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Previous thread: >>487142098


>Glicko2 rating
>Tekken 8 Character Overviews
>Tekken 8 Important combos and moves for each character
>Fundamentals guide
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First for my wife, Leo!

>Heihachi is back
>Kazumi is probably back
Now Heihachi has both his loving wife and daughter with him, lucky ass nigga
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My Husband
my king returns
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Yo tekgen!
Patch doko
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>>Kazumi is probably back
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He's back...
>>Kazumi is probably back
if leftover assets mean that a character is returning then akuma is just as likely to come back
remove heat activation close up slow motion
Akuma appearing makes Tekken 8 non canon like Tekken 7 which is non canon
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It was supposed to be his turn.
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>heihachi returns
>leofag comes back at the same time
Tekken is saved
iron fist resurrected
Iron fist inserted
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Why are we celebrating Heihachi coming back...
it's up
>Kazumi is probably back
It'll be a teenager Hachijo with a bad attitude
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They took too long. I don't care anymore.
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Those moves are Kazumi's, but slightly different than the T7 equivalents. She doesn't quite walk like that, the stance is slightly different, and that's not quite how she did the tiger attack. Which means they're most likely newly made.
is biden dead or what
Once again, on the one day that I actually want to play this crap, Namco's 6 hour Tekken shop maintenance prevents me from doing so
lidia is locked?????
What could've made this more kino if they actually did reveal Marduk but an electrified fist pieces him from the back and he falls down dead revealing Heihachi
>Heihachi dead
lol jk
>Heihachi dead
lol jk
>Heihachi dead (for real this time)
lol jk
if youre hype about heihachi youre actually a retard
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I have awoken and see the patch released.
Soo.. new shop items? It's been way too long. I need more shop items
bro this is a different circumstance bro uts different this isn’t a retcon this isn’t shitting on tekken 7’s already bad story and definitive volcano death sequence this will not change anything just buy it I swear bro just pay for heihachi dlc please bro this is resurrection not a retconning this is murray’s cerebral writing bro this is going to be hype there are differences please
>the stance is slightly different
Is it the positioning or what? I think maybe Kazumi crouched more but I'm not sure... It does look odd Jin isn't moving but his clothes still are.
is lidia locked until later like eddy was?
IT'S UP!!!
Murray is a psychopath who killed my dog and burned down my family's business
this is what I was saying
you need to raise your toilet Lid to play Lidia
This is just like the Azazel animations that were datamined back in the CNT in July last year. She's 100% coming back

I'm so happy. She was a really cool character
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df1 stature kick and 1,1 spam was SO INTERESTING GUISE!!!!!!!!!
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I know this is pathetic, but I'm desperate. Anyone here willing to buy me the Deluxe upgrade? I'm on hard times and am interested in Lidia, Heihachi, and Kazumi/Eliza
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People really just gonna ignore she's heiling Hitler as a jab?
>and Kazumi/Eliza
I was going to buy it for you until I read this retarded shit
finally an actual tranny in my tekken main menu
Eddybros we have been replaced
sent ;)
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Wasn't it just his idle pose? Because in that case it's not really indicative he'd be returned, since Nancy had a few animations in Tekken 7, although Azazel returned anyways.

If Kazumi really has more animations than usual for a dropped characters, and they look slightly different like >>487197672 said, then she, or a replacement using her fighting style, have higher chances of being the last character.
I wonder how they're going to remake her for T8. T7 Kazumi was very focused on poking and fundamentals, but that kind of play doesn't really lend itself well to T8. I'm still cautiously excited though, since I also really liked her.
Well those are the two rumored ones. I'd be happy with Marduk, Julia, Anna, or quite a few folks. I'd rather not have a guest character, but I feel like ultimately that is what will happen. Personally I want Lei or Ganryu, but that's never going to happen. Thanks anyway though. Was worth a try.
>no foot prints in the sand
now THAT'S garbage
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how much does it cost?
She somehow looked much better in Tekken 7. Hope somebody mods her face.
>you can't hype Heihachi because I say so
Bro I'm going to sleep
It costs $39.99 even though Eddy costs $7.99. It's really strange. It also didn't go on sale during the fighting game sale even though the Deluxe Edition did so it sucked for me as I have the regular version.
this video didnt age well
update is out but she is still locked for now I guess
I'm going to put so footprints in your ass if you keep saying this, nigga
What's the counterplay for nina?
is the new season pass out?
sorry ok?
just be yourself until they remove df1 tracking and jailing
The 4th dlc is Preecha from upcoming SNK game
Oh shit, lads, I just figured it out

Winter is orange in the season pass. Orange and associated with hamsters. Hamsters usually have fur that is both white and orange. What other animal does that apply to? Tigers.

It's a wrap bros, it's Kazumi.
iirc eddy was unlocked an hour before the maintenance ended
Pick steve so she can't poke you to death
What if Heihachi's goal was to use Reina's body as a vessel to ressurect Kazumi?
duck highs
don't press anything
plug on loading screen
kill yourself
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Who else could it be?
it's obviously bob cause:
1) We have Bob Burgers everywhere in the NY stage.
2) Bob T7 background announcement colors is orange.
Can any Paul players please grind arcade mode for me to see if he has a special intro with Lidia or not? I ship them so hard
sexual incest
turn 360 degrees and walk away
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Uff.. That's a lil too much for me to spend on anon, sorry fren.
I'm kinda poor myself. That's as much as I make in an entire day.
Is it not going down for 6 hours for once?
Who wins lore wise true devil kazuya or vergil?
No worries! Thanks anyway! Yeah it's a lot of money. Buying the four characters would be $32 so I think this price is pretty insane.
No brother, you don't have everything.
sirs where is the cream api
they will learn to mix you up even harder if you dare to b1 their loop once
Can't you creamapi T8?
Well the season passes always come with extra content that's locked for people who buy only the characters.
Usually stages are extra bought and only pass owners get new costumes and such.
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you can also suck dicks ,but if you do Ill call you a faggot
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Winter character will likely be Bob.
>orange theme
>code animal: hamster
>currently has a stage cameo in the game
Listen I love muay thai but the anticipated reveal date lining up with Thaiger Uppercut doesn't mean anything. The event happens roughly the same time every year.
Also I really hope it's not Bob because we don't need yet another fucking karate character.
Just use creamapi if you're on PC
The description says it comes with extra costumes but I don't see where that is the case? It has the gold palette swap suit, but it also mentions an additional costume. I have no idea what it is referring to. Is there a costume Lidia and Eddy have that you have to pay for normally?
i don't suck dicks and i still like to be called a faggot
kazuya main btw
The animal names Harada gave out on twitter were total bullshit with no meaning behind them.

There is already a character with HMS Hamster as their codename in the game files and it's Lili.
When does Online come back?
another mishima but a fat fuck, don't mind if I do!
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The new costumes aren't out yet.
Season 1 in 7 had gold swaps for everyone, season 2 had schoolgirl outfits and hair..
I saw someone post a pic of swimsuits.. but I dunno if that's shop items or part of the season pass.
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Wait, but professional coomers were already using some camera mod, no?
Current theory is that it's Kazumi because apparently she has more moves that are unused than usual, which was also the case with Heihachi.
the swimsuits are shop. nothing comes with the season pass for 8 besides the characters. waste of money.
Anoooooo... The male and female gold suits are two different items. Please understand!
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Oh kek
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Well you are literally lying so.. there is that.
i could be wrong, don't count on it
this is sorta like the screenshot of the bald white guy hugging arslan at evo
No womb tattoo. It's not her.
Did you get the Fumos, too?
use creamAPI
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Here is your patch notes
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Hm.. no swuimsuits yet. Are they gonna come with a later patch?
to the storyfags saying they can no longer take tekken seriously after heihachi not dying again, please explain how you were still taking the story seriously after tekken 6.
They were using the nvidia shit but that's nowhere near as good
You buy them from the Tekken shop and then they appear in customization mode.

Oh, you thought they would be free?
lmao i own the deluxe edition and completely forgot about this "1 costume per each playable character (32 total)"
have they ever even mentioned it yet?
>paul wr2 scaling fixed
it was fun while it lasted
Why would I think they are free? That'd devalue the entire fucking costume. I bought all outfits in the shop already but I want more.
>please explain how you were still taking the story seriously after tekken 6.
Tekken 6 is exactly the point I stopped taking it seriously. The biggest crime in Tekken 7's story is just how ungodly boring it was, if it's gonna suck at least make it fun bad.
I don't own cyber suits but I can see it in customization mode.
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The NVIDIA freecam feature doesn't even work with Tekken 8. Only Tekken 7.

We were using Universal Unreal Engine Unlocker 5, which among other things gives you access to an unlimited freecam that can be used anywhere in the game and has no restrictions on boundaries around characters or stages etc. Also the UUU5 freecam can be used without pausing the game. UUU5 also offers other features such as the ability to toggle various effects such as ray tracing that aren't possible in the game by default.

The new photo mode is more user friendly for technical illiterates such as yourself but UUU5 will always be superior.
no he isn't. Those other items are part of the deluxe/ultimate (whichever, don't care to check) upgrade you're forced to buy if you want the character pass.
So you are saying the deluxe is the season pass.. cause the season pass itself doesn't exist..
anon, c'mon man
how do you take a photo in photo mode? does it just expect you to take a Steam screenshot?
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Made a temp email for one last attempt on help funding my Deluxe edition upgrade. Every dollar helps! Just email me a code or your Steam or whatever and we will take it from there

Here's your orange Muay Thai guest char for Thaiger Uppercut announcement in November.
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Lidia's on the main menu has the biggest "fuck me right now on the table" eyes and it's getting me bricked up
I don't want to replace it with fucking heihachi who needs to stay dead btw
Kazumi being the muay thai rep would actually be a funny middle finger to leakers. Tiger Uppercut -> Sagat -> Muay Thai.
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Advertising or begging in MY tekgen?

surely by the time heihachi launches they will finish the option to change the main menu character right?
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I figured out who toe orange character is!
You guys do know that they're going to make you pay for main menu characters, right?

They've already set this up by complaining about how much work it takes to make the individual characters look good
Is the patch out yet on PC?
Nigga it's 5 4chan passes
gigas will be orange instead of red
get ready for the next battle
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Photo Mode!
What's that supposed to mean?
I'm no dev but the main menu characters seem to have a different than usual lighting so it's probably custom made
The same company that recycles animations for decades aren't doing all that shit for a menu
oh no no no. N get his ass
God damn you are a fucking retard. Literally read the store page of what you posted. It's a scam to get more money out of people.
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Troonkuma slimefags in shambles
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whatever u say anon
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do you think they'll restrict camera angles to prevent THOSE pics?
they said they have to change the lightning for every character, that's why it's taking so long
it's probably not a priority either
No way, that would be too much work.
PC gawds i kneel
Where do you even find those pics?
Tekken 8 (Sunday)
108,667 main channel peak / 182,000 total Twitch viewers

Street Fighter 6 (Sunday)
117,890 main channel peak / 277,000 total Twitch viewers
why didn't arslan use that god damn nina against main man?
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Judging from the Korean words, I'm guessing they get them from korea
Slimer sharting himself violently lmao
lidia is out now (early access) restart steam
not even selectable until maint is over btw
What if the final character is Akuma again
she doesn't need to be selectable. The most important part is no more eddy on main menu
she's unlocked now
we dont deserve akuma no more
he already saved tekken once
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I finally understand why Heihachi was able to pull so much pussy
whens lidia
4 hours
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>The most important part is no more eddy on main menu
Best post in the thread.
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for me, it's azucena's underboob
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So why do Lidia and Reina share moves?
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I dunno if that's eddy or raven but that nignog is ugly af
dont ask
just consoom
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Cute jun
but holy shit they are really gonna recycle every old outfit in the book and retards are going to pay for it
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Anyone got an idea what this is supposed to show?
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She's kinda ripped
Transparent costumes.
I could take her
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do these 2 not have those 2 outfits already? Am I stoned?
they don't, dumbass. get off the weed.
"Remove subsurface scattering mod looks great bro trust me bro it's just like real life"
there's also a good chance that they are just that incompetent and left it there from the last game, they are definitely not that high IQ to put them in to deceive the dataminers
Wow they finally did it and gave someone some muscle tone
Now fix reina to not look like a fucking twig and we all good
I shat myself today
I want to cum on her abs
Not anon, but really?
I'm going to bed.
like 30 minutes ago
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I spent 500hours playing alisa but that image looked so.. natural to me that I didn't make the connection that she only has her robo dress from 7
Really, Tekken maintenances are long as fuck
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Come play Tag 1 while we wait for maintenance to end
in the tekken 7 pool stage there were several katarina clones too. they really like using her for generic bikini girls.
Aaaaand the nerfed the camera mode. At least it'll turn the coombrains away
so we cant shove the camera into his ass?
i miss her chicken legs in that fuck ass aquatic body suit she had in 7
She must've been working out after Tekken 7, she had some real chicken legs there...
Where are you seeing this in the catalogue?
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Did she took roids or sumffin
so is she out or not?
it's a different skin texture. same as all the ripped girls modes. doesn't actually change the body.
>Kazuya ass 5
>first image
... oh
So the bikini is battlepass, right? and the new shop items are arisa and lors
she's out
tekken 8 bodies are actually more generic than 7's. her arms are smaller in her t7 outfit in 8 than in 7.
what's the point
Female and male summer outfits advertised on the latest Tekken talk are Tekken Shop DLCs.

There is a bikini/bra top (no bottom) in the battle pass, but not sure if it's for the free pass or the paid one.
That's strange. So we get 2 bikini tops but one is shop only.. and bikini bottom is shop only too.
Weird shit.
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>tekken 8 bodies are actually more generic than 7's.

>her arms are smaller in her t7 outfit in 8 than in 7.
Why don't they make the costume fit around the character? Having everyone share the same body when using a specific costume is just weird.
*skirt with hidden bikini bottom
I know but I like it. I think it looks cute.
>bottom half hanging low purely just to see ass crack
Actually peak coomer
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does yoshi have his t7 skin yet?
this time aroudn they repurposed the customization pipeline from soul calibur. soul calibur has character creation which has everyone use the same body and then scale certain sliders. they haven't done tekken 6 style customization where each individual item was a custom made model specific to that character.
i want yoshi hand to touch me all over
>new character out
>2.8k views on twitch
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u mean the one he had since release?
His 8 skin is such an upgrade why would you want the 7 one
her ff2 is hella linear, murray like the idiot he is probably just delayed the ff and got realigned lmfao
He always had it lil froggy
lidia is just super unpopular. enough so that it was dumb to bring her back but they commited with all that nonsense about her being important to the story.
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lmao at the return of this shit
giga cope
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Tried to copy this situation. Looks like there's some stage limitation or something. Anon likely must've gone out of bounds
what am I looking at
I'll say it again out of all hated new DLCs only Fahk is proved to have a playerbase, he's the only one that people played even when gutted, not even gonna consider """Kunimitsu"" since they never nerfed her and

i need footprints in the sand or i'll plug whenever this stage comes up
Her body looked freaky in 7 though, you guys have forgotten. Looked like a gangly teenage boy in that game.
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-11 on block btw
>taking twitch metrics as a serious statistic on popularity
It literally just depends on whoever is online right now you retard
Someone like sodapoppin could be streaming fuck your mom simulator 7 and it will be top 10 games on twitch
predict the steam charts when maintenance ends
I doubt we hit 25k, maybe even 20k is too much for shitdia
not a demoman anymore so it's fine
kuni2 being hated just a twitch chat meme though. people were playing her en masse way before pros thought she was good because they are weebs.
Lidia b1 is the new Azucena wr32
Doesn't matter how high the number is. The doomsayers are gonna coom into each other's mouths
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Fat Lidia for Tag 3
do you realize that when a move forces a stance on block which the character can't block in then it's launch punishable
>plantedmedusa unironically thinks Lidia is more balanced than base roster
Damn that nigga hates everyone in this game maybe Nakatsu did something good for once
that can excuse high outliers but not low ones. popular games can just have high numbers just from hunderds of small streams.
alisa d3 is -10
Lidia is missing all the first battlepass customization items. Tekken team outdid themselves again
TMM already said she doesn't look strong, so we already know how this will end
they need to add tag on fightcade
is aris retarded? How did he not beat after like 15 hours lmao
just like she was b-tier on release in 7 until she was suddenly the strongest character in the game a month later
stop listening to release day opinions on new characters
can you not roll tech that shit?
That followup after 88 damage looks kinda fake there's no way this is a true combo
she's Dragunov tier
Remember mid tier Kunimitsu?

We even had Fergus being a retard during 8's betas where he said Nina is really weak.
Vergil easily
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They need to buff her
it puts the opponent in a spike state like asuka's u1+2 that allows for a followup so it's a true combo
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her new horse stance low is unseeable
after evo
which evo? they have like 5 evos now nigga
it's up
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they got rid of her backswing unblockable
I can't fucking believe it.
I bought the "all characters" costumes from Tekken Shop in advance FOR LIDIA and I can't even use them on her, like what?!
This is a fucking SCAM, it's insane!!! Please, it can't be true. Her choice outfits are fucking ugly too. She had great outfits in T7 and we're meant to have a hag business prime minister ugly costume and her 3 or 4 kimono variants and that's it?!
why does she goes into stance for almost every move even the already unsafe ones now lmao
lmao this is true
Looks like you need a full 3 stacks for this?
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>Evo Nice
>Evo Singapore
Damn Evo is eating good. Is this thanks to sony or pokimane?
Nigga those are stored online, maintenance needs to end before they unlock for her
You could have seen this coming when Eddy didn't get the golden suit everyone else did from the Deluxe upgrade
I knew I wasn't crazy and just frame cd1+2 could result in rage arts, especially after heatdash, fucking hell.
that was H&E 2 from t7
>it's now -1 on hit and -18 on block
damn, gotta feel bad for dvj players and that gutted ass character

one year like this will drive anyone crazy
Emilio, you here?
Lidia does have Tekken shop and battle pass 1 items.
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Can Reina wear bikini too?
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that's modded right
nina's ass isn't that fat
no, reina gets burka swimwear so nobody has to look at her filthy boymoder body
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if lidia does db3 into power crush then 17f launchers or faster can beat and launch it
so everyone but asuka can launch it consistently i think
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it's up https://www.deviantart.com/9876789/art/TK8-010-HAIRY-FEMALE-MOD-1052926690
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heaven and earth is exclusive to heat now and the old guard break is now an unblockable knockdown
also what do the levels even do? does it change the properties of her heaven and earth moves?
Animetroon hates female bodies that have matured past puberty. Classic.
buff some of her moves including her throws
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How could I forget? Funnily enough, being inundated with ads every 3 minutes actually makes me block out memories of the product. I can't even remember the products of the last advertisements I've watched. Quit spamming, ad agencies. Shit doesn't work anymore since you've made it worse
why the fuck is her damage so low what the fuck is this tekken 7
^ classic last words
The consequences of playing into the memes too much and also constantly playing the same 3 ads means it turns into white noise.
if your girl doesnt shave then its time to find a new one
Ask who their favorite girl was from the Evo audience and judge them
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It's Joever for us
I'm not interested in real humans anyways.
Reminds me of my mate that one time tho. He took a girl home and at his place, he was undressing her, suddenly saw that pussy hair. He got,up, got her a razor and told her to shave or piss off.
She actually sat down and shaved herself.
Never respect an unshaven woman. They are ugly cave trolls.
>Seichi Ishii
>The director and creator of the very first Tekken game

Gentlemen... AND MORE might be more powerful than we thought...
wants means nothing in this world
mashing the guacamole was the only thing I remember
and second
wake me up when the new game is actually in my hands i'm sick of getting jerked around
The complete lack of shame in your embarrassing fucking furry proclamation that "I am not interested in real humans" is grotesque. I am confident that you do not possess a soul and I would feel comfortable killing you.
You mean we are saved
Sega and Namco legend seocni Ishii
stop reading there
He's 10 years too early
Richie cracked the Lidia code
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I'll coat Lidia's crack richly in peanut butter
furry? no, I have a fleshlight and bodypillows.
That's why GKmas got burka swimsuit but no chigyu weeb complained?
Tekken 8 will be my final Tekken game. What they did is unforgivable.
huehuehuehue huehuehuehue huehuehuehue
Why didn't Harada jump on the NFT bandwagon? He seems the type
No wonder why GKmas got swimsuit censored only. While 30MS action figure sells bikini parts... human body type B in bikini is NG, but Action figure in bikini is okay?
I have no idea what that gk stuff is
surprised there's not more photo mode pics in here...
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>removed all movement and neutral compretery with Trashen 8
>Pakis still win
How mad is he?
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Honorary Korean gacha with idolmaster with name. For lacking bikini unlike other idolmaster.
imagine thinking he doesn't want the whole korean scene dead and buried after Tekken 4
>lidias blue spark combo is already 75% out of 3,1
no walls gimmicks literally from start to wall and 118hps
its so over
he wasn't happy about arslan/pakis winning with backdashing on infinite azure either. i don't think he likes competitive tekken at all
just duck and let her ff2 or pop heat and make her hopkick safe :)
kill yourself
Bro lost to a streamer who has been playing for like 2 months and mains that ugly fuck Feng so yeah
lucky lee...
What do you mean "still"? They killed movement in t7 already. And arslan is doing the exact same thing he was doing in 7 - pick a character with the most oppressive fast moves and keep cycling through the same 3-4 situations, only things different is that in t7 he could pick infinite to be extra safe and in this game instead of time outs people just die due to damage, chip and heat. The game is basically just t7 now that they killed heat burst and throws but with shorter rounds.
is bikini battle pass or coin item?
Could Reina wear bikini?
gonna hide away in gw2 until hei releases, stay safe pros, come join me if you can
All you have to do is control+f for bikini you lazy fuck
orange brosrerinos!!
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based nakatsu encouraging the community
Hope Reina could wear bikini.
>kaZuya Zoomer pacman
they are shop so gooners get your wallets open
huh lidia's side step 4 doesn't knockdown anymore
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Lidia has no lows
Photo mode is incredibly easy to implement in games and is only reserved for "free DLC" because there's other priorities in the game, that's why every other AAA slop has it
To thank him for this shit is lmao
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here is your summer battle pass, with summer ending
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Nice ugly skirt you got there
It's like we didn't have tons already
And what is this top?
Nothing new, they just don't want to deliver, this is so pathetic.
her i15 combo does 100 damage on wall
take guess does she need anything else anymore
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yooooooooooooooo broooooooooo!!! my avatar needs the tranny shark outfit!!
>summer shop
>no steve's hawaii shirt
are they retarded?
just got this game
do you have a character you want to play in mind
Yeah Kazuya, I know he's not easy, I'll take my time learning etc.
I'm gonna read the op guides for now.
>not easy
He's fucking braindead and you are carried by playing him
Literally just hellsweep and demon paw your way to blue ranks, you aren't special for playing mishimas
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>can't block from her stances
>all her good shit is locked behind her stances
>so painfully linear
>her ff2 shit isn't as good
>her lows are even worse
nyooooooooo she was supposed to be the easier reina I can't play this!
will i get destroyed if I can't do lidia bonus damage stuff? maybe i should just stick to alisa...
so basically, she's honest.
alright man
I got this
Blue spark only adds like 2-3 damage, less if in combos. you'll be fine
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I have a slight nit pick with one of her moves. When you do a 4 from her Stalking Wolf Stance, she automatically does a hand chop. I kinda wished it was an input rather than an automatic thing that came out.
The avatar thing it's kinda cute :3
good luck, kazuya is a good choice but if you ever feel stuck and want easier characters, paul, claudio, alisa, asuka, and jin are all good picks
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>supposed to be easeir than the most braindead character in the entire series
Welcome, newfriend! Just feel free to ask any questions you have in mind
And ignore faggots like >>487221428
What is Lidia's personality
damn coming back from a break and i just realized the character customization sucks god damn. it'll also never be fixed since they fucking made all the cool default stuff as full body and locked all the hats and etc without using a custom hair jesus fuck this is worse than tekken 7
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Standard Ice Queen dommy mommy with a big dick
Hello, new cute anon
what about reina?
What's your first impressions on Lidia /tekgen/? Is she, honest?
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Honestly my new waifu? Yes.
that's a man
>t. mainman
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Nina mogged
I mean I'm sure there's harder characters but i don't care, I like Kazuya.
so what I wanted to ask was if anyone wants to be friends etc, any other shitters learning?
so far I feel like Lidia has some of the best frames in the game but has by far the worst combos and also very bad lows. A very fun character but won't ever be competitively viable.
The irish never got good crop
more fun than reina but won't make me change mains
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She possesses a cock but she's not a man
medium difficulty, but I purposely avoided characters that have stances that aren't super straightforward like claudio/alisa
but she's not a bad choice
on the other hand, characters I wouldn't recommend starting to learn the game with
steve, zafina, lee, devil jin, raven, hwoarang, xiaoyu, yoshimitsu
who do you play?
Lidio has more testosterone than me
lidia uses performance enhancing drugs
why does it matter? does it make kazuya any less braindead while pretending like he isn't? fucking retard lmao
you're welcome
i'm just curious, why not tell me?
meant for >>487222706
OKAY, i'll tell you
I play Steve
Do you think they panicked and released Heihachi to revive the game?
your character wins for free against mishimas...why are you complaining
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>'ya got em seething
Anyway, you do you, newfriend. Make sure to have fun with Kazuya
are you guys ready for the db3 spam?
play the character that keeps you motivated to play the game
if at some point you start to lose your will to play, change mains, try something different
i started playing with one of the least recommended characters for beginners because it was the one i wanted to play the most and i didn't care if it was easy or not, even with an abysmal win/loss ratio i was still having fun because i wanted to learn that character
Who's getting thrown into the volcano at the end of this game's storyline? Heihachi, Kazuya, Jin, Reina, or Kuma?
need pics of lidia arms in her t7 outfit plz
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>Want to try another character
>It'll just fuck up my Prowess, making me fight tougher and tougher opponents
quick match or play scrubs in player match/the lounge
it's kazuya but I keep hearing about these 50/50s etcs, I don't even know how that works
I'm also really bad because i lose 95% of my games, not sure, I wish I had a friend who taught me how to play
how insane is it that reina is lidia + heihachi and they brought back BOTH OF THEM as dlc for THE FIRST SEASON
what the fuck are you doing scamco
Will creamapi get me lidia?
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Damn, they got rid of her b4,4,4 combo? That was like the most spammable shit.
All of them but Kuma
Much more so than Reina. Her options after a blocked ff2 seem much weaker. I think her main mixup will be using fff1 into unblockable/mid/+frames while in heat, but outside of heat she's not really a big threat.
someone to teach you is a great thing, but you can ask here or watch some of the (good) youtube videos out there to learn too
50/50 is a situation where you're forced to guess if you should defend low or defend mid, kazuya's gameplan somewhat relies on this, but you shouldn't worry about these complex stuff at the beginning though, at first i recommend you to learn and get good at the very basics/fundamentals like punishing whiffs (when someone attacks the air and is left vulnerable), the basics of framedata (when a move is safe or unsafe, what is poking and 10 frame, etc), and some other stuff like that
I can't do the bff1+2 input after doing qcf 2 input
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VF died for a reason
how do you stop complaining in this game
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give it to me straight doc, is the creamapi safe?
No it's not
Buy Ridia and the season pass
Where are the Asuka buffs, I thought there was a patch
how do i know that you are not M
show proofs
here's a proof
i HATE fahkumram
Anyone got a direct download FLAC for seaside resort theme?
Yeah I have one
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Yeah here
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nigger do you think I'm not using 4chan-x
fuck outta here
I bet she could crush my head with her bare hands haha
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>tekken 2 has 2 mishimas
>tekken 3 adds a new one
>tekken 5 adds a new one
>tekken 6 adds a new one
>tekken 7 adds a new one
>tekken 8 adds a new one
bob and armor king are mishimas too, so you're wrong
Reina....why are you smiling like that...
>they removed Lidia's df2
It's unironically over bros
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She's going to use you to create more Mishimas
some cool combos I found
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I love her so much
this better not be gay porn you're linking me to
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Could she wear bikini? Kishida banned bikini from Japanese console game since 2023. Proof: Sankakucomplex, キャベツの人,Nichegaming,Vara darkness, Endimyon and other conservative blogs. Gakuen idolmaster seems to have SBI involved too.
it's here
I can't believe Lars' wasn't in 7.
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Stop using my screenshots for male Leo propaganda

She has tight perky B cups in these photos you fool
Fix Dragunov nigga
>qcf4 0 on block
>fc df1 -15 on block
>db3+4 -1 on hit
>b421 no longer CH string
I have saved this image and will proceed to use it in the next lyricspost
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kisama da
I look exactly like that
What is the purpose of the fight lounge?
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do people like this play fighting games?
To show the world how much money you've wasted and chipotle king.
wanna meet up?

i live on an island btw
do you? or are you just a soulless subhuman that mashes online and nothing else
5 mishimas on the same roster keep cheating death every entry but I can't get MILF Chang back for even one game
you already have your ugly muscle hag in lidia
give us onlyfans whore julia
Julia a scarecrow woman without a soul and she isn't even hot. She has consistently looked mentally deficient in every game she has been in.
julia returns and asuka LOSES to the sprite once more
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Tekken is anime and they need to fix Jin's image. They resurrected Heihachi, used ideas from bleach and dragon ball for the story mode. The next logical step is to revive everyone killed by Jins air strikes.
miguel almost killed jin in 7 and i wish he actually did
Jin Kazama is compreatry dead
he would come back from the dead anyway
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Rats! Tablecucked again!
It's a dying currency
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It's that time again. It's time to goon to tgirls.
>Miguel's sister is resurrected with the Dragon Balls
>goes to hug Miguel and slips on a banana peel and snaps her neck
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normally I'd make a sex joke but jin doesn't know what sex is
he knows what sex is, why do you think he kept avoiding xiaoyu? he's literally voluntary celibate.
uh huh jin, now explain to us what you think sex is.
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Harada must've pulled some strings to match up with Lily because she's a pretty big eceleb. All part of the marketing plan.
>even begged her for a rematch on twitter
I think harada is just a simp
She's too old for Harada
liliy is better at lili than fraudx
It was in earlier arcade versions, but was removed for some reason.
>nobi straight jobbed to atif 6-0
and he was the best non paki at the event what the HECK the powerlevel difference is insane
That was 9-0.

Anyway, I'd love if Ogre is a dlc character in tekken 8.
Pakis have anti-gook passive skill perk. That's why I like them.
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Luv me Reina
Luv me Heihachi
Simple as
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Marduk is better
Korea and Japan don't have the ability to fight against Atif Dragunov, he's likely the one player who learned the 8s system best. He steps, pokes, uses heat engager strings, heat dash combos and uses heat smash in mixup situations. The ultimate unga bunga player.
Arslan shut that down by knowing when to block low, shutting down his strings with faster jabs, and using power crush to just push through drags 1,2,1 and b3+4. Then when atif became scared and stopped spamming Arslan resorted to his usual Tekken 7 gameplay of poking and jabbing til he died
when the fuck are we getting the option to use our heat engagers without engaging heat
Arslan is the GOD of honesty and fundamentals.

Hold back
>Hold back to not heat engage
Oh yeah that's a thing but I don't think I've seen anyone uses it
He probably meant moves that initiate heat instead of pressing 2+3..
purist mode never
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Finally some good fucking content
Maintenance done?
looks like a toad
Get that baba look.
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>kuni teased as next champion
Asslan is going to win 20 more evos at this rate
They fell for the le muscle meme. Looks grotesque.
More like anon fell for the "remove subsurface scattering mod" meme. She looks much better by default.
She has a man's body. Yuck.
They should just give Arslan the trophy for walking through the door everyone else has to fight for 2nd place
that will be 600 kekken coins + tips sir
Is this a joke?
lol fag
Reina in bikini doko?
I always knew 3rd Strike Makoto was retarded
100% serious, this season pass is also ass. I think they're banking on people getting coaxed into buying it now that there's 100 kekken coins in the free pass and then have them buy the actual skins in the store with the excess coins after completing the pass.
I don't see Lars and Alisa's T6 outfit in the Tekken shop
So does Lidia start off at Beginner rank by default like they did when Eddy released? Or did they fix that so her rank is in line with the rest of your characters?
I'm wondering if there's going to be a bajillion Lidias smurfing beginner ranks in casual mode over the next week (that's what happened with Eddy when he was released).
So the bikini is not part of the premium BP? If so then complete trash.
yeah, it's 400 coins in shop
I don't even care about Lidia anymore. Heihachi when
I like Lidia. She's cool. I'll try Lidia. Cool character. I liked her in 7. I decided last year that I would main her in 8 if my main got cut from the roster. I think she's a really cool design. I'm really glad she's back. Really awesome character.
I just checked and Lidia's in Destroyer rank from my side.

What would you rank it out of 10?
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So if it's not Fuckmar and Mardick... who's the final character?!
It's probably gonna be some stupid shit like Devil Reina
where miguel/10
>take ridia into qp
>two games
>they already know the matchup and side step perfectly
>of course they have the hardest reads inhumanly possible
Yeah, bros, this battle pass will be impossible to do.
I don't think i will buy the premium pass.
If Heihachi was an emergency asspull to stop a disaster when they saw the negative reaction to the leaks, then Fahkumram is still in the cards for the last character. I don't think people are as offended by him as they are Marduk.

If Marduk and Fahkumram references in the game code were red herrings all along, then it's probably Kazumi.
Kazumi, see >>487196379 and >>487199868
Good to hear they fixed that, thanks for confirming.
Didn't want to see a legion of Lidia smurfs in casual mode, while I'm trying to smurf.
Changed his playstyle to some casino shit. Removed horrible sidestep gimmick.
It's Lidia.
It's way too early for him. Feels like whatever.
No reason for a tutorial mode character when the game is so easy already.

I wish they gave us new characters. This game only has victor and reina.
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Battle pass dailies are very ez mode now.

The one good thing the battle pass could have done is to motivate players to try out new characters e.g. "land Zafina's power crush three times" and change them up with new challenges every day but they can't even do that
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How is that you remember the two cringenime newcomers and not the one that's actually good?
>land _____ move
How if 90% of the player base runs scripts?
I haven't landed a single jab for weeks.
should i load up 7 to learn how to play kazumi again?
guess you're just bad LMAO
load up 6 and learn bob since he's gonna be just as strong when he comes out in winter
third party software issue LMAO
Hahahaha get fucked Bamco
>The one good thing the battle pass could have done is to motivate players to try out new characters e.g. "land Zafina's power crush three times" and change them up with new challenges every day but they can't even do that
This is what I was honestly hoping they'd do. It would ironically mitigate the knowledge checks people always complain about to a certain degree. If you don't try out the other characters and see how they "feel" you wouldn't know how to deal with them entirely.
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>should I I download the 100gb abandonware with zero single player content worth ever playing just to mess around with the outdated version of a character that won't be in Dekken 8 until December at the very earliest?
Oh yeah azucena. She kind of disappeared after the nerfs.
Yep and even if you don't bother trying the character for yourself, if you run into a bunch of players spamming a particular move with a particular character one day, then you will at least develop secondhand strategies for dealing with that move. It would be a very great passive learning tool.
then people would complain about bamco inflating prowess through battle pass
Completely retarded unfun shit. You're even dumber than Murray
Nigga what'd you say about Murray?
Get that ass banned, bitch ass nigga.
>no retort besides insult
YOU the retard nigger.
skimmas be like should i install tekken 7 and spam df1
Prowess has always been a stupid ass thing anyway. If doing those kinda missions exposes the retardedness of prowess then all the better.
Marduk-Fahkurmram like Noob-Smoke from Mortal Kombat
her playstyle will most likely be pretty different in T8 due to the system changes
Noob-Smoke is not canon, please take your fanfic back to /mkg/
I like your idea
how do i play nina
You select her on the Character Select screen
wiggle your joystick
Checked Lidia.
Honest low tier.
Literally 0 good moves. So you can win only with your skill.
>So you can win only with your skill.
So she's a good character then
play with friends to complete it idiot
that's what he said
can't you read
No, I can't
my condolences
lidia so boring to play i'm gonna go back to asuka
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shut up war criminal
i said sorry
>tfw Azucena player
>literally feel like I'm playing with a giant handicap any time I'm up against some top tier like Jin

Genuinely might quit the game if she doesn't get anything. She might still be the worst character in the game. You have to be crisp playing her while retards can autopilot their top tiers and ki charge me like they gained a monumental victory. Any time I play against Jin it genuinely feels like I'm playing against a bot. At least my character has a proper bikini by default while the rest get cucked out of some ass.
if they didn't see that many lidia animations then that immediately disproves the notion of how many animations were included for a character is evidence for them coming bakc. in fact i'd rate it as evidence several tier lower than the fighting style and nationality datamine.
Real talk, if they're bringing back Heihachi closer to his prime form, then how the hell is anyone ever going to be able to beat him? Man was near unkillable in old age, but in his prime, he was completely invincible.
>jin players are bots
nothing new. these niggas have 0 personality too.
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Speedkicks was happy the trailer didn't contain Marduk.
I miss seeing Asuka with an actual neck.
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Could Reina wear bikini?
Jin already surpassed him.
He got downloaded.

I think people forget just the day before he went final final round with Atif
Then Akuma will come back and finish the job. For real this time. I promise he'll actually kill him this time, he definitely won't live
No, he didn't. He barely beat Kaz in his base form.
uh... family effort? Power of friendship? Can't really tap into devil powers any more, and they can thank Jin for that.
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When was the last time Akuma even killed anyone in recent memory? Nigga keeps getting jobbed by Ryu too. Might as well retire and imprenate the 6' Kenyan girlfriend.
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So it begins.. time to whale
>jobbed to kazuya in t1
he explicitly got stronger after training inbetween 1 and 2. old heihachi is his prime in terms of strength but all that experience in a younger body would be huge.
no schizo theories about colors and animal codenames with ad hoc explanations for when they don't match up. kunimitsu as the last character makes the most sense from a story perspective. Marduk never made sense with the story they were setting up in eddy and lidia's bios. but they are giving yoshimitsu a whole lot of relevance and the trailer was even really ninja heavy in general with the ravens. tekken 7 set up a mishima and tekken force connection already with the mishima polytech investigation plotline
>take some LSD
>make up some shit while high as a kite
>still believe that shit when you sober up because you just literally rewired your brain
lmaoing at that one dude last thread who will now drown in pools at every oportunity possible
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The arisa dress isn't in yet, I can't whale like this.. HARADAAAA
fine.. only bikini and battlepass for now
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she can beat his ass
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>there will be an influx of bikinis online
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7 hours of wagesuffering and i can continue suffering on devil jin haha
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what the fuck..
>making 30 bucks a day
how the fuck you you guys survive?
what the fuck is this
>Goes through all that effort to resurrect him
I don't think she wants to, anon
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>Man was near unkillable in old age, but in his prime, he was completely invincible
Love this kind of thing
Katarina when?
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Bikini, ninja boots and the cyberpunk haircut Perfect.
This is gonna piss off anti coomers, the coomer cause no feet and waifu faggots cause they hate that hairstyle.
God she's pretty.
Does Reina have access to bikini outfit for body type B?
Why do you care about the story? They brought back heihachi so they clearly don't
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I don't buy the male version of clothes but she sure has the bikinis and god she looks like a freak. Those orangutan lips and that uncomfortable "bullied nerd look".. what a dinosaur of a woman.
>I'm famished, perhaps we can sit down for a meal after this

who translates this game lol
>I'll never get this because I'm not a paypig
It hurts
Isn't she JK(highschool girl), therefore minor? Better than burkas in Gakuen idolmaster. Funny that Gacha censors more than console game, spite both are same company.
there are 18 year JKs
harada himself, u rike?
Anon.. I dunno if you've ever gone outside but even like 6y old little kids run around in kiddie biknis at the beach.
Cuz Westerners(white and black) are brave enough to not wear rashguard unlike Asians. Right? Asians cannot wear even kasual one pieced swimsuit.
Have u ever seen 15y old jap school girls? My dude, they are challenging their school's rules every day in an endless battle of who can wear the shortest skirt without being thrown out.
What's the reina combo on counter hit with war god kick?
what the actual fuck is that one esl dude even raving on about

uh oh lidia bros
10/10 if you changed Eddy. Beyond happy if Kazumi is indeed the last.
secret SF6 collab?!?!
Kazuya is broken

literal top 6 EVO character
ohnononono bros she's actually mid-tier this time for realsies
Upplayers ...
our response?
>fraud zuya with his FREE 13 ws punish
doesn't count
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you ARE going to beat Chipotle Champ, right?
kek, my sides
>blue isn't winter
cmon bamco he got thrown in a volcano
>no special interaction for Lidia and Paul
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Another tekken kek arisa slain. They are all trash like.. holy shit dude. d3 and b3+4 is all they are able to use.
And not one of them ever has a defense above 70
Going to have to play a little with the photo mode to really get a feel for what I can do.
I'm just frustrated that I need to use my xbox controller cause it has both sticks, but I can't perform a good deal of Lee's moves with it to save my life.
Keep in mind that the majority of fighting game players are complete subhumans and hoodrats
I hope they brought the Tekken Bloodline voice actor for Heihachi back. It doesn't really sound like him in the trailer unfortunately
you sound gay. let's be shirtless buddies
tekken should start showing you ads during the loading screen
sure thing
Heihachibros should I pass the time with Reina or Lidia?
Reina. Practice electrics.
what gimmick will they give heihachi to justify the dlc
I didn't play T8 for a month...
And I forgot everything.
heihachi will have a heat devil form
hell axle will guard break
the second hit of hellsweep will be safe instead of -10
Reina, practice EWGF and wavedashing. Just remember that Heihachi can't skip the down input in EWGF, u like Kaz and Reina
we should kiss
Man Harada u a cunt... the game has this weird new bug where after a match in warm up it's chugging along on 40fps for like 10 seconds before it starts behaving again.
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why does FRAUDna use her gay version of the mishima style when clearly there's a place that trains the classic heihachi style?
I did the same thing, it's incredibly frustrating to play now because I brain and hands have advanced retardosis
>"land Zafina's power crush three times"
You two are fucking retarded and I'm glad they didn't do this stupid shit, other guy is right, you're dumber than Murray.
they trained her wrong on purpose
whee is gay shark tranny outfit?>>487220124
she didn't want to take away papa's slot
Kys waifunog
Fuck yeah, Lee gets an outfit!
is this thing to change all your settings to low if your not getting 60 fps constantly something new?
She's female, she obviously doesn't have the massive strength required to pull off Heihachi's biggest moves
She learned it from Youtube
It's not in the shop yet, seems to be a later update.
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>Get off work
>jump online
>first opponent is an Azucena
>stupid meme name
>outfit is that new beach dress in a disgusting combination of dark blue and teal
>they are absolutely mashing all game
>they lose and don't rematch
Stomping retards like that isn't even fun. Can't these dress up shitters stick to fucking practice mode or something? The photo mode was made to contain those idiots.
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Anon.. chloe can kick bears into the air, jump after them and keep kicking them higher. That women has the strength of a bucket wheel excavator
blud thinks people aren't allowed to have fun because he's a stubborn, insufferable incel.
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This is a heterosexual thread. Take your newspeak somewhere else like reddit.
what to do against the mid after reina ff2?
dick jab
why do u wanna interrupt a -4 mid?
Duck if you're in the open and not near a wall. The low is launch, the high is launch, the grab is launch. I'll eat every mid to make her feel like an absolute retard for ever thinking about considering not going mid.
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>3bars wi-fi pc fag
>Tekken king
>4f rollback
>has all the reads
>blocks everything
>breaks punish throws on f1
>does rage art
>can't be launched
>can't be punished
>my jabs lose against his slower moves he does
Ain't getting the battle like this, Maikeru
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>3 bars
You're a fool for accepting in the first place.
I'll accept a 4 bar wifi if I'm desperate. I never accept 3 bar anything
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>I accept wifi
>This is a heterosexual thread.
you forgot about lilisissies
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Lidia is so uncanny with makeups lmao
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How can i complain and be correct if i don't experience it myself?
Also the fag had a high win streak.
I plugged him.
Fuck wifi and console my buttons doesn't work and it's lagging every time i start combo
How does she look when you customize her with white hair like she had in T7?
>How can i complain and be correct if i don't experience it myself?
You just did my friend. Now you never have to do it again.
shes too white
Make her hair black and upload it. Shit looks like plastic.
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>boot up game
>immediately greeted by Lidia giving me the "fuck me" eyes
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I reject wifi players
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Weird, I always get way better when I stop playing for a month or two.
They has been commonly used for singular people in a non lgtv way for centuries eslanon
Thanks to that anon that told me the ff2 mid is -4
Played against the same Reina again just now, beat her ass with that new knowledge and got Jack back to Kishin.
Wow just like those actual slav bitches caked in makeup. Props to harada for making it realistic.
>played against the same
I also used to get better when taking a break but I think the gene just activated now because I can feel myself getting better while the match is happening.
Why are high blues so fun bros?
Dude playing against the same people every now and then is super cool because you already have an idea of how they are playing
Hey man, OCE bro here
I haven't been on in a while, we still running lobbies?
no go away
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Where were the breasts censored in Diva Bikini when it was the opposite in Tekken 7?
No because you fucks haven't bothered to stick around at all and as a result I haven't had fun with this game since February. Legit having tag 2 level meltdowns and tantrums for 5 months straight. Fuck you
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>TMM think she is low mid after playing her, def below Reina and other mid tier
Its owari da...

Time to wait for Kazumi...
I'm sorry Leo bro, I have failed you, life beat me down... BUT I'M BACK
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punish for every frame
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Youre back yeah for like one week until the Lidia herd cattle hype dies and U quit again
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Honestly, the reason I didn't join was because you post weird shit about Leo all the time
Fuck Lidia I want to play my frauds Azu and Reina
reina is jin's aunt?
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Reina is my gf
man asuka has such disgusting body proportions
You're also weirdly hostile to people all the time. I don't want you to shit talk me if I lose.
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>the free mod bikini is better than namco paid custom
Can't stop laughing...
He was little ball of leo love in the lobbies, back off!!!
Tanned and bronzed Lee is best Lee
I wanna join but he kept hosting during wagie hours so I gave up
Lili's beautiful body for all to see...
She looks so strange maybe it's the lack of a neck but I just can't put my finger on it.
As far as I remember it was on weekends or if it wasnt it was late afternoon/night weekdays

Haven't been here in ages so might have changed

That said, if any OCE bros want to play sometime in next few weeks or whatever I'll be down. I can be your weak little punching bag
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Probably half the people here are neets
what does lidia's mandingo power up do
they are crying so hard
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uhmmmmmm why don't I see a bulge? leoismalebros?????
no one has a bulge, they are all Ken dolls
Suddenly it looks great
Yeah? idgaf about you jobless losers
I'm down for that, as long as you're not that Leo weirdo
He's merely tucking for safety reasons, there is only so many women the safety measures of his mansion can hold.
He's younger because he's possessing the body of the lead monk.
I'm really sick at the moment so can't commit to a long lobby tonight but maybe on the weekend or something when I'm better

Post here again on Saturday or Sunday and maybe we'll do a lobby just for old times sake

Hope ur cena has gotten better since then lil skimma

Love u bro Alhamdulillah
why does the monk get the same exact hairstyle, mustache, and scars that indicate kazuya killed him with parricide fist already...?
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White women...
those legs and arms are revolting
brown people don't reply
Why can Lidia restore health?
Because she sucks the life out of her opponents
fuck, I might really buy it...
Those are some wide hips
Childbearing, one might say.
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last character season one character is julia
source: murray told me
Alright, I'll turn her into Katarina, that should do for now.
She is a possibility, but Harada was consulting Natives on Twitter for Julia and Michelle just a few months ago, which means that at the earliest they're working on her now.
I'm so sick of this faggot gif

Cuckolds really get off to an animated representation not of regular sex with a fictional woman but of watching a fictional woman having sex with another fictional man over a fictional internet webpage

It is embarrassing
elferan needs to come back
It could have just been about her old outfits with heavy native american theme. Julia's default in T7 was hardly problematic in that regard and they would have continued with the college girl design.
Just stop looking at cartoon characters and go have sex with real women instead. Short of that, videos of women masturbating is the only other acceptable option. It is not that difficult to find loose women on the internet who resemble Tekken characters. Be better.
*old outfits with heavy native american theme to sell in shop eventually
I hate it when I drop words.
Does she turn into a bigger whore? If so then yes please
she might
>no Aska buff
it's over...
why bother
>No Lidia buff
lame ass Kekken
Women don't want me.
where PP
in my mouth
>TMM passive aggressively joking about Frame being a typical Swedish onions boy
Damn do they have beef?
Stance characters are pain in the ass to lab.
I still refuse to lab Zafina because she gives me a headache.
I'd rather look at eddy
>onions boy
what does this even mean
don't worry, Nina, one day he will be back
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What does just input mean in that situation? Second input should be 1 frame or what? I thought there shouldn't be neutral between them but it's wrong.
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kinky boy
the tekken 6 and onwards stance characters actually aren't that hard to lab, zafina is probably the hardest but they actually don't have large movesets or a bunch of stance options like steve
bruh how hard your fight pass and shop gotta flop that you give out more coins than the shit worth in order to get niggas to buy it bruh
just input aka just frame means you have to time it correctly, usually it would mean you have to do it in 1 frame after the first move for a "real" just frame. there are some moves that have leniency on their just frames so you get 2-3 frames to do it.
tldr hit 3 then perfectly time 2
>watermelon and an afro in the fight pass
they're trolling
I asked for this
drake customs enjoyer
probably you have to press 2 on the frame 3 hits the opponent
In Lidias case almost all her just inputs just require you to hit the input just as your first hit connects with the opponent
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Still nothing happened.
works fine on my macro
Watch the demo to see the bot do it and you'll see exactly when to hit the input.
I see. It's basically Lee's mist trap.
>meanwhile in the news
2XKO won't force players to buy characters: "you can be the best player in the world for free"
I mean obviously it was always going to be a f2p model like all their games
TMM is calling Lidia weak and that she plays like a T7 character..
Yeah cause it's Riot. They're gonna make their money like how they make their money on league
Her gameplay reminds me Lars a lot.
>Yeah, we'll use Vanguard. A lot of the cheats we see in fighting games are either about reading inputs, reading game state, or injecting inputs.
they can miss me with that gay shit
Frame is what I'd call an anti-onions onions boy, someone who aligns pretty much 90% with them but thinks he's above them.
He loves shit like multiculturalism but mocks onions boys.
Meanwhile TMM is just Swedish white trash
who cares
This didn't age well for Anakin...
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arslan is european
EUros play the game to have fun, not to be sweaty tryhards
arslan looks like stuart little
leo looks like a hot piece of ass
Because she is
Because he is
Just wait EVO Nice.
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Here's the plan:
Give me your neetbux and find a job, i'll be neet in your stead
this is not kino
nakatsu said they let a new guy work on it
so get used to this sound...
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the floor?
My game is crushing on launch
I look like Nina Williams
what's so nice about it?
i beat the chipotle king and i'm now the chipotle king
ITS UP>>487265883
europe relies on online connection even more than usa, locals are more dead than heihachi was for past half year, no single country has "tekken identity" so to speak and euros don't even like other euros that much to train with them in a physical spot. Meanwhile pakis are disadvantaged online to a point where they HAVE to train local, and KR is small with majority of population being tightly packed so they have the freedom of choice to train locally or online, they just beef with everyone in 50 kilometer radius

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