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The Wheel has turned once again.

Blitzmin edition

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3400 units, 1100 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them. It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.

>Our pastebin (extremely outdated)
https://pastebin.com/wjbSA98Y (embed) (embed)


>Multiplayer guide
>Blitzserver (game hosting service)
(Dom 6)


>Mod inspector
>Pretender calculator
>Debug mod (still dom5)
>Communion fatigue calculator (still dom5)
>Automatically prevent starts in all provinces with less than X connections (still dom5)

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions6\data)

>Fan art

>Sloop’s Comfy Balance Mod

Previous Pantokrator >>486669953
Hello, my name is Secondus Secorum and I love Xibalba
Hurry up and do your turn in LA Spark
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Naction for this feel?
yeah i send all diplo in full caps because the screen is kinda far and my eyes arent very good

i hope it sounds like im screaming when u read it in ur head that would make me smile a bit
MA Ulm pure scales titan supercombatant pretender
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spooky ass karak 8 squeeks
hope it was worth it
Man orcs are kind of shit.
It could be worse. My basic units cost 30+ resources each.
They're size 3 for some reason
This pleases me
t. admin

Hope you enjoyed the thematics
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W1 A1 S2
What spells do you cast
Also I see that I fucked up: that 1 savage waaghboy was supposed to be a giant
Orcs are shit because they lack magic weapons and they have very few sacreds. So you think you could just go scales but lmao nope. THey can do real well with enough research and infrastructure, and early they are fine, but against strong enemy players they have to do some work, sadly
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the real thematic moment was cleaving the fuck out of my own front line with poor gun placement but they all berserk anyway so who cares

i dont wanna reveal too much incase big green wants a crack at me now but he probably saw it anyway
i hit the rat button already so bleeding chaff to keep the weapons teams is skaven lore friendly
Frozen Heart I guess
soul slay, just LotNS it.
I am Nurgle and I would encourage the Skaven and the Greenskins to cooperate. Tilea is attacking me to your east with 200+ troops, the Empirefag already bumped with Greenskins, and two Elf factions are near..
Soul slay or thunder strike communion
0 national magic is what hurts the most
Where the fuck is my foot of Gork Sombrefraud?
Communion Slave for mages with good air.
I cast pot of greed which allows me to summon 2 additional cards from my deck
Theurg hands typed this post
for real tho power of the spheres and gemming into mistform can come in clutch, water gems arent too useful anyway
Otherwise simply mind burn, or soul slay once light of the north star is up.
Avoid communions most battles but maybe use them as slaves for the s1 if since they take less fatigue from having higher paths
meant freezing mist
Yeah you got me, I just communion them up and spam cast the air elementals of shame

I guess I could LOTNS but AI astral off script is such monkey

Freezing mist is so slow dude, I guess if you can lock the enemy completely still for 10 rounds it might do something
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It can work really well in a PD trap scenario.
pic related is from dom 5, the guy had every resist for his wardens except frost cause lol who needs worry about frost evos?
That said I think clouds might tick slower in 6 so I might be overrating them now....
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BTW Xibalbros, Xibalbanta doesn't just visit during the middle of winter!
You're supposed to do the opposite. Higher leveled slaves than masters gets you the most total spell casts out of a fatigue before it breaks.
I can't believe arenamaxxer of all people is going to stale.
what did he xibalbmean by this?
I am implying that Xibalba Santa will visit the Xibalbans early this year
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To the anon from last thread.
I want to do more combat blood magic as MA abysia but I only get cap blood. What do? Just summon demons or other blood mages like vampires?
Hey Illwinter please remove stealth and magic and items and priests sacreds we have to go back
I've seen Abysia players summon a lot of vampires
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what does Xibalbanta give to naughty zots?
how does income trace through the cave layer?
does there need to be a fort top side? does an entrance draw resources from its above/below province?
Anal creampies
cave connections are basically the same as province connections so you don't need to do anything funky to draw income

he cannot refute this
Based FUCK tax collectors
how do i kill ermor with a gay bless
spam h1 priests and accept the attrition
have a sturdy enough frontline that they don't fold to infinite skellies (don't get overencumbered, no or infrequent tic damage)
have mages with very high MR, 16+
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Mage gets shot by arrows in the front
Mage gets killed by fliers in the back
You put your mages in a pile they get evoc nuked

Consolidate your armies and you get raided to death
Split your armies up and you get defeated in detail

Focus on infrastructure and your armies are too small
Focus on armies and they are left without mage research
Thats the game. Everything can be countered, nothing is unbreakable
Yeah it's cool how the game really does have this element of everything can be countered, minimal turtling, constant pressure, but it's also a bit exhausting.
The trick is to build a core engine that answers most situations, and then make sure to either avoid or prepare for the things that stop the engine.
so false damage, how does it work if you aren't 100 to 0ing an enemy with it.

If I do 40 regular damage to something with 80 hp and then do 40 false damage, will it die?
My gf woke me up but claims I gave lengthy and convincing speech that making turns is totally optional and nothing bad ever happens from one little stale.
Don't recall any of it.
>My gf
I'm declaring war on Mictlan.
*sacrifices gf*
heh, see ya at inferno, kid
*sacrifices gf*
heh, you got horror gf now
Sacrificing my wife for a grigori
So, how do you do horrors? Just spam them? Got to paint enemy with marks so they don't start eating you? Or just pray for the best?
Are they that good?
they're pretty average
They're blood combat magic and thus inherently not very good. They're also an S crosspath which doubly so makes them not good because multipath S mages are inherently good magic duel targets.
My wife? A Grigori.
You spam with send horrors. That's good and powerful and stacks. Summoning them directly in combat isn't recommended. Horror marks also do very little unless cataclysm or astral corruption is up, otherwise the odds of being attacked are like 1%.
you can get horror marked multiple times thoughever
Yeah but even then we're talking single digit chances to get attacked.
>sauro got BOTH dosh thrones
Ideally you combine them with returning spells, like a vortex of returning caster
send horror spells work well with an illusory army cast to tank for them. they get along since illusions and horrors are friends :)
I thought tactical horror summons will target marked targets.
So, blood combat magic is more of clutch/emergency option than real mage support? Do I just put everyone into blood economy and fight with dumb whereareyourmagesbro ozzie stacks?
summon imps is extremely strong despite being only blood 1. Imps have like 15 defense, great attack density, and there is a blood spell to buff their strength
then you've got life for a life and hellbind heart....
Like the Muslim gunpowder empires?
>hellbind heart
But I don't want to cast slow Enslave Mind which costs gems...
Hellbind Heart is indeed mostly worse, but it's charm, not enslave. This means that commander status is retained. More similar to Charm, at a much lower research level and lower path requirement, but requiring a gem and longer casting time
Soul Transaction is a new one, MR hard to negate, but there might be a morale check as well, and tries to flee combat. Poor range at 20
what are you supposed to do with MA Mictlan? You don't have easy access to blood summons, and even if you break into blood, you can't summon efficiently some of the strong summons like tzitzimitls
would you go for an awake meme bless to try to get some value out of your weak but cheap sacred recruit-all-forts fliers? Like death explosion and FR15?
having flying H3s, and recruitable couatls from your cap, isn't bad. And together with nahuallis in bird form, gives you both H3s and astral-air-nature-holy communions in a flying mage group, ready to redeploy where you need mages. But is that sufficient? Your recruitable troops aren't great, and jaguar warriors are cap-only in MA Mictlan. Flying astral is a bit rare, but without flying troops, and without lots of efficient and strong ground troops, it might be difficult to make it work
You spam eagle warriors with an offensive hellbless basically. They're still one of the best flying sacreds in the game. Basically they're like EA Mict except with inverted troop exclusivity, which is a downgrade since jags are better all rounders than eagles but they're still workable.
MAde_for_BBC is recruiting, mostly vanilla (has spellcasting AI and worthy heroes)
their base stats just look really poor, with low damage, apart from bonus on first attack with the lance, and having two attacks. Admittedly, they are very cheap. And are recruit-all-forts. Apart from their lance, their attacks are very weak, maybe a weapon bless would help, if one goes for a hellbless as you mention. Vitriol weapons, maybe, for 7AP acid damage? Few units resist acid, and acid resistance is not available as a bless effect
how does combat mechanics work regarding first strike? Is it weapon length and combat speed? Worried about them getting killed before getting a chance to attack, 11 combat speed isn't bad, but not amazing either. Could do something stupid like giving them quickness together with a weapon bless, but that would be extremely costly, even with Mictlan's extra bless points. Would yield 12 attacks per square
They have an advantage since they're flying while blessed and can thus jump onto things unlikely to kill them on the first blow (archers/mages). MA Mictlan also has wide access to buffs, so you can get that on before they fly in.
The trick to dominions is playing to the lowest common denominator.
If you care about any of that, you're doing it wrong.
What does that mean?
Accept imperfection: none of your enemies has perfect plan either.
Its actually about playing elves.
Don't need to deathball because you never have to fight enemies and you can just raid them to death.
Don't need to worry about arrows because you don't fight enemies.
Don't need to worry about flyers because you don't fight enemies.
Don't need to worry about mages getting nuked because your army is 2 mages and a million vanheres.
Don't need to worry about infrastructure because you just make cap only sacreds and you don't need research anyway.
I have the gems, the paths and a bunch of pans all set up and scripted to be casting Creeping Doom, but for some reason they won't cast it. They all cast Storm of Thorns or Breath of the Dragon as if they don't have gems. How do I ensure they actually follow the fucking script? It was working fine a few turns prior.
Both greenskins have sacreds, Black Craig's even have magic weapons inc javelins.
I'm more bothered by the Free Gem not being all that great compared to losing control of your mages because lmao insanity.
Please be more specific. How do I into this?
play MA eriu my dude and spam fir bolgs and sidhus you win every game easy

glamour units are op
how big was the enemy army?
if it is to small, compared to your army, then your mages wont use gems to not get gemburned.
Yeah the armies were small. Fuck that's annoying considering it's free gems. Thanks.
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Warhammer Game
looking for a few more players and we can get started.
>free gems
What do you mean?
Speaking of national stuff, didn't there used to be more national pretenders in the previous version? Could have swore I saw like a skull throne but right now I think it's only skaven and dorfs who have their own tendies.
There might've been another mod that gave them pretenders, but no, Sombre doesn't believe in custom pretenders, so doesn't add any.

I think it would be funny if KHORNE himself tried blind expanding and died, but I guess he disagrees.
>Sombre doesn't believe in custom pretenders
Unless you're dwarf, then you can play as any of their pantheon. Also they get bunch of unique crafts.
It was temp gems from the cornucopias. Had one on every pan for a couple free Creeping Dooms
>2 hours
Thread on -9hp at the moment
The new nation will rejuvenate the land and restart the cycle
Play hotseat against yourself.
Where would I try before i buy an updated copy of dom6? Most sites don't seem to update their version too often
which new nations?

>try before you buy
The updates are small and incremental, an outdated copy will be fine if you just want to fuck around a bit in single player
Just buy the game. If you don't like Dominions then you're a faggot, and if you're a faggot then you should know that about yourself already. So just take a good hard look within yourself and if you're sure you don't love cock then cut the shit and grab it on Steam.
The counterstrike forum has it. If the sites you're using have a requests section then you can put in a request for the update and they'll probably get it done in their typical time frame since those sites all steal it from the counterstrike forum.

Perhaps he likes neither the taste of cock, nor the taste of boot?
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as promised fellow Sparkbros
Personally I use 1337x.to
lmao based
fight me with your army faggot stop using your gay ass carrion fartlords
>nor the taste of boot?
What do you mean? Paying for games? If he only likes to play for free then I can respect that but he says "before I buy".
Trying before you buy is a matter of principle. Convincing yourself that a dev couldn't possibly fail or sabotage your expectations and that trying before buying is thus unnecessary is peak consoomerism.
Just get 5 it's like 6$ lol
>Just get 5
And play alone?
Who actually uses Niggers123 as a password?
too long to type every turn
i use a 4-digit pass
if you play rlyeh you are obliged to use nigger or niggerman as your password
But Dominions kicks ass. Refer back to my first reply to him.
What does Baleful Star actually do? Is it worth casting?
I'm just spamming rituals at my friend to troll him and test things out and I can't tell what this one is doing.
It kicks ass for people that can actually play it, no use buying it if he gets lost in the sauce.
Join MAde_for_BBC
I don't know what that means, nigga.
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Raises misfortune scales and curses some enemies in the province.
You just put in games.beta.blitzserver.net, then hit enter. It'll ask you for the port in a separate prompt.
sorry i never tried mp before
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joined as shinuyama
Is it worth fucking with?
Yeah the single player really isn't that much different and you will be modding it at some point anyway.
Going straight into MP you will be turbo owned ruining games leaving 7 turns in n shit
It like curses half of enemy army. It also comes much earlier than most army attack stuff.
If you enemy relies on pricy hard to kill elites and/or concentrates forces in few stacks/forts it's decent deal for 7 pearls.
nta but can it reliably remote curse gods? Seems like something to fuck with the SC tendies like dracoliches or azi or w/e
nta but posts like these just make me wanna go back to sp and never try mp
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just take the seas with your well-endowed amphibious snake
Go into the caves and mine deep. They're your new home now.
So if he's got a stack of 400 niggas just hanging out in one spot, I might as well spam baleful star and curse the shit out of them?
Both are really fun. I'm new to MP but it's still berry nice even with leafers
It's nice to look forward to a new turn everyday and get mad when euros are slow
Couple casts are enough. Thing is curse doesn't do much by itself, it just makes units more vulnerable to afflictions. It's unpleasant and permanent, but mages die when hit anyway and cheaper troops are consumable anyway. Don't overcommit to giving finnicky debuff.
Later there is S spell to curse whole enemy army in battle, this one is harder to set up but much more efficient.
If you start getting your ass kicked and don't feel like you can recover you can just start playing to troll instead of playing to win, and it stays fun. You can't do that in single player.
What afflictions should I follow that curse up with?
Uh? Afflictions are permanent debuffs gained when units takes decent hit but survives. Lost legs and all that.
You don't follow up specifically on curse generally, it just makes cursed targets quicker to wear down in prolonged battles/wars.
Though it "counters" regen thugs by making them relatively quickly bricked by many weak attacks they otherwise succesfully regenerate.
Vanarus, Land of the Chuds.
Technically speaking it really should be more like chuude.
Sparks Ermor, sorry I can't fulfill your deal quite yet, your desired target is a bit outside of my view currently. I'm spamming out scouts so I'll get back to you in a few turns with a discount though.
Their sacreds have glamour which is good but I'm not sure about a game plan for them. What are some good pretenders?
What are you gonna do about it, lib?
chuds dont look like that
They unironically do
It depends. Is luck or twist fate a better bless?
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They look like this
now that's a chud
Where'd you get that picture of me?
Wow...this is me...I...thank you...
Alright I apologize for complaining about my cap circle what the fuck is this luck bros
First vortex armour, then this.
When we gang up on that threat?
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>Abysia just painted a massive target on his back
That's not even Abysia, just someone doing a falseflag gambit. Very common move.
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Welp, I guess this is it for me, it was fun
Lost land genuinely is so scary. And just 100 gems as well.
>wake up
>people still haven't taken their turns
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lmao what?
uhh no cap only mages ever again is a pretty crushing blow...
I will timestamp it and prove it, also if you go back the filenames are the same. It is me.
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Yeah but I have other powerful mages to work with
>Not attacking Jotun
Why? He has no troops in your image.
Lost Land is genuinely one of the dumbest spells in existence
>you see, I use same filename convention as real Abysia so I'm real Abysia, paying attention to this is absolutely normal and not suspicious at all
Nice try, Xibalbros.
He has a 500 hp E8N10 tree parked in his cap and I'm more focused on fighting Naba
It'd be fine if there was an equivalent for raising water provs out of the ocean but nope. The disease in the depths global is way way worse and I've never seen it cast in a real game.
why is that pyromancer site so good or are you guys memeing
It gives a powerful fort for completely free. The kind of thing that'd normally be a 2000 gold and 10 turn investment to make.
it's also their land underground and has the dominion shown...
>download map
>start an SP game with abysia in the same spot
>take picture
>see I'm abysia

if out of game trickery wasn't so queer-coded i would actually get up to stuff like this but theres no desire for it and it isn't needed. let abysia have his fun, his chamber of the undergound seems like a max level pve zone

t. a member of the xibalba family
Having an invuln 15 ethereal hero with free soulvortex is really cool guys you should try it
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Oh forgot about its banefire shield and astral serpent too haha
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My face when I read about abysian treasures while only funny thing I found so far is +0.1% growth site on high pop province.
>no domes
I dont have the fort actually you made me log in and check, liar
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Imagine not having hyper assassins
Hey man in 50 turns that's like 8% growth
Yeah I think I'm keeping going maintain a 10:1 Scout:Commander Ratio

Especially with all these fancy mounted commanders, shit dude, I'm not fighting you 1v1 while my dragon is getting its bath.
Xibalba, Xibalba & Xibalba are not to be trusted.
EA Xibalba: setting up with deepfake screenshot.

MA Xibalba: hyping up impact of site by making up fort and translating value into gold so everyone would get jealous.

LA Xibalba: preemptive damage control, dropping absurd claim and following up with denial of involvement. Adds board slang like "queer-coded" to blend in.

Most impressive. I bet next MA's wall of text will be play on Abysian "4000g worth of forts".
>better stats than a daemon prince
Is Naggarond Sombre's pet faction?
Ok bat bros they're onto us, who is the rat
we hold the game hostage. we trace Blitzmin's IP from a recent blitz he played in and ddos him so the turns never roll until our demands are met
Sir, he's a ghost he's unhackable
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rat cosplays nigga ghost
stabs 8 men to death in a pub
renown for his heroic strength
African American Mario*
African American Italian American**
Damn it I don't want excuses! If you can't find me a single Ukranian IP from the list of top donors in the scalie category on F-List then you can Xibalbet your ass I'll find someone else who can!
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Yes the dagger has a 35 dmg poison stacked on top, a single pip of damage is enough to kill a khornate Exalted Hero
Fuckin probably?
The closest forted provinces pop grows when I attack a province and win
and this isnt a 1 time deal, I can attack the same province over and over if the enemy takes it back
I also get freespawns
blood slaves
and resources
But you need an army to get this bonus, you can't thug your way to victory
and there's a limit per turn you can do this
ermm threat detected
im getting the kind of scared only a 3 man can fix
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Man, they must be good looking players that are well endowed, sexually, that is the vibe I am getting from these radical dudes, and they're cool

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This was written by an orc
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Holy shit I just realized how fucking frail these fuckers are
The fuck, how you knew that was me?
Oasis Jews here. Ashdod's modem was struck by lightning. Did an unfinished for him, should have someone able to go push E on his turn in a few hours. He'll have a new modem for next turn.
holy shit what shit luck
Depends on number of A gems they found in the modem.
bruh's living in ashdod's walls
I'm regretting the misfortune scales already
Drop a message if something goes off and you will need extension.
That's the exact opposite of board slang. -coded is a twitter term and queer is a gentle term for faggot, and nobody on this site uses gentle language.
Either Naggarond or Karaz a Karak (why is every unit 1/4 discounted?)
Should be fine, our Dedicated E pusher is Blitzmin.
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is this how you rat?
what a queer-coded post
>why is every unit 1/4 discounted?
It's just affects their upkeep. Elf/dwarf gimmick is overpriced troops with 25% upkeep, so they are kinda valuable and you're supposed to amass them slowly, reflecting old dying race theme.
lightning shall strike your modem next for this!
Sodom and Gomorrah had their modems electrocuted due to excessive queer-coding.
Who is the Sodom and Gomorrah of dominions?
Hinnom's cap site is literally Gomorrah
Literally Hinnom between the ages as they become Ashdod. Except instead of god raining fire it's an assault by Abysia that destroyed one of the twin cities.
Gomorrah is one of the start sites of Hinnom, silly
wtf I love abysians now!!!
>withering weapons in Warhammer
no, you need an Undying+5, Blood Bond, Enchanted Blood and Strong Blood dormant/imprisoned bless
I got them for Nurgle because they are thematic
Prayin that you don't end up surrounded by max age: 40,000 dudes since they make up two thirds of the roster, give or take.
>reading all this shit as Nuln
ahaa.. yeah guys.. unaging immortals and superthugs.. best watch out for my secret weapons..
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I wish the warhammer mod had on theme tendies instead of the tendies we already have
I'm going to cuck all of the carsteins
Do pain reversal and blood vengeance both get calculated each attack?

Eg attack lands for 5 damage. Then it goes to pain reversal magic resist roll. Pain reversal fails, but then blood vengeance does their magic resist roll.

Is that how it works or does only one of those effects get used like invisibility/displacement
Damage reversal would roll first, since you have to actually deal damage for vengeance to trigger
Reversal gets rolled->damage dealt to target->vengeance gets rolled
assumedly, knowing Illfraud it could do both at once and you could vengeance damage that's already getting reflected away and return to sender 2x
I heard that the 666th copy of the game that got sold, it got pirated, but everyone that plays it, if they lose a game, they die in real life...And I heard that the copy's bean floating around..Sweet dreams hehe...
Good thing I never lose then huh bitch
Remember to feed your dryads before they put you to sleep forever
new lamp btw bros
Reminder to surrender all mortal possessions to your dryads
that's a man
What research do I rush as fomoria this shit is annoying. Unmarked with my bless is strong but it's like I cant build fomorian kings at all until really late, and then I just want to go conjuration for my nationals it's a weird nation
probably evocation for illusory army, tstrike, shadowblast
Construction to ensure that your kings are stylish when they hit the field.
the kings seem more like melee dudes than casters and shouldnt those get soul vortex or stuff like that
How come there aren't any wetads? You guys ever think about that?
When in doubt, always Construction
Boosters, research aides, and drip for your pretender is far, far better for morale than spamming shitass elementals, boring summons, and bargaining chips.
Push to Con5 then Evocation, because real magic kills people.
They're only wetads around minotaurs
Wetads, like wet dryads? Aren't those just sirens?
What happened on turn 13 of OAsis? The schedule looks weird and everyone seems to have had a yellow/unfinished turn except two nations.
Admin did a rollback and changed Nid's password incase he went AWOL which prompted a lot of angry in thread.
Despite being his volleyball, I have no intention of summoning Nagash and destroying everyone's scales. No need to rush me.
I'm sure we can trust this Arkhan the Black fellow, he seems like a nice guy.
We're up to five players. Need moar, if anyone is looking for a game
What if I pay you death gems? It'll be our little secret. (If I have a D gem when I meet you, I'll send 1 so you know that border is safe).

What do I want? A 3 message long LORE DUMP chain the turn you summon Nagash, so that everyone can become freaked out and stop killing me (because I'll probably be losing any wars at this time).

Sound fair?
>episodic smutfic revolving around a pantokrator who has just won the ascension war travelling her/his conquered lands and assembling a harem and experiencing the native cultures
Would you read it? What nation and pretender would be best?
I can make no promises but if I happen to accidentally research conjuration 6 and some death gems appear in my inventory I might mis-click the ritual.
>Would you read it?
>What nation and pretender would be best?
One of the less evil human nations and a female titan pretender
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It's my first multiplayer game and I already have borders with two nations during my very mediocre expansion and I'm getting anxious. Hope I don't just do something crazy you guys.
Attack them or you will lose guaranteed. Far expanders can't defend well.
No. Zeus, Arco
Could just play some sengoku rance instead.
>cancer global as a summon
>and it's at conjuration 6

inb4 you cast it anyway and go underwater if you get coalition too hard.
You should join with a Solar Weapons bless to save the world.
>implying solar weapons will do jackshit against giant undead statues with prot20
Screencap this for when I inevitably end up doing exactly that.
Seeing as solar weapons do AP damage, yes.
You're confusing Nagashizzar with Nehekara
>4 AP damage
>vs 20 prot
>then multiplied against spookers
0 times three is still 0
It’s multiplied before prot though it’s still not much
It's not.
I had this used against a not yet protmaxxxed Dai Oni and it did nothing.
Time for a +10 str & Solar Weapons bless (and I guess throw on water breathing so no one can hide).
Umm, based
Won't actually synergize against the big dudes but it will kill ghosts
So stupid its based
Solar Weapons don't scale with strength in case that's your idea.
What's a good pretender pick for Andramania? The dog paladins seem to require good scales for throwing out their troops, and the magic support seems to be there. Scale build and a support/antisacred bless or there's something I'm not seeing here?
just go a tendie that can do every single global you want
mage bless and midgame thug/SC or imprisoned humanoid/immobile with global paths
they're one of the best LA scales nations
I'll join I'm 10 hours from now, just started work
Rig (Crannog Ys) could be releasing in the very next patch
Riggers unite
Big if true
More waifus for the goon cave, more babes for me to throw my white hot evocations upon
Caelum named his pretender Aryan Brother but he's dragging ass on his turn like a nigger. Who can explain this?
brother is a term for black men
Where is natgen anon.
ruh roh
Plantity clampity, dickenry ricken you are now a chicken
Oh yeah, I didn't consider that. Good call.
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This thread is just like the EAting_sparks game
Where are all of the Europeans they should be on by now
I remember an anon talking about how Europeans play this game
is blitz down again?
works on my machine
>try mage bless on MA ulm
>far cast, precision, reinvig
Holy shit. My eyes have at last been opened.
i mean yeah what else would you spend bless points on
pew pew
Is reinvig actually good when every spell costs 20-40 fatigue?
Between the bonus for having path level above minimum and reinvig, you can stretch your mages out quite a bit.
>i mean
Stop typing out your verbal viruses in text you faggot. Jesus Christ.
Yeah it's really great. Especially on any mage with an earth path. 9 reinvig makes mages into machine guns
>Jesus Christ
Stop typing out your verbal viruses in text you faggot.
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
level 2 thrones only
total player count x 1.618 = throne count
total ascension points / 1.618 = ascension points required

is there a more comfy setup?
What kind of sperg math is that?
1.618 is the golden ratio
I never blaspheme my tendie.
I refuse to make turn.
keeeeyslav 3 hours left sweaty betty don't miss!!!
How do you hit 9 Reinvig?
5 from bless 4 from earthpower. you can also just make some equipment for it.
Hitting 20 provinces by 12 is hard!
My best is 25 but it's risky enough to warrant never trying in a multiplayer game.
It depends
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what the fuck do you do to siege MA ctis and their fucking assassins
It used to be easier
Imainge, and, and I say IMAGINE that
You put mage bless on a nation who has no chaff sacreds, and it fucking works!
Ig nore that fucking "imainge" I'm fucking drunk
You can get probably double that with full kit. Look thru the crafted stuff there is +reinvig for every slot and 2 for misc I think
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Who would win: whole Agartha or one fighty boy?
The one with fear, of course.
First I was happy to see 62-kill Oracle, but then turned out that's dishonest EQ caster (and even then mostly FF).
Turns out MR23 is enough to just tanked all them save-or-stuns.
Always bet on Mictlan
Truly the Sukuna of this game...
He lost because he didn't bring enough rocks
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He did his MR-buffing duty. Death most worthy.
Speaking of death: there is arena in 4 turns, so you guys get chassises summoned, gear crafted and goals hit.
At this point I think I can recall in one turn so Arena™ is safe from futher worm interventions.

By the way what are uses for those weak-ass vampires? Just an immortal scout? Giving some cheap and gear and putting on attack rear?
Black heart and trying to shank people? Black heart + bottle?
>agartha is overpow-
my nigga.... he didnt have a frontline at all

if he had any sort of decently armored pale ones or shard wights he would have dominated
Our show runs on shonen logic.
You see, Agartha's bless is measly Str+4. After some hard-won victories it will seem like Agartha is done, fresh wave of arenaborn troops, ozzies, the works.
Then we do epic battle in slowmotion over 5 turns.
Bring enough forces to break their castle quickly, bring extra chaff commanders to take assassinations, bring commanders who can win against their assassins to kill them off, and equip your important commanders with items so they can win assassinations.

Pick as many of the above as possible.
And to think this is the same dude who got beat within an inch of his life by deer tribes.
I'm kinda new to the game, anon. I wrote off Ulm as being a nation that couldnt really take advantage of having a good bless, completely oblivious to the fact that mage-priests were sacreds, and there were more to blesses than just survivability and damage output in melee. Just saying it felt good to learn, this game's fucking incredible man.
Like 50 scouts but unironically
Is this LA YS post real? We getting a second water nation in LA

Rig does not sound like a serious name
Do you get exp for friendly fire
Meanwhile Sparkbros is more about power of friendship magic girl stuff.
Deeply concerning post
Average Skaven poster
Jesus what a slaughter
you don't get exp for any fire
Somethings come up so I'm going to be away for the next four days, I'll go AI in EAt_ze_bugs as it's way too early to ask for an extension but I'd like to stay in if possible for EAting_Sparks, but I understand if people would prefer not to wait. I'll leave it up to the admin!
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o i knew u got it for melee swings and assumed for range oops
lucky guess
Sparkmin here. I can extend no prob. Are you okay with eating a stale or would you like the full 4 days?
>Agartha took away my stellar focus and now he's going to die
man at least win if you do that
if you kill me I will grief your game beyond comprehension, too bad bucko
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>EAsparks hosting 4 hours early
Please have mercy, think of the blood nations and take a little more time before submitting your turns.
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fuck you blood boy, I will now submit 8 hours earlier than schedule
Is it true that blood players take it up the ass?
It might not be a preference when casting Orgy, but if it happens, so be it.
Does communioning not show that you can cast the spells, they're all red and I want to make sure I didnt fuck up. If all my masters and slaves are b2s1 I should be able to cast s2 spell with 2 slave 1 master right?
Yes, it shows up red in the scripting display
Don't worry little buddy, I gave you 100 hours instead of 96 to make up the differential.
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I got 7 players so far. Looking for at least 1 more for a warhammer game. Join now! I even give you Mondays off!
Guys Abysia is a really big threat, they might be the best player I've ever seen. Please stop them. Coalition when?
bro just needs to spam olms
Can only attack one: vampires or elves?
I've seen enough. At this point it's just a matter of who finishes in second place behind Abysia.
t. not even in that game so completely unbiased (beyond my burning hatred for elves)
Xibalba is the threat.
To my heterosexuality, yes
Blitzmin stop, you already have lizards not the bats too
>poison cloud pretender
>forgot to put poison res in bless.
How retarded am I?
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Those bats WILL wear programming socks and they WILL like it.
this makes it look like you got more kills in the battle report. Good for morale.
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Sun thieves instinctively KNEEL DOWN to their superiors when the batchads arrive
If your pretendie has poison cloud but no poison resist, it would be a stupendous oversight on the pretender and you should worship another. God I wish poison cloud was a Bless option
I dont get it, arent the sun thieves bat chads why are they kneeling to themselves
It's bedroom RP
>it’s penis inspection day at Dominions High School
>that’s right, Size 6, I’m huge
>s-size 3…please don’t look…
Hoooh... Xibalba-chan sounds kawaii desu...
>he isnt size 9 before bigger bless
"I systematically drug and kill women" is bad opening for dates, so you got to improvise.
Why do Shinuyama catgirls fuck goblins when men exist?
LArgemin, might be time to extend timer to 48h
On /domg/ demoralising enemy into AIing is easiest way to win war, so...
Stylish but fuckable, I mean functional zots looks like this? Zamn!
So that's where my count went...
I guess he's no longer a count because he has no land, huh?
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Ubas don't have glamour but Kitsune do
If that's a bat girl, I want to create unholy crossbreeds with her.
If that's a bat boy, I want to find him a nice human girl to procreate with while I do him from the back.
But like, no homo, it's all about power dynamics.
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>Be me
>Ugly bastard
>"What is ugly bastard nation in Dominions? Yomi? Oh cool thanks!"
>CANNOT into Yomi to save my life
The ugly bastard nation is Fomoria tho
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>don't worry, boss, I handled bump and will hand over prov to niefel
>meanwhile niefel
In our defence we got PD throne.
Maybe the goblins have a good sense of humour and know how to make her laugh?
>even his gay fantasies include procreation
No need to add "no homo", based tradcath brother.
seconding this
Sure. I can put it up starting next turn.
Kailasa, you giga nigger backstabbing piece of shit.
Thanks. Could we get a 12h extension as well for this turn?
Yomi is pretty good compared to the previous games, I thought. Free oni and cheap temples make their expansion great leading into Dai oni clusterfucking. Really it's a matter of deciding what global you want your pretender to play around with.
Also always take max turmoil/luck scales in case you don't already know.
>lose your dai oni
>never be able to play the game again
nah they're bad
>avoid losing your dai oni
>avoid losing the one thing the enemy has to deal with or lose the game instantly
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uh oh bugg bros... drama alert!!!
ubar the threat???
bad manners inviting himself into sauro cap circle
How do I kill vampire lords as LA abysia they just regen a billion hp and are unaffected by heat aura because of lifesteal
Vampire Lords are blood 8.
Fire Storm is evocation 7 and castable by any F3 (phoenix power and gemboost).
Vampire Lords have negative fire resist.
Ubar is always the threat. They're currently the threat in EAting Sparks too.
Life for a Life kills thugs dead
Unless they're in an army and you cast it at some random monster instead.
Soul slay communion works too but you might not have the indie mages for it because LA has caponly Assmen
nigga he has them on turn 10 it's his default ones
Oh the national counts, you should have specified.
Hit them with smaller fires until you can work your way up to bigger fires (or soul slay). Even a lesser fire elemental will oneshot them.
Oh I thought I said I was fighting LA ulm whoops. I'll try fire eles thanks
shut the hell up helheim no Im not I mean hes not
Oh right LA Aby has some D1 mages. Grab thaum 1, dust to dust oneshots them and should hit most of the time when they fly in close.
he got up to 50 hp with bloodletting or leech I forget which, so it wont 1 shot him but that's definitely a good idea. I was thinking fireblast too
>turn 10
I think you have bigger problems in that case, but I'll assume it's just their built-in life steal melee attack. Leeching Touch is a thing but it's roughly the same as their attack except it costs fatigue so I don't see why they'd use it. If you're playing in sloops I think that also buffs the two warrior Counts.
Regardless, Dust to Dust is AN and only hits undead so there's no friendly fire.
yeah probably. armor negating is good but I'm abysia so friendly fire doesnt exist with fire spells
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When in doubt, all of the above.
yeah that's the plan, he had his other vampies show up last fight so the fire blast to clear them out with their weakness to fire then dust to dust spam after sounds great

eventually I'll just send them to hell and waste their time
>eventually I'll just send them to hell and waste their time
At that point either soul slay them or enslave mind/hellbind heart and keep em for yourself. If you haven't killed him before those spells are coming online you should be worried about getting backstabbed.
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Turns out dark elves really only have good assassins and everything else is made out of paper.
Abysia also is a threat.
In which game?
Reddit moment.
You outta know huh
Alanis Morissette moment.
Literally flucking who
Answering an A-or-B or multiple choice question with "yes" really is pretty Reddit, anon. You shouldn't do it.
Dont their magic resists get so high that it's like a 5% or less chance for soul slay or other magic resistance negating spells. The hell thing is unresistable
Zoomer moment
Uh it's a common expression you weirdo.
They do have decently high MRs in the 16-17 range before buffs, but by the time you're ready to bring soul slay out you should be bringing quite a few casters. Remember, it only needs to get through MR once. Also all the recruitable Ulmites have total shit MR so MRN spells are good against them in general.
Alright I'm out of moments. So which goddamn game are you talking about?
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It saddens me how worthless chaff is in this game, my reavers have been paying the ultimate price to his corsairs
Thanks for the extension!
Alright I tried some of your tips for fomoria and don't really like them. I was hoping for a magic focused nation but these seem like a slightly more flexible Yomi. I will now try Ubar.
The one where he just killed Ur's god.
Warning: Ubar is such a luxurious nation all the others seem mundane and dull by comparison.
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>he just killed Ur's god
Haha wow, yeah, fuckin Ur, what a retard right bros?
Nah, I wouldn't blame Ur for losing his god against what he did.
How did you see that?
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Last call for Sabbath_Bloody_Sabbath. I have 8 players now, I'll host after I get home from work. Expect the game to be up at around 8:00pm EST.
Didn't sauro failspanded and ai turn 3?
yes i did
We should all leave sauro cap unclaimed so the ai can feed us xp, thank you.
next time stay in the game, just ending turn, till you get an enemy in your cap circle. Then you spend all the gold you built up to bump up the pd.

For optimal speed, turn all gems into astral and send them to a cancer nation. (Sending each type separately takes longer than just alchemising everything).
Weak. I only left my cap circle on turn 6 in LArge and I'm still doing fine
just joined EAt-shit-and-die as yomi
What is this dumbass meme mod in this game? What does it do?
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They are ready
What's the name of the meme mod?
>MAde_for_BBC lost a player
we are NOT making it bros
Try made for BAC BST or BOC next.
Sloop something something
Sloop's Comfy Balance Mod, it's linked in the OP at the very bottom.
Currently in a very playable but kinda broken and unadjusted state cause it had to be ported from 5 to 6.
kristoffer agha, I grow weak...the potion...
The name indicates badmin what can I say, too scared to join
what's with the titties in the bottom right
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what is this book that sometimes appears on a province?
It's an event
More like basedmin.
What's the point of it?
it makes the game actually good
more specifically its the icon that indicates a story event is occurring in that province. press i when selecting a province to see its history and it'll tell you whats going on
No, noo, YOU are the one who GAYS!
I actually don't play agartha
>I don't like the game so I have to go change shit how I like it
Just rename it lol
Illwinter refuses/lacks competence to make balancing changes and generally quite lazy.
They do target buffs/nerfs once in a while with emphasis on major mechanical reworks (which makes sense as they are only people capable of doing that), but bad at it.
Remember that time they specifically nerfed rainbow blesses by introducing mechanic which affects any other tendie class more?

So, Sloop, are you there and do you plan to update? We been for months on 1.05 and there is bunch of issues (cave layer being biggest offender still, I think).
I'll try to formulate state of the game a bit later to either start up fork in case you fell out or to reality check myself.
>i'm retarded newfag
Fuck off. That's like coming to community of people into 2001s game oh wait and going like UH HD MOD? GAME WAS DESIGNED TO BE PLAYED IN 640x480 YOU FOOLS
>graphics are equivalent to mechanics
You're probably too stupid to argue with, let alone to actually play Dominions.
Once I get home from the missile factory I'll do my turn
Can I buy one of those
>can't find only mod literally in OP
>can't quickly form educated opinion for only mod with detailed and well-fomated changelog
>fails to identify community default mod (common thing for older games)
>keeps arguing to save face
>can't come up with any on-point shit talk, defaults to ur stupid
Lurk more, kid. I take it that you consider Dominions to be thinking man's game so try thinking a little.
You're in a bit of honeymoon phase, but trust me, there is a lot for community to fix.
Biggest issue is that even seemingly minor things stay the same for years upon years upon years. One day the players take matters in thier own hands. Because no one else will.
figured that would mean it has only 1 pd, guess ill send more
Sea sparrows cost like a million a piece sadly
>community default mod
I mean, it used to be, I hope it becomes default soon again.
My bad, I always bump my pd to 16 past turn 12
At least it's only a herse, ill comp you on it
>Unit cost $165,400
Liar. You just don't want to sell your anti-ship missiles to your dominions buddies.
If so, how does one gather up enough blood slaves to empower themselves irl?
I'm asking for a friend
There is (very low) base efficiency for any commander. Just use scouts as cheapest commander possible.
Fuck, you did a joke post and I missed it.
Those are the old models breh
>I'm asking for a friend
I hate this Facebook tier normie meme so much it's unreal.
Lament about it.
You know I'm right, anon. Come on man.
>nooooo not the facebook meme
You may find relief in not building your identity on cheap antagonism with commoners.
Elitism is like layered cake. I'm looking down on you right now. Imagine not liking normie memes (semi-ironically).
>I'm looking down on you right now.
We're somehow paradoxically looking down on one another then because I don't see anything superior in your posts.
Nta but
A paradoxical layered cake of elitism is still a layered cake of elitism
Overall you hate fun and looked past the brain excercise instead of just having fun with the question
So let's circle back to the question instead of being like elves
How do you get 50 virgins to empower yourself with blood irl?
I'm asking for a friend
I'm looking down on both of you.
And you too.
>page 10
Lookin' down on you fags.
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Ladies and gentlemen... we got him.
join EAt-shit-and-die NOW
Do I have to join the discord?
wait what the fuck just saw that
nah I'm out
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Who said you have permission to die?
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Maybe you go Misfortune not because you hold this silly notion that those points are free, but merely because you know you're doomed anyways?
That was mythic rare A3 for premium sitesearch, by the way.
They're not that rare
Why wouldn't you have him retreat?
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based and senpilled
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And also fuck sitesearching in general. I carefully micromanage just to see MAYBE MORE SKILLED MAGE COULD FIND THEM GEMIES, again and again.
But that's bullshit. The more mages you bring, the higher they are, the sharper your path coverage - the more you suffer.
At least I'm wise enough to not spend any gems.

Yeah, just being dramatic.

General script implies PD losses will trigger hp rout, but that was fresh prov and I cheapened out to pump some PD because, you know, throne does that slowly for free. Save 13 gold, lose 240.
>63hp poison cloud poison skin tramplers
Wait a second, how are you supposed to clear this shit.
I mean why wouldn't you literally give him the retreat command? It's guaranteed.
what is it? Hydras?
Because I imagined how wizard blasts enemy raiding party/indie attackers with powerful battle magic while hiding behind well-endowed PD and bodyguards.
He decided to mistform all his friends.
Them toads! They have abysmal (att6) basic attack, but rest of their kit is A grade troop muncher.
Poison res?
They're also undisciplined and have basically no prot. A squad of regular old swordsmen can chop them to pieces.
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ok but luck and magic do be free points tho
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So how do you catch this guy?
Warhammer way: build thugs capable of 1v1ing this shitter, leave them in his area of operations, pray.
>not invisible
100 indies or birds
>no AoE, only 12 prot
300 skeletons
>only 100 stealth
2 watchers
>only 17 MR
Mind Hunt with Rune Smasher/Eye of the Void
400 indie bird skeletons plus 2 watchers with rune smashers, got it
Can you FFTS/Thunderstorm BV ermor to get rid of their Lictors without your mage blowing up? I'm being invaded by a stack of like 600 lictors
Oh I thought that was phoenix pyre but it's just corpse explosion
I patrolled two of the regular guys with 200 patrol strength last turn and they died to dogs, 90 stealth isn't that much, turns out
The description for BV does say it works regardless of distance, but I'm pretty sure the game literally doesn't track who deals the damage from remote spells.
Yeah that's what I mean, I feel like I've used it before and nothing bad happened but I don't want to risk my fire kings/tendie blowing up
There needs to be a remote attack spell that does holy damage to kill undead nations
undeads are immune to a good 3/4 of attack spells since they're resistant to cold and are immune to poison, don't get diseased, and I think they can't be cursed either
How do I expand as Marverni? They have those tattoos that "activate with magic" but I'm not sure what magic exactly.
They have national bless-like N1H1 spell which does that. Unlikely most of similiar effects this one asks you to research Ench3 first.
There is it's called Smite you nerd. If you'd stop making out with that nerd skull and pray to pankoman you'd have much less trouble with skeletons
>How do i expand as Marv
You take BIG PIG and spam light javelineer chaff. The mounted nobles can work too but your troops are hot garbage until the tattoos come online
Ah thanks. I hadn't seen their spell in enchantment 3. I've been wanting to drop hot gifts from heaven on people, but their early game is really something else.
>remote attack spell
>a ritual at all
what the fuck are you talking about?
It only procs in rituals if they're an 'always blessed' unit like a pretender, prophet, or someone with shroud of the battle saint.
Don't flames from the sky take place in a battle map now? some priest could bless the troops
i guess it does if they have their pretender in field with them (autobless), but they don't cast spells iirc
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Big pig... You were at my side all along...
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Apparently it's true, only up to Kristoff to confirm or deny. Thoughts on Oman bros? Will we get a ragha/jinn mixture?
That's literally just a country that exists
>ermor is just rome backwards
illfraud-sama, I kneel to your creative genius
So, in their infinite wisdom
8 colossi storm captain decided the best course of action for 100+ rounds, is to infinitely summon hawks
Giving the thug 170+ exp
That's literally just a city that exists!
And Ulm was a free imperial city in the >holy >roman >empire
None of this answers the damn question on how attractive these hypothetical waifus will be. Are they going to be human/abysian hybrids, a hint of jinn, or even some bandar ape titties? Oman was at the crossroad of a lot of historical cultures.
Ragha already did the abysian/caelian hybrid and doesn't really have any arab or islamic influence, so I doubt it will have anything to do with oman

the safe bet is a human nation with cap-only adites and jann in the capital, but I hope they figure out an interesting hook

Rig/Crannog Ys already has a ton of art on the booru thoughbeit
The Assassin cannot assassinate if you banish his god.
At least it seems most nations have anyprovince scouts.
>but I hope they figure out an interesting hook
Sacred Jann longbowmen, it'd be cool and unique and not broken as hell
I don't think arabs are well known for their (long)bows
no problem, but thanks
They were quite well known for arrowing the shit out of Crusaders
Didn't a cavalry charge break that tactic and they were mounted archers?
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We are live!
There can be only one Pankoman!
Good luck and have fun everyone
Well yes and no, but you got me on a tangent about mounted archers and how being able to attack when you want to and just run away with no problems if you want to is incredibly powerful, and I have a new idea for next game, Swiftness+Quickness+STR sacred mounted archers
Ok. Posteá esto en el general de dominions, /domg/:

Nation idea: LA Oceania as a polynesian inspired nation (get it? because Polynesia is located in Oceania, the geographical region). Basically the idea here is that Oceania's Pans turned evil and started enslaving people, the polynesians.
Now the pans are called the adaro (polynesian evil water spirits similar to tritons), the sirens the abere (polynesian sirens), and they also have Patupaiarehe (polynesian mist controlling vampires).
LA Oceania is now a death/water nation, with a little bit of glamour and nature.
Their underwater units are adaro, and their above water units are polynesians, which can all sail and do a haka dance at the beginning of combat (berserk?). They do not wear armor though and rely on water summons.

Sin las comillas, obviamente.
Nation idea: LA Oceania as a polynesian inspired nation (get it? because Polynesia is located in Oceania, the geographical region). Basically the idea here is that Oceania's Pans turned evil and started enslaving people, the polynesians.
Now the pans are called the adaro (polynesian evil water spirits similar to tritons), the sirens the abere (polynesian sirens), and they also have Patupaiarehe (polynesian mist controlling vampires).
LA Oceania is now a death/water nation, with a little bit of glamour and nature.
Their underwater units are adaro, and their above water units are polynesians, which can all sail and do a haka dance at the beginning of combat (berserk?). They do not wear armor though and rely on water summons.
how embarrassing!
Do non-resistance buffs of the same amount from different spells stack?
eg. +4 strength from Army of Bronze and from Giant Strength Warriors.
I'm the threat stfu
There's Sawaiki and that Maori mod
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Bonum noctis /domg/
It's 9pm domtard, do your turns...
I tried swapping to the EAt-shit-and-die lobby since it seemed like it'd start sooner.

Alas I got kicked, probably because I didn't join their Discord.

If Made for British Broadcasting Corporation gets a start time countdown I'll probably join back, since I do have time for one more game.
You mean the germanic secular trade union?
>Alas I got kicked, probably because I didn't join their Discord.
what? how'd you know they had a discord, admin MOTD thing?
Yes (but I first heard of it because someone mentioned it here).
Do vampires natural lifesteal work on undead

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