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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Is this Cheez's newest wife?
is this the bitch they added to soive or is it the lil girl
bros I'm starting to want to get into strive
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COTW waiting room.
hxh had the best announcement desu
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wow I love fighting games now
Terry Streisand
how sexo will she look in-game though?
Fighting game players get dumber and dumber every year, you know not what was taken from you.
Pure sexo. Can't wait for her model to get ripped..

I know what was given thobeit.
no its my
>no it's my
Timmy's brain gave out before he could even finish his sentence
they really added Terry and Mai while Sagat, Balrog, Dudley, G, Yun, Yang, Urien, Gill, Rose, Karin are still on the bench
horror engine...
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timmy can't dp.
Suddenly we like Sloppen 7
>design games around low IQ unga bunga
>suddenly the monkey people start winning
nigga said yun and yang
niggas will really say "black excellence" when /fgg/ exists
timmy when you ask him to name the last white evo champion for a non-tranime game
why do these people gotta ruin everything with their weirdo politics angle? Literally nobody in the fgc gives a fuck or even thinks about race.
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sonicfox is just some autist attention seeker, for outsiders they just assume the race dynamics are the same as everywhere else and project it onto the scene like niggas havent been winning shit for years
we have a dedicated pawg poster what u mean nobody on /fgg/ thinks about race
I said "fgc" not "/fgg/". every thread in every board in this entire website is obsessed with race, obviously.
What is funny is the human race only exist when is convenient.
It's ok. Really OK.
Negros can keep sportballs, fighting games and shit hop.
Whites can keep culture, science, arts and space.
every time I start warming up to turd strike the timmies turn me away
it was pretty hype, thoughever
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Is there any non-strive anime game that is not a discordfighter?
max streamed all the day 3 top 6s... except for kamiblue...
Tekken player starts crying like baby after seeing Heihachi.
Why does this nigga sound like an emasculated German? Did Heinrich forget to take dasTbooster with his sausage breakfast?
Nigga talking about "Black Excellence" when the black excellence he knows is getting Daequan's jr blasting into his non binary bootyhole
have you even played the game?
Yes. I played fem v and romanced judy and went with the aldecaldos ending.
corpo ending best ending
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The Granblue Fantasy Versus Rising tournament will be held on July 27 at the new time of 2pm EST. Sorry if this is an inconvenience but something came up.


If you got questions feel free to ask.
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thoughts on lucy and lucys game and show?
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Lucy as the first ever gust in GG is the corniest shit ever and it should have been a BB rep like Ragna. I never played Cyberpunk. I enjoyed the show.
>first ever gust
Freudian slip?
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why are timmys like this?
Nah. Just a regular typo.
lanaeya bullied me for watching "my autistic sister has a crush on me?" and that BLACK bitch has the nerve to talk about liking golgo 13 and chainsaw man
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While racist mf were yapping about Blue Mary cosplayer last thread, I was enjoying my girl making her debut.
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You know the answer. Stop giving'em attention.
>getting bullied by black „pleople“
>and a woman at that
americans are something else
what was wrong with the cosplayer? got an image?
timtims were losing there mind claiming they made blue mary black because a black background npc in terry's WT trailer cosplayed her
Timmys will never learn
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Like nothing. Just last thread racists are still salty 'bout this:
I thought the call outs were cute.
boah just outed himself as a cookiecutter racist incel to troon
What’s the difference between a zoomer and a Timmy
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kek, fucking horror engine indeed.
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Scrub Saibot the Samurai Shodown GAWD
zoomers can be good at fightan
I remember you guys used to say mayo
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One is age, the other is insecure.
Former hates to read up on history, so you get plenty of newfaggotry. Stuff you can easily yandex.
Latter still can't retrospect and emotionally mature to apologize and look forward.
They both have problems they can easily fix.
Now, how's your 103 English class going?
No, that's a color. We're talking abut the frail ones.
Timmy is white
blue mary wouldnt act like that clearly a cosplayer
No Timmies allowed in fgg.
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Do you retards really look up random tweets to get mad at and post them on fgg despite them having nothing to do with fighting games?
This is why your game will never come out
you spend all day doing stupid shit like this.
turn off the phone
put down the porn
pick up the pencil
start drawing the main character
and start writing some code in Unreal

I promise you you'll fill more fulfillment
Do you like Strive in general? Or did you think Strive watered down GG for pandering, and something like this is the natural conclusion?
the lil animals posting on here have not the IQ or the tenacity to actually make anything people want to see
This is literally their only pleasure in life
What do timmy ass niggas even play?
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I remember last night, you MFs said no one cared about race on fgg, but then the next day you started going insane over the white people that only exist in your head.
When did cheez join the nation of islam anyway?
Tranime games. The only games made specifically to accommodate them.
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That's Roxy as she has brown hair. Poison, Hugo and Abigail have not physically shown up in the game yet.
The shit timmys say...
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when George Floyd was murdered and Mike Z joked about it, I realized that white people were the root of America's problems and needed to be eliminated
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Asian women are obsessed with the white people that only exist in their heads and you all love them.
i thought it was that america was imperialist at its core to you anarkiddies but whatever
When are they going to announce VF6?
the only time that SHIT would ever be getting an announcement is April 1st
I see. As a timmy, I should stick to Soive and Granboobas
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The lighting doesn't do it justice, so I think you're right. My girl's too famous NOT to be DLC.
fighting ex layer was announced on april 1st...
Those are our games, boy. We won Evo for both, not you. You stick with Drag Her since it's made for you people.
Punk winning Evo 2024 is awesome
What would you actually want out of a VF6? What would you have it do differently from previous Virtua Fighter entries?
>Do you like Strive in general?
I used to when it first came out. But after a while I slowly started to play less and less until I just stopped. I haven't even tried out Pot's new move and I remember thinking it was a cool idea to give the old cast new moves.
>Or did you think Strive watered down GG for pandering, and something like this is the natural conclusion?
Considering the guest choice is a character from an anime that was popular years ago, that was also super popular with the majority of the general audience and has no ties to GG in any other way, yeah. I stand by that Ragna should have been the first guest in GG since it makes sense and would have been a big deal to fans since they can finally live out the Sol vs Ragna matchup they've always wanted. As much as I'm conflicted about guest characters in series that never had them before, at least Terry and Mai showing up in SF6 makes sense with Capcom and SNK's respective history. Plus it sets up the rivalry in the minds of newer players for whenever they actually want to do another CvS or SvC.
I don't usually root for Punk, but I was happy he won.
I am picking up DBFZ in preparation for 2XKO.

Give me a full rundown on the game including bnbs, neutral game plan, and best characters to start with.

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When we take over, you will be OUR slaves and your women will be getting brutally RAPED. Remember that the next time you call me a nigger.
American has a female bipoc president now. remember where you stand, Timmy
Check your inbox
You complain about black people like baron and lunar all the time...
>add ryo hazuki
that's about it
Like bbcf?
niggas talmbout DBFZ but they Dont Be Fucking Zamns lmaoooooooooooooooo
Idk man I just want the 3D models for gooning
Jokes on you nigga I watch bbc hypno all the time
sf6 mai leak
She's gonna start obsessing over jappas in the future and join an adult video company, a vision I foresaw in my crystal ball
so we're just a fetish to you and a porn category instead of people? not a good look
Are you being willfully ignorant? Do I really need to spell this out to you?

Baron is a race traitor. "I like people of all races and species haha." Yeah, that's easy for you to say from your fucking mommy's basement where you never have to actually face reality, nigga, but a lot of people are out here dying on the streets due to the willful ignorance of people like you. Bro does everything he can to kneel to white people, so no shit he disgusts me every time I see his uncle tom oreo ass posting his coonery on here about some white bitch named Gwendolyn McMayo in his head or what the fuck ever.

Lunar is a fucking pedophile. This is really simple. He is a danger to children and needs to be put in jail. Why would you ever defend a person like this? All he ever does is attack others for calling out his weird nigga behavior and at this point, the FGC would be a better place with him permanently banned. I can't think of a benefit to him staying around, it's just too much drama for no real benefit. Even worse, he defends other pedophiles and normalizes pedophilia in the community. "It's just a drawing, bro." Yeah, and if someone drew a picture of a white guy saying "FREEZE, NIGGER" and shooting him in the neck 8 times, that's just a drawing, too? There are some things you simply don't depict. Really don't understand how this is controversial or a hot take.

Anymore subhumans you wanna throw in there?
DMX since you manthas went insane over him
Only Vicki went insane over DMX. Sikanto said they were disappointed in her actions.
Baron did hard time as a paid up member of the Nation of Islam before he changed his ways and became a credit to society. The fuck have you done?
.....when did he do that?
>"It's just a drawing, bro." Yeah, and if someone drew a picture of a white guy saying "FREEZE, NIGGER" and shooting him in the neck 8 times, that's just a drawing, too
Name one time Lunar drew any pedophilia, he only posts cunny alone
Baron gave cheez an n word pass
probably the worst decision he's made on here if we're being honest
That soft ass nigga can't even give himself a pass, lol
cheez..... why are you like this?
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Do you guys have fun going absolutely insane all day?
no one's talking about some timmys seething about a game that came out a decade ago, timmy
I'll just find some tranny going nuts over vanillaware on twitter (positive or negative, doesn't even matter) and then you'll want to talk about that, too
What do you think is going to happen to the child after the photo is done being taking, retard?
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nobody cares about a 'mantha screeching about vanillaware in 202X lil tim
What photo, retard?
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I was thinking about picking up this genre after watching Evo last night, but after seeing this thread, it seems most fighting game players are.... kinda unhinged? What am I getting myself into here?
In the end it's always about race. Timanthas got crabs in a bucket mentally baka
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it's just fgg
avoid this asylum at all costs
sfg, ggg, gbvsg, pretty much any other fighting game thread is better than here. there's a reason why they all split off to avoid this shithole.
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Do you guys really read shitposts from trannies of ANY race on twitter? is this how you spend your day?
Over the last 6 months, I've been using the power of lucid dreaming and tulpas to build a personalized fighting game in my head. Now that it's officially in Alpha stage, I've been simulating matches against various big players from all the big games (Tokido, Monarch, Punk, LordKnight, Daigo and Leffen to begin with) and I literally cannot tell you how incredible this is. I hope someday you guys get to experience this too - when it's done I will be putting together a business case and pitch to secure funding to build it in Realspace.
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Why there's not boardgame version of fighting games?

Imagine the autismo.
What about SonicSol
Check out Yomi2
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>Baron is a race traitor
nigga you slurp on LTG all the time and he HATES black people
Who slurps on LTG? When has the tumblrina ramtranny ever done that specifically?
why this isn't played at EVO?
This little cunt needs correction.
8ing blew their entire budget on nen impact's intro
evo made me want to play soive
Remember that time some tranny from sonicsol's stream came here and started immediately complaining about baron and saying he couldn't beat her in strive? is this the same person as the ramlethal poster or is this just a common gimmick?
what the fuck is he talking about
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If you're talking about Vicki, she apologized for what she said and no one was agreeing with her. Can y'all stop being weird about shit from 4 years ago?
>you're only a credit to society if you're sucking a white cock 24/7
lmao. So what you're saying is he's your domesticated little pet? I'm sure he loves to hear that, but most of us want something better out of life than being the white man's dog.
He doesn't draw shit. My point is that he obviously reads loli hentai. Do you know how art works or what reference is? How do you think these sick fucks make their hentai pictures? Come on, take a guess. I want you to.
Another nigger. Bro was out here like THE WHITE DEVILS RUINED EVERYTHING and then he fucking clowns for them like a jester shucking and jiving monkey on his stream. Bro is out here waiting for the organ grinder so he can begin the dance of his people for 5 dollars on twitch lol. Let's not even get into his obsession with Japan like they like us any more than the whites.
LTG doesn't worship white people like you MFs do. He's actually trying to help his people internally. Y'all just gave up on helping anyone and jumped ship so Becky and Winifred will fall in love with you and adopt your monkey ass.
One time SS was hatestreaming fgg after losing in ranked or something, so he started reading shitposts on here out loud and people tried to get him to open up links to porn. At the same time, people were posting about baron in hopes of SonicSol calling him a failure and a retard, then all of his chat started making fun of fgg while some tranny came into the thread and challenged us to strive
It was a pretty funny day, I don't think there is an archive of the stream, doe
>actually is a middle aged balding man who abandoned his daughter and larps as a 20 year old while playing videogames for a living
there actually are a few, it's kind of interesting to see how they try and handle fightan mechanics
the problem is that fightan strategy kind of doesn't translate well to board games? i think it's partially because of the pacing but the number of things you have to consider even in the most flowchart fightan ever is still enough to slow the pace of a board game right down, so you end up with either a fuckton of rules making shitty game design or you end up with a really stripped-back product that only superficially resembles the experience
i do honestly think the concept could be explored a little further somehow but it's inherently difficult to really capture fightan in that form
>My point is that he obviously reads loli hentai
>Do you know how art works or what reference is? How do you think these sick fucks make their hentai pictures?
Art that he doesn't draw? Keep your mouth shut.
why are you so racist towards white people? they didn't do anything to you
if Winifred falls in love with me, will she let me touch the buckler of sullivan?
I mean he retweets hentai artists, pretty easy logical jump to make
So you're making an assumption based on X reposts?
Of course you bum ass welfare recipients are shitposting at 12pm on a work day
This is where my tax dollars are going to?
*goes back to producing goods for society that are actually valuable*
classic tiersexual, you are obviously jealous of his peanut butter complexion and swag
are we gonna pretend baron doesn't jack off to furry hentai next?
he just picked that as his wacky gimmick for the thread, I doubt he even can name 5 furry artists
its 18 thobeit
Made for rape.
Literally every actually above-average IQ black person becomes an Uncle Tom eventually if they have any sense.
nobody read that
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do you niggas really look at some guy's kindergarten scribbles of a wolf with a big goofy looney tunes snout and think "yes, this is promoting white supremacy"
I remember that day you guys were arguing over whether or not kimberly looked better than the wolf from five nights at freddys
no actually i don't
nen impact has to get rid of the auto combos.
what about the dogshit character models? or the reused animations from 2007? or the stock sfx they got from an asset store?
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i play fighting games for the fun gameplay mechanics, graphics are secondary
I can't find it now, but someone said something like "sf6 models look like shit, even fnaf looks better" and then another guy said "y'all only say that you goon to the wolf" and then people argued about who had the better character model
>no pitou in nen impact
>probably no yordles in 2xko
sup with you niggas and your gender ambiguous furry villain?
this is the zesty nigga general
Literally every main fighting game has gone out of their way to eliminate neutral, in the same generation, like they all got a memo or something.
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They did
people have been crying about fighting games having no neutral since the mid 2000s
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SFV was the last savior of neutral, now it's gone
Yeah but this time every dev at the same time decided to have the same idea and make their game based around neutral skips. There was an active decision to kill neutral.
We could use a new model base for Samus, after all
pitou is definitely getting in
more /fgg/ gamedevs is a good thing because it means timmies say less retarded shit about gamedev like retards being mystified at the concept that software can have different builds
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i find it hilarious and ironic that you snakes make fun of baron all day, but then some tranny slightly rephrases your own shitposts and now he's suddenly your best friend
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>Watch modern fighters.
>Le epic rushdown anime slideshow with anime airdash with le epic cammy wifu loli autismo making ABC auto combos with easy buffers to input into le marvel launcher into double areal hit melty air finish
what does a real fighting game look like?
Fighting games are designed for spectators, not players.
I've noticed an increase of fags on /v/ who don't play fightans that complain about post-launch content as soon as a fightan thread is made.
What was meant by this?
>rushdown slideshow with spic ball z hopping with le epic mai wifu loli autismo
mai isn't used a Xiaohai level.
there are videos of xiaohai using mai in tournament
xiaohai can play even with brian in tournaments.
thus, brian is used at xiaohais level
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DLC would've been unlockable during the pre-T7 days because were actually complete on release.
there's only one xiahoai on the planet.
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Here is the basic flow chart:

Phase 1. The initial content is created.
Baron: Here is a picture of my character for my game. She is a fat dragon named Heidi Bergström that uses a broadsword.

Phase 2. People outside of your circlejerk say the same thing, but phrased slightly different.
fgg snakes: Wow, did we really have to go there? He's working as hard as he can on this. I can't believe you'd attack the passionate blades and beasts community like that.

Literal serpent tongued ogres.
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Minus 8 outed himself as a pedophile
Vaush was outed as a pedophile
Chris Tyson was outed as a pedophile
Lunar outs himself as a pedophile every day
It turns out drawings of children are a gateway to abusing real children
does this pedonigga think anybody actually reads his shit?
the chinese have cloned him with communist crispr tech
I read all of that
Ride Harada's dick
>forgetting the OG pedonigga thad "it was a joke" mcmichaels
he was a diamond mika masher in jive too
isn't vaush a commie though, that's the complete opposite of a right winger
>look at how broken these old games that didn't have online connection and the ability to pull stats or anything
>this means that modern devs simply can't do these things even though they have literally every tool available

It's not lack of ability, the devs just hate us.
It's like Velma
The other leftists disowned him and claim he's a deep cover polchud because he makes them look bad
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A pedo is still a pedo
why did he make a Scottish wolf named Gwendolyn instead of an African wolf named Amina?
is the nationality of the buff wolf woman really important?
Ellie going nuts about character design as if she didn't draw Hwoarang in full trannycore and Lion as a sissy
>trannies can't distinguish between fiction and reality

Truly shocking!
representation matters
That's not it works, sorry.
You literally posted a game that got released multiple times for full price because we didn't have the current system.
Thanks for proving the bingo cards right, pedo
if you're going to gossip about ecelebs, at least let them be fgc related
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What if we made a digital version of a boardgame based on a fighting game?
niggas talmbout trannies again smhtbh
>100% OJ but with fighting game like mechanics
sorry, lil tim. i'm prototyping this without input from /fgg/
I did say lunar. He and his victim complexes and 84-page manifestos about how he's totally not a pedo, guys, he just wanks to drawings of children needed to go yesterday
>You literally posted a game that got released multiple times for full price because we didn't have the current system.
And to think boomers and poorfags want to go back to this. Yes, even if it means having shit on the disc they don't want.
Shack and his circlejerk are upset at Dizzy's new look
be honest
if he had a mentally ill black woman that's an alcoholic murderer, you'd say he was racist and hates black women
The people whose only personality is gooning to oversexualized depictions of women and little girls are upset over Sonicfox
every normal person hates a tranny furry faggot
Broski said that if a woman is african, she sounds like she's from the jungle and he can't tell what she's saynig
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Which fighting game would you recommend for a new player, haven't really played fighting games in 20 years. Was thinking about Tekken 8 or Street Fighter 6, are those good for a retard and is the online active?
They actually play the games. These pedo tourists wish they were as good as Sonicfox
He grew out of his polchud stage.
sf6 and tekken 8 are fine to start with
Honestly both of those are pretty good for what you're looking for, but I would recommend Tekken 8 a little more just because you can legit mash and have something come out in it.
what did Ellie say about character design now?
mashing specials in a party game with gore is not inherently noble
>so we're just a fetish to you and a porn category instead of people?
Yes thats right.
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was tekken in trouble or something?
bringing back heihachi is ehh especially when they already made a gimmick replacement
What's that a drawing of?
i can't take this seriously with sonic and goku in the background
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What did you expect in the room of some nigga that would sully himself with a white whore?
need me a white bitch like this
Lillie from Pokemon Sun and Moon.
If the lore in Kekken is important again, then Asuka got shafted for yuribait. And why are we expected to believe Jin is a good guy after starting WW3? And why are they pushing JinXiao and KazuJun when Jin never cared for Xiaoyu up until this point and Jun was who indirectly caused Kazuya's death after 2?
And how old is she? Enlighten us, creep
Nigga, try pull out a 2d thot from your screen and I'll believe you. Otherwise, take your meds schizo
11 out of 10!
You need to be packing atleast 7 inches
I'm not the one beating off to depictions of children
Please get a new joke
pedoniggas will call gurofags sick psycho fucks, they will call furries disgusting zoophiles, and they will call scatfags parasite infested shit-eaters. yet you call them a pedophile, and they look around as if you told them 2 + 2 = 5. "moi? a pedophile!? preposterous!"
I'm not the schizo who thinks they can jump into 2D world and start fucking anything they see. If we go by your schizo logic, I can draw a picture of you getting raped by Dhalsim and you'd take your schizo logic as far as to file a SA report on Indian stretch armstrong to the irl police
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Do you go out and murder people, rape animals, and eat shit in real life?
If I draw a picture of your house, suddenly it stops being a drawing?
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What did the big bad furries do to you, kid?
No, I'm not into guro, furry stuff, or scat.
Ellie is pretending to like furries now? didn't she spend the past 20 years going nuts over some furry guy that headstomped her?
She's been going nuts about "oversexualization" and lolishit itt and also going nuts over Baron as if her designs are any better
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She did draw Lion as a furry once
Is she wrong, though? Just compare her unique and expressive green haired witch OC to bumron's fat squirrel witch OC. The difference is night and day.
The OC she discontinued because it was a shameless HP ripoff?
As if baron ripping off bastard is any better....
>draw a picture of a house
that's... still a drawing...?
Are you alright schizo?
Where's your caretaker?
Of your house. Its location and details. And me fucking your mom
Your dick doesn't even work, so that's clearly a fantasy
You know what? Let's unpack that phrase really quick. "Credit to society." Why the fuck would you want to be a "credit" to a society that hates you? You're just empowering a system that actively works against you.
And let's examine that phrasing here. "Credit." What, people are fucking money to you? That's all WE are? And that's supposed to be a good thing? Do you people not realize how horrible you sound? Might as well brag about being an "asset" to nazism. It's the same shit.
Dafuq is this, we're playing Pokemon cards?

Oy vey, give me a fucking break.

All I'm saying is, if you're gonna kowtow to them like the slave dog you are, then you're going up against the wall with them with the assault rifle aimed right at the base of your fucking neck. Best remember that.
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>tfw your main wins evo
told you niggers belial was top but nah
i'm more worried about nerfs coming
fully expecting to lose the unblockable but hopefully they don't gut him too hard
You can't replace Heihachi he is the protagonist of Tekken
was the racism really necessary?
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>Lucy DLC
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do you ever get the feeling that people who don't use the n word are more racist than people who do?
this is one of those moments
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>Timmies unironically think people can do this in real life
Is ellie threatening to doxx people now? Why did she become an extremist?
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I like the impact of the hits on the new Fatal Fury. Makes me sad the KOF kinda sucks at this
What sells the hit for you more than KOF? The screen shake on impact?
holy shit i haven't actually seen gameplay of new ff in action but it actually looks amazing
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I would say the hitstop on the heavy normals
>power dunk brake into buster wolf
might as well ask here too:
are there any good options for gamepads for fgs nowadays? i have a fighting commander but that kills my thumb.
i main a F310 and it's nice but it breaks and needs replacement often, not to mention it's a bit goofy with just 4 front buttons (since i'm trying to get back into GG).

did anything change in the last few years? i might also consider using a hitbox or something like that.
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Why would ESG prevent the non-binary furry character?
The smokenigga is literally the coolest character on that arc m8
Why have jappas fallen of so hard? They're not relevant in any major game right now.
shitxshit: shit impact
they don't get games an entire year early anymore
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None of you know anything about character design.
I fucking hate this faggot angel so goddamn much.
Not as much as the actual top 3 characters but still quite a bit.
She's always stalked people. She's just been awful ever since her public art accounts got "doxxed"
God has spoken
Too many nooch skips in fighting games. Modern fgs have reduced dexterity and very high damage in them now any random nigga can win. Look at Soive yesterday mostly all random niggas and timmies. Or Pakiken. Or Slime shit. Just skip space and run your guaranteed damage gamble.

Finna sniffmolest
they have a nigga, a becky, a stacy, a cripple, a nerd, the "cool" kid, and a dog
cant tell if the dude next to the nigga is an asian or a latinx so they covered both their bases
nowadays this would be called woke esg slop
that's a little girl
They have not managed to adapt to modern gorilla fighting games.
that has more to do with the fact that the 2024 burger king kids would be instructing children on how to make extreme Molotov cocktails to combat Zionists and save Palestine
there are jews living in i*rael right now who think their government are nuts, what's wrong with that?
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I love when anyone criticizes character picks for a pass for modern fighting games you get met with "STOP BEING A HECKING BABY AND ACCEPT WHAT THEY'RE GIVING YOU" like you're supposed to be happy that an entire years worth of content that you're being charged $30 minimum for is filled with shit you don't care about, let alone your favorite possibly losing a slot to the walking advertisements that are guest characters. The timmification of the fgc is insane.
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Is fgg the one general where you can post something that has zero relation to fighting games and people just start talking about it like it's normal?
the burger king kids were so corny that you could tell some 60 year old marketing researcher came up with them
literally safe woke because the black guy doesn't even flirt with the white bitch
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you trannies would be crying because the white kid is the leader
So y'all are experts on burger king, but you're also too good to work there now?

Fill in that application, niqqa
Which posts here have no relation to fighting games?
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If Third Strike came out today, you racist chudcels would be crying nonstop about how it replaced all of your favorites like Cammy and Guile with Elena and Dudley
I already got a job nigga
people talking about the sociopolitical impact of the burger king kids club
Does he not realize that Turd Strike already flopped because people didn't like them getting rid of most of the cast?
nigga the reason 3s flopped is because people seethed they replaced characters like cammy and guile with characters like elena and dudley
Elena was made to replace Chun li though
Tekken 3 replaced a bunch of characters with their children or successors.

I'm surprised that worked out.

They really skipped out on Kazuya for Jin.
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Are you faggots completely unaware of the world outside of your mom's basement or something?

The Jappas you glazed in 09 have all pivoted into becoming sideshows for popular vtubers and variety streamers because they can actually make a living that way.

The Japanese "2D Gods" don't grind games anymore. They're too busy live coaching Botan the Lion to become a 1200MR Master player, or making funny skits with Shaka, the Japanese Kai Cenat.

Only spicniggas grind games anymore because it's the only way they can escape Compton/Guatemala.

The fact that you guys know none of this and still fellate your Jappa "Gods" from 15 years ago really shows how little you all have grown since 2009. Maybe you should get a job instead of posting about which fighting game fandom you hate the most every day?
VF cut only one character because of technical difficulties then brought him back. That series never replaced its characters and you still won't play it
they made lau sick in vf5........
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granpoopas will look at this and say that its the coolest shit ever
Damn, Vtubers dethroned the Jappas...

Of all the things to do it...
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What the hell is this twitter meme video?
Elena wasn't designed by a SJW committee.
Chimperly was.
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DLC should be free but that's rare. Like Ushiwakamaru from Fate Grand Order as guest DLC for Type Lumina was.
>surprised that American crowds chant USA
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>SJW committee
you poltards would call any black woman that designs a character that
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Don't call her that.
That's fucking rad.
>Street Fighter 6 Developers Created New Fighter Kimberly With The Help Of Black Consultants

>Street Fighter 6 Developers Hired Black Consultants When Designing Kimberly
>Capcom wanted to make sure they got every aspect of the character correct for Street Fighter 6.

Google it.
to be honest if third strike came out today i'd mainly find it pretty based that capcom went back to sprite-based fightan
though, to be fair, i think dudley would probably be kinda memed to shit
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Does that change what I said at all?
A black woman could literally have 30 different qualifications from different universities and courses and you'd say she only got the job because of diversity.
Shut the fuck up faggot.
If a character was designed with LITERALLY anything other than "this would look/be cool" in mind then they are a shit character. Simple as.
Wait, so Elena is only kosher because your precious Japanese suits committee designed her instead of those filthy dirty negresses? lmao, y'all are telling on yourselves with that one
That costume really does it for me. Should have been her default.
>Does that change what I said at all?
I said Chimperly was literally created by a SJW comitee.
And she was.
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you can be black without being SJW, we literally had nigcel in this thread clamoring for fascist levels of hierarchies
How do you know she wasn't designed to look cool by the committee of black women?
Do you think they would really kill him off?
...the result was not cool?
What the fuck kind of question is this.
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>take out Chun for a rotoscoped bitch
LUHNEIGH. Glad she returned tho.
that's just like, your opinion, man
if you're not an "SJW" then you're probably a race traitor that doesn't give a fuck about your own people
I know they won't because that implies they'd ever make vf6 LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
If the point of the suits is a cool character, with cool influences and based on a hot actress. It's perfect for me.

The only point of Chimperly is being the token correct nigrette. And that's not cool.
that's just sf4
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so glad matz isn't an incel chud and likes the chocolate
kimmy and elena will be based
B-but the Sega leaks and muh announcements!
That's entirely subjective. How do you know she didn't look cool to them?
he covered up Elena....
just.... pick outfit 2..
Why is it always black? We never make a big deal to have more hispanic or asian characters.
I don't give a shit if the result looked cool to them. It's not.
Also >>487178736 summed it up way better than I did anyway.
Forgot pic

A year later and you can still buy the special edition.
Face it. No one likes her.
How the FUCK do you get a group of nigga bitches to make an ugly Aunt Jemima bitch with graffiti spray cans? LUHMEEEEOOOWWW. Isla mogs her hard
the only im gonna face is kimmys fat ass in VaM
Is that really surprising?
Timmy and Karen designed her
How would Emezie, Baron, or Wolfgang have designed Kimberly?
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Suddenly white supremacists can be SJWs too? That's odd, pretty sure that murdering people based for their ethnicity is the opposite of justice.
Isla's latina. Latina baddies mog black chicks, both in toons and irl
furry woman with a huge penis that likes ballbusting male characters
Emezie: About the same, but a little sluttier and more aggressive with the nut punching

Baron: She has straight purple hair now and is much more socially awkward

Wolfgang: She has blonde dreads, bigger tits, and is more mischievous
>American has a female bipoc president now. remember where you stand, Timmy
she wants to continue bombing gaza
soul calibur 6 games?
/fgg/ lobby open now
Sure, I can play for a while.
>start playing a fighter
>find character guide that shows style and pros/cons to get a feel for what everyone does and see who I might want to play
>like a character and the pros are all things I like and they seem really fun to me
>the cons look worrying but I don't have the game knowledge and experience to know how problematic they would be down the line
Wat do?
My fear is that I play a character for 300+ hours to get to a playable level and then realize "oh shit that con I read 300 hours ago is actually a really big deal this guy is unplayable to me because of that" once I have the full context of what it means in the game and then have to start from 0 again on someone else
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All these unused Chars like the *skims wiki* the 7 Yoga masters like Sheila. Yet they make an ugly bitch that uses Bussin-ryu pffftt. Not even an uglied up Maki
guy already had 3 functions, i don't get the need for a 4th one
the same reason there are like 10 spider-man characters
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as a general rule of thumb, the character you start playing a fightan with really doesn't matter in the long run so long as they introduce you to the game's mechanics and you enjoy playing them enough for them to hook you
a lot of the time, the cons aren't really a big deal if you can find a way to work around them - and worst case scenario, you can generally take what you've learnt to different characters for the sake of meta
especially if it's a more modern game with balance patches or whatnot, though if it's something older and you're really into like third strike twelve then it's a bit more of an issue
They let him enter the room?!?!?
peter never had a 15+ year long absence from media unlike guy or maki though
Do fgchomos really?
Yeah. While you suck off the system that incentivizes pedophilia and rape, we fight against it.
what are you niggas going nuts about now?
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Will you people make your minds up?
trannies wrote "rapist" over Infiltration's name on the evo monument
Your kind keep get outed as pedophiles. How can you still post without shame?
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why does jacking off to cartoon characters make you uncomfortable?
Who did Infiltration rape?

They already think he is abusive, so did they really have to make up a rape charge to get up their point across?
Cartoons of what, Rev?
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oh no no no nobody watched mashen 8 lmao
even if you add both of those to akuuma trailer, he'll get mogged in less than two days kek
Yeah that's real nice and all but Dix is still a horrid shitty game.
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>While you suck off the system that incentivizes pedophilia and rape
You think we benefit off of Larry Fink's Black Rock ESG Jew money laundered through Sony to enable us to promote pedophilia and rape? Sounds far, I agree with your sentiment
2D bitches that are can be underage but legitimately out of reach unless you can pull off a Super Mario and schizo power manifestation jump into anime world. Now shut your ass up, Timmy
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Sexy kids.
I have no idea how to fight Groh. I'll have to research that for later.
It also pisses me off when people defend guests (specifically ones that aren't even from a fucking fighting game) with "BRO THINK OF ALL THE PEOPLE THEY'LL BRING IN DUH" I thought you hated capitalism, timmy? I thought you hated corporate focus testing garbage, riley the raccoon? They'll bitch about how awful it is that some shit like Fortnite is getting skins and crossovers from Popular Media and then defend Heavy from tf2 getting in under night.
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You guys didn't even talk about Under Night 2 at Evo to make fun of it...
you at least made fun of "trannies" or whatever during strive and granblue..........
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>tekken has more views
>tekken has more sales

>mentally ill capbrony: B-BUT THE HECKIN STEAMCHARTZ!!!!
albeitdem said"trannies"
Recent events prove otherwise
niggas seething about pointless collabs and then they start salivating when riot announces frieren for 2xko
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finna pero pero uzuki's pits
Guest characters are just the company admitting that their own dogshit OCs aren't good enough to grab people's attention
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Jam is a racist caricature, thankfully Daisuke grew up and won't be including her in modern titles.
Potemkin is literally a slave, but a Chinese woman having trouble adjusting to her new language is too far?
T7 birthed the modern cancerous tekken fanbase

It wasn't nearly as bad before it came to PC
Recent events that prove what Timmy? Did the science niggas finally do something with the Hadron collider to warrent a discovery of life outside our dimension so we can jump planes of existences? Or is this another one of your mentally retarded deformed bike helmet wearin head cannon's you came up with. Please enlighten us
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soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fighting games?
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I like fighting games!
i don't recognize this game. is this a sequel to puyo tetris?
anyway don't mind us, i hope you keep having fun with your twinkle star sprites game or whatever this is haha
its better than shitten 8
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what happened to mortal kombat?
I agree on principle that crossover shit is cr!nge, but it becomes straight timmycore the second you drop guest characters from outside medium media like TV shows/movies. I still hate Bamco for waisting a slot for Negan and now Arcsys adding Lucy from CyberMid. MK somehow gets the pass because they shot themselves in the foot by still keeping their games at M rating, but at the end of the day, that shit is straight timmy territory. And to be consistent,
That goes for Spawn in SC2 as well
Humorless faggots.
I fail to see what's funny about adding TV / movie characters to your fighting game IP? What's next? You want Winx club bitches and Dwayne Johnson in strive next timmy?
y'all would be cooming your brains out if they added that white with the red hair from winx club to strive
>ignoring Mr. Beast's troon bestie
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Capcom made a game where half the roster was guest characters and you all loved it
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it's called intent, bootlicker
Are we not going to talk about how UMvC3's top 6 did not feature a single match where Doom and Vergil weren't represented
are we in the era of le epic guest characters for our favorite streamers to pog out to
what was it
So are we just going to ignore that SF is now a party series where NA can win EVO?
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how is that any worse than problem x winning evo
Evo was overall a much better viewing experience than both last year's and evo japan a few months ago, but top 6 is still an absolute disgrace. I don't know how anyone can justify every game not being Bo5 for all of top 8 with a straight face in the wake of the constant downtime on the main stage. Also, expanding the number of events (including creating a cheesy HoF) while the prize pools are either stagnating or actively shrinking (despite attendance/entrant records continually being broken) is incredibly shitty, especially in the face of the non-stop shilling. People can shit on the Saudi blood money sportswashing, but at least they actually pay well. Do any normies care about this? I'd think somebody like Sajam, who has historically been willing to sacrifice gigs to take stances he believes in, would say something, but I guess that guac money just hits different. Thanks for reading my blog.
Sony making everything they touch worse, like usual.
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Frieren guest DLC when? She's popular.
NTA, but at least her or something like chainsaw man are fotm that are gonna get new seasons eventually. Lucy is baffling on several levels.
>le reddit one punch elf

>m-muh reddit! xD
>d-do I fit in yet...
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Why is it always Gief players?

nigga he's banned from competing, nothing says he can't just show up and watch
Why didn't they cross out Fchamp's name if we're trying to play moral arbitrator here?
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lmao you know it soive troons or anime players that did this shit
troons dont even listen to the facts of what actually happened, they just make shit up in their minds.

literal mental illness
People like this guy are why the fgc is a shadow of it's former self
Just like with you guys pretending Bridget is still a boy, right?
he is
>only males

Hentai community settled it.
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Play Strive
Porn tags do not dictate canon. She is a girl
Bridget was always a woman
i wonder if he is going to get in trouble for attending as a spectator. the evo ban only talks about competing in the tournament, but he wasn't able to purchase a spectator pass with his original account. it's also possible he didn't go to pick up his badge himself and didn't pay for it in his own name.
strive is boring
he'll be in vf6 just needs to take an ibuprofen
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You're boring
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These people protest a little too much
spoiler that shit
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Waiting for the anime to triple down on Bridget being a transgirl so you stay malding
Just hire him under a alias already seriously.
kys clayton
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can you all just stop talking about trannies for one goddamn second!?
I don't like lunar, and I don't like this homo pedonigga either.
Timmies should've been gatekept from the fgc harder.
The trannies you bitch about actually play fighting games
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can they stop ruining my hobby for one second?
Both of you are cut from the same cloth.
It was never yours to begin with, pedocuck
Didn't this nigga call people who mained enchantress pedoniggas while openly wanting to fuck swiftmaster despite the fact both of those characters are female/male counterparts in dfo?
Swiftmaster at least looks adult. "Loli" mains like lunar are pedophiles
He coped by saying Swiftmaster "looks older", which is hilarious since Enchantress looks 12 and SM looks 16.
. . .
he looks as "adult" as enchantress does
>i wonder if he is going to get in trouble for attending as a spectator.
He won't, the ban was for competing, and it's not like he is an unknown, so he would've been thrown out of the venue if he was banned from spectating as well
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>Swiftmaster at least looks adult
nigga he looks like a teenage boy. Both f mage and m mage (enchantress/swiftmaster's base classes) in dfo are children and none of their class advances make them adults. At most they're a few years older.
He has a more mature demeanor than Enchantress
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>She was wise beyond her years, your honor!
>he's mature for his age
yea, the ban did specify only competing, but he was not able to purchase even a spectator pass until he made a new account. however, the fact that he wasn't kicked out when he got his badge or when people realized he was in the venue probably means it was fine.
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Hope Duel can get a Rising styled sequel that makes the game fun kusoge instead of the shit we got. Also add more characters. It's a shame Archer/her subclasses will go unrepresented since she's relatively new.
In the Japanese version of God Hand, the pizza item is actually curry, but they didn't think Americans knew what curry was, so they changed it to pizza.
Which is funny because I remember the Megaman NT Warrior dub is where I first discovered the existence of curry, with it being Lan/Netto's favorite food.

I was doing an animatic as practice earlier this week, but it was too much work to get done while I also have other projects I'm working on, so I put that on hold.
Working on the animation and desigs for my fighting game.

But I'm also learning how to draw mecha for another project I have in the pipeline. The other project is a scrolling shooter, but I'm not as familiar with that genre as I am with fighting games and will need to do a lot more research. Basically, imagine a game like Ketsui, but with a transformation gimmick. The story is that there are two PMCs fighting in a low intensity conflict on some far off planet, but they have very different ideals, with one being a career soldier that fights because it's the only way of life she knows and how she supports her family, while the other just is a commercial pilot that begrudgingly accepted the job because she got laid off on her own planet. (she's a bit like Shin from Area 88, but she chose to go rather than being tricked) The transformation makes you go from a fighter type ship with great mobility and lower firepower to a robot with a higher damage output, but worse movement. The trick to all of this, of course, being that I'd need to have level designs where you won't just instantly lose because you're in mecha mode, but that you also won't be shooting all day for 30 minutes to kill a single enemy in ship mode. That and the general design, of course. Do the robots look like the ones in Godannar? Are they just knightmares mixed with MinervaX/AphroditeA? Do characters wear mildly tight body suits in space or can you basically just see her nipples through the suit? So many things I don't know yet.
How about they're both bad and everyone who draws, likes or enables that kind of shit is a disgusting pedophile?
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imagine some 400lb tranny trying to call the cops on some random asian guy walking around las vegas luhmow
In my defense, your honor, it was just a drawing of a child
Yes that ugly fat bastard HBR spicnigga. What a shitheel. Luhwoof
Isn't this guy a sex pest IRL as well? No one who posts shit like this on an account tied to their real life is trustworthy.
But as for my actual fighting game plan, I have most stuff down for that now. I'm currently in the process of learning more about coding and doing basic animations for the project. I got all of the planning done for what the attacks actually do and who the characters are quite a while back.
But I am still learning a lot of this as I go along, so trying to keep things relatively simple.
For example, I am keeping animation concepts down to just 3 frames for now. Doing 1 startup active frame, and recovery frame. I will do more in the future to fill them in, of course, but that's all I will be doing for now. I've watched some Toniko Pantoja stuff and it's helped me with concepts quite a bit. I read the book from the legendary Richard Williams, but I didn't really apply the concepts as well since I was just reading through it and not actively practicing each technique he mentioned. That and this was a year or two ago when I read through that.
In addition, I'm analyzing films and seeing their movement to learn more techniques, not to mention studying frames from games I like to see how they make snappy movements that get a concept across in a low amount of frames.

Need to learn more sprite stuff as well, of course, but that's something I'm sort of holding off on for now as I get the movement, anatomy, etc down.

Another idea I have is naming every move. Something I like about 3d games is that every move has a name, but for some reason this is not as common in 2d games. So I come up with names for normals here and there. For example, Winifred's 6C launcher will probably be called something like Caladbolg's Might while Gwendolyn's j.D crossup could be called Fury of Macha.
It's just a fluff thing that doesn't really serve a purpose other than sounding cool, but I remember GUARD CRUSH TORNADO leaving a big impact on me. Probably will need to do a lot of research, especially for Fatima since I don't know much Kurdish and only know one Kurdish guy that could help me.
And they're not even trans. Just a crossdressing timmy in a wig.
Not even that will save you, depending on the judge/jury/jurisdiction.
No one has ever been convicted for just having cartoon porn. Those cases always have actual CP attached to them
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These are good placements in some of the most relevant games right now
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blades and beasts guest character leaked
Wrong. This guy has 0 actual CP.
The sarcasm flew right over your head
>No one has ever been convicted for just having cartoon porn
You sound so sure yet so wrong
I understood the sarcasm just fine, just wanted to bring it up.
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Ellie giving her unsolicited opinion on character design when her designs look like this
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Remember to keep yourselves safe
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there is zero practical reason to ever make a lgbtq character
no one cares about your fake genders or how much you want to have pozzed sex with other men and the normalization of this is an actual poison to society
ChrisT is a fag thobeit.
First this gay ass nigga was crying about the imginary Evo Saudi Arabia in his head and boycotting Rick's events

Then it turned out to be fake and this faggot went directly back to trying to get others banned from Evo

smdh why are you gay ass niggas like this?
Not really, that goes against his religion.
Lmfao whites are obsessed with cancelling colored gentlemen such as LTG, Infiltration, and FChamp.

Why is that?
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FAKE, but you were close.
THIS is the real one
christcucks can do whatever they want if they just say sorry to god afterward
ya thats why we're based
there is nothing based about raping little boys and girls, demon
all that creepy freak bumron do is make terrible overly horny hentai designs like a slutty cat in bikini armor, so I'd say he needs as much reeducation from Ellie as possible
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punk said that and you all love him
he da alfa
>interested in fighting games again
>check fgg on a whim
>some nigger larping retard crying about lolis and wytepeepo
Wow okay this ''community'' fell down the crapper hard.
sf6 killed this place, now there are only schizos
hes not even a rapist
would baron allow a peepoodo guest character into blades and beasts?
holy crap, lois, i'm in gigamaidens!
Shut the fuck up.
You can't draw
You can't code
You can't animate
You can't design characters
You can't balance a game
You know nothing and ARE nothing.
You are basically a little child scribbling your stupid ideas down and thinking you're a genius for it.
You have zero qualifications.
You have never been good at a single fighting game.
Nope. If Romolla picked that kuso up, you'd kill yourself within a week as she brutally raped you with her superior execution, reads, and neutral. It's just a big fish in a small pond situation.
You have done nothing to warrant your massive, arrogant ego.
Get a real job. Fill out that application to be the Burger King janitor.
That's all you're good for.

Now stop dumping your schizo ramblings here, bitch.
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who is Ellie gonna main in blades and beasts?
was it worth buying uni
>Do characters wear mildly tight body suits in space or can you basically just see her nipples through the suit?
The fact that you even ask this question means that you are severely porn addicted and need help. If it were up to me, you'd be enrolled in therapy until you learn to keep this weird creepy shit to yourself, bro.
this fucking nerd ass house nigger really just said "Winifred is dangerous because the blade of McCloud can release Caladbolg's Might"
my brother in Christ
you will NEVER be white and they're NEVER gonna accept you
you gotta live with that
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Are we being raided? What the hell is going on?
What was White about that?
Irish name.
potato niggers aren't white
aRe wE BeInG RaIdEd? WhAt tHe hElL Is gOiNg oN?
its just this one new gen avatarfag shitting up the thread
Cris: Here is my game. Here is the combo system. Her is how the characters work.
fgg: *crickets*

Bumron: And on year 143 of the ancient celtic calendar, O'reilly the Ocelot unlocked her true dark magical powers and passed these down to the rest of her clan. From there, the druids began their campaign to destroy their rivals in the great arcane wars. Following this, the barbaric germanic people tried to rebuild their destroyed empire, but the dark magic had cursed them into nothingness. So Brunhild Barkermann had to give up her pussy and become a prostitute to make ends meet. My demo? Ehhh I'm working on it or something.

Again, you people are obsessed. This is bordering on parody. Next you'll all vote for whatever candidate the tells you to.
why is the fgc so soft now?
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Rather just draw white bitches from fgs. Fuck the alphabet mafia
Why do her socks say PUSSY?
my room smells like cum
how do i get rid of it?
stop jacking off all day and wash your sheets
then chemically castrate yourself
Who is this hallmonitor ass nigga?
what are the odds that nigga is associated with the gofundme clique
I was just about to ask this
He has mentioned he is a homosexual, so the odds are pretty high. I'll do some light e-stalking in a bit to confirm my suspicions.
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deathgripping this bitches horns while im plowing her ass with my jr
Which one of you was this? Could you retards please stay out of our thread?
Are we perhaps... being infiltrated...?
You can't use that word now.....
damn the homo shitposter is an /sfg/er? how could one develop such a grudge against the peaceful residents of /fgg/ that he spends a year shitposting as a homosexual? is this that one ramfurry?
are we being Penetrated?
So the sfgers really are just gggers that wanted to avoid fggers? makes sense lol
>the term infiltration is now taboo because of their obessesion with a random korean that presses buttons good

This is your mind on troonism and tranime
no way
he said that he liked baron because he was a real furry and not a larper
he determined this because he read some furry doujinshi instead of gooning to Amy Rose or something
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What could Ellie possibly teach him? Aside from turning dudes into sissies?
there was some nigga on /ggg/ with this furtroon's info, guess thats why hes not shitposting over there anymore
Are you publishing baron's game with your mafia money?
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why did so many pawgs win EVO?
Because I willed it so
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You would know about skintight suits, wouldn't you? >>487219621
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That nigga ain't getting shit lmao
he's on his own unless he does a Job for me
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Teach him how to respect women and not just portray them as sex objects, perhaps?
how does ellie respect women by turning himself into a grotesque caricature of one for a fetish?
She is a real woman, however.
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Lion in a leotard: Unique, creative, and subversive of expectations. Literally changing the expected norms and doing something groundbreaking.

Bear slut in a zero suit samus whoresuit: More generic mindless furry porn that has been done a billion times in the past

Sorry, but Ellie clears.
Show your game then
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Year of the pawg
holy...finna soive
I was a diversity advisor on guilty gear strive
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I wish this character had been REALLY dumbed down like the rest of the cast to that I could actually play her...
Oh well, Millia has a fat ass too so she will do.
she's dumbed down compared to xrd and apparently pretty strong, still requires above average effort in a game where you can mash and kill in 2 hits
Is strive really a touch of death game or do you require two combos to beat someone for real?
Did you guys get your 2XKO beta key?
They already went out?
How bad did Clayton beat you?
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no jinx, don't care
It's not even that I don't have the execution to do her setups and combos, I do, but I'm an old man with tired shitty hands and I KNOW that I will fuck up my wrists if I play her constantly.
weird they showed jinx early on but she's nowhere to be found in the playable builds they've had
Real women do not have dicks
I'd rather take the furshit
i might try it again since i'm itching for some anime slop and melty is dead

Basically Ahri and Jinx had to be remade so they could be easier to use since they were both popular characters.
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>sniffs dumbed down so their gooner fans can play them
a tale as old as time
I fucking hate having to keep track of any kind of resource other than my bar so its a win for me.
why were they trying to have complicated autism characters in a fighting game for moba babies anyway?
new shuckle just dropped
is she cooked?
who wants to play video games on vacation while traveling? this is why clayton is ahead of everyone else in the scene
Clayton played Soulcalibur at the gaming sphere until he got into his feud with Obama....
There needs to be a designated hard character for mid-wits to spend months mastering just to lose to some random mashing on a shoto lmao.
Who is the SF6 version of that?
Juri SA2
Formerly Aki
he was payed to do that
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How do i get paid to play video games?
need porn of kimberly and nessa frotting their futa bbcs
kimberly looks like this
You said that Vikala was inspirational?
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he just like me
I'll give granpoo a chance for the rat cunny as well
Did Infiltration beat up any women at evo this year?
you wish lmao
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niggas think they're ever getting a new blazblue when arcsys is content to whore the IP to chinese niggas
discord raid or one autist?
why do you care?
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James chen and Max did that and they're not banned

Went to check the comments on this and LMAOOO
Of course this dude shows up. Literally the same soilent filled timmy that was seething at Clayton using an alt account to enter his karnov's revenge tournament at random. The jokes write themselves
yes, you're mom
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damn, not leaked yet
You need to add the fact he's the NoDev pedophile that spams links to game development, and presumes _anyone_ can gamedev.
>Aside from turning dudes into sissies?
Baby can you do it to me, do it to me, baabe
>I've gotta play this for an hour before loading up brutal loli ryona BDSM rape doujins for sure!
You "people" are scum.
Strive is the new Smash
>tekken gets heihachi
>we get........ aunt bogard
why are you bronies posting a picture from a card tournament from years ago?
This is my first time hearing about those types of doujins. Where did you get that info?
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I think it speaks volumes that I didn't know about that type of content and yet you're out here seeking derange shit calling me ill, take your meds schizo lmao
Don't get cute with me you cucaracha.
An honest villain, at least.
VF sisters... have we been tablecucked again?
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Kek, you got guilty geared.
the internet is so cooked
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Cris released a fighting game, though?!?!?
How big is her ding dong?
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Why were you having sex with Colombian drug mules? they quite literally shove coke up their fun holes
I gotta poop, anyone know a near by seat?
my mouth is always open for trans godesses
he's a sperglord but he's OUR sperglord. The troons want him dead. we need him for our entertainment
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There's more. But this shit works on low IQ peeps.
Tis why they keep repeating the same damn lies.
The truth was never the goal, but the smear, and eventually the deposition.
It's sad honestly.
See 487231782. He knows he published an alpha, wants to lie it's complete. For what, to legitimize his credentials.
Instead of holistically researching why /fgg/ are incapacitated from developing like him with his stolen money.
It's an egocentric bias combined with confirmation.
The Slayer? GIWIK. Sharon's, it's probably a nipple size.
What did Cris steal?
ban fraud krew members from tournaments
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just bought uni2, was gonna complain about online being dead but its 4am so thats on me
every time theres some tranny drama on X its always one of those lot
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From my poor comprehension of Portuguese Brazilian, “retardation allowances.” He pretends every 6months to be extremely incapable taking care himself to shitpost here that we can do the same lies he does to his government.
Instead of, you know, asking a grant to make video games for everyone.
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So now that the smoke has cleared we can all agree that Third Strike won evo right?
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My king
>hayao cooning it up before going to the regularly scheduled yun vs chun programming
it was fun but punk finally getting an evo eclipsed it, even if we did have to watch rashid activat v-trigg- i mean level 2 twice in a round a few times.
dont think he even took a round off MOV's elena. nasty ass match up
Nah, Hayao's performance was better than literally anything involving Dix.
Punk is an insufferable faggot, I am not going to celebrate his win.
Why was Hayao kneeling on the floor with his arcade stick? was that an arcade thing?

Kusomondo did it during the St tournament, too
ok, that's nice
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Remember that time Hayao did his own epic cover of Airman Ga Taosenai but made it about Daigo?
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Damn, retrospecting so much, I hope his boyfriend gives him as much love as he deserves.
Whomever his Bert is, may he treasure him always.
I won two free Chipotle burritos during Evo.
Is there anything from Chipotle that isn't painfully mediocre? I got a chicken al pastor burrito with black beans, rice, and green sauce for my first one, and it was very 'meh'.
Any suggestions for my next one?
I was going to contest this claim and say you were being too harsh, but...
seriously, imagine going on vacation and you choose to still play Street Fighter 6
How mindbroken do you have to be to go to a beautiful, wonderland like New York City and your first thought is to play a dog shit party masher green slimer game?

Bitch is mentally ill lmfao
>New York City
>a beautiful wonderland
if they make XXAC a main game at EVO will FINALSHOWDOWN show up
Why is Clayton permanently seething that Obama declined to hang out with him that one time? He relates it to posts that have nothing to do with him.
If I paid for his trip maybe
he has broken controllers and salad fingers dude
Compared to her little flyover area? That's like an African stepping into Wakanda. Might as well be 10 thousand years in the future compared to her little mudhut she lives in
NOL | FINALSHOWDOWN vs ElvenShadow (Losers' Final)
the NOL clan are sponsoring him not.... that guy
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imagine flying to Tokyo or Singapore and your first thought is to spend an entire weekend in some musty smoke filled arcade mashing buttons in horrible broken party games
Jesus Christ, some of you are mentally ill man children
reminder 'manthas harass and party kick lalafell players in xiv
okay, but what purpose does the fat elf child have for your post?
vf6 leaked
what did NOL even stand for?
has way more neutral than kekken unironically
no one likes
nerdy obese loser
Fuck you.
NXXXXXs On Lockdown
NXXXXXs in the club doing aegis reflector
Trying to keep your mommy from seeing you use bad words?
But enough about yourself
OK.....what would be an acceptable first thought to do in the beautiful wonderland (kek) of NYC? Serious question.
head to your local goyslop dispensary
Climb the empire state building
see my dominatrax
order sonicsol a pizza
Does Cheez really not have anything in his arsenal besides "no u"?
You incels would go to Japan to attend a gacha convention and play video games then giggle when japanese high school students look at you
Need Only Lucy
He also has "twas not I" and if he is feeling particularly pressured, "Dial 8."
Bronycheez what happened to your wives Morrigan, Lilith and Reina?
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Fear did multiple activities in Vegas after he got knocked out of the tournament and you all made fun of him....
Yeah he drank a beer, jacked off, and fell asleep, I guess that does count as multiple activities
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i want to go on vacation to thailand
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After Evo 2024, it's time to finally admit that Street Fighter 6 is the best modern fighting game. What even compares?

MK1 was painfully mediocre and centered around horrible meta.
KOFXV is so samey, every character does literally the exact same thing with the same gameplan.
Uni2 failed to attract anyone new since it's just the same thing as previous entries.
Tekken is hilariously broken with all characters mashing you to death
Granblue was merely a coinflip of bright colored effects with no real strategy, just pure gorilla mono rushdown
Strive was basically granblue, but they were also flying around in the air
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Shut up faggot.
my flamingo wife....
3S and Kami6 were the only finals worth watching, true.
As a Clayton enjoyer who watches all his videos I can't remember the last time Clayton even mentioned Obama.

>salad fingers
Not sure why people still cap on Clayton about his health. He's showed his health record a number of times now. https://youtu.be/mmQcWMO1jG4
Guy is lucky to be alive, and people want to pretend it's fake still baka.
remember when clayton found out about ellie?
clayton, you mention obama on here constantly
ah yes the 3s finals that ended up looking no different from a random arcade jappa stream where a million yun vs chun li matches have been played out, the "kami6" finals where no one blocked and mashed c.mk/green slime for their life and the final round was won off of 2 touches, all your favorite SF6 pros think the game is dogshit too, peak duty fighter
they even gave bison a cr.mk > slime

shits retarded
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SF6 finals felt like it had zero stakes
they were just mashing wake up supers and green slimer and laughing the whole time like it was a party game. all the other ones were serious and hype
video games aren't a job
Take your meds schizo, I watch Clayton's videos and I don't see him mentioning Obama. He is bitch made for whining about Clayton tho. And those DMs made him look like a incel.
SFV finals were a fun watch too.
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finna Mash
seething again i see
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Does anyone here honestly think Clayton would know who Obama is if Obama didn't talk about Clayton first? Clayton even said in their interview he had no idea who Obama was at first.
Yes, was rooting for Terrence.
Name ONE (1) group of people more obnoxious than Claytonfags.
Just one.
uni2 finals was sick, chud
pedoniggas and the ramposter
nigga said claytonfags as if its not the claytonbot and clayton himself doing all the claytonposting, and im not even 100% sure that the claytonbot isnt clayton
kek I've thought about that as well but I don't know anything about Clayton so I don't know if he's schizo enough to do that.
he knows about this place. he claims he has an informant who tells him about what we discuss and that he doesnt actually come here himself (kek). the funniest thing to happen recently was when he kept spamming his "impossible combo" on /fgg/ saying no one could do it, then a nigga did it on his psvita and he started going nuts saying it was only impossible in a real match. nigga is truly deranged
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Is this cope if I use DS4 already?
I can't believe Cheez makes $200k a year spying for Clayton... I feel so betrayed bros...
what is there to elaborate about? they are annoying ass niggas.
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I accept your concession!
no I mean like
there's at least 3 different people posting ram
do you just boil them all together into the same person?
they all have the same boring shitpost style, who cares if they are different people?
its one person
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Did you guys know you can choose to just.... NOT go nuts?
marisa should have looked like this
>spend 30+ hours playing a game
>still can't decide on a main after all that
>end up burning out and not playing anymore because I have no character and its hard to improve or learn if I'm waffling
why does this always happen I hate it
No concession made, I know you are just pretending to be retarded. No one who was arguing seriously would be able to post this:
>KOFXV is so samey, every character does literally the exact same thing with the same gameplan.
And praise Dix in the same post.
In the very, VERY off chance you are being serious then you are just flat out retarded and it would be pointless to talk to you anyway.
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is there any reason why I shouldnt just be hit-confirming Akatsuki's low forward. watched the highest placed akatsuki at evo and the nigga kept cancelling it into a whiffed crouching jab
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He was doing that because it's a frame trap. It was an attempt to fish for counter hit.
It's also easier to hit confirm with a few lights, so they do that to make sure they have the hit.
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After many years we finally witnessed an actual Evo Moment 38, which many are agreeing upon calling Hayao's amazing performance in the top 6.

You will note that none of the hype around Evo 2024 came from any of the other games. Everyone is talking about Evo 2024 in terms of the unbelievable showstopper that was this top 6. And you all need to take a moment to reflect on this:

It didn't come from Street Fighter Dicks.
It didn't come from Jive.
It didn't come from Snore.
It didn't come from Pooper Turdbow.

It came from the one game, the goose with the unlimited golden eggs to give us. The one that put Evo on the map, and the one everyone still talks about to this day, decades later, while Snore and Jive lumber around like undead corpses in their side tournaments attended by eight people. It came from the game that's been carrying Evo on its back for 25 years.



None of the other games will EVER compare to 3rd Strike. The best to ever do it. You will never get this kind of organic hype and performance from Dix. If you ever doubted Third Strike, do the human gene pool a favor and hurl yourself in front of a speeding train.
the homo/tranny freaks
corny ahh timmies calling anything evo moment 38 now
Sixbros, he's right. It's over...
why are games starting to make '''women''' that are more roided out than gief
I know you are just mimicking retards on Twitter but I fucking hate whoever came up with this faggotry so, so goddamn much.
i wonder if daigo ever regrets that parry
>hecking epic clutch parry moment
>most notable thing that happened that tourney
>overshadows GF itself
hayao made history chuddies get over it
man, some of you are so dumb.
That has nothing to do with my post you retarded faggot, fuck off.
nigga made two clutch reads and two massive commitments when he was a touch away from death and that fatass james chen thinks the hypest part was the 6F window three taps forward he did on an ex tatsu
what game?
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modern audiences love it
guilty gear strive
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3S is really the 4th most populated FG now
thought this was soriz
I never noticed it until you said it, but.... honestly yeah
>guilty gear strive
thank you
i now remember soriz fundies
...and then you subtract the 960 spicniggas idling in chat
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Everyone whines about 3S parry like it's "unfun bullshit" when it's responsible for some of the most clutch skill based plays we've ever seen

There is a point to be made in that in 3S the hype happens organically whereas in Dix the players are just kinda going through the motions. Not a single person can point to any one moment in the SF6 grand finals that was memorable.

>Hey guys remember when Punk hit the crMK slime rush into stMP target combo level 3?
seething anitroon
Don't he and JWong basically owe their careers to it?
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Yeah, no, I like musclegirls that actually look like women. Not this trans-inclusive dog shit.
at least 3/4ths of that are just sitting in chat not playing
i wonder if daigo regrets skipping 3S
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that's all fighting games, THOUGH
3S has more players than UNI, KOF and Melty combined. WOW
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I just realized that new snake bitch in diesel legacy is just an uglier eliza from skullgirls
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Eliza designed by transfaggot brazilians
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>BBTag gets RWBY
fgg: ....

>Strive gets Cyberpunk

Please show us on the doll where strive touched you, fgg
i just hate trannies
nigga nobody loves this gay tranny shit
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babytag was a crossover game day one
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This. I don't understand why Lil Timmy doesn't understand that I DONT WANNA PLAY BROCK LESNAR in a wig. Giddamn
I don't want to play
all of you be jacking off to that, don't lie

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