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>Recent News
Summer Live Stream airs 07/27
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EfK7-PHc1ko 6PM JST

QOL Update: 101 Rupie Draws Button - Live
Clarisse (Fire) FLB - LIve

Roadmap: https://gbf.wiki/User:Umikin/Timeline
Animated PV - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4ltQa2gCvmk

>July Schedule
07/23 - 07/30 Dread Barrage (Light Favored)
07/31 - 08/07 Story Event

>Future Schedule
09/07 - 09/14 Unite & Fight (Earth Favored)

>How to Start
Go to https://game.granbluefantasy.jp in any Chromium-based browser

>READ THE FAQ before posting - It will answer most of your questions if you're new or learning

>Helpful links - These links contain useful information like important guides and other stuff
Granblue Fantasy Toolbox - https://www.granblue.party
GBF Advanced Search - https://gbfas.io
GBF Grid and Teambuilding - https://gbfguide.com
Wiki Advanced Grids - https://gbf.wiki/Advanced_Grids
/gbfg/ Mega Pastebin - https://pastebin.com/xHkyQTy8
/gbfg/ Crew Directory - https://rentry.org/gbfgcrews

Previous thread >>487159983
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oh yes, i love my wife
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i do as well
brutal rape
the new tranny icon...
Shion? Sexo
Mirin? Sexo
Everyone says this
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Need me some ilsex.
De La... SUCCESS!!!
Cantante... FLOP
evil looking schemer...
Mack, show us the Rising Evo viewership. Let's see how the season pass paid off
go ask /gbvsg/
Pure facts
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nyit's jyust...
Gentle rape
Surely getting the collab slut 2B instead of literally any unrepresented grub would have helped our numpers...
You rata are good at hiding your ratty selves up here in this shithole
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This...this can't be....what happened?
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I say this
The four heavenly queens of /gbfg/
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The four unholy jesters of /gbfg/
>QOL Update: 101 Rupie Draws Button - Live
keep this in the OP forever, it makes me laugh every single time
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Reminder that the foxcuck immediately evaded right before the new thread.
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>this took seven hours to add
Took a decade for this feature...
Eternal winrar
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peak fucking content right there
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>watching troon commentators instead of the comfy Kizzy and Mike Ross stream
AI this into FKHR
Here is the cucks twitter account
Bros I'm finally dipping my toes in the M3 grind. How long should I expect to flesh out each element? In my head I'm imagining like 4 days of berry blasting for each ele but I'm not sure how tight the droprate is/how fast it blows up.
nigga i don't care.
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>let's show a bunch of fresh out of jail black dudes a trans icon voiced by an IRL troon, I'm sure that will save the IP!!!
It's hell for each one. Have fun
For me the average has been like 900 animas for 3 FLB exaltos.
I care.
The cuck is a fucking unironic cuck, why wouldnt you care?
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My old outfit, it still fits!
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browserge? flop
gbvs? flop
gbvsr? flop
relink? dead
>check his activity
>retweeted this
what the fuck lmao
it's not me.
That Bea's pretty hot tho
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oh... okay. I'll plan out the month
KINOOOOOOOO, never a soul event like this again
farm yggy and you'll be fine
they're kinda slow now since it's too early but in nip primetime they're fast enough
once you have stronger grids you can just do like me and
>daily host the ones you need
as for the amount of time it's really up to luck
tia dropped the exaltos but not the rest of them
idk feels like getting those light guns is much tougher than the rest
It's still much better than the OG M2 grind
Much, much, infinitely better
Fkhr be like:
*sharts on the table*
idea for new event!!!!
*starts eating his own shit*
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100% he was posting that shit here prior to release too
Totally banned and doesn't post here, by the way
Peak sexo performance
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wasn't tefnut's fate about her and lamretta going drinking?
Yeah but this was before she was released based on the date
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At what point should I be worried that my elixirs and berries are running low?
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She won
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how is Clarisse uncap?
big winner
warning: art for normal people
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normal people are fucking nuts
i feel safe floating at 4.5k-7k halfpots
If you want to attempt a t100 in GW you'd want to be above 10k depending on ele
Berries are meme, just stop barfarming and autismo box an event once in a while
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You just know if fackackhackrack was in the US, clarisse skill 4 would be
>Lasts for 3 turns (can't be extended)
He was in the US tho
Yippeeposting really isn't that interesting
Precious creature
>only 862 pots
>sub 200
I think I did something very wrong.
The same old cd
Let's put the good shit on.
If you're newbab i'd guess halfpots would be a huge issue for a while, evokers are huge pot sink
M3s are huge berry sink
Sparking is the best source because of moons, despite what lazy fucks will tell you there's nothing wrong spending them on halfpots.
Story boxing isn't really hard even for new account, mix some HL runs to be pot-positive
VH+EX shouldn't be an issue to spam in fast manner.
All the problems can be fixed by not being an autist and sit out a few months, buy all the halfpots from monthly refreshes and don't burn them on proskips.
The spade queens of/gbfg/
>Pant... Pant...
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we have it rough without foxcuck bumping us huh
>evokers are huge pot sink
Evokers and GW are the only things that will really tank your pot supply.
>and don't burn them on proskips.
You can't stop me. Only the shit drops from M1 Impossible keeping me from having a constant supply of M2/M3 runs can stop me.
why is he like this?
>no Mugen Toenails so not enough HP to tank
>raid goes too fast for Titan to charge
I guess I'll just die when Siete gets in his car bros.
Mah doro, This peace is what all true grubbers strive for
I just wonder what Seraph's up to
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Peace will never be an option
Someone will always piss in the thread
probably laying low to avoid getting rangebanned after having already evaded
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>SIegfried gets his happy friendship memory that calms him down and prevents him from murdering his opponent
>Rein gets her happy family memory after she already vaporized her child and gets to feel bad about it after
It’s called a woman moment
What the fuck is a spade queen?
>called the singularity
>there's two of them
Nice fucking game KMR
If you don't know you don't need to know.
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What do you mean I need to uncap a second weapon to get Threo to 100.. I thought I just had to beat her with the first weapon I uncapped...
One is Gran and the other is crossdressing Gran
how many years did it take to add though
Holy sovl
No, what you do is farm 40 of the weapons, uncap them to 10 of them then upgrade them to the ele change step.
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i just wanted you faggot to know that i've played granblue and never spend a penny on it, nothing
and just now i bough a pakeji for granblue archive to enjoy the bluefes and i've been playing it for only six months. grub is shit and never made me want to spend, especially in the latest years
why the fuck i stayed for 8 years?
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congrats retard
Naruto collab status?
I just got to the silver relic part of the grind I guess. I suppose I thought getting those like 40 copies of her weapons from UnF was for transcendence since I didn't read far enough along.
This characters is a spade Queen, takes multiple big veiny black cocks, facts
less than a week
that's a you problem
I really hope you don't float around here after "leaving" like other faggots do
bought a few character skins in grub
bought a lot of ship slots and several rings in kancolle
a game either motivates you to buy something enough to buy, or is even more of unplayable garbage unless you buy (like WoT or WT), grub is just neither
I get why people buy suptix, never bothered myself though
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I'm glad she avoided dumb spade meme
Also got a very pretty card
Rebal S.Enyo.
>i bough a pakeji
how much? unless you bought the big pack arona will bust your knees
bet she fed her choco to her dogs again...
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don't forget to buy the asmr >>487218084
but there's no problem at all? i'm just shitting in this kusoge because i came to hate it

i bought the half pakeji with the discount of the first buy ever
>cheap faggot!
well i never spent in any other gacha ever so it's something i guess. maybe i'll buy again next fluefes
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Investors be like
>FKHR, how are we gonna compete with this? What's our move?
What is she saying? I hope she promises some CBT sessions
i'll buy it if the noa ASMR says gomen yuuka.. i can only get so hard
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>one 10-hour long ASMR track of mugen taking a Mr.P on the toilet, coming right up!
Nyess, she does invite you to CBT session
Now if only she did that in game more frequently and not to her dogs.
She could have been the most based and sadistic bitch for (you)...
>cheap faggot
nigga it's $5 or something, it's what people spend on lunch
Why are you spending money on gacha?
i meant that i spent to little
also i wish i got paid in dollars...
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rent free
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Don't worry grubbas at 9:57:44 Wamdus can be heard saying "Neha, Muge poopy" so both Wamdus and Nehan fans can also enjoy this riveting voice work.
Holy macaroni, I gotta buy it now! Forget lunch, lemme get that Mugen track!
This will save the game...
because it managed to entertaining me enough and it managed to make me crave buying it. also it's like 5 dollars so i don't fell stingy
as i said i played this for 8 years until this anni, it's not like i can simply forget it
my point is, it's not exactly an amount to brag or feel guilty about
anyway, no reason to stay if you don't play the game
I thought Shay said nothing like this could ever happen?
>shay is a dishonest faggot
wyell nyou see..
nyo...byut gyawd...nyit cyan't bye..........
granblue archive...............WON
>Thank you for the gift, I didn't think I would receive anything, so I was honestly surprised.
>And to give something so me, it's quite peculiar.
>Won't you show me what sort of anguish and despair you'd experience if someone were to trample on/violate someone peculiar like you?
>I'm really quite interested.
>If there's an opportunity, please show me that, ok?
Bit rough, and FUCK reading pseudo-handwritten runes.
>nothing actually happens just vague shit just like out Daki CDs
Let me know when sensei starts doing stuff with the girls in game and not no way fagging them
>all avatarfaggotry and irc raids
go back post-2016 scum
holy based that's good
could be worse, you should have seen the ninpress' card that shard kept begging for translations for
even /djt/ over on /int/ had trouble with it
>had to respond to the post addressing him and not the actual material
way to out yourself you ban evading retard
lemme know when your slop has actual on screen penetration though, cause as it is now it's no better than any other pandering
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>Won't you show me what sort of anguish and despair you'd experience if someone were to trample on/violate someone peculiar like you?
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8 hours
Until we unleash our bread barrage on Kupi.
who is kupi?
ASMR is gigacringe shit. Y'all probably watch twitch e-thots too
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have you forgiven them yet?
I'd watch you, probably
remember when people posted shit like cupicute, cupibig? where have they gone?
in the cupidoor like the rest of us this anni
They became bread posters
more like cupicucked amirite?
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Risette yes
Mireille never
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>"The skies are empty"
do cupibros like watching yuri from a corner?
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Cupidied for her cupisins
>the rest of us
you still here nigga
she's impossible to bring up without schizos jumping on the opportunity to shitpost
many such cases
Sorry bro I couldn't remember whether they used a C or a K in the translation of her name and guessed wrong.
they call me gatekeeper for a reason
sounds like a bitch ass nigga excuse to me
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Last summer was awful. I can still recall those dark times as clear as day. We saw a terrible genocide led by her faggot writer and FKHR; cupifags were rounded up en mass with her summer unit then gunned down by unbelievable autism. A potential icon of the new grubble age reduced to a used goods lesbian.
>we don't post her......because yall mean
Literally quivering in fear of galgeSOLDIERS
Her summer version and Unbound Autism happened.
what would you bring up anyway?
her back story is a shitpost, her current schizophrenia is a shitpost, her reconciliation with triss is a shitpost
there's nothing to talk about in dept other than wanting to plap her obscene vulgar body
FKHR shot her in the back of the head with the gay gun. Her popularity died instantly.
Pretty much
>Summer version came out, a devastating blow to Cupifags worldwide. But some still held out
>Then the event came, and the Cupifag population was finally wiped out
Slurpers will tell you she’s always been this way.
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Post more like this. I need more Lyria
Quick question, not sure how many of you guys know this, but can you hear breast milk? Like, when it’s in the boobs can you *hear* it sloshing around and shit? I know the milk is stored there so I’m wondering if it makes a noise when a woman with sufficiently large boobs walks around.
>what would you bring up anyway?
>her back story is a shitpost, her current schizophrenia is a shitpost, her reconciliation with triss is a shitpost
>there's nothing to talk about in dept other than wanting to plap her obscene vulgar body
I remember this....back when Cupitan was talked about. Why can't FKHR just not push shipshit? All he had to do was keep it ambiguous amd Cupitan would've been a very popular grub(I would've wanted her in Rising unironically before summer and shit)
That was a funny post. Better times…
Kinda, but the shittier part is that they doubled down on dyke shipshit.
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I could’ve believed they were just friends up until her summer unit and the kiss. Like she’s obsessed with Ris because she was her first and only friend or whatever. Nothing suggested Cupi wanted to slam clams this whole time until last year with her summer alt. What the fuck was that?
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Do I really need 5 magna exalto?
How autistic are you about bursting and GW?
Only if you're using a 280 chain on a transcended Opus. And even then, fire only needs 4 if you have Michael and Chichiri.
>nth time a female character has a female friend
>surely its not dyke shit this time
>wtf I can't believe they have done this again
How many times have we been through this?
It's like expecting a homoknight event to be straight
Fraux got away unscathed
Didn't she get raped?
The typical Granblue writer syndrome where when a character gets a sequel to a event or popular they get flanderized. They probably thought
>Hey...people must like her for the yuri stuff! Let's make that her entire character now
Didn't her 5* mention it was her friend?
Think that's it but I'm sure I forgot at least one couple.
yeah her 5* mentions rios tanked it
>at least one girl in almost every dyke pair wants danchou cock
Blame Keisuke, the Cyge's local /u/fag
Why are you faggots all obsessed with who fucks who
Just stay in your own lane, 90% of this general are cucks in denial the other 10% atleast admit it
you forgot
Nice projection
Nothing suggested Tristette had any positive feelings towards Cupi either until Unbound Autism. Complete 180 of her character.
Who said I wasnt a cuck, cuck
Pretty sure 90 + 10 is 100% cuck boi
That's only half of the pairs
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>I'm sure I forgot at least one couple.
You did.
You're too retarded to know what projection means lmao.
Yuel as well
I thought this stopped being a thing a while ago? The rest is true I guess
Hinas white hair reminded me of Mireille and Risette
Seasonals are canon
Lol, Fack made sure to make their dual unit ssr nothing happens ship slop
Wasn't the point though, other pairs still have characters that don't give a shit
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rough baby making sex with versusia!
Who in the remaining couples are for (You) in seasonals?
you can't just fuck your mom...
Cringe taste
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I only ship hetero couples
Based taste
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sex with your mother, sir?
Bridgette gets shy and stutters during valentines
Grea said Anne got jealous because she was only making chocolates for you
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what if i told you grans dad was gran
Mentioned her already though, unsure if Anne is for (You) given how often she's hard lesbo for Grea
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Need her summer alt
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I don't care who my father wants me to have sex and bear child with all I know is that even if Ilsa is revealed to be menopause she will be receiving my love regardless
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she's 28. menopause ain't happening until 40-50 I think
Ilsa is a fertile ovulating young maiden.
Same can't be said Nier.
i haven't been paying attention to these threads
did everyone already make fun of clarisse for being cucked by a cat
ahhh ilsa the fertile ovulating young maiden and nier the grandma on menopause...
>did everyone already make fun of clarisse for being cucked by a cat
what do you think :^)
I don't want to her anything from faggots falseflagging her as a hag, she is a young impressionable woman wanted to be loved.
POZ.......................... WON !!!!!
i don't know, you guys just spam about fkhr all the time now
The losing contest
... On opposite day.
...which turns it into a winning contest and his win into a loss
her fates have nothing to do with richard though
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Dianthas turn soon
Nier's womb got destroyed by boyfriends
The imprint meme...is dead......................
Don't forget trooneraph, shay and granblue archive xd
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morning grubbas
y'all waiting for dread barrage right?
Nuh uh, he still a winner.
The troons in Numperscord lost this one.
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Though honestly the thread is similar to the game's state right now
Repeating the same thing for half a year, something new happens to sperg on, loop back and it'll be that way until game goes EoS. Not hard to understand the /gbfg/ mindset considering they're just shitposting the same stuff JP people does, but in English
hmmmm ACKshually gbfg if you dislike seraph shitting up the thread you're just as bad as him!!!
nuts I tell you
who's this semen demon
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State of game state of general etc
the 8th(0th) of the 7 prisoners
Why are you still talking about seraph? Are you sad that your boyfriend is not here shitposting with you?
>get called retarded
>come here to cry
Nigger hes right, maybe stop sucking his cock for once
Our mom is 13 years old with two kids and a successful career as a world ending dragon monster. A woman that is over 20 without a man is doomed.
Yurop is the only safe choice here...
But you're here albeit
Better suck his cock then, chop chop
Why do you talk in third person?
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Not sure about her fate episode, shoehorned too much
Not enough time to actually understand each others due to the story so even if the marriage goes through it's gonna be an awkward love life
She loves you but you don't have enough time interacting with her and she is the useless wife who can't express that love directly to you without screaming for 3 minutes and running away

Fucking grub fails at writing (You) chars and writing ship chars, holy shit the omnipandering really fails big time
Schizo moment
Only one post is mine
Classic japanese fetish
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no one tell him
Tell Ibrahim
oh uh good for you I guess, still sad that won't stop you from thinking about grub though
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is this a new cuckshit meme or something
Shay yes
Hey chatgpt what's your opinion on Satyr
>seething about GODraph in a completely different general
Shay warped the entire /v/ and /vg/
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That's what happens when you cuckpost every gacha all the time
How long until Shay becomes the Lee of /gbfg/?
nah he doesn't have Lee's willpower
>Being this butthurt you bring the post from /gbvsg/ to /gbfg/
He's right, stop being so obssesed.
He didn't even respond to it, he went straight to /gbfg/ to get help like some personal army. Fucking faggot lmao
Seraph is the one most likely who posted cuckeys twitter earlier
For me, it's @shay_azur
why are maleringers like this?
>Lee banned on sight, made Mods alter the site permanently
>VB also banned on sight, also made Mods alter the site permanently
>Shay isnt even a blip on the radar and barely even gets banned
Lol he's not even comparable
It's seraph acking out to deflect
the who
that guy from Naruto?
holy newfag
Mods despise VB for exposing their faggotry, they deliberately let Shn/ay run rampant to engage their mortal enemy
They ban shay because he pays for 100 passes to evade and pays for the mods salary
God, VB supports shipfaggotry in waifu games
How did Lee make the mods change the site? GR15 was in effect and /mlp/ was made before he began his crusade
Hello Shay, ban evading again are we?
Howdy Seraph, ban evading again are we albeit?
Hello Numpers, ban evading again are we?
Out of the loop, why is he spamming ak12's asshole and what did he expose about the mods?
Pretty much all he did was make the site worse for everyone else via long post timers and other shit. No positive changes and he's been seething about it to this day and is raped on site sadly
Faayume is sleeping
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ban evading as usual, I see
Mfers say this but then be like
>OMG VBs ban evading with proxies AND threatening to use spambots on people for making fun of GF2? It's just so BASED when he does it!
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>sub 200 rank
>host Levi
>2 rank 375 players join
>they get their blue box and leave
>have to do 24 turns/12 minutes of this fight solo
That didn't answer the question
Oh HELL nah
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A rundown on VB? I haven't browsed the site lately, but the 1 minute cooldown is pissing me off, so I was wondering how a psychopath apologist schizophrenic was able to force the janitors making everyone minus the pass slurpers waiting for 3600 milliseconds to post a picture of Vikala dancing with the caption: "Sneed".
God you're pathetic.
how do you solo it?
Omg so based! Post cool downs were SO worth it for uh....nothing changing.
See >>487234586
Faayume would never fuck a black guy right?
Honestly his spam sounds justified if that's really the context
No one brought him up until you did lil blud.
Yeah, it's tranny jannies sticking their nose where it doesn't belong
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Yeah, I replied a bit too late, saw you posted it since I was waiting for the cooldown (of course shithole site). Appreciate it.
Until you realize he defends shipshit in waifu games and will use spambots on places for making fun of him lmao.
Of course Shay would hate a guy who fights against blacked shit
Not gonna wank any of your obnoxious schizos. They all deserve a bullet.
Pony bot on /trash/ is kino, it just spams mlp in shitted threads, idk if it is still around however but it could spam threads with 100 mlp posts in an hour
VB didn't do shit about it. Only someone doxxing Ruggarell made it stop. And I don't see how using spambots to defend Raymond is fighting against blacked
Just post your Snowcuck images so you can get banned again
Kengo / Olivia / GK / Lennah
Support Lucifer
Slow as fuck but you're never dying.
Waifu games? Like NIGGE? That's understandable. Though nowadays there's game that has both ship and waifu so its hard to say, but going that far to be a ruckus retard like that really makes him a moron similar to the newfag janny.
Suptix was last month poor bro
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Why is Shay crying over a schizo from another board here like this is his group chat?
Really she's just for emergencies with her S1. She just happens to hit hard. What else do you have?
Nigga actually thought those GAWD posts were genuine lmao
Yo shay did GF2 flopped in china?
Nice try KMRat now fuck off
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I flopped in your mother albeit foxy
>just for emergencies with her S1
Never mind, I forgot she has to buff GK for double ougi. Maybe cock.
>Anonymous image board
>Can still tell exactly which one is Shay
I don't know how he and Seraph pulls it off.
Yes, it was sad but not unexpected
When you display the exact same autism every single thread people are bound to recognize it eventually
A good character design is one you can recognize from its silhouette or something like that
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Shut the fuck up for a second, I need to know who works well with Clarisse post-5*.
Yeah Shay won
Certainly flopped on steam
G.Zeta and Ragazzo
how long until maint ends? t. global
You have no rights to complain if you can't spend $20 on something that would enhance your gaming experience in this game playing "dirt"
slurpcucks are fucking nuts
Okay, BESIDES G. Zeta because I don't have her.
Either version of Zeta, Ragazzo, Michael
regular zeta works?
Yeah her skill 3 has a dispel and you can press it twice
whoops meant for >>487236057
Do you think they should release more skins instead of doing more scamchas?
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Grubs for this feel?
>censored slop
>not a single for (You) girl
We're not at that point yet
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>>censored slop
>>not a single for (You) girl
Got reversed, unlike ZZZslop
I thought that screenshot was astral chain...
our art team is in no capacity to pull that off
But it happened once in 2017, any day now they'll flip the censor switch... any day now...
Hey, at least you can full auto it and have 12 uninterrupted minutes to do something else
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because they're the same one note characters that they loathe
bros when is the last time we got no.1...
we even did a discount spark and the best we got is no.8 ............................
Just a reminder anila has a cotton flower in her valentines card for 0 reason at all
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>for 0 reason at all
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This is easily the most mentally ill general I have ever went to
further proof that they read this general! it was very subtle easter egg!
You haven't seen /llsifg/ in its heyday.
I've seen at least 7 worse
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Way too galge for FKHR
Is this new?
>for 0 reason at all
Sheep have wool, cotton looks similar to wool
Uploaded to fanbox just today
Yep that's me the MC
Damn... I gotta put a ring on that.
curious what this was ripped off from.
Wool =/= Cotton
Some of you are the biggest retards on the planet
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maleringers are freaking nuts
The problem?
>he doesn't know about the vegetable lamb of tartary
this meme is a millenia old, dunceboi.
i warned you about maleringers
Any replacements for Orchid in fire gold bar setups?
im going to fuck clarisses mom
why not oyakodon
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at least you picked horusex
I sparked a homo once...I still feel disgust years later.
Picked?Where do you think we are bwo?
Nice OP
Ordinary zeta because she also has spammable dispels
can we please get nwq this dead garbage??? Come on cygay stop being so greedy
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VB should've nuked this hellhole months ago
Whatcha gonna do, spam ponies? lol
Did I miss something? Why are we talking about the GFL butts spammer again?
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This general is under my protection. Be they threats from outside or within, until I achieve my goal no harm shall come to /gbfg/ unless I allow it.
The hells he gonna do? Spam images? We already do that nigga
Any changes to the upcoming Dread Barrage? Better rewards?
And get people rangebanned for it
Our sunken cost fujos are strong
Which area got hit in crossfire?
VB really do be a spiteful roon like that, sadly GF2 range banned many of its paying customers and left him BROKEN(lmao!)
The entirety of LA, Cali and Germany were rangebanned for like 1-2 years in /v/ thanks to his autism
shart got raped by butts chad on /v/ a few days ago and hasn't gone out of /gbfg/ since
holy based
>The entirety of LA, Cali and Germany were rangebanned for like 1-2 years
Extremely based
All just to get raped by jannies still to this very day, that's kind of crazy
It's really fucking shitty that you can become unable to use this site just because some schizo randomly decided he wants to shitpost using an IP in your area.
No it's based, so based! VB had to fight for our right to get long post timers!
/feh/ already goes through that on a daily basis lmfao
I miss the "please save my general" crossposts
Not to the point devs had to implement sitewide countermeasures
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what's the point of dead garbage?
free gems
Revenant weapons for Celestials.
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>need a host to go down and deal with angel shits
>send a girl after deaging her to 13 years old
>posses her body
>make her half naked with a thong
Should have been summer celebration...
We're already having a year long anni. Don't be greedy
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>year long anni
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Day is never finished, master got me workin, someday master set me freeeee
missing oxy
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There's probably more people waiting in queue in granblue than people playing in grub right now...
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FKTRN's response? dead garbage
Yes we are GODS not mere people
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Granblue but you can only roll for characters moms
you just ended fire.
Imagine Yuel and Sochies moms....
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can already roll for one mom but she's the only grub mom whos worse than the child
>rolled on every grand banner since percy and wilnas release
>still don't have either of them
>my fire is kneecapped out of sheer luck
I absolutely refused spark or tix homos but I gotta be honest I may have to spend a spark on one of these fuckers.
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And don't you ever forget it, shart
wilnas is not even that needed in most comps anymore
Why does he bother nikke threads more than the gfl one? is he actually avoiding him
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Because the nikke thread is just other people.
Fack quite literally never forgave her
shart does show up there too pretty often, doing shit like shilling shart rail or snigga
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>m3 farming sucks
>revans farming sucks
>shartbox sucks
Why is it so difficult to make content players would WANT to do?
What content in this game do you think players would want to do?
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Is it my impression or Granblue Fantasy Versus: Rising have weird animations? Idk why but the game feels and looks weird, the attacks, running animations, cutscenes etc
I was playing Relink and the game feels super fluid, I thought Rising would be the same
I had a dream Faa cummed inside my pussy atleast 13xs
What we need is a cosplay jav with hikuru minazuki playing both Andira and varja
why are u like this
Rising won
...then I woke up and looked down at my cock. -Mr.P
A raid which isn’t a pain in the ass to do if you have to do a thousand times before getting a drop. Or just add the weapons to the pendies trade already, all the shit you can with those is ancient
Is the faayume an actual female?
Obviously not
They ain't ready for this trvth nuke
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what are some good teams for leviathan mare omega?
I'm magna if that matters
I want to rape draph
How do you think each one would react?

I think Halle would be the one who gets hurt by it the most. She was so scared before being abused by people. Thought she finally was safe and had a family in you. Then you just rip that apart in seconds one night in her room.
Anything that can quickly reach 1,3m honors. The raid is slow as fuck so bring a team that can clear stacks for extra honors.
I use Manadiver and Uriel to get 90% CB after skills. Use okto or threo in second slot to get 3 CA. Even with my garbage setup this is enough to get blue chest in one turn.
Then bail out and do something productive
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where the summer roulette and lotto at?
Playable marse when
like 4 days
thanks anon
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'ate this disgusting creature
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I just masturbated to this. I like the stuck in wall -tag and sometimes search for it in panda. Grand Blues artist has a good taste. These are some of my favorites:
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Kind of based not gonna lie
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we love Galgehara around here
the jekyll and hyde of modern times
>make raid tier that's a slog grind
>make other raid tier that's a slog grind
>make singleplayer slog grind for the oracles
cygames relies entirely on the playerbase being too autistic to stop grinding, even when the payoff for the grind is just vee farting on your face.
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just roll for grand zeta, the flaming homo will get powercrept by next year
>You like this girl? she's shipped with someone else
>You like this girl? she cucks you
>You like this girl? she's not playable
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That requires a different nip screencap.
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How do we compete?
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I think she'd be great Vikala (both versions)
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Why’s Trooneraph going nuts today?
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Babu’s 5* uncap soon. There is no lore drop, she just gets tired of Danchode running away, ties him up and rapes him for 6 fate episodes straight
rising is meant to look like an anime, so one of the things they do to achieve that look is lower frame rates
I don't know what the fuck I'm looking at but I got a stiffy
Godraph, the lightning emperor
Stuey, the azure eddy
Mizako, the emerald princess
The Furtive Pygmy, so easily forgotten
yeah just like how nehan's getting powercrept too right
literally the only way to powercreep them is to make someone give teamwide triple strike or double tag team and neither is happening because you'd just use that alongside the OGs
The lightning emperor....because he's always followed by the thunderous bowel movements of the restroom before someone calls him to unclog a Mr.P
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>Will you buy this week's scamcha?
Are we getting the Sauna 3 event teaser today?
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ah yes the homo boy love ending
imagine if miyazaki wrote a grub event
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>You will slurp up our content no matter what

>You will not complain about males nor the lack of females

>You will keep grinding until someone sends you into a hospital
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>Even Angie
for me it's this one: https://exhentai.org/g/1035559/76d360820a/
Event teaser is tomorrow so they can delay the extended preview for summer stream
Good, I wasnt the only one who got it then. Looks handsome. SSR where?
Enjoying the rerun grubbas?
Kuro is galge
Kekypow! God Sekiro is so kino
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h-hit db please...
isn't that literally what happens in the grandblues though?
yeah it reminded me of it
Yeah that one is great. Came multiple times to this.

Everything is just doujin plot.
Can Versusia defeat Logia and claim her title as strongest mama?
Won by default
Blood is thicker than troony water
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What does the light ougi grid look like now for magnakeks
I just want to FA the big niggas
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I was using this in gw with nehan cosmos horus
Using Cosmos Horus Seruel right now, I'm still trying to finetune it so it does 4C minimum every time
I'll try that out at least,
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I don't have horus
And whose fault is that
You can roll her on the scam, I did just a few hours ago
I must impregnate horus.
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not mine, I very was unlucky
Skill issue
It's not a scam if you win
winner mentality
How does Bubs keep losing when he literally transcends the laws of reality?
he's brown
He's so strong that the laws of reality would dictate that he wins but he loses because he transcends them.
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How the fuck do you even pick summons these days... doesn't even include bubs or belial or yatima or bahamut
>thread is the deadest during SEA hours
Do SEApags not follow this franchise anymore?
they're all busy with db since i paid them to grind for me
seakeks are either retired or oldfags that stay in facebook, like euroids
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yeah play a better game shithead
I'm playing wuwa
also I curse this thread, all the slurpers and all the luckshitters
signed, a t4 seamonkey
>from 2d slop to 3d slop
nigga just quit gachas
They play chinkges these days
Most of my SEA grub friends quit long ago
seapags wank off to HI3 rEfErEnCeS in HSR even tho the story is dogshit, they just see Raiden Bolognese Mei saying her name on screen and they all cum
Acheron do be galge doe
Its euro hours but euro hours have been quiet since the cuck has been banned
and that's a good thing
eufag here - I'm faing db while listening to aikatsu songs from my old playlist
euroGOD here - i'm also faing db but i have an audiobook on
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i don't pay attention to thread until better hours either
Its euro hours but euro hours have been quiet since the cuck has been banned
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EVROPA is the heart of culture, learning and civility, of course European hours are laced with nothing but the most exquisite posts. And if there is nothing to discuss, as is the case with this farce of 10th ANNI ALL YEAR LONG celebration, we abstain from dishonest or disruptive discourse.

Also I want maggie's feet on my face. NOW
copy the ones from whatever grid you're stealing
this but unironically
I hate db, my crew is kinda ded after gw and doubt we're even reaching 45m crew honors
this is more ass than gw
Enjoying your summer, grubbas?
I'm using Futsu and an Ultima Dagger with masquerade so I doubt I'm stealing anyone's grid.
nyess, atsuko is extremely pretty and smiles a lot
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>HEH I will allow [enemy] to transform into their most powerful form, surely I will be able to defeat them and prove how superior I am to [rival that doesn't even care]
4 days till stream...
I'm gonna... make it...
Poz just flew into my raid and cleaved boss in half (this is real)
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Whatever post Gigi
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How that Valiant cross work?
do the final rally thing they added last time
it'll trigger 9001 times there
Enable auto-call for help from your crew in DB.
sounds like a you problem
i forgot raziel exists
I would choose oblivion over this travesty.
Yeah... fotm character
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comfy FA
tits are all she has going on tbqh
>whore ass
Do people seriously like Ilsa or is all her popularity ironic because she's the old hag nobody wants?
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The average poster here is in his 30s and and also desperate
i only like hag nier because she looks like nier now
the only content with her in it that i read was in stay/moon where she ripped that dude's head off and shat down his neck
it was pretty sick
I'm 42 and I'd still take four 7 year old over a 28 year old
ain't no way he just said that
too based for /gbfg/
I even older than Ilsa.
The only 7 years old in grub is funf...
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Mom Ass
God I wish I was Bubs...
Blud done took the whole mask off
Older people generally prefer JCs and JKs. Teens and young adults are the ones who prefer hags.
>futage is subject to change
What did they mean by that, is satyr in danger?
Maybe you should try playing the game then...nigger.
>slow ass dirt carpal tunnel comp
no thanks
No sand?
what's going on bwos
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>SEAs are insufferable about a certain character
>said character makes it to versus
>they all fucked off from the game
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Why did they introduce Bubz in the main game but not Rein?
Because Rein couldn't hang out with Belial and discuss gay sex.
Nobody cares about you SEAsis.
Her hag version will show up at some point

Granblue Fantasy... WON
mating press
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Climbed every mountain, made it to the top
I had it all, or so I thought
Traded tomorrow for a lie
And found the price too high
My clock is ticking, counting down to naught
I’m out of time, why did it stop?
I'll bet my life before it's lost
The final line I'll cross
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How much men in one night?
what would she do in the main game without spoiling her role in rising? bubs was never anything but a villain so there was nothing to spoil
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>no nwq
>sunstone STILL doesn’t restock
>only runs twice a year
What the FUCK is wrong with this mode
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It’s busywork you’re not actually supposed to engage with. The idea is that you’ll get so tired of it that you decide to cut out the hassle and pay for whatever scamcha or pakejis they throw up.
The idea was a means to earn valor badges for those who couldn't tryhard at gw. Then they realized they want people to tryhard at gw.
I don’t know but what even was the point of designing a random cute girl OC who turns into blue hair red dragon and THEN calling her Granmom? Will it have any bearing on the overarching plot or was it just to shit on the few remaining lorefags?
>what would she do in the main game without spoiling her role in rising?
job like Bubs
She’ll have sloppy wet incest sex with me.
Okay but what am I supposed to engage with then? DB and GW are both piles of shit and if I can just paypig my way to sunstones/NWQ/whatever other limited resource they make, why would I bother with either?
>if I can just paypig my way to sunstones/NWQ
You can't.
bubs killed lucifer however
>what am I supposed to engage with then?
Engage with other granblue
If I buy enough fes codes I can.
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why would anyone play that 3 fanart flop?
No, you really can't. Fes booklets are all 1 time per account. The IRL fes gacha is the same.
nyo...my cute leg sexo flopped...
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Wam success
holy sexo design
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organic (flowers) success
yup yup
Link to the account? This is the person doing a whole bunch of grubs in one thread, right?
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There's not that many, unfortunately.
what teams for dead barrage for a horusless-loser?
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why doesn't the villain of the barawa event series look like this?
not a roonge
Bro Chat can disguise himself into anything including sexy bunny girls
Very cute Wamplush
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erunebros stay winning
chat isn't the villain.
shit zombie game
we love zombi around here
i want galleon plush, someone make me a sewing pattern
I wonder how much they thought about these when choosing the flowers. Seems that a lot of them fit pretty well.
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Gbfpags are mentally ill
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So what exactly can we except from the stream in few days? If we look at the roadmap, they have actually released everything they have previously announced. Only things left on it is to finish the ROTB characters. So FKHR/KMR cant just use previous announcements as filler for the stream now. They need to announce something actually new. And even if we go super doomposting, I really doubt they would only announce summer skins and remaining fest characters. They have to have something even if its a thing thats not going to get released until the next year
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>they have actually released everything they have previously announced
grub 2 in VR
>If we look at the roadmap, they have actually released everything they have previously announced.
the state of our MSQ lmfao
Golden legendary iOS announce
JPs are big into language of flowers shit so I imagine they put a decent amount of thought into it
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More useless QoL updates
More useless weapon uncaps or weapon awakenings
summer gibs
The last 3 or 4 summer characters
MSQ trailer
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Dances for villagers for free
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>anthuria dances for villagers for free
>chichiri massages villagers for free
>nier fucks villagers for free
Why are for (You) girls like this?
Only loose women fall in love with grancel
At least Cupi was compensated…
>replies to himself on cooldown
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>Fav race
when are they opening the fes store again? when the stream goes up?
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Should be soon after the stream
Is this rape?
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catch me if you can
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>primal beasts
wait, "again"? was the extrafes stuff already sold online?
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erunes>astrals>primal beasts
right, do they link it anywhere or do we dig it out in the cystore somewhere?

nah, just forgot when it goes up. this'll be its first run in the store
le mortals are freaking weird isn't that interesting
M1 primal beasts > the rest
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>not a roonge
blud really thought he was cooking with that one
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>They show off the mythology and the allure of the GBF setting
>they are closely tied to the backstory and that’s always fascinating
How old is this survey? Because it sure as hell isn’t true anymore.
Idiots here love to use old shit to prove their points
Thats from this year
if it has s. seruel art on it it can't be that old retard
you have to remember the average person is braindead and will pog at anything they're told to
she was caught in a bad time
>2 weeks until C104, every artist worth a shit are busying shitting out their last few pages of their granblue archive doujins
>people who have time to draw are more drawn to V1C3 and the arius girls

hopefully people would remember her after C104 but they would probably release another ultra sexo NPC by August.
Still less of a roon than Momoi thoughbeit
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maleringer moment
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granblue bros we won so hard today
summer stream hasn't happened yet and we are already no.1

this time we really showed the doomcucks that we are earning more than uma.
really she's a victim of a marketing misplay
there was no good reason to hide her in the pv, people would have drawn the fuck out of her during maint.
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we are still dominating dlsite as well
granblue won
that too
train gakis and the highlander student got a second of exposure in the trailer and that's enough to cause a lot of difference.
LINEbros, we're so fucking back.
>granblue dominating ASMR
>granblue dominating doujins
>granblue dominating fanarts
>granblue dominating comiket
>granblue dominating figures
>granblue dominating profits, dethroning monster strike

10th anni...........we are finally back...
kakage-sensei trending on twitter because he said some really rude stuff or something
never trust a hagfucker
all year long
It's always funny how you only post this shit when Poo archive is in the top 10 and not the other 50 weeks of the year it's not. Blud only yaps when she's up and dodges the smoke when the game's flopping.
he got really silent all of a sudden
is he shocked by the success of granblue as well?
>in the top 10 and not the other 50 weeks of the year it's not.
but enough about granblue fantasy when they are pulling their desperate discount sparks
>numperscord immediately acking
everyone knows gacha games go in cycles of major releases and filler. a game's lowest banners aren't relevant because the devs weren't expecting to make money off of them either, they're literally filler characters designed to make the good characters harder to get. this is true of granblue and granblue and any other gacha that adds new characters to an ever-growing pool. (but even games like genshin have gods and filler 5*s which are clearly not meant to have comparable sales)
what matters is how well the top banners do. did sandalphon's second grand hit #1?
We're talking about the other granblue her xis
>trooneraph starts posting
>thread goes to shit
see you tomorrow bros im not putting up with this
Momoiraph you're scaring redditors away again...
>he ran
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>maIeringer and taking Ls
name a more iconic combo
>GODraph shows up
>the cord has no argument and flees
>did sandalphon's second grand hit #1?
nwyell.......nyo.........in fact we fell into 200th place at one point in our 10th anni.......
He does streams where his paid members sent in their art for him to critic and give tips in areas to improve. Some pansy shit tier fanartist got butthurt by his criticism and ACKed out on twitter.
You and talking about HIV, McDonald's, and toilets. Says alot about u Lil bro
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>did sandalphon's second grand hit #1?
I’m sure we’d know if it did.
yet for some reason there is only 1 erune in Relink
>comments per day
What does this even mean?
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Probably the number of hits in a search engine like Google or in twitter on something.
That's a fujo poll and fujos don't play relink
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>grubs most beloved race
>most popular sr in every poll
>has been in the game for a decade
where the fuck is her ssr?
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The fujos left after Sandalphon fucked up their ship in tenth anni.
Ok bro, here is another Metera alt. And uncap for her fire unit! Aster appears in the fates for a moment and as a small dot in the uncap art
Floox has done more for granblue this 10th anniversary than cygames
>most popular sr in every poll
She only ever ranks in that specific poll
Every grub is built for it
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Fucking kek
And Kumuyu has like a 20 share in the R category. I don't know what they are doing.
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Is this her real name?
>has a really great design
More like under utilized cause cygames are fags
Yes from RoB
Yes. I know it’s rare to see a grub with a last name, but sometimes imports get privileges and one of those privileges can be having actual information about them.
When is he doing Carmelina or Anthuria sets?
Moni WON
Charlotta and Katalina have full names too, so does Vira
kek I got the notification for that as soon as I woke up, thought I was dreaming.
What’s Charlotta’s? Is it Boxford?
That’s why I said rare.
grub deserves aislop
yeah but saying import privilege is wrong
stop posting moni i dont want to jerk off
And that’s why I said sometimes and can be.
Not relevant enough for that garbage artist thankfully now kill yourself
Understandable. When all you give people to work with is homoflops, who would you to actually draw your game?
i'm out
>use bots to grind pots
>use bots to grind GW
>use bots to make "art"
aislop truly is made for grub
thank you for your service shittey
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Sigh... Do I really have to say it?
Too galge for Fukutroon
artificially generated fetish art??
>>use bots to grind GW
KMR won’t like you self snitching, bro…
now the lil bug is referring himself in the third person again
maleringers are so alike
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what's up with maIeringers being porn-addicted attentionwhores who are also bad at the game they claim to be pro at
Sayonara, brother
AIDS do be fucking up their brain like that
>shittedcucks get themselves banned because they have zero self-control
feels good
ringing uno does things to ones mind

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