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Previously, on /pso2g/: >>487102732

Global Alliances:
Ship 1: RappyDeathsquad
Ship 2: Daikkuri, Tendoku, Toblerone, Oyasumi, Stardust Drive
Ship 3: Mitsuba
Ship 4: group chat only

>NGS Headline (2024/07/23)

>Scratch Tickets:


>NGS Wiki:
https://pso2ngs.swiki.jp/ (JP)

>NGS Damage Calculator:

>NGS Verification Data (frame data, enemy stats, game mechanics, etc):
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1h3gSISqcFIkZUiV_Z4thvFmycuTajw5-6V1Y36rx64w/ (JP, usually more up to date)

>Item Codes and Keywords:

>Fashion History

>NGS Roadmap:

>PSO2 Information/FAQ

>Older Phantasy Star Games
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The black cat!
Post your character and your predictions for the headline
Choukai fucks his friends friends and lies about it while smoke screening behind Cecile shitposts because he got rejected on JP just like he did ship 2 and ship 1.
why can't you people just be nice?
I want to have feral brutal outright violent and aggressive sweaty baby making bed breaking breeding mating press sex with a caseal desu desu desu desu
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I'm nice.
>Choukai namedropping himself out of nowhere
Caught another schizo shitstirring. You just can't help yourself, you narcissistic retard.
i’m not a narcissist though
>AI slop
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dogshit on top of dogshit, and maybe stia r2
>crossthread replying to yourself
yes you are Kisaragi lol
actual retard
i predict sega will attempt to rebrand NGS as a more wholesome experience. they'll use the recent harassment settlement as a lynchpin to go after 'trolls' and finally cleanse this community. after pso2g bangate 2.0 the game returns to pegi 16.
Crush is posting borderline porn now...My dick can't handle this bros...
>literally replying yourself trying to namedrop someone
>while you avatarfag with your ai faggotry
Lmao. Go wash your hands braddy, you don't want your mother to get meth residue on her when you decide to beat the shit out of her again tonight.
Considering the thread is 90% people from toblet, not surprised. You can tell by maint pics, it's always them talking to eachother and stirring stuff up. Just like the one who exposed Choukai cucking friends and alli was a toble aswell on an alt acc.
For you or for someone else?
So its Choukai/Kisa and EMV shitstirring. What a shocking twist of events. (not)
my crush just crushed my heart
I guess lucky you
For everyone. Somehow that turns me on more that she's slowly becoming more of a slut
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yeah and anytime anyone else tried to get involved they shitpost them to hell, reject them, force them out of the thread. and falseflag as them and continue the cannibalism. it’s fucking bizzare. what was the line at which y’all became this way do you think? it wasn’t always this bad.

if you could trace it back, what was the breaking point that finally got pso2g to crack?
>replying to yourself
Go wash your hands.
sorry that’s someone who isn’t brainrot waiting on their next you instant reply faggot gottem he mad bc i been checking for an hour straight now and he can hardly keep up
>replying to someone calling you out on replying to yourself

another pedo trannyfag Medusa / Astrid
Hint on who your crush is?
Go wash your hands, retard.
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meant for >>487255235
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Any normal emotionally mature pso2geeees want to do content in like 2-3 hours?
Yes, pretty much. I don't really know but it's very clear that other alliances rarely get involved in here, they are just used as bait for the most part
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i'm not hopeful this headline will be any different than any other ones the past several months.
she’s a 3 time successful alliance leader and the next big official NGS content creator waiting the wings..
>abandons their alliance to kill another multiple times
You were right but fuck you for thinking I'm going to parse anything at 4 in the morning.
why do niggers on this game make their character white?
why would you want to be black lol
why do cucks on this game make their character black?
because if ur black and make a black character you end up like blint
Who the fuck wants to be black?
i like being black.
me too anon
fuck off blint you're a disgrace to the black ancestors
who is your crush
Their dad doesn't care about them, what makes you think their ancestors would
his right hand
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I just want the SLF stuff so that, ideally
finally someone gets it
I made a bingo card with my friends
Please let me plap from behind
post on aco
it really needs you
I think I know who this is...
Why can't Choukai/Kisa and EMV stop namedropping their asses every chance they can?
Can I be the free space
It's Someone who really needs to wash their fingernails.
>shitrope posts his ugly blob at the same time the "nogxy" spam starts to ramp in the main thread
She's so perfect bros...
Ugly desu
She's perfect! Don't disrespect my wife! No one else looks as good as her!
That was just 1/2
I'm too lazy but here
unfortunately "What do you think?" is the free space
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A hunter X hunter collab.
2/10 below average, no redeeming quality, nothing special
Yeah what were you looking for?
wish more people went for the girl next door look
you know whats funny about this dogshit post? you have to put it into perspective that maybe the poster behind this is either daicon/toblerone/stardust or other retarded pso2g niggas but it is 100 one of them.

its so funny to me
Idk prob goof around in the LTQ or do the gryphon trigger.
that's koishi from daikkuri, so yeah, same thing basically
Perfect for my lap
i dont care who it actually is but it is rather unsettling that it is 100 % one of the pso2g ppl that post their character here.
why is he trying to force this so hard lol
cracky lives off of petty drama, why are you surprised
>the shitposting tranny shivers as he gets put into perspective
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fate collab!
Are you retarded? Who else would be browsing this general homebrewed on /vg/ for us to use?
153 height trannys acting like they are cute minheights
/la barf
aco collab!
kinda weird to emphasize only those alliances when the most rampant shitposters are all external to them
This dude is on overdrive lol
ppl seem to forget that the person next to you acting nice could be the shitposter that called him ugly last day. literally just a reminder
i mentioned all the pso2g alliance and "other retarded pso2g niggas". read it again
>Obvious bait and lie
Okay, and? "Boo hoo he was mean to me :(" I'll just be mean back, easy as that. How can you use 4chan and not even have thick skin? How can being called ugly even phase you? LOL
this shitposter is literally shitting in his pants right now
you replied to me what do you mean "okay, and?" your retarded ass asked and i replied. if you dont care move the fuck on
I'll be your partner :>
it was just a reminder calm down tranny
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For me? It's a Dead Island collab, can you imagine that my dear friend? that would be so awesome if PSO2 NGS did a Dead Island collab, wow....
>dead island collab
yeah just go to your CS lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
OMG u got me!!!! sheesh!!!!!!
oh my GOODNESS WOW!!!!!!
well played fellow pso2 ngs comrade well played indeed!
I think a Once Human collab would be pretty cool for phantasy star 2 online new genesis, do you think SEGA can afford such a popular license?
Hopefully it comes with a free outfit hnng...lately they've been realsing them even with pointy nips
Will there be another maint on Wednesday or that's it?
is this for vindictus?
this was our one maint i think
Who are you?
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I got no predictions.
*cums on ur proof*
Why did Cecille leave bros...
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Next week's is 3 hours earlier but ends at the same time.
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I chuckle at this every time
until you realize its blint samefagging
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I have no idea what's happening with this game anymore desu
shut up nogxy
Finally, someone using a good face
>another one of my shitposts caught on
Christ, let's fuck (again)!
Shitrope melty
nobody asked shitrope
they all look the same
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Did you also come up with tapeworm ass nigga cause that's my favorite
do you like minheights?
If you think all Sylphid look the same you need to get off your containment server Globalkek
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you and that ugly ass nigga blint are retarded wastes of air you sped newfag
My sylphid queens back to back once again <3
whatever you say blintoshit
SylphidGAWDS rise up
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yeah the fake lightskin nigga who cries about being ugly and takes "breaks" is gonna shitpost himself shut the fuck up
stg niggas can't do shit for the community
>blint breaking down after ppl found out
That's all of them. Even in free salon, no one wants to give it a serious try.
Aiatar even got filtered...
>tobles spaming the thread
Hers is cute, she just needs to get comfortable using the face.
I'd love to see her with Arisu and Rosewise if she uses it again
Do they give out salon passes often now?
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sounds like my cue
Oh no no no, you're going to flare his 30+ y/o AGP ass
lmaooo this nigga is still awake what the fuck
telling you hes having a melty like couple mins earlier
you know who also is blint? this post >>487259254that replied to >>487258865
he made the same shitpost with aiatar too

kekw lmao lol haha hehe
I asked boxy to meet up so I could block him lol
That's what I was thinking he really is samefagging the song. Nigga thinks he's even a god, let alone even mastered any faces sliders
Hi :) ETA on the person grinding?
>blintfaggot is also the nogxy spammer
to become a Japanese twitter hoe
Imagine calling the problem child kid Nogxy with your friends and he schizo accuses everyone one by one trying to find out who it is
that art is great
>replies to an anon with something that upsets blint
>immediate reply is "shut up nogxy"
>2 min later he posts his tapeworm ass looking character
shut up blintoshit
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no new cast parts
why would you reply to a blintnog shitpost with seethe unless of course you are blintnog
>no guys me blint is not the problem nogxy is!!!
That's a good thing. Maybe she'll be in the mood to jerk me off.
ngl getting accused of being blint is the perfect way to stop the shitposting
not gonna be arguing with Jorge the ESL Peruvian to prove i'm not blint
She joined a better group now. Better than being a Globalkek
I just love how even nogxy shits on blint despite his attempts at "pariah solidarity"
stop samefagging your dogshit ass character and stop namedropping random people, simple as.
NO ONE likes blint, hell even Shitten abandoned him
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Jujutsu Kaisen collab
Nogxy here, Blintnigger is in my walls
every pariah tranny hates boxy which makes boxy based
I wanna take screenshots with you in this look...
you are mentally retarded and a newfag if you think i'm blint shitposting himself
nogxy levels of being a mouth breather
nobody likes nogxy that doesn't make them special
Weird amount of "nogxy" spam going on
>shitrope waking up on the clock just to talk about his boyfriend again
Nogxy here I am deeply in love with low level ARKS
and just like that blintnog successfully pivoted away from himself
you can really tell when rope opens up the thread
Nogxy really shits himself when he finds out multiple people don't like him huh
>point it out
>stops immediately
Send me a kudos and I'll see if we can arrange something
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I predict lots of cool things will be revealed and pso2g will be saved forever! ||idk some new collab related cards for linestrike or something||
low IQ jorge
Your other 10 personalities dont count rope
>discord spoilers
is oyasumi alive again, thinking about playing again
oh yeah my mistake. oh well.
brings a smile to my face when somebody uses something i thought of
this general truly attracts newfags like crazy
join velocity
normies afraid of 4chan
pso2g afraid of normies
i dont want rope to pay me a visit and explain to me what BBC means
I don't want nogxy to pay me a visit and start trying to slurp the turds from my asshole.
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Endless despair, and three new scratches too of course.
Kill yourself Squishy you obnoxious stalking pedophile
is the game good now?
Nyo I don't want to, but you should kill yourself.
Always has been
thats a thing only rope does though
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This game is literally perfect if you just don't play it 24/7. I like to get on and play for a bit, maybe like 10-20 minutes before leaving for a few hours.
No, rope shits the turds, nogxy slurps them up.
Looks like a literal cockroach
/la barf
shitrope has the title scat queen for a reason. he loves scat
yeah he is nogxy's scat queen, gotta get his nutrients some how
still way worse than pso2 was
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I can only join one of two alliances but im banned from tobles. Rance was also a good leader
NGS has been better than PSO2 since Retem
Rance is gone bro
>banned from tobles
did you have a melty
Hennika is moira btw care
Nogxy does partake in bottom feeding behavior
I know, he left and I lost motivation.
I am melty
I heard Stardust Drive is doing well
I was trying to be subtle
Well oyasumi still has some players but I don't know if they get up to much. Most of /pso2g/ is in toble now
Toble absorbed all the garbage, so the other allis are healing and doing well
nah shitrope is the shiteater thats why hes so fat. he absorbs his food twice as much
minheights? doko?
Rance was the goat, the alli is full of bland normies now it sucks
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>shitrope is the shiteater thats why hes so fat. he absorbs his food twice as much

>daicon fucking dead thanks to a mega cuck
>oyasumi deader than dead thanks to coomers
>stardust still dead thanks to cat "i love you guys like family!" and sign's incompetence
>lazy neets? lol
last time I logged in I felt incredibly fucking sad no one was on in months, was very weird to have these feeling towards a game. hope some of you guys are alright
nice game discussion in your video game general huh
>Game discussion
>NGS isn't even considered a game
>globalkek steam sharts
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why are we a vg general then
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Just become indifferent to it...
that's me!
JPchads win again
Let's be real, what content does NGS truly have? you end the story in some hours, you instantly get free gear to do anything except latest boss, that's it, game has at best 5 hours of content, the rest is just dress up your barbie
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JP looks like this during prime time on the most populated ship
Devs want you to treat game like Habbo or Second Life.
Headline time, hop on the absolute nothing.
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that's fucking sad
I'm your friend! how could you forget about me?
>same exact gameplay just diffferent visuals
wow what a waste of fucking development time
>limited-time tutorial
I thought emv hated syllphiid?
>Aelio rank 93481238139 have fun!
>new gameplay elements
>show no gameplay elements
ah I se
lmao what the fuck did they do to pso2
this game is dead
isnt mars gonna be op? all existing enemy ai are designed for existing classes not glorified suv weapons.
Just in Global. JP is always thriving.
that's the point retard
i dont think so cecile
Proof? Evidence? Facts? Logic?
>that's the point
but why? the game is already faceroll for old players and they want new players to also faceroll by jumping them up 70+ levels instantly.
>they want new players to also faceroll by jumping them up 70+ levels instantly.
It is already like this what do you mean?
My favorite T2 is online. :)
you really are just posting about yourself, aren't you?
He only hates Sylphid who don't give him attention
Cope, Globalbabs. Your server is dead and there is nothing you can do about it other than bitch and seethe.
>Steam sharts sub 1500
I already lost several new players because they're bored that the game rushes them to endgame with nothing to do.
Post your Japanese visa.
>Nameless City update in the second half
Why do they do this? Just frontload the good shit.
jp has no players either
this game is literally held up by a small number of japanese giga whales, why else do you think every headline is just talking about scratches instead of actually improving the game?
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uh oh cecile melty
>sub 1500 players
>scalped prices
>Tranny characters and community manager
The absolute state of Globalkeks
They are adding all ship matchmaking to everything meaning there's barely players actively doing things lmao 70% afk
This retard has never played on JP
why you talking about yourself
>that's the point
the point is to invalidate all progression with this shit?
i logged into ship2 in japan a few months ago and the blocks were empty as hell
>Choukai and EMV caught shitposting last thread
>Cecile, Cecile, Cecile!!
Absolutely mindbroken
Literally what's the point of gearing up or leveling up if you're just handed welfare gear and now welfare classes called mars
does anyone even care about this mountain of garbage cosmetics and poses/animations?
all ships in jp can't even get more than one full block, kinda sad ngl.
t.have all t2s in all 10 ships in jp.
No cause you need to build up the gauge before using it and it only lasts a limited time
Did you fags even play PSO2?
No...once you've tons of them you realize how stupid it is, it's just a cope mechanism for addicts, now there's not even a point in gearing either
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Nope. Was hoping they'd add a new starless boss in the district
>No cause you need to build up the gauge before using it and it only lasts a limited time
you only 50% gauge to activate it
and from what it seems they make it very easy to activate
>you only 50% gauge to activate it
It'll also last a shorter time if you activate it at 50%
It's Dark Blast but they want you to activate it more often and it looks like it just straight up powercreeps class damage so its meant for casuals who want to hold auto button.
This game is best played without installing it! just watch everyone mald and enjoy the drama. Wait for 15* stars and install it back. Giga dry HL
These devs are actual fucking retards holy shit
this means i can come back later and when they release 15* star+ weapons i get them for free while you spend like 300 $ to get something weaker than the welfare lol
the fact they actually call it X is all you need to know about the amount of brain cells the devs have
You can freely activate and deactivate it as long as you have 25% meter.
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>premium pso2 day discontinued
>premium pso2 day discontinued
There's already almost zero fucking reason to buy premium, why remove more from an already useless tag that costs money
You're gonna get more boost compared to f2plebs now stop crying
>we hope you are hyped to play more ngs
unironically the pso2 soundtrack release was more interesting than literally anything else they showed.
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>all the biofems ignore emv
Wow, ass update again. Holy shit. Where are the new regions and actual content.
I prefer it, it sucks when non-prem friends don't feel like grinding. Rather just stack it up with a bit more boosts since prem is basically just shop access and more trickles of SG anyway
lightning and the additional cs space is something I guesss
no it is and ever will be shit i tried it again today for 5 hours to see and saw they fucking added some card game instead of making actual content. no hope left anymore that it will be ever remotely good.
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Good night pso2g!
i had no clue headline was on.
>open vod
>skip through
>close tab
thanks, sega
why do old men trigger my AGP so badly?
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the average pso2 player looks like this
>no hope left anymore
I don't know how you had any hope 3 whole years into the game's life.
when you quitting again?
it's a minheight
it's always a minheight
>lux halphinales and glan gigas mastes bogged the moment new armors were announced
Can we get your opinion on the following
yeah of course but which one!
content? lmao he thinks SEGA gonna put out any meaningful content after the shitshow that has been this turd of a game. enjoy your bazillion scratches and 20minute content every year.
Why? just transfer pass
There aren't 3 passes yet, unless you paid 50$+ on last scratch
Fucked up how I'll never get to live like this
Lets have sex
Sooo...what's the catch? more welfare gear and now welfare class additions, what's the point
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what's stopping you?
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she is purrty
>art design is anime
>game is realistic design
imagine lmao
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she's going to get scared and quit the game for another week bro...
You can't make Ame and not let me hit... it's too cruel...
least we got you in the queue to post about pso2 24/7 mr doomsayer
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So Boomers, did you like the Headline? You're going to open your wallets for more sporting wear, am I right? The one piece bikini and the Maron bikini, that's a must have for a boomer man like yourself, am I right? Haha, so predictable. Gunslinger girls, make sure you get the Gun Motions for your gun girl RP. Revival Scratch soon for the newcomers. Get your wallets ready too. Sega has us all by the balls, hahahahaha.
how much do server transfers cost? And what gets sent with you?
Low tier bait, didn't even adress his post
Literally me in that pic
>look at headline
>die inside
>see helldivers 2 is getting an actual update with actual content and improvements
>alive inside
yeah good luck with the gambling I don't care anymore there's actual games I could be playing instead
Sauce...? it's just for magical research with tissues
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its just a nintendo character bro
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i doubt anyone could convince her to erp after that overreaction to the tribute but good luck...
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the average pso2 player looks like this
I need it for reasons I can't explain
Why is blint the only black anon to get shitposted relentlessly?
I look nothing like this.
who are the confirmed "black" anons? last I checked everyone else was pretending to be blackanons like emv shitposting
Who triggered your AGP and what did they do to trigger it?
>AC scratch on 31th
>next week we'll get another scratch
holy fuck sega
still not black
any anon talking about their cock immediately triggers me
they should just stop pretending to be a video game and just release an AC scratch every week
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but enough about nogshai
Oh yeah? How does it make you feel and what does it make you want to do?
lots and lots of dirty things that are way too lewd to talk about on a blue board!
LMAO headline just ended and all I see is namedropping. When you go to other threads that get headlines/streams like Gacha thread they discuss the new content for like 4 threads straight. But in here... HAHAHA
content? you already got so much brainrot from playing this game that you think scratches are content lmao
Soft minheight footjobs with lots of teasing

Verification not required
did you miss the 2 years of nogshai spam blint?
sex! we got a bingo thanks to the force class balance mention!
Bro Mars system
return super epic bosses
expansion to current content
Aelio Rank increase for challenging fields
Why would any minheight want to grace your sorry cube with their perfect little feet?
I dunno about agp but does someone wanna trigger the biggest smack down wrestlemanai event of the century, circa April 2nd 1989, wrestlmania V, a world championship title match in the middle of central city? You have to be the hulkster though I’m already calling dibs on Randy Savage, oh yeah! We’ll have to find a cool belt accessory for the champion!
But we’ll have to schedule it for August, August, August!
you’re on, brother
I'm the minheight
We’re SO back! See you in a few weeks anon
Oh, that's too bad! Good luck with that
what content did we actually get
dont shitpost
People already scalped augs lmao fuck global
Why? We have augment transfer. Why sre they scalping?
more like Low Tier GAWD
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why he hand there?
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This is all you need to know about this headline desu, prepare your wallet to spoil your local minheights
Only mars and nameless part 3 are new
>we're in 4chan
>ok boomer
what's this about? model update?
and you had to post "weirdo" to the most tame one, yeah not suspicious at all
spanked butt body paint? based? 18+ is off to a good start
Funny fact: NGS gets all this content for the upcoming month and it pisses everyone off

Genshin gets a Character Banner, nothing else, the Genshin general talks about the character for 10 threads straight leading up to the reveal and then 10 more threads after the reveal

You wanna know the key difference and why NGS gets shit on although providing more content than a Gacha?

Answer: Boomers. This thread is boomers and boomers hate video games. Genshin general is full of zoomers with tons of energy and they haven't reach the state you guys are in... yet.
It's just body highlights. We already have one like it
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Or it could just be the losers that consume nothing but hate porn, actual porn, and compulsively spend on the game.
Good morning pso2g. I would like to wish all pale minheights a very pleasant day.
>Genshin gets hyped for every new character because they know about the incoming flood of porn about to be unleashed.
You don’t say?
Yes bro, NGS has 10 hours of content, genshin hundreds upon hundreds.
Spaming 1 LTQ 10000 times and doing aelio rank 999 isn't content, faggot
I want this so bad
Yes, Genshin 1000 hours stuck in unskippable cutscenes and Naruto A > A >A >A >A >A >A > ULT > repeat shallow gameplay is better than NGS. LMAO
Well it's better than holding 1 button and then pressing parry LOL
I'm a minheight that wants to wish anons a very pleasant day...
How tall are you?
Unlucky for you, because that's basically MARS and they clearly stated MARS is going to be shoehorned and forced into people gameplay, that or they are griefing
t. weirdos
Did you think dalion was a one off? The writing was on the wall. You will use the cannon and you will like it.
Hoyoniggers are a literal cult
>Genshin gets a Character Banner, nothing else, the Genshin general talks about the character for 10 threads straight leading up to the reveal and then 10 more threads after the reveal
Yeah bro im sure they are having some really deep discussions about their characters.
Gachafags really are this delusional.
Wanna know the real difference?
Having an actual world, story and characters you care about enough to keep thinking about them even outside of the game.
It's just that simple. Invested players will bond based on that experience creating healthy communities, their own content, free advertising, fanart or porn. At that point they don't need content or good combat because everything is based on community interaction.
Tall enough for this ride.
same but with my feet desu
Wow omg
Gpof and Grizzermacht killed Oyasumi
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Who cares about your Globalbab trannies?
who is behind this laughing anime woman gif?
Your mom
>Based Department
More like shilling department lmao
It's all boomer talk. Boomers enjoy nothing. Like, Boomers get a game like PSO2 NGS and wish it was better. Then when you present Boomers with an alternative MMO with years or expansions, over 800 hours of content before you reach the "end game" they excuse is that it's too much content. Like, LMAO, what the fuck?

Y'know when Bless Online (Original version) was coming out I kept telling people I don't see anything unique about this game, why are you so excited? They ignored me, bought the game, and then the Bless happened lmao. Now there's that fucking Ashes of Creation MMO. The fuckign game has been in development for like 10 years. The game has been in development for so long that Remotay STOPPED doing MMO podcast via Soundcloud and Spotify and that was like 5 years ago when he stop and one of his last podcast was about how shit Ashes of Creation is and how it will never come out. But people are still giving that game money. Asmongold is STILL shilling the game whenever there is news lmao.

Fun fact, Ashes of Creation devs stopped working on the MMO to make a side MMO arena game with the same assets. Released it on Steam, 3 days later the game was shutdown and delisted from Steam because everyone hated it and it was the most negative game in the history of Steam.

But yeah who hype for some ASHES OF CREATION!!!
Satanichia Kurumizawa Mcdowell
Based retard, cool and cute
Backstabbing tranny
Creepy as fuck, gross and ugly
Disgusting and a shitter
Troll retard
Should kill himself
Based retard, sexy
Backstabbing schizo
Never interacted with
Anger issues, plays well, uncanny transvestite looking character
Backstabbing lying wallflower
Cute cool erufu
I wasn't asking you retard
why is pso2g full of losers and why do these losers get the most attention?
"hehe I hate boxy!"
"akay let me tell you about Boxy for the hundredth time! hehe!"
"hehe we call boxu nogxy now!"
"would you like me to update you on current boxy?"

for a loser dude gets a lot of attention. I'm starting to think he's the winner.
>All mentally unstable with the emotional maturity of a year old baby.
shut up nogxy
hehe let's do the list again!
I sneak my own name into the list!
now I will get attention! hehe!
I enjoy list posting hehe!
give us a qrd on the giant namedrop list
Man you boomers have repetitive disorder. What's the medical term for having repetitive disorder? I don't understand how you can keep having the same conversations.
minheighs doko?
the only thing repetitive around here is deegnutz in yo mouf
lmfao!!!!!!!! fuck off wet cuck
Right here!
Repetitive disorder syndrome is referred to as OCD in the medical field. Also, you're right. There are a lot of anons here who suffer from OCD, Obsessive Complusive Disorder.
You're a tranny if you don't think WD is cool
shut up nogxy
tranny moment
what about DNC?
deeg nutz disorder
>umm its aschtually my thread enemy
fuck off shitrope
I notice this a long time ago. That's why a lot of people are intimidated by me since I like to point out when they haven't taken their meds.
>talk about augment prices skyrocketing in price
>theyre the same as 2 days ago
They're suffering from a severe case of insanity. There's no helping them.
lol ngs is supposed to be the fashion game but we have a non-functional market search system and not even an in-game fashion contest. ffxiv has both of those things albeit having the graphics fidelity of a 2010 game.
go play a real mmo for a week and you'll find that it's way more than just 'ngs has no endgame'.
Fashion contest suck since they need to be voted by outsiders or a single non-OCD unbias individual in our group but everyone hates at least one person in our group so only an outsider will work and then the OCDers will hate the outsider for voting them too low and announce their OCD-proclamation of war against the outsider.
Our true queen maru should be the judge of fashion contests
it wouldn't be unbias since Maru is friends with certain OCDers
She's dead, bro..
like who?
O, C, & D
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Can anyone recommend me a cute ponytail hairstyle?
recommend your own https://pso2na.arks-visiphone.com/wiki/Portal:New_Genesis/Hairstyles
Azrice...what happened to you
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Who? Huhuhu~!
It's obvious, baka~ <3
I assume you mean single pony
popona palmem hair
long low-knot ponytail
sola beach hair
sirena hair
ole hair which most should have but the rev is cheap in the swim scratch
neu manonica i guess it's kinda weird
Hey...are you taken?
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Why do men pick dull colors like black hair and black eyes. Then if you recommend brighter colors they only choose Pink? What's the point of all this creative accessibility if you're not going to be creative at all? At least use an anime character as a reference, something!
We pick what we like, we aren't as creative rotten as you faggots that everything needs to be skinwalked
idk i was asleep
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I don't who he is but he sounds like a super handsome guy~!

plot twist if you play this game weekly you are a pariah to the mmo community whether your friends admit it or not
Yeah Azri is quite handsome and funny, I'd wife him up and spoil him
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gotta keep on trucking. Keep on trucking.
>become true minheight
>desire to makeout with other minheights grew incredibly
What the heck...
Which are you
>Augmenting bis slowly
>New welfare weap and armor
>Has to log daily and do things to gather transfer passes
>Dreads it's existence, no content, solusr2 cleared day 1, not touched again
>Keeps grinding because AGP fomo clothes
--- vs
>Do nothing but sit and chill, gets free lewd basewear
>Free welfare gear, 100% chance with lc
>Has fun and is the happiest in the block
Based I’m Bunnyposter
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Any T2s for this feel?
>Dude actually has an erection
literally moira
who will be the first to plap azricea?
Moira is submissive af he would never do that
Me (midheight) swinging around minheights in front of their friends.

can't think of anyone else. Agent will definitely do it.
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Globalbab players can't be minheights because they aren't 149 below in height. And none of you can create an actual cute character here in /pso2g/.
ok cecile
Literally that one pedo if you play a shota
Okay mukyuu
Lofn is the biggest shitposter in the thread and yet no one mentions him ever
who originally started posting this gif here?
Speaking of, where did he go after Pelle homewrecked Alice and Chelkie?
Chelkie cheated on alice though? why are you guys making stuff up about pelle
What do you mean where did he go?
Your mom
You're not tricking me you pervy wolf in minheight sheep's clothing!
that fatfuck pariah
did they not tease the next collab this time?
the fat cat trio from JP server who briefly played in Global
does this game have no side quests with substance at all? there's this one guy at the gates that gives me 1000xp for killing 100 enemies, what even is that?
Not a wolf! But I never felt this the other times I did make new looks and styles. On top of that, this time I kept just a few cm off minimum because I knew something like this would happen after kissing a minheight before as a midheight. Now that I'm at equal footing, it's a bit too tempting...
>Oh no no no...
JPbabs be like, "Hehe, you see? I'm cooler than you. I play on the official server and you don't. That makes me Japanese. I even learned the basics of their language to interact with real Japanese. I'm so cooler than you Globalbabs, mahahaha"
>2/3 are still on global
This is not a game sorry, NGS general only appears in VG as shitpost.
>t. thin-skinned globalbab that can't handle the bantz
Sucks to be a low IQ globalkek
the main quest is not awful to be honest, but the lack of anything else is just kind of shocking. i actually expected some of these npcs in aelio city to give me a side quest that leads into some kind of a side story, but they pretty much all just tell me to kill stuff or to go to some dungeon. same with the class instructor too, i dont think i learned anything about playing force from her.
the story is the one you make with your friends you farm the quest with for 100 hours and start memeing
there's 1 actual side story quest per region but they're not very interesting
I recommend finishing the story and uninstalling unless you want to end like one of the trannies here. There's literally nothing to do, no meat to chew on.
doppel is short midheight?
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Tall enough to lift me and swing me around!
Your post was super misleading then
Post your butt, you sexy devilspawn drow...
*cums in u*
mine now
what did u think it was about?
>no stia 2
atleast I was right about the dogshit thing

only good thing are the new units, and maybe the new weapon series if the potential if the future changes are good.
I can give tender and motherly uppies
>no stia 2
yeah no shit retard we already knew from the roadmap
please post butt
minheight steppies...
i remember very little about the latest roadmap, it's so boring.
NGS new content be like:
>New class/mechanic/feature
>Except you're doing it in the same zone/quests/enemies you have been fighting for 3+ years now
you are rancid and disgusting
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game was rated 16 earlier this year... what happened? did the story get dark or something, or PEGI finally realized how players customize their characters?
thank you goddess stay strong ignore shitposts youre one of my favorites honey
Body slider please queen...
Some Europoor went to PEGI and spilled the beans, probably.
>Central City
>it's in the south west corner of the map
fucking frauds and hacks
Nah they cant keep the +16 when there's clear NSFW ingame and they portrait MS and Sony
this is what happens when you let the 3rd world participate in the world wide web
Me. But only if you're cute enough.
>United States
>it's the most fucking divided shithole on the planet
art imitates life
did you go back to your ship?
If you are going to ask others to be cute, at the very least be cute yourself
Third world more like turd world lmao gottem globalkeks
>No comeback
JPchads win again
ameritard politics brainrot out of nowhere lmfao
globabs are cooked
charred even
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post global troons
thoughts on doppel? sucked him off yet?
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Not yet. I'm on right now. You want to see me or something?
Listen, how many times do I have to inform you that that's not going to work on me. If you want to best me you'll have to take from me. If you take from me only then will I truly be hurt and maybe even turn into a weak coward. The worlds loves me and tells me I am the most beautiful so why would your small words hurt me?
god I love you king AT
NGS is a Japanese game you fucking retard
I used to think these had to be bad on purpose, like some sort of inside joke
but they really do beat off to these
human koumaru be like
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I love you too, random citizen.
>Insanity right here
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*cums on you*
See >>487262330
They are never in Aelio 4 when I visited. Which means there were no chances for any suck.
Alright, I'll unsanity for a second
>If you are going to ask others to be cute, at the very least be cute yourself
H-how.. *cries* How could you! I-I was t-told I am beautiful. This is impossible! I'm going to the Salon right now! Please give me tips on how to become a beauty like you!
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post pso2g uggos like squishy grizz doppel wakaba jiggu andesi crimson yuno necro gyro caelestis ollie mieri cappu
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any casl online?
you mustve blocked him nigga lives in the thread and a4
Do it yourself shitfingers
You know its a globalbab when the character looks like another variant of muscle tranny succubus number 41
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I am the cutest, everyone loves me <3 specially the small ones I groom~ *smooch*
>We'll build the shitting dick nipples, and make SEGA pay for it!
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What's their player name? Do you have a picture? Maybe I have seen them.
O-okay I'm in the Salon now. Tell me what I need to do in order to become a beauty like you. Could you post your own character as a reference. I really need your help!
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JP has abominaciones too, but in way less numbers and almost always as a joke.
QRD on

>Japanese game
>Gl*bal still hasn't EoS'd
when are we going to retvrn?
>Could you post your own character as a reference.
I'm on this list!
>Im on the list
Hey what the fuck, I was enjoying being a literal who
>All mentally unstable pedos with the emotional maturity level of a preteen
list of anons I’m going to have sex with desu
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A-Are you sure that's you? Could you post an in-game screenshot so I know for certain it's you. I don't want to take tips from an imposter Choukai!
qrd on tomomi
but enough about nogxy
a bunch of nobodies less relevant that aiatar moira doppel buttons wd
Known groomer/pedo, 30+ hairy male irl, will confront you for anything and have a mental breakdown if they don't get what they want
ehh?? but, I don't want to have sex with minheights, I want to BE a minheight!
dang I thought you were talking about nogxy for a sec but he's too much of a pussy to actually confront anyone
proof? seems like a cool person since she pisses off the pariahs
Sorry, I didn't take any devil-butt pictures.
*steals your soul*
>newfag spotted
minus the pedo part that just sounds like pelle
Yeah there's a lot of common qualities with the people frequenting this place, I wonder why
goddyaaamnnn my ass is dirty again wheres rope???
>*steals your soul*
never had any!
but I love pelle for being pelle. she is perfect.
"Pissing off [people i dont like]" doesn't make someone based alone.
Very few of the pariahs like each other anyway.
Tomomi is one but doesn't have the self awareness to realize it.
only shitfingers hates pelle
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>We have Reimu at home, dear
>The Reimu at home >>487307419
hoooly look at hamulilly in the back, what a downgrade
>when they have to work on a face and not instantly look good with lively/t1f
A lot of pso2g hates Pelle actually. He's a temperamental, ghosting cunt.
ok crack V
>he doesn't know
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>just change it a bit so they dont call you skinwalker
she's skinwalking someone who quit 3 years ago and never interacted with her
why choukai copy doppel now?
pic related
the system can suck my DICK
Yeah...I wonder why! surely it isn't just the same person..right
thoughts on squishy grizz doppel wakaba jiggu andesi crimson yuno necro gyro caelestis ollie mieri cappu
something about a JP player doing it make you feel like it's a joke.
something about a global player doing it make you feel disgusted.
why is that?
because for a global player it's a reality, for a JP player just finction and goofy that randomly appears in a comedy anime
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Dangerously based
disgusting disgusting cutecool cool funny disgusting disgusting disgusting disgusting funny funny disgusting disgusting disgusting
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grimjaks best look desu hes handsome here no homo
My wife is in this photo!
Dumb EOP
Why are the pariahs and jp expats always so fucking mad? Is it the irrelevency?
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ASKED!!!! LOL!!!!!
People hasn't realized yet that kisa/choukai/doppel is the same person RPing it up and it's 2024
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Had a good day
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So, no salon tips, huh? I really wanted to become beautiful. I'm going to cry now.
Kisa/Choukai/Doppel is the same guy? Makes sense they're never seen at the same time...
10/10 sylphid
1/10 la creatura
if you look like Fumi Kanno dm me immediately
Tips? Sliders?
copy this
Literally me
copy this
>No one pays attention to tomomi in the thread
>No one pays attention to tomomi in a4
>He starts rambling in area chat
>Still no response
>He copes by calling people shy
>Revy is the only one who responds
Go talk to some normies. They have lower standards and will love your cringe dom attitude.
Hey (with rizz)
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I'm excited for the MARS system.
doppel is in a3 go talk to them NOW
Minheight sleepover...
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is this worth doing?
looks like rope
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>Alexia's Hair 24m
Only if you don't have GGMs on your gear
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Alright that's too much for me to handle sorry
I got mine for 5mil day one lol
that hair is going to get scalped soon, there's nothing like it ngs style apart from duellante
Haha. That reminds me, one time when I was in Aelio 4, one of you was so shy you switched to your alt account and attempted to talk to me in whisper but I forced you to chat in public instead. I guess you're the one saying I will "confront" people. I thought that was funny and cute seeing how obedient you were. I do enjoy when they're obedient.
What dead ship do you play on
Alpha's Hair is the only hood hair in that scratch
Ship 2 Global
>None believes this
I don't believe you
theres an in-game chat
why do you people use this general like a slow discord
I remember this yeah LMAO they think they are someone special or something
>one of you was so shy you switched to your alt account and attempted to talk to me in whisper but I forced you to chat in public instead
lol I think I remember that, was it Character name: Yes / ID: PN5887018399?
>kisa/choukai/doppel still obsessed about the random anon that leaked logs
shut up nogxy
Aunty ......
doppel WISHES she looked a fraction as attractive as choukai or had half the personality
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>no ex skills on units yet
at least i can now big dick affix my shit fully without fearing that i will get blocked by ex skill while transferring
If I see you hanging out with Doppel at all, I will ghost you.
Body sliders with numbers PLEASE
Do it pussy, you won't
There is something really funny about Pellegri renaming his account Devotion and being known for ghosting.
Devotion to ghosting
but why? shes distrustful thanks to certain groomer anons but if you get around to keep in touch she will open up and is very helpful and cute
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>None believes this
You misunderstand. Doppel is mine and that's why you will be deleted.
Based based based
nasty groomer
and this is why none other than weirdos like you
fucking nasty creeper
Why are you putting me on blast...
Lmao that's At
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Confess your sins
>it actually is
lmao how many accounts does this dude have
Honestly if you cant keep up with her conversations she comes off as very frightening and overwhelming. I'm pretty shy but I managed when we chatted for a bit
the serious tone and that new hair really suit you man
How is Tomomomomomomomomomomi even scaring you guys? Just fucking talk.
You're not worth talking to. Simple as that.
Tomomi Da GOD making pso2g look free
Sorry bro I'm not interested in Aunties she can go play with the cringy cat boys.
I tried, more for me then.
It's Tuesday
>someone not submissive shows up
>scares the subs
>pisses off the futas and other cringe doms
i wish moira treated me like that
Tomomi gives me the vibes of a 40 y/o using diapers, I can't explain why
Tomomi and Doppel should hook up
>ugly attention whore shows up
>no one wants to talk to him
>this is somehow twisted into him pissing anyone off
Narratives are being manufactured in real time.
nigga stop samefagging
no one is 'scared' or 'shy'
people just don't want to talk to him
why did you let emv fill you with sperm
>all lowercase
Whatever you say sissy
Wew based
>Revy is the only one who responds
i believe in courtesy & try to break out of my introvert shell once in a while xd
Tomomi seems like a very nice lady & is far less creepy then the dead inside gossipers that spend 24/7 manufacturing reputations
thoughts on doppel?
I was there that day and revy reply was literally, I will block you
LMAO stop making shit up
>tomomomomomomomomommy logged out
the only reason tomomi isn't popular is cause she's not into T2s which make up 99% of pso2g
You responding to tomomi is meaningless because you would reply to anyone.
Tomomi wanted attention that's harder to come by.
just like inbreds passing the time on the porch waiting for anything to stumble onto your block and break up the monotony
>you have to have sexual intentions to talk to someone
No wonder you guys only zero in on new groom bait like what happened with Ress.
>leaking logs
lol another pariah not to trust
i think ur opinions are meaningless & always mean spirited xd
still waiting for him to return my cool/cute!
it's rough because tomommy knows how to keep a conversation ongoing and I'm not good at that at all. she is has a intimidating aura
send him another he probably missed it
no its because he embodies the definition of cringedom and comes across as thirsty as fuck
>they make it obvious
great job sherlock holmes
>post number 666
I wish tomomi would thirst for me :(
that's 667 though
You're 670
I'm 671
The only reason I respect a wetback spic like tomomi is because when they appear, this becomes a circus and everyone throws eggs at him
Why would you respect any of that? Simply say that you enjoy making fun of lolcows.
But enough about cracky
you're not counting the op
how will pso2g ever recover? we finally get someone who isn't afraid of anyone and the whole thread is in shambles.
this. if tomomi was into t2s she would have already been groomed by the usual groomer
he's not "popular" because he's acting like the pariahs usually do
he comes in acting all high and mighty and replies to everybody over and over, taking no criticism and just keeps yapping on about himself
he's not as bad as the others, but he's just a massive attentionwhore like the rest
That wasn't a pso2g it was At. Unless you haven't figured it out by now actual pso2g in game don't deal with weird shit and keep to themselves.
>Source: trust me bro
the only reason he talks is because you won't stop responding to him. I remember when he first showed up and there was like 10 of you including buttons trying to groom him immediately
>It's only okay if you're a wallflower (for me to groom)
This general is so fucked
Of course not. I go by the reply counter.
They fear the extrovert
You would know if you played the game.
>"you're a pedophile!"
>offers no evidence
>calls that criticism
meanwhile you whine about people not taking you seriously
must suck being this petty
Why does Aiatar look like shit outside of twt?
Tomos whole gimmick is liking t1s. Specifically shotas. Literal children.
Don't be upset when people don't want to talk to someone who talks about their sexual preferences unprompted.
I haven't replied to him so stop projecting
Jiggu literally wants cocks and tributes and he's one of the most popular /pso2g/s you just want someone to groom, not competition.
It's a fact TomoGAWD is seen as a threat judging by the unprompted hate done by insecure pso2g doms and groomers
And how many of you in this thread openly discuss your obsession with minheight lolis? Hypocrites.
Of the entire pso2g who could actually mind break tomommi?
>Tomomi script
>Hey listen! hey listen! hey listen! hey listen! cute little boys
>Why are you shy? hey listen! hey listen! hey listen!
>Teeehee :3 why is people shy? hey listen! hey listen! hey listen!
>Why is none paying attention to me :33<3~
Dude stfu lmao none wants to deal with this shit
out of 10
Me but I'm not on as often as I could be.
>no one wants to talk to tomo
>no one wants to talk to threats
>therefore tomo is a threat
Holy mental gymnastics.

How many posters have attached their face/persona to gonner posts as their introduction?
nah you sound butthurt she does not want anything to do with t2s lmao
BGC (Big Gpof Cock) could tame that slut like so many before.
Literally Doppel before he mellowed oit over time and now he's liked here.
Gpof for sure.
The hero we need and deserve.
I saw tomomi once, he typed 2 paragraphs of literal wtf in area and blocked them instantly dude is mentally ill and you can tell
>extrovert comes into pso2g
>hey guys what's up
but enough about firo
>Leaks logs
No ty
give me one valid reason as to why malignant aegis isn't a permanent UQ, you can change the drop table to fit dalion and keep it in rotation
You can tell people defending tomomi never spent more than 1h with him, dirtiest rat possible, you'll get insta backstabbed and leaked if you don't comply
because its a dogshit uq and no one enjoys it
>be t2
>call TOMOMI ugly
>feel bad because she takes it in stride and knows what she likes but still become friends
Yeah, you guys are just betas
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that would be dalion though
GPOFGAWD! Has anyone else ever done as many pso2gs as GPOFGAWD has?
Solus clears both
that's totally at again lol
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>Ugly as fuck with a comically large horsecock
>Yet has infinite rizz
is there anyone G-GOD hasn't done back when he was still playing?
he's on another alt right now already
Name every pso2g log leaker
Well, do you think fat ugly bastards have "rizz"? It's about the humiliation, the fact that you submit to the grossest person imaginable
When is he going to post his creepshots?
>returner icon
How many accounts does this dude have? Holy schizo
>so afraid of tomommi we have to use our strongest assets
I don't think that nigga tomomi deserves this much credit. there are many other people who could break that loser
he has to get rejected by an anon he's trying to make his wife first
based at
log leaking is very common and the only way to not be labeled as one is to never talk about someone else when you talk to anyone
>wife not in the list
The question was about log leakers, not to list your thread enemies, schizo-kun
Who did atalanta leak
Reminder that at/mystery nigga
>got cucked by Runali day 2 he came to global
>hosted Cradle triggers like a cuck to win people's favor but everyone ended up using him only
>copied JP caseals
>simped for Momoka but had no rizz
>got cucked by Axemented
>pretended to be a Japanese girl but actually he's a heavy grown ass SEAnigger ESL man
>bragged about having JP hoes but still comes to global
>griefed on purpose and got mad people spoke up
>tried to be an alpha but ended up being humiliated by Esva
The least successful pariah.
Leaked Buttons' alliance chat to Kriell
You forgot shitrope
shut up nogxy
Oh yeah i forgot that atalanta is befriended with the fat jp pariah trannies.
Eat more turds before you have another melty
no actual level 10 returning player would just sit at the a4 benches and afk for hours it's so obvious
How come all the Oyasumi rejects are known pariahs
>Tsuna leaked logs
it's jover
she leaked all over my log wink wink
that's no returnee had the new player icon 2 days ago
she makes me leak too
The icon stays active for like a month or something but it's suspicious and obvious behavior it's clearly him
I don't exactly think he is trying to hide it given the shit eating grin
Now he isn't after getting caught last time.
Tomomi is honest as fuck, which makes her based as fuck.
Her detractors: minimal height, hangs out with minimal heights, only befriends minimal heights.
Using the logic applied to her makes 80% of pso2g pedophiles.
An easy litmus test for chronic stupidity.
3 more posts
>another pyc coming up
yay :>
Talk about Doppel next thread!
log leaker agp

Yeah I'd plap m*moka till her balljoints locked up from all the friction + NUT
>leaks log of alt account creep trying to slide into DMs
no one would hate tomo is she liked t2s. it's not a mystery. they hate her because they want to groom her but can't unless the switch to t1
He doesn't hate T2s either, you guys just want to badly ERP.
oh boy are we going to get another weird imagined narrative that gets spammed thread after thread to try to paint pso2g like some evil hivemind?
>implying the majority of pso2g are wholesome/good
prolly the scratch gambling to kids

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