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Enlisted is the best squad-based World War II FPS currently, where you lead your squads of AI to their deaths, over and over.

>Official Site

>Enlisted Community Resource

>Current Battlepass

Decals: https://enlisted.net/en/news/show/770-steel-heroes-en/
Rocket Artillery Squads: https://enlisted.net/en/news/show/759-reinforcements-received-rocket-storm-en/

>Game Updates

>Enlisted Returns to Steam!



>Reworked Matchmaking
Last Thread: >>486521392
Reworked Silver Gains:
Has it been implemented though?
>eva bringing spreadsheets to a shitpost
fucking autists
They have to be directing all their buttbuddies to updoot their posts, I can't otherwise see why they'd be getting so many likes relative to everyone else saying the same thing
Probably trying to get their chief autist a community manager spot.
>Fixed an issue that allowed you to get into battle with a BR that does not match the BR of the battle joined.
Oh this was real? I thought it was just retards having 1 high tier weapon vehicle in their lineup.
I thought this was over
We've gotten the important unlocks but because of the grace period it's going for like 6 more days
Damn. I was hoping for a new event and new stuff to cash in on the steamer release.
>Damn. I was hoping for a new event and new stuff to cash in on the steamer release.
But it's DF, everything their do is a rape against logic and common sense, you may think they would start with a sale on some packs and premium to cash in day 1 but nah they just skipped Summer sale, done mediocre Murrican sale and nothing else.
Do we have any new guns in the editor/files? I want my belt fed MG42
>belt fed MG42
if such a thing existed in the files it would have been found and demanded to be included by now
New blogpost in 3h.

I have no idea. I just wait for all you autists to come here and post all the good shit from the forums so I don't have to ever go there.
It will probably take them longer to come up with some new silver suggestions after everyone sorted out about it. Research reserve will probably get bumped to 100k per or something. Would let you get a decent boost without letting everyone bank so much xp they never need to play again.
Gay thread made by discord tranny fags who can't even bake
Does op even play this game or does all he do is lie in wait to get a sick own on the chan by fucking this thread
Let’s put all the discord nonsense to rest by forming a teamspeak
How long until the anime event?
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Vril Society squad when?
>my thread got deleted and now i am upset and gonna shitpost all night
awwww poor cuckendorf. nice skizo rant in previous thread btw
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Not before we get the thule society squad first
>Everyone who knows I shouldn't bake is ONE person
The real schizo
Do japs have any good ufo tech like the nazi cults or nah
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>classic cuckendorf deflection post
ok weeb
The japs were too busy looking for sea cryptids to eat instead of being cool like the nazis
>gets owned last thread and the times before, acts like it is a completely new thing every time
Typical jewish behavior as well
Has there evr been an event where the prize was a tank or aircraft?
Multiple times. We got the mini hitler and the littke emperor as tank rewards before
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We got the T-34-100 and Whirlwind recently and both were nothingburgers.
If you use rocket planes you have to uninstall
T-34 100 is better than IS-2 though
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>british tech tree
Way to rub in that there's no Ki-200 yet...
It's better than the IS-2 but it's still basically just a Panther in a practical sense. Maybe even worse due to the reload rate. It's such a glass cannon that people would rather take the IS-2 '44 anyway for the semblance of armour it has.
What british "technology" would still look like today without the help of america
X-ray synchrotron beam weapons when?
Ahh fuck I meant with squads, or is that for paypigs only
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Still a long way to go to make the Fatherland great again but we're getting there.
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I thought you said you were going to bed after your schizo thread got deleted.
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*mogs your little gay rocket plane*
It's really hilarious how people are strafing all the time. They're trying to be good at the game, that's so adorable.
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>When comparing the Me 262 to the Me 163 Komet, the Me 262 clearly outshines its rival in every key area.

>The Me 262, with its twin jet engines, offered sustained high speeds and a longer range, making it a versatile force in both fighter and bomber roles. In contrast, the Me 163 Komet's rocket propulsion provided only brief, frantic bursts of speed with a very limited operational range and duration, rendering it more of a fleeting spectacle than a practical aircraft.

>In terms of design, the Me 262 was an aerodynamic marvel, featuring swept wings and a sleek profile that ensured stability and agility. The Me 163 Komet, however, was plagued by dangerous fuel mixtures, making it a risky and unstable aircraft.

>Armament-wise, the Me 262 was equipped with four 30mm MK 108 cannons, delivering devastating firepower. The Me 163 Komet, with just two cannons, had limited offensive capabilities and often missed targets due to its short attack runs.

>Operationally, the Me 262 was a game-changer, challenging Allied air superiority and forcing strategic shifts. The Me 163, produced in limited numbers, had minimal impact on the broader air campaign.

>In summary, the Me 262 was far superior to the Me 163 Komet, representing a revolutionary leap in aerial warfare. The Me 163's flaws and limited impact make it a mere footnote in history compared to the brilliance of the Me 262 (R. Smith: "Comparison of Axis Aircraft in the Late War," University of Washington, 2021).
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why does jumping and spinning my mouse as fast as possible while reloading my rifle work so well for dodging shots it's actually stupid
>Yuuki was sitting on a Tiger 1 tank, to be precise he was in Ukraine in a wheat field, drinking coffee
even ai knows anime is tranny shit
Jumping is probably unexpected but spinning is just placebo
I think I've encountered a gut who dodged my bullets like that. Gotta respect his desire to outcompete everyone, I'd imagine doing this every time you're about to get shot is quite tiresome.
what's the best setup for my remaining perk points for axe murderer build after sprint speed and melee damage?
I hate the weird "Anti-Flicking" mechanic where you get bullshit bloom for moving your aim too fast
makes target switching so stupid where i have to wait a second for an invisible spread to go down even though my crosshair is literally on his head
I have over a thousand hours in compshit FPS let me have this
Well the author titled the pic "1940", which is even worse. At least your ai knows the timeframe of what I assume to be a KwK 36 gun.
The King Tiger really is the only thing keeping the Germans afloat in BR V...
Vitality, Extra stamina, and weapon changing speed
Actually it’s me sniping from a window 200m away
At the top of a tall structure with a rally point?
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sniper niggas when i build a sandbag on the window (they can't stop me from capping)
Yesterday I was driving my superior by design Pz. III into Soviet land and the commander was shot by an enemy sniper who apparently was waiting the entire battle for his chance.
Still went 107 to 0 though.
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So shots still do damage even if it's so far they don't render and you don't even see the explosion? That's interesting.
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DF should hurry up and do something about greyzone tanks, but they should also halve the base explosive pack throwing distance.
it goes like 5 feet without the throw perk
might as well use the suicide stick
Talking out of your asshole, I see
Thanks for proving why the 262 would be OP while they can actually add the Komet right now with no other changes.
Melee damage is only improving your melee speed because the axe already one shots
Just let me call new rocket artillery into greyzone but lower dmg against infantry by 75% so you won't be able to spawn camp normal troopers spawning in.
Does it also one shot vitality fags? How about flame 2 + vitality + sov turtle? It also improves your digging and deconstruct speed although that is niche af.
Yes, it one shots. And it speeds up animations but not actual time to complete. Though it might work for shovels since that’s actually manual swings rather than a progress bar.
Stuka kanonvogel
I don't wanna fly no sluggish Stukas
We need slower planes
Rikusentai Paratroopers to BR I desu
Niggers to BRVI
The Axis won WWII
Implement the gold order soldier squad XP boost already!
It's actually surprising that BR3 has been the most fun recently. I basically never get uptiered and more often than not the game matches me vs other BR3 players.
Wow, love the new scope on the fg42
>the new frontline coming soon
Axis Man here, I updated the link to my discord on twitch if anyone wants to hang out/set up a game
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Axis Headquarters is in the Airship
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Opel Blitz finally in the files
>"good, it SHOULD take you some 30 games to full kit out your squads. You’re not supposed to be handed everything on a silver platter after 5 matches"

Genocide Normalfags
What. Why can't Enlisted be this cool

The post in question
Meanwhile the cheapest assaulter is 6500 now and you need 4 per squad. 30 games my ass.
If I didn't have all my pre-merge stuff I'd be cooked
New players and doubly so F2P get fucking SHAFTED
No kidding. I spent good 6-7m after merge to plug the holes in my TT and for a second nation. Imagine if I grinded for those millions with basic ass rifles and I didn't even know how to farm score or shoot straight.
>Had about 5 million silver after the merge as well as hundreds of guns, soldiers, etc
>Still fell down to 1 million making 3-4 lineups per nation
>"This is fine bro new players are fine"
How can people be so delusional? I also exploited a few bugs pre-merge to get even more silver and it still left me pretty dry.
African map when?

Evatroon and majorshill told me it's fine. The math checks out!
Even with selling all my non-needed shit to get some more money I've been ~700k and haven't recovered anything even when playing daily
I'm finally nearing 800k again after playing through this entire event and spending fuck all
The economy doesn't exist
Slavic retards are bleeding everyone and bootlickers like Adampee are sucking them off saying everyone should be broke constantly because that's a sign of a good economy
Well, that'd take you more than 4000 hours with the current economy
He's just sucking up to get mod status and some gold handouts. Wouldn't be the first cocksucker to do so.
Majorcuck was on stream saying he can maybe pay people to be alpha testers(aka he will send slavic butt money to his discord tranny handjob-givers)
Bend over, think of the paras, and wear something frilly.
Giving CM to anyone not eastern european or who has been at DF or gaijin for a long time was a mistake
I started playing this spring. I have premium and my silver situation is horrible overall.
Neck yourself
I always enjoy dying before the game even registers that they're looking at me or at such an insane reaction time that its suspect
I blame the netcode most of the time but its getting more and more often
There was a definite uptick in legit hackers the past week. Not balls to the wall aimbots and unlimited ammo, but shit like softbotting and wallshooting is a problem
after 382 games, mostly always at the top of the scoreboard and completing 49 achievements plus the battle pass i've only made !500,000 silver. i currently sit at 382,000 with only all the weapons purchased on soviets, haven't even begun buying beyond t1 vehicles, but this appears to be expensive as shit. bros, i think i might just stop playing. i like the game, but this grind is unreal. i can't even do what i want to yet
And like
The netcode is so bad it'll make you think genuinely good players are cheating
But when its shit like a Reising snapping everyone the moment they're visible
>basedviet main
good riddance
Unlocking new gear is pretty rapid. It takes like 1-5 good matches to earn an unlock, but it's paying for the fucking stuff that breaks the bank.

It's so bad that newfags like this have to "main" a faction!
Is this a thing now in enlisted? Sometimes I encounter people who have abnormal accuracy, but I just assumed they spent a lot of time adjusting sensitivity settings and have a lot of exp with fps.
You only have 4 squad slots right? That should help keep your costs way down. I've got 11 slots, every time I make a new BR preset it's like 1m silver to do it properly, varying based on how much event/premium shit I have on hand to throw it in.
Every game is full of hackers. To be honest, Enlisted isn't THAT bad, at least at lower/mid tiers, but there's statistically probably a hacker every other match. Even major AAA games are full of cheaters these days. Anti-cheat does fucking nothing.
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Bots will eat you alive if their Terminator OS goes online while you're in melee range.

Being 360 no scoped with the buttstock of a weapon, by a crouching bot looking at wall is a common occurence.

Not discourageing you, I bloody love retard charging enemies due to the German voice actor giving it his all
>Pacific just released
>Bots haven't had their range/view adjusted
>They can see through soft walls and bushes still
>Running into the open involved dozens of bots plinking at you as soon as you exposed yourself
What a disaster the Shitcific was.
Of course it is. At the very least you can get a no install required basic ass color triggerbot for no effort or risk.
Every type of hack is possible, there even used to be homing explosion packs but at least that doesn't happen anymore.
Denying that hacks exist at all or aren't possible is sus behavior, in my opinion.
please remember that tunisia is so uncommon people forget it exists
I'm puzzled because I just don't understand why would someone want to hack in this game. Not exactly an obvious choice to tryhard because individual killcount here isn't as relevant as in other fps.
>I'm puzzled because I just don't understand why would someone want to hack in this game.
Why would anyone want to cheat in any game? Enlisted has a tiny community and if you are "subtle" (lol) at cheating there's a lot of community "glory" (LOL) to be had. There are cheaters who post in this very general and justify it in various ways like "oh I only cheat because everyone else does", which is a common one.
For a long time after the replays were added I think they were pretty rare though. A lot of big name guys "got bored with the game" right after that and stopped playing.
>Merc66 is back
They probably got banned in warzone and then come here because they can make a free account. Hackers are some of the saddest faggots in existence, they honestly think that they're so pro and that they need hacks to "be competitive".
If you're not playing the game vanilla, you are contributing to this cycle of stupid bullshit. Learn to play the fucking game instead of using a crutch
Does gaijin give month bans for 1st hacking offense, or is it always perma?
He was claiming he just didn't have a computer apparently.
still never saw any conclusive proof of him cheating. i went through the archives and found nothing and upon reviewing my own replays there's something wonky going on where it looks like you're always snapping towards enemies like a robot. unless it's something blatant like that one other guy posted in these threads it's kinda hard to tell if someone is cheating in my opinion
Stop lying, I check my own replays and I never snap to the center pixel OF ANY ENEMY UNIT
It has some lovely maps, makes me miss the pre-merge days. I played that campaign after dropping the game after constantly getting my shit pushed in, in Normandy.
It was a lovely experience since every now and then you actually came across people who knew about the existence of objectives, and rally points.

You even had people using the "Good Job/Thanks" voice commands.
It was a very comfy experience after my first time being nothing but being curbstomped in Normandy.
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He's not going to be doing it in random matches because he's also always stacked with turbo sweats
I watched some of his recent games and he's WAY more defensive/cautious now. He doesn't run straight into the enemy spawn.
>snapping center pixel to a target across the map is a bug
Oh yes, the """bug""" no one was ever able to reproduce
Normandy in CBT was like that for a long while too
I meant
>snapping to the center pixel of a target across the map WHILE FALLING is a bug
yeah, it was pretty comfy before the merge came out
it was kinda a PvE gamemode for the germans but it was nice to not have to sweat to have fun
>the (((best))) enlisted player never plays solo
This China man is pretty alright.

>100:1 is very cerebral palsy.
he could be cheating, but you guys have shown my three webbums and neither are conclusive. please, provide more evidence i would love to see a cheater faggot get banned
The Panther is pretty conclusive, and their servers desperate gaslighting only made everyone even more certain.
>eliminated the opportunity to use drones
What does that mean
Why was the Ally side so abandoned in Tunisia? Far as I know it was the other way around before that
i don't remember, but as far as i can tell, something about italian paratroopers? probably not enough fancy toys, either
it was pretty chill, though, having mostly bolt action and SMG fights
Maybe he is referring to a lack of bots in the matches now that the matchmaking is a tad better.
Bot farming on say tunisia axis if I had to guess
It was the complete opposite for MONTHS before that. Then they got spaghetti paras and everyone memed to grind out the ita-i gear and stack on carcanos and shit in case they couldn't get them post merge.

I would love to have these guys, I have seen them once or twice this year.
The SAS guys seem pretty common though.
Because they're trash so no one uses them.
The italian smg is shit but the welgun at least has 30 rounds
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He seems to have slowed down his cheating in his recent matches. Back in the day he used to bunnyhop into enemy spawn mowing everyone down, now he plays like an actual human. Crazy, huh?

Anyway, here's a clip of him going around a corner and trying to shoot at people through a wall at about 3:40-ish.


Dude's cheating lol. I don't mean him shooting the guy THROUGH the wall (that's a visual error), I mean him going around the corner and attempting to shoot a group of enemies THROUGH a brick wall lmfao. He comes around thinking they will be in the corner, but they are actually behind cover. This wasn't even hard to find. All you can say about this is that, for some reason, he shot at a wall he couldn't shoot through that enemies just so happened to be behind, for... no... reason at all, just felt like it? Again, not him shooting the guy initially, that is a VISUAL BUG.
His crystal merkaba slipped and it magically tapped the fire button, spiritually letting him know the enemy is right there
bro it's a super secret u45 strat bro. Don't you know about this strat? Please tell me you know about the strat so I can tell you about the strat he's using bro. please i want to say it tell me you know it bro.
I wish I was joking but they literally said this to me
You need more quartz crystals. Get a swastika shaped crystal to block out the jewish anti peace signals
Also, isn't it weird how Merc's snapping went from "actually it's because he's DA BEST" to "uuuh it's a replay bug bro".

That's fucking hilarious. I wouldn't be surprised if all these fucks are cheating.
The only real hacks is to become a powerful psychic and to warp reality and even history at your will.
Everyone, meditate with me so that Axis teams win every game today without fail.
back in the day you could bunny hop though, you can't anymore and yeah, bunny hopping can clean out even experienced players because they're never expecting it. in your webbum i again see nothing suspicious. maybe that was a common wall bang spot? wall banging used to be much easier i've read and frankly not being able to wall bang through bricks with an mg42 seems retarded
>back in the day you could bunny hop though
This isn't the point, the point is his level of aggression (which he sometimes maintains and sometimes doesn't). Hopping straight into the enemy team and getting 60 kills in a single squad is HansKaffee tier behaviour.

> in your webbum i again see nothing suspicious
... someone trying to shoot an enemy squad through an impenetrable brick wall then heading indoors to shoot them isn't suspicious? Between this and locking onto a Panther while falling through the air, I can't see how you can be convinced.
Didn't that chink Hans get done in for cheating too?
He either quit or got banned, yeah.
>Axis vs Allies
The good guys are obviously the Axis
i'm asking if that wall was previously able to get wall banged. i still don't quite know the wall bang spots and frankly none of them really make sense so i sometimes randomly fire where i know enemies should probably be. if he does have an aimbot then it appears to be locking onto their stomach/legs which would be weird as well
You've never been able to shoot through brick
>i'm asking if that wall was previously able to get wall banged.
It's solid brick. You could never shoot through solid brick. Simple reality is that he saw enemies through the wall and tried to shoot them. I could keep watching his replays and finding more clips (it's not hard) but there's no point. He's friends with the community managers. He and his little assbuds are all probably cheating to some degree. It's not even the snapping (though lmao he does perfect 180 snaps in under human reaction times constantly), it's the weird shit like knowing where people are when he really shouldn't.
Softbotting to chest/stomach area is a common practice to make it not look as obvious as head snapping
can't find anything on this guy only that it appears to be a trans sexual
HansKaffee__ was a Taiwanese Ensharted player who cheated, he used to post on the forums too. He's gone now and has been for a while.
this is her?

Probably, honestly. He wasn't a tranny last time I checked, but that was ages ago. Did you know trannies are self-reported as more likely to cheat in video games?
Just smoke 10 million pounds of the finest 420 hitler kush like Axis Man, and you don't need hacks
i look forward to shitting on this retard and recording his rage quit. i freebase cocaine btw
I wouldn't quit even if I was solo against your team comprised of all the gods of all religions at 100% power
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A way to get people to play other factions would be

>Shared xp if you opt in to "join any faction"

>100%xp boost on win for the faction you played as (50% for every other faction)

>50% silver gain on win for the faction you played as (10% for every faction that you opted in)

Add a choice to choose to mark which factions you would like to join, and adjust xp/silver gain accordingly.

>Half every T1/2 xp/silver cost

New players miss out on some good shit like the apcs, and assaulter engineers. They need some sort of rotation regarding them.

None of this will be done, since the Shareholders need their mtx moneh.

>"We have decided on a silver gain revision. Medals will net 200 silver capped at 3 medals"

>"Xp stockpile increased to 40k, conversion rate is 100to 10* (*1 Gold required per 100xp converted)

You will be fleeced, and you will be happy
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Here's Merc66 doing a perfect 180 snap towards a rally point as soon as people spawn on it, but ONLY after they spawn on it and attempting to shoot them through the impenetrable tank for some reason before adjusting his aim. Not definitive, but interesting!
Those buildings are destructible, and as far as I know, destroyed stuff does not display properly in replays.
Watching it from Zeleh's POV, Merc literally turns around the MOMENT he and his squad spawn.

Please re-read the post: he attempts to shoot a squad through an impenetrable, undestroyed wall, which you can tell isn't destroyed because the bullets don't hit the squad despite him knowing they are there and firing directly at them. He then goes inside after realising that they are, in fact, through an impenetrable wall.
was a quick snap, but he seemingly didn't snap to anything and you can see the aim adjust. typically this is what you'll see from a good player, they react quickly and accurately, then make the precise adjustment once they have the information
>Good players can do 180 snaps the millisecond an enemy squad spawns
>Not before
>Not after
>Literally the very moment they do
>The EXACT moment
There's no point doing this, you "people" are either disingenuous or Merc's little cocksuckers have found the thread again and are trying to defend their boyfriend. A guy who regularly tries to shoot people through impenetrable terrain is just really good at the game, I guess?
There's good and there's do a 120* and headshot an unmarked faggot ~150m away covered by destroyed tank, walls and shrubbery. Get real.
Saar, stop noticing.
was it possible he heard anything, can you spawn in and some of your bots automatically prone? his snap was on the ground, not on any head unless they spawned in prone. he later adjusts to the head when the head shows itself behind the tank. that's what i'm saying, there's two movements going on there, not just one snap which is typical of legitimate snaps. his crosshair also seems to move at the speed of someone getting up from being prone so who knows. having wireframe would help a lot
It looks like he snapped to the spawn/rally.
Oh, I didn't notice that it was him shooting the wall, I thought it was a someone trying to shoot him with some visual fuckery.
still new here
so what perks should i actually be taking / why? what guns / vehicles should i avoid? i mostly play germans
i see the stat spreadsheet and i'm sure it'll be helpful later but all the fucking numbers and notifications being thrown at me is a little disorienting and overwhelming
Give free players one extra slot and make it easier to tech t1 and 2. This will keep more playera
That one kind of looks like the replay, if it didn't do the backwards snap you wouldn't think anything of it
Just take reload speed on everything for now and don't waste tickets with your panzer ii c or the ab41.
Even if he "heard" something, that would require his reaction times to genuinely be beyond that of human capability. Merc66 plays in such a weird, fucked up way that it's dizzying to watch. His view is ALWAYS swinging around and flip-flopping. Even other "great" players don't move their screens the way he does.

He instantly turns around the very moment the enemies spawn. Not before, not after. The MOMENT.
Don't forget to put run and build speed on ALL your engineers. More rallies faster helps a lot.
That one might be better with the actual replay so I can get a better sense of the surroundings. I've definitely heard a squad spawn in before.
Don't take reload speed, that's retarded. Early on take bolt action speed on guys that would use a rifle, along with that handling perk that says it reduces spread from quick movement which helps bots. And medkit use speed.
At higher tiers your meta setup will be sprint speed/vitality/recoil reduction with the necessary dump points spent up top.
We really need an X-ray option for replays, it would clear a lot of stuff up. If you watch Merc's clips you can see him regularly watching people through walls out of his peripheral vision, as well as knowing where people are when he really shouldn't.
EAC = Everyone Allowed Cheating
If you use bolts go for bolt speed, if you have automatics go for vertical recoil. Don't go for dual weapons unless you know what you're doing. Don't be ashamed to use k98s, they're all you need for most jobs. Charge is your friend. Demopacks are your friend. Shitty tank spam are not your friend, get a pz3j or pz3N. For the love of God stay on BR2 top for at least a month. APC and rally will be your best source of passive score/income. Don't rush spending silver and especially gold orders, both are hard to come by. MP34 and FNAB suck and don't trust anyone saying otherwise. If you want to fly IAR is the only plane you'll need for a looooong time.

There is a "run speed increase" perk, which you do simply by pressing forward and nothing else.

"Sprint speed" refers to, well sprinting forward+whatever button you mapped it to.
I prefer the run perk, choose depending on your playstyle

Vitality, more health. You basically invest all of your available points into this from the given tree into this.
I only use it on my flametroopers, others swear by it, especially if you play as Soviets and get their body armour.

I enjoy using

>Run speed increase
>Medkit use increase
>Melee speed increase (really up to preference, there are better perks in that tree)
>More health restored by medkits
>Faster reload (not all weapons profit from this)
>Passive health regen(not much use I find, but usually have a few perk points left, and nothing better to get)

Climbing/crawl speed increase can be useful. The one which buffs accuracy when you turn is also often recommended.
I usually take all class specific perks build speed/resources increase etc.
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This nigger snapping people with a bren while leaning about like a faggot
I think climb height is underrated. Maxed that sucker out and you can climb the weirdest shit and second story windows.

Add about 90-120 kills and that's me
>Add about 90-120 kills and that's me
No I mean snapping *snapping*
not just a good player
"Snapping" isn't something definitive in Ensharted because of the netcode and replays being weird.
jump height is definitely useful though i think more useful in places like stalingrand and berlin
I mean a suspiciously quick and laser accurate snap lock on anyone the moment they step out while moving about with an LMG that should impart a ridiculous amount of dispersion that doesn't seem to be affecting his aim while he does it
It's balls to the walls broken in tunisia and even pacific as well.
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This is coming
The Bren has almost no dispersion
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>the test server
I don't touch it because dogshit top loader
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While I don't want to throw any accusations, there're things that I want to clarify and I'm going to ask some questions as a person who wants to be better at the game.

Okay, he shots down the Ju 87, then immediately looks above (for the first and only time in the entire match) to see the other enemy plane coming at him. How did he know there was a plane? If there was a marker that the replay doesn't show, why does he always seem to know where enemy planes are without moving much in the cockpit? I'm actively seeking enemy planes in the air all the time and I'm not even half as good as this guy who's just chilling in his pilot seat. Any tips to be as good as him?
the bren has a fucked up sight that has to be stablized after turning fast. you can't see shit when you snap with it.
Any short clip without context can be difficult, he could have known there was another plane and had been keeping track of it. Could have just been the audio cues which sometimes are more reliable than others where I can hear the plane but can't see it anywhere.
first, you gotta get a gamer chair
without a proper gamer chair you'll never be a proper gamer
>he could have known there was another plane and had been keeping track of it
How do you keep a track of a plane you can't even see because you're shooting the other plane? Normally shooting takes away all of your attention.
radar hacks exist. if he is hacking, he can track any enemy on the map either in an extra minimap or other indicators on the edge of the screen. It's easy to spot the only other airplane when you have an indicator in the sky.
If I were to guess what cheats are most common, I'd say it's probably just wife-frame wallhacks and, probably, cheats that remove headshake. It's also interesting how many people seem unaffected by accuracy penalties.

This could just be him hearing the plane or viewing his minimap (plane markers appear on the minimap). Merc is definitely a cheater but this isn't definitive proof (not that proof matters, people will always come out to simp for their buddies).
the game gives you an on screen indicator if another airplane is in range, without hacks. you can also hear enemy airplane engines. Not trying to defend him, since I know this fag hacks.
we are pretty magical here
I love it when we're at the end of a 40 minute destruction game, we're about to explode the final bomb, we're out of tickets and I'm watching the final 60 seconds tick down as my team's last remaining squad is camped on the wall taking potshots while the enemy defuses the bomb HAHAHAHAHAHA
I'm not saying that he's hacking, let's try to be objective without jumping to conclusions.
I have the spotting perk and it's generally hard to keep track of every plane in the air, especially in combat. It's not impossible, of course, but I'm a person with a lot of wt dog fighting experience, and as I said, it's challenging even for me.
I just downed a whole bottle of Jagermeister.
What have you done to bring the Axis back to their former glory?
if I see campers when we need to move up, I give everyone a warning that I will molotov campers, then I actually do it on my next squad.
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To believe Merc66 isn't cheating, you have to believe:
>He's twice as good as the next best player in the community
>He is capable of perfectly tracking moving objects with the exact middle of his screen, something no other human in history has ever been capable of
>He has reaction times beyond that of human capabilities
>He practices in aim training programs, specifically for Enlisted, for hours every day
>Despite being the best player in the game, he frequently makes rookie mistakes and struggles to hit targets at close range with a pistol, but can snipe an ant from 300 meters away with a perfect snap
>His replays, and his alone, suffer unique bugs that cannot be recreated and never have been recreated
>Despite being in the top 0.001% of humans to ever exist in terms of hearing, sight, reaction times and situational awareness, he dedicates hundreds of hours to becoming good at... Enlisted
>Not to stream it, not to be a YouTuber, but just to play in 4 stacks with people who have never heard his voice
>Also he never uses VC and exclusively communicates with a soundboard because ???

To believe Merc66 is cheating, you have to believe:
>He is cheating and probably just a child
incredibly based
it's obvious that Merc is a half breed human and psychic alien gray. Don't be mad about the next step of human artificial evolution
To play devil's advocate, I would expect the best player to be an autistic weirdo with elite reaction times. Also what makes him "twice as good as the next best player"? What's your criteria for defining who the best player is?
To be fair, in the replays I've been watching it's just him and other guy, not a full stack.
He did a strange decision though: after building a rally point he stayed on his engineer instead of swapping to a regular rifleman.
I don't care how good you are or how much you practice, no one except an actual robot or ai could track the perfect center pixel of a distant object WHILE FALLING
Couldn't care less about some dumb spastic and his tranny clan, the real issue is them being defended by gayjew employees.
When he has played in clan matches, he consistently does 2x as well as the next best players. Players who themselves are, in many ways, suspicious.

>I would expect the best player to be an autistic weirdo with elite reaction times
We're talkin' transcendant reaction times here. If someone has reaction times that make them indistinguishable from a machine, then they should probably be in a black site run by the Super CIA being experimented on for a super soldier program.

>after building a rally point he stayed on his engineer instead of swapping to a regular rifleman.
I do this all the time because I am lazy.
I'm actually funded by cia blackops budgets because I am psychic, and I can't do anything he does in game
For now the only thing I could suspect is wall hacking, but wall hacking by itself isn't actually that strong, just annoying to play against.
i'm not defending him, i'm simply trying to reason if the webbums are conclusive or not and trying to take into account other factors. it doesn't help your cause being hyperbolic as you are now either
>When he has played in clan matches, he consistently does 2x as well as the next best players. Players who themselves are, in many ways, suspicious.
I kinda wanna emphasise this: against 10 man stacks of tryhard clanfags, on his own team of tryhard clanfags, he still plays multitudes better than his teammates and opposition. He's not just a little better, he's not even quite a bit better, he scores TWICE AS WELL AS THEY DO. Do you have any idea how improbable that is? In other competitive settings, a player being twice as good as every other top player would immediately, instantly get them accused of cheating. Even Magnus Carlsen, the best chess player in the world, draws twice as often as he wins against his contemporaries. Imagine if he never drew, ever. He just always won, and not only that, his Elo was like 4000 or something compared to the next best player at 2800.

Where's the hyperbole? Everything I said is true.
The zeta reticuli aliens with internet access are the ones messing up Enlisted
This is it for me, too. Gaijin employees defending someone like this is fucking putrid, but it's standard. Blizzard and Activision defend cheaters in their community too.
I'm pretty sure hackers DO receive bans, but the length of which we are not sure of
>>He is capable of perfectly tracking moving objects with the exact middle of his screen, something no other human in history has ever been capable of
>He has reaction times beyond that of human capabilities
>Despite being in the top 0.001% of humans to ever exist in terms of hearing, sight, reaction times and situational awareness, he dedicates hundreds of hours to becoming good at... Enlisted
that's all hyperbole, you know that

look, if you really want him to get banned you're going to need to come up with better stuff than you have. it's simply not conclusive. if you were to force me to make a decision and if i'm wrong i die i would say that yes, he is cheating, but we need more evidence. i see that you're a diaperfrog poster so you must have autism, why don't you stop taking half measures and watch all of his videos and compile everything looking for a major slip up
>>>He is capable of perfectly tracking moving objects with the exact middle of his screen, something no other human in history has ever been capable of
He does this, no other human is capable of it without machine assistance.

>>He has reaction times beyond that of human capabilities
This is also true lmfao he can react within 100ms to stimuli. That puts him ahead of the top humans to ever live.

>>Despite being in the top 0.001% of humans to ever exist in terms of hearing, sight, reaction times and situational awareness, he dedicates hundreds of hours to becoming good at... Enlisted
Again: no hyperbole here. If we are to believe he is not cheating, we have to believe he is beyond the majority of humans who have ever lived.

>yes, he is cheating, but we need more evidence
Literally doesn't matter. All the evidence in the world is met with excuses from cocksuckers and concern trolls, and he's friends with the game's fucking community manager. It's not worth it. In any reasonable community, he would be banned.
american geography education everyone
hit the books then, kid. he has a plethora of new videos to go through. start compiling. i look forward to reviewing your work
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OP you are a champion and getting axiscucks cope thread deleted is worthy of a medal, there is hope yet for this general
I will butttuck every judeo-masonic faction soldier, period
Buttfuck* the jews can't steal my letters
t. hitler
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say that to my face, fucker
>hit the books then, kid. he has a plethora of new videos to go through. start compiling. i look forward to reviewing your work
Nigger re-read what I said: it doesn't matter. Hell, Merc being a cheater doesn't matter. What matters is that he gets fellated by the fucking community manager and a posse of faggots, he has immunity. He's a blatant cheater, just watching a couple of his recent matches shows him doing shit like trying to shoot people through walls, but it doesn't fucking matter. Players shouldn't have to assemble thousands of clips of an obvious cheater cheating for him to be reprimanded. No amount of evidence will ever get him banned because he is FRIENDS WITH THE COMMUNITY FUCKING MANAGER.

Stop being a concern trolling nigger.
I hope die glocke lands near any of you dogfucking commie discord fucks so it liquifies your organs
yes, it does actually matter that you have evidence when accusing someone
>furmacht player projecting again
>All the previous evidence doesn't count because idk i just dont personally like it haha
Lmao. Evidence doesn't matter when it's completely ignored because the person being accused is in a clique that includes a fucking company employee who has, in the past, sucked his dick in public saying how amazing he (the accused) is, and thus has a vested interest in protecting his own reputation and ego. Again: in any other community, someone with clips like the Panther thing, Merc's constant snapping to targets behind cover, attempting to shoot people through walls, et cetera, someone who has even just one of these clips would probably be investigated and/or banned. He will never be banned, he doesn't care. He took a month long break from the game after people started investigating him and he was reported to the community helpers/managers, and how he's back and just as blatant as ever because he knows he has immunity. All I can do is tell people to quit when they see him in a match.
>I'm a retarded jew who has been on the jidf budget trolling 4chan for years, so I don't even use discord, ha!
This is second hand but he's apparently a neet Eve Online player.
Now this is stereotyping, but when is the last time you've heard of an Eve Online player being good at FPS games?
I played eve online when I was getting pro at day of defeat source, back like 10 or more yeatlrs ago
It's all community jannies working for free. If it gets any worse we can go over DF's head to Gaijin to complain about corrupt CMs and helpers.
Nah, Major McDonalds is a paid employee now.
why are you getting so mad, dude? your current evidence didn't stand up to scrutiny
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>your current evidence didn't stand up to scrutiny

I guess it is time to stop drinking
>but there's no point
bullshit. get as much evidence as possible to nail the bastard
this is a good one
thats a digestif retard
Didn't ask + go be a nigger somewhere else.

There really isn't any point because he's friends with the game's community manager(s) and community helpers. He will never be banned, ever. Any evidence assembled is just for the sake of informing newfags.
>retarded for drinking the good guy's favorite drink
for starters the link to this replay would be nice
>informing newfags.
good enough, grassroots effort, etc and you seem to like watching replays no?
no, you are retarded for drinking an entire bottle of digestif liquor
No, I have ascended to Überjagermeisterschaftführer
>etc and you seem to like watching replays no?
Only as a hobby and for my own curiosity. I'm sick of watching Merc because his cheating is obvious. He's the only person who plays the way he does with such consistent swinging and snapping and wall shooting, but it doesn't matter. I have satisfied my own curiosity and will no longer be discussing the subject unless it comes up. Just remember to tell people to quit when they see him because it's not their responsibility to make him and his faggot friends have fun matches at their expense.


Honestly just watch any of his replays and you will see him doing shot like snapping to targets 100-180 degrees away from his crosshair consistently. The snapping is a replay bug but never do you see it as consistent or as extreme as with Merc, along with him watching targets through walls and bizarrely snapping/tracking at random. Shit, he doesn't even use his sights while using the Panzerfaust, he just hipfires it over and over at any given range.

>J-just a replay bug
Kinda wacky how it only happens in HIS replays with HIM!
having as many incriminating webms as possible will only help your effort in batting down the people countersignaling you but you do you senpai
Nigger there's a clip posted in this very thread of Merc attempting to shoot people through a brick fucking wall because his wallhacks tricked him again. We have like five clips of indisputable cheating from Merc and people will still be disingenuous faggots about it. I'm not going to spend hundreds of hours making clips for such a pointless endeavour when anybody who isn't a disingenuous concern troll can tell he is cheating. This is the last post I am making on this matter, since we know Merc and his buddies browse here.
Don't be such a downer, either he'll get scared off again or he'll get banned. The only question is when.
right off the bat on this clip, as soon as he pulls out the stg, he climbs into a window then instantly turns back when he sees an ap mine there, but it's too late. very fast reaction time
one of the things with the replays is that doesn't show recoil for some reason and doesn't show zoom. watching my own replays i can barely see some of the shit i'm shooting
He probably got a month ban for the earlier clips unless someone can prove any and all kinds of hacks/ editing the game are always permabans
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I watched 6 replays. I don't think he was hacking, not on a regular basis at least.
Who in their right mind would hack facing an opposition like this?

But there also was nothing to learn as well. Doesn't build a spawn frequently, almost no rally hunting, rarely goes beyond enemy's point at all.

He seems like a... normal player? I don't get any "wow" vibes from him, I would even argue that my plays are often smarter. He also played a radio squad sometimes, so he gets a few extra soul points for that.
Still, the question what's there's to learn remains open.
Is it possible that you pull your head from your ass?
As has been pointed out, he never did this stuff constantly or so egregiously because he's always stacked with a bunch of other sweats.
>Responding to it
why is this gen constantly circling around if some fag cheats or not
Because he just came back and these fags will argue about anything. But I was just about to post myself, we already looked at the new clips we have, it's good there is more evidence, but we don't have to continue talking about it. The aspie posted screenshots from here on their trannycord last time so he probably comes by now just to search for his own name.
he's comically bad at shooting panzerfausts
It's worth noting he was gone for exactly a month, too.
Make sure the dates are properly documented or they'll just deny it again. Last time they tried to deny that he stopped playing right after the Panther clip was being spread around and reported.

But, moving on, do you guys think we might get a big update with Steam advertising soon? Like a big Steam notification "France Added!" update that draws in new steamniggers?
Darkflow is too incompetent.
okay, this clip is completely dishonest. first of all he hears the rally, but can't get to it because it's in the grey zone. he makes an attempt towards it, realizes he can't get to it so attempts to retreat. as he retreats he keeps turning back towards the rally to see if anyone spawns and could shoot him in the back since he had no cover. this is smart game play. he makes that snap back turn multiple times checking to see if anyone spawned

i guess you will now call me a nigger
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and a lying disingenuous U45N nigger at that.
You reek of discord. If he knew where it was he would have just ran to it through the gray zone, it’s like 20 meters.
And it just so happens he turns around at the exact moment the people spawn and attempts to shoot them... through the tank? Which, combined with him trying to shoot people through solid cover in other clips, does not strike you as odd?

I am pretty sure he does know where the rally is, he's just baiting enemies to spawn on it before flipping around and locking onto it at the exact moment they spawn.
you need to make a webm from zelehs pov and have them side by side
That might be true, yet I'm a little disappointed because neither he's hacking, nor his plays teach me anything useful.

You could say that he just naturally leans to "play for maximum kills" category (I've watched lots of similar players at this point) while me or axis_man_1941 are willing to be more sacrificial towards team getting a win rather than personal stats. Though he waits for enemies to spawn on a mobile point to shoot them while I just instantly go for the vehicle because I don't want to take any chances.
>i hack and am defending myself through the prism of another confirmed hacker
fuck off back to discord you tranny nigger
We do have known cheaters in this very thread who brag about cheating. At least 3 of them.
and we have cheaters who claim to not cheat yet post bullshit high scores too
To be fair, those "high scores" tend to be farming matches against low level players.
he made a decision and that was the one he made. he can clearly hear it as i can clearly hear it from behind that wrecked tank

he turned around multiple times as he retreated, doing the same snap back. you see, what i discussed before is that anyone that's not deformed can do a quick 180 swipe and land your crosshair in the general direction of where it needs to be. if it was an aimbot you would generally see a smooth 180 shot, but with him you see the quick 180 then not as quick adjustment shot. this is common in most snap shots like this and ones that are not are put into highlight reels for a reason
i would agree with one or two but some do it consistantly
>bullshit high scores
It's not hard to get into a game where you would be facing mostly bots and unexperienced players. I assume that is what happened.
I thought it was just the one
It's at least two, more likely three. There's a guy who uses a magnification on the middle of his screen to make shooting at long ranges easier and a guy who uses what is basically heat vision.
That guy with the name starting with z comes to mind...
rank the /enlg/ namefags
Anime is real and a portal is coming near you soon!
/enlg/ is not your personal ego stroker, nigger
1) Me.
2) Not me.
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Literally me
/enlg/ been real quiet since merc66 was exonerated

yalll niggas acting like shitler on april 30th 194th, gnome sane haha. shall we start putting the suicide hotline number in the op?
Awful bait.
>a one month exact ban
Seems to line up unless you can prove any infactrion results in a permaban
He definitely was hacking in the past and the evidence is conclusive.
Will he do it again and if so how often remains to be seen.
>that english
>shit bait
what 3rd world shithole are you from nigger?
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See you cowboys.
show us the screen confirming the deletion from clicking the link in the email faggot
My low br hype
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Good enough?
we need fresh webms showing he is still cheating after his 1 month vacation to get him permabanned
>hiding the account name of an account you are deleting
nice larp faggot
>pressing restore account after this epic screenshot
You know, I think I'll miss you schizos more than the actual game. But seriously. All the best, fags.
>stops playing the game to full time shitpost here
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dont let the door hit your sweaty ass on the way out nigger
Please let this be the trannime faggot
Themesong for farewell to random anon


(We'll be seeing you soon. You're here foerever, after all.)
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Congratulations, you're a deserter now.
Enjoy your exp and silver malus.
>BR I gear has an unlock cost of 5000exp
>BR II gear has an unlock cost of 100'000exp
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To the last man
When the announcer says to defend to the last man, he means it. Anyone who leaves is a mouse
it quickly balloons from like 46k to 120k and then nearly 180k by tier 3
which is kinda how the campaigns worked. you hit 180k research requirement pretty fast
>unlocking the hei auto
many such cases
Go back to you cuckold thread axisman. Oh wait, you can't! Lmao
>enemy team: 9 rallies at once
>my team: max 2 rallies up at a time, 4 players ineffectually cycling vehicles
Imagine 9 rally mines going off in a chain
I was trying but they had so many the ones I was getting to weren't even getting spawned on most of the time.
What's up enlg
Never give up on your dreams or your waifu
gg hux
Hm, I think you shoulda built more rallies. I was basically AFK and didn't notice you were in the match until halfway through. My team won the game for me.
is the 100 drum thompson as fucking retarded as it sounds?
>40 dollars
In theory it's one of the strongest guns in the game, and the squad is also insanely strong, but it's surprisingly not as ridiculous as you'd think. It's let down pretty badly by its muzzle velocity, which limits its use at longer ranges. It's argue it's not as good as the Vickers Para MG, but it is ridiculously strong and the closest thing this game has ever had to Pay2Win.
it basically has basically no recoil and shoots straight and a 100 round mag
and you get 6 of them
and its a para so you can get even more guns

but also you have to play US and deal with some of the worst voices ever recorded
and man is .45 slow when you're trying to shoot someone running perpendicular to yourself
Its TTK is also not really insane. It's strong at close range against Vit users, but against people who aren't using Vit (most players) it's really not that remarkable compared to, say, a PPSh.
>worst voices ever recorded
nah that would be the first 9 years of warthunder
What is it about Gogol Street North that makes attackers time out EVERY SINGLE TIME
>When he has played in clan matches, he consistently does 2x as well as the next best players.
Source? Where can I see the results of clan matches?
The current community manager who he is friends with hosted a clan match where Merc killed 2x as many people as the next best player, basically. You can find it on yoUTube. There have been other "clan" matches he has played in but those are all internal.
It wasn't double, it was 60 more kills than everyone else, and suspiciously only in the first match, after which he toned it way down.
Really makes ya think.
Yeh it wasn't 2x as good

fwiw I do think he's cheating but this by itself isn't proof or completely out of the realm of possibility
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Another Ostruppen and foreign legion victory
Doing 50-75% better than everybody else is pretty, you know. Interesting.
3x as good as the next best player? Cheating for sure.
I got nothing to hide, watch my replay. The mp41r is getting me most of those kills.
He's memeing disingenuously. Doing 2x as well as a bunch of sub-50s isn't really anything anybody cares about.
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I think that camo may have been designed for use in the Italian mainland. If Enlisted should receive an Italian campaign with 2-3 Rhzev-sized maps, that'd be frickin' sweet.
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we are sorely lacking italy maps, yeah
wehr kit made out of stolen fabric when?
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Is the event resetting in a few hours or is that tomorrow?
We got real P2W now. The Jap Paras are Overpowered and cheaper than the Tommy Gun
The calliope was always p2w, especially against japs. Lol japs get one thing that hardly matters and the western allies mains are throwing hissy fits
Jap Paras would be p2w, if para drop speed hadn't been gutted.
>Hardly Matters
>Tech Tree gun but better
Okay shitter. Go cry about the Sherman you can kill with an AT rifle.
You can spawn them on the ground.
Yeah, and sometimes I do for fun, but generally I'd rather have 3 more men with more ammo and a little utility.
they are very strong but having almost no ammo nerfs them pretty hard IMO
They have three mags instead of the base two, and regular ones with ammo bags are 2+2, so it's not terrible.
I wish I got some more suppressed M3, they're pretty decent and fun
Does bolt speed affect grenade launchers yet?
Jap paras suffer by virtue of having no sprint speed. +6 weapon handling is redundant on a gun as explicitly OP as the Type Hei Auto.
Why would it affect grenade launchers? You’re reloading after every shot, it uses reload speed.
Grenade launchers don't use reload speed, I think. I don't think they are affected. Shit, I don't think the bolt action AT rifles use bolt action speed either?
I don’t think they do, but that’s unconfirmed. As far as I’m aware reload speed works on anything you’re reloading, from AT to GLs. The problem is it’s still insignificant with only 12%.
It's so "op" that it dies in a single hit from anything that nips have. Jumbo premium was real p2w before they added Ho-Ro
>Lol japs get one thing that hardly matters
20hp gun armor that stacks with their 2x vit perks to reach over 37 EHP, weapon that has said shield, bipod and bayonet because why the fuck not? While Germans doesn't have any of those on their guns not even a single bayonet at BR5, 6x of those little armored fuckers since they are paraoptroopers. Box loadout that let them to have even more flexibility and different guns or class kits.
>it's not p2w it's the murricans!!!! for sure this time!!!
I think you may have some problem with your brain working property it's the most p2w squad in the game bar none. With constant buffing of all nations except Germans, now Germans are the weakest country at BR5 we don't even have a single good paratrooper squad only trash that is FG42.
The Premium Jumbo is worse than the regular Jumbo.
how so? It has better ammo that let's you pen Tiger E/H1 and Panthers easily
I’d use the shit out of the FG paras if they had more more ammo
APCR can take like five shells to detonate ammo in a live match.
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Enlisted players look like this?
I look like that but weigh more and I am uglier and have a neckbeard, yeah.
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Someone stop that retard before DF going to hire him as a new Creative director.
Time to add his name to the WP and Molotov on sight list.
What you don't like new changes to the xp that will make you grind at 0.25x rate?
Am I being retarded or did the remove the post about the Free XP changes?
I mean, he still lost 18 squads.
The only thing that stands out here is objective kills, especially against the enemy team (twice as good indeed).
>uglier and have a neckbeard
are you me?
what a nothing burger
we will get a lot of content at update number 0.6
Which GWO should i get next? Got 2x RPK and they are all right but a bit too inaccurate even with -hor recoil perk so i'm not feeling like i want another one since 3rd MG gunner has Breda.

Are Gorov LMG any good? I have shitload of AVT-40s so maybe not.

Hotchkiss of the Nippanese seems like super strong but i dunno if i want to play as them at low BR.

Recent American and Axis GWO look like total garbage.
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>rate my rocket radio build
That's bullshit. It should be 0.025x instead.
As it is now, the grind is downright demonic desu
I like the bugs even more. You know that normandy map with the river in the middle? Know that cap with the barracks and two fuel tanks? Well, I tried to jump thru a window of the house just behind it and instead fell under the house, like under the nav mesh.

I can assure you it was an entirely pleasurable experience for the enemy team to have their bomb disarmed roughly 170 times by an invisible faggot crawling under the street.
My Calliope sucks ass after the merge. I can't touch Tigers or Panthers, and a single hit from a German 30mm aircraft cannon to the rocket rack blows the tank up
Go on then, give us some bloody weapon upgrade orders
Don't forget about ninja AT gunners that are way more frequent now than before in pre-merge.

But if you think playing Calli is hard then Pzwf42 is a Dark Souls mode you will be dying more often than as an infantry since even a sneeze from BR1 AT rifle will murder your ass.

Both should go in BR, Calliope to BR3 and Panzerwerfer 42 to BR2, and also they should remove overheat on tank mgs and put long reload times.
Why do mongoloids like you feel anyone is interested in their crap?
>It's yet another BR3 Soviets are torturing your BR2 team for 30mins episode.
More like losing, I played a game like that recently and Soviet "best players" just kept cycling through KV-1's and T-34's endlessly until they ran out of spawns.
How much silver do you guys have? I have 1 million
271 silver.
About 80k. Had just above 3m before I dipped into japan couple of days back. So BR5 japs next decade.
My silver situation is so bad that I can't even rearrange perks for soldiers who were given me by darkflow for free.
what are the best perks for tank gunners?
There are new ones coming in a month, I’d wait.
I bought a couple of T20E. How bad was it?
The 16 Handling cost "improved targeting" perk
+Seat changing speed
Reduced head shake for commander and gunner
Reduced self fire extinguishing speed (very useful when bailing out of a burning tank)
I don't take repair related perks on any tank crew because they're situational and the repair kit already has a very generous amount of uses by default
About 180k. Would have had millions more had I not messed up the Assaulter 3 ticket-to-silver conversion procedure
6.8 million had 8 million before buying a bnunch
>About 180k. Would have had millions more had I not messed up the Assaulter 3 ticket-to-silver conversion procedure
How'd that happejn?
You're having me on, mate
I thought I was supposed to convert the soldiers before the merge, not after it
They did, "revision" its called
You can do the same thing in the Berlin Trainstation, bots can set the bomb in the underpass from above the ceiling.
so you can randomly get golden tickets for your daily battle tasks, huh
Every 15 day login has a chance
Is the vollmer smg briii? I totally forgot about it for months
I think it’s 4 for some reason
That's bullocks
Can any soviet grand wizard redpill me on AS vs Fedorov debate?
One gun oneshots, the other gun is easier to aim.
I only play germans but I pick up allied or soviet guns if I see one that isn't shit compared to what I am currently holding
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pretty sure i'm randomly getting a golden ticket for my daily battle tasks unless the crate gives you a battle task for the golden ticket
fed doesn't 1 shot vitality pigs though
we use the avs-36 strictly in semi automatic and ppsh around these parts
Which sissies in here are talking shit about my boy Merc btw?

5.2 million
I prefer fedorov, once you get use to aim with it it's def better.
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How to turn Germany into PVE mode at low BR:
Yeah, when you get a golden ticket it is always tied to completing a task
Fedorov MG mog them both.
Put the STG and the PPsh in BR4
Kiraly should be briii to give germans a tech tree equivalent to the mp41r
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>Kiraly should be briii
>PPSh-41 box with even more firepower can be found at BR3
>Kiraly with less of a firepower can't be at BR3
You hate GER players and want us suffer
>PPSh box is better than the Kiraly
>You hate GER players and want us suffer
I finished Germany and hate every fucking nazinigger with a fucking burning passion
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Forget what i say, Kiraly is SIGNIFICANTLY worse than PPSh-41 Box. It should be at BR2 with those dogshit stats.
Soviet bias is so insane in this game that i will stop playing Axis all together there are zero point playing with gimped and overnerfed country that only has horrible guns all across the TT, while Soviets are playing BR5 weapons at BR3 and everyone acts like it's fine.
PS i hope you will enjoy PVE vs Nazis forever since you lowiq orcs made your guns 3x stronger than they should be.
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Its still growing
t. wehrbnigger that cries when his very balanced panther dies after getting 6 million kills with it
>kick everyone out of the server
>lie about it
>get all paranoid with merc being back and now start a campaign of playing nice
>hate every fucking nazinigger with a fucking burning passion
woah too based
They're up to a brutal awakening after hitting the silver wall.
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>that difference in dispersion
stats don't tell the story. the kiraly handles way better
Soviet down syndrome babies can't win a single match if they won't have laser firing full auto guns
It handles better but only in your head just like AVT-40 vs FG42 where AVT-40 is way better and also start in full auto. There is a reason why nobody literally nobody is using Kiraly at BR5 and plenty of ppl use PPSh-41 drum or MP717(r).
there is no actual gap in weapons that's going to allow bad players to win over good players
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>1000 silver for completing an achievement
Think I'd actually feel better without a reward in this case
No idea who kicked who, but I think someone was leaking screenshots from the server instead of being a man and asking in VC about his paranoid suspicions about players.
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Those are Kiraly stock stats, ignoring how retard the box papasha stats are, the kiraly is still the best TT euro axis smg
no one use it because old players are just spamming Stg or MP717, conders is a thing, a lot of new players use the Mkb because of the event engineers and barely any new player since the merge has the economy to buy any "filler" shit in the german tech tree.
The AS-44 is, in theory, better against people using Vitality, and the Fedorov is better against people not using Vitality. Both are two shot kills, one shot to finish off against Vit users. Against non-Vit users the Fedorov is vastly superior.

In theory, again, the Kiraly is better against Vit users than the PPSh (Box) and PPSh drum. The PPSh (Box) has ridiculous accuracy either due to an oversight or as an intentional way of balancing it in Old Berlin as a way of giving the Soviets a mid-tree competitive advantage against vastly superior German machine guns and Assault Rifles when the Soviets had none.
would be so sick if those cannons on the fighters could be loaded with high explosives
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Do you mean the chat that was posting screenshots from here? That's okay but if someone posts your chat you are going to sperg out?
Cannons use a mixture of rounds in their belts. The Spitfire Mk Vc uses HEI/HEI/Ball/Tracer, for instance.
The disingenuousness of these guys being like "aha wow what a crazy conspiracy theory we're not in a protected clique" while themselves posting in a protected private clique that has the community manager and community helpers in it before going on a banning purge to get rid of unvetted people is quite funny.
Why Merc's trying to drag other people in this? As far as I can tell there's no bullying, just an open discussion.
Why even care about what some losers think of him if he's 100% clear in the first place?
We all know why.
While I don't exactly *know* what's going on in his head, I still have to point out that such behaviour shows a lot of insecurity.
Same kind of insecurity which leads people to... you know.
I know exactly with what is going on: he's getting ahead of the curve/accusations. It's that simple. Dunno why we are still discussing this, it's a redundant topic.
>Dunno why we are still discussing this
One of the u45 guys was literally here a few minutes ago trying to correct the record after realizing they oversteered and now look really bad.
>One of the u45 guys was literally here a few minutes ago trying to correct the record after realizing they oversteered and now look really bad.
Why would they bother? All we do here is argue about OBJECTIVITY and anime. The average Ensharted General poster is pretty fucking myopic and mains only one nation (usually Germany). Then again, despite this, it's still a better place to discuss the game than the forums or any of the Discords.
Hint for Merc: if you don't hack there's no evidence that you hack. It's that simple. Just don't hack and we're good.
>Why would they bother?
Because merc is back and someone wants us to stop watching his replays.
But enough about all that faggotry. What do you want to see in the next big update? Maus? Soviets vs Japan? Komet? Free France vs Vichy France? Ho-229? United Allies Forces vs Italian Social Republic? Me-262?
Probably some weird shit like low tier bolt actions nobody uses and a mediocre Japanese tank that sucks, but also some insane power weapon like the Super Pershing that completely fucks balance overnight. The Spergshing being added would be way too late, but I can see it happening. Four or five months ago the US needed it badly but now the Germans are pretty heavily on the back foot (though they still have a lot of good players and stacks).

P-80/Meteor, P-80, and Kikka added all at once. Slavs get a rocket powered Chaika.
Where do I enlist?
Spanish civil war/Winter war.
But I'd rather they fix up the game before they start piling up new potential issues
Exquisite taste.
At your local recruitment office, kiddo! Think of all the benefits! Maybe try /k/'s Enlistment General for some advice! Semper fi!
Soviets vs Japs is a no brainer - new maps, new equipment, new customization options and most importantly a new match up.
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>P-80/Meteor, P-80, and Kikka added all at once.
I meant to say 262 instead of the second P-80.
Soviets vs Japan because there's actually two possible and historical environments: Khalkhin Gol for low br and Manchuria for high br.
Also, I stopped playing Japan because of how terrible the maps are, so this is another reason.
Imagine the huge fields of Khalkin Gol or Manchuria for gameplay. Fucking awful. No cover, just tanks shelling everyone.
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Just throw in some barracks, a couple of hills, a river and voila, a decent map.
super bershing
Kind of ironic that the Jumbo Pershing would probably be better than the Spergshing
But also less funny and thus worse. Also, it has a far worse gun than the Spergshing and could only pen the Tiger II (H) with APCR (lol).
a one battle 30% exp booster WAOW for 20,000 points WAOW!

i'd rather not have anything, you cheap ass niggers
but it lasts 7 days, so you can wait to use it!
i appreciate that the new japanese paratrooper weapon comes with the shield but also a bipod and bayonet. may as well put a grenade launcher onto it as well
desu wheres the scope???
It really should have just come with the shield.
>the new german event paratroopee weapon
and of course with the 30% they give me the biggest shit sandwich game i've had in a week where my team loses the first point before i can even get back from setting the rally point
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I sure hope you didn't shitter quit
Who cares about a 30% booster? Get upset if you waste your end of BP 500% boosters on something terrible.
i just quit two back to back games. the silver shit has me depressed and unmotivated. i'm going back to playing on my neverwinter nights role playing server
Completely different since accusations were from here and yet someone was in the server as well and couldn't man up and speak about it, hence it was a false accusation with loose ends. By posting screenshots didn't help that case either. Some players are just better, but gl on your endeavours. You can still continue checking replays.
There is a guy that have a YouTube channel for some cheaters on Enlisted as well
what server?
arelith, i have a level 30 with 1,000,000 gold i want to roll here in a few days for a chance at a firbolg
>Germans are the weakest country at BR5
what level of crybaby delusion is this?
i got a major award but im not using it for anything
or playing at all
but still, nice
He's not completely wrong. Their primary advantage is the Tiger II (H), all their infantry gear is beaten by its contemporaries in other factions.

>MG 15/34 Patronen
Beaten by the RD-44 and Stinger.

>StG 44
Beaten by the Fedorov and AS-44.

>FG 42 II
Beaten by the T20.

Arguably beaten by the PPSh and maybe the 50 Thompson (but the latter is questionable).

This is of course viewing things in a vacuum and not taking into account that the Germans have a bunch of powerful gold order weapons and have an AR where the Americans don't, et cetera.
Can I buy mortarchads above 1star?
What? New troops always come at 1 star. You have to level them and their squad up to get beyond that.
Maybe there are golden soldiers for mortars
>Their primary advantage is the strongest tank in the game that is hilariously hard to kill and is usually parked deep in the grey zone

weird of you to include the stinger and not directly mention the conders or kurzgewehr. you are also neglecting to mention the multiple phenomenal aircraft they have at top tier. german vehicles shit on everything soviet in general and certainly mutt armor and arguably everything else besides the P-47, though I prefer the D-12
>in a vacuum
yeah and I might add deciding who has the worst top tier lineup based on anything other than a holistic appreciation of said lineup is myopic and foolish. germany has a shitter problem not an equipment one
Tanks don't win games, that's the thing.

>conders or kurzgewehr.
The latter is no longer available and only exists in tiny numbers. I did mention gold order weapons in my post, too.
>couldn't man up and speak about it
Sounds fair from a guy who's totally not-in-the-named-server but prefers to stay anonymous.
>Tanks don't win games
Tell that to all the narrow losses and victories that included greyzone point shelling
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You can only get a high capacity machine gun, or a high capacity submachine gun to match the other factions.

Decide wisely.
I just found it weird you directly mentioned the stinger and not the much more prevalent conders
what's so good about the as-44 compared to the stg44? something about dispersion i imagine?
it has a bayonet
and stg 44 has a sniper version
sniper AS-44 when? rossiya sufferz
I'd rather have FG-42 and STG than AVT and Fedorov
I agree with some of the points that have been made but I'm sorry, I can't take a person who calls FG 42 "trash" seriously.
the krieghoff is my favorite FG variant too
the stinger not only might be the strongest gun in game, but FOMO aside it was the easiest one to get.

I have seen a lot of retards in the pacific while playing at BR V that were using them while the rest of the equipment were m1 carbines and Shermans
that is the case for any new event weapon. give it a few months. it will not be remotely as common as something you can buy like the belt fed SMG
You assume that they were the same people. There were and still are multiple people from here on the server. You’re another one of those “everyone I don’t like is the same person” schizos
In many months of enlisted, i have only received one gold thingy for completing the task.it was a gold weapon order for some horrible task. So I decided to change the task..poof went my gold reward. Have not seen it since. It has been 5 months
If you mean Mortar 2s then no. If you mean the actual soldier star level, any soldier can be upgraded to 5 stars.
Whoever it was probably made a good judgement by not exposing themselves, because random bans followed afterwards.
Trying to "man up" would lead to 100% get banned and likely further ostracism. And these people try to speak of honour, Jesus.
I need more pistols
What's that? You want an entire battle pass that revolves (heh) around meme-tier revolvers?
Meant for this>>487298298
yeah give me the officer's models
smaller 1895 nagants, bodeos with trigger guards, the likes
tfw no chinese warlord mauser c96 shanxi type 17 .45 acp
tfw no whatever the fuck this is
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From the Iron Sky april fools event
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send help
I would have spoken up about if it happened in server as well. I don't always post here, but I do sometimes and have done screenshots as well.
Would just become a laughing stock and that's it, it's same as here now. Some of us do read in here for the lulz, so it's all fine.
Some of you are alright!

Now I am waiting for 10k people on Steam, but I believe we will reach it. I think a lot of people still playing on gaijin client >>487340657
I would have spoken up about if it happened in server as well. I don't always post here, but I do sometimes and have done screenshots as well.
Would just become a laughing stock and that's it, it's same as here now. Some of us do read in here for the lulz, so it's all fine.
Some of you are alright!

Now I am waiting for 10k people on Steam, but I believe we will reach it. I think a lot of people still playing on gaijin client

>bringing a team of little BR1lets to victory, but narrowly
>internet cuts out for a minute
>can't reconnect because ???????? game design
I'm sorry my little BR1lets
Uhm... I think the only person who has dedicated haters (probably not even plural) is axis_man_1941.
He is the one that actually tries to make some games where everyone here can play together. He is fine, although I don't get why he always plays Germans and nothing else. Maybe he plays Japan also, since he spam a lot of anime music on his streams.
He has maxed japs
Yeah he does play Japan sometimes.
I said that thing about haters because some people in discord might've wrongly engaged in the situation on a personal level, and in reality it's just different people come and go, without any particular agenda or a score to settle.
Do you think Batman ever goes, "Gee, I wish I could be the Joker(The Allies) for a day"?
Axis needs help rn, the Soviets and the US are getting cocky.
I'm revving up the Axismobile
You should stick to lurking, this is incomprehensible
this general would be fine if both the idiots from discord and axisman and his dickriders stopped posting forever
Yeah no one here even knows who merc66 even is right?
>even with the axis iggy stack we still got owned by hvar spam
we made a good effort, though
Nah no one is like that there and some barely know about enlg threads. It's just hilarious.

We lost to some streamers axis man. VincentDiFrancesco on twitch
>streamers stacking with streamers stacking with streamers
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Screenshot. I heard you, but I will go and sleep now
It’s really funny when the game gets easier after 3-4 on your team give up and dc.
>they dc’d too late so you still lose
You should receive 50 lashings if you dare call yourself SS Nord and desert a match
This is pathetic. He got caught, let it go.
True they should be used to larping a lost cause. I don't care what I am as long as I am not wasting my time dragging actual children through matches.
1948 Arab-Israeli war campaign when? I want to kill browns with MP-40s, MG-34s, and Me-262s
Irrelevant since Snipers are a worthless class, and the Soviets get the AVS sniper, which is arguably best in class.
>2 retards in the team were using flamethrower on our rallies
>they even made barbed wire around our rallies and apc
literal niggers
That reminds me, I needed to record something from a replay
Their nicks are Rudy_Rood and snitskey123 it seems they are just doing that shit while cycling through flamethrowers squads.
I just played with those fags yesterday, though they weren't doing that.
Do this
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good on you for finally making a webm mbp
pissraelis never touched the 262 and thank god for that
Also, Israel may have used between two and eight Me 262s.
What a weird match. Our team had rallies on one side of the building, and theirs had rallies on the other side. Neither could route the other out (because no one went around/under which would have disabled all the spawns) so it was just a meat grinder in the hallways. Reminded me of playing Metro in Battlefield
one day I will be allowed to enter you
>didnt follow the citation
>that is also incomplete and without page numbers
> "According to Egyptian and British intelligence, a jet fighter of unknown type exploded in flight inside Israeli airspace during April 1950. The British thought that it might be a de Havilland Vampire of unknown origin, while the Egyptians stated that they had information revealing that the IAF had secretly taken delivery of eight crated Avia S.92 jets. The S.92 was the Messerschmitt Me 262A-1A built in Czechoslovakia during the initial years of the postwar era.
lol sure thing bro, literally a UFO
im sure the rag tag israeli aerospace was busy dedicating resources to sand proofing the notoriously finnicky engines during a war for their existence. dont trust everything you read on wikipedia
I wonder how Darkflow would balance them.
The jew nazi gear is pretty common knowledge. They saw Germany fight off half the world and they wanted what they had.
she is less than 4 years old you disgusting creature!
that doesnt change the information in the post you are replying to from being anything other than gossip among intelligence services

its just as easy to say they just watched germany get ass pounded while pouring resources into pointless wunderwaffe programs and decided to not waste precious political capital and smuggling cargo space on experimental shit instead of more quantities of conventional arms and ammunition, which is why they won
They literally built more than they built Tiger 1s
also dont flatter yourself too much, the israelis needed arms and all those german weapons no longer had a state attached to them, they werent seeking out german gear out of a sense of reputational prestige
are you seriously arguing that jet fighters dont fall squarely within any definition of wunderwaffe? its the first thing anyone thinks of...
whoops wrong one
Unsurprisingly this general is full of inbread brain rot
It's close, but compared to the Maus, Die Glocke, or Haunebu I don't think it is. Plus its effectiveness was well proven.
so youre saying all the things you alone decide were actually true wunderwaffe also werent very effective, interesting
I prefer this version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4E_3lfS3HTo
HoI IV has a good instrumental version as well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSjnN39Qhmc
One that that happens when you nationalize everything in the country besides starvation, you get the best damn military orchestra in the world. They've also got a great rendition of Bella Ciao https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jZLHsqOXFkc
Though the HoI IV version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u-qTuXDEnFo and folk version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUAP-fE81zs are also fantastic.
The Finns also have a great contender for WW2 music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1MJpLi5NnK4
>one of first times I play moscow all the way back in like 2021 or some shit
>see the katyushas in the distance
>walk across entire map to get to them
>can't enter them
>fast forward to today
>same shit
>guy whining about no one building rallies in chat
>check scoreboard
>he has no rally score
>he has no rally score
>but i keep spawing from his apc
ok tranny
no like everyone else with a brain who plays this game I am stuffing the team into my backpack by having the only rally and APC up at all times while the mouth breathers freeload and complain for some reason. you must be one of the mouth breathers
the only thing you are stuffing is nigger dicks in your ass, you autistic muppet
darkflow should give me a backpack that gives me +1 or +2 mine slots so I can place a maximum of 27 AP mines on a point per inf squad
no u
haha owned
The only one here who appears to be inbread is you anon.
This but for me.
Oh ok sorry to hear that :(
It's funny if all these wehraboos could time travel back to save the Reich they would just lose even harder by funding retarded shit like the Maus even harder instead of just standardizing on the panzer four like Guderian wanted.
Like fuck. We’d be mass producing Panther IIs, StG-44s, FG-42 IIs, Me-262s, assassinating Churchill before the war, wiping out Dunkerque, focusing on the airfields, factories, and radar arrays. With the bongs peaced out we drag puppet France into Barbarossa.
>1500 games played
>only just realised there's a medal for first kill in the match
the price of always focussing on rallies before kills in a match
At least we aren't dyslexic!
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What is your favourite kind of bread?
Bread with meth in it
breada model 20
40-80$. 80$ can be paradropped and has sekrit dokument APHE stalinium tipped rockets that OHK KTs.
I really feel like I’m just firing blanks or something lately, what’s the deal?
I’m using the kar but is it usually THIS bad?
What’s the best skill loadout for the average bot?
I’m new still but half the time I feel like I have to use my bots as phylacteries that I park in a closed space while I snipe, mortar, try to flank, do anything that involves hiding probe, or basically do anything that isn’t charging.
I’m sure I’m not using them correctly but what do I do in these situations? How can I make them the most useful even if silver is no object?
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>tfw you have all your lineup set up in tunisa outfits and a tunisa map finally comes up
>it's a fourman chinese hacker stack
>they're all br5
found the nogames
>steam release
>max 4k players
so just how many concurrent players are on the other game launchers?
>take out my favorite plane
>no bombs
>no rockets
>sit at 2km browsing 2nd monitor, occasionally killing a plane, my team struggling below me
>through no effort of my own we secure the W
>I am top of the scoreboard, 0 deaths
Skychads why do we have it so easy? Could things be even easier? I think so.
>I really feel like I’m just firing blanks or something lately, what’s the deal?
Stop watching porn
>br3 krauts
>didn't get tunisia in months
You can say that again
Between x0.75 or 2x
Praise the shovel
>source: pulled it out of my ass
>What’s the best skill loadout for the average bot?
I heard that weapon turn spread reduction (the perk with 2 levels that costs 1 point in the yellow tree) helps bots significantly so I use that. Otherwise I choose perks that primarily benefit me as a player.

>I’m new still but half the time I feel like I have to use my bots as phylacteries that I park in a closed space while I snipe, mortar, try to flank, do anything that involves hiding probe, or basically do anything that isn’t charging.
Yes me too. I don't think there exists a better way to utilise them as the AI is just too dumb. Their primary role is to survive not to kill. Any kills they perform are merely a bonus.

>I’m sure I’m not using them correctly but what do I do in these situations? How can I make them the most useful even if silver is no object?
Bots will look in the direction of your marks so mark frequently. Obviously equip all soldiers as best you can. When building engineer structures, spam the "build order" command so that your engineer bots will help you build the structure.

Sometimes if I've parked my bots and then I push too far with one soldier such that the "stay" order gets cancelled, I'll switch control to one of the bots and re-establish the "stay" order and sacrifice my lone, far-away soldier. Alternatively, I'll use the lone soldier to establish a new "stay" position and then switch to one of the bots to make sure they can get to the new stay position without being killed.
>take reload speed on everything for now
>Don't take reload speed, that's retarded
which one is it?
germany didn't fight off half the world. they sucker punched yurop with this new thing called blitzkrieg, but countries adapted. the soviets were in such a mess, the communists didn't even believe in having a professional military so the red guard got fucked up pretty hard until they were able to organize, form a real army and launch offensives of their own which germany couldn't stop. germany was still using horses to transport most of their equipment, man. thanks to the usa's lend lease the red army was far more mechanized than germany's was. we're supposed to suck off germany for creating wonderwaffles that didn't do shit. everyone else was working on winning the war while germany wasted its time with waste of resources bullshit such as the tiger 2
Yeah, this brand new thing they used in the same way and on the same lines of attack 4-5 times already and good 60 years before. Get a fucking clue.
we would all be better off if you killed yourself
Germany lost battle of Britain. That's when everything started to go down the drain for them.
Which riffle for br2 Germany?
Amaguerra if you want semi.
Otherwise Mannlicher or Pre-War Kar

I use mostly Pre-War Kar and a few Amaguerra
Mannlicher since it has fastest bolting speed and can zoom while reloading
I completely forgot about VG.2
I replaced pre war with them, I like that it comes with 10 ammo
The M93 or M1895? I assume the tech tree variant. Which rifle is better between the two
M93 has much slower bolting speed at just 66
As long as there are foot fungus and sea planktons in existence you'll still have below average IQ.
k98. Everything else is too expensive for no benefit, doesn't have a bayonet or is a bullshit meme.
pleb opinion
I never directly respond to lowcap trannime shitposters.
>BR1 k98
>BR2 k98
>BR3+ k98/atg
Is there any reason to use that thing? With the fixed bolt cycle trait?
It hits hard, reloads quickly, and has just enough ammo to feel tolerable for a semi auto.
what kind of virgin insult is this shit, are you 12 years old?
It takes 2-3 hits point blank to kill a non vit user on a bodyshot and it reloads at around 3-4s fully upgraded. It's got almost SMG velocity for long range leading. It's got mediocre sights at best. And it's got no pokey stick so you can't take a shovel on your engie.

What am I missing here dude? M1 carbine can at least spray.
It's about the same for War Thunder.
You can use the VG.2 or the K98k or the Mannlicher 1895
Come to think of it, the Pre-War K98k sniper rifle at BR II is probably wicked strong as well.
I forgot about the VG.2. I was using it after the bolt action fix and it was crazy. Fast enough operation and simple sights that led me to empty a whole mag without missing and then your reload is super quick because its mag fed.
low on silver? or just want to spend as little as possible? K98
has spare silver or don't care? Pre-war Kar
don't mind pre-war Kar and you want to be based? Vz24 or Carcano M38
wish I bought more than the 15 I have but I never used it in stalingrad
M1895 is better anyway so don't bother with M93
using it for BR1 anon
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Why would you need more than 15 of a rifle that is badly outclassed by both the K98k and Carcano 7.35mm at its own BR?
the m93 has very nice animation
BR1 doesn't exist for the Axis
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because I am using them on a trooper squad and wanted more of them for the new event squad instead of using the boring k98 or vz. the weapon feels good to use has a nice sight picture and a better cycle rate at 66 rpm so I don't really see how it is badly outclassed
you couldn't be more wrong
>75mm pak
>best mg and hmg
>same gun you'll use for the entire game
>beretta 38
>moscow and tunisia maps
I'd argue germany has the strongest br1 in the game.
You can only thank the moschetto for not being called gay, retarded and braindamaged all at the same time.
Nah, the K98k and Carcano 7.35 both have significantly better sights, damage, and rate of fire than the M93.
Now hurry up and give funny Finnish nicknames to your M/28 engies!
i can't take it anymore. the silver grind and homosexuals with their ap mines that punish good players the most with their no skill non game play cancer

fuck you, and fuck every faggot that plays this game. you're fucking trash at fps
>filtered by my gay mines
lol, it worked
Doesn't matter you will get uptiered against BR2 and 3 anyway
Today I lost a game playing Soviets. For the first time in a month. I have no excuses.
DPM over DP-27 and why?
>game only has 12k players on all platforms for a f2p WW2 shooter

this should be a slam dunk of a game, why is it such a failure?
it has a bipod and marginally better stats
No real tutorial, extreme sealclubbing, extreme grind, very buggy, very monotonous after awhile and very questionable balance decisions.

Technically only up to 2 and you should have all the tools to deal with that. Worst case scenario are pps43 vitality turtles but they can often fuck you up even if they're the ones who are uptiered.
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The black shitalian plane is BR1? I thought that thing had 250kg bombs.
Kind of jealous.
It has a pistol grip, you mean? Can you test the DPM and the 27's hipfire accuracy and compare the two for us?
subjective, and not having a sight hood makes for a clearer picture
>rate of fire
they both have 62 rpm, which is lower than 66

I was expecting some gripe about muzzle velocity but I don't really notice a difference
Samefag much?
Nah, I didn't get that Shitalian plane the 38t, or any engineers. I missed out on a lot of premiums which now have interesting placements in lower BRs because they weren't meta at the time.
Alright then, but you're leaning too much into vehicle spam for my taste. How about ditching the potez and the m41 ice cream truck for a second assault squad and a second tank squad with the GO red diamon Pz3j? Decent air superiority, decent CAS, two riflemen squads to push, two best german tanks for the BR to punish tank spammers, two assault squads to contest pps and lanchester spammers and the even AT squad as a wildcard.

I'd even ditch the flakpanzer for a mortar team.
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i didn't expect for it's HE to be this powerful i usually targeted belly or side skirts of a tanks
Yeah that thing can straight up swat planes that fly too low or overpressure tigers and panthers frontally if you hit their turret roof or manage to sweep one under them.
Vehicle squads are cheap, the crews were all already on hand. Assaulter IVs aren’t and I’m not blowing 200k on another BR1 assaulter squad. I certainly wouldn’t double up on the same vehicle when the main point of these meme presets is variety, plus with five German presets the squad which would use the gold order Pz. 3J is probably already occupied.
Incompetent greedy devs and chink/slav infested playerbase
I mean fair enough but you're neither going full larp with ita-is nor going functionality bis. I'm just saying because I recently ran into someone using something similar to this and I ate him and his buddy alive simply because they couldn't cycle SMGs. Bolt riflemen won't help you contest assaulters or mgfags and you only have one oh shit infantry squad available.

>another BR1 assaulter squad
What's stopping you from just changing weapons from an existing different BR squad? I get that you'd want to specialize riflemen with recoil for BR3+ or bolt speed for 1-2 but an assaulter is an assaulter whether with STGs or berretta 38s.
I keep all my presets fixed as much as possible. I’m already I super annoyed I have to swap gear on the Soviet Paras
Shotgun kill daily task when?
Didn't know that either. What's the name of that medal
Why do so many players stay at br 1? ive seen max ranked guys in br 1 - 2
is it just to protest the pay2win high tier stuff?
my friend got into the game (foolish) so I'm playing at t1 with him
but also its fun to play with mostly bolt actions and some shitty SMGs
main issue is all the fucking snipers because of course its a squad you start with
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it's more fun than getting murdered by P47/KT/IS-2/bomb/full auto spam
I can spend five hours and unlock every WW2 plane for a new country while having fun stomping new players, or I can spend five hours getting the other half of one of the four planes I need to get to rank 8 (which everyone tells is not worth playing in)
I wish machine gunners had a BR1 weapon
Chauchat should be BR1
I've not touched enlisted since 2021. What am in for coming back?
>tried PPSh sector for the first time
>it slams so hard it's unreal
Uh, I'm not sure this gun is supposed to be at br3 guys...
the IAR is better anyway
that would kind of rescue it ngl
BR2 and BR 3 are peak WW2
I used to comfortably use it vs STGs in berlin with no issues

Same garbage with more assault rifle spam
where did the lineup booty blast you anon?
Do Soviets actually have the biggest power jump from br2 to br3? SVT-38 vs Winchester, PPSh vs PPS, KV-1 vs whatever. Seems like a series of massive upgrades to me. What about other nations?
ww2 games are a tiny niche in the shooter market
>Power Jump
>SVT is worst in class
>PPsh is just okay
>KV-1 is dogshit in any uptier and can be faced fucked by equal tier
thread is not slow enough to warrant such awful bait
>game is on steam for one week without advertising or even one second on the front page
>th-this must be the max it will get to!
Please go home HLL devs
devs are ruskies and jerk off every time they boost stats of the ussr by at least 2x
I mean everyone does.

I can only hope these were made by the same poster since I'm scared to think how there are two fags with their heads so far up their own ass.
High BR meta stuff isn’t p2w. I have 1-5 presets for Germany and US, 1-3 and 5 for Soviets, and 2, 3, and 5 for Japan (because they have fewer squads)
>PPsh is just okay
The fuck? All you need to do with this gun is to shoot in general enemy direction and everyone dies. It's massively better than PPS-43 which is already the strongest at it's br.
>*autistic paypig noises*
Coursing through my veins is water from the world's oldest brewery. The Nazis sure were drinking well.
Said like true soviet rabid dog, SVT is superior to all semis, PPSh-41 box = Kiraly of BR5 at fucking BR3 with just 25% of it's dispersion, KV-1 is insanely powerful at downtiers and at BR3 is still hard to kill, no shit all tanks are bad at uptiers that's not an argument. You also get panzerfaust 60 because fuck germans right?

You should uninstall game right now this kind of brain damage is terminal.
That's not fair. Box PPSh is really good but PPS42/43 are in their own outright better than some BR4 and even 5 gear in the game.
Yeah but I could be using both
>Subhuman germgroid is trying to gas light people on the only non Jap semi auto too shit to one tap vit users
Everyone gets a decent jump from 2 to 3, it’s tough to say which one is the largest.
I am a paypig but you don’t have to be one to do that. Most of my paypig stuff is just to farm more resources while I look different and send money to the war effort
>the sovietcel is deathly afraid of using their own prototype at weapons and need to steal german pak guns and panzerfaust to cope
Damn I fucking love the PPSh (Box), it's so fucking OP. It's not even the ROF necessarily, that's redundantly high, it's the insane accuracy.
I use an mp41r squad and two mg34 squads at br 3, that shits on everything up to br 5.
The MP 41(r) is fun and all but it's let down by its jittery horizontal recoil and low accuracy.
That doesn't matter too much in cqb where 80% of fights take place anyway, in this game
Oh yeah, forgot to mention it, but Soviets also get LMG's at br3 outside Madsen.
yeah, uh, most nations get an LMG at br3. in fact, they all do
Nah, dude, the Madsen is a fucking joke.
Good thing that matchmaking is more lenient now and br3 is no longer a psychopatic one.
He knows but he's the resident shitposter
>*autistic paypig noises intensify*
honestly I can't stand the SVTs
I'll take 1895s over the SVTs any day of the week
hey now what's all that oinking
I take it you're not a fan of g43s either?
nope, not particularly
sure, they're better than the G41, but I can't stand them
garands and the type 4 too

I think the only semi-autos I enjoy are the bredas, hei, and otsu
>/enlg/, assemble!
Strange, when I tried the SVT-38 (unupgraded and without vertical recoil reduction on the wielder) it performed unexpectedly well for me. Can't say I'm a top BAR shooter though, there people that are better than me.
I don't hold it against you but I personally love my ZHs, Garands, AVS and SVTs. Could be stockholm syndrome.
Enjoy my lost media drop, /enlg/.
Here's the retro version of this Kotoko song by Kajapon from Prism Magical
the pavesi and pedersen rifle(not the .32 springfield) are pretty good too but all in all I'm too retarded with semi autos to properly enjoy them since I usually just magdump into the enemy and die
oh, and the scotti
the scotti feels REALLY good
Have another from the same album, this time by Ryu Umemoto
You say that, but I spend a remarkable amount of time with my PPSh (Box) using it to kill people who are 50+ meters away and camping in windows. The versatility that the accuracy and low recoil afford the PPSh cannot be understated.
I mean, that's the main appeal. 2-3 bursts damage 12-13 bursts go a long way in the pre FG/t20 tier. Garands though really reward good aiming habits, I swear I kill as reliably with them as with most bolt rifles. Probably more since they unfucked their sights.
The Garand at Tier III having 15.3 damage where other semi-autos are 14.4 or lower helps it a lot. It just means a body shot is far, far more likely to result in a one shot kill. I used to loathe the Garand but it's pretty nice now.
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Even after being bedridden for a large chunk of the event, I still got all of the shitty squads and the Stingers.
Put the fg42 in the coconut
Which br for the Allies is comfortable to start cycling riflemen squads?
You mean the Americans? You can really do it at any tier. Tier II you get the Enfield No 4, Tier III you get the Smelly with grenade launcher and Garand, Tier V you get the T20. The Moroccans are also great for cycling at Tier I.
BR1 is pretty rough for riflemen because their only options are kind of eh, not entirely BAD but I'm not a big fan of them
at BR2 you get the ross and the enfields, which are insanely good, and BR3 gives you decent semi-autos

never used the johnson much so I can't speak much for that one
The Johnson has nothing going for it, but the AT Garands are great.
lee enfields are fun but still not as good as lanchester/bren spam, imo riflemen become the best squad type once you get to nade launchers and good semi auto rifles.
>SVT worst in class
explain how retarded nigger
in /enlg/ we love and cherish SVT-38, Type Hei AND Armaguerra. End of discussion.
Soviets and burgers become much, much better. Germs and Japs not as much.
He's just wrong. It's better than the G41 but worse than the Garand, that's about it. The SVT and G41 are effectively identical, except for the reload, which is far worse on the G41. The Type Otsu is the worst of the Tier III semi-autos.
No, not the Type Hei. Type Hei is garbage.
Nuh uh. It's good. For BR2.
Manlicker for BR II but you really should consider the Vz 24 because when fully upgraded it is railgun with best damage in class and still has the stabby attachment
Why can't a there be a tech tree 10 round otsu at briii with the regular one bumped down to brii?
Unless by we you are referring to you and your multiple personalities, you can fuck off if you think you speak for the general as a whole.
gold order tovarisch
very sorry, cannot put into tree but made up bullshit like ho-ri is ok
New thread for when this hits limit
>waaaaaaa you made one too early
>makes a shitty weeb one and posts early
fuck off cuckendorf
It is shit. It's a 5 round hitbox machine. The Armaguerra either 1 shots or downs on top of having a better reload, sights, and having 20% more ammo.
Terrible autism. I hate that we're being held hostage by Cuckendorf's fetish.
>inb4 the self-hating autistic semite with BPD/MPD claims samefag
Why the hate for the m1 carbine? That little shit is quite respectable.
>Armaguerra 1 shots
Yeah, on a headshot lol. Hei has no recoil and pokes real good.
It one shot downs. The Type Hei is a fucking hotbox machine.
>Impact (Down)
>Impact (Still alive and down)
sorry man but its not 2009 anymore. tactishit and looter shooters have firmly knocked ww2 FPSs off the throne, its very much a niche market. thats just reality. just look at what dev priorities are even here, AR after AR with no end in sight.
Because it's not good. If you are incredible at the game and consistently land headshots with a slow-firing gun that has mediocre to bad sights, yeah, it's a death laser, which is why it's so popular with cheaters at low tier. Using the M1 Carbine after using, say, the Beretta 1918/30 or S&W Light Rifle is awful, because those feel SO much better while being in the same class.
Ok Soldiers, I give you a choice:

If you want to hang out with a socially handicapped trannime who posts gay weebshit in a general which was just a copy paste of the OP I made in this thread with his gay fettish shit as the OP image: >>487503012


If you want an general with an up-to-date OP that waited for bump limit before being posted: >>487504720
you already made multiple failures of threads that were scuffed with the edition and other things, let people who aren't from discord make threads. Not only that, you acted like it was a race the past couple of times instead of waiting for us to reach page 10, which is what is expected of threads here. Not anyone else's fault besides your own that this happened.
>you already made multiple failures
No I didn't, that was you cuckendorf. You were just upset thatt someone beat you to posting the OP and did a better job of it that even you copied and pasted it only changing the OP.
>Get fucked you autistic faggots fuckstain.
axiscuck you are the apex discord gremlin here fuck off back to your gay little stream
Yes, it very much is. Respectable magazine, respectable rof and does 9-7 damage with no recoil and almost no movement penalty. That's 3-4 body shots at 100m for kill and that's if you don't catch them on the noggin which isn't all that hard to do. All that at BR2 and on every soldier.
It fires at a lower ROF than a fucking pistol, dude. I'd rather use a fucking Browning Hi-Power. If the M1 fired at, I dunno, 420-480 ROF like the pistol carbines, it'd be good.

>That's 3-4 body shots at 100m for kill
Or I can shoot them once with a bolt action rifle, anywhere, at any range. The thing about the M1 Carbine and VG 1-5 is that they trade being good at any singular thing for, in theory, utility, but that "utility" is more like just being consistently frustrating to use at all ranges.
>Beretta 1918/30
I love this gun so much I run them on my assulters in BR I matches
Browning is 5.5 at 10m with rof 420, m1 is 8.9 with 320. And good luck hitting and killing anyone at 50m+ with a pistol with their falloff damage.
Both are two shot kills at close range against non-Vit, but the Hi-Power gets those shots off MUCH faster. I'd rather use the Browning. If I am firing at someone over 50 meters, I'd rather just kill them in one hit with a bolt action.
Sometimes you run out of ammo though
I use both and frankly I'm much more comfortable with M1s even BR3 than k98s. When I run out of grenades, obviously.

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