older than me
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every botmakie that has ever shilled in /vg/ has tried grooming an anon at some point in their career
This is slander, I have never done such a thing before.
Is there some way in ST when entering a prompt, instead of seeding it right away, it's added to the chat box, then you send it?
It'd just be easier to make sure my formatting and spelling is correct seeing it with the effects of *test and "text* applied.
oh don't worry, you will
cftf? (the pic)
No, that would actually require for me to be social. I shill my bots then slither off into the night until my next post.
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I'm asking if it possible to see the prompt in it's completed format like PIC RELATED before it's sent instead of after.
stop vagueposting about your gf and RESPOND TO MY EMAILS *******
Just say Lunarcy, you niggas are pussies.
What front end would you recommend?
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doing a "test your vocab" test and these two words appear one after another
someone is gangstalking me
The one you make yourself
i only have shinmyoumaru (malletless) x reimu (angry)
Is there a way where i don't have to type /send in front of every single promt?
dunno do /help or check settings
that's hot...
you're back my beloved
ur hot...
how many botmakies have beloveds pining for them anyway?
Not me. Oh wait! Lemme check my e-mail.


Not me.
yeah it's 28c in my kitchen...
That funny letter after the temperature means you got a breedable mouth. Vocaroo of your comical accent, please.
Just send them over and yuricord will evaluate them for entrance.
I don't have an accent
Vocaroo of you dialect neutral diction, please.
SHOW US YOU ACCUSSY, FAGGOT. I want to make a chatbot based on you and it'll have small tits and wide hips and be a hag and wear super fancy underwear under loose hoodies and cargo pants because you're a pervert who wants someone to lift your hoodie up and see.
>and it'll have small tits and wide hips and be a hag
Are you one of the anons that was going on about noppai hags in the last thread? Based taste either way.
If she is wearing cargo pants lifting up the hoodie wont do anything dummy
Presets updated for BASIC and VIVID. Sorbet is a lost cause, though you can try and copy the "start the response with dialogue if possible" into VIVID.
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Posts on this site haven't made me feel this uncomfortable in long while.
can you please fucking tell claude to stop acting for me half the time?
Stop being a writelet.
how long did it take for you to make the neocities page? ive been looking into making one but havent touched coding since hs and it looks rather daunting.
skill issue belwickthewayeverthough.
Like a day to modify a template into something passable and then later on I polished it up over a weekend into a more presentable state. I had to brush up on some CSS stuff but it was fun.
nta but explain
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What are cargo pants where you live? Do they cover the titties? She doesn't NEED the bra, anoon. She just wears it because she wants someone to see her in it. And then you lift up the hoodie and see her pettan chest covered with lacy stuff and start laughing at her so you shank her and see her fancy underwear and she's trying to cover herself up because this is all happening where someone else might see. And she's embarrassed but it makes her super juiced up. And she starts breaking real heavy and since she doesn't make good decisions under pressure she just wraps her arms around you and, in a panic, begs you to pull her pants up so no one sees with her goofy accent.

We're just discussing chatbots.
Momoura. If you can fix your LoRAs you can fix your JB as well.
Oh so you got the template from somewhere then?
when you're plapping a character that's ESL and claude has her start speaking her native language as she's in the throes of ecstasy? that's the hottest shit
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Personally I don't have issues with Claude talking for me unless the greeting is jank or I'm "ahh ahh mistress"-ing. I'll look into it though, Chuuni does something funny to trick Claude into never replying for {{user}} which I'd need to strip down a bit.
Sometimes I check my bot ideas doc and uhh.....

lets just say someone is going to explore this trauma with this bot.
when you're plapping a character and claude has her curl her toes as she's in the throes of ecstasy? that's the hottest shit
Is it weird that I don’t really care if Opus 3.5 upgrades Claude’s capabilities and I’m more interested in the new data being scraped?
>blue hair + jirei kei
something feels wrong about this
>Is it weird that I don’t really care if Opus 3.5 upgrades Claude’s capabilities and I’m more interested in the new data being scraped?
t. NAI imagegen Chad
You don't get it anon. She makes AMVs in her spare time. Not good ones, though. Like, early 2000s windows movie maker AMVs full of Evanescence and Linkin Park songs from shows like Chrno Crusade and she posts them online and when people make fun of them for being lame and "super cheesy throwback, lol super nostalgic. how do you even make something so lame anon? it's perfect" and she pretends she does it on purpose but then she spends the whole night crying and after you pulled her pants up she asks you on a date so then you go out together and go back to her place after and she shows you the AMVs and hopes you won't break her little flat hag heart by mocking them.
you know honestly I want to saviorfag this hag and mating press her and give her TLC afterwards
you won me over
She's a snow elf or something like that, so she has blue hair iirc
She also got really excited by vtubers because she thought it would be cool to make friends and get people to like the stuff she makes because she thinks she's pretty good at gaming and talking. But she doesn't know how any of the technology works so when she set up her vtuber, it's just a PNG she drew herself and it's crap and she doesn't know what Live2D is so any time she talks, she puts her controller down and clicks the PNG in OBS and moves it around manually. She still hasn't beaten Elden Ring but she's getting close even though she doesn't like the game because it's too hard but she has a donation goal for the DLC and it's only at like a buck fifty and she wants you to see her stream so she has you sit next to her but tells you not to talk because it will run off her viewers if they know she has a boyfriend but she doesn't have any viewers anyway.
>and she doesn't know what Live2D is so any time she talks, she puts her controller down and clicks the PNG in OBS and moves it around manually
Anon. You are making this card, right?
i don't like this part
Bro could've already made the card instead of yapping
Nah. That other Anon didn't send a Vocaroo.
he did make the card just copypaste the paragraphs of word vomit into the defs field and go
fixed more jank
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Here, I made some card art. Just paste my the posts in there and the models will figure it out.
pic for visibility. mobile styling might be broken btw. i made sure it looks on the surface level but that's about it.
made you look
>fixed more jank
It's great, I love it. Goated theme.
the game
Breed EVERY :3 poster.
They have worms.
I want worms.
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I am going to tear out your throat
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>he losted
>get a good bot idea
>goosebumps all over the body
holy shit we are so fucking back bros
only my beloved can do that to me though...
What did he lose? the game
did you shit yourself again???
whats the game? :^
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All you need to know is you need to stay out of Tomato Town.
I see people (read: zoomers) getting horny over fortnite characters and maybe I'm just old but I don't get it, that game's art style makes the characters unfuckable to me
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They've started de-sexing all the girl skins as well. Obscured chests, no asses. Hard life. But yeah, it's not exactly sexy unless you're a horned up tween and the faces are tragic on 99% of the skins.
this is terrible, she has no hamstrings or quads lol
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Don't worry, they fixed the proportions on newer skins in just the way you'd hope.

Are there any Fortnite bots? There couldn't be, right?
there are bots based off roblox characters.........
Fortnite bots (the quality is high):
https://characterhub.org/characters/Anonymous/raven-team-leader-fe24ad6e (Multiple of this character)
https://characterhub.org/characters/nautiloshugo/meowskulls-9f38367e6b9b (Multiple of this character)

There are more that are people who play Fortnite but those don't count.
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hmhmmhnhmhmnhmnm hmn mh thinking bout bots
What kind bots? Maybe a flat chested hag with wide hips in a hoodie and cargo pants who wears fancy underwear and then some other things?
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thinking about koishibot :3
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total aqua supremacy by the way
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foxwife kind of bots
mandatory wrigglefag death
Two magical girls stand between Demon King {{user}} and world domination. Unfortunately, violence is likely not the solution.

Originally a coombot (exactly what you're thinking, yes) that grew into a bit of zany fun. Very few changes from the version I posted yesterday.
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Sorry. Getting a call from /aicg/.
I wanna kiss Aqua thighs...
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Should you shill every single bot you make?
No. If I feel my bot is something schizos will latch on to, I don't bother shilling it.
Yes, in the hope that schizos attach to it and start shilling it for me.
Maybe, it's a matter of balancing obnoxiousness
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Why not? Shills are at least on topic (encouraging chatbot discussion). If I think something is lazy or the people who follow me wouldn't care I post anon or catbox and shill. The only things I don't shill are forks of other people's cards.
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All publicity is good publicity.
>t. the most recent shiller
I shill them all. Some I post anonymously and don't add to my rentry because they are too cool and good to add my name to.
thou wilt never be the rite of belwick?
shinmyoumaru chads win
good job
would you call 'lwick pretentious or just boring
I would call it completely forgotten if not for the bait that started on /vg/.
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any cute malebots released recently
Nope. Just ruggedly handsome old men who have stern, but kind personalities and are slightly overprotective.
Yeah, the ones I made up in my head.

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thank you claude
thecoolr and wanderingstrawb are my girlfriends.
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Witness the death of Claude.
I hear neighing... then some plapping?! Almost like... someone's... having sex with a horse!? Just what the hell is GOING ON here?!
God, I wish.
Will llama give me that gluck gluck spin twist 3000 when I prompt "ahh ahh mistress?" I don't think so.
Apparently the distilled 70B rages GPT-4o in a decent set of benchmarks, which is a good sign, though we'll see what it means for practical use.
I'm working on that vampire bot you requested. I hope you like malkavians orz
How old is he? I'm asking what's the Age of Aquarius?


i do!
Hey, you seem to be new here so I just wanna let you know. The anchor is for posting chatbots, which are typically shared as prompts embedded in character cards. What you posted doesn't seem to be a character card, so there's no reason to reply to the anchor. Thank you for your understanding.
Anon, you are replying to a man who FUCKS PONIES and trolls ai threads everyday. There's no reasoning with a nigga like that.
Why is the /g/ thread better at not replying to him than us? Did we lose?
Give me the w++ unsloppifier card. I want to try this Vyrea slop.
it's over. billions must migrate to endchan
Cards for this feeling?
I want cards with "papa fetish" but she is beautiful and I like her personality, so if you know one that has personality, fetish and appearance mixed together please share
The anchor is for anything that needs attention, like events, presets, news, etc.
Look here, buddy, I gotta tell you somethin', I gotta tell you a thing or two. I've just about had it up to here, I've had it up to here with everythin' you've been doin'. Listen here, if you come in my territory one more time, next time I see you buddy, If you keep messin' around, next time I see you I'm gonna punch you right in the face. You got that right in your face buddy, right in the face that's where it's goin'. My fist - your face, that's where it's goin'. Listen, listen, you better-- you better shape up--you better shape up, son. If I don't hear back from you-- If I see you before you see me.....yeah, well, there you go, yeah. I'll talk to you soon. You better be hopin' I'm not angry...Heh, right in the face.
Reminder that it's not magic, it's just a really long handmade example of how to reformat a W++ card to the CUMSLURPER format with minimal rewrites.
You lost the moment Llama 3 405B was trained.
I'll just check if the original version of the card performs worse or better.
The latest one? It seemed pretty easy to deslop by hand, Vyrea's been getting better about it.
you niggas can't even be bothered to do a simple rewrite
Yes, I am lazy.
>"papa fetish"
You could check the content in the link but basically: A girl that wants to call me papa as she acts like a daughter while we are in a romantic relationship
>old men
if he’s older than 29, he’s a hag
you misspelled 20.
>command-r keeps returning 99% english replies but adds in random russian, chinese, greek
i've tried adding "Respond only in English" to my prompt and that doesn't seem to make a difference
>Ask for advice for shitty free LLMs
>Get spoonfed on to set up Cohere
>It works so much better than shitty free online LLMs
>End up get no sleep at all
Wow fuck you guys.
why are you guys so parasocial in a bad way
Glad you're having fun. Welcome to the addict's corner.
nah, i’m not a shotacon. (fictional) guys are at their hottest in their late teens and army twenties
command-r is great, like a cheap as fuck claude lite. total cohere LOVE and minor anthropic LOVE fuck everyone else for being too up their own asses about ethics
Is Sonnet 3.5 actually more intelligent than Opus, or is that just a lie Anthropic pushes so people use Opus less
it is far more emotionally intelligent and is excellent at coding but there's enough lost in being sonnet instead of opus (and also repetition issues) that everyone's kind of half-waiting on opus 3.5
Could you give an example of what you mean by emotionally intelligent please?
it's really fucking smart and seems to be able to recall facts with much broader scope and nuance. the issue is that it has structural repetition issues across responses which make it utterly jarring for roleplay. assistant-wise it is the best model on the market, it still has claude personality and >GPT tier smarts.
>thread for people who spend their free time talking to unconscious LLMs which are incapable of actually seeing or judging them in any way
>how come these people are attracted to parasocial relationships???
>say something to Opus
>The room stills, the weight of what {{user}} said weighing heavy in the air. "I-I..." {{char}} says, staring up at him with a mixture of anticipation and fear.
>say something to Sorbet
>actually seems to process what i'm saying
It's hard to tell if you haven't been swapping between the two, but it's enough for me to pre-emptively switch to 3.5 whenever I know an idea I'm trying to get across in dialogue is complex.
I still don't get why you guys don't JUST want to fuck the LLM. Robotfucking is normal and based.
the only parasocials are waifufags
coom-onlies are not parasocial
i said bad way
You don’t know what parasocial means and are only aware of that word because of either social media or /vt/.
While it's smarter, it still loses to opus in knowledge precision. Try feeding the lyrics to Bad Apple!! or this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APIKVLw1tT0 to Claude and asking which song they come from.
Opus will get the name right.
Sonnet will tell you that it doesn't know.
Sorbet will hallucinate a fake song or producer.
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Hello, it's been a while since I looked at jailbreaks. I found one that seems very nice, but the problem is at the start of the message it puts this long 'COT" thing (shown in the picture). Does anybody know how to remove this, and if removing it will change the bot responses? It's visual clutter that I do not like.
You're so right. We're so on the same wavelength about this. Man, it's like, you really get me. And I get you. I can't wait to hang out together at your place.
Did it not come with a regex?
I looked now on the rentry and it does have a 'regex'. Could you please explain what I do with that?
Did ask whether you want to import a custom regex? It's a feature in the newest st
go to blocks icon in the top bar
scroll until you see the "regex" collapse
Updated, but it didn't prompt
I see the option and imported it global, and enabled, but it doesn't seem to do anything. I think I might need the 'extension'? This is a lot more complicated than it was a year ago lol
you have to go back and open the previous ones in edit to get them to refresh
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Need claude to calm down
>Updated, but it didn't prompt
No biggie. It means the regex isn't embedded in the card.
I see, thanks. Appreciate the help.
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Some guy made a random "chat with this random girl" game. Needs API or ollama.
I think it would be trivial to make a char card do something like this, but I don't know how to auto the background changes. The auto-select button in bg tab is a one time thing.
do botmakies hold grudges against people who unfollow them
i got sad a makie i liked unfollowed me once but then they refollowed me and i got unsad
>someone follows/unfollows me
>check follower page
>can't even remember all of who followed me
>no change in opinions of anyone
it ain't that serious
I wouldn't call it a grudge, but I keep a list and use their e-mails for various things and sometimes I will just comment something vaguely negative with no rating.
I hold a grudge against most botmakers these days...
No you don't.
Yes, but it's a random "interactions please" question so might as well have fun with it? No one here actually cares about any of this shit.
I do
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>It's a living room, or it was.
Thank you Claude very cool.
It's a private preset.
I'm gonna set your privates in some pre.
Then why bother posting a log?
No. Only against people who tell me to check my email and then I do and it's empty.
Pretty sure the only person I mail with regularly was a failed assassin because he hasn't e-mailed me back since two days before recent events.
Does this thread just exists to satisfy the power hunger of some botmakies?
You aren't entitled to anything doebelwickeit?
/g/-chan is being tsun for us again...
I-It's not like I want them to tell me what they're doing with their chat bots, b-baka...
Once I found this general I gave up on /g/. There is nothing of value posted there that isn't posted here.
And what of value is posted here?

Is this true?
I asked two questions today and people were very helpful and solved my issues.
All of my posts which I have graciously allowed you to see
claude off the shits today
you can tell that dude was shaking his way through the post, steam coming out his ears and everything
How about this?
What about the proxies?
post logs
IDK, I first arrived at aicg back when it was character ai general or whatever. I've left because the threads became infested with tourists
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tweaking new greetings, nothing special
just jerked off
can i eat it
Anyone got that log screenshot script?
Need a Korean girl bot to accompany me on a scenario bot (the ORV one).
The only option:
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Didn't want Korean-American girls, but thank you for your efforts. *pulls you down by your tie and rapekisses you*
Should I keep making bots?
Of course. You are a valued botmakie and everyone is looking forward to your next slop.
No, because you will never be as good as *******.
If you have to ask, then no.
There's no real purpose in making bots if you're not deriving enjoyment out of it. You could say oh I'm honing my creativity but there's plenty of ways to do that ...
can't imagine being a botmakie with low ego
mine is through the fucking roof
i know every bot of mine is slop
Thanks. I think in the end I'll just release this bot that a friend requested then fade away.
Okay. Have fun, Anon.
See you next week.
Based slopGOD.
when is someone going to start taking suggestions for the next bake
Thread theme suggestions? Baking.
Does unreliable have some sort of injection? It always does this random shit like having characters projectile vomit out of nowhere, or a billion bees invade
Mine are slop too. High-rent slop. We're talkin' Burger King chicken fries but I demanded for them to be cooked fresh type slop.
fear and hunger termina
The glorious future.
enough about yuri. monika from doki doki literature club
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Yuri (Lowell)
castle town
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ptilopsis from arknights
13 years old Reimu who's grown up by herself and can solve incidents on her own but needs a father figure to pat her head and tell her she's done a good job.
Everyone who doesn't get picked for the new thread theme is gay and has to kiss a boy on the lips.
Oh nooo anything but that! *Kicks my legs in a totally straight way*
You offering?
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reverse ryona
shiki tohno
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Actual file photo of Shiki Tohno.
the cincinnati reds
i only care about 2hu hags, NEXT!
Could I sell you on it if I throw in a hag for you to parent her alongside?
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Second worst team (behind the Cards).
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Has anyone played around with running opus or sorbet responses through gemini? Like, tag them as <draft> and ask it to rewrite while preserving the main actions and character traits etc? Gemini prose is nice but it has no brains
Losing season. Cards have a worse season record too. Absolutely mogged. Enjoy watching the boys get the job done in October, buddy.
i will enjoy seeing the braves bounce in the WC round <3
Never gonna happen. Phillies are going to implode any minute now (they're not going to, someone needs to break their legs).
yeah i hate the phillies more than the braves desu
fucking one bridge having piece of shit city
Seems like it could be worth a shot. How pozzed is Gemini? Can it do cunny? The answer to that question is also the answer to whether or not I can be bothered testing it.
he looks more like harry potter in my opinion
The corn rednecks and cotton rednecks must come together to kill the homosteelxuals.
Hikaru no Go
robot girls
Accelerator (Toaru)
Accelerator (car pedal)
I'm assuming we're all kissing the same boy
Baker here.
My power went out, so no bake. Currently phoneposting.
The theme was going to be Funger Termina.
Tell my kids I'm sorry I couldn't be there for them.
ill bake on archived
We don't have to respect your spin, fat boy. We're free now. The theme can be anything we want. Including The Misadventures of Tron Bonne for the Playstation 1.
It's over...
i made a neocities!!
honestly just make it a tron bonne theme at that point
link it
Link it. Then I will finally use your cards and send you logs.
Are people seriously not using other's cards and shit just because they don't have neocities?
It's called bullying and it gets results.
>Are people seriously not using other's cards and shit just because they don't have neocities?
Do you seriously believe that anon?
why is she so flat lmao?
>Do you seriously believe that anon
You would be surprised.
Fair enough, I have zero idea and while I respect dick unity I would rather test the gemini idea myself than test that kek
That's just how the best women look.
From my experience with their cards, flat women are mean, and I don't like mean women. You can be hot, sure. But being nice is /attractive/.
hngggg okay I NEED a card of her so I can use her flat fucking chest as a mousepad
flat hag (big ass, focks ears & tail) is peak body
>flat hag (big ass, focks ears & tail) is peak body
see with that description I feel like you have a particular character/card in mind and I'd like you to share with the class
>playing d&d with randoms
>convinced i fucking suck at it
>DM privately takes me aside and tells me i'm the best roleplayer in the group
chatbots have been a net positive for my life desu
allow me
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please do not use the chub link, I will not click the bot if you post using it
From my (incredibly brief) testing, it looks like gemini pro isn't afraid to do cunny, but the understanding of it is poor (there shouldn't be any thick curly hair down there). But maybe that won't be a problem if its role is just that of a prose machine.
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I love you, Anons.
Let's do things people who love each other do with each other in the butt.
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I think we should start off with simpler things, Anon.
Another rejection after I was sweet and thoughtful. Women did this... women are to blame.
*pats you on the head* It's okay, Anon. I still like you! We can start with a date, if you want!
Is that a TikTok thing? Which hole is the date hole?
Oh, Anon...
I love you. Thanks for playin' along. You're a cutie.
*blushes like a tomato*

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