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Reminder to report avatar/signature use.

Previous: >>487157886

/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

- This Week in WoW:

- The War Within News:

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
- Bronze spreadsheet:

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

>General ResouŠ³ces
jury is still out on which type of dwarf makes the more handsome warrior
>Make no moves
>Win the MMO war(again)
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Prepatch is upon us. What is YOUR main for TWW?
>hero talent
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Have you tried joining the Horde where there are less people so your social value is a little higher than seeing the popular kids eat lunch every day? I'm serious and I'm making logical sense. Why continue to participate in a social climate that makes you miserable?
This would make a lot of sense 20 years ago, however the modern day horde is a humiliation ritual.
>Join the Horde on moon guard
>Even more miserable because nobody can talk to me
I am not sure that is a good idea
Demo (maybe Destro when bored)
>>hero talent
the one with the beams
Frost mage and whatever it looks cooler
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I don't think I can take him
Why did you make the thread so early?
Nah, in this case, Luigi is repeatedly shoots himself and the crowd and cuts of his dicks.
But still wins.
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guys the person i was going to play with is essentially ghosting me and i already wasted money transfering my character and everything what do i do
Emerald Dream is a Central Time horde RP server. It's not WrA but people are there.
You can take a tauren though.
I miss Rhonin
He got a heroic death sure but he was cool
>Central time
That is my time zone. I will check it out. Thank you.
I'm sure you can
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Torn between Ret Templar and Survival, where I'll probably swap between Pack Leader and Sentinel depending on content and how they will or will not fuck up the tuning.

>ret means I can swap to tank if I need a quick key for weekly shit
>surv means I can swap to ranged if raid is melee heavy
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I won
Wanna celebrate?
>Reminder to report avatar/signature use.

>Previous: >>487157886

>/wowg/ op pastebin: https://pastebin.com/YYerc7yy (use this when making a new thread)
>/wowg/ op images: https://imgur.com/a/C5zycsV

>- This Week in WoW:

>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o03STclgxSc [Embed]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HKDfdX9qeYM [Embed]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5M9AmT3kbQ4 [Embed]
>- The War Within News:
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eL54rOTo0QY [Embed]
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou7MRp56Jms [Embed]

>Mists of Pandaria REMIX: (May 16)
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EZXUndkmmBw [Embed]
>- Bronze spreadsheet:
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jzc9YScvao4 [Embed]

>Dragonflight Dark Heart Content Update Notes (10.2.7)
>Summer Trading Post

>General ResouŠ³ces

Most of the links aren't even up to date
If he took the time to update the links then that put the chance of him getting to make the OP into jeopardy.
>Reminder that Vereesa is not even in TWW at all
Good, she's objectively the worst Windrunner Sister who's just a Shandris tier character.
Wait until Midnight.
i want to coom inside this cute troon
>Most of the links aren't even up to date
Yes they are
Being in Midnight isn't going to change the fact she's the worst Windrunner sister, who only exists cause Knaak needed a waifu for his insert to get with. And now all she does is play second in command to characters like Jaina, when they need to remind you Blue Blood Elves still exist.
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I could come and talk to you.
But yeah, the alternative is going to Alliance places with Elixir of Tongues, so yeah, probably better on a different server for social Hording.
>if lot of crit/mastery gear
le mage
le arcane
le spellslinger
>if lot of haste gear
le fire
le frostfire
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demons have space ships?
It's a good life lesson. Just see gaming as a solo hobby and other players as an afterthought
You're 8 years late, lil' fella.
When America is saved it will be /wowg/ who did it
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When /wowg/ is saved it will be Midnight that did it
They could pull a version of him out of the time warp between present day and war of the ancients if they REALLY REALLY needed to like WoW is not immune from pulling capeshittery if it was fun or appropriate
>wall to wall elf posts
why are we putting our bets on midnight? also we should make a playlist of songs about midnight
This is the nuNorthrend one right? Gonna be insane planning to quit my job divorce my wife and give my dog up for adoption when it drops
>Expansion that should objectively be a Horde expansion, that's just gonna focus on Alliance characters again.
No, it won't. If anything, Midnight will be when /wowg/ will get at it's most toxic with the Elf burnout
>New Quel'Thalas
>New Silvermoon
>Blood Elf Druids
>Night Elf Paladins
>Playable Naga
>Sylvanas and Azshara in the same room

It's going to be soooo good.
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Stop right there.
This is a post your WoW character checkpoint.
Listen officer, I ain't gonna avatarfag, even if it's mandated by law.
Stormwind guard mog. Cmon
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Looks like the party is starting to thin out...
No, that's the Last Titan or whatever is the third patch's name.
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They should put a neutral dance floor in booty bay
Valdrak being the main city, surprised they didn't.
Hell, there's a hidden inn in the fucking Inn, put a club down there.
>who only exists cause Knaak needed a waifu for his insert to get with
You're not wrong, but did you not like Day of the Dragon/Night of the Dragon?
I thought they were decent books and Rhonin/Vereesa were great in them desu.
She had a big role in MoP, but yeah like I said as soon as Alleria returned she really lost her purpose, especially with Rhonin dead.
Where's the hype?
world of warcraft the world of warcraft within
On reddit.
Nah that's the vip lounge, it's supposed to be quieter
So in the end, did we got Danuser's baby?
bwos are enh shamans bad? that anon posted that pic lots of people are unhappy with them... should I go fury/arms warr instead...
Last Titan is Danusers baby.
You'll be seeing his name credits on the whole trilogy.
Which pic? I think enh got some recent changes that made a lot of people happy
>trusting anything posted in this den of retards
i know you can hear my thoughts boy
Anyone on NA want to run some keys? I'm 480 on the outside but like 560 on the inside! I'm not a noob, just coming back after a long ass break :(
All I hear is the wind
>last updated august 2018
Are you ok anon?
I did not notice that :)
Your thoughts say that you want to me give me your cookie
the fact that there's an entire class missing should have been a dead giveaway even if you can't read
The graph in itself is meaningless, nevermind that it's 6 years old
I can't read, or see for that matter... but I still feel
give it to me straight sisters. How is rogue? Did they fix anything at all?
Kael'thas will come back with Slyvanas from SL and save Quel'thalas, then the blood/void/high elves will all make up and be friends again
Trust the plan, Midnight Metzen KINO
It's a pvp class.
Hello /wowg/, I just started retail as a complete newbie. I'm playing frost DK and leveling in WoD. When should I start doing dungeons, and is it expected for me to have watched guides beforehand? I have played lots of MMOs very hardcore, but I don't know the ins and outs and what's expected of people in dungeon finder so I have avoided them so far (lvl 26)
asmon is comming back right anons? he have to get bored of reacting to culture war videos by now!
What am I thinking right now then?
I hope the XP changes for 70 come to Remix. Imagine being able to hit 70 in less than an hour. HOLY. Alt armies are going to be a thing even normal gamers can have.
Guns are loud again
Kill all the cursed deer in Drustvar
Tameable shoveltusks
You don't really need to know much for leveling dungeons.
Nobody is going to care about what you do in any content that you can queue for
Leveling dungeons are extremely undertuned rn but that might change tomorrow I have no idea. But if you jump in tonight enjoy getting hard carried by a random level 10
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I can't pick a main for TWW
BM Huntard or Ret Pally?
Both are fun, in different ways.
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It's over...
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Mood ruined.
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Thanks, I'm aware people will twink or just be way better and carry me for now. I just want to break up the monotony of questing with cool dungeons and bosses

Also, barring addons, is there anything people recommend that's a huge necessity in settings like interface/UI?
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yes you windowlicking turbosperg, not all of us like pressing 15 buttons for a rotation.
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>State mandated fun over
Who do you call windowlicking, you brainlet fag, anyway enjoy your shit spec lmao
sup /wowg/gers, I haven't played in a month or so and am currently unsubbed and at work so I can't check
did the warband update with prepatch add the transmog unlock for all armour types yet?
poor Riko...
Lmao kys.
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Coming tomorrow, Rabi-san.
Riko didn't deserve that. She is cute.
70 in less than an hour would be insane. I think fastest rn is 2 hours?
Why is she getting healed by a warlock?
what is the point of having 70 levels if leveling is done in a few hours anyway? if the leveling experience is non-existant (it is) then why even have levels in the first place? just get rid of them
playing MoPmix has completely ooked my way of speaking
not a day has gone by where i don't use ook, dook, or dooker in conversation
I'm a Goblin Warlock, any questions?
That's a Priest.
yeah i got a question for you... why are you a goblin warlock
Racial talents.
you guys did vote for wowgrandma78 for the MMO awards... right?
That's Priest armour, you fake gamer.
someone sell me on evoker, their model and animations are awful and their visage form is worse than just being a human
is it worth it for all the baggage?
they need a reason for people to go back to the racial cities again.

i was playing yesterday on a max population server during peak times and ironforge was a fucking ghost town. didnt see a single player there.

what if each race received significant passive crafting and trading bonuses while within their racial city? and/or maybe got some kind of "extra rested" double strength rested xp bonus for spending down time in their racial city. these cities feel so dead, they need something to bring them back to life
this is fine
I do like the idea, but it also screws over several races that never had a city and/or no longer have a city.
Also in the case of Gnomes and Trolls, forces them to Ironforge and Orgrimmar.
>only 21 buttons
so i am asking for people who hate watch youtubers but did Tali started putting his wife on the thumbnail more since he have a punchable face?
On the one hand it'd be cool and thematic.

On the other we got a buttload of capital cities that are hard to reach (Silvermoon and Exodar due to being phased, Thunder Totem, Suramar and Mechagon City, Gilneas dont have portals) or several races that don't have a capital city. That and having the playerbase spread across the game world erodes the whole MMO community of the game that the devs have a hardon for.
its basically mage 2.0+resto druid 2.0

it uses some new tech (actually just ripped wildstar tech) for its charge abilities which are kind of fun, the mobility feels good. the range takes some getting used to. overall very small but proc based rotation which does a lot with a few buttons, and some skills like the flying breath attacks that are fun to use. the mobility kind of reminded me of demon hunter, lots of big sweeping dashes, a gliding mode of movement, aoe attacks that are also movement.

worth the baggage? barely. its a fun class but the visual nightmare is very real. your character will look bad and be difficult as hell to get a halfway decent transmog on.
bwo Dracthyr are cute
remember when asmon said the 3 changes he want to happend to wow to make it great and everyone outside of cryboomers called him a dumbass?
Nice pictures, just checked them out. should get some of her sucking your futa off next time
They're making shit as universal and globohomo as possible, and you suggest they do that?
Lmao you're crazy.
i feel like with night elves and worgen getting their racial cities back, getting a troll island and retaking gnomergan arent that big of an ask.

>capital cities that are hard to reach

very solvable by just adding some more portal NPCs i think. they used to not be so stingy with the portals, back in BC and wrath, every city had a portal to every other city from what i remember and then i think was either cata or MoP they closed them all down and only left portals to stormwind/orgrimmar
Tali has hard nipples in a lot of recent videos, so, I think you're right.
>having a shit ton of utility is...le bad
i look like this and think this
I got more buttons on my survhunt
>arent that big of an ask.
And yet despite how long they've been asked for...
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>have to wait until tomorrow for prepatch
sasuga desu ne... bankai! bankai gomen desu desu hentai suzuki samsung!!
oh it's a hidden stub, no wonder I thought nobody replied, thanks
As with every pre-patch, it's effectively the next expansion, you just can't level and go to the new zones.
dragon mount broke and now its like a stack unmoving prop on my head
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Worgen Demon Hunters when?
What are going to be the catchup methods tmr?
Nerdy dog.
What are you guys doing or trying to do in the meantime waiting for tww?
Jerking off to Hoes in Goldshire
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Already in Hearthstone.
>trying to do
Get my dick sucked in roleplay.
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Can anyone give me a QRD of the changes to look forward to for Death Knight and Warrior?
I don't want to watch some slop youtuber drone for 30 minutes.
>waiting for tww?
Nope, pretty much just that. Too demotivated for much else.
Even last minute remix characters despite their fast leveling I'm too damn lazy to just go power level.
Why cross faction being a thing for the end game and specifically maze+ bullshit is there any reason to not roll Nelf or dwarf for the self dispels and invis?
Tank, btw.
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monkbros, are we back?
Thane, but I am warming up to colossus.
You're a tryhard faggot if you roll a race just because -racial good in mode-.
so rogues just lost dance and that's it?
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Why does the hearthstone dog get an actual hairstyle while all the player dogs get 16 different flavours of unkempt mess and have to deal with clipping for every hat in the game.
Counter argument I like dark iron dwarves but I don't want to be stuck on the alliance, AGAIN.
Because blizzard is too busy choking down mountains of cock on the daily to focus on shit other than their assorted maze modes.
all furries are gay
this includes the ones at blizzard
>Lowercase schizo
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>dpsissies whining that they're being beaten by tanks on the meters so daddy blizzard has to nerf tanks to make them calm down
fuck you
Have they added any self sustain to brewmaster? That was always the thing that put me off of that spec against all other tanks. They felt so healer dependent
if tanks outdps dps what's the point of playing dps
they outdps and outheal other classes. tanks are gods and need to be nerfed
Healers and tanks should do minimum damage.
You can swap specs as well as single talents anywhere now, there's no reason why either of them should do damage "cuz muh dailierinos".
>WoW is reported to have 7 million players
>Create trial character on old account
>Login randomly over past few days
>Trade chat dead
>Major cities dead
Yeah, 7 million for sure.
on my way to the gay bar
you're just removing skill expression for the sake of your ego in that case, healers and tanks balancing doing their job (tanking/healing) with doing maximal damage is what separates a good tank/healer and a bad tank/healer
S4 still runs up to release afaik or just prepatch event next week
they should do about 70% the damage of a dps spec. low enough that you cant swap tanks in for dps slots and still beat enrage timers and dps still feel like they have a clear advantage on damage, but high enough that as a tank or healer it doesnt feel like "why bother" to push a damage button and threat isnt difficult to hold.

but i swear to god if they make tanks feel like glass again after they did when they first introduced the active mitigation model, im gonna fucking leave. that was miserable. tanks should feel tough.
good morning, schizo n.487260320
That's degenerate behavior and leads to nothing but only top dps tank and top dps healer being the default choice, which lead us where we are now.

They added spell power to healers back in TBC because they were shit in world content, but like I said, you can swap specs now at any time and gear swaps its stats as well, so this "healer should do damage" is actually outdated and just shit design.
no. exact opposite. "healer should only heal" is outdated 2004 design.
That's not the reason at all, the reason was tank survivability was high enough that taking DPS trinkets was just better overall. With the 33% nerf in tank spec, DPS trinkets will now do about the same damage as the offensive tank trinkets, but without the added survivability so now tanks won't want them.
so even fewer people would want to play healer or tank because there's no way to get better at your role, your skill ceiling is decided by default
it's the easiest way to kill the game because there'll be fewer groups = people get frustrated over queue times/sitting in 3 dps groups in DF = people quit
What does she taste like?
DPSissies should have their own UI, like healcucks.
Except unlike healcucks, which spams them with blacked and sissy porn, it tells them they are the bestest and number 1 player.
>shit is easier because healers only heal and aren't expected to keep up solid damage
>this somehow makes less people play it because they donĀØt get berated for not doing damage and so on
Sure, guy.
Agreed, in exchange the loot should be distributed in this order:
Tanks choose their items.
Healers get to choose their items.
If any item is left, they might decide to give it to DPSissies.
They're fucked
>Easy content can be run without healers
>Mid level content is incredibly boring because you're not doing anything but playing green bar whack-a-mole
>High level content is the same as mid level content
No reason to play healer if the only way to improve is to get better gear
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Was this statue always here in Legion?
I swear this room was also filled with w*rgen before.
the statue was there, and yes there were also worgen, i think they were pvp vendors
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Meanwhile a 10 year old private server for a specific patch shits all over this.
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gooning to taurslop rn
Need fat femtauren ass
strange, wonder why they removed the worgen
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unless people tard out and only take aug
maybe they deleted the pvp rewards for those vendors?
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is there some resource to easily see new abilities coming in the next expansions? i want to make a decision what class to play and just want to see what new abilities everyone gets but i cant find anything
happy birthday daisy
wait a day
what happens then? totally out of the loop
That dog looks genuinely happy and melts my heart.
Tomorrow is prepatch so you can see the talent changes
ah okay thanks
do you get all the new abilities aswell or do you have to wait for the expansion?
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAISY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>People paid $90 for a 3 day headstart
>Turns out nothing is happening for almost an entire month between launch and when all the major max level content goes live
Jesus Christ
They'll get a considerable headstart on craftables and profession stuff.
the hero talents come out when the expac does but some talent trees could have some new moves
nice p2w content
People not wanting to play healer because they are expected to do damage is an actual thing.
If you're so cutting edge, then have the bored healer spec damage and actually go without a healer.
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Haven't paid much attention to warrior tanks lately, is it regular for them to be high on the self healing? Thought it was practically restricted to Victory Rush/Impending Victory and its annoying cooldown.
I mean this run was a fail, and probably entirely on the healer, but even for a bad healer, I kind of blew my own mind outhealing them when not a Pally, DK or Monk.
>People not wanting to play healer because they are expected to do damage is an actual thing.
These "people" are the same retards who are hardstuck in content you don't even need a healer for so there's no loss there
Losing the high end, optimization-minded, players is a bigger blow
The fuck do people even need crafts for when it's just gonna be weeks of world quests and heroic dungeons
Don't warriors have ignore pain? That should count as healing too on meters
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I dunno, same reason they want crafted stuff now?
Embellishments and such.
I haven't got crafted shit, I don't know or care, just that they probably would.
Or it's the people who are barred from the higher content because they don't want to do 2 roles at a time.
Anyway, I'm not gonna repeat what I said for the fifth time.
I think dps should be forced to off heal
People who do higher content are optimization-minded and would want to excel at their class at peak complexity. If they wanted a less complex game they'd play league of legends. Removing half of your gameplay wouldn't be enjoyable for high end players. There's a reason why top end retail players couldn't stand classic, it's too basic.
The only people complaining about healer damage are the same dozen or so boomers on the forums, twitter and reddit who are angry that healers in page 1 of raiderio equipped dps trinekts and conjure up some kind of persecution complex in their +8s. In-game, healers either do damage or they don't and in 99% of keys nobody gives a shit if the healer presses their dps button 0 times since you don't need healer damage to time 99% of keys outside of the 0.1% range.
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so why is tww priced as a full expansion when they are switching to a mini expansion format?

how long do you think will i have to wait for blizzard to shit the bed and discount it half price?
I think dps should at least have more defensive options so your survival isn't solely in the hands of the healer. It would also make the difference between a good dps and a bad dps much bigger if they can save themselves if they're good at using their defensives
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I don't mind dpsing as a healer
Not like there's a rotation
However cucking people out of dps trinkets is the issue
Conduit of the Celestials (because Shado-Pan is unfinished garbage)
You remind me of the lore retards who are all "tehre can't be undead paladins because the lore says no!".
There wouldn't be this "healers do damage" metafaggotry (or how you call it "optimization") if they didn't allow if.
Ffs I swear I should stop getting into arguments with autismos.
Is that jane
You're acting increasingly unhinged and you're not even arguing the point any more which means I won this argument.
Thank you for playing
it's full priced+ea because dipshit retards will pay for it
first sale depends on how badly it flops. DF had a 20% discount 2 months in then a 40% sale 3 months later
>increasingly unhinged
Yeah I know this is what retards like you like to imagine when they just repeat the same shit over and over.
>arguing the point any more
I made my point 4 times itt, not my problem you're dense.
inb4 not the same person - you're not too dumb to click the links, are you?
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Do you ever just stop and smell the flowers?
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Thoughts on vulpera?
sounds like a guild issue
No, I mean they should have to heal the group too
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>dumb autist is a zeevtroon
That's just perfect.
Yeah I get that, I think there should be a difference between "selfish" dps who have a lot of personal defensives and "party" dps that can (and should) heal/shield others
>ESL retard is a simpsonfag
Are we playing shadow priest?
wow you really do have the 'tism, huh?
You're still missing my point. I think every dps should have to either heal or apply defensives to their party.
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how is your specc looking in the war within?
are ya winning or losing
No, I can't grasp shadow for the life of me.
I just go hard at holy.
I mostly agree with you, I just think it would be too homogenized and boring if everyone did the same thing so at least make it a bit more interesting
We are playing Holy priest
Does it? I thought that counted as absorbs.
is dk fun?
thinking of playing blood for tww
frost os or whatever
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It's over...
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So with region wide guilds, surely wowg can make one not die within a couple of months, right?
we already had that meta where hybrids were sought due to nature's vigil, vamp embrace, etc offheals being so retardedly good. currently it takes a backseat to aug+mage barrier. Idk why people who only do shitkeys try to theorycraft metashit like it matters
depends on how you have your healing meters set up, most of the time heals and absorbs are combined
I don't want to play with you Anon.
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>playing with cringecels, furries and cluster b trannies
no thanks
Why are brazilians allowed on the human servers?
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verrry good, clever also!
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Why are you here?
Blood and frost are strictly less fun versions of prot war and arms war respectively

Unholy is the only dk spec that brings anything remotely original to the table
so how are the new hero talents? I didn't play the beta
mostly just passives that dont change your gameplay at all
im going to make another female blood elf
Not really
Hey. Someone's retard got off the leash. >>487266719
Mind putting him in a crate? Thanks.
its our retard and you have him for the week
also i need you to take care of him next weekend too i have a date
To post anonymously about World of Warcraft on a mongolian underwater basketweaving forum
>Levelling professions on an alt
>Get to Shadowlands
>Take portal to Oribos
>Can't go to any zone because the flight master isn't there because I haven't done the shitty intro stuff
Even in death this expansion sucks.
after prepatch the new default leveling zone for brand new accounts is switching from BFA to DF. Even Blizz wants everyone to forget that SL ever happened.
make a female worgen instead
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I've thought about making a /wowg/ guild. I think some of the silent lurkers would like a place to hang out and game with.
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Yeah, I know right? Big silly me. Thinking I can play WoW with other WoW players. Boy, what a goof, huh? A real blunder on my part.
Thankfully you can opt out. I know you get really upset when other people have fun without you.

Could you imagine a world without seething schizophrenics barking at everything like rabid dogs? Man. I sure can't.
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They're adding more elves to the game? What the fuck isn't there like 6 of them already?
What are these ones called? Dark Elves?
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dark delves
high delves
blood delves
why don't they add more human variants instead of just elves and faggot races like gnomes. like barbarian humans that are horde aligned or something
If I go mele dps it's Conduit of the Celestials Monk. Ranged DPS will be my destro lock, thinking diabolist
Draenelves. Yes, I'm serious. They're female only and a mix of Draenei and Night Elf. Basically a blue goat with elf ears, only much sluttier.
Is it a good time to start playing wow?
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NTA, but /vg/ guilds, regardless of the game, never work out and always devolve into cesspools of drama. not like you'd care as you're either an avatarfag or someone who idolizes them.
So now that dragonflight is offically over, i think that we can all agree that it was terrible and they should just shut down wow forever
nah keep wow going forever, prevents the retarded devs from infecting other companies
There must always be a worlo...
Saw you standing in valdrakken, why did you fill your TRP profile with your pictures? Are they your characters canon?
>your pic
>/wowg/ without avatarfags
Post topless night elf and human girls
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>read release schedule
>read itemlevel updates
why are they so adamant on trying to force people into mythic raiding? i did it for one tier and it was the most miserable experience i ever had in wow
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>/vg/ always devolve into cesspools of drama
Don't I know it.

Jokes aside, I'm not saying I won't make a guild and I'm not saying I will, either. Can't fault a guy for dreaming and having high hopes while playing his favorite video game.
Nice summary of wowg, really pathetic place to frequent. Xo.
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Yeah, that's definitely the solution.
the game is okay
it's just soulless, formulaic slop with standard american idpol virtue signaling
i can't believe people are clapping for disabled dragons when the internal culture was just as toxic as anywhere else
Because they want to maintain the interest of sock-shitters in their PvE e-sport garbage.
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man I wish I could be isekai'd into the valley of the four winds. It's so relaxing
thats from Wildstar you blind retard
If you make it (Maye) then I'm not joining and will actively start spreading made up rumours again about it until it collapses, just like every past wowg guild made by a MONKEY
Are all the encrpyted files/cutscenes/quests going to be able to be datamined tomorrow when the pre-patch goes life, or are we still going to have to wait for TWW's actual release for that?
This has been debunked
>I'm not joining and will actively start spreading made up rumours
I anticipate this reaction already. Nothing new. Seen it before.
ok you need to help me navigate through your mental illness here as I dont even know what needs to be debunked
Why are ffxiv haircolors so dull?
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small indie corporation
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Stop being poor and buy a sub
you really think that wasnt done on purpose?
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Is nerfing tanks and healers the right way to solve this?
it's absolutely plausible they are this shit
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>start spreading made up rumours again
Oh damn, they were all made up?
Maye is actually fine?
Well shit. I guess I should go have an actual chat.
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let m*ye make a guild so we have an avatartranny pedo containment group
*gets enslaved by the thunda kang*
no but it's the fastest way to kill the game by making the two important roles even more stressful while making dps even easier and more braindead. After a while people will just stop having fun and quit
I wish I was a tenth of the supervillain some people on /wowg/ think I am. I'd be way more interesting.
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>Spirit goes to Shadowlands
>Bones come from ????
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Not necessarily. If they're linked in the character info like this one, then yeah. Otherwise I just threw them in a big list at the bottom as extras cause people told me they liked them so... Yeah, whatever. There if people wanted to read them.
At best they'd probably just set characterization, but otherwise just dumb pics for the sake of dumb pics.
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It gets better. Life has a funny way of working out in the end. Hold your heart close and cherish your friends. :)

Well, anyway. Good night /wowg/.
>Diaper fur
>Legally retarded
>Thinks he is hot shit for clearing 30s
Name a more iconic player.
Oh god after tomorrow I never again have to look at Faggotflight or it's grimy Disney tier troon logging screen OR look at it's disgusting Disney tier full of faggots and tranny dragons zones. Feels SO good man.
The way to fix that is to give BIG bonuses to tankbvll and healers.
Here are my ideas:
Ban immunity, reporting tank spec or heal spec bvlls does nothing.
Loot prio (return to greed/need except all DPS can roll is greed).
WoW token rewards taken from the DPSissies game time.
Bonus loot for tanks, PERIOD.
Sounds based, DPSissies will cry, poopsockers will cry.
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what tank should i play in tww?
whichever you enjoy the most
The one you like
redpill me on why we should hate maye
if its just for avatarfagging fine I guess
Good night king.

Side note, I thought all Green Dragons had Blue/Purple eyes. Did this change, or am I retarded?
Cause that bitch having orange eyes bothers me a lot more than it should.
No idk who maye is, I just see anons complain about him avatfagging
The made up rumours were all toward wowg guilds pre 2019
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tell me what to do please
Whichever one you dislike the most
why dh
It's the easiest one
Oh damn it, I didn't want to think Rag was cute.
>Are you gay?
>Are you gay but on the DL (also bottom)?
>Are you underage?
>Are you legally retarded?
>Are you a sinophile alcoholic?
>Are you 13, mentally?

Hope that answers!!
Druid it is
i macro all of my OGCDs to my main attack button
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>>Are you gay but on the DL (also bottom)?
God damn it, one of these finally accurately applied to me and my favourite tank!
>warrior tanks are gay bottom men
I can confirm this
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What's there to do this week after pre-patch hits?

Event is next week.
wtf I thought I was the only one
Yikes, there is nothing wrong with letting your homie hit your overly developed glutes post dungie, just homies being homies.
Talent checking and warband tuning
I'm not a prot warr player I'm just saying the two prot warrior players i know are gay bottom men
My shitposts are always accurate.
t. Prot warrior
>one picture
>70% of the posts
>100% of the derailing

what does this mean
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Buy Warband bank slots, only 3 gorillion gold
That's more gold than I've ever had
>he doesn't know the technique
Hey >>487271208 this guy >>487274326 is offering some lip service in exchange for your gold
So what profession is the go to in tww for my alts so i have passive income?
There are tabs like there are on guild vault, even just two tabs is more than enough unless you're a "goldmaker" in which case it shouldn't be a problem to buy it.
If you look at every single thread you'll see that m*ye, the worgen pedo and the troll freak are 50 to 70% of the posts while samefagging each other and doing everything they can to stir the thread away from anything related to the game.

There is even a booger janny who is defending the worgen pedo. I really hope the mods nuke this cesspool because the jannies have clearly given up.
>At best they'd probably just set characterization
That's fair and not the worst idea. Show your autism before telling someone.
She's made of fire
The man who buggers a fire burns his penis
Is this real? Srriously asking because I need gold and don't like the creeps in G*ldshire but will jerk Maye off for auction house spending money
No I don't like wolf men sorry.
I am not.

I guess so, I just forget how poor I am sometimes.
I also almost always just keep a steady income for consumes and nothing else, cba buying BoEs.
ill erp with you for gold, but we have to use flist
also I only play shota cuntboys, btw
Just ask him in game for god's sake instead of posting itt
What's the character name then HUH???
>Azeroth is an egg
>It gets cracked
>by an axewound... I mean sword!
>at midnight "she" becomes the last titan
>the woman within
>Always a SHE
Sorry chudie, Azeroth is a trans man and HE is gonna use Sargeras aka CHUDgeras sword as zir's COCKPACKER.
Anons! how do you feel aboutthere being four gay prot warriors ITT RN?
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Fuck you, she's a Troll.
Or Elune is, I don't remember what the theory was.
Still just one of them is the form of the natural natives instead of devolved Godjizz abominations.
Elune won't come up again after SL.
Don't all titans look human-like but like, real fucking tall with Sargeras being the only one different?
NTA but I know of two from this thread.
Intimately. Hi guys. We should play again soon.
>Thinks these are new
Let me guess, you didn't know about the late night arena in Skyhold.
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Well Argus is a muscle skeleton if his face was any indicator, Aman'thul is a basically a Yorkshire Terrier and Khaz'goroth is a stretched Dwarf, so...
But Azeroth is obviously a big special snowflake that they've been building up, so she's sure to be different.
Titans look like humans, not some retards with massive underbite.
Pretty sure aman'thul is just an old dude, with blue skin.
So is argus. But young.
Why do faggots love this so called "girl cock"?
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Did Remix: Pandaria just make you realize how much more quality the old expansions were compared to the current slop?

I mean, seriously. It feels like they had a vision for MoP from start to finish. SL, DF & TWW feel like they are just going on a limb and doing whatever will net them internet good boy points from their tranny audience.
stfu mowgli your friends are all troons
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except trollanon but he just gay i guess
>gets regularly ridiculed in xivg
>comes to wowg and baitposts about retail
>is an avatarfag
can't make this shit up
Bait posting on xivg gets you a ban.
It is impossible to get banned in a BLIZZY general, btw.
No jannies come here unless something illegal happens or if someone spams the irc so i guess we just have to suffer your faggotry
Look can you just go back to zivgee
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Here's your worg for tonight.
Who's your favorite /xivg/ avatarfag?
if you want i'd gladly make you guild leader of <Mentally Ill> would be fun to use that name
>warrior buffs with pre patch release
whats the catch? how long till they nerf us into the ground again?
don't reply to it
I give it a few days. never get your hopes up
alright now that cross realm guilds are almost a thing whats the name of the le epic 4chan guild, i want in
>Sell Early Acess
>Make all actual content available in one month

Based Blizzard milking and then spitting on their cattle
WoW really ended after BFA.
Legion was the swan song of the old guard, who then left, BFA had impressive budget (4 raid tiers, lots of cutscenes and cinematics).
Shadowlands and DF feel like the cheap expansions in everything.
TWW? Literally the Destiny 2 type of the expansion. Bare bones of the content (8 dungeons+raid), short story for a check mark.
>thinking thats the real mowgli
Is this game good now? I will have nothing to do once i'm done with savage tier next week.
>no content
new raid
8 new dungeons
12 delves with 3 variants each+a secret one
1 new bg
solo q rbgs
new race
hero talents
new world content
new campaign
story mode raid
all gold is made in the first week of the xpac. you take a 4 day ban for being poor to ensure you stay poor, or you pony up.
Yeah, but he's like 80% hair, so.
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>chromie isn't trans anymore
bad b8
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Big WoW news.

The Secret Finding Discord pinged @everyone with a notification just now.

An undocumented update was pushed to TWW Beta less than 20 minutes ago.

Pic related, a book was added to a Burning Blade fortress in an otherwise forgotten zone, Desolace.

It references an old plot thread from TBC. Murmur, a cosmic horror made of pure sound energy who could shatter worlds by whispering.

Furthermore, Grand Warlock Netherkurse from TBC is gone, with an unnamed Shadow Council Elder replacing him.

Could be a cryptic hint at a future update. Might Murmur return in The War Within? Might he tie into a future plot thread?
dont argue with doomies, its what they want.
You forgot your wowhead link, schitzo.
And Sargeras is 90% hot air but I don't see you complaining.
I think the avatroon in chief is going to make one
Cause he doesn't look like a Yorkshire Terrier with all that fire.
Fire looks like nothing.
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>Dracthyr became available to make before the prepatch
>>>>>>>They were still level 58 or whatever they start at instead of 10 until the actual shutdown/prepatch
Lmao thanks for the free 48 levels Blizzard.
But how can he samefag when he can be online only on one toon at a time?
Is story mode the new LFR?
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It's a mystery.
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you DO make friends playing wow, right?
No, it's just a playable scenario for you solo or up to five of your friends just to do the final boss.
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So is the US update up yet?

How long did it take to log in? Blizz is saying expect anywhere from 20-50 mins on first log in depending on your account and all the characters and things you've done in the game.
the servers just went down. it's scheduled to be back up in 8 hours, but realistically probably more like 28
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expect stable servers by the 25th.
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servers down
time to play second best mmo
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looking forward to tww just for the zones. azure span aside, i didn't like the dragonflight ones while i really love the ringing deeps, hallowfall and azj'kahet
so does EU get the pre-patch today or are we waiting like cucks
none of that is content. It's all just ai generated sloppa
That looks nothing like DC Universe Online.
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I'm curious what anons here think of the various races associated with the alliance and horde, if you have nothing better to do post your opinion
Orcs>the rest
waiting until tomorrow
fem nelves>fem goats>fem humans>the rest
>High elf
>Forest troll
Holy delusional!
Because Ion got promoted out of his competency level and is a raidfaggot at heart donning the helm of game designer. So by god is he going to make everything raid centric (and also keep all the boomeresque, autistic hoops and barriers that make it a hemorrhaging game mode with maybe a thousand guilds even bothering to try the endboss). Guilds doing autistic splits will have a 20-30 ilvl advantage going into mythic raid week and m+ for the first 3 months is just a playground for raiders in their full mythic raid gear until the rest of us plebs catch up with vaults. He's also eternally mad that people would rather run dungeons than mythic raid which is why we have to wait 21 days from launch to actually walk into a keystone.
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>Forest Troll
>Not Playale despite therebeing at least one forest troll tribed allied with the horde
>Zandari tolls join, central troll ribe that can demand respect from every other troll tribe in the world
>still cant play forest trolls
its a fucking crime.
oh no he's retarded and can't read
all of the new zones are shit. Hallowfall is a fucking reskinned Revandreth for reddit (also too small), the rest is forgettable.
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>The camera will now allow for the player character to be more obstructed by the environment before colliding and pushing the camera forward.
>Use the console command "cameraIndirectVisibility [0,1]" to turn the feature off or on, and use "cameraIndirectOffset [0, 10.0]" to modify the sensitivity.
God I hate these retards and how they hide shit like this behind commands instead of putting it up in some "advanced" submenu basically forcing you to use an addon.
Or the retarded default bag sorting that's been there for years now combined with how items appear at the last slot of some middle bag, who's thinking of this shit and worse, who thinks this is the best default behavior ffs
do they pay you for doomposting in this general?
>new campaign
Isn't it only 4 chapters?
>male portraits
You gay or something?
What's wrong with diaper gnomes, light farted and dragqueers?
not everyone's online persona revolves around a vagina trannoid
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>reskinned Revandreth
How did you come to such retarded conclusion?
t. tranny
8 leveling and 4 at max level chapters iirc
So 12
I ain't calling you mentally ill, but I am recommending you seek professional aid.
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tranny just exposed ximself
i'm thinking hallowfall is one of the best zones ever.
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>ever using the auction house as a seller instead of just buying gold or doing boosts/sales with your guild
feels good not being a poorfag 3rd world shitter
joke races with no real lore behind them
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dont reply to doomies, they will always say some retarded shit like this. I remember back before TBC launched people said terrokar wis a reskinned Ungoro, or before LK that Howling Fjord will be reskinned WInterspring. They will say whatever retarded thing that comes to their mind as long as it has a chance of demoralizing someone.
Crazy how they made an underground zone so kino
>online persona
I'm not making a character in an MMO "my online persona", you insecure faggot.
It's going to be an enormous clusterfuck for an "expansion" that has no substance to it.

Only three zones in an "expansion" is pathetic.
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we cant stop w*nn*ng
t. Prot warrior
kek what the fuck
>People unironically putting Night Elves high.
Oh no no no
>Only three zones in an "expansion" is pathetic.
id be much more okay with it if they were charging half of what they are
Yeah it just felt so bizzare lmao
Also I guess he's the same dipshit who's been perpetuating this "only three zones" this whole time (when there are actually 4 zones).
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yep, thats a skip
my gf likes vulpera
>noooooooo stop talking about the game!
>1 filtered post
Stacking versatility for Manic Grieftorch
What about worgies
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says they are ugly
>two insta indirect seething replies
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>yep, thats a skip
It's up
>no panda
nice try
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IT'S UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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nicy try
all of the buildings and fauna are just straight from revendreth with a hex code swap.
so did they increase melee range to 8 yds or what
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It's Dragover Fryakk bros.
Our expansion is finally done.
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Dwarves are great. Nightborne were genuinely a cool addition. Zandalari Trolls genuinely felt worth the wait glad they're finally in. Goblins are amazing. Orcs and humans are an amazing classic. Highmountain Tauren are amazing.
Broken, Forest Trolls, Moknathol, and Ogres should be playable and its actually insane all this other shit became playable before it.
Belves, Nelves, and Tauren are the same I just feel less strongly about it
High Elves are good but the fervor for playable ones have always been weird when they're canonically on the verge of extinction.
Undead are always a fun edge to the horde but also sometimes the obvious "grafted onto the horde in lore because its an MMO" sticks out too much
Trolls are good but player models are kinda ugly to play.
Draenei are good but a bit of a messy retcon
Gnomes are a legitimate part of the lore but IDK how anyone can tolerate playing them.
Pandarens WoW implementation is too goofy haha ale kung fu panda compared to WC3 brewmasters
Dracthyr are C by the sole virtue of having an entire class monopolized. The moment the two become uncoupled its the bottom of F tier for it
Jinyu are WAY less annoying than Hozen but still sound like they're choking on cum at all times
More human body types are a good thing but its stupid that they have some lore explanation for the kultirans being meatier people
Hozen are cringe
Vulpera and Worgen are furry cringe
Diaperbabies suck until you slap the heritage armor on them, could've just been the wrath mechagnomes
Lightforged Dranei are lazy AND the less interesting light infused Draenei army in lore
And Void Elves are L O L, literally a small team of belf researchers getting void corrupted somehow became 50% of the alliance larping as high elves
why isn't anyone hyped about warbands....
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I don't like men.
>hyped about a new character selection screen
uhhh cool i guess?
In what part of the internet would such sentence have had an effect?
Survival hunter status?
holy troon
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it's actually really good, it was so broken they nerfed it.
Good. Maybe too good, so every shitter will play it and it will lose its hipster charm.
What fascinates me is that icyveins article with the tier list where the dude doesn't even mention the Implosion Trap (but talks about scatter shot or fucking scare beast, like anyone picks that shit).
I just wanna fuck Chen Stormstout
What if i play feral?
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troon-, gooner- and fetishbait for people who are objectively written in the worst way possible by Blizzard, pozzed to hell and back and ontop of that usually represented by the worst breeds of MMO players, the self-insert avatarfags, the twitterfags and the Slice-Of-Life Roleplayers who know little and incorporate fuck all of the given race's culture or history
Unplayable or written into a clown fiesta status quo by Blizzard, particularly Dark Iron dwarfs who were turned into Blackface Bronzebeards since MoP and effectively lost every aspect of their identity that set them apart
Gnomes never stood a chance as they have been written as the goofy lolsorandumb xD gizmo race from the get-go and Blizzard only leaned into that shit ever since
Apart from the influences of Calia and post-Legion Sylvanas fot the Forsaken these three races have remained true to their depictions since theyve been introduced to the setting. Goblins are only higher tier than Gnomes because they have not devolved to the same meme status yet, but with the new Gazlowe short story they are on their way
The two races at least stick to their roots and are not offensively retarded stereotypes
if you want to be a dwarf you can play a Warcraft Dwarf and if you want to be an orc you can play a Warcraft Orc, sans the honour aspect of their warrior culture
Zandalari and Darkspear Trolls have not only kept their respective identities intact but were not shoveled into some narrative hole they cant crawl out from, despite being the focus of a heritage questline and an entire campaign. They also have peak aesthetics and enjoyable themes if youre into Azten or TRibal shit
Kul Tiran racial just blows everything out of the water. Their playerbase are also self-aware of their status of being the fat bastards of the community, their capital is great and Kul Tiras was generally a good levelling experience
(we can ignore Jaina since she only does shit unrelated to her race 9% of the time)
Monk main, BrM with WW off.

Main alt is gonna be Aug, predominantly because I'm a sadist and Aug makes people want to pull their hair out. (And because I love playing support roles in every game)
i havent logged into remix in months. when are they fixing this?
wrong! already updated the important addons
Can anyone confirm what reputations are warband wide?

Also is it true that you can grind dailies on multiple characters to get examples faster?
Rsham and Prevoker. Probably Totemic and Flameshaper.
Is the pre-patch the best moment to jump back in if I stopped after leveling in Dragonflight?
Is it the best time to watch videos on the second monitor while leveling multiple toons to be ready for the expansion?
yes. for all melee
im an eu chad so it will all be fixed by the time i can play
never. its not getting another update cause its abandoned. you either take the bronze rates & green drops as-is or you skip the mode.
Is there really no better way? Sigh.
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Why do Blizzard treat them like such a joke?
If they are such a joke, why do they even exist?
They weren't even fucking present in WC2/WC3, yes I know the lore mentions their presence after the fact but they sure as hell didn't exist in the actual games, so why did they add them to Vanilla WoW?
>long in screen
look at this fucking GOOSE
What did they change it to?
humans are the only non joke alliance race
Anytime is a good time to hop back in. With prepatch you'll have the same talents as in the new expansion barring whatever minor changes might happen so it's not a bad time to level up and try stuff out. Mind that the expansion goes live in a month from now and the first season doesn't start until Sept 17th so you have plenty of time.
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some dwarven looking heart of azeroth amulet nonsense.

im going to miss dragonflight
Only Woke Within and Dragonshite rep/renown is account wide in 11.0 atm

Future patches will work backwards, so Sneedolands is next, then BfA, Legion and so on
>hey weren't even fucking present in WC2
They were though. The made the submersibles for the Alliance of Lordaeron. AS well as the flying machines.
shutup, bitch
To be honest I have to imagine it comes down to the task of trying to set up both factions to generate about equivalent interest from players.

Imagine vanilla alliance is Humans, Dwarves, AND two types of elves. The high elves would have also been much closer to LOTR style elves and this was in the middle of the LOTR trilogy being so fucking big that Todd retconned Cyrodills entire landscape to be LOTR lite
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>new art is a half and half Xerathat/Alleria
oh boy time for another girlboss story where totally has low self esteem despite everyone listening to her. We gotta help her be confident to really girlboss it up.
just another recent copy of the same story where its going to be poorly executed and nobody is going to like it.
I don't think that's gonna be the login screen for the whole expansion
>Todd retconned Cyrodills entire landscape to be LOTR lite
To be fair that wasn't the only reason, bethesda couldn't make the real cyrondill even if they tried.
it really does look like shit. even the vanilla login screen is better. they have to have changes for it coming as patches progress, theres no way they are going to leave it like a slightly more animated management tool login page. Its like trying to log into microsoft office or somethign.
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imagine being spitroasted by their big fat juicy 10 inch girlcocks
why are you like this??
absolutely BVILDED for pounding lightforged femboys
>fire up the game to see the new login screen
>have a seizure
t-thanks blizz
sorry but i'm not gay
the internet has made me exclusively futasexual
>Alliance would have been TOO popular so it got a joke race instead
I'm torn bigly between BDK and RSham.
Is there an actual new screen or are y'all just looking at the placeholder?
Midwoke will give Alliance playable high elves

alliance was way too popular during vanilla.
Refugee from OG here. Is TWW the expansion that'll save retail? Will it finally be playable for normies who don't want to shit in a sock during "keys" or whatever? I'm desperate for an MMO that's actually good and I'm hoping that TWW will fit the bill.
NOPE, it is DEI infested with sheboon
>amani/forest trolls for horde
>high elves for alliance
metzen midnight k-kino???
Maybe in retrospect giving all the attractive races to one side with absolutely no forced quotas/ratios on faction numbers was a bad idea?

M+ is the best part of wow. wdym.
you sound like one of those erp trannies so you should stay there. wow is about gameplay not rp.
>Turalyon is in the way of Alleria's girlbossing
Silver Hand bros i don't feel so good
>""people"" who unironically turn into useless quivering piles of shit and piss when confronted with:
>bright lights
>uhhhhhh lore 'inaccuracy' (???)
not nearly as funny as Black Noir having a tree nut allergy
but still funny
delves at tier 8 give you heroic ilvl gear and that's solo content (with brann as a customizable companion)
it's ok, alleria is dark power evil lady...but LE GOOD this time
Very beta post
No no, I'm talking about the game World of Warcraft, not the United States Presidential Election of 2024. Besides, OG's new expansion that killed the game was literally written by a DEI hire.

But don't people get angry during M+? That's what everyone has been telling me for the past few years. I want to play the content without worrying about my numbers or the wowhead/icy-veins meta.
Alleria already surrendered to the BHC though and gave birth to Turalyon's son Arator
i think you'll be fine with m0 (old +10 but with no timer or affixes) and low keys
that, raiding on normal/heroic and delves should keep you busy for a while while also being rewarding
>I can't go 16 minutes without shitting my pants

I never understood this gripe. M+ was like 15 minutes maybe 20 in Legion at launch, what changed?
You have no raiderio mazed+ score, you'll be rejected instantly

mazed+ is the most toxic thing by far after raid+
Please convince me not to play TWW. I unironically want to play Delves as a means of solo progression so I don't need to do M+ with randos (not a commentary on meta or anything, I just don't like the people that play WoW and I have no friends). What are the bad things about the expansion?
Most M+ dungeons that i play go smooth and the ones that do go bad mostly end with people leaving without saying anything. But in TWW there will be a new form of content called Delves where you can also gear your character without having to play with other people
only issue i have with it rn is mythic raiding still being locked to 20 and few classes getting shafted on hero talents (rogue comes to mind)
that's it
fuck off we're full
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joy-malganis is unironically kennie from the wow forums...
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I have been doing M+ off and on since legion. went particularly ham in legion and BFA. I have only encountered like 5 to 10 ragers. A similar number of trolls (people who join your key just to kill it).
But you should however be concerned with your numbers and trying to make them go up alongside making less mistakes. If that doesn't interest you, M+ isn't for you.
Idk the expansion is not out but i guess Faerin can be a bad thing if yo uare racist
Midnight is for playable naga you clowns
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well................ 10.2.7 does mention zul aman.....
licking their feet and letting them bully me to boost their confidence
is there a site with meta builds for the beta?
asking for a friend...
Please edit this image so only half of Kul'tiran is in the delete section (or maybe just put the female icon in). Male Kul'tiran are easily at least B tier, it's only the females that are an affront to nature. Isn't it strange how in the entirety of Kul'Tiras all of the females used the Human Female model except for Ashvane? Almost like they knew it was unholy garbage or something.
That's how OG also is, except you also have to fight against lag because the game is dogshit. Many people say that WoW is extremely anxiety-inducing because if you make a mistake you have a PTSD mental breakdown because you'll be yelled at. I'm starting to think it's a bunch of fake news though. And with delves it should actually have more gameplay than Talk to NPCs (0/3) and dodging lag.
Just like the "expansion".
>if you make a mistake you have a PTSD mental breakdown
>because you'll be yelled at.
only if your a pansy
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you were warned
>Isn't it strange how in the entirety of Kul'Tiras all of the females used the Human Female model except for Ashvane? Almost like they knew it was unholy garbage or something.
kek I never noticed that, that's hilarious
Transmog farming will actually be worth it now considering you can collect everything with one character.
Are gargoyles earth elementals? What if you shape an earth elemental into a gargoyle is there any difference between them?
The right way to fix this is to make M+ 10 man, and add 5 more DPS.
no, literally every streaming fag that played the beta has only been talking about how "fun" specs are and literally skipping over their actual performance
with that said, a lot of them still keep their meters running when they play and without some sort of significant nerf hellcaller afflock is doing 3x other classes dps right now even in pvp and it's sort of hilarious
when we get pandaren and dracthyr paladin, of course
It's true. Literally every single major female character you interact with in Kul'tiras like Katherine, Jaina, Tess, The female ruler of Waycrest that one dungeon (and the former one who turned evil), the female quest givers involved in long quest chains, they're all using the Female Human model. It's only minor characters/set dressing NPCs or villains who use the actual female kul'tiran model.
Everybody is saying that Disc Priest plays well with Void Weaver, but doesn't have the numbers to back it up, so I'll just wait for the inevitable rebalance. See you guys in the patch after the upcoming one.

Alliance elf bimbodorei paladin soon(TM)
aren't they living creatures? they can become undead
>anxiety inducing
>PTSD mental breakdown
is it really so hard to understand that some people would prefer not to have autists honking in their ear if they make a mistake? no one likes listening to autists even in the best circumstances
When is Blizzard going to realize the reason they have to do stat squishes every other expansion is because they have 4 raid difficulties that vastly inflate item levels and make the gap between the lowest content (LFR) and the Highest content (Mythic Raids) into less of a gap and more of a continental gulf? Literally just remove heroic raid difficulty and you already buy yourself 1 whole expansion without a reset without making any other changes.
This would make me very happy. I have so many sloot mogs for plate.
>my dk is undead canonically
>still has breath bar and can drown

What did Metzencuck mean by this?
They do plan to add every class to every race, but the problem is it would take actual work for 3 of the classes, Shaman and Paladin (minor work, totems and racial mounts) and Druids (actual work for unique forms for every race). Blizzard is adverse to work.
in my experience classic has a lot more ragers than this game which is ironic considering how easy it is
You know, this is something they explained in one of the manuals about why undead racial was just 300% breath time and not infinite. It has to do with the fact that the water would just make them rot away if they stayed in it too long.
>water makes you rot
>but exposure to the elements does not
they say something
report or ignore
reporting also ignores them
grow a backbone
My dk isn't undead race, just undead canonically
Still dumb that an undead dk that doesn't need to breathe is still drowning
So do you stand in fire, pull packs, or ignore mechanics? This is a safe space, you can tell us.
it's not about backbone
if you can choose between two games to spend your time on, are you going to choose the one with a mouthbreathing retard hanging over your every move or are you going to play one without?
the only reason to pick the former is to intentionally grief
Not defending it, just was something I knew from a wow trivia contest. Lost that round, but won the sword in the end.
those are the same thing
The Classic community is honestly one of the most toxic gaming environments that has ever existed. They fucking have a paid access patreon addon that automatically brings up people's parses in game so they can gatekeep their 20 year old dungeons.

I recommend anyone who thinks Retail is a hateful environment to try to pug in Classic. I mean Retail is pretty bad with people trying to do MDI strats in +3 keys, but it looks like a Christian Minecraft Server compared to Classic, especially Season of Discovery.
>literally a quest in Howling Fjord where you find a Forsaken spy who can stay underwater for days at a time
I donā€™t know who these people are
I mean you could just turn off chat and be a blissfully unaware shitter. Chances are very high that pugs will carry you anyway unless you're just suiciding the entire time. The whole leaver/rager thing gets way overblown by sheltered people who have one or two negative experiences where some random called them a shitter once so now they have PTSD
remember kids don't sweat getting into end game content the people are insane
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>Dragonflight content is now the new default leveling experience for levels 10 to 70 (was Battle for Azeroth).

Does this mean that Chromie Time now extends to 70 and you don't have to bother with Troonflight from 60-70?
What about the ones from revendreth, they are just stone infused with anima
why is the tww login screen so fucking bland?
i dont believe theres a game in existence where you wont have to worry about someone running their fucking mouth at you dog
even final tranny players complain about sly shit talkers that can skate the ToS and be pedantic
you're not living in reality if you think you're going to avoid such a thing
As they say: Thats life, grow up
honestly i think you're trolling but if you're not rest assured you will grow accustomed to it and it wont bother you after a fashion
no. you sitll need to go dragonflight 60-70.
different type i guess
I'll tell you in 6, probably 9 hours
>Blizzard skipping SL
>caring about parse
you get what you fucking deserve
sorry chud, get in line behind the ogres
Why do people pretend to want ogres?
my brain read that as frost trolls with ice beards. that'd be pretty cool, having an ice-crusted beard on a drakkari shaman.
Why do people pretend people don't want Ogres?
i don't think anyone wants to play some fat, 2 headed (double retarded in this case), illiterate and smelly humanoid
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I want to play a fat, 2-headed (double-retarded in this case), illiterate and smelly humanoid.
maybe they do
but more people want catgirls(nonfurryvariation) based off the blood elf model with extremely busted racials
>2 headed (double retarded in this case)
sounds based
so are evokers getting permanent visage form in TWW or not?
it'd probably increase the population of the class by a lot
I personally don't give a fuck about parses they have ruined both versions of the game (I remember an example of when I was raiding in Shadowlands and the tank wiped us on purpose during that one boss in Nathria with the anime vials because he got a debuff or something and wanted to parse orange), but because Classic """content""" could be done by literal toddlers the only thing the mentally ill retards playing it have is parses and they have made it their entire personality to the point where yes, they made an addon that brings up people's parses in game so they can decline them for their Maraudon pugs or whatever the fuck those deranged "people" do.
human, but with X! is such fucking dogshit and generic taste i don't understand how anyone has it
give me nagas or ethereals
and go fuck yourself
I really wish the arathi armor set for leather was so fucking terrible. How did we get the best set of mail armor we've ever seen, and then they somehow fuck leather over entirely?
That's way fucking cooler than the Drakkari. Shame we're getting furry elf OCs before some good old fashioned trolls.
I agree raiding should be Mythic only. Plebians need not worry about the mode.
we have dracthyr at home, fag
and your argument completely falls apart with ethereals they are LITERALLY humans but incorporeal
get real nigger
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rushjob confirmed

where are the bootlickers?
>he doesn't want to play a fat, two headed, double retarded warrior
anon I'm sorry and I hope you recover from your faggotry someday
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rise servers
dracthyr are nothing like nagas troglodyte
there's nothing human about ethereals, they're energy beings
kinda funny how there are more people who want paladins for every race than there are people who want dracthyr
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Forget about all these other cringe races you cunts want like Ogres, High Elves, Nagas, Ethereals etc, PLAYABLE DREADLORDS WHEN?
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>not liking the morrowind chitin armor look
anon, I think they can cure gayness now
It's so much fun to sit in this gen on launch days to see all the people who pretend to hate wow come in to bitch about it, only for them to vanish when the serve goes live. Should be just around 6 hours now before the entire general calms down.
>has a racial to turn into any model from the game
make it happen!
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I want saberon
a warband just flew over my house
i hate americans so much
would basically just be dracthyr but a demon instead of a dragon and looking cool instead of like a fucking tranny
it really bothers you that people come here to funpost, huh?
They're up early.
>tfw EU
>servers are down
It's over. XIV won.
Don't worry, they'll fix the issue with Warband synchronizing incorrectly removing achievements and renown levels before it gets to EU, just thank the US for Beta Testing.
i cant play rated pvp for six weeks
im fucking jonesing already bros
>releases their best expansion to date
I mean, yeah...? No one expected TWW to be able to compete.
Same anon, same.

I'm not bothered. I enjoy it.
midnight will save us, trust the plan
And we're happy to do it, but i require all EUs to refer to me as Hero instead of amerimutt
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>best expansion to date
>best expansion to date
anon, the game had one good expansion and it was 9 years ago
also the base game was kino, but consoles and anime trannies couldn't handle it and we got bland, boring, safe, return to waking sands every other quest step instead
I mean I know you're shitposting but it is funny that all the people who hated OG expansion for focusing on a character nobody liked for the entire story who were saying the expansion killed the game have forgotten about it because they added a boss in the raid who's a cute female with a catchy annoying song and are back to saying its the greatest game ever.
*desk slam*
please be respectful towards Dracthyr
TWW is the last true MMO standing, the rest have either died or turned into visual novels. It's sad to think about but the entire genre depends on TWW being good. If this fails, it's all over.
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The real Dragonflight was the dragons we made along the way
>gets served a slice of bread after eating copious amounts of shit
>dude it's *chef's kiss*!!
I just came back after 11 years. I hate trannies:
Dragonflight is clearly allegorical of the trans kek, 'let's force them to accept the dragons, coz we are dragons (we are... okay? we're dragons.)'
Kul Tiran female (Body 2 lmao wtf) models, and the faces of Zandalari Trolls, both are so clearly self inserts of blizztrannies (at least what they think they look like)
The 'they' and 'them's in the dialogue are so forced and inconsistent... the amount of black npc's, the obvious sabellian and wrathion are gay incest dragon brothers dialogue.
The amount of badass wimmin in charge with badass titles (theyre certain to include 'her', not 'them' in this dialogue). I know it's a tranny game but tone it down wtf.
thank you american hero
you bailed us out in 1945
you're bailing us out currently against the rusbvll
and you dutifully beta test the patches for our well being every patch day
thank you
we would be lost without you, truly heroic
Oh god after tomorrow I never again have to look at Faggotflight or it's grimy Disney tier troon logging screen OR look at it's disgusting Disney tier full of faggots and tranny dragons zones. Feels SO FUCKING good man.
I mean to be fair WoW did sort of do the same thing with Dragonflight. It's an alright expansion but people act like it's the 2nd coming of WoW Christ just because Shadowlands came out before it.
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you'll fucken look at dwarf females with beards though chud, in the woman within
Ok but how would you actually make playable dreadlords work in WoW?
The only way I think it could "work" would be that like Dracthyr you would have a visage form, though as a Dreadlord you would be able to pick any of the playable races and classes, and you'd just be LARPing as them with whatever the actual Dreadlord racials would be desu.
it's an objectively good expansion that brought updates to core systems in the game instead of patch specific bing bing wahoos with 0 longevity
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TWW should've been in October or something, jesus fucking christ this piece of shit is buggy as fuck
there's a metric ton of projection in this post
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The time of the Retadin is NOW. Human supremacy is NOW.

If you aren't maining a Male Human Paladin in TWW, you aren't playing the devs intended vision. And that makes you gay.

Enjoy your buggy shit, faggots
>If you aren't maining a Male Human Paladin in TWW, you aren't playing the devs intended vision.
Based, can't wait for Turalyon to save the entire world for the third time.
I somewhat disagree. Outside of Dragonriding (which is really good and I'm glad it's staying) and the talents (which I think is cope, it's no different from the old system people just look up builds on icy veins all the same) it didn't really add anything and the story was abysmal with marvel cinematics. It added two good features which are good for the future of the game, but the expansion itself was boring. Which is why I think it's alright, not bad but not good.

That's just like, my opinion, man.

You sound like you played the game so i respect your opinion
I main female human paladin but I also have a human male paladin so it's best of both worlds.
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Dragonriding is fucking terrible and it makes me sick to my stomach seeing people praise it. Really, REALLY curious how you need to jump through a ton of hoops to unlock true flying even though dragonriding is supposed to be the superior one and not the shitty one you're stuck using with until true flying is available. Really makes you think.
item upgrade system is objectively better, as you can upgrade gear from various types of content, not just m+
world content is objectively better and with the weeklies for them actually offers good progression
talents are better, i have multiple loadouts saved based on the content i'm doing. m+ (more aoe focused), raid (more single target focused)
main story was indeed boring, side questlines like blue dragonflight or secrets of azeroth were great
tender post is a good addition too
and it also opened the door to experiments like plunderstorm and mopmix
so while it didn't have anything flashy like dude artifacts and artifact power, it was a good expansion
dildoriders will seethe at this post
Damn bro you working over-time with the seethe today? >>683522591 >>683522812
Normal flying with a boost button/gauge wouldve been better imo
it's fun and people want to use it on their other mounts
I am also playing male human paladin, but not until after my male human monk. That's like a paladin, but that can double jump.
fucking truth right here.
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All interactable object is literally won't work right now, how the fuck did they break this?
you hate gameplay and you hate video games
it's fun if you have a good system and a mouse to control movement, dive bombing and swooping down on shit

but I can't imagine it's fun for people with horrible systems or mousepad players
Only people who hate Dragonflying are Druid players who struggle to set up their bots
refute the images argument, dildoriders
you can't.
>object is literally won't work
all that image says is you suck at dragonriding
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I consneed, I forgot about the item upgrade system and it's an objectively good feature and talent loadouts are good even if I think the system itself is mediocre. Tendie post is whatever for me, but good for people that care about cosmetics I suppose, but I don't think it's fair to bundle in completely separate gamemodes like Plunderstorm and Remix with Dragonflight just because they happened at the same time. I still think I'd struggle to call the expansion good, but I think it's great that you guys enjoyed it and it's definitely a step in the right direction, I just hope the step didn't come too late.
you're bad at dragon riding
I've been using it in MoPmix and it's really easy to use to go short jaunts
It's funny that you're bad at dragon riding, most of the time I'm mining I just tap skyward once and then I'm there. Get pegged nerd.
>yfw we get nerubians
>Yfw they have they are elves too
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yeah, but the spider pussy
I'm German so literally esl, that's true. But that post was more a result of my brain being mush. Still, if that bug persists on tomorrows prepatch, then fucking lmao.
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They can't. If dragonriding was superior to true flying, you would start off with true flying and have to unlock the "superior" option. Yet even Blizzard considers true flying to be a reward while dragonriding is just a consolation prize. It's mind-boggling to me, it's like if people had requested for azerite armor to become a permanent feature. Just moronic.
There's time for fun and engaging gameplay like dragonriding and there's time for convenience. Dragonriding is inconvenient as fuck. And I hate being forced into it. I want flying to be mindless movement from point A to point B, not this fucking minigame where I have to be focused and "engaged" all the time. Ever tried to find a treasure or a node that shows on map but is not immediately clear where exactly it is in the world? Have fun doing that with dragonriding...
And TWW makes it WORSE because now you can't have one keybind for dragonriding mount and one keybind for normal mount because ALL mounts are either dragonriding or steady.
They should just add infinite hovering as an option to dragonriding, maybe instead of that totally useless Bronze Timecock ability.
I'm in.
They should boost normal flying to be 80-90% as efficient as dragonriding. Please thing of the brainlets (like me)
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I don't believe you
Skyriding is shit, you can't even hover in air

Ion's war on TBC flying continues
shut up retard by the time you play the game again it will literally be an option you can turn on and off
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They should remove true flying and only keep Dragonflying.
Let the boomers who spent years screaming about how flying was ruining the game, get around like they forced us for years back during the days of WoD-Shadowlands. Using ground mounts. While Dragon-chads get to enjoy the content at it's intended pace.
then no one would use dragonriding
I hate it and I'm glad we can swap between them now. Dragonriding to get somewhere I want fast and normal flying to finish whatever objectives there are
turning it off takes 5 seconds in TWW you gay nigger + 2 seconds to cast mount
you can fly regularly. what the fuck are you even complaining for?
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Too bad ;)
I'm already running keys ;)
Zamn that's why /wowcg/ hates him huh?
if they don't release a new cinematic today it's over
bbbut you can set a waypoint.... and teleport back to it....so cool....and useful...do you hate gameplay, boomer?
there it is
>then no one would use dragonriding
So people are only using it because its fast and not because its fun? lmao
Here's your cinematic
There is definitely going to be a major cinematic, as they need to explain/show what happened to Khadgar ;_;
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good, i am glad it inconveniences you specifically because you annoyed me on fourchannel
hope they never change it and you seethe over it every time you click the drop down to change between flight styles
and furthermore, i hope every time a dragonrider screams past you while you are air swimming you think about how much of a faggot they are for using that system, forever obsessed
no I can't
it's locked behind achievements and LGBTQIA+ campaign, which I REFUSE to complete
which are the most efficient hierloom weapons to buy if i dont have any classes levelled
what a fucking god
It's literally a minigame. Much like pet battles and pvp, no one takes it seriously.
>missing out on good mog pieces cause you're retarded
heirlooms are pointless now
i only ground mount and refuse to play content mountgated by mount gates.
Who made dis
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I'm playing this fucking expansion and nothing will stop me this time. If for no other reason than I am finally going to be on even footing with the toxic niggerfaggot retards who shit up M+ and I don't have to have 160/100 blood pressure tanking mid-season while not knowing how to fucking tank or any of the fucking routes or affixes.

Fuck you.
It's fun for 30 minutes, when you do dragon races. After that it's a boring chore that is only used because of speed.
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A toast to 3 more expansions of boomers getting filtered by Dragonriding.
both fun and fast. also trying to get gold on all races is fun as fuck.
i wish they would add a server wide, or region wide in game leaderboard
Maintenance will certainly get extended multiple times, i doubt we will even get to play the game today
It should only be enabled for dragon races.
imagine being so bad at dragonriding that it literally causes you to seethe... couldn't be me..
im erping in game while ERPing with a chatbot
Life is good
Sometimes i take responses from the chatbot to use for my RP session in game
>not liking something means you're bad
gay nigger take
I did all the race achievements because it's a fun MINIGAME. I absolutely hate it as a method of transportation.
what chatbot? I want to do this to see how long until they realise they're erping with a bot
your opinion gave me brain damage, please stop
fantastic, I hope you die of that damage
I was using a draenei (not futa)

>Michael's unwell today, so we'll have to cancel today's stream.

thank you anon
Rip bozo
I haven't even looked at the trees and I have beta access. Whichever one sounds cool
not him but its fucking ass for quickly getting up to a place
also the remix characters get the good version, retail you have to actually level them up so its not retarded
Only fatties and old people died from covid
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I can see it now
>Throws own glaives
>Fetches it.
Now has to reposition itself cause it can't stop fetching.
Skyriding is only good to get from point a to b quickly, vigor gameplay gets tiring and old fast

TBC flying is true flying but faggot Ion keeps trying to kill it by locking it away from players
>tank player
>caring about the thoughts and opinions of your party members
If I join a key and some DPS-tard even looks in my direction in the wrong way I'll just leave
Flying was a mistake. TBC was a mistake.
Both flyings are good and have their use
flying was fine, and not being able to fly in an IP that was famous for flying units was really retarded
You're taking it way too seriously, bro.
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*hits leaf with collision and falls down losing all momentu*
*vigor didn't regenerate between mining nodes and can't even start flying*
skill issue
Nothing says midwit like a food allegory about poop
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he is talking about shit though
>having a melty
>no u
make taxi service relevant again
its called a menty b
remove all portals and personal teleports as well
I don't speak zoomer
you sya that like ret hasnt been dominating the last 3 seasons of DF
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Remember on DF launch when all the boomers and people with self diagnosed disabilities were complaining about Dragonriding on the forums?
how dare blizzard not optimize WoW's gameplay for the clinically blind
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>Love Dragonriding and DH Schmoovement becaues its' actual gameplay
>Players hate it
you just buy all the base ones to get you up in to the 30s for timewalking dungeon leveling where you get re-scaled gear every run and are generally boosted by farmers.

it's just like the way people suddenly and coincidently decide to like the class fantasy of all the op reworks. then by extension those reworks (that'll be reworded in 3 years) were such good work because look at their popularity.
Idk why but that cat makes me angry
They still do.
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kek the first thing i did on launch day was collecting all glyphs withing half an hour or so
meanwhile one of my friends was seething so hard that he was on the verge on uninstalling because he couldnt fly even 5 meters. i had to explain explaint dragonriding to him for almost an hour.
he is just here to complain and troll he doesn't even play the game
They're adding optimisations for the clinically arachnophobic at least
They also appropriated blind culture in the character creator. So they should.
>couldn't fly even 5 meters
>we share games with these people
there was literally a tutorial that laid out how it worked, and compared to the dragon in GW2 this one is a breeze to use
who is this youtuber?
>voker has actual good mail mogs
>you can't see them
I feel bad for the artist assigned to this class, his talent is wasted
member ragnaros
he probably had a better progression/m+ rating than you
I mean, considering I picked this game back up for MoPmix and TWW, yes
but I can fly my dragon
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Same. it's not great
My wife is trying
all mounts are like bottom because I dont want to have to dismount and remount again.
warlock niggas running around on fire
Turns out you don't have to once you get good enough at the professions. This comment sounds a lot like someone who doesn't actually play anymore.

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