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lts 0ver edition

>The Final Shape
>Dev Insights - Episode: Echoes

Patch https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny_2_update_8007
TWAB (07/18/24): https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-07-18-2024

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...


It's really over. Bungie is just going to shit out gay love stories every (((episode))) between now and heat death of the universe.
Where is my story of a male exo destroying Micah’s exussy
That's my story.
more like exenis.
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He was right all along.
so is bungie right? gays are stronger than lesbians??
>Last thread lasted almost 2 and a half days
What massacred the hype?
He is and exo and destroyed his own genitals.
Gay love story. Time gated gay love story. Also the promise of more gay love stories.
it's a threat of more gay love stories.
we love our Gambit, don't we, folks?
it's a tremendous, tremendous gametype.
the best, some people are saying.
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It's Joever
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Let this general die already there's no point going on
we have finally reached the bidend of the still hunt meta
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hunters having a fucking meltdown today lmao
>Master witness i'm on adclear
Oh these people are going to suffer with tomorrow's challenge...
It's long overdue. Still hunt + celestial had no business being the S++ meta-wrecking broken shit it turned out to be
So this means there's basically zero benefit to running nighthawk with still hunt now?
it would save you time and boolets
hunters are such retards everyone point at this moron and laugh
nigger you fire 3 bullets worth of damage in a single shot, that plus golden gun single shot are incredibly fucking powerful, there is no reason for the much faster dps burst to also be the higher damage option
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Why same perk twice?
it wants to be last word
It's losing over a million damage
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which alien faction is the hottest?
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Fake! Here is the real one.
Fallen women because they have four armpits.
Umm...? I'm not Osiris though, sis???
>Create exotic that has a one of a kind synergy with a hunter only exotic item
Cant tell if retarded or if it was done on purpose because I doubt anyone at bungie could beat the witness.
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Play Warframe
it still has a one of a kind synergy with a hunter only exotic and it's still incredibly powerful lol
Do fallen women have bodyhair or odor?
Greetings, internet friend. Could I ask you to kindly keep these sorts of posts to their respective thread? Thank you and have a wonderful day!
their armpits smell like stasis
Why did TFS flop
some other anons were blaming israel but not sure if that holds water
it kept going
Holy moly...
Shit writing
Zavala character assassination
Witness is an awful villain
Lack of content
Seasonal slop is even worse than usual
No dupe protection on class items
The entire mission where Zavala says he's gonna defend his home then proceeds to hide behind a tiny barrier like a cuck
It was normal Destiny 2
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Because it honestly felt like a season and the bulk of the growth/storytelling went to Cayde and Crow, Ikora acted very out of character and Zavala's entire season of the haunt growth just vanished, there's also so many times the witness has you or your allies at his mercy and just... does nothing, he could have destroyed the HELM with a wink, but just lets it go.
And then we combine this with how insanely buggy the games been since TFS, like I'm loading into instances where nobody else loads
Then I see shit like this, and im like where are your priorities
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>me with my Truth
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Me and my fellow Titan sister waiting for fat fallen cock to fill us up
>he could have destroyed the HELM with a wink, but just lets it go.
Mara's just that much stronger. Kneel before the Taken Queen
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>what they actually see
Did upgrading charge time always reduce impact?
it was a balance thing I think.
now it doesn't
Um? Ticklefingers?
That's not a hunky fallen captain
It was just more destiny
That’s the wrong question. The right question is, why would it have ever succeeded?
No sexy female characters like Warframe
Whats going on here?
>when the xaphan don't qua quite right
Now that Destiny 2 ended when was it at its best state?
destiny 1
Consecration does so much damage because Titans are BBWs

Obese fem Titan slamming down and breaking the earth...
That's a gun given out from a new-light quest with final shape, and doesn't have all of its perks
I wish one would slam down and break my cock bro
Doomtrannies, the game is fine 60K players spending tons of money on new cosmetics is good for the games health as long as Marathon is a modest success we win
2018 launch of Forsaken up to season of Arrivals
Its losing a million damage but is still better than almost every damage option by about 1.5 million.
It didn't it was their most succesful dlc
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i am desperate for more ahamkara guns and exotic armor pieces
it still shows the loss in stat but it doesn't actually lower damage anymore I believe
I think the batteries still do though? I can't remember sorry.
Forsaken flopped so hard Activision dropped Bungie and the Destiny IP like a hot potato. The entire Scorn & Awoken storylines suck major dick and are only better than Shadowkeep
It had half the pre-orders if Lightfall and currently has less than half the players Lightfall did at this point in the expansion release
Autistic Internet hype man on the You Tube video told me otherwise.
We will wait and see the numbers but Prismatic alone got a lot of hype and TFS had the best raid the Destiny IP has ever had PERIOD. It has much more going for it than LF. Also Episode 2 will be going really hard and bring the numbers back up but they are still in a good spot
My opinion on osiris?
I don't watch content creators, I just play games.
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>and TFS had the best raid the Destiny IP has ever had PERIOD
> green text plus image of rando content creator
I don't care, LW <<<<<<<< SE, WoTM is a joke raid that would be easier than VoG today.
I thought datto hated the raid because he lost again
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>2.3 - 33%
Titanormphs still going to claim still hunt is very relevant and powerful?
i don't care about content creators or there opinion, they literally all worse than average LFG players, unironically.
Episode 1 is obviously weak but nuDestiny players dont remember the content droughts between TTK and the Taken Spring. The Vex are the worst faction D1 has and in all honestly they should all be destroyed and have their units subsumed into more interesting factions like Fallen Splicers or Cabal Psions.
Is this using exclusively still hunt or is it the proper rotation using apex and solar holster?
Why'd (((THEY))) (bungie) kill him off?
lol, lmao
Because D1 had no story, and no Joe Staten slideshow doesn't count
And why'd they make the helmet themed after him look even gayer?
True but then why not just do a hard reboot?
We will see the numbers, currently Episode Echoes is like a 2/10 but the future Episode Revenant will be a banger.
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>it also featured the sunsetting of various destinations and content that were featured during vanilla Destiny 2, Curse of Osiris, Warmind, and the Forsaken Annual Pass
Yeah no sorry
i am very much looking to Episode 2, the themes are pretty cool.
i just hope the base sets look decent, because the splicer ornament set looks horrendous
no, saint and osiris will just find a stasis hunter to have a threesome with and talk about it in audio logs for the entire season
Is this one of those astroturfed Reddit posts I’ve been hearing about
Because Video Game writers are failed YA writers, they used to be failed movie/tv writers but with the advent of streaming slop lots of them have moved to that sector. Modern game writers are functionally on the same tier as things like the Fourth Wing and I think the obsession with making games cinema has prevented game writing from developing and honing a unique writing style to fit the medium. I firmly believe that very few games have good stories, some have good cutscenes between the gameplay segment but I really can think of any that has good story.
what are the best stasis exotics for all classes
The wiki is inaccurate as Season of the Hunt was the one that removed content. You can’t even say it was the season that introduced sunsetting since Luke Smith talked about it during Season of Dawn.
warlock - osmiomancy
titan - lol
hunter - renewal grasps
prismatic class item :^)
final shape didnt even beat max concurent players, on the opposite it outright killed the game
Imagine giving a shit about the storyline of Destiny
Yeah, Scorn aesthetic space horror cult >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> retarded bronze Egyptian/Greek robots. But they have been very inconsistent with fallen theme sets like Seasons of Plunder nasty as armor
Osiris is the single worst character in Destiny franchise, worse than Nimbus. For someone so central to the lore and mysteries of the game he has no character beyond his retcon relationship with Saint and losing his ghost offscreen. In my headcannon he was someone that the vanguard couldn't work with effectively due to his methods but in reality he simply just annoying. Saint has never been a character just a voice and lore tabs shoved together
>can get seasonal gear by playing onslop
huh, I didn't expect that
This nigga hasn’t played Crown of Sorrow
No, just actual opinions not sourced from someone else. Episode Echoes is absolute trash and one of the worst seasons ever realsed
bro? your wishful ignorance????
The game had massive issues on release, but if the game dies (it won't) it will because Bungie was ineffective on capitalizing on Destiny. TFS is the Best DLC in the Destiny IP, but the Destiny IP can only have so many game saving content drops. Third Strike and your out. The fact that bungie is dedicating resources to other games such as Marathon, Project Gummybears and whatever terrible crap they are producing shows that upper management is incredibly incompetent and will never realize this game potential, so it dies it will be due to that tragic fact.
The Destiny IP has never has a single good storyline actually in the game period. Yes that include Taken War, SIVA crisis, Red War, Forsaken & Witch Queen
No Because I dropped D2 after the abomination that was D2 and I came back during Light fall. I am sure its alright but I but I would bet 100 bucks SE is better
The narrative for 7 years has been setting shit up then dicking around then dropping shit. Just look at what Osiris amount to. The Scorn, Rasputin, House of Dusk, Eramis, Savathun, Drifter, Clovis, the nine, the entire Vex. In fact probably every npc except Cayde lmao. Calus was lucky enough to get a half assed dlc, he deserved everything and more though.

To be fair I’m sure there’s stuff they wanted to do but the train station only supports 8 campaign missions exploring the good ol patrol zone and 1 strike per year.
There are no good storyline, only less shit ones. Personally WQ and TFS rank so much higher than the stupid shit in Forsaken and its no coincidence the Activision washed there hands on a Billion Dollar IP that they invested in
>TFS is the Best DLC in the Destiny IP
Actually it’s Lightfall because it brought a new subclass
taken king is the best dlc
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I did not care for the dreaming city
Taken King is the most average dlc
t. active ps3 player where the meta is stuck in y2
double wrong, TTK heralded the dlc structure that kept destiny in stasis and never let the game evolved. Streamlined systems to be normie friendly. The only good thing where the subclasses, which are the best new subclassed every introduced
That's an ahamkara exotic? I thought it was just some ram horns
Taken King > Forsaken > Witch Queen > Beyond Light > Final Shape > Lightslop > Shadowkeep
>WISHful ignorance
>half skulls stapled to shoulders
TFS > WQ > TTK > BL > RoI > SK > LF > D2 > Forsaken
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That’s not TTKs fault though. The structure was planned from the beginning. Only they couldn’t keep up with +2 dlcs per year. They tried with D2 again but failed, and the annual “comet” continued to get stripped down for seasons. Whatever evolution you’re on about is pure headcanon hopium.
great now I feel stupid now. THANKS
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>titan - lol
Do they really not have a single good stasis exotic?
The normiefication of the game began with TTK, which also had soft sunsetting so they could sell back guns later, a lot of destiny problems started with TTK. You can cope all you want I don't care
We got that one thang that spawns stasis crystals in place of a barrier. I’m not really sure what Bungie envisioned with it.
How was it normification again?
Well is shatter damage could do something maybe but then again its right next to you so I don't know. Maybe if they combined Frost Armor into somehow but nah.
Hoarfrost Z is very good for trials shenanigans, and also has a very unique benefit of forcing pve combatants to try and shoot the crystals, which has niche applications as crowd control.
Cadmus ridge lancecap is ALSO good but is retardedly specific in how it triggers (With a stasis super, have the rally barricade buff and get precision kills), and is basically useless for anyone who isn't doing prismatic solo GM clears.
TLDR: They're good but not easy Slap On Get Effect like warlock or hunter
> Streamline the quest system to make it more manageable for idiots.
> Simplified the armor and weapon damage system.
> God rid of random exotic question for things like Thorn, Pocket Infinity, Iconoclast
> Introduced Exotic Kiosk to you can 3d print god killing weapons.
> Introduced 3 of coins to up exotic drop rates, no longer making them rare
And bunch of other shit I can't remember, also dropped a mid ass raid where you can't even damage the actual boss
Should have been a behemoth line. That way it travels 20ft to the champion you wanna stun. I guess Abeyant Leap did it properly then.
can consecration destroy stasis crystals yet
no apparently thats not as high on priority list as shitting on hunters
>and also has a very unique benefit of forcing pve combatants to try and shoot the crystals, which has niche applications as crowd control.
I didn't know that. Seems cool I guess, could it be useful in grandmasters or not really
That sunsetting took our exotic weapons and armour too
>Streamline the quest system to make it more manageable for idiots.
That’s a qol change
>Simplified the armor and weapon damage system
It was practically exact the system with the number 320 instead of 34
>God rid of random exotic question for things like Thorn, Pocket Infinity, Iconoclast
Functionally the exact same as getting an exotic in the wild.
>Introduced Exotic Kiosk to you can 3d print god killing weapons.
You can only get the ones you own. Where is the issue?
>Introduced 3 of coins to up exotic drop rates, no longer making them rare
Who cares. What you are gatekeeping exotics? What a faggot.

>mid ass raid
Oh my…
Every titan exotic is like Felwinter's helm.
Very good at what it does but what it does is some stupid bullshit that's completely irrelevant in 99.99% of circumstances.
Except for synthos, hoil, and lorelys. The golden trinity.
Lorely isn't that good anymore, both it and restoration have been nerfed into irrelevance.
The problem is that titans are an end to all subclasses. Speed, strength, magic. Titan has seen it all. Peak throwing hammer, peak storm grenade+hoil, peak banner of war, and whatever other builds. The ability to drop kick a champion and one shot it is pure power fantasy. Titan has to be kept neutered otherwise there’d be no point in playing anything else.
If we’re talking about the exotics at their peaks
You COULD use it in GM's for discount hunter decoy or you could put on abeyant leaps and stop them from shooting for 5-10 seconds with heals on melee and DR.
How do you fix shadowkeep?
streamline the campaign
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>posting type 1 super model figure
>in gaytiny general thread
let people watch the end cinematic again
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how do we save destiny?
bring the soul back
literally just stop writing and balancing around homo streamers
I want freelance back, bros
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we kill the milkman
what about the train stations?
>log in
>one person from the clan online
yeah it's over
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>check what they're doing
>"exploring: Pale Heart"
>fireteam closed
twilight arsenal
Reboot with a entirely new team behind it.
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Tomorrow, I do my Warlord's Ruin official solo attempt. I practiced Wailing Grief and I got down a decent damage phase of about 4 mil. Consecrations really fuck him up. I feel ready.
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good luck king
>go to cosmodrone lost sector
>kill servitor boss
I cannot fucking believe they added spirit of hoarfrost to the class item when you get no benefits from it
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Add cute girls
why do all korean games look the same
>listen to D1 song playlist
>go to cosmodrome
>do patrols
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They know that people want attractive characters and aren't shoving abominations in your face like in the West
>a slightly larger reduction in Golden Gun damage
>33% less than the current functionality
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>concord releases a month from now
im honestly excited to see the shit storm, or maybe the sony execs will pull it due to the betas low turn out
>uncalled-for nerf for Goldie
I hope bubble and well dies.
bro no one was using bubble before the tfs nerfs except in yellow minigame and now no one uses it at all ANYWHERE
>Uncalled for
Lol. And Bubble has been dead already for years
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>me drinking hunter tears
What nerfs? Was there a dev blog?
Golden gun isn't getting any nerfs, just the golden shot from Still Hunt when paired with Nighthawk
>Game is literally dead
>lets nerf more things
Fuck Bungie lmao
>if you don't play this ONE build with still hunt people accuse you of throwing because you aren't cheating to do 7trillion damage
>Bungie rightfully nerfs this
>crybabies cry

Fuck off. It needed the nerf bad.
>Hunters get literally jack shit for good exotic armor in TFS
>Still Hunt Nighthawk made up for it
>now it's gutted
Gee thanks Bungo
That surely will give me motivation to play Destiny
hunter tfs exotics are good doe?!?!?!?!?
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>Bungie gives Hunters an OP exotic
>Bungie Nerfs it
>Bungie gives Hunters an OP exotic
>Bungie Nerfs it
>Bungie gives Hunters an OP exotic
>Bungie Nerfs it
>Bungie gives Hunters an OP exotic
>Bungie Nerfs it
Im tired
>Try out Trials for the first time
>First game, first round
>Teammate charges at the enemy team and instantly dies
>My remaining teammate almost carries me to victory

I've noticed people don't give out commendations and dip the frame the match is over if you lose.
>useless strand boots
>gimmick arc chest
Both are dogshit
>Teammate charges at the enemy team and instantly dies
what class were they
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>still hunt celestial damage nerfed so now the most casual player base who try to use it with Apex for Witness are now getting total numbers in-line with alternative strategies that non-hunters use like Cloudstrike + Crux
>anyone who bothers to do autistic animation cancelling rotations will still be able to out-damage these people
I hope the player counts drop even more and Bungie goes under
hunters getting upiddy i see
Hunters make almost half of the game population. Fuck with us and the game dies.
>They know that people want attractive characters and aren't shoving abominations in your face like in the West
but korean characters look like abominations too though, just not weird mutt obese shit, like gross looking dolls who have been under the knife too much
I'd rather the game die then
hunters are such giant babies
at least titans are huge faggots instead of babies
>t. Petclass warcuck
They've been like that for quite awhile now. Its bout time they got put in their place if you ask me.
all done crying into your hanky then? gonna go back to being a big boy?
Bill nighy was too expensive, and instead treating the speaker like every other celebrity voice actor aside from lance Reddick they'd rather just kill him off instead of leaving him with the same voice lines for years in leu of paying for more voice lines (Claudia black as the eververse vendor that they've essentially removed and far as I'm aware never had any new lines since the game came out comes to mind).
How bad will the prismatic hunter nerfs be? Titan-tier dumpstered or just 5% adjustments?
What are they nerfing on Prismatic hunter?
Because it is dominating every single facet of the game.
probably smoke melee honestly
its badoken because you can get radiant and weaken from it and its useful in both pve and pvp
1 shots with that shit exotic and grapple melee in pvp too
So the same as the other classes?
Anon could you please be sincere. I will have a conversation with you I promise.
Why do you still play this game?
I only check in for eververse at this point. I stay up to date incase something happens that would draw me back to play. For me that would be something on the level of returning all the pvp maps they sunset and D1 maps. Either that or they create a new gun/buff dmt + lion because that was the most fun I ever had with the game.
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uhhhh clovis why was this on your pc?
it should be connected to failsafe thoughever
ah yes, warlock and titan prismatic truly are a sight to be beheld in pvp
50% of players in pvp playing hunters
50% of players in pvp playing warlock
and 50% of players in pvp playing titan
yep, those are the facts for sure
and thank goodness hunters can deal 8 million damage in dps with ease, just as warlocks and titans also with zero effort can pull off 8 million too
Yes. That is the current state of the game.
make everything in eververse earnable through triumphs and activity completions. That'll make people play more because they'll have actual loot to chase
i’ve been grinding ZZZ pretty hard.
i have been keeping up with Destiny though.
i wish Destiny had more gacha mechanics, like dailies and compensating us when the game is in maintenance and stuff
This but unironically. Bungie should learn more from the Chinese.
this but tfd
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>was about to lfg for the last bit of oversoul i need
>hear an idian voice
>remember the bad times
i have never dipped so fast
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>I hope bubble and well dies.
Nigga bubble IS fucking dead
The fuck is going on here. I thought hunters never crybaby bitched about shit
It wasn't even used for day 1 GM Excision lmao
We saw all kinds of shit in GM Excision but not o shit ass fucking bubble
The WoD is so pathetic that any reasonable buff suggestion sounds like over buffing when in reality, it's just having to make up all the loss of quality from the years of abuse.
Didn't act 2 come out recently? I thought "new" content openings bump up the rate of players hopping in the game.
I miss shotguns being decent in red minigame.
It's only a week old as of today. Surprisingly, 3 weapons and 3 battlegrounds wasn't enough to draw people back
Shut the fuck up, ape.
Wait really? Lmao, I forgot how much stricter Bungie got at timegating.
They were counter able then, they're more than counter able now. Literally just use your radar.
2 weapons actually
the 3rd one was extra time gated :)
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WTF REBB???????
How hard is it to get into warframe?
warlocks want well dead you dipshit lmao
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I'm not playing if Arther doesn't look like this
are you poor and indian or chinese? if not, very difficult
Shit. No hope for me then
How is Elden Rang still pulling that many?
do you like timers?
do you like sitting in orbit waiting to scam people like a pajeet or chink?
do you like content islands?
do you like to grind for an item, then grind this other item to enhance the first item, then sit in the LFG channel to find other people that need the same blueprint/item as you, with the same enhanced item, just to have a (small)chance to get the blueprint/item you need?
Some buffs I want to see for Titan's Stasis Exotics:
>Cadmus Ridge Lancecap
Remove the requirement to be behind a Rally Barricade
Allow it to work with Thruster, creating a wave a Stasis Crystals (Like Howl of the Storm) in the direction traveled
Allow it grant x1 Frost Armor stack on cast and trickle more stacks over time, like Hunter's Renewal Grasps
>Icefall Mantle
Rework it to grant max Frost Armor to yourself and nearby allies on cast
Kills with Stasis weapons should extend your Frost Armor's timer
Remove the Class Ability regen and movement restrictions while active
all of them, it literally doesnt matter, thats how trials are played, the difference is being good enough to pull it off
I'm more interested in what the fuck wallpaper engine is
and no I won't google it and no don't explain it to me because I don't actually care.
Also wtf is banana and why does it have 400k+ and also I still don't care.
its ok, mexicans and turks are allowed to participate, infact all shitskins are welcomed, you can bring your entire family!
>Like gross looking dolls
You are a tranny
>unironically being attracted to bug dolls made of plastic
I'll give koreans one thing, best in the world at boob jobs. But the faces? They look fucking horrific. Some of them somehow retain a cute quality, but the absolute freaks they seem to go for when designing korean girls in games? Nah nigger, you just have bad tastes. Even generic ass no plastic surgery lookalike asians look better than that shit.
>icefall mantle
>frost armor

fuck off we don't need another nerfed exotic that does nothing change for the sake of change is what got us into the mess in the first place

icefall isn't specifically a stasis exotic and its ability is stronger than any shitty frost armor

as for Hoarfrost it could get a hundred buffs and still be useless as long as shards have a fireteam based cooldown

Lancecap is in a good place at the moment its one of the few "shoot from a distance" Titan exotics any more and it would dominate crucible

Id much prefer a new exotic that specifically grants frost armor for Titans and maybe a stasis version of Pyrogale
Why did Bungie lose
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ok tranny
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>45k current player count
Palworldchads, we rule this general
We will rise once more
hey its the retarded tranny posting numbers at 5 am again
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based retard
All me
all me btw
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>45k current players
the average destiny player looks like this
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Whoever brings up Steam charts next is gay.
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why can't we have cuties like rya in destiny?
failsafe will look like this
because we have cuties like micah
Personally I still want to try a build with extra shatter/ignition damage where I use Consecration, Diamond Lance, Spirit of Hoarfrost, Spirit of Armamamama, Glacial Grenade, Glacial Quake and then Headstone weapons
today's all time low player count was 36k
are we, dare I say, cooked?
dead game
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>somehow…Fikrul returned
They should replace saint 14 and osiris's voice actors with Adam Sandler and make those 2 characters the jack and Jill of destiny 2
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Bros... Helldivers 2 is getting more content... Why can't we get that much content...?
I've run that. It's not my favorite kind of build. You do make explosions happen but shatters don't create orbs so no resto/woven mail/overshield at anywhere near the uptime to support doing even modestly hard hitting shit.
b-b-but muh steamcharts
the game is dead! Flavor of the m-ACK
>streamerfags still promote well in gms
>1 new tileset
>two new enemies
>more weapons
>new patrol gimmick
We've been getting the same type of deal from bungie since ttk
kill yourself, retard
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So sad. So far the only things I've been able to run in high tier content is Abeyant + Scars with Berserker so I have the Call to easy heal with and HOIL + Synthos for monster consecration damage.
Failsafe should join us on the Dreadnaught as our ship A.I.

The character work Bungie has done with Failsafe has arguably been the highlight of this entire episode. If the plan is for the Guardian to captain the Dreadnaught (or some other ship) beyond Sol then I can't think of a better pay off for her character arc than having her join us in leaving the system, finally fulfilling her Destiny as an explorer of new Frontiers.

We abandoned her for years, let's not do that again.
acceptable content from a 40$ game with no mandatory MTX
If they did that, all the new "content" wouldn't disappear in a year. And why would you buy dlc if you could access it in a year?
along with playing Destiny 2, i also like to watch anime and read manga
along with playing Destiny 2, i also like to groom people on discord
Okay, so what actually killed the hype?
Me I did
It was all apart of my evil plan
Honeymoon period ended
>13k In-Game
dead game
Negligible in some areas. Majority of the playerbase (Including Bungie devs) are Hunters.
They likely don't want to tick off 70% of the playerbase by nerfing Hunters into the ground. And I'm sure Bungie devs wouldn't enjoy doing that either.
Since rarely anyone at Bungie plays Titan, and I believe they're the least-played class, they can slap Titans left and right with little backlash.
Any negative feedback is usually suppressed by anti-Titan Hunters and Warlocks. Its only been recently that Titans are finally speaking louder than them.
Nerfed to Titan-tier while Warlocks get buffed again.
Buff Frost Armor then. It should work like Wormgod Caress and be based off a meter
Gaining stacks of Frost Armor builds the meter
The more stacks/higher into the meter, the greater your DR (Up to like 60-70% at max stacks)
BUT stacks decay over time, so you need to be constantly collecting to maintain highest possible DR

Would still technically be subclass-neutral as long as there isn't a Stasis Super requirement
Plus Overshields as a whole SUCK right now and need a massive rework themselves
For Overshields, I say just make them function like a second shield bar. The greater your Resilience, the more Overshield HP you can have
And get rid of the timer since they'll just be shot off before it runs out anyways. And when they do get shot off, have it fully absorb the last hit
That way you can use an Overshield to survive boss stomps without being killed instantly through it
>BUT stacks decay over time,
The fact that it's not like this is what makes frost armor shit.
You need 5 stacks to be worth anything and the stacks decay at once instantly.

Overshields aren't actually (that) bad. Due to how easy it is to stack them on everybody and everything at any time with any gun.
Absorbing the last hit would be insanely fucking broken.
That would make even 1 HP overshield as strong as 100 as any damage that doesn't flat out penetrate you would be completely nullified. The ramifications are staggering given how easy it is to get overshield, it's entire meta would change from getting lots of it at once to getting steady amounts of small amounts.
It would be the strongest DR in the game by a fucking mile.

Stomps need to be fixed for all kinds of reasons but that ain't the way to do it.
reprise wrath and bring as much vaulted shit back as is humanly possible to buy time until they figure something out
>strays too far from the titan fantasy, best I can do is stasis consecration
>t. bungie
Give yourself to darkness
ok just made a hunter, never played one before. What's the prismatic go to, what super should I use, just goldy?
shadowshot or squall
>choir of one uses special ammo
It's Over (Real)
pls bungie add furry characters to the game i am begging
go fuck a fallen
Don't worry it will still do 5x more than what a trace rifle could accomplish
only matter of time, now that the population is decline and only hardcores (trannies) are left they will probably introduce some element of this in the background
I'll be honest. If this game cratering is what it takes to get rid of the fucking complete dipshit writers of this season, I fucking welcome it.
They reason they have the dipshit YA writers is because the game performs so purely. For all the scrutiny D2 gets it would be a lot of worse if it had real mainstream appeal outside of 1 expansion every 1.5 years and memes about Bungie almost collapsing
They won't touch the writing department, just move the people actually making content to other projects while they continue to strangle their golden goose.
>continue to strangle their golden goose.
A reminder that they're one bad IR report away from Sony taking over
I wouldn't be surprised if they were trying to make it happen so that they could get platinum parachutes like Kotick
If those sources were correct the upper management are exactly who gets fucked.
what would be the negatives of a sony take over, really?
They literally have nothing else, D2 alone keep them barely afloat. So its more of a copper goose but its the only goose they got. Marathon ain't going to save them
The knitting classes might be permanently abolished
Honestly? With the way things are going, not much.
This. Bungie used to have relatively good writers, but they require good pay and a decently sized train station to work with. It’s way easier to hire cheap fanfiction writers who live in their own bubble that care for nothing other than gay.
playable ahamkara is the only ripcord they have left to pull
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Can't wait for the Bloomberg article talking about the internal chaos at Bungie after TFS flopped
......good writing?
None, because Sony is here to see money and they understand that Bungie should be turned into a Destiny farm the same way MS wanted to turn them into a Halo farm
Saint 14 is gay btw
And the biggest thing is that they were so experimental, I am not a Halo guy but those Halo documentaries about how they came up with the story has 1000X the soul than whatever fucking stupid Karen comes in to talk about storytelling is about le emotion while having retards spout what they feel every second
ok but did you know that saint and osiris love each other very much
Elsie is gay btw
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I think a shorter list would be the characters that aren't gay, and the even shorter list would be the straight characters that aren't dead.
drifter, eris, and zavala are the only I can name off the top of my head
Can we stop pretending the game sucks solely because muh evil execs when the developers themselves are just as retarded. Like you can blame execs for the egregious pricing and mismanagement of company resources on moot projects but the devs we are stuck with are some of the worst game designers out there. They make something as simple as communication an impossible task. It’s no secret they despise the player base. And whether they’re massively criticized they pull the transphobia/death threats card which even Reddit and Twitter caught onto and are sick of.

For example, chat remaining broken isn’t coincidence. They literally don’t want to fix it because game chat is “inherently toxic” and want nothing more than to permanently remove it.
Mismanagement and bad developers are two sides of the same problem. The exist of mismanagement desensitizes good devs and empowers shitty ones. At the end of the day the bad and good devs answer to management. Bad management can make good devs bad and fire bad devs so the blame will always be on them. Management come up with retarded shit like content train station
all of those are the fault of the execs
they CHOSE to hire shit developers
they CHOSE to fire salvatori, most likely because he's been there since the beginning and they wanted to hire someone new and cheaper
they CHOSE to hemorrhage destiny for 10 years to fund their other projects
from the top down everything actually is the execs fault
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bungie is corrupt from bottom to top. Destiny deserves better.

this is also true. The execs were the ones that canned the Staten cut and gave us d1 vanilla. Their shitty decisions have led to the talent bleed that created modern bungie.
The Staten Cut seems like omega ass and not that good I don't know why people hype up stories from Grimoire Cards. Probably better than D1 but not better than anything else Destiny did.
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why can't they make femguardians look like this?
>Fallen Arc
>Vex Void
>Cabal Solar
Uh hivesisters?
Hive were supposed to be strand but got cucked BLACKEDburn
That’s way too homophobic and even moreso racist.
Hopscotch Pilgrim
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>mfw tassi is seething about ubisoft saying ass creed shadows, a game about a gay black samurai in feudal japan is indeed completion fiction
Fake outrage perpetuated by weebs mad that there's a black samurai and 0 white samurai
holy moly
>seething about a non-issue
>we wuz samurai n shit
Tassi barely survived the first goblin attack bros...
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literally dwarf, whats wrong with that? that fits perfectly into titan fantasy
He fought off that goblin like a real man, i got goosebumps when i saw footage
Just wear those height shoes for men. Nobody will notice...
Wouldn't surprise me if the unlock all 6 weeks on each Act's drop for Revenant is designed in such a way especially since it's going to go down during IRL holidays and in game holidays and they know people would fuck off even harder sitting on their hands, also impossible to recommend the series to people at a time companies push their games the hardest. It was always retarded when Bungie would stop week to week story progression in the season to basically be like "play the holiday slop now" tune into story later. But yeah game's donezo, honeymoon ended, the content wasn't bad but it's impossible to just keep a treadmill of content you just tolerate
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>vampire hunters
what does that even mean? what tropes are trying trying to evoke?
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it’s slaying’ season
destiny is a skinner box designed to sell cosmetics
so naturally they advertise the theme of the cosmetics, vampire hunters
thats it?
> tranime
tranime is basically why we have YA fiction writers in games. Old writers were inspired by science fiction novels written by educated white men but modern writers (transgenders) are influenced by sexually deviant otakus. This is why modern game writing sucks
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anime website
deal with it
Video Games were invented by westerners and are the domains of westerners
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moot made this place for weebs and otakus in mind, outsiders like yourself are considered secondaries
It's obvious that our guardian is robo-sexual at this point so the only question is which robot girl is endgame? The Stranger, Ada-1 or Failsafe.
Anime singlehandedly ruined american writing by making it pandered to retarded autists who cannot conceptualize interacting with other humans. Enjoy your D2 writing slop tranimefags
marry Failsafe
be friends with the other two
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i really hope they don't get rid of the class system according to the leaks
it would be such a fucking cop out
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>Old writers were inspired by science fiction novels written by educated white men
>new modern writers are inspired by the work of said writers
Modern writers are influenced by the most recent modern work, not by ancient works of any kind. Its fine we have rehash of marvel gayvengers return of transwalker

>the most modern white western LGBTQ writing on earth copying marvel avengers is actually anime fault
west ruined anime
what would cool is if Destiny implemented a gacha-like character system where you could switch between titan/warlock/hunter/eliksni/cabal/etc. mid gameplay.
it’d still be FPS, but instead of having to play on each class separately you can basically have your own fireteam of characters with you at all times
Anime isn't responsible for troons and retards coopting it for their progressive bullshit narratives.
Same but it sorta seems like its going in that direction slowly. If its gonna happen though its gonna be in D3
that isn't gatcha man i can do that in devil may cry
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>pull 5 star cabal 7 times
>pull 5 star handcannon
>irrelevant next season
Grim, also what you want is not "Gacha like" system pretty sure, gayshit and other modern gachas just use modernized jRPG system
yes that too, just in general i guess that aspect of being able to switch to your other characters at any time might be cool to see in Destiny.
oh no i would not want characters/gear to be like gacha, that’d actually make the game pTw.
but just the idea that JRPGs and other games have, switching between characters and chaining skills could be fun especially in an FPS.
could be tricky to pull off though
they will, prismatic is the biggest I dictator and frankly I can't wait to put blade barrage on my warlock
is perfect paradox still timegated this week
kill yourself
prismatic has only made the game worse
when destiny 3 finally bombs, maybe we will be free from destiny
those hooligans, they put the still hunt nerf through early but didn't buff the lever action scouts
internal balancing will be a nightmare and frankly its just another excuse for bungie to be lazy because they could get away with making stuff for the subclasses
Knowing Bungie, it'll require completing week 3's quests.
more like poopy paradox
ladies first
anyways is perfect paradox still timegated this week
i hate you.
but i assume it’ll be out this week. we have the third BG so maybe they were keeping it for this one
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Its not a bad idea per se, but it gets stale boring really quick and they only reason it works well in gachas and rpgs is abundance of different new characters. Generally, it always defaults to 1 dps and team of supporters, you end up going through same sequence of buffing 1 characters and doing damage with him only, you are practically only playing 1 character.

press E press Q
switch, press E press Q
switch, press Q press E
normal attack, normal attack, charged attack, normal attack
press E, switch
I imagine it would more or less just be letting any character use any super. I don't see them getting rid of the three distinct character designs.
man that looks like crap
previously silver only shader is in for bright dust this week
And this is one of the better looking ones lmao, in reality it will be significantly worse.
how about we make our own /dg/ student council and have a Destiny culture festival
Somehow this is less visual vomit than Destiny or at least less grating from being 3rd person. I fucking hate how much assaults your retinas in Destiny
I have no idea why people lust over erasing all class identity from destiny
Going through playlist of recommend youtube destiny people out of self loathing and boredom, just remembered how Datto never got his sabbatical of how he was really going to wind down Destiny things once TFS was out and his variety content was supposed to carry him at 50k view per video, an overwhelmingly large majority of these videos hardly broke 20k and they've been up for ages. That would drive me nuts, getting popular with one thing that sucks, but you're just too shit and unlikable to draw attention for anything else.
And this is one of the worst offenders in terms of visual clutter, in reality it wont be nearly as bad.
3rd person, predictable fixed camera, little to no screen shake really help, A LOT.
I cant wait to do the grandmaster :)
My biggest problem with a lot of more recent game design is when there's absurd amount of overload clusterfuck of layers, visual fx, noise on noise etc to act as cheap duct tape to make something appear more cinematic across a variety of platforms and hardware, but ultimately it makes things look like shit for everyone. There are so many situations in Destiny where the game just looks rough to look at and even in the Witness fight it feels extra clunky with how the frame rate just tanks and it's all so poorly optimized.
pff destiny is dogshit
prismatic is the first time it actually approaches a real game
I mean they used to look a lot more feminine, from facial features, body size to poses. Now everyone's an angry lesbian.
how will bungie survive if marathon bombs
i am going to go to Juneau, Alaska for a week in September, does anyone live there or know what things to check out
>a garden world is back
okay then
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>why yes, I do believe the dungeon pass as a separate purchase is worth my money
Honestly I hope it's the end. I'm honestly not quite sure I could see Bungie pulling off even something that resembles CoD's DMZ. Extraction games for casual environment just flat out suck, the modern Bungie audience has 0 tolerance for this sort of thing(i.e. they're too big of pussies for rigors of these kinds of games), the try hard PVP crowd is going to be irate because once again they're chopped liver and not getting their promised competitive game, shitnader jake is going to start reporting people because people ganked him, and I think there's going to be this generous praise how Marathon is this big important video game even though it was cult-y at best.
>cadmus lancecap ornament in the store
>>a garden world is back
what? when did that happen?
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My bet is they reused the map in the seasonal storyline, I haven't played yet.
i’m betting they reissued the area in the episodic quest, didn’t go through it yet though
new battleground/strike. there have been some... updates though
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very ominous
the trigger discipline on that male titan is sweet
I miss when warlocks weren't floating.
All the classes have the same reddit tier overexaggerated "trigger discipline".
if we're still circlejerking about the story being written by incompetent imagination bankrupt dummies, I just wanted to add it's fascinating how dragged out shit is when it's been pretty established and obvious enough that Maya Sundaresh's sentience/clone/whatever is the Conductor especially with all the build up, Ishtar symbol in Starcrossed, literal uttering her name in Micah Ghost quest for Insight Terminus etc, I hate this suspension of disbelief that it's such a bigger mystery than it is when the bench is pretty damn light to work with and how many people do we honestly know that fucked around with vex milk and all that ,y'know? I feel like I'm watching a really bad tv series where you have to be missing chromosomes to not see something coming. the story doesn't need to suck this badly even if it's always had a slop factor to it.
don’t worry, the first episode/season is always hit or miss with a new dlc.

Revenant and Heresy will be good because more time would’ve been put into them, and without the dlc overshadowing the episode they can be judged more fairly thus requiring Bungie to actually make them decent so they can bring back players and retain a healthy player base for the next year before they announce and show what’s next.
I still saw posts across multiple sites claiming that the Conductor was Asher because one of her arms is limp. The fanbase is retarded beyond words
um we already know exactly what's going to happen tho because all the act 2 cutscenes got leaked on youtube weeks ago
um is another word i filter. shit's hilarious, they cannot help but use the word.
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Vex are the worst faction in Destiny, they are basically the Prometheans of the Destiny universe and just like those guys they suck massive dodo
Um ...hype?
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A FROG!!!!!!!!!!!!
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what is wrong with a pet frog
well in d2 they all have it on the trigger
>another "small arena with death walls" boss
I get that bungie is balancing everything around steamers that like to feel superior in their otherwise thousands of wasted hours playing destiny, but God damn they could at least mix things up.
Maybe come up with some other kind of environmental hazard.
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>three new battlegrounds for this act
>no boss health gates
i gave the dialogue nothing but praise. see how i'm laughing? why are you defensive?
Dendron has 25 million health and you need to follow him around as he teleports about, outrunning an instant death wall that chases you.
destiny is healing
reminds me of the echo chamber strike from D1
Holy shit they redid panoptes.
surprisingly the one thing they did good this episode were the battlegrounds
That's not panoptes, that's dendron, you dimbus
They're worse. They have zero personality, and incredibly boring motivation, no interesting culture, etc. Hell, before this episode they didn't even have a fucking character that communicated with the players.
eh, sometimes just having a faction diametrically opposed to the players with no deeper meaning is fine
Vex have no good bosses outside of Atheon, have no sub faction outside of Sol Divisive, have no good dlc or seasons and in fact almost killed the game twice, D1 and Curse of Osiris. The sooner vex are taken out of the game the better.
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>Orpheus Rig w/ ghillie suit ornament
>Kvostov w/ AR-15 ornament
>Tether everything so it shares damage
>Ricochet bullets so they share damage even more
>Get Super by the time you've cleared a wave of adds

I don't give a flying fuck how viable it is in Grandmasters or whatever but in the vast majority of content I am Fudd McGee, Protector of My Lawn
There is no hype, in a vex season, only despair
Yeah that was based, but doing that in seasonal slop rather than the campaign is pointless
Hey man, dont hate him because he didnt play CoO
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>only despair
calm down Zetsubou sensei
Except they aren't, for a threat like this two work they have to been overwhelming in force and unrelenting except out of all the factions the Vex have been diverted the easiest. In fact there own tech has been used against them to bring people back. The Hive wiped out an entire Awoken Fleet, Red Legion actually destroyed the city and bested the guardians (with tech no less) but all the Vex have ever done is die and then get mindraped by their own simulations (Maya Sundaresh)
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new battleground is old strike from Curse of Osiris
Idk man I know you could say this about any other season but for some reason just this piecemealing bullshit just stinks extra so with this Episode structure and further gates of stuff. I give some credit cause there is some at least creative points to battleground action and the pacing this time around is actual not shit as opposed to other battlegrounds, but the story for this is just so shit. Failsafe weirdly is the only thing saving it because it makes sense for her to be a bit goofy and manic. Revenant could have some potential because Scorn have a decent basis just always needed work, Heresy could go either way. The biggest problem is we've literally had over 4 or so seasons involving Xivu and they literally lead to jack squat or blue balling the inevitable. We're going to get to her and it's going to play out like the mockery of Quria.
So when will they actually show the conductors story
it's just cuz the vex are boring
season of the wish was the exact same way but people loved it because people love riven
The Pyramidion when?
>Still Hunt without Celestial: 309,789
>Pre Nerf Still Hunt with Celestial: 473,583 (~53% more)
>Post Nerf Still Hunt with Celestial: 317,265 (~2.5% more)
she's dead, jim
you asked for this
enjoy eating shit
how is it dead? it's still good on witness dps just because it's instantaneous damage and doesn't require heavy ammo
>radio message this week is about saint being gay for osiris
please talk about something else
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I didnt ask for this at all.
>borderlands humor
i just died of cringe
Nobody liked borderlands (reddit) humor when borderlands did it in the third game. Why would bungie think people would like it in a game that's not borderlands?
Where do you think those writers went?
whats the armor ornaments/shader
unironically this, every week its the same shit with these two faggots. i turned dialogue off and captions off because A. i hate hearing that shit B. i hate listening to that tranny micah
>new lore card
we can still save him
I got filtered by Heffer....I thought the Ogre fight would be the hard part of solo Warlord's Ruin, but it wasn't bad at all. That final fight though...Goodness, even with Lorelei, Resto x2 always up from Red Death, double void res and concussive dampener I was still getting destroyed.

I kneel today Warlord's Ruin. I'll visit you again another day.
i admit i chuckled
>t.ruth pedo
Same reason they chose to go back to Marvel dialogue for Lightfall(and parts of Seraph)
>snipers meditation doesn’t buff still hunt golden shot
What’s the next witness meta?
cloudstrike, microcosm
When DPS comes, go up to the next level by jumping on the blights. Literally safe.
whisper, i fucked up a lot of shots and still did 4mil+ dmg, sometimes missing the whispered breathing proc as well
I'll admit it is pretty fun to dump all my cloudstrike ammo and watch the witness get melted every phase
What even is the best crafted whisper
I have all the things for it.
boss room in new GM is a whole lot of bullshit. but it is doable with good add clear builds
Also looks good in Dead Zone Foliage
Field Prep is the go-to since it increases your reserves
>hive magic is actually quantifiable, it's a-
I'm still disappointed
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is destiny more so a zillenial game?
i can’t imagine young teens really playing this semi-dated format of gameplay, especially considering how much more advanced other shooters are.
This is a 10 year old franchise, the only people still around have been here since day 1
ive been playing since foreskin
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It is for sure. Lots of zoomers played it in their early teens and millennials who grew up on halo played it in their 20s. No one young plays this game outside of children of older millennials who played it and showed it to their kids
Adds arent even the issue the 4 second delay on the lava room door is what killed my run.
it’s time to make Destiny M-rated so Keith can do his angry cursing voice as Zavala and we get cutscenes of Drifter in his private quarters
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>complete overthrow objective
the youngest destiny players are probably in their early 20s now. Destiny doesn't appeal to younger gen z and gen alpha, and it doesn't help that there hasn't been a new game in 7 years.
The Gyrfalcon Ornament is on the BD store today.
ok back to shitposting
Still Hunt goldie shot with Celestial Nighthawk now only does 2.5% more than the regular 3 shot goldie.
So unless your Still Hunt dps rotation really relies on the ~2 second time save it's kind of a waste now
Nighthawk still does other things and you know, the actual super
the boss mechanics in this new battleground are filtering the community. its amazing.
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I wonder why they changed sleeper simulant in D2 to have the metallic tan underbits, even the icon still has it as black
that's why i said still hunt dps rotation
it does beg the question of Destiny being a T-rated game holds back the writers.
now obviously the marvel-like writing in some parts isn't affected by the rating, but more so i’m wondering if certain themes or story beats had to be skipped or thrown away due to them being to mature, in both the sense it’s too graphic and it’s more serious, that a younger teen playerbase wouldn’t get really.

Halo was an M-rated game, possibly mainly due to depiction of war and military, but i guess with modern perspectives that’s not a huge issue anymore, thus more shooter games can be T-rated.

and of course, do more graphic/violent and serious themes and stories even belong/fit in Destiny’s universe? i think maybe for some parts yes, like Taken King, Final Shape, certain past seasons.
but overall Destiny still leans toward space fantasy adventure, maybe explaining that whether it was T or M-rated, we’d still have the same writing regardless
a T rating just means Osiris gets his top off for Saint
*M rating
aw shit I fucked it. pls no bully
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>me on the way to pet my destiny 2 the game frog
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tyrone really let himself go, but also changed his style
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hmmm, which heavy shall I use today
It's not that hard, but you really need someone who can give you pointers. Thankfully the community is really helpful. Patience is essential, though. It's not microtransaction-heavy unless you're impatient, in which case DE are more than happy to take your money. Main hint? Use your starting plat to expand your warframe and weapon inventory. Don't buy basic resources or credits. Push forward in the star chart and get into the actual plot missions to unlock some free stuff, and don't burn yourself out. And roll to negate 75% of damage during the duration, allowing you to tank annoying status procs.
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>the only dungeons people ever want to run are WR and GotD
>nobody ever wants to run spire even when it's in the rotator
I mean what standout guns does spire have? WR has rocket pistols and bloodline, prophecy has a great PvP Auto, SMG and HC, GoTD has a decent SMG and RL what does spire have outside a cowboy hat you only need 1 of and a exotic bow that is just a modified ticcuu's.
It has nothing, shit baby DMT, shit sidearm, shit double fire gl, shit machine gun. It's all shit
None of the dungeons have any guns worth getting other than 2 from Prophecy and 2 sidearms from Warlords.
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>lightning crackle
>lightning crackle
[insect-like chattering]
>reset day
>only one page of the clan is online
Dead game
>dead game
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Lost interest around the start of Lightfall, but thinking about diving back in. Is Final Shape a worthy end to the current saga at the current price? And what's the current state of Titan fashion? I always wanted to go back to looking like a discount SPARTAN but never could find enough gear that fit the bill back during Lightfall.
I wish I had that cowboy hat but I just can't be bothered to learn where all the switches are in that opening area. I got half of it complete and was but was 200% done with getting shot from random ass rooftops and never went back in. Keep the hat and the dumbass bow nobody uses.
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>Is Final Shape a worthy end to the current saga at the current price?
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Consecrating my ass onto small framed Warlock pelvis
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Ember is a Sunbreaker sister from another universe. We are not in competition, we team up for 2 ass 1 cock sandwiching
Well, shit, I guess I'll come back when Team Four Shape gets discounted.
TFS is great and worth the price. Titan fashion is in the gutter and will never reach the heights of Hannaford's greatness again. You may like the Crimson Plume Helm at least.
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I wouldn't even say it's worth that. Maybe a third of the campaign is dedicated to Zavala having a meltdown because the trauma and crisis of faith he dealt with in Haunted came back for no reason, and Keith David just sounds confused the entire time.
>Keith David just sounds confused the entire time.
Was he paralyzed? Dumbstruck?
Like he didn't know what the words he was saying were. "Speak like Lance but don't" is my best guess for what the director told him to do
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>look tomar it's you
Did they reuse the tower ascent part of that one Mercury strike in this new battleground
sort of, going down instead and nowhere near as open
I keep hearing Heirarchy has really top-tier damage but, I must say: I've seen it used twice in almost 2000 hours.
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So who were the others in that lore card? I recognized Asher and a rogue Echo of Osiris, but who was the silent worm? Xol? And who were the others gripping for the echo until Maya reached it? Just other simulated randos?
>but who was the silent worm? Xol?
It could be Xita since she's dead, or Akka since its title is the Worm of Secrets
Me when I die because I made a small little mistake like an idiot
>whew, almost forgot to mention my faggot husband with whom I'm in a homosexual relationship because we're both gay this week!
So what's stopping me The Guardian, from going rogue and crushing both of saints and osiris's ghost shells?
well, you were already beaten to Osiris's.
I was busy for a while with work-related stuff. The radio message is another chapter in the gay love story, right? They seriously need to fire this specific writer.
I just unlocked the pattern for the seasonal pulse rifle.what should I put in 3rd?
Almost everything about this current story is about saint and Osiris being gay.
I only hope it ends with them fucking off into space on their gay road trip, and we never hear from them again.
Oh... right
Just saints then
This writer is the lead narrative designer, Robert Brookes
Halo had blood. Covenant blue and orange blood fountains and marines that bled red. Pretty sure the later is an automatic M rating. Destiny 2 has no bleeding enemies, although some of the scorn might get close.
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>Robert Brookes
Hacks must be in season
Imagine if they vaulted the piss minigame along with them
A man can dream
So the vex can perfectly replicate the power of ghosts and the light in the real world now?
how long do these Echo's live?
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For fuck's sake, can this guy imagine a story that is not yet another piece of daddy/mental issues or two men fucking each other? For a game where humanity barely survives against impossible odds because of space magic, I have too little epic space magic and instead see characters turn into whiny shits from the deepest hells of Tumblr or Twitter.
He got the job off of Saint/Osiris fanfiction, and one of the first things he did when he got an important position was to make his headcanon canon. This isn't speculation either, it's something he's discussed proudly in at least one interview
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Holy kino
I wish they would vault the entirety of mini game some times, but I know that isn't going to happen.
I will now play your game
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He literally said in his twitter that he 'has always envisioned Saint and Osiris being gay', in the vein of 'deal with it'.
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You can also read it as "I'm mentally ill and have never had a friend"
Grim. But I guess you get what you pay for and they clearly didn't pay much for a writer of this caliber lmao
Are these his only writing credits?
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There isn't a single woman in this picture, not in game, not in real life. You are just a bunch of faggots simping each other at best and a bunch of necromorphs at worst. Leave this fucking thread or i come to wfg and ruin your already shortened miserable life until you beg me to leave like you did last time, disgusting 41 percenter
I really dislike this kind of writing.nothing cool happens in the seasonal stories.there is an entire solar system filled with aliens and remnants of golden age settlements etc and this is what we get.
Seething tranny
The follow up to defeating the witness no less.
As far as I can tell, professionally, yes.
Man me not being super into the relationship of Saint and his bottom bitch makes me feel like such a homophobe but really I'm just not super into relationshit in any media or orientation. If this was Crow and Amanda I'd be like bitch have you considered the healing power of a good BJ and a sandwich? Stop overthinking this shit it ain't fucking chess, he's a Titan! Spit on it dummy! Osiris should know better. Still respect to them for giving this space to breathe and actually using the episodic structure to tell episodic stories even if it feels like a anime filler you'd most likely skip right now. I'm sure there are some queer players that have never seen shit like this in a FPS game enjoying it. More power to 'em.
I know you come from wfg, i know you have never left your tiny discord hugbox filled with rotting necromorph sisters, i know you have prosopagnosia among countless other psychological issues that leave you in tears every night as you smell yourself after yet another painful encounter with reality during most recent dilation session, but the only seething trannies here is you and your dogshit thread. It doesnt get better, ever, the only solution you have is joining your predecessors
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Didn't read
Keep crying
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Youre telling me this man was hired for what is essentially, or was Sony's flagship games as a service, because he wrote Saint/Osiris fanfiction
What in the absolute fuck
>Didn't read
>Keep crying
i would have believed you if you didn't spend 3 minutes reading and collecting yourself just to come up with this kind of reply, kind of pathetic to be frank, but i guess you are used to living in this kind of disappointment
this is a huge missed chance to delve deeper into vex lore etc and it was thrown away for something that a lot of players probably dont care about.I have seen better shit on fanfiction net.
He got hired before bungie got bought by Sony, but yes.
As far as is known, he got to control the whole story based off of his extensive career of being a producer on one movie no one has ever heard of, and making gay fanfiction on the internet.
Is Warframe just a game for gooners?
I'm a tranny and I love yaoi and gay love stories, but even I'm rolling my eyes. Too much sad gay boy hours, not enough Vex. More Vex.
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so why do so many people like difficulty like this?
thats not cool?
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>Warframe next new main Villain looks like this
Why does Bungie hates attractive women?
honestly a rogue osiris echo as the main enemy would have been kino
it eas the opposite for me
i died to the second boss so many times AND died when i went to piss right after beating the orge
and then did hefd first try
i suggest using sunshot or khovostov instead of red death so you can kill eyes and adds quicker
and for the blights i had a sniper to kill them instantly
it reminds them that they will never be a real woman.
the fact that asher is there is especially weird because he's supposed to be dead
>There was no time to adapt. A picosecond later and there was nothing left of the signal but a dim ripple of spite.
>It is as I said all along, the signal thought bitterly as it unspooled into the datastream. No one can stop it.
>There is no sense in even trying.
Same logic applies to wartroons, it lets them roleplay as women
I believe in you, anon. Going to take a crack at it with that same setup this weekend.
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>self insert inserting
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how hard is the duality dungeon exotic catalyst to get?
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>trending on Twitter
>trending on Reddit
>Trending on /v/
Warframe won
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>destiny at its worst 14th
>warframe at its best 20th
Ogre is pretty hard without something that staggers him. I ran a setup with HOIL/Synthos and spammed consecration on him which always kept him staggered and away from me which made the fight so much easier. I actually went back after quitting and did some practice Hefnd runs and I found that my HOIL/Synthos build was also doing much better than my Lorelei build. I needed to make sure I got rid of the Knights and Witches quickly and the consecrations nuked them instantly which left me free to Red Death everything small to stay alive.

While the build feels good for leading up to DPS, the consecrations can't do any damage to him, so it's just explosive light rockets and the call doing any damage along with the super. Makes me wonder if I should run the rocket chest piece with knockout and consecration.

Thanks anon. I'll definitely give it another go soon. Hopefully people don't call me so much during the next run lol. I had about 4 phone calls and everyone was like "What are you doing?" as I nervously tried to not die while doing DPS and talking.
i would honestly just focus on survivability, if it takes 8 phases then so be it
i think using a god roll edge transit is the way to kill hefnd,
rockets are too slow and don't have as high of total damage as gls with less burst
if remember correctly you gotta kill a yellow bar and take the flag it drops to it's spot within a time limit. simple enough. just watch a video
*3 different times throughout the dungeon
Why are the biggest Warframe haters always the Warframe players of this general? Stop cross posting!!!!
Brookes didn't even write Echoes, he moved off the seasonal team to write Final Shape last year.
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>The Great Quiet Thing, the Not-Worm, kept its eyes closed and ignored the call. It was still too soon, it decided. It shivered, the motion forming cascading bubbles of new hypothetical simulations in which it did not shiver. These contradictions soured and burst, scattering nutrients into the network.
We are Anonymous
Akka or Ahsa presumably. "It was still too soon" makes me lean more towards Akka, since it has to come back in some capacity for the Dreadnaught shit.
definitely a do it once and never again kind of GM
What's the weapon this week? And isn't it double drops?
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>dragons breath
>ikelos sniper
>dawn chorus
oh yeah, its gm time
slammer and it's bonus rep
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can we get ONE FUCKING villain in the seasonal story that's a cool looking dude? the conductor? another fucking YAAAS QUEEEN SLAAAAY villain
im so tired of this repetitive shit, weve had the same villains since eramis
Destiny 2 is pozzed wokeslop so never ever
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and you know its just so fucking autistic because the next biggest thing with the vex was getting to see actual vex fighter constructs and for fucksake they keep giving us the same female villains copy pasted every god damn time.
can they just give it a fucking rest and leave the vex alone, i thought the conductor would be a new type of vex enemy but they just couldn't help it. Destiny geuninely deserves better writing god damn
anyone want to do anything? duality?
What did you use on heffer? I am doing practice runs right now and I just can't fucking deal with this fight.
the best you get is Ghaul and he was y1.
recon vorpal succession to kill blights and knights
sunshot to adclear and kill eyes in a second also to extend resto
and the trails gl with envious and bns for actual damage
for my strategy i always killed blights with the sniper on rip, bonked the taken wizards instantly because they're really deadly
fo the knights i always got 1 weak, then fully kill another that way i consistently got 3 totems for dps rather than striving and dying for 4 or settling for 2
Ghaul and the Speaker's conversations somehow ended up as one of the best parts of the series. Not even the "So feel free to kill yourself" part, but how the Speaker manipulated Ghaul's inferiority complex to buy time for everyone else
There isn’t a single biological woman that plays this game
cosmodrome patrols
yeah pretty much. I think the reason why the problem is exacerbated is Discord is full of troons, and so you run into them if you use the LFG there. I dont I've ever met one ingame
My clan leader is a married woman in her late 30s
They're playing FFXIV instead
lol this game is like 30% women. They just all have boyfriends and husbands. No single cis women play this game for sure because they get snatched up in about 2 seconds.

Lots of single trans women though so if you're in the mood to smash some bussy it's there.
my clan is co-led by a norwegian woman my age, and she always forces me to grind activities with her
Why are you guys spamming tranny ass in this thread? Fuck off.
i need female contact
I thought you guys liked gays and trannies?
Schizo poster from last week or so is an inside bungie man. Frontiers will have us operating out of helm, watering down the experience as a blank slate, sunset/downgrade planets further for space, focus the whole thing of an every changing roster of planets and spaces as the replacement. Expect some big Director's message about not easy choices, sob story about how D2 was doomed etc didn't expect game to be this old, etc.Someone at bungie's gonna say how making the planet spaces smaller(excluding certain ones like pale heart) allows them to continue to add more. They're trying to get your comfortable with just a star map, and spaces like play as open little activity contained zones(see dreadnought), icons for activities, and that's all, Micah just being a holo projector and voice is a test to show you how its all gonna play. They're going to sell this as perfect for new people who are already lost.
Destiny 2 is actually a game for milfs
This. One of the people I play with the most is a woman in her mid 30s.
i’m just imagining some early-mid 20’s guy in a fireteam of 5 mature older women milfs
The duality of /dg/
holy fuck just make a new game the content vault is fucking retard mode
Scandinavia is autistic by default so it kinda checks out by virtue. There's 2 Swedes in my clan who will be first to tell you how a certain season triumph sucks because the % to fill progress bar to 100% takes some ungodly amount of runs even though the triumph isnt for seal or anything
You know it's going to happen, minimum viable product, bald Justin needs his yacht. This entire thing has been reeking to high hell of this good/cop bad cop shit with content people who are 100% playing around about "the future of Destiny" and they're just goading people on to what is an inevitable disappointment.
im jealous
>right wing community
>left wing devs
never forget
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it gets pretty exhausting, she is very critical about efficiency and calls me out when i kinda slack around, so im literally gif related just so i don’t get chewed out
What would a conversation be like in that fireteam?
>he thinks the community is right wing
Clan name so I can experience this?
jesus, catty bitching the entire time with none of them being able to do basic mechanics or any amount of dps plus they'd all be fat and somehow up their own asses just purely because their tits are big, only due to being fat though
couldn't do it
Thats my literal dream scenario
my asmr for today is watching some 40+ foid do solo warlords attempts.
I honest to god thought you were somehow watching me
Are there any good/noteworthy trans developers? I honestly wouldn’t give a shit but these people seem to be at the core of not all but a lot of vidya flops and studio drama. I just read some behind the scenes stuff for Concord and apparently there was a trans lead dev that made people call her professor. And anytime you criticize these devs they just cry bigotry.

Even Riot Games which is seemingly a breeding ground for these people doesn’t engage with LGBTQA+ stuff on anything more than a superficial level. There’s sparse gays and no trans characters in League and Val. The company celebrates pride month but nothing more.

20 years ago the vast majority of game dev was hetero male nerds, it was also more competent. Although modern vidya is also full of wild execs so I guess it’s a chicken or the egg thing.

Between the Concord stuff, Mr.Beast stuff, a trans tiktoker, and my own personal experience I’m starting to believe all trans people are insane. And I’ve seen people say “oh well the suicide rate is so high because they don’t receive enough support” but no these people have legitimate mental issues that aren’t being treated properly. There’s doctors that capitalize on this stuff. The thing is, the hormones the surgeries, it’s never going to be enough for them. Their mental image will never be in tune with their physical image and they will destroy themselves over it. That’s why I respect drag queens.
I think the main people who made slime rancher were trans and it was a pretty fun game. Nothing was pushed, supported, or anything really from what I remember. Its been awhile since I looked into and played it though so I could be wrong
the one trans dev at Bungie made khovostov exotic, and people like that gun
They also made the root of nightmares weapons
Khvostov is one of the most satisfying and fun exotics in the game. The next time we get anti-barrier auto is going to be such a fun season. Hell, we had an anon here that put 12k kills on that weapon within a week or 2 of TFS dropping.
sir this is a destiny general
>finally got euphony
>still no perfect paradox
see you next week mr video game and thanks!
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Hey bro don't worry, /wfg/ is finally taking care of our discord groomers. We are currently wrestling for the OP control and kicking out the... "necromorphs".
Love to the family lad, visit us sometimes.
get back to work dmg
Is banner of war titan worth using anymore?
>ywn impregnate a destiny milf
Yeah. Its survivability is at the very least on par with Prismatic titan and will definitely be better when Galvanic Armor is gone.
BoW and solar titan are the only titans worth playing
lole it kinda seems funny to me that dmg watches airing anime.

maybe i judged him too harshly
yes retard
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mountain top is still baller
I used it and after playing prismatic titan with 3 consecrations it feels bad. Maybe I need to use swords or something.
use a 1 punch shot gun
Why even make this post? Dont answer this btw I dont care
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I have now beaten the game. See you in a few months for the new season.
Your Weir-Walker set for your femlock bro?
which trenchcoat is that it's the least shitty nezarec one I've seen minus the boring colours
the blue inspector one from witch queen.
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finally clearing out the slop. rolls marked red i intend to keep for testing.
anything else here worth messing with?
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Season of the Deep for Warlock had a nice outfit for that kinda look
Is it that bad?
>using alpha lupi at all
I can't believe they put that in there. They really need to make it work with Thruster.
blue as in rare?
this nigga walking around in pajamas
>downgrade planets further for space

Bitch, there's nothing on them right now! I hope they just outright pull them all. Huge waste of space.
if it doesn't work with thruster it's dead in the water
glimming all of them
>Iconoclast 21/22
>All I'm missing is first encounter of United Front because it's bugged on Warlock
>I don't play Hunter
>Nobody else is willing to try on Titan
Not being bingle's favored child is suffering
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I logged in to my 1900 hunter to do it lol.
is hardware another attempt at gathering data to see how people do when they have abilities vs. when they don't
i don't doubt there's a good portion of the player base that gets carried by ability spam
>game is so dead there's no one to even fight against in red minigame
apparently some chink found a witness cheese to skip all glyphs for the first dps phase before starting the encounter with two-tailed fox lol
probably just hacking
>bug in title
at least it's relatively self aware
Nah, this one is a common bug that Bungie keeps overlooking when making things that have immunity
Much like how you could solo Taniks by tossing a Nova Bomb and killing yourself just before it hits him, this is just shooting a rocket at a glpyh and killing yourself immediately so that the game registers it as damage
Does the Spirit of Synthoceps only buff punching damage, or does it buff Swords and Glaive damage as well like normal Synthoceps?
Is there a site or tool that helps me track down loot and where/what activities it drops from?
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I can't believe I'm saying this but I might need to try this GM on prescription amphetamines instead of 3 pints of 16 proof craft beer
>"Prismatic Titan is too weak!"
>Also Prismatic Titan
>Solos Liminality GM in 30 minutes and Platinums it
is that the general population or just esoterickk
It's some other guy name itzthedub. Esoterickk took an hour on prismatic Warlock.
can't wait for the 1 prismatic titan build (consecration slop) to be nerfed because of a handful of people using it lmfao
that getaway artist build fucking sucks
I mean, it's pretty fucking ridiculous. If knockout and synthos are activated you 1 shot GM champs. I would not be surprised if they pulled it back some.
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I view it as high risk, high reward since itzthedub uses ergo sum in GMs, and you have to get up close to every enemy. He has to carefully maintain his various buffs and frost armor to not die, and if he loses his buffs he can just instantly die if he isn't careful. Very different from most solo GMs where you just sit in the back with a scout or a bow.
this game brings out the worst in me
it was never explained why there are ahamkara bones in the traveller, right? shouldn't all the pirates want that shit?
based steelers fan
so does playing on PC at high framerates actually make you take more damage or not? i can never get a straight answer.
i can hear this webm
funny i also know a norweigan lass who leads a destiny clan
it should be though. its literally the only viable titan build and it isn't even close. boring as fuck,
Remember when Helm of Saint-14 was good? I do. :(
just did titan on legendary, wasn't too bad but I wish void shield toss was actually improved instead of bungie's meagre attempt
other than that was pretty easy even with handicapped weapons/artifacts/fragments etc
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my favorite part of this image is you rage quit the very next game
the current player count is 40k
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>the 5 am retard woke up early to post 3 am number
bungie damage control ameritranny
last week's GM i would usually get about 60-70 kills
for liminality, i ended with almost 200 kills
Yes, play at a locked 30 frames if you want to facetank.
You should really only keep five of those at best.
>think about unlocking act 2 on my other classes
>oh you have to do literally every step
>quit destiny 2
Just came
is perfect paradox even available yet?
no they're saving that for part three
enjoy your time gate if you didn't already have one in your vault from y1/sundial
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bungie tongue my anus
Over status?
>If knockout and synthos are activated you 1 shot GM champs.
>I would not be surprised if they pulled it back some.
Pic related hasn't been nerfed yet so no
Honestly on what planet will that ever be a good idea?
Not available until the end of the last story quest for act 2
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you just don't have the balls
Engagement metrics
They were yanked off of me when I shoulder tackled a tormentor and it did 50 damage and got me suppressed.
>I got Lucent Hive coming for you!

What do (You) do?
Try not to doom challenge for 24 hours
If you succeed I will eat breakfast
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You did get Iconoclast, right?
Lfg sucks at surviving so I don't feel like trial and erroring for a title
i think drifter is hot
btw i main hunter :^)
>Sparrow Control instead of Control for some reason.

It is as though Bungo WANT me to hate their game.
yea most of them will be in the "usable but kinda shit" tier. just want to try as many niche interactions as I can while I have all of these rolls so I don't have to macro again
realistically, i'll end up with a couple hoil rolls, assassin synthos, a hoarfrost roll, an ursa roll, and either stareater eternal or syntho eternal, whichever does more damage
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exit out because why the fuck would i ever play gambit
heckin froggerino
I am still catching up on Act 1. Is Act 2 any good?
yes it’s pretty good
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I have been LFGing since 2019 and I have never once played with a troon, and rarely ever played with a woman. What Discord are you using?
The battleground environments are nice
It's mid.
So when will we learn about the conductor though?
lol peregrines one shots a single mini boss, consecration can nuke 2-3 champs at once and nuke up to like 15 other enemies at the same time and you have 3 charges of it and you don’t need to charge it up
The entirety of next season is about her trying to revive her gay lover
Provided they're all on the ground and you're doing content where it's grouped mooks and not large sniper lines.
I don't doubt it's going to get nerfed. But, just keep in mind that it's use case is surprisingly limited in the current sandbox with very few GM's letting it be viable from start to finish
Unironically the trans weapon dev is based and many of the recent exotics have been very fun. Credit where it is due.
who made red death?
>I just read some behind the scenes stuff for Concord and apparently there was a trans lead dev that made people call her professor
Do you have a link for this?
Are we going to get yet another female villain that turns out to be misunderstood and we wind up having a heart to heart with her and she turns into an anti-hero of some kind
you don't like morally grey girl boss274737×>384<-b?
I didn't listen to all the datamine so I don't know
But, probably.
Failsafe great, battlegrounds are fantastic, but it's still the same story.
So what drove bungie to make this disaster of a story though?
yea bro sure
a woman who experienced an excruciating period once

Osiris and Saint being gay for one another, and Osiris possibly grooming Saint is VERY important though.

I am glad that this comes up so often.
i left an lfg early because the retards didn't know how the first encounter of gotd worked
could i get banned for that?
Your doing the right thing
Maya wants to use the echo to rewind time to the Golden Age so she can keep her wife safe, but we do something to stop her(I assume Saint and Osiris talk her out of it), so she just leaves.
More gay drama, I love Destiny
they do not moderate LFG parties
you only get penalized for leaving matchmade parties
lmao if they banned you for leaving an lfg that’d be the funniest shit ever
I think I might pop an edible this weekend and attempt to solo Spire for the title. I just really fucking hate how spongy the bosses are in newer dungeons. The thought of going through like 5-6 phases just got the harpy boss makes dread even trying it, let alone that clusterfuck of a last boss.
I was gonna start practicing solo flawless gotd today

Do some Amphetamines instead. Gaming PED.
Leaker here
>echo of the witness falls into a historic warmind bunker in the cosmodrone
>while pvping players can see a red glow from the distance at feleinters peak
ah yes Felinters Peak
Nice try larper but none of the echoes went towards earth
Do you think Bungie even knows what project frontiers is yet
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>still playing this dead irrelevant game

Recommend something else, genius.
There's probably a rough idea. Like the most rough idea possible.
but enough about cuckframe
Half-Life Decay on the PlayStation 2
>"On your death, creates a healing rift on your corpse."
>This NEVER happens...

Is The Stag bugged ATM?
how do I self res with song of flame in d2?
Whatever there ideas are they are never able to execute them and will have to scramble to make something that even somewhat functions. Literally the same story with D1, D2 and TFS. Whatever it is now will probably be massively narrowed down or changed
What was this even for?
You can turn it in for a golf ball
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If you could bring back one alternative mod system from the past which one would you being back?

Warmind Cells
Elemental Wells
OG Charged with Light
i think its cute
I like to imagine that underneath the space suit every guardian is wearing hardcore bondage gear
Wait you're telling me they aren't?
comedy hour is in session
I'm trying out for a writers position at bungie
Saint and Osiris’s story has made me gay
>lore: the traveler gave everyone the light and deliberately didn't talk so everyone could have free will to fuck around
>story (because different writers): the traveler sees the light as a burden and the guardian tenets are real actually
man they really couldn't decide what to do huh? 100% they'll retcon the traveler even more in years to come
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>Geppetto, Saint's Ghost
>her Gaurdian's shoulder

is geppetto a gender neutral name in another language? or is bungie being extra gay and making saints ghost trans
Always bet on trannies
mithrax should be shot
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and be reborn as a gaurdian? I agree

also he's gonna die anyway, pic rel
Mine definitely does. She’s also plugged up too. Every time she consecrates it vibrates.
gepetto doesn't exist outside of Pinocchio so no
uh oh he got nezarec's remains'd
my warlock is plugged, cathed and caged 24/7
underneath the featureless helmet, nose tubes and a mouth plug to keep it permanently affixed
his ghost calls him drone. Ironically of course
Eramis will kill herself to save him and get resurrected as Kell of Kells
thank god they are actually doing something important with eramis
eramis is shit the only good fallen villain was Skolas
Hot. Also a tube running hrt into him to feminize him
the cath threads back into mouth gag/dildo behind the helmet
mixing hrt and piss that he constantly has to swallow. He hasn't cum once since being raised, his ghost thinks it makes him more efficient in missions.
He's never been able to speak since being raised so nobody knows what's going on under the armor, why his ghost named him Drone and they don't know it's all his ghosts idea
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yeah let the general die it's time
>He hasn't cum once since being raised
that's hot
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trannies have begun settling in, they love going into dying/dead games and communities. Its officially over
>Thinking it's just the fetish post
Nigga the general has just been nonstop doomposting and bitching. Let this general die until there's an actual reason for it to be up.
shit taste
>until there's an actual reason for it to be up.
nta but this literally never works.
If a general dies. It usually stays dead regardless of what happens in the game
Once upon a time there were multiple trannies that saved this general during season of the lost
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Play Warframe
Show me it from the front and I'll consider it.
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