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/vg/ - Video Game Generals

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Last time on /ss13g/ - spessmen on a spess station:
>thread revival
>fstation fever
>'ficionados hop in

>What is Space Station 13?
>fstation main site
>New player guide
>useful wiki
>BYOND client
>fstation server address
>How do I connect to the server?
Hit the cogwheel in the upper right corner of the BYOND hub and pick "Open Location"

>Coderbus, here!

>If you want to report a bug or an issue, go here

OP pastebin:
last thread:
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I love video games
New fstation song
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very nice.
What does the blueprint symbol on the last thread mean?
Archived, it wasn't bumped before slipping off the 'log.
come home here >>487246169
>/vg/station website
>/vg/station server address
buy an ad, tranny
Why would I buy an add when I can post in the space station 13 general?
You will never be a woman
common discord L
Good. I'd never want to be one
thoughts on inflatable shelters?
VG inflation fetish porn
For my part I'm mostly on the fence, but with a tendency to lean toward the negative. For one thing they are a safe and effective way to avoid getting burned by plasma fires. On the other hand they can be a little too easy of a get out of jail free card. So all in all I'd say I'm slightly against them but mostly neutral.
Breaking news!!!! tranny pedophile from mr beast videos turns out to be....... a tranny pedophile
another L for VG
>schizo has an alert set up so he can immediately shit up the thread when someone makes a new one
Lmao, I wonder if xhe ever realizes how pathetic they are and contemplates killing xerself
no source therefore opinion discarded
one could say you're hot on the trail
Im against em. Glad to see them removed from fstation.
Love 'em. Absolutely amazing feature that allows people who aren't power gamers to survive really bad low effort griefing. Inflatable shelters are versatile and allow cool things like plugging a hole to space or using it to make firelock alarms go away so you can open a door without a crowbar.
fstation having them and buffing them is one of the top reasons why fstation is my server of choice
Nice. Even if the thread dies from lack of bumps and /vg/ being consumed by gachashit ai marketing posts, we can still post, or we can use the /vm/ thread
The best part is that because fchan moves so slow you can have an archive of all the amazing AI art
gemmy, i like the way you think
Are we ready for VG greatest shits vol 6?
post em
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Got vasby on vocals for some of these (pog)

Most of them are the better versions I didn't post before (pog)
niiice will listen
fstation should have a countdown to halloween because I love halloween
>100 days remaining
let's friggin' go
nice idea
What should I sample for my next big f station song?
inflatable shelters
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Good choice
>make a post
>get no replies
>thread dies with <100 posts
why are people in this general like this
Here is your (You) you lowlife
does anyone like the temperature changes because I think they're kind of annoying
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can someone give me a quick rundown of the Colonial Marines chat censorship fiasco? all the drama I can find is on their forums, but it's not really enough to get the full picture.
from what I can understand, the whole thing reeks of a discord cabal takeover and subversion. many such cases.
fstation is the best serb (short for server but it's funny because it ends with b instead of v so it's like serbia instead of server and that is hilarious because serbia and server both start with the same 3 letters which is very strange and unexpected therefore it's hilarious and this joke is so good I have to repeat it for 10+ years)
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try the fstation version its a lot more chill and realistic
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>mfw when my friend Cashe gets banned from VG and I am on fstation and now Cashe will play on fstation and I am vasby holding a plate of green eggs and ham and I am wearing a blue cone on my head
Yes. It is now time for Cashe to migrate over and bring her admirers and friends with her.
This is true, totally agree 100%.
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New Cashe song
The one from 6 months ago that only you would be bringing up now to shill your spite server that was made entirely because your temperature system wasn't added? I dunno, Hina. But I see you replied to yourself doing just that
that wasnt me though
It has been quite a while since the last slop song. What should the next big hit sample?
shoo discord, this is a threadchad thread
fchan is superior to 4chan
no captchas by default, no massive post cooldown, no gachashit bumping the thread off the catalog. ladies and gentlement.. shes right.
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New Cashe banned song feat. Sootybear on vocals
post bars
Yo, it’s Cashe, I’m back, gotta address the situation,
Ban me from the VG? That’s a weak foundation.
You think you run the game, but you can’t handle the heat,
I’m spitting fire fire while you’re stuck in your seat.

They see my tum tums bouncing, call it too much finesse,
But it’s not my fault your server’s a mess.
You’re banning the queen when I’m just having fun,
Can’t handle the vibe? Step back, you’re done!

VG server, you thought you could cage me,
Banning Cashe? Yo, that’s kinda crazy.
I’m serving up steamed salmon, you can't take the heat,
Watch me rise up while you face defeat.
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get in
dead game.
>be me at beestation
>botanist as always. fucking deadpop. like 5 people around.
>trying something new, because i've exhausted botany.
>hmmm. how about the biggest explosion i can muster?
>start growing, but theres another botanist with me.
>asks me what i'm doing?
>tell him
>answer honestly. i want to make some boomboom at lavaland.
banned for a month
mind you, i'm playing a static for how long? 2/3 years? how is this possible?
fstation popping off
how caaaan this haaaappen tooo mee?
what a waste of time
>lying is le bad!!!!
>meanwhile VG literally lies about its server pop lmao
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now that VG has gone full TG and cut all contact with 4chan, we can finally enjoy a SS13 general
What is your favorite fstation server?
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personally mine is byond://ss13.fun:10001
A toast to fstation
here here!
feel free to blast the roid on fstation
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I challenge hinatrans to slop it up on suno
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>get a craving for spessmen
>it's dead
Fstation is active right now.
I can't wait for pop to be lower than normal for like a week because it's split between two competing servers until people realize that fstation is just /vg/ from a year ago
fuck your furry knockoff server
during dead /vg/ hours what's another server that isn't cancer and/or full of fetish shit, with actual players on? Does such thing exist?
fstation is fresh, fun and fast
It's not fresh though, it's stale. Old. Nothing has been merged in months. You should at least be stealing some of the stuff from /vg/ that they've done in the last year instead of leaving your server to rot, so long as it isn't contrary to your vision.
>y-you have to merge my trans rights flag PR...
Woah, /vg/ has a trans rights flag pr? Can you point me to it so I can mock them? Surely you wouldn't just cite a completely fictitious example.
>first pr makes it so that monkeys properly have their sex assigned in emotes instead of using "they"
>second exclusively fixes a typo in an emote
>a typo that currently exists in fstation right now
So you're saying that fstation has non-binary monkeys and typos in their emotes. I accept your concession that fstation has nothing to offer except for being a more tranny friendly server.
Will probably do a pass on some of the nice PRs in a bit. Also need to fix thre accounting computer bug someone reported.
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so very true
time for me to hop in for the evening
New 4chan server song just dropped:
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New songy
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we made it to 100 replies 4chanbros
Good to see mods got more "no fun allowed" over time
The fuck someone saved a random slop of my static I made years ago.
Thank you.
MrPain era was way more no fun allowed, they banned you for blinking
>you took one minute to replay to the bwoink because someone was trying to round remove you? permabanned, explain yourself on the forums
fun times
fstation is fun
Reminder that Cashe drove MrAnalPain to suicide
hinaslop makes me appreciate our amazing talented real slopper
Big if true
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average fstation round
Has fstation "stolen" any players actually worth playing with?
Yes, all of them
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New fstation song. Sootypooty on vocals
No, it has 0 players online. I think it topped at like 8 today.
fstation doesnt steal players. 'ficionados hop in of their own free will due to their enthusiasm for the f ethos of freedom, freshness, and fun
'fishyanados enjoying steam cooked salmon on f f f fire fire station because they have the desire to supply f station with players
serving truth on a silver platter like gh&h
are you by any chance named Sam?
I know this is a controversial topic and I don't want to fan the flames. I will however go on record to say that inflatable shelters can sometimes be anticlimactic. That's all I'm saying about it for now.
i mean.. everyone is entitled to their opnion but... yikesers?
shelts are a proven safe and effective way to avoid plasma griefing when a mod isnt online to ban
dont know why you would support more round removal but okay i guess??
money doesn't work on f station
finally a communist station
yes gotta merge the fix for that lol
speaking of, kurfursten should come back and headmin fstation
What makes you think he'd want to do that as opposed to going back to /vg/ if he returned to ss13? He didn't burn any bridges when he left
because hes an imageboard oldfag at heart and tried to steer the ship away from discordism but ultimately realized VG was a lost cause.
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hop in f
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new fstation splash screen
very nice
btw the previous slopsong is making me emotional
hop in~
New slopped up f station song
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hop in voxcum
kill yourself transstuff
hop in, 'ficionado!
I will in a bit.
/v/ is making fun of us again
Also hop in.
It's over
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fstation on the rise
>fstation on the rise
>discord having a meltdown
>(((coincidentally))) the discord furry pedo starts shitting up the thread when no one has posted furry shit for over 6 months
Knowing hinatrans he will fall for this again and turn fstation into furfag hellhole because of shifty on his alt convincing him all fstation players are furries
I have been tempered by my experience. Not intending to go overboard with furry stuff.
>discordite meltdown
Explain lol.
fstation saved VG
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fstation exposed liberals
fstation is redpilled on the discord problem
all true
'fishynados, in a few hours we can hop hop on fstation and hit a new highpop record
Let's aim for 10 players high poop
lets goooooooooo send it
highpop record is 12 players btw
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How do we turn her into a 'fishynado?
the power of slopmusic
Whats even the point of sec if players are just going to fucking Ahelp the moment they see anything remotely sketchy.
Fucking send me to the brig instead of sicking the mods on me.
join fstation, freedom and fun all in one
discordites view the game through the lense of a discordtranny circlejerking and trying to suck the next rung up trannies girlycock to get a pinker name and cub porn channel perms. the game is not a game to them, its an extension of their discord circlejerk and a way to aggrandize their flimsy 2 dimensional cardboard cutout personalities they have carefully crafted over years of trying to be one of the cool kids and sucking each other off. so resolving issues in game is unthinkable to the discordite, it must come back to the discordtrannyjannycirclejerk in some way.
damn... shes right
Depends on the individual case. Ideally all interaction would be purely IC and the players would just solve their own problems, but if you are using muh IC as a constant excuse to just grief and have security chase you around then you should get the boot. People play the game to roleplay and get involved in murder plots and disasters and fight nukesquad agents, not babysit some some greyshit who is just walking around wordlessly smashing every window and going afk when he gets arrested to tab back in and smash more windows when his sentence is over.
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>look! look! a 'fishyanado
I made the gif, but not any of those other posts. I do not plan to play fstation nor do I advocate for Hina pandering to the furries because that's clearly not the direction he wants to go in. I just thought it was a funny thing to make
join f station and f it up
The issue is that "grief" is extremely vague on most servers (intentionally so)
Often times old players can just flat out powergame and new players get bwoiked for taking a tool without going through the proper channels
The roleplay gets more boring as less flashy things are allowed and more of the game is wrapped in admin/code bubble wrap.

Which is fine if you are a terminally online gaymer who found some social capital playing space station 13.
For virtually everyone else, the friction between playing the game the way they want to and what their servers will allow has gotten pretty ridiculous

And its not like I don't get it to an extent
These people have 2000+ hours into the game and have seen a ludicrious amount of random poisonings, plasma fires, mechrampages
Probably sick of it at this point and the oldheads dont have the patience to die randomly anymore
But for me a lot of the appeal was the wacky shit players got up to sometimes snowballing into disaster.
>3 players online
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hop in
Mashallah brothers, how do I max the cap as they say?
dunno how 2 maxcap but ubbby~
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It's her turn

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