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Cammy Wins EVO 2024

>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

>Street Fighter 6 Frame Data

>SuperCombo Wiki

>Fighting Game Glossary

>Footsies Handbook

>Use Fightcade to play ST, A2, A3, 3S, CVS2, etc

Last round: >>487104263
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My wife and her sweaty, waxed snatch.
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A character that has to win clean neuch to get by always pissed people off because they have little excuses for why they lost. There's a reason only Punk is placing high with Cammy.
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
everything about terry looks fine to good but they did fuck up his face.
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Apologise to da alfa.
kinda weird that winning evo is about 90% less profitable than winning cpt or ewc
That's not true at all, Cammy players have been placing highly in tournaments all over the world
>Doesn't count, it's not Evo
If you think it doesn't count you don't play competitively
Huh, didn't occur to me that Mai will be the first Japanese female for SF6
>Punk won EVO in a game he despised from day 1 of beta
whats your excuse dixriders?
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i dont think its nerves, i think he is murderously angry every time he loses
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We're not calling divekickers clean neutch characters I'm sorry
Punk fucking loves the game no matter how many times he gets salty at it
If you don't love it you could never get this good at it
Retarded game for retarded people
You wouldn't be on 4chan if you weren't some kind of retard
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punk is a bitch
Doesn't change anything I just said, retard
>Punk fucking loves the game no matter how many times he gets salty at it
absolutely not, the only reason he refrains from shitting on the game even more than he does is because he doesn't want to be a Sanford Kelly.
>If you don't love it you could never get this good at it
it's not that hard, some random DBFZ player walked into Strive and won evo for it this year
This level of mental gymnastics isn't healthy, he was crying tears of joy on stage my man
Since you're a retard. your opinion is already retarded
Kinda like that time a dude that was silver in jive beat problemx in a dix tournament ?
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hotashi still hasn't congratulated punk yet
didn't happen doe
? snake has gone on record saying he thinks strive potemkin is the best designed grappler in a fighting game (at least back in that season) and he grinded the game for absolutely ridiculous hours daily for a long time.
He's such a corny weirdo
>snake has gone on record saying
that soive is a game tailor made for retards and was his sf6 waiting room
if you compare xerna's hours in sf6 and sf5 this isn't that crazy.
it's been a year, by the time we get the next evo we will probably have a champ who started with 6 (me)
yeah snake playing it for 12 hours a day for months while constantly complaining (without a sponsor) so he can win .........texas showdown does prove he is a retard.
>streamer who makes a living playing fgs....clocks in to play fgs
check his viewing figures during this strive obsession
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She said she doesn't need you
check your bitch figures during this snakeeyez obsession nigga
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I feel like every character other than mine is broken.
Punk is lucky I wasn't able to attend evo this year or things wouldn't have gone down like they did
japan has fallen
So what is the verdict about Cammy after EVO?
the difference between silver and evo finalist level is astronomical, you don't "close the gap" in a year of playing.
I was playing EW when he still was master in jive and a nobody in tournaments (even the saltmine league). It took him more than a year to compete with the absolute best. And he was MASTER. Not fucking silver.
Held back by low damage and the lack of a v-trigger, has trouble getting in. Don't play her if you want to win.
top 1 most honest
Punk is the only Cammy player in the entire universe that isn't carried
Punk is just really good nerf the player not the character.
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Abel and Fei Long make their SFV debut in 20 minutes!
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fucking horror engine
i don't think making a deep run is that crazy. i did some autistic number checking and xerna hit ultra gold in sf5, he played the game for 106 hours. judging from his first played match date he was 14-15 years old when he played, so i can sort of assume it was his first fighting game. he quit after. he has 2004 hours in sf6.

imo 106 hours in your first fighting game is such a small and irrelevant number it's impossible to claim he was shit at the game, he just didn't play for long enough. in fact if you want to be objective about it getting ultra gold is obviously not impressive but doing it in 100 hours is faster than average for sure. beating problem x (who's not that great at this game) in a juri favored matchup (blanka's second worst actually) isn't really all that crazy, it's not like he's done anything too relevant since except for getting 2nd in some world warriors. i could dig up examples of this for like every fighting game in existence.
A game where zangief is top 1 can never be respected. Get a fucking grip crapcom.
who is the bottom one supposed to be??
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Unironically, SF6 neutral is so inherently fraudulent with DR auto confirms and slimeball neutral skips that a divekick seems like a high IQ tool in comparison. Cammy was one of the most braindead, autoneutral characters in SFV, and after she's been nothing but casualized and simplified in 6, she still takes more skill to play in neutral than 90% of the cast.
do you think he was crying because he loves shit farter dix that much?? lmfaoooo most fighting games are dogshit, passion for the community surrounding them just has the habit of carrying people across the world to pay 100$ to walk into a venue that smells like hot ass to wait 5 hours to go 0-2
Your main and MR?
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You are planning to fly to France for EVO, right?
All of you cry about fraud this and fraudulent that but I bet none of you have committed credit card fraud yet.
Would love to but it appears too easy to get caught.
For me? Its that time Hotashi made a folder of every single twitch user that said a no-no during a tournament and asked TOs around the world to ban them and twitter to dox them.
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our guy, pedo-gaper.
my favourite moment was when an anon from /fgg/ exposed him like 5-0 in blazblue and got permabanned and blocked
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Jamie is now the SF6 character with the most merchandise at this point right? He just got that shrimp plushie/keychain and he's already part of another new plushie set.
Wasn't that Baron?
he really doesn't. he had to switch his whole game plan from reacting to pokes (where his strength is) to abusing oki. he plays completely different from his days of jive.
who's even buying jamie merch. fujoshis? if you judge the game just by online play, you would think they removed the character from the game.
I don't remember, but my knowledge of Hotashi at that time was that he was a bully who would seek out players he hadn't seen before and talk shit about them, try to gatekeep, and sic his chat after them. Very different to his current "nice guy" persona
Glad /sfg/ stopped glazing menard aka melaRD aka cheddaRD aka FAT FUCK
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they will do it again when he wins another dice roll.
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>who's even buying jamie merch. fujoshis?
This will fuel him to win EWC
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Scrub here. Why didn't Bigbird back throw Punk here? Instead he forward threw him out of the corner into the tornado, which gave Punk a free parry to get rid of it. If he back threw then Punk would be in the corner and tornado would still be out, no? It can't just be nerves because he has all the time in the world to think about it after Punk whiffed the parry. Am I missing something?
No fucking way...
Probably a mis-input
My wild guess is that he was looking at the wrong bar in the heat of the moment and thought he had enough for a forward throw into level 2
because big bird plays on stick
It was last game last round, it was nerves
Definitely just a heat of the moment mistake
Punk may have won EVO but Mena will win CPT.
reminder /ggg/ tried to stream snipe this cornball in strive and all of them got bodied oh wait that was sonicsol
He made like 3 keys mistakes that round that cost him dearly.
We are only left to wonder what things Punk would have had to say about Rashid's lvl2 on twitter had he lost.
Mena will win a trip to the hospital to treat his fatness
or the laggy setup
>very well put together 8 minute trailer
This is actually really fuckin' impressive, they look sick. I hope Makoto and Adon are next.
Mena only wins because SFV and now SF6 enabled his play style which boils down to THE HARDEST OF READS AND COMMITMENT. This man hasnt gotten a single pure fundamental SF win in his career. Punk is saving SF with pure neutszch skill
I think Terry looks fine. He’s got the same ugliness that all the other characters have. I don’t know why anyone expected anything different.
Shit like SF3 is arguably even more about retarded high risk gambles. SFV wasn't even like that to the same degree those other games were anyways, and Mena didn't even play the slot-adjacent VT robbery characters.
sup duu
i couldnt make it to last thread
sorry about the fan noise and rambling i'm getting cooked out here
birdie was absolutely a vt robbery character lol
i don't know a ton about Tekken, but did they port King moves onto Abel? i don't know if i've ever seen a grappler look this fun in a SF game.
Birdie couldn't activate on block into mix
Last year he didn't say anything upon losing to Mena's v-trigger.
https://youtu.be/a4Zi02Bzafg?si=86OOHsi0DKNCV003&t=150 nigga this was cheap as fuck even if it wasnt a real mixup or whatever
Terry looks super rough and it's weird because that arika game also had Terry with semi-realistic artsyyle that sf6 uses and it looks way better.
I hope the devs fix his face a bit because he may be the ugliest character right now.
if capcom keeps making ugly men we're gonna lose shuckle...
kek he does it again in the next round.
>wakeup c.MP to hit air legs
he is a fat genius
If Ricki actually knew the frame data and did a light rather than a medium it wouldn't have worked
JP is fire though. Just get into silver bears anon.
https://youtu.be/BfWiSYDgfGM?si=SnBYxhM7ZWTbqt3I&t=464 this character was so funny. could watch this shit for hours
Season 1 SFV Chun was so sick. Stupid strong, but sick. Man, if only Drive Rush was weaker, maybe we could get characters that actually navigate neutral and apply offense in more unique ways.
That was nice of you.
We have replaced medium-medium-special with medium-medium-slime-special
I went from Gold in SFV to Master in SF6 mostly because I didn't even know basic things like frame data or recovery frames that SF6 actually gives you info on. Plus I had like a hundred hours in SFV and right now I have 646 hours in 6.

Like it's funny that I only learned light hadokens have less recovery starting with fucking 6, fighting games used to be so obtuse.
usf4 had the best combo system out of any SF because of execution, but none of the zoomers will ever admit it.
>easier, less optimal routes for the mentally retarded (jab jab jab)
>1F,2F and character-specific routes for actual fg players
4 had many problems, combo diversity wasn't one of them
>can't react to Birdie's EX dolphin dive
No gene.
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bros... i think i'm ready to reevaluate my opinion of Banana Ken...... and i don't think i want a CVS3 anymore.........
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ngl i had a whole fucking essay typed out to bitch but instead I'm going to sleep chun li is shit btw
It took USA 20 years to win an US SF tournament?
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What will happen first? A white man winning EVO or an Indian?
SVC Chaos 2
Bison looked decent (actually pretty good!) but only because they worked on him for a whole year. The rest of the season will be a disappointment like Terry and only horror engine fuel will follow.
>Like it's funny that I only learned light hadokens have less recovery starting with fucking 6
mostly because it wasn't the case in V
I have quite literally never looked up frame data when I was playing 4 and I could tell lp sonic boom had a faster recovery.
>not liking Woody Harrelson
>wanting Terry to look like a twink fuckboi
Elena is getting a ton of time too.
he looks like he's balding and hiding it
it took Drive Superpowers for the US to win a US SF tournament.
>wasting all that time on a character no one cares about
She will end up being Kimberly the 2nd.
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Terry is basically like the Handler where everyone thought she was ugly at first but grew to love her later
He looks just like in the anime trailer...
>we only get TWO street fighter characters this year so we could get..............THIS
DSP said that being a 1600 MR Bison is the best he's ever been at fighting games because SF6 requires you to be good at a lot more mechanics than older games
kimmy is goonfuel so i'm down for th at
By "a lot more mechanics" he refers to slime and parry that make up the whole gameplay?
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thank you Shubham Prajapat!
thank you Ramesh Baben!
thank you Ibrahim Bhagat
thank you Siddharth Raksit!
post cfn
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rajpoot snapped with this one
Dsp never reached master in 4 and 5, sounds like copium
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Say it for yourself, consolecuck. My handler is cute

And my Terry will be a Fatal Cutie
>in 4
Rob Olson carried this team of jeets
Uh.....he just got better over time!!
Terry looks like a laid back kind uncle
I like it
1600MR in SF6 is basically super diamond in SFV
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The cope starts
The "mods will fix it" talk would be way more effective if all the talented modders hadn't straight up abandoned SF6 after a single month.
I feel bad for rob olson and tomoko katsuragawa

working with indians is pain when they outnumber you, speaking from experience
Wasn't he below 1000pp in 4 and Silver in 5?

True 1600 MRer in 6.
Holy retard
soulless generic trash
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>Are you okay?! Because I'm not...
Terry looks like Trump.
He doesn't like the game, he calls it stupid and broken pos
dix but cammy rides my face
Extremely generous
DSP was silver in Jive so 1600 MR is silver
idk how punk uses this d-pad so well
>removed freckles
how gay are you?
how the fuck do you even downback consistently on this? You either need fat thumbs, or have perfect position
I think he peaked at 2000pp which is VERY roughly (since usf4 rankings are pretty vague and innacurate below a certain point) gold in V. And silver in jive yeah, so he always remained around the same level for a decade (until dix)
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Top tier rushdown flowchart character for brainless pattern players. Such bullshit, man. 60% of master matches are against a Cammy and every one plays exactly the same.
that controller is kinda sexy ngl, way too expensive though
alright I just got back from evo, what a weekend. Just absolute peak dix, all the dix I could want, just amazing dix, I was just drooling for dix all weekend, I couldn't get enough dix

oh and the sf6 tourney was okay too I guess
why would he?
after the way their moneymatch went, they can't really be friends. lol.
Its only fair that Hotashi ft10s Punk in HIS game now.
usf4 rollback next year...
lol what a gay
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That is the audience for Street Fighter 6, yes
Is Terry Bogarded?
don't care
>one last patch to tone down the "skip neutral into vortex ggs" characters
Would never play another fg in my life
All the scrubs suddenly get good when they touch SF6, how mysterious...
he looks terryble
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If THAT'S how Terry looks, just imagine what they're going to do to Mai.
They just trained in the hyperbolic time chamber anon, what are you implying
He looks like the first test case of someone who trialled a cure for down syndrome
It doesn't matter, Mai could look like Terry cosplaying as her and everyone here would still insist she's beautiful and jack off to her
>willing to challenge this bum
>dodges Xiaohai in KoF
c'mon now. that's free money for xiaohai
Yeah... Maybe they did... Just that...
most honest /sfg/ EVO goer kek
german terry
What is he thinking now?
this actually fills me with joy because I didn't want guest characters and I know it makes SNKfags seethe and lose sleep over how they'll butcher Mai forever in the normies' eyes
>"If I was in Japan with my goonercord gf, it wouldn’t have went down like it did"
nigga played ZZZ for 10+ hours after seeing punk win
why are people trying to turn this retard midget into a lolcow.
was also curious
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your paperweight, sir
must be in cahoots with fgcbodyguard on x
leverless? more like winless lmaoooooo
i made onigiri for the first time last night during tekken to eat for lunch today
they turned out pretty good even though the shape was sloppy
I never understand the faggots that use this. Stick and pad are way more comfortable
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he troons within a year i guarantee it
CFN Good
2 more years vappa
How sad is your life? Be honest.
QRD on Sol?
Don't you put that evil on him ricky bobby
He's definitely twinky enough. I'd blow his little asshole out.
Crispy and corny. Dorito ass nigga
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>Crispy and corny. Dorito ass nigga
he should shit or get off the pot
>Kid carries around something that his mom made for him
>This is bad and means he’s trans
You could’ve just said that your parents don’t love you.
you are a faggot.
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I play with a keyboard like a autistic person, specially using the right arrows to move my character and asdf to combo, is there a controller that i can move the character with the right hand and combo with the left?
Nah, fuck you. Talismans to help with mentals are normal.
>Talismans to help with mentals are normal
Just go to the church and confess instead of this wholesome positive potato chungus shit
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Why the fuck are Sticks so expensive? I'm just a NEET with NEETbucks
Literally two entirely different things, and are you implying that Christians and other religious people don’t have talismans that they use for good luck or just stress? You faggots are actually beyond delusional.
I'm playing Terry in Kof 12 and he's boring af,hope they'll do something with him
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That's what I was going to point out >>487152950
He really has that same big chin as in the trailer. So I'm hopeful that Mai will look somewhat similar to the trailer too
Both are crutches for mentally touched bitches.
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thanks bruh, but thats just a keyboard, the problem with using a keyboard is that the caps are too small and my hands end up hurting like a bitch
i guarantee you're way more mentally touched than EW
Good for you anon :)
Did you fill them with anything?
>>>/r/eddit is that way.
my idea for guest character; famly guy
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A reminder of your faith and a moral code you follow, not a talisman.
Your zany new age reddit shit is about as spiritually empty as whats between your ears.
tuna mayo, the filling wasn't very evenly distributed though!
do you think punk fucked his wife last night
Thought about making a dick in the place of the bottle, but what's the point, I couldn't post it here
We do not lose, only learn.
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The Kitsune is straight up better anyway. Hitbox got too complacent.
just get a reverse mixbox.
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>zany new age reddit
EW’s mother is more than likely older than you, the child behind this cope of a post.
so true
thighs not big enough
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thank you bro
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>Watching crowd reactions for Grand Finals
>Everyone in the venue on their feet for the final round
Absolute kino
And? This wholesome chungus potato is a direct descendant of woodstock, the emergence of feng shui in the west and healing crystals and whatever else non-religious people try to invent to fill the void.
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im switch from d pad to leverless
any tips to speed up the learning? am getting my ass kicked by plats
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Are all christcucks this schizoid?
I think the important first step is to remember instinctively what your buttons do. So practice combos and stuff. Once youre past that, do a lot of casual matches until you get comfortable playing with your leverless. It took me around 3 weeks to get comfortable, just practice an hour or two everyday
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a CVS3 right now made by current capcom would be the worst potential thing that could happen.
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Compelling argument from someone who got mad because I insulted his magic potato against depression
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>fewer characters than in the past
>characters that are straight up ads for other franchises
>characters that look worse than ever
SF6 keeps delivering.
based, at least something AI is doing right
aislop is never based
What's the difference between joysticks that are good for fighters vs ones which are good for shmups?
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>Punk's Roman triumph while walking back to his hotel room
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what are you using for these

it is for 3DPD
A slightly altered Ken's model would have been 10x better.
Buzzlightyear looking ass
Why not add Alex? Why not add Cody? Why add Terry? in season 2? or is this the final season of SF6?
Nobody plays Alex in any game and he has a fraudulent playstyle.
>I’ve lived long enough for people to hate on Capcom models again
>people are doing NRS tier freeze frame analysis
Nakayama it’s over pal
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FEXL did the "semi-realistic" artstyle SF6 went for much better considering they probably had 1/100th of Capcom's budget.
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Imagine cammy’s stinky grippers around your knob coooorrr
>little guy got him to 3rd place at Evo
>a better showing than last time
It’s working
That looks fucked up
Guvnor sure likes his potato plushie innit? Good for him bruv
Okay, why are people tribal about Sanwa vs Seimitsu? Just general gearfaggotry like Sony vs Canon vs Nikon?
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I’ve seen those old ova clips where he groped a waitress….if I were Andy, all I’m saying is that shit wouldn’t fly
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Hopium: Terry looks like a ps2 npc because they're saving polygons for Elena's cheeks
aren't they like Ryu and Chun equivalents in terms of popularity?
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Mai is loyal unlike slut Chun-li
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Yeah but chun isn’t seeing anybody and Ryu wouldn’t ever get pussy and if he did he’d walk out. Terry seems like that actual guy you’d never want to introduce a gf to..
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Chun has NEVER cheated on me.
Its a different game so that makes sense, this means nothing in terms of enjoyment. Not to mention he beat big bird strictly through pokes and whiff punishing
Saudichads, I kneel
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terry forma garou
Chun is pure. Mai hangs out with bad influences like the DOA girls.
Try to play other games with your hitbox too, everything you possibly can.

That way, you will speed up your brain getting used to it
The chosen one
Here comes the salty """artist""

I will type some words and make an image better than anything you have ever done in your entire life. The future is NOW
EndingWalker looks like a tranny
redpill me on bison having a safe on block target combo
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>butthole rims
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shuckle da gawd
He's just an awkward teenager you're completely obsessed with trannies
We have taken the streets back from the foreign invaders
So many guys that look like that have gone on to troon out, especially high level competitive players, it's a safe bet thoughever
Im just watching 3S and thinking to myself... Were fighting games ever good? Or were they just bad concepts constructed well?
I say this with the ultmost respect, EndingWalker is gonna become a beautiful tranny. No troon shit, the kind that can just shake her ass for a living. She got all my support
Leave the kid alone, you filthy chasers.
look at these serial-grooming anisois
you sound like an obsessed retard
A jivegawd will never troon out
That's gonna be a yikes from me
The only one that comes to mind is Umisho, I swear if this dude had a normal haircut this wouldn't even cross your mind
I hope you guys keep giving EndingWalker's full support after her egg hatches, specially financially by subscribing to her onlyfans
You're severely mentally ill
Rickie almost won the first Jive CPT
Ricky Ortiz
Almost every fighting game suffers from retarded devs adding too much or not really thinking through the mechanics they add. Its not that they are bad concepts constructed well, its more that they are good concepts constructed badly (from a pure gameplay perspective, not including things like single player modes or qol features)
He's a trud striker unlike Endinggawd who came up on Jive
>Do you think he actually likes the game
Yep, keep coping tho lmao
ricki is the only fgc troon we support she's valid
Ricky started far, far before V
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missu kinbari jackuson
We didn't get Ibuki in the base roster because of THIS?
no street fighter game has been constructed well. they have all had jank and BS
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They are literally
Nothing alike. I want to castrate whatever non-player retard started this idiotic trend of saying that Ibuki isn’t in the game because of Kim when their entire playstyles and kits are nowhere near similar.
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Is capcom based enough....?
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>Heihachi has 1million views already
>Terry is struggling at 600k still and non-main channels aren’t cracking a million
>even max shill dood Heihachi video is above Terry
Guys….I’m not even shitposting hard, but I think those schizos were right. >The honey moon phase is over
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now this on the other hand
Tekken was at evo?
isn't kim's moveset literally supposed to be an evolution of *bushinryu*, meaning that if anyone's getting cucked out of the roster (which isn't how it works to begin with), then it's guy/maki/zeku
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The only shot where he looks fine hides his eyes and jaw, really makes you think.
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heihachi won the evo reveals despite being the same function from '94
She was on jives Kanzuki beach stage, with a low poly model. She’s got a chance to be a WT npc if another Rival schools fighter is added. But maybe in SF7 she could be in.
Funfact she’s a discarded Akiman design for SF3, she appears one time in the newgeneration secret file and would be locked away in akiman’s drawers until rival schools. To this day he always admits that some of his designs were used without his say so on projects like Rival schools
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I dont care about views.
If the trailer was good and he looked good it wouldve been cool.
But he looks like yet another horror engine abomination while niggers holler in the background of the trailer.
Absolutely disgraceful.
This shot and then the next shot being the default protag face is what made me die of laughter.
Yes. She’s more of a Guy/Yun “replacement” (even though those characters also don’t even play similarly to Kim and the existence of one character with a similar moveset to another doesn’t erase that character’s chance of showing up in the game anyhow). Ibuki is the farthest thing from her and you’d literally have to have never played 4 or 5 to think otherwise.
Terry isn't a reveal we already knew he was in the game
Someone redraw this as Ken Costume 3 holding a Blanka-Chan
Wouldn’t Ed make more sense?
you disingenuous faggot you know what i meant i will fucking rape your pink asshole and by that i mean not actually me but my friend rocks with his bbc that is smaller than mine or a matrix entity from the multiverse but not me personally because i only fuck women like your mom
i watched a vod of the evo finals and this is the first time i've seen sf6 gameplay in about two years...is it really STILL all about mashing drive rush into each other? they didn't nerf it? what the fuck is wrong with capcom?
they gave her ibukis setplay bombs and command dash that goes aerial.
Now post my heroes
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Maybe Future SF games should bite the bullet and remove low confirms
I was going to main Terry but with that look im out. Why did they give him a white boi ah upper lip?
nah DR was untouched and most other mechanics were barely changed.
really the only significant change is that luke isnt toppest of tiers anymore.
Ibuki and Guy
Ibuki and Guy
Ibuki and Zeku
UhM iBUKi cANT maKE it CAuSE KimBERly
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my beloved
kyami huwaito
ibuki cant make it because of the chipotle burrito character crossover.
you're only getting two SF characters a year from now on.
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So the birds were relevant, glad we settled that.
Why does Terry look like he has downs?
>seething for months
I'm pretty sure they're setting Kim to be rivals with Ibuki. Cause to me Ibuki was the most random character that had no purpose other than being a hot ninja babe. But now atleast there will be a story there
dis nigga got WARPED by da alfa
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Years actually.
imagine the smell
that would be awful.
Ibuki is already rivals with Makoto dummy
It’s up.
not gonna watch it though.
3s would have been the greatest game of all time if it weren't for chun/yun. cvs2 is pretty up there too, both are just held back by not receiving that one last good balance patch.
Endingwalker has a father figure and raised by niggas like problem x. He's not falling for the HRT poison trap.
kys clayton
I kneel…
I walk.
america has its first American SF EVO champion. Didn't happen in Alpha, SF2, 3, 4, and 5. What makes 6 different?

also if Zangief is top 1 where was he in top 8(minus 2)
>what makes sf6 different?

it's not real SF
but I thought sf4 wasn't real SF? when I first started playing that it was Slow Fighter Snore
he is so obviously boymoding and has tranny mannerisms
2009 - Daigo
2010 - Daigo
2011 - Fuudo
2012 - Infiltration
2013 - Xian
2014 - Luffy
2015 - Momochi

2016 - Infiltration
2017 - Tokido
2018 - Problem X
2019 - Bonchan
2020 - (canceled)
2021 - (online)
2022 - Kawano

2023 - AngryBird
2024 - Punk
Before that
>John Choi winning one ST finale
>John Choi winning one Cvs2 on release year
SnakeyEyez even by pros is not seen as a main game winner as Hd remix was a side game to everyone
sf6 is the most well constructed sf game
literally projecting
Snakeeyez won a 'relevant' SF2 Evo with Zangief in 2010 or 2011
>sf4 wasn't real SF?

focus was shit, but it was SF. neutral skip into plus frames and frametrap over and over isn't SF.
not really, you're just a complete knob
>disrespecting AfroCole
piece of shit
Daigo will win 2025.
I believe in him.
You should slob on my knob then
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Will Daigo ever win a tournament again?
sf2 had American champs nigga
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Which game is real SF?
he should move to america. Those JP matches are making him soft.
daigo is going to train with fuudo in the mountains and when he returns he'll have a lengthy beard and be at his most powerful state yet
It’s about Strive having cool characters but sucking.
Then it’s about “oh yeah I got lied about and uhh these people suck x10”
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Only Jive. The GOAT.
a toast
>but 30 year old vega wall dives!!!

please kill yourself, you ruined street fighter
What is the strongest region in SF?
sfv sucked dick lmfao
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Rashitfags every match really do be like this
To think it only took 7 years after release for SFV to be playable
>bigbird after the reset
if sf6 got rid of vtriggers then how did rashido keep spamming his vtrigger at evo?? wtf
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remember chris wong?
>sf6appas eating their babyfood jeetslop
be sure to buy drive coins or whatever the fuck you fucking retarded pigs
Why is rog beating up the average dudley hater, are Rogcoons retarded or is Balrog secretly a dudley fan?
>capcom literally gets rid of street fighter neutral for instant neutral skip plus frames
>usa finally wins an evo when legacy skill is neutered

that is so pathetic
gonna bite yo ass
Thank good he's British and not American or else the CIA would have already targeted him for grooming into shooting up an event.
rog is for the advancement of all black men like dudley and ed
Choi boy already raped the Japs in ST decades ago and Justin as well
he sneeds it tho
his anti-airs are bad and his buttons are stubby
holy based
yea, two people. then there was about 25 or so years of japanese domination until capcom neutered classic SF neutral so americans can win. it's pathetic.
and based afrocole beat nuki in st at the very first evo after the name change from battle by the bay
Punk has better fundamentals than your favorite japanese pro.
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The Daigo Ryu arc is about to begin bros
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Drive Rush actually improves Neutral since it forces you to learn to counterpoke and get as much damage as possible off that counterpoke
>But what if they dump meter?!!??!
Then they dumped meter, pussy. Youre positive now.
just got lucky with one jump
punk would've lost last night if any of the japanese pros he fought were under the age of 30
Maybe Japs should foster new blood
You sound stupid saying this when the American who won is the ONLY guy trying to keep neutral heavy gameplay alive. The Japs have totally embraced the neutral skip.
Lets go
kawano got raped
punk DIs modern players lil nigga
kneel to da alfa
He beat Nemo, Tokido, and Momochi? Doesn't count
Punk actually has the best Neutral awareness but he's also
A faggot
punk would've lost if capcom didn't purposely neuter ryu and akuma so jap pros couldn't dominate

neutral skip into point blank plus frame mash and whiff punishing is like, 1/3rd of classic SF neutral. you used to have to work for it. I can't imagine punk doing well vs SF4 sagat for instance
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Mods ban this bot out my chat
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timmies seething at punk just sound like ltg
Rog is so sexy. I want him to take out his big long fat ass dick and slap me on my vulgar ass with it.
I don't think he is going back to Ryu unless they fix his fireball
this is why I don't feel bad for daigo. sf6 is designed from the start to neuter legacy skill. daigo defends it all because he's tied his livelihood to capcom and SF.
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they are probably all tiersexuals as well
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Does this look like the face of someone who enjoys playing SF6?
Ngl I think he definitely experimented with Sonicfox's nasty ass. Still, I'll give him the pass as it was but a phase.
I really dislike that in the eyes of the modern fgc only street fighter is allowed to have "the best moments in history" when all that fucking happened was a dude misinputted a shit button and got lucky
many such cases
the kusobeggar reveals himself
They want a modern day Daigo and moment 37 so badly.
Hey alright take it to /fgg/
he's just smiling because he loves sf6 so much!
No. I think his reflexes are gone, and Dix doesn't favor his skills.

Super SF4
>implying it wasn't intentional
>Playing Street Fighter 6 is.................... not an option....................
So how can we save Daigo?
I don't think anybody is about to treat Heyao or whatever his name is as a new Diago.
Firstly, make him switch off Akuma. The character is complete dogshit
The storytelling of this year's EVO was peak
He don't wanna be saved.
A wife that will nag him about drinking too much
Just force him to play ryu for a week. he'll never touch akuma again
Clayton is always right. It's been said before but this guy should be in charge of all the games we play. Just hire him under a alias if people are that worried about tagging his name on something. He's more than proven himself, and at this point he just makes everyone else look bad at how based he is.
Ryu has ONE good neutral button fuck off
No, I meant how is Akuma bad?
EW vs Punk would have been the better script. EW taking the position punk had and punk finally getting his win. the birds just don't make for cinema
- stop drinking
- stop playing sf6 seriously until they nerf drive rush, the game is engineered to fuck daigo over
DSP owns Gayton's soul
>- stop playing sf6 seriously until they nerf drive rush, the game is engineered to fuck daigo over
why did it seem like the terry video was a surprise to people
we already know all the new characters coming out this year
he has stHP, stMK, crMK, stLK, and solar plexus on top of having an amazing fireball game that retracts his hurtbox on startup. He also has one of the best anti-meta low crushes in the entire game with hop kick that is almost always a spacing trap. Ryu's neutral is beyond nasty, thank god Ryu players are all retards
Did they ever find that guy?
>spams drive rush into plus frame neutral traps/throw loops over and over

I'm EOP. How bad is his drinking habit?
>shota crMK
>ryu fierce
>2 buttons who are +, one leads to a crumple on punish counter
>2 4f jabs
>crLK that hits low
>jab leads to crMP on counterhit
kami 6 owns you and your precious jappas
Well, its the only title with an enthusiastic community that doesn't have an attention span of a goldfish. The only other titles that actually have a decent amount of people watching them in the first place is Tekken and GG. The former is composed of mostly normalfags that play other games and don't follow it all that closely year round and the latter is quite literally just an excuse for LGBT meetups. SF has a monopoly on the more obsessive players that grind the ladder and/or lab all day and communicate with each other all the time.
suicidal drinking

the game is garbage and so are you
kami. 6. owns. you.
9k health in a 2 touch game
Air fireball is bad
Demon flip is a dumb gimmick special
Every version of tatsu whiffs on crouch
Raging demon is a useless meme super and he only gets at 30% health
Teleport doesn't have any invincibility

All he has is a broken grounded fireball
punk played ken in sf4 and did well
only thing you own is a dildo, faggot
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pack it up boomers
Evo this weekend was fun. Made out with a cute boy after some sets, and for once I’m kinda glad I’m anonymous for it
God has spoken
>immediately starts thinking about dildos
KEK kami 6 owns your faggot ass
Don't hurt the 23ers feelings again
playing sf6 is already the biggest self own out there
Probably not enough for the shakes, but enough that it effects his coordination and focus at the highest level. He's not young enough to do that and compete against zoomers on adderrall. If he cut his booze in half and started going for serious bike rides and doing some calisthenics, he would probably be more successfull.
is this street fighter
Daigo plays better when wasted
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>stHP, stMK, crMK, stLK, and solar plexus
Akuma has better version of all of these buttons. Akuma's st.HP is identical to Ryu's notorious st.HP except Akuma's is 1 frame faster because... because lol reasons.
>amazing fireball game that retracts his hurtbox on startup
Akuma has better fireball both in terms of frames and speed. Also he has no hurtbox around his hands, which is way better because it makes it better against jumps
>one of the best anti-meta low crushes in the entire game with hop kick
It doesn't even crush lows well, and Akuma has a better one anyway
Akuma is Ryu on crack but with 1000 less health, and people STILL pick Ken over both. You're not a genius who figured out that Ryu is better. Much better and smarter players than you pick Ken and Akuma for good reasons.
sober daigo would still lose, the game is engineered to fuck over legacy skill. neutral skips into plus frames at 99 seconds, perfect parry to catch any and all abare, random DIs that we have stats that prove the japs are bad at reacting to, throw loops that massively dumb down the oki/meaty game, it's just a bad game.
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bigbird lookin like he finna bomb something
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Oh and I almost forgot the fucking elephant in the room: Akuma's walkspeed. So amplify everything I said about Akuma even more.
big word for you negro, I know

damn someone sent this nigga his wifes secret discord link
why does fuudo always look like he's terrified of something in every picture
>sat through tekkens drag off just to see arslan win his 5th evo
>SF6 comes on
>legit fell asleep
dont know what it is about this game but even with 800 hours in it, i cant watch niggas confirm into DR 50 times and take it to the corner
>mfw i left my ass model wife home to get job to randos in slime fighter 6
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Hey faggots how do I play G? Is he OP? He is president of the world. I own an Xbox.
>man haha I’d rape you guys who play video games all day haha, remember decades tho
Sounds like the same mentality LTG and other crabbas have. I wish Clayton well but it’s clear even bothering to talk about something he supposedly doesn’t care about elicits bad thoughts.
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watching this shit only strengthens my thought that they should have added drive parry and stopped right there...
>I own an Xbox
stick to watching smug's videos then
Clayton looks like Dix Terry
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who will beat mena after he gets out of the hyperbolic time chamber?
t. PS5 about to double as a pipe bomb from overheating
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*stepdaddies this post*
who will take the cheeseburger out of mena's hands?
He lost to bigbird & angrybird
If you think about it its like he got 3rd place
>Why can’t they adapt and learn like literally everyone else has?
>Why didn’t a Jap beat someone who was playing the exact same character as him?
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holy reddit....
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>just adapt to the fact that street fighter is now a kusoge that takes absolutely 0 skill where ape mashing idiots scam long time professionals out of tournaments with shoehorned slime mechanics
i'd have to hit my head on the wall too many times before becoming that retarded, sure it isn't easier for you to admit that the sf6 is insanely casualized and ill-suited for competition like literally everyone else?
they said they wanted sf6 to feel like a continuation of 3rd strike dummy. it was always gonna have parry, but we didnt need drive impact or drive rush at all and them existing has clearly neutered the game
perfect parrying is just as egregious
You can give Ryu players the best of every single tool in the game and they would still just throw three ex fireballs in a row to do walk up sweep while in burnout.
the problem has always been the players
parry is much more noxious than all those other mechanics
is complaining about parries the new complaining about throws?
b-b-b-but funny jap man tapped forward on his stick and got the lucky parry! he was so happy about it that he did a goofy jump up in the air!
feel like there are insects crawling all over me again
shouldnt have cut on the game
? is this nigga retarded
>if I can't knowledge check players at pools then I don't like the game
That's just... your opinion, man.
people were shitting on the dogshit mechanic that is parry before you were born.
da alfa hates parry so i hate it too
throw loops are obnoxious, and they brought it back

perfect parry is obnoxious, and they made it absolutely risk free

drive rush is obnoxious, it's a plus frame neutral skip you spam 6-3 times in a row, and a character is largely defined by how good their DR cancellable normal is

vtrigger is obnoxious, and they snuck it back in with level 2s

the game is an abortion
>What’s that? Your usual high tier players, including ones who made it far in 5, are the ones making top 6 and top 10?
>What’s that? That actually just makes Hapanese players look retarded because it implies everyone but them can adapt regardless?
Parries have been rightfully shat on since their conception. It is a dogshit mechanic with no place in any mainline Street Fighter game. I haven't seen a single SF6 pro that likes the way the mechanic is in 6 either.
punk has to fight for his life to barely win with his fundies style. Imagine if he played rashit
the evo champion couldn't even qualify for last year's capcom cup, how is the game not random?
SF6 is a worst of street fighter celebration and includes everything people didnt like about past games.
Bison and Heihachis VA are the same now
The game is so random a literal who won the first million dollar tournament and disappeared from existence.
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a nigga named UMA
punk needs to win the next 100 EVOs to match UMA's winning LMAO
Clayton is nonchalantly OD af who are you trying to kid here? Anytime there's footage of him playing Guilty Gear, or Street Fighter, its low key amazing how good the guy is for someone who doesn't play.
unban this man already
Sure clayton. At least you don’t have a daughter
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Bring her back. BRING HER BACK!
If you couldn’t tell, the entire Evo panel this year was self glazing and reinforcing nonstop “the community is so open bros!”. Legit felt like they were trying to hard scrub that birds and other people begging for infil to come back lol
So Evo won’t ever unban that nigga sadly
People trying to cap on Clayton. I don't care if it's Alpha. No one else just randomly plays a game once a year and can play like this. Only Clayton can do this. What's even more funny is he constantly talks about how much he sucks.
You would never hear any other player like Clayton as humble as he is in these videos.
Universal parries are fucking awful because they drastically affect fireball game design, its made worse in sf6 since chip damage doesn't happen until burnout. Character specific parry mechanics are better since you can at least tune the character's individual strengths around it.
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didn't some random online warrior ken just slime the ever living fuck of mena and a few other estabilished pros like, last week? fuck off with this cope, sf6 is one of the most volatile fighting game ive ever seen when it comes to results
I'm currently playing sf6 on a steam deck
should I get a real PC?

based ChrisT
did kazunoko go to evo?
Clayton is a one in a million when it comes to games. I'm not being sarcastic when I say he really is an inspiration.
47 players made it out of pools, 20 of which were Japanese with the 2nd highest group being Americans. In total 60% of all Japanese players who entered made it out of pools.
Japan is, objectively speaking, the strongest region overall even if they cannot win tournaments.
Hello, tourist here.
How do you rate SF6's top 6 at EVO?
I did not watch most of it but I watched grand finals and a few other sets. I'm not a big fan of SF6 but I usually like watching top 8s, but I found this one lacking. I don't know, I just didn't feel very hyped about it. Could be that it was very late and I was tired.
I didn't watch Tekken, but a friend of mine said Grand Finals was hype. But there were a lot of Drags in top6.
To me the best one was Strive. Don't get me wrong Strive is AIDS but almost every match there was very close and we saw some insane plays, Nitro was playing out of his mind too. I've heard that Sol is a horrible MU for Jack-O', so Jack-O' wasn't doing him any favors there.
So for me it goes like
Strive > Granblue > SF6
and Tekken, which I can't rate
who the fuck did mena lose to in pools anyway?
>yeah I’m humble but..
Then you’re not lol. Nearly every old ass boomer still on ST just keeps to themselves and only talk shit while actively being on fightcade. Choiboy could face fuck clayton hourly on sets but he doesn’t even say a word, just plays and goes about.
average 4channer's statistics knowledge
6/10, best match was momochi vs tranny primarily because ed has those yamazaki serpent strikes that promote some non-drive rush interaction
Acqua and Nemo
>How do you rate SF6's top 6 at EVO?
The game itself sucks to watch, honestly. Ed is one of the most boring characters I've ever seen in any fighting game. I'm happy that Punk won though, it was mostly just storylines and notable, likable players from previous games carrying the viewer experience. Imagine having to watch some Noah tier ape mash on Drive Rush and call it the "highest level of competition"
acqua? who???
Punk hasn't won evo til he beats Infil in a ft10.
>Universal parries are fucking awful because they drastically affect fireball game design
nta but this is genuinely a good point, albeit one you only ever usually see remy truthers bring up
Clayton is humble tho. Have you watched his videos? He constantly talks about how lucky he is and doesn't consider himself good. Maybe that's a humble brag, but still a humble.
Is street fighter harder than tekken? I keep losing to Eddie Gordo and I want to quit
He’s only humble talking about not dying
When it’s a video game he’s just like any other fighting game player
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Punk framed Infiltration because he knows he would lose the set.
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>wins the world largest sf6 tournament despite not knowing any frame data
Frame data cucks btfo
Fuck off
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>tourneys ban infiltration for domestic abuse
>saudis decapitate whores for fun and FGC sucks them off for blood money
>Is street fighter harder than tekken?
Tekken is so easy that all the Eddy players that keep beating you probably has no fucking clue what the fuck they're doing as they mash out strings. That's why classifying fighting games as hard or easy makes no sense.
he's been a top-ish player since SF4
Infiltration doesn't have that FUCKING saudi money though
You just ignore all the videos where he constantly talks about how much he sucks, and he feels like he was lucky to win huh? I'll never understand the amount of hatred the guy gets, his name is really a trigger word for you schizos. I don't even see why it's such a big deal to give him props desu. He deserves it.
sf was never a frame data game besides 5
Clayton is not humble about his game skill at all, and he doesn't need to be.
Hatred? I’m subbed to you clayton lol. Stop with the chip on the shoulder bit
parries are fine the problem with sf6 parry is there barely any risk to it compared to 3S
dis nigga clayton posting about hisself on 4chan pretending he humble
aint no way
people just didn't care frame data until very recently, but it's obviously always been important, niggas just never wanted to be that good
esports makes everyone sweatier
He's our best schizo
But he talks about frame data all the time???
cant wait for punk's next stream.
there's about half a dozen 3s parry option selects that beg to differ
shut up fucking BOT
I'm real fuck you, I love da alfa.
>17 year old kid immediately gets sent to losers, bodies an older pro in a mirror match, locks down third place in his first showing
>comedic technical issues interrupt the momentum and Nemo gets eliminated
>notorious choker Punk makes it to grand finals
>chokes and Bird secures a bracket reset
>Punk activates and gets a Perfect
>Bird Perfects him right back and takes the game
>boils down to one last game
>boils down to one last round
>boils down to next hit wins
>Punk lands the combo, wins his first EVO Grand Finals
>first American SF champ in a decade
>entire arena erupts into chants of USA, Punk is crying, commentators are getting choked up
>he leaves the convention center and is greeted like a Roman Emperor
Outside of the weird rock paper scissors filler segment it was really good
that isn't why they banned him tho
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Punk was fun to watch, the birds piss me off tbqh
All eds are boring imo
I'm not shuckle I just saved this from twitter
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the same trannies who hate infiltration and obsess over him shit their diapers over saudis too, but saudis have money and organize shit on their own turf so they have no pull there.
that kind of shit only works in a country as gay as america.

furthermore saudis dont owe shit to capcom. they werent bought up like CPT events.
and the players? most dont give a shit about tranny politics. players come from the third world and some are even muslim so of course they wont boycott just because some castrate shits himself to death on twitter.
>Also set up Big Bird's villain arc brought about by him once again remaining in his friend Angry Bird's shadow by getting 2nd instead of winning
Better storytelling than any shounenshit for damn sure
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>mickey mouse game
>america finally wins EVO
Rose guy.
As a pro-Clayton poster and enjoyer I can say he's more humble than anyone else posted here that's for sure.
better than a fuckin brit winning evo
why do americans love chanting usa
its over sf6 bros
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Why japs are so bad at Dix? The game is way more popular there, I don't understand.
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where is that faggot that was saying punk never won any majors a couple months ago? apologize
Honestly if Punk got knocked off the bracket I'd have 100% been pulling for Endingwalker, he put in a hell of a performance
Da alfa
fighting games are a dead genre and only boomers play
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It's the most powerful chant.
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But j wong has the most Evo wins and is American
Followed in second by the furry, another American
Yeah but they're cornballs. Doesn't count.
5 out of 8 of evo's top 8 were Asians. Capcom Cup's grand finals were two chinese guys. Dix is Asia's game.
You don't win EVO by playing Smash, Marvel or any other dead game but by playing SF, newbie.
>jealous he cant chant the name of his country
Capcom are retarded and fell for the fighting games are all about reactions memes. Now the old guard in Japan cannot keep up as it is truly reaction based
hei wont save that shit game
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they are still strongest region overall its just that our strongest players are stronger than their strongest players
the 4chan statistic department concluded japs are the most powerful races in dix
Nobody and I mean nobody fucking cares about sonicFox lol. Except maybe loud Niggas on Twitter. SF is still the main show for Evo
how the fuck am i even supposed to know who's playing who
>Doesn't count
One of Justin's is turd strike doe
lmao they are just overrated boomers with shit reactions
who does Trump main
Except for that year that strive was the main event kek
Justin Wong is asian and a pedo
Thrasher DAMND
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Donald Duck
Their top guys are old and the up and comers aren't used to out of Japan playstyle
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do not waste her on sf6.
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This. She is supposed to be animay, not survival horror.
>hitconfirm goddess turned into generic cr.mk DRC bot
god no
You have proof of neither
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power of anime
Is the universal slime/parry system an improvement or step back from V-trigger?
>punk wins Evo
>I get back online
>Two cammanthas back to back
Save me terry
nigger you still have triggers on top of slime and parries. rashit sharting out tornados every single round.
Parry is more obnoxious than any v-trigger and we still have v-triggers
There isn't anything even out, that pass starts in October lmao
urien should've been season 2 so he can spam mirror
Level two>>>>trigger
No CA for install trannies
>Bare Witness
I have that downloaded. haven't played it yet
Guile, he spams booms and flash kicks when they jump
You could play in a way to prevent v-trigger activation
You can't do anything to stop a player from getting level 2
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He had the most kino match in finals
Ending will will win most majors once he's old enough to drink
pretty sure british people start drinking at like 12
Can you guys stop calling him Terry Bogdanoff before that starts becoming a meme, thanks
That'd explain their orc physiognomy
Jive...jive is eternal.
Good ass jiving *clap-clap clap-clap-clap*
You know what was the most interesting thing in the top 6?
>Momochi had a better Ed than EW
>yet EW defeated Momochi once he realized playing slow and methodical was favoring Momochi and switched to just spamming slime and jumping around.
>momochi couldnt react to the spam well at all
>by the end it looked like EW was way better but in the technical aspects of the game he was losing.
>EW was dropping basic combos and poorly utilizing tier 2 but it didn’t matter.
SF6 actually favors zoomers playing like absolute spergs. Old heads struggle to keep up.
hope the fgc doesn't ruin this kid like they did with noah
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Check pic related from yesterday and oh yeah, there’s something i’ve been meaning to say…I like capcom, I like street fighter 6, I play and enjoy modern controls, and terry looks wicked cool.
>silver opinion
Into the trash it goes.
I think you need to rewatch the set.
Are we dropping our main for Terry?
>Playing fast and rushing down an opponent who favors slow and methodical gameplay
>This is somehow not technical
He switched up his gameplan in response to someone outperforming him in a different aspect. He adapted, Momochi couldn’t.
no but I'll play him and get him to Master Rank
if your slow and methodical play loses to spamming and jumping around then you're not slow and methodical, you're just slow
Enjoy Silver
Its not sliming! Its called adaptation!
Terry has been my main since 3s Strike
let me guess, you're one of those people who fights "honorably", and then when you lose you say they are playing the game wrong
actually nevermind, you don't even play a game
Hell yeah my guy got silver we the Jefferson's moving on up baby let's go
this nigga is so fuckin mad lmao for what
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sex with Ryu
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The secret is just playing alex in 3rd strike. You can bunny hop all day and fish for parry’s or meaty hits for stun and if you lose I was low tier. Win win
midnight bliss alex goes hard ngl
probably one of the best things to come out of capcom fighting jam
Alex's scottish Jive outfit>3S Alex
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fuck no, 16er. ugly ass game.
Anon no! His semen retention!
I will retain it for him
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Sex with Alex
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what a faggot (the guy infil is responding to)
Not the same. Alex would make you pancakes the morning after and then act like a stranger in public later in the week.
The chicks in Jive really were jacked, look at those legs.
Phit Ass White Girl
gonna drop luke cant make master with him
Alex is made only to mating press ibuki, ok? Got it, glad we are on the same wave length
Infil cannot be allowed to view the fightstick museum or it will compromise the integrity of the FGC
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>Alex would make you pancakes the morning after
fchamp literally did nothing wrong and they wont unban him
>infil wearing shades and a trenchcoat to buy Marisa keychains and juri posters
I saw like 8 dudes holding rick the hadou back from hunting and breaking infil's face
He said racism is good! During black pride month!
Jokes aside he's become a really positive figure in the community and been on his best possible behavior, not even a slight controversial incident or quote since his MINOR incident, and his ban is lifetime it's FuckedUp
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I’ll study and train, I’m on a journey and silver is part of it.
You know it, loving sf6. Hardest challenge I’ve had in gaming, but I won’t give up.
Are you incorporating any motion inputs into your gameplay yet? Or just the modern specials so far.
If you're spamming fireballs from Fullscreen, use that as an opportunity to practice doing your quarter circles while in a live match.
ranked makes me want to die
He said watermelonlives matter with a pic of a melon while BLM protests were happening
He's more retarded than racist tbqh
I just sit at the arcade machines playing the old games and eavesdrop on people fighting in chat
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So is it official, the age of AURA is over?
no more burgers no more wins
>Beat Samurai, Jimmy, Myrken, Takamura, Endingwalker, and Zhen for the Cup
Wow, what a god, insane run.
Yes, using qcb+light for hasho. I’ve been jumping in with light jabs and if they are hitting I’ll attach a hasho to them, also if I’m in crouch block ill jab jab jab and if they are hitting I’ll attach a hasho to them. I want to upgrade my game a lot this friday-sunday, I use a lot of fireball, dp, and light jump ins right now. I’d like to continue doing that but follow up with better combos when I get hit confirms from my light normals, also I’d like to start punishing more after di instead of going straight to a level 1-2.
the IRL big body shall rise again....
He never had any
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Support Hershuar
Rick the Hadou isn't breaking anything
he and his wife regularly break troons in their sex orgies
I'm watching the UMvC3 top 8 right now and Noel Brown is in it. Why are Infiltration and FChamp banned again
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>Still mad after Punk called him out for clickbaiting with his name months ago
sonicfox been quiet after punk victory..
and wich would be the fighting game that reached good concepts constructed well the most?
Imagine doubting da alfa
nah he's getting lazier
he had some genuinely funny ones last year
so has china
are they nervous?
That's good! Make sure to try and squeeze in pokes with cr.mk, which I believe should be your crouching medium modern option. It's got great range and is cancellable. Your crouching medium options are core to SF6, since you slime out of them and do your combo if possible later down the line so just using it often now is beneficial
I appreciate this guy actually making concise videos but he seems kinda like a faggot.
who is that guy
Not gonna sugarcoat it, I need Rick to punch me in the face, piss on me, and hold my face in his asscrack
Being better at a character doesn't guarantee you'll win the mirror match.
Awsome, thanks. I’ll start implementing cr.mk, and add learning more about mediums to my list.
For me? I don't think I've played a single fighting game meets the criteria of good concepts constructed well. Every single fighting game I have played has always been let down by the devs adding a stupid mechanic. The closest fgs to meet that, in my personal opinion, are CvS2, Alpha 2, and jive season 5 before Luke, but they all suffer from stupid dev decisions that dampen the experience of the games. Its sad because I cant say that about any other genre except fighting games
he's basically rooflemonger-lite
>get all hyped up after evo
>all excited about the idea of competing next year
>boot up and head to ranked
>go down a full rank
>after 2 hours still can't get back to where I was

Why do I ever even bother dreaming? Fuck it I'm done, I quit. I got to master with one character and now I'll never touch ranked again. No battlehub ether, I'm just too retarded for fighting games
Dumb mentality. If all you cared about was being the best you wouldn't let yourself get defeated so easily. If you just like fighting games you shouldn't care about being the best.
I'd say play it for fun but we're talking about sf6 here
>after 2 hours still can't get back to where I was
The guy who just won evo choked for literal years before he got a championship. You're crying about getting stuck for two hours.
Mods ban anybody speaking Portuguese let's get these junglefuckers out of here
Manon needs more buffs just saiyan'
>If you just like fighting games you shouldn't care about being the best
...wait... do I like fighting games? I honestly can't tell anymore
>I got to master with one character and now I'll never touch ranked again.
there's your problem
play in MR for a while
learn habits within it
apply that to other characters
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kek, capcucks
i felt like there was a genuine point to getting good and grinding in sfv but it's very discouraging to try and do the same for sf6. if i lose to some asshole that's drive rushing me down while trying twice as hard as he is, i don't think "i should grind more", i think i'm having a bad day and should come back when my mind is fresher and my reactions are sharper again
like, what do you tell yourself as you're getting throw looped? "i shouldn't put myself in this situation" stops making sense when the situation is literally just blocking one drive rush cancelled crouching medium kick in neutral
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Here's your Year 2 guest character.
Hoping he streams today. I am so joining the Alpha Academy, asked me mum for some cash
>apply that to other characters
the character I got to master was Manon and the character I'm learning now is Jamie. Not sure how much skill overlap there is there beyond just basic neutral
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I simply dont play SF6, as its bad.
>they dropped the LCQ from capcom cup
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why did they do that? it's the most hype part about the whole thing. remember zhen's insane run in 2022?
Terry can either look like
>A woman
>A skinwalker
I guess Capcom wins? Idk
Ok so how does someone get to punks level then? What can I do to get better?
Slime status?
they both excel at midrange fuckery, but with jamie you are more rewarded for your spacing due to him having decent corner carry on every successful hit
i only play manon if I just want to have a meme ranked session to laugh to since no one in lower ranks knows how to block against her a year later
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kill urself retard
You gotta go to Battle Hub, get a few wins to gas yourself up, then go back to Ranked.

If you don't think you can secure the runback or if the connection was shit or you suspect cheating or you're just not having fun, DO NOT rematch. Once you start fucking up inputs it's time for a break.
I find a lot of people just fold to the fear of lvl5 but with Jamie I have no clue how to get people to stop acting like monkeys
sucks if true, the LCQ was primarily what makes Capcom Cup fun since the main tournament is full of meta slaves
when will fighting games stop looking awful
maybe because of super regions and super premiers. that's wack though, the lcq is always hype.
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>evo much bigger entrants wise than in SFV and 4 yet prize pots much smaller
explain this
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Ed can say it?
capcom gave pot bonuses for evo before covid happened
capcom's too busy funding the next sliming chaiwanese retard's oshii appreciation donationbombs to support the competitive scene for their party game properly
He has the pass but never uses it.
Anime fighting games look great.
also evo itself used to put in a pot bonus by entrant and now snoy is stealing all of that money to pay for pokeman's 2000 dollar hair treatments
the fault is not on capcom. they fund the pro tour. it's evo being cheapskates. historic entrant numbers, sony money, ads out the wazoo, global expansion. yet prize money is still wack.
Just press buttons on the opponents wakeup until it stops working and learn his framekills, from my experience no one respects Jamie's blockstrings even in neutral for some reason even though he's the character you want to respect the most.
If they act like monkeys, just treat them like monkeys until they learn to calm down. Once you reach a certain rank is when Jamie's poke game because more relevant.
becomes more relevant*

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