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>Chocorpokkur Twitch Viewer Rewards Campaign (From July 2 to July 29)

• July 28, 6:00 PM CDT | Sephirot, Tuliyollal Instance 1 (12.9, 15.5) | Tural Thread Throwdown >>485962949
• August 3, 4:00 PM EDT | Rafflesia, Gold Saucer, Mahjong Lounge | /xivg/ Mahjong Open Tournament >>486892289

Previously on /xivg/: >>487258142
Where are my male bros at???
Love this lil nigga so much it's unreal.
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Current market price on this server: 2.7 million.
>see new venue
Do you think it'll be okay to come as a femlala? I'm trying to be social now...
What kind of joke is this that Wondrous Tails has Rival Wings 1/3rd of the time? Do they not realize nobody plays this if there's no roulette for it
Yeah you can. only the weird clubs don't allow lalas.
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Is she right? Has the game been so bad, for so long, that we deserve the right to quit without losing our homes?
I'm going to head there then...
if you aren't a cultist who will be subbed until the day you die you shouldn't buy a house
simple as
I posted the thread on mobile this time. I hope it all came out well enough and there's no mistakes. Goodnight, /xivg/.
if you want to quit, why should you continue to deprive active players of a chance to have a house
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I bought a house to do the chocobo stuff without realising the fucking apartment has a stable
>doesnt do savage
>doesnt do ultimates
>doesnt do extremes
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Was checking out this stuff that was on the cooker but no one was serving anything. I'm assuming this is one of those ghost kitchen things.
Lalafell are banned from most clubs because their diminutive childlike appearance takes people out of the RP. They get preoccupied with how much they want to fuck a potato baby that they can't focus on textfucking each other, or something. Also a lot of lalafell are annoying faggots who spam their noisiest emotes in public.
If this bothers you, make your own club where lalas are allowed and enjoy getting doxxed by unhinged schizos because of it.
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>get a happy little letter from my friend before they went to bed
WOW. Now that's a nice feeling.
Nah. If you buy a house and quit your house should be vacated.
I am
a femezen
that just made millions selling gem vouchers I got from levelling
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moonie here
The scarcity doesn't even need to exist. We could all have instanced housing right now and island sanctuary technology proved it. It's all manufactured.
And OP gives her leverage away right out the gate by confessing that she'd quit if she weren't concerned with keeping her house. Nobody would allow her that if their primary focus were making money. More of these unhappy people need to just bite the bullet and be willing to lose their house.
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Good morning
>dots removed
>excuse is that they bloat the debuff bar and potentially cull other debuffs
>except jobs like RPR and VPR still come with "dots" that need to be managed and that bloat the boss debuff bar and potentially cull other debuffs
What gives?
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I need someone to be my queen bee...
My one and only champion...
My full-time royal worshipee...
fart on my face please
i don't remember making this post
Alt tabbed in front of my house playing Balatro.
please catbox your fattest, most wobbly asses!
whats a gem voucher
Why is there no actual Ishgard framers kit in this game I swear...
I want to get pregnant
I like queen bees...
Never believe their lies.
a bicolor gem voucher, something you can buy for 100 gems after getting all areas maxxed on FATEs
they're used to buy a mount, but you need 500 of them
built for my potent male raen swimmers
I am
a femlala
no there is no further context
queueing alliance raid in a bit even though I hate it
but youre white?
My femezen
Has been making 10 ruthenium shields per day
And dumpstered the price anytime there was a 1 gil undercut
Sorry, but you've been selected for Moonie Yuri Rape.
Please do resist, or else it's not yurirape.
You will be ruined forever. Thank you for your participation.
I have a friend that kept complaining to me about having to buy another subscription just to login monthly for the house while money was tight even and it's still not decorated at all. For years! I wish people weren't like this and could just let go of some dumb house.
absolutely built for dark skinned highlanders
Bring 2 bigger friends, they won’t lose three people for reddit cred.
>Louisoix BLACKS a white Sharlayan bitch
>Fourchenault comes out barely tanned
>Fourchanaut "BLACKS" Ameliance
>Alphinaud and Alisae are model Aryans
whites won
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DoTs in ff14 aren't fun. You just apply them once they run out. Even in BRD, where they made dots integral for the gameplay loop, the devs quickly removed that because god forbid we enjoy ourselves.
Positionals are the same way. There isn't even a satisfying visual or auditory feedback when you land one. And then half of the bosses they release don't have positionals anyway, and the melee jobs get true north out the ass.
I feel like the people shedding tears over this shit being removed are just trying to look hardcore or something, but in truth these mechanics barely add anything substantive and they definitely don't add much enjoyment.
post femezens
spoonfeed me the working animations
>niggas puttin mats up for dirt cheap but in 99 stacks
Fuck OFF.
I don't know what that means or what they look like...
Why are tanks like this?
They could make them better instead of removing it
Like a real mmo
how long did it take to max all areas? i have some rank 3s and rank 2s
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racist as FUCK
Thanks you're too
Bro the announcer in jp also says merry christmas like in the animes
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if anything the fat stacks should be put up for more, because of the convenience of not having to click a dozen different purchases
You're right, and I'd be in support of that. It's why in my initial post I included ways that they could be implemented in an enjoyable fashion. However, since the devs seem opposed to this (why???), I'd rather see them gone than continuing to exist in this state that barely matters.
UHHHH shroud moonies or SHROONIES as i like to call them
Sometimes they just love drawing enmity even from the party.
I wish I knew, because I would snatch it up in a heartbeat
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God I remember how much I was hoping Island Sanctuary would be at least some kind of bandaid fix to the problem and to at least be fun to do everything. But no, no actual housing huts, outdoor furnishings came way too late (no striking dummy) and gathering itself was so ass. It couldn't even be like normal gathering where you can sit back, it was one hit, one item piece, gone. What a fucking waste of resources.
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I actually like DoTs, but agree positional should have an audio or visual cue for doing them correctly.
I'm not trying to look hardcore, I just enjoy watching more numbers happen because of me. I'm dumb, and it makes me happy. t. Moonie SCH
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Good news everyone!
hroth or maleroe tank
athena and lahabrea = ericthonios comes out charcoal coloured
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I'm a racist little incel who needs a queen bee to use me for easy attention...
kneel before botgods
I feel like I'm definitely retarded but I swear there was a way to disable the character highlight outline while in gpose
Im 3h away from access to my femezen, gomen.....
i was probably undercut 100 times already
I think positionals should have an awful squelch noise if you miss them
Ok, but what kind of pregnancy are we talking about? My virile duskwight seed isn't to be given willy nilly, I need some real pregnancy freaks who like aftercare and keep the belly bulge. None of this "im totally pregnant after that *giggles*" cowardice just for it being done raw, which is just about nearly every hetero ERP scenario. You gotta commit to it.
you dont have an old pic you can post?
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Yeah. It's why I don't bother with housing since it's clearly a ball and chain to stop you from unsubbing for long periods of time.
Just resell them for cheap anon
pct in pvp sux
correct: satisfying noise, like the one Rage of Halone makes normally
incorrect: dull, unsatisfying thud
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The slime is flowing again
Rava here
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please do NOT be a racist little incel
Pitslut here.
Balmung or Mateus when open?
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You can get visual and audio indicators for positionals with this plogon. You gotta mess with the configuration to turn off all the cheater ass shit in it though.
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oh no no no i'm never gonna unsee it now
dude it blows me away when people come at the housing discussion like limited housing is just a given, even though last year we all got given an instanced island with furniture capabilities and we all watched them roll out cloud servers with like infinite space that expand dynamically. all the pieces have been in place for a while, they just don't do it because they know housing keeps unsatisfied players subbed who would otherwise quit. defending it is just defending anti consumer practices imo. no better than an EA shill.

and yeah island sanctuary was a massive disappointment. I botted to cap and I've never botted anything in my life. I just disrespected it that much, but wanted one of the outfits at the end so I ran it while I cooked dinner.
I think you used to be a femlala...
>gets down on all 4s
That’s 100% a catboy
I just did it over a weekend, I have no idea how many hours total, but two days is for sure more than enough time
that was with 3 zones having fuck all progress, like Living Memory had literally a single fate done
probably ancient dark magic
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Made me check, i do
I was suppose to sleep 5hours ago should I sleep now and ruin my sleep schedule or try to stay up but end failing and ruining the sleep schedule even more?
I thought positionals did have a noise for missing for the longest time. Turns out it was only for missed combo actions.
>those eyes
Average roulette experience
I am a femezen
Playing ninja in pvp
Going steadily insane as people stop hitting someone right as they hit 50% and I lose my LB just KEEP THEM UNDER 50% ITS NOT THAT HARD
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I have to set up IVCS again
I did, and I'm making my na char back into one whenever I resume playing it
I am the femlala WHM in this situation
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Uh, Tankies? Healies? Where are you? I got a schedule to keep here.
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You'd have to be REALLY hot to get me to stop saying nigger for you...
wow that brapper looks pretty big, got more?
Jesus Christ Almighty
Which dps jobs are doing best/are most fun right now?
Goon morning
I got a married couple the other day in an Alexandria run. The tank and the RDM.
Sure enough, the tank went and single pulled all the way through and the RDM spent just about every fight on the floor.
An actual stipend should be mailed to your box if you have to basically 2man a dungeon like this. It took over 40 fucking minutes.
Everyone SHUT UP, a khagan is in the thread speaking.
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>friend suggests visiting venue
>see it is on Dynamis
Luv me Crystal
'Ate Travellers
I love this nonsense, why can't this silliness ever happen to me?
Erping with my tank eb in satasha DF group
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you get my moonie planting her ass on a crate.
me as the confused blm bystander watching the tank and healer fuck
Is VPR any good in TEA?
No one in this game talks
like me
thigg moonie. more?
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Remember the good times.
black mage
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As soon as I'm done with my MSQ! :p
builded for my malezen
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me not that kind of moonie
i dont have any
okay checkmate now what
*casts cover on Advertisers*
Heh. Close one.
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this adv plate pic is cool
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i had a ninja in our week 1 group who would come to raid high and kept gazing the party on snakes 2 and then he would blame someone else
My wife zir
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I haven't made any booty pictures after the update, so an older image will have to suffice.
built for my malezen
Oh god I want to suck on those so bad
Is the mod loader fixed yet?
it’s actually literally the worst dps you can bring into tea but legacy ultimate dps doesn’t matter anyway
Zir Goonington
holy wife
I service pits and feet on the regular there
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Lazily getting a few weekly things done between work calls.
A little TOO foot-focused, sorry, and that's an awful face.
How's that going?
>was running tender valley with friends including one rando from duty finder

>friend 1 dies to first aoe of cactus boss and says she doesnt feel like trying. She is our healer we need her to attempt to try
>friend 2 leaves the duty because he's not going to sit through an aids run
>rando is a mch that chimes in that they just want to get carried

I spend tender valley basically 1.5 manning the dungeon only receiving help when the mch decides to push their buttons or my healer friend isnt floor tanking. We got through it. I was on WAR and it was really funny nearly soloing an expert dungeon.
I love zir so much
Fuck the official lyrics

WILD FREAKS now and forever
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Sit on my face
Honestly... fuck....
MCH is the only one I'm genuinely enjoying at the moment, but its rdps as you've probably already seen is kind of lacking if you care about that. Your capstone skill is beefy, and it's so easy to fill your battery so you can summon your robot quicker, and the heat blast animation changes for the ogcds look slick as hell. Plus loads of fights have all this movement, so being a mch is fun for jumping around and avoiding death. But ugh, the actual output... I can understand why people stay away from it.

I tried picto. I really don't like the way it feels. It doesn't feel like a legit caster to me. Its motif painting feels weird and I don't like just standing there for 4s feeling like I'm doing nothing (I know I'm not actually doing nothing, but if you know what I mean then you get what I'm saying). The actual spells just look too fucking goofy to feel impactful, and the animations themselves are super garish and distracting in fights that are already a visual cluserfuck.

I leveled SAM too. It feels just like it did in EW except even more hardlined due to that one change to tsubame. I don't want to do 2 more years of that.

Currently I'm leveling BLM. At 96 this job feels like I'm on fucking autopilot. There's no room to deviate at all and it feels so locked in that it's not even fun anymore.
Big fan of this moonie who is most likely a golem.
Body mod?
But I'm not playing as a fiddie...
I am a rare, elusive, player three miera with the green color scheme…
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>How's that going?
Hi! ^.^
It's going well! I just did this trial :p
what's the fire effect from
Feels weird. I had a run as a MCH with 3 guys who were friends. A hroth warrior, a healer, and a black mage. There were all chummy and nice and we cleared in no time at all. The mirror world...
Reaper is an incredibly stupid job design. They have attacks that exist purely to debuff. While having a basic combo that generates gauge so slowly that you are effectively just pretending to be useful while waiting for cooldowns.
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The viera is good but I don't think mister advertiser is going to enjoy this one
I had a very similar Tender Valley run, and on WAR too no less.
The trash pulls took so long to die that I was able to cycle through all of my CDs before they were gone. The actual boss fights took so long to die that I saw "the end" of their mechanics for the first time ever really. Like, we hit a point where they just sort of began looping things we'd already seen because there was nothing left for the bosses to do. Whole thing took about 40 minutes and nobody even LB'd so I did it at the end.

I actually hate tanking because it almost always guarantees that I'll either solo a boss from some ungodly percent or "do the right thing" and wall it but remain trapped by people who can't stay alive.
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Post glams with bigass wizard hats
Its just yab with some scaling
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I am at a point that makes me think why do I play this game when there is nothing to do? I already did the extremes and savage doesn't interest me. When is the next big thing not until from a year from now?
the ideal raiding party
male midlander paladin
male hroth gunbreaker
male elezen sage
male viera astro
male highlander monk
male roe samurai
male lalafell machinist
male cat red mage
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while I agree with the all male group, explain your race and job pairings.
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I'm on DRK now so i cant as easily get away with soloing but generally when im tanking I give the party 2 good pulls before i opt to just attempt to solo the boss
I like nice butts and want yours to dress my face
this but the male viera is my femra instead
i dont want to be red mage....
>nothing to do
Meanwhile, I've requeued into bee fight for the sixth time this morning.
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>male midlander paladin
feel like pure shit just wanna replay all of shvb in one stiigin
Why are middies like this. Who am i supposed to comm now?
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Good afternoon
it's 5:12AM Karen Plaptina
Comm the thighlander.
how long are the cornservant quests? might try em
The highlander
>the advertisers are for high school senior girl’s only fans or some Albanian pimp promoting his “little sisters”‘ twitch stream

Nobody is selling insurance on this website.
Obviously the moonie BLM.
I'm in the same boat. Currently here is what I'm looking forward to:
>alliance raid 1
>increased furniture cap limits on housing
>new foray
if you're feeling too shitty to do it (I was sick all week too ;_;), find a streamer who's going through it. I watched a catboy streamer go through 5.3, and his roller coaster of emotions through the cutscenes was enjoyable on a vicarious level. I almost never watch streamers unless I'm really really sick haha
Give it to the PLD
It's 2:44pm here
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The song is good but the fight is aids.

I don't think we are getting forays for another year anon and that's the only thing i'm looking forward too. Doesn't help DT msq was shit.
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What is it about albanians..
can i kiss you
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>ideal raiding party
>has a lalafell in it
lalafell post
>"I promise I will fill your stomach every day with my cum."
This is reportable right. Why send this tell to a femlala? Why is it in quotations I'll never understand
These posts are my favorite lmao
You should let me, a player one miera with the blue color scheme /pet you...
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Are there any Chaos statics? I never did anything above Ex really and I'd like to give it a shot.
The fuck you I got my house mentality strikes again.
what’s a normal amount of caffeine to have in one day
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Why would you do that?
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Always comm Honey B. Lovely cosplayers.
Moving right along, but you still have a lot of content to go!
Same. I just level classes in roulettes but I'll probably just let my sub run out until the next raids release.
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I'm the static........
It's in quotations indicating whoever just sent it was quoting someone so they're not reportable, you'll have to find the person being quoted to report
They aren’t saying it themselves, they are just helpfully quoting what someone else said. What server anyway?
face 3 xaela post
700 mg
Alisaie has been a dunce for years in the trust system, but Krile makes Alisaie look like a fucking gifted savant. I did the 95 dungeon with trusts today and Krile:
>was the only one to consistently, by design, fuck up the "nuisance to your party" mechanic (she sprays the water inward, and then chastises herself and says she mustn't be a burden; too late)
>regularly was 4th on enmity somehow, behind even the healer, despite being a fucking pictomancer
>never actually utilized her picto aoe shit on trash like the hammer or the motifs
>nearly got me killed by walking an aoe to me (but this is standard trust shit)
Like 6-7 mugs of coffee for me personally
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Just had 400mg in my pre workout and my toilet is becoming a war zone
how did you know???????
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>ywn rest your head on a femhroth's chest fluff
I can't go on
You may /pet me but I am rare and elusive because most people only own two controllers for split screen play…
Huh, weird. I'm on Balmung and I just sent that exact line to a femlala
but anon, mug has a 2 minute cooldown
>still up
advertiser approved
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Okay, plugging in my 2nd and 3rd controller...
It's in quotations because they're doing the roleplayer thing where they "type everything like this" to indicate that their player character is saying it in character.
It's obviously reportable.
Ride me until my pelvis explodes.
Do any ebins have good /c/ ? I need to nut.
Incorrect positionals shouldn't crit.
May I post my malera?
Are you cute...
alisaie is cute but does not belong in fights
black mage should have positionals.
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>ready to goon all day
>Take a shit
>Day absolutely ruined
im convinced all drg players silently dropped the job for viper like blm players did for pct. the job is literally SOVLLESS now
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Shaving with one hand and tanking with the other in Prae
Wait... KB?
It’s European / third world posting hours, being topless is normal for women there. They are just so advanced about these things,,,,
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And when will that be? 6months from now? What are people suppose to do for the next 6months if they don't do savage? I hate how i'm tied to staying sub so I don't lose my house.
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4chud people don't actually play the game, but I do so I'm looking for gamers to do content because I refuse to play with 7 normies and twitch zoomers.......
that femhroth is so ugly she's pretty
why do i never see the ascian armor glam from ktiseos hyperborea on anyone
it looks so cool
take a probiotic and eat more fiber/drink more water
then get a cum infusion in your ass to feed the probiotic bacteria. i can help with this part. do you like mierda?
I can say with 100% bias that I am cute, if that’s what it takes.
is that fucking axl low? he's even doing the finger tap thing
hmm yeeah good idea thanks
Nah, VPR is cool and all but I still enjoy DRG despite its shortcomings
> It's obviously reportable.

That’s what makes it hot. There is no romance with danger and transgression…

Unless it’s a sprout then they can fuck off
my fave blankposter
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still at work bro
I like new DRG, but it was already soulless when LotD gave you a full gauge for free. Removing the tether was another peak sovlless move.
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simple as, now there is two of us
do you actually wanna try looking for more people? name?
> What are people suppose to do for the next 6months if they don't do savage?

What did you do for the last 2 years? Hit da clubs and /beesknees
>tfw I don't fit as a WAR
>4chud people don't actually play the game
i do but im american
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Which boss will be the PF stomper?
I agree. I was just laying out the facts for op, who was wondering. But yeah I wish more people would send my femlala nasty shit like that, even though I completely understand why they aren't willing to take that risk.
memes aside honey b lovely
she looks like the p3s of dt
are the exs hard
how long did it take your party to clear them? t. never played one before
Honey B
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Sandris nolan@ragnarok..........
Yes we must find more, like in seven samurai...........
I'm now imagining Ryne and Gaia being the popular girls in school, but no guy can ever ask them out due to them being so attached (read: exactly what you thought).
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Coffee break
honey bee will be easy because it'll just be a puzzle boss in savage like p6s was
filter will be m3s
m4s could be a filter too but depends on door boss status
I did them pretty early, it took me 2-3 lockouts to clear.
Mod. That's what I do.
Progging is about as exciting/rewarding to me as watching paint dry. Being "trapped" for days/weeks by 1 guy who can't get his shit together isn't my idea of a good time. So when savage is taking up everyone's mental bandwidth and nobody wants to do anything but savage, I spend my time crafting things to sell to raiders and hunting down fun new visual mods to enhance my aesthetic experience.
They're fairly intuitive this time around and most groups get it in 1-2 lockouts.
looking handsome there, ser
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If sera was right about one thing
I'm one expansion behind but my progress has slowed to a near halt...
3 will filter PF solely because it does more damage, they will tack some burn debuff on the multi hit raidwide and healers will throw up their arms
Check your mail!
M3 guaranteed.
its time to fix them with cock
i've been leveling trusts lately and krile seems like the best DPS so far, beating even estinien consistently. the only clear downside is that she never uses limit breaks, but that can be a good thing if you're playing DPS
that nuisance mechanic on the first boss of the dead baby dungeon cave seems wonky with trusts in general, sometimes thancred/g'raha don't turn around so if you're opposite the boss you'll get hit, sometimes estinien just purposefully goes and starts collecting bubbles (thank god he doesn't actually take damage or vulns from them)
Sit on my sunnie's +
3 will filter meleeCHUDS
if fflogs shut down tomorrow and ACT broke alongside it, NA would suddenly develop safe/braindead strats that were universal and would clear savage in df just like jp does
but because everyone wants to do risky shit to prioritize their parse, we all get to stay trapped by these dumb retards until they finally get it right
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Well that's a good ass question. I don't know what I did for the past two years.

Yeah I did crafting but after a while it feels like a 2nd job to me.
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im scared theres gonna be a pipebomb in it
This tanuki is ballin
not true. people just want to hit the boss also you're a faggot
>NA would suddenly develop safe/braindead strats that were universal and would clear savage in df just like jp does
1,5 lockouts for vali, blind pf no guides
1 for zoraal, also blind pf no guides
Who here is still loyal to BLM and/or DRG?
More likely they'd just set up a new parsing addon in a week rather than adopt the JP mindset.
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Here's to having wonderful friends brighten your day and who shall remain nameless in this image, but you know who you are!
>literal trannies
kill yourselves.
My fc’s prog last tier wasn’t held back by sweatlords, but two semi-casuals being slow (one was me). Sweatlords do shit like practice their rotation for an hour against a dummy while I’m at the quicksands looking for a plap.
You know I've always wondered. If Square sent a C&D to FFlogs, would it stick? For year's I bitched how WoW would have been better if the dataminers and weakaura devs were shut down with the legal system, but never got an answer on if they could.
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im a healslut now but i still play BLM when i play dps
people want to win
you can win without getting a 99, and when people don't care about their rank, they'll just do what they need to do to win even if it means simply backing off for a few seconds to resolve a mechanic
u right desu. i am just jealous and wish we could have what jp has because i dont want to form statics and meet with people at set times like this is a third job just to do the shit that jp can do on demand in a fucking instance
Does na also do conga? Its retarded compared to jp
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my dark femlala doesnt need a friend
she needs a straight up eb. no messing around with silly questions and courting, just skip straight to eb'ed life
have I been duped...
i want to try ex but i can barely handle normal trials....
the parsetrannies aren't the ones walling you lil sis
damn, that's really badass. like, it would be a cringe glam if you saw him out in the wild, but like that it does look really cool.
You can't trust NA to do the 4-wide
Ok let's EB
>i am just jealous and wish we could have what jp has
ex2 is cancer on jp because they do a single party moving stack for conga and they constantly wipe to people forgetting the order and/or procing the stack too quickly
jp is just as retarded as every other DC, bro
Aw, that's so nice.
Going to do this as well now, thanks for the idea.
i will not accept a world without parsing
i will give up if i die
i will give up if i have to hold for a mechanic
you WILL cater to me
i WILL hit the parse leaderboard
Volcanic Heart framer's kit, it's in the current battle pass.
tbf i've been watching people with PERFECT LEGEND titles wiping to m4's left/right mechanic because memorizing a 5 step pattern is hard or something
just give it a shot. you'd be surprised how forgiving this stuff can be. i saw a whole group today in m4 with the EX weapons and all 3 of them (I was the 4th dps) died to four-fold and the snaking aoe thing.
this sounds based though
a clear is a clear
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JP does this, anon.
why yes i love my healslut wife
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sure but i'm not a femlala i'm a male hroth (grownass man) i hope you're a biofem
and we don't clear unless i parse pink or orange
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what are you into? I can do all the caring lovey dovey stuff
you will join the 41%
you will NEVER be a woman
you will be deadnamed at your funeral
you will always be mocked
Can anyone give me a plugin in where if I click the <pos> in chat I will automatically teleport to the nearest aetheryte in that map?
yeah i do want to try. might do it tomorrow and hope people are forgiving
no they dont???
if you put even 4 "clear's a clear" gray parsing copers in a party it would be hard walled by enrage
love you too
Please, /xivg/, I’m going into battle and I need your strongest femroes…
can I come get blown by you in a few
I used to do this but my mailbox filled up with replies and I didn't have the heart to delete any of them and then I hit the arbitrary limit.
I cannot WAIT for these melties but with the m2 music playing in the bg.
all the wow raiders, stay on A..... okay, see ya wow raiders
No you won't.
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this was a clear
>no messing around with silly questions and courting
HELL no those exist to try to weed out schizophrenics and trannies
what race do i have to be to mailfriendmaxx
Dalamud stopped working when I installed Gshade??????
Is there an /xivg/ guild or clan I can join?
>melties but with the m2 music playing in the bg.
the fake ones that people have been making are already killing me. god damn I hope we get some good drama with that fight
>Haven't rolled higher then 37 on anything so far this reset
Its one of these weeks i see...
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>he doesn't know the depths of hell
>>487277168 explains it better than i could, ty for the pic
but yeah even the shittiest grey did actually clear it and sometimes these parties of greys congregate and clear together and that's fine. all it means is that of the people who cleared, they were in the bottom %. still doable though. the actual numbers might not even be far off, sometimes the difference between grey and green is super tiny.
I have several parses in ex2 with 7 grey parsing retards, you goofy secondary.
Check the rentry link in the OP to see if there's a CWLS for your DC and an FC for your world.
If I didn't have to leave soon i'd offer you my Highlander as consolation
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Why no response then, I messaged you.
DT is the first expansion forced me to skip cutscene, i can't stand woke lamat voice and her ugly smooth baby face.
suicide now, troon
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You cannot handle my strongest femroes traveler
built for impregnating my femra multiple times
That wasn't the deal
Honest question, how am I supposed to memorize the mechanics of about 40 trials, 60+ raids, about 50+ dungeons, and (soon to be) 18 alliance raids?
I'm sorry, my femroe isn't actually that strong
my moonie is the strongest individual itt. physically and mentally. shes also the funniest itt
by doing them over and over for 10 years
many can be solved by just following someone else though
Now if your parse was the bottom 50, you will be enrage walled because FFLogs doesn't cull parses where someone pushed like 15 buttons in a 10 minute window
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closeted trans ffxiv players be like:
Do you want to come say that to my face?
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Hello F1 Femra incel queen thank you for posting your name it makes it a lot easier to stalk you...
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I don't see a message.......
Try going to this place in Limsa aetheryte.........
If that's the case she can fart on my face, if not, then she's the weakest.
99% of content in this game can be resolved by just looking at your monitor
I am a dark-skinned femlala at a venue...
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that depends on do you like face 4's and what DC are you on
Going to the massage parlor too sis? The catboy will massage your pussy if you ask
i would only do such a thing with my eb
Dynamis, and I love femra of all types.
do you guys think 100 max collectability turn ins on top of having 4k purple scrips is going to be enough for all the new books on day one? my inventory is screaming in agony atm
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Any race or gender since all it takes is nice, thoughtful friends. I'm a male middie, FWIW.
What if I already do that~
They've always been 500 (new scrips) for a single book. So if you have 4k you got it.
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She's cowardly and meek.
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I love getting homeland security ads on my favorite platform x.com
...anon.....master books are orange......
wrong region then, my femra's womb goes unseeded again..
We can always meet on Materia
im ending it all
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>Have nightmares when feet hang off the bed
>normally it's a generic jumpscare, or sound so loud it hurts my ears when I wake up
>this time is the one where I'm happily with someone and in love with them
>worst dream yet
Time to git gud at pvp so I can become someone's thread crush
werent they second tier scrips in endwalker
I’m sure she is powerful… just a crumb…
You also need orange scrips for the mats
just keep dying to them
Is there a single other lalafell there? I usually leave if I’m the only one.
I'll be your EB
i have one BITCH
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Had a dream my thread crush invited me to their irl wedding (to not me) and spent like an hour dazed after I woke up.
I'm the only one here...
Why are yellow quests still a thing?
Do they offer anything other skippable cutscenes occasionally?
I'll be your backup EB then
>casual-midcore static lf1m caster DPS(not BLM)
My people are oppressed...
theres like 2 or 3 that have minions but no generally speaking
oh yeah? the extremes are "easy" this time around huh? then explain how I get people in my "farm" groups that can't move to the right place in Mountain Fire in time and then die during adds or lp stacks
This meme isn't very much in the spirit of the Cornservant, friend.
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i dont believe in backup ebs perish
You aren’t welcome there sis, you should leave before they ask you to go.
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corn is not a personality
I already feel awkward..
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give me your best pickup lines.
I'm trying to EB a qt femhroth
Holy shit is that Meteor?
BLM weren’t fun to bring even when they did good damage…
999x Mythbrine Aethersand
999x Mythloam Aethersand
999x Mythroot Aethersand
4995x Sungilt Aethersand
4995x Yak T'el Spring Water
999x Fine Silver Ore
999x Harmonite Ore
999x Turali Alumen
999x Wild Ja Tiika Bananas
999x Sweet Kukuru Bean
999x Turali Pineapple
999x Mesquite Beans
999x Ipe Log
999x Nopaliflower
999x Eucalyptus
999x Ut'ohmu Tomato
999x Turali Aloe
999x Kozama'uka Chamomile
999x Turali Corn
999x White Pepper
999x Bell Pepper
999x Wind Parsley
999x Yyasulani Garlic
999x Pearl Grass
999x Windsbalm Bay Leaf
999x Blackseed Cotton Boll
999x Broccoli
200x Acacia Lumber
500x Claro Walnut Lumber
200x Titanium Gold Nugget
500x Ra'Kaznar Ingot
500x White Gold Ingot
500x Black Star
100x Gomphotherium Leather
100x Gargantua Leather
100x Rroneek Serge
500x Thunderyards Silk
999x Grade 1 Gemsap of Strength
999x Grade 1 Gemsap of Dexterity
999x Grade 1 Gemsap of Vitality
999x Grade 1 Gemsap of Intelligence
999x Grade 1 Gemsap of Mind
100x Tungsten Ink
500x Magnesia Whetstone
999x Sanctified Water
999x Dark Rye Flour
333x Cooking Mezcal
999x Ut'ohmu Chili Sauce
999x Mountain Salt
999x Royal Maple Syrup
999x Turali Corn Oil
999x Whipped Cream
100x Rarefied Sykon Bavarois
100x Rarefied Tacos de Carne Asada
You haven't been to Iowa i see.
Are you a femlala because I'm going to mash until you're my mashed popoto pudding drizzled in my sour cream
No joke the hottest malera ITT. I can just feel how his long, virile, big purple cock knocks up every woman in a 5 mile radius.
Walk up to them and type /dote.
It works depending on the recipient.
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how big is that knot
I can see why you're still single.
Why not?
shut the fuck up cringe neckbeard cuck obsessed with blacked shitted porn
Don't talk shit about my little cornbro
Real answer: all mechanics in the game are slowly introduced via dungeons and raids as you progress through the story. Sometimes they will have slight changes and different combinations or duration. Encounter designers have been fairly good about keeping things consistent so that the playerbase can evolve and learn as new content is released.
Explain why I'm so corny then.
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do you need 999 pineapples? we don't even know what the best food is going to be
its pretty neat, can recommend
Your so hot you must be nuclear, because damn I want to start a family with you.
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Need Omega femhroth...
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that's why you get 999 of every DT food ingridient
My knees would wobble if someone said this to me.
>hottest malera itt
>only 3 have been posted
Subtle, I like it
Usually want the rest of the party to flex around them
I have bentamelded indagnator rightside, should i penta the new blackstar and use it for the rest of expac or wait until next tier or tier after even maybe? I forgor how long can they last.
Works on normie girls try being less uptight and lame :)
what the fuck are you saying jessie
can't even tell you how many times that shit and the e12sp1 buster killed me as a dps because they're threat based
I still can't believe people actually find femhroth appealing in any way.
They're built like fucking Abby from The Last of Us II.
they space out while doing boring shit for the hundredth time, perhaps?
Sorry I'm just playing hard to get, I actually want your sunnie to plap me.
anyone else get dced
No, he's unironically really hot. Even from the pool of all malera i've seen posting itt, not a lot of purple ones.
My femlala wouldn’t get it until she ran it through her head a few times. She’d respond with /thumbsup and targeting someone else.
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"can you ruin my life please?"
That’s what I keep saying, but people lost off-mode shit at me and the say I’m wrong. At least femhroth faces can look kinda okay, unlike Abby.
i dced for 80% of an ex2 pull and we still cleared
damn dude this got you perplexed?
I bet you dont even get why uncles lust over fat chicks
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Hey, babe, can I borrow a kiss? I promise to give it right back. ;) The winky face is VERY important.
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Why are all German hroths narcissistic dirtbags?
>most Germans are nice people
>most hroths are nice people
What is it about the combination of Germans and Hroths that produces a shit stain?
Most people don't, it's just a handful of extremely obnoxious and vocal furfags itt.
DB did insane damage to this general and he wasnt even a good chemo
hello please rip out my intestines and eat them
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yeah me neither bros I just don't get it
german furries are awful and those are the ones who would play hroth
where are you getting the good groups that are actually farm parties? on dynamis there's always someone who got carried and is now terrorizing pf
If act didn't exist we would be in a early gw2 situation. Endgame content would have been gatekept by a small sub 1% group of players. People would use striking dummies, recording software and math to determine "best" jobs and slightly underperfoming ones would never be picked by said small elitist group to ensure high standards.
who? Deez Butts?
Your Orthos aetherpool arm flickers. Its strength is now +2.
I consider myself an arch-coomer and even I can't get hard at femhroths. Are people really that deranged that they want to fuck actual cats?
Don't worry a lot of people are more hands on learners, I'd be happy to demonstrate what I mean for you.
My Femezen
Has been making 200 tacos per day for materia
And failing melds on my tools
"Hey do you wanna EB as friends for the items and play the game together like normally? Maybe even engage in some light married life rp cringe every now and then?" then they call me dear/honey/wife or something.

Yup, that's the stuff.
everything is easy except savage
and even if you die it doesn't matter at all really
>extremely mannish race
>they mod giant animal cocks on them as well
They’re skipped the gay phase of perversion and went straight to inhuman monstrosities.
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>oh my gooood not the tall and physically fit women!!! how can anyone like this!!!!
Are you trying to be in that radius?
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if sera was right about one thing.
never even really happened outside of the cancer opti groups that would just run 10 chronos but 99% of groups did not do this
Wanna RP playing house?
You can be the door, and I'll slam you.
>Every poal has been overwhelmingly in favor of femhroths being liked or loved with over 50 votes each.
You're wrong.
The femhroth haters are the vocal minority.
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everyone knows this is peak female sexuality
Hows the triple triad grind these days?
i like this art
anyway last night i woke myself up by trying to breathe through my nose and it being blocked so i guess i partly suffocated, i think i need to see a doc about this shit
This would get a /blush from my femlala.
>"physically fit"
Bro they have bigger shoulders than the Hulkster.
Why so much more sungilt than anything else
>DB did insane damage to discord bingers
Race? I can't tell...
Abby from The Last of Us II is not coated in soft fur.
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Sorry, I only direct my corny pickup lines towards my male PVP crush.
this post reeks of artificial estrogen
I don't much meet with anons in fear of schizophrenics but otherwise i'd be grabbing those horns and riding you all night long, yes.
penta indagator right side might not work with the new master recipe thresholds, like you straight up might not be able to start crafting the items even with the new food
I hate that my femlala will never be seen as cute
You're nice. I give them 1 as a GNB
>3 yes, one no answer
>no i dont give a fuck answer
is there a bias here? Im not sure.
I hope it's me
ok but you are also falling into the classic data trap where you extrapolate the truth from the sample size you can get from fflogs without any knowledge what the total size of the playerbase is

"I sampled 20 people, 5 of the spoke french, that means maybe 8% of the planet speaks french if I make some assumptions about the total number of people in the world"
Okay, here's another:
And how might I convince you there's nothing to fear?
MOMMY sorry MOMMY sorry MOMMY sorry sorry MOMMY
>extremely, totally, completely organic replies
who's asking you to?
>t. never ran dungeons in vanilla gw2

even in hot there was only one "correct" meta comp for raids comprised of 2 druids 2 chronos 2 banner wars and 4 tempests

Want to play a reaper or scraper in a raid? too bad, not meta, fuck off
And another:
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le 4chan boogieman
sometimes you gotta popout and show niggas
What if a malera said it?
im on primal
Sunglit will be used for pots
along with my guild, i sold lowman clears and achievements in gw2 for USD
so i can tell you that you're fucking retarded and have no idea what you're talking about
>even in hot there was only one "correct" meta comp for raids comprised of 2 druids 2 chronos 2 banner wars and 4 tempests
no one actually gave a fuck to do this
I remember playing necromancer in GW2 and trying out the dungeons and they had stupid shit like "you gotta press the roll button on time or die" bosses
its over.
im also on primal
Oh look, femhroths tied with femcat for 3rd place in this "most loved" poll:
The poals are neat because they prove what I've always suspected that the anons that go
>NO ONE LIKES [insert race here]
Are just a very loud minority
I got asked to leave the venue..
I don't know what I should play then.. fiera? I don't like how people treat me as a femlala
Yeah I did like 2 dungeons in GW2 ever and they were boring & gay and I never stepped foot inside them again lol.
My height 50 moonie is dangerously close to becoming a height 17 moonie...
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>WoL after saving Ala Mhigo
I bought 100 maps for cheap as fuck so I can sell them for 500k once maps gets good
damn dude that is like ... 2 inches of a difference
How 100? Alts?
So if I only care to farm Aethersand to sell should I farm Sungilt?
Really?! I love you tho
i dont even know who your boogeyman is right now but 90% of race poals are just people playing said races voting for themselves
Exactly. They largely appear to be either schizo posts looking for attention or deranged haters. Either way: they're an infinitesimally small minority.
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Your HONEST opinion on plugins?
My moonie only liberated Ala mhigo because she thought it'd be funny watching them try to self govern
Friends in FC, you can store 20 in mailboxes
Probably? It's cheaper compared to other ones, but you can farm it 24/7, you get more of it per one reduction, and it's gonna be used in bigger amounts
You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.
day of the rope in t-two more weeks......
I want to smooch a femhroth so bad
don't care
Plugins are dishonest and I don't trust them to not scrape data or do other unfortunate things.
Man, that sucks. I think any venue that doesn't treat lala players equally are kind of just being assholes. I'd just keep looking for other places to go.
I don't play Lala but when I re-sub I'm seriously thinking of making a venue that stresses that lala players are a-okay
They've ruined both the rp scene and pf
destroy gooner plugins now
did you know it is legal to kill moonies on the international waters?
Does any Female character+ want to do hypnosis on a miera?
What if I'm the only one who's line I haven't crossed?
They’re cool
It’s going to do a lot more damage to the game though
Anything that doesnt play the game for you is fine i guess. some of the modbeasts are a little weird, but shit like speech bubbles are fine.
I have a crush on RC
Then you need to go into war with yourself
Step one, fentanyl
are they better or worse than a pf with a password?
I am a penta legend/w1 raider and the only reason I come to these threads is to see the coomer modbeasts' screens. If you really wanna do content with "good" players then you will have to join the trannycord recruitment servers.
they're fucking rad
if there was a world where nobody could "cheat" or cheat(real), I would prefer it though
Irreversible damage to this game's community, but it really started with ACT back in Heavensward and isn't a new development.
Despite "requiring" a plugin to actually play fast weave jobs like MCH or RPR myself, I would gladly give them up if it meant all plugins would go away forever.
Yea? That would mean that a good number of people must like that race if they're friggin' playing them.
>What about other people?
What ABOUT other people? Are you so weak willed that the opinion of some dude across the internet affects how you interact with the game?
My femlala is pretty sub - liking malera is a necessity.
Don't ask, don't tell
What if the greatest threat we find across the sea...is me?
there isn't a single job in this game that has been tuned to require double weaving
I am pretty sure yoship intends all content to be cleared with just single weaving
Irrevocable doom. ACT was the first sin to truly corrupt and destroy this game, though.
A PF with a password does not have the capability to scrape data off your computer.
i literally dont care
big fan myself
tell that to the anon that always complains when a pf has a password
t. tourist that hasn't played Viper
>Yea? That would mean that a good number of people must like that race if they're friggin' playing them.
that obviously makes the poal data useless as it's biased, there's a reason no one takes them seriously
>What ABOUT other people? Are you so weak willed that the opinion of some dude across the internet affects how you interact with the game?
op was the one affected enough to make the initial post, not me
no im not leveling fucking viper go away yoshi piss
artisan has saved me so much time
Bratty femlala for my fulala to use and then discard..
Irrevocably damaged integrity of the game
Because square enix ignored it for so long they effectively gave a green light for everyone to use them.
From purely logical point of view if your goal is to succeed(clear a raid or dd, craft, fish etc) it would be stupid to not use them. Being pure right now is like not summoning or not using weapon with bleed in Elden Ring. Purely self imposed challenge.
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Bros... I tried your pickup lines.... the qt femhroth just left the club...
What if I'm the problem that's been hiding all along?
Shouldn't use them. It's not allowed.
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HOW THE FUCK DO YOU GET A PURPLE ON EX1 AS WARRIOR i feel like i've had great uptime and the only spots that get fucky are the feathers during lightning and the adds phase where you split. what am i doing wrong???
I'm a bratty femlala but I'm builded for wholesome, innocent interactions with male characters.
All weaves don't have the same animation lock
It is super noticeable with Dancer, fan dances have almost no animation lock to them at all
That means the game has intentionally made some abilities to be easier/harder to double weave than others
Which ones did you try specifically?
You could have just asked her what her favorite class is and if she enjoyed the DT story. She's playing the game and thus you have a shared interest by default.
are you using food and potions?
are you in 700+ gear?
I carry a smartphone on my person - a plug-in knowing i play waaaay too much ffxiv is small potato’s in terms of invasive data gathering.
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I’m camping till last then killing all of you trickshotters
Food, pots, BiS, kill time???
>Been trying to farm EX1 so much for wings
>Haven't even touched EX2
Should I just at least complete it still im at a loss
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Pick up lines only work if you’re not ugly forgot to mention that
all the above
Improves the game in every aspect
>there isn't a single job in this game that has been tuned to require double weaving
GNB, DRG, MCH, DRK, BRD say hello
bro your adds padding?
My malera is the opposite, he's a bus - a bout to bus inside of your femlala.
prove it
Anon, you're missing the point. The poal literally asks if you like the race. If they like it enough to PLAY IT, it means they like the race. If the poals was meant to determine if people of other races liked it then sure, you might have a point, but you're trying to get the wrong data from the whole thing.
>op was the one affected enough to make the initial post, not me
Again, you're missing my point. I don't care what you say and do on a mongolion basket weaving thread, I mean that the opinions of people across the net aren't going to change what race people are playing

I think we're just talking about two widely different topics and they got crossed at some point
Take a dancer friend and have them partner you.
As in biggers? Gross.
ACT has memory hooking capability (that's how it functions) and does not restrict that from plugins. Plugins can easily hook other processes, including system processes, to scrape whatever they want. It's not just your FF playtime they can get.
need smelly feet wife...
i tried this and got nuked, i thought i could stand directly on the feather next to the safe spot but NOPE lmao. do I need to OT rather than MT or something???
i don't have one of those....
Best I can do is smelly pits
femhroth are gross, yes.
Most of us just avoid them
Yes, male midlanders and lalaboys specifically if that's what you choose to call them.
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>picks Keeper of the Moon instead of Seeker of the Sun
>makes that his entire personality
Why has the modern male fallen?
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buttshot please
Fulalas are natural, but racemixing with icky biggers is not.
Holmgang the boss. If it’s lightning first you’ll get IR and feather padding. Make sure you’re using the right melds too. Purple should be cake it’s only a bitch to get 99 or higher
Best part of the CUL quest-line desu
>i tried this and got nuked, i thought i could stand directly on the feather next to the safe spot but NOPE lmao. do I need to OT rather than MT or something???
invuln and tell your healsluts to adjust
yes all dragoon players know this
You didn't beat savage
mt/ot doesn’t matter. during adds with the line stacks you can primal wrath both the middle add and the one your party is hitting. during the feathers you can also primal wrath the boss + feather your party is killing. not sure if the other primal skills will work for this padding this part
>have to make my party adjust around me
i don't think i'm cut out for this bros...
Stop wasting your pink on a parse. Save it for your hole
most of the cat posters aren't bad but this one is genuinely one of the saddest people in the general
you're playing warrior so you can probably just heal yourself back up
I can't drink more than one cup of coffee anymore because otherwise I'm at high risk of anxiety and palpitations now
GNB or WAR which one will get me the most friends and fun times
Ninja, dragoon, and gunbreaker all knew this
im confused..........

should i be using DRK's invun in dungeons
only if you're in a premade with the healer
Do you ever die?
PLD mains tend to be the biggest friend collectors
If you're about to die, OR coordinate with healer so they know they can focus on dps while you're unkillable, I think it can work
yup this hrothgal is a wife
Just tell your healer before you pull that you're poping your invul
>accept quest in foundation
um yoship??? it's not christmas???
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>2 members of static decided they don't actually want to play DT after all
>rest of the group decides if we're not doing it all together they're out as well
>suddenly no desire to play or find a new group
Yeah the self heal is pretty strong, but most df healers won't let you proc it, but then won't get you back up so you just die anyways and then they say drk is shit
Good morning /xivg/
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Made for ntr
you can very clearly see the curves on the model that Abby does not fucking have
I think you're the bratty one and need to be put in your place...
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When you holmgang pop thrill and rampart save bloodwhetting and equilibrium after the last feather hits. Boss is casting so he’s not gonna auto you after last feather lands. Healers have to top you up for blue/purple marks anyway
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Okay, let's try this again to see if the winds of opinion have changed.
you just know what.....?
plugins at large provide genuine quality of life improvements square cant be bothered to add such as the xiv instant messenger, chat bubbles, fps tracker, and ping tracker to name a few. I don't agree with botting or otherwise cheating your way through content but i do think there's nuance to it that goes past reducing it to all or nothing stances.
how do you get different lense effects on portraits
I rag on femhroths, but they're not bad or anything. Most femhroths I know are pleasant people. Lovely, even.

Damn shame about them looking like fridges.
What’s so good about it
he literally is
luckily his unfaithful "EB" was exposed as an obvious alt and hasn't posted here since dawntrail, probably because he's been playing on his main
Morning friend
huhhhh okay. I'll have to give this a shot>>487282701
alongside this. didn't realize those abilities could hit both
They're the most shapely of all females besides the shoulders. If you think they're fridges you must be either using mods, or you think every other female is a twig or brick wall...
Fulalas are freaks of nature and you're completely ruining the appeal of femlalas by slapping a dick on yours. If you want to have one, then go play a male character retard.
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>besides the shoulders.
That's literally why they're fridges
the devs made hypnosis canon
it is so over
Thoughts on Alisaie's stinky panties?
literally me
that's not what a fridge body is dumb nigga
femezen are the closest to being fridges but even they have skinny waists
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at the end of the thread
my femroe will come to your aid
you don't know what a fridge body shape is, apparently. it's the same width from the chest down.
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Just like me, fr fr.
just did honey b bros.....and im totally fine because im not a meme spouting faggot

black cat is better
Fridge cope
Wtf I like femroes now???? Do they like sunnies
Why does monk's 3rd hit (snap punch/pouncing coeurl) do less damage than the 2nd hit (true strike/rising raptor)
Is Dawntrail the most fetish-friendly expac? There’s just so much drone and hypo content. And there’s also the world-famous armpit and little girl shit with Sphene and the pelupelu. Did devs finally realize that FFXIV is THE sex game of 2024?
You owe my sunnie+ sex.
Shush, you couldn't even if you tried. I'm too full of myself..

No thanks.
where do i find a trans femra puppygirl like this
Yes Macchi
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Moonie sex cum. Keeper of the Moon rape semen. Keeper of the Sun boob ass rape cum penis. Sex.
a boo hoo hoo
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join my moonie in conquering the north american party finder scene this tier
not until they have Y'shtola fart after too many turali tacos
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Yeah, to kill the boss after the healer dies. Basically once the healer goes down, use your mits on your best dps and living dead to heal yourself. No other reason to use it in dungeons - the healer can keep you up with just ogcds no problem.
They are about as shapely as femroes, who are on the lower end of shapely purely due to bulk and their big size making this game's moderate breast shapes more apparent. The shoulders being square and their muscles being thick doesn't help their situation at all.
PLEASE fart on my sunnie I will do anything
My catboy is curious about how femra scales feel...
Be nice, I'm sure they smell lovely.
retard cope
just off screen there's a big black Ala Mhigan who beats him up and plaps the bees
Like your nails.
Their horns are made of keratin.
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>click dps class
>Like 70 different buttons to click that all sound pretty similar
I dunno
These are worth the queue times?
I wish this femroe liked miera
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>this femroe hates male lalafell
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Heavily-armored Roe will go with you
If that's okay, I mean...
I only use chat bubbles and BDTH
unironically agree, they stand around hoping some worthless fuck is gonna give them some attention at the uldah bench and they did that shit alot at the enclave too. just pathetic. not to mention their shitnose, 4 eyed freak is hideous
Femhroths have the widest hips, biggest ass, abd fattest thighs of all females both in raw size anf relative to the rest of their body.
they arent, but for some reason people are afraid to tank or heal in pugs so they just deal with the queue times.
But they have hairy tits
There is no way DRK can main tank these extremes comfortably without healers babysitting their HP its honestly sad how little sustain they have. TBN only does so much at the end of the day
Complimenting this COOL and STRONG femroe and making her blush, CUTE!!
And yet their size, bulk, and musculature make their wide hips look square, their fat thighs look a little too meaty, and their ass ahahaha asses in japanese games
Hey... do you like to be feminized?
does that mean that they can whip his back like a flog using their tail?
kinda wanna...
my moonie is evil and cold and only shows her soft side around her eb
that's what happens when you fuck with gardening.
Actually adorable as fuck ;3
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Hrothgal/Femroe with big tits and nipple piercings for my sunnie+
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my moonie looks like this
post moonie
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Yes, healers should be healing the job that can take multiple hits from the thing that would 2-3shot anyone else from autos.
Where's the erp scene?
mebbe >.>
>ask futard for male content
>"okay but do you want to be a girl?"
gay malera doko...
but that's my meena? (he's wearing pads and hiding his bunny ears)
Post now!
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Queen Speen
My male midlander forces femlalas to dogeza and apologize for being slutty, lewd lalas before making them beg for bigger cock and so far, not a single one has refused
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I simply do not find furries attractive and most people that are in to them are very weird and pushy about how you have to be in to them or else you're secretly gay
Feminization isn't about making some a tranny retard, it's more about the humiliation aspect and stripping away masculine attributes
please post your moonies
> fattest thighs of all females relative to the rest of their body.
This is not remotely true, but I’ve already posted my lala too many times.
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I am
a femlala
who's logging in
Femroe bros are eating good
I've MT'd on both extremes on DRK its not that bad but autos can add up if you aren't mitigating properly.
i will never post my moonie
shroud moonies can suck my balls!!!
I have now defeated the bee for the twelfth time this morning, because I wanted to get that out of the way first. And it's the only fight that drops two boot tokens and a glove token.
We're not up to 50 votes yet, but so far the trend hasn't changed.
People are mostly either positive or neutral towards femhroths.
Very, very few hate or even just dislike them.
Vocal minority of hrothhaters pls go and stay go.
My moonie was like this until she got betrayed by her eb and now her heart is black and cold permanently
If I see you post here long enough, I might jump on the chance.. this is a thinly veiled "please post more of your malera" post.
>femhroths are fridges
Blind fucks, they have the 2nd widest hip ratio after femra and their shoulders are narrow
they just have terrible armor scaling which is why sometimes they look as manly as femogres but they actually have the best bodies
My malera likes punching shit and eating pizza with the party
I don't like Wuk Lamat but I fuckin' love other femhroths
Yeah well I'm a furry fuck you
As a healer main, I prefer drk to war for these extremes. Literally 50% of the time warriors eat shit to regicidal rage or go into projection of triumph with 4 freaking vuln stacks and get vaporized.
I'm gonna make you too full of myself instead...
Swap to JP voice.
Not even joking.
mine would react the same and maybe even attempt suicide
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>Voted I dislike them
I dont hate em, I dont really negatively post about them, i find them really wonky looking and Awkward.
take me on the othard routes I've never been
my dick
my heart
Good for you man
i am a moonie
looking to eb a moonie
and then be unfaithful to them
My veena likes using magick to pretend that she can play instruments.

Everyone knows she's faking it, but they honestly don't mind. She's still pretty good at it.
I need femhroth catbox right now
That makes the vocal minority of haters even smaller and more der
thats not going to fix how she looks.
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I want to marry then impregnate Lamaty'i, if she was real.
Swap to FR or DE voice
remove warrior players being shitters from the equation then tell me if your opinion changes
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The pheromones made me do it...
May you enjoy your headcanon greatly, schizo-kun!
Gotta love when your cat hits the enter key...
I love using my melee lb on the second dungeon boss
Fuck your magic DPS LB on mobs
Hrothgals don't have fridge bodies but you're outright lying about the shoulders. Just post one naked front-facing view lol
Still, all the more better to raise strong children
we've all seen the screenshot
my moonie laying out her plans to forcibly unite the shroud moonie tribes under one flag to conquer all of eorzea
DPS only bab here
Gonna get into tanking, I was gonna try Gunbreaker. What'd be a good healer to learn?
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My malera on the left.
>wuk lamat is LE BAD
tranny obsessed chuds will die seething at one of the best and most loved characters just because her voice actor happens to be a tranny with a passing voice
she is a low iq funny cute tomboy with a good heart, literally everything you fat incels like but the voice actor completely mindbroke you and honestly that's a good thing
you chuds don't deserve good things
I'd like to see you try..
It's not just her voice, she acts like she's 17. Also, other femhroths look like big cats while she has a literal kitten face.
My sense of humor is fried, I was chuckling about this for several minutes after I saw the character
me either boss, log in and let's fucking GOOOO (in 2 hours)
make a new op or i'll make a slutty lalafell op
this is your only warning
peeta you didn't use the tank limit break
4/10 you'll get some bites
peetah you forgot to activate tank stance!
What talking to Wuk does to a man...
She is literally a generic anime tomboy character but a cat girl lmao
3/10 you're trying too hard now
my catboy leaving beer cans above legal ABV limit outside of her moonie cave by accident but the wood wailers still arrest her
She's supposed to be a "genki tomboy daughter" character, anon. That's why they cast a Japanese voice actress who often takes those roles.
The story is supposed to feel like you're guiding a naive young girl through a journey of discovery, and they largely nailed it.
t. FatherofDaughtersIRL
my moonie can flicker goon for 7 seconds
i would sacrifice mods if it meant we could destroy all plugins. act included since it's used for more than just number parsing. i hate that cheating has become so rampant and widely accepted in this game.
I'm not back for 9 hours :D
My goonie swears her blade to you, milord
Cum sex rape! Boobs! SEX!
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At the end of the thread
No one will know
I love maleroes so much it's unreal
Lamaty'i thread ender
Goon Flicker - Sargatanas
peetah, you didn't even summon your caaahbuncle
Calm down Kate
I am a bratty pvp femlala who will never get put in my place and it sucks
my femra will be a sleeper agent sent by the enemy tribes to seduce your moonie and fuck her so good that you can't think about anything than sex with her and decide to settle down and get married instead and put away your plans of conquest
But ambivalent isn't the same as neutral,ambivalent is mixed feelings that is a like or dislike in a contradictory way,neutral is when you simply don't care
my moonie tip taps + southpaw sack saddles + flicker doom strokes + activates phoenician taint flow state for 7 seconds
You have your mits like everyone else, just manage them better
I swear to god tanks have all the same tools now
Broe, can you dye your glam brown?
Except the hat, dye it black.
moonie barefoot kickboxing.....
I would always lean towards White Mage first because it teaches some fundamentals in a fairly smooth way and has enough 'oh shit' buttons to be forgiving. It does have a few odd points which is why I suggest looking at one of the other healers before you completely max out WHM, but otherwise just give it a go
Also, while I'm sure you exp as a DPS is enough to cover it, if you find GNB proves kind of unintinuative to learn, I'd suggest starting with one of the level 1 tanks (Warrior or Paladin) just because the curve is smoother
What a kind-looking soul.
alisaie is a cute tomboy WE DONT NEED MORE
Before coming here to bitch about wuk I didn't even realise her VA is a you-know-what.
I assumed it was just a shitty VA.
Ambivalent is a balanced reaction, anon. It's a mix of like and dislike with a neutral balance, and is very often used as a synonym for "don't care or don't feel strongly either way".
i would play femelezen if yoship allowed us to change ages
I cannot stop jerking off whenever a female hrothgar appears on screen
That's not me though....
Alisaie is just a little boy and we need more unless she grows up
But between those in particular, WAR. GNBs tend to be kinda elitist when I meet them, WARs are an even spread of asshole elitists and PLD-tier bros.
i unironically half believe this
I like my tomboys to be legal
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I've seem barely any of them. Like three since the expansion launched.
>thought I needed hands and feet
>rolled on foot and got it
>I actually needed the chest
Well, bricked my rolls this week lol. Should've double checked first...not that it matters because crafted next week but still a lil annoyed.
I'm a - though so it would be scissoring and tribbing with a lot of hand use inbetween
its a shame squeenix realized hiring a trans VA shields their shitty work from criticism in regards to the average normie playing
dt blows ass and the most dommy mommy voice ever could have voiced wuk, still wouldn't save it
Which RC
I tried to let autoretainer run all night but I got disconnected. this disable autokick plugin was a fucking lie.
My sides are taking critical damage
>got a leg piece instead of a chest
its a special kind of pain
I get that they were going for but she looks and sounds (even in JP) like she's 20+ which makes it too silly for me when she acts like a kid. Same problem I had with Lyse (who is older than Krile but acts like she's younger than Alphinaud).
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o h yeaa....
you just want to trick him into looking like a nazi
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Play an Onsal Hakair with me at reset my dude, I need it for WT
Which way would you prefer? If you could make a cool granny Elezen? Cuz that would be pretty neat now that I think on it
he's off limits because he's eb'd
no one was talking about politics
dt sucks, simple as
>off limits because he's eb'd
That never stopped me before~
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yea sure
>Loving Wuk plapping
his EB is chronically depressed and gets drunk most days of the week
it's only a matter of time
suck my dick instead
Saving my post for the next thread
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Posting my post before the next thread
She seems closer to 16-18 to me. I think her size as a hroth is throwing you. As a male hroth she gives me very strong "late-teens daughter" vibes.
Oh, I see.
Well, the Dragon-Quest fan in my says that adventuring as a young go-getter is also pretty cool, so I suppose I kind of agree with the overall point even if we differ in other 'preferences.' So I'll concede your point friend
moonie barefoot kickboxing my femra strung up from the ceiling like a punching bag
that gato has made so many of my friends want to pose futa stuff fucking her brains out lmao. how can she be so powerful
xaela post
and then knocking her up after
Is penumbra working yet?
why are all femra into being abused
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Yes it's working for me
He's cool
yea, havent you seen all these faggots posting shitty posed porn of their beasts?
The RP would LITERALLY never recover if this was released, but I would kind of be interested in seeing what the fallout would look like.
Ironically, it might save Lalafell from being accused of looking like kids if there were literal kid characters
It's not futa, just a modded nb bun
Tan cats drive people wild
t. made yuri porn with her and my femra within a day or two of the tier launching
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stop posting this one keep her brown blease
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The 'pretty' face and large chest/pectoral/whatever threw me off, my bad
built for my miera to breed and abuse
its funnier to lie though
Thread is over so my topless fiddie won't get any attention
i'm low on energy, any suggestions?
right click and install testing version, uninstall and reload the source URL thing
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stop being retarded
post her next thread, I love fiddies so much it's unreal
If they didn't want me to lust after Alisaie they wouldn't have given her such a nice ass and hotpants.
drain my catboy of his aether
pvpbros how do i play reaper in cc?
is there a specific combo to use to 1 shot people?
No you don't. No one likes fiddies.
>lusted after hot f1 xaela
>ended up with a mid f2 raen
>and she's an alcoholic irl
kinda sad really
jo before you crash
get a femra to worship your woober
>The extended low shot of her rear-end in the DT trailer
I'm starting suspect the devs actually do want people to lust after Alisaie, now that I think about it.
How do I do that
I can't help it ok
Does this guy even do anything in game
My malezen is so shy and reserved and has such a heightened sense of subtle social queues that he regularly gets looked down on by retail workers.

He has 100 points in perception, but 0 points in charisma. He can see in vivid detail how awkward and weird he is being percieved as, but he has no ability to change this at all.
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yeah my ass is congested lol
post the catboy
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savage eb like this?
cute cute cute CUTE
Right click on penumbra, and click install testing version. If you can't figure it out, then just follow this guide https://reniguide.carrd.co/
>skirt is just a glorified belt
Dumb fetish, coomers can take a hot idea (upskirts, no panties) and remove all eroticism from it.
so you're saying she drinks like a fish ?
Why the fuck is trick attack not a 20 second duration when literally every other damage buff is 20 seconds?
its social cues actually
death warrant + 8 stacks + communico
I am a pent-up fulala!
That's true but my excuse is I just necked two glasses of gin, apologies.
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Its just a meme
do i not use the melee combo in shroud?
it's in our nature
how did you know????
yes please!
keeping this fulala pent up on purpose
my moonie's sack of nuts is full
oh hey i think i remember that hentai

good shit
I think I'm retarded, when I right click it jsut says reset plugin data and reload
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we like moonies
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Doing this to your femxaela
Then just follow the guide https://reniguide.carrd.co/
mine are about half full
we love our moonies people yes we do
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god DAMN
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post proof that she's +
go to dalamud settings and under the experimental tab enable get testing builds
yes but post more of your moonie please
new thread..............
You have a finite amount of time before death warrant activates. Two melee attacks will do the same damage as communico and takes even longer to get out.
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my moonie
healers should /grovel in front of tanks and kiss their boots after every duty
Petting and tucking this fat cat into bed
she looks like she gives great hugs
I have never gone to Solution Nine and not seen him crafting..
Nah, Tank's armour makes for a better footrest~
need this need this need this need this need this need this need this need this need this need this
what mask is that
Backed up fulalas? Moonies with feet? Fiddies that fuck dogs? Yep, that’s Final Fantasy XIV and you like this.
any grey moonies itt?
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i'm revoking your croc tail privileges
I'd rather they kiss woob
yep. nuts full btw
>need to wait 5 minutes before making a thread
there goes my funny op idea
Protect me tank daddy uwu
I die on purpose bc I know you’ll just clear for me anyways uwu
>kiss their boots
I've got a better idea...
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We hit 900 without a new thread so here
One day you will reach a low where you will beg to be saved.

And you will look to escapism, and find it wanting. And you will look to hedonism, and find it wanting. And you will look to your fellow man, and find them wanting. But when you have sunk to the lowest you have ever been, when you feel like nothing could ever save you, when you lose all hope and find yourself in deepest despair. There, you will find God, and he will embrace you.
For me it's apathetic handjobs from femraen
I think tanks and healers should shamelessly flirt and canoodle while doing the dungeon run
i would unironically kill every single one of those posters if i could get away with it
yep nuts quartered btw
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gn Fat Cat fren
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hey now I don't like those. I'm into futa suncats. I *do* have some self-respect and will not get dragged down to their level!!
Iirc Krile(?) mentions that she’s only a little older than the twins. So yeah the kitten face sorta makes sense?
testing versions might not be available in seaofstars repo, add this one https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xivdev/Penumbra/master/repo.json
I love fat cats so much it's unreal
In game fat cats; I think cats should be a healthy and sustainable weight in real life
healers should only get dick as a reward and not too often so they never take you for granted
My goonie is on location
now that the thread is over, please post juicy, jiggly butts.

no need for catbox either <3
None of my old mods work :(
>be sprout
>running a dungeon
>tank dies
>tells me to stop adjusting my buttplug
sucks to be you
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>healers should only get dick as a reward and not too often
she doesn't hate them, don't be silly! she's way too nice to do something like that
you forgot masochist femra
then see if they're updated idk, sometimes shit breaks, try reloading the game and see if it fixes
B is for bread. Where new bread
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!!!! ATTENTION !!!!
>Moonies with feet? Fiddies that fuck dogs?
swap these and its accurate
!!!! ATTENTION !!!!
upgrade them via textools
nice, thank you for delivering
I dont get why there are two weeks of normal
I like the idea of a masochist tank that needs me to let them live and is the sole reason for their existence

femra are just doormat subs and boring to play with
DOGS with FEET? How scandalous...
How can I be more interesting as a doormat sub
I think it's meant to give people a little bit more time to get gear together, similar to the fact that the delay for the raid at all is to give people time to do the story
I personally think that raiders complain that they """HAD""" to skip through the msq just because they wanted to race for world first are kind of lame
I don't use textools
NTA, but grovel more, be express yourself more in how pathetic you are <3
time to start
the mod migration tools in penumbra are underbaked
show initiative, interest and don't just wait to be grabbed by the horns
disobey or mess up commands etc
add to the scene
Model B-1 Tactical Halfmask from doing PVP
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moonies on tap!

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