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>[Patch 3.25] Settlers of Kalguur
>[Patch 3.25] Major Patch Notes

>PoE 2 [Closed Beta Soon]
>Compiled Links, Tools and Utilities

Prev: >>487185876

rage bait edition
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blade flurry
Don't EVER put Assmongold in the OP again
release the teaser chris
is that the person who killed his mother?
Put Asmondgold in the OP more, I like listening to that guy
anons, is this real?
Put whatever you want in the OP, i do not care.
Asmongold bros WY@?
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sloomgods how we feeling?
Give me your best new league pun names.
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Put Aqua in the op!
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>shock node is free 80% more damage
>freeze node is free permafreeze to all monsters
>unbound node is free 80% damage buff with 50-65% uptime
>scorch node is free 60% more damage
>ranged tincture + tincture linger nodes = 150% more damage
I need 6 points. Warden is just too OP bros....
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Am I the only one looking forward to see what the art anon draws for this league?
nope me too
the node with 50% uptime is obviously a bait
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Which builds work
Which are bait
come up with your own, cunt
the only good pieces of poe fanart
...Challenge rewards?
is this real chat
What're my options for scaling consecrated path damage?
do NOT play a warden or gladiator build
deadeye and trickster builds will be the strongest, heiro and jugg right behind
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To be fair they were both living in a pile of filth so high that nobody knew who set the oxygen tank on fire.
Challenge rewards
Fuck you pay me
>heiro right behind
Dex stacking heiro bros ww@???
im feeling in my bones that this time challenge reward wont be an armor set
4 ailments every 0.2 seconds (freeze, chill, ignite/scorch, shock) = 20 per second = push button every 5 seconds and it lasts for 10 seconds. Bow easily hits this between elehit+return proj and manaforged.
What do you even leaguestart on trickster other than hexblast
I don't know I just made that up
bro your slayer?
frost blades
quick reminder that "Mob Mentality" is all your charges for the cost of a Warcry jewel and 15% reserved mana
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archmage ball lightning is tried and true.
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wait ham_90 is still streaming but somewhere else?
i know korean isps royally fucked over twitch but still.
the others managed somehow
all of us would
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I had a dream where I was playing the new league but in order to do anything in it you had to interact with some weird hunchback guy with a cart in lioneye's watch. I was farming t16s and realized that I hadn't done anything with the league mechanic yet because I didn't notice the guy. I went and talked to him and the game switched to first person and I was walking around in this shitty disgusting medieval town, it was dark and dirty and everything was falling apart and there were dead trees everywhere. There was a stonehenge thing where druids did blood magic and a dilapidated stone prison that faced the sea. I accidentally trespassed in a guard house and got put in prison. I was walking around in the prison which had no guards when I woke up.
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Can you create a loop with the eternal apple where it triggers enduring cry, which gives you endurance charges, which then are removed and trigger enduring cry again?
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blud thinks we a dream journal or sumthin
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Retard here, do traps count as "hits" from you?
tomorrow or in 2 (more) days, they been doing like this for a while
gn btw
No, because Enduring Cry still has its own cooldown.
Consider the following:
>infernal cry
>intimidating cry
>ambush (or phase run if 2H)
>shockwave support
>hit ONE enemy with static strike
>run and automatically blast enemies with snapshotted double damage 100% crit chance 346% damage ratio beams that each trigger combust and shockwave on every hit
We seriously only got item filter info, something that isn't relevant for 99.9% of the community, since their only experience with the filter is downloading Nevershit's version.
Effects that you apply to enemies yes, effects that you receive from hits no.
Battlemage's Cry
>9 Medium Jewels
> Measured Fury - Warcries Exert 1 additional Attack + 1 exert from a notable = 15 exertions of attacks
>Berserker - Double Exertions
>30 Exertions
>100% uptime for Double Damage for Intimidating Cry
>100% Battlemage Uptime

Find a flaw
the tuesday before necropolis they posted a teaser at 1:30am est, we can still hope for a teaser tonight bros
why does he look like this
Depends what you're talking about. Just tell us the specific instance.
>can change card drop pool
will this make magebloods cheaper or will they make the cards rarer to compensate?
cooking up a secret build that uses one of the secret new runesmithing crafts...
What minion build will you be playing sisters?
they killed quant so magebloods are going to be much rarer
what medium notable gives extra exert?
A couple months ago, this season in D4, I spent several cumulative hours farming the PvP zones in Hardcore because there’s exclusive rewards and easy bounties, etc.

I never once encountered another player. An always-online, cross-platform game, and nobody else within ping range of California dared to be in the HC PvP zones.

Is there any other genre with an audience more bitchmade than ARPGs? It goes to prove how profoundly the inclusion of easy modes can harm a game. You can’t even use the accessibility excuse because you can play these with your tongue on the stick and smacking the buttons against your chin.

I have mild sympathy for *new* players opting for softcore in PoE, because the game does have a lot of bullshit that will instantly delete you without being able to know why beforehand, but D4 is so goddamn easy now that anyone who opts for SC needs to be euthanized immediately for the safety and wellbeing of everyone around them. Like, how can you even dress yourself if you’re afraid of dying in fucking D4?
measured fury
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crabs in bitterdream until something usable comes out of ritual
static strike is so ass to play
but i dont see why that wouldnt work
you should be able to test it now
Dark Pact poison, sistah.
that's not a cluster notable, that's on the tree
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Jagged Technique should straight up give 20% more physical damage over time. Just add that onto it, for the love of God. The Gladiator rework is so hilariously shit and ultimately I can only see it being used for someone going dual wielding + block and not even caring about bleeding. Even then I don't know if it is any good and you'd have to use two different kinds of weapons. Probably like Dagger + Axe or some shit.
damn it
I blame me being tired
why would you post this? Most trans don't look like this at all.
Off topic, but I have more respect (even if it is 1%) for trannies who actually date men, as opposed to dudes who wear dresses and then call themselves "lesbians" and want to date women.
I guess a flaw was found
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marionette autobombers

also reminder to filter namefags
>people are sleeping on tinctures
they are legitimately insane on warden. On top of the tincture effects already being quite strong, you can very very easily get 100% increased effect of tinctures. You can also mostly automate the mana issue by doing automatic disabling so it's more like a life flask button on Pathfinder except for offense.
>marionette autobombers
Was the specter helmet in the game in affliction?
The one that gives +4 specters.
>Find a flaw
>Supported skills deal 38% Less damage
>Battlemage's cry cannot trigger spells from attacks supported by Multistrike
>An exert charge is expended when a melee attack is first initiated, even if the attack is interrupted, or does not hit anything
>Melee attacks with non-melee components, such as Smite's lightning bolts, may potentially kill all available targets before the melee damage can land, preventing the spell from being triggered
And also if you miss for any reason (such as the enemy walking away) you don't pop it.
Also only 24 Exerts on Intimidating cry.
Also also you're playing Berserker and investing an absolute minimum of... 9 (the large jewel slot)+ 4 (3 1 passive Voices)+18 (2 points into each Medium)+ pathing (if somehow 0 pathing needed, that's still 31 passives just for this) for 100% uptime on 2 Warcries because...?
I think this is the best bleed starter tree I've come up with. 50% pdr naked. Worth playing or nah? Slow ass leap slam worries me.
gladiator flicker strike retaliate
any richfags know if a +1 power charge shield is more or less expensive than a frenzy shield
Depends on the base. If you want an ES base, they're expensive as fuck. Otherwise they're cheap.
look up wraithlord
and it was not rebalanced yet, only gave 2 spectres
there may be stealth nerfs for the minions they put back in
Frenzy is gonna be way more expensive this league cause of all the people playing slayer. It won't even be close.
You mean Minimum Power vs Minimum Frenzy?
Frenzy is usually more expensive.
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Isn’t Alira just the objectively correct option now, by a huge margin? Maybe Oak if you’re lifemaxxing. Never Kraityn, and rarely kill all.
yea, ES would be ideal, but I can deal with a throwaway base. I guess it's kinda like how evasion bases skyrocket the price of +1 frenzy shields
That could be a fun build later in the league then.
Now that it gives 4 more specters.
carefully re-read ambush tooltip
you're fucking retarded
Yeah, they really missed the mark this time. They must believe bleed is massively stronger than it actually is.
Maybe Crushing Fist will come out and double the damage of all these builds, but even then it's still not that great.
The power gap between Gladiator and Warden is absurd, it's like they aren't even from the same game.
krait is the best one if you are good at the game.
>Start writing out a well thought out post positing the pros and cons of various possibilities
>Realize it's the tripnigger
>Refilter him
opposite imo. always kraityn for campaign. Alira only if you're new and have trouble res maxxing. oak for life stacking and +1 every other build in endgame
i just skip that quest
In what world is +15% all resist not worth >1 passive point?

I don’t have ADHD, I can walk.
Thanks anon, I didn't notice that disgusting tripfag.
yeah because we don't have the mods for them and they're going to be clunky to maintain
also mana issues
Your post made me realize my filter does not work on /vg/ for some reason.
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Sorry for anyone who thought Banners might be worth the bullshit.
They've already nerfed it.
+1 shields are pretty cheap for the first few days but honestly it's hard to argue not using the unique shield for +2. i imagine frenzies will be more expensive this league but PC stuff always gets pricy.
>kraityn for campaign
>movespeed doesn't matter in mapping
Resistance is easy to compensate with gear, that's all. Unless you have a lot of uniques making your shit work you can usually make up the difference.
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You might have your board tags set improperly.
It might have gotten wiped when 4channel reverted to 4chan.
You might just have your filters in general formatted wrong.
literally any attack skill plus ephemeral edge
>people will still believe this patch is all buffs
reminds me of the adrenaline gain on stance change mastery
evasion + max block + ward is going to be meta, ss this
Nobody ever thought this was all buffs.
As soon as people saw "We removed Ancestral Protector (attack speed) and buffed attack DAMAGE to compensate" and "Rage no longer grants attack speed" people knew it was going to be rough. Except retards.
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How do you make an Assassin tanky? I've made a few Perfect Agony poison PoBs, and the damage is amazing but i cant figure out how to make them tanky enough for hardcore.
Yea, I'm hoping to snag a +1 PC ES base early on and hopefully Ralakesh shit with the loop will help keep the price lower on non-ideal bases.
I personally don't wanna do Ralakesh stuff so I'm hoping to snag a craftable base
and sloomers
I’ve never once died and thought “I could’ve survived that if I had 8% more movespeed.”
Literally nothing changed about your choices. Like always it's: Alira if lazy, otherwise take Eramir. +8 movespeed is entirely inconsequential unless you're a slow Jugg, but if you're deliberately choosing to be a slow Jugg then you're taking the free life anyway. That's it.
doesn't really matter to me as I'm just spamming my movement skills usually at that point
ES pool is your best option, int stacking if possible.
In campaign you have a very limited pool of sources of movespeed so the 8% increase makes a huge difference, while in mapping you have movespeed from everywhere and the 8% will not matter much anymore.
Explosive Trap.
Why are people hyping up trickster?
If you don't need the res, you take movespeed. Doubly so because you can respec it way more easily since we can use Gold to respec the tree.
Crown of the n-word eye
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>paladin supporter pack
Max hit is extremely hard to find early if you don't want to play a gay endurance charge build. Trickster gets big a ES pool, which translates to max hit, which is in high demand.
Because everything else is so shit they are desperately looking anywhere else.
claiming melee will be bad is the "the election was stolen!" of path of exile
Even slammers want a little bit of attack speed
benefits bigly from higher tier bases, but is much more vulnerable to phys damage with the loss of auto enduring cry and the arm+es phys to chaos mastery.
If Joe Biden were to play this league what build would you recommend him? Keep in mind he's over 80 years old and not that sharp in the head anymore.
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So this entire wheel is just... gone.
Rip % increased damage taken from nearby totems.
Rip 1 extra ballista.
Thats a huge fucking nerf wtf.
Please convince me not to go flicker ignite slayer
Please or I'm actually going to do it
I need to be stopped for my own good
Righteous Fire. Even an actually brain dead person would be able to play it
you're crying ballistas were nerfed. earthbreaker slam totems were straight up removed from the game.
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they just moved it
oros flicker does zero damage. if you must play budget flicker go for tranny flicker and romiras banquet and use a good weapon
Poor EA shitters. How will they ever recover?
you gonna die bro fling yourself right into a motherfucker slam i dont wanna see that happen to you bro pls
My hero, I should really read stuff before I complain shouldnt I.
Can you league start wanders...
It is a very popular build on Reddit.
Alira is "get it on your gear what the fuck are you doing?"
Krait is harder to get but dependent on the build, 8% isn't all that much so idk how useful it'll be if you don't care for super speed.
Oak is free health. I'd take +40 maximum life for 1 passive.
I use it for siege ballista and the damage is basically unchanged
.8 attack speed is fucking ass even if you are a slammer. You're gonna need a fat attack speed roll on your weapon or a fast, low damage weapon (not what you want on 2handers), attack speed on jewelry or attack speed on at least a couple jewels. It doesn't even help your damage, all it does is prevent you from getting shot by faggot ass mobs at the edge of your screen before you can slam.
fuck, also gn
>assassin in HC
that's not a thing. There's a reason there's only 6 assassins in SSFHC 99 or above vs 67 Summoners
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where should i put the currency trading old man from the league on my turtle?
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everyone get their snackies yet? if so what'd you get?

i got some gatorade, nature valley bars, and beef jerky
>30 health node mastery
>40 health oak
I'll just be a berserker and get some frenzies
do I dare spoil myself by testing the locus miner with good gear and have no surprises in league?
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Oh whew thank you anon
That was too close for comfort
>basically unchanged
Prtty much, only annoying this is brutal restrain doesnt reach the 2 bow nodes anymore if you have it at ranger
I’m not 100 on the itemization. Can anything else roll in place of the res slot? At the very least I’d want chaos res.

In Ruthless you have to rely more on your tree than assuming you’ll get what you need from gear.
Explosive trap with the new warden ascendancies for applying elemental ailments on hit. Also whether or not you gain unbound stacks from the trap hits.
okay everyone told me melee sucked but they never told me how boring all the melee skills are... and now they're buffed and we're supposed to be excited?
nah respect, i ran a charge stacker with rare helm + shield. made for a much more rounded beast. i hate all unique characters. plus i flipped them for 10x base+crafting cost once i was done with the build
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she streams on naver now. I just normally catch her yt uploads. I had hopes of her coming back after I saw rona pop back up on my followed list but I think it's unlikely
what do you mean by boring?
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haven't got them yet but I plan on hummus + mini pita breads, mike and ike, coleslaw, and pasta salad. as for drinks filtered water, caffeine-free tea, and orange juice.
There's no way I'm making myself 8% slower for 40 life.
i miss the selfcast divine ire schizo
those webms were how chris intended poe to be played
>elfcast divine ire schizo
Wasnt that Ashur?
>Can anything else roll in place of the res slot?
They're in the suffix slot, but it's usually quite easy to cap so long as you aren't going full retard with uniques.
For example, a good belt/boots/gloves can give 120 all-res (Alira's 45 all-res).
The ailment ones would work. The Unbound Avatar wouldn't work according to its wording and would need a specific exception like how Headhunter works. Your character isn't inflicting any ailments so wouldn't get any stacks, those ailments the traps are inflicting are attributed to the traps, similar to how traps 'eat' reflected damage and not you.
I want to give her hapa babies
so basically if you ever take the +30 life mastery, you really should just help oak instead right
You shouldn't do either unless you are life-maxing.
>help oak instead
More like "help oak too". If 30 life is worth it, then 40 life is worth it.
here's your cold damage attack, it's a cone of frost projectiles
here's your lightning damage attack, it's a cone of lightning projectiles
here's your sweep, cleave, reave, they're all VERY unique
I got a good one for the duelist location last league, I'll probably be looking there again. Poeguy dropped the thread of hope because his viewers are poor shitters but I should be able to get one reasonably fast spamming sanctum early.
you can help my oak, if you know what I mean
both are bad with the gear life buffs
Didn't GGG say something about buffing Ward?
Did they just increase teh Ward on existing items or what? Cause the lootfilter changes have new Items but they are probably the armor/es/eva gear not ward.
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>my obese alcoholic wife
what would fat mike leaguestart?
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so for bladestorm glad, i take
>base block
>lucky block
>war of attrition
>shaper recovery on block
and then cry with no attack speed??
which build I do I play if I want to show my support for the palestinian struggle and denounce the ashkeNAZIs ethnic cleansing attempt?
ok what about blade flurry, conc path, EQ, ES, flicker strike, ground slam, sunder, ice crash, infernal blow, molten strike, rage vortex, smite, tec slam, volcanic fissure, sunder, blade storm and all their trans version. do you also find all these boring?
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>testing out my starter
>game crashes every 10 minutes
>thread of hope
I should probably look at a real build If I league start this build again.
I kept ancestral bond and the reservation wheel the entire league. Probably not optimal but I liked having another aura.
If we're talking about for the campaign, you'd be taking the movespeed 100% of the time.
The all res is completely worthless.
Shit, you can just run purity for the res + ailment immunity which is a much nicer QoL purely for campaign.
Nobody has any attack speed.
You have never even considered the possibility of playing Hardcore once in your life.
raiz had the same issue. Had something to do with the sound settings. The number of channels or something like that
>meleefag leveling
>constantly need new weapon
>have to worry about accuracy until RT and attack speed and getting stunned out of attacks
>warcry/banner/rage ramp to kill rares
>2 second stop every time you attack

>rfchad leveling
>2link rf already double damage of melee
>grab life/fire res on everything
>kill everything without having to stop moving until maps
ruthless isn't hardcore, it's gay
okay, pohx
pick any spell and it's more interesting than all of those "different" skills combined
Cast on death
no it isn't, you're just being stupid now
Im going to make a few racks of ribs.
And probably a bag of winegums.
>warcry/banner/rage ramp to kill rares
my chieftain does all 3 of those things at the same time :)
>downloading path of exile on steam once again
>the logo says "affliction"
damn, necropolis really sucked, huh
ribs sounds good but what about your keyboard and mouse getting messy

never heard of winegums before
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she's a big girl, she's def starting jugg slams
I wasn’t talking about Ruthless there.
I just take a break to eat and wash my hands.
Winegums are basically just fruit flavourd gummy candy.
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Gonna do slayer double strike of impaling, Defense are pretty settled with charges from masterful, some fortification and determination

What i'm wondering is what to prioritize for some added offense between rage, banner, tinctures or warcries. Rage feels the most impactfull but dunno how generatig it will feel.
fat asians look so wong
the downside is that you have to play rf
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unless they are beautiful sumo
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>prodrug HU6
i don't plan on eating, that would require stopping to shit. thats why we can store fat to begin with
>dude the new glad nodes are so pog, it's gonna be OP! I am defo starting glad this time!
Okay, what's a decent league starter glad skill?
>lacerate of haemorrh-
janky dot zdps, sissyran bait, make sure you have a second screen to watch anything else while the white pack bleeds out
>bleed cleave of r-
lol @ boiclit tier AoE with max rage nerfs and the missing atk spd
holy mother of clunk retaliation slop
Even when they try to fix this shit ascendancy, there is still fucking nothing to play with it
Poeguy is a good start for the build, and there's a lot of room for optimization on the high end once you have currency. I was up to ~45 million pinnacle dps @ 20 ballistas/2600 dex and that's without helical rings which give even more dex than synth rings, or a simplex amulet, which gives more dex AND more damage scaling off dex (pita to craft though) AND there's reflecting mist now too.
>he doesn't know
lacerate should be enough for a league starter
Should I go archmage BL of orbiting or Icenova?
earthquake is the only real answer. lacerate is dogshit to play, everything else's damage is way too shit.
Ok I think I came up with a better one using Perfect Agony. It doesn't really rely on Emperor's Vigilance, but if you can get it it's nice. Anyone playing this shit on glad is insane, slayer is too good.
kobeblackmamba is starting ele hit warden
kobeblackmamba is starting ele hit warden
kobeblackmamba is starting ele hit warden
kobeblackmamba is starting ele hit warden
I think that was the guy that got me to play the build this league. Might have to follow the build closer this time and I might get higher numbers.
>~45 million pinnacle dps @ 20 ballistas/2600 dex
Nice! I got to about 18m with 18 ballista at about 1800 dex.
It's donver...
>foreigner with thick accent or english as a 5th language
>homo with lisp
>man dressed as a woman trying to disguise his man voice
>annoying autismo

are there any poe youtubers that don't check any of these boxes?
pohx kappa
cats are the superior race of poe content creation
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the gog himself
molten strike is fucking comfy when levelling just tried it out, perforate seems good too
what do we think about league starting spark archmage, sisters?
>annoying autismo
What about fun autismo?
i bet you think lacerate is good, fyi its shit, double strike is good
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i think im going to YOLO plan my leaguestart around the runecrafts and brick my entire league because of it
This is my third league
I have been making a few homebrew builds but most of them fall apart before act 10 or early maps
Got a few questions for anons who are more experienced
>what's your "checklist" when theorizing a build?
>do you create the gear or the tree first?
>do you build the defenses or the offense first?
>do you have a few notables/keystones in mind and start pathing from there?
Why is nobody discussing ice nova of frostbolts
Was I trolled? Is that a bad build?
Oh I forgot to add Marylene's to this one for 40% more damage. Add that and drop the rings to fit your res there, re-add the rings if you can later. I might actually start with Sweep and transition into this.
I'm gonna masturbate like five times before leaguestart then get sleepy and not play the rest of the league. It's a coomers life.
holy shit it's up
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dumb loli SCUM
I really want to play the new league because all the new stuff seems really fun but I'm not really feeling drawn to any skill right now...
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>Cobble up some slayer RT earthquake build and barely scrapping 1 million damage
>Stumble up on somone's bleed build with 33 million damage that probably only costs a couple od div if you leave out the jewels
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5fOeQgOAyuI tell me why I shouldnt
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I have a feeling that this is bait.
i just play the same build every time because i know it works and 99% of new builds are bait
>homo with a lisp
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>what's your "checklist" when theorizing a build?
what skill and leverage on it
>do you create the gear or the tree first?
basic gear first, then tree
>do you build the defenses or the offense first?
>do you have a few notables/keystones in mind and start pathing from there?
yes, as well as any enabling uniques from gear
youre overthinking it. decide on your concept/goal, usually your skill and/or ascendency of choice, and fill in the details. look at what other people are doing on poeninja, and check streamnigger and forumnigger guides if you need something explained in more detail.
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mfw every melee bitch's build is bricked by manacosts on friday
You shouldn't judge your build upon the performance during the campaign. I'd say, most probably have a rough time if they don't get levelling items or lucky drops anyway. Just brute force your way through everything and buy cheap variants of items that your build requires to get started.
Best way to explode blight mobs?
>depends on many uniques to work
>gutted mf so nobody will be printing uniques anymore
>little supply
>prices go up
>entry point of build goes up
>no longer as accessible as before, can't be leaguestarted unless you hate yourself
there you go
it was already a medium to high budget build, now it will get pushed very far towards the end of the build budget spectrum
When I "homebrew" I pick a skill, look up a bunch of different guides for it, read them all and use that info to make my own build based off of what I learned.
cold BV occy every time I do Blight
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And expect that from all his builds. He makes zhp builds with no future outside sactum until you're lvl 90 and have currency to buy the rest of the build. He is a one trick pony lazy retard.
There is nothing to compensate when the nigga that makes the change is rare and him having the option to do it is even rarer. RNG layers is a GGG classic.
Are we talking about the same build?
The only unique you 'need' at some point is atziri's foible, everything else is rares unless we're talking endgame mageblood levels of investments
You don't really need perandus pact, you don't need lightning coil even in hc until like t17s
twice as many buttons as ball lightning unless you run the kitavas thirst version. the tree is the same as ball lightning so you play that until you want to switch to frost nova for more damage
Why cold when the explosions are chaos?
dead game
dont complain a few days after launch if you arent playing ls slayer
but enough about last shartpoch
because hatred was OP as fuck and freezes are good for controlling blight lanes. profane bloom was also the first thing to drop once you got explodey chest
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Am I crazy for wanting to start with spark?
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>no physical damage, 100% elemental damage
seems good for molten strike/molten strike of the zenith?
why should I go slayer for leaguestart when I won't be able to afford the gear required to make it work in the first few days?
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when is poedb gonna scrape the game
nigga you can put prenerf vengeant cascade on it...
>Most trans don't look like this at all.
nta but most asian women don't look like kpop idols either, and most white woman don't look like 10/10 instagram models, same with men, in fact, most people don't look good at all and most PoE skills need 100divs worth of gear to do t17's such is life.
mathil. hes the only one i can stand to listen to even if he is a consummate ggg dickrider
Thats kinda crazy isnt it?
>nadal is a pedo
mathil always sounds like he's trying to touch my peepee
What looks expensive about this? >>487235285
You don't really need the timeless jewel or coil to get started and the other uniques are common even early on.
>nigga you can put prenerf vengeant cascade on it...
im new and retarded what does that do?

i think so there might be even better unique enchants
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molten strike trinity warden
>FREE 100% inc dmg taken, -60% all res, constant freezes and 80% More dmg
>65/65 block, grace+determ 30k armor/evasion, suppression, end charges, 80 all res, 2k life recovery/second, fortify
Discover a fault.
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i will take my time to progress through the acts and get a healthy amount of sleep at league start
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>vengeant cascade
ok so i just looked this up on the wiki you can also annoint this, what if you annoint it and add this enchant to your weapon?

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how do i not die 6 times with numbers like these
poch flopped
PoB is not the game
play in 3.14
Go Jugg. Become immortal.
>vengeant cascade
It used to work like returning proj, without the damage penalty.
how do i get to be like Ben_ and have an encyclopediac knowledge of every mechanic and interaction in the game?
ass man gold
read every page of the wiki and memorize it
flawed refuge + xibaqua + incandescent heart = 100% ele taken as phys/chaos (only 50% for dots though)
Be autistic.
Play the game as a fulltime job.
id let him desu
Can that trigger one go on a 2H, is the question
i know you are baiting
but why take weapon master and use varunastra into resolute technique
just equip a white claw at that point you moron
which league starter lets me goon to qt anime girls while progressing the campaign at a reasonable pace?
Did I understand correctly? They want you to periodically click to reactivate tinctures? If so, lmao DOA.
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Impale is lacklustre shit, isn't it?
Yeah but if you're a real pro gamer you can map the belt buttons to keys on your keyboard instead of clicking them with the mouse.
full block retaliation glad
Retard here
Whats the easiest league starter now?
DD got nerfed, EA got nerfed, SRS got nerfed
Dont tell me its still RF
if i can get 100% uptime of rupture with a 4 linked bladestorm, that's like 100% more damage for this crit bleedquake build. i need this fucking gem info
rf should only be used for spell dmg now
grug slam
>melee hit harder still clunky
>early damage for spells nerfed across the board
>life buffed on all gear so rf does more damage
you tell me
>it's THE melee league
>dumb fucks are starting sp*lls or b*ws as usual
Are you negroes stupid or what? It's time to finally play something new, try it for once
Is there any way to auto trigger retaliation skills?
Does automation work with retaliation skills?
Having to manually selfcast them is a bit janky
Pure RF with blood magic, higher hp rolls on gear and reverted kaoms will be based
I'm 100% sure that retaliation is going to be shitty, clunky garbage, but I can't stop the compulsion in me telling me to try to make the new toy work
RF is up there for sure, there's the giga-guide and ease of playing.
I'd also say pconc is in the running, just upgrade life flasks and click in the general direction of enemies.
tried it in 1.0
gameplay hasnt changed...wait just kidding it got worse with all the buffs you are expected to keep up (which got even worse this patch)
Most of them are strikes that can't be automated by default and the one that's a spell specifically excludes triggers entirely. They in fact went out of their way to make retaliation as frustrating as possible.
maxroll.gg is your best place for league starter buiilds it holds your hand the entire way it helped me a lot during my first time playing the game.
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That's it. I'm taking the archmage pill. What spell do I use with it.
I would much rather start something that will get me to maps and currency fast while everyone starting melee waits for a streamer to fix unforeseen (aka predicted by anyone with a brain) issues. then I can reroll with a big wallet and not have to struggle through acts with untested shit while the hotfixes roll in and someone figures out how to corner the currency market.
Rolling ligma
ball of larry orbiting
They changed vaal pact or something, right? Does that have any impact on mahuxotl's?
I'm avoiding melee because I've played it enough to understand exactly where this is going.
guardian srs still fine
rf is not that good.
spark hero + archmage is lit.
CI tricky blade trap still brain dead simple and strong.
cold bv is still ok I guess. dunno if archmage is supported on it
bb of dagger detonation (spellblade in general really) got a pretty big buff. any builds using those?
blink/mirror arrow, which is still being slept on
Is this good enough for the first 3 days of league on volcanic fissure? I still don't know if axes or maces are better for leveling tho, but Ngamahu's Flame is nice as a pivot into a better weapon.

Probably makes Mahuxotl bad, but I guess it's possible someone will still use it.
Doing my first melee build. I normally do ezmodo witch builds like dd. Goal is to be able to t17 and delve to 1000. Is boneshatter jug reasonable? Heard there's been harsh nerfs. Am willing to do any build that works. I'll work hard in the mines to sell u fossils n resonators.
>melee bait league
you mean just like bow league? yeah anon, totally! im totally going to play melee!
>want to play glad
>every single build is speculative jankslop
ice nova if meta slave.
BL/orbiting if pob warrior.
mjolnir if chad.

Hint. You are not chad.
ziz released a lacerate glad build yesterday and it looks good
Yep, I'm making a Retaliation Eviscerate build
yeah, it's gonna have 2m dps at t15 maps
it would be strictly better on slayer or jugg
Boneshatter's probably the only decent strike skill so you should be fine. Boneshatter itself hasn't been nerfed, its nerf is just other areas like totem buffs being removed.
Didn't Bama get nerfed though?
>Power Siphon of the Archmage Hierophant
wish I could make this work as a starter but I have no idea what I'm doing
Is it reasonable to expect to t17 and depth1000 with gear and mageblood?
why are you saying that? they don't get explodies and guaranteed 3x bleed damage all the time
normally i'd just call you a retard but you're misinforming the other shitter
boneshatter was good because it double dipped on attack speed. that was the point
they shifted the focus of melee buffs from speed to damage in this patch. as a result, boneshatter sucks way worse than some of the other buffed skills now
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jugg anything can delve pretty well.
As someone who has played boneshatter quite a bit, it suffers much more than most skills from the changes on top of not getting much compensation.
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Glove slot
You get that for free on perfect agony setups thanks to some small nodes on the tree
Other builds can alternate cyclone and attacks to keep it going
literally whatever you want. archmage is the skill.
want speed, go spark or worb. speedy stuff.
want damage, go dd or ice nova. clunky 2-button stuff.
bv, arc, ball lightning, brands, stormcall. it all just works.
Glad gets clear and crazy block but has to struggle to get single-target damage. That's about it.
>glove slot
5% of max life vs 20% of max life
>perfect agony
yeah let me just run perfect agony on my jugg
Impale Ground Slam will be one of the top meta league starters
>struggle to get single-target damage
good thing there's a specific node for that
The percent doesn't matter, you're a bleed build lol
No reason you can't do perfect ag on jugg either, just path down the bottom and grab suppress nodes
I think lacerate is the only skill that redeems it. I tried using dual strike of ambi but it's complete shit in comparison.
i fucking hate jungroan and ruetoo
>Aggravating a bleed has no effect with Crimson Dance, as there is no extra damage to deal.
Whatever this is supposed to mean
I don't get it, what were you supposed to be using with Boneshatter that you no longer can that hurts it that much?
How do u scale phys to chaos convert? I'd like to make use of the new unholy mightwith wands & the explode cluster notable, staff block node,or maybe broken faith/armour stack/claw?? Was looking at cobra lash pathfinder or power siphon for the wand explode would that work?
he's talking about the node that gives your more damage the longer you fight with the boss
I don't mind the idea of playing a mindless, relatively tanky low-dps build as long as it has clear and decent move/atk speed. I want to try playing a bit on my steam deck so I don't want a button-heavy build.
It means you can hit once with a slow attack and the aggravate node for 3x damage, or hit eight times with a fast attack and crimson dance for 4x damage, but you can't get 12x damage.
>less atk spd due to ancestral protector being gone
>more base mana cost
>nerfed determination
>no more pdr % from endurance charges
that's it from the top of my head
Crimson Dance removes the bonus damage on Bleed, but you can stack multiple stacks of Bleed at once. Death by Thousand Cuts vs Death by Cut Major Artery.
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Boneshatter primarily scales off stackin trauma on each hit, which requires high attack speed to maintain the stacks. Due to this, Ancestral Protector gave it a huge damage spike compared to what most strikes get. Losing that means you need to compensate the attack speed elsewhere which is going to be harder with the tools we're aware of. A lot of strikes had their outgoing damage basically doubled to compensate but boneshatter received very little to compensate.

I do expect it to still be playable ultimately since it was that far ahead of any strike that wasn't a projectile, but it'll probably settle out to "the same" as it was before at best. Which means, still a melee strike.
no, it was overall a buff and the introduction of the rain of arrows variant made it even better
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i totally forgot worb existed. how do I not die while channeling, frostblink in stampede or something?
>no more pdr % from endurance charges
that's wrong though?
Archmage doesn't support the orb tag. bait
How viable is it to rush leech nodes + vaal pact early on while leveling instead of relying on auras?
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what build would he have played?
>or ice nova. clunky 2-button stuff
Is it better to play it with kitava's thirst?
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alright, hear me out
with kalandrashit rings, you can now have like 1 or 2 max mana
with eldrich battery, you can recharge like 100 ES/sec
this means you can have tinctures up for 10000s = 2h46m40s
alternatively, just have like 50mana so you can reserve some of it for a bit less uptime
with some ES leech, you might even be able to pull it of with more mana
completely unrelated: flicker strike was one of the only melee skills that did not get mana nerfed
you are right, my bad
the stat that got replaced is 4% to all ele res
Bleed bow for sure.
ele hit deadeye with mf uniques
>what build SHOULD he have played?
accuracy stacking
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build/gem/ascendency tier list out yet?
Can you believe that Ultimatum was bugged and literally not dropping loot in 3.24? And somehow no one noticed?
Deadeye Barrage.
might as well just use Ravenous Passion with a 1 button skill instead.
I never did ultimatum before so I thought the reward in the box was the only thing you were supposed to get. No wonder it felt mid as fuck.
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it's not bugged it's a feature
>Ravenous Passion
That item is Veil of the Night tier in 3.25.
Aside from Catalysts the rewards are shit in Ultimatum for the amount of danger the mechanic has. So most people dropped the encounter on item after 1-3 items and assumed they got no loot because of that.
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>SHITSTAIN_STEVE is a legendary delve player now
>ggg can't pay tribute to him in game or on their site because he has a shitty name.

That's why you should always have a serious and kino name... He could have had a Unique in his name
Everyone already knows he's a Settlers league NPC as Steven Schitt, faget.
>he didn't watch the trailer
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uh oh
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He could still have a Unique in his name. PoE is R18 game, the NPCs call each other whores and shits all the time.
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if Vortex of Projection has the nova tag, with spell totems will astral projector work?
poesmoother bros how are we gonna recover? the ruskie wants money for it now
>piety's fun palace exists with piles of emaciated corpses, rivers of blood, things impaled on spikes, titties
>infinite hunger is a obese shit man spewing shit you fight in flowing rivers of shit
>can't use a naughty word though
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>Demons are now mammals
and poe2 has some bloated bitch lobbing aborted fetuses at you
im planning on using lossless scaling and frame gen
Just give him an archaic sounding name like... the loathsome dung stainer. OC name btw
>less flat added damage
>less attack speed
>more mana cost
>warcries are worse
>determ nerfed
>banners are nerfed
Lmao, melee got massively nerfed as leaguestarter. You're gotta be retarded or Carn to try it.
Scato stuff is off limits. Sex is ok, gore is ok but shit and piss................ Even at the porn level it's a very very very very very separate category.
doedre literally eats shit btw
it's in c# and wpf so I'll recompile it and post it for free so he seethes. retarded ukrainian didn't even compile to native.
where's the sourcecode tho
god, why is sst bleed still trash
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you are my new best friend
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What's that?
I guess with divine blessing gone the only free aura would be from relic blessings which is annoying or dark marionette blessings which needs you to buy the corpses.

heres your league start bro
it's still technically in the game with march of the legion. if an extra aura is worth the boot slot anyway.
so, do you run 1 retaliation skill or 2 of them?
ip grabber
I think they're pretty restrictive about what weapon types they support so it's probably just 1.
there's 1 for shield, one for sword/axe, one for dual wield, so you can get the shield + sword/axe together
Pretty trivial to decompile c# code. A coworker showed me a program to do it a few years ago, I think it's called dotpeek.
I expect 2 to be a trap even with the synergies they've set up due to slotting. The lack of automation complicates the matter since you'll have to hit them as soon as their available to maximize your damage and be on top of resets, neither of which are consistent.

I imagine if there's a way to make them work, it'll be by binding one to M1 so that you have zero downtime on it during maps and seeing how fucking low you can get the cooldown since their base values are actually pretty good as far as we know. Still a stupid fucking playstyle even if it turns out good though.
cool, post the source code on github so we can inspect and remove the russian malwares and compile it
>run ci
>30% of mana cost taken from life
>cast on death
I don't have that pinkoware on my computer, are you nuts?
i better be able to automate this shit
how do you keep outing yourself as a retard? I'm filtering you after this reply.
15 all is 45 total res which is a T2 res roll. Not only resistances are dead easy to gey, are you that starved for suffixes you want to invest a point that could go into a cluster notable or jewel socket????
He looks good today.
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i miss the old camera angle

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i rike asmongroid
You will die quickly to any damage you take while out of range to attack enemies. With VP, not even flasks will work. You either leech, or you get to no health back.
is Goratha gay

he does have a lisp
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giga yikes
giga bait
Don't ever play SC, but decide to make a character on SC to try a frost bomb build out. Assume it's going to be shit but that is okay.
Kill Brutus with two scrolls to identify my gear having dropped the whole time, have to farm some items to sell to identify my shit because I have no SC currency.
Frost Bomb ended up feeling like shit to play also, waste of time.
she' a girl
literally who
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hey guys I'm /poeg/
>bait bait retard bait bait retard bait bait retard bait retard bait retard retard bait
this but unironically
she sounds like a dommy mommy. would let her beat me.
>bait bait retard bait bait retard bait bait retard bait retard bait retard retard bait
and that's why /poeg/ is good
I look like this and say this
she's better at the game than you, chud
which e-celeb is confirmed to be a /poeg/fag
Death Aura got buffed, does it stand up to RF now If I want the lazy play style?
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>hey guys I'm /poeg/
who said this?
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>does it stand up to RF
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spicyshushi, allie, asmongoloid and the guy in pic
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fuck i missed the "or" i thought it said triggered by, i guess im going for damage or defences in the tree then
so is LS warden dead now?
how much range would you have if your cock was a weapon (1 weapon range = 10cm)
Warden is a bait and is probably the worst ascendancy in the game now
that's not how a girl sounds like
-4 range
I have a vajayjay >.>
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>Want to play dual strike of ambidex
>Can't use whirling blades with it
sc trade flicker strike unironically
blade trap ci trickster,
but im trans
Are you retarded?
use Varunastra
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What's he leaguestarting?
why wouldn't you be able to
I'd need to go sword/thrusting sword or sword/dagger and those are shit combos
dilation holes dont count
axe wounds aren't veginas
paradoxica/claw is one of the primary ways of playing the skill.
you guys beat me to it. lel
I forgot claws existed
im retarded. good thing im a /poeg/ poster
I have no idea what the fuck they were thinking when they replaced Raider with Warden.
What. The. Fuck.
So they wanted to insert a new ascendancy and then pulled sticks on which one will be replaced? And Warden by itself is so shit.
I think you're just retarded if you think Warden is bad. SS'd this thread already btw
poeg will mostly play RF because of how bad you are at the game and pohx spoonfeeds everything you need to know
They just targeted the least popular ascendencies. They'll probably hit Assassin and Berserker in a few leagues and maybe make some Guardian adjustments since he's still too new to rework again.
Whoever came up with those needs to be shot. Whoever approves that shit needs to be nuked from orbit.
I mean they had the right idea but then they added Mana burn to tinctures instead of them being permanent and they fucked it all up
Wow what a kalg-joy we've got here. Can't settler in for a little bit of fun huh. You got a problem with the AI? Little kalg-gay boy?
give me 1 reason to pick Warden instead of Elementalist or Templar.
Position on the passive tree
I really want to start with BV Occultist but I guess it will feel like uber shit until I get some currency
Well, shit. I hate this bullshit game, GGG, and this retarded concept of "evolving" game.
How bad is berserker now bros
>see everyone doing blood magic tech
>realize jugg doesnt care about determination anymore
>took blood magic and gained 30% more dps and 1k life
>opened up like 8 gem slots because no need for lesser auras or lifetap
blood magic is fucking back, its really the 1.0 era again
guaranteed freezes with hoarfrost
free scorch
very strong with slams
i'm a woman /poeg/ poster
Witch got gangraped by the changes to convert, det and grace.
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Consider this ass and also my question. Are skeletal archers good?
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Fuck, I should've added Scion to the list as well
Hell, this Scion's Warden is way better than actual Warden.
Elementalist is insanely shit for anything that isn't ignite
redpill me what to play
everyone did
But witch received the biggest cocks. Just look at her position on the tree. Ignite is the only reason to chose her.
Yeah and Warden is even worse
Mastermind of Discord but worse
Give me a melee leaguestarter
I dont want to play tornado shot for the 8th league in a row
>Mastermind of Discord but worse
legitimately retarded
so how many people will play lightning strike? 20-30% of the player base?
Just play one of the lightning strike/frost blades/molten strike builds that already proved themselves in a previous league. They're not any worse and probably better now than ever. They were always better than boneshatter.
why didn't you tell me it was up??

Unconditional -res VS -res depending on the amount of damage
why not just play smite which does more damage and still has flat added from the aura?
exposure vs exposure + scorch
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/poeg/ retard moment
>guaranteed 50% reduces action speed on bosses
you can get scorch on witch too by your logic
what the other anon said, you're actually retarded
I didn't consider smite at all but fuck, it's actually positioned extremely well this patch isn't it? Dunno about a league starter though, pretty sure it's expensive to get going.
>1.4mil dps
not an argument
It is a meme
Think about, which one would you take:
50% reduced boss action speed
50% more damage
which elementalist node gives you 50% more damage for free?
Face it, Elementarist is dead. If you don't go with for minions or occultist pops your are retarded
Fuck this I'm just playing EA ballista again
Never touching melee
Discord + Heart
base exposure is 25%
mastermind of discord adds another 25%
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so, any jugg enjoyers?
what are you goobers league starting
i can't decide between boneshatter, toxic rain and hexblast
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10M DPS with just Poison BAMA Occultist, a quill rain and phys + chaos damage abyss jewels
the projectile and the melee attack both hit in lightning strike, noob. it's like 7 million DPS in unbound avatar.
on what budget do you achieve this?
That's two nodes.
so just 25% from one node then
post the pob
>That's two nodes.
Doesn't matter, Warden can't get to 50% even with 4 nodes
if were taking multiple points then warden wins with
100% increased damage from the lightning node
80% more damage from unbound avatar
mageblood and some rares
>attack 50 times
>unbound avatar
it doesnt even have 100% uptime unlike Heart and you have to press it
Jugg is so fucking good but I don't want to play it again for another league
>nerfed t17s
>no magic find
get ready for 400 divine magebloods lmao
Yeah nah
Remove the mageblood and lets see the numbers without it
can you still do generals cry + tectonic slam of cataclysm or has that been changed somehow?
I just watch Asmon's clips usually. Are the full streams worth watching?
so you need 300 div for something other builds can do in 25-50, gotcha
I can't fucking decide.
-Flicker berserker
-Slam (which fucking slam there's too many and they're all so nice!) berserker / chieftain
-Gladiator cyclone bleed explosions with dw max block easy and chill league start and swap to slayer something later.
>Doesn't matter
I accept your concession
>Warden can't get to 50% even with 4 nodes
it gets 180% with 2
>heart has 4 second uptime
Ice crash ignite elementarist!
I did this when Sirus was the endgame and it was mad fun
Ground Slam and Earthshatter are the most reasonable choices for hit based slams. Flicker is probably fine if you don't mind the jank. Would not recommend melee bleed until it's been tested. Melee bleed has been shit for a long, long time.
heart has 100% uptime since it always does something
see >>487257783
Good fucking luck attacking something 50 times in 2 seconds or pressing Unbound Avatar. I guarantee no one is going to pick it as Warden.
How bad could bringer of ruin really be...
>heart has 100% uptime since it always does something
we were talking specifically about damage, which it has 50% of the time.
>Good fucking luck attacking something 50 times
that wasnt the argument either, it was that warden doesnt get that 50% in 4 nodes.
>pressing Unbound Avatar
now the argument is "but you have to activate your 80% more damage so it doesnt count"
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no mageblood + budget junk gear (saffels instead of dps shield, legacy of fury and resist/stat rings)
we're talking about increased damage
heart has 4 seconds of 30% more damage and then 4 seconds of aoe it litteraly has 50% uptime on damage
Lacerate has to be the most slow and boring skill I've ever seen hyped up this much by streamer/yt fags. Massive bait. Avoid!
It's called blood magic. It's really good how with the life buffs.
literally everyone's endgame pob has mageblood dont be retarded
at least my gear is absurdly easy to craft unlike spell suppression pobs
>pressing unbound avatar
you're going to have to press something to inflict exposure so i guess mastermind also sucks now
You have 10 seconds to talk me out of bleed glad
>you're going to have to press something to inflict exposure
There are so many sources of on-hit exposure in the game though.
you still have to press a button to hit
who has the best ele hit to copy
Yea just pick volcanic fissure of snaking, now that's a real melee skill.
>Good fucking luck attacking something 50 times in 2 seconds or pressing Unbound Avatar
I'm not that annon, but why the fuck could you not hit 50 times in 2 seconds? Molten strike with return proj should be around 8+ hits per attack with no extra proj or any fuckery. You could push this even further with extra proj or having more enemies nearby to abuse targeting more than 1 enemy with strike skills.
Or are you saying that rangers cant get 4-5 attacks per second?
has nothing that increases bleed dps
go slayer ralakesh mayven belt
Poison Shieldcrush Pathfinder

That is all
Yeah so mastermind of discord isn't necessarily an extra button, while Avatar of the wilds is always a +1 button no matter what.
Sauce on the manga?
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molten strike zenith is gonna be so fucking comfy
larry orbiters are extremely disgusting
How would you know when you never go outside?
i cant believe we have gotten to a point where pressing a button for FUCKING 80 MORE NOT INCREASED MORE DAMAGE is too much
Realistically what kind of attack speed should I have if I want to use Tanu Ahi gloves with vaal pact and %cost of skills as life and I want to maintain a good adrenaline uptime??
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spicysushi is the only good poe vtuber
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>comparing physical spell base dps from gem and added dps from effectiveness%
>Divine Ire has 8273 base dps at level 20, with added damage applying at 1221% per second (assuming perfect releases and recasts)
>meanwhile, Divine Ire of Holy Lightning has 6636 base dps and only 590% effectiveness per second
>on top of having 13% less base radius for no reason
>and no laser
So, what, do some of these transfigured skills exist only to be retarded? There's no reason for an alternate skill to be worse than the base version in literally every way...
I don't use focus either.
Ignite Shield Charge Chieftain
you vill press ze buttons and you vill rike it
>4 second uptime
>best is 40% chance for double damage not even guaranteed
>10 second uptime
>guaranteed 80% increased damage
me neither
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we're all going for move speed for bandits right
Snipe Burning Arrow Ignite Warden, double tincture, perfect agony... it's sizzling time.
it pisses me off one of the most numerically buffed skills is complete dogshit to play.
Divine Ire of Holy Lightning hits 360 degrees and hits way more targets. Neither version of Divine Ire is particularly good, but if I had to pick one I would rather play the trans gem.
I refuse to use more than three mouse buttons in actual play on any build.
>molten strike zenith is gonna be so fucking comfy
Bro. If you are going down the str stacking or acc stacking route its not going to be comfy for a loooong ass time.
Well we got there because we have to press a button to deal more damage, while pressing another button to deal more damage, then you press another button to deal more damage, then you press your flasks, and now we have to press another button for more damage.
There is a line somewhere in the sand, and yes, its going to be 1 button that pushes people over it. But most definitely not because we are going from 1 button builds to 2 button builds. More like because we are going from piano builds to piano+1 builds.
imagine picking a non-tranny gem
Yeah it hits more targets per tick, but when I was playing regular DI it already killed crowds fast enough
It's better at AoE (although it's not really because it has smaller base radius) on a skill that already does AoE well, and has way worse single target as a trade off
It might look cooler I guess? I dunno
Let me guess, the targeting is still bugged and it does not hit bosses if you namelock them?
Does toxic delivery still give the more multi if you have perfect agony?

I assume it does as the line isnt dot multi specific.
Is there ever a situation where it is more beneficial to stack added damage vs percent increased damage (for hit-based attacks/spells) and vice versa? Or is it always just striking a balance between the two for the best damage ratio?
its 80% MORE damage they're not going to give that away for free
also how much buttons are we pressing on an ele build?
the only builds that piano are warcries
I fucking hope not.
how much you get from inc dmg depends on your flat and vice versa
you want both, flat damage as your base number, increased as your additive multiplier, 'more' as well
Zizs Glad build lost 19% of it damage with the banner nerf. It was already capped out at 12 mil in 100s of div gear. Glad rework truel y a success
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>thinking of a way to use weapon sockets after saving so many from blood magic
>remember a certain skill we used last decade
>new enchant can keep it up permanently vs bosses now
>some free frenzy charges on the side
goddamn i love this league
splitting steel emphelreaml edge trickster without ever being able to afford a nimis
who even cares about nerfs to player power anymore? Now that they nerfed T17s, the only thing that requires more damage than what the average 50c league starter can put out is uber pinnacle bosses and you don't need to do them for anything
the red maven belt? ok and what skill do i use?
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Finally done with my pob now I can get mad when overexert ends up complete dog shit unless you 6 cry
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rf jugg reaching its final form
Let me guess, RF is 2% of your damage and to get that number you have to cast some very conditional vaal dot skill.
>pob bleed glad
>bleed slayer is just better in every way
fuck this useless ascendancy. it's best feature is in a glove slot
Going resistances because I hate fixing my resistances
but 93% block is so nice
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nah we using vaal lightning trap now (see above)
>respec with gold
>regrets still in game
for what reason?
20% pops will be fantastic but I get your point.
I wish they kept some of the old stuff like arena challenger, lucky dmg/overwhelm, or phys dot.
>can't decide on a build
>probably going to just end up using a ziz build last minute and suffer the ziz build tax of everything being 10 times more expensive
Trying shit out in a temp league before committing to it fully
also doing a full respec late into the game must cost a fuck ton of gold
I'm not even going to start planning until I see the level 20 stats
EB won't work with tincture mana burn. Thoughever, your idea is still valid. Your mana burn will be 0,0,0,0,0,0,7,8,9,10,11,(12) with 100 mana - dunno if it falls off after mana stolen or not. Easily dealt with. There is probably a correct amount of maximum mana that will be perfect for a build.

For me, it's stacking mana burn rate. What GGG intended was for increased mana burn rate to increase the rate mana burn ticks your mana away. What they implemented was increased mana burn rate giving you faster stacks.

0.7s burn rate tincture with 35% effect/64% increased burn rate is actually 2 positives in 1 for Warden. That requires level 45 so we could potentially get up to 100% increased burn rate. That would get a tincture to exactly 0.5/s mana burn gainz. You'd have 6 seconds of 0% burn, 3 seconds of ~7%,~9%,~11%, tincture goes on cooldown for 6.4 seconds and you still have the effects for 6s of those. 12/15 seconds you pay nothing for your free 500% increased damage + 50% ele pen.

You can't cheese full ES with Sorrow of the Divine, can't use life flasks, can't regen. Prime candidate for Kalandra -ES jewelry to get yourself down to 1 ES (dunno if it works with 0 ES.) You need a source of non-melee damage leech or you'll just fucking die now. Tempered By War life-based wander kek. Only fire/chaos taken and you start with 80% base fire res, 85% base chaos res. Can completely ignore cold/lightning resists and your gearing is much easier.
Berserkers have a ton.
People are in for a rude awakening when they realize how much attack speed is gone and how awful it feels without it. Berserker is going to be popular. And slayer with 10+ frenzies.
>want to go into ravaged maps ASAP
which build?
I guess some tankyness and explode is a must?
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lol wtf the campaign looks like maps now with how much nonsense is on there
does not matter, you don't touch that
Tankiness isn't that important unless you're playing something that has to square up to deal damage.
I was handling them just fine last league on a super budget Maw build.
you ignore all that until u're on maps
just have 1-2m dps to kill the stunlocked bosses
>muh movement speed
just save your regrets and get the extra point, literally no reason to get anything else unless you're a speedrunner
Why play anything other than accstacc jugg? Solves all your attack speed problems and you get all the melee buffs FOR FREE.
because slayer is better
You really want 10+ million DPS to deal with bosses, not 1-2 million. The towers do all the work. 20+ million if Tealmaxxing.

This league Wardens can permafreeze the whole screen and -50% action speed bosses so you can ToTA cheese them with zdps.
what auras and heralds will be good to use next patch as melee leveling? ashes with the nerf seems mediocre
purity/precision into anger + purity?
>This league Wardens can permafreeze the whole screen and -50% action speed bosses so you can ToTA cheese them with zdps.
not when they prox shield every other lane. or do you mean going shockwave totems with astral?
we playing this?
If the burning ground doesn't get them there's always next map.
blood magic eternal blessing pride + vitality
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Protip for my shock Wardens: Anoint Defiled Forces.
I'll already have 4 watchstones and 50 div in the bank on hexblast.
yeah, this league is garbo, I'll play a real arpg instead: hero siege
you can run vitality with blessing? or you mean arrogance + vit?
Do the blade traps trigger from the perfect crime bots?
Don't need because I hit 100 times per second.
That's not the point. I'm not gonna pick an ascendancy that requires an extra button press.
Nah just avoid the aoe. Blight maps are a joke since you can permastun shit. However, if theres a stun immune pack you'll need some sort of aoe to deal with them (unless you have the freeze enchant on the ring which makes it irrelevant)
i mean you run pride blessing and vitality by itself because its like 150 flat reservation with blood magic keystone
>Blight maps are a joke since you can permastun shit.
Until the massive stack of mobs wrekts your PC
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so with triggerbots you don't really have to aim them much?
I'm playing the Blight Ravaged slot machine for double enchants to sell to Varga as well. Good luck anons! Blight maps should actually be worth running this league.
im laughing at you retard
Yeah well thats a completely different issue
Also as far as I know, even if it crashes the game the towers will still be killing shit in the background
they specifically said the higher level you are, the more each node costs to respec. full respec will likely be more time invested than just farming currency for regrets. especially with the AH
nice helm enchant retard
Only if tinctures weren't shit
hey up to you, have fun dealing with mana
sounds pretty decent will try that on a league run
however I do wonder if that's better than flat damage when skills got so much effectiveness next patch
holy fuck vaal skill league why would you play anything else
if those runes aren't bad to get I'll be rerolling into that ASAP
you can use whatever aura, i just suggested pride cause most people are doing phys hit or bleed
you are cool my anime cutie pattootie
I hope you kids realize gladiator isn't meant to be anything more than a league starter class. You start gladiator for easy max block and bleedsplosions. Then you change to slayer when it falls off around the time you finish up your atlas.
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Maybe you're the stupid one
Did you even think about that?
>blood magic eternal blessing pride + vitality
ok how does this work, can you explain it to me
Kind of bigbrain.
>eternal blessing pride(or aura of choice)
>blood magic
>vitality not on blessing
what is there to explain
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builds for this feel
how?! post pob
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they don't. 'trigger traps' have nothing to do with triggerbots despite the wording.
i just tested it
so do the new endurance charges make replica loreweave more manageable? assuming you'd still want 72 as your hopeful max
nah go play pohx's build, chieftain is better right?
>You need a source of non-melee damage leech or you'll just fucking die now.
Don't get this one. Doesn't the Vaal pact leech now work ONLY on melee?

I played mahuxotl LS doryani prototype champ last league. Apart from champ getting nuked I think that build should still work?
Something I never understood all throughout playing it was the delayed boost of hp regen you got after not getting hit for a while. Mahuxotl's was already suppossed to kill your regen. So what healed me? Recoup? Is that now gone due to new VP?
>wagecuck + EUcuck
League starts 2 hours before i go to sleep normally, how do i cope
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>they buffed death's oath
So are the rage skills arse now because you get much less rage (total). You could get like 80+ before but now its like 45
by not working on saturdays
By 30% when it lost 75% back then when they nerfed poison
Don't they start on fridays at like 7 or 9 p.m.?
i refuse to fuckin league start rf chieftain like a bitch nigger dude
Nothing memorable happens on the first day, or even the first few days. Just overtuned league mechanics, campaign snoozefest and so on.
It's very hard to shake off the hype mindset, but the reality is that the first 2-3 days are not the best part, by any stretch.
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Yep, I'm thinking it's a ZDPS League. *cracks open a monster zero*
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so bow chads are stronger than ever again
>working on a saturday
aren't you at a massive disadvantage when it comes to the market if you're hours late
how do we respond without sounding mad?
used to be the case but league start economy barely matters anymore. Maybe you can make some money with divine appreciation (which will happen even faster with the trade market) but that's basically it. Only craftsissies really take advantage of this market.

The average player is unironically better off just waiting because the supply shoots up massively after the first weekend and starter gear becomes much cheaper.
league starts in friday retards, it's about tiredness, going to bed late means nothing because you're still losing out on hours of launch time compared to the rest of the world
play afk simulator
You're at a massive disadvantage of people discovering some exploit and using it to make a bunch of money in the first day before the bug fix, like whatever it was last league (opening maps for divine thing) idk i didn't play it
>farshot nerfed
>tailwind nerfed
>no rage gen
I only play lance invented builds.
>claim that jugg is slow
>jugg gets 14 ms, stun immunity, freeze immunity in the first lab
You're bad at the game, bowtranny.
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>infinite hit pool
I am as a god.
*dies to chaos DoT*
if you leaguestart something like blight that shits out bubblegum you'll make a lot more selling your bubblegum week 1 than later
I don't know, are you?
What do you think will change on the market from day 1 to day 5 that will fuck you over so much?
What's the item that you can afford on day 1 but not on day 5?
Ruetos FB build actually looks promising but I guess I will switch to a real build on Saturday when I have my mageblood
svveep gods how are we feelin?
id say its more about selling than buying
like every shit unique sells for multi chaos so if you're ahead of the curve you just make retarded amounts of starter-dosh (even though you also gotta pay more)
This league ain't it, chief...
absolutely devastated by slamchads
Why did Ice Crash get such a crazy BAD. Its like Discharge tier now. I thought strikes were meant to have high BAD because they have shit aoe natively
i am PRAYING they stealth-gutted SHARTcum
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>he gets tired from work on friday
Skill issue
Is Pohx's RF build actually good or just a meme?
>like every shit unique sells for multi chaos
with how strong the average league starter is nowadays, yeah this just doesn't happen anymore.
it's alright if you're over 40 yo and you hate rushing to ubers or farming maps fast
>let me just piano all my skills before i can finally kill this white pack
do slamcels really?
You can tank a <500c handicap and still have a great league.
If you actually benefit from the stat spread, it's fine for a budget armor. It doesn't hurt you as bad as Abyssus anyway. Most people just don't need big life, mana, and energy shield on an attack build.
it's the best build I've ever played but I'm also dogshit at the game and pathologically avoid trading despite playing in trade leagues
it's a good stoner build. You just walk. Throw trap at tanky stuff. Be tanky. Did it once, won't do it again.
Yes. It's a completely optimized build from someone who has played the exact same skill for close to a decade. The guide overall is just very comprehensive.
i followed his guide a few leagues back when i tried RF. it was pretty good.
is poe woke?
I think the closest it ever got to woke was Heist league but I think that was more millennial MCU cringe than anything else
we got tulina and gianna with heist, no way it's woke
I have a pretty strong feeling that Chris, Mark, and Jonathan are Notch-type figures but know not to reveal that
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I feel like everything is bait. I'll just run a normal DE and stack unique enchants.
unique weapons are already pretty shit, having these insane enchants for rare weapons (not even shields) really just massively buffs dual wielders
you literally have the numbers in front of you, 3 exerts is fucking great, maybe even 2 if lv20 numbers are higher than expected
It's very popular in the LGBTQ+ and trans community with notable content creators such as Balormage and DS_Lily, so... i guess?
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Rare weapons should be BIS for every build.
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Its modestly woke, whokano goes on an anti colonialist rant during heist and it references a bunch of lefty talking points that were popular at the time. I think the comics have more woke shit but i try not to pay attention

He says this after the Karui god had literally genocided and devoured the Oriathans btw
hey my mouse is broken
boat league? more like bait league lmoa
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GGG have the shittiest moderation. I talk negatively of the game if anyone asks me solely because of the moderation
I really hope the real time mechanics aren't super shit. I'd accept them even being just a bit shit cause I can at least do them while I map some other mechanic.
>code of conduct: i will not...
>click accept
lol deserved
lmfao what?
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New league is around a corner so time to remind you guys few small things ;) 1. Take your time, you dont need to finish campaign in 5h or less. Its ok to do it im 10, 20 or more hours 2. Want to do league mechanic in acts? Cool, do it even if someone said its not worth it. 3. Dont worry if you are "behind", game supposed to be fun, not a race. 4. Be kind! 5. Dont be afraid to ask on global, many of us likes to help 6. Remember that now when you kill bandits you get only 1sp. 7. Most important: Have fun!
I mean yea, everything is a massive more multiplier, but the line in the sand is drawn somewhere. Having to spam movement skills with flask uptime, curses, cooldown buffs, and dodging 1 shots is starting to get annoying in PoE. The fact that the mental stack is getting larger, on top of speeding up the game makes people drop numerical efficiency out of their builds for comfort. I mean just look at the state of the game, back when it released onslaught league was considered hard. Now you barely can roll a map that would not onslaught/frenzy charge enemies with haste auras and 100% map mod efficiency.
Is picking up that 80% node mathematically correct? Sure. Does it make for a good experience playing the game? Not so sure.
retard maybe don't spam next time
see >>487266480
Its decent. And people who complain its not fast never tried an optimized version of it.
I can't speak for juggernaut, especially now with the changes, but I hated jugg, it was the worst version of it and the only thing it had going for it was the low budget requirement.
It could be better if you took pictures from r/sillyboyclub
that's pretty based tho
free speech is woke af
well chud, you shouldn't be spreading misinformation then if you don't want to get banned
lmfao. we need more gems like these
Damn bro wants to manipulate the competition
This entire banner work is fucking retarded. They made them all worse and shoved a bunch of useless passive on the tree. No one is gonna use this shit. Some extra accuracy or block chance when you put down the banner? Holy shit it's so bad...
pretty sure that vaal info is fucking wrong
that's because you're 16 and need to be permanently range banned from this site
nigga thats a man. nigga you gay as hell
They made them objectively stronger. The downside is they made them into an improved version of totems. It literally works like totems used too, except the banners can't die.
there's a reason the misandrist lesbian is the best class
that shit was busted though
banners are not and shouldn't have been touched
just play ranger or scion in campaign
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>le misandrist lesbian I was telling you about
very balance between left and right
Lacerate Glad, FB Slayer, BV Occultist or Frostblink witch?
If I want to make a molten strike of zenith uber killer, is volcanic fissure a good replacement for mapping or is it shit? I've never played it and I don't know how good is the aoe
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>decide to check pob for molten strike of the zenith
>calculation for dps shows: big hit * attack speed
>for a hit you will only do 1/5 of the time
hope you all didn't get baited
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hate how relatable that sub is
that's why the high end gears stack fuck ton of attack speed, but yeah, now that adorned is gone, the chuds got baited into playing this shit build are in for a rough awakening
Here's a mechanics riddle for you, poogees: if I have a dagger equipped as a stat stick, but I'm using Shield Crush as my main skill, do nodes like Nightstalker ("30% critical strike multiplier with daggers") apply to my Shield Crush hits or is just holding the dagger not enough and the skill has to actually use the dagger for those nodes to apply?
not tired yet, retard?
There is basically no reason to not just slot in a raise specter with perfect dark marionette for FREE scorch
Weapon master probably applies. Nightstalker probably doesn't.
Check path of building when in doubt.
>umm, ackchually I know I'm dealing damage just with my shield, but I'm also HOLDING a dagger so that counts!
nu gooner thread
i remember people making excellent volcanic fissure of snaking mappers, but i don't know if you can just slap the skill onto a molten strike build and get the same results since MS usually scales proj stuff while fissure wants lots of AoE and gem quality.
"With" most likely implies you have to hit with the dagger
Yes, that's correct. The node doesn't say I need to deal damage with the dagger, it just says that "with a dagger, you have x bonus" and I am holding a dagger.
yeah I'm talking about the normal version which also has projectiles
it means "with (attacks done with a) dagger", what are you some sub 1k hours shitter?
>it means "with (attacks done with a) dagger",
nowhere does it say this on the node, perhaps ggg should be more clear with their tooltip explanations.
>objectively strong
Nah. You mean objectively weaker. If it isn't a passive buff on your character that means it's fucking useless. There is no place in this game for situational buffs for things like accuracy or block. Thats retarded. You want those things maxed on your character at all times if you are using them
Not playing until they add trans sweep
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>lucky block glad
this nigger is throwing his shield at the attack to block it.
that really is one lucker fucker
ur a faggot, little dude!
perhaps you should stop being a retard
if the condition was 'while holding a dagger' it would say so
It's good if you understand what you're getting into. He's not trying to oversell it.
some act bosses outright tell you that they are going to rape you if your character is female
i did phox RF in ancestor, 80% deli was a cakewalk. richest ive been
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holy it's up

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