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Abysmal dogshit - Edition

Previous thread: >>487043479

>Official site

>Fan created content

>Wiki with info on tech trees, weapon systems and game mechanics

>Old forums archive:

>Guides to Air and Ground battles + MEC

>Guides on missiles, radars, radar warning receivers

>Guided weapons statistics

>What tanks have thermals and their generations

>Someone sending you runes?

>Dank Bants

Fucking worthless Battle Pass.

Thread theme:
2S38 prototype at 8.7 without APFSDS or tracking when?
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The Mariner is SOVL and you're a wallows listening faggot.
>discount H8K3 is soul
Song is pretty good and you're a slop slurping bootlicking tranny.
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>he plays shitaly
night night /wtg/
wake me up when the September update blogs begin
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>domestic vehicles are underpowered, undergunned, under armored
>all their best tanks are not native
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>makes you cry like a bitch until you beg daddy anton to nerf them so you can have a chance at beating them

HE and HEAT slingers, so it depends on what BR you're talking about. Sweden has 400mm pen HEAT at 4.0 and the Ikv 91 at 8.0 and Italy has the rrat recoiless rifles and both the 2s1 and M109 in the 6.0-7.0 range.
>be minor nation (Japan, Italy, France)
>have underperforming vehicles that everyone makes fun of
>has highest BR taxes in the game exacerbating these issues
>Still outperform the nigger 3
Success breeds jealousy
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Was going to do this event and just grind out some SL but I just don't think I can be bothered with it or the new battlepass.
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I think my GPU is dying
>remember thinking 8 years ago all the cool new games that would come out
>still playing this now, and really thats its because everything else is shit
>black and white ww2-era recording graphics mod
where is cartoon tank girl poster? (I miss making fun of him)

>clicks center mass
>clicks just ahead of center mass
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>my cat doesn't play much anymore
>realize he's 14 years old and it has 4 years more to live at best, 8 if we're really generous
Vehicles for this feeling?
Copencession accepted.
Thanks for playing.
any jap pilots in here? just got the aam3 ir missiles on the f15j, any good? worth taking over the aim 9m?
Eternal reminder to fly the harriers!
Sorry, anon, but you work the concession stand here.
I'd like a large drink with my popcorn please
Got banned from my squadrons discord because I told people they didn't have to grind the battle pass if they didn't like what was in it. Often forget how addicted people are to this game.
AAM-3 is better. Not really noticeable in most situations, but it is better.
That really sucks man, the best you can do is give him a better and easier life while he's still with you.
>Vehicles for this feeling?
Any because this game's on terminal state
You get a small stale drink and popcorn that the previous guy left out overnight when he quit.
>sneedger and shitley are screeching at each other in cuckcord
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catch my vikhr
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I'd rather use the Skyflash now than the the R-24R on the totally fucked MiG-23 ML.
the MiG-23ML shouldn't even fucking have R-24's, the MLA/MLD were the only ones with R-24's
a lot of good video games have come out in the past eight years
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what the fuck is this bullshit
>buy a premium for 90$ now plz
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>pathetic hull armour
>mediocre reload rate
>good pen but zero explosive filler
>uptiered to face t55's constantly
what did gayjin mean by this?
>eats T-55's for dinner
>as if
>maps are shit
>virtually no new vehicles are ever added
>buggy mess
>devs disregard bug reports
>cheater and botter infestation
>gaijin breaks the promise of not selling top tier vehicles
>whole ranks are unplayable because of premium blackholing everything into perma uptiers
How did the game end up like this?
They learned that people don't quit so now they just don't care. Look at the current BP for an example.
Classic slav greed just like wargaming. Watch gaijin add premium+ with the ability to passively research vehicles even if you're offline in a year or two.
>make the game worse
>people keep playing
>profits get higher
would YOU even bother putting in any effort?
Everyone else
>click first
>get clicked on first
Swigeria and russimbabwe
>hold W
>shots just bounce off because ahistorical armor
>meme guns that spall more than the rest
>side shots eaten by autoloader or (((spall liner)))
I hate that map
>meme guns that spall more than the rest
M/95 dart is 5.6 kilograms
Enlisted map.
the VRCC should be 9.0
I thought dm53 was the heaviest but it's 5 kilos where did svens get that dart from?
>maps are shit
the maps are the same quality they've always been
>virtually no new vehicles are ever added
vehicles are being added at the same rate, just because they're vehicles you don't like doesn't mean you can disregard them
>buggy mess
less buggy than it has ever been
>devs disregard bug reports
plenty of vehicles are getting fixed, it's hard to maintain everything in this game. also, some things that remain unchanged are for balance reasons
>cheater and botter infestation
this problem is less widespread than in the past
>gaijin breaks the promise of not selling top tier vehicles
they're 11.3 not 11.7
>whole ranks are unplayable because of premium blackholing everything into perma uptiers
the community chose this by going so heavy into 10.0/10.3 premium vehicles
>the maps are the same quality they've always been
Yeah, except a map that's fine for ww2 era, is shit at top tier.
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So Obviously the R3 goes here but what s hould I replace the Breda and Zrinyi with?
All your vehicles should be 6.0 and you have no excuse for not doing this.
Let a trve patriot play with undertiered lolpen tank destroyers as much as he wants.
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Spaded the last sub-rank III vehicle in the game.
keep the breda, and swap the zrin with the other breda
M109 and S21
are the meme cannons really worth using?
This >>487216917 and >>487217337
Having undertiered TDs in your lineup is not gonna help in any way at all.
Especially when you're the only nation that can get both the M109 and the 2S1 in that line up, because they're BOTH at the SAME BR as the rest of that lineup.
Is the Firefly really that bad?? the sabot seems to have a lot of pen
No. It's not. It is based. You can shreck King Tigers through the hull front.
brit firefly is SHIT, shitaly's firefly is BASED
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i just peepee poopoo my pants...
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How fucked is Italy ground at high tier?
Worse than Sweden, better than Germany
gets sabot for only 0.3 higher, makes penning russkie shit a lot easier
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>better than Germany
how do I kill a TOG in a tiger?
Shoot the turret with the Pzgr. round
shooting typically works
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there are 5 spots still open if anyone wants to join official wtg squading disord
Better Leopard 2A7
Better Air
Better light tanks
And most importantly
No German teammates
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you are genuinely the stupidest gorilla nignog in this thread
I did that at a TOG straight on and it only killed the machine gun.
>No German teammates
you still get ameritard teammates and those are THE worst right now
True German shittery peaks around the Tiger/King Tiger/Panther. Generally don't have to worry about them at top tier as they would have either been filtered by then or just choose to play in that area and cry about some Swedish apc from the 1950s
German mains also buy Leopard 2PLs and the Canadian Mutt leopard
Those people are just not the same as Tigercucks. Tigercucks are very comparable to muh Abrooms best tonk in the world crowd though.
Yes they are, all germans are the same shitskin retards
You complain like an amerimutt
You steal oxygen from the air like a turk
Hey goys, I come from the sister general. Just wondering, do you guys know if gayjew now or ever at one time handed temporary bans for cheating? Or are they always permanent if its for cheating?
The angled sections are very weak, that round should easily penetrate and take out at least the turret crew
Big 3 11.3 prem/squad niggers are never good come on now
Well they used to not ban people because banning them would be an admission that there are cheaters. Now you only get banned if you download the first cheat off of Bing. Temp bans for CHEATING were never a thing.
Alright that was what I thought, thanks.
No idea, but one is deserved for playing ensharted
Perma is only for non chinks. You can't perma chinks because of some gay interpretation of a law they have about denying service a customer has paid for.
Is the new harrier worth talismanning? Using spamraams to seal club noobs in pack premiums sounds fun.
We need 32v32 games so they can cram all the amerimutt premiums on one team while the rest is on the other.
Triple the amount of bomb bases and make them insta respawn to encourage bomb-sledding, and make the airfield a target again to encourage killing the F-4S hordes and creating furballs
so mutt containment matches?
Same but for ground RB to contain glorious rossiya 10.0 lineup
>F-4S premiums on one team
>ever other rank 7 premium on the other
>neither side is capable of winning
Would be pretty humorous to have it livestreamed 24/7
Why is there ALWAYS some nigger brit main playing CAP 24/7 in their undertiered as fuck props?
Because they are reject US cas mains but UK air isn't as versatile or easymode like US CAS with 3x good bombs on fighters.
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$25 per month premium matchmaking pass
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phew it sure does smell of refried beans and corn syrup in here
The only way to "turn off" uptiers is to play maximum top tier.

The more reasonable way to "avoid uptiers" is you need to stop expecting maximum downtiers. Find yourself a matchmaking blackhole that is populated by tons of players, then setup a lineup slightly below it. The end result is that you accept a majority of partial uptiers with full uptiers being fairly rare.

Blackholes are often around the BR of popular premium vehicles.

But back to my original point. You will never be happy if you expect a full downtier to be a default state of affairs.
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>do better in uptiers compared to downtiers
The bongoloid cope cycle
>play bongshit
>its shit
>see mutts on your team CASniggering so hard they win
>want to CAS
>all you get is typhoon/tempest with one meager bomb drop, a firefly that falls out of the sky, and the lanc asster with the meme bomb
>cry and shit your pants in rage
>bring a spitnigger, kill a stuka, and say between tears of impotent rage that you are helping the team
When you're uptiered, your teammates largely have better equipment carrying their useless asses. When you're downtiered, your teammates have garbage gear to go with their garbage skill. the net benefit is that it's normally better to be uptiered than downtiered. Excluding situations where a particular vehicle is legitimately hopelessly outmatched in an uptier due to the paradigm shifts that occur with the technology levels at a few of the BRs.
Nah I'm just so good I made Anton my bitch
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I absolutely LOVE killing poorfag thirdies in this fucking thing, their suffering brings me much joy
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The most depressing thing about grinding the american air tree with the F-4S is looking at all the fucking knuckle dragging retards who don't bring a single air to air missile and just load up on bombs or rockets instead. It's not even bad at air combat. I remember grinding other trees and having shitty SRC or meme-TI radar at this BR that could barely lock targets that were vaguely near the ground before entering WVR range. Meanwhile this thing just casually locks targets 90km away.
>200 round pseudo-autocannon at BR 1.0
I remember when a T-26 got the jump on me and fucked up my driver and engine, only for it to get ripped into pieces because the .50cal was still operational.
aww sounds like somebody got swatted out of the sky by a spitfire before they could lawndart revenge bomb because they suck at both air and ground. Imagine crying about the bongs out of all nations.
bongs are so fucking shit idk why they're even in the game
F9F-8 getting aim9e for total Su-11 death when?
has anyone thought of creating a free (costs SL) temporary squadron with level 100 players, then leave one spot open and invite some unsuspecting new player, check out his player card, then harass and mock him until he leaves, then do it again to another new player?
The one dogshit thing everyone got for free...?
Say that when you get a T18 bro, jeez lol
that used to be lowIQ before the "incident", now the squad is gutted
>The one dogshit thing everyone got for free...?
well, yes B)
idk, I just get more sasisfaction from killing reserve niggers instead of t34/panzer H users

either way they both make thirdies cry, so that's a win in my book
The gun on this thing is nuts but DAMN it's so fucking SLOW! It actually hurts to use...
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> GRB BR 1.3 Germany
I find it funny.
As a non-sociopath, no, this thought has never entered my mind.
>Navy plane
>Air Force missile
not gonna happen
it did get the AIM-9D though
There are times when I come onto this War Thunder Forum, where all I want to do is relax and discuss Military Weaponry and participate in the ebb and flow of useful information.
This General contains the worst group of pugnacious homosexual shitposters that I have ever seen on the Internet. You shouldn't even have your own containment thread. You need your own containment site where nobody else can see your cancerous behavior.
The poisonous toxicity of the players in this forum have disgusted me and now I have to turn tail and leave this forum because of it.
Trust me. I won't let the door hit me on the way out. There was never a door. Its like the open U.S. Southern Border. This General is full of the low life dregs of humanity that their only pleasure is to extract the joy out of playing this game by making others suffer.
You really are something /wtg/.
You and all your Squadrons.
Full of poison and venom.
Every vehicle ground and air between 5.7 and 8.0 russia is irredeemable dogshit aside from the su11.
Except the twin 30mm nigger kart at 6.3, that gets a pass.
okay boomer
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Try AIM-95
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Serb (+Yugoslav) subtree for USSR when?
big 3 wont get subtrees in a long time
yugoslavia and daughter states are more than enough for a tech tree, easily twice the size of shitaliy or jews
Not really, it's the same sort of shit that chinks and pajeets have, X thing from Y country with a different turret. It's subtree material.
Big 2
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F9F-3 with Emerson turret when?
Locked at a 90 degree angle upwards and keybinded to "Shrage music" button.
Enjoy your 2025 april fools crafting event.
Do the NA variants get different armaments than the GR7? Kinda nice to see more harriers being added to le mutt tree, really lookin forward to the AV-8B+ (Late) to be added in a few years when 9Xs are a thing.
qrd on this?
Play vehicles that don't care about uptiers
Play 11.0
playing 11.0 and at this point i gotta ask, does the mirage f1c have some kind of detection bug? because i have never actually fought one of these guys, they always pop in the minimap and one second later i hit a missile, it's rare for me to even see one in the merge and i don't know why
that's a weird looking scorpion
How come the air force took 3 entire missile generations to have a good missile?

The 9E was a 9B with uncaged seeker
The 9J finally could turn but had shit motor

Navy had a good motor high G missile really early with the 9D, a dogfight SAHR with the 9C, the best rear aspect missile with the 9G, and the first all aspect missile with the 9L which they kindly gave to the air force
Turret mounted on a fighter to give it the ability to shoot at bombers without having to point the nose directly at it.
Proved to be too bulky and cumbersome for a single seat fighter to use so the idea was abandoned in favor of rockets and missiles.
Could probably be used in a dogfight but testing never went that far so we'll never know.
>"we don't want navy missiles we want our own!"
>"w-what do you mean we need to actually develop our own? do they not just spawn and upgrade themselves magically?"
>*queue 20 years of half-assed AIM-4/USAF AIM-9 development before adopting whatever the Navy does*
>naval bots are back
Fucking nice, gonna start playing it again. All-player PvP shitfests are a lot less fun than mostly target practice + the odd player that actually shoots back.

There are a few good ones
Nice lineup bro
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>Two back-to-back updates of nothing but copy and pasted vehicles
>Literally every event except the Object 292 has had incredibly terrible or just copy-and-pasted vehicles
>Last Battlepass was nothing but copy and pasted vehicles
>Latest Battlepass only has two vehicles and the ground reward is a rank 4 SPG that can't grind anything, has zero line up and none of the feature it has in real life
>Last squadron vehicle was from 4 months ago and is again a copy and paste vehicle
>Next update is going be half focused on the fucking French costal tree
Can anyone think of a reason to keep playing this game, because I can't fucking think of one.
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I'm getting my coastal sloppy
Enjoy your matches of either gaijin bots or chink bots
What is there to even add except
>headliner stuff like f-22, Eurofighter etc which would be either the last major of the year or the first major update
>A lot of Russian stuff that will make shitters mad that it even gets added like more t-80s
>Some ww2 stuff that a few people bring up like the Fairy or whatever it's called but most people won't care about
>subtrees for Bongs/Japs but these are probably still 1-2 years out.
>Fucking submarines and meme bigboats like Bismark, Turdpits, Yamato, Iowa
Literally no matter what they add people will be bored of it
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>mfw flanking the german big cats with the m18
Maybe add event vehicles that aren't reskins and reguns.
Instead of a Poo In Loo Jaguar that just has french missiles add the fucking Sea Dar.
Instead of the Zzzzzzzzzzzzz Benelux tree and Hungarian tree that are 95% copy paste maybe add some unique vehicles.
A korean sub tree for Japan will save the game
Japan will get one Thai fighter and you will be happy.
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Never ever.
Sweet. Gonna dust off des Moines for my next SL booster
Nah its going happen, Japan needs more vehicles
We will never get Korea, Romania or LATAM. Those would require at least 30% new from scratch vehicle models. And Gaijin can only produce one new vehicle model every 3 months. They would have to spend 5 years on making them.
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>What is there to even add
its not much im asking for
I will
Give me a fucking Chu-Mat car for Japan already. Why does every nation get an ATGM rat but not the good one?
>Why does every nation get an ATGM rat but not the good one?
russia doesnt have one despite literally coming up with the concept
Your Sturm-S?
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Also what >>487252469 said
not rat cars
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Based, UAZ-469 with Konkurs-M when?
Screw new releases, Gaijew needs to rerelease some older event vehicles like the E-100 or IS-7. I don't care if they make the requirements for getting them be outlandishly difficult but at least give us a CHANCE at getting them instead of the only one(s) being available anymore are locked behind the market at obscene prices.
This except the German M10
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super deathstar for crapan when (as real as kronshtadt)
US doesn't have one either
>but M551 and M60A2
gun launcher shit isn't a dedicated ATGM carrier
TOW humvee when?
LAV-AT when?
LAV-ATM when?
M1134 when?
The war crime one made by Skorzeny?
We need more alt history maps, like the red square for ground or NYC for air
sorry, devs too busy making generic middle eastern urban maps and finding cool minecraft seeds for ARB map inspiration
sorry the autism crowd already can't cope with market skins and prototype vehicles. anything fun is out of the question at this point
Retards replying to me and proving my point
95% of the playerbase doesn't give a shit about those things you posted
No matter what they add a bunch of people will be bored of it
the same 95% that happily laps up the 75$ reskins
muh thailand !!!
reskins of modernslop, they don't want your quirky shit you yourself are only going to fly 3 times
pls understand, if map fun then no money
this game needs fewer cancer tanks in the matchmaker, not more
>quirky shit you yourself are only going to fly 3 times
sure thing buddy
What the fuck is the point of chaff if it doesn't stop a chinkoid or slavgroid from just radar locking you and lobbing a missile you can't notch or dodge.
skill issue
Might as well turn off the servers since 95% of the playerbase won't care about that either you stupid nigger.
There is a difference between people asking and people accepting. Few people ask for specific things. Most people accept unique vehicles. Few accept dogshit copy pasta.

How many people play Hungary, Benelux or Finland?
I started playing when the Hungary tech tree came out and I thought italy was the best tree in the game with how many times I got ass raped by turans and zrinyis
>I got raped by discount P4s and StuG3s
Zrinyi's and Turans are better in game
>a noob is bad at the game
wow what a novel concept, dick
And I got numbers to back it up.
Obj.292 sold 6,528 units in the first week.
"Hell" cannon sold 4,400 units in the first week
Churchill AVRE sold 4,429.
Despite the Churchill being a PoS and three tiers lower it still sold more and is worth more than the copy paste Chink shit SPG with a TD cannon. While the most unique of the 3 vehicles sold even more and is worth 10 times that the meme cannon is worth.
>base rocketing nerfed into the ground
I have the p-61a-11 from the black friday pack but i've never played it. I've seen people say its trash because it has weaker engines but are they really that much worse to make it unusably bad?
The fuck, what else did you say?
dont have the premium, but its a couple hundred hp per engine so you're definitely gonna feel it
its a lower BR, but id reckon the C is overall the beter plane
They're tapping in to jobber energy. They know that the avg punter can tolerate 50 years of monotonous work for really only survival and little else, why not tap in to it.
What's your active time zones?
did they actually? i saw the post from f-16 but can anyone actually confirm that it wasn't just a bug and they fixed the rocket pods finally?
they did
Do you anons always take the same path on certain maps and fall in the same routine because you had a lot of kills using a few time early on?
huh, i'm kind of sad because less free kills from rocketing animals but happy less fighters will be doing this. wonder if it'll affect the BR of some planes like the j35 since it got overtiered from people rocketing bases
The opposite, I avoid the parts of the map where I always have a bad time.
>f-111 base rushing nerfed for event grinds
It was over before it even began 4 me
>huh, i'm kind of sad because less free kills from rocketing animals
>implying anything will change
they'll just go back to bombing bases
the only difference is that they won't flare your missile with the rockets by accident anymore
What's better the M1A1 HC or AIM?
not sure what to crew at 11.3
AIM has gen 2 thermals so it's automatically better
small family company
I've got these too on the Linux client, seems like bug. A dying GPU wouldn't look like that.
Any leaks for the next update?
copy paste + changes no one asked for
more BBC
ze trenches
leopards for france
AMX-13-105 (real)
>shit you don't care for
>shit nobody asked for
>model update for a plane or tank you played two minutes after installing and forgot about
>copy pasta premiums
>copy pastas but with different ordnance options
Hello is the russian MIC present here? i have two simple requests

1) tank that has no highly exposed and very dangerous carousel autoloader

2) retire the MT-LB its nearly 80 years old
abrams buff
don’t worry they’ll be forced to retire it soon, in exchange for more motorbikes
we have no money and engineer defect to west for better life)))))
Polish sub-tree for germany
more HE slingers for Israel
Why is the secondest army using golf carts
they are less than human
f16 ms for sweden when
the F-16 is the Sherman of the sky
>sherman but 155 L39
goddamn jews
Update "Gotta Go Fast!"
Lippisch P.13B with Kronarch Lorin
B-58 Hustler
ok but also vbl
the one use napalm had is now getting removed then?
What's that supposed to be?
luv me caernarvon
luv me conqueror
simple as
vehicule blinde leger
thank you for unlocking it with ge
that would be the P-47
>no warbonds shop article
Odds of gaijin just not having one next season???
WB shop announcement is on the day the BP goes live
I think it's a CAS bomb designed for area denial in GRB. If that was their original idea, regular bombs are just better, the napalm doesn't last long enough. I've gotten some kills with it but I would have killed those targets just as easily with a regular 250kg bomb so what's the point
next to not lasting long enough it also just doesnt do anything to 99% of vehicles
It got buffed awhile back, it's probably fine.
>napalm nerfed
su 7b is now even more pointless
so when is multipath getting fixed?
missiles dont even attempt to multipath half the time and will just side aspect kill you
>multipath getting fixed?
soon it will be adjusted to reality, exactly 0 meters.
That'd be extremely based
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Why, the fuck, is coding a functioning and realistic atgm guidance so difficult for them.
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Spanish subtree for shitaly when?
it goes to france
Isn't it a literal 122B but with L/55?
>Have all of france ground
Also fine :D

>Axis tree
>Allies tree
>NATO tree
>Pact tree
>remove Sweden
Game fixed
yes but it also has a stronger radiator to cope with Spanish summers
server dead
>can't log into game

It's over, we're free.
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dead game dead general
wa happen where game go desu
>last match didn't end properly
>in queue for 3 mins already
dead game
Just wish they give ATGMs their full actual capabilities if they really wanna make em feel real. Like isn't the TOW-2B much more potent IRL? The one in-game is pretty gimped right?
a patch just dropped you computer illiterate sperg
I pissed on the servers, this is my game now
>Game ded
Let the whenposting commence?
More boxer variants when?
revoke the ATGM nerfs! nao!!!! jyu-mat must rise!
we are so back
are we back?
Too late, they've been nerfing ATGMs pretty badly recently. Worse is that the nerfs aren't explained at all and are stealth nerfs. This sucks even more at top tier where APS are somewhat common.
it's back! everynyan! it's back!
we are forced to play top attack ATGMs by cringe nigdev ): nerf them too or elts
where does china go? they were allied with russia until the sino split where they became more western aligned
Might install world of warshits again.
>game forces me to do the take off/landing tutorial on sim difficulty to access sim mode
>tutorial asks me to land
>instafails me upon landing
Am I being retarded or is it missions bugging out again?
>Churchill VII, Churchill Crocodile — a bug that prevented track marks from affecting the depth of snow on winter maps has been fixed.
thanks anton
crazy how literally nothing holds a candle to the gripen even in the current meta
Play the BILL, it's been completely ruined in the last month.
Because the fucking launcher doesn't tilt. Bradley doesn't have these problems (as much).
what happened to it ?
You will have to be on a completely flat ground. If you're titled slightly up, the missile will launch into the sky and land miles behind the target. If you are tilted slightly down, missile will just ram the ground.
boy i love fighting J-7Es that out-everything my J-35XS at a lower BR
>Panzer 4 H
>Leopard 2s
Yes please
>amx30 (copypaste from premium 8.0 one)
>amx30em1(basically a b2 but with better optics and dart)
>em2(super but with dm63 equivalent)
>the m60a3 that got copied by Leonardo
mi Españita <3
swiggerstan suffers...
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So when is it coming?
In the year 2050+ when details become declassified.
the manual and flight performance supplemental are almost certainly not classified already, but export restricted like every other American manual.
The garbage launcher is something you'll get used to, it's the fact that the snail secretly butchered it's guidance so when you launch it will automatically guide itself upwards without your input. Originally it handled like any other ATGM but now it just fucks with you, guessing some dev got shat on BILLs / chadleys so they gimped it even more.
>move F-4C up because it's good at rocketing bases
>nerf base rocketing hard
>don't move it back down
delightfully devilish Seymour
Wait they nerfed rocketing? What's their reason?
Rocketing was fixed, not nerfed.
nice of them to do it after they change all the battle ratings based on statisticks))) that took bugged base rocketing into account
When russia gets an equivalent lmaooooo
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>The garbage launcher is something you'll get used to
BILL is my most played Swe vehicle, and it had no such problems before.
They destroyed it for no reason. Like what the fuck was accomplished with this change?
dev was getting killed behind cover too many times, stealth nerf means dev has more fun camping behind cover.
the MiG-21 has existed since the 60s
I don't get it
lmaooo gottem
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Su57 is rape material
3rd time you've posted this, sugoi-57 fuccer.
I get it though, very nice looking plane and this is the closest i've been bought to turning to your aeromorph degeneracy.
>chinknigger and slavnigger players removed from EU and NA servers, forced to play on SEA/ CIS(sy) servers ONLY
>all south american players also forced into SEA/ CIS(sy) servers

Game ACTUALLY fixed
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>Buy AMX premium because want to grind Italy and have a fun little attacker
>Gaijin moves it to 11.3 a month later because it has two 9Ls that pull 10g's harder
okay this sucks but I can make it work
>Gaijin then nerfs rocket damage to bases, ruining one of the main sources of RP I was earning in the thing
I just wanted to grind Italy for the eventual addition of the Typhoon
You've been tricked. Thanks for your patronage.
Buy a ground premium and you get access to rocket targets that give you more rp)))
>boasting about getting an Ace in an F-14A

Well you get no respect from me!
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t. one of these four muppets no doubt
He was on my team actually, it's not hard to notch their missiles if you have half a brain, naturally most WT players can't do it.
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>bad network connection after guy with moonrunes name ran out of ships to spawn
don't be racist next time
What is the fucking point of the 4.7 KV1 when you get LOLPENNED by german nigger canons even in a full downtier?

3.7 PzIV just cleaves through the mantlet like butter, forget the hull.
>be this impossibly bad
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>what is the point of this heavy tank? the cardboard box that instantly dies when I look at it can pen the weakspot!
The point is that players contributing to german performance statistics will still somehow bounce all their shots off your hull and expose their sides to you in their G Panthers... i don't know how they do it, but they manage.
Just angle bro
Both the 76 mm T-34s and the 75 mm Shermans are significantly better vehicles than the Pz IVs.
They might be technically, but the 75mm can cleave through anything up to 6.7, Pz IV is onlh bad if you put yourself in a position where you can get shot
anything Russia it is depressing how mutilated this tt is
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In for hwat? On to French air next, not going to play it just yet.
>They might be technically, but the 75mm can cleave through anything up to 6.7, Pz IV
That's a stretch and a half. The gun has decent flat pen, yeah, but it's not really comparable to the US 76 or the Russian 85, and both of those guns aren't great at 6.7 either.
>Pz IV is onlh bad if you put yourself in a position where you can get shot
So it's bad if you want to play the game instead of being a useless sniper sitting on a far off flanking route? Being able to brawl and fight for important positions is not just fun, it's also how you win matches.
they nerfed kv-1 mantlets and fuel tanks about 8 months ago. They're worse armored than t-34s now.
It isn't about sniping from a mile away, it's about not being shot back, you can center of mass anything and you are fast enough to stay on the move, you have no armor, not even for sniping so don't bother, play it like a fat puma and you'll be fine
That argument would maybe work if the Pz IVs were fast, survivable and/or well armored, they are neither. You can't just "center mass anything" either, your opponents arguably have to aim less than you when shooting you.
>you can't "center mass anything" with a slightly worse 88mm
Sounds like skill issue to me, specially considering we are assuming close range encounters, 140mm can front plate literally anything at 4.7
>hit T-34 drivers viewport
>hit T-34s MG port at weird angle
>hit sponson roofplate on anything
>hit angled KV-1 in hull
>hit angled sherman on UFP
>hit ARL gun mantlet in bad spot
And so on and so on. Meanwhile you are a box without many trolly spots, and you die even easier should you be retarded enough to try to angle your vehicle as the front section of your sidearmor is not just 20 mm thin but also fucking angled.
What if you just broke all your gear on start to make the plane lighter.
First of all, "assuming close range encounters" isn't "putting yourself in a position where you can get shot", it's the exact opposite
Secondly, you can't reliably front plate an angled KV-1, T-34 or M4A2, you WILL get volumetric'd
Thirdly, at close range you WILL get dabbed on by a sherman who can pressure you until he catches a glimpse of the massive lolpen square that is your turret, a sidescraping T-34 or one that is rushing the corner and you can't aim for his turret very well
wow a brick can dodge a 17g missile
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Uhhhh..... Migger bros.....
I don't feel so good....
Buy an ad.
Buy American
>wings shaking like that
wow, american engineering so stronk :DDDD
>3.7 PzIV just cleaves through the mantlet like butter, forget the hull!
>anon just learns about P4's being ranked too low

welcome to the game :)
The only 75mm I want is the Swedish one God what a fucking beast of a gun.
Who won the war, mutt? And who came second?
Well just shoot anywhere else then, the turret shot works on all of these at any angle unless your aim is shit, you are basically complaining that your giant gun MIGHT bounce of very specific spots on uptiered tanks, do you also think the long 88 is a shit gun because it can't pen a IS3 from the front?
Still sounds like Skill Issue, a KV1 won't bounce shit at less that 100 meters, you have enough pen to deal with anything, a good enough reverse gear to hide after any shot and you sre fast enough to not get cucked by flankers, that's all you need, hell just play the Matilda or the Valentine, it's the complete opposite of the PZ IV, you can judge which one is good and which one is shit right after a single game
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Who bows to the American dollar in fear of China?
>you can't reliably front plate an angled KV-1, T-34 or M4A2
then you shoot their turret first lol
me, I won
>Well just shoot anywhere else then
Well, yes, of course. But the point was that you can just center mass everything you see, which just isn't true. You still want to aim, otherwise there's a decent chance to get ))))))'d.
>do you also think the long 88 is a shit gun because it can't pen a IS3 from the front?
No, but I also don't go around claiming that an awful vehicle that has nothing but the gun going for it is good because it can lolpen everything it sees, and then ignore that that supposed advantage is not even true.
I don't know, who?
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Guys top tier in all modes is shit.
haha, fat girl
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have you tried wiggling your turret?
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KV-1, T-34 hull when angled are insta bounce and the turret's are THE definition of volumetric so many bullshit angles, it's hilariously easy to make someone fumble the shot
>you are fast enough to not get cucked by flankers
pz.IV's are slow as fuck in comparison and have the worst side armor of the medium, a T-34 just needs a glimpse of that angled front side and you are dead (or just the massive turret than won't bounce shit)
>skill issue
Pic rel. I won't pretend that I am amazing, but T-34's and M4's are if not out-right better, they are much more meta and easier to make work
Meanwhile most 3.3 tanks have to aim to the corner of a moving KV1 to do anything and can't do anything to a hull down KV1s, sure man you can only aim at 80% of the enemy tank with the 75mm instead of the 100% so it isn't center of mass
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give more Grippy

The power of foreskin.
That KV-1 is in your team in the case of Russians, and the US has the short stab so aiming is significantly easier. You also can't rate a tank exclusively by how easy it can pen a heavy tank it sees in an uptier, that's retarded.
It's almost like success on the aerial battlefield relies just as much on tactics as it does on aircraft ability... who would have guessed.
>conveniently avoids placing the curser on the large flat spots in an attempt to make the KV-1 appear stronger than it actually is
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I accept your concession
you of course aim for those spots, but any wiggle, lag, volumetric fuckery, etc. will make your shell aim in the blackhole zones
KV-1 and T-34 have turrets with weakspots, but they are statistically good armor, a high % of shots will just nonpen due to )), especially if a player knows how to abuse them
do you mean the very narrow weakspots you can only hit if the KV driver is stationary like an idiot?
I accept your negative kill loss ratio
PERSONALLY as a britbong and germ enjoyer, I've never had that much issue taking out the turrets, but yeah volumetric can be a bitch especially with the 88's chod shell

firefly's and P4's tend to go through the cheeks easy enough since their shell isn't as wide as a house, so volumetric never was that big an issue for me. also if the tank is too far away to easily hit the cheeks, I just aim for the massive breach shield and get a free disabling shot on the turret. that alone is usually enough to end camping KVs
You missed my point entirely. The NV dabbed on the US in the early war using shitty planes with superior tactics. Then the US responds with good tactics and achieves success. It has little to do with the airframes you autist.
cope air loss cuck
>the same guy who was whining about not being able to predict the future yesterday
>is the same guy crying about KV's being shit
It's less about how it deals with heavy tanks and more about the fact that you can, in fact, center of mass most tanks in the game, while other nations tanks have to aim for weakspots and hope for the best, besides, even if i do accept the fact that that the T34 and the Sherman are better than the PZ IV, that just means that the tradeoff is more risky, having a big gun and no armor is better than that having armor and a shit gun every single time, just think of it like a meme wagon with protection against machine gun strafes from CAS
I accept your concession.

the only case where this isn't true is against new/shit players (IE: KV1B, jumbo, etc..)
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>shoots down your F-16 with a fishbed

nothing personal amerifats
>even if i do accept the fact that that the T34 and the Sherman are better than the PZ IV
>having a big gun and no armor is better than that having armor and a shit gun every single time
Those two statements are mutually exclusive. Also no one denied the Pz IV has a good gun. The entire point of the argument was that the T-34 and M4 are better despite having weaker guns.
The needful was done that day sirs
why isn't the f-14B 13.7?
Fireflies are kind of a different beast with their 190mm of pen. 160mm of flat pen is around the level where I stop caring about the angling of low tier soviets. The 145mm that germany has is just a bit too little to slice through the angling. Though it is enough to go through the hull if they are not angled, so does give you that comfort that you don't have to gamble on their turret. I just find the rest of pz.IV's (bad armor, reaction speed and engines) to be a bit too debiltating.
>sherman has a bad gun
>104mm of APHE pen, fast reload, and a stabilizer is bad
lol lmao
>4 napalms doesn't instantly kill a base anymore
good, get fucked animal, maybe try actually playing the game for once
it does have the worst out of the trio
T-34 ignores angles and has ~120mm of pen effectice because of it (can pen other T-34's to the hull if they are unangled) and high expl filler
pz.IV just has 145mm, Americans need to take out the M10 to reach that level
>just play the game with no missiles and no way to even make the grind somewhat less slow
Kill yourself
Did Magic 2's get a shadow nerf? I fire them but they eat flares every time now.
I remember taking out napalms once after watching a guy DoTing bases like mad... only to watch mine die out just before triggering an autokill and the base fucking REGROW. never again.
>shoot the P4 anywhere in the turret, it does
>not angling back against a shiT-34, and getting a easy breach shot on him with your stabilizer and faster reload
>aw man this thing stinks!!1
are you gonna start complaining you can't read the future like you did yesterday too?
who is he talking to
F-4S Phantoms are so op
Su27 is literally unbeatable in a dogfight
They are not mutually exclusive, i'm not judging the value of a tank based on how they perform in a 1v1 against eachother, the PZ IV doesn't have to fight a Hetzer or a Jagdpanzer IV unlike the sherman and the T34, the value of high pen is much more valuable against other enemies
Can I pick neither?
>posting the exact same stale bait no one ever bites each day without fail
I'll stick to my own race thanks, don't want to bring up another Elliot Roger.
On my abrams, should I put Ukrainian flag decals next to my US flag decals to show solidarity?
Put a Ukranian flag and a Z
your wife's boyfriend will be sure to like it
What bait?
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Watching retards try to do cobras and crashing on the runway is always funny
The year is 215 BC, sixth year of the First Emperor. All within the Four Seas live under QIN RULE. All Wei captives are branded. Former Wei subjects live to serve QIN EMPERORS in vast penal facilities. Welcome to China's QIN FUTURE.

Wei Ai remembers life before the reunification– before the government-issued cangues, the manacles, starvation rations, and mandatory identification tattoos. He lives on the war-torn fields of the Central Plains, where he hides his beautiful nubile step-sister Mei from the clutches of the brutal Qin army.

As musclebound Qin soldiers prowl the countryside searching for strong corvee conscripts, Ai will stop at nothing to protect sweet Mei's dowry money. In his green robes, long dark sash, and thick wool socks, Ai enlists his burly yellow body with a squadron of pitiless Qin alpha soldiers: the ultimate act of courage and sacrifice. But is brave Ai prepared for the overwhelming demonstration of power and domination? The encounter brings him face-to-face with his worst fears...and his most unspeakable fantasies.

Acclaimed scholar and pro-Legalist Li Si presents a tantalizingly political vision of the future. His powerful, vivid, fly-on-the-wall passages of one-on-million soul-crushing toil pushes the boundaries of imperial propaganda. The QIN EMPERORS have their way with Ai's strong body as he hammers and pounds and curses through one of the most patriotic labor-gang scenes in the history of the genre. And interspersed throughout the glorious prose, a suspenseful narrative full of extravagant monument-building unfolds.

Experience the true power of Qin bulls in lamellar suits. Prepare to serve the ultimate punishment. Explore the mind-bending world of QIN FUTURE, the first book in Li Si's brand new series.
the joke's that they live on a pig farm
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>he plays shitaly
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Is the Su-25 damage model over-performing in game?
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behead cobra fags
>his avatar is the reddit frog
Italy is great up to 6.0
Yes irl it's fragile just like any other aircraft
>inb4 the single, as in singular event in history, time one survived a shitty african manpad
A10s have survived ground fire dozens of times, from 23mm to manpads. Yes aircraft are fragile but there are ways to make them more survivable.
Yes, its damage model just does not obey the same rules as any other in the game. It's not the first nor the last aircraft to be built with sturdiness and survivability in mind but it's the only one that behaves as it does in-game. Either it needs to be made more fragile or many other planes need to be made stronger but currently it's inconsistent as fuck.
The A10 is closer to a WWII bomber than to a Jet fighter though, it was made to resist that kind of fire
IIRC from data mines around when it released it has material in its model that reduces secondary shatters, which almost always makes a vehicle overly durable. See for example release spall liners or naval antifrag armor, it just doesn’t play well with the engine
based /uhg/ly troon expooser
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The German fears the Italian and Swedish Tiger players
But not war thunder tier survivable
Su25s and Ka5Xs will happily eat 5-6 stingers and even VT1s and not take any damage when irl they just fall from the sky as proved in recent events.
A10s on the other hand vaporize at the slightest damage.
Don't get me wrong, I neither play amerimutts or rusimbabwe but the damage models of the Su25 and Ka5X are brutally overperforming
Dauphiné and T-V players will carry
>not a SINGLE mention of the F(ucking invincible)-5
It was made to carry the BRRRT gun, it has half the armor of the su-25
>slav subhuman can't kill a F-5
that's not me although i assume we both saved the same webm
>hit fag5 with Boffy hevt once (1 time)
>fag5 turns into fireworks
>it's okay when OUR plane's damage model is severely overperforming
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Don't forget to play France in time for the Olympics!
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just found out the hard way that this game has planes with ircm
>anything but fodder
Please tell me this is bait. You can't possible be this braindead, Right?
slavtrannies just pop flares when their bullshit is called out
Pride flags when?
It was you.
Maybe go easy on the ))))) memespeak next time, faggot.
Oh no I'm not disagreeing the Su-25 and Ka50 are fucking bullshit, they have possibly the most kroked damage models in the history of the game. Just disagreeing that all planes are equally fragile, you absolutely can armor a plane and make it work.
Are those russian su25s?
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Any line-ups planned for tomorrow? I'll probably just play Arcade.
The su-25 is more hardened than the A-10
I really don't go on that board but if it makes you feel better, sure
I'm sure they were in xer's mind.
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Uh huh.
I really wish there was a newspaper skin for the Newport News. Time to learn skinning.
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>ww2 bomber
So it should be even easier to kill than it is now?
>KV-1E that has additional armor on those specific spots
Your point?
shoot the driver port
Ah so it it is actually stronger than it appears.
Good to know.
>it's him or me
Please provide any proof of this, the only evidence of Su-25s having increased survivability is in war thunder.
>conversation about the TT KV-1
>brings up the KV-1E out of nowhere and gets called out on it
>acts like a retard
This is a mutt main, There isn't any other explanation for this inherent retardation.
you can't aim for the edges of the turret with shermans, shell is too big and volumetric fucks it up, just aim for cheeks
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>that first shot
I fucking HATE russkie shit for having that little lip there, it always eats up my fucking side shots
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My plan is to alternate between every nation with a fleet to save some pocket SL on the repairs and go coastal when playing late at night.
su-25 has some survivability but it's not really mean to be a flying tank that's just a nickname
In war thunder it's inconsistent, sometimes it dies from a small piece missing from it's tail elevator, sometimes it tanks 2 manpads
The a-10 isn't tanky at all in real life or in game. Maybe when it was first introduced it had enough armor to matter but that was a long time ago and the military has wanted to retire for almost as long.
The idea that the a-10 and su-25 should have the same performance in the game while the a-10 also has the cannon and mavericks is mostly another case of Americans thinking stuff is only fair if they have the advantage (they are right, they need the advantage for it to be fair).
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why are they so afraid of being called out
>cartoon poster talking to himself
Shitty meme that doesn't even represent what happened
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Oh anon you don't even know the half of it.
you've never flown against planes with flares?
Saab 105G and Saab 105OE fixed when?
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>The a-10 isn't tanky at all in real life or in game.
Oh really?
KV1E's extra armour on the turret edges makes it so m61 can't pen, gotta aim for the left (your right) cheek and you can take out the gunner easily
Small arms fire from from insurgents that didn't have manpads, the only scenario where the a-10 has ever been used. It has half the weight in armor that the su-25 has while being slower because so much weight is taken up by the gau-8
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So those redundant controls are just to add weight?
>redundant controls
Not modelled in the game across the board, it's not an artificial nerf against the A-10 and nothing else specifically.
>redundant controls
>inside engine cover
If either the a-10 or su-25 loses and actual control surface they are both in trouble because what is the point of redundant controls to something that is no longer attached to your plane? It's better to just have more armor and be faster to try and avoid losing the piece in the first place.
>on 7 April 2003 when Captain Kim Campbell, while flying over Baghdad during the 2003 invasion of Iraq, suffered extensive flak damage that damaged one engine and crippled the hydraulic system, requiring the stabilizer and flight controls to be operated via manual reversion mode. Despite this, Campbell's A-10 flew for nearly an hour and landed safely.
Meanwhile in snoreblunder:
>someone tickles your tail
>uncontrollable dive
>someone tickles your wing
>uncontrollable dive
>small arms fire
Yea 23mm is small I guess?

Yea it'd be a real shame if the control surfaces were damaged, they'd NEVER make it back then would they?
>non-critical engine damage
>hydraulic system damage
That's the equivalent of yellowing of the fuselage, you can fly like nothing happened with that sort of damage in-game. Problem is, there IS no flak in-game and everything that can damage you (guns, misslies) is way more devastating than glancing shrapnel.
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Don't have any bong premships.
Got Yubari from the WB shop though.
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We playing naval fellas?
>Yea 23mm is small I guess?
yes compared to what it faces in wt
> control surfaces were damaged
I said lost not damaged, in WT the whole wing just gets blown off by an spaa
23mm is quite small yes, unless it's being shot by a gatling gun in high volumes a few lucky shot won't do much against an A10 unless it hits the cockpit
>guns, misslies
You mean like the things that have hit all these A-10s and they still flew back to base?
>sandniggers are using WWII era flak
It was a 23mm HE fired from a Shilka or towed 23mm mount, exactly the same weapons used in WT
If you look up articles on why the a-10 is better than the su-25 irl they all include the mavericks and ability to fly high as advantages
But war thunder a-10 fags well tell you these don't matter at all
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>a few lucky shot
>a few
Go look at >>487323243 and use your fucking eyes.
No. Why would you do that? Why would anyone in their right mind do that?
I'd only play naval for the FritzX, which i don't have because playing ARB with a joystick feels like shit
What squadron?
Because I'm not a turboshitter that got filtered.
>LowIQ cartoon poster talking to himself AGAIN
I'm a lone wolf
a-10a moved to 10.7 grb when?
Mavericks are way better than anything the su-25 has
23mm is nothing that's like 6.0 spaa in war thunder, something the a-10 will never see.
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Why do you even think that's impressive? That's like being surprised because your car runs after being shot by a tank in the trunk
>not denying it
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>>sandniggers are using WWII era flak
Didn't they have this? A 100 mm AA gun with HE-VT shells and assisted loading (~15 RPM).
Let's not be so hard.
The tank looks strong.
who the fuck cums on AA gun
>worse paladin
>1.3 higher
actually you know what, that's based
fuck kikes i hope their entire tree gets butchered and then removed or better yet folded into the shartmart one for maximum keks
How the FUCK do I farm tank crew levels? I take 45 fucking SECONDS to repair a little scratch? why?
I want you to try and hit something at 5-10k feet going mach 1.5 with no assistance from radar or anything in war thunder with the closest thing you could get to that gun
now imagine that irl
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We should make a /wtg/ naval squadron.
If there are any requirements make it just having the SKR-7 unlocked or something.
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Ya know if you had just started this by saying you were retarded it would have saved me a lot of time, try to be more considerate next time.
You can't just name a boat Gay.
The mount featured a backup mechanical FCS IRL, if anything it'd be easier.
research boosting stuff of any kind speed up crew XP gain (boosters, tailsmans, premium)

you could also spend like 5-10$ on some GE and just buy a large amount and keep 2 crews with high repair levels
It's 9.3 because of the Iglas
It still shouldn't see a-10s though, a-10a should be 10.7
What vehicle would Stan Smith from American Dad play the most?
you get 1500XP for 100 GE, just spend a few bucks and max out the repair skills for a few crews
The su-25 is actually armored. The only thing armored in the warthog is the "bathtub" that the pilot sits in.
I don't have the skr7. I just sail around in my scharnhorst
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You're a retard
An f-15 would also survive this if it flew low enough to even get hit
I wish I had the Gay Archer
I wish I had a pride flag to put on my Gay Archer
what's the easiest plane/tier to get the antimech medal? need to grind wagers and figured this is the most guaranteed/fast way of doing it
i play us and was thinking of doing it on the ad4 but maybe the f104 is better because the speed should help me run away from the enemy?
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obvious answers include anything with the SKR (dont have it) or Atlanta (grown tired of it)
so my go to grind lineups would be:
>Gearing, Sumner, Mitscher, and XA-38
>Daring, Diana, Brave Borderer, and Wyvern
>Liverpool/Southampton, Belfast, Brave Borderer, and Wyvern
>Albatros, Jaguar, and K2 (havent used it in ages, no idea how it fares after the reworks), usually didnt bother with a plane on this one
first two are definitely the most effective/efficient, other two are prone to nasty uptiers
ive also had good runs with frog 5.3 and wop 5.7s
Wyvern, the 40mm Tempest might work as well
thanks for the suggestion but i was talking about us planes, i havent started the uk tree
Germutt 8.0 is actually unplayable.
Why is this thing in the Bluewater tree anyway? It's the sort of thing you'd expect from a top tier cuckstal.
why? you dunk on russkies and shit mutt heavy tanks all day
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Totally burnt out yesterday but want to play again now
i did tonnes of these in the PBJ-1J, not ideal since it doesnt manoeuvre that well
loads of dakka to take care of all soft targets and the morons that try headons
gunners, even with an ace crew, are not to be relied on 100%, but controlling them yourself effectively isnt too tricky

who knows, also a joke that its 4.3 now
wonder if we'll ever get the K3/F805 in the french tree
wouldnt mind it being swapped to cuckstal, got an ace crew on that beauty, would be great at tier V
I still think rotating the turret backwards, should speed up the replenishment of fist stage bustle stowage and/or the autoloader.
I used to use the F-4EJ with gunpods to do antimech wagers. People barely ever go for ground targets at high ranks so if you survive the fighting you usually have very little competition.
gaijin should implement a completely dynamic reloading system based on several factors such as distance to breach, shell weight, two piece, having to rotate the round, opening a door, etc
just tune it enough so that we don't have to have bullshit ahistorical reloads
It's for men only.
Don't forget taking terrain and speed into account. Should also include shell type locations
The tanks are fine but holy fuck are the """""teammates""""" you're stuck with completely braindead.
kek, fair enough
>your team gets ravaged
>you can pick a good spot and kill all the base invaders
>spawn on a plane and nuke them
>come back after 3-5 months
>first few games go surprisingly smooth
>pop wager
>wing broken by one stray bullet
>wing broken by one stray bullet
>wing broken by one stray bullet
>wing broken by one stray bullet
did they adjust the damage model and I was lucky or did I just get a bad case of difficulty scaling
I should've waited 2 more months to get free shit from youtube shills
Anyone else type hai :3 "tank name" like a faggot, when your driver and gunner are dead and youre just staring at them waiting for them to reload?
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>no stabilizer
>can't front pen tiger2
>pathetic armour, a fucking panzer4 can pen your turret
>terrible post pen damage
>only FIVE shots in first stage ammo rack
>bad accerleration
>bad stop speed
>no line up apart from the horrific black prince
yeah, I'm thinking it's brit time
>anyone else
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>black prince
did you call?
Hai :3
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>Anyone else
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>anyone else
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>equip four kh29T
>yeet them at pillboxes before the AIM120s can kill you.
>get antimech award since nobody else bothers to target ground targets at this BR.
>land and get four more kh29s for good measure if you know how to survive the wall of spamraams
>seethe that you can't leverage this fact to farm easy Thunderer wagers because Anton forget to expand the maximum vehicle rank limit to rank 8 like he did for every other wager.
>cartoon poster talking to himself AGAIN
grimmest of grims...
what's with the tranny's new forced meme of the week
Su27sm is overpowered
didn't this POS used to have a stabilizer?

bongs FOREVER stay losing
What did i do
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>Toyota sub-tree for Japan when?
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The only good thing turks have done is take the nigger rigged Toyota technicals of sand niggers and made them into standardized vehicles with proper ammo stowage and a baseline design.
Now you just need a design that can disguise itself as a regular suv
sovl one may say
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based knower, won a tidy amount of games doing this too lmfao
hulled down is pretty much the only good thing the cent 1 does well. with -12 gun depression hills are your friend
The state of Russian aircraft after the MiG-19 is rather underwhelming ngl it's just turd after turd
mig-21 is fun if you understand you only get 1 good turn out of it at a time
Even the mig-21 was butchered because of fucking ameritards
arb really is just someone killing a retarded amerigroid, them complaining to all other amerigroids and an entire playerbase crying to gaijin until that thing gets nerfed, ameritards dominating uncontested for years and thinking it's fair
America has dominated the skies for more than half a century ;)
name one example of this actually happening
>gets shot down by serbian bakers
su-27 and mig-29
neither of those were nerfed due to "amerimutt whining", unless you can actually prove it with a statement from the devs kommyhuct
Limited to 8Gs
Limited to 9Gs
What's the issue exactly?
plain out lying isnt gonna change the facts
zeros at 12.7 at this rate
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you've done nothing to prove your claims
neither have you
burden of proof is on you
it actually is on you
deflecting isnt gonna change jack either so i dont get why you keep trying it
>I don't have to prove my claims, YOU have to disprove me!
not how it works, kommyhuct
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In for what?
>can't prove me wrong
>proceeds to bitch and cry about it
I accept your defeat :^)
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if downtier: hugin/vs8, z47, nurnberg
if uptier: hugin/vs8, graf, hipper
Don't tell me you actually spent SL on that.
hey man what do you expect from amerigroid pilots?
You kidding? Of course not!
I'll spend them on the foldered Ariete, after this one.
>Missile goes pitbull
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How do you hunt a country?
>anime pillows
Extremely based
I honestly cant wait to die in ww3 when a 1000lbs bomb fall next to me and as i turn to it, i see her...my anime wife..
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More garbage
what's a good balance between chaff/flares on the american f4e?
so far in this tier i havent met many people who use radar missiles but that might be due to me playing the f5e, which always flies close to the ground to avoid them
bullying ruskniggers for the next few BR's
Tailsmen this beast, literally carried my sorry ass to the 8.7 line up
Unusable. Just 1 br step higher you get the same thing but with afterburner and missiles. Much better.
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Vehicles for this devastating feeling?
Why are you so fucking racist? kill yourself.
دبابة القتال الرئيسية لوكلير(Leclerc MBT)
is the helicopter game mode still worth playing? is it fun?
That indian jet from that tree in that indian colony , whats it called?
Britain, I think?
Stupid name, good thing it will be changed soon to बकवास पूप कम by its new owners.
it's OK, but the gains are absolute trash.
ok jew
>single handedly hold point killing a dozen in my stock t34
>entire team cant kill a single thing
why is this so common
eh damn
max CBT second to only one
number 1 being the jew mystere IV because it has no AA.20s
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>Several company-sized units of Locusts were used by the Egyptians during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War.[44]
Mixed battles

That's a single missile's frag ring pattern, retard, all i see is that the fuze triggered in a way that resulted in the warhead missing the nacelles.
Khalid MBT
>you are a friend of Al Kharid
>you may pass for free
Just shoot the mantlet, under the gun. It will go right through.
extremely overrated
sabot go boom
alright ashtroon we dont care what you do with naorcuckled
not possible
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>1000 built
I thought the F-35 could only store missiles in it's internal bays, didn't know it can mount armament on the wings too
What are those weird dots?
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Think this is LockMart promo material so it should be accurate
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Limiting the airframe to internal bays only would be stupid especially if you consider that most of the enemies that'd have to face the F-35 have bottom tier equipment.
You know how much americans thought that they've suffered? Twice that much suffering, but actually real. Take solace in that you're not the chink copy that has a worse RWR.
>literal w4rtg bot in my match
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If Flygsystem 2020 fails and Sweden buys slop-35s I'm killing myself
I haven't played this since 2014 when I closed beta tested tanks. Is it worth coming back to?
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No <3
blah blah it's fun if you only stick to ww2 blah blah
but no
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Yes, but only after buying several $70+ premium packs and a year of premium time
yes if you get to top tier
ww2 shit is boring and gay but modern tanks are good
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SEPv3 when?
Nice 12.7
13.0* you mean.
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Leopard 2A7RU when?
next update, 10.0 because only have HEAT ammo ((((((((
I actually want this, was watching Ryanberry play the Hun Leo and it was kino
bmp-2 or bmp-3?
when Russia becomes a NATO colony
dazzle camo
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T-54 (2024) when? Premium?
tank game
>rust in your CPU
tanks for this feel?
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ironically my comfort pvp game cause I get to bully US/Russian/and Chinese players
why aren't my rockets damaging bases anymore?
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What is the general consensus on Japanese ground vehicles?
I want to go back to lower tier stuff and I have a lot of their planes.
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WW2 Japan is more enjoyable than most people think.
>cartoon fag talking to himself again
GRIM really....
No worse than France
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I think Japanese vehicles are very cool anon! You should play them regardless because they look neat!
member when france had the most expensive repair costs and nobody in a mirage was a shitter? I member
painful to start but you enjoy the pain eventually
>china wakes up
>every game now fucking sucks
I just wanted to grind squad activity.
I would pay any price for a great firewall of our own just to keep them out (jeets too)
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>win so fast the enemy team can't spawn enough tanks for me to kill and get a nuke
Too late for that, what with the millions flooding into ostensibly white countries. Probably America too if Trump wins in November
Is the PUMA/KF41 a remarkable tank? Or can I skip it without missing out much.
Puma is ok but not good either, and KF41 is just worse Puma at a higher BR because of the spike missile debuff.
>KF41 is just worse Puma at a higher BR because of the spike missile debuff.
Holy shit I just tested it against the T-90 and it doesn't even get critically damaged after 10 "hits".
I meant having the missile at all artificially raises the BR higher than it should be. Spike's can kill the T-90 but it's entirely RNG because of whatever black magic makes the missile randomly target wherever it wants it.
You'd need about 1k more points to get a nuke without dying. Well done though
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This ones a little more detailed.
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Thanks Anon.
2.7-3.7 is good fun. You don't get good again until 6.3-7.3.
*gets the second best premium jet in the game*
*Has an overpowered squadron harrier you can get for free*
*gets mach 3 missiles at 8.7*
*spitfires are still as UFO as when they first came out*
*has Sea Jesus*
*gets a 12000lb bomb*
*gets another OP premium with the Wyvern*
please throw in Russia for disinfo and election hacking so we can finally rid this game mutts
I'm amazed Russia isn't forced to use China's internet by now.
I enjoy Japanese tanks a lot, but they desperately need filler vehicles. Like from Korea. Both of them.
reddit is down the hall
North vs south update. North Korea for China and Worst Korea for Japan.
Japan and Korea have nothing in common militarily. So sick of retarded weebs begging for Korean vehicles.
lets have a WWM with korea vs japan

gooks get the T-80U and M1A1 HC
japs get the Type 90s, type 10 proto, and type 81 sam

for air guks get the f16c and japs the F-15J(M)
Right! That's why Britain won't be getting India. And also why Japan won't be getting Thailand either.
Reddit is mutt central
Korea belongs with the USA, as God intended
Pajeets were literally part of the Bong empire, millions of them served it in ww2. Thailand was forced by Japan to be its ally after losing a war to them.
Neither of these are comparable to Korea-Japan.
>Pajeets were literally part of the Bong empire, millions of them served it in ww2.
Soooo... guess what was happening in Korea between 1910 and 1945
you can have korean tanks when japan apologizes for its rape and warcrimes
>its rape and warcrimes
never happened lol
no k2 for you :(
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>Japan gets Thailand tanks
>includes T-84 Oplot from Ukraine
>Japan has given aid and vehicles to Ukraine
>therefore Ukraine subtree for Japan
Ukraine is USSR. Nice try spicweeb
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Will Korea have some unique thing everyone wants I don't know why people are so passionate about it I thought it would just be more copypaste
who's spicweeb? qrd?
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I am spicweeb
never happened
they deserved it
it will happen again
Mostly just offbrand stuff. Like how Italy has offbrand Leopards that suck compared to the original.
More interesting than any other the other asian countries is why people want it. Every other nation in asia is just *us vehicle with different roundels* or *russian vehicle with different roundels*
the gooks at least made an attempt
They are just desperate for anything since their anemic tree can't even field real lineups
Italy has the best Leopard 2
gooks have gookbrams, gookm109 and gookf-15/16
It's literally the same shit
The best leopard2... under a different nations flag.
the best leo2s are in sweden you stupid faggot
what does /wtg/ listen to while playing WT? for me its

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>Thai BM Oplot
>Thai BTR-3
>Malay PT-91
>Malay trialed T-84
Certified TZD tech tree
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Wacky impractical mods of old shit meant to look intimidating but probably don't actually work, MBTs with missile and grenade launchers strapped on, a bunch of unique domestic artillery, and of course memes.
Gook ground has some interesting-ish vehicles, but the forum suggestion is full of bloat dogshit that just meant to make people believe korea has lots of vehicles to offer
what people tend to forget is that we get air tech trees before ground, and korean air would have less unique shit than israel
Anyone wanna play 10.3 GRB?
Wrong, Swedish one had the addon armor nerfed because of german kvetching.
i can't get over how stupid these fuckers look, they look like ai generated tanks
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For me it's hopping in my favorite ratmobile and
You know Germany is based when swiggers have to make shit up just to justify their current seething, even though they still have better tanks
A-10C when?

sent :)
>All this discussion about brownoid and mongoloid (sub)trees
Lame when are we getting the next white tree (LATAM)?
Argentina is literally more white than America
(1% black vs 13%)
What a terrible map for not having LRF.
okay now what percentage is spic
Sweden has the only SK vehicle so SK will go to Sweden. Japtrannies will get a dildo to ride and pedal.
>could not be satisfied by the riches of the earth
VIDAR isn't operated by gooks though
it was a purpose built for another nation
>The K9 Thunder is a South Korean 155 mm self-propelled howitzer designed and developed by the Agency for Defense Development and private corporations including Dongmyeong Heavy Industries, Kia Heavy Industry, Poongsan Corporation, and Samsung Aerospace Industries
>for the Republic of Korea Armed Forces
>over 1000 in service
I like how weebs insist on having two billion vehicles form all of Asia giving all sorts of excuses when everyone there hates them like kikes in the middle east.
>b-but muh thai f-5!!!!
lol just an excuse to help people go past the f104 and f1 because most people drops the tree there
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Why can't I research a GT wing for the BT-5 and Fox?
obsessed lol
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Explain to me why gas burning engines can't use nitrous.
skill issue deh soo
but the VIDAR is a VIDAR specifically, not a base K9
when the VIDAR is used in gook service then you can say somalis have a south korean vehicle
Can't wait for the Ajax AFV to be added to the game lads
>But the K9 Vidar is the K9 Vidar specifically, not the K9
It's literally just a K9A1 with Norwegian electronics replacing the Gook. There's going to be an Indian K9 in Britain tho.
Where Swedish Leclerc?
yeah it has norwegian optics, so it isn't korean you fucking idiot
by your logic the M48 super should be in the US tree
you're being kinda retarded anon
>korean vehicle has norwegian optics, so it isn't korean you fucking idiot
>by your logic the M48 super should be in the US tree
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Coming right after you tell me what I'm in for.
Best light tank in the game, essentially a Leclerc at a lower BR. Flank and rape.
There is hardly a difference.
Chassis and gun are the most important parts which are identical.
>essentially a Leclerc at a lower BR
Then why do you want a Leclerc at a higher br?
Why not?
>when everyone there hates them like kikes in the middle east.
Except japs have the best reputation in the SEA region and almost every country views them positively, unlike China, Korea or even the US
This is mostly due anime and younger generations. The people form that time immediately realized the japs were worse than whites ever were.
>t-this is mostly due-
So you agree with me
due to factors that have nothing to do with military history. Japan shouldn't have these nations.
So you DO agree that these nations don't hate Japan anymore
Military history or whatever the fuck cope you gooks use has nothing to do with subtrees
Thailand and other SEAshit have the same relation to Japan as Hungary to Italy, militarily
Funny thing is that even if you ignore VIDAR, Sweden has essentially the same stake to Korean vehicle development as Japan, where one private individual (designer of the Strv 103) was invited for pre-development advisory, which might be one of the most furthest reaches ever conceived.
If anything, Russia has one of the greatest non-US stakes in relation to military development being a justification for adding vehicles, but that's retarded for it's own reasons.
I don't mind Thailand but the others are a no go.
You spicmutt weebs knew what you were getting into when you started the Jap tree. You aren't getting bailed out, cope.
that was last game sorry

must go get dinner
Not hating Japan isn't a criteria alone. There needs to be a real reason for them to be in Japan and there just isn't.
These countries were largely euro-colonies and/or have heavy influence from China in the modern day.
>but the others are a no go.
Why, they sold military equipment to other nations too like the Philippines
>I don't mind Thailand
Right, that's why you are seething about it 24/7
>south korean subtree added
>japan players are grinding only to play with a modernshit roster that is dominated by vehicles from a country that antagonizes japan regularly
Whoever at gaijin thought R-27R stock for the Su-27 at 13.3 can literally burn in hell
okay jimmy goldberg
Japan should remain pure
Like the people who play it
It's got some decent stuff, and combined with North Korea (probably???), it'd have early Italy-tier novelty vehicles. It'd suck balls flavour-wise until the K1 and Chonma show up unless it gets something stupid like an Indonesian subtree or some shit.
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I'm tired of the grind boss.
North Korea belongs to China
South Korea also belongs to China
Just use it in Air Arcade and bomb bases. Max out reload speed so you reload in air faster, make a custom loadout using the 3x 920kg bombs, 2x 1000LB bombs and the 2x MAA-1 missiles. Then just climb above the furball in those matches and keep dropping bombs on bases. Easy 1500-2000 RP for each destroyed base every time.

Strike craft in air arcade are hilariously fast RP farmers.
Get to work, slave.
Only one anon in this general gets to call me that, and I'm pretty sure you aren't that anon.
Why are all the swedish 10.0-11.3 aircraft so fucking overtiered? They're turboshit that either have no flares, or have retarded overlapping loadouts where you have to pick and choose between having flares, having any missiles or having guns. Even the premium J35XS Draken is hilariously outmatched at 11.3 because it constantly faces fucking shit like F-4S phantoms, Tornados and Mig-23MLDs with radar and all aspect missiles.
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im bored
i miss talking to youknowwho
i wonder if they still come around this thread
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Gaijin could never figure out the flight model for the Draken so it's always been in a constant loop of buffs and nerfs. At least it doesn't go into an irrecoverable superstall that much anymore.
Regarding the attacker Viggen question, most of their armament should be available in the fighter Viggens but if that were the case there would be even less reasons to play the attackers given that they still sit outside of any lineups in GRB.
hnnngh asunaaaa
they couldn't figure it out so they made it an UFO with invisible thrust vectoring effect on the wings (in files)
why are sweden posters like this
and how can i get more of these posts?
>load into match
>shit map
>leave game
>swap nations and requeue
>rinse and repeat until good map
I solved GRB bros
R-77-1 (same exact missile but with less retarded fins) when?
digits will it
I love shooting the gunner sight on panthers and tigers 2, it just feels like im spitting in their face of these frauds through my screen
Right now its IMPOSSIBLE to play with it, since you're constantly going up to 12.0 to 12.3 with a plane that effectively has a 9.0 mirage/ migs flight performance. ONE fucking turn and you're flying at 600kph even with afterburner screaming bloody murder. It sucks dogshit, so why the fuck is it 11.3
Why'd they even nerf napalm? It wasn't really worth bringing over normal bombs on most planes in the first place.
did they really?
Those repair costs were outrageous but tbf it wasn't just France, though it was the most common there
I know the German Ta-152's were crazy expensive too
I fucking spaded all that shit back then, noobs nowadays have it so easy with the increased rewards and lowered repair costs

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