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Emotional Regulation Edition

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>Previous Thread
medic booba - summer edition
Trannies are bad, and they're trying to shove their gay shit into everything.
Including this game.
"tf2?" faggot can eat a dick.
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>tfw no medic bf
6th for they snuck a groomer flag into the game
one day anon...one day
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Contactor Joshua Ashton (Joshie) won
Summer 2025 will add a Blahaj shark cosmetic and there's nothing you can do about it
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I fuck him or her whatever he calls himself
>wrong previous thread
you had one job
i can't wait for the scout crop top to get added
Embargo is great, I hope it gets to be part of the regular payload maps. Watching blue scouts gib trying to jump on the helicopter at round start is never going to get old.
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A huge focus for these recent updates seem to be adding new maps for forgotten gamemodes
Which one do you guys think they'll focus on next, PASS time or Mannpower?
He doesn't add items, he just fixes the shitty coding.
prop hunt or deathrun
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>hears announcers
into the trash it goes
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pass time was made by a third party so never ever any new maps added unless red robot comes back from life (people have asked about community maps before and that was basically valves response if I recall correctly)
Iirc they refuse to do anything with pass time because they outsourced the game mode entirely. They might not even be allowed to mess with it, but it's also one of many "work on something, release it, and then never touch it again" feature like so many other features before it.
Like decals, or killstreak effects.
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Special Delivery
Territorial Control
More Haarp-like maps
More Standin-like maps
>Pass Time
They can't add new maps because they somehow don't own the rights to the game mode
Unless Dario Casali comes back and decides to work on TF2, I doubt it
they can't add shit to mannpower without dario casali's permission
they can't add shit to pass time without bad robot's permission
Any NA East normie Heavy mains went a pocket Medic?
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Or picrel.
I don’t even play tf2 anymore yet still browse here
I was wrong in my initial judgement, burghausen is actually pretty fun
but it would be better if all points were on one stage
Can you even get the replay hats anymore?
Only trash here is your opinion. The announcers are fine.
No, you can only get the Director's Vision taunt.
konata cock
how big?
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>can't add maps to a video game because a movie company owns the gamemode
copyright law was a mistake
or sd or tc or coaching or training or pyroland or mvm or plr
how do you still have no friends you loser?
Get your ears checked, they sound terrible, literally amateurs (probably mappers' friends) doing horrible fake accents
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Its all bogeymen.
Like why Konami won't reprint air neos.

Has anyone in the community ever made a pass time map? If someone could put together a good map with a seasonal theme, I'm sure it could get in.
>"early access to our new maps"
>none of them release
Man, valve really wants to make sure these maps are absolutely perfect. Decade long dev cycle for like two God damned maps.
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It's FROYOver
I'm looking for the best of the best. No one has been up to par yet
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I bought the desk engineer before the tranny flag fiasco occured
did I get groomed?
There are but they're mostly small arenas played in a 4v4 format, not meant to be added officially
Only if you started sucking cock and wearing programming socks because of your acquisition of said shirt.
You see that flat texture on your shirt?
Clip inside of yourself and see whats on the underside.
that sounds nice
Coaching could be stealth removed tomorrow and nobody would notice or care
nah he's right they're doodoo
Seems like you got groomed then. Rip.
You're protranny now
I miss cactus canyon like you would not believe
still can't believe they removed it
the revised version was also shit, didn't they straight up remove like 2/3 of it, or get rid of stage 2 & 3?
The latest official version only has stage 1 and 3.
The "Redux" version merged them together as a single stage.
Either way, the original stage 2 is dead.
>horrible fake accents
yes because tf2 must have really accurate accents
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They removed the second stage making only 2 stages
If you want to huff some hopium Cayle George (the guy behind the map) came back to Valve in 2023 according to his CV so there's a smidge of hope he might finish it...someday
Gay, all of it was kino
All of TF2 is fake accents, but they're not horrible fake accents recorded on a bestbuy bargain bin mic by a manchild
why the fuck did valve tell a film company to make a GAMEMODE
ALSO mannpower is OWNED BY VALVE, HOMEBREW. waiting for the mannpower maps, come on already
The mercs sounds fine because they're actually adults and professional voice actors doing them
The Embargo announcers sound like teenagers and half the time you can't hear what they're saying. They're shit, either get someone that can do the voices right or just stick to the Administrator (especially since it's a payload map and didn't need them in the first place)
you shouldnt have bought it in the first place because it makes engineer have popeye forearms
mannpower is a shit gamemode
didn't some doom dev or something waste an inordinate amount of time making it only for 12 people to end up abusing broken powerups to become unkillable?
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Post your soldiers
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Boycott? haha sorry, I just won't do it! (haha I just won't!)
Like uhh, yeah, I'm not gonna do it, at all haha!
The best buy bargain mic makes it sound like your actually being yelled at by your Puerto Rican principle over the school PA and it's perfect.

Blue side announcer is meh. But not so bad that I actually mind. Like her voice isn't shrill or grating.
I remember, with the sleeping dogs promos, that one of the people working on it tried to include a reference to facepunch in the texture for the neon annihilator. It was "props2fp", and got manually edited by a valve employee to "def2fp". (and now facepunch is dead, and replaced with an absolute reddit tier shithole)
Now apparently they can't even check for ideological statements being snuck in for hollow "we won!" "victories".
Or more realistically Eric just can't be bothered to manually check every item, and assumes that people won't try and sneak retarded shit into the game.
>opening current case and not a shitty past case
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still dont' know what this boycott is about, got some people sperging on my youtube about it but wouldn't say what was even broken to be fixed.
Gonna post what you open coward?
The texture is already in your game even if you dont use it. Cope and seethe.
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Wow that sucks dude ahahahaha
What's the /tf2g/ verdict?
Great effect. Its dumb you cant wear a hat with the spook specs. Wish I had gotten collectors kits back then.
Can I have the unsualifier?
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Detective Dubois, I presume?
your soldiers
>Shellmet Color #70161453 or whatever
>Pocket Med
>Kringle Collection
No it sounds like amateur hour and it really sticks out like a sore thumb
cope and seethe when people casually mod it out lol
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This is so bad
>Mod it out
Adds a file while leaving the original
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>dude that did the model work for the desk engineer has nine items in game
>they were added in four different updates over the course of two years (first item was added in summer 2022, most recent is four items + in summer 2024, with one item added in halloween 2022 and three items added in winter 2023)
>first tf2 item uploaded to the workshop was in 2021
Is this nigga an industry plant or something? Does he have something on Eric? That much success in such a short time is almost suspect.
>troon flag added to tf2
>days later, famous tranny outed as a pedo
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now %100 canadian
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I agree, Soldier is so bad.
>he made the hat I use on engineer
well, time to switch hats I guess
>opening the new case
good luck on getting a literally worthless unusual i guess
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me on the left
I miss cactus canyon stage 2 so much it's unreal
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not all bad, like 70% decent enough
wait wtf there are two eagles in the game?
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We were supposed to boycott this update...
why'd they add two of the same cosmetic
Bald eagles mate for life, so it was cruel to seperate them.
it was funny
back in the cagie konawagie, you WILL spend your minimum wage on tf2 keys
Because Eric apparently doesn't remember what items are already in game.
Hell, didn't an item in this latest update have to be renamed because it shared a name?
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So did we do it?
which case should I open?
what are you on about they sound like vocaroo recordings
This nigga used to make porn
Yo can you give me that unusual nuke for free?
We saved tf2's corpse from the maggots
bots are gone
Absolutely not
>eating a sandwich with a fork and knife
I hate spies so much
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I wonder what happened.
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your backpack is pozzed and you have to sell it fast: casually I have a good offer, only for (You)
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Warpaints that look good on the bazaar bargain?
Your kind got mass banned yesterday, konnatranny
I'll make sure your avatarposting ass will have vacations as well
Mischevious Marigold
no, Weezy is still on adderall
I'm the original Summer Konata poster and I didn't get banned though, they just deleted the post.
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me pressing F on my keyboard to inspect a teammate's equipment
helldriver, bomber soul, nutcracker
I had a dream last night I was pulling the horns out of an 8ft tall demon's head like a dentist pulling a tooth. It looked like a krampus with its black fur and scary grimace. And there was music play while it happened
forgot to say, I had sex with him after that
just got scammed but i dont care because the dude scammed me out of a billion cases that i will never ever open and i couldnt sell them either way
You sure showed me by handing your money to a company to get somrthing you probably won't even want.
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Come home to the actually good hero shooter, white man!
Let's be fair, it was always obvious engineer was a trans ally, that's why he uses the term "y'all" so much
Kill pyros. Behead pyros with the eyelander. Roundhouse kick a pyro onto the control point. Slamdunk a gibus pyro into the trash. Neck-snap pyros. Don't reply to pyro posters. Crucify filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros. Defecate into a pyros sandvich. Launch pyros into a buzzsaw. Stiryfry pyros in a wok. Toss pyros in front of active sentry guns. Urinate into a pyros gasstank. Judo throw pyros into a woodchipper. Twist pyros heads off. Report pyros to Valve. Karate chop pyros in half. Curbstomb pregnant pyros. Trap pyros in quicksand. Dump pyros into the grinder on mannhattan. Liquify pyros into a vat of acid. Eat pyros. Dissect pyros. Exterminate pyros in MGE. Stomp on pyros skull with the mantreads. Make pyros check'em. Cremate pyros with the degreaser. Lobotomize pyro mains. Mandatory trade bans for pyros. Crush pyros into a paste. Drown pyros in jarate. Vapourize pyros with a pomson. Kick a monkey pyro from your mvm lobby. Starve pyros. Shark pyros from hat drops. Feed pyros to alligators. Slice pyros open with the half-zatoichi.
Do you know something I don't
I'm about to sleep so my powers of deduction are at an all time low
Konata is tf2 related
e-celeb trannoid discussion isn't
sure and that's why all of you faggots got banned yesteday
cope fag
I'm gonna run you Californians over with my tractor I swear to God
Shill me a hud whose author(s) aren't mental patients
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Hat A or B?
hat b makes you look more dangerous
what music was playing?
these are both bad
a is shit, it makes him look like a complete pussy
anyone have a backup of the original with the removed stages or is it le lost media at this point?
>autistic shit you do
I hate it when my mercs have facial hair or masks
Neither, both look like shit.
improved default
>zero pain trains
Shameful display
I agree, I like seeing the mercs faces and expressions
Hair in TF2 is also notoriously bad, most items look like play-doh (and there's still that client side bug the breaks almost every beard)
For me it's
>Shirt items that change the class icon into something else
>Items that add little trinkets that can't be removed with a different style
It's not that deep for me, I'm just autistic and hate having facial hair myself, and I project that on the mercs lol
What do you think would look better?
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>1 small hidden easter egg made 4chan flip out
instead let's talk about me and how you would all like to be my friends :)
his fempyro stuff was GOATed
I don't care about warpaints but
What's up with the irregular addition of them? It's always a guess if they're gonna add a case or not, seems very odd, especially this update since the summer ones from last year were well received
What mouse sens do you all play at?
I'm 1.8 myself and I'm wondering if I should increase it. I'm not used to big mouse movements and I think my style is fine control. Plus when I try to market garden or TRICKSTAAAAB someone I run out of mousepad space fast.
hi hru
You must dislike the pyro
Gay fortress
i'm okay. a little tired
Should make a thread OP have a small easter egg like that too just to harvest more seethe
Fuck pyros. Get head from pyros. Fuck a pyro on the control point. Slamdunk your cock into her. Snap off a pyro's bra. ERP with pyro posters. Cum inside filthy pyro mains. Hang pyros in shibari bondage. Have the pyro make you a sandvich after. Launch sperm into pyros. Fry pyros' brains with sex. Toss a pyro's salad. Urinate into a pyro's mouth (she's into it). Judo throw pyros onto a bed. Blackmail pyros into sex with their dox. Twist pyros' nipples. Report your love for pyros to Valve. Split pyros' legs in half. Sexually heal pyros. Give pyros surprise buttsex. Critically hit pyros in the womb. Impregnate pyros. Get trapped into sex by demon pyros from the underworld. Dump sperm into a pyro cum dumpster. Submerge pyros into a vat of cum. Eat pyros' pussies. Dissect pyros' clothes off. Dominate pyros after defeating them in MGE. Slap pyro's face during sex with the Hot Hand. Give pyros health packs. Make pyros suck'em. Cream inside pyros' holes. Lobotomize pyros into sex slaves. Mandatory slut training for pyros. Give pyros your love paste. Drown pyros in mad milk. Whip pyros' asses with a disciplinary action. Invite a pyro to your mvm lobby. Feed pyros your semen. Give pyros your hat drops in exchange for sex. Fuck pyros like an alligator. Slice pyros' clothes off with the half-zatoichi.
they probably got tired of telling workshoppers they won't fix war paints every time they fuck something up when adding them to the game
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>1 funny windmill made all of europe shit its pants
Honestly I really like the shirt design.
I said it on /v/ and I'll say it again, if I can put swastikas or ACK memes on my objector or spray then I'm cool with someone doing the same for a chud meme, tranny flag, or whatever.
Since this costume piece is hiding the flag and I'll never see it then idgaf.
The only reason I care about politics to begin with is because people are too sensitive to handle my free speech, and if I was respected despite having different views I would have 0 qualms with this. But rules for me and not for thee, so I'm unhappy.
>they won't fix war paints every time they fuck something up when adding them to the game
It's a stupid policy that makes no sense though. Hats, unusuals, taunts, maps, etc every other kind of user created content can be fixed if Valve fucks it up. War paints though? Valve will just incompetently fuck up putting it and then say "sorry, nothing we can do." That time Swashbuckled was fucked up so badly it was just showing the missing texture had to be fixed, which shows they can do it, they just don't want to for some reason.
ok dude what's your profile?
I also hate warpaints. We dont need them
Difference is, they're evil, we're not.
Some kind of waltz. Either Chopin https://youtu.be/algM0c_u99k?feature=shared

or Gramaphone waltz

Probably the former since I went to a Chopin recital a week ago
*cums insside my trans gf swallow rod causing her to miss a stationary point blank soldier several times*
today I spent $20 in mobile gacha (GFL) and around $40 in TF2 on cases
based whale
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>Bots are back
It was nice while it lasted
>"Easter egg"
Hidden degenerate reference from people that cry about decals and got sprays turned off by default because it offers the possibility of them seeing things they don't like*
yeah so they said 3 days ago (and before that) but i still havent seen any
>*cries for over a week about a fucking trans flag hidden so good you won't even see it ingame*
>Gets called out
There is no good and evil here. Everybody is doing what they think is right and just, we just don't see eye to eye.
would be way cooler if you swapped the beard with soldier's stogie
Cool ! Here mine:
I almost want to agree with you because I think I saw one last night but it might have actually been in a dream so I can't say with 100% certainty
It's not evil to groom and rape kids? Are you sure?
i would feel better about that than what they did, like if you're gonna add something gay don't make it a trojan horse just make it obvious so you know what you're getting
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As long as they apologize, it's ok :)
>4tranny thinks he's a good person because he has a different worldview from the other "evil" guy
It sure is summer
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>trannies still desperately false flagging and astroturfing
Nobody cares. We know you're mentally ill and abusing the lack of QC from Valve, and the fact that you have to hide your trannyism in the shadows says it all.
>putting a small hidden flag in tf2 is the same as grooming and raping kids
Now this is what I call weapons grade copium
This time we're sure to make some headway. I bet everyone will come away with a fresh perspective.
I like them, I just wish they could be applied to every weapon.

there are a few I kinda understand, like, There isn't much surface area to warpaint heavy's melees, or the huntsman,
Although you can warpaint the whip.
Also why can't the solemn vow be war painted? it would be perfect for it.
I'm guessing its because the warpaint is 'seeded' when applied, and if they change it, it would cause fuckups with any existing warpainted items.
Because trannies are the only ones who do so. Nobody whos not a tranny has ever raped or groomed, that's just typical tranny MO
Any tranny that has deserves the rope, but I'd say that for any pedo
ok which one of you assholes is this
>got the Osmium Ordinance medals
>still no Magnetic Mayhem medals
Where the fuck are they?
Why do you hate the fisherman hat?
it really is surreal seeing people allowed to go against the rainbow cult on twitter
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what the fuck did I miss?
Why is engineer trans now?
The Greece map is a bitch to push, especially the second point
>ermm this tranny flag is nothing bro
>ermm then why did you add it
>if you agree with me thats its extremely minor, then why do you care
/tf2g/ do you like minions?
2nd place b4nny lol
Only b4nion
Accidently got his dick stuck while '''erecting''' a dispenser, hasn't been the same since.
literally how the fuck does anyone use the axtinguisher
how do you get close as pyro without DYING because youre not flashbanging people with flames
Are Weezy and co. still going to Valve in August? I heard shork is taking a break
This whole tranny flag debacle is the reason why no-hats chads will remain superior.
based link OCD haver
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Based beyond belief
Although it bothers me that a lot of cosmetics cause bugs with it like wrong team colours on default items and headless Pyros. I'm gonna have to go through every bugged item sometime and maybe just allow those
flashbang them with flames, then make a motion like your trickstabbing with spy. except you don't actually need to trickstab because you can clonk face.
typically a tf2 map will have a mix of open and enclosed spaces
as a pyro you wanna usually be in enclosed spaces, so stick around those
Would you espouse that same opinion if it was a swastika? Or a trump flag?
It's not so much that It bugged, but that the method done to "remove" the hats is lazy as fuck.
At least the one I'm thinking of from years ago just replaced all the items with an empty file. So it tries to draw the item, it got nothing. But that means when it's loading in something like a head or foot replacement, it just loads nothing. I imagine the team color issue is replacing a hat with no team color. The item straight up isn't set up to have team colors in that case.
It wouldn't be impossible to have a "no hats" mod that's set up correctly, I just don't think that exists yet.
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i crafted a bunch of hats today
its like gambling but for poorfags
>Team Captain
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He still does, nice to see the porn guys also jumping onto the movement, even if it's dead now
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Fixed it
why did you swap it with the american flag
just completed the MvM event mission with playing as blue engis
that map was fucked up and barely functional, it's a miracle we finished it
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only 15 hours lol
I was sure it was at least 200
only counts time spent alive.
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>every stealth character is now a sombra clone
>valve copied sombra too
>instead of spy
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Just bought the wutville stamp
gotta support the chad mapmakers
>the ultimate ability is literally just reapers ult
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fixed it more
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based wutville stamp purchaser
welcome to the club
uses custom font instead of tf2's font for numbers
br4ppy uses that garbo, i don't want a compymeltie hud
wutville will be completely reworked this smissmas i PROMISE you
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do valve even care about adding fixes to maps from over 3 years ago
yes, all players with accepted in-game content can contact valve to submit fixes or updates to their items/maps
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then why all the summer/smissmass/halloween updates only have fixes for current maps, and never a single patch note for something made a year ago or something
because those newly added maps need the fixes, higher amount of players play them so bugs (small and gamebreaking ones) are easily spotted
the mlp map is very 2fortian, comfy fuck around map where it's almost impossible to cap
It's way too fucking big for CTF
I like it, people actually play the fucking objective
I used to laugh at people with kunai spybrain. But now it’s just sad, the way all of them respond to every threat by mashing A/D while holding down M1, praying, BEGGING the netcode for a stab. Like dude, you’re just gonna get incinerated by the random retarded pyro, so just back up and shoot him. But no. Spy is now a 2 slot class, cloak and knife only; so you better be prepared to mash that M1 and hope you get gifted a stab or else you’re literally useless.
It's a flag used by groomers, so yes, it is supporting grooming
saying from experience, huh? you fucking tranny bitch
I believe that's what I've heard. Any time they update a war paint definition every war paint gets rerolled. So people would be mad if their god roll got ruined.
But honestly, there should be like a couple days after an update when there's not that many copies where you could fix it without it affecting many people.
this but soldier
What war paints look good on the iron bomber and grenade launcher?
>play embargo
>about to lose but cart is right next to the cap
>expect a "30 seconds left in the mission" along a pub push
>instead some bad hick imitator that everyone has tuned out spews some bullshit
Ms Pauling if you didn't want Scout to grab your plump ass you shouldn't have crawled over him hiking up your skirt at the drive thru
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Iron Wood, most of the camo ones
If you use war paints you're retarded, gay, a pedophile and have terminal shit taste. Unless it's a civ grade with a strange counter so you can avoid having to pay a trader jew 15 keys for a strange loose cannon
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how do we respond...
They're making fun of us again...
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If you use war paints you're smart, straight, normal, and have ascended chad taste. Especially if it's a civ grade with a strange counter so you can avoid having to pay a trader jew 15 keys for a strange loose cannon
I am PAINIS CUPCAKE.... I will EAT YOU..... :D
>you're retarded, gay, a pedophile and have terminal shit taste
hey i'm not a pedophile
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FUCK forgot the image
remember that valve will VAC your transphobic assess sooner or later ;3
not paying you 30 dollars for a strange loose cannon
as a war paint god, no, no, yes & no
please god valve drop a balance update after 6 years so there's something else to talk about besides this stupid shit
t. "Zesty" "Jesus"
cringe for people whose skill can't speak for itself
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Did you know? That the item description for the track terrorizer for Scout pretty much says that the Scouts a pedophile who tried to date teenage girls
I would be sad if coaching got removed
I use whatever I want I don't need your approval
pe-do high five!
>high school
very esoteric and cryptic post, as expected of konatafags
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he be spittin' dem faxx
Teenagers are still kids y'know. Need I remind you an eceleb recently got into very hot water because he groomed a 17 yo?
he's literally me
Someone made a mod that removes the groomer flags from the engie cosmetic
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words no longer mean things
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thanks for the link
reported <3
got some of my discord buddies report it too!
Do you think that you're the first tranny to have reported it? It's not going anywhere, unlike your genitals
Didnt read, still ignoring the boycott and buying crates, cope more redditor
Why is jungle-chan’s arm a different shade of brown than her back
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>announcing reports
Classic newfag mistake
It only applies to 4chan reports you dumb faggot
I'm on this site longer than you, summerfag
summerfags are a scourge on this website
You need to be at least 18 to post in this site
she tanned in a bikini for a bit
that's hebephilia though
there will always be mentally ill workshopp*rs lurking and spamming this general
>No arguments, just a rule copypasta
I'm 28 you moron
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I'm intelligent, straight, and I have great taste.
off topic post
he was talking about you, you dumb nigger
you are the summerfag
And that's how you actually bait. Thanks for the (you), gay lord
The no-hats-mod currently updated (no-hats-bgum) replaces cosmetics with the default hats, this works for ~95% of them. However, some of them are for an unknown reason stuck to the red team or don't work at all, even though the models are valid. It's as close as you can get to a hatless experience, but bugs can still be seen now and then. (That's still better than the old "fuck it, erase them all" way of doing it.)
she's so cute bros...
Anime website
How embarrassing
always scares me when people post gifs of seemingly still images
why do people do this
I always assume it’s a screamer or something fucked up
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>anime webs- ACK
This board is for the discussion of video games.
Konata is tf2 if she’s edited wearing a tf2 hat though
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Is it?
You're right, I can't wait until you go back to school
I can tell you're a zoomer since you don't know this but gif wasn't explicitly designed for animated gifs. It used to be common to use gif for still images too, before png got more popular because it had a low file size with a relatively low loss of detail.
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me joining a new steam friend's party for the 1st time
webp is better than both gif and png but no fucking website wants to incorporate that shit
TF2 Summer Update
I hate webp because Jewgle tried to force it on everybody before anybody even remotely supported it. To make matters worse even if you try and save a webp as a different format it's likely to not work correctly. Fuck webp.

Anyway .vtf is clearly the best format which is used by Valve in the TF2 video game
>webp is so good that no one likes it
i pee on webp
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>webp shill
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>google glowie
kys faggot, walk into a sticky trap
the only reason you don't like webp is because it cant be uploaded on 4chan
Webp is useless everywhere
like where
on literally any website that doesn’t support them
which is almost every website
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webp files are not supported on 109 websites and this was never googles fault
I told you bros, elmaxo was the 1st domino. Zoomertubers are going to start dropping like flies, either pivoting to other content or not uploading again
Any fan-art of the Embargo announcer as a PAWG yet?
I have no idea who this is
It's going in august, but shork had a breakdown, and weezy is too busy snorting on adderall, so looks like TheWhatShow will have to deliver it and the fixtf2 speech on his own
meanwhile us boomertubers are feasting watching Star_ stream TF2
I just watched his video of trolling about using binds of acting like an spinning bot, people are so fucking braindead
I thought us boomers were just playing the fucking game
yeah nigga I can't play 24/7
I read your post in a nasally nerd voice
that was us millenials
boomers and zoomers are the ones consuming braindead media
Are australium or warpaint better, thinking of purchasing some for my heavy and demo
What happened with star_?
Last time I remembered him was when he had a shitfit because someone dared to mention him on a tf2 video
for the amount paying for an australium, you can get alot more warpaint for the same amount, I guess it'll also depends on wanting to match your style worh your loadout
>1 v 1ing a soldier
>oh shoot I see a scout coming, to my left, gotta be mindful of that too
>oh and be careful of sightlines a sniper might get me
>winning vs the soldier
Now pick one of the following to randomly happen for no reason:
>nigger demoman charges in and decapitates me with 0 counterplay
>spy backstabs me
>another soldier bombs me from out of nowhere
>pyro jumpscare

This game just fucking sucks, there's only so many things you can be mindful of at once. It's just random and retarded with all the dumb shit that can happen.
I dunno man he sounds like fucking strongbad, I don't want to picture that with a dumptruck ass
Where's your team in this scenario, king retard? If you're playing soldier and things look unfavorable just jump away, it's not hard
If it's not STRANGE UNUSUAL, then why bother?
he privated that video and acting like it never happened, he even made 2 tf2 videos again in the past 2 weeks
No joke, he has manic depression or is bipolar, diagnosed by a real doctor. Meds help him and now he doesn't mind when you ask about tf2.
Check his streams he has fun playing tf2 :)
That shit was hilarious, this grown ass man was almost crying his eyes out over someone quickly mentioning him in a video game video
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So tired of getting these noogs on my team in casual
Total Noob Death
Throw a noob into a furnace
Shove noob inside lockers
Pavlovian torture for noob orphans
apperently the guy who made the desk engi likes cub porn, who wouldve guessed
buy an ad
Post it on r/tf2 or twitter then
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Cachoeira is probably the best map in the update and it's overall a pretty fun map
the only weird part is having to turn 360 degrees after leaving spawn to get to the point
good shit
be sure to archive your findings and his profiles before he goes DFE mode
>troon is a furfag and pedo
Well then
I think I actually like all the maps to some degree save for Atom Smasher (the HL aesthetic is fun but I think player destruction is a gay game mode)
I think with a few tweeks to make sniper not so oppressive, Odyssey is going to be a really enjoyable map all the way through, even if 2nd point is hard to push with a good setup
but enough about you
Look up
Use “Nice Shot!” voice command
Get votekick called in seconds, it’s that easy
of course its a furfag, like clockwork he's still removing comments on the workshop item so keep making jokes on it, fucker will fall like dominoes when valve will force him to clean the texture
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why don't more people respect the invincibility?
i am begrudgingly fine the hidden tranny flag because i can still cover myself with swastikas from head to toe
>inb4 it turns out he also sneaked in a furfag flag in
stop samefagging you nigger
nobody gives a shit about that transflag but you, obsessed faggot
there's nothing 'cub' about what you showed though?
I care and I'm not him, there's also a bifreak flag
When is someone going to make religious-themed unusual effects? Like a glowing crucifix, halo, or st peter's keys?
>self admitted pedo trying to act like he's better than anyone
He was talking about the southern drawl girl
a tf2ger made a biblically accurate halo (behind the head) last year
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I was hoping more like this.
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I think the issue with this is the needless shoehorning of this stuff into official game files. It serves no purpose other than to give the people who created it a weird sense of... something, to gloat about. I have no issue with people putting whatever they want on their decals, especially now that there's an option for people to curate their user experience by disabling them.

You can draw comparisons between this and the hidden or OOB rooms from Counter Strike which would contain early 2000's graphic signatures, photos of someone's cat, a clan logo etc; with the difference being that those were people having pride in their work while this is the workshoppers trying to say
>Heh check out what we can get in the game, chuds p0wned
If it were an in-universe easter egg or something personal to the creator it would be different and I'm sure people just think "huh, that's cool" rather than what's obviously trying to garner a reaction.

Americans believe that an 18 year old dating a 17 year old is paedophilia.
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holy fuck zesty's server has been constantly empty every single day. I fucking hope bots come back so people get back in community servers

not yet. waiting until there's people on the server. If there's not people by like saturday I'll just open then and buy more keys when people go back online
>likes cub porn
Furaffinity does not allow cub porn, if this due had a inkbunny account or on some other site then yeah maybe but furaffinity is anti cub porn
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some depictions of the halo were separated into points. for example jesus' was usually split into 3 to represent the trinity. IIRC that was the inspiration to keep it from just being a circle
>I fucking hope bots come back
drink poison.
I think old FPS games is what made me interested in Easter Eggs in the first place. In the old days, there was stuff like John Romero's Head in Doom and Doomguy in Duke 3D. And of course tons of fan-content was full of the stuff.
Because pubbies are brain dead cunts. I'm ashamed to play in casual matches and have 90% of the population be absolute dogshit at the game
Furaffinity allows it on some specific cases like if its vore porn since and I quote "vore is not sexual"(read: their admins are into it and don't wanna delete it)
We at least have the cross cosmetic you can wear all year. Goes decent on Spy for an Exorcist kinda vibe
they dont allow cubs in sexual positions, cub PORN implies cubs getting fugged etc
they allow SFW cub art
that's not cub porn though
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>I hope the bots that ruined the experience of thousands of players for years come back so I can show my favorite e-celeb that I'm wasting over a 100 bucks
community servers are still better than valve servers in every metric other than accessibility
you're not playing tf2 unless you have sv_alltalk enabled
wow, we should continue to boycott the game in this case
My favorite was Action Half Life where you could go though a series of secret lever pulls to get to a comfy as fuck island home with an NGE still paused on the TV screen there. Ever since then I've loved Easter Eggs
I agree, so many retards in casuals now, they should allow bots to come back so it can be an challenge again
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i just wanna play something else other than gayload on community servers for the love of god don't bring them back
>no view models
I Cringed
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wait how did he pay valve for the submission acceptance?
>classical music
What's the /tf2g/ verdict on this? Based or cringe?
the medigun is literally the only weapon I have it disabled on simply because it makes it harder to see if the beam is even connected
every other weapon I have max view models and 70 fov
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The Engineer got fired, and now he's working at the DMV and is going to tell you to get back in line because you messed up the papers.
games aren't allowed to have christian iconography at least not anymore. When was the last time you went into a church in a video game that had a cross?
Spy would like Chopin
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Just realized botkiller weapons may be the first form of "weapon charms" in a live service shooter. Innovation? Maybe. Good one? Eh...
There already is a pope hat in the game. Tf2 is a self-published adult game, why would anyone care if it shows a religious symbol?
>they made him wear a trans pride flag at work because of new DEI policies
>he wore it on reverse because his conservative texan values didn't appreciate the force
>he gets fired over it
fed post btw
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holy shit you're right
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>there's people out there that put their main's loadout as their steam avatar
>even worse if its commissioned art
>especially if its furry, pony or anime
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I am not. There are no items in game with the NDSAP flag and Adolf Snitler got fixed within hours.
Fuck troons.
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post your current loadouts
Except now they have the option to hide your swastikas too. Troons won
No because it will come across as flexing.
wouldn't be a problem but these people are always the first to pipe up if the game isn't going their way
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I'm guilty of this..
Mostly true but I never really say anything in chat, just minding my own business.
I'm sure valve copied that idea from somewhere else
buddy I've been playing tf2 since 2007 I don't give a shit about what you think
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average kunai spy
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>Medic ubers me as a Scottish resistance + wee booties demo
What would the mercs think of Mike and Ike TM Original Fruits Chewy Assorted Fruit Flavored Candy TM?
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>shoot 4 pills at choke
>switch to empty sticky launcher and start reloading it
>medic ubers me
what makes you think I care about what you think?
if the medic is like me. I just uber the most noobie or retarded loadout for funsies :)
>Scottish resistance + wee booties
y tho
>kritz the trolldier
gamin' time
Close but lacks the confused swinging at literally nothing in front of him because you took your finger off W before walking through the doorway first.
How do I get better with the axtinguisher?
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what's wrong with that doe
cropped porn is even worse, especially if it includes the unusual effect
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same with puff and sting but you need to do more damage first.
Flare then ax or strafe damage + airblast then ax
>how do I get better at hitting people with a melee weapon
>Never use jarate
>Decide to use a melee other than bushwacka
>Remember I had the shahansha
>Cannot find it in my backpack
Must've scrapped it which is saddening. I have a pile of 5 sticky jumpers but I only got the sha from a random drop once
That's still a good as hell animation
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okay just trade a dupe weapon for it on backpack.tf then?
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Erm I was told bots were going to be returning soon but I just played all day and didn't see any? Are there any botsissies in the general who can explain this to me or have they all gone into hiding?
Does it count if my main's loadout is instead based off of my avatar?
>Read that compfags won't even play a scrim against you if you play pyro/heavy/engy outside when it's "ok" to them

Lmao, what fucking babies.
that depends ENTIRELY on the team you are scrimming
i've never had this happen in all my time playing comp
Trvst the plvn
believe everything you read on the internet
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This but Sniper, and any game.
>its over
It happens to me every time I scrim literally every time (I dont play competitive, just making this shit up)
Why did Valve never retexture the gibs so they aren't the beta designs?
Because you would have to be looking at the gibs like a hawk to notice
is this still public?
babys first day on the internet? once it's out there it will never be fully private
Competitive players, this is your mindset
"comp vs non comp" arguments are so funny because most of the time both sides will have no actual experience with the format
Nah, my mindset is femboys and goth chicks
god i wish that were me
Comp players play casual.
Emporium members glow so bright... posting self-victimization bait tonight...
i can still say nigger in voice + chat
if they hide it i can still have an offensive name + steam avatar they can't hide that
unless i get community banned and my name turns into numbers and i get a ? avatar
in any case this game blows dick, i should download some cheats for cs2 and put stickers that say nigger on my deagle. cs2 blows even more dick doe. fuck valve
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my mindset is fempyros and goth fempyros
oh yeah? post a goth fempyro then. i dare you.
what about goth femboys?
god i wish that were me
I just did. But I can go goth-er
in my world that pyro would've airblasted me away or that huntsman sniper would have shat out an arrow in my general vicinity and headshot me
Highlander with no sniper sounds like the GOAT comp format.
>teammate pops into frame and absorbs your melee hit
who is the protagonist of tf2?
Saxton Hale
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This exact scenario happened like two minutes later
Scout and Ms.Pauling's future child
NOOO how dare you!! he did nothing wrong, it's morally right for him to use other people's sexualities as a ragebait too when hiding his own!!
>New Scout is Scout and Ms. Pauling's child
>New Soldier is Soldier and Zhanna's child
>Ms. Pauling is the new Administrator
>Ms. Pauling is the new Administrator
so she's just watching her child die over and over again, okay.
Less awful than Spy killing his son over and over in current TF2
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There's been a couple sightings already but for some reason people ignore it. Which is dumb because making a big stink about botniggers is what got them fucked in the first place. The new ones don't really shoot, they take up server slots and spin around. They may or may not crash games as well, because outside of one screenshot I've seen nothing else about crash bots.
oh yeah, I need to remember it's the opposite color scout and spy. There must be a VIP room for the both of them in hell at this point.
Botters may have set them up again, but are still getting nuked by whatever solution Valve implemented. So either they're biding their time until they can unleash hordes of them to the point where banning them doesn't matter, or they have lost a significant amount of people and resources.
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>big banwave
>a significant amount of time passes
>another wave
>big banwave
Eric Smith's gonna slim down in the coming years.
He's gonna go back to being black
And every time it happens, it always drains money out from these retards from the inventory wipe, while it's merely a button press for Valve, i'll take the 5 years banwave if it's like this.
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Why are you even wearing the stupid mask these days? Paranoid much?
shit slapped together
>Dead of night
>Shit unusual
>Covid mask
>Dead of night
What's wrong with it? It costs a liver to get one.
People generally shoot me before I can hit them with it
If I had to guess, probably just it being a massively overused cosmetic.
That was the goal of making this shit in loadout tf, thank you
I was planning to get it for myself eventually and you're telling me everyone has it? Fuck.
almost every class has something more interesting for a top cosmetic, if both your other slots are all class items it just shows you are putting no creativity into the loadout
Why? Because he was Polish?
>Scottish resistance + wee booties demo
I like to grenade jump around to vantage points to watch over my traps on defense and the extra health helps me.
Generic out of 10
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>nursey is on twitter having froyotech completely rent free in his head
surprised it hasn't 41'd yet
How much do all of these costs, without the unusuals?
What is your medic's hair? Power spike?
It's like Danganronpa, there are about 12 of them
summer hat alone is 100 bucks
That's not what Danganronpa is like
God, I'm sticking with the cheap shit then
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If you cut the burly beast and summer hat/lucky no.42 its around 40.

Yeah it is
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ok I mean when you get to the 2nd game the number doubles closer to like 19
>shitty unusual taunt in A
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I fucking need this, I'm saving for the hair from now on.
it gets the /tf2g/ boost to be desu with you my nigga
>tf2g effect
>actually fits the art style
what does the paint actually color on the frog?
The number stays the same if you don't count the Monokuma spinoffs but I think I see what you mean, like an ensemble cast
Did bots come back or are we good?
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>silver jungle inferno contracker
The texture is still in your game lol
Sadly only for the spots on the back. Should have been an alt style for the full.
i wish i had a cute asian gf
You're alright, friend. I've got little figurines of Akane, Imposter, and a wall scroll of pic. I really didn't like 3 compared to the games but it basically was the cast of 2 so it still looked cool
It being made by someone here or "fitting the art style" doesn't make unusual taunts less dogshit
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>in reality
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forgot pic
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Embargo bad enough to make me uncheck summer maps option entirely

Feel like I need to play some fucking Well to detox
It kind of blew. Some people dislike the drawn-out pacing of the games but without it you just don't get attached to the characters.
aw dude, I'm sorry. I hope you weren't expecting more and got suprised, that would have sucked
>it being good doesn't make it less dogshit
umm... actually it does, sweaty
Next patch will add a "center" mode for all projectile weapons that will enable them to shoot like the Original from the center of the screen
look at the dude on the bottom left
look at his bulge holy cow
just uncheck the slop and play the two good maps from this update
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Logically, if Konata is on-topic because she's on this Mariokart map, then transgenderism is on-topic now because the transflag was hidden in a model for a cosmetic and added to the game.
It's not about logic.
i thought i saw a bulge on bottom middle girl
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You're 100% right. I also watched the Ace Attorney anime adaptation and it had the same problem. Frankly you are shotgunning through the cases, which is a lot more exposition dump than an anime's pacing should be so they have to do it very rapid fire, but then you have no time to linger on anything. The cases were designed for the games, so that drawn out pacing is a valid criticism but pretty par for the course in the genre. If there's anything I can talk shit about DR for it's how they wait until the last chapter to shove all the overarching story in a case x3 as long as the others. Honestly an original anime series might have been a better job on paper but 3 Future gave it the shotgun pacing the anime of 1 did, and it just wasn't digestible, nevermind the multiple fake out deaths.

Anyway, anybody got cool loadouts to make TF2 characters look like a dangan?
Nekomaru is so based as long as he isn't talking about taking shits. Not joking, dude talks like Wario when it comes to his fecal matters. Those wacky Japanese and their poop humor.
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the fun maps
Please, be rational. I'm making a good point here.
Are South American politics on-topic because there's a map called Brazil?
Odyssey is easily one of the best maps, you countrarian
Well, the map is based on Arecibo Observatory and that's really all that you might be able to say about the Brazil Map. It'd be a stretch to say their politics is on-topic.
hahaha, that's a good one
Mid is too open, the intel backyard is useless unless you're a scout or jumper classes
!nominate pl_goodwater
but there's a map called brazil, so why can't we talk about brazil

This is your logic
which one
how to fix applejack
>make it a koth map
>make the house in the middle the control point like on harvest
>fix the missing BLU stairs
Dominations... I want them
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>fix the missing BLU stairs
Wait, is it actually missing and not just an appearance thing? This is an advantage for BLU team wtf.
Oh you know what, yeah that's fine actually. These things should have in-game lore and we can talk about that. Like Brazil is fine to talk about, within the lore of the game. Same goes for trans flags. Trans are canon to the game now.
Yeah. CTF just sucks, to be honest. The map would be just better as a KOTH map
Embargo would be a cool stage in Super Mario Sunshine. Not TF2.
you'd have to redesign the one-way dropdown path right of the intel room to make it accessible because otherwise it doesn't make sense
>it's useless until it isn't
>CTF just sucks
Well it is useless, because Intel is sentry zone, it's useless despite being accessible for scout and it's too open to fight as Soldier and Demo unless you're a god.
yea guess i'll join all 30 niggerfaggots that are playing that actual goyslop. boy am i missing out arent i?
drop down from battlements to intel's back room in two cross is useless
It's already a koth map, holding mid basically guarantees a win eventually
Woah, I never thought of it like that before.
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Why do people not like embargo?
I like it
I only play control points and king of the hill maps.
eat fag
Absolutely, I saw many newtards getting cornered and then pounded to nothing there
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God-tier webm
>buttplug wearing bot presses m2 to make gun shiny
>spam stickies at spawn doors
Anon is cranky nobody makes webms of his frags
I need crates but they aren't dropping.
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Yeah I've gotten one (1) crate. Great plan valve, the idle bots are getting too many crates so you lower the drop rate for everyone which ensures players are forced to buy from the bot hosters on the market if they want to unbox which encourages more botting.
I don't mind CTF too much in theory but the people who play it are braindead and refuse to push, ever.
literally just buy them for 3 cents each
you're not poor are you?
They're 8 cents though but either way I don't want to give money to idle bot hosters. You shouldn't be forced to.
The issue with CTF is that if you don't have an engi the game will end in 120 seconds because it's really really easy for a scout to just run in and run out with intel if they feel like it
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Holy shit the tranny/cultural left has gone too fucking far. Colonizing so much of Japanese media/tf2 fandom. I fucking hate them.

Is there a nametag glitch currently? I want to rename some of my weapons in celebration of these new trjoan horse pride flags
agreed, lately I can't go a single casual server without seeing a furfag pfp
no but you can still come up with something short
Finally, I see. It was all a ploy so wh*tes could see why colonialism is le bad
The "steam avatar based off your loadout" thing was always tetracringe to me

Even worse when they have SFM posters of it lol.
it's cringe but not even a fraction as annoying as >>487244737
I might be overspecialised. I go truly insane on some maps but then on others I'm like a fish out of water.
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I'm disappointed by the 3:1 hit:kill ratio on my piss rifle, doing my best to get it up to 4:1.
Same, 2fort brainrotted me to the point of being disfunctional on simple maps like Suijin, I'm starting to recover by playing 2fort less and start queuing on casual again.
It's actually insane how much of my life I wasted on 2fort. I played since 2010 but only around 2019 did I stop dedicating half my play time to 2fort.
kritz demo really is a powerful measage about what blacks and whites can accomplish when they work together, valve deserves an emmy
yeah, shit is unhealthy, the first few times I actually got out from it I bottomscored.
maybe in my next life God will let me be happy and good at video games
what part do you want to improve
Yesterday I had the first time in my 13 years of playing that I was ubered as a Spy by my medic (in a legitimate gameplay context)
>Japanese media has done more for the acceptance of gay culture in the past ~7 years than the LGB movement has done for the entirety of its existence
>When was the last time you went into a church in a video game that had a cross?
The Inquisitor, but that probably doesn't count since the whole plot gimmick is "what if Christian, but edgy?"
>same japanese media that was called fetishistic and exploitative in the past by the LGBT people is now lauded as progressive/used as ammunition for "see, anime was always woke!"
really gives the ol noggin a joggin
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This is completely retarded. Japanese media is full of comedy transvestite characters which are transphobic and other shit seen as offensive.

They are happy to present gay shit, but also just as happy to present the opposite. Their relationship with media and sexuality has always been indulgent not ideological.
which cosmetics have visible signatures?
Their arguments are so fucking bad faith. The pride shit is deeply political in nature. It's like if right wingers snuck in the westboro baptist church flag, or anti lgbt/racist symbols.

But they can only argue in bad faith so make false equivalences. Lack of awareness by them
Also thats fucking hot and I am aroused
as the comment says I dont think any do
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When I notice uber is ready I immediately use it whatever is happening
>we want to exist
>we want them to not exist
>(You): well they're actually equal because they're both political and it's false equivalence to say otherwise
I think I hate your opinion more than straight-up hickville "all fags must burn"
the transgender flag is symbollic for using violence and psychopatic manipulation to get your way
bisexual flag is made up shit
Assigning individual flags to each every mental illness under the sun was a mistake, the rainbow was mean to be for everybody
no idea why you trannies come here. ritual self loathing?
>we want to exist
>we want them to not exist

These views are quite literally equal and opposite. One says they should exist, one says they shouldn't, do you have even the most basic form of rationality?
The idea that, ethically speaking, one group wanting to exist and another wanting to "get rid of them", are on equal grounds is completely wrong. It is completely wrong also to say they are equal and opposite because one group has its existence threatened while the other group risks very little. How are the two equal when only one is at stake?
Also it doesn't help that again this is just a bad faith retarded argument.

Pro Lgbt: Advance lgbt rights, we were oppressed in the past so we need visibility, we want lgbt education in school, lgbt healthcare or some shit

Anti Lgbt: Regress lgbt rights, they deserve to be opressed, less lgbt education in school, no lgbt healthcare

The whole ''want to exist'' is literally something you've made up. Again same shit with you faggots having highly simplifed to the point of nonsense or bad faith arguments
tokenism is wrong and shoehorning just makes people hate you
That heavy player looks really based
What do you think is the consequence of removing LGBT healthcare, education and rights? Do you think that maybe the goal of such policies is to force LGBTs into not existing as a societal group?
You've just wrapped you brain up in moralfaggotry. One view supposes lgbt people ''exist'', one view supposes they don't ''exist''.

These are opposite states for the subject which is ''lgbt people existing'', being ''ethical'' has no relevance lol

My fault for even biting the philosophical bait bc this argument doesn't even occur irl anyway >>487250952
if you want to make a hypothetical argument like "imagine there's an alien race who looks disgusting and eats humans, would it be wrong to want to get rid of them?" it's useless because leftists unironically believe yes
You're wrong again on a basic level. The reality is that LGBT people exist. The two views are about how they should be treated and whether they should be encouraged or quashed.
The consequence of being averse to "moralfaggotry" is that you end up missing very basic material realities, such as that a minority group is the one who will suffer the most consequences when compared to those advocating for their removal. This is not at all related to morality, it's just the reality of how these things work.
The problem is your argument in ignorant. Homosexuality is something like 0.4 heritable, it is minority but still significantly genetic.

The percentile of homosexuals can be changed by socialization (pro lgbt society will produce far more lgbt individuals), but it can never be eradicated because a underlying number of homosexuals are homosexual withstanding any social pressure.

You can't force Lgbts into not existing, because even in the most extremely homphobic societies they still exist.
leftists would say yes but only if the alien race called themselves asylum seekers / economic migrants who will increase our birthrates
>it can never be eradicated
Is that a challenge
how do you play properly in 200+ ping environment?
This whole argument is a waste of time because you whole establishing point about the existing shit isn't actually the basis of real life politics.

There is a philosophical debate here I am too lazy to have with you
almost every class can be played well at 200 ping besides heavy since he needs tracking
Sniper too?
>reddit of night
when are we genociding mosquitoes
I don't think I would want to have a philosophical debate with someone who thinks "moralfaggotry" is a waste of time.
some time ago my city imported some kind of bird that devours mosquitos like some kind of bug heinrich himmler
can't even tell you the last time I was bit by one
lag compensation will be your friend :)
fair enough
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Gayness as depicted in Japanese media is seen primarily as a fetish. I know from first hand experience that most young women in Japan like BL, in a similar way to how many people on this website call yuri the "purest form of love" whether that be in manga or live action TV shows, but the difference between the depiction there and the depiction in the west is twofold; first, the characters depicted in BL media are just normal albeit quite handsome - obviously, they're actors - 20something young men. They're not 'bears' or flamboyant pride flag enshrouded people. Secondly, and yes I realise these are fictional characters and not real people, their entire personality isn't based around being gay. Most of this media presents them as experiencing a strange and forbidden attraction to someone else that they don't know how to address; if a similar show was produced in the US, it would lack subtlety and be very in your face about what they do in the bedroom.

tl;dr Yes I agree with you, it's important to do and accept or at least try to understand both and that extends to any two-sided argument. It's media for media's sake, not something that should be used as a vessel to present an ideology. You can't present a topic like this as a lighthearted joke anymore. This episode of a British TV show from circa 2007 was removed from first-party streaming, for example.

The flag thing on that Engineer shirt I just view as petty, really. It doesn't achieve anything except generating negative attention and 'epic trolling'

Who feels the more similar to HL2 Gordon Freeman?
Medic can literally become gordon freeman if you throw enough cosmetics to him
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damn my engi loadout is special enough to get reposted by somebody? lol
Then you're clearly a shit philosopher considering there are whole branches of thought dedicated to non ethical/indulgent thinking
Engineer if you never build anything
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ah hello gordon freeman, good to see you
>Dragon slayer warpaint only looks good on the dragon's fury
Y tho, it would have been so easy to make it look just as good on every other weapons its compatible with
I use coaching to summon people into community servers
The nametag glitch randomly reappears once every few years, it could be back but nobody cares enough tp test it after every update. Test it on a desc tag and report back.
god I wish we could send trannies to an island where they can feel free to fetishize the idea of a woman and mutilate themselves somewhere else.
Holy shit weezy overdosed check starykrow's twitter
Why there are so many stealth cheaters now? every game i join i have someone named #lmaobox top scoring and enemy team not kicking them. And then if you leave you get in the next game where someone top scoring is also cheating.
If they have lmaobox in their name then it's not stealth.
Why is refined going up in value relative to keys?
Lol. Just queue for hightower, its full of them.
Bro got marked as a bad actor by the new system
I see a lot of people getting "removed by system" from casual. I wonder what that is.
>black box got australium AND war paints
>direct hit got nothing
Did anyone at Valve even play this game between 2013-2017
I've seen cheaters getting removed a few minutes after joining. They'd try to join back but then get removed again after a few seconds.
>retard fell for the faked "VAC Banned from the server" message
absolute fucking moron you are
Would be cool if the kill display on strange decorated weapons was something like this
Someone make a mod that replaces the flags with NIGGER and FAGGOT. Should be simple.

honestly faggot would be funny.
*wiggles my big toes covered in syrup and honey and chocolatey goodness* better get licking anon, these feet aint gonna clean themselves!
Point to the part of my post where I said they were vac banned
I get the black box getting the aussie because it was meta in mvm for so long but really why the fuck did they snub the direct hit in favor of the black box POST BB nerf?
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2 missions left for me to get the second Osmium Ordinance medal
how do I subscribe to this service
What the fuck
the other person? nursey
*jizzes on your face* it's quite relaxing, so I'll cum on you
this is real im the person in the pic
nigga thats literally just harvest but with fortnite colors
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opened around 14 cases (10 yesterday, 4 a few minutes ago)
here's my loot
overwatch is down the hallway to the right
you dumb little girl it says that every time you leave a casual game by queuing into a new one
bro? were boycotting.
Oh. Mystery solved.
I'm girlcotting
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medkit clips through the vest you monkey
my god... i just realized how nothing in this case is actually good these are so mediocre
>doesnt even work with a cosmetic referencing the same game
so its dogshit then.
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Man, I really should have been born a woman, not that tranny shit but an actual woman.
Extorting simps from their money is way too fucking easy these day, zoomers are literally willing to gift it to you for five minutes of female attention
what effect on the taunt
>none of the loot is really good
>no especially good effects and the risk of getting the awful mohawk/fish scale
it's like eric wants the update to be boycotted
Will crates drop if I idle on the main menu?
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Grand Jubilee
just steal some pictures from an instagram whore and pretend to be one, it's that easy
Not bad I guess
nah man, being a woman also means having a woman brain and woman body. you're weak and mentally deficient. be proud to be a man, don't compromise just for the sake of money
I did it when I used to scam retards on RO some decades ago, it has become harder because they actually know how to stalk profiles now
last digit is the number of cases I will open today
last digit is the number of winter 2021 cases the anon above will open today
true that
I will open 0 winter cases
LMAO it was 0. now go open this many winter 2021 cases
my condolences
many games avoid religious symbols to avoid shitstorm
just not worth it
fucking kek
so is it safe to assume anyone using the north polar fleece or lunatic's leathers with 2 head focused cosmetics is a fempyro gooner
How much is the minimum range to not get my money hold by these steam retards?
I want to sell some cosmetics on the market but fuck waiting 24+ hours to be able to use the money
they hold everything recently
even money from cards in my case
I've had 8 cents held before.
I've had 1.5$ held, blame retards that keep getting scammed
>Play with international friends
>Some of them draw, or are artists of varying success and skill
>Some of us never change cosmetics bar one or two "perfect" ones being released
>Artist friends draw our loadouts as gifts
>Forever shame with being associated with some hyper-spergs that use their virtual paypig obsession as their personalities
They ruin everything they touch
What MLP map?
if you don't know
the fuck off newfag
kill yourself
yeah it's not the best setup of cosmetics
the authors should've thought about that before adding it to the game
Even me??
>modders are retarded
Like always.
Well, HEV is expensive as hell, so Free Mann's Fashion + Medical Emergency is still better
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whoops lmao
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Presented with no context.
If its more than 2 cents off from the price the last item gets sold at, it will be held
you're still seeing his tranny loadout
I used to wear lunatic leather + beenie + brimstone way before I realised it looked like shit because of the clipping
then i switched to totally different outfit firebrand + deus specs + hat...
its been like 10 years. i still want it
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doesn't look that bad, wish hev wasn't elite grade though
Buy it then. What, are you poor?
>couldnt save up enough money over the course of 10 years to buy this
New Candy Horns
>open video
>some literal who nonames discord chat screenshot
>close video
if you are going to make drama videos and shill them here at least have it around the ecelebs that gets posted here
I'll shill any sub1k view vid in my recommendeds on /Tf2g/
New Falcfire
Don't mix your tranime with my game.
I wonder how long that took to make.
Who should I email to complain about the flag? Support? Eric himself? That shit has no place in games
>Zoomertubers are going to start dropping like flies
Eric himself, but what do you expect him to do? Best case scenario is he lets this one slide but he starts actually checking the cosmetics he puts in the game before shipping the update and stops putting in stuff with hidden messages
tf2g will get an item with "marblecake also The Game" hidden in it published into the game, screencap this
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I want to enjoy the salty tears of Demomen from the L&W Update again.
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>elmaxo quits
>shork "takes a break"
good, its about time they go away
Ah to be alive when the conga taunt was first introduced. Every server was conga lines everywhere. For a brief moment in time, world peace was real.
I like the mlp map, best of them all perhaps
the one with capturing people's souls is also pretty fun... it's terrifying to be the guy carrying 70 souls around
broke: spy should have a button to walk his regular speed while disguised
woke: spy should have a button to walk backwards while looking like he's walking forward
Spy should have a button to fake fires.
Not Marevest?
Not Marefort?
Not Rainbine?
Not Mareward?
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>made this around when update dropped
Do you think nerfnow hates gas passer?
Try the TF Team email (but you don’t know who’s gonna read it, if anyone) or Eric
And from experience reporting bugs don’t expect an answer
Are there any good alternatives to SFM for easy TF2 filmmaking? I’d preferably want an open-source version of the exact same thing or at least a program where I can import the TF2 models without having to recreate or animate them from scratch.

SFM is actually very buggy and I don’t know whether I’m willing to shell out the money for a computer with a powerful enough graphics card, so I’ll need an alternative to it for the time being.
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It will never not be funny that elmaxo played 100 days of spy and he was just fine but after playing 100 days of sn*per he suddenly is "burn out" of tf2 (i.e. he fucking hates it) and quit the game
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do we have a contingency plan in case valve either pulls the plug on tf2 or outright kicks the bucket altogether? is there a reasonable way to get tf2 running without steam with community servers only?
>implying Skial, Uncletopia, and the like are not well-known enough among TF2 fans
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Now that I've had more motivation to play the update maps, I enjoy some of them but I don't think that all of them are objectively good. Hadal, Atom Smash, Odyssey, Overgrown and Burghausen are fun. Canaveral and Megaton are okay, while Embargo and Cachoelra I don't like much. I do really wish people that played KotH played the objective more.

Burghausen in particular is a massive improvement on Degroot Keep. I've still found that the position of the point relative to spawn is not great and often results in a defender favoured meat grinder unless all of BLU go in at once, in which case it's BLU favoured because there's no explosives or other area of effect damage in this mode although I'm probably forgetting something.

Hadal is the Steel or Sulfur of this update and is an excellent map with a chaotic and fun final point, but due to being non-linear people won't put in the effort to learn how it's played, thus it will be rare to see.
get that foot out of my face whore
for me it's Applejack, the best Mane 6 pony.
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koth_marevest is actually real though
I don't think valve would do that, even with cs2s engine upgrade you can still launch the legacy csgo version and play community servers
I guess if valve went full retard mode and removed tf2 for some reason you could mod a tf2c server to be like a normal tf2 server if you really wanted to and spread the download for it/make it a torrent so valve can't just dmca strike down 1 host and it would be game over
SHUT UP dummkopf あなたは私から逃げないでしょう CRITSAW (-195)
That’s why I mentioned it. The only one that isn’t real is Rainbine and it’s only because I haven’t finished it yet and am having problems with textures showing up.
The subtext is that spending money on TF2 is bad.
thank god i'm only spending steam bucks
Why is the BLU announcer some southern woman? Threw me off first time I was on offence
I can't read half of these subtitles due to the font
uhh, 3ds max?
why can't they be real bros
What even is it?
(Voice) Soldier: Deploy a new thread here!
Do they have “game modes” like SFM has so I don’t have to animate the models from scratch?
idk what you mean by animate from scratch so..
i'm also not an animator
atom smash is a shit map and spells carried monster bash. nucleus would be a far better pd map, and even then itd be mediocre because a circle is the least interesting layout you could have for a mode that revolves entirely around deathmatch. other than selbyens flat empty beach of course

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