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>M. Bison Release, Gameplay Trailer, and Guide

>Year 2 Character Reveal Trailer

>The official Capcom Pro Tour 2024 website is live

>S2 Balance Patch

>High level replays

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>SuperCombo Wiki

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Last round: >>487196160
>Dale a literal nigger understands his ban and respects it
>Infiltration multiEVO champion korean man doesn't
I thought asians had high IQ?
Infiltration got away with it doebeit. That makes him smarter.
The better at SF the lower the IQ
literally none of the oldheads or even management want infiltration actually banned, it's all performative to keep the troons from killing themselves
Wife-beaters are retarded. Imagine ever hurting a woman, specially your wife.
Just hold her wrists if she tries ANYTHING, imagine needing to actually hurt a woman, not even she had a glock it would justify the sick shit he did to her.
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the medical report literally was just this, he held onto her wrists too tight. That's all it was
>Just hold her wrists if she tries ANYTHING
that is literally what infiltration did lol
>He thinks oldheads who see this game as nothing more than a cow to be milked for actually give a shit about anyone else

Based retard. They sure are feeling bad for Infiltration, instead of annoyed that this rigger is out there bringing bad PR to their money machine instead of fucking off like he was told to.
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Why do none of the keyboard warriors ever keep that energy IRL?
Nobody is special
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waiting for the only dlc that matters
twitter trannies are afraid of calling a pizza place.
if it wasnt for social media putting up a massive barrier between them and actual interactions with people they wouldnt be a blip on the radar.
The very same people who vouch for prison abolitionism for jiggaboos who have murdered people in gang-active areas want Infiltration to suffer forever for giving his ex-wife minor bruising to the wrist and calling her a cunt a couple of times.

No energy to get Noel Brown banned though obviously
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Infiltration has been banned so long that the new generation of Strivers and Dixers don't even know who he is or why he's banned.
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Fucking sorry ass manlet bitch. Touching a korean ice queen with his deformed balding manlet hands, hurting her tender and fair skin. If I catch this korean cuck I would break his bones with my bare hands and wouldn't even feel a thing.
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Juri's Husband?!
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Bog culture is genuinely evil
chun li and cammy are called top tier because they win with fighting game fundamentals. The answer to defeating them isn't "use more drive mechanics", its to get better neutral.
>COTW Mai vs SF6 Mai
God imagine if Juri was Korean dubbed haha
And her scenes had her shouting and being emotional haha..
No I don’t enjoy seeing K-dramas…
>lumping the monkey that hides behind a slowfireball with the most fundie-based character in the game
It would be cool if Terry's stage was the desert map with the funny cars
cammy doesn't have a fireball
that's because she actually has to rely on fundamentals unlike Chimp-li
Juri Hubby bro ain't like 3 or 4 AM in brazil? what you doing here?
shitpost aside, SF SHOULD be dubbed in every main language. My dick would explode with a German dubbed Karin and Cammy since Cammy is German in my headcanon and russian Kolin
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fireball drive rush is not chun li's fault, capcom thrust it upon her
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Jamie is so cunty, love it
Too much investment for small indie company who made over a mil with EVO but only paid 12k to the winner.
chun li when she hears about bison coming back
lmao for fucking what? holding his ex-wife's hands a bit too hard? These people act like Infiltration is a serial rapist jesus.
Dis nigga ain't doing shit
Real talk. I need to hear Chinese Chun.
Secondhand embarrassment
cammy had me in a half nelson on the ground and I accidentally creamed my pants right in front of chun li. She looked away to hide her laughter but it still hurt.
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Dogshit cammycel
Infiltration's largest mistake was not being born black
Some days ago I read about them having a melty because some k-pop idol swapped shoes with her manager since it was hurting her feet, and she had to come and publicy apologize for wearing a different sandal than the one hurting her feet.
Asians are subhuman. Proof that IQ doesn't make you necessarily smart.
In Korea? He'd be on deathrow
World isn’t ready for that beauty
Dale is literally banned because he is black tho, even though all he did was rant in the comfort of his own room not hurting anybody.

Based. The West is fucked, but the East is somehow even worse.
>even though all he did was rant in the comfort of his own room not hurting anybody
calling brolylegs a krang-ass motherfucker alone would have warranted a ban these days, him being a nigger is irrelevant to his ban
Dale deserves to be banned because otherwise he wouldn't give us great lolcow content like this



What he did to Broly was foul because he never admitted wrong doing. To this day he says like "ALL I DID WAS CLAP BACK BRO!!!" When in the streams, it shows that he was already saying mad offensive shit before the match even started...
>Looking straight to the camera while ranting his soul out and giving the middle finger to the <EVO MOD> he thinks is watching his stream
I saw this shit live and honestly I wanna watch all of his EVO restreams if he is gonna have melties like this one, this was beautiful.
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>Ryu gets buffed
>Monkey's start calling him top 5 and that he's better than Ken
>"Ryu hits like a truck lets gooo"
>Big tournaments start
>Players show up with the intention of winning
>No one picks Ryu
>No one places with Ryu
>Ken outperforms him
>Akuma outclasses him
>If you refuse to play Ken or Akuma, there's still Luke

Ryu's officially replaced Dan as the joke character
Kinda proof of the sensitivity mob's colossal influence is that LTG really only got banned after saying anti-tranny shit against CeroBlast
>he never admitted wrong doing.
Story of his life
He is just a coward piece of shit, always playing the victim, when theres videos of him harassing women in DMs on fb/instagran and I saw a clip of him making fun of some asian chick he doesn't even know just because of her accent
And then he cries that people hate him for no reason fucking lol
The only thing better than gay sex after a round of SF6... is gay sex during a round of SF6
Selective outrage. People claim to protect minorities, but half-ass when it comes to the disabled. Gotta protect muh trannies, faggots and blacks though!

This is why he banned is the best. Watch the second video too, he is roasting a guy for being bald, but he can't even hide his feelings, and says he hates the bald guy because he ignored his DMs asking for unban.
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>he can't even hide his feelings, and says he hates the bald guy because he ignored his DMs asking for unban.
LMAO the fact he is about to be 40 and is not even playing a character is what is crazy to me, this dude is just this unhinged
How do you you think they'll address the damage issue (if ever) in the game?
It's kinda silly with CA being a thing as I'll anti-air a dude 3 times and get him close to death but because I performed well instead of at the very least leaving me at low HP he gets to full on kill because I finally miss one out of 4 and get RAPED BY EXTRA DAMAGE?
Please Capcom if I beat the fuck out of some loser faggot I shouldn't be BUFFING HIM for when human error finally rears it's ugly head.
ryu is just there so people can pretend sf6 is real street fighter. They dont want to see him or play as him, you'll never catch any sf6 top player playing ryu because he requires fundies.
Bro? Why is a restream, restreaming another restream? What the fuck the trolls are smoking?
In Endingwalkers case they found the big long lvl 2 Ed juggle and the rest was history.
Even if Ryu is slightly better than Ken now the players that have poured a year of practice and labbing into Ken aren't going to switch characters a month before Evo. Even if a character is slightly better you still have to get used to all their normals.
I need capcom to be brave and make this canon already!
They sound just as ghetto and low IQ as Dale, anyone obsessed with him must be a weirdo.
Prob to avoid strike, I think it is another layer to stream Dale on youtube since he is banned there.
When they both laugh in sync is peak kino albeit.
I like how he claims anyone beating him is "thirsty for clout".
What clout LTG? Everyone on your hundred mile blacklist can beat you.
Troll hivemind is real
>"MK1 is too easy! When black people can combo you know your game is trash!"
>Proceeds to spam Ninja star with Reiko 24/7 and drop Homelander which was his dream character since he self-inserts into him like a dumbass because Homelander requires actual combos instead of zoning spam
After browsing the modding catalog I have come to the conclusion that mods fucking suck for SF6
Weird how it's always people who didn't go that are riled up about it.
more like tranon
the good mods are on discord, times have changed. If you want lewd mods there are websites that specialize in it that won't post anything on nexus.
They're rivals, Zangief is Marisa's LI
Works done but I'm too tired for SF6 bros I should have drank that second coffee
too tired for a little gay sex?
>woa not everyone can just go to fucking Vegas and blow even more money in an overpriced pass for a videotoy convention in 2024!
Motherfucker acting like Infiltration was in the local park for a free entry local and not in one of the most secluded places in the world.
Why would you care that some nerd with a record showed up to a 'videotoy' convention you weren't even at then?
They belong together!!
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Wtf I love SF6 modding now
imagine her doing hazanshuu on you
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Genuinely looking like pixar characters
>just turn around fuck what you talking about
spit out my drink
>lumps bumps and dumps
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these is something mentally messed up with these people, the fuck?
Yeah and it's always literal who's posting bullshit for clout.
young people literally do not know what life is like without twitter and the internet in their pocket
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When I set CPU to backdash on wakeup, why does my non low meaty sometimes hit them and sometimes gets blocked?
That's not even really a terminally online kid thing. Just a dumb nigga trying to sound tough over a dude that hurt some pure queen. Those were around before the internet.
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im 40 and started playing in november and now im doing shit like this, dont give up newfags
>k dramas
Got any recommendations? Starting to get bored of anime
I do not think about Infiltration at all.
>b-but he dindu nuffin
I don't care.
>b-but the korean justice system
It is not important to me.
>b-but the twitter mob
Whatever, I don't care.
>b-but noel brown
I do not think about him either.
>getting yelled at in Korean
damn she would remind me even more of my ex then lmao
I struggle hard against grapplers as AKI... Gief, manon, and a little lilly. What should be my strategy against them?
if you're using the same button to meaty, its your timing
if you're using different buttons to meaty, then its the difference in frame data (startup/active frames)
Cool but I just play GODern
>shit like this
you mean misspacing a jump and then mashing super?
It's the same button, but isn't the startup of dash like 8 frames? I'm not missing by 8 frames, 2-3 at most maybe
It makes me mad, he was my absolute fav player.
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like being able to hit a super after a blocked cr.mk drc with my 40 year old boomer reactions, whats your mr faggot?
these people are trans
You reacted in 23 frames. Daigo is older than you and can react in 12.
Harass with LP serpent lash, if you get a knockdown or enough space throw a bubble and then drop a puddle once they block/parry the bubble. Keep harassing with LP lash but don't overdo it. You can also psyche them out by throwing out the occasional MP Lash.
Practice some easy conversions if they jump and land on the bubble (DR > st.HK > Venom Fang). Once they start walking forward and blocking stay outside of his light SPD range and poke with st.MK, don't lash or bubble at jump in range. cr.HK is also a great poke here. Keep an eye on their gauge and start to neutral jump on oki if they have Lvl.3.
Same, but be careful of Manon's j.MK, it can hit you from even a far jump if you attempt a bubble/lash. D.Reversal if they DR after the overhead target combo.
Also mostly the same, only bubble at full screen if she has a windstock. D.Reversal her EX Wind-Spire if you're okay with trading drive gauge, and if they are greedy and try to do a LP Condor Wind to get a stock at full screen afterwards, you can go for a heavy read with Venom Fang.

The main reason I lose to Gief's in neutral is because I use LP lash carelessly and they punish me with a DI, else it's usually in AKI's favour.
Bone jaw tower
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praying that the outcry over Terry's face will get them to take more care with the models going forward
stop posting my wife
made me reply, kys
make me
watch your tone, i can pay to fuck your wife
dix is so micky mouse its got niggas thinking they are godlike by fucking up their crossup and mashing a super
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kami 6
can you play sf6 listening to music or is it impossible without sound
should I even try to play 6 at 5am while I'm high as shit
I haven't been keeping up with the lore but why do people still hate infiltration? Wasn't he proven innocent or am I misremembering?
Punk is a bitch but he won EVO with an incredibly honest gameplan in a gimmicky skibidi game. Pretty sick.
A Guile will win something this year for sure.
If I had to guess it looks like a Johnny Depp/Amber Heard situation. Just 2 people that shouldn't be together but the man bears the initial knee-jerk reaction of public outcry.
>A Guile will win something this year for sure.
Shooty shooty flashkick doesn't make a compelling grand final lil bro
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Are you okay?
yeah call me when he wins with chun-li
the IRS will take all of Du's gaming peripherals before he can win a major
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Chun is so boring and corny Leshar dropped her for Eddison
Hold this divekick. Oh wait you can't. In that case hold this throw loop. OH WOOPS LOL.
Yeah she just all fundies, no sauce whatsoever.
>valmaster the chun cultist got raped by some modern spic because he kept spamming his slow fireball like a bot
She has no sauce though, I agree.
Asians are so damn happy with their Transhumanist botox and filler tech. They will never be truly beautiful though. True beauty is a gift from God, people that only worship themselves and rocks will never receive that blessing
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>Chun-Li has one playstyle
Valmaster plays Chun like a Guile, nothing like Moke's or GO1's Chun.
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My wife and her pantyless, bubble butt.
my fuarking hero
Sooner than later we'll have fucking robots looking more human than those
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The Ednation is so talented
>"I remember way back when"
Bro it was 2020.
Scary times, bruh. The End of History wink wink
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>In that case hold this throw loop
Too true. A short while ago, played against a very bad Luke player who abused throw loops, he won the first match because of it. Then I won 20-3. It would have been a real problem in a ft2 though
Now that Punk has unleashed his true power level, how dominant is he going to be? Not a single player has won both CC and EVO in the same year, right. Intredasting
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Yeah same except I was the one that went 3
I hate throw loops so much.
4 years is a sizeable amount of time at his age
No one with a brain likes them aside of carried monkeys
Something that always gets me is dash up throw, I can't react at all even though I know its coming
Juri is very good at this
God it would be so funny to see Noel Brown just randomly get obliterated because of the Infiltration drama.
Infiltration really could've saved himself by just chilling and doing the whole "changed man/I was at my lowest and I regret my actions" thing but for some reason these niggas start doing shady shit instead
it must really suck to live in a place where the beauty standard is so completely out of touch with how the people that live there are. like it happens to a degree everywhere but i see plenty of pretty white women with no surgery, the features koreans find attractive literally do not exist in the wild, they're completely made up
It also doesn't help that there is just open racism against asian men. All the things that people forgive black or arab men for like open racism, sexism, etc. is held twofold against asian men. South Korea's feminism problem paints SK men terribly in the west. It's not uncommon to see viral posts on Twitter just outright say shit like "japanese men are women abusers" but that somehow never applies to men in the middle east.
Everyone plays rushdown Guile anyways so it doesn't matter, but zoners outside of anime games are kino.
I'm putting my faith in Higuchi
Middle Easterners don't get it as bad cause we've all agreed they're still living in the 19th century and need help. Japan and South Korea are not, we expect better of them.
I have spent 6 months in Asia. Their ugliness levels are insane. You can go for months without seeing a single attractive person. Not even talking about 10/10 material.
thats crazy cause I spent like two weeks in japan and i'd fuck every other woman I saw there
You are prolly a weeb, sir. Just google any random Japanese class photo and you will see what I mean.
It's self-defense when Infiltration beats on his girl cause she's bigger than him?
yeah man, I don't want to fuck a high schooler
>random Japanese class
ayyooo, what the fuck? why would your first instinct be to look at school children to gauge the attractiveness of a race?

>you'll never be DA ALPHA getting a hero's celebration

how do you cope?
When I was to Japan I saw quite a few cute girls but like, the usual ratio of pretty girls you see everywhere. Not this weeb myth of "they're all submissive yamato nadeshiko housewives not like those ugly westerners".
By not browsing reddit
it 100% helps that non-Americans and especially Japanese people just dress better
The waifupost hater has been absent the past few days
kill yourself redditor
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Stop projecting weeb pedos. I am a healthy male. Asians are ugly, deal with it
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The average person is ugly
It's nice when the thread insn't derailed by this fag
Got banned
>doesn't know how to ban evade
that retarded shitposter really is a turbo newfaggot
Not where I live. The average person is average here, definitely not ugly
SF6 Drive Rush coming atcha
Is Juri the finest waifu still and why will her hegemony never stop? Its really unfair
err bros is this true??
Did you see anyone turning green for + frames a decade ago? How about 2 decade ago? How about 3 decades ago? There's your answer.
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Truth is nothing released after The New Challengers is "real" Street Fighter. Once they created super combos the franchise was mickey beyond repair.
dropping luke who should i pick up?
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we always do
must have not gone to korea
>/sfg/ try not to derail the thread with some irrelevant incel shit
Challenge level IMPOSSIBLE
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A charge character
bison it is
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I have deleted my sf_screenshot folder
Good job Cammyposter
oh ny god
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Last time I played I made it to diamond but got anal raped by a Ken. He raw drive rushed then drive rushed again right after into cr.mk which hit then into combo and I just got off. Has Manon gotten any buffs since Akis release?
shut yo gooner ass y'all im not capping
lil troon egg
Psycho behaviour, get help
anon, that was 25% of his entire life ago.
yea you can check buckler's bootcamp for battle change details
she's gotten a couple of tweaks and buffs
Her EX spin kick does a big launch for good damage and corner carry now
I think you get it off PC medium something
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horror engine
The truth is that Shoto players are whores and have no loyalty
The same thing happens every street fighter. If Ken is better than Ryu nobody plays Ryu, and then if Akuma releases nobody will EVER play Ryu
Reminder that Ryu was considered unplayable trash for most of Jive's history too
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Not me
COTW waiting room.

Gato reveal later this week.
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I need you Alex
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>deleting pictures of my wife
What the fuck am I reading
>no costume reveal at evo
damn, guess no new costumes this year
You'll get your costume trailer in november, just like Season 1
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Neither of you actually play street fighter
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Now that the Cheeto has gone stale. What went wrong?
i play ryu and ill never stop playing ryu, shut the fuck up you faggot ass sperg
tell me how to play third strike in a way that doesn't get me parried to death every single round
I took several characters to 1600MR+, this game is dookie.
nah, if they were coming fat fuck nakayama would be posting concept art of them on twitter to hype up capcucks
Then why not just retire from playing/talking about it
The reason is that you don't play
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Absolute endingwalker world takeover
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Stop flowcharting offense
>Chinese spyware required to install Project L
It's over.
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>Then why not just retire from playing/talking about it
Because SF5 turned into a discord fighter and I'm not going to play Strive or Tekken to get my fighting game fix. You're stuck with me.
off topic
Stockholm syndrome ass weirdo
is the game pc only?
I wonder how many people who play on hitbox online even use the CPT SOCD firmware? Probably very few, especially those who play charge characters.
no, valorant on console also has vanguard.
well its w/e if its on console
i am not installing that on my pc
Just get a 2nd PC only for spyware games you poor
Doing the same thing over and over again expecting it to change is the definition of insanity
i still have my old pc parts that i can use to build like 3 pcs, but i have no space
I'm on Linux so I guess I won't be able to play it.
A shame because my only requirement for a fighting game is that it has a big population, so this, SF6 and 3S are the only options in my region.
>Dude just get a second PC to play this F2P tag kusoge
Why would I waste my time in the first place?
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Tongue-punching Cammy's shit-encrusted butthole. Simple as.
Based. Every MP game should have Kernel-level anticheat
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How to learn good fundies and neutch in this game? this is the first fighting game I'm actually trying to learn and get good at but it seems really hard with all the volatile shit thrown at you and the nonstop jumping. Currently in gold with Ed.
You're asking the right questions, Gold is where you really evolve and start to get properly good. What I'd focus on is spacing. Become familiar with your moves, where they hit and where you need to be to make them hit, then focus on maintaining that golden distance.
When you're dealing with the "Random" elements of lower ranks some fundies are more important than others.
Namely, anti airing and delay teching in a minus frame/oki situation to cover both options, as nobody will shimmy.

I wouldn't worry too much about baiting DPs unless you know they're an ape, but another fundamental aspect that's highly important is knowing your best punish combo that won't burn you out.

Other than that don't worry a whole lot about things like whiff punishes/frametraps/spacing traps, just run your gameplan normally once you stop them aping out.

And most of all, stay relaxed under pressure, even though it's hard.
>And most of all, stay relaxed under pressure, even though it's hard.
Seconding this. It was the thing that most positively affected my performance. That, and cleaning my inputs.
I'm in Platinum, also "new", practicing hit-confirms.
Plat 2 Honda, how do I get good? What are some good combos? The only one I generally use consistently is
>Sumo Spirit
>Shuffle into Cannon Lift
>OD Hands
>another Hands
Like multiple lights into a special or a CH light into medium into special?
Single hitconfirms aren't what they were in SF5, I wouldn't spend much time practicing them.
Set the bot to 'random' block and practice confirming your block strings into a special cancel or DRC if the bot "Mashes" though
Another question. How do I take my turn back? Enemies often throw block strings at and and I sit back and defend and I can't hit them back with anything as nothing reaches or is fast enough, Ed has slow mediums. Then they start throwing me and it's over. I used to delay tech almost every time but they just bait it so frequently with neutral jumps and I explode so now I just delay button and tech if they start throwing too much.
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AYO? Which one of you slimed all over the chair? Jfc
What you can do and what I often do even in master is just accept that I can take a throw if they jump in on me or put me in a mixup and I commit to blocking it.
If you do that, you free yourself up to react to things like a neutral jump and hit them with an anti air special which then gives you your offence back.
It's a life saver in the corner where people love to bait techs with neutral jumps
Gross but a little understandable considering people were locked out of the hall grand finals were in if they left to go to the bathroom
this response tells you all you need to know about the SF community lmao
Just looks like a spilled drink tbqh
If I fly out to Vegas and spend $200 for a ticket damn right I'm pissing myself to get my money's worth
You've got a couple different options
>keep blocking, let them go unga then hit back
>delay tech to catch them in a throw
>let them chase you, then punish
>block until it's an unsafe string you recognize and then DI
If it a tick throw scenario, you have to guess. In this game, I don't think there are any characters that can make you block two normals and still be in throw range, so they will have to open themselves up by walking forward. You have to recognize when they are cutting their pressure short to walk up and throw you and interrupt with a normal.
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Keyser Soze ass mf
Pro wrestling is all white Americans have left
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dude needs to come back and win next year under a mask and an alias
Are QC moves supposed to be easy? I struggle so much when there are multiple of them.
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say it
i-i-issa r-random...
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>Jamie 65th with Naruo, the best Jamie in the world
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Jamie definitely has more porn than any SF6 female newcomer at this point
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>YHC mochi & Tormeshi fail to even make top 100 at evo japan
>Tormeshi flopped hard in Topanga literally getting smoked by gief
>Both don't even bother to go to evo this year
>Tormeshi now playing Gief as much as Sim
>Mister Crimson flops at evo, fails to make top 100
Are we SURE that Dhalsim isn't the worst character in the game right now? For fuck sake, he has to work his ass off to beat Gief at high level. Something is not adding up.
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Remember kazunoko
He is absolutely bottom 3
The chinese are literally already spying on you as is every other government an anti cheat changes nothing
he is the worst character in the game purely for execution factors
this basically changes nothing when the average FGC tard can't even pirate anything
The only reason Ryu is 'bad' is because the other shotos are just more played
His tools are all good and match into the cast well, he's just technically the weakest of the strongest character archetype, and since shoto players are such massive tier whores, that makes him bad in their eyes
I was bitter about Capcom bringing colab characters but Terry's video mellowed me out. He looks nice.
Yeah bro just give them one more way of doing it what's the harm :)
Ryu is my FUARKING hero.
The thing is, I don't know how you could improve Dhalsim without making him broken because his kit in isolation is fine, it's more so the game he is in that disfavors his function/makes it super high risk to play his game which isn't all that rewarding to begin with(nor should it be, winning neutral & poking with low-to-medium damage combos is the way Sim should work)

His stock mechanic forcing you to give up oki is a death sentence in this game. His corner carry is already mediocre as it is
>His stock mechanic forcing you to give up oki is a death sentence in this game
Now where have I heard that before....
why play akuma when ryu exists
I dunno… The faster walk speed is pretty good.
Ryu is balanced, he shouldn't be tweaked, buffed or nerfed.
that would be so fucking funny
chen forcing hype and soifacing at a mystery dude only for him to be his worst nightmare
Did Cammy get any cute new art after the EVO victory?
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Yeah I'll give up a single oki interaction to get the ability to do this.
Who are the bottom 5 currently?
faster walk doesn't even mean anything when people can just slime across the entire screen lmao. people keep acting like this is street fighter or something
Lily Manon Geif Sim Ryu
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Why is Chun-Li so fucking bad? Why is her damage so low, why is her offense so bad, why is her corner pressure so pathetic, why is her fireball game so weak, why is she so cute, why does she not have any meterless combos, why does she need to use meter for a simple knockdown, why are her combos so hard, why are there so many routes for her combos, why do you need to single hit confirm off literally everything to get combos, why doesn't she have any blockstrings, why are most her buttons so stubby, why doesn't she have any fucking plus frames ever, why doesn't her hazanshu work against fireballs, why is her jump so floaty, why, meanwhile every other character gets lmao plus on block after one button/special that moves them right next to you now hold this mixup bitch. Oh and I get a safejump anyway. Wait a second, isn't a mixup what Chun-Li gets with her safejumps? Except you don't have to do a corner carry combo then open them up again with your shit corner pressure to set them up? Whoa that's crazy. But her good neutral! Who the fuck cares, every character has good neutral if the person playing has good neutral. Errrrm fireball drive rush? Known quantity lmao just blow through it, you guys talked like it was literally auto win game if you get it out, and good luck getting enough charge to throw one out and not get jumped on against these apes anyway lmao. Don't worry though Chun-Li's really really good if you're 1900MR we're all gonna make it bros

Chun-Li for sure
juego de miguel rato
nigga you ass
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>chun li is.................. LE BAD
capcom b like : Low health scaling, whats that?
I main chun since 3S and I look like this
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lol, nice rant
Cammy. Trust me bro, I'm punk himself.
chun-li hunts little boys
You are literally a bigger retard than BlueDJ
dhalsim manon lily marisa kimberly
As long as Manon exist, nobody can say they're the worst character in the game.
How can I improve now?
I just reached Gold 5 and most match is a loss right now, I get HEAVIELY outmatched, when I get mirror match-ups I realize that I don't know shit about my main, and I don't really know what I should focus on to progress further
If you're still under 1600 MR you need to go into training mode until you have your bnbs down and can check drive rushes and jump-ins. You can't experience the real game until you can do that much, you're just pressing random buttons.
Slime better
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desu I like the grind of getting into Master rank, but I haven't actually tried to grind MR yet
BlueDJ, the guy who just abused DR on Deejay and Juri, the characters with the fastest and furthest drive rushes to reach master?
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My silly cute mare wife.
Do you have meaties
Do you know what is punishable from your opponent
Are you recognizing that your opponent likes to block and are throwing them
Are you recognizing that your opponent likes to tech and you are cou ter-hitting their tech attempt
Have you added drive rush cancels into your combos
Are you not blowing your entire drive gauge 3 seconds into the match
At least he understands that he sucks and doesn't blame everything on his character
One day Honda will be high tier and stay there...
Just revert Kimberly to her beta state
She was a bit corny but she's nothing back breaking. Is she really stronger than current Bison, for example? Just give her her shit back
who do you main?
I understand I fucking suck, I also understand the other players fucking suck but they're also carried by their character's easy to execute bullshit.
a better idea
just remove kimberly from the game
She will NEVER be a real mother
This is so false, you also need to learn how to deal with the gimmicks for every single character or how overwhelm them with your own. Don't pick Chun-Li though, she has no gimmicks :)
>I literally don't think
>I literally don't think, I usually use the same thing I unironically almost never use LP / LK
>I don't
The sole combo I know is OD Eagle spike => Light Eagle spike
That shit is the base of my KOs, I know that I have a lot more tools like DP with Heavy Mixer among other things, but I never use them, I'm kinda fighting my own mental with my muscle memory.
>you also need to learn how to deal with the gimmicks for every single character
It's literally always jabbing them out of it
Just drop the game, you clearly lack the brain to not be stuck at fucking 1200MR. Your Gief was even more ass.
Of course not, she'll never find romance or her fans will torch Capcom HQ.
Switch to another character. Experience being "carried".
I would give you advice on what to do to progress as a noobie but you play Rashid so I dont think I will :)
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>wake up
>see this
wat do?
Eh, I'll figure it out elsewhere it's ok
Wonder when precisely I've turned gay.
Hide that post
I only fuck with top tiers get out of my house bitch boy you ain't gettin none
>you picked the wrong guy to mess with
Ken: Hold this jinrai. Ed: Hold this snatcher. Akuma: hold this flip. Everyone: hold this throw loop etc etc

Yeah because I got better/gief got buffed. I didn't know how good I had it back then

You are not seriously saying some characters don't have it easier than others?
For Ed you just perfect parry snatcher, they all do it as a meaty and never think to bait parry
Learn meaties and oki asap
Start labbing your opponent's character after a match and see what moves are punishable on block
Learn your character's frame data and learn some bnbs
>just perfect parry
No offense but I think that oversimplifies it quite a bit, you can deal with anything in the game with PP. I do try anyway
I'm forever mad about Street Fighter being consistently the ugliest fighting game and this time with the worst OST too when it's the only game I can play properly. Why can't they just make it look good?
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Why can't SF women have muscle anymore? They are either flaccid, have horse legs or are monsters like Marisa.
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Even Shitken girls have more muscle now wtf
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Bro? Your lua freecam x2 quality and no backlights mod? Your jukebox?
If Ed throws you in the corner you can react to him charging a flicker and perfect parry it on your wake-up.
Wakeup PP is the easiest version
you aren't supposed to go for denjin on oki. i use denjin charge after donkey kick which doesn't yield any oki.
that's a dude btw
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>have horse legs
As our god Akiman intended
sf6 7th place at evo barely refunds your venue fee
There is something about Street Fighter 6 I do not like. Can't put my finger on it.
Where did her boobs go?
Everything is wrong. The amount of shit put on top of shit and next to shit makes everything looks harmonic.
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hop on jive
Still more feminine than Manon, Marisa, Chimperly or la Goblina.
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only reason I still have dix installed
If she is uggo I'm gone like Dale's father
More like "when"
no, yes, no, no
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I like capcom, I like street fighter 6, I play modern controls, and terry looks very cool. Ok, that is all.
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Here's me getting beat by a diamond ken in battle hub as a late night present. Note the anti airs, oki, and checks. I'm sure this Ken won't just climb to 1600 immediately because of jinrai spam and mindless mashing though, no sir.

God, I hate Chun Li's NRS animations
This dude loses to diamonds and thinks Chun-Li is the problem
you worthless
have you tried blocking low
Wonder why a gay man is in my bed because I am not a man. I ask him to have sex with me anyways, you know if he wants to try it out.
>post clip for your argument
>it's just you getting outplayed
are you stupid
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Who tops?
Beating jin-rai
1. OD DP the mix-up
2. Fuzzy ducking the high low and punishing the low on block or take your turn
3. Delay jabbing to interrupt the high and block the low, which you can then punish or take your turn
You just panic mashed
Most disgusting newcomers since SF3.
why do people acknowledge that terry looks ugly but won't acknowledge that manon, kimberly, lily, ed, AKI, etc all look ugly?
Street Fighter characters are expected to look fucking hideous by default. A guest character being turned into a hideous SF monstrosity raises eyebrows.
Because the Drug Enforcement Intelligence has my wife and kids
he was spamming jinrai because you kept getting hit by it for no reason lmao
What people? Everyone in 4chan acknowledge that SF6 looks ugly. Normies and noobs think it is the norm with SF characters.
Ed's model got touched up between his teaser trailer and the final release, why would you expect anything different for Terry?
>"t-they'll fix it!"
literally no one thinks SF characters look beautiful except Chun-Li, Cammy and Juri. They're all stereotypes tier, or do you wanna rock Guile's haircut?
>Ed's model got touched up between his teaser trailer and the final release
did it?
guile's haircut looks bussin on god no cap frfr and i would rock that shit if i wasn't balding in my early 20s
Cammy looks ugly as fuck in 6
Delete this
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SF will never return to anime/cartoon style. You lost, weebs.
But it literally never was an anime/cartoon style game?
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My argument is its braindead piss easy for him to spam jinrai aka carried.

I was trying to get the fuck away from his flailing

What do you mean no reason? It's a mixup lol I was guessing between high and low and then it's still his turn afterwards.

Thanks dude I'll lab it more. Don't think I mashed to try get out of jinrai but I'm more focused of guessing between right high and low
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Everyone thought he looked weird in the teaser trailer, and everyone likes him in the release version
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All the weeaboo BH collabs we've been getting has me thinking otherwise
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lmao even
>the game everyone hates
Chipotle is japanese????
Just because it's 2D doesn't make it 'anime-style'
Anime style was only a thing with the Alpha series
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Sure, anon. This totally looks like they were going for that uncanny horror engine realistic feel.
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jinrai isn't a real high low mixup, just block low by default for a few frames and then switching to blocking high and the back to low like the other guy said
I would like to learn guilty gear strive because venom looks cool.
Is it as easy as you people say, or am I going to have a seizure
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Between Cammy and Juri who's easier to learn?
TNMT is peak manga
Cammy is jab jab jab spiral arrow all the way to 2000MR
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strive is all about turning off your brain and going full aggro mode and hitting your flowchart. nothing else matters
They're both braindead. The real question you need to ask yourself is how do you want to win. Do you want to win by turning green whenever you want or by simply pressing any button whenever you want
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Was at evo, many white woman but many brown! Missed my wife cammy! sniffy licky her bunda.,.
cammy since you need to manage an extra resource as juri
Juri mains don't manage their stacks they just press be real
Oh so seizure then, a shame.
Strive visually looks better than every other active game right now, but that can't save the gameplay I guess :(
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arrogant capcom is back
How many times are you gonna spam Twitter posts
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This sounds really familiar
I'd just want to win.
Every man in SF6 has come out 100% fuckable and I have faith that Capcom will tweak terry to be just so before he launches.
>3 days later to the hour
sounds like sf5, yes
>sf5 out of nowhere
i can't believe they made the game even more steamroll-y by removing DP RC
you brought up sf6 out of nowhere
What is that, is that like fadc dp
>Implying bans do anything
he could just have been at EVO
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Wow newfag waits out his ban. Clever
Do saars really Jesus Christ
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>"Cammy isn't bro-"
Fuck you downplaying motherfuckers
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You should leave this general, and even this website, tourist. Go back to r/kappachino or whatever shithole you came from
ye it's like DP fadc in sf4
What makes cammy easier to play than Juri, if i don't mind asking. Not too big into rushdown characters.
Not /our/ chun li
Post the REAL evo 2024 chun
She's completely broken and fucking retarded. This is all Cammy players do with a random divekick sprinkled in and it is next to impossible to deal with
Go back to /fgg/ Cheez
juri has a 2 step game plan of getting stonks and then turning green
cummy has a 0 step gameplan
Everyone is rushdown in SF6 outside of maybe Guile but he is still unga.
Imagine Luke spreading like that in just a jockstrap YUMMY
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Sorry to disappoint! But no I really was outside, missed jerking my little brown penis to fellow cammy gooners here! Also noticed at evo, only fellow browns and blacks played cammy... (occasional transvestite too!)
Speak for yourself, I am the only main playing street fighter
Are you implying that Cammy is more rushdown than slime: the character? lmao
I forgot he exists lol
Thanks for letting me know. I'll keep learning Cammy.
Cammy is the epitome of rushdown and unga bunga; the fact that she attracts black people (unga bunga incarnate) should also be added arguments now.
Remember jp vs ken vs luke? Good old days
It what people say her archetype is. I know she can play lame and other styles. rushdown is the main squeeze for Cammy.
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Cammy's a very HONEST hard working girl. With those lvl 2 mixups it was a miracle Punk won against the fraudulent Rashid.
I want out of this Cammy, Ed and Bipson timeline
Suckling on guiles tits and ass tbqh
But is she actually more rushdown than Juri? Juri can just get in whenever she wants, Cammy at least have to walk sometimes.
Still asshurt that they neutered the fuck out of Luke and gave the same shit to Bison + bonus
Luke's still A tier
Juri can whiff any button she wants too even harder + can drive rush whenever. You'll always block Juri full screen buttons or won't reach her body due to nonexistent extended hurtbox&recovery.
Are you japanese or what? It's still Ken vs Rashid vs Guile in the west with all the former Luke's struggling on Akuma
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>dixxers thinking there is anything but rushdown in their mickey game
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need me ma neutch!!!!!!!!! Average match length in SF6 is longer than SFV btw.... GYAT DAyUM NEED spacing!!!! JIVE FTW!!
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Actually fuck cammy. I'm going back to luke
Punk does know he's an extremely weak, out of shape pudgy nerd right? Sometimes I think this goofy nigga thinks he can actually shoot plasma out of his hands
You should seriously be strung up by your tiny white dick you fucking cuck.
I invite you to watch some top Chun players that aren't Valmaster. Fireball DR with Chun really isn't anything to write home about
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Let me suck dicks!!!
Street Fighter 6!!!
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Kawano says he's A- which is the polite Japanese way of saying he's D tier
what are you gonna do? run up on him at a major and get banned from the event and prosecuted for assault?
hes cocky because he was born into this system where he knows he can say or do whatever he wants to you and you cant do shit about it pussy ass nigga
this aint golfland 2002, you aint fighting nobody bitch ass nigga
Sure, lil Timmy.
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Love my wife cammy!
step up to me with attitude offline Punk and watch what I do
The way you guys talk about slow fireball DR I swear to god you'd think you've won just because you got one out. Not like 99% of the cast have multi hit fireballs, often meterless, to blow through it, or can OD DP it. Guile or Ken's is much more opressive
Bonchan and Xian did.
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>need to be at the to optimal distance to do a blockstring
>can't apply strong pressure
>neutral is reset if thrown
OMG Chunners is breaking the game! Nerf that shit!
Wait I thought that said CEO I'm dumb
I let an ugly dude like pic related hit at least once a year as a public service
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>no james chen commentating, no bonchan, no infiltration, no time to test bison, now with 2 evos in NA plus tip
counted just as much as Argentina's last world cup
Proved the ban is bullshit because no one knew or cared he was there until he admitted it himself publicly. Risked arrest to do it. Yeah, he's gangster.
I'm surprised Ryu can shit out this much damage and still be low tier
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I tell em get back
Step back
Fast track
Big laps
Big facts

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he's not low tier, the issue is his playerbase is entirely comprised of glue eaters so he will never see success in competitive play
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Fchamp deserves good energy from me at Evo
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It's not glue it's Ryu's milk
Onsen bath with Marisa
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How does one still be motivated to keep playing with a character even after losing alot?
Nigga you gay as HELL.
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Jive never dies.
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Like pic related. If you’re on a losing streak, take a breath or break. It’s not like you’ve got a camera on you watching.
No. Bathing Marisa is closer to getting co-ownership of her jewlery gig
I lose despite outplaying the opponent and possessing more knowledge
Imagine being Zangief in that scene and having to be all like "damn, Marisa, you fuckin' fine, all sexy with your giant roided body and horrific androgynous monster face. I would totally have sex with you, both my character and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck another 16 year old in his dressing room. Like seriously imagine having to be Zangief and not only sit in that chair while Marisa flaunts her disgusting body in front of you, the favorable lighting barely concealing her stretchmarks and leathery skin, and just sit there, take after take, hour after hour, while she perfected that combo. Not only having to tolerate her monstrous fucking visage but her haughty attitude as everyone on set tells her she's STILL GOT IT and DAMN, MARISA LOOKS LIKE THAT?? because they're not the ones who have to sit there and watch her mannish fucking gremlin face contort into types of grimaces you didn't even know existed before that day. You've been fucking nothing but a healthy diet of blondes and supermodels and later alleged rape victims for your ENTIRE CAREER coming straight out of the boonies in Russia. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat that's breaking out on her dimpled stomach as she sucks it in to writhe it suggestively at you, smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to get paid to sit there and revel in her "statuesque (for that is what she calls herself)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with personal trainers in the previous months. And then the director calls for another take, and you know you could command grab every single person in this room before the studio security could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking Zangief. You're not going to lose your future career over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
Get off third strike then
how many characters do you have in Master rank, anons?
Almost all of them but I got bored because it takes like 2 hours and I basically almost never lose the entire time so it’s retarded and pointless unless I also plan on going for each MR grind as well
I might finish up the last few characters one day but idk the ranking system in this game is such a joke that anything under Legend is meaningless
my life improved so much when I finally dropped SFV. I just decided one day to not boot it up and to not spend 4 hours torturing myself in ranked on the training stage against r mika or whoever was strong at the beginning.
Ryu and Guile on PS5

Switched to steam and did Ryu and Guile again, and now Chun-Li and most recently Akuma. Want to do Manon next
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marisa could never
What are you on about, gief eats and fucks my male twink ass every other day (daily would break me)
Luke, Ryu, Rashid, Guile, and Akuma
Did you notice any difference in input delay coming from PS5?
none, I'm still playing SF5
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i suck ass my MR floats around 1250-1350 and even this shitty MR feels so stressful and difficult I am truly a brainlet
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Taking screenshots in the middle of fast animations makes for great shitposts we get it
Save him from the poo design team
It's "Ratón Miguelito", gringo
my highest ranked characters are Manon, and Marisa in platinum. Been trying to get characters into masters so i have none
4 and I don't think I'll do any more. It's annoying climbing through diamond
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the one on the left is so funny
It's been so long since I've played SF6 on the PS5 that I don't really remember too much now. I have noticed that I'm doing better at blocking overheads and a little bit better at checking drive rush, but I don't know how much of that is me just getting better at the game or because I switched platforms
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>tfw you play and enjoy sf6 and don't give a fuck about impotent bitching
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Elena will be like
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>tfw you play and enjoy SF6 and consume the product without complaining like a good little pig
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oh no no NO
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Manjeet and Rajpoot did their best.
same vibes as "I'm having a blast"
People want to believe in the "Caprenaissance" so badly even though DD2 was a stinky turd.
Thanks for the motivation, master ryu. I'll take a break off the game.
A nigga named MUDASIR
Instead of a crackshoot Terry has been shooting crack...
You suck. Keep labbing.
Punk is going to stream today? I want to cry some more
Need dat PAWG on da left
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They wont ruin her, right?
why the shitpost literally just stops out of nowhere?
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love it when im mashing the gap in the target combo and my move simply wont come out
amazing gameplay. gues I just have to mash even harder
>bro just take the throw
ok and then I get thrown 7 times to death, then what
Jimbos go to sleep or back to their discord
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>not anime features
>horror engine
have you tried uhhhhh
*checks notes*
The unspeakable things i'd do to marisa
You must take the throw but also tech the throw
teching is not taking the throw
>unspeakable things
Speak them!
Thats literally what he did
Drive reversal.
High chance they ruin her face or her classic outfit
i hope something dreadful happens to Capcom employees because of what Marisa looks like in SF6. if her in-game model looked one-quarter as good as the off-model fan art, we'd be EATING. couldn't have that though, sorry sirs, please understand the Jeets did their best. fucking faggots.
they should just make genetic freaks like Bison, Vega, Abigail, Hugo, Akuma from now on, their chances of fucking it up would go to almost 0
if you say so. It would require a lot of oil
this bitch head built like a can opener, boomerang, and ash tray. in Australia they killed all the Abos that looked like this and used their jaw bones to make bonerangs, like they do Elephants for their ivory tusks.
Urien or Gill would look kino in RE Engine
>genetic freaks like Bison
Bison IS a freak but it has nothing to do with genetics
>Jerry Nogard
did nobody tell them he didn't have to look legally distinct since it's an official collab? they don't have to switch up the homework like they did copying that one white haired bitch from Tekken for AKI? lmao
Aren't we supposed to get another balance patch this year?
retarded cultists will still be asking this about the women in Season 4, as if they haven't all been irredeemable fuckups since launch. i jumped ship to ArcSys. their games may be a little less fun, but at least my eyes aren't filling up with lactic acid the whole time when i'm looking at Granblue. my next DLC character is a 10ft tall Oni girl with four arms, enjoy advertising KOF with your hideous DLC picks until next year.
I dunno, I thought the Terry trailer was pretty cool.
Had that kind of 90s cheese in a way the SF character trailers didn't
I unironically want Hakan back

We need more goofy weirdos, SF6 has an abundance of badasses, waifus, husbandos, and serious dudes.
The kusobeggar reveals itself
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should've been Choi and Chang
Congrats on transitioning anonette!
jumping ship to arcsys would be easy if gbvs and strive werent actual absolute dogshit slop
not that kami is much better i guess but at least the players are cooler to hang out with
For someone with a game they definitely play you sure do post in unrelated generals a lot
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Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Infiltration is transitioning to get unbanned like Ceroblast?
You always know niggas are obsessed when they come to the Street Fighter general and not fgg
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Capcom never misses
>Are we just gonna ignore the fact
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Episode 11 (and Mai) waiting thread
I wish arcsys games were more fun, soive and granblue look aesthetically amazing but I tried them both and Jesus Christ.
the absolute madwoman if it works
i'd argue almost all the "new" fighting games are homogenized slop. you just have to find the game that has the best slop-to-fun-to-beauty ratio for you. Granblue is that for me, even if i would tweak elements of its gameplay if i could.

why don't you apply for a janny position, fag
still doesn't make it anime
The fact that you're here says everything I need to know kek
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we're just wired differently, i guess. i can tolerate gameplay that isn't exactly what i want as long as it looks incredible, but i can't do the reverse with hideous games like Concord and Street Fighter 6.
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My wife and her pantyless bubble butt.
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i've been a militant SF6 hateposter since it was revealed, Granblue doesn't really affect my hateposting hobby. lol
Granturd cuck still seething here lmfao
Kami6 owns your soul
This general has 2 jokes and maybe 3 different repeating insults
I want to get back to playing Marisa. Haven't played her since launch, how is she right now
crabba crabba jappa SLIME IMPACT
own these nuts lmaoo
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>most kino match of kami 6 at evo was the Ed mirror because it forced the game to be slow
Capcom could learn a lot from this
didn't realize this was gonna be about Ryu, at first i thought it was just the franchise in general. "Potential Fighter! it *could* be the best fighting game of all time, but we'll never know, cause Capcom hit their budget ceiling in month 6 of development." kek
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Punk only won because Jappas can't react to DI
he has potential i swear
That shit was so good. Oldhead vs Young Blood, East vs West, Technical player using optimal desync combos vs Fast reaction aggressive player
Punk only won because Bigbird mashed on wakeup three times in a row
Not sure why he did that
The tone was very that but the face is silly and busted like everyone said.
He's gonna be cool
phone call from riyadh before the match told him to throw it
Dix just isn't THAT ugly to me. If SF6 looked like sf4 I would be playing strive 1000%
maybe i should DI more since this game is filled with boomers
sex with Ryu
what's your favorite WEG?
ryu vs akuma is 6:4 though
Its dix, your worst option most of the time is to do anything but block
Sex with Chun
Ryu is dogshit.
do you think my winrate will go up if i DI more
if you do it when you have them in the corner yeah
So when are we getting those more frequent balance patches that they promised after the end of season 1?
It's pretty sad just how much better I am at the game once I take my Adderall prescription.
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still waiting for costume 4...
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With a gimp mask on, he's the perfect sex slave
>modern faggot with a 13 in his name lags like a mf (wired)
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I'm already 1700 on my main but I play modern on an alt specifically to make shitters angry.
LMAO you too? I just got my second modern pet character to master it's been a blast
I have both modern Ryu and modern Gief in master, its fun to just fuck around and modern is actually really comfy to play on.
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Baby spider!
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You wish sis
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>relegated to reference skin like alex in cross tekken
I love playing SF6. just have a hard time sticking with a character for a long period. I enjoy playing Ken, Marisa and Luke. which one would be worth sticking with in general
why do young guys call each other sis now
Try to think of it this way... SF6 can't horribly mangle her face. She's safe for the time being.
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how come mashen got Gouken before sf6?
Does anyone actually play on the Evo sticks?
Do they even function?
Ken. They refuse to nerf him in any significant way and his kit is too good anyway
he passed away
Whichever one you have the most fun with. I know it's a meme answer, but whichever one makes you want to play the game the most for whatever reason should always be your main.
i suck so fucking bad
how do i figure out why
The stage reward? It's a victrix yes it works, but no they probably just look it
post replay
crazy that evo had time to waste on 30000 chipotle ads and justin wong playing rock paper scissors but they can't squeeze 2 more players in for top 8
That isn't proof of anything in the mobile era. Never get why people constantly post it like it means anything.
We gay
its over
>ads that the community has no control over decide what the I and the rest of the community thinks
I wish SF allowed people to view your steam profile so I could see funny comments from angry people
No one is covertly dodging samefag allegations in a fightan general lmao
It's just not that serious
I wish they didn't do a 180 on Juri and make her go from having great anti-projectile tools in V to garbage anti-projectile tools in VI.
It's the site banner newfag npc, this is a Chinese cartoon imageboard
You can find someone's profile through steam ID but it's too much effort
That's what I'm saying, I want some shit like T7 where it just takes you straight there lmao
You can't? I've gotten some comments on my profile at least so I always figured you could.
And? The admin is a fucking Jap. Of course he's going to force anime and other degenerate Jap shit on us.
damn guile hates you, are you m bison?
Based Cammy Husband
Nah, Juri.
COTW waiting room.
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>Of course he's going to force anime and other degenerate Jap shit on us
Except that these were there long before hiroshimoot took over. You retarded zoomer newfaggot
This is the street fighter general, it says there at the top
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>retards ask for help but never post a replay even though you can anonymize everything
/a/ was first lil bro
The site was run by a non jappa first
Is that the Brazilian girl who mains Cloud? She played Spargo and Nairo recently.
kill yourself newfag scum
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It ain't 2007 anymore you fucking losers. Modern anime are all shit isekai and coomer bait and it's just cringe in 2024.

I get that you're clinging onto this notion of "anime board" as a cope because you feel this site is your last refuge as loser fucking weeb, but what I'm saying is what the silent majority feels.

This is NOT an anime site at large and you will NEVER be Japanese.
Not reading all that newfag slop
wtf I love guile now
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Smash queens don't go around associating themselves with Capcucks, don't get used to it because you went to VC with that girl during the /sfg/ discord, she said she came from Smash and probably doesn't even post here anymore.
tiktok picture
Lmao someone's mad they couldn't just sit in the corner and use one of two specials the whole game
Anime did a 180 and is unironically more normie than sport, cinema or tv shows nowadays.
4chan IS anime newfag
yeah anime is complete shit nowadays
Is sfg the easiest general to bait? You can't even blame the trolls when it's that easy holy fuck
>muh 4chin is anime
90% of the boards legit do not give 2 shits about anime.
Alright I do want to try sticking with Ken. I'm not very good with the character in general.
ok but i gotta agree anime is shit now
even though pedophiles and men ruined it, i was rewatching ccs recently for the first time in over 20 years and couldnt believe the difference between a cel-animated project made with love in the late 90s/2000 and the absolute golem slop we are expected to eat today
Nu-4chan is just a somehow even more retarded version of reddit.

Not even /pol/ owns this board anymore, imagine /a/.
i miss baiting fgg into vappa seethe. now that was some real funny shit
They removed the IP counter so it doesn't even matter when retards can reply to their own posts
they make it obvious sometimes, same typing style on all of the replies.
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What was this jungle ape doing all of Evo?
Don't pretend like the ip counter prevented samefags in any way.
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commentary probably
It was easier to call them out at least
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Speaking of anime, watch High Score Girl. Shit is full of passion and love for arcade and Capcom games https://streamable.com/ry6pow
>ywn get a motivational speech from SF characters
pretty sure he was relegated to hosting side events
why do you think anyone willing to samefag on 4chan would give a fuck about being called out
they're all about the (you)
this website runs on a (you) economy and it is and has always been about obtaining as many (you)s as you can
why doesnt this game have frame traps anymore
because thats how you get perfect parried
people got tired of holding mp mp on block over and over. could've just added more pushback but they removed all plus normals instead
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>this website runs on a (you) economy and it is and has always been about obtaining as many (you)s as you can
This is the internet in general but 4chan's been hit by Twitter Intergration the hardest
Gayme is Good
tip for tiger knee divekicks on leverless?
Please go to hell with your shitty reddit mentality. You have no idea what you're talking about.
play on a pad
thats two
the game don't feel right without claw, rog and sagat.
Fuck claw all the way
Fuck Rog too
Sagat is a bitch but he can chill I guess.
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you think his tits will be bigger than Ryu's?
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I’ve had my ass kicked badly all day, like 5 wins 20 losses bad. Silver 1 is more than me and my modern ryu expected, on top of that my psn extra just expired. Maybe I’ll take a break from the streets, maybe it’s time.
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>dsp called it
the true SF god
i agree
YOU ARE GAY. The sooner you realize that the better.
They'll be big, but Ryu and guile are still the titty gods for life
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oh my how oppressive
did this dickrider complain about Luke or Blanka once during year 1 or was he too busy turning tricks on Mena's 'lil hermano'
What the fuck is a psn extra
Can you still play online? Console economics are bizarro AF
Anyone who understands 10% about fighting games can see Cammy is broken straight away, meanwhile garbage Punk nigcels and Cammycel coomers crying because their character lacks a projectile, when they ARE their projectile to approach in Neutral.
down to 1300k
>dale quote
you gay yourself
Mena sending his little carrier pigeons out there to try and influence the balance again
notice all the blanka and luke crying disappeared?
Yeah because they got fucking nerfed, Cammy stayed equally stupid
And before you say anything I play Jamie lmao
Sick argument, jizzjuice for brain.
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1 (you) from an effort post is worth more than 10 (you)s rightly telling you to fuck off for making retarded posts. If you can't take pride in whatever you're doing than you are just wasting your own time.
a GOD like mena not making top 6 is criminal

This but unironically.
This ironically.
We've had the same guy trolling this (and earlier /fgg/) for at least 6 years now like its their job. People can and do take this place that seriously.
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bros... is luke... bad this patch?
Holy shit people turn into bitches when you start playing for MR
Mena's time is over
now is the time of........Booce
luvcheez has been here for far longer than 6 years
>amazing normals
>amazing jump ins
>amazing DR
>throw loops
>safe as fuck burnout
No he is still stupid good
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I upgraded to an analog keyboard and now my inputs are fast as fuck. It's like having 2 frames less on all my reactions. Anyone playing on leverless looking for something new give it a try.
It’s the subscription to be able to play online, but I had the extra version that comes with a games catalog. So I can’t play online right now, probably going to take a break from the streets as it took me 1000 ranked fights to make silver 1 with my modern ryu. And I’m getting beaten mercilessly here, probably won’t spend the money right now to get psn online.
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Punk's stream starting, get in here Alpha Academy
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Ayo what the fuck were they doing
For games with dedicated servers I guess that almost makes some sense, but aside from the lobby, SF online is peer to peer, so it's just your Internet and your opponents. Charging extra online fees to play is fucked up when since it's not providing anything
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>Juri player crying because another character has good normals and how Juri should be able to do it too
That’s how console gaming is, but it’s worth it for the extra that I had. It’s a huge game catalog with good stuff. But I’m just done for a while, maybe eventually I’ll go back to the streets.
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Still not watching nigcel punk
after so many losses i feel like my brain just stops even expecting me to win so i lose more
Mena still hasn't recovered from DREECE
Dangerously based
who is canonically stronger in SF6, Akuma or Bison?
Give him his full title, peasant
Bison died to him, world tour confirms he got the tourney winning kill steal.
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34000 bits and 410 new subs, do the math, unemployed timmy
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JH is only going 2% btw
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Unironically and sincerely, this.
And Bison > Akuma
Only if he needs to protect Juri. Otherwise Juri's Husband is weaker than Dan.
Bison is hotter than your main
Status of the SLIME?
i bet he cried so hard when Juri got her ass beat (and raped) by Bison in Arcade mode
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Does this game even have any anticheat? Should I macro my combos
4 more years at least.
You think SF7 will have less homogenizing system mechanics?
I wish I was a cute girl to seduce him in this vulnerable moment...
>Implying JH didn't come around before Bison could lay a finger in her and destroyed Bison to the point he became an actual trannie only going 2% the whole time
VanillaGODS always win crabba
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>lay a finger in her
fgg will never not do this
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>which is what Americans think of as an Asian face
These guys really think they look like anime characters, huh?
Because they don't and you're retarded.

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