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Previous: >>487188063

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki Douji Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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Skadi just 4 hours away
Let's see those funds
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wait wat
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Lip love!
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I'm sure everyone remebers that last thread I bemoaned the lack of penguins in the arctic.

So I'm pleased to announce that penguins have indeed started to appear:
>"In a surprising turn of events, what appear to be penguins have been seen swimming in Flower Park's brooks. It appears they are part of Lambdaryllis' entourage."

Now you can continue to enjoy your summer knowing that it is blessed by the presence of the graceful leviathans!
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Kama Love!
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i hope im not banned for horny posting
Mom is pissed
pinguinos show up all the way back in Merlina's area
Did you just skip the story or?
I was really bored so I took a deep dive into past summers in search of teasers and clues. These are the servant appearances in side-stories that later had summer versions.

Oei Summer:
- Paisen, Achilles, Okita Alter (Pretty weak appearance, only 2 lines)
Paisen Summer:
- Mandricardo, Anastasia, Teach, Sei
Da Vinci Summer:
- Wu Zetian, Asclepius, Yan Qing, Skadi, Gareth, Valks, Ibuki
Skadi Summer:
- Suzuka, Chloe, Morgan, Bob

As for our next Summer, LB6, these are the servants that I saw make an appearance in side stories
- Kagekiyo, Ms Crane, Habetrot, Huyan, Pretender Eli, Lancer Artoria, Nursery Rhyme, Santa Lily, X Alter, Bakin, Super Bunyan, Kiichi Hougen, Bazett, Aurora

Take that with a grain of salt, as not every servant that appeared on previous summer side stories got their own summer version. But at least one or two from the above should get theirs.
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when are we getting this seibah clone?
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>what appear to be penguins
There are no penguins in the arctic, those are leviathans.
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Post supports so people can remove you for Ibuki or add you.
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summer van gogh confirmed. i'm so happy.
Leda a cute, but god is she fucking DUMB
Unless it's something really bad it's usually just post deletion lately.
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those are murres, if the penguin is the king of heroes those are merely fakers
I already purged my list of all raitabortions
I blacklist all Ibuki havers
it seems my horny posting was deleted because they banned someone else so i think i'm ok!
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i actually took a look and you are the only person on my FL that had a grailed ibuki. I also saw your soulless ungrailed saber ibuki. I won't hold it too against you.
I got Ibuki,
Reroll GODS!
Stop hornyposting
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took a while but grats
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Turd self flushed itself
It's disappointing that a Luviabro would stoop so low...
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>An actual retard taking Holmes's job
LET'S GOOOOOOOOOO!! Time to explore Orleans!!
Ibukihaters are all talk. They wont post their FC in response to this.
>rerolling for ibuki without castoria
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You know the saddest thing? My fake leaks from a couple of years ago didn't catch on in /fgog/. Probably because I didn't post them on /fgog/. But at least some people here enjoyed them.
What detective work? It's a singular observation of truth. There was no logical deductions, he simply is the only person on my FL with a grailed ibuki summer. Also
0 chance of those 3 being in the same summer
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did you get the oni butt to crush castoria all the time?
Danke danke
Don't care about meta, just wanted to start over with a good character to carry me.
Why are you posting cucksucker's shitpost?
If you're just starting now you may as well reroll till you get an NP2-3 ibuki, xu fu and parry celcius can sufficiently back up a support castoria when it comes to ibuki.
i'm not rolling for ibuki
lopsided ass
FGO does not have kind rerolls. If he rerolls for Ibuki NP2 he might be doing it for the next week.
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brick your account then
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Evil White Women….
Are there even any newfags who get into fgo these days? I feel like the only ones who play the game anymore are the oldfags because they're far too deep in the rabbit hole.
Here's my code
All Ibukishitters feel free to remove yourselves from my list
Your joke is not funny, yet you keep posting it. You are autistic so you do not naturally understand this, so I am telling you to help you understand.
Only one of those women is white.
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Secret skill unlocked
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>np1 arcueid can't clear wave 2 of sabers with the 150% damage modifier and 2x koyan buffs
to the dust collecting shelf she goes, she looks cool but summer kiara and godjuna are clearing her expeditiously and without any effort
>You are autistic
like all the other ritual posting faggots here
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he wouldn't say that
she's more like
>ukranian animal screams that morphed into the appearance of an east asian woman
>super duper special snowflake character gets stuck in a shit class and requires np5 and graisl up to 120 to clear content

they really knew suckers would fall for it
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Who put a bee in your bonnet
Nobody there is Egyptian, that's Sheba not Nito
You're thinking of Medea. Volsungasaga comes from the goths, so southern Sweden in origin.
Sorry to hear that bro. At NP4 she's looping everything in the event so far even without the damage CE.
You can basically only use her to kill the 1st wave of some low-hp berserker node and that's it. The good thing is she has 30% party charge on top of her own 100% so you can do some cursed comps with her at least.
I want a swimsuit Kriem so the bikini can show off her nipple piercing outlines.
one of those is not like the others
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A man of taste.
Tlaloc is pre-columbian
Kriem is Swedish
Sheba is Yemeni
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I...I don't even know where to start...
Definitely with you on this one. That's just so insanely hot...
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You can start on this pussy. Seconds will be in the back.
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NP charge soon Shebabros!
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are you happy with how your rolls have been so far this year? for me im pretty happy since I can use the 4* ticket for summer erice and proto-merlin gets a couple of rateups and super good GSSR pools in case I run empty going for skadi
>90+ made summer Musashi useless
>instead of buffing her they release a servant with her kit but 50% charge and dmg to earth
Dunno how to feel about this one
Kirby super Star was a great game.
sent, kiara in all
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Yes sir
Got my gameplay Ibuki in a mere 300 quartz, so I'm pretty satisfied.
To be fair, Mula is not evil
They'd probably never allow it because we can't have nice things.
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im jelly
A man typed this.
does she even need that second append?
Nice. I had no idea. I enjoy using her a lot
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>300 SQ for NP3
I just finished spending 720 SQ for NP1
5 grailed summer ibuks on my fl
Not a single one has the saber version In support
Yeah, I've gotten 14 SSRs this year (counting GSSR) so it's pretty good so far. I wish I could stop impulse rolling and instead started saving though.
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My final test for the year will be a simple NP1 Skadi, but overall, yes. MY spreadsheet says I'm at 288 SQ/SSR and SR luck has been even better.
>Super Bunyan (lucky)
>Charlie (target)
>Altera (on a whim, lucky)
>Arc NP2 (target)
>MHX (on a whim, lucky)
>Waver spook
Real hitting pity hours.
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i dont like saber versions outfits..... they're kind of ugly.....
You are literally me
for arclooping she does
Buffing a Servant people already have won't make money.
It's to be expected. Gameplay is a big reason for grails, on the aggregate, even for /alter/.
Yeah I'm sure it has nothing to do with the saber version not being a super op aoe arts zerker
Move along
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I have saber Ibuki but my sweet little sparrow already has the saber spot on lock.
I'm still gonna hope really hard it happens anyway
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Many such cases
FAT Ethiopian Khazar Milkers…..
Just like how it went with summer musashi, classic.
im not grailing my ibuki since im pretty sure im more likely to grail komahime or summer castoria & Im saving them all for summer skadi when she comes out but main reason saber ibuki isnt on my support is due to how many other 5* sabers i've I got I like way more like beni or who are np5 like nero bride
Well maybe the original should have been a cheerleader bimbo
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Why yes my taste in servants just happens to perfectly align with those who are good at gameplay, how did you know?
summer jannu and summer BB are the other two big examples of this phenomenon.
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The sweater is cute...
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bro...the nikke summer girl absolutely mogs our summer offerings...
It lets her fill up her first NP with just Your Friend's Castoria. It's let me loop with just Paracelsus, albeit just within the event where she gets +100% damage.
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I like the Saber Ibuki more than Berserker...i like the goddess personality much more than the bimbo onee-chan.
The only Ukrainian is granny Blavatsky
>Everyone knows Wu Zetian
>Her name is fully revealed in game
>Calling her Sister Nite Brite
Why the fuck are they calling her this in dialogue? It's pissing me off.
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why carmilla doesn't have an outfit like this?
>had enough grails to take one servant from the anni/summer swarm to 100
I picked Arc because she's the easiest for someone to used from support. I don't particularly care for any of the servants releasing now.
i forgot the sweater was a thing. yeah, you're right. the other two ascensions suck imo
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For me it would be sweater bimbo
I don't care how useful or cute Ibuki is. Her animations look like shit. So static, it's shameful.
Er wait my logic is flawed. I meant to say it makes the option where she can fill up with just Your Friend's Castoria and your Xu Fu, meaning her third skill can be used to force a reload later.
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Preggo camel.
this artist is too based for this world.
i have no clue where it even comes from or what it's supposed to me. it's really stupid.
If you have rotten luck like me and have 900 SQ, which of these three would you choose?
I need help...
What does it even mean? I've never understood what a nite brite is.
I'd fuck the chocolate out of their assholes
Nightless City + Lite-Brite. They just call her Nightchan or something close to that in JP I believe.
It's too bad her artist died so she'll never get a summer alt
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You bet I already have...
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get lost faggot
choose the one you like the most
It comes from her introduction in the nightless city.
The night is bright.
do you have merlin? y, skip n, roll merlina
do you have an arts aoe? yes, skip, n, roll ibuki
do you have s skadi? no, roll
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Albert is very proud of that joke.
Tits too big
It always depends. Do you have good quick servants? Any other Berkerser? Do you already have Merlin?
C'mon this is easy to fix
Just post your grailed saber Ibuki along your zerker one
Surely there will be many right?
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>Trung Sisters
>Everyone from Traum except Konstantinos
>NP4 Arc
>Hephastion, Lakshmibai and Qin Liangyu, three servants i always wanted but it took me ages to get
As a F2Player who usually gets shafted when it counts the most, this year was pretty awesome. I won't even be mad if i fail at getting Skadi
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titoria love
Uhh umm... krrr- krrr- sorry i'm driving through a tunnel, let me krrr call you back.
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what the fuck was that
uhhh okay
i dont have saber ibuki and im skipping summer ibuki
bros I just went through four bottles of water in like an hour
would Nightingale be happy or concerned
Skadi is useless as fuck unless your favourite happens to be quick
Merlina only exists to ease the bond castoria gains and she sucks at np1
Ibuki is a monster and the best blue aoe in the game but meaningless if your pool of loopers is alredy big
Choose whoever you need
gratz bro!
Nikke has some really overtop "wtf" ads.
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Her moniker in Agatha is Caster of the Nightless City aka it's Bright
The Lite brite thingy is bright even at night
FGO still does that thing where they try to prevent spoilers so they avoid using the real names for certain stuff and use their monikers, so even in JP there'll be situations where they'll still use Fuyajo Caster/ Nightless City Caster
Imagine if this was FGO instead.
What a chad. FGO could never
Yeah but jannu and bb are actually hot while Ibuki is a disgusting abomination.
concerned wtf. You shouldn't be drinking that much water. Are you in 100 F weather or something?
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my ibuki looks different...
I still don't know if these Nikke ads are fan parodies or actual official ads because they all seem like shitposts.
It's a hot summer and I had a long day.
If it was FGO, the guy would've been like "I've got Okita and Castoria level 120" and then the guy on the floor would start blushing and ask if they would like to join them for some ramen.
Roll for whichever one you like the most. Don't be a gameplayfag.
Why would someone play this game instead of just jerking off to porn?
>atk Fous
>no HP Fous
This is the most soulless thing you can do. I seriously hope you just ran out.
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Ok, well it's still concerning because of the heat, hopefully your day ends soon and you can get somewhere cooler. But yeah, keeping hydrated is definitely a good thing in this situation.
Then you weren't part of the discussion, genius.
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Not him but where I live the heat index was 107 this afternoon, actual temp was 93.
Think Merlin would be cool with me dating his sister?
that's the nature of Rin art
Good ass, I want to eat it
i mean nikke is a game where the premise is watching girls shake their ass a whole bunch while shooting aliens, the game itself is a shitpost that just happened to get overwhelmingly popular
Believe it or not, they're official. There are multiple ones just like this.
did ibuki bimboify musashi even further? her sashis are NOT that big normally
Oh, it's real.
She's not a caster and they specifically don't refer to her as "Class X of Y" like they do with "Caster of Okeanos," she's called Fuuyachan. It was always a "cute" nickname unlike other EoR hidden names.
The dubbing makes this funnier
Thanks bro!
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reminder to bimbofy your friends and family so they can get dicked down and bred
Skadi is great as a poster girl bait for some Orion setups.
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I am only two weeks into the game. Here are my Servants by the way.
But I like them all...
I still don't know why I have 2 extra hp gold fous...
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>Caster of the Nightless City
It's Assassin of the Nightless City, actually.
You're right I forgot she was assassin in EoR but the moniker thing is very much still a thing. There have been points where servants in events get called differently depending on whether you've cleared EoRs or what not.
check the filter on your present box?
prioritize ibuki and then merlina and then save for castoria followed in prio by koyan and oberon
I only had enough of frappes to buy the ATK fous, and these last few nodes don't drop frappes. I'll finish her up by the end of the event but I thought having her at ~300 HP fous would be even uglier.
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/ourgirl/ makes the temps rise just by being there obviously!
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need to get her levels up bro
You don't even have castoria
What are you going to do with Ibuki at all? Focus on saving for supports like castoria and Oberon first followed by Koyan then you can roll whatever u want
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is this a new servant? never seen her before
pick whichever makes you coom the most
this guy is soulless ignore him
What's /alter/'s opinion's on Brown Servants?
>poster girl bait
Unless the enemy you're facing is a Berserker or Avenger, it's just not happening.
Fate had some crossover event with HSR
You have some fun servants there, anon. Nice account. Anyway, Skadi is the most powerful of the three
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>>487214559 (me)
here's the next castoria banner btw, make sure to have 900 saved up for her in case of pity
Bro she is a motherfucking ruler
It will take a lot to kill her
Man, most of the summer ibuki rollers really are blatantly gameplayfags, huh. Such a stark difference in interest compared to when saber ibuki came out.
I remember those pop up ads for FGO that made FGO look like shitty chinese shovelware.
Literally stuff like Showing Lvl 1 Alex and arrow pointing to Lvl 100 Iskandar like this is fucking Pokemon.
Yes, al lof them have that, but hers is a nickname. While Circe is "Caster of Okeanos" Wu is "Fuuyachan" (ふーやーちゃん) with fuuya from "Nightless City" (不夜城 Fuyajyou). Her little nickname was always a unique nickname.

Nite-Brite was keeping the Night-part, which would just be "Nightchan" for us, and combining it with Lite-Brite because I guess they just thought it was a cute reference. It somewhat fits with her bright coloured design to me, I can vaguely see the connection they went for.
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I love them a lot. I wish I were a thick black bitch.
If she comes in one ticket I will consider it. If she makes me dip into savings, then she is going back on the murderfarm all the way to bond 15 while she cries mercy.
saber suzuka isnt brown though?
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That's /ourgirl/ Sashi, sweaty! She's very famous in the hit game Fate Grand Order!!
They make my dick HARD! Brown is fine when is not done to push obnoxious agendas
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>Using untanned Suzuka when an actual brown saber exists
>Actually 0 replies with proof
Fucking wow
The point is to ensure skadi gets attacked.

That's all she's good for since she's the one who ruined christmas and now ruining summer
One of these is not like the others.
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>an actual brown saber
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I want bigger art of this. I also want more art of this. And for it to be a costume for her....
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Love browns and tanned sluts but apparently I'm racist so yeah
This was blatantly obvious from the start. There was barely anyone rolling or talking about her saber form.
This one's only a half-brown servant
get that disgusting wigger (japanese fake fox) off that near perfect support list
but to answer your question, I don't judge by skintone, some of those servants are good, some of those servants are trash.
this looks very gantz-core
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i think you're the only one surprised, anon
>Using one brown saber when you could've been using two brown sabers
Couldn't be me
>do you have merlin?
>do you have an arts aoe?
I have choco queen, the first servant I ever summoned and my first love...
>do you have s skadi?
She's NP5 btw
Here's the funny thing: I got Grand Roma and Lancer Ryouma in the GSSR Lancer banner instead of Melu, who I really REALLY wanted.
I should've rolled for the Berserker banner with Junao and Morgan...
this game needs more gyarus and goth girls
And piercings too!!
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This game needs more gyaruo and goth boys.
choco queen is very cute and powerful, but unfortunately her insta death mechanic makes her shit for arts looping
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this game specifically needs a new shuten alt that uses this model
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you wish you were a fat tittied ice cream bimbo, you wish you were in skadi's body, or you wish to summon skadi?
this game needs to be a hentai
Cute Yui, Cute Milly.
Summer Ibuki can be used with just Your Friend's Castoria, your Xu Fu, and your Paracelsus
>Custom rayshift
Soul Denial
Only if all the girls become canon futa.
>all those gameplay level 70 supports
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He wishes he was Liz you fucking retard
>gameplay supports
>literally FILLED with gameplay supports
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Oberon love!

Here's an artbook that a bro requested. Pretty neat art at least, didn't know he was the illustrator for Tanaka.

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As far as i know there is 1 Lvl 120 Saber Ibuki in /alter/.
Anyway here is my humble Lvl 100 one.
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damn wouldn't be my choice but not bad
admit it
I applaud your deliberate soullessness.
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It's time to face the truth
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>you wish you were a fat tittied ice cream bimbo
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Thanks. Here are the new Servants I got since then. Btw, Erice is NP2.
And when I got the gold Berserker card, I was hoping it to be Heracles, so that I could finally have all the Servants from FSN. But I also expected it to be just Penth
(Also, did I make a right choice in taking Sitonai as the free permanent/story-locked SSR, or should've I gone for Waver, Mordred or Altera instead?)
At NP1 you have to use her in multi-core setups to handle lower HP waves. She's easy to do this with in event teams because of her 100% self charge, so you don't have to sweat over battle order as much. She's always going to have the charge to fire off her NP on command, no matter when you want it.
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No penguins in the arctic
Post your soul support.
If you don't like any of them I wouldn't waste your quartz.
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It's over...the mihomo tourist invasion begins...
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>a post about it being retweeted
>being reposted here
The Patriots were right and I'm tired of pretending they weren't.
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I didn't know Tamamo and Kuro share voice actor.
What makes you say that?
I like them all! And if I enough quartz and money, I'd roll for them all!
Fucking neat
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And you can call me Anytime...
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/alter/ could learn a thing or two from Gareth.
She also voices D'Eon and Boudica. Pretty wide range.
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made to be bred by fat gudako cock
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I'm not rolling for ibuki or skadi becuase I'm saving for castoria and van gogh
the RP x blank coins its so awful and terrible that i wouldn't be surprised if its real.
>1 rp = 1 blank coin for 3*
>3 rp for 1 blank coin for 5*
>I was hoping it to be Heracles, so that I could finally have all the Servants from FSN
Based. I did the same thing when I was new. Though it looks like you're still missing Seiba, unless you're counting her archer form.
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Rate my SOUL levels.
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These are sick, not the anon who requested it but thanks for sharing!
>grailed Summer version while leaving normal at NP1 ungrailed
Holy soulless.
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The best
>tfw addicted to using np5 arc with kscope + 2x vitch + atlas mc
this is literally gameplay perfection. no plugsuit bullshit, no worrying about refund, no need for servants to switch themselves out/self-terminate. sure I'd be 5ce'ing everything forever but literally nothing has been as comfy as this. I don't know if I can go back.
fuck off onii-chan
>Lancelot simp
>Friendzoning gyaru fox cumwhore
>tfw addicted to using np5 arc with kscope + 2x vitch + atlas mc
Why kscope? It's totally unnecessary. You could be doing way more damage with BG.
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>cropping out her buddy
Is the kscope just a flex? Do you need the 200% charge on turn 1?
You don't even need Kscope. If you really wanted to flex, you'd just use Foumes which you should already have leveled.
instant blacklist
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Some of these pages really are sick, no other way to put it. If I see any of his other artbooks, they're on my priority list. Can't pass up on cool Shuten art in general.
>retarded whale doesn't even know kscope is unnecessary with her
That's why Kuro always has some relation/reference to TamaCat.
why on earth are you using kscope when that setup affords 300% NP charge by itself
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>grailed 120 cummer but Castoria Prime is still level 90 NP1
So uh, how good is Ibuki NP1? I know she's apparently supposed to be pretty good but I don't really know the specifics.
Drake popping up on my last 11 pull made me want to kill myself for a second, but I got Ibuki's fat oni tits in a swimsuit. I think it's the second time I've ever gotten dual SSRs in the past 7 years.
Why is it the people who get NP5 don't even know how to play the game? You might as well brag about using command spells to charge her NP every turn if you're using a pointless 100% charge CE.
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You lost /alter/kek
>played 7 years
>somehow doesn't have Drake
Buster farming>Arts farming> Quick farming
I kinda want to fuck Big Wu bros...every time she pops up on the screen
She functions just fine at NP1.
I'd wager most players don't have EVERY general pool SSR spook.
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Nah, you lost. You just don't know it yet.
She's better at NP1 than any other damage dealer is. Still only NP1, so you want NP2+ for 90++
I literally have Drake NP3 from spooks. I have Altera NP5 from spooks. Mad Vlad is NP3, entirely from spooks. I'm the spook king.
I don't think you can qualify as losing anything if you're still above Touhou.
You're one of those "if you aren't first, you're last" types, huh?
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berzerker arc will change the game
she will be quick
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Hawaiian Genji...home.
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>Nikkers in my thread
I'll handle them bros
He's just a gacha brain crowing about his flavor of the month gacha being momentarily popular. Victory isn't taking #1, victory is when you never leave the top 10 in over a decade.
What are you gonna do, fuck their dog?
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>120 sei
>No seizerker
Where is she bro?
>a company that pays artists to make fanart for their dying game
>a hodge-podge of a million different holes hiding behind an avatar
>literal miscellaneous category
>Yakuza slush fund
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I guess you could say you're a bit spooky!
I'm also 7 years in and i don't have most of the meme spooks like Arjuna, Artemis or Altera.
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behead those who insult quick
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A delicacy. I like to eat out brown choco girls all day long and cum all over them without sticking it in.
I've been playing since launch and I still don't have Altera, Tamamo, Nightingale, Jack, Sanzang, Napoleon, Dioscuri, Bradamante, Odysseus, Galatea, etc.
General pool depletion is quite uncommon.
Servants for this feel?
I forgot, why cant Shuten see Ibuki again?
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Sakurai doesn't want to write both of them at once.
Me but with their assholes
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Bros, I'm falling in love with a Sakurai character...
What the hell do I do now?
>/alter/ shitting on quick like everybody wasn't using Skadi to farm everything for 2 years
fair weather players...
Eric Bloodaxe.
>Assassin of the Nightless City
Should have gone with Assassin of the Red Light District.
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Haha quick is so tr-
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put it in the microwave max wattage for 5 minutes, remove and let sit for 2 minutes before consuming
something something they're the same person. it goes both ways so they see a haze whenever they look at each other.
bros, do you really hate me for rolling ibuki?
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Accept your fate
it's something to do with them both being components of the same divine spirit, or shuten specifically being a component of ibuki, that makes it so they have difficulty comprehending the independent existence of one another.
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Surprisingly, Sei is not a Sakurai character. She's OKSG.
they're pretending not to see each other because they don't like each other
I spent 2 years farming with Tamamo and Waver out of spite because I hated LB2 and Skadi.
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Quick sucked since you had like 4 servants available to you and if you didn't like them you just ate shit
Arts and buster include many more servants so I prefer those options
Sakurai couldn't be bothered to write them together.
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Not really, you can roll for whoever you want.
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This does not happen for literally any other Servant with two of more versions of themselves. Case in point, Gilgamesh.
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I'm going to commission big wu art what should I do?
No I don't hate you, but you do disgust me a little bit now.
And? It's a unique gimmick here.
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you alterafags are just as bad as lippers
No, I will feel contempt for you. Raitabortions disgust me and I may remove you if I'm forced to look at her on your support list.
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Other Servants have competent writers.
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I lowered your placement on my friend spreadsheet by two ranks.
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I sure hope you're commission the only good big Wu artist.
Gil's selves are the same dude at different persons of his lives.
This is closer to Charlemagne and Karl der Grosse, completely different iterations of the same existence. Charlie is a shadow and Karl is the radiance that makes that shadow. They can acknowledge each other, but only in the method of acknowledging that Charlie is fake and Karl is real.
Neither Shuten or Ibuki recognize themselves as fake and so unless they agree one of them is fake they will just not see the other at all.
Seethe more chestlest whore
Where's her panties?
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I sill don't have Drake either. Out of the general pool servants available in the game, I only don't have Mo, Arjuna, Drake, Achilles, WHOropa, Jack, Vlad, Nurse, Horsecock, Jannu and Jinako. I wouldn't getting Jinako'd anymore since I already secured Kiara and Arc.
Because Gilgamesh kept being Gilgamesh. This is a scenario where one of them traveled to another region and in that region she was given another name. Now there's two versions of the same entity with different names and both are "the real one", so they interfere with each other.
This would probably be the same if Tamamo and Daji met each other.
>how can i do the liz/carmilla thing but worse
Sasuga, Sakurai.
Post list.
dumb. why have them act like they're just acting pissy at each other? it's basic divided spirit bullshit. annoys me.
in my mouth
>Chestlet seeting over big tits
Tamamo IS Daji bro. They aren't two different versions, they're the same person.
>a regional variant of a folk character that is only used in one tiny Japanese province
>stronger than Zeus
man, FUCK Sakurai
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God lowered your cup size by two ranks.
>>stronger than Zeus
Really tired of people saying this.
She is, at best, as strong as Demeter, she's not stronger than Zeus.
>Now there's two versions of the same entity with different names
Just like Tamamo and Amaterasu and the Tails. Who can all see each other. And interact, while neither understanding nor liking each other.
It's even worse because they weren't comparing her to regular Zeus, but his LB version who had conquered the other gods
No I don't. Just as long as you actually like her, and aren't one of those metafags trying to shill her.
That would go into the negatives...
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Your servants so far seem mostly geared towards single target arts, with some buster AOE. Ibuki would be a pretty good pickup since you can arts loop with just Xu fu and a support Castoria.

You don't have a Merlin so Proto-Merlin is a decent pickup, though not at all needed since you have Jeanne for any stall teams you might make.

Skadi will give you the least value here. Her main thing is quick looping, and the only servant you have that could do that is an NP1 Valkyrie.

Your account is just starting out so you'll need to rely on bronze and silvers for alot, and Arts is the most accomidating card type for that. Get your Xu fu leveled quick as you can and follow with Paracelsus so you have a good support core to work with.

Though if you're very new I would check the wiki for servants in the future you may like more. Rolling for whatever you passingly like is a fast way to run out of quartz.
Just did Summer Wu's sidequest. I hate that they had to change her personality to make her a Caster.
but it's a divided spirit i thought. basically making your own child or altered clone. it's not that big of a deal. they were already different and it fits japanese lore about gods and spirits already. why are they overcomplicating it? this reads like "Yeah, this excerpt says clearly that they're one in the same but it'd be neat if they weren't" and decided to be retarded for no good reason.
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AP = Apple Points

They literally compare her to LB Zeus, who is an order of magnitude stronger than any divine spirit in PHH because he's an amalgam of several Olympian gods with all their combined authorities. There is no fucking way some regional folk monster even approaches his level, or for that matter, the level of Demeter, a major deity of a world-famous pantheon.
I am going to grill Liz.
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It's not even entirely about her tits in the first place shut the Hell up

what's the justification for this and why is she ALSO the yamato no orochi?
>They literally compare her to LB Zeus
No, they don't. That's the point. They say, specifically, "she is at least on the level of the Machine Gods of Olympus". Zeus's name never comes up.
She's comparable to Demeter and Aphrodite. Not Zeus.
I'll take my Liz medium rare
Something something it rhymes.
They don't say Zeus you fucking retard, people just ran with that here. They say "a machine god."
The chestlet fears the raitabortions
M-morgan I...
I'm getting Carmilla vibes from this hag Wu.
It's still bullshit. She shouldn't even be 1/10th as powerful as any Olympian, she's a fucking small time regional figure too minor to even be called a myth.
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I need my serpent slayer. And of course the serpent I need slaying is not Ibuki douji.
>why is she ALSO the yamato no orochi?
She's one of orochi's eight heads
do you niggers read this game at all? they spell this out pretty fuckin plainly, like in literal plain english they state this outright
>pick whichever makes you coom the most
I suppose I could pick who tastes the best when I suck her nipples and perform cunnilingus on and has the least or no risk of getting STD's or accidentally getting the cum of other men in my mouth
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Yeah and King Arthur shouldn't be a 14 year old girl that wants Shirou to pick out her panties.
It's not even that. She's just one of the eight heads of Yamata-no-Orochi. And somehow that puts her on the level of an Olympian
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She's special, alright? She's a fragment of Orochi, who is put on the same "lmao actually a Beast" tier as Tamamo is, as the greatest monster of japan. Ibuki is the strongest head of Orochi and she's got the Kusanagi with her besides.
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Seethe more chestlet.
King Arthur can look like whatever, what's important is that Arthur is THE knight, and embodies all the legends properly. Which Seiba does.
It's not exactly changing her personality, they just made her forget that Taoism is bullshit and doesn't work.
They didn't work because there never was ghosts, it was just her guilty conscience, or at least that's my headcanon
They deliberately drew a parallel between her and Zeus by having her do the same "kneel before me" thing that he did.
My son/fellas...
nta but she also shouldn't be that strong for a mere oni. even the orochi isn't supposed to be that strong. i don't understand why they say that at all, especially when she's nowhere near that any other time.
it was like a year ago or something, anon. also WHY is she one of the eight heads? is that her real lore? why is one head as powerful as a machine god?
yeah, i don't get why that should put her on the level of a god. also wouldn't this make the kintoki shipping even weirder when she shouldn't know who he is?
This only serves, once again, to show that fame boost is a retarded meme/cope.
>embodies all the legends properly
can you really say that with a straight face
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I love Illya, she's really cute.
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I don't know why you idiots put so much weight on "Olympians" as if they're anything special in terms of deities of the Fateverse and as if Fate isn't built around power levels not meaning very much. We literally have it within canon that a pink haired WENCH solo'd a greek god.
Yes. Seiba embodies the tragedy and chivalry of Arthurian myth.
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These are all* the costumes for the next 2 years, are you hyped for any of them?

* Excluding simple costumes
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sure she does
Fou is named that because he’s beast number FOUr.
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>she's a fucking small time regional figure too minor to even be called a myth.
She's one of the aspects of japanese vortigern.
She's incredibly powerful because Limbo was juicing her up with the super ritual in the process of turning her into Orochi (true), which would be the next beast.
They do genuinely state all of this completely blatantly and outright in Heian-Kyo. You can dislike Sakurai for a bunch of things but if you can't even follow the simplest beats of her stories then you look very, very silly.
>that Lancelot costume
Dios mio.
Because fame = power for legends and myths. The Olympians are possibly the most famous pantheon of gods in the entire world.
I think you're delusional anon and is an incredibly bad reflection of any tale of King Arthur, it's literally all window dressing and her most identifiable characteristics are completely made up.
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god he's so fucking ugly
You're pathetic and needs to be humiliated. That's all you're good for anyways.
>She's one of the aspects of japanese vortigern.
No, she isn't. None of her components are comparable to Vortigern. Even then, this would only make her powerful in Japan, nowhere else.
Lancelot looks so bad...
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2hu has their own exclusive conventions which is why they are always reclining in comiket
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>some regional minor god is stronger than the all father greek deity
sure bro
99% of people can't name even 5 Greek gods.
If this were so Gilgamesh would be weaker than notBenkei.
>it was like a year ago or something, anon. also WHY is she one of the eight heads? is that her real lore?
The original lore of Ibukidoji is that he was Orochi's son, as Orochi secretly survived its defeat. Fate made her more like the disparate head of Orochi, still alive even after Susanoo beheaded it.
>why is one head as powerful as a machine god?
Because Orochi was a full scale world ending Beast.
It's still a change. Without that she's not herself.
>strongest knight of summer
Gilgamesh was designed by Nasu to break that convention, he is the most powerful hero you've never heard of.
>None of her components are comparable to Vortigern.
I didn't say her components were comparable to Vortigern, I said she's the component of a character comparable to Vortigern, and Orochi and Vortigern are literal parallels I don't know what to tell you if you can't figure that out
>Even then, this would only make her powerful in Japan
Where does Heian-Kyo take place, can you remind me?
but the orochi is a shitter whose only notable story is that it was big, demanded sacrifices cuz it was big, and got its heads cut off after drinking by another shitter. that's the extent of its feats and story. it seems silly to amp it so much.
Jupiter, Minerva, Venus, Saturn, and Vulcan
Thanks for the tips.
I already have in mind who I will roll for in the future: Kukulkan, Draco, Tiamat and the LB6 summer servants. I'm considering Castoria with the upcoming December banner and I'll be gunning for the Berserker 2 New Year's GSSR. Other events like this year's GudaGuda and the upcoming OC1 are a big skip for me.
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God, Lancelot's art is so fucking bad.
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It's funny that people call Sakurai biased while being completely blind to their own bias.
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>he was Orochi's son
Who's the mother?
Mom Love!
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Enough beating around the bush, the story and character are dogshit because sakurai wrote it, no need to try and twist yourself into knots trying to unravel any justifications or headcanons.
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>kotr except lancelot
>oberon third ascension
It was one of the founding legends of japan, which needed their greatest god to wield their greatest sword to defeat in apocalyptic combat. Of course the japanese are going to wank it hard. JapanaZeus wielding NipCalibur to defeat Eight Headed Satan is going to be a big deal.
Discount Vritra.
>sakuraislop ever being logical or making any sense
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I like the sprite for it, at least
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>I didn't say her components were comparable to Vortigern, I said she's the component of a character comparable to Vortigern
That's literally the same thing you fucking nigger. Don't even reply to me again, with this hairs-splitting horseshit.

It's fucking bullshit and you know it. She was never described as limited only to Japan, she was flat out compared to the machine gods of Olympus and they gave her the EXACT same presence as Zeus.

Fuck off you Sakurai-defending cocksucker. Ibuki is a garbage servant and anyone who likes her should suck off a shotgun and pull the trigger.
>kotr except lancelot
Lancelot's there, it's Bedivere they're missing
If that were so Karna would be weaker than Caesar.
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Dumb anon, 3 of those are planets!
>The original lore of Ibukidoji is that he was Orochi's son, as Orochi secretly survived its defeat.
oh that makes sense. nevermind. a god being like "damn, to kill it safely i should get it drunk" is pretty good. i wouldn't say WORLD ending since god is a nebulous term and shitters like stheno and euryale, who are goddesses, are weaker than normal greek heroes.
what makes you say it was world ending? nasu/sakurai or what?
>shitposters who out themselves not being able to follow a simple mobile story pretend to be experts themselves.
A story as old as time in different form.
You can say what you want about Orochi's actual lore, but in the nasuverse it's been established over and over again that he is an absurdly dangerous divine spirit/elemental.
I mean the fact that Limbo was summoning him as a beast (not a beast candidate) should really say just about everything.
>she was flat out compared to the machine gods of Olympus
in Japan
Never given a name, but some princess of Omi no Kuni.
IRL =/= Nasuverse first of all, so your entire argument is worthless already. And another reason your argument has no worth is that while fame boost has some amount of value when they are servants in a grail war, this is not relevant for when we are in lostbelts or singularities with the ACTUAL god.
Like Star Trek
Learn how to read.
I assume that those are the costumes anon is excited for.
Izanagi is their greatest god though.
And King Arthur was a shitter that accomplished nothing and his sword was garbage.
Point to the text where they explicitly said "only in Japan".
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Look at this photograph
and he has been absent FOREVER in the stupid fucking lore fo FGO
Nice try that's just some star trek shit
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>That's literally the same thing you fucking nigger. Don't even reply to me again, with this hairs-splitting horseshit.
Actually those two things are the complete opposite. You silly little nigger.
Why would he insult Eresh if he's excited for her?
I'll point to the part where we're in Japan anon. Where her readings were taken.
Why are you guys arguing about Fate series power level inconsistencies. That’s 99% of the series.
Izanagi was dead at this time and Susanoo is basically Izanagi son of Izanagi anyway.
King Arthur is literally one of the greatest legends in the entire world. He is extremely famous everywhere. He's not some shitty no-name backwater East Asian folk monster.
Fame bonus is repeatedly said to not be capable of making a weak Servant into a strong one.
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A human? How'd a snake that big get it in?
Did he just spray her down, do you think?
>>I didn't say her components were comparable to Vortigern, I said she's the component of a character comparable to Vortigern
>That's literally the same thing you fucking nigger. Don't even reply to me again, with this hairs-splitting horseshit.
I think you might want to re-read that a bit slower, because they're not the same thing at all lol
Anon is mad at Japanese deities and Sakurai writing them as powerful.
Fuck off cunt. You are being so disingenuous to defend this shit character. You know full well they didn't mean "only in Japan", they meant "everywhere".
it’s over…
>what makes you say it was world ending? nasu/sakurai or what?
The entire reason Ibuki was summoned in Heian-Kyo was because she was the seed of a Beast that Douman was going to blossom.
Yes they are, you can't even explain how they're meaningfully different. Go ahead, try, you double nigger.
Mom Love!
never said it could and isn't even relevant at all, just pointing out that she's clearly in the most favourable environment right there.

>they meant everywhere
Bro they were just taking a reading of her energy as she existed at that moment. What is this schizo nonsense?
he was summoning him to amp him INTO beast territory by also fusing with the imaginary tree he had. at least that's what i remember. do you have screenshots? i'm sorry for my poor memory man. i'm genuinely not trying to be a shitposter or sakurai hate blind.
yeah it's pretty weird it got super wanked even if it's cool. my bad on the orochi shitter thing. didn't know it was killed by a god(though that's still not much considering how most gods scale in nasu verse). thought it was just a samurai who did it.
also artoria is a lot weaker than real life lore arthur but her sword is definitely better.
Is it really an insult at this point? It's more an /alter/ meme thanks to a certain poster.
Some guy is throwing himself in the trenches for sakiruai for some reason
Sex with Oberon and Charlemagne.
He appeared, but only as a disembodied voice when he spoke to Ryouma about taking Oryou as a wife in Gudaguda 6, because Oryou is the daughter of Izanagi and Izanami. It's also why Erice is sometimes treated as if she is Oryou's sister, because Erice is also a daughter of Izanami.
Jesus would mog all the Japanese, Chinese, Indian, Greek and Roman gods.
>making a weak Servant into a strong one.
She wasn't a servant in Heian, she was an outright full divine spirit.
Well that's not nice.
>>Bro they were just taking a reading of her energy as she existed at that moment.
And then made broad, sweeping generalizing statements about the nature of her power and existence, comparing to her a god for being a fraction of a folktale monster in a guise only known in a single tiny province in a backwater country. Real fuckin' compelling writing!
I am looking. Now what?
>he was summoning him to amp him INTO beast territory by also fusing with the imaginary tree he had. at least that's what i remember.
That was a last minute change of plans because Douman was not content to just starting the end of the world, he wanted to be the arrow that pierces the beating heart of all that lives.
But then he screws himself over because he is not Beast material.
yeah as far as i'm aware that's not the case and he wanted a power boost and to fuse with the imaginary tree to become a beast himself.
Never underestimate the delusion of Raitabortion fags. They will go to the mat to defend the garbage characters he makes no matter if they are written by Sakurai.
It applies to both Heroic Spirits and Divine Spirits. Is also why Phantom Spirits are forever shitters.
I thought he was trying to become a Beast. Was the idea to steal the Beast title from Orochi or something?
They literally just said "wow her energy readings are comparable to a machine god" because you know they're just comparing the power being displayed at that moment. I don't even like Ibuki. At all. I don't even like Heian-kyo, it's a huge piece of shit and the worst chapter in this game. I largely don't like Sakurai. You are just being a huge retard.
no one is defending sakurai, you're sperging over the entire nasuverse rating deities of Japan as highly as other deities. And obviously you won't call out other deities like Babylonia, South America, Eldritch, or a fucking OORT cloud or a dumb funny vampire.
Wanna know what's not nice? I won't say it since the list is super fucking long anyways... Don't need to repeat myself anyways
Don’t reply to yourself turd.
sounds like neither she nor orochi were beast material either but they could have been with douman's ritual and tree to amp them before he was like "wait, mine."
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>first appeared as an hyper menacing deity
>gets reduced to an airheaded bimbo that will happily crush your pelvis to dust
what happened? was it good or bad?
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>orochi is actually too stron-ACK!
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I'm not sperging
I'm a passive observer admiring your sheer dedication here
Go team sakurai!
I'm not reading all that, which side should I argue for if I just want to see more chaos?
The wording is obtuse, but he means Orochi is comparable to Vortigern (I'm not sure how he figures) and Ibuki isn't.
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so so good
>entire Nasuverse
Reminder that Samson got blessings from God that were on par with the entire Japanese pantheon AND all the Buddhas.

Shinto gods kneel before the Judeo-Christian Supreme Deity.
I need gyarwu.
I want to experience this before I die...
Zeus, Artemis, Ares, Hermes, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Dionysus.
It was not good. She essentially got reduced to a character that had no relationship to her actual lore. Introduced as a big bad, immediately removed with no explanation and the next two times she showed, she had no real exploration of her actual character.
could you sound more passive aggressive lol?
thanks bro
which would put him above orochi
weird. scaling in this verse is a lot more dumb than i realized.
1/8 of orochi is comparable to all of the others btw
Jupiter, Saturn, and Venus are Roman gods, not Greek.
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Sure. Let's place both statements in isolation.
>her components were comparable to Vortigern
>she's the component of a character comparable to Vortigern
Let's quickly touch on what a "component" is.
A component is a part or element of a larger whole, especially a part of a machine or vehicle.

To continue the machine analogy, let's apply that to statement 1, thinking of Ibuki as if she were a car.
>Her front wheel (her component) is comparable to Vortigern.
In this example, we can clearly see that Vortigern is being compared to something of otherwise limited substance. ONE PART of Ibuki is said to be similar to Vortigern in this example.

Let's move then to statement 2, with the same analogy but let's pretend that ibukicar is inside a car carrying truck, with that truck being Orochi.
>She's the component of a truck comparable to Vortigern
Are you starting to understand here? In the first example, Vortigern is being compared to a part of a part of Orochi. In the second example, Vortigern is being compared directly to Orochi.

I hope that makes sense! :)
She was barely a character in her first appearance, so I'd call it an upgrade. Like Altera, but instead of Riyo Altera she turned into something I want to fuck
Nasuverse Judeo-Christian is definitely powerful, not just the servants but even the Church is a very powerful entity. I wonder if they'll ever explore it more fully. It's a weird line to tiptoe though, given the more present nature of that mythos.
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Go now and partake in power level arguments no longer.
What has Jesus done other than some cool party tricks like walking on water and turning water into wine?
Tiamat at least mogs Ibuki in terms of threat value.
>A firm believer in fair pay for fair work, Wu Zetian has agreed to pay Taisui Xingjun, who was just napping nearby, a usage fee for BGC (background curses).
>ignores the other two as if he doesn't know their greek names
>fails to get the joke
IQ 75 detected.
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>semantics autism
Can we change the subject? I'm already tuned out of this gay shit.
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He died (lol). What a jobber. Son of god and he gets poked by a no name roman name lucius.
ibuki should get wrecked by vortigern and tiamat.
He could handle wine better than orochi.
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Made all of creation.
literally no one knows who vortigern is or cares about him
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Not till lil bro gets it out of his system
He's gotta prove he's smarter than /alter/ first
white dragon
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>violently misunderstand plain english and sperg the fuck out
>get BTFO
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Little Gaoma...
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he cured and cleansed infinite sin and also his blood makes holy grails casually.
also he's REALLY good in a fight with a broom.
>Samson got blessings from God that were on par with the entire Japanese pantheon AND all the Buddhas.
And lost to musashi
doesn't change my statement
he is a fucking nobody
What would Septem be like if Romulus-Quirinus accompanied you as well? Would the Nerowank in that chapter be less embarrassing?
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And musashi lost to Iori
Could he be the strongest?
Taught Martha how to use Jacob's Limbs. Yes, Jesus in Fate was a CQC expert. The First Magic is also basically an inferior replication of miracles like the fish and bread. And just by being stained with Jesus' blood, a completely ordinary spear became a sacred relic with power to exceed Rhongomyniad. Then there's the whole business with how semi-random people associated with Jesus get Divinity on par with Divine Spirits.
That's without getting into the whole God Beyond The Root business.
Not literally. Not as big as seven mountains either.
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good for my dick
don't care about anything else
Just meeting him gives you Divinity
Just believing in him gives you Protection of Faith
I know you're trying to bait the "nipwank has gone too far!" crowd but would it not be better to say that samson lost to a Japanese human prostitute?
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>vortigern, hammer of the vile king, reverse the setting sun, swallow the light
Clearly Oberon is a hammer.
he's the main reason artoria was born
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BB shits grails
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Martha, please beat this poster up.
wrong. Clearly BB is Jesus' favored child.
he lost to the geisha pussy
no one can beat the geisha pussy. nope, not the geisha pussy.
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Fluffy little Kama getting Kamfy...
bros do i spend my next 90 bond quartz on trying to get more douman copies or summer skadi to make him stronger...
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yeah that's cool
let's see all those people that know the great legends of vortigern
oh yeah fucking no one
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>could iori be the strongest?
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this is vortigern
>Here is complicated and honestly dumb reason why Ibuki is bullshit strong
>This is bullshit REEEEEEE
>Here is complicated and honestly dumb reason why Artoria is bullshit strong
>KINO this is true cinema
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I don't have any more roll targets for this year.
Next for me is Nito Alter.
ngl i straight up laughed when that was revealed in lb6. cause i had no fucking idea who it is.
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We've lost many bros over the years, some e-celeb fags, some lesser known, some not known at all. Among these, which bro do you miss the most? Which bro would you give everything for to get back?
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Just Skadi
>Just Skadi
Just Skadi
>Just Skadi
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Put your face on, Liz.
And king Zhang is the main reason Daji was born. Doesn't mean anyone should give a shit about him.
I remember seeing a graphic some time ago that said "The user of the First Magic is born." or something like that and it lined up with Jesus' birth, was that correct?
BB manipulates computer code she didn't write in the first place.
That's like claiming you invented sexual reproduction because you modded Skyrim to have big titties on all the NPCs.
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Please name an Abrahamic associated Heroic Spirit who is not in some way ludicrously fucking busted powerful.

Ark of the Covenant, Wrath of God.
Tarasque, Jacob's Limbs.
Kills dragons. All of them.
Omnipotent mage with all-seeing Clairvoyance.
Probably the weakest and she still has things like "immune to non-holy Church magecraft" packed in as standard.
>First Hassan
Grand Assassin.
El oh fucking el.
Yes. Western servants should mog Japanese servants, there are simply more westerners and I grew up with western heroes and gods therefore they should be stronger.
no, that's the oberon version of vortigern. real vortigern is probably cooler.
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don't use my wife for your faggoty eceleb shitpost you loser
isnt the next summer skadi campaign sooner than the next douman campaign though
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Get bimboed.
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That's just a hole named Vortigern.
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Front facing Type Moon characters are a threat to humanity
BB has the Ten Crowns skill, meaning she embodies the evil kings, and by extension, blasphemy. Jesus will punish the blasphemers which means Jesus>BB.
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you and basically 90% of people who play this game probably
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>Be PHH Vortigern
>Avatar Albion
>Loser Uncle of Saber
>Said that Salter is a spitting image of him
>Gets outshined by a Void worm who larps as you and Oberon
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Oh no, how tragix.
Truly this is the bimbo summer I've been waiting for
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they always look absolutely psychotic and their arms are so long
has takeuchi ever seen a human before?
Didn't LB6 include a QRD on Vortigern during the early chapters specifically because of this?
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I really wanna fuck everything with a sexy pussy and breed it all.
I really wanna knock them up with a giant fat fucking cock and cross breed species.
I wanna do something like breed Artoria Lancer Alter until she's too exhausted to move and then make her watch as I breed her horse's pussy until my seed infects its womb with my children in an unnatural bond, granting her a new centaur steed.
I want to make children with every female servant and turn every male servant into a woman so I can breed them too. Then I'll breed our children and so on.
I want to make a child with every possible magical species.
It won't even satisfy me because I'll wanna do it all again.
Yumina is the original First Magic user. She was born the night BC became AD, and the First Magic is designed to create something from nothing (the manifestation of ether clumps). It's based on replicating a miracle.

The current user of the First Magic is Alice.
>Kills dragons. All of them.
This isn't even his busted power. When fighting to protect an innocent he can literally not be defeated because God Himself intervenes directly to make it so.
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Summer Wu soon to help beat BB to pulp.
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That was a red herring. The two were born on the same day, but are different people with different legacies. Witchcraft comes from the First, and Jesus hates witches.
I mean really any sexual woman can beat Samson, it's just his myth.
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She's a heretic
>Jesus hates witches.
circe bros....
Yes. Anon skipped it.
do you think those actors made enough from that commercial to pay off their acting school debt?
Guess how many rolls i had to make
Heretic technically, and not empowered by God.
Ibuki bros, what was your total damage report
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I've had to stop the story twice now to jerk off to shuten doujins. This is fucking unbelivable. Raita I will NEVER admonish you ever again.
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Would you?
What makes Galahad so OP? Why is he wanked so much?
300 sq for NP2 with NP2 Erice along for the ride.
>roll 600 quartz and 20 tickets
>don't get a single SSR while trying for Ibuki
oh yeah, now I remember why I dropped this game.
Back to Nikke
summer skoody reruns in exactly 1 year

douman hasnt had a new single rateup since this one on JP. there's a shared banner in 1 year, though
At least 11
>entire setting started from "the holy grail war"
>claimed the holy grail
I'm sure you can at least begin to understand even without knowing the particulars of why he'd be insane.
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Why are Eqyptian gods always left out of power level discussions?
Horus>Everyone else.
I had a thought today with the various typical BB and Martha back and forth.
Is there any art of Martha wearing BB's slutty summer outfit? Can AI pull it off when they're both long purple haired characters in the first place?
ting ting ting YOOOOOooooooo
630 sq for np1 lolololololol
He's the knight who completed the quest for the Holy Grail in a series all about winning that Holy Grail
>What makes Galahad so OP?
His writer wished it to be so.
>Why is he wanked so much?
Muh French knight must be better in every way than those silly English kanigits.
we don't really know much about them to be fair, although i'm assuming nito alter will have something to say about that in LB7
Found the Holy Grail and returned it to Heaven, establishing the Grail existing in Heaven while the Lance would anchor the Earth. Not the big chunk of mana grails that mages fight over, or even the Fuyuki grail system setups. The actual, literal, one of a kind Holy Grail.
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Because we largely don't see any.
Xu Fu would probably be better Paracelsus
bro? your fragment of 2004?
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May I suggest this cyclops alchemist instead?
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Pic related is our sum total of information on what level they have.
their only contender is Ozy
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Well we only have Anubis who is a very low grade god. Horus should be as good as any warrior god, Ra at the level of chief gods like Quetzalcoatl, and Atum on the level of any creator god.
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Is that the fate/prototype protagonist? Would feel bad about banging a self insert...
because they refuse to give use actual gods, and sometimes designs and they would run out of pseudos
That just means something bad is about to happen
She would look better if she had a dick.
Is this an anni CE? Looks nice.
They aren't Japanese, retard.
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>ibuki's tits jiggling around during her skill animations
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The flowers and all the white makes this feel kinda bridal...
Calm down sis
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John's so strong just his skull lets any shitter use magecraft. He probably is the weakest Abrahamic rep we have though.
Don't look at Wu during her NP.
Based Nurse
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Keep dodging as you do best. I said my goodbyes anyways, wish you luck. No hard feelings.
Aoko bride
Not to mention his shield is able to withstand something like Ars Almadel Salomonis, a power that can destroy all of space and time and the universe itself all the way to its very beginning with the Big Bang.
>The current user of the First Magic is Alice.
Please don't push a fanon. Alice is not a magician, nor is she even confirmed to be the "barely alive" inheritor that Nasu spoke of. Alice inherited Yumina's Ploys and nothing more.
pretty bad. Thought my luck was starting to turn around after Anni and then getting Merlin in a single 10 roll, but then 690 quarts on Ibuki reminded me I haven't had a good year since 2020
File deleted.
there is a bb summer cosplay tag, but I don't have a sub to experiment with something that might be one try or several description tags to land it
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but t-that’s the Goghk
>No hard feelings.
Fooled me I guess.
This is wank, not the reason for the wank.
Grand Caster
that's a saber tho
Getting kinda crowded in there.
>he grailed Soullessine
is AI anon still around? Can he learn a retard on how to AI too?
Both Solomon and Galahad are connected to the same God, so it does make sense their powers could cancel each other out.
Just because you have a sword doesnt mean you are a Saber. Everyone has a sword bro, just look at Constantine.
Yeah, but he's literally in Fate as a saber.
Too divine to be a Grand. His father is the sea and his mother is the sky.
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Grand Avenger
god, I love Rosanna
put on the fucking skirt and buttplug
We’ve already had this conversation
Where the FUCK is Le Loi?
Riyo isnt canon
God Please let this happen
>put on the fucking skirt and buttplug
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I like this goddess because she looks like an ass and thighs.
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>failed to get Merlina
>can't bring myself to play her event
Worst feeling in this game.
I love the British
NAI is not hard, just tricky, I have no idea of how to local tho
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this artic summer event is so fucking boring holy shit
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Need of Kalevala servants and myths in Fate is growing larger.
Sakurai event
i was expecting worse after the christmas event slop to be honest
this is alright. better than last year but they're both solidly mogged by yu's spooky summer
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fgo needs more horse pussy
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Didn't work but i cheated a bit by just swapping BB's head with Martha's.
Didn't have a single pale slut BB image on my PC so you got tanned Martha, sorry.
np3 in 180sq with an np6 erice on the side. first time I rolled for something without getting showered in spooks and craft essences. already mentally prepared for the 5 packs it'll take for skadi.
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>no highschool costumes
i hate lassengle so fucking much.....
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I prefer her sister.
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I put this above Yu summer too.
thank you for trying.
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I just want to do sexy poses of my favorite characters and I dont want to trouble people with my asking
I'm more of a queen bee appreciator personally
show me the sister horse pussy
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britain is one of the most problematic countries to have existed. enjoy your bland food and horrible dental care.
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Would you a Iku Turso?
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pretty infuriating they'll do an anniversary that adds 8 bronze servants, an event taht gives 12 idol outfits, but not a main story chapter that gives school uniforms.
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monster pussy NOW
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Not the AI anon but you can just go to the stable diffusion threads on /g/ or /h/ to find all the tools you need. and If you looking for any models of your favorite characters you can just go to Civitai or in the threads to find what you're looking for.
>they'll do an anniversary that adds 8 bronze servants, an event taht gives 12 idol outfits
Not anymore.
Just when I thought Bob was the best nickname, someone came up with Tony.
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FML. These are for the higher priority mats I need.
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I always found the Don Rosa Iku Turso to be neat.
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Based Don Rosa appreciators.
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yesssssssssss. i wanna breed these dragons so bad.
That was DW, not Lasengle.
>'boss character when fighting them vs boss character when they join your party' meme.jpg
I don't see the advantage to this form, anatomically speaking
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physical gogh souvenirs when
this is what brain atrophy from constant drinking does to you.
moral of the story: do fent instead
Lord of the Flame of Frenzy...
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Easy choice.
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>and then she stabbed Sigurd
still funny.
so That’s where centaurs come from!
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>tamamo and reines
Maybe i'm a basic bitch but when it comes to unleashing giant creatures from bodies of water, I'm a big fan of mustakrakish
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>way underestimated how many embers were needed between this summer and current grail target
we had 2 weeks of 1/2 AP hands and 1/2 AP doors and I didn't do enough. do I just bite the bullet and see where I stand after 30 apples or so?
is it really cheese anymore if there are like 50 different ways to do it?
To be fair, since LB6, we've been getting a lot more broken and OP Servants since
one of the tracks in the summer event sounds like this
49 hours
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No, keep looking at Wu's NP animation!
Just 2 ( 二 Èr) more days, people!
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why does her right udder look so much smaller than the left one?
make a new one
underage whores
Don't call them like that. They don't charge for it.
Alice has the skill "Yumina" in FGO. Yumina is the name of the First. Note how Aoko has "Magician" as a skill as well? Alice is the current heir to the First.
>No summersine
Easy dodge

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