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one-man band edition

>Demo Days
Next: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-58
Previous: https://itch.io/jam/agdg-demo-day-57
Older: https://hackmd.io/LhEB6VCZSx-oBalI2cWWoA

>AGDG resources

>Helpful links
New Threads: >>>/vg/agdg
Archive: https://arch.b4k.co/vg/search/subject/agdg/
Steam Games by AGDG: https://agdg-steam.netlify.app/
/agdg/ Steam Games: https://made-by-agdg.vercel.app/

>How to WebM
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Good thread
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Huh, so it really is an endurance run
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there's nothing wrong with making porn games
Wonder how profitable those one man shovelware firms actually are.
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I've started baking fresh bread for breakfast every morning. It's pretty nice.
i never understood the point. why not just straight up watch porn instead of being cucked by a computer to do random tasks till you get rewarded with mediocre anime porn?
the chart for twitter views/followers is probably the inverse of this
>give feedback to game
>"I am such a good game designer"
>someone else gives feedback to game
>"smart-ass thinks he's the know-it-all"

Why am I like this?
You'll grow out of it. Recognizing the behavior is the first step to bettering yourself.
why do pajeets love spamming their trash games in random game jams on itch io
like, what's the point, nobody is clicking that shit anyway
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Today is Monday.
I drive back to the office.
My soul dies slowly.
Did you ever notice how it's always other people's games that are shovelware?
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runescape looking nigga
Based. Having a lean body does absolutely nothing, it's a huge waste of willpower that can be better used elsewhere.
What else you call someone who releases a new assetflip every other week?
Kinda hard to tell what I'm looking at but maybe it'll look better in game. It's a guy wearing a cloak over a hat, right?
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gooner games straight up hit different desu
A figment of your imagination
kinda looks like walking toilet
No, those guys actually exist, crab-kun. Afaik they have some complicated deal with keyseller site bundles or other similiar schemes based on how the Steam operates atm.
Literally me....
Are you implying I'm fat because I like baking bread
How would you handle different damage types?
1. Each damage type has it's own function call
2. There's a single damage function that requires the damage type as a parameter and handles it then internally

2 feels "cleaner" but the damage function could get messy and complicated while 1 has every different type compartmentalized
i would make all attacks an array of damage types and all defenses an array of defense types
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>Each damage type has it's own function call
it's a hobby.
you're supposed to have regular 9-5 and work on you game 3 hours a day everynight.
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The interactivity adds a greater level of storytelling and immersion that simply watching something can't compare to.
Use 2. check damage type and call the appropriate damage function.
No, thanks. I'd rather work on my game 9-11 and watch anime for 3 hours a day everynight.
Holy based
Can any music guys here explain to me in layman's terms what "mastering" is? The guy working for me sent the first track which sounds decent already but he said it's still not yet done and needs mastering. I tried looking up what that is but the explanations were full of composition terminology and stuff that I didn't understand.

In general, I assume mastering is gonna make a track "better", but how exactly?
I don't know, sorry
i guess some niggas just like to work for it
It's over getting started
Basically it's doing final tweaks to levels and timings and shit to make the song sound as good as it possibly can. Like taking a sketch to a finished drawing.
>Mastering is the final stage of audio production—the process of putting the finishing touches on a song by enhancing the overall sound, creating consistency across the album, and preparing it for distribution.
What did you search to not get this clear of an answer?
>how exactly
Probably filters and shit, I don't know I'm not a musician.
>I don't know I'm not a musician.
If you don't know shit why would you even say anything you dumb ape? God, can you just tell me your address straight up so I can cut your eyes out and feed you your own balls?
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>start my game on linux
>the performance is much worse
>godot spews out constant errors saying vulkan device lost
And that's it for the linux release
Isn't that just balancing? So that the bass isn't too loud or that the soundeffects of the game itself aren't obfuscated by similiar sounding tunes of the backtrack.
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Playing with PCG, I thought it might be nice to generate blocks that rotate away from the center but I didn't really get what I was expecting, which is buildings aligned with where the road might be
Not a musician but I assume it's adjusting how loud certain elements of the music are and whether they're played on the left or right ear and stuff like that to highlight the good parts and make them clearer.
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He's scamming you. Cut all contact and report him to the appropriate channels.
Proton will save it, r-right?
Sure, yell at the guy who gave an answer that the idiot easily could have found himself.
Not having a linux release will form part of my game's marketing strategy
chill out you unhinged negroid ape
He's only an apprentice and has to take the track to the master to finish
my game is completely broken.
i will spend the rest of today trying to fix it
my game is completely fixed.
i will spend the rest of today trying to break it
my game is completely non-existent
i will spend the rest of today trying to make it
all your game are belong to us
This is me
You are on the way to destruction
Here we see why making porn games is wrong.

Your target audience consists of porn addicts, men who have an unhealthy relationship with their sexuality. Same as if you made a gatcha game your target audience would consist of gambling addicts. Your success depends on feeding an unhealthy addiction, wheras regular videogames can be just a normal form of entertainment.

If you were good at either making games or drawing porn, you wouldn't need to combine them to get by.
It's possible to enjoy something without being addicted to it.
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A porn horror (porror) game about working as QA at a living sex doll factory, but the dolls are just lobotomized clones or whatever with their limbs amputated.
Then one day one of the sex dolls is not properly lobotomized and she tries to bite your dick off! Ooo scary!
>t. addict
That doesn't sound very sexy to me
no matter how good an idea is, the moment you say that it's porn or horror it immediately becomes slop
i could fix my game, but there's actually no reason to even bother
Gonna make an phorrorn game, lads.
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>check calendar
>notice i won't be able to participate in next dd since will be away from a computer all weekend
>all motivation to dev flies out the window
Definitely 2. Easier to scale if you add more types. Also easier to find where things are, or call them.
Anyone who writes "masturbate" as "masterbate" should be castrated
Am I still allowed to write it as "masterbait"?
Anyone who overreacts on the internet should be mildly reprimanded
that sucks. get rid of those friends, family or gf as soon as possible.
If I see one more mispelling or unecesary exxaggeration on the internet I'm going to literally explode
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>Your target audience consists of porn addicts, men who have an unhealthy relationship with their sexuality.
Should these people reproduce? Are we not doing humanity a favor?
Personally I think of myself as the owner of Heart Attack Grill. He hates fat people, so he's running a fastfood restaurant with cheap prices. Also people over 350 lbs get to eat for free. On every wall, every table, there's warnings about how unhealthy the food is for people and that they might die (4 people died so far in his store), but people still come to eat.
Yes because that's funny.
Typical 4chan contrarian unpromptedly making unnecessarily reasonable posts when we're trying to start an argument.
Hey guys! Another day another dollar! Going to spend 1-2 hours of work on my 6 figure remote tech job and then about 8 hours working on my game! I love this work life balance, how is everyone else’s work life balance going?
same but without being a faggot about it
i dont know how to code my feateure, i dont even know how i want it to work
is godot the best for 3d are the other engines jewish
What feature? Rubber ducking might help you figure out.
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if only you knew what I'm cooking right now, you would shit your pants in excitement
Godot is literally the worst for 3D. It goes unreal > unity > godot
Any guides out there on recreating SM64 or at least how its physics/movement works in depth??
>He hates fat people
>4 people died so far in his store
I'm no lawyer but that sounds like a crime of some description
>foreskin animation
Just look at the source
may i ask why? i’m just curious
90% of indie project don't need the functionalities of unreal and beacuse they also don't have the time/capabilities to properly use it end up with the same "NINTEDO HIRE THIS MAN" UE look
>admitting to getting IQ filtered
All good brotha
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I hired Sweet Baby inc for consulting
i want to like godot but it's so janky and i hate the "everything is a node" workflow
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Nope. I mean they literally died of a heart attack, it's not like they were found with bullet shots. He is 100% transparent about the effects of the food he serves but people still choose to eat there, thus he is completely immune to lawsuits. He even claims that he's the only one in the industry honest about it, and that big name companies kill a lot more than he does, just outside their stores.
How are you supposed to eat a burger that tall?
>having no reading comprehension
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Very carefully.
I should have made a porn game. I'm so fucking stupid....
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It's too late to change your ways
At least we used to admit to porn as a vice. Now we have actual porn apologists??

>evil man thinks being openly evil absolves him
It doesn't
>Are we not doing humanity a favor?
Ok edgelord, let's see you follow suit and plaster your porn game with warnings about how the mental, physical, and societal damage your players are doing by playing your game. And be sure to frequently remind them that you intend to cull them from the population
I know... I'm just gonna have to finish my game and deal with the consequences.
She is cute...
oooohhhhh noooooooooooooooo
getting the movement right in 3d platformers is hard.
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Finish your game, Anon. Then add porn as optional minigames.
You mean for realism. 3D =/= realism.
I can't fit a footjob scene into my game, the lore just isn't there to support it.
>the year is 2024
>somewherre, a mentally retarded guy is still trying his hardest to make a shitty unplayable platfagger
A tale as old as time
>the year is 2024
>somewhere, a tranny is crabbing and still doesnt have a game
A tale as old as time
>we used to admit to porn as a vice
#not my culture
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>Ok edgelord, let's see you follow suit and plaster your porn game with warnings
Yeah that's the plan. I'm not sure why your response is filled with so much anger and bitterness though. I don't see you boycotting cigar companies.
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I start to feel that board games is where agdg should look for inspiration and not videogames.
>inspired by this thing or that thing
>inspired by all the things
We are not the same.
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i have statistically the worst game on steam
Lucky.... My game isn't even on Steam....
Where is this? I wanna post mine, I think it's even worse.
lifetime play stats on the financials page
Here we see why making games is wrong.

Your target audience consists of social outcasters, men who have an unhealthy relationship with society. Same as if you made a gatcha game and your target audience would consist of gambling addicts. Your success depends on feeding an unhealthy addiction, whereas telling them to go outside and get a job is normal.

>what if drawing porn is more ethical than making porn games??? huh have you ever considered that???
I wish I had this...
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But mine's been available for 9 months so... mine is the worst.
I dont understand it
>fries cooked in pure lard
Based, probably healthier than canola oil
Okay King of Nothing, go back to selling used cars
Maybe that's why I struggle to get engaged with games these days. The knowledge that they're trying to extract more money from me turns me off. I'd rather play something that doesn't have that.
I'd rather be king of nothing than a king of coom
when do you guys think adobe will pull the plug on mixamo?
Being fat makes you lethargic. The fact that you think it's a waste means that you haven't been healthy in ages. When you're healthy you have energy in excess. You feel so much better that you don't truly appreciate it before you get there and see the contrast of how it used to be. Unfuck your life. It will help you dev better.
How do we feel about games that involve math? I've seen some games that give the player some numbers and they have to pick the operation that makes the statement correct. Is that a bad idea?
look up puzzle games for inspiration.
Mastering is the varnishing of music.

It's where you make the stuff. You go get your woods, your tools, and you cut, nail, you build the little boat.

You have all of the matter and objects, now you need to fit them together. What's the point of having the cabin upside down? What's the point of having the motors in the front?
You assemble and make the whole cohesive.

The boat is done, it floats, it is functionnal. But maybe a nice polish can be made so it floats faster? A coat of paint so it looks more MEAN?

Those steps can interfere more or less between eachothers but are usually trying to to interfere too much. Each spots as its meaning and expectations.

Ssome people do the 2 first steps while having the plugins setup already for mastering.
Some people will do drastic change of arrangements while mastering.
As of all creative processes, you are free to do what you want to reach your vision, but the terms are important when you want to communicate with other people, hence why in that regarde the terms must not derivate too much from their original definion.
He's right. Porn is evil. Simple as that.
>top 2 current agdg games are porn (SKA by Auradev and Ero Dungeons by Madodev)
>suddenly crabs switch to a "porn is le bad" narrative
Really makes you think
>Should these people reproduce? Are we not doing humanity a favor?
no because you should be helping those people instead of causing them more harm

only a fraction of them are sexpests who need to be rid of, most are normal men who went down that road because of how sick our modern society is
the top 2-3 games have been porn for at least a few years now, newnigger tourist
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Last years top game is Yomi Hustle newfriend
you have no fucking idea what this game is gonna be do you?
I was here for the entirety of last year and was involved in every single demo day. Yomi Hustle is not an /agdg/ game. He barely even posted. Keep trying to gaslight the general see where it gets you
its a jumping kangaroo game where you can trade your toys for items with a wizard to halp you exape the dungeon
Schizophrenia simulator
Umm, it's clearly retro-mascot-platformer-horror-porn-adventure game with rouguelike-RPG elements.
Nolgorb more like Whoreflop
I really like your art but I have no idea what's going on here
LMAO anyone can see it in the OP list of AGDG games which you'd know about if you took 10 minutes to lurk instead of spewing your newfaggotry everywhere
I myself got a free key to it that got posted in the thread by the dev when he released the game
>He barely even posted
that means he did post
I've been fit most of my life, 30 pull-ups fit but now I can do 15. Maybe I had more "energy", but I spent literally hours every day thinking about food. It was harder to work and concentrate.
If you give somebody a poisoned apple, you murdered that person, if you put up a sign saying you are selling poisoned apples, then whoever bought one killed themselves. By declaring what you are doing it absolves you of responsibility for doing that thing. At least that's what satanists believe.
You're right, I shouldn't be so bitter.
What I don't understand is how you can articulate the issues your game may cause so well and then still invest the the time in making it. Is it about the money or is it an artistic expression that you just must put out there?
>patreon coomer VN is highly anticipated

Disingenuous insincere posters. I don't remember how much I browsed /agdg/ over 3 years ago but I'm about 1000% sure that over 2022 and 2023 I was practically here every day of every week, no matter if I was at work, working on a game, or just watching movies. I never saw Yomihustle ONCE. Which means he was absolutely definitely barely here if he even did post. I don't even remember seeing any posts discussing the game until after it released. If I missed it then it's irrelevant
>”hehe I tricked God!! The omnipotent creator of the universe was Le tricked!!! By me!!”
Satanists are the cringiest faggots to ever exist
I don't even know what Yomi is or what it looks like
Sure everyone believes that when you didn't even know about the AGDG steam games list.
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where is he, cause I sure don't see him
There's an old list that doesn't get updated because the dev died, and a new list which maybe gets updated if you complain enough or use the form on the website itself

>oh, you say this apple is poisoned and will kill me? wow sure I will totally eat it and increase your K/D ratio satan thank you :) there is nowhere else in the world that has poison for me to eat
Keep going, keep showing us how new you are
the new list doesn't even have Cosmic Call on it which means it's unofficial!
44 wishlists btw
don't make me trade in Carmelita Fox
one day my game will be on the top of this list.
>ummm actually you're new because you are used to the old list and still use that one
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I'm going to have to brainstorm a bit because it feels like whatever solution I got going is retarded complex for the problem.

The problem is this, given a set of X,Y tile (the red tiles), find the perimeter tiles (the orange tiles).

Currently my solution is to iterate through every red tile and then check every tile in the box from coord+(1,1) to coord-(1,1) if that tile is either:
1. A red tile which we then ignore or
2. Is not a tile we've seen before, in which case it's an orange tile and we save it
But it feels like that makes it needlessly complicated since for every tile I have to check effectively 8 other tiles, which can quickly get out of hand. Even dumber if a red tile is only surrounded by other red tiles.

It feels like someone has already solved this problem but I can't put the correct words into google to spit out a better solution.
>why not just straight up watch porn

Because what guys really want is the chase which is 1000x hotter than porn, good VN's try to simulate it with long drawn out interactions and slowly dripping you increasing levels of lewdness as if you were actually dating the character. The best ones get you emotionally invested, until the payoff anyways at which point the chase is over and they have to introduce new girls to start the cycle over again.
carmelita fox is no longer represented in nolgorb's ordeal for copyrightual reasons
I was inspired by the game dominion. sadly for me so was Meg Crit
Where's your Game (0 wishlists btw)
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You're describing mine sweeper, the code must be openly available by now.
>damage control
Keep going newfag
>Because what guys really want is the chase which is 1000x hotter than porn
Why not pursue real woman rather than a shallow simulation?
>ummmm actually you're underage because you're still using Win7 instead of Win11 like me :)
It will be much cleaner in a functional style. Something like:

function neighbors(tile) => // return the 8 neighbors

orange_tiles = red_tiles.map(tile => neighbors(tile)).flatten().unique()
Why the fuck are some of you autists that upset when someone doesn't know the thread lore by heart?
>im such an oldfag i use the list that wasn't updated in ages and check if a game that released in agdg last year is in it
Everyone believes you. You're the oldest oldfag. LMAO
They are emotionally stunted freaks that weren’t popular in high school so this is the closest they can get to feeling like they’re part of an “in group” with social status
any beginner resources for blender?
the worst part is that the retards who obsess over this stuff are more often zoomers who arrived in 2022 trying to flex their "2 years on anime gamedev forum" status and not users from 2016-2020 who don't even care about this stuff anymore
If you're new here just say you're new here, no need to get so worked up over it
>NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOO you were supposed to be here for the exact thread and the exact minute when yomidev posted his spread prostate before the jannies deleted it otherwise you're not a true aggydagger!!!!!!!
>high-school homework-tier problem solved in 30-year old game
love to see it

True, maybe cleanliness is just the best way to go about it. This isn't something that's going to run every frame either unless something goes horribly wrong.
what are the chance i get sued if i sell my game and the code is from paid course or youtube?
Been away for a while except the last few threads. Just wanna say I love you guys and I think the anon predicting some /agdg/ big hitters this year is right
>the list is in every op since several months ago but it was impossible for me to see it I swear!!!!
I might have falsely assumed you to be a fatty. Do realize that most people here will be fatties and you making comments like before they will hear as endorsement for their awful lifestyle.

You don't have to be roided out fit with 1% bodyfat but you shouldn't be fat either.
Even if it runs every frame it shouldn't be an issue unless you have thousands of red tiles
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I haven't looked at the OP in years. Do you know why? I can just type steam in the browser bar and it's the top result, stupid zoomer newfaggot
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What do you guys think of my cool new game?
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IvySly did his success interview shortly after I discovered this general. It gave me the impression that this was a really cool thread with cool successful devs. Sadly, that turned out to not be the case.
compsci has ruined my mind to believe that if it isn't O(n) it's TRASH
if only you knew that he's not a resident dev at all
Just because someone doesn't commit every piece of gossip to memory doesn't mean they're neccessarily new.
>doesn't even know the OP of the thread let alone which devs post in it
Newfag tourist
following that logic, where predators like yourself are free to predate on the vulnerable and profit from their vulnerability, predators like you should be enslaved and profited from as well. Put you in a slave collar, castrate you, lobotomize you, work you hard until you're dead. After all, you failed to resist the lure to make a profit from deeply manipulative porn games. If you didn't earn any profit from this, maybe your claimed motives could have been taken more seriously. But you clearly do earn a profit. It's especially bad, for other people that like to predate on the vulnerable, include pedophiles. How do we know that you only predate on vulnerable adults, when you're unable to resist the lure of profit from predating on the vulnerable? When you're driven by profit, and couldn't resist the lure to make a profit from predating on the vulnerable, what else are you unable to resist the lure of? Should society ever want predators like you that are unable to resist the lure of profiting from the vulnerable?
and if society doesn't protect people from predators like you, what social contract is there?
of course, you might be indoctrinating these people as well, for your own purposes, shaping and teaching them, and your claimed motives thus would be half-truths at best

what are your thoughts on Ero Dungeons?
if you fail to answer, I must assume that you are willing to predate on others than adults
I remember an anon ranting on about the crazy taxi arrow
Deranged hambeast you have literally no retort. I don't think you even understand just how much I would have needed to visit that page to have it show up at the top of the results considering that I'm a game developer and it means I go through the same steam game pages hundreds of times and my browser history is completely flooded with other links which contain the word "steam"
lmaoing @ (You)
Peri and Marmo are gonna be the next big hits
>Vibrant, colorful characters like a child's cartoon
>Cold, dark, depressing, abyss of an environment
This is unironically art representing Dingodevs big ideas the harsh reality he lives in. Couldn't be anymore poignant unless you could hear the distant thumping of an electrician at the door while you hop thru the level.
Everyone believes you're the authority on which games are AGDG and which aren't and the fact you admit you don't even read the OP of the thread proves this. Why don't you believe it when I say this? Retard newfag LMAO
>wake up
>open agdg
>nodevs are arguing about thread lore
>close agdg
Yup. Today shall be a productive day.
How do you make posts with AGDG closed???
and another issue is that if you earn a profit from predating on the vulnerable, you have an economic interest in creating more vulnerable people thus that more people pay you, and lowering the proportion of people in society that aren't vulnerable. This profit motive creates some extremely problematic incentives, which could possibly be highly damaging for society
why is it that I constantly run into all the devs which are widely known and accepted to be "agdg devs" but I have never once encountered this "Yomi hustle" character that you insist exists? You sit around here enough you encounter all the devs eventually, but you seem to be insisting that there's this mythical developer that hung around here for a week and didn't even post that much and that makes him an official /agdg/ made man? Get the fuck outta here
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>Why not pursue real woman

>play a passive game on my phone
>go through endless humiliation rituals
>become a jester for some one else's amusement
>fork over my hard earned but worthless money to try and impress them
>give up control of my life to some one else's whims
>deal with a narcissistic personality 24/7 and try to meet their increasing list of demands
>get fucked in the end anyways when they get bored

And that's if you're outgoing and skilled in interacting with them. Women are the only things that go up in price as their market value goes down.
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What are you retarded?
You sure do that's why you don't even know YOMI Hustle dev. We believe you lil bro
i'm retarded that's why i'm asking
You list a bunch of excuses. Git gud, keep your standards high and don't assume the worst
This is the last time I'm replying to your brain vomit
I have seen LittleLockedRoomsdev both times when he posted here since he left
I have seen cattowerdev post once in the last year
I have seen vividlopedev show up maybe once or twice
I have seen more posts from these developers after they "left agdg" than I have seen from the yomidev during the alleged period when he was a "real agdg dev". Get a life
Slopcrabs will insist every top AGDG game isn't AGDG because they know getting them removed is the only way they will ever get a chance on the ranking.
How much freedom does Ren'Py give you? Can you add minigames? Could you customize the visual novel so that you can click stuff in the background while the visual novel part is happening?
This is why compsci grads can’t get jobs meanwhile self taught dropouts are getting 6 figure remote tech jobs constantly lmao
>I've personally not seen this dev so that means he's not AGDG, not that I'm a newfag tourist that doesn't even read the OP even if the rest of the thread knows him and he even posted keys to his game here
even fucking peripeteia which shows up maybe once every two months is more prominent and noticeable. You can't just claim that someone who was here for a week is a local developer
isn't it open source? it's python, as long as you don't care about performance you can do whatever i want
there was some guy making a pokemon clone in renpy
but ask yourself: do you WANT to?
If you add any of that stuff, it would need to be done in python, which means you'd only be able to run it on PC platforms that ship with a python interpreter, or you'd have to make your own custom ren'py build for all the other platforms you want.
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>Blobber Progress Week 5:

I am pretty excited, thought it would take me six months to get to this point but it has only taken me five weeks.

+Need to use a utility art now to be able to climb on to ceiling and levitate up pitfalls.
+Can collect abilities from treasure chests.
+Added more to the ability system such as mana cost, cooldowns, and cast times.
+Started work on the battle system at this point, it is 65% completed. Can damage enemies with attacks and use items.

Still need to work on EoTs (effects over time) and allow the enemy to perform their own attacks. I will also have to add in a player death state. I am very close to having all of the major game systems getting done, may be a few more weeks at my current pace. Can't wait to finally be in alpha and be able to fully focus on art.
bro Va11ha11a is agdg I fucking swear look he put le logo in le game
>you should play elden ring
>you keep dying?
>git gud
>still keep playing though stupid goym

No I don't think I will. It'll cost me a couple of million dollars less and I'll retire at 40 instead.
Seethe crabs. You will not get true AGDG games removed from their rightful place in the rankings by posting slander. You can't UNPOST their games in the thread. You cannot change history.
>but ask yourself: do you WANT to?
Yeah, that's why I'm asking. Chatgpt won't give me honest answers because it wants to say anything is possible even if it's not realistic.
>noooooo vallhalla isn't an agdg game because you have to spend a decade posting daily minimal progress and submit the same demo over and over again to 50 demo days or else you're not an agdg dev
>you can't just like make game in two months and release a successful game
Link their Posts?
>that levitate icon
sexo coom?
It's not my job to spoonfeed newfags. Use the Archive?
I have some text files that I use for dialogue.
Within them, after certain lines, I want to be able to write something like:
>await_property PlayerCharacter velocity.length() >= 4
such that the scene will then listen for when that condition is met before advancing to the next dialogue line.

Is it stupid to do it this way? I can't help but feel like there's a better way.
I guess I'm just dreading having to write a bunch of regex to parse out how the scene should process that line.
would have been enough to submit to 1 demo day
I can’t wait to make it and have anons here argue about whether I was really an agdg dev when all I did was post like 4 webms of my game that only got a few (you)’s each
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I wound up buying a Trenchbroom importer from the asset store because Scopa's a pain in the ass to work with (although I think it would be excellent if I wasn't a brainlet) and Qunity isn't quite usable just yet ime. Took me a few hours to troubleshoot some issues but it seems to be working perfectly now. Hopefully this'll be the last time I have to switch importers, because the whole process is starting to give me some serious mental trauma. Hopefully next demon day I'll have 3 or 4 levels to share instead of one (1.)

Thanks for reading my plog (my progress blog.)
As I said before, it is a porn game so I thought, why not?
Less than a half of the top 20 agdg games have submitted to any demo days.
This is what's really happening here. When a dev makes a game too fast and successfully it's not recognized as AGDG simply because the dev didn't spend years posting it, meanwhile devs who take years and don't even release a game are widely known as AGDG.
time to remove them then
it is possible and realistic, but it's not what the engine was designed for
it's a suboptimal experience
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I see
I can save the "this would be a good game if you have a special gimmick" because coom is that gimmick and you're gmi
The reality is that none of your games are true /agdg/ since the real /agdg/ is on zzzchan.
Besides nortubel who is a menace you see everywhere.
>horde your money, retire early and die childless like a good goy
This guy is right, he posted Rocket Sword but never Yomi Hustle in the threads, I assume because of his new twitter/tumblr friends.
You can claim ivy is an agdg dev, but Yomi Hustle is not really an AGDG game, else by that logic Risk of Rain 2 is also one.
He literally even posted free keys yomi here
So did "Eric" but I don't see Stardew Valley on the list.
>cumble trying to get rid of vallhala so his "game" appears higher in the list ... again
work on your game, your 3 KS backers are waiting
>agdg says mastering is polishing the track.
So I went from this
To this
What to do to master it, musical scholars?
shut up anon they're real backers with real money it's just a coincidence they all have the same last name
looks like a legend of grimrock ripoff
Like years after it was released? LMAO.
Wake me up if he posts keys to haunted chocolatier
>compsci autists overthink everything and never get a product out
>literally who that spent thirty seconds learning and argues that javascript is java blazes past with shit-ass product that wins solely on the fact of being the only product on the market
It's true.
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I just realized a board version of Kaliina, inspired by Chess, Xianqui and tetris would be too KINO for agdg to understand.
>like a good goy

Lol no, good goys keep working. They don't need your money, it's fake paper that they pull out of thin air. They need you to keep working, they need you to believe in the system, they need you to think you still have a chance. Keep chasing that tail thinking some day your life will not be fucked. I'm 35 already, it's over for me and I don't have the patience for bullshit anymore. Going to retire early and get the fuck out of this place if I can manage it, this society is sick and old and will collapse under it's own weight.
>He literally even posted free keys yomi here
What the hell does that have to do with anything? Show me his progress webms posted in the thread. There is only one rule to be an AGDG game and that is to post it during development here, not after it was finished.
Same. I rarely post my game here, and even when I do, I try to make it not identifiable as the same game I posted last time. IDGAF if nodevs think my game is /agdg/ or not.
>this society is sick and old and will collapse under it's own weight.
Oh if you're talking about the US then sure it's fucked. I have hope it will turn around but by all means go somewhere the society is not sick and make the best life for yourself there. If you're leaving the US you have no excuse not to find a good wife
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are there any other gated gamedev communities like this one where I can just walzt in last second with a finished game and pretend was always a member? Sadly I'm already known here so I can't pull it off in agdg
> Is it about the money or is it an artistic expression that you just must put out there?
It's half about artistic expression and half about sending a message. And what is the best place to put a message targeted at coomers if not in a porn game? No one likes being preached to though, so if you really want them to listen, you need to either be radical about it or subtle enough so it's not annoying and in your face.
It seems to me like you believe everyone is vulnerable and "taken advantage of" and no one is responsible for their own actions. I can't argue with you from this position. The only way to stop being vulnerable is to get hurt. Not so bad that you'd get crippled, but not so lightly that you don't flinch from pain.
>and if society doesn't protect people from predators like you, what social contract is there?
Now you're asking the right questions. Society has plenty of other more dangerous predators, like billionaires paying 0 taxes through loopholes and exploits, Disney and large companies changing laws as they see fit with their money, seed oil industry, Nestle draining fresh water and whatnot. I'm glad porn games are making you aware of the state of society.
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>gated gamedev communities
>filled with mostly nodevs
>t. newfag that doesn't know the AGDG tradition of posting free keys on release
>Oh if you're talking about the US

Worse, canada. Our male population increased by 10% in 3 years thanks to the government filling the country with indians. The average price of a house in one of our cities (the only place you can find work) is about 1.4 million dollars, it takes two people making over $200k each to afford to buy a house, a literal fortune on top if you want kids. Then you have the massively fragmented demographics which make it impossible to relate to most people you meet, you'll be lucky if you even speak the same language.

Find a woman he says.
I've been here since Hopoo was posting his necromancer game. Posting keys has nothing to do with whether your game is AGDG or not, why are you repeatedly missing the point? Be honest with me how old are you?
It's not a tradition anyway since a lot of people didn't do it, like for example Underspace. And I don't remember Project Wingman, Fight Knight and Bug Fables doing it either, but maybe I missed them. Devs do it if they want to, and not if they don't, it has no bearing on AGDG status.
keke who the fuck is this newfag calling everyone a newfag
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Does the pain state look annoying?
When you get hit you enter a pain animation that disables movement/aiming until it ends.
I want it for some enemies but i'm debating if it should be the default state when you get hit.
But the alternative is that the character doesn't react at all outside of a grunt sound.
>he isn't even from the pre/vg/ era
New as fuck.
the bigger crime here is the retarded post-console-era AAA brainrot camera setup
I dreamed that I discovered that latinx retard made a 60 reviews 60% score game in a dream involving a fantasy plot with a hairpin that opens up a portal
More than being bothered about him getting "success" I'm bothered that I dreamed about him.
>he wasn't posting on /b/ - Anime/Random in 4chan 2003
Sheesh, newfags I swear.
>Pure Lard
>Pure Cream
>Real Cane Sugar
Besides the fact that the portions here are massive, it's funny that these are considered the unhealthy options compared to the standard of
>Rapeseed oil
>Nut slurry
>High Fructose Corn Syrup

My job takes me to Europe a few times a year and it's wonderful how much better the sodas taste & make you feel.
don't ask questions just use bloat engines
I wasn't even born yet, lol.
and you'll get, what, 30 wishlists from it, compared to the 100,000 wishlists such a game is already getting?
it's the camera from Alan Wake/Batman Arkham. Whoever came up with it should be publically executed
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your character isn't centered on the screen which makes the game feel like an asset flip
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improved stork model
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>can't find the original texture when I decided to make a different variant of it
fuck my PC and the 10 billion resource files on it
desu centering camera on screen will just make things harder to see in front of you with that height
>Find a woman he says.
That's what you want isn't it? If you had truly resolved to 'go your own way' or whatever you wouldn't be so angsty about it. Anyway the situation in Canada sounds rough. What about living in a rural area with a remote job? Bound to be more homogenous, less Indians, cheaper cost of living and with any luck, the elusive low-cost-high-market-value-woman
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make porn games hehe
captcha VJGAY2
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>character centered on screen
>aim down sights
>back of head covering everything
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crabbed another dev successfully
My back hurts :(
you're clearly doing it just because RE did it. Use your brain for a second. That camera setup has always been the most disorienting option you could go with. It's nauseating. I'm sure you can figure out an alternative
It was clear he lived rent-free in your head the moment you started using a pet name for him.
Just do it how GTA did it. They figured it out 22 years ago. Right mouse button to look/aim which moves the camera to the over the shoulder position.
Good morning, AGDG.
Sorry about yesterday.
Very nice anon!
i do both
you would only have had to be here for one month because the game launched at the start of february
>That's what you want isn't it?

What I want doesn't exist, that's what I'm angry about. Society lies to us from the day we are born to the day we die about what women are and their true nature. I'm angry at the men around me that figure it out, but refuse to acknowledge it and keep furthering the lie. I'm angry that people see how far the standards for decency have fallen and turn a blind eye to it and keep saying you'll find x one day because inside they hope they will find x one day. I know guys that have gone through or are going through the divorce wringer and they still keep trying hoping that reality will change. I know guys that did everything right back in the day 40 years ago and had society change on them and are now going to be paying alimony until they die... and they still keep trying keeping this sick system going.

Anyways that's enough about that, it's time to get back to game dev. It'll at least be a good distraction until they start drafting us to die in WWIII.
Real women don't want to be pursued by me and WILL call the cops.
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lol, relationships don't work like that, you're just setting yourself for failure
here, you can do it with games too
>play games
>go through endless debugging phases
>become a jester to please gamers, work for QoL improvements for your game
>fork every second of your free time to create assets
>spend hours over hours to answer all qustions and do all tasks for people on patreon, itch, steam
>deal with demanding and narcisstic players that believe your game is shit and should be sold for less, or even better, give some of the streamers free keys for promotion
>get fucked in the end anyway by Steam, government, taxes
Why anon, why do you pursue gamedev, just sit on your ass and consume like a faggot that you are
Maybe that's why they die, they finally get some authentic food instead of goy slurry and their bodies can't handle it.
You MUST have the camera behind the player character which MUST be a young attractive woman with a voluptuous and curvy butt.
My game isn't good. It isn't fun.
very well said
Wrong, retard. Keep working on it.
you're right. it's all a worthless rat race to get a slightly bigger crumb of cheese
Yeah man, that's the reality of it, most will not make it. Which is why people here spend their time talking instead of devving, because in their mind they will get back to it someday and as long as they think that they still have hope.
Nah, I believe everyone will make it.
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It's okay, anon
I did something awful as well. Just forgive yourself like Christ taught us
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Pete also caught on camera.
Seed oils slow your metabolism, while real sugar will speed it up, so that's quite likely.
Man, this is such a fucking headache and a massive waste of time.
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>anon accidentally creates the biggest blackpill for gamedevs, beating '40 to 60 games' shitpost
Anyone currently getting demoralised about their game or the prospects of finding a gf... Good.

More room for me on the new releases page and more single ladies cosplaying my characters at conventions. Stay out of the way losers.
>Anyone currently getting demoralised about their game or the prospects of finding a gf
What's the white box on the bottom?
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>godette says i can dynamically write and add functions at runtime
>function compile() not found in base self
There goes that idea, lying bitch.
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listen to me very carefully because i'm about to save your whole career and life

stop making this game
instead, start maxxing your skills on modeling those anthro furry babes.
Render them nicely in sexy poses and post on reddit, furaffinity, e621, boorus, twitter, basically everywhere.

Model popular characters from media such as Diane Foxington from the movie Bad Guys
Model OCs of other furry artists
Become popular
start taking commissions and make a patreon

become rich
hire people to help you make the game you ACTUALLY want to make
put me in the credits

am i understood?
If you don't post progress as often as Nortubel you're not an aggy daggy game
subtle and insincere crab
Text, basically any message that comes off as "intruder alert" or something".
An idea I had for Nortubel was most worlds having made up languages and some could've had their own alphabets and symbols.
But it's something that takes a while to figure out and do well, so most worlds don't show letters or texts in a more explicit way.
But considering Lahiurn's influences, you expect something vaguely based off German.
What's the non furry non porn alternative to this route? I need to get rich with gamedev ASAP

Put it into a group and get_tree().get_first_node_in_group
create an interface called IDamageType or some shit like that, implement a function Damage() in it, make your weapon class or a secondary class that will be hold by your weapons implement this interface, now you have very clean code, and also can organize your different behaviors on each type, if you do option 2 you'll end up with a giant if or switch statement and it's horrendous, especially if you have complex behaviors on your damage function.
I see.
This week, I shall program instead of only architect.
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>tfw no deer gf
absolutely not

there is more than one instance of the scene
i think it's time to call games published on steam "steamslop". it's all the same shit.
>save your whole career and life
>get pigeonholed as furry coom artist #57,729,009
Never give advice ever again. You don't understand the faustian nature of the bargain that you've just offered
>non furry non porn
make youtube clickbait tutorials about gamedev
i'm just trying to help
>don't be yourself just do what everybody else does
How are different instances identified? Do you really need to find it from the scene root or is there another layer of encapsulation?
i do
you sell your sovl to get ez furry money
then you're comfortably fulfilling your passion cause your sovl was never sold, it's still with you
did you read the message retarded nigger?
he can be himself, just with more money
a game isn't automatically "Steamslop" just because it's published on steam. I think what you means by steamslop is games that are released as a lazy attempt in making a few bucks or some other vapid trendchasing reason
I wish I had this...
you know that 99.9% of games are played for 3-5 hours and that's it, right? no one needs people to be addicts to their game to be successful. also, not every game that keeps players for a longer time means they are addicting machines. you can enjoy tv for thousands of hours without being addicted to it; games are the same thing. if you don't actively try to create mechanics that keep your players playing 24/7, you're on the good side, and it's not less moral than any type of entertainment out there.
Bleak. You may be right to some degree, I don't really know. What you should do is listen to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jHPOzQzk9Qo and fix whatever your biggest holdups are. Remember a time in your life you felt Momentum and figure out how to regain it. Good luck.
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fine fine, throw your talent and skill in the trash, keep adding random features to kangaroo game to get 10 itch.io downloads, because neither is its gameplay innovative or interesting in any way nor is it capitalizing on the furbabe angle either, just shitty weird middle ground between two unrelated things mashed together
cute for a whale
If you're so good at making profitable games then where is your game?
i dunno man i just know that the great grandkid node needs to access lots of data from its great grandparent
maybe not everybody is in it for the money
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What do we think of /ourguy/'s oath?
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One for the money
T-Two for the crew
Thr-Thr-Three for devvin'
Anytime I want to
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If it's all within its own encapsulated scene, use "Access as Unique Name": https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/tutorials/scripting/scene_unique_nodes.html
Otherwise idk what you're doing. Pick your poison.
we minecraft now boys
>games that are released as a lazy attempt in making a few bucks or some other vapid trendchasing reason
so basically every game on steam, so it's all steamslop, you didn't prove me wrong
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>the honor of my family name
Has this nigga never heard of expansion packs?
>I'm a multimillionaire with more money than I could ever need and an infinite money printer so now I promise I won't try to make more money off any additional work I do X3
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every single game is on steam. You can't possibly call Gothic, Darkwood, Outer Wilds, Factorio, and Assassin's Creed II "steamslop"
easy to say when you're set for life lol
also devs who say this always use the loophole of just saying it was a publisher decision later on
Eric is just one man. He has almost no costs involved. He has no profit margins he needs to keep, he has no stock holders to impress.
He can swear whatever the fuck he likes. He can swear he'll piss 90% of his earnings into a bucket and set it alight and it won't matter.

Now, a game corporation, they aren't so lucky. If their game isn't earning money then they simply can't update it without asking for more money. What, do they think they'll get more sales? If they don't get more sales then they go bankrupt whilst Gaben takes all of their money.
>doesn't swear by almighty God
Can't trust the word of an atheist
>advocating using the Lord's name in vain
I despise you
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i thought my game was bad, but compared to yours, mine is a top-tier design masterpiece,
take that!
ivy please post yomi steam stats and totally humiliates us all... pleeeeease
No those are steamsloplikes
swearing by a kike on a stick is certainly a lot less powerful than putting your own name on the table
I think that he should donate a million or so to help me make my game.
him drawn by blackwhiplash
What's even more stupid is that free content updates are a commonly used business strategy already. For most businesses, you make more money from brand new purchases generated from the attention of the content update than you would from a paid content update. Paid content updates only make business sense if you're so massive (or deluded enough to think you're so massive) that you've already hit market saturation and can't get new buyers, and for context, remember that even Valve doesn't think it's big enough for that and always uses free content updates.

But, you, know, the wholesome solodev meme or whatever.
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I'm surprised he claims he's been personally working on the port, thought he always said that porting he's beyond his capabilities as a programmer and he hires people for that

Unless he means he's been directly overseeing someone else's job.
>ivy please post yomi steam stats and totally humiliates us all... pleeeeease
hating those very big and too interactive menus you're making, just my piece of feedback

What the fuck that post doesn't exist
The recent big free update got the stardew max number of players to a record all time high yes, but it's also true that Eric could very easily squeeze so much more money from his audience and they would be happy to pay
The trader is hot, hope to see porn of him
As big as Eric's audience may be, especially compared to the 0-100 audience types like us, it's nowhere near big enough for Eric to make more from squeezing the existing audience than from growing the audience. Unless you think Eric is somehow bigger than fucking Valve.
mouthbreathers use godot
30+ million copies isn't big enough?
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Tynanbros we're catching strays in the Stardew r*dd*t
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Leaked eric discord convos. Fascinating look into his mindset.
Get yourself a Shabbos goy who will do all the work on your game for you.
i don't get why godot doesn't have get_children_in_group
pogookian please go, your smear campaign didnt work
No. Team Fortress 2 has an estimated +80 million sold, and never once had a paid content update, because it was always more profitable to get new buyers.
If Stardew Valley had a big paid expansion pack that would make me think "woah there's a lot of new content, it's an entire expansion, I should try that!"
if it's just a free update, it doesn't feel that substantial.
Only SceneTree maintains a group dictionary lookup. Individual nodes need to iteratively check for their children's groups.
>he doesn't understand the virtual hat economy and the insane profits it generates
Was just going to post about this >>487159863
Tynan milks the fuck out of his players
>It seems to me like you believe everyone is vulnerable and "taken advantage of" and no one is responsible for their own actions. I can't argue with you from this position. The only way to stop being vulnerable is to get hurt. Not so bad that you'd get crippled, but not so lightly that you don't flinch from pain.
>>and if society doesn't protect people from predators like you, what social contract is there?
>Now you're asking the right questions. Society has plenty of other more dangerous predators, like billionaires paying 0 taxes through loopholes and exploits, Disney and large companies changing laws as they see fit with their money, seed oil industry, Nestle draining fresh water and whatnot. I'm glad porn games are making you aware of the state of society.
and now you admit to lying and manipulating and being utterly evil. You have no honesty, and you love both doing evil and profiting from evil. You help the same entities you point out and distract with, and are well aware of it. Since you evaded the question, the conclusion is that you yourself is a child molester or someone that protects child molesters
The point is free content updates are a common and well-known business strategy that loads of businesses use, but Ericschizos will find any excuse to suck him off.
wow he's just like us frfr
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Forgot pic
sneed oils always attract the best schizos
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need more sports cars please understand
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The point is that you could get more players out of paid content than free content.
There are other advantages to the free content update business model than just audience growth, but no point getting into that here when most of us don't even have a product shipped yet.
this dude has two right hands
Bro seems like a chiller
So based tbqh, extracting maximum value from the pay piggies
>day x of reworking my code so that it is dynamic enough to process the human genome if need be
I'm not sure I'm working on a game anymore.
Tynan seems a little zesty.
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say that to my face fucker not online and see what happens
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Rimworld is the only one of the 1000+ games I played over the last 12 years that I bought after I pirated. God bless Tynan the hero of mankind
>get lean
>almost no muscle mass
>look like cancer patient
He should go on a bulk
i remember this one, i wish he could show the page about playtime specifics
i only read about halfway through before not caring anymore and he's right, dealing with retards is exhausting
then make your own engine
>americans when they see someone who isn't bloated in some way
nigga we didnt ask for your preferences in men
>posing in front of a car means he owns them
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Yall are really misguided if you think Eric is some greedy mastermind using his free update model to generate maximum profit. He just likes making people happy and feels genuinely grateful to the stardew community and wants to give back by continuing to delight them
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I will also be this way.
I want to delight people with my Rogue-like which uses a lives based system.
Kek well I guess that’s what I get for critiquing a man’s body
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How many steam reviews do I need to get a gf that look like this?
he just needs to be honest about his sports car collection and huge private lake.
0. You just need to not be repulsive.
those games have been released before steamslop existed
And you're misguided if you think Eric is somehow special for using a free update model when loads of other businesses do it.
Chad has ZERO games and has a gf that looks like that.
looks like a normal girl, I prefer more of a fox-like face from my women.

I basically want a gigantic tall Amazonian red haired woman with a wolf-like face.
The woman you linked is too much of a pipsqueak.
if I release on my own site, would my game be cracked and then just hosted on some file site?

I'd have to basically do a Minecraft where I make people authenticate via an account right? It just has to be that way right?
i think the best way to cure perfectionism is just treating something as a job. in a job you are just supposed to put in some work each day, consistently. it doesn't matter so much if what you do is perfect, it just matters that you do your job and that it just werks.
perfectionism is when you sit in your room all day waiting for the perfect idea, the perfect moment, trying to make the perfect product (and then getting mad when nobody is asking for it)
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Losers stay mad while I keep collecting checks, slaying poon and driving sports cars
true, but also don't just ignore the fact that eric made 200 million dollars with his game and when you're in a dreamlike-perfect situation it's way easy to have impeccable morals

The little grid on the top right displays items according to their category.
Well I did it, at least for one kind of condition I might want to look for.
being mildly funny and sociable is the way to get girls, ma guys, that's all. not saying it's easy, specially for weirdos like us
where do I post progress if I'm tired of interacting with the subhumans here (not all of you, there are some actually nice people)
Wrong one but who will notice
nah, i'd just waste time reinventing the wheel instead of working on actual gameplay and content.
graphics programming discord
Buy a fedora and start posting on r/atheism
if you think about it, vampire survivors is the best game of the last decade.
pure gameplay, no moviegame bullshit.
I'm not an enginedev
>t. subhuman
for you? 5000. go get her, boss.
discord is the epitome of rumination and stewing.
It's complete slop.
Stay here.
doesn't matter, graphics programming is full of cool people
you could also try finding an actual gamedev forum or so. or find other discords.
really only makes sense to come here for controversial takes or shitposting. if this is your only community you interact with i seriously feel sorry for you. i really mean it. it's sad.
It made like 50 million dollars so that checks out
there's no wheel.
You just build what you need for your specific purposes and build lean.

You don't have to build a full featured GUI bloatgine shitbucket that anyone can use.
you seriously have reading comprehension problems
i didn't say he should turn his passion project into a machine for making money
i said he needs money TO be able to pursue his passion and not starve
>authenticate with account
Only do that if you have online functionality that actually needs a login. Otherwise just forget it and let crackers crack it.
I know, I've been there, but it's not like this place is any better.
>actual gamedev forum
Forums are dead. Tigsource used to be good when it was alive.
>a walking simulator as game of the decade
sure anon
Is there something like RPG Maker, with simple to use map/character/database editors, but with actual code for scripting logic instead of using menus? Like, say, RPG in a Box for Godot, except with old-school sprite system instead of voxels? Or would the only real choice be building something like that on my own on top of Godot/SDL/libGDX/whatever? Which I don't fancy due to the time investment required, but if that's the only choice...
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peripeteia seems to have found a bug in the matrix, why the fuck is this game so popular, I've never seen a followers graph with such constant climb
i mean come on
This is impossible for me. Making a successsful game is my last hope.
It's a procrastination technique to avoid working on Haunted Chocolatier
maybe find youtuber discords or so. dont try to find the perfect one, maybe just check several out. if you like socializing, then invest some time finding good places. and don't listen to the shizo crabs here.
sounds self destructive.
>"woah dude Eric didn't charge for his updates, he's such a cool guy"
>meanwhile the guy who made Dwarf Fortress releasing free updates for his game for the past 20 years
So it was Chris Zuwolaski who made this? We have like 2 or 3 anons here who've made 3+ games. Not just some small game they put on itch, but literally paid the $100 steam fee. None of them have made it.

>Icehelm, 6 games
>Egg Drop dev, 4 games
>Yokcos, 5 games (+1 new game not on Steam, a coom game)
>Derevotyan, 8 games but that includes unreleased stuff
>Heartfelt Games, 3 games. 3rd one currently in production and looks like it might make him rich
>Tjern 5 games. An anon who posted his game long ago in demo day. Currently 5th one in production
>why is an immersive sim Deus Ex clone so popular even tho Deus Ex is still the greatest game of all time
Yeah, I guess I'll have to find one myself. If people are still posting here it's because they haven't found another place.
The biggest gain out of RPGM is the character creator, and unfortunately that's only licensed to be used with RPGM. You can piecewise assemble all the other main features of RPGM into Godot or whatever.
almost v1.0!
There is though. Unlike a game wuth a beautiful women where a coomer might just go out of his way to lust after her, a coom game is intended on causing one to lust and therefore sin. Therefore I cannot make a coom game, doesn't matter how rich I could get off it.
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>writes zesty black male characters
why does eric hate black men?
i especially come here when i want to say negative or toxic things or when i want to vent. so i can behave well in the discords.
I know it's popular and quirky / edgy to down this place for many, but I love it here.

Discord is a big shit heap. This is nice. I've never stuck around with any discords for game dev, only stuck around here, and I intend keep this place close.
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>have enemy state
>it sends a signal when x enters a range
>don't want it to spam signals
What do?
>add shut_up timer?
>add shut_up flag that gets trigged if the enemy body ignores the state?
>something else?
I feel like setting a flag if the body does not acknowledge the signal, and use the timer otherwise.
But at the same time it seems a bit much to add timers to everchanging states.
Even if I find somewhere else I will keep posting here.
ugh.... * creaks in seat. Belches * gonna answer some questions on disdcord..... as the chat goes fast and speeds by .... ugh.... . i'm gonna send a private message.....
ugh... electron...
Discord is garbage. Most unaesthetic environment online.
Yeah, you can certainly do that, but it's an O(n) call, while SceneTree.get_nodes_in_group() is an O(1) call, since it's just a dictionary lookup. It doesn't matter if you're calling it in a place where you know it'll won't have too many children, but the SceneTree is meant to handle tens or even hundreds of thousands of nodes.
There are cracked versions of minecraft too. Authentication only prevents piracy for online games/features
>thought I'd make some progress today
>ended up just gooning for 2 hours instead of working on my game
Just how do you avoid this?
Statistically, black men are the most likely race to be gay, so he's simply being factually correct.
I usually buy games I want to play, Rimworld is a game I fully intend on pirating and not giving a single dime to a dev fucker
electron and everything like it should be illegal

toggle the relevant bit in the collision mask when the range boundary is crossed
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>find a text file on my desktop
>written in january
>read it
yeah it's fine where i'm using it. not too many children to check, and only called once in _ready
So, how did the release go?
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Never in my life would I play a game that looks like this, even if it was a zeldalike with a beautiful story and handmade level design
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Well, show us the steam build
dumbass this is the most revolutionary game of probably the last 10 years
Baby Tromso Moment
it unironically stands for everything I despise in videogames
That's undertale you're thinking of
Which anon? Wheres the post?

Nta but some games are outright missing from the lists. Iirc there are 2 games currently missing, one of whichwas definitely on there, Shinobi Saga, which ended up disappearing from the one it was on. I cant remember the other but I don't think the other ever got listed.
Horror game?
No, no.
I'm making a Terror game.
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If you feel like going on a year long yak shave adventure permanent 10x dev speed buff if you win, the answer is FRP
You do you but I prefer horror games.
People don't play Rimworld for the graphics, it's basically the same crowd that plays Dwarf Fortress, obsessed simulator fans. Which I can totally understand, I do have a thing for that to an extent, though a better coat of paint is always nice of course. Where are all of the cute anime 2D colony/survival simulators...
Kek just like my plans of having my game done by early or mid 2022.......it was nowhere near completion. Still isn't done......
just played marmoreal.demo. wanted to leave a review but couldn't. was very excited until i noticed the demo has been out since 2021
im holding my heart
Imagine putting graphics over gameplay
I thought everyone here were game devs
0.10 would like to have a word with you
rimworld was kept alive by its high modability.
ugly graphics? install some anime girl graphics!
it's that easy, apparently.
the gameplay loop is getting stale though, and the devs know it, since the last dlc was kinda bad.
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he just can't stop winning
>tfw you didn't start at v0.01
Anon's must make it v0.91
I want to create a situation with no release, you know what I'm saying? Where the terror stretches on and on, and the finality of the horror, the scare, is always right there, but it doesn't come.
Stressmaxing, basically.
sucks to be you. I'm sorry you'll never enjoy a game like ss13
>releasing a fully featured and polished game as v0.0.1 to show your ambitions are otherworldly
>Aggydaggy sissies seething at Rimworld's success
Truly a case of crabs in the bucket
I get it. I just like the feeling of stomach churning horror so terror feels a bit like blueballing to me.
it's just the ericschizo, he lashes out and attacks everyone that isn't eric
>toggle the relevant bit in the collision mask
This sounds the most optimal for my case, thanks
This is usually what I go for yeah, but this state machine stuff is frying my brain.
>This is usually what I go for yeah
Really? Do explain. There is the watered down reactive programming but very few implementations of raw FRP
Is that an Harry potter necklace? cringe
I have ascended. I feel like a completely new gamedev now.
My workflow has become an extension of myself. We are one.
Progress is effortless.
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Idk looks like you need at least 1000 reviews. A mildly popular game to really get her attention.

With that said, how many reviews do I need to get a gf like this? Except with big boobs. 5000 reviews on my game? How hard is making such a game anyways?
whoa, wtf, this game costs 35 bucks without expansion packs? A glorified flash game for that kind of money? Ooof, someone bought it?
For real brother, who buys games that don't respect their players, like I guess it's ok to charge 5 bucks for it but it has no appeal. If a game costs that much it should AT LEAST respect players by hiring some real artists that prepare nice graphics. This is lousy, very lousy. Is tynan that cheap? Can't he hire one malnourished artist to make his game look better? That guy drives a ferrari?
>116 bucks with all expansions
I'm truly out of words
idk how you all like women with such weak jaws.
I want a big Amazonian wolf faced red head with a strong jaw.
Cracked minecraft is a thing because it's super easy to download the files from the official servers without authentication.
>lethal company sold 13 million units
>nobody worships the dev since he's a gay furry
Thread Theme
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Going to make a variant of tic tac toe in godot.

I aint making gay movie shit like JayPIgGys or FPS or zelda clones and waste months on something that nobody gives a shit.
If I do 'combinable DLC' would it be pretty good?

Like , every expansion is standalone, and they also all combine.

I'm thinking of something here but damn is it risky and scary.
Anons here don't like Tynan he notoriously doesn't understand why his game is a success, but tries to peddle his game design book anyways. Rimworld has two primary audiences: lower IQ women and children who play it like the "story generator" that Tynan wants his game to be and higher IQ gamers who try to play it like a simulation game, with the later being the larger audience, but Tynan himself primarily caters to the former while actively working against the later. Anons on agdg almost exclusively fall into the later category.
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Took a surprisingly long time to get it so examining potions shows their properties, mostly because I didn't realize I needed to enable "fit content" on the richtextlabel in the vbox. Fucking why do I need to do that, otherwise the size is 0.0001 nanometers The code is a nightmare at this point, but considering I won't be working on this for more than 2 more months at max, the time I spend making my horrible code work is probably less than the time I would spend rewriting things to make them better. Anyway, potions are now working, both the brewing and the selling / examining them in inventory. Maybe a waifu who asks you to brew a specific potion as a quest would be fun.

blorb it up
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Have I ever told you about my amazing game design book?
>he doesnt have a bunch of people gossiping about his personal life
lucky guy
>play it like the "story generator" that Tynan wants his game to be

This is the thing that genuinely confounds me.

>copy dwarf fortress, a game that is truly a story generator, where it's not about winning or losing but generating a story
>turn it into a game where it IS about winning or losing, and the game forces you to play in a specific way if you want to have any story other than "there were a lot of guys who attacked the colony, they killed the colonists"
>repeatedly market your game as a story generator, even though 90% of the game's systems are more suitable for a gameplay focused game rather than a story generator
Minesweeper + Tower Defense
You take that back, that tennis girl has a lot of what I want.

How well could this sell? If most people quit before getting too far due to stress then maybe they'll shill it as as being super terrifying giving it foty status as people try to flock to play it and beat it.
my game will be a story generator
she has prey eyes, but if you enjoy it then you enjoy it.

my personal preference for women is positive or neutral canthal tilt with strong jaw, strong nose point, and at least 5ft 8 inches tall.
Not the Tynan fanboy but yeah the guy just copied Dwarf Fortress that's about it and in my eyes is why he succeeded. But with limited content by comparison. The "story" from what I briefly saw turned me off from buying it.
what is the godot equivalent of OverlapSphere?
my game will be a generator
You sound like you'd like pic related. She's a redhead as well, but idk if you'll like her personality lol.
however reviews it takes for you to look like this >>487163628
any woman is tameable
Combine two agdg games to get a better game
>Ero Towers
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>9,498 backers pledged CA$ 268,132 to help bring this project to life.

>Why Kickstarter? The game needs things that I can't do, that means audio and art.
So considering Rimworld still has the same type of absolute garbage art from his prototypes does that mean he spent $270,000 on a musician?
If I even said the 2 games I am combining, it'd basically be a mass rush of people in /agdg/ scrambling to make the game.

I know I really have something unique on my hands. It's breaking my heart a bit thinking about just how beautiful this game is.
The right way is to create an Area3D node with a sphere CollisionShape3D, but if you really must form a direct query, you have to do it through PhysicsDirectSpaceState3D.intersect_shape, which I strongly recommend against doing unless you really know what you're doing.
>open world monster tamer game
>it is a dating sim with modern day women
Risk of Project Rainman

Looks cool, you guys know this?
Schizophrenic delusions of grandeur, you will never release a game or move out of your mom’s basement by the way
Baby Orwell moment
virus link
I’m right tho
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the moment you play my game you're gonna be like: Daaaaaaayyyyyyum dis whiteboy can cook yo!!
Project blorbtubel
learning something is the most useless activity you could ever do. you'll just sit on your skills and wonder wtf to do with them.
learning by doing is something else. it's not just a useless exercise.
Who cares if he copied DF? It would be better if he actually did. The game is more like The Sims, but in space and with organ harvesting.

The problem with the game is that the recommended "storyteller" actively punishes players for playing well, and actively rewards players for playing poorly. This is great for bad, careless players, but to simulation game players, it turns into "Wow you managed to handle that really hard raid without any casualties? That wasn't supposed to happen. Well, I guess your entire town is going to have to suffer from a spontaneous incurable disease for the next 2 months."
Your game is about cooking?
You got that right. For me it's Mimosa, short stack and a doter, even has the mommy gf aesthetic, ;_; why cant she be real?

Can you at least tell us what one of the games is? Are you working on said idea or saving it for later?
Yes, I don't see the problem.
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I've said this before and I'll say this again: the most dreaded moment of my future is the time when my game starts slowly seeping into the letsplayersphere and the blackest gorilla nigger you've ever seen does a let's play and he just goes "naaaah bro, this shits slaps tho"
sure, where's the pdf so I can download it?
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I - ... can't cook (videogames)
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I can't wait to do nothing with these $30 ideas
he ran with the money all the way to his bank account
>makes dwarf fortress
This but it's like Pokemon GO
The "story" is what turned me off the most, I didn't like the idea of the AI storyteller screwing me over, over time. Or risking the other story teller that's just completely random on the difficulty. But cloning dwarf fortress certainly helped it's reach imho. But kek if he thinks the "story" is what made it. It looks non existent and solely to keep the player on his toes.
Is video games development backend or frontend?
I think I need to define a day of the week to work on lore, one to work on art, one to work on code, etc.
it's only $26 dollars, throw a struggling game developer some coin
>Area3D node with a sphere CollisionShape3D
yeah but is there a function returns a list of colliders?
i literally cannot find anything about this online
Pretty sure the class advice of making your steam page as soon as possible is outdated and detrimental now. I keep encountering stories of two things that lead me to this conclusion:
1)Stories of people who did this, got a ton of traffic to their page after putting it up, but very few wishlists because their game was too early in development to look good. So it looks like steam is giving a substantial marketing push to new pages, and if your game page isn't firing on all cylinders, that free marketing will be completely wasted
2) This leads to the second point, that steam reviewers seem to be pushing for a more complete page before publishing. I've seen more and more accounts of steam reviewers pushing for a trailer to be made or for a developer to polish up aspects of their page before publishing it. This leads me to believe that if a steam reviewer thinks your game has monetary potential, they'll push you to make your page look really good before publishing because they plan to push a lot of traffic your way.
Everything has a front a back.
You could go in the wild and survive off off these books. The experience should be inspiring.
Technically your own salary counts towards the funds. Which is why I don't understand why some people don't ask for more. $10k, $30k, $50k, all too little. If I'm going to dev on this game for 2 years that cost is going to include a salary for myself, costs for the game, and some profit. Considering taxes and kickstarters cut I'd have to request at least $150k. Increase that by 75k for each additional year I expect for development.
>i literally cannot find anything about this online
Where the hell are you looking?
Area3D.get_overlapping_areas ( )
Area3D.get_overlapping_bodies ( )
>they got this gaaaym ahh man if you drink for people if you drink beer and get drunk or smoke weed and get high
but it could also be this
See >>487125919
tynan worked very hard to write his amazing book, he deserves compensation
thanks for the spoodfeed bucko
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Even for art, the full-page plates look really nice and can be a great reference.
While it's mostly a data dump, there's a few neat facts in there too. For example, fungi are genetically more similar to animals than to plants, or that mycotoxins are classified based on their mechanism of action (eg mRNA cell disruption, asphyxiation, etc)
Kek'd. DMCA him via copyright takedown notice, dont answer any twitter people who ask why you're doing it.
Wow I can't believe he would risk jeopardizing the honor of the entire Pepperoni family just like that
No you're not.
I'm going to be among the /agdg/ devs here who literally become huge names in the Indie space during the Indie Renaissance.
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why does he keep going back?
You don’t have a game. You don’t have any skills. You are a larping schizo
But breaking such an oath does nothing to his family name. A few gamers might get mad but otherwise what does this even do?
Should I work on my game or goon again
I'm working on the idea.
One of the games is Dwarf Fortress.
It's more than 2 games, and if I tell you the others it's going to explode this general probably.

It's such a unique idea.
I don't know where to ask but /agdg/ sounds like the right place.

I would like to make a small game that would have some few thousands entities in a 2D map ala CDDA. With a focus on performance but with a not cancer GUI. What libraries are recommended?
I was thinking of bashing together something with SDL and imGUI or SMFL.
He never said he had any of that
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at least it wasn't a job interview
>I want CDDA with a better gui
Maybe just make a mod for CDDA it's open source isn't it?
start with pong
>nodevs whiteknighting for other schizo nodevs instead of just, like, making game
You know you've made it when you get this. Goals.
Kek. I want to milk my playerbase of their money too. Why leave that money on the table? I'd rather have that then a few seconds of them praising me for free content updates only to go buy a bunch of DLC in another game and praise it as well.
alright guys, need some advice here.
I don't want to be releasing a bunch of paid expansions, but I like the idea of "Categorized and separate content packs"

So maybe I just have my game be early access and have each major update be very themed?
it's an italian thing, white "people" wouldn't understand
Why do you need infinite money? Wouldn't you prefer your game to be accessible to as many people as possible once you're set for life? Isn't that everyone's goal?
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How do you design open world maps without every map just becoming a big oval?
>tfw gave someone bad advice again
>tfw talked someone into procrastinating on working on their game again
Feels good man, remember to always do something to break down the competition
I correct people that are wrong as a community service. You're welcome.
don't worry. It will never happen anyway.
You know Im stsrting to think its that southeast asian fag posting these. He has a trackable history of being an asshole online so why did Eric even hire him? You dont even need a background check considering how easy of a trail that loser left with a reputation that's easy to see or at least that one post I came about during that brief search I did
damnit, this settles it. I have to do free updates now and free dlc don't I?
What kind of game are you making?
Use verticality when placing POIs
>Maybe just make a mod for CDDA it's open source isn't it?
Would need to fork and strip a lot of stuff and review everything for minimum waste of CPU cycles. Current CDDA runs like shit once you have a few NPCs and a pile of loot.
lol, I can see he has a background in marketing - creative solution, perfect execution and on top of that, made them all suspicious of job offers. I bet he 'casually' mentioned it to make them all furious.
Outstanding move
>yes, honey, I'm going to the automobile shop for my shift. I'm going to milk customers for their money by repairing their cars and doing a good job. I'm such an evil, despicable villain. Okay bye love you
You can have free dlc
What is this in relation to?
>I'm going to milk customers for their money by repairing their cars and
>doing a good job
You just know he'll replace working elements from your car with used ones, then charge you double when they finally break.
around mechanics never relaxics
monclone but porn
how would it work?
>he has a background in marketing
Yeah, but irrelevant. He developed his reddit power-mod personality because he owns a 100k+ member discord server.
And you think making it from scratch by yourself would be easier?
imagine touching public rails. there's probably fecal matter in there
I don't think he'd have that server if he didn't have that background so very much relevant
moncurse but porn
Isekai Slave Harem Rance-like
unironically based, the godot discord is an awful place to get answers, /agdg/ is 10x better
also you can probably tell that it's a shit job offering based on the poster but you never know
Ive seen what the typical gamer is like. Id rather just take their money seeing how stubborn and demanding they are. Once I have the golden apple tree each apple will be dangled in front, for a price. Sure there are few who genuinely love the game but many are just the demanding type who screech over every little thing while demanding a low price. Now that the tables have turned I can make the demands of how much they pay to get the DLC or if they get it for free.
Noticed GOG Galaxy has a 2.0 coming out soon which puts its features a bit closer to Valve parity, but it's still far off in many ways. It makes me wonder why, having historically offered so much less to the developer/publisher than Valve, they haven't offered a marginally better profit share instead of matching Valve's 30% take like they do. What's the incentive for any party to prefer GOG over Steam?

2.0 legitimately looks like its worth using as a consumer, but I'm still directed to storefronts by where the games are prioritized—which will still be Steam because it still offers more to devs. This would be the perfect time to adjust their take to 25%—it's not like CDPR is destitute or anything, they can take the upfront losses to incentivize long-term growth, right?
He looks like he licks hands afterwards
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look up geometric patterns from shit like arabic art and sacred geomety.
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Yesterday people were wondering why Galaia failed, well i'm doing my research out here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oah1cKtExbs)
It seems the reasons are:
very repetitive rooms,
very repetitive enemies (they're all the same really)
in a 30-minute run, you unlock 50% of relics (pathetic)
the screen where you choose your new abilities is so annoying; in 5 minutes, you realize that you'll see the same old crap over and over again - megashot, damage, fire rate, range, that's about it, wow, exciting!!!
In a genre where replayability is king, they seem to have ignored the quality of their replayability
basically, they got a genre where it's easier to create content for, but didn't create the content, the experience is very underwhelming, and anyone with a brain would detect that, i guess the devs are art monkeys
anything else to add?
I'm pretty sure the last time I went to my dealer they put in an old air filter into my cabin and they sent me pictures of my engine filter which looked fine except for one thumb sized black grease smudge from the tech touching it with his dirty hands and then told me I needed them changed. The engine filter is rated for 50,000km and my car was barely at 30.
>What's the incentive for any party to prefer GOG over Steam?
you actually owning the game
everyone tries to fuck you one way or another
Yeah. I can see, it's looking pretty repetitive already. So it's a lack of content.
More content = more sales. You could say:
>Originality/Novelty/Marketableconcept * Content = Sales

Wouldn't be surprised if they're using unreal assets and they can't easily get more of the same theme.
but as a dev you don't gain anything extra
steam at least has regional pricing
GOG has much worse offers for me
not shocking, pricing a game that looks like that only 5 dollars signals that it has barely any content
it's not like your game has to be exclusive to either platform
Pokemon but you make the pokemon fuck instead of fight and/or you fuck them outside of fights. I'm surprised it hasn't been done before, there's money waiting to be made.
Gamedev is insane. I hate it.
Desire to an hero growing with each passing day of frustration and failure.
So you just want to get a kick from torturing peasants, got it.
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GOG! 25% or I won't put it there! Your loss (time is ticking)
Watching the video makes me feel like anything I choose have no impact at all, that slay the spire screen gives that feel, the ability screen also, the enemies having the exact same AI which is basically just spawning their pattern of bullets. I think for this kind of game, it would probably be better not to promote, because people would see the videos be 100% sure to ignore it, saying the game has underwhelming gameplay is an understatement

Such a shame, beautiful assets wasted with terrible gameplay
Steamworks DRM is entirely optional, you can have DRM free games on Steam.
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this summary page is neat
shame that there seems to be a lot of jank /readability issues. have to wonder why a game like necrovale makes it decent but this doesn't, perhaps necrovale is just more readable and looks a bit more aesthetically distinct (even if I hound the dev to add more art detail)
>beautiful assets
they look like your typical unity asset flip 101
Most people don't care about that when there's so much platform investment already. For many people friends being on Steam and the features around that is important. The family-sharing and remote-play options are huge draws. Few people in the grand scheme think about the benefit of DRM-free when shopping places like Steam—proven by their historic lack of audience pull with that as their main, unique selling feature over Steam.

And, importantly, as I've noted, if I'm an indie dev why the FUCK would I be looking at GOG when Steam's reach and platform support for early development dwarfs it? Early in 1.0 launch, why would I ever risk my game more quickly going up on pirate sites? As a publisher, why would I want that lack of DRM either?
You disgust me
Into the Necrovale
>Average playtime: 9.3h

>Average playtime: 1.5h

Gee I wonder why. Complete mystery. Some retards might even all it a
How the fuck do I design an engaging roguelite
Into the Necrovale looks obviously better than Galaia. Damn, this must really just be some sort of sense that you have to develop if you don't see it.

Galalia looks boring and lifeless.
Right now, my Dream Game™ is to make a spiritual successor to an old dungeon crawler called Mordor: the Depths of Dejenol and also expand it and add additional mechanics beyond the dungeon. Other inspirations include any roguelike and a game called Sorcerer's Cave.

Early on, you'd make whatever minmax/meme character/party you want, explore the dungeon, gain strength, level up, great. Because crawlers tend to be grindy, I would like to have a way to easily automate party AI (think FF12 gambits). So then once you've established yourself, you can make a party that explores and grinds automatically; it's now shifted from micromanaging the party to scaling up your resources.

At this point, you could configure a second party to farm the upper floors automatically (since you know what to expect/optimize for) while your main one continues manual exploration. Maybe you'll visit other dungeons or regions with your main party at this point. From here, it would start to have mild 4X elements, with simulated economies and regions. My thought is that you could tag different nodes within a dungeon that produce X special resource per week, which you could then use to upgrade towns, eg better guild halls (more xp% or raised level caps) or faster healing, better trade ranges, more goods, more products for supply/demand, that sort of thing.

>everyone tries to fuck you one way or another
It's not that they're trying to fuck you over per se, it's more that they're looking out for their own best interests. If they can cut corners, they can. After all, it's their own wellbeing over your own.
Make a roguelike instead
guys, I'm making a rogue-like with lives.
I can't, it's an FPS at its base. And no I'm not cosmic call dev.
VS has lives
noooooooooooo it's pure RNG how long players spend on your grindfest!!
I'm making a way different game than VS
Alright, you're right. I can't do it. I'm sorry for wasting everyone's time.
Cube Chaos has lives
Isaac has lives
Chimera King has lives
Balatro has Mr. Bones
Ok but I'm making a completely different game than all of those games.
Why would being an FPS stop a game from being a rougelike? And why would a roguelite be so different?
Why? I'm just laying-out market realities. This doesn't reflect my view; I'm working on a passionate project that I'm going to put up on itch because I hate money apparently :^)
Roguelikes are turn-based.
Yeah I assume the same of dealerships but I also assume theyre more likely to paly it right. Shame they are now not alllwing 10+ year old cars. Kek they really want you to buy the newer stuff while leaving you cars too heavily integrates with tech that likely makes it hard to find a mechanic that can fix it.

This. Why put more effort for less customers? Im not porting to Linux so why would I trouble myself over managing another storefront page? I'd probably still do it since it's probably more sales than even Linux would giveme on Steam kek.

But doesnt Steam forcibly launch itself open to even just play the game unless you go on offline mode but then it needs to eventually connect iirc
Apology accepted. See you tomorrow.
Going well outside a weird bug or two. I decided to do stuff like change the light intensity for some stuff which makes things look a lot better and more horror like. Not sure if I will keep one setting or not or I will change it, but sometimes enemies will only appear half way in the light or will actively hide in the darkness, when it is suppose to be almost right in front of the player.
oh I'm making a non turn based rogue-like.
>But doesnt Steam forcibly launch itself open to even just play the game unless you go on offline mode but then it needs to eventually connect iirc
Only if the game itself is setup to require Steam. Developers have the option to just let the executable run without Steam.
holy ngmi
You fags are gonna seethe so hard when my “asset flip” has more soul than anything you’ve ever made in your life
IQ filtered. Thanks for playing
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that moment when you realize you may be making an entirely new fuggin subgenre.....

/v/ros.... this is going to be heckin' epic....
pic rel is my secret wife.
those are just the first ones I thought of, the only game I didn't mention was Rogue Legacy and even then I don't remember for sure it might do

if you think about it, dicey dungeons slay the spire any other health-based roguelike is also just lives.
I've got even more on my wishlist I could list that use health.
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I will make a porn game
the pedophiles madodev (develops pedophilic Ero Dungeon), eric barone, froggygreen/frosch, schizo auragamedev/tyrfingex/sascha müller oranienstrasse 5 52066 aachen (develops Star Knightess Aura) and horbror/horgrunt (develops Dreams of Joy Departed) should kill themselves
I mean lives as in, like super mario.
You can gain lives through play and lose lives.
So it's a bit of a tug-o-war rogue-like.
If you're really good, you can get more lives.
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powerup concept in unity
>touch powerup
>game manager chooses powerup(they're random like mario cart)
>powerup gets assigned to the player object
>powerup initializes. if there's a powerup of this type already, inform it and destroy itself
>create whatever effect you're supposed to create
>destroy yourself at the end of the effect(or whenever you're used up)
good? bad? i feel like i'd follow more of a composition route instead of some sort of "BaseEffectClass effect" field on the player directly
desu unrelated
I'm about to add mixels to my game
May God forgive me
Oh, so Super Mario Maker's 100 mario or its 2's endless mode.

Glorifying obesity is a quintessentially American phenomenon. Almost as American as glorifying niggers.
That's nice. Now make it tie into other mechanics: perhaps it lowers your sanity or stats permanently, or increases corruption or something, so you have a strong incentive to not use it, but still interact with other mechanics
What is the game? Asking for a friend.
funny that I have to actually add Super Mario games to my list of games to study now.


I think I'm going to handle lives through an IC angel of death type of character.
And you can talk with him during the interim of life gain/loss to ponder what just occurred.
Keep writing more game design documents, go back to the drawing board. Sketch out and outline all possible options, think about all of the pros and cons. Spend a long time doing this, really just iron everything out and leave no stone unturned. Basically what I’m saying is you should do anything besides just, like, making game. That’s the best way to make a game, by actually not making it at all
game about a baby anthro cat man in a suit who is overworked and keeps saying " I think I'm gonna keel over soon... "

thank me later.
oh btw, it's a Conker's Bad Fur Day Spiritual successor. So the baby anthro cat man gets into a misadventure. He also has various gadgets in his briefcase.

Not an anime cat, an N64 cat man.

Anyone who wants to make it, can.
Thank me later.
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cool story bro, but what does that have to do with me?
Would CBFD be a viable game today? It was one of the best 3rd person shooters of its era, but there are so many better ones now.
BROOOOOOOOOOOS! My time travel attempt was a success! I am now the original creator of Stardew Valley. Released it 5 years before the other guy even started development.
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This guy has nortubel tier drawings but he still has 75k followers on twitter. Step your game up fellas, it's really all about your (game's) personality.
He makes more money than people in this thread from merchandise of his characters too.
My game's vision and passion is just too perfect and it threatens people into hating it for no reason. alas, the life of an auteur.

golden eyed big titty gf wen!
You're misunderstanding the graph. 38,065 game developers' first game was so successful they never had to work on another game ever.
One other thing I want to elaborate on. Sorcerer's Cave was originally a card/board game, so it has certain interactions. An encounter there has several creatures and treasures. For example, Lotus Powder immediately puts an enemy unit to sleep, effectively killing them before combat even happens. That's the sort of thing I want to have, precombat interactions, and multiple ways to achieve the same goals.

You could play some kind of build where you poison enemies; in combat, you could go with a rogue or assassin that applies DoT effects with skills or attacks. Maybe it's an item-based build that poisons them with diplomatic interactions. How do you get your poisons? Perhaps you have a foraging skill that lets you acquire herbs yourself. Maybe you help develop the nearest town (light woodland) so that it has a hedge-wizard or apothecary that you can buy some mixtures cheaply. Maybe it's a coastal town with a good import network and you have access to expensive, exotic poisons (which requires more money, which means you'll be finding more creative ways to afford it). Based on your build choices and how you approach things, this can drive how you interact and develop the game world/economy.

It's not going to be simulated like Dwarf Fortress, but I want to create multiple play styles and pathways to get the same thing done.

And speaking of precombat things, encounters would have a "reaction" modifier. For example, goblins might have a +30 hostile reaction to females (predatory), or solo characters (easy prey), and have a -30 hostility to certain religious symbols (their war gods) or same race. In this way, even though the mechanics would be hidden from the player, certain encounters would have a certain "feel" to them, and they might be surprised when they approach things slightly differently.

Building on that theme, the skill system would be more freeform. You're an archer that dabbled in fire magic? Cool, you probably know how to cast Fire Arrow now.
bro, I said cat in a suit. And also those graphics are pure slop coco lemon tier.

Bro, I mean N64 Low poly grit.
I hope all those new devs jumping into gamedev on youtube speedrun their first and second official game. Would be nice if there were more videos dissuading people from entering gamedev rather than all the videos that keep appearing about
>i'm making my dream game!!!!! (some of which are games I'd never even dream of making)
>i'm giving up on game dev!? (not really just click bait and hopium)
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But I don't have a personality
>$990.70 in patreonbux
Not enough to live. That's not even $6 an hour.
literally my face when I make it
>xananax [he/him]
>that message

I am baffled. Years ago it would have been extreme satire. I'm stunned not because of this dude, but because somewhere it means a formula exists making any extreme satire a certain future.

It's contemplating the fact that thoughts, no matter how extreme, can have a place on this earth if you live long enough.
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I fixed tic tac toe, my niggas.

I'm making a game about crafting and I have a nice mechanic thought out for the crafting part, but how do I make the ingredient gathering any fun? I was planning not to add any combat, it would just be you picking the ingredients from around the map, but the more I think about it I start to think that it's just going to feel like a chore if there's nothing else to it
I could release 10 games with that much money
As for how I'd approach skills, it'd probably be implemented with a sort of tag/attribute system tied to a knowledge system. Fire Arrow would require something like 20 Archery and 20 Fire knowledge. The skill itself would add to your Evocation/Conjuring or general magic knowledge. Some mechanism would allow you to transfer that knowledge into other areas (if you're really good at Fire magic, you probably understand the basics of Ice magic too, if you can conjure things, you can probably teleport or make things fuck off well too, etc). The overall goal would be to have your character(s) grow organically based on your choices. This may or may not be compatible with the scaling up and automation I described above

I also like the idea of displaying less information and making the player work for it. Things like specific HP levels would require some kind of anatomy/diagnosis skill, or divination magic, that sort of thing.

I know a lot of this sounds like ideaguy bait (and it mostly is), but I think it's a good idea to have specific and tangible ideas to work towards. Posting this here has forced me to consolidate and streamline a few ideas so I can express them better

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
ok make the game you want to make
>the discord tranny getting this butthurt
>you can return 2 values directly in python

Just wait until you discover Rust
can do it in C as well
in Rust you can't do that xD
well you can return a tuple i guess, same thing
In Python, it's soft typed so it's really easy to pass tuples around. You can also do this in C# with the Tuple<T1, T2, ...> structure, but it's more cumbersome. Although, if you have to return multiple values, you may want to rethink how your code is structured.

Unions, right?
That's traditional roguelikes, roguelikes are just games with proc-gen and permadeath, and roguelites are roguelikes with metaprogression.
Traditional roguelike fans tried to claim back their genre name but failed, and the mainstream has settled on these definitions.
Syntactic sugar for tuples, you can do it in any language
Is Crypt of the Necrodancer a traditional roguelike? You're forced to take a turn every N seconds. Some purists would argue it's not, because you should have as much time as you want to take a turn. However, you could argue that it IS a traditional RL, it just has a gimmick attached to it.

Modern action Roguelites are turn based as well. It's just that you're forced to take a turn 60 times a second.
>no (You)s
>no likes
>no appeal
>no money
>no job
>no girlfriend
>no chance
but I'm pushing on because what the fuck else am I gonna do?
tfw GDScript has no tuples so you have to use a dict
I don't make the game while trying to be faithful to any sort of genre convention or style.

I just mercilessly take what I think is cool from wherever I want and add it.

mid poly with modern lighting.
Rogue-like with lives and not turn-based.
Genre cucks can’t comprehend appeal chads
It's type system and expressiveness of Rust's syntax is much, much more powerful than anything in Python.
That mindset will MAYBE get you at best 1 girlfriend, one day.

and a shitload of pussy before that
keep iterating on it, maybe you discover a new interesting variant. but this definitely ain't it, seems like baby's first programming project.
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that youtube shorts thing was not a bad idea
i bought a nintendo 3ds and jailbreaked it
ocarina of time is really fun
how in the heck is someone supposed to incorporate Table top dice rolls into a 1st person melee game without it having the Morrowind problem?

I guess just base hit chance off of if the player reacts well enough to hit and then roll almost everything else?

So if you hit, then it rolls for DMG.
Traditional roguelikes should probably be determined with the Berlin Interpretation.
I don't care for the definition of "traditional roguelike", because I think a genre shouldn't have an extremely strict and complex definition, at that point you may as well call them "rogue clones" or "games heavily inspired by rogue". The suffix "-like" has come to mean "having the core characteristics of that game that sets it apart from other games".
this is a good point lol at some point you can say "It's not a Super Mario-like because it doesn't have a char with a red hat."
It's tic tac toe.
they're called roguelites.

progress: went outside for the second time this year. baby steps = )
so insane how fast time flew by.
thats the spirit
proud of you man
Rogue-lites are characterized by a meta-progression system. Every run makes subsequent runs easier.
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that's damn true
i love Rust
In the past, yeah, maybe. They tried to give that label to any game that's not similar enough to rogue, but times change.
i know one spanish dev that's making a serious professional game around tic-tac-toe. i'm just saying you could still make a proper game out of it, but you do have to think outside the box and just expanding the playing space is pretty boring.
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Plog: progged.
Thanks for reading my plog (my progress blog.)
Classic Rogue has a meta progression system, because you learn more even though the game doesn't change.
meta-progression includes harder difficulty modifiers
someone asked why i called Solitaire Battle a Balatro-like and not a roguelite and this is why
the icon is literally a crab.
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sometimes it's an urchin
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> decide to look up the project I started almost 2 years ago but abandoned soon after
> most of the work I did on it has faded out of my mind already
> open folder
> 30+ pages of small-size-font game design notes and worldbuilding written in 2 months
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Now I've lost it
I summon runaschizo to bless our upcoming OP
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I know I can grill.
anyone got the other one where he takes off the mask and puts on the hat
On a hidden miss roll, have the enemy dodge or counter the instant the sword would collide
Even with all the knowledge in the knowledge in the world, you cannot beat a game like Rogue Legacy, Hades, or VS on the first run. You must lose, send points on power, and use that power to eventually win.
Lesson learned today bros. Clear out your model's vertex data before parenting your rig with automatic weights, otherwise your export to godot could get fucked up.
good thing I'm not using troondot
gamedev is so hard
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But what does he think of Nortubel?
>"aw man, that guy's cake is way better than mine"
Please use a previous op as a template, baker. This one's broken.
>captcha: NGMTVT
this may actually solve enemy AI with involved sword play. thanks
>Never Gonna Make That Vidya, Trevor
you definitely want enemy to detect when an attack would hit ahead of time. if he starts dodging when you hit him and the dodge works that'd feel like bs.
trevor bros...
Maybe I'm not perfect after all, and I have some flaws. Yeah, that's right, my flaw is when I listen to little worms like you, trying to make my game worse on purpose with your little shit "feedback". Oops, guess I'm naive in expecting everyone to be as good and pure as I am.
thanks anon
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frog fractions but actually about fractions
>Some imagine game development as a path that we follow toward our
destination. I disagree with this image. I think it’s more like a dark forest
full of stinging monsters, waiting to inject you with anesthetic poison.
Each time you bump into one, it stings you and the poison makes you
feel warm and content. But under the surface, the stings are stealing your
vigor, dissolving you from the inside. It’s only later, as your strength runs
low and the moon clouds over, that you might realize that the pleasant
feeling you’ve enjoyed all this time wasn’t progress. It was death.
He knows us so well
it's progress log, actually
This is the final thread. We're never going to recover from all these mishaps.
huh, why did my thread get deleted?
Ha, even the mods fell for the fake thread links
Because some guy is trolling with fake links. You know what to do.
Well it's over. It's been nice hanging out with yall the last few yours

Good luck with your games
This is mapmaking 101
Select a random set of 3-5 orange tiles in a row and change one non-corner orange into green, and you made a door
I've seen this at least 2 or 3 times
Search it as "making fucking maps for dnd" and you'll get it

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