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Previous: >>487227685

>[Event] Arctic Summer World! Chaldea's Magical Summer Theme Park
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ibuki Douji Pickup Summon
2024-07-21 21:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Lady Avalon Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT

>[Summon] Arctic Summer World! Ashiya Douman Pickup Summon
2024-07-18 01:00 - 08-07 20:59 PDT


>[Servant Info]
Servant Material Lookup: https://fgosim.github.io/Material/
Servant Planner: https://github.com/chaldea-center/chaldea
Coin Calculator: https://fgo-servant-coins.glitch.me/index.html
Rank Up + Interlude Timeline: https://kazemai.github.io/fgo-vz/relate_quest.html
Damage Calculator: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1CWsaeirsiQHCLf2OJ15kbZSvFlRRdUl5czWXBzSebyg/

>[Mats/Summoning Info]
Rateups in FGO JP: https://files.catbox.moe/e75ykf.png
Future Materials Spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1m-h4CIUOKaJRAmfTAhoDdmwVAzAzyM70cITRb36Y96M/edit#gid=1085975765
FGO Event Compendium: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qvxLU407QwiFaCvItqR16SqqAVlLD5u5nBzY_bCFYvs/edit#gid=2111060397
Drop Rates: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1_SlTjrVRTgHgfS7sRqx4CeJMqlz687HdSlYqiW-JvQA
Future Quartz: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vRQFC6pgsvDr11c1oe8PcGXurF3uw0MBq73YoQMGCJemzMics9LfwVurTLMi0rpfHNEBjG6gVCOrIer/pubhtml
FGO Raw Database: https://apps.atlasacademy.io/

Eito bros we didnt make the cut...
I really hate Ibuki Douji.
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With an OP this good you know the thread is gonna collapse into the worst shitflinging of the day.
Yuyu love!
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Vous devriez tous mourir d’une mort horrible.
This bitch can't clean.
yo skadi go that skibidi rizz frfr she can fanum tax me anytime
that kohaku got raped, a lot. Most TM girls did.
>try to setup a date with lipper
>he never answers
why are swedes like this?
>listening to Metric
eww what are you, a girl?
Haven't you heard Jannu? throw those decorative sticks out for the great equalizer already
Fate/Stay Night Remastered is so soon! I can't wait to read it!
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W + sigma + not like us + ong
Post your skadi quartz
Is sex with hags really feel that good bros?
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let her cook
Despite being merely 2% of /alter/ population, they are somehow responsible for close to 25% of problems in this general.
Omlette du fromage
dont reply to anyone ever?
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fr fr? you not pulling my leg G? dat shit fire on god
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Only the best ones.
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>lipper is more liked than you
Holy fuck I'm really going to KMS myself for real now
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2014sq and 120 tickets all for wu.
That if you ignore what equalizer means then anything is game. Even magic.
But I like you too bro, I just can't set up a date with you...
>Skadi wants to marry us this hard
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True enough. It's actually obvious who you're responding to anyway.
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Omlette au fromage*
now someone photoshop the clown makeup on her
i have like 15
>I just can't set up a date with you...
How do you even know? You did this anon, blood will be in your hands
do you NOT want to marry the giant (162cm) woman?
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I do.
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>ibushit scene
I don't think so.
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Bobbu rabu
For real?
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I don't like Erice. She has felt like a background character this entire event. It has not convinced me of her worth.
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bastards making us cheat ourselves out of titties....
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Don't forget to roll for Summer Ibuki arcbros!!!!!
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What do we think of Bromani's rizz game? L or big dub?
>"Oniya, looks like Oniland..."
>mashes Skip button
It sure was a cute short event where we stopped Skadi from stressing herself to death and the event ended after a nice chat.
>just do 4 NPs instead of 3!
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Guda is a harem MC (True).
>only 4
just wait till we're doing castoria + two DPS NPs in a single wave my cute little adorable anon
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Reposting because I didn't get the fifty (You)'s this deserved.
They should make an Agra type servant, but instead of being good at killing people he should be good at killing houseflies.
OG Skadi came in 1 multi, just got her to bond 10... summer I got yuo ice cream...
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No I want to marry the giant(True) woman.
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This, but the sun.
What a long chapter.
If I was Guda I wouldn't hold back.
holy shit there's so much fucking garbage to skip, I HATE this
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And yet nothing really happened. At all.
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what...did you say..
Don't worry bro. I count for 49 (you)s.
except you would, because chaldea is delicately balanced around 200 women wanting to fuck you and if you give in to any of them the rest of them will desummon and humanity loses.
(you) keeping your dick dry is what's keeping chaldea from going nuclear.
Ibuki is one of those servants who will solo everything for you realistically. And Kukulkan.
Angra but Jesus is like "No sin attack" and Angra is reduced to an ordinary person
Dounan bent the knee that easily huh?
That's why I typically just scroll by the early chapters on atlas and only read the last few in-game
No kama, there is no kemono friends season 2.
>And yet nothing really happened. At all.
Kind of sums up Heian-kyo too
Any of the foreigners would btfo her realistically.
Hence KKK.
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And Abby
And hokusai probably
And gogh
We pick our valkyrie tomorrow night, right?
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Buster supports
>Koyanskaya Light
>Koyanskaya Dark

Arts supports
>Doctor Pepper
>Caster Artoria
>Xu Fu
>Proto Merlin

Quick supports
>The cooler Skadi

what gives?
KKK is miles above them. She is THE servant. A nuclear reactor.
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What's on your fingers Skadi???
Quick is shit also you forgot chink rider and wu here bros
>Quick supports
>>The cooler Skadi
Thought keys too.
And Summer Ibuki for arts and buster.
You're forgetting Thought Keys and the literal who clap duo that just dropped
MASTERMINDbuki played us like a damn fiddle!
What is Sakurai's obsession with power level jerking her servants?
>you see this servant? She's a grand candidate
>see this servant? He'd be a grand candidate in another class
>Oh yea this servant? Beast candidate
>this servant would be a beast candidate if he loved humanity
Why is it so difficult for her to make a strong cast without arguing they're one of the strongest to ever exist?
Wu is a somewhat passable Quick support.
Zhang Jue buffs arts and quick.
Wu and Atalante were previously considered quick supports enough to mention.
Zhang Jue is kinda sorta a quick support if you squint
Abby is quite literally the strongest entity so far aside from abrahamic god.
Martha should be able to btfo ibuki too.
I think she would write and draw non-H femdom guro. And I would love it.
Nightingale deserves and needs a buff
Because it operates on simple minded and child like concepts of power.
>"If I don't say they're the strongest that'll imply there's someone stronger and I don't like that!"
>Abby is quite literally the strongest entity so far
How so? Lovecraft shit doesn't count
Party-wide quick steroid (for one turn)
Abby is still a kid, so she can't handle KKK.
>Martha should be able to btfo ibuki too.
Probably Ibuki, but not KKK.
I admit, I was thrown off by it.
She has a big quick up buff, but it lasts 1 turn.
Quota met!
Now I don't have to become a ritualpostfag! Many thanks x49
She gets one later but it basically just gives her Buster up some crit absorb and crit damage, similar to Koyanskaya but lower values
/alter/ I'm outside your door. Let me in. Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in! Let me in!
how long until Skadi again
Neither outer gods or YHWH compare to Ultimate Ones. Gods are nothing before them.
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>it is party wide
I... I didn't know.
>Lovecraft shit doesn't count
....lovecraft shit is her entire thing.
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women :coffee:
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Avatar of one of the strongest outer gods
Abby just needs to open the door, and under enough distress.
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Grand Fraud and Wu (forma de cunny) are kinda Quick supports too. But Skadi and Skadi2 are the best ones because the other aren't really dedicated supports like they are. So, yeah. Quick is kinda fucked.
Alexander also buffs Quick
this faggot is still around?
We don't know how strong they are. But KKK is ORT tier.
Is it another case where Ortlinde learns more random things and never shares them with the other sisters?
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fuck wrong image of character drinking thing
>Neither outer gods or YHWH compare to Ultimate Ones. Gods are nothing before them.
Jesus would win
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>skipping CasGil as arts support and other quick supports
>what gives?
You are retard tourist, that gives.
>But KKK is ORT tier.
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So buddha is a servant
Jesus (can potentially) be a servant
Does that means that lucifer or satan can be a servant too? what the hell kinda class would he come under?
Ortlinde is seemingly the most developed Valkyrie as a person, despite being the weakest combatant.
She is literally ORT.
Top Elder gods are Author Tier, meaning they decide the outcome of any interaction
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You already have Satan, we just need to wait him from the NPC jail.
im girl
Kuku is ORT's reactor core. She is its maximum output given its own will and ego. However, she can only go all out once before burning out and dying, because she lacks the infinite rejuvenation of the rest of the body.
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Beast. It'd be like if Kirei won in Fate.
It's Tsukigook. Looks like he got out of his cage again.
You will see in LB7.
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Did you bring pizza?
In Summer 5 she was The Clever One. And she tends to be more chill than her sisters, but all of the OG valks read romance and played eroge, so Ortlinde isn't the exclusive otaku.
But I think this is more of an OG valk versus newcomer valk thing.
How could ORT survive and use any energy without his own full source of energy?
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Weird, because Hilde is the one referred to as the most developed and human of them canonically.
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The woman says it herself, only ORT can defeat ORT
No but I'm a FAIRY so I can make pizza!
Prove it
She's an otaku.
She knows other people don't want to hear about her nerd shit and keeps it to herself.
She's the real gamer while the other valks only thought to play games because she found a chance to smoothly suggest it.
>In Summer 5 she was The Clever One
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Beat it, frog. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Well, I mean, that's why it's been asleep for six million years. It only wakes up because Daybit gives it a new reactor made out of U-Olga's heart. But this is so much weaker and it's why ORT is only level 1 when you fight it.
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*Opens gate with key powers*
Hai, dozo.
I'm a Su-57
Sounds like bullshit but we will see.
ultimate ones vary in power and ability. there are absolutely ways to outpower them and i think there are already like transdimensional beings that are above all life in the universe, including ultimate ones.
Face it, anon. They're a relic of the past and they were never very strong in terms of universal scope to begin with.
I like Ortilnde the most but I also think that Rindr is funny enough and Thrud matured a bit and I don't really see any development with Irs...
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Real good writing.
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nice punch but try this on for size
>sperg coworker that hisses like a cat but comes up with good ideas
Ortlinde is clearly the best Valk, yes.
Sumanai sweeps. Effortless.
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>tfw no prostitute servants in FGO
Is she single?
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Slash Emperor one shots like two of them doesn't he? Also original black barrel also one shot them, right?
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Thrud was gungho about going for the routes in the dating sims. I believe that all three are equally gamer dorks.
She's so cool
bwos i finally ate today. i feel fate
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Romcoms are the core of FGO and /alter/.
Extremely dubious, since V/V actually explains she can revive her previous body at any time and only refuses to because she wants to explore the city they built on her corpse. It's more like playing dead, in a way.
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You're gonna have to help me out here because I don't know much other than that. WHICH part is dubious and are you sure she's not just lying to seem tough?
Slash Emperor is a blade that divides anything and uses the mass of an entire planet to do so.
Black Barrel only makes them understand death so they get put to sleep for a little while as they enjoy the novel experience of not being alive. They are only resting and can get up at any time.
No, Liz is.
I want this collab so much it's hurts. Nasu likes fromsoft shit anyway, why can't we do collabs with them? Just make vague as fuck story typical of soulsgame and nobody would mind.
Was it cereal?
It's dubious to count that as a death, and we believe her because Aristotoles are actually terminals, with the true source of their power being the respective celestial bodies. In other words, the only way to stop Venus is to physically, actually destroy the planet Venus, otherwise Venus the planet can just dispatch a new terminal called Venus.
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>tfw she attacks you with her Arts card in second ascension and you have chosen not to use your evade skill
Couldn't Slash Emperor do that?
Are you going to ship Ado Edem off to Venus on a space ship after busting him out of prison?
His sword only works because Earth is dead. It's a weapon that eats the dead Earth and converts it into energy. Going to a living world like Venus and he'd just get counter forced out of existence.
>jiji ru luling
Albert you fucking hack, why can't you just translate it as 'answer my beckon with haste', 'comply with my order' or something along the line. There's no special extra meanings behind 急急如律令
Sure. Doesn't he do that anyway and fly off to space or some shit? Also neat I just learned Ado Edem is his name and not an attack.
I'm learning a lot!
bro? ur bob?
sex with ortlinde whilst she draws!
sex with bob for money, that i have given her for the express purpose of sex that she accepts in the position as a prostitute
Venus is liable to defend itself if you shipped off a weapon to kill it. Ado has never previously left the planet, either.
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>he said the b name
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i have experienced more crashes lately, what about you bros?
I don't understand what I'm looking at here. Explain it to me.
I just rolled this champ yesterday
does she want to fuck us?
Stop this meme.
Ultimate ones were beaten by humanity. YHWH is the combined power of all of humanity on steroids.
The only debate is YHWH vs Chaos.
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Low cost looping with Ibuki.. not bad.
Gonna have to figure out what I'll do for the final node though. Might just 5CE it with the ATK CE on her.
ibuki is that one girl who lives at college and has sex with dozens of men a year but she's also totally down to have sex with you pretty much whenever and the things she will do to you in bed will give you an entirely new appreciation and understanding for the benefits of the sex positive movement
I hope that helps you understand.
It's the Tsukigook, ignore him. He's been replying to himself in an entire chain to try and bait people into responding.
this but with summer binchy instead of para cletus
Ultimate Ones are never "beaten by humanity". Ether Liners are beyond humans, just like Yaga. And Black Barrel is far from a human weapon.
YHWH could not defeat ORT. Nothing of earth can defeat ORT.
Brishisan was a fucking acolyte of Solomon and he could tell you nothing can beat ORT.
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not in the way you mean, but "cereal" is a group of grains and that was part of the ingredients
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Well she wanted to spend two months drinking and partying with us, and a few scenes beforehand she was about to strip naked in front of us and put on Shuten's outfit then have us photograph her in it. So yeah if you asked she'd probably mount you and ride until you either came or died.
Not like she'd know. Not omniscient, I'm guessing. Honestly I think people over estimate Archetypes just cuz they have some busted powers. Like yeah no servant is gonna beat one but theoretically with all these sources of potential "infinite" energy surely there'd be some way to overpower even the likes of Ort. Hell, we do just that and we know you gotta destroy all of it and not leave something like Kukulkan alive. "Only Ort can destroy Ort" is just a cocky statement and we know there's at least the Root and whatever that "God Beyond the Root" is.
It'd be neat if there were hints as to overcome Archetypes and current Ultimate Ones! Like a big puzzle you can piece together with existing lore.
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Doritos huh...
>Vos tenés que morir de una manera horrible
Was french that easy?
Let me guess, Skadi ran away from her treatment and cast an illusion to cover everything?
Not for Goredolf. Only steak.
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I've been buster gooping for so long that I'd forgotten how nice it was to be able to just press a bunch of skills and then just hit the NP button 3 times in a row with nothing else
Wow... I'm so glad I was lucky enough to get her. Thanks for the QRD.
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>YHWH could not defeat ORT. Nothing of earth can defeat ORT
Nasu's own fucking writing has ORT beaten by a combined effort of Camazotz + Chaldea, and in PHH Zelretch sees his job of picking a path that will lead to ORT being killed by humanity, thus implying the inevitability of such a thing.
Cut the cope retard
Yes. And used the usual Runes bullshit excuse to make herself an amazing manga artist and writer.
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They tend to keep phrases and idioms as they are and don't give a fuck about whether you could understand it or not >>482036940. It can't be helped.
Can she even 5CE that node?
I could literally 1v1 Ort.
In bed, right?
Again: Brishishan learned magic from Solomon himself. He was best buddies with Zelretch. He probably knew Goetia personally. He definitely met Yumina the First Magician. He most likely knows everyone there is to know in Baldanders. He has seen heroes rise and fall across the eons. He was without a doubt part of the Battle of the Falling Moon and fought against Brunestud.

Camazotz was the result of all of humanity, the entire Human Order being stuffed into the gullet of Beast I so he could fight forever. It's not something that you can just replicate.
Trying to weaponize the Root is missing the point. To understand the origin of all things is to gain enlightenment and abandon the material world. To stop just short of doing so and become a Magician makes you a being surpassing Servants, but still isn't enough to defeat Types; Zelretch was eternally cursed by the Crimson Moon and, depending on the timeline, knocked humans off the seat of primacy as collateral, and the six sisters had to put up stalling tactics to avoid fighting them head-on.
Isn't YHWH supposed to be the closest thing to Omnipotent if not outright? As in not a lower case g god but upper case THE God? As in not an earthly divinity?
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>Yes ORT was beaten
>yea Zelretch is steering humanity in a direction where they'll inevitably beat ORT
>but (cope)
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>Ibuki makes a photo collection of her cosplaying/cheering near a swimming pool for ServantFes
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I WILL have Mebbers rape ORT's last healthbar.
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Muthafuckas need to take this shit to >>>/fgog/
Christians capitalize God because they use it as a title, like Mother or Father. It doesn't have any inherent meaning, and there's no actual difference in meaning, only grammar.
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Could you take all 12 Nemo Marines at the same time?
YHWH is just another divine spirit. He's only special in how he's the only god that's actually entirely and 100% on humanity's side and actively working for the Age of Will.
Yes, he's the strongest thing in the Nasuverse except maybe Chaos and only retards would argue otherwise.
no it was a meal that had grains, fruits, and dairy
I'm not saying weaponize it, though that could be cool. I'm saying there DO seem to be things beyond Archetypes, Ultimates, etc. Besides, these are only the ultimate ones and archetypes in our solar system. It's a big universe! Isn't Ort supposed to be the big hurdle we inevitably cross as a species to become an intergalactic evolved species anyway? Hell, maybe Velber has something since nothing on Earth could beat its White Titan before Excalibur.
It's the Tsukigook. Same guy who got tossed out of /tmg/, went to /a/, screeched, got laughed out, then went to /fgog/ and got run out of there too. /alter/ is the last stop on his autismal devolution because it's the urinal.
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doesn't look like it, this is with the MLB damage CE
I hope you can deglute well bro.
Yeah I could, all I need to to is let them go swimming while I just chill and drink.
Whatever the fuck you say pagancuck.
The fabled CielSchizo?
Chaos is absolutely nothing before an Ultimate One and YHWH ain't shit either.
Brishishan was a priest in the First Temple of Jerusalem, he witnessed God's works firsthand, and still said "well shit nothing can kill that thing" when he got a good look at ORT.
He is omnipotent yes. Makes haters seethe, but that's all right. God is forgiving.
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>point count going up significantly
>no posts appears
There's a war going on here... An Invisible War (tm).
>Isn't Ort supposed to be the big hurdle we inevitably cross as a species to become an intergalactic evolved species anyway
No. The Age of Will is a theoretical development that humans could (will not) achieve, based not on scientific or military development, but on spiritual development. Your compulsive versusbattling need for there to be a "win condition" that can trivially overcome the most powerful things in the universe is the big hurdle that must be overcome for that happy ending where it is possible for humans to survive.
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Her cheerleader outfit, animations and voicelines are too strong. Using her is just a constant, vicious assault on it's poor little penis. If it weren't for the AP giving me time to recouperate it would have exploded by now.
Stop coping retard.
Nasu moved on from notes ages ago, hence why we kill ORT in LB7
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A Doritos Locos Taco?
Yep, that's the one. His posting style is sadly all too recognisable. Just start discussing why Fate > Tsukihime in power levels (which it is) and he will begin melting down. Much like Ciel would if she had to fight a serious Servant and win.
Are you sure? The english is too coherent to be him. Also, he started off at /a/, who tossed him to us, then we tried to toss him to /tmg/ only for him to come back to us.
>150cm, 40kg
giving each the ole 1-2 should do the job
We don't kill ORT. ORT kills ORT. That's literally the climactic line.
We lost. It took the pot. We threw everything we had at it and it still kept coming. If it wasn't for Kukulkan taking pity on us, it was over.
>the arararara she does on her arts(?) card attack is just unbelivable. I'd forgotten about it after it blew my mind two years ago but just now heard it again.
Saberbuki literally cannot compete
The funny thing is, I'm not your boogeyman. And I've had a thousand arguments with your boogeyman on /a/ because he thinks Arcueid is stronger than ORT, but I disagree.
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>Fate > Tsukihime in power levels
True picrel solos Tsukiland.
there are 13 there... there's an imposter amongus!
>(will not)
You need to stop coping
>we don't kill ort
>the humanity sided god that was created by humanity tearing out orts heart killed ort
Check into a clinic you are on full copium overdose watch
Yep. And here we go.
>LA made ASMR
Okay, there is no way they didn't make Kawasumi to do it IRL, did they?
I'd say, charming ORT to kill itself is also a great accomplishment on its own. NTA btw.
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>We lost
>But actually our ally defeated him and we weren't any worse off
Riveting stuff.
What did Gudako mean by this?
Indeed, it is Allāh who is the [continual] Provider, the firm possessor of strength. [Q.S 51:58]

How is this even debatable?
Do you have a source for that? Not calling you a liar but I'm pretty sure he's not supposed to be some mere divinity, especially since he's supposed to be able to give out blessings to eclipse the entire japanese pantheon and then some.
No offense but it does kind of feel like you're being a bit of a fanboy and dismissing potentialities lmao
Yeah, like here.
>"You're not allowed to theorize on how to beat the most powerful beings or talk about how there are beings that seem to be more powerful. They will never be beaten and cannot be beaten."
Seems kind of lame, anon. They're not omnipotent so obviously they have limits and your refusal to even acknowledge the possibility just kind of comes across as kind of arrogant and rude.
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Question : Do drop CE auto lock ? Cuz seem like i might sell one by accident
It's a nuanced situation. Humanity doesn't have what it takes to defeat ORT in a firefight, and indeed challenging ORT to a firefight is the worst possible course of action. Pulling the strings so that any part of ORT disagrees with the rest is a great maneuver, but it's also completely disingenuous to imply that this makes you more powerful than it.
checked in on paris
That's the point. In LB7 humanity, despite being over 10 thousand years too early to take on ORT, is able to find a way to beat ORT.
Thus there is a win condition, period.
5* ones do.
Hmmmm, I think this falls under spoilers.
>And I've had a thousand arguments with your boogeyman on /a/
lol he actually argued with the gook and never learned what a massive idiot even by /alter/ standards
So if YHWH charmed ORT to kill itself how would that not make YHWH more powerful than ORT?
This is where I ask, can ORT beat the cock? I think not.
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which way human male?
Only if it has the concept of a pussy.
Skadi is bigger.
Cock is a universal constant, this isn't a fair argument.
ORT can't be charmed. It was a very specific course of action that involved incarnating a chunk of ORT (the most powerful chunk) into something that can sympathize with humans.
This, itself, was only possible thanks to the assistance of another extraterrestrial life form which had some familiarity with ORT. Camazotz didn't manage that win on his own, you know. Without the Malla, it all falls apart. It can't be called humanity's win for that.
can ibuki loop vs 1/1/1 foreigners?
Left will peg me so her
can ibuki loop without ibuki?
>ORT can't be charmed.
But part of it was
It cannot. We see it losing to dick on screen.
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Im literally like King Hassan. Im Grand Breeder and i can conceptually give everyone the concept of vagina and womb and i will breed it.
This kind of reads as you drinking the kool-aide, anon. Just because he's the strongest being in the solar system doesn't mean it can't be beat or that it's completely immune to everything.
can ibuki 0ce this 90++? i am really curious.
The replica of Quetzalcoatl that was bolted to ORT's reactor core was. Kukulkan isn't ORT, she's more like a third party AI that was installed onto ORT.
If my dick killed ORT, that would make me more powerful than ORT. Does that we don't need any Servants at all and could just give every villain the old one-two, or does that mean the premise of my dick killing ORT was mistaken?
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Reminder that this schizo who has spend a year and a half coping over ORT being beaten spent a year before LB7 came out saying ORT wouldn't show up because ORT can't be beaten
He has spent 18 months crying in a cuck chair. The eternal cuck
Can my NP0 Ibuki loop the next lotto?
I laughed.
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What does he have to do with this?
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>tfw you bimbofy ORT
>He laughted
Oh so an aspect of humanity helped beat ORT.
Thanks for confirming humans beat Ort.
Well if you say it like that i guess.
I have to wait 8 days for ticket refresh for another good try at Ibuki, to say nothing of Skadoo...
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ORT has the slippery carapace passive which causes foreign concepts to slough right off it.
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>It doesn't count because...
This is starting to sound really familiar
most clams do
>slough right off it
Poor man, crushed to death under the weight of his own giant crystal spider vagina.
Tezcatlipoca was the one who made Kukulkan, not humans. And if you need a reminder, he is literally bacteria from outer space.
>KKK isn't ORT but only ORT can defeat ORT
I dunno man. It's literally stated that "If you destroy every last bit of ORT it will die permanently." Just charge up with one of those infinite energy things that seem to be lying around everywhere for some time and use a blast stronger than it. Easy peasy.
Honestly it really does seem like willful delusion. This isn't fun. Really feels like Type Moon is the only franchise he's ever experienced and thinks reality warpers are all omnipotent.
>I dunno man. It's literally stated that "If you destroy every last bit of ORT it will die permanently." Just charge up with one of those infinite energy things that seem to be lying around everywhere for some time and use a blast stronger than it. Easy peasy.
There's only one infinite energy thing that can do that, Zelretch's Magic Square. And then two things: one, ORT will shoot first if it detects a threat. Two, ORT will parry threats by bending space, so your infinite death laser misses.
Breeding and being born is not a foreing concept. Oort cloud was born from something.
Tez is a grand, the ultimate soldiers of humanity
Thus he's part of humanity's power
He has the prototype of all kinds of jobbing, after all.
So are we, bro. Literally everything is from outerspace. We've taken materials from other planets and bodies. Resources are resources and tools that can be used should be. What, do you want humanity to fist fight him? Does magecraft not count since YHWH allowed humans to do it without gods? Are we not allowed to use weapons? Malla seem capable of fucking with it so that counts as something able to harm and eventually kill it.
My death laser disguises itself as a friend laser so ORT won't know
Based romance enjoyer.
semen will impregnate and become a part of her so it doesn't count
Last I checked infinite means infinite so it'd be too fast for ORT to react and too powerful for it to deflect even with space. Doesn't matter how strong ORT is if it's not infinite.
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Clouds are birthless. They're always there and there's the same amount of clouds now as always. They merely become visible or not visible.
No, they get there via evaporation whether you see it or not. Dummy.
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Bring back the Imagine Scramble writer. I prefer that version of Skadi: competent and not a detriment that keeps fucking shit up
Skadi no... She's acquiring the Fujo concept.
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Wow... I never knew...
Infinite power is not infinite speed. Nothing has infinite speed in Type-Moon. Nothing on Earth is faster than ORT to begin with, which is why U-Olga had to use her Super-Authority Tachyon Jail to move faster than light.
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It is what it is. FGO and TM in general is an organization of writers and do you expect they have the same mindset like a Gestalt Consciousness or what? Nasu retcons settings and lores back and forth himself and how could you figure out something inconsistent like that?
What we defeated wasn't ORT itself. It's an ORT subspecies(ORT Xibalba), a what-if of the lostbelt. And yes it's an excuse to keep the reputation of ORT from the already messed up power level system.
ill make you give birth
please no. he treated intelligence as future sight instead of skill.
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Yes were it not for the one NuvaRing which ORT carries inside itself.
You can literally achieve infinite speed with infinite power. Plus even if you somehow didn't, it's still infinite power. Can't deflect that without something infinite itself.
You saying "nothing has infinite speed" doesn't mean the option isn't right there lmao
Meant for>>487251192
>intelligence as future sight
That's only for Xiang Yu, which IS how he functions. Even his interlude and profile covers that.
This whole section was one big Sakurai self-insert huh?
>it wasn't ort it was ort
Lol the final cope
Anyway LB7 is written by Nasu. By doing so Nasu has made it clear Ort can be killed.
>You can literally achieve infinite speed with infinite power.
No, you can't. Infinite power just brings you to light speed, which is a very finite value. Learn you some relativity.
>Plus even if you somehow didn't, it's still infinite power. Can't deflect that without something infinite itself.
Infinite power still moves in straight lines. ORT bends those lines.
makes sense. yeah, that does sound a lot like sakurai.
Oh. that is incredibly silly!
>Loving romance is bad
Cringe take as always.
Nothing can move faster than light speed you retard.
Ort can't dodge something coming at it moving at the speed of light because ort can't move or react faster than the speed of light.
Sakurai pls...
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>nothing can move faster than light speed
oh yeah? what about dark speed?
Olga and ORT both go faster than light so if you really wanna sit there and lie that's fine with me. "Learn some relativity" with reality warping space spiders and sources of infinite energy. With infinite energy you could apply any sort of effect you want too so just throw in some conceptual stuff and reality warping of your own.
Besides, infinite is infinite. Doesn't matter how much you warp space. Can't deflect it because it's infinite and you can fill infinite space.
Dark speed gets arrested by Police speed.
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>cuts the ayy cloud so fast 3 cuts were made instantly
Nothing personal
There's a reason time travel, clairvoyance and ACTUAL causality breaking (not gae bulge kek) things are the true broken abilities because they can detect and defend against things that propagate at light speed
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Who's having a melty?
Shadows move at the speed of light.
If you shut off a light source the remaining photons still in transit will continue to light up whatever they are pointed at.
>There's a reason time travel, clairvoyance and ACTUAL causality breaking
As in all the things the 2nd magic can do
>No, you can't
Yes, you can. Power=force x velocity. Relativity doesn't factor in because the power variable is infinite.
ORTfag. He's arguing ORT is above infinity and omnipotence and stuff like usual.
Powerlevels are pointless if the writer ultimately doesn't actually give a fuck about you.
By sheer showings Chaos should be>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>most TM things. But it gets immediately ignored and later they pretend Typhon is in that tier somehow
Ortfag, crying about how his waifu got killed
Do you just make shit up in your head?
can ibuki loop with skadi?
you mad?
nuhuh if I flip the lightswitch a whole bunch eventually the light stops working because the dark outpaced it
Faster, actually since shadows can be conceptual "objects" in type moon
It literally wasn't ORT at it's best retard, yes obviously he can be killed but that doesn't change the fact that chaldea barely killed a no-heart offshoot ORT with the help of ORT's heart that we had to convince to blow itself up to help us
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Type Mercury (ORT) = Ado Edem = Waver = Neko Arc > Type Jupiter ≥ Type Saturn > The Six Sisters ≥ Type Pluto > Type Moon (Crimson Moon) = ArcheType Earth (Arcueid) ≥ Type Venus > Balor of the Evil Eye ≥ Arcueid (50% (post Roa's death)) > Primordial Demons > Primate Murder > Angra Mainyu > Zelretch (young) > Counter Guardian Archer > Gilgamesh > Arcueid (30%) > Lancelot (F-15) > Dark Saber > Zero Caster's Sea Demon > Lancelot > 5th Berserker > Dark Berserker ≥ Original Roa > 17th Roa (Elesia) > 4th Rider > Merem Solomon > 5th Lancer ≥ 4th Lancer = Archer ≥ 5th Rider > 4th Caster > 5th Caster = Nrvnqsr > Clairvoyant Fujino = Kurogiri > Kouma > 4th Assassin > 5th Assassin > Aoko > Barthomeloi ≥ Arcueid (6%) > Kojirou = Ciel ≥ Kotomine (young) = "Ryougi Shiki" = Soren Araya (within the Ogawa Building) > Gun God (Black Barrel) > Night of Wallachia ≥ Touko = Kayneth El-Melloi > Leysritt > Sion Tatari = Melty Blood Satsuki = R. Shiki ≥ Akiha = Asagami Fujino = 18th Roa > Tohno SHIKI = Alba = Heaven's Feel Shirou = Kiri > Nanaya Shiki = Reinforced Kuzuki > Sion = UBW Shirou = Waver = Bazett > Avenger = Rin = Luvia = Kotomine > Zouken > Kiritsugu > Irisviel > Maiya = Tsukihime Satsuki = Lio = Avalon Shirou = Ilya = Kariya > Saber > Len > Kirie = Caren = Meruka > Azaka > The Dead = Possessed Corpse = Misayo = Dragon Tooth Warrior = Fuji-nee = Kohaku > Hisui > Gun God (unequipped) > Fake Shiki = Ryuunosuke ≥ Tomoe > Keita San ≥ Shinji > Dark Sakura = Sakura
>Besides, infinite is infinite. Doesn't matter how much you warp space. Can't deflect it because it's infinite and you can fill infinite space.
"Infinite is infinite" does not mean what you think it means. Having an infinite source of power doesn't mean it fills infinitely or propagates infinitely. It just means it's a number that will not stop climbing. Otherwise Zelretch would have destroyed the earth when he used his Magic Square, which obviously would be stupid.
>yes obviously he can be killed
Cool, that ends that then
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I'm going to fucking kill myself...
why are people complaning about this event? it's great, its fun to build your own park
>Not on the list
I dunno man. Arguing "simply warp space to deflect infinity" seems like arguing it's better than infinity to me!
>ORT wasn't really trying
Okay I've DEFINITELY heard this one before
Relativity factors in as long as we have two observing entities, this does not contradict power being infinite
It is asymptotic
It's what it does. A laser beam goes in a straight line. Warping space means that straight line is now curvy and goes somewhere not straight. It's not even complicated.. what are you struggling to understand?
Don't worry bro, you're on THE list.
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Reminder anti army or higher will always miss when used against a single person, canonical TM lore. Being good at killing monsters makes you bad at killing people too.
He can portion out stuff pretty clearly. Just because ORT can probably destroy the world doesn't mean it does so in every attack. Simple logic, anon! Besides, even if there was limited output, just keep charging until it's greater than ORT's. Problem solved!
Because if he can't defeat the strongest being in the universe trivially through resources readily available, he can't prove that he's both stronger than it and smarter than the protagonists, and if he isn't more powerful and important than a fictional character, he will lose all confidence in himself.
Thanks bro, my greatest ally.
>teleport ort to mercury
>use infinite energy beam to destroy mercury
>ort proceeds to get pulled into the sun and dies
Look, if Zelretch could've beaten ORT at any time, he would've done so. Zelretch finds ORT an aggravating conundrum that can only be solved by committing resources to ignoring it and making sure everyone else ignores it until the time is right, which is NOT NOW.
Again, ORT will shoot first the second it detects you've entered the threat range. So as you're charging? It's not gonna sit there and take it.
That looks more like a Nagatoro character
And warping space around you doesn't mean it can't be overcome, especially when there's other magical abilities to counter that and prevent that. How do you not understand that warping a little bit of space doesn't mean you warp all of the space that something occupies!
What'll it do against attacks that are faster than it? What'll it do against space warping/piercing attacks? Conceptual attacks? With an infinite energy source you could do all that at once.
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How do you get infinite energy?
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ORT definitely would've beaten everyone if he didn't step in the anti-ORT goo.
>All 3 characters take damage
>All 3 say their phrase when hurt
Wait, was this a thing?
so uh, how do I loop in the final node?
ST saber? Hokusai, beni?
Summer Enma-tei when Lasengle?!
>put butter on bread
>tape the bread on a cat
>drop the cat
>cat always falls on feet and buttered bread always falls on non butter side so the cat will spin infinitely
>With an infinite energy source you could do all that at once.
No, you can't. With an infinite energy source you can do all the things you do regularly without expending anything. They explained this shit in Fate/Stay Night. An infinite reservoir is only as good as the tap.
Isn't Zelretch pretty limited by his circumstance? There's a lot he can do if he's fine with the consequences of backlash from the world.
For him it's a game of "how do I do something WITHOUT getting booted from his watcher's throne".
just be yua serufu
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No Fap for 2 centuries. It's in the Tao Te Ching.
yeah i can see that
Summon Maxwell's demon and you're set
Chaos v ORT, who wins?
(Okay we know ORT wins simply because it's a TM OG vs something they barely care about afterwards but let's pretend the writer cares enough for both)
Charge it somewhere before attacking it. Duh. Zelretch hasn't done it because Nasu doesn't want him too. He thinks ORT is really cool and doesn't want it to lose yet, even though it already did in a specific scenario.
Which, btw, with an infinite energy source he Zeltrech could probably recreate!
>Go to a lostbelt where it's already invented
>Steal it
This one reminds me of an android with those lines on her hips.
Later im going to be drawing some fgo character who should i draw next.
This image is once of the things i drawed for example.
Make a Holy Grail which can hold infinite energy and begin using magecraft to give your attack all sorts of conceptual and spatial attacks and counters. Seems logical to me.
kinda cute
can ibuki loop with 1/1/1 skills?
You don't. Energy as far as our physics know has a cap at lightspeed, meaning the amount of power something has cannot be higher than the power necessary to achive lightspeed. This is not infinite power, it's only maxing out our universe's power gauge.
>and people say this event is bad
you can loop anything as long as you do it yua serufu
Chaos is a dyson sphere, allowing it to tap a celestial body for resource, but ORT is an actual celestial body, so I think ORT wins easy, but there might be an argument made that Chaos is specialized in harvesting resources and would therefore try to wear down ORT by chipping away at its source. I don't think that's a good argument, though, because Chaos would have to keep an open line to send more minions, and probably wouldn't want to keep fighting something that fights back when it can head for easier targets, but it's there if you want to make them fight.
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Is this the first time Zeus appeared in this series?
that's a long line
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>grand caster candidate because he fishes
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This is incorrect, Space Ishtar is above ORT.
I kinda want non chibi Riyo Servant for next April's Fools now, that Anya is cute. (He'd die though)
So what's chaos's celestial body doing then if it hasn't been subjugated
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I declare that this event is 10/10 and anyone who tries to argue about it is just a rat who wants to see people fighting for no reason.
Draw Eric Bloodaxe
EMIYA is the best fisherman in the franchise. They must be foreshadowing that.
>O-ORT is a celestial body
In the sense Fantasy Trees house actual galaxy tier outputs inside them I imagine. That was a thing that was stated, yes.
non-chibi riyo Ana a cute
time travel
pull it from somewhere outside your closed system
rewrite the simulation of the closed system you're in
poster below this post licks Bob’s feet
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Ass gets to wigglin mutherfuckin jigglin
Are you taking requests bro?
We know nothing more about it. It's a divine spirit in the form of a dyson sphere from another universe and it sent the Olympians to harvest planets.
Honestly I ORT would just outright lose. Anything it could make or try to absorb would just get harvested. Casually nukes Machine gods faster than light so effortlessly that it didn't even register that it had done so, like scratching an itch. It just BEING close to Earth was risking total destruction and it can exist outside of our universe and normal spacetime.
Not that these two things would ever fight since I feel like they'd be completely disinterested. Chaos is an observer which means ORT couldn't feel threatened by it. ORT would probably sit there and Chaos would probably just stare.
open your mouth, zako
shut the fuck up woodime, this is why you got shanked by beryl and also why only losers like caenis and ophelia like you.
open your mouth, zako
Zeus liked him
Wait is it actually confirmed to be from another universe?
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No mouth to open.
Yeah. Zeus and Ares, I believe, say as much and it's confirmed to exist completely outside of our universe's spacetime and in a sort of "in between" one.
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no sub so not right now, maybe 1-2 pics max
Chaos is a dyson sphere, or in other words, a star. ORT is a star-eater. Do the math.
This is a fat man fighting a cake.
Oh, this whole time I thought it was just really far away
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How did you say it then?
Yes. It came from another universe.

I'll have to reread the scene Chaos appears in for the details, but for what it's worth, all TYPEs and the Outer Gods also destroy the Earth just by existing. Though they do so less by sheer mass and more by overwriting and replacing the laws of physics. The difference between conversion and harvesting is essentially nil, though, because harvesting is also a kind of conversion.
Yeah, so it was her after all.
No wonder he NNNNNN.
Pregnant BTA please
Why is the dog threading it's paw through her legs like that
nta but tbf dyson spheres are closer to slow star-eaters in your analogy
Dyson spheres eat stars not the other way around.
how do you stop moms fighting
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Nah. It's in a cool separate realm right now. The fact it's able to traverse universes and at minimum has star level power is pretty impressive, immediately making it one of the upper tiers we know of so far.
Honestly, ORT would probably be an ideal source for it to Harvest since it can replicate stuff like Imaginary Trees. The fight would probably ultimately depend on which was better at doing whatever attacks they'd use. ORT would be limited by its size and range whereas Chaos can sit back a fair distance and still annihilate stuff effortlessly while harvesting whatever ORT whips up. It seems like the better eater.
In the interest of fairness I'd want to be able to somehow close the distance for ORT before any sort of fight started.
Wow, script does confirm they are from another universe.
Servantverse actually canon too I guess.
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Summer Skadi as catalyst of course.
I already had these someone requested, unless you prefer a different artist, or sfw
>Servantverse actually canon too
Always has been
Always was, MHXX appears in canon events bro.
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Galaxy tier minimum Universe buster/cutter and ORT fucker Goddess Rin!
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Ort is just the physical representation of the idea that humanity will die off before leaving Earth. Ort waking up "early" is the idea of nuclear war / climate change or whatever making humanity go extinct, Ort waking up "on time" is the idea of thr world running out of resources to keep humanity going. Yes ORT can be killed by humanity it's just not likely to happen, and Zelretch represents humans that are trying to prevent an extinction and defy humanity's fate.
Don't be a nihilistic cuck
Given cross-universal warping giving it essential access to greater than a single universe's energy I'm inclined to agree.
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>Erice, time to level you u-ACK
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How did you get in my house and what are you talking about?
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gags are unironically the peak of canon in TM
Also very cute.
Is it me or do half the summer valkyrie voicelines not play in combat?
and canon!
Written personally by Nasu of course it's fucking canon
I should smoke a pipe
Type-Jupiter is described in Notes as having a star for a core, and ORT is also described as performing nuclear fusion, so dyson spheres are strictly speaking a biological function of Aristotoles, which means Chaos doesn't actually have an advantage in terms of basic design.
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Dont bother.
I already covered all the entire house with alluminuim foil no signal can escape this place.
Oh and i cut the landline cord also so you cant use the landline phone.
You're locked in here with me and im going to explain Type Moon lore to you wether you like it or not.
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Familiarise yourself with what a Dyson sphere is before replying, retard.
Imagine going through main story from 2017 until realizing today's translations devolving into this
thanks seiba
It's a vaccuum cleaner.
Is there a particular reason this krokodil-ridden individual posts these discord pics, or is it just retardation?
Once Nasu realizes something's up I bet you he'll make a Servantverse ORT that's even stronger than our ORT.
Someone's dad performs nuclear fusion as his job. Don't get too excited just because that's a thing.
Also Jupiter isn't Stellar class despite that like ORT is.
stars are just big fusion reactions, reactors are magnetically contained, stars are gravitationally contained, they're not meaningfully different beyond scale
Krokodil isnt real its just a myth.
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Who needs buffs the most.
He sends here literally anything that happens in his discord.
Why? I don't know, I don't talk to animals.
Who the fuck thinks the Indian warrants a buff? Some pack filler from several years ago should probably just be forgotten.
> krokodil-ridden
You answered your own question. His brainrot is to the point that nothing he does make any sense. Even a bot is more coherent than him.
It has an advantage in sheer size, range, location, as well as more experience. Not to mention the fact ORT makes for perfect food for it with all the matter and energy it produces.
Because the mods refuse to do anything about him for like 3-4 years straight
Merlin obviously needs his skil 3 buff to add 50% np damage, become a rainbow 50% buff, 50% np charge rare, 50% NP battery, make the crit damage last 3 turns, and add 500% atar absorb
That is really about as reasonable as it gets
Geronimo doesnt just need buffs he needs an entire rework.
His entire kit is useless its basically 1 ability divided into 3.
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>ORT that's even stronger than our ORT.
Space Space Kukulkan
/so who do we blame/i
Forgot about this one.
>Brad spook while rolling for Ibuki
>she too needs shells for her skills
for fuck's sake
Nah, it's real. Maybe it's not a thing in your country (thank goodness), but in russia it is very much a thing because that place is so shit having your body literally rot is better than being lucidly aware you live there.
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Lancer Artoria. They completely skipped over her when they were doing Charisma buffs and her Mana burst is one turn.
Thanks anon.
Just not the gangbang one.
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Gilles Saber should get his tentacles sword and a second np.
why they giving him (you)s?
Just upgrade all his skills to the old big three support skills
Bloody Devil > Hero Creation
Shamanism > Fox Wedding
Guardian Beast > Primordial Rune
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She'll be beyond Space Ishtar's Universal power and be like Super Multiversal and punch the root into pieces or something.
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You rang?
Can you make futa Chloe fucking Eric Bloodaxe in the Dragon Ball artstyle?
>Another ESL sentence
Try harder.
It doesn't matter, he'll still be around
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But will she have infinite speed?
Just buy it with cum cubes
She'll be beyond infinite speed. Also? She'll have Super Excalibur Ea Rhongomyniad and be all classes at once. That's right. She'll be the grand candidate for every possible class.
Also she'll have sweet laser eyes.
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>he'll still be around
How do we get rif of all of them? Once and for all.
remove iphone bobfag from your friend lists
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>giant woman
She’s neither a giant woman nor fertile because of Hag status. Go for younger women not hags
I bought...
I went wild when I saw the second gold Berserk card. A little spook to trick me, but I'm still ecstatic that I got Ibuki!
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>laser eyes
Now that's taking it too far.
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>esctatic to get a jpeg
>holy fuck is that a PNG!? I'm so fucking excited
Chiyome for mating press!
Fine. Maybe like.... a laser gun with limited ammo.
In the Eddas there's actually no indication that the Jotunn, Aesir, or Varnir are especially big.
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>they don’t ejaculate automatically when getting new png
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That'd be cool. What if she had infinite laser guns with limited ammo. That sounds balanced.
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I wanna ejaculate in mash
Yeah, so she can throw her gun instead of reloading. I like the way you think.
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i despise guda
i DESPISE guda
This but my cute futa kouhais Mash and BB ejaculating inside each other
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When does summer skadi come out? I need to feel ecstatic after rolling for .png
Banning wont work since hes using a VPN to post so the only way to is to do something irl but thats illegal so i guess we cant do anything to stop him.
You just have to bear with him.
isnt she tomorrow
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holy sex
You are replying to him
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how do I cope with knowing that I'll never be a 7' tall buff incel like douman
Good morning!
Why would you want to be that fuckin homo? Guda is better
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is AI good for (you)?
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what a shitty waitress
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>sigurd lets his his girl beat the shit out of him
Why are all swedes such beta males?
Does np2 erice good enough
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No you need NP5 minimum for her
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>they were too scared to make this in-game
dogshit event
god damn they're hot...
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What do you think bros
i don't think
Cagliostro is the best character released in jp this year.
not powerful enough
>encounter minor inconvenience that requires thinking
>click away to instant dopamine hits for the rest of the day
haha kill me
andromedia is pretty sexy i guess
One of the actual worst years so far.
I want andromeda and mom teen,that's it
skip all except mini mom
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>Everyone already has all the gameplay units they could possibly want
>They learned from castoria and are now releasing sidegrades / slight upgrades of supports (if they release supports at all)
Who is rolling for generic quick / arts looper #87 at this point? Giga collector whales?
Why does it say Cosmos in the Lostbelt, I thought the arc ended with LB7
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Oh, I'm the one who ordered the juicy tits.
God I want her to insult me and call me trash
>inb4 new color cards
Front two look like your average downs anime characters.
They sold like hotcakes didn't they?
Anniversary will have a quick support that breaks the meta once again enticing people to roll for all the quick servants that would be the best in the game at their niche if they weren't quick
Lostmos in Cosbelt
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Sounds like a Fairy Oddparents episode
>John Ogre on screen
It's a non-negotiable skip for me.
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The cutest!
Fou fou.
We could be worse. Could be Genshin where they repeat everything you just read over and over again
>Special Translation: Fou real
How do I know when it's time to skip? Simple! If I hear this dogshit start to play: https://youtu.be/Pjc1fdO7ilI
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>What do you think
For Robin and that rad 3rd ascension
For Azumi no Isora(real).
So far only these two.
genshin has some of the most boring
side quests i have ever seen in a game
and "people" praise the lack of the skip button (probably paid shills desu)
god this game has some absolute dogshit tracks
Could it be that the celestial numbers have ordained that they repeat everything you just read over and over again, 108 star general of the divine heavens Cho Chang Xinping?
The chinese just have a huge problem with convoluted, inflated prose. Like with Arknights.
most of the things from part1 are bad
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So does she love us? She really wants to fuck us... why doesn't she just rape?
can ibuki loop without supports?
she'd get bodied by the collective chaldea if she tried
Comes with the language, I honestly would play Genshin to death if they got whoever the fuck Omega Force used to localized musou games in the PS2 era, just fucking give me a 70s kung fu dub with all the names being butchered
Yes she has 2 100% charges
Her skill 2 and skill 3 both 100% charge her NP
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>she'd get bodi-ACK
Ibuki no Mitama GG
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This girl.
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Damn whore
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She's too cute...
Sorry, thou art a dragon.
p.s. Georgios is invincible when protecting an innocent (virgin master)
look at that sexy body god damn
Man, these manga writers really have a huge ego don't they?
You're writing comics, it's not that deep.
if you're not game she can just find someone else bro.
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Don't eat it then, bring it to ME
The meta, if you care to min max 90++, is on trait damage. That's how they push people to roll new loopers
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Honestly F/GO's OST only gets passable around volume 4. Then again right out of the gate you get Shin'en no Decadence,
Nine Drive, Sanzensekai and Stadust Board Maze: Astero Akihabara are great. The problem is that they're not the standard.
Volume 5 starts off okay and then takes a massive nose dive the moment you get to LB5.5 which has probably the worst vocal track for anything F/GO has and LB6 with incredibly meh tracks.

I don't even realistically think it's the fault of the direction individually because they aren't bad in of themselves, I'm just tired of hearing the same instrumentation and structure in F/GO songs for boss battles or "Epic moments". Scarlet Dancer just sounds bad I have no idea what happened with the guitar in this. It felt like they wanted to put in a blend of SMT in the soundtrack but it sounds like a cheap knockoff.
F/GO needs to fucking drop whatever stock program they're using to make the music. 9 years and it's all a mess.
No... I don't want that
Based, Space Rin can still do all 90++
If it weren't for the Mahoyo collab I think this year would be the worst of FGO yet for me.
Yeah. I found the OST grating after like 4 months and turned it off.
So does ibuki sort of represent the death of the buster meta, and summer castoria the nail in the coffin?
Because yea kukulkan, arc, and arjuna alter exist but why even bother with them over ibuki, tez, and summer castoria?
Don't care looping with NP5 Arc
It absolutely all fucking blends together to me except for a couple of key tracks which were actually just random background music and not boss themes for me.
I feel like they should have taken the time to gut a bunch of the old tracks earlier.
At the very maximum, preserved a leitmotif if they really believed the grandeur came from the sound and not the scenario.
can ibuki loop without plugsuit?
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>kukulkan, arc, and arjuna alter exist
Forgetting someone, you uneducated failed gameplaykek rat?
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Sakurai just can't help herself but wank Ibuki to death every time, huh?
>remake blood wind in Samurai Remnant
>instantly sounds better because they're not using the same samples and instruments on the same musical program
I get that it's a time thing and they don't want to put effort into this game but they're actively shooting themselves in the foot when they actually make someting decent.
Yeah i guess Melu exists. Good call.
Morgan is 4th, just like how I didn't include ptolemy for arts
Not really. Summer Ibuki can't do 90++ unless it's Earth flavored.
im looping right now with just friend castoria+xu fu
So Ibuki for Earth
Morgan for Man
Nobbu for Heaven?
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I did Aesc
My man tried to sneak Nobbu in there as if she could compare to the other 2 lmao
Who do you take vs Heaven then?
And Arc / Aesc can't either if it's not in their niche (or assassin in aesc's case)
90++ becomes just niche spam after a while
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I think all the board did Aesc
if you know what I mean
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But Nobbu deals more damage vs Heaven than Melu with BG
The OST is actually much more solid than I gave it credit for, even year 1 has some really good tracks. The problems are the following IMO:
>Lazy overuse of the same 4-5 tracks constantly to the point of grating when there are literally hundreds to choose from
>Tracks that had a very specific identity and had special significance for certain characters/themes becoming used generically (Abby's theme is the absolute standout example, went from very specifically Abby/Foreigner horror afoot to generic "bad thing is happening" music). They recently used the Knights of the Round battle theme for some absolutely non-Knight related thing and it just confused and irritated me.
>The default sound settings for the game are ATROCIOUS. Everything is set too high, especially sound effects, everything is clipping needlessly, the tracks actually sound much better when you listen to them with headphones anywhere but inside the game
The instrumentation being the same doesn't bother me at all, I see it as a good thing, reminds me of RPGs when the composers had to make do with whatever instruments they had loaded into the game to make their tracks from. For all it's flaws, I can hear a track from FGO I have never heard before but when I hear the reverb on those deep cello notes holds, it couldn't be anything else.
Arjuna Alter can do anything.
... if you 5CE.
Just barely tho so ur better off investing in Melu as aan omnilooper
>you are acting like a child
Arjuna will be better as an omnilooper because of better class
I'm fucking starving and I can't sleep but everything is closed and the supermarket doesn't open for another two hours what do I do?
5CE honestly isn't bad unless it's a rerun where you can actually feasibly get 5 mlb drop CEs.
I know he's not in a terrible place, but it's sad that his niche is super giant but there are servants with just giant who outperform him because giant also covers super giant, and he's essentially now just a worse version of Mordred, let alone Artoria who is an order of magnitude better in terms of kit. Yes I'm biased.
LB6 Coronation track is absolutely kino.
make something ?
Do you have parmesan cheese or olive oil? Maybe some butter?
>Just barely
A leitmotif would really help clear up intent for writers too. Considering that we do get callbacks across numerous events and character appearances. You know what would be cool? If Musashi had a leitmotif. What if Dantes had one so you could tell what's supposed to be a mind-sequence or not? What about if actually integrated it with sequences that allude to important overarching lore stuff, it would make potentially confusing scenes be more decypherable. Even servants barely have any theme-work.
The only servants who relatively even have themes on the top of my head are
>Abigail (who got screwed out her own theme)
Cu barely even counts since his track is just a song re-used from the VN in one extra appearance he's in. Tamamo's the most consistent of them all along with BB, Kiara's theme is just straight re-used with minimal edits, Kama is already based on Kiara's and Ushiwakamaru had the benefit of actually having Babylonia. Light Wind's song structure was made into Wind of Karma for Babylonia, then they straight remixed Wind of Karma for LB5.5 (and what do you know it's actually half way decent because they didn't make it in F/GO).
Every single one of these servants had themes made for them OUTSIDE of the game. Tells you everything you need to know.
You forgot Mary Anning for Arts support.
bro do you eat nothing but olive oil and cheese...
>there are servants with just giant who outperform him because giant also covers super giant
How so?
>he doesn't have a mlb black grail in 2024
Jesus that's embarrassing. Most people have 2 level 100 black grails by now
DUDE is so fucking bad and can use anything.
where are all the new skadi captions
eat your cum
I mainly eat yogurt. You said you're starving, so what you got (if anything).
Artoria and the Knights have themes
Arthur has an INCREDIBLE theme premade but they didn't even bother making it his NP theme.
You are better off using Damage CE for 90++, dumb Melutard
Insane they didn't do this
can ibuki loop with bg?
Yes, retard
What's Cu's theme? This is all that comes to mind for me.
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>poor little penis
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Doesn't really work in reverse, does it
>crtl f " ort"
>100+ results
this thread is onii-chans urinal
It really is a mystery to me. I get why some servants who have themes don't get their themes if they're a 4* or a 3*. Usually only welfares get them if any 4*s do. But when you've got a 5* servant who has an already established theme there's no reason why you shouldn't put that with the servant's NP some how.
It's heavily implied to be Clashing Souls, but they also made that a core F/GO track. What they did for SamRem was probably take Legend and Clashing Souls and mesh them together. His theme in SamRem is Onrushing Crimson Spear.
Is this the lowest IQ female servant without madness enhancement? Who is the male equivalent? Orion acts like a retard but he actually seems pretty well educated and wise when it comes down to the crunch.
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We're just talking about cute ol Ortlinde-chan!!
you rike? it's going to be better the closer we are to jp's anni
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Cuteobhan Cuteh
Shuten's original outfit is just too good, everything else is a downgrade
Nurse bullied me after I let Skadi write her book...
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You're not wrong.
Shakespeare's theme rules. Whenever you have him in your party it should just override whatever track was going to play.
People who speak moon runes:
Was it actual giants this time or was it jotun?
Japanese salaryman here, the original actually said "aliens"
>Skadi's Primeval Runes can overpower Grand Caster (Proto-)Merlin and the Greek God of Medicine Asclepius
Skadi is so powerful...
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Sieg's theme works well too, all things considering. A ton of Apocrypha servants have themes and they're never used.
jotun all over again
>gold orbs
>surprise its Fran!
I'm big mad and all out of quartz.
Apparently Wu's mental debuff immunity, too
Basically the only good part of that anime.
That's just old english Jotun, plural.
its goon time?
The Onslaught...
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Is there one for Erice's "It doesn't count"?
bro this franchise started with a nip teenager overpowering gil
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Are there any new Skadi captions?
doesn't count.
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for real? for real.
she's... for real? she's for real!
so now this is happening... hmm?
if she's for real, then what can you do?
fou fou
well, if she's for real, then I guess- hm?
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For me it's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoFvkvEQXwc
Holy shit I fucking hate this theme, I feel like strangling someone every time I hear this
Reminder that Edison is so powerful that his theme overrides everything else that's currently playing, from silly events like gudaguda to serious moments like the time temple raid
This is a violation of the office dress code, get into my office IMMEDIATELY, I see we're going to need a LONG correction session.
Might've missed it if it was before this chapter. I'll make if I see it though.
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>Circe on screen
>This shit starts playing
Name a worse combo
It's when Skadi uses her Rune magic to learn how to write manga, Erice says it doesn't count and that it's cheating. Please create more cute Skadi captions too.
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A woman's worth is decided by the size of her tits.
A man's worth is decided by the size of his dick.
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How does she remember that?
I thought servants lose all their memories when they go back to the throne and when they respawn they dont remember anything their previous summonings?
I'll do some for you bro.
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That rules is up to whiever is writing and their mood and moon phase in the sky
>Jason in Atlantis
What about Ainsworth?
orleans was literaly jalter alter life
of course she remembers
Chaldea's FATE summons have slightly different baseline rules, and they like breaking out exceptions regardless all the time
Jalter didn't come from the throne.
Where did she come from?
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the servant memory rule is played with VERY fast and loose, and different writers will either completely ignore it or stick to it in the strictest sense. sometimes both in the same story.
>hear this
>close phone
Skadi has been really cute today!
>hear this
>open phone
Gilles wishing upon a cup. It's an expanded plot thread through Christmas 1 and the Da Vinci Lotto/Jalter release event that she isn't actually real, not actually an Alter of Jeanne d'Arc but a total fake invented by the grail.
>you will never experience the Solomon raids ever again
What >>487263753 said
Like how in Serenity's interlude, both Arash and Paracelsus remember the prototype grail war but not her because of some cope about love. And then Avicebron somehow remembering his shota golem, yet Bedivere doesn't remember shit according to Romani at the end of Camelot even though he got registered on the throne because of his feats while traveling with us, and then summer 3 made him suffer a bit of ptsd which means he actually does fucking remember, I don't even fucking know anymore
Rather I should say that point is made clear in Orleans but her struggles with accepting it and validating her own existence continue in those events.
Her 2nd Ascension is my favourite.
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>Gilles wishing upon a cup
He so would, she wouldn't get out unscathed though.
Maybe Bedivere doesnt remember because hes repressing his memories from trauma rather than the throne wiping his memories?
That way he can not remember and get triggered by reminders of his trauma.
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Nope, best year simple because best character and girl arrived.
Retard still mad at Japanese servants being strong while trying to subtle bring his arabrhamic or whatever into the mix to wank even though characters like Martha get btfo by Quetz, etc… yeah its him.

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