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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Reminder to report avatar/signature use.

Previous: >>487060576

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bullions spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

>General Resouгces
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im posting in this one
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>says he went to bed
>makes an op an hour after he took his meds just so he can omit one line from the OP

holy mental illness
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we're gonna use this one after, guys
it was made later so use the other one for now
how many profession alts are you guys going to be running in tww apparently the meta is to stack the numettle resource
i've got 24 characters currently
Yea I like this one better.
im character capped
all level 70 too
do we need to level to churn professions or what
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I'm not a fan of the autism wall of text OP, but I refuse to post in a literal avatarfaggot thread
>no avatroon op
>decent image of the future high king of Azeroth instead
I'll take it.
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posting a tasteful elf just to piss off avatroon
orc gods....
reported the other thread
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>25 minute shuffle que on the last day
god damnit
>BG que takes 2 minutes
>25 for shuffle
oh nononono
I like it too
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whats the healer meta for arena looking like in season one wawawin boyos
What the fuck happened last thread
the orc is the taurenGOD's buck actually
how do you mean? avatarfags shitting their pants as per usual, zeev tranny resurfacing or what
it was extra fucking bad last thread. Literally half the thread was just avatarfaggotry and shitty OC comics
it has been decided this is the real thread
ketchup gear will come with the pre-patch event, a week after the pre-patch update.
Literally the same thing it always fucking is. Druid and disc with pally and shaman as wildcards.
kek just realized the cropped porn OP was using "this week in WoW" from a month ago
>he actually cried to the jannies
>other thread got deleted
my sides. you people are literal children
with warbands ill try to play as many chars as possible but i havent decided yet
definitely gonna pick up engi to craft mounts and splash potions
then enchanting and alchemy? for consumes and stuff
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lmao get fucked avatartroons
I would really not be screaming that at the top of your lungs.
as opposed to this one getting deleted and then the avatartroons would definitely not be doing their retarded victory dance, right?
Says the tranny who spent 5 hours melting down in the last thread
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Stormwind is Eredar clay.
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Post gnomes
He does this, I shit you not, LITERALLY everytime. It matters that much to him. Guess squeaky wheel gets the grease sometimes just to shut him up
You should go say hello to Turalyon and Alleria in Stormwind Keep.
>Goes to bed at 12 pm
>seethes at gnoll RPers
>crying because his thread got deleted
its not looking good discord raiders
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Post your WoW character
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... okay then, sperg, guess we bow to your tantrum...

>images you can hear
>jannies delete a shit thread
>"its all a conspiracy against me, the jannies are in on it"
Actually schizophrenic
A'dal never said that THOUGH
>''shit thread''
>Implying this isn't shit:

Previous: >>487060576

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o03STclgxSc [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKDfdX9qeYM [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M9AmT3kbQ4 [Embed]
- The War Within News:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL54rOTo0QY [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou7MRp56Jms [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TECgInMqq5w [Embed]

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZXUndkmmBw [Embed]
- Bullions spreadsheet:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzc9YScvao4 [Embed]

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

>General Resouгces

el o el
disc is mid asf right now, wheelchair healer spec. i sure hope disc is back to being op...
This bread baker is soulless
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He said to sit and to never leave. :3
When you make it an actual post you can see how awful it is... this is just bad spam
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From a little while ago.
I need to log in to her again but I have been MoPing not stop
Turalyon is too based
Disc is always busted in pvp at the start of xpack then gets reigned in. Just like hpal is always trash at the start of xpack then gets gigabuffed into meta.
How do you people not recognize the cycle that's been going on since Ion's reign started in late WoD.
Now watch him have a meltdown because all those anons are posting their character
Other thread was made first. How is this even fair???
Hmm. That's curious. No dooming or OG or a ""'comic"" spam this time.

I wonder why that is.
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Very peculiar isn't it?
is this some falseflag attempt to make the loony troons start spamming their vile shit and bad takes again with an avatar attached to every single one of their posts
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>Images you can hear.
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Did you report the other thread to the jannies? Lost a lot of respect for you. bizarrely petty for someone who acts above that
>gotta win and all that
ya the comics were kind of obnoxious lmao
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I can't help but notice a pattern of behavior.
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Oh that's Argent Dawn and that guy roleplays some Ventrue/Tremere headcanon shitfest of a character
>screams about racism
tell me how you self insert your politics and ideas into the setting without mentioning it directly
Yeah, it is. Good catch
I just passed through the cathedral for a quest and it made me laugh
How much you wanna bet he made a cringe collage that he'll be spamming 2 weeks from now?
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It's also an awfully common meltie subject among the regulars in Stormwind.
whatre you talking about schizo
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Imagine his face and how mad he is rn lol
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i dont have to imagine, ive read his and his groupies posts itt
and fuming
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He's snorted so much Azerite and is so high he transcends the laws of physics!
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>Disc is always busted in pvp
probably sub 1800mmr. disc priest healing output is among the lowest if not the lowest and it lacks cc effectively making it a wheel chair class prone to getting outclassed every time if your comp lacks cc. disc priest's only real gimmick is easily accessible damage mitigation and thats it, that doesn't cut it at 2kmmr+ games where balance, fury wars ect will shred thru weak little penance bubbles especially at high dampening.

compare that to rdruids who can stun cyclone you as much as they'd like and hots that don't seem to be affected by dampening
>NOT racist
disc's strength is in its ability to play offensively, in that you should always be playing aggro with it, spamming purge/dpsing to heal through atonement etc
you're quite right though that disc will get obliterated if you try and play a dampening game against an rdruid
He's not mad at all you fucking idiots, he finds these posts amusing.
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kinda weird that dudes be getting boners when looking at dogs
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of course
moh mistweaver will rule arenas and cotc mistweaver will rule raids. there will be no other healers. only mountain dew.
yeah thats why he stays awake 21 hours a day obsessing over these threads or talking mad bag hours after claiming hes taking his meds and going to bed right

is m*ye the boogie2988 of wowg?
i compare him more to an alexensual but he doesnt stream
they have a simliar level of cognitive dissonance
>mountain dew and boogie shitposts 2 seconds apart

average intelligence of this general I guess
>disc's strength is in its ability to play offensively
true but not always the case because it depends on your teammate and or his gear. disc only works like this at best if you're playing with very slippery caster. most dps are extremely retarded at their own damage mitigation thus forcing me to penance them instead
>hes not hodling faddy bags
>He "wins" the op
>Still has a meltdown
Lmao this fucking guy I swear. Nigga you won why are you still crying?
essence font go brrrr
who's this he
care to point out which posts this hivemind is?
i mostly agree with your sentiments regarding the spec but alot of people make it work its the 3rd most populous healer above 2400 and its only 50 players behind holy, for reference their are 150 more rdruids than holy priests
Never ever maye mega meltie...
iirc they're removing essence burst entirely
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my friend was trying to tell me the high elf sorceress unit in wc3 reforged looks like a tranny, is he just mindbroken because I really don't see it desu
It's pretty obvious if you aren't a double digit retard lol.
no she doesnt look like a tranny
90% of that shit is projection but i have a sneaking suspicion that i suffer from face blindness on account of how often i get fooled by tranny magic angles, filters, and makeup
care to prove who's the room temp iq retard by listing all the posts that this person made?
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Some of you really need to seek mental health evaluation if you think there is a conspiracy around thread OPs
I am being serious
I am so god damn tired, Bros... It's always heckin wholesomerinos this and no bad mojo in the dojo that. Even if their low iq ramblings were making real sense, it's just so tiresome that this seems just about the only thing they are capable of talking about.
just call them nigger and /dab
>Maye isn't even awake
>He barely even posts here anymore
>People still bring him up constantly
Rent free!
>Maye isn't even awake
Lazy sod. Wake him up so i can yell at him
join a RP guild that avoids Stormwind, 90% of the time youll be surrounded by people who arent mentally ill twitterfags
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ngl I would have been pissed
>Do you require aid, human?
>Help me, help you
I loved her voice.
The priest and the rifleman also had good VA's as well.
entire moonguard wowg discord grp is laughing at us right now...
no such thing exists man
Smalltime. I had a .0002s in BFA once.
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I don't respect Eredar Paladins, contrite or not, because they trivialize Nobundo's entire character. Would they even know who Nobundo is?
MY last RP guild experience begs to differ.
hide your elf & human women
What guild was it?
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More like 90% chance you'll be surrounded by mentally ill twitterfags who legit believe themselves better than SW people but are just as bad in their own way.
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literally the only avatarfag i like
and voregen
name 2 ethnicities of humans in wow


no one cares
Wow players are going insane
Keep jerking off to your futa foot porn maye
Arathi Human.
Tanari Human.
Kul Tiran Human.

You're right about them being relatively the same.

>t. a /xivg/ guy wondering what's going on in wowg
Wouldnt Kul Tiran or the Arathi in TWW count as a different ethnic group compared to the humans in the Eastern Kingdoms? On account of the former having Drust/Vrykul DNA while the latter all seem to be Half Elves?
You shouldn't like any avatarfag. They're all subhuman.
>Tanari Human
not an actual ethnic group, they are just pirates who settled around Uldum
they are definitely not Humans, they are progenitors
it's normal, this is the last day of dragonflight. tomorrow tww pre patch starts
Okay it was much less a guild and more an organized group of RPers called "The Wandering Lamppost" on AD-EU.
I hung out on their Discord because a friend got me in there and I was afraid to make any mention of anything spicy because of the gorillian Vulpera, Worgen and tranny players. I quit about a year ago and my friend told me it's practically dead by now.
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>neutral RPers
Yeah that tracks
They're the only ones making good posts right now
I'm experiencing breast growth from prostate cancer meds and it's turning me on
I've been in this thread making fun of trannies since they invented them in 2016 but I think I am one
youre developing tits because you keep playing a futa or femoid character on WoW as a man
AGP not tranny, its fine
now now hang on, credit where it's due. I've never had a female character once. I tried I really did.
DK bros, which DPS spec is looking better for WW?
Unholy since going Rider hero spec means youll summon so many minions that enemy players cant target you or you brick their potato rigs
What? QRD?
jesus christ.. this + windfury... stormstrike just 1taps things
Just say it's muscle
i dont pvp
Now that dust dust has settled and it's ogre, what went horribly, horribly wrong with Dragonflight?

And why was it Dracthyr?
Nothing. It was a solid expansion.


un yeah, I'm thinking rape
It took me like 15 mins to work up the courage to post... thanks anon
>Arathi Human.
>Tanari Human.
literally still the same human. They immigrated there and are nomads. They didn't come from Tanaris.
Literally an entire different species
>Kul Tiran Human.
just fat

it sucks, it really does suck, but theres zero real ethnicity for humans
is it possible to level up classic professions while in timerunner?
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I know I posted these before but I'm still on the fence about which mog to bring to TWW for Arcane
ur welcome
you didnt have to post your avatar
only tailoring as far as i know
please someone make a /wowg/ realm wide guild once pre patch drops im tired of being in turbo normie retard guilds on OCE
I am not two avatars at once though
We have an EU one ready to go
so many of your tinker slots are locked in this mode to fundamentally broken ones like brilliance, searing light, mark of arrogance, wildfire, it's a shame there weren't more build synergy ones like this.
it is time to accept that wow is a dying game
Join <BLT>
you can ask that question without posting your character by using wowhead
OK which one looks the most based and redpilled
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/wowg/ only works for EU for some reason.
NA /wowg/ (and that includes me) are too mentally ill and unstable to build a proper community.
Stop talking about FF14
Nobody was
when are the dragon racing cups coming back? i missed the EK cup.
>make a fun class
>make it powerful
>make it unique and interesting
>you have to be a scaly and aren't able to transmog or wear armor
why is blizz like this
The only option is the ERP clique on MG where you have to obey the leaders command
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can't wait to settle in hallowfall, bros. the zone has even a farm minigame like mop had
what's the deal with the giant light crystal
does it go LE BAD like the naaru do when they see a purple tentacle?
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tww relevant dates
can i purge the halfbreeds from my new home?
Now that dragonflight is over, I wanna agree with all the people who say domestic violence isn't my business. Seriously, it's the couple's problem.

About a year ago I heard Miguel beating the shit out of Thomas, like thumping him to near death in the upstairs of the roasted ram, he was screaming and yelling so I called the valdrakken guards who took 20 minutes to show up then arrested Miguel. I sat with Thomas for a while and we talked about it, I told him he needs to get out of that relationship and it's not just him who suffers. He's alienating his customers and students. He echoed my sentiments at the time, saying he hates Miguel and never wants to see him again.

Anyway a month later Miguel is on parole and they're back together. Miguel approaches me and apologizes to me, says he's trying hard to be a better person. I have no idea what to say so I just tell them good luck.

Same night, very same night I hear them one room over in the inn again. Thomas is verbally abusing the shit out of Miguel. Miguel's crying. "Why can't you be nice to me Tom? For one fucking night? You fucked Kalec, you fucked Gigi Gigavoid, you fucked that Doomguard. You're meant to be my fucking wife! I've got syphilis because of you! Syphilis! And I'm still with you!"

Thomas replied "yeah well why don't you fucking hit me again you little pussy? Too scared to go prison aren't you. Go on. Hit the twink fuckboy and go Valdrakken gen pop, those dragqueers will have you for cigarettes."

I'm like, man, I REALLY shouldn't have interfered. People are gonna live mutually unhealthy til they want to stop. All I did was shift the power dynamic of the relationship and now I feel guilty for the shit they do to one another. It's none of my business, it really isn't.
Aint nobody reading all that shit
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>Aint nobody reading all that shit
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It goes le purple randomly, which makes the zone go all purple and spooky ambients play.
I look like this and say this and have that posture
So in this general about world of warcraft we are not allowed to post our world of warcraft character?
Do what you want
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>what did he mean by this spell?
You can but expect the local schizo to have a meltdown over it
no. if you do it, you will be attacked and punched until you get knocked out. DO NOT POST THAT!!!
Honestly, watching Beef get his hole pozzed and Sansok getting her fartbox tonguepunched while she made retarded horse woman gurgles was probably some of the best writing Blizzard has ever done when it comes to quests
however I did find it odd that when I beat the campaign the cast of characters looked at the screen and said my full legal name, social security, and credit card number
anyone else feel the same?
>No M+ until september 17th
doa expansion
>futa foot porn
can i join
just dont post 500 of the same images every time saying how much you are addicted to porn
>forced to do 10s for best vault
>mythic crests only drop at 9+
I regret buying this expansion.
i'm almost done with the Taivan achievements, they better not release an easier to obtain recolor in the future.....
Should have bought more doordash sloppa
also the whelp quests have some soul in them, too bad they are time gated
xalatath lives there
i hope the music is good
i want to see your character anon :3
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WTF is this gayass rainbow??
>inb4 "it's because you are playing Paladin"
Aura from the WQ where you catch glitter on your flying mount (it's not removable because ofc it's not)
Microsoft has your data
they know what kind of things you look at
>Paladin fighting for LGBT and women's rights
dare i say based_
it means you were caught sniffing butterfly fart
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the main poster of this general literally plays a dick girl and writes porn with other dick girls hoping they are women irl. What do you expect when the devs cater to these people
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Spider one has some kino color grading.
Established himself as the main poster eh?
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I'm literally destroyed by these responses
>Make beautiful city
>Its just a dungeon meaning no exploration
I really wish an entire zone was a city. Its own districts and everything. Suramar from WoW was so cool and such a different take and felt lived in.
I am pretty interested in exploring the spider zone, I’ll admit
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she's my wife now
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She’s my pet now.
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Anything i should sell or spend resources on before the pre patch hits?
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>No playable ogres
>No shaman earth based tank
>No priest light based DPS
>No necromancer class
>No tinker class
>No bard class
>No ninja class
>No witch doctor class

>Instead get shit noone asked for like dogs or rats with goblin skins, or fucking diaper gnomes instead of proper mechagnomes

Why are you people still playing this shit it's literally undefendible
pretty much this >>487178315
none of those things sound cool
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because other mmos make people react like this
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Let's go goblins
what class should i play if i've been subbed to forsen for 10 years
all of those things have been on demand since vanilla released which you don't remember because you probably weren't even born yet
That doesn't make them sound any cooler
Feels like early access is kind of a scam and not worth it.
Your opinion is meaningless since you weren't even born then. Cope and seethe.
tinker and ogre yes, all those other things nah
Being alive is a scam
you're not doing a very good job of persuading me
maybe this is why blizzard won't listen to you, work on your speech skill
if you give blizzard more money than the bare minimum it's your fault. no preorder chads are winning again
define living. imagine for a moment your life was a fractal - would you still exist?
Draenei are so effortlessly beautiful
23 days between launch and m+ opening up? what the fuck
can't bring myself to play a gnome because they lack good mogs
I'll read your post when you finish middle school.
The diaper gnomes was pretty hilarious. And KTs for that matter.
there's always been a 2-3 week buffer before the seasonal content comes out
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its really ruff but we can manage the pain
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I'm old fashioned when it comes to this question.
That's not true, I (the main poster) plays a dick girl that exclusively breed females
Futa on futa is a sin
apparently m0 has a daily lockout in tww so that's why m+ is getting delayed by a week
Didn't there use to be a time where they would stagger m+ and raids during the first few weeks? Like week one would have the normal raid, week two would have half of the heroic raid and m+ up to a certain level?
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I'm the real main poster
How busy is the dance floor for you guys?
>>No shaman earth based tank
i am once again suggesting GW2 Elementalist
they used to do a week where normal/heroic came out and m+ gave rewards up to normal raid ilvl
the last raid of shadowlands is the only one where they split the raid on heroic week
trollanon is the main poster imo
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I like her friend better.
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me after i finally get my medicinal speed
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turalyon dies in 11.2 and the bussin zoomer takes over the alliance
you're welcome
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Tarren Mill EU ain't what it used to be
you're looking for tauren mill, silly. #1 EU server.
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Draenor was 6th for like 2 expacks and now it's back on top
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>main poster
I play(ed) on Chamber of Aspects and it was fucking desolate. Wonder how it is these days.
so is there any point in grinding for gear in timerunner? I'm assuming all the gear will get deleted...? Isn't the main point just for some rewards like mounts and to get to lvl 70 fast
sub is the ninja retard
it even has shuriken toss

uninstall wizard
>No playable ogres
kul tirans, and no one plays them. curious
did you just call body positive humans ogres???
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i still consider huns to be the main character of wowg thoughbiet
over 100 weapon recolors + unique appearances are going away with the mode. they're scattered everywhere. world drops, dungeons, scenarios, lfr, normal heroic mythic raids.
>mostly complete list
>tracking addon (exhaustively complete list)
if you want to 100% these drops you need to take minimum 2 characters through mythic SoO - a warrior begging hunters for gun drops, and a caster who can snipe wands + offhands + daggers.
if you just want the unique models and not recolors, there's somehow no list of them anywhere lol.
That's like saying
>shamans are necromancers because they raise spirits
Ninjas use swords, not daggers.
Best server for true classic experience?
deviate delight
turtle wow
NTA but doesn't sub have fucking shadow clone no jutsu
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>new expansion one month away
>still have no idea what class i want to play
sub, like every rogue spec, is currently all over the place with zero class fantasy
Hi, main poster of these threads ITT, AMA
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Lies, I’m the main poster
Asian shit in a medieval fantasy completely breaks my immersion. how is a monk supposed to compete against warriors whos wearing plate? just by punching armor you'd break your hands, not to mention fighting against spell casters lol.
fuck that
*dodges ur frostbolt* nothin' personelle
you can very easily suspend disbelief the same way for a monk having magic fists just like you can a caster shooting fire balls out of their fists
Anyone else excited for TWW?
see >>487183419
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I'm kinda sick of MMOs
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Hello! I am back!
Why do you think they are pushing the $90 version so hard to the point that tendie prices are still super inflated because they want you to blow another $40 for 500 tenders? They are in hardcore lockdown mode trying to maximize profit from the game even more than usual so Microsoft doesn't axe them. Pushing M+ out even farther means players staying subbed for more months.
u rite
if he's using magic on his hands to be able to punch harder and not break his hands why not just use magic to become a fire mage? I can't do suspension of disbelief on this. Mages make sense and are cool, monks don't make sense and are stupid
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>DF S4 doesn't end until the 26th
>early access players can rush to 80 in a day and get all the S4 raid rewards for free
Literal pay to win. Slippery slope keeps going down and down.
Dumb Whore
definitely no
are the authentication servers dead AGAIN?
i cant log out
Ah so you do it for free?
I’m going to play a champion
the correct new term is player
smart wholesome elf
Still a stupid fucking face but the mog is an improvement
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So when is the prepatch? I thought it was here.

It is the same mog since forever.

Thank you!
I'm huffing industrial copium in the hope they add an arsenal for those weapons.
logged into b.net fine so it seems like something else with the characters/realms of wow specifically on NA. if anyone is doing anything keep doing and don'T relog or portal.
Chronicle 4is noncanon

My fucking ass the Alliance get shared credit for G’huun
Vulpera were the best thing to happen to this game and I'm sick and tired of pretending it's not
s4 raid rewards? like what lol
the horde are the niggers of WoW, any event that claims the horde did anything other than shit and piss everywhere and then kill innocent bystanders and ruin zones permanently is noncanon
It's so fucking weird they went with the Alliance for Uldir when the entire Horde 8.0 questing experience was the lead up to the raid and the Alliance had no context for going in there.
bros this disco part is dope
the AH is a disco party
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got a cool sword
nice :)
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speaking of cool weapons give me pollaxes already
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so this upbeat music things is a really good vibe for wow fyi devs
I am gonna main monk next xpac, entirely because I just got a stab of nostalgia in remix. It'll go terribly, but such is life.
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tiny races are BASED
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soooo true oomfie
doesn't warbands mean you have 4 main chars now?
Can't tell if trolling poorly or actually a new player who doesn't understand the system. Please clarify how to respond potentially new anon.
Holy fuck you people are retarded







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I haven't even thought about warbands at all
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Still wasnt bad enough to make them do this
Tinkerfags are the worst. We're more likely to get a tinker-like DPS spec for demon hunters than to get a full class of robot cucks.
God, I wish our war and could be more than 4 character. Why couldn’t Blizzard make it account-wide?
I have not done my research
I cant believe the warband is only 3 characters, surely it could have been bigger?
>Shaman tank
after they added, and then castrated them in SoD, I'd rather not.
UHDK and you will be happy.
Rogue, or mage if you like Naruto kek
They were way better than the gay furs
Ah well then, as the other anon said aggressively, the warband is everything, you just get 4 slots to put slutmogs around your gigachad main character, who better be a huge KT dude.
The other mmos make him do that face.
SL was so bad it made him play other mmos.
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I wish I could look like KT
I am calling it now: There will be many many memes tomorrow of people with 3 huge characters wearing basically nothing, surrounding a small character of the opposite gender on the warband screen, referencing that pornographic meme.
Don't we all?
WoW liches are incredibly cool.
>WoW was so cringe it made him quit the game
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bros the disco dance leader in SW is hot..
Lore should reflect the gameplay.
Alliance should be a bunch of sissy cucks screaming, squealing and hissing while horde does everything.
Also the horse should be 90% blood elf, as per gameplay.
already seen it itt
the gnomes name was "blinkperri"
And all of them have massive futanari horse dongs.
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>Also the horse should be 90% blood
You'll even get cookie points from the LGBT folk.
All upsides really!
It's funny, because we all know blood elf women prefer human men. Just ask all the windrunners. Literally all of them.
There is an alternative reality where we get liches and nerubians as evoker-like class as race.
I pray we merge back into it soon...
Asura are OK but the people who want to fuck them are worse than furfags
it's gonna be nuts. im finishing DF with, currently, 34 max level chars, 20 of which i'd been raiding and doing maze ploos with and I feel like i hadn't progressed nearly as much as i should've for how much i play. It feels like everything going account-wide was made for crazies like me and I look forward to everyone else contracting the altacoholism disease.
Well. We know blood elf like men, see the players hahahah
it's like people that want to fuck Gray aliens - some people are just too far gone...
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and warlocks get a support spec as apostle to the dammed?
focusing on curses and messing with other players stats?
like bloating a tank with a bunch of health stolen from other players?
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gooning to taurslop rn
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they're pretty black we're gonna kill em - ion
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thanks for the new art
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lol I found Spitfire on second life
Milk straight from the tap.
none of these newfafs are gonna know who that is sis....
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I miss old /wowg/
No one else made OC
We're collectionmaxxing now
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oh fuck
bald bitch
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Nice party.
Poor dog...
why wont the moonguard discord clique fuck off already?
Yeah, because those human men are cringe author inserts
hmm, this is ADEU i recognize some of these people
>got in an argument with someone in game over something stupid
>he called me a faggot, then wiped the group on purpose and alt+f4'd
brings a tear to my eye, I'm glad that despite all efforts to the contrary, toxic gamer culture isn't going anywhere. Now I have an adversary, a rival; there's some drama and excitement. We're both going to remember this exchange. Some day I'll get to call him a faggot, which only fuels my desire to improve.
god i wish i were my dracthyr
blizzard monitors all chat and he will be getting auto banned for saying a slur
lol look at this baby thinking calling someone a faggot is toxic gamer culture of old

you must not have been around for the good ole days to think this is anywhere near as "bad"
>Cut to the Chase is now learned at level 18 (was an Assassination talent) and now triggers from Envenom/Dispatch/Eviscerate.
holy shit massive win
except worlo is a series of quickplay lobbies, you are never going to play with that person again.
dr*cthyrless evokers WHEN
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i'm playing No Man's Sky because a video about the 5.0 overhaul snuck it's way into my YT recommended so I bought the game at 60% off thanks to the current steam sale and i'm shocked how a game so massive where you can take off from a planet, fly into high orbit, warp to another star system, fly to another planet, fly through its atmosphere, and land on its surface can all exist without a single loading screen throughout the entire process whereas wow is still all loading screens and lobbies. it's so awful by comparison - all the loading screens really take you out of the game.
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Double nelf action!
It's incredible how much attention and care evoker gets from the devs. Is it because it's still a relatively new class? I wonder how much it will last.
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Happy wash day
>New Human Racial: No Place Like Home – Your Hearthstone cooldown is reduced by 5 minutes and gains an additional charge.
>Diplomacy has been removed.

Was this really necessary?
nice goonblin
no, it wasnt but max cried about having to faction change to human to get augment runes 2 hours before everyone else and how that ruins WFR so blizz gutted diplomacy out of the game
Is there a video anywhere that has all the hero talent visuals?
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You are abducted by employees at Blizzard Entertainment straight from your home and questioned about World of Warcraft. The whole experience is terrifying, but they finally sit you down and let you know that they've been reading your posts on 4chan about game design regarding WoW. They love your ideas.

You are given complete control over three (3) changes to the game. Why just three? It's a fun hypothetical. Fuck you.

What do you change?
racials and how they were implemented resulting in all the imbalance they caused was always a mistake right from the start
First I'd delete every class from the game
then I'd delete the game
Then I'd shitpost about it on 4chan
Changed because of warbands. Everyone would then farm reps on a human char to get extra rep which is then applied account wide
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you don't delete the game
you delete everyone's accounts
except those who have like .... 2k achieves
A few bug fixes
First, fix the bug that makes it so shaman take damage when attacked by enemies
Next, fix the bug that makes it so ethereals don’t show up on the character creation screen
Finally, fix the bug in the cutscene where Vol’jin kills Garrosh; in game it looks like Thrall is doing it.
that's a big mount
Too based
I have never known what a good cheevo number even is
delete evoker, its a shit class tied to a shit race
rebalance pvp to a shadowlands state with customizable legion templates
mythic flex x realm day 1, fuck max and rtwf
Shut up retard
I have 29k but I am just a filthy casual who just plays a lot (ineffectively) and a friendless loser so I would imagine anyone with an actual guild that does stuff would have at least ~32-35k
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>*Does this at you aggressively*
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fuck you scaly faggot
your class sucks
its not looking good lads
dont think im going to make the cut to elite
i was 11 points away and 30 on another character
i keep getting stonewalled by full ranged lobbies on my promo game
its over
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Dog in to Dance away the last Day of Dragonflight
>he didnt say dogonflight
Dogs don't fly...
how do you move in that tight dress?
heh, thats what you think
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Did Arthas give up when things looked bleak and challenging?
Did Yrel see what was asked of her and just quit?
When faced with the infinite armies of undead, did Mograine simply lay down Ashbringer?

No. You are a Paladin. The Light sets forth challenge and adversity ahead of you to test your faith. Rise above it and overcome.
what the...
never. they know only 10 people would play the race if it were a choice
What class should I play now? Rogue is unplayable now.
What will be the next round of QoL changes after TWW?
>abducted by women and men with danger hair
I forgot to mention that I'm trans, but I forgot which post I made! Could you link it for me?
if you want another leather melee go for monk since it's consistently been the underdog of the S-tier but always awesome for like 3 expansions in a row
I have a monk alt and yeah they are always decent even when people say they are bad. I guess I should play it until they buff rogue. Dks are too slow.
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Who is gonna win?
that unironically looks like AI art
win what?
the dagger because we already know the next expansion
The WoW experience of repeatedly rerolling until they're all ruined
This is the first time I reroll, rogue is completely dead right now.
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>they keep associating Alleria with Dalaran when her sister is the one that actually has longstanding ties to it
The one containing the screenshot
her sister is the most uninteresting bitch in wow
>next expansion is called midnight
I wonder
Crazy you've played it that long and never hated it. Class overhauls often leave a sour taste
Reminder that avatar and signature use is still unacceptable.
Jannies kindly start here.
I play it since tbc and it always felt the same even after the outlaw change, I really like the current crackshot style desu I don't want to reroll but it's fucked beyond redemption right now, all the specs.
Frost/Deathbringer because you get a very cool looking 2x scythe attack. It's the closest I've seen WoW classes come to spectacular FF14 or GW2 ability animations (ofcourse falls short but again way better than any other WoW class attack ability).
should i use all my dragon isles resources in barter boulders to convert them into gold or is there something better to buy?
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>All ability damage increased by 49% (Fury)
>All ability damage increased by 43% (Arms)
oh well..........warrior once more i guess
>Took away your Covenant powers.
>Had no difficult outdoor world content to hang out with your friends and spending hours on. You just used group finder to do your 2 minute Rothide Gnoll world quest or your 30 second world boss and then that was it. Once again the only group content is either speedrunning the same half dozen instanced dungeons, doing the same instanced raid over and over, or playing on the same old BGs over and over.
Speaking of which, Dragonflight removed two BGs from rotation: Seething Shore, and Strand of the Ancients, so now the BG experience is even more stale.
The key feature, Dragonriding, copied GW2's griffon riding but forgot to carry over the inability to gain more height than you started with which forces GW2 fliers to actually fly through the environments with assets whizzing past you. In WoW, you just mash spacebar a few times to ascend far into the sky and slowly soar over the distant terrain below, which is not engaging.
Also, if you played a big character like a Tauren, you were forced to use the Proto-Drake because it was the only dragonriding breed scaled appropriately for your size. The others felt like you were breaking the back of a small pony. Also, only the Slitherdrake got good, fluid dragonriding animations. The others felt stiff.
Hope you guys are ready for the shitshow that is warband migration tomorrow
shit was slow and breaking the servers when there was like 3 whole people doing it on PTR
Holy fuck those warrior buffs
Lets fucking go
that might not be enough tho
what a bunch of literal bullshit lol and as a druid i can use 2 of my covenant powers
>Took away your Covenant powers.

Dragonflight content is now the new default leveling experience for levels 10 to 70 (was Battle for Azeroth).



Looks like that scared him off good job
Mages are basically always OP and their playstyle fairly constant. Druid has endless playstyle versatility if stealth is a crutch you'd miss too much
uh, what's wrong with shamans? no 2h enhancement?
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Do (You) have this hearthstone??
I liked being a Night Fae who could blink forward and cast a sparkly Death and Decay! I didn't want to stop being a Night Fae! Why did you take this away from me? And I can't even use glyphs to get these back! Why is my Soulshape toy on a 5 minute cooldown? Why can't I macro it into my abilities and transform every time I use a movement ability? It's even worse when the Covenant powers VFX looked way better than most regular class abilities. You got visually downgraded.
>skipped sl entirely
kek they are so embarrassed of it
Is WoD still the go-to?
Humiliation ritual.
i still havent got gladiator, is it too late? im at 1,9
>SL ignored entirely
Within a year or two they will announce it as entirely non-canon.
can you get gladiator in 12 hours?
Year 0
SL systems just don't make sense for new players, DF is a much better introduction
I was just thinking about how it'd be cool if regular flying mounts could go at dragon speeds... I guess they needed to work out the animations thougheverbiet.
Didn't they add a bunch to it? Does it have to literally be a dragon?
Dragonriding renamed to Skyriding and is now learned at level 10 (was 60).
Journeyman Riding (100% ground speed) is now learned at level 10 (was 20).
Apprentice Riding (60% ground speed) has been removed.
Expert Riding now increases steady flight speed by 220% (was 150%) and is now learned at level 20 (was 30).

Over 400 mounts afaik
What do they do? level 20 BGs?
Evokers now start at level 10 (was level 58) and the one-Evoker-per-realm restriction has been removed.

Oh, you're right.
why do ground mounts have to be objectively inferior to flying mounts
They're for styling on people in no fly zones. I only have black war bear but it gets the job done.
m-mahou shoujo.....
>Mass Polymorph now polymorphs targets for 15 seconds (was 60 seconds).
woah, now it's fucking useless
it always was
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>The main antagonist and protagonist are both women
it was my "fuck you guys i'm out of here" favorite spell
am i insane or did they remove the armor from incantation on bear druid
it's called an A-pose. Arms a bit higher and it's a T-pose
>made a druid on remix to level it fast
>wanted all the new owl form skins from the ED stuff
>realize my druid will be locked to remix for another 30 days
Can I make a trial character and go farm the skins or does it need to be on the actual character
you get your armor from spamming half cost ironfurs during incarn. I don't remember it every having any base armor on it.
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>New Talent: Death’s Chill – While Icy Veins is active, damaging an enemy with Frostbolt increases spell damage by 2%. Stacks up to 10 times.
>New Talent: Permafrost Lances – Frozen Orb increases Ice Lance's damage by 15% for 15 seconds.
>Fractured Frost has been redesigned – While Icy Veins is active, your Frostbolts hit up to 2 additional targets and deal 15% increased damage.
>Ice Lance damage increased by 22%.
>Flurry damage increased by 10%.
>Frostbolt damage increased by 10%.
>Ice Barrier's absorb increased to 24% of maximum health (was 22%).
>Hailstones is now a 1-point talent.
>Snowstorm has been removed.

Frost bros, how we feeling?!
>loved the blood aspect of DK since my character is an edgelord
>didn't mind tanking but Blood was fucking boring to play
>san'layn talents for unhol coming up
>blood aethestic but on dps class
I'm hype
frost is so underrated, people played it all the time during the tgp
idk guys I have started as a DK guy but have gradually shifted to demon hunter. Reaver feels more like blood did before they made blood the dedicated tank spec.
Do all the class changes go live with the prepatch? Like hunter rework etc
Who cares though?
who dis dude
You forgot your 'jak, Mack
Ah, I see you're extremely versed in ebonics
I care
Some subhuman looking for attention. Who cares
But answer me honestly
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back to pol with you!
>play in a puddle of shit and piss
>wtf 4chan is my LIFE how dare you question me!!
>go back to /pol/!!!
I have been complaining that Cleave felt awkward to fit in with Whirlwind.

They actually fucking listened. Holy shit.
XIV lost
yeah they seem to be getting their shit together recently
Oh man i completely missed that. Looks like im maining arms warrior
Hi, my name is Chaos Lord of Slaanesh and I've sucked off 64 men irl
I roleplay as a girl character
>reading forums
>not seeing the usual suspects
>everyone types in broken english, barely readable
>think they're jajas
>its the eu forums
What the FUCK, gross! I'm adding you to my filter list
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I'm so fucking happy dude. This renewed my faith in the Warrior designer.
>Whirlwind one of the most iconic Warrior abilities is now removed
>people are ok with this
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Role playing sure is fun, isn't it?
play arms and you will understand why everyone is happy
If only in game human females looked like this
He doesn't play the game. That's how retarded that post is
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I felt the same when they removed Heroic Strike over a decade ago
How we feeling about the warrior changes
In a row?
>/sleep on my vulpera alt
>type /stand
>immediately think of this post
how dare you
If its removed solely for arms spec I could see being ok with it because whirlwind isn't an ability I ever associated with Arms.

If its for Fury too that's fucking dumb
this is only for arms yes
They like a different game from you. Just imagine they're admiring a GW2 class or something.
*runs up to you suddenly and then starts fucking your muzzle*
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why are you not at the moon guard AH right now?
because I'm terrorizing the thread right now
I'm straight
how in the fuck do you get that phoenix shaped guitar????
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that's gay, bro

also I'm not Canadian
All vulpera are onaholes
What are you gonna do while waiting for the servers tomorrow?
Goon to Assumi
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>uh, what's wrong with shamans?
Masturbate to south American girls putting huge horse penises in their mouths
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I don't play on moonguard.
you can tell who zoomer players are instantly by who actually applauds the change
Well, aren't you the special little snowflake?
>"Oh, Moon Guard? That old server? You wouldn't catch me dead playing on that server!"
We get it.
Need this worg on mg right now!
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*Does it anyway*
no the physical armor on the bear model
God bless
>/mmog/ 404'd
>sudden increase in Li Li porn being posted to the thread
It's so tiresome, people are hopeless
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oy gevalt
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Poggers bros
>last in first out
it's a conspiracy, how is that fair to the person that lists first?
Who cares?
Just cancel and list again
Hell yeah
I do, i care about all of you. I love you
cancel THIS
*undercuts you*
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Is my ass gonna get v8'd for this?
I am a mentally ill faggot fr fr so I hope not, I find the name funny as fuck.
I'm genuinely surprised that word isn't filtered. You probably won't get far.
i log in to play the game
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Queer is the Q in LGBTQP++ so I assume that's why it isn't banned.
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We are feeling so good.
newfaf!!! newfaf newfaf!!!!!
it's v&'d not v8'd, retard
Suck my 8 male orc cock you piece of shit
inch, even. Thank moot I'm anonymous.
they removed that at the start of legion brother
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I have a few questions:

Does the pre-patch tomorrow also affect MoP Remix?
The flying, the XP buffs, etc.
MoP remix ends when it ends
Are you an AI questions bot? Are you this dumb?
I am sorry it's 3 AM I am sleepy :(
It wont
you have to be 18+ to post here, kid
I'm asking if the mounts will be able to dragonfly in MoP Remix...
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*runs up to this poster and swiftly fucks them in the mouth so they stop talking*
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so will hunters with the dark ranger build be OP tomorrow ?
You wont be able to get hero talents just yet, cause level 70
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>theres tons of changes to shaman AGAIN
So are we hyped for TWW or nah?
Still a month away from actual expac but ya
Prepatch is one step closer
I'm dead inside
I'm lukewarm. I think it's going to be good but it isn't getting me wet like Midnight will.
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What is /wowg/ looking forward to most in the pre-patch?
One day closer to death
Testing out my fav specs
Create the perfect warband
Account wide stuff, dragonriding, reworked talents. So i guess everything
The XP buffs to get to 70 faster
they should cut even more moves, make each class have like 4 spells max

I don't want to THINK, I want to mash same buttons and win, monkey not want think hurt brain just bam bam boom dead enemy feel good. Too many classes and talent trees to learn, small walnut brain can't cope
There's going to be a pre-patch?
Warband bank. I have too much fucking gold. I'll easily max out the warband bank too, but at least I won't need gold mules anymore.
making the perfect slut char to erp with
The what now?
mog my pants off
Where do you go if you want grounded, lore-abiding, explicitly non-explicit WoW roleplay, then?
Moon Guard, just find a good guild or specifically seek "low-fantasy".
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my favorite corner at the AH right now
I mean is there a specific place in the game world for people who want that kind of RP? Something like the anti-Lion's Pride Inn.
Not really any specific place, no.
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why are the windrunner sisters like this?
I want to roll hunter but my friends will bully me. Is it even worth it /wowg/?
I know jackshit about hunter endgame, but I love the hell out of survival. Leveling my hunter has been thoroughly enjoying.
I haven't played hunter since you could aimed shot in shadowmeld and oneshot clothies.
Why? Hunters got a rework, all specs are kino
go survival and they will think you are a chad
So no one knows if the prepatch will affect MoP Remix? Great communication, Blizzard.
Maybe the class changes and shit will
Why's he calling em chores. Doing soup, siege etc every week was fun
I think it will since remix is like a instance inside retail
>Doing soup, siege etc every week was fun
This has been debunked
>New.... good?
A WoW player discovering TWW
This is good.
Can you explain why it's good, THOUGH?
If M+ doesn't come out until Sept.17th, what's the point in playing TWW until September 10th?
Not him but i enjoy current wow and TWW seems like current wow with improvements
I won't be inviting you to my +2s unless you have full m0 and heroic raid gear
Leveling your warband and trying hero talents to see which one you want to main
Level up. Play with hero talents. Professions. Delves. M0 because it will be on a daily reset. Maybe alts
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>my wife just sent me a selfie from the party
Hey thats my wife
There is a guy on the wow facebook group posting a bunch of black characters he made
>M0 because it will be on a daily reset
Wait, what?
When did this happen?
If I like healing in M+ would I like Aug?
I know nothing about it but I've been healing M+ since Shadowlands and I'm getting pretty bored of it
Will Evokers still require a level 50 character to start in TWW? Are there ANY requirements to start one in TWW? I want to play TWW on launch as an Evoker but I heard there's requirements.
probably, i think it's the most chill spec to play in the game
I don't remember that change happening but I do know that Dracthyr are getting more classes to play early in TWW
Probably not, they will start at level 10 now
Ok but are are cm armors account wide tomorrow?
Changed with TWW
The Gnightly Gnews at Gnine is just /yell spam and I am tired of pretending it's not.
Demon Hunters and Death Knights also start at 10 but require already having a level 10 character to make, which is why I was wondering if the same applied to Evokers. It would suck to have to make a character just to unlock another character.
resub for prepatch and make one now while they still start at 60
CM armor is class specific, so no
How much focus do you spend on buffing your party vs doing damage?
I miss Legion, it wasn't the best expansion but I remember having real fun there and being happy, specially doing Legion's M+ which was so fun and rewarding, also doing raids like getting my ass ravaged by Kil'jaeden on heroic with my friends every until until like a month before the AotC ended, but we had so much fun joking while wiping. All that is gone now, everything is tryharding, everything is esports, everything is made for the "sense of pride an accomplishment" and all we do feels so unrewarding now specially M+.
I really want to go back...
Why not

world of warcraft looks like THIS?
>can do dragonriding in my trusty rusty ol' flying machine tomorrow
Thank God
So your month long shill and troll campaign in XIV threads was all for this? You didn't even make a dent in the community's love for Dawntrail and it was all for this piece of shit? Lmao
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Thoughts on playing a female character as a man? With a larp name of course.
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Fuck yeah. Also cloud serpents. I was surprised to see that they added new animations for older mounts when dragonriding
holy fricken crap lois im a gay tranny dragon
You either have gender issues or you really like women.
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opened some random streamer on the wow category and what the fuck is this gay pink furry abomination
Mal'Ganis seems like a chill server. I'm going to make some Illidan Horde toons just in case I need them. Always have a plan B, /wowg/.
As long as you dont larp as a female youre fine.
>last day of the season
>literally 100% of my games have a devoker in them
you press your buff buttons once and then keep doing your "damage" rotation to empower and extend the buffs until the you can press the buff buttons again
I just hate living mounts. I use mechanized conveyance only.
I hope youre ready to 100% delves then to get everything for that customizable airship.
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>doing the quests to unlock some of the recruitable races
the design for some of these quests is incredibly shitty. thank god i only have to do them once for each recruitable race.
What do we FEEL about the new wallpapers? Based or cringe?
Reminder to NOT renew yet, so your one month includes TWW launch
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Can't wait to be bullied by her
taking my pants off
bringe or perhaps crased
need to be stepped on
very white woman core
So have they focus tested this game into oblivion to the point where they think everyone just wants nonstop elves? This shit is going to make orc fatigue look like a joke by the time we get to Midnight
Xal is getting too smug, needs correction
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I assume this is one of the more common snakes out of the available options? I know people love that transparent one too.
all the mounts are kind of shit
i'd rather ride my Hearthsteed
Not really. While they increased the drop rate off Nalak its still pretty rare
Cringe and Marvel™ tier
thats the sha mount, retard
holy freakin crap lois im gooning to elves
who asked
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I did.
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I can't wait for tomorrow bros. I'm so excited to play new Arms.
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This one drops off nalak and it's the other one I was eyeballing if the black and white one was super common. Hmm.
What's wrong with your current arms? You break em?
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Yes :( They're broken, faulty, bad and don't work. Not since... the incident...
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I'm just gonna assume the original wave didn't do as strong as they hoped, given they're only releasing 2 figures this wave.
wow was always marvel
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>Based or Cringe
Based cause all of the comparisons they're making between Xal and Alleria, just means Alleria gets possessed at the end of the expansion
Good, that eans she will become a boss and drop her new bow
Finally after all this years, bliz has a decent female vs female
>Jaina and Talanji
Did they even have one moment of conversation together?
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Ill have the avatarfags know that ive leveled a mopmix character on mg and i will be running around in shuffle ques with a growth pot and blue paint bladders
i will throw them at you and post it for the thread.
be warned.
How long does it take to unlock Earthen? I want to roll my new main as soon as possible.
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>Did they even have one moment of conversation together?
Yes, when Talaji was getting saved from the evil alliance
Not really. They started pushing the Jaina vs Talanji rivalry cause Jaina is behind the attack that killed Rastakhan.
Then they continued it in the Shadows Rising novel where Talanji's main beef is still with Jaina and wanting revenge.
Then they settled it off screen during the timeskip cause Turalyon spoke to Talanji, cause Jaina's a good girl now and can't have reprecussions.
To add further insult to injury, in the expansion where Jaina's also in, War Within. Talanji's model during the Blizzcon trailer was just a placeholder for Harronir NPCS.

Unironically don't expect to see Talanji again, while Jaina's a main character cause the writers don't know how to avoid conflict aside from not having them in the same room.
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Jokes on you, I don't pvp at all.
It appears you have to do the main quest and several side quests.
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Built for Big Thrall Cock
Built for me
>Unironically don't expect to see Talanji again
The Zandalari trolls make no sense in the horde anyway
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I can't decide on a main
It's only an issue if most or all of your fucking characters are female or your main is female.
If you have an even split or a male main with female alt it's fine. Anything else is egg behavior.
Me neither, i'm seeing lots of people with this problem and maybe it is what blizzard intended
>Xal'atath's VA brought in for a sponsored Platniumwow video by Blizz.
If you don't start making them futas you're fine.
i'm thinking monk
>Unironically don't expect to see Talanji again
Unironically good. Worst character to come out of BfA and one of the worst ever. Makes most of the SL and DF cast look good. Even Faerin is less shit by comparison.
would explain warband
why are you on wow facebook group, are you 50 years old?
Nah. The female main/cast to troon pipeline is very fucking real. Probably 50-55% of people who do it troon out eventually.
I think it's less of a pipeline and more of a correlation
Join <BLT> Today! /wowg/'s finest mythic raiding guild.
Message Froo on discord!
I am a social outsider. I am weird, and not in the charming, quirky way. Whenever I get the need to socialize I can tell I am just trying to fit in, not being natural. I'm putting on a character.

I see women - actual women, based on their name, mog, and TRP - being open and sociable. But it feels like I am not allowed to interact. It feels like I'm only allowed to look but not speak. Seeing girls sit close or spend time with their e-boyfriend hurts me. Because that will never, ever happen for me. I am too much.

Even trying to make male friends falls flat because I'm just not built for other people. I'm so scared and alone.
Have you tried not being an NTR faggot?
Is asmon playing tomarrow or is he going to try to be conservative hasan still?
I don't know what that means.
as men we must endure this loneliness, it strengthens our resolve

those that break are the ones who become uber degenerates, and resort to shameful cries for help through avatarfagging, ERP'ing/larping (with other men), attention whoring, trooning out, etc.

that is your fate if you break, stay strong, brother
I am leaning more to mage, i like the base changes and their 3 hero talents
Be yourself and let natural selection do the rest.
I already have the gun bought, just waiting for the courage to pull the trigger.
Good for you, I would have to go through all sorts of bureaucrat loops to get a gun of sustainable caliber where I'm from.
Anyway, that's not what I meant.
Arms warrior for me. Cant wait to cleave some heads off
permanent visage form devoker when
Arent they opening dracthyr to all classes? Anyway would be weird to do that aerial breath in visage
heroic leap animation + breath of fire animation
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Nothing will be funnier to me then when someone on an RP server has their MRP set up to like "LESBIAN NO MEN!" and it's a slutmogged female character then you look them up and they have 20 other male characters and thats their only female one.

Always funny seeing guys pretend their lesbians online, gives me a good laugh.
all of my characters are females but I am a man irl
wildhammer or dark iron prot warrior?
>dark iron takes less phys damage
>dwarf classÍc does extra crit damage %
wow rp is really just good for freak watching.
Alleria obviously, she is the nu-devs latest strong female main character, but they have an excuse this time in that she one of the oldest warcraft characters still around
Only Khadgar and Garona are older
yeah and dark iron's cleanse raises str while the classico gives 10% dr
dark iron does get to boogie faster in dungeons, might be worth considering too
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My login on Wednesday is gonna take ages, isn't it? These are my 70s.
Good evening
dont worry your warband migrates while you're logged in
it just makes your game unplayably laggy until everything gets moved over
don't forget night elf movement speed talent gives extra dodge too :)
>race talent
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>not Argent Dawn
Why do they refuse to post with a tripcode
depends how easy earthen are to unlock I guess
is this really the best WoW mods have to offer?

kind of sad
should have been the new half orc-elf leader
How goes it?

Do you like nerdy night elf men?
Why is it so hard to find content about augmentation when it's supposedly the most required spec in the game? Now that my buddy is swapping off his evoker, I'm planning on picking up augmentation, but I can't ever find anyone who actually plays the spec putting out guides or content.
Things are lookin real good now.
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Now this is how you start off a brand new 10 year story arc properly.
how is arms? I like fury but sometimes I feel like too much of an edgelord dual wielding two handers
>new 10 year story arc
I hope we kill this void elf bitch in TWW then never mention her again.
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>Alleria on the side of Dalaran
Reminder that Vereesa is not even in TWW at all (so far), despite living in Dalaran and leading the Silver Covenant.
>Tranny seething at cute new biofems
Some things never change.
WW Monk for me. Only downside is having 1 hero talent option.
Fuck you, Alleria's not that bad.
>gnightly gnews
>takes literally 3 irl hours to announce 4 events
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Nobody cares about her or the silver covenant aside from half a dozen scizos who make daily religious pilgrimages to their high elf thread on the wow forums.
He's probably taking about Xal'atath, if not then yes he should KYS ASAP.
Have you SEEN what Blizzard does to it's female characters???
It was only a required spec for half a season and that was like 2 seasons ago. It's trash now unless both other dps in your party are big pumpers, then it's a bit positive.
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Blizzard evidently used to care about her, but it looks like she got dropped entirely once Alleria came back and replaced her as the face of High Elves.
So why do people still have so much vitriol over it? Someone told me to kill myself because I was discussing maining it on the beta today.
Because "majority opinion" (aka what's hot on reddit) is entirely determined by streamers who blow everything out of proportion
Thanks anon, you've made me feel better about my choice. I'll probably level my BrM first, then my Aug.

You know of any content creator that doesn't want Aug to be castrated who I can watch to learn the sneaky tricks?
Kino. Can they bring her to voice porn animations too?
still came crawling back. shillbux too strong.
It's....it's four? It's four characters.
>phoenix shaped guitar
Sun-Lute of the Phoenix King

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