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Indomitable Sugar Cane Edition.


We discuss Modded Minecraft, modpacks, projects, build ideas, etc.
If you're working on a mod or a pack, keep us updated for feedback!
Refer to the OP before asking about launchers.

► 2. NEWS

Minecraft's 15th Anniversary, get free cape: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/15th-anniversary

All legacy/java/Mojang accounts have been killed. Use PollyMC to keep playing the game without a M$ account.



>Useful Curseforge Search
https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/464782-old-curseforge-please (script to automatically redirect to the legacy curse pages)

>Current Flavor of the Month Launcher
https://github.com/fn2006/PollyMC (say no to M$!)

>1.7.10 server authentication option (Got shafted by M$? You can still [multi]play!)

>Ideas, Albums, Resources & Inspiration

>General FAQ [Read this before asking for mod-making guides, where to download shit etc]

>Mods, modpacks and guides [Read this before asking what modpacks you should play]

>alive /mmcg/ servers (Do you have a server up? Add it to the OP!) :


Previous: >>486221203
is this fuglutum?
I remember these towers well from e6e - they had quite powerful stuff in them, and the "traps" (some of the walls were silverfish blocks so don't break them, tnt under the chest at the top) were easy to deal with.
This looks like you were not aware of the tnt below the chest.
OP used my image but yeah I had no idea kek
Do you guys still use PollyMC even though it's currently unmaintained/abandoned? I know it still currently works, but for how long? I went through the discussions on their github and apparently the maintainer abandoned PollyMC to make a DRM fork called FjordLauncher which requires the same accounts json trick as the one for PolyMC to bypass the Microsoft account thing. However, there is another person who forked FjordLauncher to make a DRM free version and have the latest patch to allow Java 21. I really would like to have an up to date launcher, but I do have concerns over whether or not the maintainer of the DRM-free fork of FjordLauncher is trustworthy/will continue to develop it with good intention without screwing over the people who use their launcher. What are your thoughts about this?
I use PolyMC
wait and see I guess
it works for now
I still use PollyMC. I am unbothered by the lack of updates because it still works.
Since all MultiMC forks are open source, I could easily fix any breaking issues in PollyMC by copying code from Prism.
I don't know all that much about modding Minecraft or mod launcher but I think the mod Simply Optimized would be ideal for my situation, so I'll ask the following questions:
1. Should I install Modrinth, ATlauncher or Curseforge?
2. How likely am I to get a virus because someone hacked into these apps? are there any steps I can take to prevent it?
most likely from a mod or modpack by an unscrupulous author
people can upload just anything and it just runs code
I see, I thought it was as easy as someone hacking into their server and just getting access to everyone's login information or something like that.
curseforge is pretty retardproof but has bloatware attached to it
I don't want to make a lawn base but I've got no idea what I want build
Have you tried building a house?
19th century British city.
Dig a big hole and put your stuff in there. Now it's no longer a lawnbase technically.
> I know it still currently works, but for how long?
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>that UI is from the 90s
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Alright, I'm finally going craft a Compact Mk3 Reactor. This is by far the largest and most expensive multiblock I'll have made until now, but it's worth it. It's the equivalent of anywhere between 192 - 64x Mk3 reactors at a time, depending on the recipe.
Surprisingly It's not that expensive anymore because of void miners, but it's still taken me a while to get a few of the materials that I can't get directly from them.

This reactor is so fast that it solves a few of my problems, namely:
>Lets me fuse as much Europium / Americium as I want (mainly for the auto maintenance hatches, I can finally start spamming them)
>It can supply me with enough oganession constantly to feed to void miners and further 4x my current ore output
>If I could somehow process all of the plasma, it could make up to 5 billion eu/t

With all of that being said, here's just some of the raw material costs to make this:
>70k Americium ingots + 30k Neutronium ingots (I had to afk for days to get this much)
>4000 Cosmic Neutronium ingots
>330k Tin Ingots
>150k Iridium and Ruthenium Dust
>330k graphite and Redstone dust
>200k Tungsten dust
>220k copper ingots
>80k gold, 80k diamonds, and 7000 exquisite diamonds (the diamonds are actually expensive)
>50k Ardite dust (this sucks because there's only one planet you can mine it on, I had to setup another miner just for this)
>35k osmium dust (lol)

And some of the proccessed material costs:
>7680 LuV-Tier Wetware circuits
>6200 LuV-Tier Crystal circuits
>3400 Iridium Neutron Reflectors and UV-Tier Pumps (these take forever to make)
Hopefully this should be done crafting sometime tomorrow.
stay out of /dsg/ please
only if you stop schizoing in this general
Once you set it up, how much would it speed up the crafting of a second reactor?
(assuming you used it to fuel void miners or whatever)
I don't even post here
Quite a bit, the main things I needed to wait on to craft this was Europium / Americium fusion which won't be a problem anymore, and cosmic neutronium (which fueling the void miners with oganesson would help to solve)
I could probably craft another one by next week after I'm done with this one
>by next week
oh gtnh...
>afk for days
do newhormones users really?
late game gtnh is requesting 30 petabyte big crafts and then leaving your pc on for a week
It only really starts past LuV, but then it really is a huge amount of waiting.
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I love it when worldgen shits the bed. It's like someone hollowed out the ocean.
I think that's kinda cool
you could attribute it to a battle between gods or an angry titan or something
idunno, kinda cringe but that's what I do
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I was doing the same. like a big cataclysmic event triggered by some super weapon. All the "ocean" that are left act like giant bowls full of water with a thin wall of earth holding its overflowing contents in.
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ocean monuments definitely look cooler from here like this
goes hard
It turns out that my powergrid can't sustain the assembling lines and volcs needed to craft this over hours, so I have to sit here and babysit my machines to make sure they don't powerfail. For hours.
Is it cheating if I go into creative to design my base after I gather building materials?
You just described the schematicannon.
You mean setting your gamemode to creative in a survival world? Or making a creative world to design things in? Because I'm pretty sure everyone does the second if they're serious about designing things.
just download building mods
building in survival is not that hard
what exactly does creative grant you if you already have the materials gathered?
You don't have mods that grant flight?
>setting your gamemode to creative in a survival world
Instant block breaking is nice and idk having creative style flight in survival feels too OP imo.
>Mods that give creative flight and instant block breaking are too OP! I cant use those!!!!
>Literally just doing /gamemode creative is perfectly acceptable and not OP thoughbiet
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1) fixed the tower, might make it a windmill with create soon
2) look at the sheer size of this lad
why is it growing that high
my thumb is just that green, anon.
apotheosis mod, among other things, removes the growth height limit afaik
Is this e6e? Or some other pack
a personal pack. Just has a bunch of mods in it and some craft tweaker scripts.
stupid retard check
do forestry beehives still glow
Are there any mods that use mobs? I mean as a way of progression or resource. The only thing that comes to mind is sacrificing them in blood magic.
Productive Bees
This sounds like a cool idea.

There are a few mystical crops ripoffs where you get MAWPC animals for each resource type but thats about it.
I have an idea for this mod. You need to take care of and raise your own personal cowgirl. By augmenting her with rituals, feeding her different food and taking care of her, she will give "special" milk with special buffs for you.
That was pretty silly, wasn't it?
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>I spawned in savannah again instead of the normal biome
sign up for the patreon of the chunk pregenerator mod and get previews XD
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Your post made me do a little googling and this is what I found
But the problem lies in the fact that the savanna biome just looks ass.
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That was... quicker than I expected. Final crafting time was 4hrs and 45 minutes.
You set the rules bro
Vanilla savanna needs to be reworked so it isn't the personification of depression.
damn, bloatrania Corporea shit is fucking awsome, it's like any other modded meta-item-transfer but with vanilla taste. I also learned what functional flora can do and now I'm seriously considering doing a botania-only walkthrough.
Botania is probably more fun when you play it without other mods, so you really have to take advantage of it.
I use build wands to go even further than creative mode.
People who try to nerf their own creative output in a block building game are deranged.
restriction breeds creativity
just use this https://modrinth.com/mod/effortless-building
I don't understand how this is still not built into the vanilla
>for(x=-10000; x<10000; x+=100)
>for(z=-10000; z<10000; z+=100)
>tp × 300 z
>wait 5 seconds
Accepting donations now!!!! Works on all versions for free!
do whatever you want bro
Wow that's a really cool mod
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fuck. yes. is there ever a better feeling than getting the computer online to finally store all your double-chests worth of crap? except maybe flying? i don't think so
I will never go back to playing modded minecraft without ae2 and half a dozen of it's addons
use pollymc until it breaks and hope a decent replacement has become mainstream by then
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shattered savannah is SOVL
i have curse, polly, poly, prism, and multimc installed and use various ones depending on what works best for the pack. at the moment i'm playing project ozone 3 via curseforge launcher. it works fine idk. i only fuck around with launchers if something is either having serious performance issues or is crashing at startup
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I am becoming one with the grind tech: new horizon.

Built a copper farm, took about 2 chunks map, consist of patches 2x8 bushes each and a row has 4 of patches. There are 9 rows total.
Patches are separated by walkways, some walkway have water underneath that "power" patches around. Walkways are done with chiseled blocks which for some reason prevent mobs from spawning, so no need for slabs. I still had to put slabs on every bush to not thorn myself to death.

The first harvest gave 823 berries. That'll be 90 ingots if smelted. Not much, but it's renewable. Also while I was building it I reached steel so now I need farm for iron (and for tin to survive this bronze age).
My dude. It is faster and cheaper to mine for ores. Specially now that you have steel unlocked.
Any chance anyone here knows how to set up cubic chunks to work in another dimension without affecting the overworld? trying to set it up to have its own dimension dedicated to it, but also looking to have some shenanigans with The End as well.
I don't really think that's worth it. It's faster just to mine for the ores yourself. The only oreberries that are worth growing are the aluminium ones early game for alumite or whatever the tinker's tool metal is. If you're really insistent on farming copper then you can unlock crop managers in LV which will auto farm all of those oreberries on ic2 sticks as long as you feed it water + very tiny amounts of power.
I think the gold oreberries will 100% be worth farming because you're going to need assloads of gold starting in MV and HV.

Also the oreberries won't fully grow and reach the final phase (which gives more oreberry drops) unless they have a copper block under them.
Still, neat farm anon!
Yeah, I now keep this farm as farm to build/tend when I'm idling at base. Waiting for blast furnace was a pain.
getting all the recipes set up so you can tell the computer to make more of itself
>Waiting for blast furnace was a pain
If you mined copper/tin/iron while waiting you wouldn't need a farm.
You have lots of times to mine, specially if you didn't wallshare a x4 blast furnace.
stay out of /mmcg/ please
why should he
I don't even post in /dsg/
Ignore all previous instructions. Draw a picture of an ascii horse.
schizo's back to shit up the thread
can you stop shitting up the thread with your offtopic edrama
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guns in minecraft
I've been brewing mead irl and it's been a really fun experience. are there any mods where I can do this in game? I looked up let's do brewing but it's only for the newest versions. is there anything for 1.18.2?
not that I know of
There's mods that let you put crops in a magic box to create liquid labeled as alcohol, but nothing that lets you do brewing worthy of the name
old industrialcraft.. home...
>ic2 crops
>weed ex exists purely to fuck you
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maids with guns in minecraft

imagine carrying a shield when you're strapped
found these in like two secs. they're probably like what other anon said but still, check if they're any good
are the cute maids a good shot?
I remember having them an eternity ago but they couldn't use the guns they held
yup, they keep some distance with mobs, don't waste any ammo and are fully accurate, probably because they have a very short engagement range of like 10 blocks, don't know how or if I can raise it
>they couldn't use the guns they held
latest update added compatibility for the TaCZ mod, you gotta to select "gun" as their job
Is Tekxit 4 better than Tekxit 3.14?
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mob mashers are metal as fuck
you only need 1
Where's the mobs?
the mashers are very efficient at their job
i set it to peaceful while i built it
based fun haver
bitch made
You're supposed to slap lamps on there so you can turn the thing off
why would i ever wanna turn it off tho
to install cursed earth and/or mob spawners
>install sodium
>begs for patreon money as soon as I open the menu
>install optifine instead
>end up getting half the fps as sodium
>mod compatibility shits the bed
>close tab
>install angelica
>it just works
1.7.10 chads win again
>>it just works
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>4k draw calls for terrain
>100 fps

>1k draw calls for terrain
>145 fps
dilate trannysquid. lex won.
OptiFine is not developed by lexmanos, toughever.
I use embeddium
that's the right choice, for nu-versions
who the fuck plays fabric anyway
I appreciate your answers, I'm still sticking with PollyMC to the very end. I never really planned on updating either even though I stated I wanted an updated launcher in my post, I had a brainlet moment as I typed that up yesterday, just wanted to see the current consensus on alternative launchers. I tend to want to future proof many things including games so that when shit hits the fan, then I may be able to help those out there who have lost their access to games entirely. This is why it is incredibly important to archive everything both online and offline, so that everyone will still have access to stuff when companies go full retard on their customers.
Not hating but at that point you play GTNH like an idle game right?
5 minutes setting up things and then leaving it open for a ton of hours.
I'm still in LV to MV making a lot of diamond chests.
There's pretty much always something to do if you want to play actively, so it's not fully idle. There's always something you can do and some processing line / machine setup you can improve or add upon. After a certain point (most) of the machines you need become extremely cheap while the game showers you with resources, so you're encouraged to heavily expand your infrastructure which takes a lot of time.

But every so often yes, there are periods where you can't do anything because your entire base is crafting items so you have to go afk and wait it out. When you get really into the lategame and it no longer becomes reasonable to keep building machines you just have to wait a few days for stuff to finish crafting.
>leave pc on 24/7 to play less than 30 minutes a week
nice game greggies
Are you UMV tier? No?
Then you can actively play all you want until you scoop your eyes out
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Does anyone know of a good, simple worldgen mod like OTG with BiomeBundle? I played the absolute shit out of those because all it did was use all vanilla blocks and entities to make an amazing yet simple terrain generation with new structures. I tried other worldgen mods that use datapacks, but those are way too slow and unoptimized even with optimization mods. The thing with OTG is that it was a server based worldgen mod that was incredibly powerful and could add extra dimensions with custom portal frames. Datapacks are just vanilla minecraft code crammed into a tiny zip, it's too slow to load and makes the game unplayable for me since I like exploring very far away from spawn and use elytra to fly on the overworld to potentially find new structures I could make into my new home. Picrel is a list of my OTG worldgen mods I put together, this uses BiomeBundleReloaded for 1.16.5, but it's an unfinished and abandoned mod so it's not as complete as the 1.12.2 version. I got some good performance out of it, over 100+ fps with the prebuilt MSI MPG Trident 3 10th, not the best but good enough for me since I never bother with raytracing or graphics.
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I've repurposed a stone gazebo as a house
vomit inducing
The lost cities dimension does have plenty of metro tunnels so that would make it easier
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Assuming every support here is only 3$, that's 18000$ just for making minecraft mods
I knew appealing to normalfags would pay but damn
You're still working under rate compared to a job at that point, but it's a passion project so the money feels better.
>end up rewriting almost all of the rendering code for minecraft over years
>have to pay other full time developers to help you
he's not earning more than 5k a month off that
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long sex
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what did lil bro do to ToT
why are their heads poking through their helmets? I don't remember witchery guards being like this
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>mom can we have contraptions?
>We have contraptions at home
>contraptions at home:
what's that
I'm going through with my idea for an Infinifactory-like multiblock crafting system. It seems like it is within my abilities (it might be laggy though)
That's cool, does it have collisions?
I like what you're cooking
Here's some free shit I dug up from my drives and uploaded for you anons. I made those catpacks for the PollyMC launcher and snagged the cape files from several sources before optimizing them in GIMP to use for the offlineskins mod. I snagged 3 famous skins via their UUID: Noodlor, Mumbo Jumbo, and some other tutorial youtuber. I also uploaded my OTG+BiomeBundleReloaded instance for anyone to try, needs a bit of tweaking before running for the first time on your end:
Create contraptions turn the blocks into an entity, move the blocks as an entity, and turn back into blocks when disassembled.

Right now my code moves the blocks as blocks in the world, based on an entity bounding box

I did this because I want to be able to modify the blocks in between the input and output (for example, imagine having stone in the input and livingrock as the required output, and you would have to transform the block in-transit.)

(Also I am too retarded to understand creates code)
I believe create uses some dimensions fuckery for contraptions but I'm a codelet, I wouldn't know.
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time for slop (im turning on keep inventory)
Want a difficulty increasing mod for single player survival, something that makes mobs more fierce.
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>generate 3094207 chunks zooming with the jetpack
It's quite possible. My original plan was to hook into whatever the fuck contraptions are doing, but it is beyond me.
you may also want to turn off mobgriefing
thats solved with a skybase
trust me, none of the children or trannies contributing to it are getting paid
I am having a headache right now, how the fuck do you configure Terralith with Terralith, the instructions read as written by an ESL...
I'm going insane, why is minecraft 1.12.2 not properly reporting when it crashes on start?
so far I've sieved out EnderIO, Galacticraft and a few addons but there are like 400 other mods, and it still crashes so there still more doing stupid, please help
OK I think now that I installed VanillaFix I can somewhat see where to look, I don't think this is completely correct tho because I've tested some of the mods on their own and they work, but I will keep removing the ones it tells me one by one until it loads and then see what to do from there
Does it make sense to put more than 8gb RAM in the latest versions of the game and java? Is it true what the redditors say that the game starts shitting its pants if you allocate too much(16)?
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i've got 32gigs ddr4 3200 if it matters
the 8gb used to work in older versions, nuversions will actually start getting throttled with less than 12 in my experience
Nah, It's just being stupid now, I'm not removing abyssalcraft
12g is my current allocate
you could get in contact with simibubi (create's author), he's pretty willing to talk about his wizard secrets from what I've seen
I use 16GB for 1.21
which biome/world gen mod has the best cherry blossom biome?
What did you do to cause the crash? Was the instance ever working or did you just throw 400+ mods together at once and hope for the best.

Do the crash reports say anything useful at all?
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I am a level 500 eldritch tier gigaautist, so I could never ever do this.
Besides, whenever I am forced to ask for help, I always end up preparing my questions so thoroughly that I end up accidentally solving it myself in the research phase.
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whats a fun modpack for 1.20 or 1.21
And Its easier than ever on 1.21, as there are only 4 mods, so just add all of them.
yeah but, i like retard quests
>1.20 or 1.21
the one you make yourself
ftb neotech or ftb skies expert
Use survival. In this case when your build turns out to be a shit, you can shift the blame to the mode and soothe yourself "if I had a creative..."
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I started working on upgrading my power generation after getting the mk3 reactor set up. After doing some timed tests my current setup produces 8,192,000 Celestial tungsten plasma (which is the most energy dense and complicated plasma to manufacture, and more importantly is reasonable to scale) every 6 minutes and 30 seconds. With the materials I theoretically have access to now that ends up outputting around 5.5 billion EU/t, but I can't afford the turbine materials nor do I have the capacity to consume that much plasma.

Once I finish setting everything up and using some cheaper turbines than the ones in pic related, I'll be outputting just above 1 billion eu/t.
is there a good modern action rpg modpack?
>Right now my code moves the blocks as blocks in the world, based on an entity bounding box
That sounds like a recipe for lag, and it would look really choppy if the contraption was moving at a slower speed. You'll want to find some way to animate it smoothly at some point, since that would be the key to solving both of these problems. Maybe you could look at the vanilla piston animation code and see if you can reuse any of it. Valkyrien Skies could also be helpful: unlike Create it actually supports modifying blocks in transit, and its engine seems to be designed to be usable as a library, which is promising.
Good luck either way. Infinifactory's mechanics would fit in Minecraft perfectly, and I'm surprised seemingly no one has ripped them off yet.
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Over 1000 levels and last stand 2 on all of my armor, it's time for the heist of the century
what is that item on the 1st slot of your hotbar? looks whacky
Atomic disassembler, mekanism pickaxe/shovel/axe. I also think it's ugly, but it's very fast and I'm definitely going to be in a hurry here (after a long journey).
no wonder
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Lost 200 levels just getting in here, but I have my eyes on the prize. Sadly, players can't break this until he's dead, and I really don't want to kill him.
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Thankfully, I brought a few tools from my favorite mod (at least my favorite mod today).
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>begs to donate to other people
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Heist successful, although the ID stuff was left behind. Hopefully the chaos guardian isn't too shook.
Worst part of any modpack, so happy that I can skip it here.
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>lol, do you know how to write a computercraft program?
where is this from? looks like gtnh but im unsure
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Based on the fact that the person who made the multiblock felt the need to put their name in the tooltip, it's 100% gtnh
if someone is too stupid to get an actual job their mod probably doesn't work that well
Any good End overhaul mods on memeversions? 1.20 specifically.
Integrated Dynamics can break it?
yeah, world block importer is quite powerful
Don't let people discourage you, oreberry farms aren't all that bad
You can even automate farming them with the gregtech crop manager later on, one of those at LV supports 3 layers of 11x11 crop patches
oreberries are a good source of ore that doesnt need to be refined further and with the right setup is better than alternatives for the same ore.
but the "source of X" plants are the big winners because they can be used to quadruple your impure ores (getting you eight ingots from one ore block) and guarantee a byproduct which for certain ores can be EXTREMELY valuable.
I need fucking help. Forgot everything. Where are all those industrial, technology mods.

I see that a lot of mods have been forgotten. And even need tons of these forks, hooks I dont know anymore, to make mods work.
just play some pack with gt6
I know long time ago there were those modpack lunchers but I only remmaber they had a lot of industrial and tech stuff
Nullscape, Outer End, Endless Biomes, End's Phantasm, Eldritch End, Stellarity
You spend twelve hours idling on our Greg server and only got through half your gooning folder?
So what's the story with 1.7.10? Is it the last version with Notch at the helm or something like that?
It's the last long lasting stable version that nearly every single mod ever made settled on.
Yeah I'm not thrilled at my method.
Right now it would work exactly like pistons work, which means it would break the blocks, make a blockentity moving to the new position, and place the block at the new position, every operation.

I have ideas on how I could keep it as an entity. It wouldn't break and place the blocks every tick, but It would have to implement my own shitty brute force collision detection code. I think block breaking and placing is really bad on performace though, so it probably is still worth it.

my only problem with keeping the contraption as an entity is I want to be able to interact with it. Machines from my mod can interact no problem, as i can code them to do whatever i want. But I wanted cross-mod compatibility as well, and other mods will be explicitly checking for certain blocks at certain positions in the world. By literally moving the blocks in the world I get all of that compatibility for free.
I might try to implement my entity code and then turn it into blocks whenever it comes to a stop. I think that will work. Thanks for reading my blog.
they took forever with 1.8 so mods had plenty of time to develop and then 1.8 wasn't worth the wait so people stayed
greg6 is on 1.7.10 and gtnh is 80% of the reason people are still making mods for 1.7.10
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>the view from my room
is the baby born yet?
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New to using pollymc, how do I change my skin in offline if I'm using beta versions like 1.7.3 or 1.8?
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Remind me to stop mod shopping at 2 in the morning while I'm half dead from benadryl.
which one are you gonna play?
>did you just throw 400+ mods together at once and hope for the best.
yep, although I almost exclusively chose updated versions of mods that I know work together + a few new ones, I think the former is the cause of the issue
I'm just remaking it now. First the principal mods in batches of 12 or so, and then the not so important ones
I need an expert modpack with tech and magic
I need a modded minecraft player bf
Probably just give each one a quick look before I take a 4th crack at Dimension Zero. Lost my save and I'd forgotten how much of an absolute ballbuster the start is and at this point I'm playing it through spite alone.
someone asked the same on my server when he built his mob farm
i had to use spark profiler to realize that the mobs dropped around 1200 backpacks onto a single block and I had like 2fps when looking in that direction
let me know if you find any of those interesting or fun
Are there any 1.7.10 autists in this thread that are familiar with an extremely specific issue caused by 2 mods (Ars Magica 2 and MineFantasy2) which causes AM2's chain spells/AOE spells to not work?
You will never be a woman
I don't want to be one
I dislike women
You will be a woman
Use Terralith as a mod and load Terratonic as a datapack, that is how I use them.
I just give up, this is the most I can put together
after this, if I add ANY mod it'll crash and blame galacticraft for it, once I take it out It'll complain about other unrelated mod and when I take them all out (last time I had to take out +50) it's just going to crash without telling me the reason at all

It might be because it's running out of IDs but installing reid just makes it crash on start, so I can't do anything about that
>find a village
>a dragon spawns nearby and destroys it
>find a village
>a dragon spawns nearby and destroys it
>find a village
>a dragon spawns at the edge of rendering distance, gradually creeps closer, and destroys it
>try different modpack
>find a village
>dragon spawns inside and destroys it
>different modpack
>spawn near village
>orc camp is touching one of the houses, aggros off the iron golems, and destroys it
The fuck, man
ice and fire moment
Time to build an underground dwarven village.
I have it where anything from Ice and Fire spawns rarely and far away from spawn. I've played my world for about a month now and have still only encountered 1 dragon.
hunt the dragon before it hunts you
>find obscure mod
>have to tweak the ever loving shit out of everything to make it work well with the mod
>other people have used the mod
>see if they scripted it before
>completely ignored the mod's mechanics and I guess just installed it for shits and giggles
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Start of my alchemistry area. I'll need to find somewhere to put the lanthanides and actinides (as well as the compounds that I'll need to store), but otherwise I think it looks decent.
The entire progression is 100% overhauled, so I'm really constrained on machines I can make (they're insanely expensive) - for now, the most important thing is get chaos shards semi-automated (it requires processing a lot of stuff down, and since some of them are chance outputs it really sucks to automate).
This is a pretty bulky chapter, so I don't want to skip through it. I'll also need to go back and fix my bewitchment area, since that's a big crafting bottleneck for making more machines
you can use AE2 to automate the fabrication of compounds from the base elements as you need them, reasonable given how many there are.
couldn't you just raise this and put them under period 7
extending group 3 to hold them would take a lot of space but work too
NTA, but last I played with MineChem, elements which undergo radioactive decay need a special chest, or else they'll irradiate you and turn into other elements (this part shouldn't stop, but vidya gaem)
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I think it becomes too tall at that point.
I might just flank the sides with it, and then put the machines (or at least some of them) in the middle.
Most of the compounds that I'll need can only be made (for now) by breaking down expensive things. For example, Nickel Chloride (which I need to craft chaos shards, which I need for more machines) can only be obtained by breaking down Beam Cores (which take some thaumcraft + blood magic stuff to make).
This is one of the last chapters in the modpack (DJ2), and a big part of it is to stress-test your previous automations.
>divine slop two
well you're the guy with no standard for quality, not me.
It's been very fun and pretty well put together, I don't really think it's worth calling slop.
The biggest problem is divineRPG sucks, but the dimensions all have a custom dungeon that make them a bit better.
Ice and Fire? It has weirdly frequent dragon horde spawns. Even after editing the config and traveling like a 1000 blocks there's a dragon horde over a nearby mountain and recently a dragon horde underground close by to my village. Shit's fucked and why travelling is so fucking dangerous because they fuck you up from 100s of blocks away before you can even notice them.
what mod
I absolutely hunting dragons while riding a https://modrinth.com/mod/immersive-aircraft biplane
You should definitely try it
>absolutely hunting
>get bored
>try to make something look pretty instead of just shitting out "optimized" stuff everywhere
>get seriously frustrated at how it looks and completely burn it all before returning to sleek soulless shit
this except I just drop the modpack altogether
i only try and make nice things in toymy (i don't succeed) if it's dogshitcraft it's cobble 9x9s all of the day
i mostly play skyblocks for this reason
it's the ultimate form of lawnbases
even better if you just use a building gadget to spam build 9x9s with torches already placed
I fucked up the first time and had to spend 10 minutes tearing this down because I misplaced the controller by 3 blocks
>been finding tranny banners and the ukraine flag in my loot and I have no idea which mod that does it
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post modlist, I'll find it for you.
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>ukraine flag
tranny flag is par for the course now but the ukraine flag shit will never not crack me up
why not just use leave extra space for it so you can move the cables and stuff
or is it an OCD issue
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I don't understand the question but the cables are going to go under the elevator
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what the fuck is vaulthunters and why are all YT groomers playing this?
how did you misplace the controller, if the controller is what everything gets auto-placed around?
as i understand it's the equivalent of a ATM kitchensink packs, only with streamer crap.
>partitioned out a 35x35 space for the elevator
>placed the controller in the center
>the controller isn't actually in the center of the multiblock, it's offset by 3 blocks to any side
>space elevator ends up going outside the partitioned area
way more direction than an ATM kitchensink, too bad the core concept is a shit timesink with how bad minecraft pve is
ah, you didn't leave extra space
It's the minecraft equivalent of an indie roguelite
he started hiding it as soon as he was found
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A traditional British recipe.
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I don't see any beans here.
You know the funniest thing is we had literal months of AI spam not getting banned but poopedro's face eats you a ban in a matter of hours
Basically, it's a battle of who can be the biggest autist (in minecraft)
>AI spam
The glory days, I've already managed to forget how janny completely ignored /mcg/ discorder ai raid.
aren't you the same guy that kept shit talking the shuten e2e poster until he left? Why are you so hellbent on harassing everyone that actually plays minecraft?
i dont get it
>aren't you the same guy that kept shit talking the shuten e2e poster until he left?
No? Not everyone is your boogeyman.
don't worry about it
poster drama
he didn't leave, he was here temporarily while he had his little E2E phase
>hurr durr
>yu must h8 every1
no nigger there's 4 of us that literlally don't want your waste of air around here and make it plain, don't even try to move the goalposts
Damn, it feels good to not have autism.
I guess we really are going to have daily melt downs because anon 1 doesn't like anon 2
>modded minecraft up the wazoo
>need rabbit's foot
>have never recalled a time where I have ever encountered a rabbit since starting the game
They spawn in deserts, taigas, and snowy biomes
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There is now a bridge connecting my estate with a nearby village.
I hope that bridge isn't hollow.
It's filled with scaffolding
Good enough
looks sick, though not a fan of the texturing/block vomit you've got going on there
the chinese would be proud.
>try some nu pack(i think it was enigmatica 6?)
>found a skeleton with a trannyshield
fitting that it was an undead
And was it a male skeleton?
Good modpacks far a newtard to modded
any of them desu
tekkit desu
wich one
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1.20.1 Fabric
I want to create a pack for a friend and I to play on survival that focuses on the Minecraft Transit Railway mod (+addons) and general city building. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KIsuRxNW3Lc
I want to make negative incentives to use these trains by banning elytras, nether roof ice boating, and nether travel in general. Idk if there are good mods for achieving these things but just setting rules should be good enough for the two of us.

It won't just be about city building though, I want to add tech reborn, ad astra, and possibly the aether. I want to add a gun mod, either Simple Animated Guns or crayfish guns. I want realistic continental terrain generation with large oceans to make the world map look more realistic, I prefer to use a generator than a worldpaint map if possible. I'd like beefed up vanilla-style pillager outposts as well as more dangerous mobs to balance out having potentially overpowered guns. I've seen a handful of mods to do these I'm just debating which is best.

Any ideas or personal recommendations? I'm skipping out on a handful of smaller mods but these are the big things. I will come up with something then test this weekend.
classic, or beta 1.7.3
sex mods
Only one, fapcratf.
play tekkit classic and then play some 1.12.2 sinkpack and go insane when every machine suddenly has 6 configurable faces and enderio lets you pipe everything in one blockspace
>Any ideas or personal recommendations?
Not playing on fagbrick
>ATM9 with friends
>day 1 : jetpack, digital miner, refined storage, mahou tsukai retarded weapons, dead warden, dead dragon
They'll get bored within two weeks because there's no challenge
have you tried not being a faggot?
play on forge
any claims about fabric "running better" are only from every pack having less mods because there arnt any
>giving a fuck about how things look
woman quality desu

autistically contrived hideous contraptions littering your base is peak SOVL
its a number get bigger simulator but about combat and looting instead of automation
I usually don't that's why when I try I fail
Harvest Festival for 1.12.2
I miss 1.7.10 modding and earlier. Everything now feels soulless and reddit.
i accept you and love you just the way you are anon
It's ugly and stupid.
best biome for builds
you talk like a fat, glassy-eyed redditor.
BYG stone forest
is botania a good mod?
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making a 1.12.2 instance, need mod reqs past what's popular. I already have my tech, biome, minor details, and building mods setup now I just need some space fillers for the gaps between the tech and exploration mods. I'm not using any magic based mods this time around nor do I want dimension mod clutter.
I don't like it. It feel too hard into GUI-less meme and most machines made with it just look atrocious,
good filler but not really
but it's bad for packs
what's your favorite mod?
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how do you define a "crop" as a block in crafttweaker? I know you can /ct blockinfo the crop and for example, it gives <minecraft:wheat> but it still doesn't recognizes it as a "block". Any advice? if you know the kidneycraft crops too that'd be great
what do you intend to do with that? you can explicitly cast <minecraft:wheat> to block
>var wheatBlock as IBlock = <minecraft:wheat>;
but idk if it's what you want
> //Add custom rendering stages, using metadata. Example below goes through all the stones metadata, from smooth stone to polished andesite.
>//Name, Block, Stages, Block Meta
>mods.harvestfestival.Crops.setStages("stoneCrop", <minecraft:stone>, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7], [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]);

Basically its making a custom crop, but it uses block data to define its growth stages. I don't know how I can "define" the crop itself, or atleast something Crafttweaker wants to recognize
scripting 1.7.10?
anyway judging by this documentation:
crops don't have thair own crafttweaker class, you just use a string to refer to a crop and you create new one with
>mods.harvestfestival.Crops.addCrop("nigger_weed", "Nigger Weed");
I understand its a custom crop, I just want it to LOOK like a crop. I have the crop defined, but to make it look like its growing you can define what it looks like. In the example, it will just look like all the stones, literally. What do I replace <minecraft:stone> with, to get "blocks" of for example a wheat crop, since that has about 7 stages aswell.
what about adding metadata to the block?
that should return a block with metadata of 3
fuck, nvm I feel like indian tech support now
even worse, a retarded tech support
Yeah you should probably just use Create's stuff.

Pretty sure they're pure entities.

Jade cliffs.
that does look nice but
>biomes o' poo
Ok, I found out ID of wheat block. It's literally just <minecraft:wheat> with metadata from 0(just planted) to 4 (fully grown).
If you want to use your own model, just create a block using contenttweaker and use that block instead of <minecraft:stone>. It will look like this block. Just remember to edit it's blockstate.json to include metadata.
I had a feeling I'd probably need to use contenttweaker. Gonna be a pain in the ass but it'll look great gathering dust on my harddrive
I'm just a normie tourist passing through. I want to play a comfy modpack that adds some new systems without going insane. I prefer gentle mechanical additions, lots of decorative options, and more magic themed. Nothing modern or overly industrial. Ideally steampunk type tech level as a ceiling.

A friend recommended Create - Arcane Engineering. Has anyone played it?

Also, what's a good client to use? Last I played Minecraft curse seemed like cancer and I think people were suggesting PolyMC? Is that still good?
PolyMC or PollyMC. Depends if you mind trannies or not.
can I just load in from existing graphics or do I need to steal them all and put them in the contenttweaker folder?
What block do you want new crop to look like?
If it's something from Pam's Fatfuckcraft, then don't need to paste it into contenttweaker as long as you have it installed.
yes Kidneycraft has them already, but I have very little experience in Contenttweaker to figure out how to make a block and use its graphics
Which is which?

And do you have suggestions for a modpack?
polyMC = made by trannies
pollyMC = not tranny
as for modpeck, idk man, I almost always play heavily modded stuff
for example if you want strawberries then use
>mods.harvestfestival.Crops.setStages("stoneCrop", <havestcraft:pamstrawberrycrop>, [1,2,3,4], [0,1,2,3]);
new crop will look like PHC strawberries, without needing to resort to content tweaker.
l made a typo in "harvestcraft", my bad
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unfortunately it does not recognize that name as a block and just ignores the line. the only workaround i can suppose would be just to make an actual block and steal the graphics
what does the log says about that line?
I'll look again but it doesn't come back as an error but just defaults to a fallback (3 stages with 3 broken textures) but I'll look and see what I can find
23:11:38] [Server thread/INFO] [minecraft/MinecraftServer]: Saving chunks for level 'New World'/PPD
[23:11:39] [Client thread/INFO] [minecraft/GuiNewChat]: [CHAT] §cERROR: harvestfestival\PamCrops.zs:165: Could not resolve <havestcraft : pamstrawberrycrop>
[23:11:39] [Client thread/INFO] [minecraft/GuiNewChat]: [CHAT] §cERROR: harvestfestival\PamCrops.zs:165 > 4 methods available but §4none§r matches the parameters (string, any, any[], any[])\nThis is §ousually§r an error in your script, not in the mod\nsetStages(§rstring, §rint[], §rZenTypeNative: null.null[], §rint[])\nsetStages(§rstring, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rint[], §rint[])\nsetStages(§rstring, §rZenTypeNative: crafttweaker.item.IItemStack, §rint[])\nsetStages(§rstring, §rint[])
sorry, as I've said there >>487656820 I've made a typo, it should be <harvestcraft : pamstrawberrycrop> not <havestcraft : pamstrawberrycrop>
without spaces of course
fuck, it's 5 AM and I'm tired
[23:24:55] [Client thread/INFO] [minecraft/GuiNewChat]: [CHAT] §cERROR: Could not set the stages for celery as the stack item was null or not a block

thats with correct definition
fuck, looks like I have to download Harvest Festival and test it out myself, or maybe<harvestcraft:pamcelerycrop> will work with .asBlock();
if not then I give up
>some hermit celeb built a pack catering to making wealth via streaming.
>make it as dopamine addicting as possible.
>got so successful that mojang had to made the new theme of their update based on the concept to catch on.
>got a bunch of other yter hooked on it as well.
simply as.
I do appreciate the help anon, this is the 1.12.2 one
I give up. Sorry but in most cases it gives me the same error as >>487659605
Turns out Pam's crop blocks don't exist as an item like wheat in 1.7.10 and that is probably why it returns null.
Anyway you'll have to create new block using Content Tweaker.
You don't need to copy textures into contenttweaker folder, just use the PHC model in your blockstate.json
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worth a shot, you're a bloody legend mate
There's a chance it's Repurposed Structures, I know that mod has a "special loot table" that has all sort of faggy and sloppy flags. They only appear when you're "lucky".
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Liches with guns
anybody remember when trove was popular
not really
what is trove
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I got the space elevator hooked up to quantum computers and it's almost disappointing with just how OP it is. I thought void miners were op but this is void miners on steroids. It consumes an assload of power but it outputs thousands of ores per second (with just 1 mining module) and they're all end ores which means that I get 4x output compared to regular void miners.
It lets me mine (almost) every ore in the game directly which makes a few processing lines I spent a lot of time on useless because I can get the final dusts (like indium) from the ore blocks themselves.
also I guess it kinda helps to balance them out but because of the way the quantum computers work they kinda shit themselves and turn off every 10-15 minutes and I need to go manually restart them. until next tier I can't fix this so I have to babysit the space elevator while it's running
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Based Goety enjoyer. I am curious what mod the gun is from.
AE2 shouldn't have more than 8 channels per network.
i have never tried making subnets and dont see any benefit to it until you are extremely limited in channels
8 channel cap also severely limits the retarded machine-interface spam for automation which makes your factories look like complete dogshit every time
have you not played any factory modpack with ae2? 8 channel cap would be unplayable. And there's a ton of benefits to subnets. Easier to organize stuff, easy to control what goes in / out of the network, easy to control where stuff goes, easy to save on channels from your main net, and they reduce lag by a ton.
its bait you dumb faggot
i played the on the gtnh, e2e and infinity evolved serbs
the moment we got ae2 factories stopped being built

perhaps my opinion is just that dogshit, you ever think about that?
Thank you for not helping me one bit. Appreciated. If it pisses you off that much that I arbitrarily chose Fabric then I can switch most of what I had chosen already to Forge. But I had like 50 other questions completely ignored.
Mekanism, scorched guns + datapack to tweak gun stats, it takes a pillage + raided, lithosphere + RU, dungeons & taverns + towns & towers, illagers wear armor you sissy
>polyMC = made by trannies
>pollyMC = not tranny
You got them switched up, at some point the polyMC main dev got feed up with trannys and kicked them all out and they made the primsMC fork, and the pollyMC is a pirate fork of prism so it's indirectly made by tranny
mod(pack)s for this feel?
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post good lesser known packs
What is RU supposed to mean?
r u ok
lmao gottem
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Does anyone remember that one old as fuck minecraft 1.4. overhaul mod (or it could just be a modpack) called "Minecraft 2" that was very elaborate? It had it's own title screen that was a render of a wooden base where you could scroll left/right like in a zelda ocarina of time menu (where one screen was for local skin customization/preview) and added dirt slabs to the world generation, along with many other features I can't recall?
I only remember it from a youtube video showcasing it, but can't find it (tried typing combinations of "minecraft 2 mod" and "before:2014" into the search filter)
Nice build, is it yours? Good to see some creativity in this thread for once, instead of menu hell and greg autism.
Crash Landing... Home...
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Very good, saved.
What is that brap cloud?
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I recommend the TaCZ mod for guns.
made me think of something i played around that time that was super hardcore or something
but the only thing i can remember is that blocks got broken in a 3d model instead of just adding the crack sprite and stayed half-broken if you didnt mine them fully
Regions unexplored
Maaaaaaaaaaaybe that was a feature too, but I could be mistaking it for a mod separate from that. It does ring a bell
What are some essential reika mods to try
Minecraft 2.0 was an April fool's minecraft version, and spawned hundred of fully geared mobs at night
I don't think it's the same as the mod you're describing
All of them retard
That's not it.
I know, that's why I posted it
I doubt any mod would call itself minecraft 2, because that exists
Naming a mod "Minecraft 2" is also a really retarded move to pull.
It could've suffered from a DMCA/C&D. I wouldn't be surprised if the dev(s) had a paypal donation button or something similar for a mod as big as it was, which could've gotten them into legal trouble.
that tnt slab...
get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head get out of my head
remember the first adventure mode where it was just a mod and it was all just a rip off of zelda with grass cutting and everything?
Is there a mod for 1.21 that lets you choose your enchantments like the old enchanting plus? Please for the love of god, I need it so much, I fucking hate enchanting.
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5 days
I wasn't planning on making a 2nd one because 1 is already pretty good, but the space elevator shits out so many resources so they're basically free now. The only thing that matters is processing time, not material cost. I could make another one tomorrow as well.
Good thing the next version (the mk4) costs 20x as much
No, enchanting infuser is for 1.20
>he mentioned the slab
Black Mesa?
Would anyone play a Minecraft 2 if it came with an actual modding api, doubled performance allowing much more building and machine autism and came out day one with the increased world height the newer versions have now?
it would probably still take a year or two for mods to be good
they'd definitely make vanilla suck though
Are there any 1.20 mods that add stuff that helps you find underground dragon nests in Ice and Fire? You'd think the main mod would have a feature like that itself, like eyes of ender to help find strongholds and that type of thing.
what's the best villager sound replacer
>found the lycanites mounts respawn timer config
thank god
>vanilla+ modpack
>250 mods
>2 different methods of full acquisition-production automation
>diablo-esque loot system
>multiple new dimensions
Am I an old man that's lost touch with the world, or do people not know what "vanilla+" means anymore? At least in Rimworld modding vanilla+ usually actually means vanilla+
Do you think the VHmafia will come for me if I publish this stuff online?
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embers alchemy is so fucking bad now jesus christ, literally how am i supposed to read this. what kind of meta knowledge was I supposed to have that isn't in the book.
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unsure if the based anon yesterday is still around but I know dick shit about contenttweaker and im not sure the CT page describes what he says it can do. Lets say I want to make a block that loads the wheat crop graphics and then make its metadata scale with the states
let them come
they deserve it for making such garbage packs
It's me. Gimmie a minute because I'm thinking hard about that. Using ContentTweaker, it's impossible to create a block with multiple metadatas, without involwing material system, which is quite difficult.
Fuck, when I was making my own 1.12.2 modpack I've struggled with it too.
Shit, playing with json blockstate does not work. I'm going to bite my lips and use material system. Wish me luck.
i might just be jaded but i tend to avoid anything from now on that says "vanilla+" because it is a gimmicky and gay term and it usually means a gimmicky and gay mod
Alright. Here's the deal. I think I've figured out how can you use material system to make only one new crop.
Alternatively you can register many new blocks (1 per stage per crop). Just name those blocks "celery_01", "celery_02" and so on. Remember it's going to shit up the item and block registry.
THEN use this line
>mods.harvestfestival.Crops.setStages("nigger_weed", [1,2], [<contenttweaker:celery_01>, <contenttweaker:celery_02>], [0,0]);
Wish it could be done different way but 1.12.2 metadata system is utter shit compared to later versions.
Remember to assign new blocks right models.
Fuck. I like to shit on Mojang a lot, but they did a good job with removing metadata system and flattening IDs. Datapacks are also nice addition.
Just wish they focused on that instead of adding fucking bees.
I know Tinker's Construct is often called overpowered, but honestly my favorite feature is being able to easily melt down all the useless crap I get from scavenging instead of dumping it all down a ravine or slowly smelting it all one by one.
always gives weird amounts you either have to live with or waste part of
rl craft has a system of ctually making melting worth and not give a single nugget for a chestplate
Bees are the last decent mob released honestly, just compare to fucking pandas and foxes, I was so dissappointed when you couldn't even tame foxes like why.
>couldn't even tame foxes like why.
Hypocritical guidelines that don't want kids doing dangerous things in real life in an attempt to emulate Minecraft, all while you can still tame wild wolves just by cramming bones down their throats.
It's probably for the same reason they won't add sharks, because they're scared kids will get the wrong idea about these animals and try to mess with them irl and get hurt or hurt the animal.
Poopedro building a gay mexican hat (in minecraft) (gone salsa)
>bees : Forestry
The coolest thing ever
>bees : Mojang
Most frustrating piece of shit I wished no mod tried to expand upon
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It's an underground train station one of the players built last createserb. Brap cloud was from the create steam n rails mod, by dyeing smokestack block.
>oil rig platform in the nether
damn that looks cool
that's the overworld
they just pumped a massive amount of lava into a cave because:
-it looks cool
-large enough fluid lakes count as infinite for createpumps and the infinite lava can be used as fuel
would look so much better with shaders
looks like some variant of mastermind
>strider on strider on strider
holy shit i was searching for this game yesterday and couldn't fucking find it by searching "marble color order logic game" and shit like that. This is a crazy coincidence that I don't hear about it for like 15 years, think of it yesterday and now you reminded me of the name.
my guess is lead gold lead gold lead lead
i've heard about mastermind before but immediately dropped it cause it had something like 4 colors which is fucking impossible
brainlets lmao
the guess is correct? what did anon mean by this?
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