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Previous: >>487166909

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki Douji Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Yuyu love!
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Mandricardo love
remove all reddies and serfs
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soul or soulless?
What the first thing you notices on this support page?
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Muramasa recieves:

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Kama Love!
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Medusa love!
Post Servants whose breasts should be impregnated
>np5 arc
soulful and yet soulless
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i noticed how i dont really care anymore. i just let automata pick the support for me.
>KAMAla Harris
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What do you think about how my last few singles went?
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She's a bad granddaughter-in-law, no filial piety whatsoever.
As soul as it gets.
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>To get all the relevant Tour Lock rewards
170 bond for each Main class
85 for Extra 1 and 2
80 ascension levels for each main
40 for extra 1 and 2
2000 levels for each Main
1000 for Extra 1 and 2
300 skill levels for each main
150 for Extra 1 and 2
This gets you the Paws, Grails, Bond grails, and Gold Fous.
Anything after that is just mana prisms, rare prisms, or silver fous
Go forth and Prosper.
I was rolling for Xu Fu because i dont have any good healers and got her NP5 on accident in 420 Quartz.
Kill yourself fgognigger
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anyone have a good method to get rid of curry stench
What is the purpose of those things when they don't help obscure the view of her changing?
>What the first thing you notices on this support page?
That I've forgotten that people can have unleveled servants in the year 2024
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Should've rolled for NP5 Arc
anyone know if we'll unlock the final free quests before teapots expire?
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You can't tell the difference between mmmmmmm from mmmnmmm.
You can't tell the difference between Kama and Karna.
i can tell you're an anniversary tourist because i havent seen this back and forth in a year or so
Are we posting supports?
Everyone still farming the Saber node for some reason?
All my fellas
which emiya is this.....?
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What's wrong with Mandricardo?
Why is your Koyan of Light still lvl 1
i kneel
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Lip love!
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She just wants to have fun with her grandma.
Kama for president...
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Who's the target audience for this character?
I shan’t be doing this.
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let her cook
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>Lv. 1 Koyanskaya
10 months until we can roll for Cooldusa...
>Roll Ibuki
>Her room lines are not slutty at all and she just wants to have fun and party
You guys lied to me
More importantly how are those Fous distributed, can I put them on hold for claiming or will they go into the gift box or instantly be dumped into main inventory
I need to minmax inventory space management and gold Fous end up taking too much space when I'm waiting for 2026 Servants to use them on
Only about 30~ hours before the last node unlocks, while teapots still have another 9 (?) days left.
They're missions so I believe they're claimed. No clue about any potential expiration date on collection.
nice ty bro
Don't forget that Ordeal Call Paper Moon is released immediately after the Illyafest lottery event so your gift box and inventories will be full of XP cards.
Mainly me.
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Who is the Grace of FGO? (Character from Zenless Zone Zero)
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I don't care
It doesn't matter.
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Which should I pick for the next level? 2? 3 seems worthless.
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She just wants to have a cheap laugh with no regards to others feelings.
Egotistical Boseulachi, she needs to reign herself in and control herself better.
Eric bloodaxe.
use your own brain for a moment
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that's how vile oniggers try to trick you into doing naughty stuff
>3 sleeps until Skadi
It's too much...
absolutely based
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>Need to autistically claim one at a time and avoid "Claim All"
I will suffer it

All the more reason to be careful about space
NP1 Ibooki is fine right? Haha
yes 2
how new?
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For me, it's Cummer
shush you...
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Wet (me)
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55 hours till all your penises explode from all the blood rushing into it.
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Go home Saebah, you're drunk
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np1 is fine for most things
np2-3 is good if you dont ever want to use a different arts servant
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Yes but for pic related
should I use teapots on the event story nodes?
>you still have teapots?
yes Im stll going through Traum
from the Ati orgy?
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Soul or soulless?
for me its https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ix4qBwjzaLE
Da Vinci caster
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It's funny how Wu's art makes her look tanned but the sprite is pale as snow.
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remember what THEY took from (you)
>Just read the word "Consort"
>Can't even finish reading the sentence before PTSD from that shitstain boss kicks in
Save me Altera...
if you can farm the 90++ i'd use them there
I love my empress.
why i'm not on here?
Those bastards took away my summer Cleo?!
Yang cares about Wu. Besides, Wu does stuff like try to lock Yang in a room until she manages to ace the Chinese imperial exams.
Mom Love!
Auntie Love!
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>decide to see what my bond levels are for the class score rewards
>3 classes aren't at 170 bond
>Summer BB
>Summer Musashi
holy sovlless slop
final ascension is sovless
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Why is Erice Avenger?
How many bond needed and for which classes?
OC is still almost a full year away, you got plenty of time
I used to be at like bond 100 for a few main classes and thought it was hopeless too. Then several months passed and now I'm almost there. Believe. Believe. BELIEVE.
edge class
See >>487188413
I'm still annoyed the thumbnail or whatever is close-up of Cleo's face instead of Wu's.
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Arts > Buster > Quick
So Yuyu was BETRAYED by Wu and TRAPPED in a room to ace the Chinese imperial exam?
Erice was TRAPPED and BETRAYED by Chaldea's Master.
Retarded veteran faggot.
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It's the chuuni class.
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shes too chuuni for rider
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The chunnicord...
>Castoria getting uppity
Solomon is Grand Caster :)
You died before the final battle group photo. You’ll continue to live on in your bros hearts though.
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More or less. Though Yang ran away immediately before Wu could lock her in.
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I see
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Locking her in her room to study is good, it builds character and maybe she even learns a thing or 2.
is there a summary or did you just manually count them
I'm set for the main classes on all of this, it's just the extras I'm less certain of.
k ill wait for that then
wait for 90++ because the bond is insane there
anyone has all the Park News? i don't see it in atlas under the event page
Castoria could easily defeat Solomon with her bare hands.
You need a ton of bronze currency to get all the fous and embers. I guess some people are impatient. Personally I save that for the end after the best nodes unlock, and I save up my bronze currency to just buy all the embers and fous in one swoop so they can sit in a big stack in my inbox.
Her Avalon would get annihilated. Lord Camelot is canonically the most powerful defensive Noble Phantasm in the franchise.
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What did you think of their part?
Was it fun?
with nasu's almost comical britwank I can see castoria soloing big G
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She can beat me off with her hands too
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Chaldea app can keep track of it but you still have to punch in the initial data if you don't want to give all your info to the chinese.
uhh, one of them is Grand Caster and the other had to have Oberon teach them how to create some sparks
I would have prefered loli wu in that swimsuit
it kind of was, though I hate ibuki still. But jiangshi shuten was nice and so was wu. Wu was extra retarded though, looks like she moved some skill points from INT to BREAST.
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I went to the spirit origin page sorted by bond and specific class then put the numbers in a spreadsheet
Congrats on your Juliet.
honestly, if you manage to bond 5 most things from backlining and then bond 7-8 your faves or ones you use in farming, things work out
i dont think its all that much work
My friend list is full because we got no new slots this anni, so I haven't been posting my support.
>want to look up comps for a quest
>copy paste japanese quest name to youtube, get a thousand results showing me what I wanted
>copy paste chinese quest name to bilibili, get literally fucking nothing
why are the chinese like this?
Swiping until NP5
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I feel like Wu gets dumber every time she shows up.
Couple of events more and she will rival Ibuki in bimboness.
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Avalon has Anti-Enforcement and Goetia couldn't stop Lord Camelot, even if Mash got roasted anyway. None of that would touch or affect Avalon. I'm sure it'd still probably be in Solomon's favor since he has Wisdom from god but it's more of a fight than you portray, I believe.
People who like Nero and people who like cunny.
So the overwhelming majority of the player base.
Do you really trust the Chinese for anything?
What do they all have in common and who's that qt with the sex hair in the top middle.
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Who's more useful, Douman or Summer Skadi?
Fun but it was ruined by Ibuki showing up.
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they're all retarded
Are you sure the chinese have the quest yet lol?
You did remember to count servants in your second archive, right? They won't show up in SO list
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>you will never experience Lostbelt 6 for the first time again
>no swimsuit Shuten
>no jiangshi costume for Shuten
I hate it.
i can see plenty
the search term i used:
>~迦勒底盛夏魔園觀光~ 90++
got me plenty of results
Yeah, it fucking sucks
basically a manual process either way, i cant be assed to do that so I'll leave it and just continue grinding everyone
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I never got to experience LB6 for the first time for the first time, to be honest.
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Oberon love!
I won't say most, but I feel like it's pretty standard to NOT put your servants in the 2nd archive.
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It’s Kaoru from Amagami
What they all have in common is I like them
If I don't use them they go in second archive. They just clutter my servant enhancement screen and selection screen otherwise.
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The only thing in my second archive is embers...
I'll just suck it up and backline some sabers and riders for the next few months
Look how flat she is fuck that’s hot
>Lord Camelot is canonically the most powerful defensive Noble Phantasm in the franchise.
Nasu stated that anti-purge defense is the ultimate form of defense, and that he introduced it with Castoria.
Lord Camelot is NOT anti-purge.
closest we'd get is if they were to make a new anime, it'd have to adapt LB6
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Important poll:
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im happy my little list was helpful to people and made them aware
>Ywn experience Childhood's End for the first time again
That Bgm was fucking kino.
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300 quartz for Summer Skadi
Where is summer cleo
I put all m*le servants in the 2nd archive
it's what i plan to do if i don't get a wu before then.
What's their disability?
I don't know.
Can you repeat the question?
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You're not the boss of me now
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Looks like overwhelmingly people don't put servants in 2nd archive.
Lord Camelot is very unique, it doesn't have the Anti-Purge Defense that Avalon and a few other Noble Phantasms have, it's simply a conceptual defense that can block literally anything as long as the Shielder's resolve does not waver.
Anti-Purge Defense isn't invulnrable, and we know that it can be defeated by high Divinity. Considering that Ars Almadel Salomonis is magecraft that was granted to King Solomon by the "Big G" Abrahamic God himself, it should get through the Divinity check of Avalon's Anti-Purge Defense.

Also Beast I - Goetia is a shit-tier faker that never used a single ability of his own and a full power Ars Almadel Salomonis from Grand Caster King Solomon would probably be far more powerful than the one Goetia used.
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I need it to be animated, man. I want to see Castorias rage in the forest. Fuck, I want to see Castorias entire journey. I want to see anime onlies think she's this cute sweetheart only to see her viscerally fucking struggle. I want to see them all love Barghest and want a happy end for her. I want to see the way people react to all of fucking Britain burning. I want to see everyone despise Aurora after all of it. I want to see Melusines tears as she flies away.

I want all of it animated so badly.
should I spend my last 30 SQ on a hail mary for my husbando or wait till december for my waifu's banner?
melt doesn't think MHXX is cool
It’s a compliment
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I'll never experience Lostbelt 6 for a second time again because this FUCKING SHIT GACHA GAME DOESN'T HAVE A REPLAY CHAPTER FUNCTION. FUCK.
>supposed husbando
>has to ask
>Divinity can get through it
It can? Avalon's sheathe has inferior anti-enforcement and Ea didn't do anything.
>King Solomon's would probably be far more powerful
Maybe? Doesn't seem like it'd have a reason to be though.
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Bros help! The puppy dog eyes and the tongue out NP are so fucking silly that they're making me want to roll for Ibuki...
does any gacha game have a replay chapter?
>my husbando
>my waifu

ew you should have saved properly for both of them you slut
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Here's my genius plan: I'm going to hit myself in the head REALLY HARD and I'll wake up exactly as soon as Wu's rate up starts.
See you in 3 days
>Do a 10 pull
>Get Douman with 30 Quartz on my first try
>Do 100 pulls on Merlina
>Do 100 pulls on Ibuki
>Spend 600 Quartz on nothing dont get any copies of either of them
I guess i know now who really loves me...
I do too, but with how the recent fgo anime adaptations have been, I'm not sure I trust them to pull it off.
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its so you can enjoy memorial fights as anniversary “content”
Fire Emblem Heroes does.
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I don't think that's a good idea, granny...
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>Ramesses II's Ramesseum Tentyris
>The Lion King's Rhongomyniad
>Enkidu's Enuma Elish
>Caster Artoria's Avalon
>Buddha's Enlightenment of the Sacred Fig
>Kukulkan's Archetype-ORT
>Aozaki Aoko's 5th True Magic

These are the only Noble Phantasms in the entire franchise to possess Anti-Purge Defense properties, capable of blocking an attack that could destroy the world and capable of blocking Gilgamesh's Enuma Elish.
you're so smart and cool...
That's pretty cool.
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I'm sure you'll be just fine.
I will never forgive the lack of summer Cleo
It said that about Divinity in some materials page, when Nasu was asked about Gilgamesh vs Enkidu (since Enkidu's Enuma Elish has Anti-Purge Defense) but it requires really high Divinity to surpass the Anti-Purge Defense properties.
Ibuki, put me between your boobs and squeeze
Can you do it to me too?
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Do it. She's really fun.
You can reread the story, you just can't redo battles. Which is dumb, but yeah.
We were robbed of the true Japanese experince that was promised to us by Albert because there was literally no way to avoid the Oberon spoilers for 2 years.
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Pow pow! SMACK!
the big eyes sprite is surprisingly cute
I can't find anything about that myself. Considering ORT uses it I don't think any divinity we've seen can surpass it.
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Which is what I want. Lostbelt was a true JRPG experience where it all comes to a head with a big ol' boss rush. The fights were part of the experience.
I only store the extra np levels on servants I really like in there, ie Saber's np6. Oh and manjews it's nice to see how few I've rolled on 7 years. 11 manjews in 7 years
>no sis to abuse me
man, fuck this gay earth
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Yeah. I tried. There were plenty of actual surprises for me in how things went. But knowing that plotpoint ahead of time definitely changed my reading of it.
>Introduced it with Caster Artoria
We've had Anti-Purge Defense in the franchise for a while now. >>487193419

Also Lord Camelot was stated to be literally invincible as long as the Shielder's resolve doesn't waver and that as long as their wishes to protect what is behind them remain true then the White Gates of Camelot will never shatter and the conceptual Noble Phantasm will block literally anything.
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albert should be skinned alive
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Yeah. Mash still got cooked though and her NP still isn't at full power.
Castoria about to get SQUISHED
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>not Ibuki/Castoria/Ibuki
come on
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>Adapt part 1 and 2 into a 24 episode anime
>end it with a trailer that is just a fully animated version of the part 3 trailer
>part 3 gets adapted into 12 straight episodes of fucking chaos
Mashu herself lost her life, but her resolve didn't waver and she successfully blocked Beast I - Goetia's Ars Almadel Salomonis, stopping it from incinirating the history of humanity and killing Gudako.
The Noble Phantasm wielded by Shielder Galahad would probably protect him as well, and not just what he's trying to save.
Life isn't fair, is it?
Do you adapt all the special text scenes with Oberon?
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>Kama will lead us into World War 3 in order to rid /alter/ of Americans and Russians
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Castoria is gay
You aren't wrong. The boss battles for sure added to the sense of how overwhelming everything was.
Idk she looks pretty sad there
Yeah. THAT probably has anti-purge defense. Mash's NP is definitely weaker.
90% of the female servants are, she's not special
>sense of how overwhelming everything was
oh nooo *uses blue cube*
Skipping LB6 for Tunguska was a fucking mistake.
I don't think we've seen an example of the Divinity check working. Enkidu's Enuma Elish always successfully blocked Gilgamesh's Enuma Elish, so Gilgamesh's Divinity wasn't good enough and he's 2/3 god.
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She's sad she can't contain all the gay
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Reminder that Ibuki could push you down, mount you, and you would be helpless to stop her. All you could do is cry and try to push your hands into her huge breasts while she gyrates her hips on you, looking down smugly.
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oh no the horror...
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Don't you just love it when some horny MF writes a thinly veiled fetish post?
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Reminder that Anytime could push you down, mount you, and you would be helpless to stop her. All you could do is cry and try to push your hands into her huge bald head while she gyrates her hips on you, looking down schizophrenically.
lmao this dude can't say nigga
I don't think Galahad's Lord Camelot would have Anti-Purge Defense. It's supposed to be just a "simple" conceptual Noble Phantasm. If used by anyone that doesn't truly believe in their wish to protect something, it would be like holding up a wooden door to block a missile.
I also don't think we'll ever see THAT Lord Camelot that Mashu used again, it was probably a once in a lifetime kind of thing with her resolve being so strong and the defense not shattering against the most powerful Noble Phantasm in the franchise (sorry Gilfriends, it's true).
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She was just told that Gudako wouldn't be the sub for their pet play is all. Castoria has to do it now.
Am I really supposed to spend 5 trillion AP on zerker gems just to level my Ibuki up? Surely there's a better way that doesn't involve waiting months for the next lotto, right?
Based and Nursepilled.
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you didn't beat the game
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>"The terms "Tradition Protection" and "Anti-Purge Defense" come up all the time, what are these!"

>"Nasu: For tradition protection, if an attack does not follow specific rules it will not connect. This is possessed by Alice Kuonji's Ploy Kickshaw, for example. Basically, it's not an actual defense, per se, but something with restrictive conditions. Anti-purge defense is something we'll be talking about in more detail soon, so please wait just a bit longer on that one. For now, I can simply say that it is an ultimate defense against a level of attack that could even end the world."

>"Takeuchi: That term came about around the same time as the Panzer World Galient OVA ...did you really like the term that much?"

>"Nasu: Enough to make it the most ultimate defense ever."
You literally forgot the most important line!

>As the world took new form, the roots aged.
>And now, unseen and unfelt..
>The gnawing of the tiniest of insects shall bring all to ruin


If Lostbelt 7 is even half as good as Lostbelt 6 I'll be happy.
should've put her in the middle
go back to Discord, Cuckzu
i don't see anything about divinity there.
I just used all my fucking pure prisms for once.
It's okay because I'm not rolling for anybody until Draco so I'm good for 9 months.
Lostbelt 6 was the peak of Fate/Grand Order and Oberon was the best thing to come out of this franchise since Fate/Stay Night.
The best character from Lostbelt 7 isn’t even playable yet, sadly
Would hate for this to happen anytime.
I'm not ashamed to admit that cernunnos was too difficult for me. my point is rather that this is just another point where the gameplay and the story of the game are at odds, unlike what the post I replied to suggested.
Wouldn’t you like to know
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Oh no, that would be horrible haha...
I know what I said.
>Never came back in a memorial quest a single time to this day in JP
I did one thing in the fight that I didn't like and I'll forever regret it. I hope one day they'll let us fight him again. Dantes interlude doesn't count.
Bald? She has neck length hair under that, doesn’t she?
I just wouldn't let this happen to me
>non dupe
What a weird condition. The only servants I have dupes of are level 1 copies of taunters, and I have them specifically because I use them.
Isn't Holmes very dead?
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So do y'all just scroll through multiple rows of shitters every time you look for a servant?
>That line
>But Kriemhild shows up to go on a date with Siegfried
Don't think about it too hard...
This event is not predicated on Traum.
how many times are you looking for a servant? They aren't hard to find either anyways. I did have some set with the fave system for a while but I don't use it anymore.
>6 fingers
But Kriemhild goes on a date with Siegfried in one of the story scenes...
It's Chaldea's Kriemhild, not Traum's.
I mark all the servants I use frequently so this isn't a problem for me
Data collection without notification is immoral
I use filters and sort by bond level
That was Sakurai wank, and without Nasu's supervision, so it doesn't count.
Also, there is nothing in FGO that mentions or implies that Ozy has anti-purge.
The Kriem in Chaldea is post-Traum after she and Siegfried reconciled, otherwise she'd be too angry to go on a date with him.
Well I actively play the game, so I am always building new teams. I guess if you're a veteran who only logs in to loop lotteries and dailies, you don't ever have to browse servants.
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>99 Pulls
>Got Erice and Stheno, one each

I'm so fucking done with this shit
>Sakurai wank
Sure, but it's wank under Nasu supervision. He has to okay everything that Sakurai and Higashide write.
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No. The more magical the better. The more powerful the better.
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I setup new servants for every event node more or less but otherwise I have little to change out regularly.
Use them
you better be able whistle Dixie
the entire stroy is under nasu's supervision.
Meant for >>487196517
How relevant is Summer Skadi’s NP compared to Caster Skadi’s NP?
Castoria is one of the strongest A-Ray, to the point that she was born with limiters.
There's a really nice option called Select and another that's called Select Sort. All your most wanted servants will show up at the top.
I really don't see how unless you literally never change CEs or try to bond servants in the backline. You're constantly having to work around the party cost as you get more Event CEs to work in to your set up and sacrifice backline bond. If you NEVER do this I guess it means you just don't care about bond farming or event farming.
Kriem is just a tsunyandere don't think too hard.
It's less useful as a supportive NP but she can be the damage dealer in a farming set-up herself.
Quite relevant. If you choose Summer Skadi as your damage dealer, you can get all the benefits of triple Skadi + Oberon.
Unfortunately Select is a global marker, so I don't use it. If it were unique for different screens I would heartily use it, but having a global marker is too tedious to work with. There are different cases where I would want to use it on different screens, I don't need the same group of servants / CEs selected across all screens.
Because you have double standards, duh. Besides, the animals worth fucking are fictional.
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Is retardation a limiter for superhumans?
You shall not stop me.
It's annoying to constantly switch filters every time I need to look for a servant. I'd rather just cut down the total number of servants so that the one I want is never more than a single tap away.
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zrrrm zrrrm zrrrm
Wu has gotten really uppity since she got a swimsuit...
Unfortunately she's no longer a mesugaki so I have no desire to correct her.
I know where all my servants are and can scroll to them in a flash. I mean really, when you sort by level, all the SSRs, SRs, and Rs can only be in one place unless you've done some really crazy grails, and then they always get sorted by class order. So if I need Koyanskaya of Light, I go to my SSR Assassins.
>You're constantly having to work around the party cost as you get more Event CEs to work in to your set up and sacrifice backline bond. If you NEVER do this I guess it means you just don't care about bond farming or event farming.
Not really? I have a set array of servants of each rarity I am focused on acquiring bond with, and I go into events with typical bond CE setups and just replace CEs one at a time as I get them. The cost doesn't really change til the last two CEs. For events like this that have bond servants you just smash that event bonus filter to plug in anyone.
You didn’t do single pulls, did you?
The 9th anniversary servant is Aesc the Savior (Alter), you heard it from me first
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Douman and Sei parts are yet again the best parts of an event.
Real limiters, the LB6 bells removed some of these limiters, that's why she is the only NPC in the game that reaches level 120.
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>only NPC in the game
>I am always building new teams
I just use my NP5 120 looper to clear everything but cqs so teambuilding is unimportant
(for cqs I just use merlin/castoria/morgan and win every time)
I thought Lady Avalon was part succubus not Incubus, Albert, was this for our modern audiences?
god i wanna fuck it's nipples like a pussy or have it form lips for me to fuck in place of the nipples
utterly soulless
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are you saying you got 99 pulls and a spook ain't one?
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It's revenge for succubus (male)
Why won't anyone post my supports to praise me?
So do we have 48 ish hours to Skadi? Or 72?
No, no matter how you slice it, Merlin's father was an incubus and his mother was a nun. Same goes for Lady Avalon. She's genderswapped, her parents aren't.
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wait until you get to LB7 bro hahaha..
NPC Olga is level 100.
About 53 hours or so.
She says she is Succubus in her myroom lines but asks you to keep it secret or she will "turn into a puddle and disappear".
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El presidente is so cool!
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good night, bros...
72, comes out wednesday 9pm US time, thursday morning if your a euro gooper
high effort post
I don’t post dogshit
You can only reply to this post if you genuinely revere Empress Wu and if seeing her happy makes you happy and if you love it when she gets her way.
That's probably the difference. I tend to have currency CEs that I prioritize over bond farming, since low level event nodes offer shit bond, but are necessary for getting currency to unlock drop/point CEs and other stuff from the shop early in the vent. In order to minimize the number of apples I spend clearing the shop, I try to get a few event CEs by throwing tickets at the event gacha. Sometimes I get nothing, but I usually catch a few event CEs, even a 5* or 4* one. This time I got a bunch of 3* CEs and a 4* CE, so that's what I ran until I bought out the special drop CE. Once I no longer need points I'll switch to bond farming on the final node.
Good night bro. Skadi soon...
It's 54 dumb dumb
She's confirmed for the 24th
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Furry milkers
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Anon, she becomes Level 150 in her own made up flashback.
Why didn't anyone tell me how cute Erice is? I really like her a lot so far.
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I think she's a cute dork
>Google "hours until 21:00 pacific time wednesday"
>54 hours 52 minutes
Anal sex with Melt at the beach!
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She's so beautiful but more than anything I love her personality
Still 54 hours.
It's not a usual conduct to post someone else's support. You only ever are supposed to post your own.
Finally a good one. Added to my collection.
Counting is hard
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I don't waste rolls for things I don't want.
Made for loving anal rape
Damn, this nigga getting NP11s every multi
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The only servants in my second archive are my army of Angras.
Is it safe to place young Martha between such evil big titty women?
I don't roll with quartz unless I want the rateup servant, but I'll throw tickets without hesitation especially if I wouldn't mind getting one of the rateup servants. In addition to getting my CEs, I also snatched NP1 Gareth, so I consider it tix well spent.
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She is "type of succubus" whatever that means.
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good night
The most cursed account on the server...
Good night Kiyobro.
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I like boys
I don't really value them for shop clearing at all, especially now 7 years in where shops have materials I often just don't and won't ever need that I still buy anyways because fuck it. If I don't want something on the rateup then I just won't bother.
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I'm so in love with Summer Wu Zetian, bros. I like how it was revealed she was studying the taoist arts to make the ghosts vanish, but it didn't worked most likely because were her own guilty eating her from inside. It's a simple info, but adds a lot to her as a character. I may even want her more than Skadi now
It was great!! My favorite so far
Even young Martha still has a more than reasonable chest size.
Martha's purity will keep their greed and lust at bay.
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Sweet dreams, Anon.
I actually ascend and skill up my servants, though. All of them. Even the shitters I never use. So I need materials. All materials. You can never have enough. Well, maybe not with serpent eyes, those I have entirely too much of. I don't bother with silver embers either, except to sell for mana prisms I'll never spend.
Since when was Drake evil?
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What she saying
it didn't worked most likely because the ghosts were her own guilty*
Fun fact: you can buster loop with summer ibuki
this CHEEKY master
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making centaurs with caenus' horse pussy
>Traits: Chaotic - Evil
caenus should have larger breasts than this tbqh.
I think it'd be funnier if they just kept getting bigger and bigger
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Those fucking responses
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According to that “memory” a nerfed Artoria Avalon (Lv100/NP3) is enough to take the position of Grand Saber.
But again, at the beginning of the chapter, Olga receives a direct attack from Chaldea's holy sword (which later in the chapter vaporizes ORT with a little help) and it does nothing to her, but not because her defense is superior, but because the sword's blast was far below its average output, due to the fact that Olga is not a threat to the planet.
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>dont get proto-merlin, dont want to hit pity before summer skadi comes out
>spend 300 SQ getting douman
>summer ibuki comes in the first 10 roll on the first roll
usually you get giga lucky on getting the servant you don't care too much about while getting unlucky on getting the servant you do want
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Anon, stop watching Youtube videos on a toaster
>Oberon standing really far in the back due to the absolute disgust he has for Koyanskaya
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All natty by the way. Never botted FP.
I've got all the servants I don't use at 6/6/6 minimum. I don't really care about getting everyone to 9/9/9. I'm already set for all of Ordeal Call and just don't care.
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Since Fate/Extra Material (it says Chaotic Evil)
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i wanna make monsters with this monster, bros
I don't care, I'll never roll for servants I don't like, and I can't stand her design or her vapid personality.
What am I even looking at here. its not 2006 anymore turn up your video quality.
That's cool and all anon, but she's still level 150.
You're dead inside. I love seeing all my unique servants. The more, the merrier
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I was genuinely disappointed there wasn't a dialogue option to praise her for her new spirit origin or otherwise compliment her. Otherwise it was fun. But I really love when she wants Master to praise her and you get to and there wasn't any of that.

Hopefully some in her My Room dialogue?
She's a pirate (see: murder rapist)
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what the fuck are those lips, Wada
I could only get NP1
I am sorry
>Cooldusa is 10 months away
I want to roll...
>there are centipedes in my vagina
That bothered me too!! Like hell, Half of the people there made comments about how pretty she looks but they never gave us the option. Guda is such a lolicon
>Ibuki's second ascension has actual cheeleader noises
fucking hylics in my general...
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I have level 1 copies of taunters, a stage 2 gong for taunt + 10% charge and rerun copies of welfares cause I felt like keeping them.
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That's because Guda already has a lover.
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Does anyone know when the next efficient dust farm is? I think I need about 250 apples worth of Charlotte runs (about 1400 dust) to be done with it. I might just actually use my apples for this.
If you love her, that's good enough bro
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Hylians in my general?/
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Shouldve put Voyager in the middle.
Void Dust literally never comes back in a lottery event to this day in JP.
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breed bimbos. turn your bros into bimbos.
Hedgehogs are so cute bros
Upgrade your Haunted Oniya and you'll get a steady supply of dust for the next 16 days
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Maybe I should cryogenically freeze myself in icecream until the Skadi rateup is live...
Crap, I ran out of that tearstone of blood item. Not even sure how that happened.
Why is she smiling at me like that?
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>is bob the worlds oldest monster?
>turn your bros into bimbos.
I'm still mad that Gudao didn't run away from Chaldea to go save Juliet like any self-respecting anime protagonist would have.
She is, but not because of vampires. Because of succubi.
Fuck it then, I'm going to keep a reserve of 100 gapples but everything else is getting used on Charlotte. Tired of this shit
Thanks, already done. That was priority for me
Stay strong Quickbro, only 53 hours to go...
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>turn your bros into bimbos.
Never give me this power. Society isn't ready for what I'd unleash.
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feminize your bros. make them lose every masculine trait. make them lose their cock and grow a plump sopping wet pussy. give them fat tits and ass with a thin waste. breed them and never stop breeding them. never let your bros ever go without being pregnant. make them help you turn your other bros into bimbos and repeat the cycle.
Banshee actually. Her name is pronounced "Bah bahn shee" and is the origin of that word.
I would turn my /alter/bros into Greek gods and we all gang bang the sisters.
Undead bloodsuckers in general predate the dream demon. Baobhan Sith specifically are a more recent story than succubi.
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bros, you deserve to be turned into hypersexualized bimbos. i'm sorry life is too cruel to make that happen right now.
Banshee and baobhan sith share next to no traits.
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It's literally a made up flashback, none of the levels or anything in there matter or are relevant.

Incidentally, ORT is level 1. And that isn't a flashback,.
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God i hate the Nite-Brite joke, it wasn't funny in Halloween 3 and it still isn't funny.
You simply aren't ready for Albert's genius
Bean Sidhe and Baobhan Sith aren't directly related. One's irish and one's scottish. Bean sidhe aren't seductive or vampiric either.
>oppai loli euryale
now that's an idea
Weird rat
It's a cute nickname.
>now that's an idea
A shit idea, she's flat as fuck and that's hot as fuck
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Glad you approve of the dream, brosis. >>487200905
With that I'm done hornyposting. Thanks, bros.
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But what if...
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oppai kuro is also a good idea.
there's better servants for the nipple fuck fetish group anyways
God I fucking wish
>thread dies
what list? also cute titoria!
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>what if giant boobs? what if gianter boobs? boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
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>absently tapping some single rolls on Ibuki banner while watching a youtube vid
>click on a video checking something about summer wu
>click off video, hear talking coming from phone
>Fucking Ibuki doing her summon dialogue
I got her bros!
Wait there's more Wu story available right now? Holy fuck
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she's cute...
>doing singles
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Big boobs killed our bros...
being a prompt engineer isn't an artist but either case still makes you a bad person
What if he is a ticketGOD
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one day, bro.
Flat chests make me go feral
Stfu Reines or i slop boobs so big on you that Lip looks like a boy next to you.
Post FC
Apparently, but I'm not gonna read it until I have my own big Wu
umm is she for (you) though
Been rerolling for Ibuki for 6hrs now
do it anyway please. boobs that go past her belly because she's small.
I have literally 0 sq.
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I need her more than anything this game has to offer.
What're you confused about?
I've been rerolling, trying to get Ibuki for 6hrs.
Needs bigger boobs. Also needs fuller lips. And much much smaller penis. Then it's what I want to be.
this cute older sister of mine is actually super cute...
already did some
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So anything else interesting to talk about or what
Yeah tits, sadly it looks like you don't have much to contribute.
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>About to go to sleep
>Decide to use AP
>Main menu servant is Purin in second ascension
>Mfw my room was completely dark
He wants to beat the game again with Ibuki
Do you have any requests pending?
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Too many lunatic big sister summer servants exist.
Cause my main account sucks donkey dick and I want to start over. LB6 with no quartz to my name, no exp embers, no ascension/skill mats for anything. Trying to get Ibuki, then I will save up for Maou
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Not really, I haven't been up to much lately
I had a good workout today and then got ice cream for Skadi.
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at least in some of these i can pretend it's futako
and no sub
Just get a $5 quartz account.
Nobody else thinks Erice is cute?
>Wu's ambition to become empress is so strong that it grants her complete immunity to Sleep, Bewitchment, Charm, Confusion and Terror
Praise her.
reminds me of how badly i wanna knock up my cousins and aunt.
Strictly F2P, not spending a penny on this game.
>and no sub
huh? and I must have missed the rimjobs then, rip
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>24 seconds to respond with this
why are you like this
just fucking explode already
Well I respect the dedication at least
The event story is boring as shit, so no. What a waste of a summer, it is literally held only by the Servant designs being either gameplayfaggotry or the Valks being cute.

I understand why JP didn't vote for a rerun of it and preferred even last summer instead (which was also shit).
Why not?

I've got some strawberry ice cream ready for her rateup day myself.
the fact that my horny posting was the only real discussion for a while is sad....
When your dick becomes a noodle.
Wednesday login reset for burgers
Lust provoking image.
>the rimjobs then
that's probably a different anon lol
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thanks, bro. not futa but it's still good stuff. especially cute makeout.
comfy mama
52 hours.
I see, so we have two AI fags here then
I ended up getting mint chocolate chip and of course peanut butter cup.
why don't you grow some tits?
im literally traveling internationally the day skadi is live...to Ireland. surely she'll love me.
wtf i love ai now
I've enjoyed most of it so far. The first couple areas were entertaining. Haven't gotten to last night's node though. Honestly the Valks have yet to impress me much so I feel sorta the opposite as you I guess. I like it more than last summer overall.
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So, what do you think? …I look like a princess? Eeeh, I wasn't aware of it until now, but that's how you see it, huh?
I don't find Avalon that sexy almost entirely because all of her appearances are ultra overdesigned. She's pretty, but it's honestly hard to even focus on her appearance when she's overloaded with bright white yet an insane amount of detail.
Can you bring me back some Guinness?
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horny post like the other anons.
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It's 5+ btw
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boobs boobs boobs boobs boobs
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I've never been super big on chocomint but you definitely can't go wrong with peanut butter cup. I prefer single flavours though.
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I see.
this imouto of mine is also cute
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Will these do?
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owes me sex
The Silver fous will be problematic if you already max silver fou'ed your whole Chaldea and you don't have many fresh servants in hand. It's like 360~420 silver fou's max and they go to your gift box once claimed and have a certain expiration date. They will just occupy space if you claim them from your gift box and may need to be banished to your second archive, which will hurt your ability to hoard embers on the medium to long term, they cover too many new servants.

The gold fous can pose a similar problem but if you already have a good idea on who to use them, they can be used in bulk in easier fashion.

Best thing is to leave the silver fou missions alone and reserve that for a moment of very high or important demand, maybe claim them at an anniversary or a series of banners you expect to get lots of servants in a short space of time.

I only was made aware of this inventory 'first world problem' recently lurking fgog.
Oh shit lmao, guess I should join them once I get a 5080 later this year
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or you can just burn all the silver fous because who fucking cares you get two servants worth per month
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hey i have SD too and a 3090ti...i just havent done anything in awhile
It's pronounced "shadudle"
I've tried my hardest for 20 years
uhhhhhh i kinda like this kuro...
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Oppai loli fucking when?
>it's like 360~420 silver fou's
Hey, that's not too bad actually. 18 servants would sort like 75% of my remaining servants need for Fous.
How do you feel about THIS Kuro?
I'm excited for LB7. I got some spoilers that sound very cool.
Personally, I'll just be burning all of them. More convenient to just keep three stacks from The MP shop since I have unlimited mana prisms. Stays nice and compact in the mailbox till it's time to use them.
Missions are something I just want to hit claim all and not have to treat it like mailbox v2
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i like the hag one better
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>Caught up on story
>levelled all servants to Final Ascension and max level
>done all Rank Ups available to you
>done all Interludes available to you
>gotten all gold servants to 9/9/9 or higher skills
>gotten all servants to 9/9/9 or higher skills
>gotten all servants to 1k/1k Fous
How far along are you?
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When they Install Passionlip
> listen to the first theme of LB6 map
> it throws occasional dissonant harmonies under the melody which subtly foreshadow that things are not what they seem
Genius. You cannot deny that FGO is a well made product.
I'm not even trying to do the last three and never will.
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skill issue
Now that's a bouncy cheerleader.
Not even done with Traum.
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I keep my Summer Gareth in third ascension.
What a slut
I keep my summer Gareth in the second archive
I finished Babylonia and got Medusa to level 90
Good, fuck that dog
Just the way you like them
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Bro, your bond points?
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>You cannot deny that FGO is a well made product.
Same. Traum kinda sucks so far. I'm only 1-2 chapters ahead of you. For sure the first 6 sections are can complete dogshit.
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>don't you feel like there are too many cute boys here?
All the time.
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>Traum kinda sucks so far.
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Good girls love cute boys!
I was done with all these aside from the 1000/1000 but then I got a bunch of new servants at once so I'm back on the grind.
Life is pain.
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>no way fag
>no way fag
>no way fag
Shrimple as
Based Liz
You may as well quit fgo now
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when does this get good?
I just need to make ot a few more days for thi to be a reality.
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god im fuckin hype for avenger kuro.
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Oh, sweaty didn't know... lol!
bro we get it you like disgaea
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That's the fun part
It doesn't
did they really
NTA but it's a pretty wet fart of a chapter
Only marginally better than the worst of the worst (LB2, 3, 5.5)
Exceedingly bad taste
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42 minutes!
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Best girls, sweaty!
My daughterwife is so cool
>this nigga likes furries and designated shitting Kali Yugas
Yup, checks out. Shit taste this bad can only be found on /alter/
Uhh you're not supposed to sign your own posts bro...
Walking down the street
Late at night
>shitting on LB1 for furries
the enemy of my enemy is not my friend in this case. you suck too.
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>ai slop thread again
stop giving that dude (you)s and requests or do in in >>>/r/
Second for now but I'll switch between them after summer ends.
I just got to 85 bond on Extra II thanks to anniversary (got Xu Fu and Bunyan on Extra 6 GSSR) and after rolling Summer Abby with a single daily roll there. That was the class I was at the absolute lowest and worst position when this whole class score thing released. I had only like 15~20 bond with 3-4 servants on Extra II. Got just about 1000 levels for the level Tour Lock too. Been grinding that and trying to get some servants on the side very consciously for it.

Now I have all the class bond Tour Locks secured (only missing the lesser rewards for 200 bond on some). Only Tour Lock I'm missing now is the 2000 levels on Assassin, I have too few assassins (Koyan was actually my first SSR there). Think I need about 3 more for it.
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why does she drink all the time
Okay furries. I'm sorry for your poor upbringings.
its going to be hard to fully commit to save for Draco and summer Chloe
Make me
I am suffering from the lack of silver fous right now actually. I ended up with a bunch of new servants via spooks and such over Anniversary and Arc rolls, used my fous on them, and then got saddled with ANOTHER bunch of new Servants with this summer event. So I'm behind on silver fous by 4 Servants so far (Salieri left over from Anniversary, Summer Gareth, Merlina, and a NP1 Vritra spook I got while rolling for Merlina), and soon I will be rolling for Skadi, putting me behind by 5 (plus whatever else comes there), and then considering Summer Ibuki just because I'd like an Erice (putting it to 7 if I get both).

I fucking need fous. Badly.
still need to do traum
got a few new servants i havent touched
i hate reading
in progress, almost done not counting new servants
in progress
not even close to done
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It's fun.
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thanks for the art, though, AIanon
kuro deserves to be mind blanked and bred by fat futa gudako cock
But enough about /alter/
Pretty much all of us are available, sis.
>Caught up on story
>levelled all servants to Final Ascension and max level
>done all Rank Ups available to you
>done all Interludes available to you
I'm here.
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No, I favorite my frequently used servants so they always show up at the top. If for some reason I need/want to use a different servant, chances are it's not a lotto/event and I can just take my time finding them with the filters. I do put all the CEs I don't use into the second archive. Although that just leaves the usual suspects such as Kscope, Black Grail and the welfare 50% charge CEs.

> I guess if you're a veteran who only logs in to loop lotteries and dailies, you don't ever have to browse servants.
Making veteran apples during dead weeks to then spend on events or lottos later is the way to go. There's no reason not to do that instead of dumping your AP for bond like the good old days.
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Big girls owe me big hugs.
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I fallen in love with her!
But everyone here is beneath my standards.
Yeah i know that feeling sis, there are only whities here...
LB1 is pure kino. I'm gonna re-read it together with the prologue once this shitty event is over.
Sorry for not being compatible with you onee-san
Age and standards have an inversely proportional relationship. You'll settle for one of us in a few years.
You're never going to be satisfied with standards like those nee-chan.
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>gotten all servants to 9/9/9 or higher skills
>gotten all servants to 1k/1k Fous
Lmao, no way. I'd rather not make more work for myself with class scores next year. Got to do all the Advanced Quests thanks to Merlina.
>Missions are something I just want to hit claim all and not have to treat it like mailbox v2
Yeah, but well, that's exactly the way to treat them sometimes if you don't want to waste that resource.

I'm on a similar place myself, have 2 or 3 servants still needing to be silver fou'ed after anniversary. And holding like the last 3 stacks I have for Skadi's banner in a few days. It's a good problem to have when the new servants keep on coming.
I satisfy myself every week just fine
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>100 rolls for Summer Ibuki, no show
>now have to make the very hard decision of going until pity with 1066 SQ left (-600SQ) or to just let her go.
My future targets are Summer Melu, Summer Chloe and Draco and I have a decent amount of SQ left in interludes/rank-ups/etc because I'm lazy. Roughly how long is there until the first of those three show up (I assume its Draco) and are there any notable free SQ drops before then?
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All servants to 1k just happens if you play the game. Stop burning the focus you get from the FP summon and buy your monthly MP focus and you'll creep towards completion.

Skilling every servant is largely a waste of time but some people need the goal to motivate them to farm etc
draco is around may and summer 8 being next year after 8th anniversary. Your bricked if you want to cunny np5 roll chloe+melu though since their on seperate rateups
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Turned out to be harder than i though because big enough breasts start warping the body type a bit too much, I gave up half way and started fucking around.
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do it, i'll lick you free once the time comes
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I ate too much
Should've gone to Norway, enjoy your np8 Fionn
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>0SQ left
>only have NP1 Ibuki
It's literally fucking over. She only gets another rate up next year, and that's smack dab in the middle of Draco and the LB6 crew.
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Better go puke it up in the bathroom then.
Don't do it bro, I watched that Southpark episode... you'll just end up waking up on the dystopian future.
here >>487207645
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I didn't eat at all today...
Start prompting, bro.
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I'm happy with NP1 for all three and also Summer Ibuki, so by my calculations I theoretically have ~10 months to reach 2700 SQ from ~400SQ if I have the absolute worst luck possible and pity everything. Realistically I shouldn't need to pity everyone but still the thought is scary.
Will you watch?
is your favorite on the map, /alter/?
Do you want some cereal?
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I remember Ace of Base.
Gorak or Steve?
Yeah, but i think i'm out of cereal
I got some Raisin Bran and Honey Nut Cheerios if you want.
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Warrior? I hardly know her!
Just pop some tums and you're good to go Caeesarbro
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I know her!
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Thanks, Anon: You're the sweetest!
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My AP is refilling bwo...
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It begins
You have to supply your own milk though.
used some credits on this hope you like it
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>tfw no alterbf that wants to whip you and stuff you into a jar with dismembered criminal bodies to elevate you to godhood
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You don't know her. I know her.
I believe the prehistoric ice men were Link and Larry.
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I finally got three Boudica today while rolling for Ibuki Yes, I got NP5, how could you tell? and finally have enough to unlock Level 120.
What should I do with the burner account I made to farm friend points?
i didn't roll for ibuki.
I’m referring to the south park episode
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holy fuck nice thanks a fuck ton anon i hope that wasn't actual money you spent
Is this some kinda elden cringe reference?
>imagine altera posting
>imagine replying to yourself to feel validated in altera posting
>multiple times
>"see? someone likes me, I'm not the only one who posts these images. see? see?"
why are you people like this?
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Correction, I know her!
I’d rather just hold hands with a sis…
Only true bros may post below this point.
Larry is the one from South Park.
keep it for FP grail fuel
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Should I watch Panzer World Galient to understand anti-purge defense?
Nuh uh
Oh right, I was just remembering the names the kids gave him.
Where the fuck are the Jeannes? They were part of the intro, aren't they supposed to be in charge of one of the areas?
Jeanne (ruler) came when Ibuki did. I call hidden rate up.
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It's okay but you should watch VOTOMs instead, it's Takahashi's best /m/ work. Dougram and Layzner are better too. Gasaraki is a bit weird. Blue Gender is too but I have fond memories from it on Adult Swim/Midnight Run, whichever it was.
they show up for the after-story
You should watch Girls und panzer
wait until you see what the actual summer story with skadi is in a few days time
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Lipper? I wish I didn't know her!
hey bros wh
This was the episode I was thinking about.
>MLB Bazett CE
>take a nap
>wake up to 13 new friend requests

the 80s OG? or are any of the newer OVAs good?
Nine... Nine... Nine Lives
The anniversary servant is Neko-san.
I realized that but I just like the other episode better.
finally, a good fucking post
It's Tardmamo (forma de quick savior)
I swear the gacha in this shit feels like a perpetual kick in the nuts.
>pity just goes poof after you get a single copy
>you generally want 2/3 copies
>ZERO safety net
>buying SQ is obscenely expensive and runs the risk of paying $80 a pop to get jack shit
Why can't the pity just reset every time you get the rate up servant? That would entice me to actually spend money.
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will they ever change the pity? i feel like 300 sq would be a safe change
>expecting 300sq to be pity
lol, the greed on this anon
you rike?
Almost all of it is pretty good, but yeah, start with the original series.
thanks i really liked typing it
Only once people stop paying for the current system
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I haven't played disgea since 2, but I do like the artist.
no just leftover credits I have in my account, im trying to not use them that much since I won't be able to resub anytime soon
That was the reason why they power crept the game to need more than np1. They put in pity because they legally had to, then raised the power threshold such that np1 was no longer adequate as a middle finger to gacha regulators.
our thread was moving so slow and still there managed to be two retards in a rush to make a new one early.
Took like 6 years to implement it at all, no way they're changing it
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I really dont see them changing the pity system but it'd be cool if they added a 4* pity for the rateup 4* and maybe change the current SSR system to 1 sortof resembling the hoyo gacha system where you guarantee a SSR at X pulls and if its not the 1 on rateup next 1 is guaranteed. Would easily bait people into spending money more often
But Arjuna Alter works at NP1
thanks anyways. i really appreciate it!

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