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Unfiltered childlike sovl edition

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How to WebM

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More work on the UI, implemented a system so new parameter are show automatically by the UI.

Now to create the research system.
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don't burn out
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Is this Jon Blow's way of admitting Braid was a massive flop that lost money?
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I think I'm finally reaching my 2016 drawing skill, but in low poly.
(You will never be a real game dev)
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Did a evaluation on where I'm at, and I'll be making it for DD58
>Fighting game influences
>Every single Cris game has molasses speed gameplay
me too. it will be my fifth demo day in a row.
>one billion dollars earning game OST
I can almost make that
Still looking for help with this:

got some advice earlier but anon's version produced broke triangles:
How do I make a game people want to play?
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Picked up coding last week and I came up with this
With all of the improvements Wine/Proton is getting, is there even a point in putting resources toward a native Linux release?
I'm also looking forward to a solution for this problem.
Make a game (You) want to play, and shave/garnish/polish a bit according to feedback.
If you engine has a hassle free export like godot, just take the time otherwise no.
A theme like this isn't supposed to stand on its own. It's background music, isn't it?
John? The director's board been waiting for you all day where have you been
Was so disappointed to find out this was a turn based game. Surprised how popular it is considering its complexity
It's grim, yours and I are about the same on wishlists but mine is worse on the deletion ratio. I need to improve various pics on the page.

Something odd about this one. Some stuff seems good quality in the art while others not so much. The dev is either a solodev or his artist (1 person) isn't very good at all aspects of art required so the quality is a bit varied but otherwise cohesive.
legit mad how steam localized pricing works
20$ game just cost like 6.6$ here, and I'm from a relatively stable asian country with decent enough economy
>nooo I wish I had to pay more for video games
it's a unique game, that's all
if it wasn't turn based it'd lose to all the stickman fighters that already exist
Any chance you’d be willing to post the steam page or any gameplay? I’m trying to gauge what types of games get what type of wishlists etc, if not no worries
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Working on my research system.
>The research tree is a circle like in endless space
It is composed of a mini-tree. To unlock the next tree, you must research everything in the tree.
>You have a few research teams.
>They will research everything in a mini tree automatically
>Some researchs are local to a planet and needs to be unlocked by a mission first.
>Each big circle needs a certain amount of research completed first.

Should I have a research big tree by type of research (rocketry, navigation, etc.) or jam everything in the same big tree?

Good or terrible idea?
This is already solved, just copy everything from kerbal space program. I’m not joking or crabbing, their research system is fantastic and you don’t need to change it other than maybe visuals (I like the circle research tree). Please just copy kerbal space program
I will never ever ever ever ever ever EVER pay $20 for an indie game
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Previously I had it so to prevent the guns clipping through walls, the character colliders radius would smoothly increase large enough so the gun wasn't colliding anymore. This was a fine solution, UNLESS you were in a tight corridor. The collider would grow enough so you couldn't move. Ok, so no tight corridors? But if you also did it in a door frame, you'd also get stuck. In one instance I got thrown through some of the wall geometry all together. Needed another solution. Moving the collider itself forward a bit introduced jitter when moving the camera for some reason. Settled on simply automatically stopping aiming the gun when you're too close to facing a wall instead, then re-aiming when the gun no longer has a chance of clipping through. I can't think of a situation where this would negatively impact any gameplay so I think I'll stick with this method.
>unity synty slop
Into the trash it goes
Is this really enginedev?
>dude it looks like blurry shit on purpose!!!
Are you the anon from the other day that was considering getting a visa to solodev in Sweden? The entrepreneurship visa, iirc, where you pay yourself something like $30k from savings to solodev and get away with living there as a neetdev for a few years.

Kekd would still want this as gf though. She may talk like that but she seems sincerenly in love. Why can't I have this :(
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We're trying to improve the look as some of you had problems with the style yesterday


You can also turn into a dick woman now too

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>Woah anon check this out, I found a thing that makes AI drawings, you can use them in your game!!
God bless my retarded friend
>Kekd would still want this as gf though. She may talk like that but she seems sincerenly in love. Why can't I have this :(
Probably not at this time. I'm pretty sure I'd be a laughing stock on /agdg/ if people saw my page in its current state. The pictures are very low quality. Maybe I can find a similar looking page just to give you an idea without embarassing myself.
match is 3.8x slower than the equivalent if statement
juan the fuck is going on?
Reminder to pay 'creators' to promote your empty game with nothing in it.


Also reminder to myself to downscope severely if I ever want to make it.
That's just VR people being desperate for content
Chad character design
I think people worry about their music skills too much; I'd argue making music is easier than programming.
I think music making is the hardest part of gamedev. It's not even funny how difficult it is.
Going well. Moving to starting to make level design is fun instead of only backend code. I playtested a bit and had to fix some stuff after realizing something, but overall it's going well.
Same friend:
>I typed "naked feet" and they came out with either 6 or 4 fingers...
>admitting Braid was a massive flop
90% discount after a month was the admission
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If only he had used the money to fund my game instead
That's re-release not original
He's doing another sale already? Wasn't the 90% discount during the summer sale?
i find it easy because i've been churning out music since 2005
art is hard
Nvm it was 75%
Is poison green or purple?
green if green has not been used already for health or stamina
real poison is mostly colorless
All music is just repetition. Once you figure that out, it all starts coming together.
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new skill level reached, chuds.
Usually sewage green
right click, shade by angle
Looks like some juicy fukkin systems
we already know this is the AI generated model.
Its not a new thing even though you have just seen it for the first time.
This is pretty excellent. Big fan
What do you guys think about selling a fairly high quality, unique, but short(2-4 hrs) game for $5-8? I feel like I've seen quite a few of those selling for $15-20, but it seems like it bites them in the ass. I feel like it's trendy for indies to try to sell their short games for that price range, but I've seen a lot of game that probably would have sold like hot cakes if their price point was less than $10.
It miss something on the head, like a broach or cute hat.
I wouldn't price any indie game any higher than $1 = 1hr.
GameDeving has destroyed my mind body soul connection
How well does the 'name your price' strategy work?
If you think you need to do that, your game is neither high quality nor unique.
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>You can also turn into a dick woman now too
It's finally coming together...
Playtime correlates to sales. Short playtime will make it hard to sell, low price or not.
If it's going to be a short game you need to really sell on having an avant-garde aesthetic.
Wait, you mean you, as a developer, don't have the option to opt out from letting steam set the regional prices for you? That's fucking insane. Not even mentioning the regionhoppers who buy all their games in Argentina because they're dirt cheap there. I'd rather never release at all than have my game be sold somewhere for less than what I think it's worth.
thanks for 100% of your profits. I hope it was worth the weight :)
>t. Gabe
You can manually set all the regional prices if you want, but nearly everyone just uses the default ratios.
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Today I went out and bought some plants to surround my devstation with. Anyone else Ericmaxxing to increase productivity?
Thank God. Almost thought I'm fucked over for good.
>making Indians pay the equivalent of $500 USD to play your game
Honestly, pretty based
I love u spurdodev :D
Did an evaluation last night, might not make it...
nta but i intend to set my regional prices to no less than a certain amount. not a chance i'm giving those third world nations 60% or more off all while they charge us first world rates for their games
I'm gonna stop trying to make all my visuals absolutely perfect and just add a small pixelation filter over the game you can't turn off. This will save me probably 1 year of dev time.
Sadly, price of the game is strongly associated to the length of the game I believe. No matter how "good" your game is. So, yes I think a 2-4hrs game should be <$10. Right or wrong, fair or not, it doesn't matter, this is how players see it as far as I can see. Peoples expectations get higher for 15-20$ games.
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i made a mood board for my action game's soundtrack. it's a fun little step
Keep in mind that some assholes like me with $20 games and 20+ hours of content and infinite replayability will still release under $10 because we’re trying to blow up and sell 100k copies
Please save our dying general
We need your help.
Someone anyone PLEASE.
Come to our general please we are DYING
Get the fuck away from me you freak
what the fuck do you want basement dweller?
I want you to revive our general.
How much space does Unreal Engine need? I have 685 GBs on my backup HDD.
I wish I had sunlight in my living/bed/working room
Dear God...
Like the other anon said you can just manually change it. I intend to change them as well. Even triple A is starting to do this, have been seeing them limit it to less than a 40%-60% discount. Easy to smack away/ignore any complaints from steam users under the guise of people hopping to other locations for cheaper games. Some might say it doesn't happen anymore but I don't believe it. If they want your game bad enough they will buy it especially because of the Steam obsession some of them have.
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mass genocide mode activated
>Come to our general please we are DYING
OK, I'm going to post my RPG there.
>goatse mario
everything you could ever want in a comfy game
i'm seriously at that point where i don't even think about goatse mario, i'm gonna have to remove it so i don't accidentally post videos on sfw sites
Steam's recommend ratios exist to optimize sales for both you and them. By adjusting those ratios, you are eating into your own profits. I hope it's worth it to you to send that message.
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added weapon upgrade functionality, you can open the menu up at and try different combinations at any point (even in the middle of combat if you want). now i just gotta make the actual upgrades
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I only browse these threads once in a full moon, but last night I had a dream that really played out like a video game or at least a video game could be inspired from, and I don't want to let go of the idea, and start putting some serious thought and planning into make this dream I had, a reality.
The gameplay element could be compared very similar to system shock and resident evil, and it did have some horror aspects.
But here is where I'm at a lost, the dream had very sexual themes like sex, actual sex happened multiple times in the dream and I'm not sure if I should keep it all in uncensored, or just cut out the horny stuff.
What I have right is that the game would be a 3D, low-poly ps1 graphics (original I know), but when it would come to the hot and heavy stuff, I feel like it would look weird, so I'm thinking of switching to models with slightly more polygons whenever those scenes would play out.
Is your game good? I've never played it
Low poly porn is hot
beats me, some people like it and some don't
Post Dungeon?
>running UE on a hdd
Would rather kill myself, invest in an ssd bro
nta but kek
Unfortunately, no. I'm really unsatisfied with how it's turned out and I'm thinking about dropping it to move on to a different project I've been thinking about making.
alright how many of your retards here are from Finland
ok so it's not worth playing
not enough
nigga I am LOSING IT
I know one dev who's from suomi.... and I wish he would update his fucking game by now >:(
I have a main SSD, but it's low capacity and only has 10 GBs left. I'm wondering if I should get another external storage thing or just use my HDD since I have the space for it.
holy fuck that was embarrassing thank god the thread is dead
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> [1681/2578] Compile [x64] Module.HierarchicalLODOutliner.cpp
what are you on about?
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Good side is that there's an outdoor courtyard where I'm mostly by myself enjoying the calm, birds and neighboor cats. And mosquitos.

Used to have a room exposed to sun, with 2 nice windows, I could fucking sunbath on my bed. Window opened all year long. It was awesome.
>no (You)s
>no likes
>no appeal
>no chance
>no job
>no girlfriend
calling a weapon smoothborer only makes sense if there are rifled weapons (and basically every handgun is except shotguns)
This past week was defined by running into architectural problems and then solving them, all without writing much code. Mostly planning.

The plans are done, this week is going to be big implementation.
6 hours of music "dev", no progress
great. this is fine.
do you have an eval anywhere in your game?
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I recently discovered something about myself, I actually really like game development. Coming up with ideas, conceptualizing solutions, creating art assets, writing implementations, refining them, it's just all very enjoyable and rewarding.
All those things sound like personal issues, but do you actually enjoy game development? When you complete a task, do you feel good about it?
I do some game dev work every day, rain/shine, and I always feel good after the fact.
Yes, but the eval command isn't sent to the server.
Sometimes it takes a long time to get something passable. Take a break or two. You have to be in a certain mentality to make it go well so you can focus. Or rely use pads and ARPs with minimalist types of atmophere music.
I couldn't imagine why someone would start a hobby/passion project as time-consuming and difficult as gamedev if they didn't at least kind of enjoy the process. That's like, 99% of the years-long job.
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Alchemickal more like Wallcummyhole
Have you ever shipped a game though? Because if you're only making prototypes, you're doing the fun 20% of game development.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: Katrin caught on camera.
Cummyhole? More like cunnyhole
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>cunny hole
Cool story. I do game development because when I do it it reduces the mind-rending stress for a little bit.
They're kids and/or losers who don't have any other hobbies or interest besides video games, yet have a creative drive to produce something. Given all the "You can be a game dev too!!" propaganda that's out there right now it's only natural that a lot of them would turn to trying to make a game. They don't enjoy it, they're only doing it because someone else told them it's a good idea and they have nothing better to do with their free time
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He keeps me
in a little cage in the corner of his room and feeds me pieces of sardines and drips of coffee from a hamster feeder
>Tomo confirmed neet Gamedev Dungeon Dweller lover
Just need an Immersive Sim Game
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im gonna make some yt-shorts to get wishlists and eyes on my game
i cant think of any other way besides shilling on reddit
Your shit sucks ass lmaoooo
any way I can help?
I look at the name of my game and realize that I'm going to contribute to the list of /agdg/ games which have games with N in the name as a prominent letter.

Nolgorb's Ordeal
Good luck turkchad
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Don't listen to all the people shitting on you. I used to hate you and shit on you all the time back before it was cool but I want to congratulate you because you are one of very few people who have actually brought a game to completion. You are Germany's future. You did it.
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Did Quantic Dream even pay Jon Blow for ripping off his likeness in their videogame?
improve your hideous steam capsule
hahaha what the fuck it's really him
Anyone have experience with doing 3d modeling for a 2d game? I believe factorio did this.
Would it be "easier" to do that over make individuals sprites?
How do you resist the need to simp long enough to make progress?
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thank you anon but i wanna do all the steps alone for this game so i have more experience for other titles <3
wishlisting it (if you havent) would be all the help i would ask of you, my dearest.
we will all make it
Space Dementia dev does this, maybe ask him whenever he posts here.
Youtube is probably best and then you shill the youtube video on reddit. Everything you shill leading back to the youtube videos itself if that makes sense is good. I'm waiting till my next game to do something similar where I stop progress posting every second on twitter and instead release a devlog video on youtube at the end of the month and post the link to the yt video on everything.
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good evening sir very nice you are hired to our studio sir
Does anyone know an artist that makes some evil-ass house music/edm
I need a reference to work off of
did twitter bring in anything of value? i thought about doing it but it seems extremely oversaturated (more than youtube)
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God, I wish it was 2033 already...
Shill on reddit, tiktok, 4chan, anywhere.
Can you share anything about your wishlists? Per day or visits per wishlists or anything?
i think they banned Crumble's reddit account
He literally has 50 wishlists lol, he posted a screenshot in the last thread. That’s why he’s freaking out trying to figure out how to market it. He thinks he needs a wider audience and hasn’t realized what he actually needs is a better game
Thankfully NTA but twitter is really only good for communicating with an existing audience. For building an audience from scratch it's pretty shit. There's stuff like Screenshot Saturday or pure dumb luck that can potentially give you a boost, but like you said it's extremely oversaturated with people trying to do the exact same thing.
You're better off trying to build an audience on Youtube where are people are more likely to actually engage with whatever it is you're posting. On twitter you're just another tweet in their feed of hundreds of tweets to scroll past.
listen here you little bitch. There's nothing wrong with being honest and real about the facts but there's absolutely no point in trying to bring down other agdg devs instead of being constructive about it. We're a family here. Even if someone is a failure he's still your brother and he has still done things impossible for most people.
Oversaturation of twitter doesn't matter its too based on algos and you need to break the algo.

If you notice theres posters who post with 100+ likes and a lot of traffic but they have worse games than anyone in AGDG, but they released games and collected enough followers through actually releasing games and being well known on steam first getting themselves to around 10k to 100k followers which lets them through the algo's the algo's will only rarely let people see your content if your below that.

Youtube is a little better but twitter's bouncer aglo is probably the harshest out of any social media site. I hear youtube works well if you've got one already released game on steam and start doing devlogs for your second game a lot better but twitter is get to 5k-10k followers first before you pass anything.

Tiktok dispite being china spyware unironically is the lease suppressive algo as long as you aren't posting anti ccp shit
cosmicdev doesn't listen to constructive feedback
That doesn't matter. He's not sitting here trying to pretend he's making the next Deus Ex. Let the nigga cook.
Out of curiosity would you perchance take a deal of me getting a 20% cut of your gross revenue for 5 years if I handle all the marketing of your game? Nothing else just marketing. Pretend I could prove it too.
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>I'm getting filter by basic trigonometry
Do anyone has an idea on how to deal with the full circle happening at 180deg?
He already finished cooking and now he’s trying to get people to eat poisonous unseasoned raw chicken lmao and he’s confused why no one wants it
Wait a minute, Journey in Azur is MADE IN GODOT!?!?!?!
that wasnt me, but i actually have 44 lmao
naah, ill just do it myself
Sometime I forget that you're not just a retarded French homosexual and are actually a pretty good programmer.
nigga it has the Godot logo on the title screen
he improved his trailer when we gave him feedback on that
>it has the Godot logo on the title screen
I've never played it so I wouldn't know
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Money is so tight in gamedev that there are obscure games from literally 30 years ago being published on Steam. Games that weren't very successful even when they were released and that get 10-20 reviews.
That's not to say they deserve more (although I loved picrel when I was a kid) but that there are deals with publishers to release games that will net them like $1000 before taxes.
ok thanks for sharing
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH PCs can run games from literally 30 years ago and meanwhile a PS5 can't run a PS4 game even if you beat it until it bleeds
cool tech, enable 2d msaa
what's the behavior that you actually want?
are you even more retarded than her?
Probably runs in DOSbox. PS5 has decent backward compatibility with PS4.
I never ever take joy in the failures of others but I hope you remember this feeling next time you think about being a pretentious faggot lording your imaginary future success over others. It is simply a case of “you get what you fucking deserve” and it’s a fate that ALL inner circle faggots will experience for trying to out group the devs they don’t like
wait, it took the niggas at gaystation inc. 20 years to finally implement backwards compatibility?
Can you play PS1 games?
Are you an esper?
I'm sure they could have had backward compatibility if they wanted it. They could have ported all the games to Windows if they wanted it. They just didn't want to.
Use lerp_angle https://docs.godotengine.org/en/stable/classes/class_@globalscope.html#class-globalscope-method-lerp-angle
or convert with Vector2.from_angle and use Vector2.slerp
Which makes the PC the superior choice 11 out of 10 times
i cant tell if this is genuine or just trolling
having one? personal shizo is funny
>44 wishlists
Just how many anons have less than 100 wishlists!?
I had 40 wishlists at release, now I have 170 and 70 sales at $3 each. It's not looking good for Cosmic Call. If I were him I'd keep working on the game and changing shit until some variation gets traction on social media and then go with that.
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Using lerp_angle solved the problem.
Convince me to toggle that button anon.
TOK has like 100 wishlists. All the clout that gets thrown around here is complete bullshit. Blind leading the blind type beat
Probably closer to 5000
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progress : added the "break out into a full sprint when pressing the sprint button" function and fixed the npc getting stuck in doorways. Turns out putting navlinks everywhere isn't so clever !
Prove it
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ToK has a publisher that regularly puts out marketing material and shows the game at conferences.
>went to church
>fixed every bug in the work log
>found out cosmicalligger is a fraud with less than 50 wishlists despite pretending to be a successful inner circle faggot
All in all, not a bad day
Not him but when did he do that?
Literally every time he posted, newfag
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ToK has 7450 wishlists.
source: i'm tokdev
Where cute monsterboy, there only one artwork ever shown.
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you're always here when i post
you must be european
du musst ausgelöscht werden.
Gmi brother
Sony has their own API so it wouldn't be that easy.
There's no excuse for the XBOX though because that shit used the same as Windows. They could have had backwards compatibility and parity since day 1 and choose not to because they wanted to sell more consoles. Fuck Microsoft.
just 9 more years until my daughterwife arrives
I'm going to make my sister larp as the dev
tbis will defiantly sell my game.
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>posts webm
>talks about game
I don't see how the equates to him doing pic related. Why do I get the feeling you're one of those anons that screeches at me and others to post our games but then turns around and snickers at them?
good idea except for the part where you have to make a game
Yeah he’s not doing it now because he has less than 50 wishlists and is forced to face reality. He was insufferable before, acting like he was going to get 10k+ wishlists and retire from the game sales
I'm gonna get 10k+ wishlists and retire from the game sales
Cool, that means it's likely to make it to the frontpage.
>hes unironically arguing with shizos
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i'm probably gonna change the succubi models to be male when you play as Kira, because it would be funny. it's low on the priority list though. otherwise i have a couple of monsters ready and ingame but i wouldn't say any of them are cute

all yesdevs are GMI
Do it pussy you won’t (can’t)
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It's time bros.
No more delays.
No more nodevving.
Early Access on August 26.
Wish me luck.
I don't think all yesdevs are gonna make it, but all those who make it are yesdevs.
wow that game looks really high quality anon! It must have taken you at least 2 years
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If the fuckups at Unity can export to both consoles and Windows and mobile, so could Sony if they wanted to. The reason they don't is because they want you to buy their console and buy into their ecosystem. Same with Nintendo and to a lesser extent Microsoft.
>marmoreal is gonna release before bokube
boku sisters...
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absolutely gmi marmo
best of luck and i hope your release is successful
Do it, pussy.
big if true. please don't lie to me
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>was going to look for a bocchi pic
>start typing "marmo"
>wait why'd i type that?
>type bocchi....
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holy shit
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>i'm probably gonna change the succubi models to be male when you play as Kira
>it's low on the priority list though
Having incubus will add the woman public. Image with the four or five gamer woman you can double your income.
Do it. Now!
>marmoreal is gonna release
well I guess that generation of agdg is over
To be fair, that is one of Unity's biggest selling points.
But yes, you are completely right about the console walled garden scheme.
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Just watched it bocchi sister, very nice loved it.

My wife Elsa looked so beautiful
I am going to sell 100k copies and you fags will never even know I posted here lmao
Women can smell if you have posted on 4chan during the last week.
i'll do it for you azur dev
not now though, i'm stuck in localization hell
Good Luck.
why do I feel like sometimes /agdg/ is the Ludus from Spartacus?
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the only math you fags need to memorize is:

atan2, cos(x * delta) * radius, sin(y * delta) * radius, lerp, lerp_angle, slerp, angle = lerp_angle(atan2(x,y)), var angle = (player.position - target.position).normalized(), var speed = direction * delta * speed.
All avatarfag games must flop.
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So like the handmaiden in KOTOR?
She is not a succubus but she does want to wrestle you in her underwear.
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I forgot.

dot product, cross product, sign, absolute, step, smoothstep.
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Bocchibros, we are so back!
yeah being a yesdev is nice but he has never listened to complaints and suggestions and so his chances of GMI are significantly lowered(in the future, this game ain't it anyways)
It blew my mind that she was most likely Kreia's daughter
He's the most prominent of the ~10 years in development devs here. The other devs, regardless of prominence but seemingly still here, are Bokube, Heroes Gain, Ctesiphon, Monospaced Lovers.
damn games really did look immeasurably better 20 years ago
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Marmo is ushering in a new era for us bocchisisters. Our time is now.
Let's go bocchi sisters I've gathered enough bocchi energy from bocchi leader Marmo to open us a portal to the past, we will all make it once we release ours games at the start of the golden age.
The Golden Age is now you doomer.
How many of these freaks is there?
>How many of these freaks is there?
It's mostly a really good texture masking the low poly count plus an iconic character design.
:: Project Nortubel ::
progress :: One of the levels takes place inside a submarine, but there's a chance the overall structure may not make much sense or be accurate to how a submarine is built. At the very least, I want to add some recognizeable props.
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Is this more futa?
it is, right?
>He doesn't make futa porn of his characters but keeps it private for himself.
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is your picrel supposed to be this?
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We are legion.
That's the joke, it's iconic.
If I type "My life for yours" you might even hear her voice inside your head.
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The modders can fix this and add it to the game.
I've never played those games. I think their gameplay is horrible. I just appreciate the graphics
Kreia has some interesting dialogue from what I've heard though. But that doesn't make a game like that worth playing
that woman is so hot. she'd probably say Thoughever.
It's a unity game, just edit the model and swap the new one in
Totally, the gameplay is serviceable at best. I've never been a fan of real time with pause. It always feels more stiff than real time but lacks the strategical aspect of turn based.
Both games in the series have mayor issues when it comes to leveling too.
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rooting for you big guy
>slope handling is weird and buggy
>slope handling is built-in
well I'm sold. that's all it took
I need a female vampire sound effect.
Like a classic bleh bleh bleh I vant to suck your blood sound.
any ideas for source.
I'm top 15 "popular" game on the last jam
can you guess which one
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Reached again, the top of agdg artfags again.

schizo crabs, BTFO

>need to make my own ui from scratch still
>one day off
>time for Terraria
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does your game have dark patterns?
purple = more cartoony
green = less cartoony, more serious
sciency and natural poison = green
magic and fantastical poison = purple
Don't even know what you're talking about.
as in one day off from a full time schedule of working on game or one day off from waging?
>it's over
This some kind of mass demoralization campaign?
as a thematic element between the characters? sure. as an actual mechanic? no way.
yeah. and i plan to add some illusion of control stuff so players think they're better at the game than they are when first playing
no, it's a current meme
the joke is usually using really melodramatic language to address minor inconveniences. "we're so back" is the inverse, for melodramatically addressing positive occurrences.
>1: I forgot to charge my phone before I drove here. It's over.
>2: you can borrow mine dude
>1: we're so FUCKING back
Just add an endless mode and custom content support.
then i must be batiatus
this is odd thing to say. we're all fellow game devs here.
literally me
I get one day off every 2-3 days typically
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>he thinks it's a meme
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Are we back yet?
what if I mix Manor Lords with King of Dragon Pass?
today I experienced 2 episodes of extreme existential despair
i like making small games :D
one day i will make a big rpg
I like your concept art. What if you had the skills orbit, like the whole skill tree was a solar system? Perhaps this could be more than aesthetic, like you have the nodes of the tree orbit at different rates and dynamically link/unlink based on proximity. So there would be a kind of timing aspect to when you could use certain skills.
This is a case of haters telling you that you're onto something so keep doing what you're doing. With your game I mean idk about marketing. If you're doing shorts might as well post the same shit in tiktok. Double return for same effort.

I don't think the game's gonna be a massive success but it should sell decent.
Worst suggestion ever lmao this is like Diablo having affixes where you only did bonus damage on certain days of the week. People hate time gated shit and you’re a dumb ass faggot for suggesting it
yeah, we're back. I architected the system and I'm going to finally start coding again tomorrow.

Last week was a flurry fever dream of writing planning in documents.
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Someone finally making the waifu tps?
>a week of writing documents instead of coding
This retard shit will never not crack me up, nodevs are so funny
I don't think grinding is valid when you can make games where grinding is the game. If it's enjoyable how is that a dark pattern?
The worst is over. I was right. My life is slowly healing.
Make the big RPG now. You got crabbed.
Ignore the crabs.
What's a funny name to give to my female french character?
Marmie, how long did it take to make the trailer? I've never made a trailer before, is it hard?
La Cheveaux Croquette
I'm an enginedev, I was learning and architecting how to do SVOs on the GPU.

First time even looking at SVOs. I ran into some roadblocks, architected beyond them. I can make a lot of progress in a document.
mademoiselle madame.
>People hate time gated shit
Fair enough. But a dynamic tech tree with some kind of orbiting (not necessarily time gating) could lead to some innovative gameplay, if anon can integrate it mechanically with his game. It already fits thematically
did I seriously just get 565 twice in one thread?

Wonder what 565 is.
My game will have time gated shit.
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And now, my model is finished.

My game will have age gated shit. No zoomers OR boomers allowed, only well adjusted adults.
>No hat
This is bad.
>t. nodev crab
Your mind is rapidly degenerating due to your schizophrenia and lifelong addiction to schizo meds. It's really sad to watch, but there's nothing to be done.
>nodevs are so funny
>I'm an enginedev
So, he's right.
how do you keep coming up with new workflows and the end result always looks like this?
because is not a new method, but simply a tweak of the same method.
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I don't think Athena ever had a hat in any of her designs. You already have Bao if you want a psycho-soldier with a hat.
And what of good Solonius?
God I'm so fucking Horngry... (Horny + Hungry)
Solonius would definitely try to start his own /agdg/ offshoot demo day.
Why can't you just be Devpy? (Deving + Happy)
Same... But it's the kind of horny only having one or two cute gfs can fix...
if only there was something you could do to solve both problems at the same time
Eat a sandwich while raw dogging my gf?
Boku how did you get a gf while being poor and never finishing Bokube?
Nyotaimori onegaishimasu!
If I had a gf I'd be so frustrated and annoyed if she was just a nodev eating cheetos and nagging me to impregnate her.
I can't believe someone actually gets paid money to design this garbage.
jerk off + eat your own cum = problem solved
the shafts are turning in opposite directions. Looks like the belt would be torn apart and snap.
OK, now let's see the animations
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The whole logic of required research is done.

I have to find a way to make it look good. What style
would /agdg/ advice? I don't have strong vision for the research
art right now.
>ignored my suggestion about kerbal space program
Understandable have a nice day
>ignored my suggestion about an orbiting tech tree
Inexcusable please try again
Kerbal tech is a simple tree. I like endless space tech tree better.
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What do you guys think of my cool new game?
1st month review predictions for Marmoreal?
easy 100____
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Having timed tech may not be a good idea as it force player to adopt one build order found on internet.

The orbiting stuff may be used for decorative element.
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Boku, stop baiting and pretending to be dumb
That's quite neat. A bullet hell where you need to shoot the bullets.
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is cris representative of the average neverskilled person and we are all exceptional or is cris awful and makes all of us mediocre devs seem like savants by comparison?
R8 my MMORPG idea
>playing off the adventurers guild anime gimmick
>every major town has a guild
>guild provides timed quests that change daily or when the quest reaches a quota
>these quests take the place of your usual MMORPG questing
>despite their daily nature there's no FOMO because you're not missing out on anything because they're not like the daily garbage we're used to seeing where you gotta do your dailies or you're falling behind everyone who's doing them
>solo and group oriented quests
>or a difficulty/xp scaling system where higher level players can solo quests that lower levels need to group up for
>towns are surrounded by relative low difficulty areas and further you get the more difficult it becomes
>higher level adventurers need to travel further to find the difficulty they desire
>guild buys and sells materials setting a minimum and maximum price for goods in the world preventing price manipulation and making sure materials are always available by issuing quests for players to gather what's in low supply
>materials can be used to commission items from player crafters and/or NPCs
cris here.

I just focus on grinding and practicing my art skills, which takes 90% of my time.

I usually only deved kaliina this year, and the rest of time was spent practicing art.
Woah it’s kind of crazy, there are so many bullets that it seems kind of crazy, like, hellish per chance? Mayhaos a new genre called “bullet hellish”?
God bless you you crazy determined bastard
50-100 maybe? Seems reasonable. It doesn’t really have enough polish to go beyond that point and it’s tranime as well
Cris is awful and all of his "arcade-like" games make pixel platformers look good by comparison.
I WILL surpass you.
both, simultaneously.
awful as they are, at least cris has a game, unlike the majority of the posters present.
>expecting Marmoreal to sell ~3000 copies in a month
That's very generous of you. I would personally guess it would get about 3000 sales over its entire lifetime, if that.
Left is cool does it explode when you get too close?
No the red one gives actual voiced dialogue of crab statements from agdg and the right gives you lore about Bokube's as a species when you find them but they vanish quickly after mind fucking with you probably going to have one on every level.
crab game is on point tonight, crabbysisters
I guess you could have the concentric rings slowly rotating since you have to complete all the nodes in the inner ring before the next one unlocks right?
it better be 10 years of not releasing worth of lore
I just want to say that Marmoreal kinda sounds like marble cake.
Now I'm hungry.
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ayo these crabs out in full force. don't let ya guard down bro, don't make the pixelformer thats what they want.

once you makin a pixelformer, dem crabs be eatin' well ya hear?
These posts aged like MILK!
>returns global coordinates
wow, someone posting a game they made an agdg. that's crazy
Having a rotation may be an idea, but it may also really look weird for the player, will try.

It’s cross eyed and looks like the guy is mentally retarded, the pupils should have the same looking direction
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cristobal is shitposting in /v/ again
anyone making a pupperino-like?
and what the fuck would that be exactly
Sounds like a good starting point. Beware of this issue though
i.e. have a good amount of loot that can't be bought/sold in the marketplace
Mine will have pupperinos and you will be able to pet the dogge.
How costly is this in terms of performance?
Cris is an eternal /beg/ because his hubris leads him to ignore all feedback and thinks all his flaws are "style". He's honestly one or two epiphanies away from becoming decent, but who knows when he'll have those. That said, Cris is still above median in terms of /agdg/ art skills. There's an insane number of delusionally bad artists here who don't get nearly as much flak because they don't shitpost as hard.
why do so many people want to make MMOs? These people rarely have interesting concepts/hooks. It's probably the last genre I'd want to make even if I owned a major studio and the technical aspect was solved for me.
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I have a pretty neat concept for an MMO but I'm keeping it to myself cause it's too good
Personally, I have spent more of my life playing MMOs than all other video game genres combined, so it only makes sense for me to make one. I do intend to make an MMO eventually, if I ever become successful enough to sustain my own game studio.
>game is barely an idea
>it starts with "so uhhh anime"
it was over before it even begun
cris is mentally ill and it's sad that he is allowed to have unsupervised Internet access. He fluctuates wildly between "maybe I should just make a VN" and "eat it chuds I just made another 3d model that I'm very proud of" - give it another 2-3 weeks and he'll be back to being demoralised. I don't know if these fluctuations in mood are a cycle in his (presumably) bipolar mood or the result of haphazard and inconsistent medication. I wish he'd get a handle on that rather than wasting his time with game dev
I will add this to honour my hero Jonathan Blow
>I have spent more of my life playing MMOs than all other video game genres combined
same, but all my good ideas are for other genres: platformers, boomer shooters, streamerbait shit, etc.
What do you want to do that hasn't already been done better by other devs?
MMO players are retarded though. You can't produce content faster than they can minmax their way through it. Early MMOs worked because nobody knew what they were doing, these days a new MMO will have some organised gaming clan swoop in and complete your entire game's content in 2 hours.
ah yes, optimizing the fun out of existence. I hope these chodes stick to their ideals and speedrun life while they're at it
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Don't forget about gamers like Ketrick, agdg
oh that's a good point, maybe the materials market needs to be restricted to common materials and rare ones are something that the players have to find themselves

because unlike the modern MMORPG, I want to make one that feels like an adventure in a fantasy world again
I am extremely unsatisfied with what the market is putting out which makes me want to make my own

this is mainly the questing gameplay loop idea, by no means does it end there

>optimizing the fun out of existence.
I want to believe there's ways to design around this to prevent players ruining their own experience
my game solves this problem by treating the optimizer as an enemy . Game kicks optimizer's ass.
Nta but I have an idea I'd like to make and if I was rich it'd probably be amongst my first if not the actual first game I'd make. So I either need to be rich to do this or alternatively have all of the following
>9/10 art skills
>9/10 audio skills
>9/10 marketing skills
>9/10 programming skills
However I am not sharing the idea, just like the other anon it's too good. It will succeed if I had the necessary talent or team.
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/agdg/ has countless project hoppers, but none shitpost as much in an identifiable way as Cris does.
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cris released his fighter?
damn he even got more reviews than marmoreal did
My ideaguy MMO would be a true dynamic procgen world with proper territorial control and fully player-driven towns/hubs/communities. I would provide a simple interface for character automation. Monetization would primarily be "pay to keep characters always-online" or "run your bots on our server". These "bots" would become essentially the NPCs for other players to interact with.
the virgin making a livable reactive world
the chad teleports the player into a new copied instance of the world
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I strategically planned the release date of my game, but I'm gonna do it a week earlier because I want to have released a game before my 30th birthday.
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I'm getting contacts tomorrow bros
My days of a being four eyed gamedev loser nerd are over
I might have to take a hiatus from devvin' with all the pussy I'll be drowning in
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The easy money is to make some boomer cassino coin machine with those pulls, and then making money to buy imaginary plots of land in a map, and make money from the rent of those places.

Actually ignore what I said, sounds like a quality idea I now want to make.
Somebody makes $80k/year putting various clothes on virtual paper dolls.
Meanwhile a solo dev has to be a competent programmer, designer, writer, artist AND he has to be an outlier success to even make minimum wage.
retard women love men with glasses
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Just get eye surgery like I did and you won't have to deal with contacts or glasses.
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So this what shall come to pass... should we fail
good luck marmaskus... are you gonna buy yourselves a few pizzas to celebrate once you've made it?
Don't forget that they didn't make any money off of most of those sales, as those are mostly Kickstarter keys and they got scammed out of all of their Kickstarter money.
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i will design my game how I want to design it
i will not listen to gdc talks
i hate the antichrist i hate the antichrist i hate the antichrist i hate the antichrist i hate the antichrist i hate the antichrist i hate the antichrist i hate the antichrist i hate the antichrist i hate the antichrist
down with GDC down with GDC down with GDC down with GDC down with GDC down with GDC

if you need a video to tell you how to design your are not going to make it
your game is an extension of yourself
you already know whats best for it innately
yeah I'm thinkin BASED
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picrel makes far more money than all current /agdg/ games combined
ah, playing with godot physics, i see
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many people solve this by simply rendering the character on top of everything else. while there is an annoying performance cost associated with this approach, it's likely negligible for pc games. however, if this were a mobile game, it could become a significant issue. you also would have to check special cases where the character is supposed to be behind a wall, but a simple raycast from the camera towards the character could solve it
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say goodbye to your inheritance anon. im sure your game will make enough money to make up for it
I wonder how many grandpa's and grandma's die every year playing gambling games like that
this is sad to see.
God can heal old age.
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my villain is a product of a single mom
not because it's accurate but because i dont want to create another character model
What's the game on his screen? Looks interesting, that or he's making it look interesting kek. What's with the room layout anyways?
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ghostbusters nes
Looks like a wordle clone
sometimes you just take it and make it lore
Guilt Architect
Why is Godot 3D performance so terrible on Android? I've already turned off all local lights and shadows but I'm still getting like 5 frames per second.
the musician never got paid
people said the dev took the money and ran
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10 reviews in 3 days
if I had to guess it's probably software rendering it
Baby Brian moment
Has to be a marketing failure right? This looks competent and fun enough that you'd expect it to do decent.
Name? I want to read the reviews
it's in the filename
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Huh, no negative Steam reviews. Give it some time then, it might grow.
Pic related is more marketable but the game looks too close to secret legend. I actually thought it was secret legend at first, then I thought it was a mod, then I realized it was a different game.
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Well I guess Twitter really is useless lol
>Average playtime: 1.5h
It looks good but the gameplay isn't captivating enough.
who here listens to music to pump themelf up before they game dev? My own ears even are pointed now.
I can feel that I'm gonna dev so hard after I make this poop.
Or it’s just a short game
How does average playtime factor into purchasing decisions, especially this early? Are prospective buyers looking at the 10 reviews from the first day and are like nah, not enough playtime?
It's an action roguelike. Low playtime = it's boring and no one wants to replay.
>Secret Legend
Or I guess Tunic as it was renamed
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Small tank design.
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I want now to make a literal slot machine in godot.
I'm making a roguelike AMA.
He called it a “rogue little” on his Twitter which makes me think it’s not a standard infinite gameplay loop roguelike
Setting? Story?
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Maybe it's overpri-
If it’s got an hour of gameplay then $4.99 is overpriced
I actually want to vomit looking at this kind of twitter marketing
Not bad.
a worse way of doing rsqrtss? very cool, anon
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So there are 4 Elemental Realms:
Each Realm has an Elven Sagely order assigned to it.

Air Realm - Yellow Sages
Water Realm - Blue Sages
Earth Realm - Green Sages
Fire Realm - Red Sages

Then you got an offshoot of purple sages which ... well, they're the Dark Elves.. and they are not officially recognized by the other sages. For the Dark Elves were cursed.
Interesting... have a gameplay webm?
It's got a few reviews with 4+ hours playtime.

Also: >>487082354
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everyone is puzzled is fucking mega retarded
its just the shitty fucking mechanic from nier nobody fucking liked
In time. In time..
I'm tempted to collaborate with Cris just to prove that even art this ugly is enough for a successful game
Not Cris.
My apologies then. It looks great
'the man who's supposed to believe their money' wtf does that even mean? it makes it seem like kickstarter is some shady back-alley deal where people show up with bags of cash to do "business". this sounds like complete absurdity or a straight-up lie. i mean, these guys don't have a bank account? didn't kickstarter send the money to their bank account? wtf is that? kickstarter definitely doesn't allow you to send money to someone who isn't the account owner, everything here sounds very suspicious
>4869 followers on twitter
>10 reviews
fucking RIP
>>487081265 >>487064987

twitter has bots. If he ever paid for twitter marketing then all the twitter marketers do if they're bad is just bot his account with followers.

It's all fake. And I suspect steam wishlists can also be botted.

Just make a genuine organic audience.
Seems like they live somewhere kikestarter isn't available and used a middle man who took the money and ran.
All the popular roguelikes got big from being "a game that sells itself". High playtime = more visibility from streamers and seeing your friends actively playing it on Steam and Discord. More visibility exponentiates into even more viral visibility. IMO, it's not entirely over for Galaia, but I haven't tried it myself so it's hard to judge.

Kickstarter is only available in 25 countries: https://help.kickstarter.com/hc/en-us/articles/115005128014-When-will-Kickstarter-be-available-in-other-countries
The devs appear to be Russian, and they went through an intermediary to run their campaign.
Twitter conversion rate is really low. If these stats surprise you, you should read https://howtomarketagame.com/2023/03/14/frequently-asked-question-about-marketing-your-game/
Probably paid/botted them. He’s a he/him pronouns in bio tech fag from Spain. I’ll add “twin stick shooter” to my list of dead game genres alongside puzzle games and 2d pixel shart platfaggers
they seem so unhappy, that's just sad, they all look like zombies
it's a roguelite

>IMO, it's not entirely over for Galaia, but I haven't tried it myself so it's hard to judge.
not hitting 10 reviews on day 1 is pretty rough but it does have a slight chance of recovering a bit if some streamers/tubers pick it up
Don't you look like a zombie when working on your game anon? Are you happy?
That's not what light tanks look like and it's bothering my autism a little bit.
yea I hate seeing this.
God can miraculously heal old age.
They probably failed properly to tap into any addiction loop like all successful roguelikes do. Most players are playing just one or two runs, being like "meh", and closing it forever.
start looking after your health now and not after the issues arise
Twin stick shooters are indeed kind of a dead genre.
The fact that Nex Machina and Brigador struggled is proof of that.
Too bad about that Meifumado game. It actually looks decent, like Blasphemous set in Japan.
I'll redesign it another day.
the virgin ill redesign it later
the chad thats what it looks like because of in-universe reasons
Ha ha this will never happen to me because I will never have enough money to gamble. It's similar to why I never became an alcoholic or a drug addict.
GOG has been doing this for years, helping preserve older games.
At least 3D Realms and Nightdive Studios are porting games people want, from Doom 64 to System Shock to Turok.
If something is made it has to look the best it can be, so sometimes it's worth it.
why? if you use all the crummy designs you can have more enemy types
That was a depressing read, basically you have to have a tiktok and a reddit to market your game successfully
More depressing would be if your best chance was to gain popularity with X's shitty algorithm.
It's not about preserving them. It's been on GOG since 2018, putting it on Steam in 2022 is about making a bit of cash. Apparently someone thought it's worth it.
this one is weird. the game isn't appealing to me, but because it's beautiful i thought it would do better and be appealing to others. however, their steam page was created in 2021 and only got 100 followers until 1 month before release, which is a huge problem. clearly, people aren't that interested in the game, so they need to fix that first. Chris, the marketing guy, says games that have a chance on Steam have at least 100-200 wishlists per week if i remember correctly, and this should be in a period without any promotion. this game didn't even come close to that, the signs were there. they should have at least 1300 followers in those 3 years, but got only 100.
It's not as bad as you think, that's likely a slot tournament.
They pay to enter and play free-play machines for certain amount of time. The player with the most wins or points wins prizes or money.
>Chris, the marketing guy, says games that have a chance on Steam have at least 100-200 wishlists per week if i remember correctly, and this should be in a period without any promotion
Sauce on the vid or article where he says this? Hopefully mine is only doing poorly cause of the pages current content.
uh oh is that a cube animal game someone is about to flip
unlike that other trash made by that terrible dev who should kill himself this looks fun tho
maybe you should rework bokube into a roguelite
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Is there a psychological reason why chaining simple games, that would be too boring if played alone, makes the end product actually something deep and fun?

I had the idea of having a slot machine, then I realized I needed to add a basic mechanic where the reward of the slot machine is a card you can drop or drawn to another layer which is a blackjack minigame, that feeds a third layer where is a basic 1D tower defense.

And I realized now that each layer is boring, but when combined, the end result is diferent.
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Do you refer to the public variable/constructors and your modifying them inside the class they're inside of? This one is obvious but lets say that theres a read only variable called Items that reads off of _items inside of Inventory.cs. Do I use 'Items' inside of this class or _items?
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here https://youtu.be/WezMZrk32M4?t=2119
>another cubelike that flopped
Bokube is doomer. DOOMED!
>0 wishlists gets a participation price
I remember some musician in the early 90s was trying to promote their band or solo album and climbed the Hollywood sign to hang a banner. There was also that ATHF sign debacle.
EA hired people to protest Dante's Inferno outside E3.
I wonder why there aren't more guerilla marketing campaigns like that.
>significant overlap between buckets
what did he mean by this
make everything public you arent building an api for someone else
if you're thinking about it just do it, stop thinking it and start doing it right now (talking to myself in my head (im a thought verbalizer))
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Got bullet deflection working. There will be other melee animations & weapons purposed for getting in the way of bullets, but any active attack can do it.
Which method is the best practice in general?
The Ascent and Ruiner were pretty good and got thousands of reviews on Steam.
Watch the video, he explains it.
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Any reason to use Unreal Engine 5 over 4? Mostly downloading Unreal for later on.
Don’t you think it’s bad design that you have to start attacking before the projectile has been fired? Maybe add some indicator that the enemy is about to attack so the player can start their attack in time to deflect it
I refuse to believe Godot can do this. Godot cannot detect physics this accurately.
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Starting to think I should drop videogames completelly and get my inspiration from board and card games.
About 500 reasons but feel free to use 4 if you have some weird mental block about using up to date software instead of old outdated versions
its just another topdown indie shooter with simple mechanics, the only thing that can save this is coop
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Gundam sim?
List them.
You can break anything down to its basic components if you try hard enough.
It's why midwits love deconstruction.
Google is free you insufferable retard
true. co-op is the best design band-aid
I'm about to sleep, you know what? I'll just install both, I have the space
Co-op more like cope-op. If your game isn’t fun single player it’s a bad game
damn, this sucks
depends on your code? if you have a property it could be doing something else outside returning the value you might want to run when accesing it
>best practice in general
whatever is faster/easier/simpler
playing a single player game is masturbation, its isnt enjoyable if the content isnt stimulating. with two people there are ways to make it work.
Some sort of tinfoily apparatus.
Every fighting game is trash then.
you got a point, thats the end goal i guess
I'm hoping to become a better coder in general so I'm treating this one as if I'm working with a team.
> if you have a property it could be doing something else outside returning the value you might want to run when accesing it
Hmm, I see. I feel like if I do that based on the situations I'll lose consistency but thanks for the tip regardless.
You know what?
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Yes, but this is purely a timed bullet spawner I'm using to test out the deflection & enemy bullet properties. I'd certainly do as you say for actual enemies with guns or tank cannons.

Definitely not out of the box. The sword interpolates collision between animation frames, and then the bullet has a long capsule hitbox that covers each travel step (speed*delta=length). 60 physics ticks per second.
I also use some guy's physics smoothing plugin, but that's just for the appearance & feel of everything.

This webm shows the process. The dots are the end of "between-frame" hurtbox checks, and the bright lines are where the hurtbox goes with each animation.

I have a lot of gunpla so I use them as reference for animations, and no doubt I'll be modeling plenty of enemies after them. I intend those little zakus to be something like the standard goblin of the game, different elemental colors & customized loadouts, that kind of thing.
Also GBO2 is really fun and I'd love to replicate how some of those weapons work & feel outside of a skeleton-crew gacha game. I intend something like funnels/incoms to be a weapon type, and I'll probably get some working examples soon since there's not much to do in the way of animation there.
How would you describe your game?
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Here's my crab analysis report after skimming through a 30 minute vid, feel free to debate it.
>item pool is insanely low at fucking 32, as a point of comparison RoR had like 110
>additionally said items are really boring, we're talking stat boosts/basic effect with minimal synergy
>has a midrun weapon upgrade system, which is doesn't salvage it
>metaprogression/unlock system is shit, VStier stat boosts. No other playable characters from what I saw in the video I was scraping this shit from.
>visually it's alright/good even, but it unironically lacks a certain SOVL quality to it, in that there's a lack of strong visual identity in relation to other games in the roguelite genre like Binding of Isaac/Gungeon/Nuclear Throne/Hades/FTL/Slay the Spire/Dead Cells, etc
>in relation to the above, the enemy design is probably the best indication of this, particularly the first floor boss, which is just a stone fountain with the basic shotgun/ring/tentacle spin move. There's no sense of personality behind the pattern (e.g. any of the Gungeon bosses, or even something as basic as Monstro's hop and vomit)
>also the second floor boss is a sun that vomits aoe and you have to time it out.
>isn't a horde clearing dopamine rush like Vampire Survivors/Risk of Rain, doesn't have enough interesting enemy variety like Gungeon/BoI and didn't seem fast paced to something like NT
This is good anon. But if you ever feel like what you are doing is bullshit, then just cut the bullshit and make everything public.
>I remember some musician in the early 90s was trying to promote their band or solo album and climbed the Hollywood sign to hang a banner
This is where it's at. Make something divinely inspired. Do some guerilla marketing. Let it spread via word of mouth. Fuck socials. Fuck discord.
Everyone having a fun time with their little gamedev hobby today?
I don't get it.
I have nothing to say to this except the bar for being a good game is now in the ionosphere.
It's a fulltime job for me . I'm working on it tomorrow. I take at least 1 day off per week. It's a full time job.
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How long should and inventory system with looting and shop take?
Ive been working on this the whole weekend and still haven't completed it. I haven't even been playing my game at all, just looking at this icons over and over.

It currently features
Drag and Drop
Right Click
Confirmation Messages i.e. "Are you sure you want to drop this?"

I need to do add in buying and selling now.
Wow! That's definitely some dedication to your hobby, but I can see why. With so many areas to work on from music, to art, to story-telling, I can see how one can really spend a lot of their free time on it.
Why have dragging and dropping? Can you make it work without it?
If you barely have any experience with making games then that's completely normal. Next time you make something similar you will know how to make it, or how to do it more efficient even.
>proceeds to spend $30 to go to the movies alone for 1.5 hours
I get all my income from gamedev so it's kinda tense... I should have picked a less consequential hobby.
>”why add features that are expected and good?”
$30 for a movie? Where you livin my nigga? Going to the movies alone? Don’t you have friends? I have so many questions
I have both but it's something I feel like I should implement now rather than later. I'm very satisfied with it so far. The real problem is that controller support is going to be hell.
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what's up with this guy?
People are really hesitant on spending money on vidya yet they tip their doordash driver just as much if not more than your game.
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>See girl making a game on twitter
>It's always a farming 2D rpg maker game
We know you want to be a woman, cristina. It's okay.
does this thing walk towards you and then explode
Thats a sick model bro, I can the weak point being the protected by the glass. You break the glass exposing the core.
don't disrespect Cris like this.
Disgusting tranny fetishist porn brain.
Woahhhh that’s crazy!! We truly live in a society!!!!
That's true. Also most of my game ideas have an item system so I can just keep reusing the code from this one.
you niggers are so autistic. Games should make you feel something. You're setting the bar for your own game very low if you're expecting "feature complete but generic experience" to fly off the shelves. This game could have been less technically polished but with soul and it would have sold more.
That said, it's not even really feature complete. Why even make a roguelike if there's so few item, that don't do anything interesting, and such short playtime? Hope this was a hobby project.
>my game is small
>it's so tiny and shitty
>why aren't people buying my game?
>don't disrespect Cris like this.
>Disgusting tranny fetishist porn brain.
shut up cris
>calls others niggers
>invokes soul
sovl bros... not like this
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>Partner with fast food chain to bundle game with combo meal
>Would you like to upgrade to the Bokube Burger combo special? For an extra $5 you get the McBokube burger, and a free copy of the game!

>Partner with high end restaurant to bundle game with tips
>Tip over $100 for the Dorsia Exclusive 2024 Edition of Pogo3D
He's right desu. The guy in the pic looks like he's accomplished and not your average neet gamedev. Probably something he did on his off time.
stunning and brave post xister, you tell that chudcel
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Where's the appeal? Looks boring.
if you want to play yo own game, you can't go wrong.
you gotta be a chef that says "Damn, the pizza I made is fire :skull emoji: :fire emoji: fr"
small indie games still make money.

Luck the landlord.
Suika game.
Vampire survivor.

They were extremelly sucesfull hits, bigger than many AAA games.
me in the top
don't be this:

"So, what do the PEOPLE want IN A GAME!?

fucking soulless
who said they didn't, mr. reddit spacer? Each of those has more soul and better hooks than the one posted above
i picked it up to see what's good
if it's good i'll leave a positive review
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i merged my pull request to the main branch.
Baby Elroy moment
>DD playtesters say my game is pretty good
>can't pull any significant social media attention
am I just shit at marketing or am I getting gigacrabbed
Also, if you do this, you'll probably never finish, because you won't enjoy your work.
First, what's your game?
Let me guess, Lutheran.
take a guess
Check your first worlder privilege of having $5 to just "pick up" a game. If I had $5, I'd buy a bag of vitamin fortified bouillon to make soup to feed my starving rickety children.
It's all fucked. My game that made $30k could never get more than 20 likes on Twitter, under 10 on average.
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Owari da it really does suck. I wish all games 3x their prices. I almost buy none so at least if I hit the jobby lotto my game will make me even more. Any I do buy are almost always serious purchases compared to redditors who buy anything and everything because "it's cheap" but only if it's triple A or some popular indie
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We're entering a new Indie renaissance of the likes of the first 'hipster quirky chiptune' age of Indie.

It's going to be massive.
Sure, we've had some hits in the interim age, but I'm talking Minecrafts and Stardews coming out. I'm talking new e-celebs being made.

There are people here who will be named among Notch and Eric Barone.
That's pretty great.
Me? I'm not Christian. But Bach is still right. You don't have to "glorify God" per se, just make something pure for the sake of making it.
Seems you need a high amount of money first to pull this off just right. It's one of those things where you need to be rich already to pull it off. Pointless sadly, just how I could make a comfortable living off stocks at a 15% return, except to get the amount to comfortably live requires me to have a lot of money in the first place.
What fucks with me is that I also need to make money to live and I can't make games AND have a job, I don't have that much mental energy. After work I just want to play Euro Truck Simulator.
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Remaking action games, seems so boring lads.

It's like you're reusing 30 year old generic cliche ideas always when doing 3D and 2D action games.
what do you guys think of permadeath?
My heart tells me to make it forced perma death not just an 'iron man' mode.
make it permadeath but you can carry items and shit between games.
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why there's no horror aggydaggy games?
are we dumb?
think ima just add lives that you can gain or lose in game.

So people get rewarded with being able to stay alive longer.

Damn, why were lives ever scrapped? They're a good balance between hardcore perma death and full on save scum.
/agdg/ is full of autistic artlets. Horror is for normie codlets.
theres several succesfull horror games
I think there are a couple /agdg/ horror games.
just add dumb irrelevant shit like collectables, like how smash has trophies that has not effect on the game.
but are there any being developed right now, i think
yo lives were a great concept, why'd they fall out of fashion?

My game is going to have lives.
because gamers got the jrpg console mind virus.
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Me on the far left with the big dumpster
Literally me.
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>transition from idle to shot exit time 0, trans dur 0, condition on trigger
>transition from shot to idle exit time 1, trans dur 0
>transition from shot to shot exit time 0, trans dur 0, condition on trigger
>test it
>it doesn't load the normal shot standing animation
>but running and jumping work fine
i'm losing it
Stop playing idle while playing shot standing.
In other words, use a state machine.
I'm making a survival horror game and I know there's another guy doing one that's kind of souls like with a little knight dude.
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omfg I'm SO CLOSE BROS. I need to stop the AI from stacking on top of each other.
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that one?
>I'd rather never release at all than have my game be sold somewhere for less than what I think it's worth.
I have this vision in my head. An atmospheric dungeon crawler with high stakes and horror elements. Slow action combat thats a little janky with stamina. Darkwood but with melee in a fantasy setting. Now here's the kicker: it uses static sprites. How will I ever pull it off?
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Some anon yesterday told me to make a discard shader to fix billboard clipping. Thanks to that anon.
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>Now here's the kicker: it uses static sprites.
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my third game is gonna be a horror game if everything goes according to plan
i just woke up, what's up
>yooo this workflow is bussing no ca-
>dash to reload
>dash to attack
>dash to dash
>roguelite so you can dash on the same level against the same enemies and loot the same items over and over again to your hearts content
>unravel the mysteries of why you play as a fucking cube

sounds absolutely riveting
any games with that yesdev vibe
>there are "people" in this thread right now who think RE4 is a better game than RE7 and RE8
wtf horrordoubters in absolute shambles
>be me
>trying to adjust color palettes
>fixed one and it came out great
>all the others come out looking too saturated or looking off for one reason or another
i either got the colors right or i just don't have the right eye for it because a lot of my current stuff look better than my adjustments
RE4 = RE7 > garbage > a bloody bout of diarrhea > crislikes > RE8
what's appealing about your webm related?
>no gameplay
>muh little magic girl
>annoying hand animations
I couldn't make horror because I don't understand what people like in it.
my game just jumpscared the utter shit out of me, I was about to enter an alleyway on foot while testing something and one of my massive black spider things crawled out at that instant
It isn't even a horror game and they're pretty tame while you're in the car
That's just the climax of RE7 where you kill the little rat bitch for turning everyone into fungus
>tfw no crislike to call you're own
>make game with only white characters/male characters etc.
>make fake twitter accounts and create fake outrage about this missing inclusivity
>free publicity, some people will buy it just to own the libs
Now I know what I'm going to do
the horror in my game is how horrifyingly bad it is
the only RE game I found fun was 4 with wiimote aiming. What's good about 7?
this but ironically
IMO the main draw of RE7 is it has extremely strong level design. The other stuff in the game is all good and well but when I finished my thoughts were basically
>moving around that world was fun as fuck
and nothing else. It's not really super long either, it's just a good fun game with A+ exploration and really fun levels.

You guys laugh, but this is pretty much the exact same shit we're doing, just with more layers of obfuscation with the microtransactions and skins.
horror is the perfect genre because every component of the game is allowed to shine without any overpowering the other
Recently spent time with family and went out to eat a few times. I thought how ridiculous restaurant prices are, $15 for a chicken sandwich or hamburger and $20 for piece of salmon.
I buy all of that for a quarter of the cost and make it at home and wouldn't have a problem never eating out again.
name one that did well in the last 2 years
Oy gi' up aye do.
lmao imagine being an Amerikike and having to bribe service people to not spit in your food
>Mad Thad
It's way better then 90% of games seen here including your game if you've ever posted it.
Wow, I'm just like Bach.
In order to make a hit, you need to make a game that people didn't know they want to play. The shock factor alone will sell the game.
my game is so good I don't want others to steal the idea and copy it faster than I can polish it
Wow, I bet that dev is sure glad he has all those "way better then 90% of games seen on 4chan"s to pay his rent with
Where I live the food comes sealed with stickers that can only be ripped off. But I tip delivery people and waiters generously to stop myself from indulging too much.
It sucks for him but criticism from nodevs carries no weight. If that game somehow took off, many of these guys criticizing it would have found reasons to praise it. They just can't accept how high the bar is in 2024.
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Do you guys prefer it when you buy items it leaves an empty slot or should I remove them completely? If I remove them the grid resorts itself and the other items are repositioned which can be annoying for some players.
You smug retards never change.
Players are nodevs. Criticism from nodevs carries THE MOST weight.
>how high the bar is in 2024.
looks low to me. Game is 4/10 and games of similar quality have never made much money unless they were the first to market in their (sub)genre. Adding any sort of compelling hook would help it. It's nothing new or interesting and boring games don't sell.
hello gentlemen, i wish you all a nice day of progress
I can't believe, hell is freezing over on August 26th.
I'm sure the nodevs carry a lot of weight.
i should work on my game
They're not players until they buy the game. And there's so many factors that go into buying the game (including seeing it in the first place) that a few retards saying a game sucks carries no weight at all.

If that game is 4/10, then your game is 3/10 if you've ever posted it here, if you even have a game.
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Uhmm actually it's not a magical little girl but a powerful deadly bioweapon
It's all coming together now.
If the player looks down they will see it's only sliding...
not posting my game here because I don't want someone copying me and beating me to market as I'm relatively unskilled and take a long time to dev (I'm making a vertical slice now). It's a combo of two genres that, as far as my research has shown, hasn't really been done, at least not in the way I'm doing it. The games that are most similar have been relatively big successes, so I don't want to let the cat out of the bag til I've got a demo and most of my content done. Most who've playtested love it and wonder why they haven't seen a game like it before or name the few similar games. My game will likely be a 5/10 if I don't polish it at all and at least a 7 if I can get it to the level of polish I want.
>delete the shot animation
>drag the shot animation from asset file to animator
>it work like a fucking charm
what the fuck, can't believe i waste 3 hours just to solve this fucking problem
I'm trying to figure out if I can make a horror sim game where you're a guard of a few demon girls.
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>I can't make games AND have a job
There are those who've done it, but I agree it isn't ideal. Some alternatives:
>save up and move temporarily to somewhere the dollar goes far and cost of living is low
>minimize your expenses and live off a part time job so you have more time to dev
>find paid pet/house sitting jobs so you can basically dev the whole time
>workaway.info - some hosts offer room & board for only a few hours work a day
>rent a house with a bunch of people to lower the cost/person
Maybe what we really need is a self-sufficient /agdg/ commune committed to making the best games possible, not the most commercially viable.
Yes, "someone will steal my idea" is a hallmark of successful developers who are in touch with reality. That's why they don't show off their games until they're complete.
Oh wait, they do. Because they know no one will steal their game. Because they're in touch with reality.
attempt 2, raised feet edition
I've shown it to playtesters and people irl. If it wasn't so unique and in an under-served subgenre, I'd show it online sooner. I don't want to show it til it's good enough to market and til I'm at a point of development that I can ride that wave to release.
If you're making generic deckbuilder roguelike, platformer or boomer shooter, sure no harm in showing it early, though even then I'd consider waiting til you have a marketable product to show it widely.
I love this robot
he's getting better
I'm just saying "someone will steal my idea" is not a concern experienced or successful gamedevs have. It's usually someone who's never shipped a game and can't comprehend how low their chances are. Sure you could be the exception atop of an outlier (which you need to be to have a successful game at all), but chances are overwhelmingly that you're not.
The reason devs are not concerned about their novel ideas getting stolen is that no one knows what will be a successful innovation and what won't be. That's an uncertainty inherent in innovations, that's why they're innovations. Obviously great ideas have been thought of and executed before. Those that are not obviously great aren't going to be getting stolen until they've proven themselves.
The point is: don't kid yourself. You don't have a game, you have a prototype at best and it's shit and your mom was just trying to be encouraging.
The top-down gameplay actually looks AA, good job. Everything else, including the thumbnail, looks amateur.
>but because it's beautiful i thought it would do better and be appealing to others
its well made but extremely generic and bland, it looks like your average smartphone game, absolutely no reason to try it. Gameplay alone is not remotely enough.
jumping projects again bros
completely based. work on what you want to work on and what you want to play.
Elder Scrolls Oblivion was extremely generic and bland. So was Cities Skylines. So was Euro Truck Simulator. So was ArmA.
It's not a barrier to a game being very successful. It's certainly not a barrier for a game getting more than 10 reviews in 3 days.
Stop looking for excuses. Making a successful game is getting harder by the day because players have ever more and better choices by the day.
Untitled Monster Girl Game dev??? You're back?????????
I feel bad for these guys. the art is as good as blasphemous so I wonder why they hit a much lower ceiling. maybe it's as simple as not being "souls like".
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supposedly we are back yes
planning to stay for longer this time
2D shartformer
I wouldn't play it for free
From my observations pixel art games are a thing of the past, we're in the N64 era now.
Holy shit about time, welcome back man where've you been? What's this you're cooking?
it doesn't look nearly as good as blasphemous. right away the mc animations are clearly traced from zero. if you want an example of good-looking games flopping, tiny thor is a much better example.
that's very cool but it doesn't address my point. blasphemous1/2 are selling 16 times better than this.
i'm just like make 5 game
Hell yeah
Too bad I was a PC owning peasant back in those days.
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after some failed visions that we had we are settling down on a porn game

in the end it is fate that brings us to the adult games sector
What if Blasphemous is a massive outlier? Like if you were puzzled that a wel made cozy farming game sold 16 times poorer than Stardew Valley.
Blasphemous came out 5 years ago. As for the sequel, honestly haven't heard much if anything about it so can't attest to the sales. Pixel art games in current year are doomed to fail unless there's a ton of publicity and even then....
Based, happens to the best of us. The animations are nice, you guys got a good grip on coom stuff no pun intended. Gonna show up next DD?
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we will see, by default we wanna have it done within 2 months
people who like pixel art like it to look like pixel art, all nostalgia is lost when you go with this high resolution, overly animated, modern style
n64/psx have become common there's people going for the ps2 look nowadays...
post it on DD.
use the funding to make more sfw games
the only thing i notice with the newer webms is that the models feel a lot shinier/smoother than before. i don't have any of your old dragon maid webms handy but i think those were more pleasant to look at
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you better not quit again this time
You're a team?
Funding? Just code the game you want to make.
>it's another "promising talented dev" is actually a couple with fulfilled lives outide of video games episode
every time.
>but criticism from nodevs carries no weight
kek, lol even
Meditate on those failed visions and please reconsider making the porn game. Is there not some game your team would really rather be making, but deems impossible for some reason?
Sometimes I wonder if my game's holding me back from getting a job, getting a GF, getting a drivers license, a house, etc...
Teams are a negative unless it is rev share.
Why would you take on consistent expense when you’re just starting off?

Just work on the game you want to make. Then hire as needed for your desired game.
Unnecessary teams are vapidware.
nta but similar circumstance. i'm rather unskilled and know anyone talented enough and willing to clone would see what a rough but brilliant gem mine could be. not a chance i'm risking revealing too much too early. just like you the most similar to mine are getting very good quantities of reviews provided they actually put out a decent quality game.
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we changed the designs, shaders and so on quite a bit, it's like a next iteration of the same thing

we would love to make sfw games too as we have a couple of unique ideas but we decided on making a smaller nsfw project for now

we are gonna make it, wagmi

2 people, one for artistic stuff one for technical stuff
it's the other way around, not having those things, not lucking into being born a person that can have that, is what's keeping us from making a game
attempting to make music is breaking me
this is how projects are being abandoned
Keep an eye on your art guy, he could easily get a job at a triple A studio.
Just hit the white keys on whatever order, it'll sound fine
yeah sure if you're gonna have piano only
>where's the percussion and woodwind
>i added them why does it all sound like the flash just raped the entire jungle at once
post nsfw game on the next DD, you've got about 40 days.
quick tip: stop using floats
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Man that's a pixelgold game right there and yet it flopped. Even looks interesting. I can't draw anywhere near as good as that, looks like good reference art for me. Even has an appealing girl hero and that menu UI, it's amazing!

We really are in the plywood age.
I need to make a profitable game ASAP
quick and dirty horror game with some sort of hook (though this requires artistic sensibility)
Devving my hyperborean moonbase mecha N64like tower defence game
>anon completely forgets that all those who got an audience now have a free group of people that will almost always buy their games

mine definitely is
>puts me into a state of constant analysis paralysis that also occurs in my regular life this is mainly caused by my desire to get rich but gamedev work requires me to try well which does add towards this analysis paralysis I suffer
>takes time away from me being able to just relax and have fun
>reduces amount of other things i can research to potentially get rich off sooner
>with being able to do nothing else it gives me less potential topics to talk about with a girl i might like, there are only so many things i can talk about being a shut in
>has gotten in the way of having a job, i simply cannot do both. if i dev a lot then i cannot have a job. if i have a job i can only rarely dev
i will have to throw in the towel eventually if i fail to get a good enough success by the time i hit 40.
if I made a horro game the hook would be that... the character has big boobs
what does 0x5f3.... even stand for?
I can make a horror game but I don't know if I can make it have a hook.
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Here's a voxel chest I made in Crocotile3D
How did I do? It's my first ever 3D model
What should I change?
Literally me. I've been chatting with a girl who seems to think I'm quiet and mysterious when the reality is; I'm just a fucking boring person. Don't watch tv shows or movies, hardly play games, hardly read, no job, no outdoor hobbies (i'm not fat surprisingly), zero IRL friends, I don't get up to any shenanigan's and I live with my parents who no doubt hate me for those same reasons. She's got a 6 figure job and owns a house for fuck sake, meanwhile the government sends me emails every week asking if I applied for the shopping cart returner job yet, I am depressingly cooked.
make an open one, and a half open one, and a broken one
Yeah, I'm working on the open one right now, it will be filled inside with gold
but does it looks good enough to be put in a game?
if it fits the rest of the graphics yeah
Are we all just the same person? Seriously, did I just post this and then forgot about it?
How do we get out of it man :(
good job anon. as for changing it all depends on the type of graphics you are going for
I would add a bit of color to the wood, maybe a bit darker shade on the edges of the brown region
An approximation of sqrt(2^127) chosen for best efficiency for use in the algorithm with the Newton-Raphson method for refining guesses towards the solution
don't forget about tik tok
there are very few topics i can talk about. most of my talking is just being "fun" as in i just mostly talk hypothetical situations for funsies. i can maintain small talk but any girl that ends up dating me will likely realize quickly that i don't have much to talk about.

i unironically need one who just likes being near me and has a good time just being together even if we don't talk much. ;_; pls? just one that lays on my bed scrolling on her phone while i dev on the pc with the occasional joke or her rushing over to show me something funny she saw vice versa with me showing her funny stuff too?
>I'm just a fucking boring person. Don't watch tv shows or movies, hardly play games, hardly read, no job, no outdoor hobbies (i'm not fat surprisingly)
>I've been chatting with a girl who seems to think I'm quiet and mysterious
I wish I had this...
nta, but they're honestly not necessary 95% of the time, and just take higher computational power to run. If it can be done without floats, it always should be.
>let's sell our souls, but only a little! then we can make the games we *really* want to make
I've been there too. Thought I was going to make a hypercasual mobile game for a $1M+ contract and then use the money to make my dream games. It ain't worth it. After you tally all the time spent watching ads for the game itself, ads within the game, money for deceptive IAP, and worst of all time spent playing a manipulative game that would be better spent doing practically anything else... it requires multiple millions of dollars of value to be destroyed from the world for every million I would make.

The same principle applies to porn games. No matter how you rationalize it, you will be making many lives markedly worse in exchange for making your lives slightly better.

>we would love to make sfw games too as we have a couple of unique ideas
You can do it. I believe in you. This is where your talents are needed.
My life is made better by playing porn games though?
>sends me emails every week asking if I applied for the shopping cart returner job
grim. i'm looking at a shitty job too for my wage cage return. i'm banking it on gamedev/stocks/crypto. there is simply no future for me in the wagecage. i dont get neetbux so i literally make 0 money besides whatever my stocks do which last i saw is a 1.5x on something i bought last year. i don't even watch stocks closely anymore. not after the moment of despair i felt when i realized i was right and should've all in'd. would unironically be wealthy enough to not worry about getting a job had i done that. i could be sitting and devving without much worry if my current game will flop. i still need a success but the wealth is enough to put me in a comfortable position for years. i could just dev semi carefree and because no wagie job is needed i could also relax. ahh that'd be nice devving and being able to fully shut off from gamedevving and simply relaxing for hours on end instead of it cropping up in my head "anon you need to go work on your game"
>350 reviews in first week
am I in the parallel universe or what, game is doing fine, price is too high and it's still selling, I dunno what should I tell you guys
How do they make your life better?
What about Dreamcast though?
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gay reply
making porn games is a masterful crafting that only few can learn
I didn't use the word flopped.
The artist is one of the biggest pixel artists and the game has been in development for years by a team.
Yes, anything below 600K net profit after all cuts seems like a loss. that's where the game is atm.
no one's ever played a dreamcast game no one cares
Providing something to direct my horniness to and have a fun time so I don't act inappropriately.
Going pro is a lot of pressure.
It's good that the game will be on steam store for unlimited amount of time so it will get there eventually
looks gay
You know you could direct that horniness into an actual relationship. Or any passion that gets you really engaged. Tesla put everything into his work and his only relationship was with a pigeon. Even that's less degenerate than playing porn games
I don't have a relationship but I do have porn games. My passions don't make me less horny they make me more horny.
>let's sell our souls, but only a little! then we can make the games we *really* want to make
Nobody is selling a soul here, we actually want to make a porn game because we believe there is a huge gap in the market that we can fill. And at least I (the programmer) like it a lot.

I think you just refuse to see porn stuff as a viable interest/hobby
In the end it's just another section of art
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>Crazy Taxi
>Virtua Fighter 3
>Virtua Tennis
>Resident Evil Code Veronica
yes but you can't tell employees to stick around based on promises so it might be the end of the studio.
So you even know what pic related was used for in the first place?
Yeah, square roots, which would have to be float. IDK why the other anon was against it being used here, I was only mentioning a reasoning why not to do it often. I don't see anything wrong with the code here, personally
can you please stop appropriating German words for your games titles? your titles are nonsensical and they don't sound cool at all
I refuse.
my game is too hard to make, i think im gonna give up
give idea so I can do it instead
if you played any of those games it wasnt on dreamcast
not falling for that
then shut the fuck up and just do it nigga
either that or give the idea to someone actually competent
My game is too easy to make. I think I'm gonna give it a go.
my game is too easy to make, that means I'm on the wrong path
>tfw my game is too easy to make AND I'm on the right path
Wrongpathers will never know this feel.
>I think you just refuse to see porn stuff as a viable interest/hobby
Can nudity and erotica be art? Yes. Can porn? No. Likewise playing poker can be soulful, but this >>487079170 >>487079772 is hell.

So no, I don't see porn as viable. It exerts a corrupting force on society just like gambling, except worse because it influences young people who will shape (or fail to shape) the world much more than boomers on slot machines.

Disagree with me if you will, but acknowledge that you could be having a great positive impact on the world instead of neutral or negative.
I fucked up
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>start my game on linux
>the performance is much worse
>godot spews out constant errors saying vulkan device lost
And that's it for the linux release
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what is art?

1. an attempt to capture **beauty** of the real world
2. using mind's **creativity**
3. using **skills** of the body
4. to achieve a fraction of **godhood** (god creates, humans create, animals do not create)
(for atheists, replace God with "for its own sake)

1. ugly things are not art
2. derivative things are not art
3. unskillful work is not art
4. work made for money, shock value, attention, or any other reasons is not art

it's not a strict binary criterion though, but a spectrum
the more beautiful, original, skillful, and passionate for the sake of God/itself, the more artsy your work is
the uglier, derivative, unskilled and soulless your slop is, the less artsy it is

this is understood by the majority of people everywhere. hard to disagree i think. only art snobs will disagree
I think we're agreeing with each other. I agree completely with your breakdown of art
>horror elements
>action combat
>Now here's the kicker: it uses static sprites. How will I ever pull it off?
these three are incompatible

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