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• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• August 3, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Previously on /xivg/: >>487247935
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Post face 1 suncats!!!
My miera+ NEEDS a wife like this.
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Moonies, post your buttholes.
Sunnies, post your gocks.
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I need someone to be my queen bee...
My one and only champion...
My full-time royal worshipee...
Stroking hrothgals' tails.
+ means you're pozzed btw
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I don't have one but I guess all sunnies do now so I'll have to get a mod.
It's full time royal comma worship me
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>someone in /shout asks how many other Solutions there are
>reply that this is the final solution (in everkeep)
>You have left the sanctuary.
>[GM]Gm Lydahkny: Greetings.
Are you positive thsts what it means?
someone made a joke about bringing botanist into an extreme and i wanted to joke back about reaper but i didn't know how to phrase it in a way that would sound funny.
Once you get it post it in the thread
I fantasied to honey b. lovely and I dont regret it. I know there will be more like me, but we are just bees, living in a bee world, dababee dababoo
I zoom in on my character's face and type /content for a boost of dopamine
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what is it with dps shitters and not using the LB
your role’s power fantasy is big dick damage
LB is your biggest attack
why are you not using it
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So far I genuinely like Wuk and Dislike Erenville
People say Wuk gets everything done for her but thats untrue, she does work with you, and the whole contest involved working with allies on all but the most important tasks, to which she gets done. She's not a mary sus either, i dunno where the hell that came from, her entire story so far is knowing she's a fuckup but working towards her goals anyway because she believes that strongly in her ideals.
People have been trying to gaslight me into thinking she's a bad character, I think it was all lies, Im kinda pissed off I can't judge the game without that preestablished bias from tards
i'm a min height catboy irl but without the tail and cat ears
>no screenshot
fake and gay
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“Reaper is just a chuuni botanist”
Femra exist to be impregnated by male midlanders.
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>mary sus
did you addle?
did you feint?
did you reprisal?
did you prange mit?
did you use personal mit?
my eb just boarded her plane and im sitting here crying bros i miss her so much already, long distance relationships are fucked up
but then i would probably have to explain what chuuni means
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who is drawing all of these pictures and how do I get them to draw my femlala who also has black hair and red eyes
i fire 4d
healer's job
You could say fancy instead!
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>mary sus
the healer died at full health because you didn't mit
>i dunno where the hell that came from
the first few days after the expansion this general was full of people bragging about how they are skipping everything because the first level or so of MSQ was boring. while there are some valid criticisms it's obvious that a lot of people don't know what they're talking about.
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I am seething
I just want to turn in my crafted shit
I only addle when it's convenient.
But it's okay because I'm a black mage.
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Why are players that bad nowdays?
It really is sad
>Here's a button you can use, damn near spam, to mitigate threat and do as much dps as you'd like, you can weave it in between everything even!
>Ahhhhh, too hard, too hard!!! I just wanna press damage now!!!
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Female midlanders exist to be impregnated by malera
heal issue desu
go home retard you can't visit firmament on other servers
i should hire you to pilot my discord account for me
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>mary sus
job boosts go to 90 now
It's another 8 million years of people insisting Lyse took your credit for everything. I don't hate her, but she's still not that well written and everything about DT could've been written in a much more engaging way without altering the story beats which is the most frustrating part of the MSQ.
then why doesn't it fucking say that
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Can I get paid in comms
it literally does
>People say Wuk gets everything done for her but thats untrue, she does work with you, and the whole contest involved working with allies on all but the most important tasks, to which she gets done.
She doesn't even participate in some of the trials. She does absolutely nothing in the cooking one, she doesn't even touch the ingredients. The only thing she can truly do on her own is catch an alpaca, and took her by far the longest of any other individual trial component. Which is a fucking feat considering the trials are literal school trip activities. Even more of a feat seeing that she's the only one that consistently completes them because if she's queen retard then I guess the other candidates aren't just retards but also crippled.
>She's not a mary sus either, i dunno where the hell that came from, her entire story so far is knowing she's a fuckup but working towards her goals anyway because she believes that strongly in her ideals.
Because the ideals she has at the start are NEVER challenged. She says she loves her people and peace at the start. The entire game she's just getting validated over and over: "Yes, Wuk Lamat liking your people and peace is great, and that makes you the best queen. And anyone who disagrees must die." Nobody ever questions facts like her knowing absolutely nothing about her people prior to the contest and never having bothered even taking a walk through her country to see said people until she had something to gain from it. And no one questions that her loving peace so much feels hollow and meaningless considering Tural has been at peace for 80 years and she doesn't even have a frame of reference for what peace is.
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meow pls post fiddies
use your aetherhues wisely anon
it's like they're determined to drag the shit out as long as they can after doing 0 damage the whole fight
>did you addle?
Suck my cock Zeppe
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my femra acts like this
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i was reading a very enlightening novel in which i learned that women do not like to be treated well and i believe healers are the same. don't mit, make them clean up the mess like the jannies they are. everybody using their mit is what lead to the healer "strike" in the first place.
they need to be put in their place.
>her entire story so far is knowing she's a fuckup but working towards her goals anyway
She's such a fuck up that she never once fails or fucks up, save for the one time she was kidnapped by someone she proceeds to solo a mere day later.
Yeah I used it on some dumb shit that didn't matter though because I just wanted to weave it in there.
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I-Is there a reason why someone wouldn't reprisal?
>player limit reached at destination
>please try again later
does not say
>go the fuck home
>try to do raids with someone
>they keep taking breaks after every fight and sometimes after getting into the instance
>they get mad at me when I ditch them so I can rapid-fire queue
Am I in the wrong for not wanting my time wasted?
can i cum on her face
Read your fucking quest text you stupid faggot
>She's not a mary sus either
She literally stops extremists' 100 year old anti tural campaign by telling them to cheer up
it's all fun and games until we die to a raidwide
>Another Wuk Lamat argument
>Genuine critic against the dogwater voice acting is taken as transphobia
People who think criticism is an attack on minority deserve the islamic beheading.
"Treat people how you wanna be treated" is such basic knowledge i think you learn about it before you even start school.
Like I get Children wouldnt understand it until their older because children are born narcissists without the ability to empathize, but you don't have an excuse at your age, dude.
yeah I feint and addle in my opener
You're right and I don't know why that guy is being retarded. The error text is wrong. It should say you can only go to firmament on home world.
Erm LB3 is actually a DPS loss.
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It's kind of funny because they're just a bad VA, other transgender VA are actually capable of expressing emotion beyond flatly reading a list of groceries which is all Wuk Lamat's VA does.
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I take mitigation seriously as a DPS and Addle, Dismantle, etc., for big hits, yes.
Out of curiosity could you provide an example or two of a good trans VA?
You're literally the first one to bring up the voice acting and transphobia.
Majority of XIV players somehow missed those formative days in preschool.
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>mary sus
Because she is Furry Naruto who is Always Right and world bends itself backwards to make her be right. There's nothing wrong with Young idealist wanting to improve part of the world. What is wrong when logical repercussions of their actions just don't happen. Comparing ARR Alphinaud and DT Wuk is pretty good way to illustrate this since both of them are very similar characters. Difference being that whereas Alphinaud is forced to confront his naivety by logical consequences of his actions, Wuk gets validated by the story. Not only is this grating, it cheapens the world to the the level of shonen anime for little kids and is incongruent with the tone of prior games. Tural as this fantasy happy land with none of the shades of gray at all just feels out of place.

tl;dr: Wuk gets called Mary Sue because she is one. World revolves around her and she faces no consequences for acting the way she does even though she should
i aint ruining my rotation for you to save 10 seconds
cockcheck from dungeon yummy
It tells you when unlock the firmament that you can only go to the firmament on your home world you fucking queer.
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you guys got ur piggy...right?
one week until savage and still don't know if i want to raid in fear of feeling stressed again
its raining in lavender beds
sex sex sex
the nearest gong cha is an hour away
Yeah, I've heard trans VAs that did actually stupendous jobs. This ain't it. I remember when Unicorn Overlord came out I saw a few people already comment how Gloucester sounded way more boring and lower quality than much of the other cast, and back then no one even realized he had a trans VA.

NTA but I like Jessie from TFS.
one week until wild freaks
Try a day or 2, and it's bad just tell em it's just too stressful.
I'd say Casey Mongillo was perfectly fine as Emporio in the Stone Ocean Dub and did their lines really well. Which is why I find people accusing me of being a weaboo for telling people to use JP VA in DT is hilarious because as far as I know weaboos crucify anyone who watches Jojo dubbed.
It says right here on this post that you're a faggot
has reset already happened or is it in 36min
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Did you knew that if a Tank is so trigger happy pulling they can pull when you got only 2 out of your 3 motifs out no matter how fast you press them? because I just did
Open timers bro....
mad because you're a fucking retard
>bring femra home to plap
>she constantly brings up wanting to be impregnated and raising my children
What do I do with this dumb bitch?
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I'm awake, but I'm not feeling doing the raids this week. I hate bee.
is there any way to do blu logs solo
Late night maleras???
90 mins ago

I've been able to instant cast motifs when tank pulls most of the time. I don't get how it works. Something special about trash I guess. For boss it always blocks it off.
It's nice for treasure maps, too.
Just killed a HW A rank all by myself. Am I going to get blacklisted by the entirety of the hunt community?
>checking out FC’s
>2/30 online
>1/64 online
>6/143 online
>3/34 online
>2/8 online
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yeah buy eight accounts
i never lb3 because i'm doing my rotation and it's the shitter melee's job (nin but it's always the RPRetard who's frothing at the mouth to do it) and i like denying the satisfaction to the GNB/DRK/SGE/SCH who wanted to be on DPS but wanted to cut the line
I did know that actually I've been getting pissed off at impatient fucking DPS players that ignore my countdowns and pull instantly because I've been trying to look after the PCTs I get in my parties.
ok whatever!!!!!!
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Hear me out. Wuk Lamat is not the only bad english VA. Recent examples have included Zero, Erenville, Varshahn, Jullus. All characters you spend a large amount of time with, who all have pretty shit english VA's. Varshahn is especially egregious since he's around for an entire expansion and its postpatches. They didn't have an outcry of this level. They did not have "Anti-Woke" Accounts like Mark Kern screaming about the VA.
The critiques towards the VA are fine, that is how they improve.
The *Scale* of the critiques are not fine, and they vastly outweigh the actual importance of this VA's work. More people are energized into critiscizing the VA with venom and bile because the VA is trans. Wuks VA wasnt the first to recieve this treatment, far from it, and she will definitely not be the last. Its important to recognize *where* critiscism comes from, so you can weigh it accordingly.

At the end of the day, it's all vibes, and learning to filter shit vibes is an important aspect to properly analyze a game with your own head and not someone else's.
Impregnate her and then disappear.
i was also the only dps not dying to m4's left/right mechanics so i had top dps among a bunch of dps with way better gear
no commends btw :)
Chocolate milk
Force her to realize the folly of her way my marrying her and having the magic fade but now she's stuck in a family with a kid or two and can't leave.
What do you suppose the lad is whispering to her?
I'm not the melee dps and I'm too much of a sub to take it from my other DPS.
It usually just so happens that the other DPS is pnats on head retarded and never uses it
Always solo old hunts
Its always morally correct
T. doing ew a ranks solo in 20nins
did you have a cute portrait?
I only commend portraits
stinky loona
blu log sounds like a dwantrail character
real /ss/ kino is coming back
"the police are on their way"
My malezen beats her femra wife. Because he loves her.
I always lb3 because I'm the main character.
LEAK from CBU3 HQ:
Yoshida is extremely disappointed with the rampant fetishization of the Honey B. Lovely fight amongst the playerbase. A future full rework of the fight is being planned, but there are expected to be some base modifications and censorship in order to ensure a more palatable experience in 7.05. For the time being, the mentions of fetish content have been removed.

In order to compensate for this issue, Honey B. Lovely's new tankbuster animation with the Savage patch has her laying eggs in the player's ass.
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wish I had friends to play this game
they love mr beast
I hate people like you so much.
dont play it
idk what that is
nobody bothers keeping track of anything before shb, it's basically FFA
it's encouraged to do a /sh to check if anyone else is in the zone and wants it but centurio trains are very rare these days
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>So far
Just wait, the hate will grow in your heart like a poison flower
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Fiddie :3
>World revolves around her
I disagree with that, but goddamn I don’t feel like typing a bunch of shit that you’ll disagree with
But also, I’d also argue her and Alph are different, since Wuk is compassionate, while Alph is narcissistic. Wuk is validated because she her character arc is one of naive compassion (protected by the WoL and gang), to compassion she can support with her own strength
"Wish i had friends to"
I have met 12 people in the last month making friends online is not difficult
>you know everything that happens in living memory gets logged on the terminals and then uploaded to the cloud in section 9, right?
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>get wings
>say thanks I’m gonna head out now
>get a friend request from one of the players
>starts sending me vaguely passive aggressive messages about “looting and scooting” and how much he respects it
Is this negging or something? Why would i keep killing a boss for PF that has nothing I want?
>her femra wife
Looks like the femra's ovaries aren't the only thing getting cracked.
Honestly, I believe that Erenville's accent isn't even right, sure when we didn't know in Endwalker sure he sounds indian, but then we have his FUCKING MOM SPEAKING IN AN AMERICAN ACCENT, MANS JUST PUTTING UP A FAKE ACCENT.

Also, Yshtola's delivery was bad but I heard apparently she's pregnant at the time.
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Beware, EU
good bait
when playing as mt does it matter if i pull a raid or trial boss in the centre of the arena or not? e.g it runs to the side of arena to cast something then i fight it there, usually they move back to the middle after a bit anyway
i assume it doesn't matter outside savage or something
I think Jullus’ va is really good, but I agree with the rest.
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Levelling MCH and I really dig this look but I dunno if it's too generic. I'm not a huge fan of sparkly guns and shit so not sure
that guy is a futafag trying to groom a new target
>Endwalker sure he sounds indian
his VA is a white dude from Iceland
A very nice ritualposter.
French meena status?
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How do you make friends?
are the WAR quests post level 50 worth watching the cutscenes for
so far (up to lv56) they seem boring and just talking about muh beast
"I really wish you'd die in real life."
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goo krile and goo alphi slides up to you lookin like this
People compare very often (and rightfully) with the ARR Alphinaud plot, where not only does he get fucking obliterated for his naivety despite the fact that he was on average much more careful and smart than Wuk Lamat is (don't forget Ilberd literally got recommended by Raubahn, one of the persons of maximum trust for the Scions), but everyone else also ends up paying hardcore for it, with Miniflia dying, Y'shtola going blind, Thancred losing his magic, Raubahn an arm...

But there's another part of ARR that really should also be compared with Wuk Lamat's story, and that's Coils of Bahamut. In Coils Alisaie has to make the realization that she's just been trying to do good and help folk entirely because her grandpa, Louisoix, just told her that's a good thing to do. And she realizes through it that she has to help people because she understands what suffering really is and sincerely wants to help them as her own decision, not just because grandpa said so. Wuk Lamat just spends the entire first half of the expansion going on and on about what her papa told her or what papa wanted. She never suffers personally, so she never has a reason to reflect on whether she truly understands what she's doing for other people. The only time something bad happens to her is, precisely, when her papa dies, so she just keeps not having that character development.
I'll be honest with you, to me it just sounded like a white person doing an indian accent.
Glad I’m not the only one who heard a pajeet accent
These things freaked me the fuck out
SB ones are kino
Rou is that you
Erenville is a scandi just like every other non-Turali Viera in the game
His entire arc plays into that
Your millage may vary, but I think they get a lot funnier from about 60+. They kind of become more skit-like.
Admittedly, I think they went in that direction cuz they realized they had kind of run the 'inner beast' stuff into the ground by that point
Waiting for a Party where some nigga cosplaying as Luigi shows up and it's just Gooigi.
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I don't give a shit that the VA is transgender, you can have the most ANTIFA BLM supporting woke transgender person who lives in a polycule who posts about Trump 24/7 and whatever other buzzwords you want to throw into that pile of meaningless buzzwords voice a character and if they're good I don't give a shit.

Wuk Lamat's VA is terrible and they're in every single scene of the game and is arguably the main character of Dawntrail so of course they're going to get backlash
you looking up and my giant cock (penis) and balls
Post the shadow meme
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>but I heard apparently she's pregnant at the time.
My femlala lost to Honey B. Lovely once again....
You realize, you retarded newfag simp, that Tina spends his time surrounded by futafags and erps with them?
I still want to know what the fuck happened here, she sounded more than fine in this one line. But sounds like an almost completely VA
Hey fren
We’ve been trying to get in contact with you regarding your car’s extended warranty
everyone was probably sucking the healers' dicks, which is honestly fine. i wouldn't want to heal this.
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No, sorry...
Do you remember the meme where Yshlota's sister keeps telling you to impregnate her? This reminds me of that.
The MCH was my friend. He wasn't trying to be passive aggressive, he just liked the honesty.
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>press passage of arms
>get commendations out the ass
my oiled up fiddie just got her bbc fix
Don't joke about shit like that. My cousin died like that.
What world bro?
may I see her
Why are you so obsessed with her?
it's likely because he is calm here. his voice starts cracking like crazy when he's putting any emotion into his lines.
Hey anons
This isn’t my fiddie, but I like them so I saved the picture
I hope you like looking at them too
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But you're not the majority, dude.
You're not this
And you should be commended for not being that, but it hardly matters when these are the people carrying the discussion.
Goddamn that fucker tweets too much
>Recent examples have included Zero, Erenville, Varshahn, Jullus.
I liked Zero and Jullus, sure Zero sounded kinda boring but that's because for the whole first half of her story it was a boring character with a one note gimmick. And I did complain fairly often about Erenville and Varshahn. The combination of Varshahn trying to sound stoic and dignified with a steady tone at all times with speaking a language that is clearly not his first drove me insane with boredom. Meanwhile Nidhana and Matsya, for example, sounded just fine despite also speaking a different language.
>obtained loot from m2, 3, and 4
>cannot for the life of me obtain loot from m1
>of course m1 is the most boring fucking one too
>can't even get the queue to pop now
maybe i'll just sleep
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>grandfather is black
>both parents are white
explain this
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How many runs did it take you? I've done about 20runs so far and haven't seen it drop once.
My guess is that they had a lot of takes for the trailer because I think generally the Tural accent is fine but they constantly slip between the Tural accent and American accent constantly within the same sentence

Not to mention
>spheen listen to me
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Hmm, interesting
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are people still going on about tifa's tits
dude they are still massive
I'm getting in contact with the hunt discord admins right now. It's over for you. Respect other hunters you chud.
This was cool
I didn’t even notice it was copying the party members until my second run of the dungeon
It looks like you're doing much more than you actually are. They will practically suck your dick if you start Covering people too.
It's a tan.
If the PF doesn’t specify a number of runs you can bail any time even if you just got wings
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This is awkward.
Why not Light?
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Does anyneet want to be my EB and decorate my house in the Chaos data center........?
Reward for EBing me: a house(small), hour-long sessions of the wettest most enthusiastic French kissing with lots of tongue insertion and back holding(irl btw), eternal bond outfits...............
Women only I'm straight.......
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>Do you remember
Who could forget? Funniest shit ever.
Paladin really is the main character job, after all
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kys tranny chasing faggot
I like this fiddie, too. Thank you for sharing her.
Fourchanault is kinda tan, so his mother must've been white.
It was their debut trailer. They probably redid the VA's shitty takes like 500 times before they got it perfect there.
Meanwhile in the actual game, there are so many instances of the voice falling off hard.
I am of the same mind, dude. I don't care about the VA's personal life. I'll call her a woman, I don't give a fuck about any of that. I'll call her a fucking gojira if it makes her happy. Just do your only job right and we're golden.
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they say oogly boogly get in my goo poosy
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Now we need someone to make one where you've actually impregnated her.
"Tifas Tits small now" is a great way to turn off the brain of a certain type of person and have them follow your every word
good morning tranchal
i hate hroth so fucking much
hello i am requesting responses please
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Been done since forever.
Somewhere between 30-40
>Recent examples have included Zero, Erenville, Varshahn, Jullus. All characters you spend a large amount of time with
Combine all of their voiced scenes, double it, you're still not up to the amount of screentime that Main Protagonist Wuk Lamat gets. It's significantly more noticeable here, to an extent that people are speculating whether it was simple nepotism having a friend of Sena's or a friend of a friend of Sena's pulling strings behind the scenes to pick them for the job, or if SE just totally cheaped out and hired whoever showed up who was willing to work for less if it came with the opportunity to gloat in haters' faces online.
Unless there's some kind of specific mechanic that needs them to be near the edge, in 90% of cases it's fine to lead them back to the center
i think it's retarded that you can't have more than one comet at a time
Move it if the DPS can't get behind it, otherwise just keep it as steady as you can so like if it turns for a mechanic, follow it's front so it doesn't flip back around when it's done. The less rotating a boss does the better.
>wuk lamat got to me first
Getting Urianger to perform an aether test I swear to the Twelve
This is correct, but lots of people think its some unspoken agreement to stay for a couple more runs. They're wrong, but that's the general sentiment.
Can there really be anything sadder to hear?
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dont worry she still has good years left
looks like he'd get caught in plastic and die
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What are some good plugins to use for raiding?
do NOT commend tanks
tanking takes NO skill
pressing your stance and mitigation ability is NOT skill
do NOT commend tanks
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the nearest gong cha is an hour away and i have the regular porxie mount and have never ever wanted to use it
That's not fucking funny, motherfucker.
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Me and my cohorts discussing fat-cat insurance
it does basically tell you in the skill description that you're only allotted one comet at a time but the wording itself is horrendously bad and it's similar to yugioh rulings in the way it's explained
Red Hood's VA in nikke was strike one. Wuk Lmao is strike two
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"I hope you won't forget me."
>looting and scooting
this isn't fair to complain about when it's not possible for everyone in that party to get a mount.
older content? the party takes ages to fill? description says to stay until everyone gets it? yeah you can bitch. but in current content you're gonna get a replacement extremely quickly.
My cousin is way older than Y'shtola and she's still popping out babies. Going for her third at almost 40.
ok i don’t like hroth anymore
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What does it cover?
Oh you're one of those. lmoa.
Based and fujo-pilled
I need a smelly fujo girlfriend RIGHT NOW
EB like this for my hrothgal played by a boy (female)
Kill yourself
Whats the worst dedicated community in XIV?
For me its something between Glamourtards and PvP losers
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The seven phase boss fight
Damn, bro. That's actually kind of heavy.
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these things start following me around when i play a female character
Didn't read it last time and won't read it as copypasta.
never happening
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C'est la fini.
>boy (female)
ftm? what?
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Female character = male player
Male character = male player
simple as
The Hatemob
i just commended a tank in m4 solely for doing a countdown instead of instant pulling.
I dunno, they all sounded pretty Japanese to me bro
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what's his endgame
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Please respond
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One that makes you kill yourself you cheating fag
yeah i play a dainty princess coded femezen despite being a grown ass gymchud irl, what about it
ACT for parsing and making sure you aren’t failing enrage because of yourself. Nothing else is needed and even that is just for peace of mind
In shadowbringers they felt like casting nordics as viera
they continued with it in endwalker
but for dawntrail they wanted american bunnies
it is not super deep
they casted erenville before they decided he was american
Wasnt there another parse option that is JUST a plugin and not a program too?
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My sanity is slipping away bros
only if you can throat my femlala and aren’t interested in irl stuff
he doesn’t know
the futards
I know just the thing for your sanity: Fantasia
It's going to depend on the specific fight, but for most things, trying to keep the boss centered and facing north is the default route. Lets melee have their positional uptime and simplifies it when attacks can originate either from the center of the boss or the center of the arena. If the boss is rushing around on its own volition, you can't do anything about that until it's completed its gimmicks, but when possible at least get it out of the wall promptly so the party can hit rear and flank properly.
100% hunts. pvptards keep to themselves and nobody knows who they are outside of pvp anyways. Glamour is fun and has a lot of good resources made by the community.
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here you go
People who are constantly angry at particular races in the game
They’ve been doing it since FF12, where they decided Viera are Icelandic to give them a sense of exoticness.
same. i have run m1 3 times in a row and cannot get the item i want.
i'm going to try it one more time and then i'm going to bed.
Having to queue yet again because people keep outrolling me on pairs of light-heavy hologreaves.
What shard are you from? You've got hunts and pvp backwards.
night club fags then pvp fags running a close second. literally nobody talks about them unless it's something extremely embarrasing like the billboard incident or the rampant cheating/high school drama between mentally ill people
That's what you get for not only playing a hroth but playing with other hroths
I think that's the only thing I use for raiding.
Fat Cat Fact #235

It was once popular belief that a Fat Cat’s distinct size and shape were the result of an allergic reaction to bee stings
Pass on everything you don't want. Wait for randos to need and get the trash items. After that you need on the items you want. It's that simple.
frothgirl eb thats all warm and cuddly then one day flays my face off with a casual swipe of her paw
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what's the point of these now
you can't buy (other) crafting materials yet
and the tome gear's gonna be trashed in like a week.
am i missing something?
sounds a lot better than the truth
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Nanky was captivating, with an energy that drew people in effortlessly. her presence in Gar and Eiki's lives was initially a source of joy, bringing laughter and excitement. However, beneath Nanky's charismatic exterior lay a secret that would ultimately shatter the fragile balance of their relationship.

Eiki began to notice subtle changes in Gar's behavior whenever Nanky was around. Gar seemed more distant, distracted, and Eiki's insecurities started to surface. One evening, after a night out with Nanky, Gar returned home later than usual. Eiki, unable to shake off his growing unease, confronted Gar about his feelings.

"Gar, is there something going on between you and Nanky?" Eiki asked, her voice trembling.

Gar hesitated before responding, his eyes avoiding Eiki's. "No, Eiki, Nanky is just a friend. You're overthinking things."
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the losers who can’t shut the fuck up about ultimate raiding when ultimates are all old content
posters in the thread who consistently avatarfag as someone/thing not even related to xiv (I don’t care if it’s not a community)
People who think dressing up as a mascot memester in game is a personality
Oh, and the waymark plugin so that you can save way more setups.
You still need ACT running if it's the one I'm thinking of.
On the other hand what are the best communities? I'd say mahjongbros, fishbros and blubros.
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me and the other PCT hardcasting starry muse as soon as we are able to (the tank is going to go out of his way and pull the boss when he sees us casting)
I wish we had gotten DA VOID EXPANSION now. instead of the Wuk Lamat expansion and futureslop dot psd.
You can desynth tome gear
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Eiki wanted to believe Gar, but the nagging doubts persisted. The next few weeks were a blur of tension and uncertainty. Eiki's fears were confirmed when he accidentally stumbled upon a message on Gar's tomestone. The message, from Nanky, hinted at a deeper, more intimate, violent HORSING connection between them.

Heartbroken and devastated, Eiki confronted Gar once again. This time, Gar couldn't deny it. He confessed that he had developed feelings for Nanky and that their relationship had taken a turn Eiki was unaware of.

"I'm so sorry, Eiki," Gar said, his voice heavy with regret. "I never meant to hurt you. It just happened."

Eiki's world crumbled. The betrayal cut deep, not just because Gar had fallen for someone else, but because that Nanky HORSED Gar, whom Eiki could not even manage to touch Gar's catgirl cooch. The revelation of Nanky's HORSE cock, something Eiki had never anticipated, added another layer of shock and confusion.

Feeling humiliated and broken, Eiki made the painful decision to end their relationship. Gar, torn between his love for Eiki and his feelings for Nanky, didn't fight Eiki's decision, knowing the HORSING had been done.

In the aftermath, Eiki struggled to piece his life back together. He threw himself into Daganis, using his Idolra HORSE cock as a means to fill the void in his heart. His HORSE cock became more addictive and accustomed to Eiki's catgirl pusspuss , resonating with those who had experienced HORSING and plapping. Eiki's journey of being violently HORSED was long and arduous, but he emerged more schizophrenic , more resilient, and more in tune with his spaniard lover's HORSING.
can we please not do this
Primal, home of the absolutely most cancerous hunt players and most fraud wintrading pvp players. And I'll still choose the latter over the former.
erm I thought it was instant cast
why the fuck do the eu schizos all have the same exact catgirl?
Cool story bud but you can't hardcast Starry Muse
i meant rainbow drip, the 5s cast
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Gar and Nanky's relationship faced its own challenges. The guilt and complexity of their HORSING weighed heavily on them. They had to navigate the fallout of their HORSING, both within their own relationship and in the eyes of those who had known them as part of Eiki's life. Over time, they found a way to build a life together, though the shadow of their past mistakes never fully disappeared.
Eiki and Gar eventually found a semblance of closure, their interactions polite but distant. Nanky, too, expressed regret for the pain caused by his HOCK (HORSE cock) , but the HORSING ran too deep for forgiveness to come easily.
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Do you still enjoy the game that you pay to play? Or do you only keep playing it because your life is otherwise empty?
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>spot +medicated in a normal reclear week 2
This ceases to work if you keep getting parties with one or more other players also specifically waiting for the one item you also want.
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thats just a default limsa catgirl
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(You) should show me your unique glamours or recommend an underrated glamour item (as long as it's not a fucking hat, meena by the way). I'm getting restless and need some inspiration for some new fits.
I don’t even play picto bwo. I have literally only done it in pvp.
bro what are you doing
Next time get it right ya fuckin dumbo
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This world... is a weary place, hum-drum dreary eyed....
In all its monotony, I’m very alive! (Not really I died before buffs lol)
Since it's mere hours after reset, everyone who's up at this hour and playing has that same mindset dude. It's why in the last m1 I laid there on the fucking floor while 7 of these other idiots just sat there twiddling their thumbs and going after the same item with the same "if i don't roll others will just roll on trash" philosophy. Maybe it works better in the middle of the week when it's literal dregs of df, but right now not so much.
Anyway I give up, I'ma go to bed. I got everything from m2-4 so that's a plus. m1 is just so fucking boring
Assuming you meant rainbow drip, yeah I hate that shit. I'd love to open with it but tanks are either jerking off and not pulling at all, or they're rushing in the second the gate opens and pulling with plunge or some shit.
she cute likes malera ?
It's not when tank instapulls the boss.
I pot all content. I'm not poor and bigger number = more fun
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Everyone in this thread has to say good night to me or
do poors really?
I fucking LOVE korpokkur
please post more korpokkur
lalamaxxing lalamaxxing lalamaxxing
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I like my gal and I like my homies...
Mind controlled by BGM
I will literally drop the TB on this poster mid burst
oh my god people trying to play as good as they possibly can? UNBELIEVABLE
They probably just have a bunch of old useless potions from last expansion. What's the big deal?
I’m popping spiritbond mid pull B)
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Good night
Nice wrong lyrics retard
What pots do you use in raids?
middie to smooch my femra goodnight
Hey, everyone! Look at this ham-and-egger with no gil!
Mahjong are fraudsters, way more wintrading there for the nameplate that most DCs pvp. FSH is a meme, and BLU stopped being good when ultravibration was added plus most players stopped caring when they realized they aren't getting new mounts from savage fights.
is there a guide somewhere for using textools to make your mods work with dt
the opener why
no promises
idk if youre talking about rainbow drip or starry muse at this point
yeah its fucking annoying, not much you can do but just mash on it when the gates open. idk how blm is in dawntrail but it had the same issue with fire 3 in ew
I potted twice each fight. Gemdraught grade 1, of course.
I just swiftcast on blm cuz idgaf
We'll get Grade 2 Gemdraught's the 30th, use those.
I won't say good night but I will say snug and astral project good vibes into your dreams.
literally just open textools and press the penumbra conversion button
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me rn (my MCH is back at 2.5s)
I don't wintrade. I just lose naturally.
If you need pots right now, make grade 1 gemdraught. Otherwise wait until next week for the grade 2s.
Huntfags cause its a discord exclusive circle jerk
Next is reddit pvp fags
SS post
what could possibly make you think that
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Good night <3
What is this bullshit copium about DT content being harder? El Rotador filtered far more people than the current slop
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me rn (I play PLD with 2.46 gcd)
I am a femhroth
Making HQ Lar Ingots
oh, i didn't know that it was in the tools section. thanks anon.
Of the two what role is a better fit for skilless retards, healer or phys ranged?
Hunt community is really bad, as others have mentioned.
Fishing community is also shit with all the bitching and RNG victimhood bullshit.
Cute hrothgal /dote /dote /heart
I still have 30 Grade 7 Tincture of Strength left over from years ago. What am I supposed to do, dump it down the sink?
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thanks anon I appreciate it
love the little guys
Phys ranged, dancer.
Phys ranged, specifically dancer. WHM is braindead, but a bad healer can cause the group to wipe meanwhile a bad DPS will only make the fight(s) longer.
The most braindead job is SMN though, and SMN is practically a phys ranged in it's current state.
I'm already a corpse you don't have to beat me further when I'm down :(
Phys ranged. The job only exists for the +1% it brings to the party for a well-rounded comp.
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quick I need the Lalafell version of this picture
you're supposed to hardcast rainbow drip in your opener
kys troon
For some people - they will never be able to handle the rotation and mechanics - even in something as "simple" as expert roulette. Their brain just cannot process the information as fast as it needs to. Should these people just give up on the game, even if they're enjoying the story? Why? Because other players get frustrated when people aren't playing optimally? Why should the players frustrated by suboptimal play get higher priority than people frustrated at the difficulty?
How does the +1% outweigh it doing 10% less damage, anyway? I never really understood that.
Hate this bee.
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They look like this when they see a malera
1% more damage to 7 people is a larger increase than anything else you can get
Catering to a specific crowd in a largescale game is how you destroy the game. There is no rule that says you have to play "optimally", people are just playing the video game. If someone wants to separate who they play with, they should form their own groups with similar individuals. If they refuse to do that though, it's no one else problem but their own.
What are the Craftsmanship requirements for the 2* recipes likely to be?
We don't know.
Are you sure?... Simple math says it's not.

10% of 20,000 is 2,000.
1% of 20,000+24,000+23,000+22,000+15,000+15,000+10,000+8,000 is 1370
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We dont know, they throw curveballs, sometimes they made it so you need high control to do the crafts instead.
I know but won't tell you.
Whichever role you play LMAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>non 2.5s tank
you are mentally unwell
Question: Do I stack Reprisal and Sheltron with my normal mits, or use them separately?
It's an extra 1% to every stat, not just damage like that anon suggests
This is why Eiki funposted this thread for 3 months now?
those DPS numbers you're looking at have the phys ranged % counted in for them as well
Reprisal should never be used for a personal mit, that's a party cooldown.
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Yeah, they're alright.
Depends on the content. Is it a fight or a dungeon? Usually you use sheltron with another mit tho.
you should pair sheltron with other mits, in a pinch you can use holy sheltron in place of a normal mit for 4 (four) seconds but outside of that it should be paired
this. the most retarded person I know plays PLD but still cries about how anxious they get about letting the team down when it's completely brainless. makes me sick!! just pull and hit your buttons!! no think!!
Does anyone know if using reprisal during the projection of turmoil cast makes the conga line do less damage?
Should I go out of my way to craft collectibles for purple scrips for overmelding materia or just craft more tacos and sell the grade XII materia to buy XIs?
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maler- eeeewwweweweewww
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A femra kept me up all night with casual conversation and normal raid reclears and now I am going to sleep. Goodnight.
Oh I see. How much more extra damage is that? If it's 1% more weapon damage, main stat, and all substats, that should be significantly more than 1% more dps but I remember in EW that MCH damage was so bad that it was better to have another melee or caster and we're not far off from that same scenario again.
... bwo come on.
Okay maybe you can understand it this way:
(20,000+24,000+23,000+22,000+15,000+15,000+10,000+8,000)*1.01 = 138370 total DPS
(22,000+24,000+23,000+22,000+15,000+15,000+10,000+8,000) = 139000 total DPs. Taking the higher DPS job is more than 1% more dps to people, if it worked that way.
i dont know but i dont think so because the source of the damage isnt the boss. the game is weird with that stuff though
Catgirls don't respect a true khagan like fiddies do, brother
how difficult is unsynced savage pandaemonium now?
Ooh ooh post her reaction to catboys and malezen next
nta but in dungeons, big bro?
phys range by far
oh on dungeons do whatever yea. Sorry, just did normal reclears and have single target enemies in mind
you're still wrong, idk what else to tell you. you can go look up fflogs right now and see that every top speed group in both exes still use bards in their composition instead of running two pictomancers or whatever autist composition you're thinking of.
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Hrothgal with big tits and nipple piercings for my sunnie+
tank is the easiest role in the game
after that you're better off playing smn or mch
the fate of every male character is to racemix
Bard isn't MCH
you owe my sunnie+ sex
hrothsisters. how do we correct this.
good thing the original talk was about phys ranged as a role not a specific job in said role
why are all ranged dps so boring
i think it depends what level of content but phys ranged overall for sure
healing and tanking is giga braindead for normal content
About how much gil should I expect to spend on a full crafted set on savage day?
MCH is cool, but I'd understand if you find it boring.
I think you misunderstand what I mean, It's 1% to all primary stats, like int, vit, str etc. The extra 1% to the primary stat is worth more than just 1% more damage but it's not as crazy as increasing weapon damage stat
mch is fun, so is brd
I need a hrothgal wife for my miera
if youre a moonie im going to kill you
Rounding it down generously, each piece will be 1 million, so expect 11 million at the bare minimum.
>so is brd
Okay, this is cope.
How do I pink parse as mch
new to savage and also slightly retarded/slow learner
I dont expect pink off the bat but is there an addon I need or something that will let me just press shit faster? or a hud layout you recommend?
id like to see you try motherfucker ill fucking oos oos you cunt
brd is a high iq job, it's not for everyone
don't drift your multitool gcds and crit, its that easy
Dunno which fights you're mainly wondering about but:
p4s p1: dies in the middle of pinax
p4s p2: dies before act 3
p12s p1: dies after para 3
P12s p2: still need to do pangenesis, but this should skip with some 7.05 gear or maybe 1 healer setup would be viable for it.
I can't comment on p8s because I still haven't bothered doing it.
Kill time is very important as your burst is huge, then its just dont overcap
Did they remove the ARR extremes from wondrous tails entirely?
so get the timing down pentameld crit and then practice lots, ok Ill give it a go
ok put em up lets see what those hands can do FAGGOT
LOL. Hrothgars? Miera? Does every man disappoint this sunnie?
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I got them until I turned level 100 but none since then.
I rip every xenoglossy during leylines. I'd there any reason I shouldn't be doing this?
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my moonie will make you cum before you manage to get a fatal blow off
If the boss dies just after your burst you have a much higher chance of getting a pink, if it dies during your filler then it's gonna slide no matter how perfect you did your rotation
Not by choice.
You had your chance!
don't stress over pink parses. the key to that is having the boss die just after your burst.
if you need them for movement later and try to put them in buffs if you can help it otherwise not really
The body language says yes but the gritted teeth and blank stare say no. Damn, this girl has no good experiences with any male race!
Is there a way I can set the game to notifiy me if someone from my friends list comes online?
sup kis
He's transbian
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Nope, only if they are in your Free Company
People seriously don't hit addle/feint etc on cooldown? It's FREE mit
What this anon said, you just gotta hope someone sandbags just the right amount if the rest are overperfoming so it's not worth worrying over
I like the janny that waves to me in balmung uldah when I'm leaving
I will never say good night to you.
sunnies owe me
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youre overthinking it nooooo
i dont like girl on girl action and a lot of female chars that approach me are futrannies
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WoL and Zenos
I can't make up my own mind so
odds I fanta to hrothgal (and inevitably go back in a month or two like I always do)
evens I don't
hjateeeeee i hat eu make me so mad
regular enemies don't consider you in combat with them unless you've hit them, they are targetting you, they are not 'aware' of you and thus you never enter a state of combat unless you interact with them somehow
bosses consider everyone in the party as a combatant automatically so you immediately enter combat state the second someone in the party activates the boss
My sunnie would like to own you
Yeah you get the best parses, generally, if the boss dies at like 8:30, 10:30, etc.
I don't know why they don't improve the algorithm to improve this, but they don't. Like all they'd have to do is project out the final 2 minutes based off the prior sets of 2 minute windows and they could get a more reasonable measurement

No, that's good, but you should also make sure every xenoglossy crits.

I use it according to my mit schedule.
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What do we owe you
When a dungeon is dropping dyes but the dungeon set can't be dyed.
you misread
500 gil
stfu h8r!!!!
gonna rp walk my back to eulmore
Thanks The Aery
That would be interesting to see as then sandbagging on purpose would be killed overnight and the speed killers would all have the highest parses
>Alph is narcissistic.
I think you fucking mean alisae.
Alphinaud was a naive kid with a hero complex who thought doing the right thing would always prevail. He got reality slapped to his face and is still optimistic, but grown. Mature.
Wuk is still a child who has no leadership skills besides "NO FIGHTING >:( THINK OF THE PEOPLE" and its never challenged.

You can have a naive character who puts others above themselves, but those ideals always come at a cost. Trigun does this well with Vash from all the scars and lost limbs.
If you like Wuk, fine. But don't go thinking she couldn't have been written or handled better.
uh...where do I have to pay?
moonie here
post reaks of heavensward
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i pressed it too early on accident
>Secret mechanic where you can trade it food to get it to cancel mechanics/attacks
>but feed it too much and the platform breaks under its weight and wiping the raid
Any retards online?
me missing my third eyes
I like her better than Lyse.
And Gra'ha, to be honest with you
Silence, hole.
Any moonies online?
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face 1 suncats
Exactly. Trying to level a Tank but my playtime is pretty sporradic so I can't play on other people's schedule but 50-60 you don't really have many choices so I'm using duty support on dungeons and the heavensward dungeons are just nonsense on this shit. Keep giving you dyes and undyeable armor like wtf?
I'm only overthinking about that c@'s fun again and her annoyed screeching.
>but you should also make sure every xenoglossy crits.
Love how this is the most important BLM advice.
Late, but sleep tight. Now go to bed and stop reading 4chan. *forehead smooch*
[6:58]Unable to display adventurer plate, as it has not yet been created.
My goonie is on patrol
G'raha could have been a great character. Crystal Exarch was great. What the fuck happened to make him one of the worst instead?
Where do I pay
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>my femlala barges into your bedroom, interrupting your beauty sleep
>she's holding a giant black pot that's as tall as she is, and barely keeping it gripped in her stubby little fingers as she waddles into your room, bumping the pot into walls and the side of your bed and your dresser, etc.
>once you've been thoroughly roused from your slumber, she sets the pot down at the foot of your bed, and then tilts it so you can see what's inside: it's pic related, half a pot of it, but some is mysteriously missing
>she points to it and then looks at your sleepy frame expectantly
Well....? Eat it....
I missed you my dutiful femlala wife thank you for the grub!
Go to bed Effy my bed
post your goonster
wtf!!! why

no none
Sis, I'll eat it when I get outta bed...
This meme doesn't work as well as the RE one that spawned it because in this case I'd rather just impregnate Y'mhitra directly.
I genuinely love these dumb posts.
>"Ohhhh perfect"
>Smacks the macaroni to your face
>"I hate macaroni and cheese..."
>Returns to sleep
Considering how suncats work and that Y'mhitra is more connected to the rest of the tribe than Y'shtola does, you might not have a choice.
Let's put my moonie with your goonie
KD is so gross bros I don't know how you people can stomach it.
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gm beautiful sweet angel princess
You're a dps loss.
easy, just grow up poor
what did kevin durant do to you
Here she is
I cannot. My sleep is all kinds of fucked up
Present your moonie for goonie correction
Who said anything about sleeping
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shaco r
My moonie was in your non-goonie party
its bed time though
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You owe my sunnie+ sex
left one sucks while right one rims
yeah maybe for YOU
Oh dear oh my, how salacious. Perhaps
Can't believe you're still awake . . .
Please make characters that look like they belong in the world of ffxiv
no you are not a solution 9er
no you are not a Gerlean
just make a character that looks like they came from one of the 3 city states
>"ummm im from doma/the steppes/sugma no shadow"
no you aren't, you filthy rejected immigrant
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got viper to 100 and did some ex
having no personal mit (and being a scouting job get out dragoons) feels so awful. being melee 1 in ex2 is so scary when you don't have third eye or reaper shield and you just have to hope someone either helps you or heals you after the 3 stack drops you to 5%
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Sunnie going
Home from
would u still love me if i wore the optical hat
Is it bannable if a tank types "fuck off" in party chat and then chases me around with a tank buster for literally 10 gcds + kills me because I rescue'd him out of melee range on the point blank aoe in EX1
Me seeing a face 3 femra

It doesn’t matter what you cast in leylines as long as you’re casting, I generally prefer to just cycle through my fire 4s because it’s more convenient on my gauge management when all my spells are 30% faster
xeno should be either used as movement or during damage buffs like tech step or trick or whatever
Sadly, I AM heading to my bed for reals though, but we'll see each other soon and I'll remember to keep the door unlocked
buddy limsa is like all immigrants and ul'dah is half ala mhigan
You're allowed to adopt the dress of places you've visited. That means people can wear cool stuff they found from Solution 9, they can wear cool eastern gear, or they can wear garbage that's on fire if they really want to look like a Garlean.
Mine immigrated from Northshire.
he'll probably just get a warning unless he's had previous offenses, but yes you can report him for that
Doesn't matter if I'm from there or not, I'm out to appropriate culture.
go on
How can you judge me like that wtf...
DRG has personal mit with lifesurge (it gives you health back so it gives vit, also DRG has more personal armor than the other jobs sans tank)
personally, I have a fat stack of potions with my viper.
Yes, a friend got banned for telling someone "stfu" in an alliance raid, not even the full words, just "stfu"
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How do you feel about this image?
Gm mooner, how is life
Yeah viper sacrifices everything for consistent damage, even some of their burst. Its an acquired taste, not having anything but damage, even Samurai has some utility, if selfish
>"ummm im from doma/the steppes/sugma no shadow"
But all Xaela basically are...
whatever one you pick, your character acts like its their first time in a big city. WoL is canonically an inbred toothless hick
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How do I get a test build for Glamourer to work through github? I have penumbra, I have dalamud but I just dont klnow what to change in the programs for it to pickup the test build?
depends on the KT because sometimes the 2min window is gonna come up before the boss dies which means I get to press my much cooler burst buttons so I dont want to kill the boss before then
life surge is for damage, you don't use it planned around the damage you take you just use it to make your big dick gcd crit. the healing is just a bonus, like how you don't use assize for healing on whm
Seven wtf
moonie here
Actually, I am an Ishgardian noble.
You arrive to the 3 city states as a traveler, you are not a native of eorzea, little bitch
enable "get testing builds" in Dalamud, delete Glamourer, restart your game, then right click Glamourer to get the testing version
its amazing eith some milk and better, cant really go wrong eith mac n cheese. ehats fucjing insane is a single box is 1000 calories, and you can eat that shit in a few spoonful's
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Will she return?
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There's some DC travel still up.
>after the 3 stack drops you to 5%
it's supposed to be a 4 stack if the other melee dps doesnt have brain rot cancer. the stack is big enough to hit 2 people in the conga line up
but you can't even buy any
yes for me, the most important princess
Where is the omni tank set?
I like how more than a few people changed their RP backstories when it was revealed thavanir was revealed to be india
yes as your designated GF
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>if the other melee dps doesnt have brain rot cancer
we're talking about pf here
I’m not seven but I’ll be sure to show him it
When will we get more of Ryne and Gaia...
no argument here, sweet dreams
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What are you waffling about? Does anyone here even have an RP backstory?
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Yes but she's going to be a small toaster. Don't put your wing-wong in it.
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This but more importantly Ryne
hehehe owned
steal their character data and rape then
>people like hot brown sluts so they make hot brown slut characters from hot brown slut epicenter
Soon, presumably, unless the DT brainrot affects Y'shtola too and she turns too stupid to work out how the key functions.
oh also if you're 5% and no one heals you just dont take the next stack unironically
I'm a hot brown slut but male
You know what?
I have never met a native gridanian RPer that wasnt a blatant lorebreaker.
they either want to be a padjali, they are a race that has no business being in the black shroud or they make their entire RP all about animal husbandry.
Make me.
Post naked moonie.
Well now they're just gonna put their wontons in it and burn the star down.
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My character has one I will never EVER use and it is EXTENSIVE.
That is one fembunboy
theyll get a new cringe noncanon storyline in the ult
youre fucking welcome
>lusts after Ryne
Why are all trannies unironic pedos?
Thank you anon this worked
as soon as you fix that yee yee ass haircut
Because they see Leviah Pedogood get a free pass
Talk about wonton destruction.
Do NOT fix that yee yee ass hair cut, it is sexo.
I walked right into that one.
Not sure if anyone wants Edenmorn glams or the Eden mount but there's a PF up for E12S on Dynamis right now, few spots left, should be an easy clear.
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If I delete penumbra will I lose all my saved skinwalks in glamourer?
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Yes? You're the weird one here anon
Pots are worthless and i have 500 of them
Where do you think au ra come from you fucking retard?
CC queues?
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>he doesn't parse normals to practice new rotations/offjobs

Wait, you play a character and you dont have a backstory with them?
what are you, some self inserting weirdo?
queue cc casul light 2:00et
Don’t open
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I tried, but my lala got ignored :c
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Sorry I have no idea how to write a backstory for a male viera paladin. I tried once and it was cringe and I was told it was also lorebreaking.
hello wife
hello wife
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I used to be super autistic about this in literally every game with a character creator but by the time I came to XIV I stopped caring. It doesn't help that the WoL is his own character - even if I was self-inserting and not roleplaying, nearly every single dialogue choice this expansion I thought "I wouldn't say any of this"
may I plap, wife?
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>it's another crab bucket shitter
odds are it was some rando using spiritbond or durability but this dude was intimidated by it possibly being a stat pot
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how many runs will it take for me to get all pant pieces
>"yeah my au ra, she comes from overseas and im here now because....."
because you were a reject in your native home and they shipped you here to be OUR problem
>"Haha stupid sluts meanwhile, I a Xaela bvll...."
you were weak and they kicked you out too
>"hear hear fellow man those Xaela are savages because I am an honorable and graceful raen ma..."
raen got domesticated by domans and yet you somehow got kiced out from there too, youre like an oversized Pomeranian that goot shipped off to the pound because youre so annoying"
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I am a maleroe who figured out how to spawn Hit VFX while using the Brio Spawned character
Where's the brap edit, Liana
restore her melanin
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Good morning, sinners.
post woob
The bees are going extinct you know
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i didn't win my 50/50 on 2 lines
What the hell it was Shireks all this time?
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I can't help with the lorebreaking but
Embrace your cringe, anon. Even Yoshi-P's lalafell has cringe deviantart-tier "my eyes change color based on my mana"
Dante and Vergil from DMC are objectively cringe too and everyone loves them
depends on when cause I am booked later in the day
I'm not doing them anymore
My femra- saved the bee population after one lockout with honey b lovely’s solo duty
>calling anyone a sinner
you can shove a cocke can in your ass with no problem because youve been taking dragon and beast cock all day
>duskwights have no lore
>veena have no lore
shot down before i could even begin...
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(you) owe me an apology for even suggesting such filth
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Pedophelia is a sexual attraction. It's hardly exclusive to... Anyone. Regardless of Age, Gender, Class, Race. It's been observed in nearly every type of person.
Asking "why are trans people pedos" is misguided. The better question would be, why does this attraction appear in and overwhelm people who would otherwise "know better" than to be this way?
And my answer would be
They dont have the choice
The only sin I've committed is lusting over this femezen.
>cocke can
Freudian slip.
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I am VERY aware as I have been eating them.

What was so lore-breaking about it? I'm assuming it was on the Viera side of things since Paladin lore is such a fucking joke whenever I equip the job stone a laugh track plays.
7:33]Duty pop: Duty Roulette
[7:34]A party member has withdrawn from the duty.
Finding new member.
[7:34]Duty pop: Duty Roulette
[7:34]A party member has withdrawn from the duty.
Finding new member.
No miqitten woober? BORING!
This is what a slightly bigger capital does to your character.
Is it worth it?
Make an account on THAT site and post it there
But is it

A) I'll be your full-time royal, worship me
B) I'll be your full-time royal worshipee
C) I'll be your full-time royal worship bee
The second one
>A) I'll be your full-time royal, worship me
>B) I'll be your full-time royal worshipee
That is not even a word
>C) I'll be your full-time royal worship bee
a Worship bee worships something. She wants to be worship.
does viper not get bloodbath or second wind?
genuinely asking because the way you worded this makes viper sound like it has no options but to sit at 5% until someone helps them.
uh oh trannychal melt
ESLs do not interact please
I am queueing Aglaia for the 43rd time today.
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according to the job guide, it does.
half moonie here...
feel like it's A or C but if it's C it's meant to sound like A but be more bee-like
my fave blankposter is spooky
if this is for anything except glams you’re retarded and soulless
Idon’t care if it gives 20% more exp than dungeons btw
first one
The new raids. Rank 'em.
For me, it's:
M3 = M4 >>> M2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> M1
M3 and M4 have incredible music and fun mechanics. M2 is just bullet hell dodging that can fuck with people in ways that feel "unfair" because of how the game handles moving objects feeling further away than they really are. M1 feels like nothing is happening the entire fight unless you're stupid and fall through glass or can't handle a left/right.
imagine having a 7 minute cooldown invuln
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I WILL roleplay a racist catholic elf. You WILL listen to me justify torture on moral grounds while protecting an ossuary of a closet.
bloodbath and second wind do not have infinite uses
i'm the blankposter of darkness now.
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>after spending another year escorting Wuk Lamat around to help her grow as a leader she is finally prepared
>the only thing is one last duel against her master
>endwalker starts playing
>In this battle, you will play as Wuk Lamat
The bossuary of the ossuary
oh my god, EB me right this fucking second
There's a lewd pinup someone made of a topless Yaana with large, veiny tits. Can someone post it? I've lost it...
The tanks with the longer invuls also have the better 40% mits, but it doesn't matter since they have to tune tankbuster damage to be survivable with the worst 40% mit anyways...
I kind of did everything I cared to do. I wanna do something else now with my poses.
cringe is only cringe because of the failings of previous attempts by other people
in rp games I take a trope that's cringe and try to make it enjoyable. just play what you want homie
Yeah I guess compared to Third Eye's low CD, it would feel pretty bad. That's a bummer. Beats nothing, but still a bummer.
I guess they figured the crazy damage viper shits out makes it worth it. Some kind of risk-reward thing.
Honestly it could be kino if they just unleash full power wol
40% mits need to be healed
it is a huge difference
wait till savage
M1 looks pretty kino but is lacking mechanical overlap
M2 looks interesting but depends on how they do the heart mechanic
M3 is a toss-up because I don't think savage is going to look like anything from normal
M4 depends if door boss or not
Going to this in-game massage parlor on Crystal in a few minutes and seeing if I can convince the catboy to rub my femlala pussy
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Wow the story so far in quite something. I'm loving this just as much as ShB! <3
I also ended up using the scions for that trial for the first time because I felt like it was the right thing to do here :D
Healers are supposed to shield and mit the DPS that is going to take a big hit
racist elves are boring and overdone, where are the racemixing ones who are proud of taking black cock?
They would do this shit. Make you pilot the always-right smug bitch while she beats the shit out of your certified planet-catching badass oc.
shut the fuck up tranny
we already know this is an alt
that depends on what kind of bees you're talking about
there are more honey bees now than at any other point on record, but many kinds of wild bees are endangered
None on mobile
I aquaveil the tank
>40% mits need to be healed
unless the savage tankbusters are going to do something ridiculous like 500k unmitigated, not really. they're all basically mini-invuls especially paired with short cooldowns, with the caveat that you can't cheese busters that force a tank swap with a vuln
weird ass nigga pretending to be a girl typing with fully proper punctuation and using emotes on an imageboard
Wait a minute, since when was leylines only a cast speed increase? I thought it was also a damage buff? Was it always like this?
you're not the first tranny to adopt this gimmick and you won't be the last
fat, wobbly butts posted on catbox PLEASE!
just dont take a big hit lol
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Im going to craft 200 purple scrip items today
that is not what I meant
I mean that tank cannot survive the buster with low hp and 40% mit...
Alright but I will get you pregnant and you will live out the stereotype of never ask a racist the race of their X
It was never a damage buff, you might be thinking of enochian which was changed to be a passive
Is Endwalker the WoLs theme now?
I always thought it was Makers Ruin, but I guess their character has progressed to the point where it doesnt fit anymore
Good job cute miqo
*pushes you into the limbo line instead*
Jill Stingray if she was evil.
God I wish they'd give healers addle, feint, and reprisal and then make a single target rampart into a healer role action so I can put rampart on these stupid shit tanks who never mitigate themselves. Not even saying to take it away from the jobs that have them but just let me have it for the runs with the crayon eaters who never use them. Hell, give me some kind of Tactician thing too, from the rangedphys kit. Let me control the mitigation. I'm not doing anything else anyway and I might actually have fun.
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Cut him some slack, he doesn't get any attention in the discords with his prattling and literally has no other friends besides that one fiera who had a meltdown about Hihimi getting more attention than him despite wearing the same glams.
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*does an epic backflip over you and lands on your head driving you around like ratatouille*
Hihimi actually contributes to this general though
I see...huh. Guess that explains some things.
>every party is not trapped by shit healers
yeah lets just kill ffxiv for good
My fave sidechar
i get what you mean but now that drk has excog no tank needs any help from a healer to get up into survivable hp ranges for a tb
typical rat fiddie
Hihimi is just another gooner peddling mods and looking for more followers to scam.
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Remember when in Endwalker everyone prayed to the WoL and it paralled the beast tribes praying for their Gods to save the day?
How come Dawntrail isnt peak like that?
Makes mods and repairs people's 3D models
Na fuck that faggot. He deliberately alienates himself because he can't stop trolling even when dumbasses fall for his fake nice gimmicks, he eventually pushes them all away from his actions. He's a piece of shit and should be reminded of it.
I think you want to play shield healer.
but also I think EX2 Bitter Whirlwind hits like a mf and kills you with weak mits at top hp so maybe I dunno
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speen. listen to me. (emotional)
i really shouldn't have fucked that femra
Reread what I wrote. Actually don't, I'll post the important part again just for you:
>Not even saying to take it away from the jobs that have them
If anything this would mean we'd be less likely to get fucked over by outgoing damage, because now we wouldn't have to rely on the crayon eating dps jobs to help with mitigation. They still could if they were competent, but healers would be able to assist with it too. I'm tired of this role being stuck in this boring fucking state all because people are "scared" of relying on support roles to support them. For one, that wasn't what I was suggesting anyway. But additionally, play a single player game if you're terrified of relying on a group.
I do already, but I want to do more mitigating.
why do you talk like a teenage girl when everyone knows you’re an adult male? like, i don’t even hate your blogposts i just legitimately don’t get it. i’m not even writing this out of hate; i just genuinely want to know why.
my moonie is pent up and in need...
because that will come 2 or so expansions down the line. dawntrail is just setting a foundation (with the keystone for other reflections, all the tural shit is unironic filler)
yoship is not going to double the amount of mit in the game
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>healers when they have to use a gcd heal
Why do you care, I just genuinely want to know why.
Hats are pretty critical to glamours, mierabro
helloooooooooooooooooooo dylf?????/
when will animations work again?
>people whine about shit healers
>won't actually play healer
>makes a billion excuses why
This is why you'll be trapped
Uh oh maliddie shitskin meltie!
what kind of f
Kill yourselves.
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>Farming EX1 for wings
>Get the most retarded PCT players I've never seen
>They are all doing no fucking damage
>Same for BRD
I'm almost
tempted to just ban both of these jobs from my PF
Like holy shit I don't get it.
If I play healer so that we don't have a shit healer, we'll just have a shit tank or DPS instead
They already do. Now you just need to wait for nightlife to get updated so you can get back to getting plapped.
Hello wife
i only feel like that when i've had to use 7-10 gcds to heal because the tank doesn't believe in mits
i mean, kinda based in a weird way, but it's excruciating to keep them alive like that
>having to swift cast a cure 3 during feathers in ex1 to keep people up
i'd play a healer but the fact that you actually aren't supposed to heal but spam a 1 button rotation and heal with off gcds sounds extremely boring
what kind of mental illnesses do you have
Sage has
13 OGCDs for healing
Multiple have multiple charges!!!!
A full 45 seconds of 10% mitigation every 2 minutes!!
If you make me burn through all of that its actually your fault for real
The excuses come out
Enjoy being trapped
EW was too on the nose desu, I just rolled my eyes when they did the primal summoning like the 1.0 trailer and scions praying like in the ARR trailer. Estinien in the Kaine stance was icing on the cake for how ridiculous that scene was.
>How come Dawntrail isnt peak like that?
Because DT is a comfy cozy eepy lo-fi beach episode with low stakes and easygoing vibes, duh.
where are the working ones
If you ban bard from your PFs you're just going to get dancer and machinist players. Do you really want that?
any moonies in need of a foot massage
alright i'll go whm and never cast glare then
i legitimately do not understand people who hard commit to bits like akemi pretending to be a bitchy girl (this one might actually not be a bit) or acat with the catspeak. i guess i just don’t understand why spend so much effort into it, what drives them to act that way.
big hips are mine
where is nightlife even posted to, i only know it being passed around word of mouth through a shady mediafire link
The most important night life one’s work without freaky face contortions already. Now we just need dc travel again (no one actually plaps on Dynamis, they literally just stand around and afk, wtf)
also clinginess but that's not really a mental illness
That's actually a new player though?
The idea was that he was a hunter-gatherer in the Skatay Range when a particularly brutal winter forced him to spend some time hunting in Dalmasca instead, which is much more hospitable.
During his time in Dalmasca he chances across a near-dead Ul'dahn Paladin surrounded by slain vicious wildlife. He had been tasked by the Eorzean Alliance to deliver an important message to the Dalmascan Resistance. The Paladin pleaded with my character to finish his work as there is no one else before passing away with his job stone in-hand.
Torn between his simple tribal lifestyle and the conviction of this man in his last moments, he ultimately decided to take up the Paladin's mantle and deliver the message. The problem is that the Dalmascans know who they are expecting, and it's definitely not a male viera. Assuming the worst (that my character himself had been the one to slay the Paladin) the Dalmascan Resistance attacked him and forced him to flee, vowing to kill him for bringing harm to one of their allies.
Realizing that he cannot return home without risking danger to the other viera in his lands, he decided to self-impose exile upon himself so that he could journey west with the Paladin's job stone and learn what could have driven the man he met to give his life for people across the world from him. He hardly knows anything about the world outside the Skatay Range. But he hopes that when he does finally learn the meaning of duty and adopt a Paladin's courageousness, he may yet return to his corner of the world to finish the Paladin's task and let his soul rest.
That's a poorly-written summary, I had this more thought out and fleshed out in the form of a short story I wrote in the third person perspective. But you can probably see just from this why it doesn't really work, I guess. And why it's cringe.
I think I should just pick a different job and try again maybe
Roleplaying is fun, anon.
Of course not. Nobody wants to wipe the asses of these shitters all day. I healed M1 today thinking after reset it'd be trivial, and got a MT who couldn't even dodge the giant telegraphed left/right mechanics so he went into the fight with 4 fucking vulns right out the gate. I don't know how that's even possible without it being on purpose. Meanwhile, the damage output was super low and people were crashing through glass and dying like it was day 1. I spent the whole run cleaning that bullshit up, lost my roll to a guy who killed 3 people via the glass, and left with nothing to show for it.
I dpsed every run after that. Never got hit personally, and actually had fun just doing my rotation instead of cleaning up after people too stupid to just avoid the glowing half of an arena. Anyone who heals in the dutyfinder should have 100,000 gil deposited into their account afterwards. It's a nightmare hellscape populated by mouthbreathing retards.
the one button rotation is just filler to give you brain space to pay attention to everyone else and keep them alive. The newest content actually has been pretty good for healing having to plan shit out for different phases and the amount of damage coming out.
they will have a meltdown over that
They do? Did you convert them with Textools or just plug in as is?
>party wipes to a raid wide with no vul up
>healer : "What happened there?"
…it’s just too easy… uh… I’d get bored! It’s beneath me, you see *joins a pf as reaper*
mine's a boy, but yes
>dps: no shields
>dsp was removed from the party
they're still in the ShB/EW mentality of being able to sleepwalk through everything short of savage
Akemi being a bit would be more impressive than it being a legacy biohole at this point.
>makes a billion excuses why
Just one. They're shit to play.
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>queue alliance roulette
>got alagia
>we didn't see scales
>dsp was removed from the party

didnt even notice my mistake until you replied
I mostly use the positioning ones, because nothing lines up anyway for me, I didn’t do shit to fix them. Femlala if that matters (it actually might in this instance)
ive only seen it a few times and have no idea how its supposed to work even
this is just the norm now
even skipping the shit where he jumps around and does a bunch of knockbacks and aoes is extremely common
I got stuck in Thaleia today thanks to my alliance raid roulette, and the slowness of the mechanics is so hard to go back to after enjoying Dawntrail. It's terrible. EW has absolutely rotted casual players' minds. I don't even enjoy raiding savage, but I'm loving how the normal mode stuff requires you to focus a little more.
Aglaia doesn't usually see scales, and hasn't for months. The last time I saw scales was in a really terrible dynamis party where nobody could fucking dps.
not a bad base, perhaps a stronger plot hook to pull him in to taking the mantle
Dissatisfaction at home, some other issue to toss the nice life away
Just don't make it "my wife is dead" tier unless you're chad
if that’s your choice, then i wish you well with it. just seems kind of depressing to never let someone see the genuine you.
yeah it's wild how levelling dungeons now require more of you than raids in EW did
I know skipping scales means a way faster run but I still feel kinda disappointed when it happens.
It's not that impressive. He just screeches about very vague things, he never goes into details or specifics. He just references things that happened but is always evasive or vague in everything said. It's really not that hard.
I have actual friends for that. Not a 4chan thread full of people itching to throw the word tranny at anything and everything. This thread is entertainment, its use as an actual social space limited.
GCD heals are weak, slow and a dps loss. Of course noone like to use them. If party dies to damage that almost always mit issue, not a healing issue.
Healer DPS is a bit more complicated than just its filler, if you wanna be optimal but not much.
WHMs have to actively burn Lilies to get Blood Lily in their burst window, and in dungeons they dont need to use Lilies at all so they waste em for Blood Lily.
Scholar has Energy Drain Optimizations but is otherwise the big dick buffbitch while having only one relevant buff, and Astro is much the same.
Sage pisses me off because it has the most DPS spells but they amount to genuinely nothing. Farming for Toxicon is always a DPS loss and has the same single target potency as Dosis, so useless for bosses. It has 2 overcap mechanics, both of which feel like a waste because you have to actively waste heals people or waddle your way to Melee range to spend a charge every 45 seconds
>no one plaps on Dynamis
Says you
t. Just plapped four different hrothgals this week
>the real you
It’s masks all the way down anon.
no one plaps femlala on dynamis
using nightlife on this femlala

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