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Shut Up and Make Some OC edition

>The Final Shape
>Dev Insights - Episode: Echoes

Patch https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/destiny_2_update_8007
TWAB (07/18/24): https://www.bungie.net/7/en/News/article/twid-07-18-2024

DIM: https://app.destinyitemmanager.com/
Armor Picker: https://d2armorpicker.com/
API: https://www.light.gg/
Stats: https://destinytracker.com/
Braytech: https://braytech.org/
PressKits: https://press.bungie.com/Destiny-2
Gunsmith: https://d2foundry.gg

>TTK, Buffs/Debuffs, DPS, etc...

Previous: >>487206810
Somehow warframe is even more dogshit than destiny and asses won't change that
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Now post gameplay
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>me with my Truth
Let's think of some silly Exotic ideas

>Exotic Kinetic Rocket Launcher
>Literally just an RPG-7
>"Hey, nobody said it had to be paracausal for it to hurt"
>Hold reload to switch between HEAT and HE rounds
>HEAT has almost no blast radius but does massive precision damage and bonus damage to vehicles
>HE obviously has a huge blast radius but no real bonus damage
post /dg/ classics
A dance ray that causes humanoid enemy units to stop fighting and start playing dance emotes
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>Here's what it looks like on max settings
>No gender choice, not even notorious ‘body type 1’ and ‘body type 2’, just one set of faces for everyone
>But you can buy skin with ass for $40
Playing Warframe made me appreciate Destiny more
You can grade the deadness of the game by how inundated /dg/ threads are with Warframe spam
At least come up with better material instead of just spamming.
I will note that half the face presets switch your body type to female.
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>Exotic Kinetic Primary Shotgun
>It's an AA-12
>Absolute Annihlation-13
>Rapid Fire Shotgun with onslaught and explosive rounds
>Catalyst is a mix of subsistence and deconstruct
Also Hallowfire Furnace does pic related instead of whatever super it has equipped
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>Playing Warframe made me appreciate Destiny more
Said no one ever lmao
Just the needler. Tracking needles and supercombines. After a supercombination, the target is suppressed or weakened. Volatile spreads to nearby targets. Volatile targets take half as many shots to supercombine. Uses special ammo, 20rd/mag, 80rd capacity. Supercombines take 9rds, 5 when volatile. Two supercombines per mag against a single big target, or four supercombines against packs of small targets.
>nova mortis
>nemesis star
>pocket infinity
>plan c
>zhalo supercell
>no land beyond
>universal remote
>patience and time
>super good advice
>fabian strategy
>Playing Warframe made me appreciate Destiny more
Nigga we're in the middle of the gayest fucking season I've ever experienced in literally any game I've ever played.
I don't know what warframe is like but if what you posted is the absolute worst it's STILL nowhere near as bad as fucking destiny
Does Warframe have Gambit though?
lol you made the warframetard really angry with this one
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destiny is an actual game so yes it is better no matter how much you cry about the game being woke
The Index is very much like gambit but without invaders
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Play The First Descendant
I just said it
Warframe is endless bloat with the depth of a puddle
Game basically has no difficulty or any goals so you're just farming to farm more
There's no grandmaster, raids, gambit or pvp (There's PVP but it's completely dead) where you can use all that cool stuff you've farmed
You just farm until enemies start dying in seconds so you can farm some ugly wings straight from Korean mmo
Destiny despite all its problems still has good foundation
>Have a blocker for the phrase "Warframe"
>Half the thread is hidden
Amazing general as usual
I tried but it’s too much coomer and too little fun
>Imagine unironically defending and slurping the pozzed wokeslop that Bungie feeds you
Destiny community is literally most cucked in gaming
Devils ruin catalyst when
Where's the pic of the giant gay statues in wf?
Destiny 3 year 10
>Destiny community is literally most cucked in gaming
It's been this way for literally a decade. Where have you been and why would you expect it to change now?
>Destiny community is literally most cucked in gaming
Tell that to the Halo fans, the BioWare fans, the WoW fans, and the yearly sportslop fans
Why yes destiny 2 is a fun game. But this isn't about the quality of the game. You brought up all this type1/2 nonsense in reference to destiny 2 lmao
As if we have literally ANY leg to stand on.
Destiny will get better
/dg/ will btfo the /wfg/ posters
Right bros?
It's over.
pocket infinity WHEN
The neomuna episode will change EVERYTHING
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Where are the attractive characters
There aren't in this game
Everyone is gay/lesbian/trans uglies
warframe won. bigly.
They were killed off or outshined by gay retards
She'll be relevant again next season because her brother will be important
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Back in Destiny 1
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Which one is your favorite
>Jetstream Sam from wish and a bunch of trannies
Every single one of these characters looks fucking disgusting.
I hope they add more gay romance just to make you seethe
trinity's hair looks like shit, aoi's chin thing looks odd, nyx is alright
>Ruins the game
>Kills the franchise
>Goes bankrupt
>just to own the chuds
Do leftoids really?
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bg3 and destiny both prove that wokeness works and is profitable. Seethe harder chuddie :)
Bg3 is ranges from the limpest of wrists to the whitests of bread
Destiny 2 is all gay, all the time.

They are not alike.
But does Destiny let you have a threesome with a dude and a male bear?
lol. And every D2 expansion has flopped
Elden Ring's main villain is a maliciously evil blonde whore with a huge rack and a fat ass, and the more we learn about her the more unhinged and evil she turns out to be. Destiny take notes PLEASE
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Does Bungie have any cute devs like Rebb?
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That woman is not a Bungie employee
[Sad News] The Destiny 2 playerbase has collapsed to nearly an all time low, despite the 10 year finale releasing a month and a half ago
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>worse player retention than Lightfall
I have hope for the future
"the best expansion in destiny history" amirite?
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Nimbus-sama, have mercy
I dont even know what the gameplay for Warframe or First Descendant looks like because all people post and talk about is how much they want to coom to the characters. This has lead me to believe that these games suck dick and are just korean gacha cash grabs.
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Queen Marika isn't the villain tho
Does Destiny 2 have even modestly attractive women to fuck at all?
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This GM is not very hard, the boss just takes forever to die
>This GM is not very hard
if your teammates have a brain
which is rare
How am I coping. BG3 has more players than the MMO.
destiny is the console version of wow you can post all the steamcharts you want but every xpac makes fucking bank
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cope for the future
It's coming soon enough
How little can bungie achieve?
cope for the future
It wont belong to us
and we will seethe
and we will seethe
So much bank that the entire studio is literally at risk of being eaten by Sony.
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outside of your headcanon this has never been a thing
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This is an emblem from the grimoire anthology, volume 1.
>multiple verified reports stating it is
>anon schizos it out of reality because it doesn't fit his narrative
Whatever floats your cope, dope.
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Can't wait to see sony take over bungie and realize that the company is a lost cause.
Kiss me
>multiple [headcanon]
come back to reality, it's not too late. Random posts on /v/ aren't verified reports
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Is it true what they say about female guardians?
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I can't imagine how actually trash wf and fd are if people are constantly in other generals trying to shill them. It's kinda sad
They have active generals. The only thing keeping us alive are the shill posts and the homos.
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Yeah so active that they have multiple people spending all day in here instead.
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I accidentally made xur
Even Forsaken didn't sell as much as they hoped, and Lightslop missed revenue projections by over 40%
>black shader
how original
that's because they predict endless growth in the same way SE call their games flops when they make 3.9 million dollars instead of 4 million
i was trying to make the ugliest thing since the armor combo looks like my hunter went dumpster diving
Glad you agree they flopped
>haha it's shit on purpose guys i swear haha ;_;
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>um yeah I am inside
>gives circle to triangle and square to circle
>he makes his characters look "good"
found the tranime fan
i dont know what to do anymore in this game
She looks like a middle aged white women in D2 instead of a sexy blue lady
>haha guys of course ironic stupidity isn't real stupidity haha
They don't have 2 day old generals lol
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here you go bwo
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She looks like a 14 year old goth girl in the first game. I see why you only liked her then lol
Destiny 2 is the white man's game
Only browns and chinks play Warframe
Name 1 white male character in Destiny
>makes you run in circles for days, opening chests, only to still get dogshit
I just poke in here from time to time to see how you're all holding up. I apologize for the guy who keeps spamming Ember's ass.
> irrelevant homosexual
Yup, its a game for white men alright jajajajajaja
>tfw missed the tennocon AK-looking weapon
can i get that ingame?is it good?
i'm not gonna ask in /wfg/ since all i see are terminally online trannies spamming colored asses
taken ball, not white
Me the protagonist
Doubt it pablo, post hand
here you go, the first hand i could find for your degenerate fetish
Fine. The Speaker.
post your toon bro
It'll probably be available from Baro or in 1999-related content in a few months. It's pretty good, properly modded. Has ammo efficiency while hip-firing and enhanced crit on headshots while aiming.
i was grinding ZZZ and my ipad died so now i have to charge it :(
do troons really?
post your in game character bro
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you dummy, should've been grinding ergo sums with me instead
You could buy the skin for $40, if you were a retarded paypig “like most destiny players” or you could just trade with other players for platinum and get all the same stuff without ever spending a cent.
if I get high as fuck what's the best activity to do, I've found soloing dungeons pretty cozy but I wonder what everyone else does
patrol in areas with fallen
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safe to click?
unironically a pp grabber
Its dolphin porn
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destory us
hidden 'ado
*destroys you*
There actually isn't a single straight, white male in this game holy shit
So the honeymoon is obviously over, what are our bets on Frontiers? Is schizo anon going to be right that they basically goad people into accepting more vaulting at the pitch of more new spaces? I feel like we're bound for something to upend things, tie in a pitch of "for our PVP fans, pre-order Marathon". Even with how the jobs often have short tenures, I refuse to believe as many people would leave if something wasn't up.
If a Pastebin leak is correct, it's basically episodes but priced like the small DLC in D1Y1 and D2Y1 with Bungie abandoning big expansions entirely.
That looks stupid. Is that really what they went with?
i have my rolls i want. i just need to finish the cat
Yeah the concept art shows a bunch of cool looking lovecraftian abominations, and we got that fag as the final product
i hope your ipad never wakes up >:(
Idiot, she was flirting with you anon
no he wasn't
there will be hell on earth if it doesn’t.
i like to say cat for catalyst. however i was speaking to a gutter cat yesterday
She was for sure. You can see it.
I understand you meant catalyst. I'm saying anon was trying to get you to play with her.
the only /dg/ femanon i know was around during Beyond Light but currently she’s working towards becoming an Airforce Pilot
Beheading fallen women Infront of their hatchlings
troons cant flirt
Bottoms of any kind go by she/her
Destiny has always been good
Vaulting already tainted Destiny reputation pretty bad, if they bring that back then it really shows its over for expanding the Destiny IP and now its just about milking addicts
Except the Year 1 dlc had raid/endgame content (PoE), at most they will have 1 raid
Truth, Destiny never fulfilled its Destiny and become anything better than an almost 6/10. Its the biggest game to milk potential for 10 years straight
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couldn’t have put it better myself
Some kind of age of triumph. Anybody who thinks they’re going to reintegrate Y1&2 stuff back in is delusional.
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Here are some of the abandoned concepts the other anon mentioned. The Witness was supposedly going to appear throughout the raid in different forms, but they decided against that. Instead you just have Rhulk-level commentary as you progress, but goofier because they downpitched the uppitched voice.
how come there's no dedicated erp area like wf's Hollvania 69
and no femhunters i don't mean standing near archie
yes it's true, however if you don't reply to this with "i'm a fucking retard" your mother will die in her sleep tonight
my titan's fallen boiwife cums when watching him crush the skulls of his kin. He lives for guardian cock
My usual signal for flirting with someone is I shoulder charge them into a wall. Now with Prismatic, I slap them with a frenzied blade and then do a flirty dance in front of them. You know, Titan brat energy hoping to be punished
This emote makes it say (You) has a crush on ______ when you do it while pointed at someone. Closest we have
I like the 1st method more
As a titan main my main way of flirting is frotting
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I'm going to shoulder charge you into a wall and sit on you.
>conductor is revealed
>it’s taniks with a wig on
Correct, Destiny was always good. On the other hand, Destiny 2 is goyslop
this never happened
holy moly
we already had that, Taniks the Abomination.

if he wants to pass, he’s gonna have to take the exo pill like Atraks
PATG (phat ass titan girl)
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does cayde count?
also, im a white male
Cayde-6 is a robot male and he is dead, so try again
shaw han is American white
according to the U.S. Census, middle eastern and north african is considered caucasian/white so Osiris is a white male
he looks whiter than u.k., but darker than sweeden
> white
> last name Han
Wait you play titan? Dude that's like an automatic kick
What were you thinking?
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>visible asshole and pussy
Deliberately trying to get kicked so I can report the fireteam leader for prismaticphobia
>being so bad you NEED 2 top tier meta characters to carry you
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>haven't been on dg in years
>still has the same nostalgia victims antisemites(fuck israel tho), transphobes, anti-fun posters, and homophobes
I wish I could say I missed you guys but I'm good fr
Please understand this kind of content in Destiny is very racist and transphobic
Bros, I'm so tired of carrying double primary faggots. Everything takes forever to die and they never use shit that counters champions.
They are ALWAYS console players too.
Wait you play hunter? That's an automatic kick
This is a warGODS only fireteam
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Is Sleeper Sim any good? I love the thing but lfrs are so doodoo now.
aside from the anti-fun faggots what's wrong with the rest of them?
its the best lfr still i think
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im a console player and its the other way around for me.
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That isn't saying much

a guy in my lfg kept saying that because he was salty about minigame and I kept thinking that saying it out loud sounds like a chicken clucking
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Say cucklocks 10x really fast
can we bump the doomposting up a little bit?
I want primary fusion rifles. Not like Mythoclast. Actual charging fusion rifles using primary ammo.
do you think eliksni race traitors get tricorn tattoos?
devils ruin
my nipples hurt.... its over....
It bothers me to a frankly uncomfortable degree how the weapon shown in cutscenes is always whatever you have in the kinetic/stasis/strand slot instead of what your equipped primary is.
Double special and primary fags can fuck right off.
needs eater of worlds chestplate
100% I bet Mithrax contemplates it constantly while he slowly dies of nezarac lymphoma
What are the best gambito invader guns? Still just Xenophage spam?
still hunt probably
Will Spider be in the next episode? Been a minute since he was around.
nigga only the nighthawk super rounds got nerfed for still hunt
unless the golden gun shot doesn't 1 hit then it'll be good
God it works so well but I twerent there.
This is absolutely depressing to look at. Bungie fucked up. Bad.
Also, why the hell can't game devs ever manage good boss fights?
Why the fuck would still hunt be top tier as an invader? Izanagis has done the one-shot sniper gimmick for years and doesn't announce to the world that you used its ability like still hunt.
i don't need to think when playing gambit
no one does
you think the retards not running double special and waiting to bank at 15 motes read the fucking kill feed?
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>He needs a special/heavy ammo weapon to invade
Izanagi gets one shot then has to reload Needs 4 shots to get going. Still hunt gets 3 and makes its own ammo.
femtitans are BUILT
to be kicked
It's up
if you're using a primary weapon in gambit you have special needs
the game mode gives you ammo non stop
To be mating pressed and put in their place. Leash them up and tell them what to do and they are yours forever.
>4ks you
Yeehaw chucklefucks
Lucky pants are fantastic for Gambit's DPS cadence.
>anon invades
>xenophage ×=====> anon
>implying xenofags have more than one functioning braincell
They're lucky enough to finally see me after two bullets have already entered their cranium
It's up
when i play gambit i wear my nipple covers
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yeah but you can just swap to them when you need them, you don't need a handcannon on otherwise
Okay enough
Where's the "Skeletor HATES Saint and osiris" video though?
when i play gambit i wear my cage
So now that the game is more or less over, what's the definitive Raid tier list?
All of the Destiny 2 raids in shit tier.
have you seen the way that faggot dresses? he probably eats that shit up
Nah man, D1 raids are absolute trash, barely above battlegrounds. Salvation's Edge alone moggs every D1 raid (yes including Trash of the Machine) and its a mid D2 raid. In fact D2 actually made D1 raids playable (still mid)
>souless edge
nice try troon
I REALLY want to know more about the dissenting voices statues. By far the most interesting part of the expansion story for me.
> VoG
a fucking joke designed to be beaten by Destiny Dads. Literally the easiest raid ever
> CE
lol, lmao
> KF
absolute garbage final boss before coming to D2, still piss poor outside of Golgoroth even with Warpriest dps check
> Trash of the Machine
The single most overrated experience in fucking Destiny period, to the point I believe most of the fags that praise it are beyond light kiddies that never played it
But I'm brown and I play Destiny 2
Last Wish
Everything else.
we know Pablo, now how much for you to get me the raid emblem
One month of pagpag
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Deep Stone Crypt was one of the biggest letdowns of the franchise for me. So much mystery and potential and you spend maybe 1/3 of the raid actually in the Crypt, the giant BREATHING darkness statue is just there and not brought up again, and the last fight is an absolute fucking meme fought in the open air outside of the entrance. So retarded. What an absolute disappointment.
also they ignored the prior exo schizo dreams of it being a bigass spire
do u want a white bf
t. non-exo that didn't get welcomed home
>not brought up again
yes it was
in a lore book
DSC is literally the best raid period only real competition is Vow
> LW
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so how long until bungie nerfs triple consecration (the only build on prismatic titan)
I imagine it'll come with the rest of the """buffs""" in august.
bungie doesn't nerf titans, they manage to fit it somewhere in their buffs kek
rohan should have lived he's an actual fucking character
nimbus is just gay techno human sonic the hedgehog
Rohan sucks even more than Nimbus, but I would have preferred if the radial mast killed them both ahahahahahahahahaha
ummmm did you just assume nimbussys species? how dare you, you know xhes trans-species
DSC can be the best raid while still being a letdown lore-wise
Never cared about backstory when a game has a shit frontstory. Playing destiny for the plot is asking to be let down
what is he foxkin or something
idk i'm not a faggot
Whenever they release the patch to update prismatic Titan since they said they wanted to look into it. They'll nerf Consecration as it's wildly overperforming letting people solo GMs and doing crazy boss damage. Then they will buff the other aspects and possibly change them a little. We might even get Banner of War instead of Drengr's for instance. The problem of course will be that the other aspects will still be dogshit and now we won't have OP Consecration anymore lol.
the plot supported the world building.
Now both the plot and world suck ass and the supporting side stories are horrible.
y'know that's fair
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my head cannon is that he's taniks
The plot has always been ass, the backstory might have been good but in the games content the immediate plot takes precedent and the retard writers immediately undermine it for their own plots. What's the point of backstory if its never actually used in game
It literally is Taniks.
>Bottom half legs are taken
>Top half body is regrown flesh like Rhulk and Nez had.
Witness found Tanik's legs, took them, and regrew the rest.
I can't really argue with that.
>activate arc soul
>activate hellion
>jump through portal
>song of flame
>face tank hammerhead, xenophage and kill 4 guardians
i wish fellatrix would do some Destiny related art
the fact that you niggas actually play gambit says a lot about yall
yeah that we're cool and fun and attractive
it's scientifically proven that people who don't play gambit don't have a soul.
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>seasonal story this week is about using nanomachines to track the radiolaria flow
>no mention of siva
> Destiny player
> attractive
not true, don't care whatever based mode you play you ugly nigga
Sorry you can't be like us
nanomachines son
Rise of Iron and his consequences have been a disaster for the Destiny IP
Do u have a big dick
Not like a porno dick, but bigger than average
why do all tryhards seem to have 1 word names. its always some shit like Apathy or Axzq
can i...? while u invade? :0
Of course
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and then he turned himself into a ball!
it’s cool.
also 2012 CoD mentality
yeah well I wanna see more tags like mlgbonghit420
Can I...come too? I like doing it with someone else at the same time...
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i lfg
No, freak
fuck off we're full only i get to blow the gambitanon
I guess I'll go do some solo content in a dungeon...
Why does no one want to do Avalon on normal?
>Hello there fellow kids. I am the Darkness. I am responsible for literally everything in the lore. I am totally a cool primordial entity of pure evil with a unique way of talking and most definitely NOT a bunch of losers throwing the most pathetic retard IQ level tantrum pretending to be Megamind pretending to be me. I hate nihilists and am my goal definitely isn't to kill everyone in the universe because I am a nihilist who thinks all life is suffering. Oh by the way Ulan-Tan was right and the truth is in the middle. I wasn't actually corrupting anyone at any point. Pay no attention to the fact all my powers were based on murder and exclusively used by genocidal zombies and Terminators and that I exclusively tell people to become serial killers.
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so what you're saying is that the witness is the cia
Why does no one want to do Avalon on normal?
avalon is cancer
it looks like and plays like shit
vexcalibur is also shit
not the darkness lorelet, that's the winnower
>believing the obvious retcons from the new writers who wanted us to read their "It's just like muh heckin Avengers!" garbo.
Let me guess you also believe "Rasputin was always the only warmind and always on Mars"
no you get to be in the fireteam thats fine
you'll just have to listen
Skill issue.
No I'm not a cuck. I'm not going to listen to someone inhaling cock that should be in MY mouth.
theres no winnign with him anon he'll just move goalposts. let him whine just reque for control
she purty
Yours is gonna be in a cage if you keep this up!! this argument definitely won't end with us kissing!!
Who's the biggest anal queen in Destiny?
>Oh that villain we've been building up for 9 years? Guess what it was only Megamind pretending to be him and saying the exact opposite of what he believes the entire time!
I've got news for you anon...
It's already in one
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if i asked nicely would she go on a date?
seraph never dipped below 90% of its launch peak. the season finale drew more people than the launch
perhaps the greatest season of all time
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cute, actually... maybe you're not so bad...
>I was walking in airforce one and I went over to where some of the secret service agents were hiding and I found a group of them playing destiny 2 with Bluetooth mouse and keyboards
>it was one of the most disgusting sites I have ever seen
>to top it off they were farming dares of eternity when they should've already had it fully grinded out years ago but I digress
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having a small snack and watching the latest Shikanoko episode before grinding Destiny
nice setup dmg
Grinding what?
Gambit and maybe a GM or two
>maybe a GM or two
what do you use?
>Eating goyslop while watching goyslop
Fat fuck
>not pepperoni
good to see you are over 18
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Destiny will never have a kino bossfight like Bayle the Dread
>hey (you), guy i know from lfg we need a 6th for a normal raid
>ok cool
Literally fuck you. It's not even master.
Titan with hazardous propulsion, and for this week i'm using ikelos sniper, strand special sidearm, and two-tailed fox
i actually didn't touch the pizza. could barely finish the chicken and a couple breadsticks before i felt like puking, so i put the rest in the fridge for the rest of the week
my go-to is spicy italian sausage, jalapeno, and pineapple
You don't want a bbw tranny to healslut for you?
Only rail thin healsluts for me
>Get rid of bounty farming for bright dust
>Replace it with less intuitive system
>Autists no longer have a lazy reason to log in
>Numbers suffer was a result
give me somehead
Every time I go to her I imagine my character making fun of her for not selling ringing nail bounties anymore
Sorry but im not a hunter
You’re missing out. Fat girls are always the kinkiest
easiest way to get this done? it's like one in a million chance that i get a vex strike, and my fireteam keeps killing half of them
Could we wait until Insight Terminus NF, then launch it solo on expert to farm Vex in the patrol space/lost sectors?
that does sound like the best way, but knowing my stubborn ass i'm gonna keep banging my head against these strikes all night
this game needs more endgame activities for solo players
If you say this on Reddit or Bungie.net, they'd say dungeons count. Which is always hilarious because any idiot can tell you they aren't designed for less than 3 people
>skill issue
More like a patience issue. All those solo flawless guides leave out how they had to do a dozen dry runs to figure out the minutia of the AI and how to exploit it.
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>got a recluse with subsistence and extended mag
I wish it had a better mag, and a better second perk than frenzy, but still a solid like 7/10 roll for me.
And now my og one goes to the vault.
mate frenzy is probably the best for it
I'd rather have master of arms, personally. Doesn't require the "be in combat for 12 seconds" part to proc. Maybe destabilizing for running on void classes.
Frenzy isn't bad, however. It's why I'm keeping this roll.
i want the last bit of oversoul but i don't want to lfg crotas end
Reading up on this game is depressing because it reminds me of how a sci-fi universe can't fully realize itself and that they always fall down the stairs on the way to what could conceptually be greatness. All the way down.
i have never heard of this souls game, is it good?
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its shit
>spamming ass instead of the real porn of that game, the music
i was able to complete it, if you launch into the Behemoth battleground you can go to the same Lost Sector and it gives you 8% each runthrough. Depending on how fast your fireteam finishes the first two parts of the battleground you might be able to complete it in one go.
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I wish they'd bring back the Hereafter exotic sniper from d1 with enhanced perks. Man I love how that weapon looks
do you guys have a favorite non-meta pVp exotic?
i like this one a lot because i move around a lot and never usually camp, which synergizes well with my arc titan
Just say an actual trans autist post saying that they genuinely LIKE and want to rerun the Liminality GM. What is wrong with these "people"?
I enjoy the challenge it poses in regular nightfall but you'd have to be masochistic to enjoy gm liminality

Salvation's Edge clears are already declining and have been for the past 3 weeks. Ignore the last data point on the graph - it tracks this week in progress.
I mean.. it's been almost two months already. It would be interesting to see how this evolution compares to older dlc raids
Still less than 6k master clears is crazy, especially now that challenges are fixed.
They drop off too but start with enough popularity that they were still hitting better numbers than SE's best week after a few months.
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Oh yeah?
Post every class item roll that you have
You are so...................small.
So RoN hit a peak 4x higher than salvation's edge and retained a 7x higher completion count 2 months in? That's insane. What massacred the hype
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I don't even want to do my final witness checkpoint this week
Everyone already knew. Bungie knew, their execs all had their golden parachutes set up. TFS was it. The game is over. Everyone is done after 10 years.
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Turns out a tedious as fuck raid in the name of "bringing back challenge" isn't popular in a game with as much jank as this one.

That along with the tone deaf responses and updates on other community pain points since final shape launch (class item grind, level grind with nerfed xp, echos model, abysmal server stability, nerfs, bugs etc) just saps the enthusiasm to grind out of the percentage of the player base who's livelihood doesn't rely on it non streamers.

People will just play something else if a game becomes a headache. Their patching of "cheese" doesn't help when the streamers and tryhard players already got the loot they wanted so the average player is forced into a losing battle of lfg and extremely meta loadouts because the easier options were patched out.
Anyway my point is that outside looking in its a daunting raid even if you pass the initial requirements of completing the campaign, leveling up, getting weapons and getting through lfg that the majority of people cant be fucked. This leaves them to play with the "elite players" who have now already moved on to other things.

Not even Vow was this bad.
I forgot to mention that the loot is extremely mid.
The bow is cool I guess since it's a better hush or a worse trinity ghoul. But that's it as far as I'm concerned. That's not a whole lot to care about. There's not a lot to care about at all with the game. Salvation was the end of the franchise for most and that's fine. I pity the whales who are still throwing money at bungie's CEO's who abandoned the game back in lightfall.
i still haven't even loaded into salvations edge and i play nearly every day
im really not interested in doing it outside of 1 clear
the dg clan is dead and no one in the thread wants to play anymore
i miss Lightfall and Neomuna. I really was hoping they’d build upon the patrol area and make more of the city accessible.

i hate how they just make an area then abandon it, they did that with Throne World and Neomuna. just literally made for the campaign and that’s it.
learn your fucking lore

its Chelchis
source: trust me bro
can i unlock the ability to focus the seasonal pulse rifle yet or am i holding on to my red border for nothing
i can't find any way to get the reds at failsafe for them
you have to do the newest specimen quest
It's unlocked through specimen quests on an act-by-act basis. Specimen 5 is needed to focus the pulse and rocket pistol
so I can do it this week? nice, cheers.
hope for battlegrounds: oracle. drop into the lost sector at the start. you can run it about 4-5 times before you get pulled to boss room. like 30% done by that time
He's my best friend. He's my pal. He's my homeboy. My rotten soldier. He's my sweet cheese. My good-time boy.
Old and busted: "Godslayer"
New hotness: "Iconoclast"
Yeah im going back to shadow
Way too many retards have godslayer and are actively terrible at playing the game
>5 posts in over 2 hours
What killed the hype?
Please STOP grouping me with these morons in Enigma Protocol, Bungo. Please.
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im upset
your judaism
The game needs an offline solo mode
Solo taniks is possible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6gXi7fdYNU
I'm a streamer now. When do I get bought out by the companies or feds?
cut off your balls and say how much you like men
If I don't do that will that mean I won't make it as a streamer? Sad.
This but unironically for me. I just don't wanna wageslave anymore.
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Talk about this for my amusement.
I too remember the thread you made.
I want nu-Marathon to fail to knock Bungie down a few pegs.
Be funny for a few months to gather a small but consistent audience.
Then you get in contact with other mid-range streamers and do collabs. This will build your audience even more and within one year of constantly doing this you’ll either get to collaborate with bigger streamers or get picked up by an influencer company like Aztecross did.
Don’t forget you’ll have to do this daily for at least 8 hours.
i hated all the designs and bright colours
sound and fury, signifying nothing
I do not speak ill of the dead.
the more you look at the gun the worse it gets
If the gunplay is good I'll play it
I was being unironic...
>Don’t forget you’ll have to do this daily for at least 8 hours
Isn't that with contracts with influencer companies or do you mean in general? Either way, I appreciate the feedback. I was hoping to staying independent business-wise and use whatever funds I get to make my own little company that doesn't require me to be hands on all the time. Wish me luck, anon.
The only potentially good thing is that they were hiring engineers to upgrade Tiger for it. Either they'll make the engine even worse and Bungie will be that much closer to collapsing, or they'll be good and will be backported to D2 after Marathon flops.
Marathon sisters, our game is finally being talked about!
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any of these worthwhile or am i going back to the mines
only inmost synthos because they're both not terrible but not good together
that's when you have a contract yes, you may have to stream even for 10 hours in the beginning until you gain an audience of more than 15 people
good luck though, don't forget to not groom minors when you get big
The first one is the only one that might not be completely useless, but that'd still mean running a melee build on warlock
Was interested until they said there'd be heros instead of customizable characters.
Ah makes sense, I'll try my best. Hopefully I won't have to stream forever, of my side plans do work well, I plan to retire lol. The only down side is basically leaving a huge footprint on the internet.
Dies after 1 week of release just like concord
bro concord isn't out yet
Wait that was just the beta?
i wonder why some people say it looks like Destiny.
to me it seems more like overwatch/valorant
an open beta
did you not see the little mermaid remake?
>game was so bad they put it back in beta
oh no no no
i have over 16 terabytes worth of Ada-1 content
Post Ada-1 image 1598.
I have over 16 terabytes worth of fallen gore & liveleaks footage
Marathon looks neat, but doesn't look like a game I'd want to play from the morsels of information available atm.
How good is Truth's damage? Is it okay to run with rocket chest piece?
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Me without my truth....
Try using it?
Truth is sort of useful invading in Gambit and that's it. It's a heavily powercrept holdover from d1
Just glim it and use eyes of tomorrow instead
i’ll be honest it is still lacking quite a bit in single-target damage, but paired with the rocket chest piece for the extra damage and void reserves/scavenger mods, it’s basically infinite rocket ammo for add clearing which is what i mainly use it for.
you get about 12-14 rockets at all times.
due to its early proximity detonation which is larger than any other rocket (and its recent proximity damage buff), it can take out large groups of enemies instantly, so i use it a lot in GMs and add-clearing raid/dungeon encounters.
What killed it
time gate
after time gate
after time gate
after time gate
after shitty loot behind encounters where you don't need loot to progress
Man I'm not going to lie I feel too flimsy these days even in strikes. I'm building for DR and Healing in every loadout and it feels mostly pointless because anybody can kill you with one good shot and you're normally attacked with all three elements at the same time from all sides. Snipers ten miles away are solar, mini-boss is shooting void and the rockets/boomers and red bars are firing arc. Fuck you game pick a lane.
Crappy looking armor
yeah but no life addicts on reddit claim this is the "easiest the game has ever been" while numbers plummet
Oh shit it's actually awesome. 3 rockets loaded at a time? This feels fucking great. Now I just need a fun primary to use.
Prioritizing other games instead of the golden cash cow that is Destiny IP. Marathon will come out and flop and they will have further limited Destiny player base due an extended period of time without content
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no boss health gates in the three new battlegrounds
which was good
but why the fuck weren't all the weapons available at release?
why the fuck isn't perfect paradox available?
So glad they choose to implement this design in seasonal shit that nobody besides tranny no lifers play
>Destiny 2 is seemingly dying, and I have no idea what to do instead...

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Come home, white man
destiny 1
Im going back to d1
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this is how i sit when chatting in /dg/
white people don't play destiny
Extremely shitty game
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I am playing gta v
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i'm praying this isn't concord 2.0
The Bungie killer, if there was any. If they somehow survive this then they are really lucky
It confirmed is. The new game director turned it into a hero shooter.
surely seeing how bad concord flopped means they're going to undo that change...
Ask Joe Ziegler
They are timegating nothingburger content. Act 2 which they made a whole hype trailer for is two new battlegrounds that take 5 minutes to run through, and the per week story (before they released it all at once) is doing it once. So your “content” for 3 weeks is running the battleground playlist three times and you’re done, which takes less than 30 minutes. For a studio that has 1000+ employees the amount of content they produce is pathetic. And then the story itself is just culminates to meeting The Conductor before she fucks off. The Conductor doesn’t do anything, Saint doesn’t to anything, Osiris doesn’t do anything, Failsafe doesn’t do anything.
>What the fuck were they thinking?
They thought Marathon would be out by now and they could ditch Destiny.
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just pic related
its too late at this point, the game is supposed to come out next year and they have been taking it in the hero shooter direction for the last 11 months. There is no going back, no refunds beyond this point
just a heads up, i will be shilling Marathon when the time comes. i quite like the aesthetic
what the fuck are the T̶h̶e̶ ̶E̶n̶d̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ The Precursors?
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Play Warframe
Is that a thing in Destiny, like there own version of the Forerunners I thought that was the Ecumene
play dragon's dogma https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmlxgt8hx7E
they're the race that made the Witness but we know next to nothing about them
Are they actually called the precursors?
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>farmed 100+ ergo sum rolls since TFS dropped
>got almost all the shit I want
>chasing the perfect fifth sword master and jagged white whale
>gotten 5 caster perfect fifth without those perks
Why is the game dying again?
Ergo sum should have had selectable perks like adept weapons. There’s too many combinations.
how did they form themselves in the desert?
what was their society like before the Traveler?
why was the entire race divided in 3 core beliefs?
how did they find the Veil?
how did they follow the Traveler?
how did they interact with other aliens before the Witness?
I’m baffled that they thought this shit was ok especially when there is also the dog shit class item rng
communal gooning
differing views on gooning
cum tribute
circle jerking
>i'm gonna ask the guy who posted a screenshot from a wiki all of these things and expect answers
I'm asking the general
I'm asking the forums
I'm asking Bungie
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>See that
>Realize I want it bad too
>First random chest in the Pale Heart gives me that exact combo
Thanks Traveler <3
Gimmick weapons make this game fun.
Dead game
Dead General
*glims you instead*
what if I just wanna do it for fun, anon? I am actually sad they didn't make more courses for it, it is extremely entertaining midcore content. I like the idea of it being legends of the hidden temple in space.
boy wait til you learn about the moon, europa, the tangled shore (yhtbt), the dreaming city, Mars, and Mercury
anon that is not how backporting works, they would likely have to rebuild the game over again. how do I know this? they can't even port D1 shit into D2 without completely remaking it from scratch.
bro concord is dead and it isn't even out yet, it is literally "we have overwatch at home" but without the absolute pornbait characters, the bits they borrow from destiny suck ass, the movement is slow and terrible, and they have the audacity to charge $40 USD for it while OW2 is f2p. No one will play this game.
It's what Eido called them when she was acting as the writers' mouthpiece and giving us their history and transmissions between some of them. It was in the TFS CE booklet
>Realize I want it bad too
... why?
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>Brave attunement back already
Desperation is setting in
It's a fun gimmick weapon, of course I'd want it! I hate to say it anon, but this game is not hard enough to only use good weapons.
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>minigame shit
>class item drop chance buff for overthrow but nerfs for patrol chests
>onslop focusing
>pls play overthrow
knowing bungie the new drop rates will be low but fine I’ll imagine Sisyphus happy
>nerfing something that requires you opening 40+ on average
>somehow bungiesloppers will defend this because overthrow chance got buffed
Time to play something else
Even then they don’t specify the new drop rate coming which is typical bungie grind mindset
sounds like you don’t like the game if all the content is trash
The claim is it will be faster than opening only non-overthrow chests. A bunch of retards will test this and give results to see if it's true.
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CHADframe won
GOYtiny lost
>please stop using macros to farm our super cool exotics
cocksuckers won
dicksuckers lost
>Reducing chances from unrelated Pale Heart chests in freeroam to encourage Overthrow participation.

I've got no choice. I'll be starting the macro now.
That's at least two weeks and I can run it on my laptop.
Awww shit back to the tower defense mode me go. Add kindled orchid (with drop mag) to the pool you owe us for that one bungie!
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She won
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>build of the week video featuring dawn of chorus
>”I genuinely believe this is going to change how every Warlock plays Destiny”
>its 90% shartifact mods carrying the """build"""
is it over or are we back
like half the posts in this thread are from destiny obsessed frame trannies, i'd say its over
>make an extra exotic class item a weekly reward for dual destiny
why can’t they just make a class item a rare reward for completing overthrow? It would be nice to get a guaranteed exotic class item along with an ergo roll so I can shard both if they’re bad
they're already making overthrow activity chests have an increasing chance at one with each chest. basically what you're asking for
>increase in players quitting
Its not quitting you stupid fucks your servers keep fucking up I've had the bug where im invisible and only my abilities do damage to the enemy team 3 times these past 3 weeks and I barely touch crucible nowadays.
>weekly double drop for class item
Thats not bad desu, ill probably start doing it once update lands in early august. They are also increasing drop rate for overthrow, lost sectors iirc
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It's over
>Warframe losing to flavor of the month gookslop
We won in spirit
warframe wins again
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>Wallpaper Engine
I mean for the chest AFTER you beat overthrow like the chest that can give ergo. Maybe not a rising increase like stated in the twid but maybe a flat chance at it
hear that? that's the sound of a wave of afk macros firing up for the next few weeks while it still has a little use.
keep doing overthrow encounters and you'll get one. it is better than your idea
>he doesn’t want a flat chance to go with the increasing chance at the end chest for more rolls
just say you’re an idiot next time ok back to macro
>1 day old general
>50k current players
uuuh oooh, yikes am I right
there's always a flat chance you fucking dipshit. it just now increases with each chest
Has there been an instance where if a player COMPLETES overthrow and they get a class item from the same chest that gives ergo sum?
learn to properly communicate nigger.
he wants flat chance floor to be increased in addition to dynamically increasing one
>he wants flat chance floor to be increased in addition to dynamically increasing one
great! that's exactly what they're doing
this stupid motherfucker is hung up on the final chest that you don't even open.
this stupid motherfucker does overthrow
>itt people argue about overthrow instead of playing it
thank god none of you work on the game let alone actually play it
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>Increasing chances for drops when opening Overthrow chests
This is a blanket statement akin to tittle, followed by detailed changes, its unclear if they are increasing existing flat chance
Why would her boobs look different at different times? That's like saying 'man my arms look real good right now as opposed to 4 hours ago.' I don't see the problem?
women are creatures of vanity
I haven't experienced that no. And I usually do all of overthrow.
It might be possible, but given the low chance rate it's pretty improbable.
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All sorts of reasons
>these retards don’t want a suggestion for a chance at the class item at the final chest that hasn’t dropped the class item yet
man you guys are retarded just say you want the slop to be harder to chew next time
>have to do battlegrounds 9 fucking times for challenge
Fucking tedious.
Destiny players are the biggest cuckolds in gaming
Are you ESL or just braindead retarded nigger?
>complains about ESL
>grammar error
you tell me ok going back to my macro
save me macrussy
Why does a female body seem more complex and have more going on than a males
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>frame tranny is getting desperate
Nah thats TF2.
>7 fucking years of unplayable games and bots
Fucking hell
Because their bodies evolved to revolve around bearing and nurturing children. Male bodies evolved to be efficient at protecting the women and children through intimidation and killing, which is a much simpler process.
Production & Assembly line is always going to be more complex than Natural resources mine
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>bungie already gave up on episodes
Unless they mean Summer. Did they normally treat season as a proper noun like they did with episode in that sentence?
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That’s just a testament to how lame it is
ohhh i'm gonna season
What went wrong?
the worst part is that it's really one sad sack of shit doing it, not multiple framefags
>frame tranny deflecting
rumor is that it got turned into that strike on the moon.
its down
Its up
It's all around
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Shadowkeep, Beyond Light, and the Nezarec shit in Plunder and Lightfall were all originally one expansion on Enceladus
Good video
I like this video
About how many Empire Hunts is it normal to have to do before you finally get Cloudstrike to drop?
i think i did like 20 or more when it came out
I got it first try :)
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Now that the dust has settled was this cringe or kino https://youtu.be/gIp7vZuYzoA?si=zVMaZNiK4Uqduenf
Fake advertisement
>frozen ship broken in 2
>abandoned ship near saturn
sad that we never got any one of these things.post forsaken/activision bungie is just let down after another.I dont think the whole enceladus thing will ever be resolved
Does bungie even know how fucked some of the old destinations are right now? I have been grinding Neptune for months trying to wrap up that old weapons set and I have not seen one red border drop. I tried to do altars of sorrow and there is this witch that spawns outside the map up on a hill surrounded by invisible walls making the event impossible to complete. Sometimes normal strikes just randomly have champions in them? The fuck is going on with the QA team right now?
kill yourself faggot
>QA team
What QA team?
that was something you had to be there for
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those taken hunters in that motw are fuckin DOGSHIT dude. MY taken hunter, however....................
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>finally get an exotic class item I'm interested in using
>it's so ugly that I don't want to bother
they dont care about stuff that doesnt make them money.remember last years sotg? how one new armor for the ritual playlists was deemed too much ?
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That taken hunter is dogshit bro
My taken hunter though...
>I have been grinding Neptune for months trying to wrap up that old weapons set and I have not seen one red border drop
Used to be random drops from legendary patrols, they made it better by making worse, don't remember what exactly they did but its intended behavior.
>Sometimes normal strikes just randomly have champions in them
Intended behavior, you asked for difficulty.
>altars of sorrow
works on my machine
>Used to be random drops from legendary patrols, they made it better by making worse, don't remember what exactly they did but its intended behavior.
They reduced the drop rate from legendary patrols but gave an infinitesimal chance for one after completing a heroic public event
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Why do all of the atheon ost videos not have the little jingle that plays after you kill atheon
Destiny has music?
From hacks that weren't even good enough for Hollywood
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>Be solo player
>Consider coming back after 4 years
>Remember loving the dungeons
>Asume that, since profecy was free and the other 2 came included with DLC, getting access to the new ones wont be a problem
>GOA requires the purchase of a 25$ pack
> The 2 dungeon keys are 20$ each and never go on a discount
WTF, how does Bungie think this is reasonable? How did they justify this? Did it get any community backlash? As far as i remember Bungi justified the creation of Eververse by claiming it would go into funding this kind of content, did they publicly change their stand on microtransactions?
Bungie's a small indie studio that needs money, please understand.
AI slop in the artist of the week again
Like calus once said
>grow slop from strength
we never recovered from sunsetting and vaulting and its always getting worse.2020 looked hopeful compared to now
>calus dead
>rasputin dead
>gura poster gone
>endless seasonal slop and shit expansions
the message just repeats
>What killed the hype?
the hype has been....DEVOURED
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yo they put xol in mtg???
>modern mtg
soulless slop, just like modern destiny
He won, Destiny lost, Bungie lost, the players lost
So many old craftable weapons are so shit or have been powercrept so badly that I don't know what to burn harmonizers on
The WQ are shit but Seraph/Haunted had really good weapons
why is he eating our game!
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>click on the destiny livestream for the shitty emblem
>the fag writer is paying plinko on stream
The only seasonal sets I don't have done are Plunder and Seraph(and Epicurean/Fixed Odds, because I never bothered farming Duality), but Plunder's are mediocre at best and and the only Seraph ones I'm missing are the IKELOS HC and Tripwire Canary, neither of which seem worth it
You just don't get it
Plunder weapons are mid outside of maybe the sidearm but year the bow and the HC are not worth it from Seraph
Everyone but the vanguard (including crow), mara, savathun, and the miscellaneous ancillary characters directly related to them like Petra, are all essentially dead. And I guess you, THE guardian.
No one else in the universe does anything. The rare exception is seasonal content, which is eventually unplayable.
Like right now the seasonal story is all about Osiris and saints gay drama. But you're not going to be able to have to sit through that story in like a year. And before that you had "Osiris" kind of involved in story here and there, but a lot of that was off screen like sagira dying. And saint was involved in so far as we dragged a version of him out of a vex simulation, and then he took over trials. But then he sat around doing essentially nothing.
They really need to go back and add new perks to them while also removing a few that clearly nobody uses
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>fixing exotic class item drop rates
>doesn't do anything about vault/inventory bloat
The moment they add vault expansions to the eververse is the moment Bungie has someone smart working on monetization.
alright this is going to be a VERY stupid question.
But overshield and restoration provide absolutely no benefit to each other, right?
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we'll never get the destiny it could have been
Why would they?
they wouldn't and shouldn't, I was just seeing if there was any reason to have access to both over just focusing on one or the other.
the nerve of ada to hit me with "the black armory awaits" when she's just a bounty vending machine
>works on my machine

Then you don't play it very much because it has been this way since final shape dropped. Only one green bubble is fucked but it's fucked every time. The one near the entrance back towards the edge of the map. You'll know when it happens.

>Intended behavior, you asked for difficulty.

I asked for more fun and kinky sex shit. If they were listening to me we'd have the black armory weapons back along with swimsuit calendar right now not repeated team wipes in seasonal content.
based schizoanon
You know what's really sad, I'm sure the art team could do it, and do it right. But some bean counter doesn't want to spend the money on environmental art, nor the time (because it would cost too much), so we're left with the hollowed out shell of what could have been.
But that's really the story of video games in general since they became so common place with the ps2/original Xbox. It stopped being a relatively small market with passionate developers making games for enthusiasts, and became a corporate asset being made by people that view it as a job targeted at as many normies as possible.
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the more I hear about what destiny could have been the worse it gets
yeah we are basicly stuck in limbo.none of that stuff stays in the game and the world doesnt actually evolve nor does it feel alive.how is this supposed to attract new players when the game constantly has to re-explain characters(when the they are relevant to the season lol).new lights dont really know rasputin etc and their curent status.they will see the robo dog and think that its neat that you can pet him.
>You'll know when it happens.
i know, you can still kill her retard
The worse part is that most of the story isn't worth keeping anyway. And it's hard to tell if ti's half assed just because the writers such, or if the writers don't bother coming up with good stories because they know everything is subject to retconning and probably won't exist sooner rather than later anyway.
MTG is in waaaaaaay worse shape than Destiny.
I know she /can/ be killed if you jump trough some hoops but that does not make the event less broken you pussy ass cock sucker.
Currently working on finishing The Dark set. The new MTG shit is boring.
why even bother comparing slop
That's another point. What the fuck is up with companies taking popular/successful ips, telling the actual audience to get fucked, and then expecting the vacuum to be filled by people that don't give a shit about the ip and also don't actually buy things?
You'd think after a dozen or so times of that plan not working that people would wise up. But instead they seem to double down, like the problem was that they didn't tell ENOUGH people to fuck themselves.
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The support studios cared more about what Destiny could be than Bungie. Warmind was going to have a new subfaction under Rasputin's control
what hoops you fucking moron, just jump and hit her with light attack
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all the vicarious visions warmind stuff is great
that is way to much overdelivery bud, think about this I have trannies to feed
>vicarious could have saved destiny
That's all cool, but if they did that the one team they're willing to pay to do work would have to take three years to pump it out.
Way better to just rearrange some environmental art and hire the five voice actors they will work for the money being offered so they can shit something out every year and a half instead.
I hope that being under Sony now means they can get some support studios again. Though I fear that bungie will instead eventually become tjeauporot studio and he renamed to Sony (Portland).
She can and will continue to fly further outside the map because she is already out of place. Its not working the way it should. I've seen this. Repeatedly. For weeks. Motherfucker what is wrong with you? Get the bungie dick out of your mouth.
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1 light attack breaks her shield, after that just kill her
That's not always possible. Can you read?
yeah and its not just the story but the playable seasonal content in general.bungie's train station mindset is killing the game and they dont know what their game is supposed to be.they are barely able to create content(new) for one live service game and yet they want to make another while trying to keep destiny alive.
Have you tried sword flying?
its all about widening the audience at the cost of the current audience and hoping that people will stick around.the same happened to halo once 343 took over and its one of the reasons why we got that awful show that has nothing to do with the games.halo is free to play shovelware now.
No. I don't do shit like that unless its for raid loot.
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>we'll never get any of this because of train stations and rasputin's death
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>this season is just endless faggot and lesbian crying
>next season will probably be endless Crow angst
>last season will probably be endless Savathun snark and Xivu getting redeemed because God forbid we have a female villain stay a villain.
Why the FUCK did they decide to double down on personal drama bullshit rather than the weird space magic and science fiction stuff?
I have nothing to look forward to anymore in this shit.
they fired all the good writers and kept the gay fanfiction author instead
i knew attunement would come back
stupid fucking engagement jews getting rid of it lmao
overthrow was fun when it was brand fucking new and i had no idea what was going on but being all by yourself in massive wasteland doing public events isn't fun, they should open upnthe traveller to make it a real patrol area
My point was that alienating you actual audience never works, and somehow ip holders haven't figured that out yet despite having tried and failed dozens of times at this point.
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oh no, literally impossible to complete, so many hoops, i had to jump, click left mouse button and use my weapons
horrrrrrryy shiiiiiiiiiiiiiit
??? Theres no encounter where you need to swordfly for loot.
If less fake and gay than Saint-14-2, it's much worse than that
holy shit someone in the thread actually plays the game
>>next season will probably be endless Crow angst
i really hope not since cayde literally told crow to man up and stop being a bitch and the last cutscene of tfs has him telling everyone to cheer up
could be a nice character development but probably the seasonal and tfs writers never had any communication because they were too busying knitting so all that development will get thrown out the window in favour of more of the same slop like crow dying 20 billion times to a random orge in the pale heart
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What the fuck is wrong with the tower as of late? Nothing loads when I'm in the tower, and it some times takes minutes to load into the tower in the first place.
Just recently I was working on the seasonal story, went to to talk to ikora and got the cutscene, and it legit took me ten minutes to get back into the tower.
>32 minutes
these people need mental help
I'm not talking about encounters.

Look bitch I'm going to repeat myself because you is a special kind of stupid. She first appears there and can be killed the way you showed but she can also move away if spooked for whatever reason or just randomly sometimes as soon as she appears and become unreachable with the hive sword like I already said. Now this is the important part: Fuck you and seriously consider killing yourself.
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>some times takes minutes to load into the tower in the first place.
Always been like that, PC players used to blame console players but thats clearly not issue
> Nothing loads when I'm in the tower
this one is relatively new and annoying af, probably cause by the same thing as invisible players / loot in general.
>can't kill witch first try
So its just a skill issue?
skill issue
What skill makes the sword reach outside the map? Do tell.
not being shit at the game retard
left click
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I really want top right. Human skeletons in space suits being controlled by an a.i is badass and creepy
You can grapple while holding a sword btw, same for a lot of relics in game
This information will not help the tranny
>ip holders
a lot the suits came into this industry due to the cash.they treat IP's as some kind of generic product that they should market to as many people as possible since thats what their business experience is telling them.they you dont understand/care about the product to realise that their experience doesnt aplly here.
>could be a nice character development but probably the seasonal and tfs writers never had any communication because they were too busying knitting so all that development will get thrown out the window in favour of more of the same slop like crow dying 20 billion times to a random orge in the pale heart
similar thing happened with zavala in tsf.
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why are they incentivising shitter trios in trials? is it for streamers to farm them?
I just fucking told you that the witch can move from her fucked up spawning spot so that she can't be hit. Again I say fuck you, can kill yourself and if you want to post a clip of your ass killing her when she flies outside the map I'll keep an eye out.

I have never tried that mainly because I haven't really played strand since I got prismatic. I'll try that but I dubut you can just grappel to her past the invisible walls that push you out of the area she's on.

The only faggot here is you. Deep throating Bungie even tho all the shit I told you is not only right but you know it is true for a face because you saw it for yourself. You got your feelings hurt. Good. Grow the fuck up. Bungie is not your friend any more than I am.
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>is it for streamers to farm them?
yes, since all that's left in trials are the sweats
Would say
but you've got the asinine bitching down. Maybe put some of that energy into learning how to play?
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>badass and creepy
wont land since trannies at bungie will just copy dr who
siva body horror was better

no, they want shitters to populate trios thus solving the issue with matchmaking
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the last mission of rise of iron was kino
siva love
siva wife
siva sex
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>a lot the suits
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are you guys willing to do dual destiny weeklies?
Yeah i am, the fact thats its weekly makes its quick in and out adventure
would you want to it with me?
yes,we have had social media posts of them complaining that it got too hard to for them to do their free carries.this tanks their viewer count aka their income.
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>tfw no inquisitor Nokris
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ill probably do it with my friends but sure
thx bby ;)
Faggot it is not my job to learn how to circumvent broken mechanics. Its their job to fix them so they work properly. You are so cucked now you cant even see it. You have my pity.
vicarious visions should've gotten to take over destiny
damn bro just left click, how cucked are you?
>circumvent broken mechanics.
bro just jump, light attack and switch to your weapon, its not that serious
Are you seriously getting filtered by 2019 content?
Read motherfucker, read.
This is whats wrong with the destiny community you guys drink the company koolaid down hard. You let streamers tell you what to think, how to play, what to fucking wear like a store brand cult. Bungie lets broken stuff stay in the game and announced a nothing buff to class item drops? Based Bungie! Take My Money! Its a trip.
reddit keeps shilling deterministic chaos...
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>meltdown over skill issue
oh no he's gone full pissy tantrum
still not using microcosm
still not using deterministic chaos
still not using glaives
still not using darci
rocking dragons breath
>still not using darci
why not
she's a good girl
>frame troony can't left click
many such cases
i hate reloading
based slop rejecter
>season of the deep finisher can kill crota solo
I'm not even done yet let me talk. Bungie has slowly trained you dumb motherfuckers over the couse of years to think of them as fair or even kind. They are neither. They make their money off of exploiting whales just like a mobile game. You are so invested in this literally thrown together hodgepodge of scifi bullshit you acutally think megamind was a good villian. You sit here getting fed a fagot love story then complain about the audios like they're required listening? The fuck is with you people? I will tell you. You are weak.
ohhhhhhh i'm pissing out my ass
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wait Widows Court has a nighttime variant??
why dont we ever get to play that?
you already have trouble seeing other players in daylight, do you really want more all-black hunters hiding in plain sight at night?
Unironically yes.
he's trying something here. is it a double down? could be, but he's gone on a rambling tangent now. let's wait for his next move.
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superblacked was a mistake
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this darkness is THICK here
focused in this effigy of calus
Every time i see you people defend bungie and their failures like they are some old friend that needs a loan to make rent I have to remind myself im dealing with literal manchildren being led by the nose through a fucking casino and sat in front a slot machine. These motherfuckers think anything less than nolifeing Halo crossed with borderslands is unthinkable. Fucking spare me your wicked cool tips to get extra tokens. Speed running strats and other levels of fag shit you can only find on twitch. Im sorry but i just don't give that much of a fuck about whatever gatekept bullshit you are chasing at the end of the rainbow. I play this shit to relax after work belive it or not.
my favorite content is when i get to left click fallen and they die
whats with the giant wall in the background?I know that it reused asset(d1 last city wall)but still.why is there a giant wall in the european dead zone?
sometimes i wish i was a tranny or gay or a girl only because then it wouldn't be weird for me to use pink shaders
unfortunately im a straight white male
>she doesn't know
just use pink shaders no one cares
the last few years havent been kind to destiny and /dg/.I still remember the scrutiny that the everworse got when it got introduced in ..2015?
you just need to accept that shit is getting worse and that bungie is going to milk this shitshow to the last drop.bitch as much as you want but its our fault (and yours)for sticking around after bungie decided to remove and resell content that you already owned.
Warframe won
>its another episode of anon having a melty on /vg/
Boring reruns
dead internet theory is real, anon
Oh honey. You're just a gay tranny. Take your HRT, use your penis on women and wear the pink shader.
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soloing crota is harder than i thought
D1 or 2
I like playing minecraft with destiny music
based, I like playing minecraft with no music too
I play playing Destiny with Minecraft music.
Why does eveything look like a toy in this game?
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This is a "playing with cheap action figures" kind of series. Bungie Halo would have been the same if it started in the same era
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i finally finished the negrogasm catalyst
soloing crota was taking too long so i just lfged a crota checkpoint twice
now i have 1 for thrall and a 35% damage bonus
good job anon
A few months ago a Titan posted really fucking good fashion for Wishful Ignorance here.
Was a mixture of Hive/DSC armor, or something similar. Anyone happen to have it or still be here?
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thank you
glad i got the siva ornament for it too
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needs to be faceapped smiled now
Acguy lookin motherfucker
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Actually super fun with rocket chest piece
Handicapping yourself
Already handicapped by playing titan
me and my gas lighting
me and my ass pissing
Overweight fem Titan heal slut who struggles to keep up with the team...
I prefer femtitans who get up in your face scolding and insulting you for dying in a raid or grandmaster
I prefer femtitans (male)
Overweight femtitan (male) who does extra consecration slam damage because of her weight and only heal slut guns you to heal herself.
just ate a chicken thigh
What is with you and healers
>the tranny faggot virgin pedo is samefagging again
It's c u t e
this is why i don't build into healing as a warlock
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Warlocks just can't look as slutty it's a shame
not really
So does Spirit of Synthoceps buff swords?
no just melee and glaive melee
glaive gang stays winning
Glim it
Well shit I thought regular Synthos did buff swords but I checked and they don’t either. I guess that works out. Now I can do my Spirit of Assassin+Synthos build with Heartshadow.
SILENCE! You insolent SPECK!!
bros please
new bread

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