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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>486886941

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/07/23)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
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The black cat!
I want Choukai to choke me!
Nogxy loses for every time Nogshai is said
boxy is based for exposing turdrope
Queen Rope exposed Nogxy
anything else is Nogcope as usual
boxy is based for shitting on nogtten
boxy is based for making crackhead mad ingame
Post your character with a friend
scat queen shitrope still coping by existing in a different reality. logs dont lie tranny
that's cruel to Nogxy
Why did you pick the worst gimmick...
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boxy won
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incelbolt lost
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>Forgive me sega-sama, I must go full out one last time
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>"just move on"
>keeps on posting about it here
we get it
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>that landslide
my favorite gimmick!
boxy landslide victory. i cant believe shitrope resigned after getting his logs exposed for being a complete schizo
based boxy defeating another pariah tranny
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>every pariah that went against boxy lost
cant make this shit up
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Nogxy's talking to himself again
its not fair, it should have been me!!!!!
hes gotta get his daily affirmations in
too busy watching gundam so didn't take anything new
Nogxy won at being annoying schizo that's for sure
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You've never seen a human before.
You have a humiliation kink, there's no other explanation
I don't even want to take lewd pictures anymore. Fuck Sega. Fuck this game. And fuck Joof, that NGS apologist faggot.
Oh no he's an unhinged MAGA faggot. LOL at comparing his plight to someone who was fucking SHOT AT. Well this should be fun if nothing else.
Steve please jerk off and fall asleep it’s almost 4am
That poor minheight didn't walk straight after that, I guarantee it.
After 3 years of nothing. you'd think he'd realize no one cares.
gwiz always wins baby gwiz always wins
It's too hot to jerk off :(
I wish I had someone to jerk off...
Find me!
right eye sliders?
I can't be jerked off, I'm saving up.
I want to ruin your savings...
I wish I had someone to give me steppies...

But as I've learned, people are really awful at actually ERPing tin this game.
do u still play on ship 2?
Shitpost or wanna?
I won't cum now until Sunday sorry.
Not blonde or white
Shut the fuck up Jiggu.
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Uhhhhg whatever
shitrope lost
Want me to stomp on your crotch in RP?
Im AGP, if you wanna goon together to ingame models / maybe mods
What about dirty fantasy talk...?
I mean, that would be nice, yes, but I'm wary you can actually do text based RP. NGS has a freakishly low number of people who can.
Which Twitter sluts have the best text ERP?
what's with all the high-strung anons going "no one can ERP here!!"
It's not that people can't do it, it's that nobody wants to do your cringy 4 hour pretend essay shit.
Couldnt say it better myself, imagine wasting 5-8 hours essaying just to cum once or not even cuming
You'd be right, so you're scared?
when is he gonna wash his ass?
ERP is maybe "ok" when you ate a teenager, none wants that waste if time shit
Shitpost! Sorry, I don't meet up via the thread.
Only scared of getting another person who types two sentences and has posts entirely pertaining to "Mmm. Fuck. You're so tight." Nothing you could throw at me content wise that would phase me.

Nobody said I want a 4 hour session, but man, people can't even write a short paragraph.
You can immediately tell if they are capable just by talking to them, no need to lewd.
Whenever his fat doesnt stop him from reaching his asshole
>he doesn't hide his power level
Some people like to write, anon. Like, for fun. And some people like sexual things. I know, doing things you like for fun is weird.
if i see u some time i will breed
I just saw nogttens wife modded emoting with somebody else in the city
Do you like minheights? I'm not a real minheight or midheight, but more in between. I also don't think I got a stop emote to further elevate the aesthetic.
They want to get off and start some weird ass writing ritual for hours lmaooo crazy i tell you
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haven't really thought about going blonde in a while
ERP is for creative intellectuals with vivid imaginations. Go and set up a dumb modded emote if that's all you're good for.
I do, very much. I like anything that isn't reaching beached whale levels of bloated. Being fat and unhealthy isn't attractive to me. Using emotes and CS designs to elevate the aesthetic and accentuate an RP is amazing, but it's not a replacement. It's so difficult to find people actually wanting to put effort into both.
>he thinks he's an "intellectual" for wanting to waste people's time and get mad when people won't deal with it
Yes I do written ERP
Yes it usually goes on for four to six hours at a time
>Thinks ERP is a waste of time
>Shitposting on a chinese cartoon message board? Great use of time.
Are you that vore caseal?
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I like to set up modded clothes and emotes, then jerk off while taking turns trading a couple of paragraphs of erp at a time exploring our hot fantasies. Or we just talk dirty while encouraging each other to cum. Both are fun for maybe half an hour and it shouldn't drag on and on.
... I didn't expect that to be what would stick as my identifier but yes, that's me.
Eh? ... Wait, is there another vore loving Caseal I don't know?
do u erp?
It's only because I saw your CS a while ago and went wtf.
I had inspiration, I wanted to see if it could be done. It was fun seeing what I could do and if I could make it work. Certainly better than whatever boring FotM grind was at the time. Not sure if you remember my name from there or not...
Kys you cockroach looking person
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but enough about Nogxy
Taking screenshots > ERP
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6 hours is pretty fulfilling I'd say.
Abhominations should be banned from avatarfagging
uh oh ESL melty, I'm sure Queen Kisa will be unbothered again
wanna take modded screenshots together sometime?
fucking christ you look terrible
Cute femboy!
Depends if I feel like it.
Fucking hell I want to hug you so bad.
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Talking about the syber drama
Remember: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/thread/480888815/#q480959007
And the unhinged fag making syber videos, well guess who avatarfags with the same character on twitter.
But we probably all knew this already
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Reminder there's an unscheduled 5h maintenance today
>The Temporary Quest Storage for the quest Drill: Unidentified Region A64, will be adjusted so that Augment Capsules will be prioritized for storage.
Fix your face sliders Aia, your jaw is way too prominent
Thank you for your input anon but I don't plan to make any changes at the moment.
>open someones lookbook
>save bookmark
>go to bookmarks
>save ebsemble
>go to salon
>copy with exact sliders
Send me the picture when you cum on the screenshot
These clout screenshots are hilarious.
keep on
Finally I can steal a good face
Where can we see our saved bookmarks
Also lmfao Choukai and Angery samefagging for damage control
it doesn't save sliders
I see Kisa pics I compliment so I can see you seethe simple as
It does
>you can't compliment this anon because... you just can't, okay!
Are you retarded?
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I see Kisa pics I vomit. Cope harder.
I forgot bee nigger is also hyping up that faggot
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Just how many tranny sympathizers are/were in this goddamned general? How did you faggots get infiltrated THIS hard?
Nigga its a public forum no one here can stop people from visiting. EMV is full of shit anyways.
Horny drow... must be corrected!!!
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Giving pso2 to people who were too dumb to download a .zip patch, or simply install aidatroon's tweaker.
Global was a mistake.
When the fuck did 4chan become an all-inclusive image board?
Actually don't answer me, it's a lost cause anyway.
Globalbabs deserve to get laughed at. All the japanese locals I know think Global players are rude, ugly, and full of themselves.
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Even you know the answer.
How was the sex?
>Casual dress-up MMO which endgame goal is to find a wife to fap with
>W-why d-do you like trannies??????
You have low IQ
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Large ass forehead, facial features all in the middle of the face. Global trannies cannot make good characters at all.
Congrats on making a boring shitpost, just what the thread needs.
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Thank you for the feedback!
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>Blint nigger desperate for attention he had to reply to himself
Here's the attention your parents failed to give (You)
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This is crazy
>saw my favorite minheight today and they gave me a big hug
happy day
Wished that was me... I need a hug. My spirit is waning from life.
Yeah but I actually believe that, more than getting invaded by trannies, the old fags themselves just trooned out along the way.
>endgame goal is to find a wife to fap with
NGS doesn't have endgame goal, that's just your mental illness
>trooned out
>not just flat out killed themselves
Remember the ronery posting
Amazing. He even self inserted as the T2 for us to enjoy.
shitrope lost
Wish this was me! But I know it's not
I'm nobody's favourite minheight...
>Global sliders
/la barf
You're my favorite!
Liars go to hell!
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Please God, someone... Save me. Save me from myself. Save me from my obsession...
sorry to hear anon... :(
Just go masturbate bro you'll be fine after you cum.
I cannot be corrected.
What if she was HIS slut?
that's an anti-blint ritual post you retarded pagpag
You could be with a little work! It all depends how well you suck cube!!
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That’s the spirit!
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Good night pso2g
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awww it wants attention lol
Double blondes, time to nut
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I am in this photo!
Can we have sex?
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You know immediately its a Globalbab when they make characters like these:
>shitrope at it again
Have you seen second life or vrchat? All globals look the exact same
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>Rope thinks his character is any better
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>random ass name drops
Namedrop me instead!!
Go to bed porky
>JP characters = cute anime girls
>Global characters = trannies, trannies everywhere
Why are Globalkeks like this?
I wish I had someone this obsessed with me like this guy is about global.
Is there no way to skip matchmaking for trigger quests and just get it started right away?
Go to bed firo
Go to bed agent mitsumi
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Is this still the best EMV meltdown?
all of them use shitposter lingo
>calls anon adorable
>But in reality that nigger was ugly as sin
That anon's from JP friendly fire will not be tolerated
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Why couldn't Sega just make a new Phantasy Star game that's not in the " PSO2 'series' "
They made Idola
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bratty shortstacks for this feeling?
not even close
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gwiz is liking leche rikka's tweets too. its so obvious at this point.
The stupid fucking motion blur makes me laugh every single god damn time without failure.
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new /pso2g/ crush just dropped
Your mother wishes that she aborted your crackhead ass lol!
kisa dont want u lil bro
Samurai Jack looking ass
Why can't Globalbabs make good characters?
wow i got to the end now. y’all really need some new material. that mean girls act is months old and y’all still blocked but it was never in style. it’s 2024 get therapy you cunts
what happened to kuckcake kingdom

did you guys get bored and quit or decide to raid a new alliance or what? there was 60 members yesterday and you’re not even top 20. what did wak and akari and bee do to fuck it up so fast
your response?
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boxy talks to crackheads ?

like bum fights or something? does he pay them n-meseta to fight and do tricks
We don't even pay Nogxy to entertain us. He does it for free.
minheights doko?
looks like shitrope woke up
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Rope whyyyyyyyyyy you were doing so good!!!!!!

now it’s gonna be 100 posts of nog prefixes
That's me!
>now it’s gonna be 100 posts of nog prefixes
Yeah turdrope is here so enjoy those nogxy spams
Don't you just hate it when Nogxy and the JP schizos make the threads unusable for days or weeks even?
nogxy spam overshadowed both of those for years and yet you were nowhere to be seen
Bitch we were here since long before Globalbabs came to this general. We never left so cope harder.
Maint today
As a PS-W, I predate /jp/ fags.
went for broke when ebay was new and got a DC with pso1, so I predate most here
any master system bros in the house?
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This is a mandatory SEGA Boost Week ArKS Certified Equipment Check Point.

Reply to this post with a clear photo of your current weapon or armor. anon and CLEARLY display your total potency, anon. NOW.

You did finally get off the free welfare efistants right anon?? Meseta costs were 75% off and enhance boost was at 90% and augmentation success rate as well as fixa enhance rate were both an addition 10% each and you STILL didn’t DO anything??
built me a cute little talis with pp on kill so i can sub anything i want for bursts
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sex sex se se sex!
The website is from 1999...
yea i pork my dandelion
Apologize to your mum
Based EMV keeps his melee potency high to keep his mom in her place.
im at 198% pot all class lmao
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Apologize to your mom Crack V.
Holy kek
>My alliance chat
Crack V was later removed from “his” alliance chat lol
twitter likes are private now retard
yes, and...? :^)
mega cringe
shitrope giving sloppy rimjobs while his ass is unwashed
Scat queen
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Shitrope must be going crazy after seeing that pic. He loves to slurp it all up
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I wish my hag crush wasn’t taken…
i want to turn my lively crush into a mother
I love you!
>Trying to take the moral high ground after beating his mother relentlessly
nogxy says that kisa samefags his posts but then turns around and says he has three other guys hyping him up
just ignore him he's mentally ill
Oh okay
Hello shitrope
I want to kiss my crushes feet!
Is it me?
rope gave me a fetish for bbw
who is your hag crush
I want you to sex me!
File deleted.
this is my hagcrush >>487168598
but enough about nogshai
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How do i tell a minheight i wanna bury my balls in their esophagus without scaring them away?!
Depends on who it is. You gotta adapt your approach to the target
i just tell her what i want her to know them coom to her little frame and she allows it to continue
Literally me
ok Rope
They don’t talk in area chat often, it’s hard to get a read on them!
All sluts make themselves look slutty to hear shit like that. Stop being a cuck and just approach
Can you describe them in any way?
Which toble would you force sex
Based. Really speaks volumes.
Short, pale, red eyes and little horns!
so jiggu or stena?
the schizo ones
>don't talk in area chat
You lost before you even spoke to them you faggot catboy
If it is who I think it is, then just tell them what you told us
How do I tell a minheight I wanna find out how it feels to kiss a girl....?
Add cock at the start of the sentence to get their attention
>Cock-a-doodle-do! Wanna find out what it's like to kiss a chick?
based panty peek from the threads best free use whore
I’m not gay or a catboy, sorry!
Are you a cute minheight?
Yes! Otherwise the height difference would be very awkward.
Ehh... cock cocks?
>Hamulily: he felt bad for spamming area chat, LMAO!
>Hamulily: i strongly believe he will be here forever either way!
>Hamulity: his mental breakdowns are funny to witness!
>i get the lolcow angle, block it :^), i like to hear the crazy talk from people
>your post are tiresome i'm going to ignore you! stalks you instead
crackheads > malice laced kiwifarm trolls
emv won
Shut up, cracky
get tributed
captcha VYMAD
But are you a true minheight...?
Shitfingers is hands down the most repulsive, pathetic retard to ever stumble onto this place. It's a shame we're stuck with his constant spam because he can't handle weed
>everyone is my thread enemy
lay off the pipe
Ahh... true no but I'm flexible. I didn't wanna be a true minheight so I didn't get perverted hands all over me. I just want your delicate hands to brush my face when practicing!
I like minheight flirting, it makes me leak without even touching...
>kiwifarm sends their best
>only manages to troll one autistic junkie
Toblerone wins by doing nothing once again
Just from watching, or do you want to join in...?
If todlerfags were mass banned would overall happiness in-game go up or down?
I'm a dirty pervert who gets off to watching 2 innocent girls explore their bodies and figure out their sexuality...
Yurifags are so fucking boring desu
Forever stuck in the foreplay and angst
Bro you are typing about gay children please stfu
Anyway so I started fingerblasting and spreading their butthole and inserting phallic objects until they became a moaning mess
He hit the bong too many times this morning, please forgive him he doesn't even know what day it is
unironic newfag here
do i start ngs immediately?
can i actually play the game cliqueless? i got a few warnings i need an actual guild for it
Still better than hours upon hours of purple pros to describe how your heart is fluttering at the sight of her GLISTENING SKIN desu
>act like fags
>act like toddlers
i see no issue
You might need to talk to people to queue some of the dead content but joining an alliance is 100% optional
Post your fingernails, no last minute scrubbing either
As someone that mostly plays the game solo you'll do fine cliqueless, just be warned, it's like playing in hard mode. Having a clique helps if you wanna be efficient.
Yuri is cute if you mesh well with the other person. And I really Really REALLY love foreplay!
let me pick your brain
i'm sure it'll get covered in shit
Oh no bros cracky is about to green out again
Anon that's so gross! You really wanna watch two little girls go at it??
I don't want to, it's a guilty pleasure! It's so dirty feeling but it looks so cute to witness. I'll never have that as an ugly fuck so you have to understand! You'll never know I'm there as long as I keep my excess foreskin quiet...
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don’t falseflag as me. pick someone who will actually have a melty again i’m bored
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Anon if you got caught you'd get bullied so badly you'd wanna kill yourself!
you're sick in the head you know??
Just don't call the police on me. I want to cry from my penis not from my eyes ToT ToT ToT!!! I'll do anything you tell me just don't send me away I beg of you missy!!!! Please flirt more with the other minheight I wasn't even 40% of the way done aughhh :sob: :sob: :sob:!!!!!
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How much money do you think I can get from an official content creator who went out their way to jump into my kudos and we've been interacting for 3 days now?
Godcomplex has no money lol
none when they find out you're a fucking 4chan browsing pedophile, nasty ass nigga
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Well I'm going take it slow and try to become their secret mistress. Can't show our conversations for now since I don't want to out them and I know how the weirdos here are when it comes to stuff like this.

Wish me luck little ones. *Smooch~*
My bets are on Kagerisu
You’re also one of those weirdos that you are referring to
Time to make an alt character and send a kudos to every official content creator about this.
You're weirder than most regulars, don't try to exempt yourself.
You hurt my feelings...
On a different note, why are normalfags and pariahs so obsessed with getting anons to speak up? Seems like such a strange thing to get hung up on desu
probably because what outs them as normalfags or pariahs is the fact that they can't help but talk non-stop and let their mental illness slip. So they want you to expose yourself as well
They are?
True Nogxy got exposed and spends every day trying to expose others, but no one's going to forget Nogxy's a bbc/scat enjoyer tranny groomer pedo obese nigger college drop out
Actually I forgot since I don't care about him
you cared enough to respond and you know who he is
You remind me all the time. If it werent for you that guy would be forgotten forever. You hold Nogxy's living legacy
Nta but benchy will keep posting regardless of whether anon brings him up, or you suck him off, there's no point in any of it
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today i build my first pc, was a good day
Were you on console before?
no, but i never build a pc by myself before. should have worded it differently probably
Oh then congrats anon
powerful I am so proud of you gamer honse.
>gatekeeper projecting
As always, the pariahs reveal themselves
Post speccy
really cute
No, shitfingers.
>butthurt quotes with (you)s
Play JP to avoid drama and cliques
>want to post picture
>just feel bad thinking about it and don't
>butthurt quotes without (you)s
also rinka
why do we call other NGS degens "nomalfags"? Like, they're no different than us, lmao. In fact, they're worse. I highly doubt any of you are as public as they are about their degeneracy. So, uh, what the fuck is a "normalfag" when referring to PSO2 NGS?
>P-P-please stop calling me a normalfag!!!!
Lmao nah nigga you are what you are
newfag spotted + lurk more
>posts in the thread
>thinks they're 4chan
this entire general is normalfags. prove me wrong
Why would I talk to you more than I need to you fag
its nothing big just something to keep up with most stuff, but my old machine is 15 years old by this point and it shows (got it from a friend after he upgraded for free so no complains here)
>doesn't chat in area
>insecure man baby
>4k monitor
>rtx 3060
You can usually find shitfingers in one of the first aelio blocks around this time, just rambling on about nonsensical shit in area chat
I have a really bad crush on another mi*height
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>Look at anon on the outside
>Wow so cute!
>I bet their personality is always cute!
>They type like a chain smoker
every time lmao. best example is pelle
Not wrong. I'm what would be considered a normalfag despite being pso2g for 10 years
I hope it's me!
But I like that kind of qt because with the flip of a switch they turn into a cum vacuum.
That's almost the same as me except running 16 ram and 1080p. 4k seems overkill for a 3060 considering how poorly optimized NGS is.
you can be normal too
deradicalize shitlord
>4K Monitor
LMAO what are you doing?!?!?
Guys, he literally just told you he got hand me downs from his friend
are you Wet Back?
That's what I was thinking too lmao
I thought that was referring to his old machine
Calm down Wet Shit
>ignores his bait
>internal seething
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You peasants with your 60hz standard IPS monitors. I have achieved godhood. You are but the roaches that run in fear. I am top 1% a percentile only a God could reach.
>be crabjak
>have hemorrhoid rage
fag catboy won
>t. non zowie user
>he bought a $1500 monitor
you are a retard
peopel wanted me to take pics in 4K for the alliance when xevel went poof, i just never botherd to change it back, so far i havent encounterd any big issue either. but i could/should crank it down probably.
that was indeed the old one, but the display is still the same.
It's probably not! She'll barely even look my way...
bro is using a dell in 2024
awh... sorry, anon
Silence! You cockroach!
I don't even know who I am anymore. I don't understand what's happening to me. I feel like I'm losing my identity
syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won syberbolt won
Same energy as the Gamestop ceo
Uh oh nogxy melty
buck broken behavior
this is getting sad
That's good. Clearly your identity was too poorly defined, so now you can discover who you really are
Donald Trump will pardon Incelbolt
Pelle never breaks character at being an air headed anime character. No idea what you mean. Best example is EMV acting like a girl then you see him stream and it's extra pathetic he's like this.
Stfu Schizogri
There was a guy a few threads ago with 360 hz
>t.240 hz as well
but enough about nogshai
Nogxy just couldn't go 1 thread
Nogxy's a low impulse control american irl
Boxy being black makes him being a neet way less based wtf get a job nigger government assistance are for people with parents that earned it
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>Anon comes to the block
>suddenly they're surrounded by 3 or more people
>no one ever comes to pet me
join the club pal
I would, but I'm too shy to approach people...
but enough about nogshai
Nashai has a job
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What is it with Pariahs gobbling nigger femboy cock all the time?
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I think I'm a woman, therefore I am a woman!
Nashai isn't trans though? Is this just Boxy desperately trying to control the narrative again.
Just don't seek simps
but enough about nogshai
Why are all the tranners the best people to hang out with?
because bigots lack a personality beyond hating everything
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This but unironically
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>reading books to people down on their luck
lmao wat?
Why would you read books to the homeless or elderly?
old people and homeless people love being read stories by people in costume, don't you know? lmfao
not PSO related stay on topic
It's 2024. No one reads books anymore.
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Selfies are pso2 related
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>tfw no la stroke
Why would you even have these gross ass images saved in the first place?
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chuds and bigots lost today...
nogxy tranny melty
but enough about nogshai
Because they cant realize they're the issue
boxy after verbally abusing me for nutting inside her after a one sided vicious mating press
The JPchad on the left, Globaltroons on the right.
better than having it saved in a mirror
That wasn't a good comeback by any stretch bro, please don't start patting yourself on the back you room temp iq faglord
>thread full of drama only people outside looking in would gossip about
It's what happens when the retards who'd normally be splitting apart an alliance are filtered out at the door desu
yeah Nogxy lost repeatedly every day since we can just spam from our clique discord and all he can do is namedrop his enemies
It's always amusing seeing no-lifers gossip about you without knowing anything
>losers congregate to gossip
we know you're an annoying nigger Nogxy that's easy to make seethe it's not rocket science or whatever class filtered you from graduating
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The feeling wanes from indifference to amusement.
>couldn't fix his ugly character's face so he resorted to that
>acts like he is stoic with a picture attached
>moments before he spends his next several hours propegating why X should hate Y despite both quitting the game 3 years ago
Nogxy here, my life sucks, better spam about Rope and Nashai every day
this is the guy who thinks he is an evil mastermind? lmaoooooooooooooo
I'm not whoever this literal who Globalkek is
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Calm down, okay?
but enough about nogshai
Nogxy swooping in on low level t3s
This place is just awful. Don’t you guys have shame? Don’t you have anything better to do? No spectator enjoys watching your mindless bickering.
when he sees a tanned or black character to obsess over
Why does every person Boxy interacts with become a shitposting target in the thread? Surely it's just a coincidence...?
Boxy thinks he is L from death note irl
Nogxy must have lost his shit then when Netflix made L a nigger
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Yall ready for maintenance?
Leave her alone
I goon to Leche Rikka all the time
but enough about nogshai
This explains why he acts so butt hurt
Edging to this until I reach a higher state of consciousness
Good to know shitrope but nobody asked
What if i told you guys none of the shitposts are boxy but some mentally ill tranny desperately trying to pin it on him and that goes with anything thats happening in the thread?
It wouldn't change a thing because he's guilty as hell of many other terrible things.
post premaint pics
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me on the right
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my future wife...
Cute cute cute
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Its these two uglies again lmfao
now post your joke character
that's the wrong one...
yeah I’d bump uglies with them desu
ugly and uglier
I would make the two dogs ugly cry after plaps desu
Especially the goth one
I got tired of checking the treasure shop so I went back to base and bought it, it was surprisingly cheap. only 9m base meseta.
I no longer have to slap people with hammers to express my affection.
OF COURSE you two fucking freaks are friends
blocking ghostnigger on sight after maintenance
Took you this long to find a reason to block him? lol
Yeah but who the fuck are you lol
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Creepy shrek nigga
ok shitrope
I don't get the hate, never have.
Daicon's always had really catty members
TOP elf on a TOP shelf
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>Not even a single 1 (one) caseal
It's over, toble has fallen...
ignore the pariahs trying to fabricate hate for people, basically none of that's real.
but enough about nogshai
Ugly desperate nigga uses his size to intimidate people to be lewd.
Yeah, I'd top this elf.
what does that even mean
shrek gets more pussy than wet shit
The power of being a friendly dude with a life instead of a malicious goblin rotting in his basement. His only crime is having a scary character, which is no crime to me.
this desu
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What are you playing during maint and what are your hopes and dreams for the headline
Who doesn’t? Even charismaless wallflowers have more pull.
Mabinogi server I play on is down so I'm just catching up on anime
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warframe, and absolutely no hope for anything decent.

but stia r2 and the stia space might be nice
that game is still up? i haven't tried in years.
Azur Lane dailies + event point grinding
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>What are you playing during maint
I'm working.
More story, more info on MARS, more cool content.
stay away from mabinogi you ugly piece of shit
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I logged on, got pet by a bunch of anons and did not cry. Nope.
Its maint.
Nigga it's just an emote
I'm pretty sure vanilla still thrives but has gone through so many system reworks and pretty much skips the early skill level grind by throwing thousands of total levels at you, so I just play on private servers instead
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made in abyss collab
It's more jarring than anything. It's odd to look at a themed group photo and seeing spooky ghost pirate stuff in a corner. I know it's his niche schtick but he could learn to ease up on it
i do remember last time hearing that there was a mobile version in the works, but apparently nothing came of it yet
I'm putting my ass to sleep but what I hope to see is Ruine Nemes Ange and new story. I know story wasn't mentioned on the roadmap but I'm holding out hope that they thought Line Strike occupying its own row was more important than putting story on there.
made in abyss collab would be too good for this game but god i wish
Gundam 00
star rail unfortunately

i want a moonlight caseal rerun
What happened to Pellegri?
warframe sucks
>he didn't watch the latest tennocon
nogshai looking grotesque and fatherless!
talk about alice and chelkie
>impregnated by darkers
>sold into bondage on ship 3
>cucked by Choukai
its the same slop nuke gameplay but with ever increasingly cringe dialouge
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but more about Nashai ^^
Why would they do this maint a day early instead of the usual time?
emergency maint because they fucked up the lq drops
i actually like some of the gameplay loops in there tb-h

also ember's heirloom got a fat ass, so that's compelling enough to play more.
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tell me about your current >favorite person on NGS
we weren't supposed to get a maintenance this week at all, but because of the lq drops being fucked they decided to still do it
could've done it on the day they figured it out but i guess letting people get even more gigas mastes is not in their plans
>fucked up the lq drops
"The Temporary Quest Storage for the quest Drill: Unidentified Region A64, will be adjusted so that Augment Capsules will be prioritized for storage."
essentially you were not getting all the drops because it only keeps 100
if you dropped over 100 items, your caps went to shit first instead of trash equipment
I see.
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stay with me, watashi ai anata
cute, charismatic, helpful, funny
he’s genuinely kind, always puts others ahead of himself
You because you are our lolcow
it's so disgusting when some ugly faggot comes to do la stroke on you
he’s artistic and a bit reclusive but terribly twisted in the best possible ways…
He games, is chill, cool to talk to, memes, and lewds
>la stroke my friend
>some ugly faggot shows up and pets them too
my silly goofball friend with a tiny penis!
She gets shitposted fervently.
Buttons is my favorite. Skilled, sexy, genuine and loving.
she’s expressive with emotes but not her words.

cmon show me how you can use that mouth baby girl
He's easygoing and I feel at home when we idle together because of his cozy aura.
me, cause i'm the only one i have here.
i like galama shes chill
I wonder how many of these are your crush (assuming you even talk to them)
she's pretty and helpful, likes memes and cosplay, but shy and needs a lot of convincing to lewd
Esvatira is the only sane one left...
don't have one anymore
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>my pso2g crush posts about her favorite person
>it’s not me
Reminder that, while the maintenance started at the usual time, it ends an hour earlier than usual!
Aiatar is underestimated and our hottest member
>emv in the lead
My wife can make me smile like no one else.
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Top 5 reasons why my wife is my favorite person on NGS
1. she's cute
2. she has cute outfits
3. I love her!
4. my wife!!!
I need an aloof and indifferent wife who lets me be clingy
i hope it's not me!
literally me
Just take a waifu that isn't named here here.
Sorry, I'm taken.
That literally sounds like me but I already got a clinger
She fapsluts for me, poses for me in-game, feeds me lewds in Discord, gives me wank material every day, she's literally perfect plap bait
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sausage fest
Jealous lil nigger, even us JPchads have a special wife in our hearts.
I love my friend no matter what anyone says.
/yay/ i love pso2g!
6 more hours until headline
who else here rot-maxing before servers come up
me but that's all the time and not just when waiting for servers to go live
I only get off to tanned girls, gyarus, and bimbos.
I'm all three of these
i'm not a single one of these
I only get off to white, flat, petite girls.
one vote catboy here, ama
I'm all of these!
I'm only one of these
>instead of a malicious goblin rotting in his basement.
Stop calling out rope like that its way too specific almost targeting him
I'm only one of these
i'm only two of these
I'm all three. I am your superior.
I wish that were me
I'm physically taller and wiser *picks you up* abloobloo *makes funny faces*
My crush took my spot among my friends
I'm just gonna disappear
Stoooooooooooooop! Cease this tomfoolery. You will not insult me like this..
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So freaking cute! *holds you close for a hug* awwww, tell you what, I'll take you to McDonald's and get you a happy meal of your choice. Okay? *pats head*
I do NOT condone this behavior at all, anon, and I will be drawing things on your face with a sharpie when you go to sleep. But I suppose I can let you off with a warning this time because you're offering me a Happy Meal..
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Ultra hard 8 man underground nameless city exploration quest.
God it's like you aren't even aware how much of a creep you are.
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Based boxy
if they weigh this much @20 they'll be 400lbs @30
Nice, just don't ask for ice cream don't you think you can suddenly swindle me out of more money. And you better behave with the other minheights at the play area, i am not making a scene again.
itt: wet dreams is lonely and demands to be involved
he’s aware
how do i defeat asuka eros in NGS
You don't engage that idiot
which pso2g do you hate? have you told doppel yet?
same way you defeat every other pso2g
by plap duel
those two talking? uh oh. .
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>cecile sold his global account just to pretend to be japanese on the jp server
JPbabs? explain this
Hello me
>back to using his old sliders
What was the point of the melty?
so based he knew you all were worthless trannies
reminder for new NGSbabs he samefagged his trash pictures back then in pso2 and got caught when a janny mass deleted spam
what a pathetic faggot cecil is
>He doesn't know
>He lacks critical information
Tourist detected.
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Thanks for the heads up.
>moves to JP
>moves to ship 2 to join an EOP alliance
heres comes the plot twist:

cecile is the JP faggot who is obsessed with global being "shit"
Would explain the sudden increase in JP shitposting
finally someone said it
this time in english
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>janny actually doing something on /trash/
nta but that actually happened.
>log in
>immediate [cute] [cute] combo from sexy normie
it's that simple
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That's the hilarious part. Jannies never do shit on trash
It is true though lol
>not a 3rd cute
go look in the archive you worthless faggot. type "cecile samefag" and you will eventually find THE screenshot
>EMV already replied on his profile
Caught the shitstirrer red-handed
that's not even surprising, shitfingers is a poser faggot
>A literal newfag ngsbaby
based based based
I have to somewhat agree. Global is shit. Proud of you guys though, have fun tearing Cecile apart. I've always hated his ass.
who doesn't? cecile makes his "fake nice" personality too obvious
Why would you care about him if you're not on Global
cecile is the type of person who acts nice ingame to keep his "image" up but is in the thread stirring shit on drama unrelated to him
ur a puriah if u like cecile :d
I wouldn't be suprised if cecile posted himself in the thread to get attention. He's a known samefagger
here comes the faggot cat to act retarded and ask why nobody likes him again
I wish some anon would let me live rent free in their heads too like they do with Cecile. Its hard to be a literal who in Global.
the difference is that cecile got caught.
Caught doing what?
Definitely the most irrelevant pariah.
being a shitstirring samefagger.
cecile is cute because he looks like me only cell shaded. i have been following him forever and he still hasn’t followed me back. he just popped up on my timeline so i figured i would poke him. y’all the ones who care enough to shitpost him i am just trying to make a new fren.

cecil keep shitposting global lol if this many here hate you that means you’re probably alright in my book. everyone y’all like ignores me and everyone y’all hate has at least been pleasant and cordial. fucking lunatics.
A dedicated cast scratch with actual parts as an open apology towards the mistreatment of cast players.
>fag scratch with literally none of the frame arms, every single frame was sidelined
>no cast parts from the geass collab
>shitfinger keeps stirring shit
beating your mom wasnt enough?
but enough about schizogri
Telling shinobu to kill himself (based)
>everyone y’all like ignores me and everyone y’all hate
>still comes here for no reason
we made it clear that nobody wants your mentally ill ass here. go beat your mother somewhere else
>It was shitfingers all along
Bro you could have gotten away with it if you didn't have to insert yourself for attention.
Lol he really can't NOT tell everyone he did something
Stfu Cracky, leave Cecile alone.
i haz no reason to hate/dislike anyone (yet!) xd
the people that stinki post me never fess up their identity
i poked jiggu but everyone got upset at me for guessing names so i stopped
i'm not sure wat to think about grimjak, it was probably my fault for being near his spot
boxy seems to game a lot while i lobby rat, sometimes i wanna answer his calls to play
here's ur (you) dummies
me and cecil don’t care
One of the many things he did. now if that is his real personality what else do you think he's capable of? cecile is a literal weirdo with a pretty obvious fake personality that he keeps up just to cover for the fact that he's a massive shitposter
Sounds based
That's literally me, why is he so special?
wasn’t me have you idiots not caught on yet it’s same pattern everytime. just go back to the mean girls saga with hamulily it’s just them again. i have never posted about cecil in my life apart from when he copied my face sliders and we all called him out for it
I hate Jiggu so much it's unreal. I hope he kills himself
I think Cecile was based for banishing Shinobu forever out of pso2g. He's a real G in my book for that.
too bad the likelyhood of him calling your character ugly as shit is pretty high, too.
Its just you, nigger.
but enough about schizogri
reminder cecile posted his lewd screenshots in /aco/ to bait replies but no one replied
wanna know why that happened? because cecile is from /vrc/ and knows shinobu. cecile was a known shitstirrer even in /vrc/. Man the lots of you are only touching the tip of the iceberg.
>Crack V was obsessed with Cecile's because he thinks Cecile copied his sliders
I am not sure I follow this anymore.
list every embarrassing moment you can remember about Cecil
Nah Cracky, you ain't getting shit. Find it yourself.
lil nigga made the lewdcord just to have a meltdown minutes later
the reason why cecile told shinobu to kill himself is because cecile thought shinobu was stalking him across generals (/vrc/ to /pso2g/)

>Cecil tried to steal EMVs face
Nah, you're just putting the same schizo theory together that the shinobufag was, which means you're a pariah in not one, but two threads, anon. That's pretty fucked
You are completely clueless or cecile damage controlling
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It's just bantz bro grow some skin
>grudges from 2018 resurfacing
man I love /pso2g/, y'all crazy
shut up nogcil
>does he know?
Literally no person on planet earth has ever looked at EMV and gone "Damn that look is good, I am either going to steal or even try to emulate it"
none of you pariah tranny shitposters could hold a candle to shinobu. he was the true shitposter of the thread. combine every pariah we have right now and multiply it by like 100x. that was shinobu. his 20 hours fueled melties because he was drunk. the meltdowns INGAME actually confronting people and didnt even hide behind any anonymous shitpost.

he was a true shitposter
Cecile be like, "Nah, I'd win."
look at this pretender prattle on about bullshit
Watching cracky trying this hard to be in the know is so fucking funny to witness.
You're so bad at pretending you know things.
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emv has been doing that since day 1
shinobu was a honorable shitposter because he actually confronted people ingame in public chat about it. he didnt shitpost in the thread anonymously and when he did he made sure he avatarfagged as shinobu. None of you worthless tranny shitposter will ever be able to compete or be as honorable as him. you are a bunch of two faced pussies hiding behind a fake personality.
>EMV got caught shitstirring and is now damage controlling
All you had to do was shut your mouth bro
>posting about yourself in the third person
Glad to know you barely interacted with him. Good for you.
So did EMV?
you are a worthless pussy aswell. your shitposts are always in third person and you always try to hide it
Shinobu got kicked from the gc and had a week long, drunken melty about it
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Cecile nearly convinced me to transfer to JP too with how based this thread is.
So, what did cracky do again?
What's the point of trying to be anon and self post when you're literally the only person brain damaged enough to post disgusting ai sloppa faggotry slop that's also off topic, acting like no one is going to immediately know its you.
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how am i hiding it

i attached an image lol

i only hide it to play games with y’all because you it when i keep you guessing. i like it when you simp for me and betray your own people. what’s the matter scared to show your true colors anon?
>y-you didnt know
when he was shitposted so hard he hid in the corner for hours and had a fit
when he walked up a person and told him his character is ugly as shit
when he had gigantic meltdowns over the GC.
when he had his drunken rants in the thread

shut the fuck up
He tried to shitpost Cecile, got caught, and is now damage controlling hard.
I'm glad you read the prerequisite ED articles anon you're such a big boy
>keep guessing
It's so obvious when you post, retard. You stick out because you've never been pso2g
Oh, it's hard to tell with his crackfueld blood.
>when he joined stardust but got kicked
>when he joined literally every single pso2 alliance but got kicked/left
>the cause is because he always had meltdowns in alliance chat and blaming everybody

do i need to spoonfeed your newfag ass more?
wat happened to kuckcake kingdom did your alliance mom leave y’all at walmart again
God I hate tryhards lmao
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What the fuck. Is that still around? I thought it died a decade ago, let alone having pso2gs recorded on it
>we never gonna get kino shitposters like shinobu again. its only going to be vindicative two faced trannies with the same boring and worthless shitpost spam
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what is going in here

which one of you is shinobus alt too scared to shitpost like you used to and won’t let it go like a retired high school 2nd string quarterback

y’all will never have a more le ebin stinky poster than me (emv)
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does the bench make me pso2g?
Cracky you're stressed out and not making sense, go unwind with that punching bag you call your mother and use your stamps to buy some crystal.
shinobu was waaaaay too honest for his own good.
get new material crab in a bucket ass noglet
i would definitely respect any of those pariahs more if they didn't hide behind anonymousity when they shitpost
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Which one?
Cracky got caught lackin' lmao
People here are the opposite of crabs, they actively tried to help you move on, and not be here. They have given you advice, and heartfelt warnings. Yet you cannot resist coming here in your Crack fueled dopamine fried melties because your mind has regressed to that of a teenage girl and you cannot fathom doing anything with your life other than vapid drama bait because you are too mentally weak to work on anything productive.
Stop posting here, move on, kill yourself, it doesn't matter what you do just fuck off already>>487253290
Did anything get added? what the hell
Nope, enjoy your increased Gigas Maste drop rate from the LQ
Nice melty bro LOL
It was an emergency mating to fix the lq drops. It was prioritizing trash gear over capsules of any kind
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Choukai is really trying hard to shitpost his enemy Cecile and involve his other enemy EMV as well. Will he have time to d continue damage controlling and still have time to make the next thread too?


you’re stupid crabs in a bucket hoist one another up so one retard can maybe get out one day for a moment at the top propped up by the other crustaceans.

woosh. you brainrot coom brained idiot.
>guaranteed replies

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