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Previous: >>487210130

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki Douji Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

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gonna turn all bros in the thread into bimbos and then make all women, including bimbo bros, into my breeding sows. who can stop me? who WOULD stop me?
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Medusa love!
Why is Lip's forehead so big?
Cute and canon
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My wife and her boyfriend
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Just a natural facet of Blossom and her derivatives.
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Bro its cut off
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don't open
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Kama Love!
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cutting off van gogh...
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Lip love!
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Me. I'll bite your dick off when you're not expecting it. It's that easy.
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do a wheelie on your bike, please!
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Gudao is such a slut...
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Summer Lip this year or I hunt Takeuchi to the ends of the earth.
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I'm having a good time bros, hope you are too
damn. foiled again. i'll get you next time!
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I will save this picture.
I will repost this picture.
Bros please help me choose an anniversary CE, I don’t care which one, just tell me what to pick!
Which Servants would this A-Team summon?
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barg cuz mega milkers and zenobia cuz milkers
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This is first time i remember anyone calling Gogh "Clytie" outside Imaginary Scramble.
Which is pretty funny considering the resolution of that mess was that Gogh decided her name would be Clytie Van Gogh.
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You can't do that you weren't given permission...
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Now that I have NP5 Ibuki, this went from a safe 100% good outcomes to a risky 25% chance to get the worst outcome imaginable.
Chiyome and Anastasia
Did you guys make something of this?
>worst chapter of summer arctic coming in an hour
Thank you!
Fluffy Kama cuteness
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thank you!!!!
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I am thanks for asking bro.
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Post a King Arthur moment
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>who WOULD stop me?
Definitly not me~
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Reminder she is for (You) and wants to start a family with you.
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What happens? (I'm skipping)
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it's j*lter
I can only accept being turned into a shota.
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Mom Love!
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best i can do is cute shota that can get pregnant with sensitive and puffy nipples.
Even worse than the current? The one before was pretty good with the Volsunga Saga kino, I have noticed that chapters with less Valkyrie screentime have worse quality in general.
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Seconding this >>487228896
She's rather cute and somewhat erotic.
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extreme guro don't open
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Jokes on you, I have Merlin in my team
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too late he's a merlina now and they only give vaginas.
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Poor flower....
No thanks. That doesn't sound like something worth caring about
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she TANKED that
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it's gonna be kino because it's SUMMER 3
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Hey, it's Mash from Melty Blood
cute bare goghole
In prison they knock your teeth off if you pull that shit.
Merlina should bimbofy people.
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I'm a little sleepy but happy.
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Gogh harapan
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Nah. Wu chapter was better
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it's okay. my cock is reinforced by primordial runes. his throat WILL be bred.
true! clearly this is canon now and what she does.
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My beautiful gf
Is Skadi today?
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How much sq can I save before Goho's rate up...?
Out of this summer lineup, I'm pretty sure only Gareth would change
2 days.
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Yeah, but the other guy still end up losing his dick lmao
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Is shiki based or cringe?
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Do you think it was Takeuchi or Takenoko's idea to make her go commando?
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27 isn't old right liz bros...?
I still have time to get my life together right haha?...
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their powers combined...
Her guts aren't for nothing.
Why would you have prison intel bro, is there more you wanna tell us
best time to start is now
Are we in prison...?
it's a Rani callback
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Where the fuck is the Grand Saber?
he wants to be turned into fat tittied and assed bimbo obviously. don't you wanna fulfill your bros wish of getting turned into a bimbo and bred?
unfathomably based
guda could never
So Nasu?
He cut himself out of the story.
As much as you want if you use THAT
You do but you need to start right now. Otherwise it'll be over before you know it.
Former Grand Saber Grug will arrive in his own time.

The new Grand Saber Musashi will appear when we finally make it to Antarctica in the story.
/alter/ is prison
Is anyone going to 120 any of the summer servants from this year now that we've seen them all?
No one cares about musashi, Iori already replaced her.
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it'll be Mom saber.
The only way to impregnate Ericebro is to 120 your summer Erice
what a useful little website. thank you.
bros i need to skip forward 2 months rn
I don't get horny so no, I will step aside and let a bro with libido do the deed
Take a nap
>make it to Antarctica
But we started there. What a pain in the ass. Hopefully Musashi cut away the space between here and there.
what about you, bro? you deserve to be bimbofied and bred too, you know.
you're a good bro.
bros i need 2 goon rn
but I don’t want that
Where are the 120 gameplay summer Ibukis? It's been a day already
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I'm not participating in 120 at all, please understand.
Mom Love!
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90++ isn't for awhile though. Day 1 120's are people that really like her.
If I post my 120 I'll be added to 'The List' and ridiculed for all eternity.
goon to getting your body modified into a sexed up breeding sow, bro.
you don't get a choice, bro. you NEED it, bro.
Gameplaykeks aren't going to bother going for lv120. The amount of resources vs the stats gained isn't really significant enough to be worth it especially if the gameplaykeks already roll Np2+.
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>too late he's a merlina now and they only give vaginas.

Your insinuation that the nature of Proto-Merlin's buff must mean it performs the opposite function is mistaken!

When we examine the ability to create dicks, it is clear that this directly correlates with a 50% targeted color buff. However, which color that buff is does not play a role in the outcome.

Exhibit A. Scathach directly states they can do so via their primevil rune in the summer event, and just as theorized, possess a 50% targetable color buff. Skadi, who could no doubt do the same with her run to an even higher quality, has an even stronger 50% color buff, further supporting this.

Exhibit B: Tamamo has stated in numerous occasions that she wishes to marry the protagonist of her debut game, refering to kids on occasion, and has never once shown concern over their gender. Considering she refers to herself as a dutiful housewife, it is highly unlikely she would use her shapeshifting and take on a fatherly role to achieve this. Thus combined with her significant skill in magecraft, we can safely assume creating dicks is well within her capacity, and just as suspected, she too has the targeted 50% color buff.

This continues in every example.
Castoria, an incredibly powerful fae mage
Nightengale, a skilled nurse would could no doubt perform a sexual reassignment surgery
and coincidentally, those who likely cannot create dicks all have a downside to their buffs, with Chen gong only able to affect zerks and Oberon placing his under an eternal sleep. It seems a dick is vital to maintaining a stable 50% color buff on someone else.

In none of these cases does the color of the buff factor into it. The prescence of additional buffs appear to coincide with stronger magecraft, AKA higher quality dicks. We could likely infer the color only changes superficial aspects of the penis.

Thus, Proto-Merlin can and does create dicks like her counterpart.
Roughly how many lotto boxes are in 2 weeks of natural ap? Like 20?
What's wrong bros? Are you bros feeling alright?
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These things happen. Just equip it and farm them back with Douman.
okay so you get two dicks put inside you instead of one
I thought this game was all ages?
genuinely what did we mean by this
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Today I shall remind /alter/
It has nothing to do with the card buff
It's because Merlina is a parallel world Merlin and has a vagina
That's the logic
She will come back after her training arc. Remember, she is a main character of Type Moon now.
high effort shit post is appreciated btw. it'd be a good copy/pasta to the merlina memes.
There's no visuals, and Shiki dies soon after before anything more explicit happens.
Ancient /alter/ meme
Each run gets 1/4 of a box, 1/3 when you get up in the higher bonuses (+10). For the last two lottos, at 90+, at least this was true.
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Sorry it's not time for that evidence yet. I'm going to have to penalize you.
First, prove Merlina is a female.
>Main character
Iori already cut that as well
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in the original VN he proceeds to rape arc (with CGs)
nasu is a coward
that makes me sad. i don't like rape.
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What happened to the powerlevel shitposting?
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Here are your two goons
it's okay because it was literally Arc's fault for using mystic eyes on him
Kohaku getting raped later on is much more upsetting
Good shitpost bro, saved.

But I have a disagreement with your propositions, namely the innate assumption that parallel world alternate versions of a character must by nature perform the same function. Merlin gives dicks, it is true. So does Scathach, and so on, but they are all from ONE version of Human History. Merlina, however, is from Prototype, which is a different version. It is thus entirely reasonable to propose that as Merlina differs from Merlin (and Arthur differs from Artoria), so too does the nature of their sexual magic - thus, just as Arthur is male and Merlina is female, Merlina is thus likely to create a vagina and not a penis, as there is no use for her creating a penis when Arthur already has one.
replaced with /alter/fags slowly falling for the bimbofy meme.
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It wouldn't be rape if you liked it.
these three fell off
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>later on
It went from funny gil jobber memes to screeching about japanese servants
well, later on in the sense that you don't really find out about it until red garden which you shouldn't read until you've finished arc and ciels route, but you know what i mean
that doesn't make it ok and it doesn't make sense since her stats should be better.
this just seems like shitty justification to put in bad stuff. i hate shiki. that's fucking evil. i don't care if he has cursed blood that's stupid and i don't like the character concept.
we had a good shitfight about ibuki last thread. some really, really angry anons. kino.
>What happened to the powerlevel shitposting?
Jets won
I forget how far you get to go in the original? Is it full on rape or just molestation?
Half the characters in this game are rapists from their legends
bimbos won.
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Powerlevels kind of ended when we finally got ORT on screen in all his apocalyptic magnificence.
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Based ACTUAL goonposter
But I wanted the shinsengumi
Arc was wounded several times over in an alleyway and accidentally used mystic eyes on shiki that made him violently lust over her
Anyway Nasu has used rape as a plot device and/or shock value for a long time. Is what it is.
The alleyway incident is a bad-end anyway, there's worse instances of rape in tsukihime that are entirely canonical.
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it's now a radioactive bimbo lusting after our dick and wanting to be bred unironically.
So like what would happen if Lancer a normal non grand servant tried to Gae Bolg ORT?
Wouldn't do anything.
Curse fails to take root, entity possesses no heart organ.
>A rank luck
Kuku clears the check easy and smokes him
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well, thanks for telling me that not only is it overpriced and incomplete but that i should completely avoid it and hate it.
you really saved me a lot of discomfort, anon.
He does full on rape her in the original not just bite her breasts right in that alleyway dead end. I think I remember that much.
What’s the context for when he rapes Kohaku again? I really don’t remember her route at all. He just felt like it?
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you ask, we goon
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Is there a "bigger" NP type than anti-world?
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And that's based.
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Yes, anti your mom
Doesn't count
>no actual cop servant outside of Watanabe no Tsuna
Kiara doesn't count. I want tear gas and to load up with rubber bullets while telling padre to talk to his boys.
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From memory he just gropes/bites her and you get a dialogue choice as to whether or not Shiki can keep himself together sufficiently or if he just loses his shit
Kohaku is raped repeatedly as a child by Akiha's dad, and then later again (repeatedly) by Roa
Pic related when the mask falls off was the most intense moment in the VN to me desu
anti-reality I would guess
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My brother.
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But that's the exact same type as >>487232627
>loving cops
holy cringe
aren't the shinsengumi basiclaly cops
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bimbofication is the hot new trend!
Is Kaizen an /alter/bro?
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You should also hate FSN because Sakura gets raped by dick worms
And Hollow Atraxia because of Manjew
And CCC because you mindrape all the girls in it
Honestly you picked a weird franchise to get invested in
In the way that federal agents are.
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Actually, no. It literally means anti-star. In the event the resurrected Ishtar has a defense that protects against all attacks weaker than star level and non-of our NPs can harm her.
Anti-Star, but Space Ishtar is the only one who has it.
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You should've been filtered from the start. Lots of rape here and there
>abuse power
They were cops
That was Ciel route when Roa starts taking over. If he gives in to his impulses and rapes her in the original it leads to a mutual double KO bad end in Ciel route during the fight at the school at night. If he manages to stop himself you don't get locked into that bad end
I'd say he's probably some FGO only secondary scum, but even FGO has rape (Seraph is basically Event Horizon, Agatha, Caenis' myth backstory is the same in FGO etc).
So yeah, probably just an idiot.
I thought Shiki does the raping. Man I don’t remember anything at all. Was there a reason for the rape, like how Sakura’s worms leeched mana. What was Hisui doing?
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When did those three traits not apply to glowies?
yeah. didn't read any of that. I've played Extra, Extella, and Link. That's how I got into FGO.
yeah that stuff sucks too. damn, dude. i'm allowed to not like rape.
You can enjoy all of fate without having a rape fetish.
The only good thing to come out of the shitstain that is C**l's route
Technically nothing below a galaxy-scale attack can hurt her.
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This kinda bugged me. SHIKI said he was leaving town and then he gets killed right after, so the idea that Shiki Tohno is actually doing the murders on the far side was pretty engaging, but then it just turns out that Akiha went cuh-razy instead.
Felt a lot lamer.
there's a difference between a fetish and violent repulsion
If that's the kind of shit you can't handle then why are you even involved in a franchise that has so much of it?
World Discipline Keraunos is Anti-Star System.
It’s 8:47pm and I haven’t eaten since 6am. I’m not hungry but I can feel that my brain power is diminished.
I want to see that qt yandere type-venus
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Yeah, you're right. My bad.
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Bro make a sandwich
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>I've played Extra, Extella, and Link. That's how I got into FGO.
(Un)Holy second coming of Enma Ai, what a cursed tourist we have here.
Yes but a lot of people here pile up on both.
Like how Akiha eventually goes crazy, her dad Makihisa was also going crazy. Hisui and Kohaku come from a family of people with the ability to basically reduce the symptoms of said crazyness via energy transfer, and since nasu wrote this story the most effective way to do the energy transfer is sex. The twins join the Tohno mansion as children, Kohaku shields Hisui from Makihisa and as such is the only one tormented by him.
For the exact same reason (Fujou clan energy transferrence), Rou rapes Kohaku repeatedly during the events of red garden

There is also a sex scene between Shiki and one of the twins (I honestly don't remember if its Kohaku or Hisui with the way they switch identities several times throughout the VN) that has a very rapey undertone to it, so that might be what you're thinking of.
Yeah but if you pass the 20h mark your brain goes into hunter mode and your faculties start getting sharper.
I only eat one meal a day because I enjoy waking up aggressively sharp.
because what little there was in FGO was glossed over and barely present if at all.
I've been playing since year 1.
>1100 SQ for np2
I really don't feel like playing anymore
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She's not really yandere. She's laid back, cutesy, ditzy moe dere.
You should read FSN at least.
Does summer skadi needs np 2?
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My king...
If you play FGO you tacitly support rape
Your own fault for chasing NP2
>since year 1
Wrong. Extella came out later.
Honestly, I've seen worse from /alter/. There are people who started with FGO. I consider /Extra to be the cut-off for acceptable because it was the last time Nasu was any good.
>What was Hisui doing?
Watching and feigning ignorance
I just don’t feel like eating most days anymore. Usually I try to get at least 1.5 meals but it’s hard to eat when you don’t want to
No thanks. You guys just got done telling me about how much rape there was in it.
Huh. When was the Scathach summer?
lol, that completely irrelevant tin can?
Coulda been year 2 if it was the rerun.
Prove it rape baby
Post your FC
To be fair, the Tsukihime remake seems to have significantly less rape in it compared to the original.
With that said, the lions share of the rape is in red garden, which the remake of hasn't released yet. And also its plot-driven rape. So it's probably not going anywhere...
>You guys just got done telling me about how much rape there was in it.
There's like the implied sakura stuff and an atempt
Fucking shirou plowing rin was closer to actual on screen rape than any of the others
Just skip HF. You won't miss anything
We are NOT gay!
>Who could defeat ORT
we got an answer kinda
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>Just skip HF. You won't miss anything
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I hate to break it to you all but Fate and Nasu are no longer a rape franchise/writer. Just because he wrote a lot of rape in the past doesn't mean that any of his current works include any of it.
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she looks so happy. goho love.
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Who has the best breasts in FGO?
probably then, i guess.
Well when the rest comes out I'll ask about it then.
You guys were acting like there was full on-screen rape throughout though. I'm hesitant to believe that there's suddenly none.
Sanzang or Drake.
I think I started with UBW cause someone told me to. Idk why they did that and it was pretty mid. Then I watched half of zero but it was boring so I stopped. Then later on raikou doujins convinced me I needed to play FGO.
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There can't be any doubt.
barghest if you've seen how her artist draws nipples.
Except that FGO did contain rape.
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No today
>Just because he wrote a lot of rape in the past doesn't mean that any of his current works include any of it.
Agarthabros...alternatively pre-FGO canonbros...
I got into Fate because I saw Kuro raping Miyu's mouth spammed in /a/ when it aired
>You guys were acting like there was full on-screen rape throughout though.
OG Tsukihime had
FSN has the pit thing but I don't think it shows it in action
FHA does have a rape scene but its with a literal cum dump so not really rape.
CCC Is just entering the psyche and revealing secrets, not actual mindbreaking mind rape as people meme about
>FGO is not a current work
Still can't believe part 2 wrapped up the whole thing like that bros...
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i need a citation for this
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Kadoc lost to this.
Perfectly understandable.
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He said best not most grotesque.
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Yeah there's no more rape in Fate bro. Now why don't you follow me into this dark room...
>literal cum dump
Tad rude to rin don't you think
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How about a citation for being a pedo?
Non-canon as per traum
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Then why is FGO raping me personally with gacha rates?
If bigger is better, then biggest is best! And so Passionlip outshines all the rest!
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Nah FSN doesn’t really have any rape. It’s just Tsukihime. You can trust me.
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Do you need Summer Ibuki-Douji at NP2 to be usable? Is she more important than Summer Skadi?
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>>>>>CCC Is just entering the psyche and revealing secrets, not actual mindbreaking mind rape as people meme about
When is Jackie Chan being released?
>this was the design for a 1* Berserker
Nah, fuck off. I-IV nailed the Grand design with this.
KP and Tiamat are bigger though
Did you forget that in LB6, the fae kept sex slaves? What, you think Boggart got consent when he nicely and courteously asked for all those past human women to marry him? And when shit was going down at the end, the fae in Barghest's domain flat out said they decided to imitate what they know about Barghest. The fae sure as hell weren't making nice breakfast for the humans.
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Tsunderes literally do not count, rin was just a little bitch
>then biggest is best!
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I love psychopath illya so much
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Anon an entire major plot of FSN is that Sakura has been raped so much for so long and gotten so used to magus semen injections she starts going fucking crazy when she doesn't get them.

An entire fucking route is dedicated to a heroine's rape problems. It's rapey.
Our canonicity...
Everyone knows it's a matter of proportion and not pure dimensional volume. Nobody includes Jinako in their huge titty lists even though she's got G cups.
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Yeah bro thank goodness it was just her
Why does she have a womb tattoo?
Cause she’s gross
why has nasu reused this particular plot point twice?
more than a few people agree it was uncomfortable and shitty
Why is blood spraying out if the organ that moves blood is gone
Homunculus legally don't count as humans
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Because it's hot
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After testing her for a bit, it's crazy how good Summer Ibuki is, bros
The difference is that is used as shock factor and not even show on screen, unlike shiki raping most of the cast.
Rani is a robot, look at jinako she was perfectly fine.
pressure difference
>we finally get Rani
>she's reduced to being an NPC and not even OUR Rani
Fuck this game.
>Shirou has sex but with a used good whose virginity taken by a worm, which got wasted by Kariya
>Gudao who never has sex
Both sound terrible tbf
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>it's a matter of proportion
Yeah, and Lips proportions are fucked.
because the heart is the central hub for blood and there's a lot of pressure built up there!
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We can do this all day man
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I'm glad there's no scenes in FGO where we have something forcibly shoved into our bodies...
Gudao has plenty of sex
in his dreams
Which /alter/ anon do you want to rape the most?
She's made from all the sex goddesses plus an elephant for some reason.
Why didn't he try to rape Akiha?
You can keep going all day man, not the epic mind breaking mind rape that you think it is.
It's not bimbofication
To be fair. Shirou has fucked Saber and Rin as well, only one of which is used goods. No way he could hold down a job for Otoko without having to sling some D that way too.
Shinji certainly starts to rape Sakura before dying, and honestly while we're at it UBW has a huge section of Medea definitely-not-yet-but-soon-to rape Saber. Definitely lesbo rape though.
Filthy hikkineet scum are not recognized as people by society
>oh you want Rani
>better fork those Yen over to grab Extra remake, gaijin
Which makes her the best. Extremes and zeniths go hand in hand.
>It's not mind break because it's not my fetish
Okay bro
Shiki > Hakuno > Shirou > Soujuurou >> Sieg >>>>> Gudao
Medea was never going to rape Saber. She was just going to break her until she wanted it. Princess trainer style.
He was going to fuck her until he got killed
literally the only good scene in the entirety of shimousa
Disgustingly I'd fucking do it too. One of the rare times I would be disqualified from being human.
that scene made me uncomfortable too. it's why i skip sakurai stories now
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wow rude
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So does shit and trash.
NP3 actually
>whoo whee did they use sugestive language? Sure it is my fetish!
Whatever you say bro.
Now you're really being dishonest
I think the problem is on your end if you keep insisting on it being a fetish thing rather than generic soap opera drama narrative elements. You're starting to sound like those in the closet homophobes.
yeah BRO tell me more about visual novels BRO
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Definitely didn't sneak some fingers in, for sure.
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I hate Sakurai.
You don't shit in the trash, BB. That's not hygienic at all.
Is this picture from Caster's workshop on the mountain or below the Church, I don't recall.
Also shinji almost raped rin
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>sees skadi's sprite properly for the first time since she's a story support
Wow the floating fish looks dumb
Saber is kept in the church, that's when Lancer vs Emiya (for real this time) happens.
>Berating women until they're a sobbing mess as their clothes are stripped away has NOTHING to do with rape at ALL bro!
I'm sorry nasu but this won't bring the game's rating down any
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Shut up Lip. You're my dumpster and I'll shit in you if I want.
How dare you
I mean she was taking her time so I doubt she went there. But sure she also impregnated her with her futa cock.
Thought so. Why the fuck does the basement of a Japanese church contain a giant fuck off greek statue?
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Ladies and gentlemen,
This is Mambo-chan number 5.
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>Berating women until they're a sobbing mess
Literally just telling them as it is
>as their clothes are stripped
>what is fanservice
I could use some Mom Love rn. Life too hard rn bwos.
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this is definitely the face of a woman who just pinched her clit.
Not really. Her berserker power mod and big dick special damage mod mean she hits really fucking hard even at NP1. NP2 is just a really good boost for those high HP nodes. If you have alot of extras grails can make up the difference.
Zeus is a powerful symbol of western culture. It's probably easier to get people to show up to mass if you threaten to smite them when they don't.
Riveting stuff
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We'll get these back before the banners end, right?
Well it's a private area of one of the most fucked up priests we know who definitely isn't actually a devout servant of God and is actually in fact a historical site for overseeing a ritual to summon mythological heroes so really there's just honestly no way of even knowing I guess
Wherever there is rape he must go
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Damn, Summer Skadi's laugh after her NP is so heartfelt...Skadi love...
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I thought that was Rakshasa King Skull Eboshi Ashiya Douman (Failed Beast) (Pseudo-Thought Keys)
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Good morning, bros. Skadi's manga sounds super interesting.
A day before they end yes.
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shut the fuck up lipper, don't make me rape you again
>(Pseudo-Thought Keys)
How does this even work? How do you "pseudo" a connection to the entirety of Chinese magecraft? Either you're connected or you aren't. Stop fucking with me.
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Is this the least appealing banner ever made?
Do any of you even know the name of the servant on the right? This event comes out in like three months. Do you have any idea who he is?
Basically he's banned but ban evading and if the jannies catch him he's really in for it.
A little bit of master in my life
A little bit of Ibuki by my side
A little bit of Chernobog's all I need
A little bit of Seimei's what I see
A little bit of Akimitsu-dono in the sun
Either it's a falsified connection or an imitation framework. Probably the former.
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Oh wow I wonder who wrote this event? It's a shame it's impossible to discern writing styles.
By making bootleg keys. I hear Emiya knows how to pirate them.
Huang Feihu and Huyan Zhao. I know both because I will be aiming for one of their future rate-ups. Not the closest one because my SQ will be depleted but still.
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let her cook
That’s Ozymandias
Simplified chinese instead of traditional
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I have a hard time seeing anyone rape me without a gun at their disposal considering my stature.
Douman is so untrustworthy. I thought he was our greatest ally.

Anon, I appreciate you but never hit me with something like that again.
If we trick him into fucking up will that summon Buddha for us?
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HOMETE is cute and cool
>M00t killed douman
>Remember Summer 3???
I skip
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>yo dawg we heard you like references to past events that were before your time and we refuse to ever give you the option to play even though we have 30 dead weeks a year
huh, it's been a while since I've seen one of these
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Runes > AI
That the cuck one that made me actually lose my login streak twice after the bullshit in christmas?
>to past events that were before your time
How are you hitting us with Yo Dawg and yet you're somehow not a Day 1 player?
What the FUCK are you talking about?
don't give a fuck, the hooved bimbo on the left is cute
Now, whenever the /alter/ clowns are posting, I'm going to pretend it's douman posting
>mmmnnnnmmm laureeeen I accumulated enough money to go for dick enlargement surgery laureeen mnnnnnnnn
>mmmnnnnnnnmmmm the tourists rats they're ruining my general again mmnnnnnnnmmmnnn
asking if the summer 3 event was the cuck one
Its too damn hot
Albert fell off. It should have said "Fou real." to make it extra terrible.
that rape scene was optional. it blocked you from getting Arc's true ending though.
No? How can an event be a cuck?
What do you mean I'm a clown mmmmmnnmmmm?
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I try to make my supports a nice mix of good gameplay servants and my personal favorites.
Did any of you knew about Baiken and her ching chong nihongo book before the dog event? Same shit. If anything I'm shocked FGO bothered doing a bit of Chinkwank instead of sticking to nipwank. Come to think of it we've had Viet stuff this year too, Viet to Nip to Chink is surprisingly diverse by FGO standard
Anon I just want you to know you used my name and I'm the one who made the original post so you suck
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Sometimes bringing the heat is necessary.
3 is doujins in Luluhawa. Yu's was 5.
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this event has the best CE in the game
cute maid
You're a retard

There's been so many, was 3 really that early into the game?
>Did any of you knew about Baiken
Yeah but I find that the fanbase around her is more focused on her fapability and general design rather than the intensity of her revenge and the pure usefulness of Tatami Gaeshi as both an anti-projectile and Oki tool.
The 108 stars on the other hand, never heard of them. No-one here knows what a Water Margin is and I'm surely not holding out for Wu the Younger to become a servant due to being the coolest of the 108.
It was in the third year, yes.
>Ibuki is the mastermind
>Not Merlina
It's gooping time.
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Bros, this is fate.
lmao I meant luluhawa, it feels like it was later into the game
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FGO is chinese core
Deal with it
I need to marry this widow hag, make her happy, and have at least 6 children with her
>literal who chinkwank when there are still like 200 3K people unused
This Douman scene just made me chuckle
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>Ibuki is too lewd for the game
I can't stop 1SQ summoning because of moments like this
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Piratema spotted
>108 stars on the other hand, never heard of them
A relatively successful rpg is based on it, plus it's one of China's, like, four great classics along with RotTK, Journey to the West, and the Red Chamber.
I didn't understand this probably because I fell asleep during heian ko, but douman is some two person servant?
Next was Vegas, 5, then Columbus's last year.
We have this bitch raising her ass to be mounted and Takeuchi still says Summer Passionlip is too lewd. Did Wada put her in pasties or something?
Anon, be reasonable. We've only got 3 of the Water Margin servants, 3 Investiture (4 depending on Taisui) servants and 6 of the ROTK servants. Surely we could use another Journey to the West character first and then have another FSR crossover for Zhou Yu and Zhao Yun.
bro is that a nipple???
Knowing Wada's penchant for raw sex, she probably just had Lip without a swimsuit at all and just had her hands tactically cover the front and her hair cover the back.
Akimitsu is that thing that floats in front of his sun with eyes in his np. He also has Chernobog and Itzapopalotl mixed into his core. I don't think those two have a will though.
So it's just summer 3 but boring
Alter Egos normally have a few other entities shoved up their asses
In Douman’s case one of these is Akimitsu aka Minister of the Left
Finally beat Killer7
Now I can go back to focusing on the evebt
Game was pure schizokino
Oh right, we're these ever discussed anywhere or is it some description / bond thing
*Takes out an extra large knife and starts charging at /alter/*
>he thinks Wukong will ever make it in
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I'm feeling lucky.
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What the hell is pixiv's new layout. Why do companies always somehow make the UI worse.
Very subtle writing
God I need to breed this purple hair hag so much
That interview is just a classic Nasu red herring anyway.
While I would hope greatly for Wukong. I would even accept a pseudo-servant Guanyin at this point.
perhaps a version of this where she has her arms crossed and is pushing her tits out. bulging out of the unzipped jumper
Only the best writer for you anon-dono
I genuinely did not expect anything, I thought “haha what if?” And now she’s NP4 with less than 310 or so sq.
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lip a shit
I'm pretty sure it's mentioned that they were the final three sacrifices he used for his ritual in Heian Kyo.
enough frames to roll away fag
Huh, had no clue there were 3, I thought Yan Qing was the only one. I read it just a few years ago but no characters left enough of an impression to remember names like in 3K (though I'm pretty sure the ~10 DW games I've played helped there). Suikoden just uses the stars so they're no help
I remember only 2 or 3 characters standing out, but the only one I remember at this point was some generalish guy who I think died near the end
Is that a thing in Soulsgames where you can't parry jumping attacks because that's just fucking silly.
I'm more of a fan of the pig or Sha Wujing, myself.
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Why is it so difficult to find a clean image of Ibuki's NP sprite?
>Kriem doujin in the background
Why the fuck would you be able to parry a jumping attack? Or a fuck as ultra greatsword being two handed?
How about a Kigurumi Kiara?
I was told who he is only for y friend and i to be in awe at how they didnt remotely do a folk hero justice.
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>Why the fuck would you be able to parry a jumping attack?
You're not worthy as my opponent.
do you already have any AoE arts loopers like summer kama or space ishtar?
but you can do parry jump attacks and dual-wield two-handed greatswords in elden ring...
No. I've been using Summer Musashi but she's only NP1.
Easy, just have an event inspired by /trash/ fate threads.
>I read it just a few years ago but no characters left enough of an impression to remember names like in 3K
I won't give you shit for that. If you were to ask me to name the 108, I wouldn't be able to name any bar Song Jiang, Yan Qing, Huyan Zhao and Wu the Younger and purely because Wu the Younger was straight gangster by slaughterfucking the man and woman who killed his brother, beats up tigers, beats up cannibals, becomes friends with cannibals and actually survives the series.
Song Jiang on the other hand will remain in memory because fuck him and the horse he rode in on. Ruined everything about their cozy mountain bandit life because of his delusional faggotry.

Respectable and I would be cool with that but most people still want Wukong.
Jumping attacks are new and a little OP, though a lot of them have long recovery frames. They can be deflected like Sekiro though with perfect guards now.
>Jumping attacks are new
Holy fuck, how old are you?
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>but most people still want Wukong
What if all three were combined into a totally cool Sakuraface Pretender?
>a timegate when our characters are in front of mastermind
Shit game desu
Just play Black Myth Wukong bros, with Wukong in the name they HAVE to have the full cast right
>he couldn't parry Guts
If you get hit by a guy swinging an ultra greatsword that is on you. There's enough IRL start up frames that you could go home and make a sammich before coming back and moving out of range.
your DLC "guts" uses a greatsword, not an UGS
Wasn't he fighting Lu Bu in the demo? Doesn't bode well.
The original had a full rape scene with CGs and everything. You were supposed to jerk off to the heroine getting raped by the MC.
I would make KyoAni look like a fucking joke. I would be the reason Fate/Extra Record would be getting an annoucement of an annoucement of a postponement. I would singlehandedly be the reason that FGO goes EOS on the 10th year.
Those doesn't exist anymore
Heroic Spirit Wukong(Sakura Lily(False Grail))?
actually based
This but Shirou/Muramasa/Emiya fused into one to represent different versions of him as Sun Wukong, Goku, and Seiten Taisei.
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>knife/sword battle
Dont waste my time.
Okay but I'm not talking about Elden Ring's homage, I'm talking about the actual Dragonslayer. The sword that would reasonably be called a Ultra Greatsword.
How come she's more attractive than any Sakuraface introduced after her
So many caption worthy scenes in today’s chapter
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Is Skadi for real or no?
Missed opportunity by not giving him a strengthening post-LB1 that gives him 100% damage up against Casters for 1 turn.
weak imitations cant match up to the real deal
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Are you running 6 fist of hail in your free quest runs?
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I love my big oni sister wife!
They only entered with ER anon.
>FSN because Sakura gets raped by dick worms

There are no worm rape scenes in FSN. Sakura gets raped off-screen by Shinji, but when he tries it on screen Sakura murders him. And Shirou doesn't have any scenes where he goes berserk and rapes Saber or the other heroines either. FSN is vanilla.
If guns are so great, why are there famous specific swords but no famous specific guns?
>"But (model/brand) is famous!"
And is mass produced and easily replicated unlike a holy or demonic sword. There's no Guncalibur, or Durangun, or Gunondight.
How the fuck do you 3 turn this bruh
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You can't be serious.
>There are no worm rape scenes in FSN.
I'm pretty sure it happened somewhere during HF when Sakura got called by Zouken into the worm pit.
mlb damage CE, summer hokusai
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blud no fanum tax you gotta use NP5 Arc fr she bussin with the gyatt don't tell me you slept on her cuh???
There's been jumping attacks since Dark Souls 1 you idiot
Damn today’s stuff took me a whole hour to read
Point still stands
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Entirely different things.
>There's no Guncalibur, or Durangun, or Gunondight.
And the world is a much worse place for this. The ultimate Japanese sword/gun the Totsuka no TsuruGUN woud be the tightness. You kill Orochi, get a free gun and the world is a better place for it.
Can you use the yuri twins?
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Nasu you already gave wukong to keikenchi. He's appearing in gudaguda 20
No, you just perform them with different inputs now and with light/heavy options.
Does it get better mom…
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Jordana please notice me...
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You mean Lip right? You just couldn't be more wrong.
mad cap my brother in christ NP5 arc can't rizz up this node she doesn't have the GYATT to take on a 1m hp lancer with no trait bonuses. do NOT come to ohio.
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>Red Chamber.
Would make for a great valentines event haha
Bond servant w/ the Golden Gun?
You know no-one here has read the Red Chamber to know it's unironic cuck fetish shit right?
id just focus on getting summer skadi first then, and if you have spare sq, you can try your luck with ibuki. summer musashi gets an np upgrade later, and at that point it's 50 charge vs more damage/saber killer for summer ibuki vs summer musashi.
Not what I need rn mom…
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Yes of course
>ST Arts Saber with multiple hits on NP
Guns are the great equalizer
A "divine" weapon that only a select few can wield goes against their entire design principle
senpai u cray she mewin' 50% rn back off wit ur skibidi before I clap u
That's what makes it great
You mean you can actually perform them regularly now in any situation at all and they are a standard part of a moveset with entirely new animations for everything that does them because they actually function differently. Right?
doesn't sound too hard i might try that, but I already used some credits today lel
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Is Nasu a hack? He just reuses servantfes every other year and hopes we pretend we haven't seen this episode before?
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>sorry my wife is a yandere
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I dunno, bro. This isn't Granblue Fantasy. If you go too blatant with the cuckshit you're just straight up going to lose more than you gain.
No, there are scenes where Sakura is in the worm pit, but there are no CGs of it and no implications that Sakura is getting raped by the worms. There's nothing similar to the retarded Muv Luv scene where you get a detailed scene of the main heroine getting tentacle-raped by aliens until she's mindbroken.
Thanks mom…
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why is auntie looking like that?
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This should be the servant.
Black Barrel. Checkmate A-Rays.
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I've never seen this woman in my life.
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nighty night bros
>*squeezes a lemon*
Would honestly read a 4-koma series of Siegfried and Kreim's shenanigans
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going to sleep bwos
There is a reason for that
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fuck yeah it is pikachu
>>Guns are the great equalizer
Not really
Looks like a gold Wurmple to me.
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I'm outta here.
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10 bullets
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It's clearly a grizzbolt
That’s usually how she reacts to Sei’s antics
It's clearly a jolteon
Holy mother of slop
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>gun jams due to the fat lazy gun owners negligence in maintaining their tool
>unsheathe my divine katana at lightning speed, instantly decapitating them
>the gun falls to the ground and goes off, destroying the assailants penis (ironic, given how much small dick energy gun owners give off)
Heh... another victim.
there are some, such as the Schewer Gustav. There are also some unique pieces that are prized for belonging to specific people, have unique engravings etc, and even some extremely unique one-off designs through history.
Electabuzz and Pikachu fusion dance...
I wonder if there are people who actually believe that.
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Well I gave him to the El-Melloi guy too. He can't enter fgo though because the mystery saturation coefficient isn't correct.
a stickbug manlet, or even a woman, now stand a good chance of defeating peak mike tyson in an altercation. id say its an equalizer of the genetic lottery. barring severe mental/physical defects, nearly everyone has an equal chance of getting proficient enough to be effective
>unsheathe my divine katana at lightning speed, instantly decapitating them
>forgot to clean your sword and it gets stuck
What now fat lazy sword owner?
What am I missing
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New EoR
>gudaguda 2
Traum is canon though.
>Shinji certainly starts to rape Sakura before dying

He tries to, but she kills him before he starts anything. All the rape in FSN is in the backstory.
>nearly everyone has an equal chance of getting proficient enough to be effective
Not really, if you are lucky to be born as part of a ciminal organization or having ties to the goverment you will have access to better guns than some schmuck with a rifle.
The "great equalizer" is just a marketing lie to make you feel more powerful about buying a gun.
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Our time soon, Cielbros
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My divine swordworks cut through the thickest grime.
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In traum the story acts like (you) haven't seen astolfo before. Astolfo was in Shimousa. that's really what it came down to.
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This post reeks of euro cope
All you need is one good shot and a guy with a pistol can take down the guy with the minigun
>gun jams due to the fat lazy gun owners negligence in maintaining their tool
>explain why he should take better care
>still, tell him it was some fancy shoting, he is pretty good
Nyohio! Any bwo?
>notice they accurately translated the fufufu laugh with Ibuki while ascending her
>When they've almost always mistranslated it as "teehee teehee teehee" up to now. Even in fairly recent events
That's odd

It's better but still odd
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I wonder why you say that. Equalizer in this case means you can be 1.50m tall and take down a 2m guy if you have a gun with little to no effort. If something it's not even an equalizer but a means to overwhelm.
Not that anon but a gun is a gun. It's a point and click adventure that you don't really need to buy super special DLC for unless you just enjoy guns.
The core concept of equalization still stands true.
>All you need is one good shot and a guy with a pistol can take down the guy with the minigun
Just like how you just need a lucky punch to knock out mike tyson.
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>just do servatfes again
If you're a sticklet Mike Tyson is not going down in one punch no matter where you hit him
That's the difference
if you have almost any self loading rifle from the past century you are not at any enormous disadvantage against pretty much any other firearm. The AR15, FAL, AK-74 and a few others are all enormously accessible across the world and are all perfectly fine. A belt fed MG is another story though.
Shooting and physical contact isn't comparable unless you mean to have a gun duel at noon.
One good shot from a regular 9mm pistol is much easier to achieve than the miracle one punch to drop Tyson.
great pic tho
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As long as Nasu is writing they could do servantfes every year for all I care. Just don't do crap like Grail live and Pant's tower.
Like Revy says: the only thing that matters with guns is you shoot and hit what you aim for.
>muh Nasukino!

Nasu also wrote the dango event.
And if Mike Tyson has a glock and I have a glock his years of boxing now mean absolutely nothing.
it is clear and obvious youve never touched a gun in your life, dont speak on things you know nothing of. you wont find me telling people how to get women
Bro you can stab a 2m tall guy too without much trouble as well. Guns are just guns not this magical noble equalizer.
>A belt fed MG is another story though.
And as such not an equalizer of any kind.
Because shooting someone as they spray bullets at you is easy.
>tfw the chance getting skadi with 30 tick is very low
Goddamn I need quartz for Oberon
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>Bro you can stab a 2m tall guy too
Last time someone did that to me he was lying on the ground with a not so pretty face.
>Because shooting someone as they spray bullets at you is easy.
Certainly a lot easier than beating a world heavyweight boxer in a fistfight. It's not a walk in the park, but it's far from impossible.
Nice try. Everyone knows Kohaku can't clean.
The guy spraying bullets has to reload eventually
It's the difference between a fighting chance and a lost cause that you don't seem to comprehend here
Why should he use a glock?
Can you kill a dragon with RPG alone
Jump attacks have been a thing since dark souls 1 is what I mean, stop being a retard
What the fuck you and this thread is talking about?
t. Eurobro who has never witnessed anything gun related
>have to get in close
>his lanklet arms can keep your manlet existence away
Nice try, Gnome-san but you're not getting in close today.
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i fucking love fucking little girls fucking like fucking abigail fucking
I'm a swede and I seem to have a better understanding of guns and full body contact since I do both.
Kerry and Maya use guns.
They are not very effective unless they add magical bullets in or shoot a cripple who just got locked by a no-attack geass.
Shitbro, Nasu wrote the literal first event in the games history before the game even knew what it's identity was. Never would have fucking guessed.
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>no, this specific scenario doesn't hold so the meaning of the word is wrong!
Not sure if ESL, autist or just plain retarded
Yes but level 1 skips are usually used with glitches so you'd need to spec into transsexual to beat Dragons with RPGs.
>It's the difference between a fighting chance and a lost cause that you don't seem to comprehend here
What fighting chance? The miracle that not a single one hits you but any of yours does hit your target? It's just retarded
Shooting abby with my cum
Kerry's the kind of guy who strolls up to a wizard duel three hours late and blows up the street instead.
Francis Drake and Billy the Kid use guns too. They are also not that effective unless they get into basically melee range (whereupon their pistols are basically more elaborate daggers) or get upgraded by a Caster class servant.
>they are not very effective unless they're effective
fascinating. tell me more.
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Enjoying Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park.
You remind me of the weeb in this vid
And they're completely different because you actually get to choose when to jump yourself instead of falling off a ledge and as a result have been designed entirely differently, stop being a retard.
>ibuki in shuten costume
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Ill cum into her so much even Yog-Sothoth drowns in my cum in his realm
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That chance is non-zero
The scenario you proposed is
It's not rocket science here man
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I didn't realize this conversation / argument was still going on but i will jumpattack my way back to the original concept and say FUCK darksouls, taste mmorpg, bitch.

Fate Grand Order.
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Post your erice
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But it happened...
Even in FSN we have Shirou claim that Redman was shooting arrows like a submachine guns, and the firepower was strong enough to be on tank cannon shells level.
They're mostly useless unless Redman uses special arrows aka broken phantasm or copies of noble phantasm.
This is like what Souren has. They should put him in.
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Because it doesn't work as an equalizer, just like how some humans have advantages over others some guns are better than others. Owning a shotgun won't give you a fighting chance against other weapons.
And even if you both use the same weeapon, reaction speed, eyesight and practice make all the difference
>but the range
Then by that metric fucking bow an arrows were a great equalizer
Just like the chance of a lucky punch knocking out mike tyson.
greekanon who absolutely doesn't want to roll for peak soulless (summer ibuki) here. is there any significant difference utility/damage-wise between avenger erice and kriem? assuming both are np5
You do know you can actually jump attack in dark souls 1 and not just do a falling attack as you're saying, right? How fucking stupid are you? Is ER your first souls game? Fuck off imbecile
Forgot image
I'm like 90% he was being hyperbolic.
Kriem has 50% charge Erice only 30%
>Then by that metric fucking bow an arrows were a great equalizer
I see you've never tried to pull a longbow
If Ophelia doesn't pop out of this sun, murder Kadoc and take over as crypter sidekick for the rest of the story I'm gonna be mad
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Nice larp lipper, what's next? Telling everyone you escaped prison to break in another house?
Require insane upper arm strength
And a single lucky punch from 0 strength stickbro is not bringing down Tyson. You would unironically have better odds of an outside force enabling your win here. I'm gonna be honest I think this is just a lot of cope from a guy who's unable to own a weapon
>the last of the time locks lift tomorrow night
>SuSkadi doesn’t come out for another 24 hours after that
Kriem has class advantage.
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>Then by that metric fucking bow an arrows were a great equalizer
I can't tell if you are pretending or not at this point. Have you tried doing anything of the proposed things you've been talking about or are you just Destiny arguing right now?
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cba to screenshot
>level 60 since out of shells
did not know you existed... weird...
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I think he's ATF trying to fuck with us.
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>Then by that metric fucking bow an arrows were a great equalizer
They were certainly the means by which the mongols took control of most of asia.
But, in fact, using a bow and arrow requires at least a year of training. And using it on horseback as the mongols did, five years or more to be good at killing people at long range whilst in motion.
A gun? Pick up and wave it in the general direction of your enemy. It'll work most of the time, every time.
I believe you lipper. Btw when im not wanted anymore by the police im coming to Sweden and we can spar.
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>this thing MUST be applicable to 100% of all permutation of situations or the word usage is wrong
Ok, you're just retarded, got it.
I guess by your logic equalizer as a word shouldn't exist at all then since there's some random fucker out there who is just not lucky enough to have access too a thing.
If you're lucky enough, you can accidentally throw a toothpick and you can kill god! Guns aren't equalizers at all!
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I watched this movie and it very clearly wasn't equal at all. Denzel was much better than all the goons he killed. This is bullshit
>And a single lucky punch from 0 strength stickbro is not bringing down Tyson.
I don't think stickbro would survive a rain of bullets but ok.
She's for real?
>giant bride and human man sitting back to back talking
>finally smiled instead of faking it
>everybody saying this manga is amazing and perfect
Is this literally just plagiarising shit from FSN now and fellating the source material by proxy.
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And now for another episode of an autist who doesn't understand english trying to argue about a word they clearly don't fully understand.
>>giant bride and human man sitting back to back talking
>>finally smiled instead of faking it
>>everybody saying this manga is amazing and perfect
I really didn't see it.
He equalized them by bringing their numbers down to zero and given he's worth 3/5ths a person which when utilizing Pathfinder rules of rounding down means that this is perfectly equal.
>He has a melty because someone doesn't care about his favourite's history
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what did we learn class?
Kriem hits for 67549 NP5 off niche, 101235 on one niche, 151853 on both. With Zerker class advantage those numbers are ~101k, ~151k, ~227k
Erice hits for 89669 NP5 off niche, 121018 on niche. I do believe that number includes the SE mod against curse so she's going to struggle to hit those numbers on consecutive waves, but she can hit it on one.
the entire chapter up until skadi collapses is super wanky and really annoying.
If the whole game was servants playing soccer, I'd probably like a lot more of them.
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Apology accepted?
I don't understand what the fuck he's trying to say. Her not caring about history or mythology is different from her not knowing it. Okay, how? I don't study up on shit I don't care about either.
I'm half blind, do I get a bonus advantage when using the "great equalizer" like being allowed to shoot multiple rounds first?
AD or BC?
>using 3 sentences to reiterate what was already stated in the first
did a robot write this
Europoor cope
It's a mystery!
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you got this mike

Gotta be AD
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We can't sell Ibuki gavure.
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I thought she was our little sister...
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I think you meant CE or BCE
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What would he think about this thread?
the lethality of two different people would not be the same with two of the same weapons equipped on each person
i'd still bet on mike winning against some average schmuck in this situation
Me in a middle school not knowing why one boob is bigger than another doesn't mean I don't care about this. The question is there, but there's no right person or situation to ask about it...
fate/little sister: grand shuten order craft essence.
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>mod apk users be like
Did you know that in most men one testicle is smaller than the other?
And that greek statues got the side of the larger testicle wrong every time?
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Je vous déteste tous. Je pense aussi que vous êtes tous très laids.
would the lethality of you with a gun be closer or further away from mike tyson vs you without a gun
it's a good feeling to have your post memorialized in /alter/a OC.
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Perhaps. You'll need to check your Ranmaru yourself.
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>Did you know that in most men one testicle is smaller than the other?
Yes, but also learnt about in in a middle school.
>And that greek statues got the side of the larger testicle wrong every time?
Lmao what
Jeanne wouldn't say this
Does it matter when talking about THE great equalizer?
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>what did we learn class?
That Mike Tyson is going to lose this fight because he's wearing boxing gloves ergo he cannot pull the trigger.
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>Skadi's bond CE
Which one would fit you?
Actually, Ranmaru is like a frog. It will change genders to match the current demographic in order to assist in maximizing homosexual relations. That's why Ranmaru is a girl, because Chaldea is full of them.
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just 1 more copy and you can 120 her!
It depends on their cycle.
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>uhm actually *pedantic drivel that misses the point of the context*
Retards who think they're smart are the worst kind of retards
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ACN (Ante Christum natum) and AD (Anno Domini)
Pope Gregory XIII didn't make his calendar in English, use the Latin.
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further away obviously
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"When can I roll my Foreigner waifu (true best girl)"
how would they feel if they didnt eat breakfast this morning
Your math skills are worse than horchata's
About the same
You both had fists (weapons) then just switched to guns (other weapons)
Controlling enviromental factors is important for the health of your Ranmaru. For instead, in your case, it's important to sequester female Servants in the second archive, so that it adapts to suit your needs.
Yo she got me cock rings too?
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You only need 10 copies, dummy.
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The great Equalizer was from the 70's, the good Equalizer stars Denzel Washington, and the bad Equalizer has Queen Latifah.
before lb 7 released I would have said never, but I think you have a shot now vvbro
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better than eresh's chastity cage
Why are you acting so passive agressive? That time of the month again?
yeah dude its a matching set of chokers and cock rings, one for her and one for you.
What's passive here? He's directly calling you a retard
Nasu has gone on record saying her class is Funny-Type.
Wait a second
A British dude won an IgNobel prize publishing a paper on it.
I only know about it since it was on Qi.
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Fate/Grand Order?
Is this downs syndrome?
>What's passive here?
The post
>He's directly calling you a retard
He isn't replying to anyone.
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Fuck you Guda you enormous spineless faggot
Obviously Ibuki laughing is a critical part of the plot, and must be translated accurately.
And yet you immediately knew you were the retard
It adds up
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They should make an Agra type servant, but instead of being good at killing people he should be good at killing houseflies.
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I research V/V material religiously and I don't recall anything like that. Is this just a Funny Vamp reference
For real?
Caalling bitchy passive agressive behaivour out is wrong now?
No, it's actually fake.
>Rushed deadlines and exhaustion
>Book about what is blatantly LB2, and more specifically focusing on the tragic romance within it
>Massive public enjoyment
Guys I think Sakurai is trying to tell us something...
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It's all downhill after 24
You only salvation is if you don't have bald genes after 30
Buster supports
>Koyanskaya Light
>Koyanskaya Dark

Arts supports
>Doctor Pepper
>Caster Artoria
>Xu Fu
>Proto Merlin

Quick supports
>The cooler Skadi

what gives
My bro Roland will help me
there's that caster in the samurai remnant collab that's "kinda" quick support by buffing based on card buffs and only granting arts up so you're supposed to pair her with summer skadi...?

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